California State University, Los Angeles
Housing and Residence Life 2023–2024 Student Guide
(This guide is subject to change without notice.)
The Student Guide (hereafter the Guide) provides detailed information about the services and amenities for residents
living on campus at Cal State LA. Licensing policies are covered in the 2023-2024 Student License Agreement (hereafter
theAgreement”). Policies contained in this document are part of the terms and conditions of the Agreement.
1. Welcome
Our Mission
2. Housing and Residence Life Staff
Department Overview
Residence Life Staff
Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs)
Emergency Duty
Resident Assistants (RAs)
Program Assistants (PAs)
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
3. Safety
Department of Public Safety
Dedicated Safety Officer
Eagle Patrol
Health and Safety Programs
Missing Student Notification Policies &
Earthquake Preparedness Procedures
Housing Evacuation Sites
4. Accommodations for Students with
Service and Assistance Animals
5. Resident Services
Village Dining Stores
Community Kitchen
Wellness Zone
Learning Center
Community Center (CC)
Laundry Services
Computer Lab
Events and Programs
Game Room
Courtesy Keys & Lockouts
Mail Room/Packages
Mail Forwarding
Meal Plans
Internet Service
Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and YouTube)
Streaming Movies and TV Shows
Vending Machines
6. Licensing Policies
Room Change Requests
Communications with Residents
Inspections and Access
Occupancy Checks
Occupying Roommate Space
Roommates and Housemates
Responsibilities for Moving Out
7. Community Standards/Policies
Bugs, Rodents, and Other Pests
Candles and Open Flames
Community Responsibilities
Cleanliness of Apartment | Bedroom
Cruelty to Animals
Dining Policies
Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Elevator Policy
Empty Bed Spaces
Facility/Recreation/Grounds Use
Fire Safety
Laundry Facilities
Noxious Odor
Decorating, Alteration to
Premises/Property Damage
Bicycles and Motor Vehicles
Extension Cords
Facilities Use
In-line Skating, Roller-Skating,
Scooters and Skateboarding
Internet Use
Keys/One Card Access
Maintenance of Premises
Trash Removal
General Behavioral Responsibilities
Disorderly Conduct
Failure to Comply
Failure to Evacuate
Obscene Matter
Sexual Assault and Harassment: Zero
Tolerance Policy
Stalking, Physical/Written/Verbal
Abuse and Harassment: Zero
Tolerance Policy
Violence, Harassment and Assault
8. Student Conduct Process
Due Process
Residents’ Responsibilities
Residents’ Rights
Incident Report
Notice to Appear
Conduct Meeting
Appeal Process
Referral to Judicial Affairs Officer
and/or University Police
Formal Warning
Mandatory Room Change
Denial of Future University Housing:
Non-Renewal of License Agreement
9. Resident Living Agreement
Housing Policy
Cleaning Schedule
Cleaning Expectations
10. Bedroom/ Apartment Maintenance Do’s
and Donts
11. Common Housing Acronyms
12. Off-Campus Local Services
13. Commitment to Diversity, Non-
Discrimination and Title IX
1. Welcome
On behalf of our entire Housing and Residence Life team, I would like to welcome you and tell you how excited
we are that you will call Cal State LA housing Family.” Living on campus has been proven to help students
achieve higher grades, increase their leadership skills and feel much more connected to the University as a
whole. Our team of student and professional staff are here to help make your transition a little smoother. We
offer social events, academic support workshops and one-on-one support when needed. Our diverse community
provides an amazing environment to learn about others, and more importantly, to learn about you. California
State University, Los Angeles, has more to offer than you can imagine. I challenge you to get involved, study
hard, make new friends and reach for the sky. Once again, we welcome you to your new home.
Our Mission
As a community of scholars in support of the University, we endeavor to build residentscapacity for academic
achievement, leadership and global citizenship.
2. Housing and Residence Life Staff
To view our full staff, head to our Meet the Team page online
Department Overview
The Housing and Residence Life staff work together to provide a welcoming living environment that is supportive
of our residentsacademic needs. The department is divided into three units: Business Operations, Facilities
Management and Residence Life.
The Business Operations staff supports the residential population with a variety of business processes, such as
contracting, check-in, checkout, keys/access, payments and accounts. The Facilities staff maintains the property,
including resident apartments, bedrooms, and public spaces, and is the response team for routine and
emergency repairs. The Residence Life staff provides live-in support to the resident population assisting with
community development, student conduct and programming.
The Office of Housing and Residence Life is located in South Village, Tower 2.
Phone: 323-343-4800
South Village Housing Office Hours: MondayFriday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Phase II Housing Office Hours: MondayFriday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
RA on Duty Hours: Weekdays 5 p.m.9 a.m.; Weekend Duty is Friday at 5 p.m. through Monday at 8 a.m.
Hours are Subject to change.
Residence Life Staff
Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)
The RLCs are full-time, live-in professionals responsible for the supervision of the RA and PA staff, programming,
student conduct, special interest communities
(Halisi Scholars Living Learning Community, Gender Inclusive
Housing, LatinX, and more), community programs, and advising the Hall Council in their area. The RLC is available
for crisis and emergency response and assists Emergency Duty staff members with higher level concerns or
community issues as the need arises.
Emergency Duty
This Housing and Residence Life professional staff member responds to policy violations and emergency
incidents and assists the RAs in emergencies.
Resident Assistant (RA)
The RA is an ally to the students living in the community and acts as a live-in peer advisor, responsible for group
facilitation, policy enforcement, and engages in community development by providing programs in their area.
They are the day-to-day contact person for residents and assist in resolving issues, such as housemate disputes,
and are key to the success of the housing program. As a resident, feel free to contact your RA for assistance.
The RA provides programs, resources and services within the community that support the academic mission of
the University and augment the intellectual, cultural, social and personal development of our residents. The RA
on Duty is responsible for after-hours monitoring of noise levels and any potentially hazardous or dangerous
Programming Assistant (PA)
The PA is an ally to the students living in all communities. The PA acts as a resource for residents by providing
on-campus and off-campus resources to all our residential communities. They produce large scale programming
across the different communities in Housing and Residence Life to develop our housing community. They assist
Residence Hall Association (RHA) by advising of different types of programs.
The PA provides programs, resources and services within the community that support the academic mission of
the University and augment the intellectual, cultural, social and personal development of our residents. The PA
on Duty is responsible for after-hours monitoring of noise levels and any potentially hazardous or dangerous
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
The Residence Hall Association, referred to as RHA, provides residents an opportunity to take an active role in
shaping their residential community. The RHA is the voice of the residential community. The student board gets
residents involved in the vision and planning of activities in the housing community. While each residential
community has Senators within RHA, all residents are members of RHA and are encouraged to participate in
meetings. Meetings will serve as a platform to proactively communicate concerns and recommendations. To
find out how to get involved in RHA, or run for an elected position, see your RA.
3. Safety
The safety and security of our residents is of prime concern to the Housing and Residence Life staff. Our efforts
in staffing, programming and service contribute to creating and maintaining a safe living environment. In
addition to the roles of the housing staff described above, the following resources are also part of the measures
that we take to build a safe community.
Department of Public Safety
Dedicated Safety Office
Safety officers of the Department of Public Safety patrols the Housing and Residence Life complex from 11
p.m. to 8 a.m. This officer assists the RA on Duty and Emergency Duty personnel responding to policy violations
and emergency incidents.
Eagle Patrol
This service provides a walking student escort to and from buildings and to your personal vehicle. You are
encouraged to use this service, particularly in the evening hours. For more information, call 323-343-3700.
Health and Safety Programs
These programs are in collaboration with the University Student Health Center and Department of Public Safety
to provide information to residents about health and safety concerns.
Missing Student Notification Policies and Procedures
As part of your License Agreement, you will be asked for a missing person contact and telephone number in the
event you are considered missing. This contact may be different from your other emergency contacts.
Students are advised that their contact information will be registered confidentially. This information will be
accessible only to authorized campus officials and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in
furtherance of a missing person investigation.
If a student is under 18 and not emancipated, the University must notify a custodial parent or guardian within
24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person
designated by the individual.
If students are concerned about the whereabouts of another student, we encourage them to contact the
Department of Public Safety at 323-343-3700. Other avenues of reporting include Student Affairs (323-343-
3100) and Housing and Residence Life (323-343-4800), if after hours, call the RA on Duty. Any missing-student
reports received by these offices are referred immediately to the Department of Public Safety.
Earthquake Preparedness Procedures
In the event of an earthquake, please remain in your apartment or bedroom and find a secure and sheltered
space away from windows and glass. The proper procedure is to drop, cover and hold until the major event has
subsided. Only then should you leave your building.
Based on the type of emergency, it may be necessary to evacuate buildings. Please follow instructions from Cal
State LA or Housing and Residence Life staff. The campus uses a public address system that also provides
information and instructions. This will provide you with additional direction based on the type of emergency.
Students must comply with the evacuation alarm and the directions of Housing and Residence Life staff. The
Evacuation Site for Phase I and Phase II and South Village, residents are encouraged move to the soccer field. A
Housing and Residence Life or Cal State LA staff member will give you instructions after your arrival to the
evacuation sites. Remain in these designated areas until you are accounted for and given permission to leave
the area and re-enter your apartment or bedroom. (See also Section “General Behavioral Responsibilities,Item
We recommend that you prepare for an emergency using the following safety tips:
A significant emergency will require the campus and community population to be self-sufficient for several days.
The University strongly recommends that students assemble emergency kits for three to five days that include
the following: water; food (peanut butter, granola bars, ready to eat fruits and vegetables); flashlight with
batteries; necessary medication; jacket; shoes; paper products (toilet paper, feminine supplies); first-aid kit;
trash bags; and personal hygiene products.
You should designate an emergency contact person with your family and friends.
Understand that communication and travel to and from campus may be dramatically affected.
In case of an emergency, the University has implemented a text notification system to send official emergency
information directly to subscribers’ cell phones.
For other emergencies, such as health, pandemic or environmental hazards, a Cal State LA staff will provide
instructions on protocols.
We hope this information will help you prepare for a large-scale emergency. If you have specific training that
would be helpful to staff during an emergency (firefighting, EMT, rescue, etc.) please identify yourself to the
Housing and Residence Life staff.
Housing Evacuation Sites
The fire evacuation site for South Village is the courtyard and overflow is the soccer field. For East and West
Villages (Phase I) and North Village (Phase II) it is the soccer field. For those who are unable to access stairs,
please let Housing and Residence life know of your accommodation, and we will assist you on how to access the
evacuation site. The evacuation location for GEA is on the grassy median on Mariondale, just South of GEA.
4. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities may be made if space is available and if we can provide
the accommodation needed. Students with documented disabilities must register with the Office for Students
with Disabilities (OSD). If you require accommodations, you may reach their office at 323-343-3140 or find
additional information on the OSD website
Service and Assistance Animals
Accommodation for a service or assistance animal must be registered and authorized by the Office for Students
with Disabilities. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for their office to review submitted documentation. Prior
to approval, Housing and Residence Life will provide additional information and guidelines.
The American Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animalas any guide dog, signal dog or other animal
individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability.A service animal
is a working animal and not a pet. Submission of proof of training and/or certification that the animal is trained
as a service animal, as defined by the ADA, is required.
An assistance animal is an animal that works, aids or performs tasks for the benefit of the person with a
disability, or an animal that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or
effects of a persons disability. Training or certification is not required. Vaccination records are required after
the student meets with the Director and completes an Assistance Animal License Agreement. Assistance animals
are not permitted on premises until the resident has finished the approval process with the Director of Housing
and Residence Life. Residents found to have brought their animal to campus prior to completion of the approval
process will be subject to participation in the student conduct process and potential fines.
5. Resident Services
Village Dining and Stores
Village Commons
Located in South Village, offers six different food options plus salad bar and dessert counter. Outdoor
seating is also available.
Village Café
Located in South Village, is a retail store offering convenience store items as, food items, and cold and
hot drinks. Residents may use their declining dollar function of their meal plan as well as cards and cash.
Community Kitchen
Located in the lobby of South Village, Tower 2, is open until midnight each evening. Residents may prep and
cook. The kitchen has four refrigerators, microwaves and stoves for preparing individual meals. Refrigerators
are available for short term prep storage but not long term. Residents are required to turn in vent system when
using the stove.
Wellness Zone
Located in South Village, Tower 2, first floor, is a fully staffed facility with a weight room, Yoga Spin Room, and
two mediation rooms. During the academic year, hours of Operations are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 11
a.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturdays are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Learning Center
Accessible from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tutoring services sponsored by the Academic Success Center is offered
Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Learning Center, Tower 3.
Printers Located in the lobby of each South Village lobby tower as well as Community Center in Phase I.
Community Center (CC)
Located in Phase I, the Community Center provides many different services for Housing and Residence Life
residents. If you need information or assistance, someone at the front desk will help you. Housing residents
may check out equipment for the Game Room or basketball and volleyball courts located in Phase II. The hours
of the CC are as follows: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.–10 p.m.; Weekends 1 p.m. –10 p.m.
Laundry Services
There are laundry rooms in numerous areas within the housing complexes. In South Village, laundry rooms are
available in the lobby of each tower. One laundry facility is in the Phase I Community Center. Each building in
Phase II has a laundry room located on the first floor. At the Golden Eagles Apartments, there is a laundry room
in the middle of the grounds.
Computer Lab
The Housing and Residence Life Computer Lab offers residents the use of computers at no charge and a pre-paid
laser printer. You will need a Cal State LA student ID card to use the lab. If you need a Network Information
Services (NIS) Account, you can request it from the ITS Help Desk located in the Library Palmer Wing (LIB PW)
Lobby or call 323-343-6170.
There is a two-hour limit for computer use when other students are waiting to use the computers. Other policies
and instructions for using the Computer Lab are posted in the lab. The housing staff is not trained to provide
computer advice or assistance. The Computer Lab hours are as follows:
MondayFriday 9 a.m.–10 p.m.; Weekends 1 p.m.10 p.m.
Events and Programs
The Residence Life Staff provide events and programs within the community to support the academic, cultural,
social and personal development of our residents.
Game Room
The Game Room is located across from the Community Center’s main desk. It is a place where residents can play
pool and ping pong. During hours of operation, residents may borrow equipment (with their Cal State LA ID card)
for the game they wish to play for an hour at a time. The Game Room is only meant for housing residents. The
Game Room hours of operation are as follows: MondayFriday 9 a.m.–10 p.m.; weekends 1 p.m.–10 p.m.
Courtesy Keys & Lockouts
As a courtesy, the Office of Housing and Residence Life provides access to residents locked out of their room/
apartment or bedroom. This courtesy, however, should be requested infrequently and not to be used instead of
reporting lost keys/One Card to avoid charges, or because residents have loaned out their keys/One Card. More
than three lockouts in an academic year may result in disciplinary action and charges (see full policy under
Facilities/Recreation/Grounds Use Section 3). Please note that this courtesy shall not be provided to
individuals trying to gain access to an apartment or bedroom to which they are not assigned. Be prepared to
provide valid photo identification when requesting assistance with a lockout.
More than three lockouts in an academic year may result in disciplinary action and the following charges: up to
three lockouts = no charge; four lockouts = $10 (plus a Letter of Formal Warning from a Housing Conduct Officer);
five lockouts = $ 20; six lockouts = $30. A resident’s seventh lockout will result in a conduct meeting and could
result in a restitution sanction. More than 7 lockouts will result in another conduct meeting that could result in
more sanctions that could include License Agreement Termination and removal from Housing until the end of
the academic year.
Apartment Lockouts
If you are locked out of your apartment or bedroom during business hours, you may go to the Satellite Housing
and Residence Life Office located in Phase II to request a courtesy key that must be returned within 15 minutes.
Failure to return a key, or loss of a key, will result in a lock change fee being added to your student account.
If you are locked out of your apartment or bedroom after normal business hours, please call the RA on
Duty for assistance at 323-791-4056.
Please attempt to check to see if a roommate or housemate is home and able to let you in before
requesting staff assistance.
Under no circumstances are keys to be duplicated, given or loaned to another individual. Violations will
result in disciplinary action.
South Village Lockouts
If you are locked out of your room during business hours, you may go to the Housing and Residence Life
Office located in Tower 2, (past the mail room) to request a courtesy key card that must be returned
within 15 minutes. Failure to return a key card, or loss of a key, will result in a fee being added to your
student account.
If you are locked out of your room after normal business hours, please call the RA on Duty for your
o SV Tower 1: 323-303-2327
o SV Tower 2: 323-612-8744
o SV Tower 3: 323-308-8206
Please attempt to check to see if a roommate (if you have one) is home and able to let you in before
requesting staff assistance.
Under no circumstances are key cards to be given or loaned to another individual. Violations will result
in disciplinary action.
Mail and Packages
Only current residents are eligible to receive mail and packages through Housing and Residence Life. Valid
picture identification is required to claim packages, registered letters and other items that must be picked up
from the Mail Room or the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
The US Postal Service (USPS) will deliver mail once per day, except on Sundays and holidays observed by the
USPS or the University. Based on this schedule, Housing and Residence Life makes every effort to scan and check
in mail everyday by 5 p.m.
Residents receive an email notification when a package has arrived for them. Residents are strongly encouraged
to check with the mail room for mail and packages frequently. All mail and packages must be picked up within
10 business days with proper identification. At the end of 10 business days, unclaimed packages will be returned
to the sender. Perishable items will not be accepted by Housing and Residence life and will be turned away;
please make sure to schedule a pick time and location to avoid delivery delays.
All mail and packages must have a current resident’s full name as it would appear on their Cal State LA ID card
or driver license or passport. If the package is addressed to someone other than the resident, it must indicate,
c/o or Attention (residents name).Mail that does not bear the full name of a current resident will be returned
to the sender.
The Post Office only recognizes the main street address for Housing and Residence Life. Please use one of the
following mailing addresses:
Phase I, II and GEA Residents South Village Residents
5300 Paseo Rancho Castilla 5500 Paseo Rancho Castilla
Apt # Room SV #
Los Angeles, CA 90032 Los Angeles, CA 90032
Please don’t arrange for mail and packages to arrive before moving in as mail and packages will be returned to
sender for non-residents.
Mail Forwarding
Housing and Residence Life receives all mail for residents and is responsible for sorting and delivering mail to
mailboxes. Mail will be returned to sender starting the day after a student moves out of housing unless a Mail
Forwarding Form is submitted to Housing and Residence Life through the Housing portal. Prior to moving out,
residents should submit a Change of Address and Mail Forwarding Request form to the Housing Office (not to
the US Postal Service).
After residents move out, Housing and Residence Life will forward first-class mail (letters only) to the specified
forwarding address for four weeks. After four weeks, mail will be returned to sender. Residents are responsible
for updating their mailing address directly with all mail sending prior to moving out or before the end of the
four-week period. If a forwarding address is not provided, all first-class mail will be returned to the sender.
Presorted mail and packages cannot be forwarded and will be returned to sender. Again, do not change your
address with the US Postal Service, do so with Housing and Residence Life.
Meal Plans
Students have different Meal Plan options
, which provide meals at the Village Cafe, located in South Village. The
Village Cafe offers breakfast, lunch and dinner on weekdays and brunch and dinner on the weekends. Details on
the types of Meal Plans and hours of operation can be found on the Meal Plan and Menu page.
The Meal Plan contract follows the same policies and procedures as the License Agreement and is for an entire
academic year. Residents of South Village must have a mandatory 5 Access or 7 Access meal plan. Apartment
residents may purchase an optional Weekly 5, Block 200, 150 or 100 meal plan. Requests to cancel an optional
meal plan are accepted at the time of Fall move in. Residents may submit a request to decrease their optional
meal plan for the Spring semester at the end of Fall during. Residents may request an increase in the number of
meals in their plan at any time. The Meal Plan Change Request Form can be found once you log into the
Portal, go to Housing forms and fill out and submit the DocuSign form.
View the menu online and get additional information, by visiting the Village Commons.
The parking lot for residents approved to have a car on campus is located in parking lot 5. A virtual residential
parking permit is always required. You will be required to provide the license plate number of the vehicle to
receive the virtual residential parking permit.
Parking Enforcement will issue citations to all vehicles that do not display the appropriate permit. Virtual
residential parking permits can be purchased by logging into your GET account. Parking enforcement will cite
violators at all times.
Temporary/guest parking permits are available in the yellow dispenser located in Lot 5; these permits are valid
only in Lot 5.
The loop around the Phase I and Phase II complex is a designated fire lane and is enforced as a no-parking area
24/7. Parking enforcement will cite cars parked in this area. For the safety of pedestrians in the loop, please
observe the posted speed limit of 10 MPH. The loop behind the Café is for dropping off and pick up only for
South Village residents.
