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Motor Accident Plan
Policy Wording
BMMAP 04.2022.2
Welcome to BEAM
Thank you for buying BEAM Insurance with Motor Accident Plan. Your Insurance is
administered by AA Insurance Services Limited. Our aim at AA Insurance Services
Limited (AAISL) is to combine value for money with peace of mind. The following
information includes everything you need to know about your Motor Accident Plan.
Alternatively, you can always contact our experienced customer services agents
who are there to help you. If you have any questions about your policy, please call
us on 0330 041 3684. If you are unfortunate enough to have need to use this policy,
call 0370 241 4539 where experienced claims staff will be there to guide and assist
you through every step of the claims process.
Who regulates us?
Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited (We) is an insurance
intermediary which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority,
registration number 310562. You can check this on The Financial Services
Register by visiting their website www.fca.org.uk or by contacting 0800 111 6768.
Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited, registered office: Fanum
House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA. England and Wales.
Company registration number 2414212.
What services do we provide?
We may ask you some questions to narrow down the selection of products that we
will provide details on. You will then need to make your own choice about how to
proceed. You will not receive advice or a recommendation from us.
What will you pay for our services?
Other than in the event of a cancellation (see Condition 5) you will not have to pay a
fee for our service. We will tell you about any other charges relating to any particular
insurance policy.
Would I receive compensation if West Bay Insurance Plc. were unable to pay a
The insurer of Motor Accident Plan is West Bay Insurance Plc. who are covered
by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled
to compensation from the scheme if West Bay Insurance Plc. cannot meet its
obligations. This would depend on the type of business, and your claim. For
insurance you are covered for 90% of the claim, without any upper limit. For
compulsory insurance (e.g. third-party motor) the claim is covered in full, without
any upper limit.
Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from the
FSCS at www.fscs.org.uk or telephone 0800 678 1100 or 0207 741 4100.
Demands and Needs
This policy meets the demands and needs of customers who require a cash payment
if they are injured following an accident in their car or in someone else’s car or if they
require a cash payment for every day spent in hospital following an accident in their
car or in someone else’s car.
Renewing Your cover
Each year we'll send your renewal terms. These may include renewing to a different
insurer if the Underwriter of new policies of Motor Accident Plan insurance has
changed during the year. If you do not wish your policy to renew, please call our
customer services team on 0330 041 3685.
Motor Accident Plan Definitions
Certain words and expressions used in this Policy have a specific meaning. To help
identify these We have printed them in bold and italics throughout.
Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited.
BEAM Car Insurance Policy
The motor insurance arranged by Automobile Association Insurance Services
Limited (which is taken out by You to cover a private car).
Accident / Accidental
A sudden and unforeseen event which occurs after the Policy start date (including
as a result of sickness or disease whilst driving an Insured Private Car in respect of
death only).
Shall mean a sudden, unexpected attack by a third party with deliberate intent
to cause Bodily Injury at an identifiable time and place in connection with a road
incident within the Territorial Limits.
The amount shown in the Table of Benefits.
Bodily Injury
Any injury which is caused by Accidental means or following Assault, and which
within 104 weeks from the date of the Accident or Assault shall, solely and
independently of any other cause, result in the Insured Person suffering Death,
Loss of Limb(s), Loss of Eye(s), Loss of Hearing, Loss of Speech, Permanent Total
Disablement, Total Organic Paralysis, Total Loss of Intellectual Capacity, Total
loss of use of Spinal Column, Loss (in relation to Hands, Feet, Thumbs, Fingers,
Toes and Internal Organs), Fractured bones, Facial scarring, Third degree burns,
Hospitalisation or requiring Physiotherapy or Counselling.
Certificate of Motor Insurance
The Policyholder's BEAM Car Insurance Policy certificate confirming the vehicle
and drivers insured, excesses, endorsements and limitations to the insurance, and
the start and end date of the insurance.
