Every October the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates
Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as
Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and
protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning to the end of
their lives, and at every point in between. During the month of October,
the Church asks us to reflect more deeply on the dignity of every human
The U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops provides resources to help
parishes, schools, families, ministries,
and individual Catholics share the
Gospel of life during Respect Life
Month and throughout the year. In the following pages, you will find a
number of resources to help you celebrate Respect Life Month. Action
ideas and activities, a sample timeline, homily helps, announcements,
and intercessions are provided to help you get started. Adapt these
resources as needed to fit your specific circumstances. Additional
materials can be found at
Additional materials can
be found at
respect-life-month.; Photos used with permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
1. Display the Respect Life poster.
Think about a prominent place in your parish,
school, diocesan ofce, or home. Hang the poster
in the vestibule, on a door or window, on a bulletin
board, or near the restrooms and water fountains.
Choose a place where people will be most likely
to see it. Parents could hang the poster on the
refrigerator, a bedroom door, or a place you gather
regularly as a family. (Remember to seek appropriate
permissions and follow any rules and guidelines if
displaying the poster outside your home.)
2. Feature the Respect Life reflection in
your bulletin or newsletter or on your
The Respect Life reection unpacks the meaning
of the poster. If space prevents inclusion of
the full reection, consider using the short
announcements that are available in this action
guide along with one of our Respect Life Month
graphics. The Respect Life reection can also be
printed in your diocesan paper, offered at the
beginning of a parish meeting, or used to inspire
discussion during a family meal.
3. Preach about respect for human life
on Respect Life Sunday.
Sample homily notes are provided for priests and
deacons to help them highlight the gift of human
life on Respect Life Sunday or another weekend in
October. The Respect Life reection can also be a
source of inspiration. Let your pastor know these
resources are available for him.
4. Pray for the protection of human life
during the Prayer of the Faithful.
This is a great way for an entire parish or school
to pray for the protection of life together! Sample
intercessions are provided for use during the
Prayer of the Faithful. The set of intercessions in
this action guide could be used during one specic
Mass or incorporated throughout the Sundays
in October. Schools can use these to pray for the
protection of human life at the beginning of the
day or class period, or perhaps at a school Respect
Life Mass. Families can include these intercessions
in their regular prayers in the morning or evening,
or before or after a family meal.
5. Feature a different Respect Life topic
in each week’s bulletin.
Short, quarter-page summaries are available for
many of Respect Life articles covering a wide range
of topics. Using the predesigned, downloadable
“bulletin boxes, highlight a different topic each
weekend of October. For those who would like to
learn more, each bulletin box also includes the web
address of the full article. Or, if you have the space,
use one of the corresponding, full-length bulletin
insert versions of the highlighted summaries.
These can be found at the same web address listed
in each bulletin box. These bulletin boxes can be
found under the Respect Life Month action guide
section of
Here are some ways you can use the materials in your parish, school, ministry,
or home to celebrate Respect Life Month. Not every step may apply to your
circumstances, but most can be adapted to suit your needs. Unless otherwise
noted, all materials referenced in this section can be found at
W wl lov to s
ur Res Lf
Mo clrtions!
Show us how you celebrated by
or tag us on Facebook
) or Twitter (
). Photo used with permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021, USCCB, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
August 1
Visit to review and familiarize yourself
with the new materials. Compile any resources you hope to use during Respect
Life Month. This would include bulletin announcements, intercessions, the
Respect Life reection, graphics, homily notes, article summaries, instructions
for ordering printed materials, etc.
Early August
¡ Meet with your pastor to discuss possibilities for observing Respect Life
Month. Let him know what resources are available, such as homily notes
and prayer intercessions. Share your ideas with him, and ask permission
for whatever you have in mind. Most importantly, ask what you can do to
help and whether theres any other information he’d like you to provide.
For example, perhaps emailing him the homily notes directly will save him
time. Or he may ask you to send the prayer intercessions to parish staff.
¡ Following your conversation with your pastor, contact your parish ofce
to open the lines of communication. Many parishes need content well
in advance to include it in the weekly bulletin. Inquire about deadlines,
and share what content you hope to have featured. This will help your
parish plan ahead to allot the necessary space in the bulletin. If you plan
to include materials such as bulletin boxes each weekend in October, you
may need to make separate submissions. If you plan to do the interactive
Respect Life bulletin board or another activity, you’ll also need to plan
for those announcements to be printed in the bulletin in advance. Sample
announcements and instructions for the interactive Respect Life bulletin
board are provided later in this action guide.
First Week of September
Begin gathering the materials you will need for the interactive Respect Life
bulletin board. Enlist volunteers who might like to help you with the activity.
This is a great way to get youth involved and invite parishioners to use their
creative gifts.
Fall is a busy season! Families have returned from
vacation, a new school year is beginning, ministries
that may take breaks for the summer are back in
full swing, and people are trying to return to regular
routines. In the flurry of fall activities, October
can easily sneak up on us! This sample timeline
is provided to help you prepare for Respect Life
Month. While these steps apply most directly to a
parish coordinator, they can be adapted to help you
think about key steps you can take to plan ahead in
whatever capacity you serve the Church.