For parking regulations and additional information, please visit the
Parking and Transportation Housing
Wireless Internet
Wireless access is available to residents in the apartments/residential halls and in designated hotspots within
the Housing and Residence Life complex. Apartments have wireless access points in their living room and
bedrooms. Please do not unplug or tamper with these access points or attempt to plug in your personal devices.
The Campus ITS department will detect these issues, which may result in disciplinary action. Hotspots are located
in the South Village Commons Areas, Phase I Game Room and the Phase II Lounge.
To access the internet, you will need a campus network account to login to the wireless network. For additional
information, please go to the ITS Wireless Help Page
. If your wireless internet is not working, please complete a
work order form. For additional information, please see Internet Use under the Facility/Recreation/Grounds Use
Responsibilities section.
Personal routers and connection of DSL through phone or cable companies are prohibited as they interfere with
campus internet.
Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube)
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube
to get up-to-date information and see what is happening
in our housing community.
Streaming Movies and TV Shows
Pre-selected movies and TV shows are complementary by going to movies.calstatela.edu
while streaming in
Housing. This streaming site provides the community with relevant University and Housing and Residence Life
information. A wide range of movies and TV shows are selected to reflect current events, holidays, special
programming and newly released films. You may stream on any laptop, tablet or mobile device. We recommend
using Google Chrome or download the free Swank app.
Vending Machines
Beverage and snack machines are located next to the Game Room in Phase I lobby, in front of Housing and
Residence Life Office in South Village lobby in Tower 2, the Learning Center lobby and 3 and the lobby of the
Phase II Community Center. A purified water machine is located near the Phase I Laundry Room and is accessible
24/7. Please be advised that Housing and Residence Life is not responsible for any money lost in the vending
machines. If you lose your money, please call 323-268-7632 for refund information.
6. Licensing Policies
Please also refer to the License Agreement
for details about our policies.
Room Change Requests
On the third week of the fall and spring semesters, the Housing Operations Coordinator will send an email out
to see if residents would like to request to change rooms/apartments. There is a $75 Room Change Request Fee
associated with approved transfers. Requests will be reviewed on the fourth week, so keep an eye out for an
email. If approved, you will be given instructions and will be required to complete your move in 48-hours.
Please note that we will do an inspection of the room/apartment once you transfer to your new space so make
sure you move everything out, remove trash and clean your room/apartment. Remember to submit work orders
for anything that needs to be repaired or replaced. You may be responsible for some damages that may have
occurred while you live there (normal wear and tear will be considered). Remember to leave room/apartment
as it was when you moved in. Do not reconfigure the rooms and move furniture around.
Communications with Residents
Email will serve as one of the primary and official forms of communication to residents. It will be sent to the
students university email account. A biweekly Residence Life Newsletter with important messages and
reminders for residents is sent to their Cal State LA email address and is posted on the housing website. If
residents choose to use personal email accounts, please be aware that forwarding emails may result in filtering
messages as spam. It is still the responsibility of the resident to check their Cal State LA emails for important
Inspections and Access
Residents can expect reasonable privacy of rooms and personal property. The University has the right to enter
the premises (Civil Code 1954) for the purposes of emergency, health, safety, maintenance, enforcement of
applicable rules and regulations, or for any other lawful purpose to the extent permissible by law. The University
shall exercise this right reasonably and with respect for Licensees privacy and study needs. Health and Safety
inspections are scheduled each semester.
Occupancy Checks
Occupancy checks are conducted to confirm that residents are assigned to the correct space and for safety
A. Residents are required to sign the occupancy rosters from the Resident Assistant each semester to
confirm residency.
B. The University retains the right to transfer its interest and/or obligations under this Agreement. Licensee
may not assign or transfer their rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written
permission of the University. Licensee may not sub-license or sublet the Premises to, or permit the
occupancy of the Premises by, any other person without the written permission of the University.
C. Occupying roommate space: Rooms are designed to accommodate several residents, entitling each to a
reasonable amount of space to store their personal belongings. Residents in double- or triple- occupancy
rooms are required to share a proportional section of the bedroom and for students in apartments, a
portion of the common area as well. If there is an empty space in a double- or triple-occupancy bedroom,
this area must be kept clear and clean so that a new roommate can be assigned and moved in at any
time. Residents assigned to double occupancy will be assessed the single-occupancy rate each day that
they are in violation of this policy. Residents in triple-occupancy rooms will be assessed a double-
occupancy rate each day that they are in violation of this policy. In addition, these residents will be
subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of their license agreement. If necessary,
Housing and Residence Life staff may move residents’ belongings in order to clear the space for newly
assigned residents. Non-compliant residents may be charged for cleaning and labor charges.
D. In bedrooms, a resident may only utilize only one of the following items: desk, bed, closet, set of drawers,
and a proportional section of the available shelving space. This policy remains in effect even if there is
no current roommate occupying the space. Ample wall and floor space must be left for all individuals in
the bedroom to personalize their space. No furniture may be removed or disassembled without the
written consent of the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
E. In common areas within the apartments, residents may utilize space in equal proportion to the number
of bed spaces in the apartment, with special exceptions regarding the living room and dining room. For
example, residents are to equally divide kitchen cabinet space, storage room space, hall closets, and
bathroom space.
F. In apartments, residents should not store personal items such as clothing, computer equipment,
exercise machines, etc. in the living or dining room space. Residents are to limit their personal belongings
in these spaces to decorative items such as lamps, pictures, small figurines, etc.
G. As with any communal living environment, individuals must work together to develop reasonable
arrangements to ensure all rights are respected.
Roommates and Housemates
A Licensees roommate preferences will be given consideration; however, the University does not guarantee the
assignment of specific roommates or of specific spaces and reserves the right to make or change roommate
Responsibilities for Moving Out
A. Residents may move out only at the end of their License Agreement or by approval. Moving out without
approval does not release the resident of their financial obligations of their contract. Please refer to the
Agreement, Section III for details on expiration, revocation and cancellation.
B. At the end of the Agreement or if approved to move out, please follow the procedures provided by the
Housing Office. The process includes:
1. Making arrangements with the Office of Housing and Residence Life to have your apartment or
bedroom inspected on the day of departure during University working hours or using Express
Checkout (see your RA, RLC or Housing Office for information).
2. If living in the Phase I, II or GEA apartments, return the front door and bedroom (Phase I & II only)
keys to the Housing and Residence Life Office or by using the Express Checkout Envelope that can
be placed in the key drop box, located under the Housing Office front counter.
C. The apartment/residence hall bedroom will be inspected after checkout. Residents must leave the
premises in good, clean condition (normal wear and tear will be considered). All personal property must
be removed, including food and other items from the kitchen and refrigerator. Any property remaining
on the premises after checkout may be removed and placed in storage (California Civil Code 2080.9) or
disposed of after 15 days. See Section K of the Agreement.
D. Improper Checkout Charges: Failure to follow appropriate procedures may result in an improper
checkout charge of $50 plus any damage or replacement fees. The charges will be levied against your
security deposit. Amounts more than the security deposit will be applied to the students account.
7. Community Standards and Policies
California State University, Los Angeles, operates a student residential community. In any living situation, there
is a need to strike a balance between the rights of the individual and the responsibilities to the community. The
Cal State LA Office of Housing and Residence Life strives to create an atmosphere conducive to the development
of responsible citizens in a community. Residents are expected to respect and maintain the facilities and
equipment rented to them, conduct themselves within acceptable and reasonable standards of good behavior,
and take individual responsibility for their actions. Consideration for others is the basic principle that needs to
be followed by all residents. As valued members of the community, each resident possesses individual rights
that roommates and other residents must respect. These rights carry a reciprocal responsibility to ensure that
these same rights also exist for roommates and other residents.
In addition, violations of University policy as outlined in CSU Standards for Student Conduct [Section 41301 of
Title V of the California Code of Regulations] will be forwarded to the University Judicial Affairs Officer for
additional disciplinary investigation. If violations are substantiated possible sanctions may include, but are not
limited to Disciplinary Probation, Suspension or Expulsion from the University. Copies of the Standards of
Student Conduct and CSU Student Conduct Procedures (Executive Order 1043) are available in Student Affairs,
Building 8, Room 117 or on the Judicial Affairs Office webpage
. You can also email them:
All residents, guests and visitors are expected to abide by the explicit and implicit intent of the following
guidelines. Violation of any policy outlined in this section will result in disciplinary action as detailed in the section
entitled Student Conduct Process.”
The intent of this policy is neither to encourage nor to endorse the use of alcoholic beverages, but to describe
the permitted and prohibited use of alcoholic beverages in the housing complex. The consumption and use of
alcohol is prohibited in the South Village complex and is designated as “dry” or “alcohol-free. The University is
committed to maintaining an environment for its students that is predominantly free of the use of alcoholic
beverages and in full compliance with federal and state laws. Students, employees, or visitors who violate laws
or University policies concerning alcoholic beverages shall be subject to criminal prosecution and/or institutional
A. Alcohol may not be possessed, stored or consumed by any person under the age of 21.
B. Consuming alcoholic beverages in the South Village is not permitted, regardless of age. Guests,
regardless of their age, may not consume alcohol inside residents’ bedrooms, South Village, or the
surrounding areas.
C. Providing alcohol to anyone under 21 is prohibited.
D. Under no circumstances are alcoholic beverages to be consumed in public areas or Cal State LA
apartments that have been designated as under-21 spaces. This includes balconies, landings, the
Community Center, recreation areas, sidewalks, etc., except when approved as outlined in the California
State University, Los Angeles, Administrative Procedures regarding Alcoholic Beverages (#019). For more
information, visit Administrative Manual Policies and Procedures
E. Detectable intoxication of Licensees or guests, and/or the inability to exercise care for one’s own safety
and/or the safety of others is prohibited.
F. Games of chance, drinking games, contests, and other activities that induce, encourage, or result in the
rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, Quarters, Flip Cup or
King’s Cup. Simulating drinking games using water, soda or other soft drinks is also prohibited.
G. Kegs, bulk containers, beer bongs and devices designed for rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited.
H. Possession of visible containers on which alcoholic beverage insignias appear, whether opened or closed
(e.g., cups, cans, bottles, cases/boxes), is prohibited anywhere within or on grounds immediately
adjacent to the Housing and Residence Life facilities except in an assigned over-21 apartment when the
door is closed, and the alcoholic beverage cannot be detected from outside the apartment. If alcohol
possession or consumption can be detected from outside the apartment, it is considered public, visible
and in violation of this policy.
