1 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Business / Technical Brief
When to Use Oracle Database
Identifying Use Cases for Application Acceleration
March, 2022, Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates
2 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Purpose statement
This document provides an overview of Database In-Memory, enumerates high-level use cases, and explains the scenarios
under which it provides a performance benefit. It is intended solely to give you some general guidelines so that you can
determine whether your use case is a good match for this exciting new technology.
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3 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Table of contents
Purpose statement 2
Disclaimer 2
Executive Overview 4
Introducing Database In-Memory 4
How Does Database In-Memory Improve Performance 5
High-Level Use Cases for Database In-Memory 6
Data Warehouse Systems 6
Enterprise OLTP Systems 7
Understanding Your Application 7
Areas that Benefit from Database In-Memory 8
Areas that do not benefit from Database In-Memory 8
What Types of Queries Benefit from Database In-Memory 9
Powering the Real-Time Enterprise
4 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Executive Overview
Oracle Database In-Memory is an unprecedented breakthrough in Oracle database performance, offering incredible
performance gains for a wide range of workloads. Oracle Database In-Memory can provide orders of magnitude performance
improvements for analytics workloads, as well as substantial improvements for mixed-workload Enterprise OLTP applications.
This document briefly introduces Database In-Memory, enumerates high-level use cases, and explains the scenarios under
which it provides a performance benefit. The purpose of this document is to give you some general guidelines so that you can
determine whether your use case is a good match for this exciting new technology.
Introducing Database In-Memory
Database In-Memory features a highly optimized
In-Memory Column Store
(IM column store) maintained alongside the
existing buffer cache as depicted below in Figure 1. The
primary purpose
of the IM column store is to accelerate column-
oriented data accesses made by
analytic operations
. It is similar in spirit to having a conventional index (for analytics) on every
column in a table. However, it is much more lightweight than a conventional index, requiring no logging, or any writes to the
database. Just as the performance benefit to an application from conventional indexes depends on the amount of time the
application spends accessing data in the tables that are indexed, the benefit from the IM column store also depends on the
amount of time the application spends on data access for analytic operations. It is therefore important to understand the basic
characteristics of your application to determine the potential benefits from Database In-Memory.
Figure 1: Dual format in-memory database with new in-memory column store
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How Does Database In-Memory Improve Performance
The IM column store includes several optimizations for accelerated query processing. These are described in detail in the
Database In-Memory Technical Brief so only a brief overview is provided here.
There are four basic architectural elements of the column store that enable orders of magnitude faster analytic query
1. Compressed columnar storage: Storing data contiguously in compressed column units allows an analytic query to scan
only data within the required columns, instead of having to skip past unneeded data in other columns as would be needed
for a row major format. Columnar storage therefore allows a query to perform highly efficient sequential memory
references while compression allows the query to optimize its use of the available system (processor to memory)
2. Vector Processing: In addition to being able to process data sequentially, column organized storage also enables the use of
vector processing
. Modern CPUs feature highly parallel instructions known as
vector instructions
. These instructions can
process multiple values in one instruction – for instance, they allow multiple values to be compared with a given value
(e.g. find sales with State = “California”) in one instruction. Vector processing of compressed columnar data further
multiplies the native scan speed obtained via columnar storage resulting in scan speeds exceeding tens of billions of rows
per second, per CPU core.
3. In-Memory Storage Indexes: The IM column store for a given table is divided into units known as
Compression Units
(IMCUs) that typically represent a large number of rows (typically around a half million rows). Each
IMCU automatically records the min and max values for the data within each column in the IMCU, as well as other
summary information regarding the data. This metadata serves as an
In-Memory Storage Index
: For instance, it allows an
entire IMCU to be skipped during a scan when it is known from the scan predicates that no matching value will be found
within the IMCU.
4. In-Memory Optimized Joins and Reporting: As a result of massive increases in scan speeds, the Bloom Filter operator
(introduced earlier in Oracle Database 10g) can be commonly selected by the optimizer. With the Bloom Filter
optimization, the scan of the outer (dimension) table generates a compact Bloom filter which can then be used to greatly
reduce the amount of data processed by the join from the scan of the inner (fact) table. And with In-Memory, Bloom filter
evaluation can run an order of magnitude faster thanks to vector processing. Similarly, an optimization known as
Group By
can be used to reduce a complex aggregation query on a typical star schema into a series of filtered scans against
the dimension and fact tables.