Shall mean the reimbursement of the cost of session(s) with a qualified counsellor
for stress or trauma caused by an Accident or Assault if referred by a Registered
Effective Time
Whilst travelling in, getting into or out of an Insured Private Car, which is
being driven by the Policyholder or any drivers insured under the BEAM Car
Insurance Policy.
Whilst working on an Insured Private Car or
Whilst in or around the Insured Private Car dealing with a road incident
immediately after a road incident has occurred.
The Policyholder only is also covered whilst travelling in, getting into or out
of any other insured private car within the UK.
Facial scarring
Means permanent scarring to the face, provided the scarring affects an area of one
square centimetre or more or is of at least two centimetres in length.
Fractured Bones
Means a complete break in the full thickness of the bone.
Group One – Pelvis, arm, leg, skull, vertebrae, jaw, knee, hand, or facial bones
excluding nose.
Group Two - Foot, shoulder blade, elbow, sternum, wrist, ankle, collar bone or
Group Three - Any other body part (including nose).
Shall mean any establishment which meets all of the following conditions; Operates
primarily for the reception care and treatment of injured or ill people as In-Patients.
Provides nursing services by registered or graduate nurses 24 hours a day.
Has at least one Registered Physician in attendance 24 hours a day.
Has permanent facilities for medical diagnosis, treatment and major surgery.
Holds a licence to operate as a Hospital where licensing is required.
Hospital Stay and Temporarily Disabling Injury Benefit
Shall mean the amount shown per day in the Table of Benefits. This is payable
for the first period of Hospitalisation of between 6 and 24 hours and for each
full day thereafter of Hospitalisation or during which a Bodily Injury prevents an
Insured Person from working or carrying out daily activities as confirmed by a
Registered Physician, up to a maximum of 180 days. Durations of less than 6 hours
of Hospitalisation will not be eligible for payment.
Shall mean the admission of an Insured Person into a Hospital for treatment as
an In-Patient on the advice of and under the regular care and attendance of a
Registered Physician.
Shall mean any Insured Person who has been admitted to a Hospital and for whom
a case record has been opened.
Insured Person(s)
The Policyholder, drivers insured under the BEAM Car Insurance Policy and any
Insured Private Car
Any private car covered by the BEAM Car Insurance Policy.
Loss of Eye(s)
Shall mean the permanent and total loss of sight, which shall be considered as
having occurred:
(a) in both eyes if the Insured Person's name is added to the Register of Blind
Persons on the authority of a fully qualified ophthalmic specialist.
Motor Accident Plan
Policy Wording
BMMAP 04.2022.2
(b) in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after correction is 3/60 or less on the
Snellen scale (meaning the Insured Persons see at 3 feet what they should see at
60 feet).
Loss of Hearing
Total, permanent and irrecoverable Loss of Hearing.
Loss of Limb(s)
Shall mean the permanent and complete Loss of a Limb or Limbs by physical
separation at or above the wrist or ankle or the permanent and complete loss of use
of a limb or limbs.
Loss of Speech
Total, permanent and irrecoverable Loss of Speech.
Loss (in relation to Hands, Feet, Thumbs, Fingers, Toes and Internal Organs)
Shall mean the permanent and complete loss by physical separation or the
permanent and complete loss of use.
Finger(s) - A Finger of a Hand
Foot (Feet) - All the Toes of a Foot
Hand(s) - All the Fingers and the Thumb of a Hand
Internal Organs Group One - Lung, Kidney(s), Liver, Large Intestine, Small
Intestine, Stomach and Bladder
Internal Organs Group Two - Spleen, Gallbladder and Pancreas
Thumb(s) - The Thumb or Thumbs
Toe(s) - A Toe of the Foot
Period of Cover
As defined on the Certificate of Motor Insurance. Not to exceed 12 months from the
Policy start date.
Permanent Total Disablement
Shall mean disablement caused other than by Loss of Limb, Eye, Hearing or
Speech, which has lasted for 52 consecutive weeks and will in all probability
prevent the Insured Person from engaging in gainful employment of any and every
kind for the remainder of their life.