I. Violation of any other regulation while under the influence of alcohol is considered an additional
infraction of Housing and Residence Life’s regulations.
J. Providing, selling or causing to be sold an alcoholic beverage to another person is prohibited.
K. Hosting a gathering with multiple apartments primarily for the consumption of alcoholic beverages
where people move from one apartment to another is prohibited. This regulation applies even if all
apartments involved are over-21 and within allowable guest limits.
L. Residents found in violation of the aforementioned policies regarding alcohol use will be asked to
dispose of any alcohol present.
The inappropriate and/or intentional discharge of a biohazard, such as urine, fecal matter, vomit, saliva or other
bodily fluid, is a significant health concern that is strictly prohibited on campus. Bodily fluid cleanup must be
immediately addressed, as it is a public health issue. Person(s) must not intentionally discharge a bodily fluid
into or on a surface that was not meant for that purpose, such as a floor, bed, couch, etc.
Bugs, Rodents, and other Pests
Housing Facilities will utilize environmentally appropriate pest-control practices when possible to remediate
any situation. If students wish to report pest-related problems, they should contact the Service Center or the
RA on call or submit a work order.
If a bug, insect, pest or rodent problem is attributed or thought to be attributed to, poor housekeeping
practices, the space will be inspected, and housing will instruct students on how to appropriately take
corrective action to reduce the hazards.
If more aggressive housekeeping is required or if the timeline for cleanup has not been met by the
occupant(s) of the room(s), Housing and Residence Life will rectify the adverse health conditions at the
expense of the individual(s) responsible.
If pest control is required due to the result of cleanliness of the resident, those charges are the
responsibility of the occupants.
If pest control is required due to a resident’s animal (approved or otherwise), those charges are the
responsibility of the resident housing the animal.
Candles and Open Flames
Open flames for any reason are prohibited in housing. Candles and incense are prohibited in the housing,
whether lit or unlit. Warmers for wax, oils, or candles are prohibited. Candles and incense for religious
practices and birthday parties must be approved in advance by a Residential Life Coordinator or Assistant
Director of Residential Life.
Community Responsibilities
Cleanliness of Apartments/Bedroom
Licensee agrees to take reasonable care of their unit and its furnishings by keeping the premises in a clean and
sanitary condition as determined by the Director of Housing and Residence Life, or designee. Apartments and
bedrooms will be inspected each semester through the Health and Safety Inspection process. The Licensee is
responsible for any additional cleaning costs not covered by the Licensees security deposit that have been
caused by poor housekeeping or other actions of the Licensees or their guests. In the event that your apartment
or room fails the Health and Safety Inspection for cleanliness, a Housing and Residence Life staff member will
conduct a series of future inspections until the next scheduled Health and Safety Inspection. The apartment or
bedroom should have a cleaning schedule on file with the RA.
A. Inspected areas for apartments include the living room, kitchen, appliances, dining room, bathrooms,
bedrooms, patio, all furniture, fire extinguisher, thermostat, and smoke detector.
B. We strongly suggest residents purchase the following items to maintain the cleanliness of their
apartment (note, some items may not be applicable if living in South Village): a broom, dustpan, mop,
sponges for kitchen and bathroom, dish soap, cleaning products and a toilet bowl brush.
C. Accumulation of trash or debris in the interior of the apartment or bedroom premises or the exterior of
the apartment or bedroom is not allowed. The depositing of wastepaper, cans, bottles, or other trash
except in receptacles is prohibited. Accumulation of trash or debris will result in removal and a cleaning
charge being assessed to all current residents.
D. Failure to comply with cleaning standards can and will resort in cleaning charges to residentsaccounts
and potential participation in the conduct process.
Cruelty to Animals
Under California Penal Code §§ 286.5; 596 - 600.5, cruelty to animals in any form is an offense punishable by
imprisonment, fine, or both. Cruelty directed toward animals if witnessed, should be immediately reported to
a Residence Life staff member or the local police. This policy does not prohibit you from defending yourself if
needed from an animal.
Dining Policies
To ensure residents’ health and safety, the University asks that the following Dining Hall policies and
procedures be followed.
No items are to be removed from dining, this includes, but is not limited to, plates, bowls, cups, silverware,
salt and pepper shakers, or napkin holders. This policy also applies to items such as hot sauce, cream cheese,
Nutella… etc.
Dining Hall Entry
All residents must have their Cal State LA ID card present to be swiped by the dining hall checker to
verify your meal plan in order to receive dining hall access. All Cal State LA ID cards must have a clear
visible picture of the resident on the card to gain access. Residents may be asked to remove mask/face
covering for verification of Cal State LA ID card owner.
Allowing another person to use your Campus ID card to enter the dining hall is not permitted. Your
Campus ID card may be confiscated by the dining hall staff until the original owner comes to claim the
Residents are to swipe or pay each time they are to enter the dining hall even if they are not going to
Each resident is given three (3) occurrences in a semester in which to gain entry into the dining hall
without a valid Cal State LA campus ID by using the Dining Hall Authorization form. After a resident has
exhausted all three occurrences, that resident will not be allowed to access the dining hall until they
can provide a valid working campus ID card. If a resident cannot provide a valid working campus ID
card, that resident may purchase a meal by paying guest rate at the door.
Attire: shoes, shirt and pants must be worn at all times inside the Dining halls. All residents and guests must be
dressed appropriately for a dining establishment.
No bags, large purses or backpacks are permitted in the dining halls. Do not leave any valuables in the dining
hall cubbies/lockers. The Dining halls are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Only Service Animals are allowed inside the dining halls. Emotional Support Animals are not allowed inside the
dining halls.
Residents are not permitted to bring their own food, mugs, cups, containers and outside food into the
dining halls due to sanitary and health reasons.
Please take a clean plate every time you get your food.
Residents are not allowed behind the sneeze guard areas.
Use tongs to pick up your food where indicated.
Be mindful of using the specific indicated serving utensil when getting your food to prevent cross
contamination. We have many residents with food allergies.
Residents are to clear their own plates, cups, utensils to the dish return station before leaving the
dining hall. We ask that you dispose of the trash in the marked trash and compost receptacles.
Residents are not permitted to take food out of the dining hall. All food must be consumed inside the
dining halls. If you are not able to dine in the dining halls, you participate in the to-go program.
Residents using the to-go containers are not allowed to dine inside the dining hall. The to-go
containers are for meals to-go.
Dining Procedures
Common courtesy to the food service staff when dining in the dining hall is expected.
Dining halls do not allow any horse play, throwing of food, napkins and plates inside the dining
hall. Decorum related matters will be addressed with University Student Conduct.
There will be some transitional meal periods whereby the dining hall staff needs to transition from
one meal period to another, therefore all menu selections will not be available.
The dining hall menus are posted online for each semester. Some menu items may be subject to
Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
Drugs are defined as the following: any stimulant; intoxicant (including alcohol); nervous system depressant;
hallucinogen; other chemical substance, compound, or combination when used to induce an altered state; and
any otherwise lawfully available product or substance (such as over the counter or prescription drugs, glue,
paint, etc.) used for any purpose other than its intended use.
A. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or sale of, or the attempted
manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of controlled substances, identified in federal or state law
or regulations is prohibited.
B. Violation of any other regulation while under the influence of a controlled substance is considered an
additional infraction of Housing and Residence Life’s Regulations.
C. The possession or use of illicit drugs and related materials is expressly prohibited, including medical
marijuana. Possession or use of water pipes, bongs, hookahs, or other paraphernalia commonly
associated with drug use are also prohibited in the residence halls.
D. The possession or use of a legal substance for any purpose other than the legally intended use is
E. The inability to exercise care for one’s own safety, the safety of others or the safety of property owned
by the university or residents due in whole or in part to being under the influence of a controlled
substance is considered an infraction of Housing and Residence Life’s Regulations.
Elevator Policy
Passenger elevators located within the residence halls are provided for use by residents of that building, their
guests and departmental staff. The following actions are prohibited in the residence halls and tower bridge
elevators: jumping, kicking, punching or damage/vandalism of any kind, lewd acts, use of emergency
alarms/stops in situations other than an emergency, unauthorized use of an elevator key, or giving elevator
access to someone else who would not otherwise have access. Follow posted capacities at all times. Damage or
service calls due to overloading or tampering may be considered damage that requires restitution by those found
If you get stuck in an elevator, do not try to pry the doors open, as it is dangerous and you may be required to
pay for necessary repairs. Use the emergency phone only for help in an emergency situation. Please note that
there are cameras in the elevator for your safety.
Empty Bed Spaces
If at any time a resident is living in a room/suite without a roommate/suitemate, they are responsible for
keeping belongings out of the empty space and may not utilize that vacant space in any way (this includes
pushing two beds together and/or moving items associated with the empty space around the room desk,
drawers, etc.). This policy exists because an incoming resident may be assigned and/or moved into an empty
space at any time throughout the semester. This resident has the right to move in without prior notice and
therefore no belongings may be stored in or under additional furniture or closets, and the bed may not be
used for storage or for hosting guests. Failure to keep vacant spaces clean and ready for a new resident may
result in fines and other student conduct actions. When there is a vacant bed space, the current occupant is
responsible for any damages that occur to the vacant side of the room. Students with a vacant bed space may
be asked to move to another room by Housing & Residential Life. Failure to move may result in being charged
a single room rental rate and improper check out fees in addition to disciplinary actions. Housing and
Residence Life reserves the right to photograph occupied and unoccupied living spaces without notice.
Facility, Recreation and Grounds Use Responsibilities
Fire Safety
A. Licensees shall take due care to prevent fires. Flammable materials shall not be used or stored on the
premises. These items include, but are not limited to candles, incense, fireworks, lighter fluid, propane
or other gas cylinders, etc.
B. Residents shall not leave cooking appliances unattended in South Village Community Kitchen, Phase I,
Phase II, and GEA Apartments (i.e., stove, rice cooker, Crock-Pot, etc.).
1. In South Village Community Kitchen: Residents are expected to run the fans when cooking to prevent
triggering smoke detectors. If the alarm sounds while a resident is cooking, residents are expected to
quickly move pots/pans off active burners, turn stove and oven off, and evacuate the building. Be
cautious when relocating steaming items/pouring hot water down the sinks as steam can trigger the
smoke detectors.
C. All personal barbeque grills are prohibited in student apartments, bedrooms, and patios throughout the
housing complex (in South Village, Phase I, II and GEA). Only use the public ones.