5. Unique Features on Exadata: Database In-Memory on Exadata provides the ability to automatically enable data to be
encoded in the Smart Flash Cache of the Storage Servers using the same in-memory columnar formats as those used in the
database tier. Exadata also enables the ability to duplicate objects in the Database In-Memory Column Store, a feature
known as In-Memory Fault Tolerance. In the event of a node failure, duplicated objects will still be available in a
surviving node's column store thus preserving analytic query performance. Further, when either the primary or the
Active Data Guard standby database is on an Exadata Database machine, Database In-Memory can be used to further
accelerate reporting queries on the Active Data Guard standby. Together, these three unique to Exadata Database In-
Memory features, along with the ability to exploit Exadata's unique hardware features, represents the best platform for
running Database In-Memory.
Apart from accelerating queries, Database In-Memory has the ability to speed up DML operations or writes to the database
with the ability to replace analytic Indexes: Since the IM column store enables superfast analytics, it is possible to drop
conventional indexes used only to accelerate analytic queries. Avoiding costly index maintenance allows update/insert/delete
operations to be an order of magnitude faster. As stated earlier, the IM column store is a purely in-memory structure, and
maintaining it has very low overhead.
6 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
The following table summarizes the key application design principles for maximizing the benefits of Database In-Memory.
None of these principles are new, but they are even more important to follow when using Database In-Memory because of the
incredible speedup it provides for analytic data access.
Table 1: General Guidelines for Maximizing the Benefits of Database In-Memory
Rule 1
Process Data in the Database, not in the
Instead of reading rows out of the
database into the application in order to
compute a metric such as a total or an
average, it is far more efficient to push
that computation down into the database.
This is especially true with Database In-
Memory, since the benefits of processing
within the database are much higher.
Rule 2
Process Data in Sets, not Row by Row
This rule is generally applicable to any
analytics workload since the costs of
database entry and exit are amortized by
the number of rows processed. Since the
Database In-Memory Option can process
billions of rows per second, it is important
to give the database enough data to
process on each invocation.
Rule 3
Use Representative Optimizer statistics
Plan differences can make a huge
difference to the performance of a query
especially when the in-memory access
paths can provide orders of magnitude
faster performance. To ensure that you
have optimal plans, follow Oracle’s
recommended best practices for gathering
a representative set of statistics.
Rule 4
When Possible, Use Parallel SQL
With Database In-Memory, IO
bottlenecks are alleviated and CPU time
dominates the overall execution profile.
Parallelism is essential to maximize
performance, using all available CPU
cores for In-Memory processing. This is
especially true in an Oracle Real
Application Cluster environment, where
Auto DOP is needed to fully utilize all
available CPU cores across the cluster.
High-Level Use Cases for Database In-Memory
As depicted in Figure 2 below, Database In-Memory can be used both within Enterprise OLTP systems and within Data
Warehouses for real time analytics.
Data Warehouse Systems
For Data Warehouses, Database In-Memory can significantly improve the performance of analytics and reporting on data that
can be accommodated within the IM column store, such as on table partitions representing relatively near-term data.
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Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Tables within the Foundation layer and within the Access layer can leverage Database In-Memory. Due to the
massive performance gains for queries on in-memory tables within the Foundation layer, it may be possible to
eliminate indexes and other summary objects such as (pre-computed cubes) from the Access layer.
Database In-Memory is particularly applicable to data marts. Pre-computed summaries and aggregates (such as Key
Performance Indicators), can usually be stored easily within memory.
Note: Database In-Memory is not useful for the ETL or Staging layer where data tends to be written and read only once.
Enterprise OLTP Systems
Enterprise OLTP systems (those running packaged ERP, CRM, HCM applications such as Siebel, Peoplesoft, JD Edwards, etc.)
typically include a mixture of both OLTP transactions and periodic analytic reporting. In these systems, Database In-Memory
can be used for real-time reporting against the base OLTP data. As stated earlier, the IM column store can potentially replace
analytic indexes in these systems with significant speedups for OLTP DML operations.
Removing analytic indexes results in many system-wide benefits, e.g. it reduces the total size of the database resulting in
reduced storage requirements and faster backups. Analytic index removal also improves buffer cache hit rates, reduces overall
redo and undo generation rates, and reduces the total I/O to the database.
Note: For specialized pure OLTP systems such as real-time trading or real-time telecommunications applications that do not
have an Analytics component, there is no benefit from Database In-Memory. For such systems, the Oracle TimesTen In-
Memory Database may be a better choice if the data can be stored in-memory.
Figure 2: Use cases for Database In-Memory within the Enterprise
Understanding Your Application
Once there is a high-level match between Database In-Memory and your use case, it is important to understand where your
application bottleneck is (i.e. where it spends the majority of its time) in order for you to be able to estimate overall benefits
from Database In-Memory. The abstract pie chart shown in Figure 3 below depicts a typical application time profile.