Shall mean the reimbursement of costs for treatment by a registered physiotherapist
for Bodily Injury, including whiplash, for up to 5 sessions, of up to £150 each.
Shall mean this Motor Accident Plan Policy of insurance.
Policyholder / You / Your BEAM Insurance
Customer who has paid or agreed to pay the required premium and is noted on the
Certificate of Motor Insurance.
Registered Physician
Means a medical practitioner with medical qualifications accepted by the General
Medical Council and who is registered by that body.
Territorial Limits
As specified in Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy.
Third degree burns
Shall mean a full thickness burn or burns (third degree) covering more than 10% of
the body surface.
Shall mean West Bay Insurance Plc. (FCA No. 211787) who is licensed and regulated
by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Companies
Act 1987 of Gibraltar and is a member of the UK’s Financial Services Compensation
Scheme. West Bay Insurance Plc. is registered in Gibraltar under company number
84085 and their registered office is situated at 846-848, Europort, Gibraltar. This
can be checked on the Financial Services register by visiting the FCA’s website at
www.fsa.gov.uk/register/firmSearchForm.do or www.fca.org.uk/register which
includes a register of all the firms they regulate, or by contacting them on 0800 111
We / Us / Our
Shall mean Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited.
Your contract of insurance
This Policy wording constitutes the legally binding contract of insurance between
the Policyholder and the Underwriters.
Insurance has been effected between West Bay Insurance Plc. and You the
Policyholder. The Underwriters have agreed to insure You subject to the terms,
conditions and exclusions contained in this Policy wording against such liability loss
or damage that may occur during any period of insurance for which You have paid or
agreed to pay the premium.
Motor Accident Plan
What is covered?
If an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury during the Effective Time and within the
Territorial Limits, the Underwriters agree to pay the Benefit to the Insured Person
provided that such Bodily Injury is sustained during the Period of Cover.
Table of Benefits
Bodily Injury Policyholder
Amount Payable
Other Insured
Amount Payable
1. Accidental death £100,000 £60,000
2. Loss of Limb or Limbs £100,000 £60,000
3. Loss of Eye or Eyes £100,000 £60,000
4. Loss of Hearing £100,000 £60,000
5. Loss of Speech £100,000 £60,000
6. Permanent Total Disablement £100,000 £60,000
7. Total organic paralysis £100,000 £60,000
8. Total loss of intellectual capacity £100,000 £60,000
9. Total loss of use of Spinal column £30,000 £20,000
10. Loss of or loss of use of
One Hand or one Foot £30,000 £20,000
A Thumb £15,000 £10,000
A Finger £6,000 £4,000
A big Toe £15,000 £10,000
Any other Toe £1,500 £1,000
Internal Organs Group One £15,000 £10,000
Internal Organs Group Two £7,500 £5,000
11. Fractured Bones
Group One £1,500 £1,000
Group Two £750 £500
Group Three £300 £200
12. Facial Scarring £1,500 £1,000
13. Third Degree Burns £7,500 £5,000
14. Physiotherapy £750 £750
15. Counselling £250 £250
16. Hospital Stay and Temporarily
Disabling Injury Benefit *
£60 £40
* This benefit is limited to a maximum of 180 days.
Payment of Benefits
a) If payment is due under more than one item 1 to 15 above as a result of any one
Accident for each Insured Person the total amount payable shall be calculated
by adding together the amounts due under each item subject to a maximum
payment of £100,000 (for the Policyholder) and £60,000 (for any other Insured
Persons). Any payment made under item 16 will be in addition to any payment
due under items 1 to 15.
b) Therefore the maximum amount payable per Accident shall be limited to an
amount equivalent to:
£100,000, plus
£60,000 multiplied by the number of passenger seats in the Insured Private
Car, Plus
The total number of seats in the Insured Private Car multiplied by the
maximum Hospital Stay and Temporarily Disabling Injury Benefit for each
Insured Person
c) In the event that the number of Insured Private Car occupants at the time
of an Accident exceeds the number of occupants the Insured Private Car is
designed to carry and the sum of the individual amounts exceeds the maximum
amount payable per Accident, all individual payment amounts shall be reduced
proportionally so that in total they equal the maximum amount payable per
Accident defined above.
d) If an Insured Person is under 16 years of age, Benefit 1 - Accidental Death, will
be £7,500.