D. Tampering with Fire Alarms and Emergency Systems: Residents are strictly prohibited from tampering
with any equipment related to emergency systems and the fire alarm system (pull stations,
extinguishers, hoses, smoke detectors, sprinklers, emergency exit door alarms, exit signs). Tampering
with, removal of, covering, or misuse of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors (including the
removal of batteries), emergency evacuation instructions, or unauthorized use of any fire equipment,
or door, is a violation of Penal Code 148.4, University, and Housing regulations. Sprinklers associated
with residence hall fire safety systems may not be tampered with, including hanging decorations or other
objects from them, or within 18” of a sprinkler head. If a sprinkler is set off accidentally or intentionally,
the individual(s) involved will be responsible for all costs associated with clean up and damage and will
be subject to disciplinary action. Tampering with fire safety equipment will result in a fine to cover all
costs associate with repair, replacement and/or clean-up.
E. False reports of fire or other dangerous conditions (except those resulting from reasonable error or
accident), failure to properly report fires, or interference with the response of University or city officials
to such emergency calls is prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted and subjected to a fine and criminal
F. Fire extinguishers should remain on the provided hook when not in use.
G. Decorations that are flammable or fire hazards are prohibited.
H. “Live cut” trees (such as Christmas Trees) or other combustible decorations are prohibited in the
residential facilities.
I. Any permissible holiday decorations in the apartments or rooms and doors must be made of fireproof
materials and be UL-approved (Underwriters Laboratory) for the intended use. Decorations on the
exterior door may not exceed 5% of the space on the door.
A. Guests must abide by all Housing and Residence Life and University policies. Licensees are responsible
for their guests’ behavior and for any damage caused by their guests (Article 5, Section 42007 of Title 5,
California Code of Regulations).
B. Residents have the basic right to privacy in their assigned room. It is the responsibility of the Licensee
who plans to have a guest to inform their housemates and/or roommates prior to the guest’s arrival,
and to gain approval from their housemates and the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Guests are
not allowed in apartments or bedrooms between the hours of midnight9 a.m. unless they are
registered and approved in advance.
C. Licensees shall secure approval from the Housing Office one week prior to permitting any guests to make
overnight use of any housing facilities such as but not limited to, sleeping or shower facilities, or other
facilities generally made available only to licensees (Article 5, Section 42005 of Title 5, California Code
of Regulations).
1. Failure by Licensee to secure approval for overnight guests shall be grounds for disciplinary action
[Article 5, Section 42014 of Title five (5), California Code of Regulations] including being charged the
daily rate for each day that a non-approved guest resides in Licensee's apartment. A Licensee may
have no more than two approved guests. The length of stay for any guest cannot exceed three (3)
consecutive nights in a month and no more than nine (9) nights total per semester.
D. Guests who have their pets with them are restricted from entering apartments, rooms, and any
residential buildings. Limitations: Each resident is allowed a maximum of two (2) Guests
1. For Housing Phase I and II, there shall be no more than eight (8) people, including licensees, allowed
in a two-bedroom apartment/patio at any given time. No more than sixteen (16) people, including
licensees, are allowed in a four (4) bedroom apartment/patio at any given time.
2. For GEA apartments there shall be no more than four (4) people including the licensees in the one
and two-bedroom apartments and no more than six (6) people including the licensees in the suite-
style apartments.
3. For South Village, there shall be no more than four (4) people in one room at any given time.
Laundry Facilities
Laundry facilities are for the use of residents only. Residents may not permit a non-resident to access and utilize
the laundry facilities.
A. Noise (including, but not limited to, stereos, televisions and conversations) not associated with daily
living should not interfere with the communal nature (including, but not limited to, sleeping or studying)
of others at any time.
B. During Quiet Hours, any noise emanating from an apartment, room, or public area is prohibited.
Designated quiet hours for all other areas are as follows: SundayThursday, 10 p.m.–9 a.m.;
Friday and
Saturday, midnight to 9 a.m.
C. Although there are set Quiet Hours, residents are expected to be courteous of their noise levels at all
times. The need to study supersedes any other activity. These are referred to as Courtesy hours
D. During Finals Week, a 24-hour Quiet Policy is in effect beginning on the Friday Midnight before Finals
Week through the end of the last day of finals.
Noxious Odor
A noxious odor is ANY aroma of such intensity that it becomes apparent and/or offensive to others. Any odor
can become noxious or offensive when it is too strong. Some examples are cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke;
cannabis or cannabis smoke (see “Drugs” policy); incense (see “Candles and Open Flames” policy); perfume; air
freshening spray; animals (see “Pets and Animals” policy); excessive body odor or poor hygiene; excessive dirty
laundry; excessive trash or unclean living environment; excessive food/cooking smells.
Decorating, Alteration to Premises/Property Damage
A. No alterations, improvements, paint, redecorating, installation, or attachment of fixtures may be done
to the premises, without prior approval. This includes but is not limited to:
Tape, including: scotch tape, duct tape, masking tape. The only exception includes painters
Nails, screws, thumbtacks, etc.
Poster putty/tac
3M “Command” Strips/hooks
Stickers and decals that damage the paint.
These items are all known to cause damage to the paint and walls. Understand that even if residents are using
the recommended materials to avoid damages to their rooms, there are still ways in which the improper use of
such items can cause damages. Using recommended materials does not by default absolve any resident from
potential charges. Charges will be assessed for damages resulting from improper attachment upon move out.
B. Exterior doors may not be covered more than 5% due to fire code regulations.
a. Affixing whiteboards/corkboards to the exterior of the door will result in damages to the door
and thus are not approved for use.
C. Housing and Residence Life discourages use of Gel Window Clings on painted surfaces as these leave
residue/oil stains behind and will result in repainting costs.
D. Decorations, signage, flags, sticky notes, etc., may not be posted in windows. Items seen from windows
will result in follow up from Housing and Residence Life with requests for immediate removal. Failure
to adhere to this policy may result in participation in the student conduct process.
E. Items may not be hung from the ceiling due to fire safety concerns and regulations. At no point may
Cover sprinkler heads and/or smoke detectors.
Hang items from sprinkler heads and/or smoke detectors.
Otherwise inhibit the function of these items.
Hanging from or covering sprinkler heads may cause the sprinklers to activate, which
will lead to large amounts of water damage to occur, monetary fines, and participation
in the student conduct process.
Hanging, covering, attempting to remove, or otherwise deterring the smoke detector
from operating as intended will result in monetary fines and participation in the
student conduct process.
F. Per the California State University Tobacco Free Campus policies and smoking/vaping policies in place
on campus, no smoking of any substances (legal, medicinal, or otherwise) are permitted on campus
property, including inside Housing and Residence Life facilities.
a. Smoking or vaping in the room can and will result in participation in the conduct process,
monetary fines, and fees associated with repainting the room, and deep cleaning/replacing
carpets and furnishing.
G. Pets are not permitted, outside of a fish in a maximum 10-gallon tank. The presence of any animals,
including approved Service and/or Emotional Support Animals may result in additional cleaning
associated with odors, hair/dander removal, and pest control.
A. It is a violation of University policy to gain unauthorized entry, make unauthorized use of, or misuse any
University property. Entering an apartment or room to which you have not been assigned, and without
permission, constitutes trespassing.
B. Windows and sliding glass doors are to remain clear of any items that may restrict emergency access.
C. In the apartments, it is the responsibility of each resident to ensure that their bedroom door and
windows are locked and secured when they are not home or sleeping. Furthermore, it is the
responsibility of all residents to ensure that the sliding glass doors, front door and windows in the
common area spaces are locked and secured prior to leaving the apartment or while sleeping.
Apartment doors are not to be left unlocked to accommodate residents who lose their keys, do not carry
keys, or to allow access to individuals who are not residents thereof.
D. Public areas located in all community centers or common areas within the apartment are for the use of
the Licensees and their guests only. No one may sleep overnight in public areas. The Office of Housing
and Residence Life must approve organized functions in public areas in advance.
E. Public passageways are for entering and leaving the premises and are not to be obstructed or used for
any other purpose.
F. For reasons of security, no public area exit door is to be propped open at any time or left unlocked after
scheduled building operating hours.
G. Access to, or storage of, anything in attics or crawl spaces, is prohibited.
No animals, other than fish, are allowed in apartments, bedrooms, or on balconies at any time. One 10-gallon
tank is allowed per resident. Please be advised that guests and visitors may not bring animals into the apartment
or bedrooms. Violators are subject to disciplinary action and a fine to cover the cost of pest extermination and
cleaning as well as participation in the student conduct process. If the owner of the animal cannot be
determined, this fine will be divided equally among all residents of the apartment or bedrooms.
A. Residents may not feed stray animals or otherwise encourage animals to stay in or around the complex
at any time.
B. For students with disabilities seeking approval for service or assistance animals, please see
“Accommodations for Students with Disabilities” for more information.
Bicycles and Motor Vehicles
A. Bicycles are not to obstruct or be parked in public passageways, walkways or in the Community Center.
Bicycles are not to be locked to or attached to any gate, pole, tree or other Housing and Residence Life
B. Riding of bicycles on all campus walkways shall be prohibited pursuant to Section 21113(f) of the
California Vehicle Code.
C. Mopeds, motorcycles, motor scooters, hover boards, or similar motor-driven vehicles cannot be taken
into apartments, bedrooms or the Community Centers for any reason, or operated on sidewalks, patios,
or lawns in and around on-campus residential areas. Because of the fire hazards associated with
gasoline, Public Safety officers or authorized staff will remove motor-driven vehicles from buildings
without notice. Mopeds, as defined in the California Vehicle Code, shall be regarded as motor vehicles.
Electric scooters used for the purpose of a disability-related needs are allowed.
D. All motor vehicles shall be operated with due regard for the safety of all members of the community. All
motor vehicles parked in the residential parking lot must have a valid Virtual Residential Parking Permit.
Student and residential parking permits for motor vehicles may be purchased by logging into your GET
account. Badly damaged or inoperable vehicles, as determined by University Police or Parking
Enforcement officers, will not be allowed in the residential parking lot for more than two weeks
irrespective of permits or registration.