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Areas that Benefit from Database In-Memory
As described above, Database In-Memory provides optimizations for dramatically faster Analytic queries. Therefore the
following workload time components potentially benefit from Database In-Memory (marked with a (*) in the pie chart):
Data Access for Analytics and Reporting
: This is the core value proposition of Database In-Memory, to enable orders of
magnitude faster analytic data access.
Analytic Index Maintenance
: Database In-Memory often enables analytic indexes to be dropped, and eliminating the
maintenance of these indexes improves overall application performance.
Figure 3: Abstract Time Profile for a Typical Application
Areas that do not benefit from Database In-Memory
As the pie chart shows, there are a number of other workload components that do not benefit since they are unrelated to
analytic data access or indeed, to any aspect of SQL execution. The same Oracle Database best practices that have been in
vogue prior to the existence of Database In-Memory still apply when minimizing the time spent in these areas.
Application Time
: Time within the application is unaffected by optimizations within the database. Application–specific
optimizations, including pushing more work into the database (as stated earlier in Table 1), are required to minimize this
Network communication between client and database
: This is not affected by how fast the database runs. Standard
techniques for reducing this time include using batched or array execution when possible to amortize the cost of database
Logon and Logoff
: Database connect / disconnect can be expensive, including the cost of authentication, process creation /
teardown, etc. This time is completely unrelated to data processing. Standard techniques for minimizing this include
keeping connections open and reusing connections when possible (e.g. connection pools).
PL/SQL execution
SQL function
Data Access -
OLTP queries
OLTP Index
Data Writes
(DML)- Database
Analytic Index
Maintenance (*)
Data Access -
Analytics and
Reporting (*)
9 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Parse Time
: While Database In-Memory can make the execution of SQL statements much faster, it has no impact on the
time required to parse and optimize a SQL statement. Parse time should be minimized through common best practices by
using bind variables, keeping cursors open, using session cached cursors, etc.
The remaining areas that do not benefit from Database In-Memory are more fundamental to the application, and it is less
likely that they can be addressed without some application redesign:
PL/SQL and SQL function execution
: If the application spends most of its time within PL/SQL procedures, functions, or
within built-in or user-defined SQL functions, then the bottleneck is in computation, and not in analytic data access.
While Database In-Memory does accelerate the evaluation of many query predicate expressions as well as many
aggregation functions such as MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), etc., in general, a heavily compute-intensive application will benefit
less from Database In-Memory.
Data access by OLTP queries
: OLTP queries, characterized by highly selective lookups (e.g. by Primary Key) or simple
primary-foreign key joins, will not benefit from Database In-Memory. If a workload is dominated by this type of data
access, the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database may be a better match (if the data being accessed can fit in memory).
OLTP index maintenance
: Likewise, the indexes that are present in order to purely accelerate OLTP queries (such as
Primary / Foreign key indexes) or those required for referential integrity, are still necessary even if Database In-Memory
is used. Thus the time spent in maintaining these indexes remains unchanged with Database In-Memory. Again, Oracle
TimesTen may be a match for use cases dominated by this type of index access (if the data being accessed can be
accommodated in memory).
Writes to Database Tables
: The time spent on update/insert/delete DMLs against application tables will remain unchanged
whether the tables are in memory or not. An application that is extremely write-intensive, and bottlenecked on DML,
will be unlikely to benefit from Database In-Memory.
What Types of Queries Benefit from Database In-Memory
So far we have explained some of the high-level use cases for Database In-Memory, and shown an abstract breakdown of
application execution time to show what areas can benefit from Database In-Memory. It is also necessary to understand what
type of analytic queries benefit most from the IM column store since not all queries will benefit equally.
As a general rule of thumb: the greater the ratio of the total data accessed by a query to the data actually processed by the
query, the greater the potential benefit from Database In-Memory.
In Table 2, below, we enumerate various query properties that impact how much a query can benefit from Database In-
Memory. For each property, we show two queries that vary only in terms of the specified query property – showing one query
for which Database In-Memory provides a smaller benefit, and one for which it provides a larger benefit. This is not intended
to be a comprehensive list, rather to serve as a rough guide to help you understand what to look for when estimating the
benefits from in-memory execution.
For this we assume a simple star schema representing sales by an online marketplace: A single SALES fact table and various
dimension tables such as STORES, PRODUCTS, SHIPMENTS, CUSTOMERS, etc.
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Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Table 2: Typical Query Properties and how they impact the benefit from Database In-Memory
Query Property
Example Queries
Less Benefit
More Benefit
Number of columns selected
As more table columns are selected
by a query, column-stitching costs
start to dominate, reducing the
SELECT revenue FROM Sales;
Less benefit since the query selects
all columns
More benefit since the query selects
only 1 column
Number of values returned
The greater the number of values
returned by a query, the smaller
the IM benefit, because returning
data back to the client will
dominate the costs.