Second Week of September
This is the time to tie up any loose ends, verify that
all content has been received, and determine whether
there are any follow-up tasks to be completed in the
weeks ahead of Respect Life Month. Reconnect with
the appropriate parish staff regarding your bulletin
submissions. Touch base with your pastor to offer any
further assistance that is needed and to conrm any
plans you may have made.
End of September
Gather with your volunteers and bring the bulletin
board materials. Put together the interactive Respect
Life bulletin board using the instructions included later
in this action guide. Improvise as needed, and make it
your own!
Respect Life Month is here, and it’s nally time to hang
the poster in a place people will see it! Now is also
a great time to begin sharing announcements about
Respect Life Month on social media or in monthly
newsletters. You may want to pre-schedule some social
media posts throughout the month with graphics,
prayer intercessions, or the reection on this year’s
theme. (You could use or adapt the pre-written pulpit
or bulletin announcements. And be sure to follow
and share from the Facebook and Twitter accounts
of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities!
Facebook: / Twitter: @
First Sunday of October
(Respect Life Sunday)
On Respect Life Sunday (or another Sunday in October),
have volunteers staff a table near the interactive
Respect Life bulletin board after each Mass. Provide
examples of items to pin, as well as printed, take-
home reminders to bring in and add their own items
throughout the month. Volunteers can help explain the
activity and answer any questions. Include Respect Life
resources on various topics on the table as well. If your
parish has the space, consider leaving the table up for
the duration of Respect Life Month.
Monitor the content being added to the Respect
Life bulletin board, and ensure that all materials are
appropriate. Take special note of prayer requests, and
consider how your parish community might pray for
these specic intentions. Perhaps they can be included
during a regularly scheduled Holy Hour or lifted up
during a ministry gathering. You may also want to
remember these intentions in your own daily prayers.
End of October
Take some pictures of the interactive Respect Life
bulletin board. Consider taking some with those who
helped and/or participated, including their unique
contributions. These pictures* could be shared in a
newsletter or on a parish social media page to highlight
how your community celebrated Respect Life Month.
These visual memories are also a great way to remember
the nal product and serve as examples if you’d like to
do this activity in future years.
*Make sure to follow all parish and diocesan policies for taking and
sharing photos, especially any policies pertaining to minors.
¡ Bulletin Announcements
Today is Respect Life Sunday!
Join Catholics nationwide in celebrating
Respect Life Month!
¡ Pulpit Announcements
Option 1: Respect Life Sunday
(First Sunday of October)
Today is Respect Life Sunday, which kicks
off Respect Life Month. We consider more
deeply why every human life is valuable
and reect on how to build a culture that
protects it. See the bulletin for more
Option 2: Respect Life Month
(Any Weekend in October)
Every October, we celebrate Respect Life
Month. We consider more deeply why
every human life is valuable and reect on
how to build a culture that protects life
from conception to natural death. See the
bulletin for more information.;; Dubinko. Models used for illustrative
purposes only. Photos used with permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021, USCCB, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
On the first Sunday of October the Church in the United
States celebrates Respect Life Sunday, and priests and
deacons are encouraged to preach on the Churchs
teachings on human life. As Catholics, we believe
that every human person is made in the image and
likeness of God. Every human life is therefore sacred
and inviolable and should be protected and cherished
from conception until natural death. Practices such
as abortion, assisted suicide, and capital punishment
violate the dignity of the human person and must be
Each year, homily helps are provided to help priests and
deacons preach on the sanctity of human life. Other
ministry leaders can also use these notes during Bible
studies, small groups, ministry gatherings, or other faith
formation settings.
The Respect Life Month homily helps are available at
These sample intercessions were written for
use during Respect Life Month, but can be
used (or adapted for use) at any time. Consider
including one or more in the Prayer of the
Faithful during Mass each weekend in October.
The intercessions can also be printed in the
weekly bulletin, included during prayer at
parish gatherings, featured in newsletters,
shared on social media, or prayed during
personal or family prayer times.
For all Catholics:
That on this Respect Life Sunday
our resolve may be strengthened
to uphold the dignity
of every human life;
We pray to the Lord:
That during this Respect Life Month
our resolve will be strengthened
to cherish and protect
the gift of every human life;
We pray to the Lord:
That the life of every human person,
from conception to natural death,
might be protected in our laws
and cherished in our hearts;
We pray to the Lord:
May the Church’s abortion healing ministry,
Project Rachel, help them nd peace and
through Christ’s endless mercy;
We pray to the Lord:
For those nearing the end of life:
May they receive care that respects their dignity
and protects their lives
as they place their hope
in the promise of eternal life;
We pray to the Lord:
May God grant us the wisdom and courage
to lovingly protect His gift of human life
at every stage, in sickness and in health;
We pray to the Lord: Photo used with permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021, USCCB, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
1. Place the poster in the center of a large bulletin board. (If you don’t have a
large bulletin board, you can also use a wall or window to achieve a similar
result. Simply swap out push pins for masking tape.)