Making a claim
When an Accident occurs and You need to make a claim under this Policy You
First check Your Policy carefully to make sure that Your claim is valid.
Remember to check the general exclusions which apply to Your Motor Accident
Then phone 0370 241 4539.
You will then be contacted in writing for further information relating to Your
claim. You will be required to respond to the Underwriters in writing as soon
as reasonably possible. The Underwriters shall be allowed, at its own expense
and upon 30 days notice to You, to have a medical examination of the Insured
Person. If any claim submitted under this Policy is deemed to be in any respect
false or fraudulent, the Underwriters shall be under no liability to make any
payment in respect of such a claim.
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Motor Accident Plan
Policy Wording
BMMAP 04.2022.2
Automatic Renewal
If You're paying through Our instalment account over 12 months, and have agreed to
allow Us to automatically renew Your Policy each year, at the end of each 12 month
period We will write to confirm if We can automatically renew Your cover. If We are
able to do this, unless We hear from You and as long as Your BEAM Car Insurance
Policy is also being renewed, Your cover will automatically be renewed. We will
send You an important notice of any changes that apply to Your Policy wording.
We will advise You of the premium and the new monthly instalments that You will
have to pay and any changes to cover will take effect at renewal.
If You are paying by credit card and have agreed to allow Us to collect the renewal
premium automatically each year, then unless We hear from You, and as long as
Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy is also being renewed, We will renew Your cover
automatically at the end of the 12-month period. Prior to doing this We will send a
written reminder of the premium that You will have to pay and an important notice
of any changes that apply to Your Policy wording.
If You wish to stop Your Policy from automatically renewing, please contact Us to
let Us know.
You can contact Us by:
Online: www.beam.co.uk/contact-us/stop-auto-renew
Phone: 0330 041 3685
Post: Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited,
Q3 Quorum Business Park,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE12 8EX
1. Applicable Contract Law
English law will apply to this Policy and English Courts shall have jurisdiction
unless before it is issued, the Underwriters make a written agreement saying
2. Interest
No interest shall accrue or be payable on any Benefit paid or payable.
3. Interpretation
Any word or expression to which specific meaning has been attached shall bear
the same meaning wherever it appears. All Certificates of Cover are issued under
the Terms, Definitions, Provisions, Exclusions and Conditions of this Policy.
The Underwriters shall not be liable in respect of any claim:
4.1 Directly or indirectly resulting from:
4.1.1 War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or
not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection or military or usurped power and any
act of terrorism.
4.1.2 The Insured Person committing, or attempting to commit suicide or
intentional self-injury.
4.1.3 Motor racing, rallies, competitions, speed tests or the like.
4.1.4 The Insured Person being under the influence of, or being affected by
alcohol or drugs, other than drugs taken under the direction of a qualified
medical practitioner.
4.1.5 Sickness or disease (not resulting from Accidental Bodily Injury), any
naturally occurring condition or degenerative process or any gradual
decline in physical health.
4.1.6 The Insured Person being admitted to any of the following; a mental
institution, an establishment primarily for the treatment of psychiatric
conditions, drug addiction or alcoholism, the psychiatric unit of any
Hospital or nursing home, rest or convalescence home.
4.2 Where the Insured Person has attained the age of 81 years on or before the date
of the Accident or Assault.
4.3 Involving the Insured Person's use of vehicles other than the Insured Private
Procedures are explained below dependent on who invokes cancellation. Please
note that if You cancel Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy as defined above or it is
cancelled by AAISL or the Underwriters of Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy for
any reason then Your Motor Accident Plan shall automatically be cancelled on the
same date. In all cases the Certificate of Motor Insurance must be returned to
a) You
If You need to cancel Your Policy contact AAISL on 0330 041 3684 or write to
Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited, Q3 Quorum Business Park,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 8EX.