SELECT revenue
FROM Sales;
FROM Sales;
Less benefit since the query returns
a value for each row in the table
back to the application
More benefit since the query
returns only one value even though
it scans all rows in the table
Selectivity of column predicates
A more selective column predicate
enables more filtering on the scan
results, and reduces the amount of
data that intermediate query plan
nodes need to process. Selective
predicates can also leverage in-
memory storage indexes.
FROM Sales
WHERE revenue > 2;
WHERE revenue < 2;
Less benefit since most rows will
qualify (most sales are for items
priced higher than $2) and a larger
fraction of the query execution
time will be spent in calculating the
More benefit since fewer rows will
qualify and a smaller fraction of the
query execution time will be spent
in calculating the median.
Selectivity of Join Conditions
Similar to the above property, a
more selective join condition will
result in less data being processed
by the join. The Bloom filter
optimization, if it is used, will
greatly improve performance.
SELECT S1.id, S.revenue,
FROM Sales S,
Products P
WHERE S.prod_id=P.id;
SELECT S.id, S.revenue,
FROM Sales S,
Products P
WHERE S.prod_id=P.id
AND P.type='Footwear';
The above join will return a row for
all sales records since each sale has
a matching product. As a result the
query will spend more of its time
processing the join result.
This join will only return rows that
correspond to sales of footwear
products, a subset of total sales. The
above query can also potentially
leverage the Bloom filter
optimization that will build a
compact bit vector of footwear
product ids and apply it during the
scan of the Sales table.
Number of tables being joined
The greater the number of tables in
a join, the larger the percentage of
time spent in the join processing.
SELECT <select list>
FROM Sales, Products,
Customers, Shipments,
Stores, Suppliers,
WHERE <Join Condition>
SELECT <select list>
FROM Sales, Products,
WHERE <join condition>
The above query involves a join
between 7 tables and will spend
more time in join processing as a
fraction of the total execution time
and will benefit less with the tables
The above query involves a join
between 3 tables and will spend less
time in join processing as a fraction
of total execution time, and will
benefit more with the tables in-
Complexity of SQL functions
Queries involving computationally
expensive SQL functions will
benefit less from in-memory.
SELECT I.id, sum(revenue)
FROM Sales S, Items I
WHERE S.item_id=I.id
AND MyMatch(I.name,"LED
SELECT I.id, sum(revenue)
FROM Sales S, Items I
WHERE S.item_id=I.id
The above query will spend more
of in predicate evaluation using the
user defined function MyMatch( )
and benefit less from Database In-
The query will spend less time in
predicate processing by applying
the built-in string match LIKE
operator to each item and benefit
more from Database In-Memory.
11 Business / Technical Brief / When to Use Oracle Database In-Memory / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Powering the Real-Time Enterprise
Oracle Database In-Memory transparently extends industry-leading Oracle Database 12c with
columnar in-memory technology. Users get immediate answers to business questions that
previously took hours because highly optimized in-memory column formats and SIMD vector
processing enable analytics to run at a rate of billions of rows per second per CPU core.
Column format is optimal for analytics while row format is optimal for OLTP. Oracle Database In-
Memory uses both formats simultaneously to allow real-time analytics on both Data Warehouses
and OLTP databases. Indexes previously required for analytics can be dropped, accelerating mixed-
workload OLTP.
Deploying Oracle Database In-Memory with any existing Oracle Database-compatible application
is as easy as flipping a switch, no application changes are required. All of Oracle’s extensive
features, data types, and APIs continue to work transparently.
Oracle’s highly mature scale-up technologies enable application transparent In-Memory scale-up
on SMP computers with up to tens of terabytes of memory and thousands of CPU threads. Data is
analyzed at the enormous rate of hundreds of billions of rows per second with outstanding
efficiency and no feature limitations.
Oracle’s highly mature scale-out technologies enable application transparent In-Memory scale-out
across large clusters of computers with 100s of terabytes of memory and thousands of CPU threads.
Data is analyzed at the enormous rate of trillions of rows per second with no feature limitations.
Oracle’s renowned Availability and Security technologies all work transparently with Oracle
Database In-Memory ensuring extreme safety for mission critical applications. On Oracle
Engineered Systems, In-Memory fault tolerance duplicates in-memory data across nodes enabling
queries to instantly use an in-memory copy of data if a node fails.
Oracle Database In Memory does not mandate that all data must fit in memory. Frequently
accessed data can be kept In-Memory while less active data is kept on much lower cost flash and
The ability to easily perform real-time data analysis together with real-time transaction processing
on all existing applications enables organizations to transform into Real-Time Enterprises that
quickly make data-driven decisions, respond instantly to customer demands, and continuously
optimize all key processes.
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