E. All vehicles shall conform to and abide with University rules and regulations relating to vehicles.
Damage to University, public, or private property is prohibited. Residents will be charged against their security
deposit for any damage to or loss of University property in their apartments and/ or bedrooms. If the total
monetary amount of damage exceeds the amount of the security deposit, then the difference will be applied to
the student account. If the resident(s) responsible for the resulting damages cannot be determined, the charges
will be divided among all residents assigned to the apartment or room at the time the damage occurred. Misuse,
abuse or destruction of University property or property belonging to a member of the University community is
A. Vandalism to public or private property is prohibited. Residents will be charged for any damage to or
loss of University property in their apartments or rooms. If the resident(s) responsible for the damages
cannot be determined, the charges will be divided among all students assigned to the apartment or
B. Intentional or malicious destruction of University, public or private property is prohibited. Residents will
be charged for any damage to or loss of University property in their apartments or room. If the
resident(s) responsible for the resulting damages cannot be determined, the charges will be divided
among all students assigned to the apartment or room.
Extension Cords
Electrical extension cords, multi-plug adapters such as cube adapter, and un-fused strips are not allowed.
Plugging a power strip of any type into another one (“piggy-backing”) is not permitted. Only multi-plug power
strips that include the following are allowed: equipped with a surge protector; approved by the Underwriters
Laboratory (UL); grounded, three-prong; and 12- or 14-gauge wire, which is typically indicated on the cord.
Facilities Use
A. Tampering with or removing blinds, windows or window screens from any part of the building is
prohibited. The Director of Housing and Residence Life should approve additional window treatments.
B. Window painting is not allowed. Decorating windows with the following items is prohibited: tape, paint,
soap, shaving cream, sticky notes, and/or signage etc. Affixing or adhering any object to the window or
window fixture is prohibited.
C. Limited (5% of the door, due to fire safety codes) personalization of solid exterior doors is allowed above
the door handle attached with painter’s tape. At no time should the peephole or apartment/bedroom
number be covered or obstructed. Exterior apartment bedroom door decorations using improper
adhesives, nails, or attachments such as stickers, graffiti, message boards, signs and tape are prohibited.
D. Students are not permitted to climb in or out of apartment or bedroom windows.
E. Unauthorized presence on rooftops, outside ledges, other residents’ rooms or apartments, or areas
marked as restricted within the Housing and Residence Life community is prohibited and grounds for
eviction. Unauthorized entrance into and presence in construction sites in the vicinity of the Housing
and Residence Life community is prohibited and grounds for eviction.
F. Throwing objects or liquids to or from windows, balconies, stairwells or roofs is prohibited. This includes,
but is not limited to, Frisbees, balls, water balloons, food and garbage.
G. Using a balcony as a means of entry or exit, or using it to store unsightly articles, garbage or University
property is not permitted. Sitting on, perching on, or jumping over balcony railings is also prohibited.
H. Shaking, cleaning, hanging or placing any articles from or out of the window, window ledges, balconies,
landings, or on roofs is prohibited.
I. Entry into South Village from a designated Emergency Exit is not permitted.
A. It is prohibited to remove furniture that has been provided by Housing and Residence Life from a room
or apartment, including outdoor storage closets. The Licensee is responsible for the care of, and is liable
for any damage to, Housing and Residence Life furniture or equipment. Licensee understands that their
student account will be charged for any damage, loss or necessary cleaning caused by Licensees or
B. Housing and Residence Life furniture and equipment are not allowed to be taken onto the balcony or
patio at any time.
C. Furniture may not block windows, doors or other pathways within the apartment or bedroom.
D. Closet doors or other furniture are not to be removed from the apartment or bedroom.
E. Furniture may not be stacked, assembled atop bricks, bookcases, or other structures not originally
designed to support it.
F. No additional furniture or equipment is allowed in the apartment, bedroom, or on the balcony or patio.
Additional furnishings are prohibited, including, but not limited to couches, loungers, loveseats, sofas,
beds, tables, desks, papasan mattresses, chairs, game tables, dart boards, exercise equipment, large
bookshelves, large entertainment centers, kitchen carts, etc. If requesting a bed for medical purposes,
please submit a copy of your accommodation request from the Office for Students with Disabilities
(OSD). Personal patio furniture must need the approval of the Residence Life Coordinator
G. Upon checkout, it is the Licensee’s responsibility to remove their belongings. They may be charged for
cleaning and labor to remove items left behind.
H. Residents or their guests are prohibited from placing furniture, equipment, appliances, or fixtures into
the trash receptacles or bins located throughout the housing complex. Residents are responsible for the
appropriate removal and disposal of all personal items. A charge will be assessed to a resident’s
account for any item found in the trash receptacles or bins that was not properly disposed of and can
be traced back to a specific resident.
I. Refrigerators or freezers smaller than four cubic feet are only allowed upon request and with advanced
written approval if living in the University Apartments.
If living in South Village, one (1) refrigerator, smaller than four cubic feet, is allowed per room.
J. The following items are prohibited: in-line water purification systems, lofts, electrical appliances used
for heating or preparation of food (portable stoves, hot plates, etc.), portable dishwashers, halogen
lamps, window or portable air conditioning units, and washer or dryers.
In-Line Skating, Roller-Skating, Scooters and Skateboarding
In-line skating, roller-skating, skateboarding, or using scooters or hoverboards are prohibited on all campus
Internet Use
A. Users must ensure that their activity does not improperly restrict, inhibit or degrade any other user’s
use of a Wireless Network Connection, nor represent (in the sole judgment of Housing and Residence
Life) an unusually large burden on the network itself. In addition, users must ensure that the user’s
activity does not improperly restrict, inhibit, disrupt, degrade, or impede the University’s ability to
deliver and monitor the network services. This includes the setup and use of unauthorized access points
also known as “rogue” access points. The installation by and/or use of an outside internet provider is
restricted by Housing and Residence Life.
B. You may not modify or tamper with the wireless routers located in your apartment or bedroom. Doing
so will disrupt wireless internet for other apartments or bedrooms in your area. You may not connect
hubs, routers, print servers, terminal servers, or other networked devices that have not been approved
by Housing and Residence Life.
Keys/One Card Access
A. South Village will require the One Card to access your bedroom and building entrance. One Card
Replacements are handled by the One Card Office and the replacement card is $5. The lost One Card
access will be deactivated if lost.
B. Each Licensee is issued a key to their assigned apartment and bedroom if living in the University
Apartments or One Card access if living in South Village. Each resident is responsible for their set of
keys/One Card.
C. It is a misdemeanor for any person to knowingly duplicate, make, cause to be duplicated, use or have in
their possession a key to a building or room controlled by the state without proper authorization (Section
496 of the California Penal Code).
D. Under no circumstances are keys/One Card to be lent to another individual, including roommates or
E. There is a non-refundable replacement charge for any key lost, stolen or irreparably damaged.
F. For security of the community, residents should report lost, stolen or damaged keys/One Card to the
Office of Housing and Residence Life immediately. Failure to report lost keys/One Card within one
business day may result in a conduct meeting.
G. In case of a lockset change, residents must exchange and/or re-encode their bedroom/apartment key
within 24 hours of the lockset change being performed.
Maintenance of Premises
A. Licensee shall not bring or maintain any of the following on premises: clothes washer or dryer,
refrigerators (unless living in South Village, please visit Housing and Residence Life: What to Bring
more details) or freezers, stoves, air conditioners, space heaters, outdoor clotheslines or drying
equipment (no drying clothes on balcony), boats, trailers or waterbeds. In addition, no other furniture
or equipment is allowed in the unit. South Village residents are not allowed to have microwaves in their
personal rooms. The Community Kitchen provides microwaves.
B. Licensees shall not install or place any equipment or construction on the grounds or in the buildings. No
outside gardens may be constructed or maintained in any area of the housing portfolio without the
express written consent of the Director of Housing and Residence Life.
C. No engine or automobile work may be performed on the premises, including in the parking lots.
D. Students are responsible for reporting safety, maintenance or cleanliness issues to the Housing Office.
For a non-emergency request, Licensee must submit an online Work Order. For urgent issues that may
result in damage to the premises or jeopardize safety and health, the Licensee must report the issue
directly to the Housing Office. After office hours, Licensee must contact the RA on Duty.
E. Maintenance of the premises includes reporting pest infestations. Residents should report infestations
by submitting a Work Order online. If students are experiencing any insect bites, they should note that
in the Work Order to expedite the request.
F. GEA residents are prohibited from storing items outside. GEA does not have personal patios thus the
outside space should remain clear of chairs, grills, bikes, excessive plant stands and plants and other
personal belongings. GEA residents may have a maximum of two outdoor plants per apartment.
Soliciting and Posting
A. No person, group or business entity has the right to solicit for personal gain within, on or around the
Housing and Residence Life community.
B. No one is permitted to distribute or post materials without specific permission from the Office of
Housing and Residence Life. Materials not approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life will be
C. Advertising or selling of products or services is prohibited in or around public areas of Housing and
Residence Life facilities unless it is part of a Housing and Residence Life sponsored event. Advertising
and promotion of non-University goods, services or organizations is allowed in Housing and Residence
Life facilities only with approval from Residence Life or as part of a Housing and Residence Life sponsored
Trash Removal
Trash containers are located on the outside perimeter of the access road and surrounding the Phase II complex.
Trash chutes are available on each floor in South Village. The containers are for resident use only. Furniture,
televisions, computers, electrical items (e-waste) and hazardous materials are not to be disposed of in the trash
bins located in the housing portfolio. Residents should make off-site arrangements for removal of these types of
items. Failure to comply will result in associated trash-removal costs. At the end of the spring semester, labeled
bins are provided for e-waste collection.
General Behavioral Responsibilities
A. An individual is complicit in a policy violation if they are aware of its occurrence and have the ability to
report the violation but fail to do so.
B. It is a violation of University policy to solicit or assist another person in any act that would subject a
student to disciplinary action.
C. Students are responsible for reporting any and all observed policy violations and/or breaches of state
D. Students should not passively remain in the presence of such violations.
Disorderly Conduct
Any behavior that disrupts the administrative, educational or communal nature of the Housing and Residence
Life complex is prohibited. This includes irresponsible, disruptive or dangerous behavior towards persons or
property that creates a health or safety problem. This also includes encouraging or provoking others to engage
in abusive or irresponsible behavior.
Failure to Comply
A. Residents and their guests are required to comply with University staff requests when such an official is
working within the performance of their duties.