You will, for a period of 14 days from the date You receive the Policy
documentation or the start date of the Policy (whichever is later), have a right to
cancel this Policy and receive a refund of the premium paid. Such refund will be
subject to a charge for the Period of Cover You have received. Where cover has
not commenced prior to the end of this 14 day period, You will be entitled to a full
No refund will be allowed if a claim has been made or has arisen under this
Beyond the 14 day period, You may cancel this Policy at any time but no refund
will be provided to You. If You have chosen to pay Your annual premium by
instalments You must continue to pay Your monthly direct debit.
b) AAISL (Instalment Defaults)
If You are paying for Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy and Motor Accident Plan
Policy by instalments You irrevocably authorise AAISL, as Your agent, at AAISL's
discretion to cancel both Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy and Your Motor
Accident Plan Policy following and in accordance with any default notice sent to
You. You also irrevocably authorise AAISL to receive any refund of premium due
on Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy (Motor Accident Plan Policy premium being
non-refundable) and apply it to pay or reduce any sums owed to AAISL including
commission (up to a maximum of £75) paid by the Insurer to AAISL in relation
to these and any outstanding premium due on this Motor Accident Plan Policy.
Please see the terms and conditions of Your BEAM Car Insurance Policy for
details as to the circumstances in which a refund may be payable on that policy
If Your Motor Accident Plan Policy is cancelled under this paragraph (b), as per
paragraph (a) no refund of premium on this Motor Accident Plan Policy will be
due and you will still owe AAISL any policy premium for this Motor Accident Plan
Policy which remains unpaid. You must therefore pay the sum You owe to AAISL
contained in the default notice in full.
c) The Underwriters or AAISL (excluding instalment default cancellations)
The Underwriters or AAISL may cancel this insurance by sending at least seven
days written notice to Your last known address. A full pro rata premium refund
will be allowed from the date of cancellation, no deduction will be made for
commission and a refund will be allowed regardless of whether a claim has been
made under the Policy.
The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
Save for the rights granted to AAISL under this contract any person or company
who is not a party to this contract does not have any rights they can enforce under
this contract by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 except
those they have by law.
Contact Information
Renewal helpline
You can contact Us by:
Phone: 0330 041 3685
Post: Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited
Q3 Quorum Business Park,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE12 8EX
Customer services feedback
0330 041 3688 - Please talk to Us
We'd like to know what You think about the service We give You. Please let Us
know if You have any suggestions or feedback for Us.
Customer services helpline
0330 041 3684 - For help or to ask any questions. We'll be happy to explain any
part of this Policy or make changes to Your personal details.
Please remember, You'll need the policy number each time You contact Us.
Motor Accident Plan
Policy Wording
BMMAP 04.2022.2
If You need to complain
We aim to provide You with a high level of service at all times. However, there may
be a time when You feel that Our service has fallen below the standard You expect.
If this is the case and You want to complain, We will do Our best to try and resolve
the situation. Our AA Complaints team handle complaints for both our AA and
BEAM customers.
a) There are several ways You can contact Us:
Phone: 0330 041 3688
AA Insurance Complaints,
Q3 Quorum Business Park,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE12 8EX
We will either acknowledge Your complaint within 5 working days of receipt, or
offer You Our final response if We have concluded Our investigations within this
If We acknowledge Your complaint, We will advise You who is dealing with it and
when We expect to respond. We aim to respond fully within 8 weeks. However, if
We are unable to provide a final response within this period We will write to You
before this time and advise why We have not been able to offer a final response and
how long We expect Our investigations to take.
If You remain unhappy with Our final response, or We have not managed to provide
a final response within 8 weeks of Your complaint, You may be entitled to refer Your
complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service for help and advice.
b) There are several ways You can contact them:
0800 0234 567 or 0300 1239 123
Insurance Division, The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
This complaints procedure does not affect Your statutory rights.
Use of personal information
Please refer to the wording under Your BEAM Car Insurance policy booklet for
information on the use of Your personal data.