Revised / May 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding “Broker-Associate” Affiliation Notification
The purpose of the FAQs included below are to provide up-to-date information following the latest
changes to the Real Estate Law concerning broker-associates. In September of 2016, the California
Legislature passed and the Governor subsequently signed Assembly Bill 2330 (“AB 2330”).
Among other things, AB 2330 requires that whenever a real estate broker acting in the capacity of
a salesperson (i.e. a broker-associate) enters into an agreement under another real estate broker or
corporation, the responsible broker shall immediately notify the Commissioner of this arrangement
in writing. The bill also requires that whenever the affiliation of a broker-associate terminates, the
responsible broker shall immediately notify the Commissioner in writing.
The following FAQs collectively provide the latest information in response to some of the most
commonly posed questions related to broker-associates following the signing of AB 2330.
Q. Who is a broker-associate?
A. A broker-associate is an individual licensed as a real estate broker, but who works in the capacity
of a salesperson for another responsible broker or corporation.
Q. What is a responsible broker?
A. “Responsible broker” means the broker responsible for the exercise of control and supervision
of a salesperson, or a licensee subject to discipline under subdivision (h) of Business and
Professions Code Section 10177 for failure to supervise activity requiring a real estate license.
The supervision of a salesperson required under this part or any other law is limited to
regulatory compliance and consumer protection. It should be clarified that the responsible
broker could either be an individual broker or corporation depending on the broker-
associate’s affiliation.
Q. Am I allowed to continue to work as an independent broker while affiliated as a broker-
A. Yes, under the Real Estate Law, a broker-associate can work in the capacity of a salesperson
for another responsible broker(s) and also work as an independent broker. However, an
affiliation agreement signed by the responsible broker and the broker-associate may prohibit
such activity.
Revised / May 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding “Broker-Associate” Affiliation Notification
Q. What form do I use to affiliate myself with a responsible broker?
A. The Department has created form RE 215-Broker-Associate Affiliation Notification for the sole
purpose of affiliations and terminations of broker-associates. Brokers not operating as broker-
associates should continue to use form RE 204-Broker Change Application for changes of
mailing or main office addresses, updating contact information, or additions or cancelations of
fictitious business names, or for certain transactions use eLicensing.
Q. As a broker-associate, can I work for multiple real estate brokers?
A. Yes, a broker-associate can work in the capacity of a salesperson for another broker or brokers
while also working as an independent broker as long as this activity is permitted under the
affiliation agreement signed by the applicable parties.
Q. As a broker-associate, can I work for a real estate corporation?
A. Yes, a broker-associate can work in the capacity of a salesperson for another licensed real estate
corporation or corporations as long as it is permitted under the affiliation agreement signed by
the applicable parties.
Q. I am a licensed officer of a corporation, and do not hold an individual broker license. Can
I work as a broker-associate for another broker?
A. Unfortunately, if you do not hold an individual broker license, you may only perform acts that
require a license on behalf of the real estate corporation for which you are a licensed officer.
Q. I am a licensed broker and currently do not have a main office address associated with
my license. Do I need to add a main office address to my individual broker’s license prior
to working in a broker-associate capacity for another broker?
A. Yes. Prior to working in a broker-associate capacity for another broker, and engaging in
activities for which a real estate license is required, you must have a main office address on
file with DRE. A main office address can be added to your individual broker’s license by either
submitting form RE 204-Broker Change Application or using eLicensing.
Revised / May 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
Regarding “Broker-Associate” Affiliation Notification
Q. I am a responsible broker and intend to affiliate another broker, in a broker-associate
capacity. The broker-associate will be performing acts that require a license, under my
supervision, from their main office location. Am I required to add the broker-associate’s
main office location as a branch location to my broker’s license?
A. Yes. You would be required to add the broker-associate’s main office location as a branch office
location to your broker’s license.
Q. I am a broker currently working in a broker-associate capacity for another broker. Am
I required to add every office location currently listed under my responsible broker’s
license to my broker’s license as either a main or branch office location?
A. No. Commissioner’s Regulation 2728.5 states, a real estate broker acting in the capacity of a
salesperson (broker-associate) to another broker under written agreement may perform acts for
which a license is required on behalf of the responsible broker at any place of business at which
the responsible broker is currently licensed to perform acts for which a real estate license is
Q. I have been working in a broker-associate capacity for a responsible broker for several
years. Am I required to submit a Broker-Associate Affiliation Notification form to the
Department, and if so, what date do I identify as the “Broker-Associate affiliation date”?
A. A broker-associate whose affiliation with a responsible broker commenced prior to January 1,
2018, is subject to the notification requirements set forth in AB 2330, and therefore, is required
to submit a RE 215 Broker-Associate Affiliation Notification form to the Department
confirming this affiliation. The affiliation date to be provided by the responsible broker on
the RE 215 should reflect the date identified on the affiliation agreement maintained by the
responsible broker.
Q. If I am the designated officer of a corporation, can I be a broker-associate for the same
corporation as well?
A. No. Since a broker-associate works in the capacity of a salesperson, a broker-associate cannot
also be the designated officer of the same corporation at the same time.