B. Interfering with staff in the performance of their duties is prohibited.
C. Failing to provide required information, documents, records or identification to university staff is
D. A Licensee who fails to comply with the terms of the Addendum, including but not limited to violation
of social/physical distancing guidance, guest policy, quarantine/isolation requirements, and health and
safety as outlined in sections IV and V may be administratively removed from University housing. The
University reserves the right to remove a student based on a single substantial violation of the COVID-
19 related safety measures noted here within the addendum and other University official
Failure to Evacuate
All occupants must evacuate the building within 3 minutes when a fire alarm sounds or upon the direction of a
University staff member. East and West Villages (Phase I) and North Village (Phase II) Evacuation Assembly Point
is in the Soccer field and the front courtyard and back of the building (soccer field for overflow) for South Village.
Attempting to re-enter a room, an apartment or any part of the housing complex without permission of
University or Housing and Residence Life staff is prohibited. Referral to University Police for criminal or legal
action may also be a consequence for failing to comply with the evacuation policy. Fines are applied to any
student found responsible for not vacating a building or re-entering a building during a fire alarm.
A. Falsifying, forging, altering, or misusing University documents records or identification is prohibited.
B. Providing false information to a University official is prohibited.
Gambling is prohibited. Games ending in profit, monetary or otherwise, are not allowed.
Upon the request of University staff, residents and any guests shall identify themselves and present valid
identification. Failure to provide identification may require that a person leave the area and the premises.
Obscene Matter
Display of “obscene matter” as defined in the California Penal Code (section 311), or items which may be
disruptive to the community, is prohibited anywhere on campus.
A. Television and radio antennas are not to be affixed to the roof of the premises or placed outside
windows. No exterior wire, aerials, signs or similar objects are to be erected.
Sexual Assault and Harassment Zero Tolerance Policy
A. Sexual harassment towards any person is prohibited. Sexual harassment includes such behavior as
unwanted sexual advances, sexual gestures, unwanted requests for sexual favors, creating a hostile or
offensive environment, and other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed
towards another person.
B. Sexual assault, sexual battery or rape of any person is prohibited. This behavior includes any sexual
activity that is carried out without the express consent of the parties involved, including, but not limited
to: attempted non-consensual penetration, non-consensual anal intercourse, fellatio, cunnilingus, or the
insertion of a foreign object into the vagina, urethra, penis or rectum of another person.
C. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs is incapable of giving consent to sexual activity.
A. It is the policy of the California State University (CSU) effective September 1, 2017, that all CSU campuses
are 100% smoke- and tobacco-free.
B. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, university volunteers, lessees, contractors or
vendors, and visitors to any CSU campus or property. Smoking, vaping and the use or sale of all tobacco
products is prohibited on CSU properties, including all facilities owned or operated by Cal State LA,
whether indoors or outdoors, including parking lots.
C. Hookahs are prohibited.
Stalking and Physical, Written, and Verbal Abuse and Harassment Zero Tolerance Policy
A. Threats, assaults, or physical, psychological, verbal, or written (including electronic) abuse is prohibited.
B. Harassment in any form towards any person and/or group, through any medium (including electronic)
is prohibited.
C. Stalking, repeatedly following, committing acts that alarm or annoy, communicating by any means that
serve no legitimate purpose, in a manner likely to harass, intimidate, annoy or alarm is prohibited.
Theft of University property or property belonging to a member of the University community is prohibited.
Thefts should be immediately reported to the University Police at 323-343-3700 and Housing and Residence Life
staff. Unauthorized use of food, internet services, phone services, or personal property will be considered theft
and a violation of policy. For safety and theft prevention, students are required to lock the doors and windows
in the bedroom and the common area space when they are not home (see Access). Windows and patio doors
should also be locked when residents are not present or other times as necessary. Individuals found in violation
can be subject to action which can include termination and eviction.
Violence, Harassment and Assault
A. Behavior that is abusive or threatening to any member of the community is prohibited. This includes,
but is not limited to, physical or sexual assault, verbal threats and/or harassment, and all types of
communication via phone, email and the internet.
B. Hate Motivated Crimes: Any act of intimidation, harassment, physical force or threat of physical force
directed against any person or family, or their property or advocate, motivated either in whole or in part
by hostility to their real or perceived race, ethnic background, national origin, religious belief, sex, age,
disability, or sexual orientation is prohibited.
C. Individuals found in violation can be subject to action up to, and including, termination and eviction.
A. Possession of any firearm (including BB-guns, soft and hard pellet guns and starter pistols) is a felony
and is prohibited on the premises of the University (Section 626.9, California Penal Code).
B. The use and possession of tasers, mace and pepper spray are also prohibited.
C. The University prohibits deadly weapons, ammunition, knives, fireworks, explosives, and dangerous
chemicals. Plastic guns or weapons that could be interpreted as actual weapons are not allowed.
Individuals found in violation can be subject to action up to, and including, termination and eviction.
8. Student Conduct Process
Housing and Residence Life strives to take an educational approach to student discipline. This includes providing
information that residents need in order to function effectively as responsible members of the community. In
the event that a resident chooses to violate housing policies, the Housing and Residence Life staff will take quick
action to hold them accountable for their behavior. This is done both to assist the student in their personal
development and to maintain the integrity of community living.
The following information describes the rights, responsibilities and procedures of the resident and the Housing
and Residence Life staff in addressing inappropriate behavior and violations of housing policies.
Due Process
Due process ensures that all residents are given an opportunity to address conduct alleged to be in violation of
University and/or Housing Policies. Due processmeans a student will have the opportunity to know what
allegations are being brought against them and have the opportunity to share their recollection of the incident.
Housing and Residence Life and the University expect residents to assume responsibility in the student conduct
process. Residents are expected to appear for disciplinary meetings with Housing and Residence Life staff. If the
resident fails to appear, the conduct process will proceed without the benefit of their input and a
decision/sanction will be issued based on the available information.
Throughout the student conduct process, the resident has the responsibility to present truthful information. Any
resident found to have willfully presented false or misleading information will be subject to additional
disciplinary action. Residents are expected to comply with sanctions issued at any level in the student conduct
process. Residents are responsible for following the disciplinary process and meeting the deadlines in a timely
manner. Refusing to follow, or ignoring the process or sanctions, will result in further disciplinary action, in
addition to the sanctions from the original violations. Please note that at the discretion of Housing and Residence
Life, a copy of an incident report may be released to a student whose names appear on the report.
Residents may expect the following:
1. To have knowledge of all alleged violations and have the alleged violations explained clearly and fully at
every level of the student conduct process. The alleged violation will be noted via a Notice to Appear
2. To be informed of all submitted written statements concerning the allegations. This information is
conveyed at the disciplinary meeting.
3. To have an opportunity to give their side of the story and refute statements made by witnesses. This
opportunity is provided at the disciplinary meeting. This information can be shared either before or after
the disciplinary meeting.
4. To submit names of pertinent witnesses and other relevant supporting documents for review.
5. To have a fair and prompt disciplinary meeting. This notification will be in the form of a Notice to Appear
6. To be notified promptly of the results of the disciplinary meeting. This will be in the form of a Decision
7. To be advised of the appropriate appeal process, outlined in the Decision Letter.
8. To potentially receive a copy of the Incident Report. Requests for Incident Reports should be made to
the Associate Director for Residence Life. Housing and Residence Life has sole discretion as to the
releasing of Incident Reports.
Incident Report
The disciplinary procedures begin when an incident occurs which may be in violation of University and/or
Housing and Residence Life policies. Housing and Residence Life staff will address the inappropriate behavior.
Housing and Residence Life staff will subsequently report the violation to the Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)
or designee via the Incident Report. This detailed report includes names and statements from witnesses and
police report numbers, if applicable. Residents should check their email and can expect communication from
Housing and Residence Life after an Incident Report has been completed by Housing and Residence Life Staff.
Notice to Appear
In the case of most policy violations, the Residence Life Coordinator, or designee will handle the disciplinary
procedures. The resident will receive a Notice to Appear for a disciplinary hearing via email. The letter will include
specific information as to the alleged policy violation; date of the incident; and the appointment time or deadline
date to schedule the appointment. The resident is responsible for making an appointment and meeting with the
RLC or designee by the stated deadline. If the resident fails to meet with the RLC or designee by the stated
deadline, a decision/sanction regarding the residents involvement may be made based on the available
information without the benefit of their input.
Conduct Meeting
During the disciplinary meeting, the resident will have an opportunity to hear and respond to the allegations. If
the resident admits to the policy violation, the RLC or designee will issue a sanction. If a resident denies
responsibility for an alleged policy violation, the RLC or designee must make a decision based on the information
currently available. If the resident is found to be responsible, the RLC or designee will issue a sanction. The
sanction issued by the RLC or designee may not include License Agreement termination or revocation, eviction,
student suspension, and/or student dismissal; those sanctions will require referral of the matter to the Cal State
LA Judicial Affairs Officer and/or the California State University Office of General Counsel for further investigation
and handling before issuance to the Licensee.
Appeal Process
If you wish to appeal this decision you must submit a written letter requesting an appeal within three working
days of receipt of your letter. Requests for an appeal must be sent to the Associate Director of Residence Life at
the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Please include your contact information in the letter. Approval for an
appeal meeting will be determined by the Associate Director of Residence Life and will be based on one or more
of the following, which must be described fully in the written appeal request letter:
1. Presentation of new or relevant information that was unavailable at the time of the original Conduct
2. The Conduct Officer overseeing the Conduct Meeting was influenced by personal bias;
3. The sanction was significantly disproportionate to the violation(s) of the Student Guide;
4. The Conduct Officer overseeing the Conduct Meeting did not follow written procedures as outlined in
the Housing and Residence Life Student Guide.
Referral to Judicial Affairs Officer and/or University Police
Residents should be aware that concurrent judicial proceedings might occur for policy violations. Cases of a
serious nature are referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer who has the authority to hear the case involving any
student violation that occurs on campus. This process can result in the suspension or permanent dismissal of the
student from the University.
Violations of city, county, state or federal laws may also result in civil proceedings or criminal charges. Please be
aware that if something is illegal off campus, it is illegal on campus. University property does not insulate
residents from being accountable for their actions.
The following is a range of sanctions that may be issued for violations. Sanctions may be issued individually or in
combination with each other. Sanctions will be issued based on the severity of the violation and individual
disciplinary history.
Educational, Interventional, & Restorative Sanctions
Sanctions of an educational, intervening, developmental, restorative, supportive, and sustaining nature will be
used to ensure students learn the most from their actions and are best equipped to make better decisions in the
future. Options include but are not limited to the following: Participation or completion of a project, class, or
other activity to build awareness or knowledge relevant to the nature of the offense or oneself, including
research papers, personal reflections, workshops, organizing events, designing community education, or
preparing an action plan.