2. Include an explanation of the display beneath the poster so those who pass
by can more fully enjoy it, or even participate.
Sample Explanation
October is Respect Life Month. This display celebrates the gift of every
person’s life at every stage and in every circumstance. From birth
announcements and pictures of aging loved ones to prayer requests and
service opportunities, all are invited to add their own items highlighting
how precious every life is.
3. Decide how many items you need to get the bulletin board started. You
can choose from some of the examples listed above. Or, write one of the
intercessions for Respect Life Sunday/Month on a notecard and post it on
the bulletin board.
4. Invite others to join in the activity by contributing their own content to
the bulletin board. You will need to determine the best way to explain it
and have participants bring items in. For example, if your whole parish is
invited to participate, consider putting a note in the weekly bulletin and/
or making an announcement before or after Mass. In a classroom or youth
group setting, you can simply explain the activity and perhaps send a note
home to parents. Families can also do this activity at home.
Interactive Respect Life Bulletin Board
This activity utilizes the Respect Life poster to help create an interactive Respect Life
bulletin board. The idea is to hang the poster in the center of a large bulletin board or
other prominent area with space around it. Then, invite members of your parish, class,
youth group, etc. to add their own items to the board or surrounding area that illustrate
the gift of human life.
To illustrate the concept, you can pin some examples: a sonogram photo of a new
family member; a birth announcement; a picture of aging grandparents; a flyer for an
upcoming abortion-healing retreat; a note about volunteer opportunities at a local
pregnancy center or nursing home; or a sticky note with a related prayer request. This
is where you can get creative! Invite others to pin items that help illustrate the gift of
human life, from beginning to end.
¡ Respect Life poster
¡ Large bulletin board (or a
large wall or window)
¡ Push pins, masking tape,
and/or a stapler
¡ Notecards or sticky notes
¡ Writing utensils (pens,
pencils, markers)
¡ Scissors, optional
¡ Construction paper in
various colors, optional
Sample Announcements
Last Weekend of September
Please join us in celebrating Respect Life Month during October. We will be hosting an interactive
Respect Life bulletin board in the __________. All parishioners are invited to participate. You can add
items to the bulletin board that show the precious gift of human life. Examples: an ultrasound photo
of a new family member; a birth announcement; a picture of aging loved ones; a note about volunteer
opportunities at a local pregnancy center or nursing home; or a sticky note with a prayer request. Be
creative! Materials will be on hand in the _________ to help you get started.
If you would like to have your item returned, please pick it up from the display by October [date]. Contact
__________ for more information: ____________________.
First Weekend in October
This weekend, we celebrate Respect Life Sunday and kick off October as Respect Life Month. All
parishioners are invited to contribute items to the Respect Life display located in the ___________. For more
information, stop by the display after Mass or see the bulletin. Contributions can be added throughout the
Optional Embellishments
If you would like to be extra
creative, use construction paper
to decorate your bulletin board.
Consider using coordinating or
contrasting colors to cut out fun
shapes to attach to the bulletin
board. These embellishments
can be added sparingly without
needing to ll in the entire
bulletin board to add simple pops
of color and visual interest. You’ll
want to ensure there is still blank
space to post other items.; iStock.
com/TatianaDavidova; iStock.
Yevhenii Dubinko;; Models used for
illustrative purposes only. Photos used
with permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021, USCCB, Washington,
D.C. All rights reserved.
The following list includes additional activities that you
could incorporate into your observance of Respect Life
Month in your parish, school, or ministry.
¡ Scripture study on Psalm 139, the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38),
the Visitation and Magnicat (Luke 1:46-55), or other Scripture
passages that highlight the dignity of each person, the gift of
human life, and the responsibility to protect human life.
¡ A prayer service, praying for those present, as well as those
who take or disregard human life. (See the “Prayer Service for
Forgiveness and Healing.”) Consider providing opportunities for
the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of the prayer service.
¡ A pilgrimage to pray for the protection of human life at local
sites (such as churches, chapels, and other Catholic destinations,
or places where the dignity of human life is or may be violated,
such as abortion facilities, prisons, and hospitals). For those
unable to attend in person, consider whether it’s possible to live-
stream the event.
¡ Small group conversations on topics pertaining to respect for
human life, such as abortion, capital punishment, or assisted
¡ A talk by a Catholic who specializes in a eld relating to respect
for human life, such as a doctor who could speak to a Catholic
vision of hospice care or a social worker who is knowledgeable in
local pregnancy care services.
¡ A viewing of a movie, documentary, or other age-appropriate
lm relating to respect for human.
¡ A service project (on-site or off-site) related to providing care
or assistance that supports and welcomes the gift of human life
(such as pregnancy care centers).
5. In smaller group settings,
ask participants to share
why they chose their
specic items and what
connections they see
between their contributions
and how precious every
human life is.