Formal Warning
Notice in writing that a given behavior is in violation of Housing and Residence Life or University policy.
A requirement to pay for costs incurred in cleaning, repairing, replacing or refinishing damaged or missing
Mandatory Room Change
The University reserves the right to change a students assignment for any reason.
This sanction is used when it is believed that a relocation and change of environment will benefit the resident
and the Housing and Residence Life community. This sanction will be considered for students involved in
repeated violations of Housing and Residence Life policies; individuals involved in serious infractions of policy;
or for individuals who consistently disrupt the communal nature of the apartment, bedroom, or the community.
Residents who are required to change rooms need to complete their change within 48 hours of picking up the
keys to their new apartment or bedroom to avoid charges for a lock change and being served a written notice
that they will not be permitted to enter into a new License Agreement with the University.
Denial of Future University Housing (Non-Renewal of License Agreement)
Students who have outstanding balances, have been involved in repeated violations of Housing and Residence
Life policies, have demonstrated behavior that negatively impacts the community living environment, or have a
level of expectation that is not met may be denied future on-campus University Housing.
9. Resident Living Agreement
The Office of Housing and Residence Life provides the Resident Living Agreement to ensure that the quality of
living within a residence coincides with the expectations of the residents who live there. This document is
designed to provide its users the opportunity to establish some guidelines related to the details of their living
Here are some basic guidelines for developing your agreements:
1. Schedule a time to talk and be sensitive to each others schedule.
2. When discussing the agreements, use I statements,such as I feel frustrated when you leave your
dirty dishes in the sink.” Be very specific about the actions you dislike and how they affect you. Avoid
3. Creating agreements should be a group effort with everyones input considered.
4. If additional writing space is necessary, there is a section for additional items and concerns.
5. If you have any questions or difficulties in making compromises, please contact your RA.
6. Your RA will make a copy of the original.
7. Review the agreements regularly, especially with new roommates.
8. Post a copy of your agreements in your apartment or bedroom where all can see it and provide the
original to your RA.
Housing Policies
Many of the discussions you will be having are regards to topics for which Housing and Residence Life already
has policies for. We encourage you to review the License Agreement and this Student Guide and confirm that
your agreements comply with the housing policies already in place.
Cleaning Schedule
Residents are expected to support a healthy and safe community environment and will be held responsible for
maintaining a clean apartment and/or bedroom. One of the most common roommate conflicts is over
cleanliness and maintenance of the apartment and/or bedroom. Following a cleaning schedule will help avoid
this issue. If you and your roommates do not set up a cleaning schedule, your RA will complete one for you.
You may obtain a cleaning schedule from your RA or at the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
Cleaning Expectations
The following list is an example of expectations residents may use in establishing their cleaning schedule. For
health and safety reasons, most items should be done weekly, some daily. Anything that has food residue
should be cleaned or removed daily to avoid pests.
Kitchen or Community Kitchen: dishes washed daily, clean oven, microwave and dishwasher; empty trash;
sweep; no trash on floors; counters wiped down and free from food items; mop; no items left on the stove; no
food items left out that can attract pests.
Bathroom: clean tub/shower; clean toilet bowl; sweep; mop; clean counters and mirrors; empty trash
Bedroom: clean up; empty trash; vacuum; no food items or dirty dishes that can attract pests
Living Room (Applies only to the University Apartments): furniture arranged properly; limited number of
personal items (clothes, books, etc.); empty trash; clean tables; vacuum
Dining Room (Applies only to the University Apartments): furniture arranged properly; limited number of
personal items (clothes, books, dishes etc.); clean table; vacuum
Storage Room (Applies only to the University Apartments): personal items labeled; neatly organized; sweep;
Patio (Applies only to the University Apartments): no accumulated trash outside; no university furniture; sweep
Conditions to agree on:
Residents in apartment jointly or individually purchase cleaning supplies (sponges, cleaners, broom,
Trash from kitchen and bathroom should be emptied a few times a week.
Are residents responsible for washing their own dishes? How long can they sit on the counter before it
is expected dishes will be washed?
10. Apartment Maintenance Dos And Donts
Use only soap designed for dishwashers, not any other kind of soap in your dishwasher. Using other
types of soap will cause a flood in your apartment.
Rinse food off dirty dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Large amounts of food can damage
the machine and will lower the quality of the finished dishes.
Put only Dishwasher Safeitems in the dishwasher. If you are not sure, do not risk damaging the item
or the dishwasher unit. Instead, wash those items by hand.
Garbage Disposal and Kitchen Sink
Don’t put any oil or oil compounds down the drain. It will damage the plumbing and may cause
flooding. Place used cooking oil in an old jar or plastic container. Dispose of it in a trash dumpster.
Don’t put large amounts of vegetable or fruit peelings in the garbage disposal. It will damage the
plumbing and cause flooding in your apartment.
Don’t place large amounts of starchy items such as rice and pasta into the garbage disposal as it will
clog. Dispose of rice or pasta in the trash.
Run your garbage disposal only when the water is on.
Don’t put anything hard like bones or metal objects in the garbage disposal.
To fight sink odors, put a bit of liquid dish soap down the drain at night or small, thin slices of lemon
that have been peeled.
Dont try to repair a clog yourself. Complete a Work Order instead.
Microwave Oven
Dont put anything metal or metallic in the microwave, such as aluminum foil, teabags with staples
attached, or ceramics, paper goods or pots that have metals.
Don’t run the microwave when there is nothing inside. This will damage the unit.
Clean your microwave often.
Microwaves are not allowed in South Village
Use a plunger on your toilet if it is clogged.
Only put toilet paper in the toilet. Dispose of all other items in the trash, such as cotton swabs, cotton
balls, tampons, pads, prophylactics, etc.
If your toilet overflows, either it is blocked, or the water is coming from upstairs. If it is blocked, then
only the water from your toilet will overflow and nothing more. Use a plunger and see if you can get it
unblocked. If you do not know how to use a plunger, or plunging does not seem to unblock it, report it
to Housing & Residence Life or the RA on Duty.
If the toilet overflows and water continue to come out of the toilet, even after the amount of water
that should have been in your toilet has already overflowed, or if water is coming out when no one
flushed the toilet, you may have a blockage at the main line for your building. This means that water is
coming out of your toilet from upstairs. Tell your immediate upstairs neighbors (both floors that are
above you if you are in a three-story building) not to use their sinks, showers, or toilets, until they hear
that it is okay, then get help from Housing and Residence Life or the RA on Duty.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Cooling your apartment is best achieved when all the doors (except bedroom) and windows are closed
while you are in your apartment. If you leave the machine in the onposition, its output of cold air
will gradually decrease until it is just a fan. Set your air conditioner on autoand talk with your
housemates or roommate about how cold you like your apartment. You may have to compromise to
find a temperature that works for everyone. You can save energy by leaving your air conditioner off
when no one is home and closing your shades during the day.
Your heater is designed to work with the doors and windows closed. You can save energy by leaving
your heater off when no one is home. Talk with your housemates or roommate about how warm you
like your apartment. You may have to compromise to find a temperature that works for everyone.
11. Common Housing Acronyms
ASIAssociated Students Incorporated: Cal State LA student government
ACRApartment Condition Report: This report is provided when you move into your apartment so
that you can document what your apartment looked like prior to your arrival. You should check the
ACR through the Housing portal for any discrepancies. Note those discrepancies in a message through
the portal, if applicable. within 48 hours of moving in.
RCRRoom Condition Report: This report is provided when you move into your apartment so that you
can document what your apartment looked like prior to your arrival. You should check the RCR for any
discrepancies. Note those discrepancies through the Housing portal, if applicable. Return the RCR to
the Housing Office within 48 hours of moving in.
CC Community Center: Center located in Phase I wherein you can check out equipment to play
RAResident Assistant: Student staff member who provides peer counseling, advice and
programming, mediates roommate conflicts and enforces Housing and Residence Life policies.
RLCResidence Life Coordinator: Full-time professional staff who supervises the RAs, provides
counseling and advice, mediates roommate conflicts, coordinates programs, and hears conduct cases
for residents.
RHAResidence Hall Association: An organization made up of dedicated residents, who act as agents
of opportunity to promote a thriving academic and social environment while voicing the concerns of
the community. RHA helps develop leadership skills as well as intercultural and interpersonal growth.
They meet to discuss important issues in housing, plan events, activities and represent residents. You
are welcome to attend meetings and encouraged to represent your community.
SVSouth Village
12. Off-Campus Local Services (Not Affiliated with the University)
In Case of Emergency
Off-campus Emergency
On-campus Emergency & Cal State
LA Campus Police
Los Angeles Fire Department
Health Centers & Hospitals
Cal State LA Health Center
Alhambra Hospital Medical Center
LAC + USC Medical Center
White Memorial Hospital
ACT-Alhambra Community Transit
Fiesta Taxi
LAX (Los Angeles Airport)
Prime Time Shuttle
SuperShuttle (General Information)
US Post Office
13. Commitment to Diversity, Non-Discrimination and Title IX
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
(OEDI) is committed to creating and maintaining a study and work
environment for individuals that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and
promoting equality of opportunity and respect for all by:
Removing barriers to employment and education
Developing policies and procedures that promote equality, inclusion and respect
Educating the campus community on subjects of unlawful harassment, discrimination, retaliation, Title
IX and diversity
Providing students, faculty and staff with information of their rights to file a complaint and providing
an avenue to promptly address complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment
Collaborating with Student Affairs, Athletics, Academic Affairs and Public Safety (Sexual Assault
Prevention & Services) to promote gender equity and Title IX compliance
Broadening pathways for access and success to our diverse community
Promoting acceptance, understanding and advocacy for the issues and needs of the underrepresented
members of the university.
Diversity at Cal State LA is more than a demographic study with positive results. The OEDI attempts to
transcend coexistence and celebrates the rich dimensions of diversity within each unique individual in our
Cal State LA adopts California State University’s policies and procedures as specified, whenever applicable.
Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination
The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation in its
education programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and
state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation in employment, as well as
all education programs and activities operated by the University (both on and off campus), and protect all
people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment
and sexual violence. Cal State LA adopted this CSU policy and procedure in Executive Order 1095
Title IX Detailed Information
For information on the following, please visit the Title IX website
Campus, Civil, and Criminal Consequences
Sexual Misconduct and Confidentiality Know Your Options
What You Can Do
Additional Resources