In the event of an incident please call us immediately so we can help. 0333 220 2033
Your Car Insuance Guide
What to do in the event of an incident
We know it can be stressful if you or your vehicle are involved in an accident, so here are our helpful hints and tips of
what to do if you are ever involved in an accident:
1. Keep calm
Accidents are stressful, we are here to help!
2. Move to a safe location
Make sure you, your passengers and your vehicle are safe. Providing it is safe to do so, move your vehicle to a safe
location away from flowing traffic to avoid any further incidents.
3. Call 999
If anyone has been injured, call the emergency services straight away on 999. It is really important to prioritise the
safety of you and anyone else involved in the accident.
4. Swap details
It is important to take the following details from all those involved:
vehicle registrations, make and models
telephone number
insurance details
any injuries
contact details of any witnesses.
5. Do not take the blame
Even if you think the accident was your fault, do not take the blame. Our job is to investigate who is at fault for you.
6. Take photos
If possible and safe, take photos of all the vehicles involved, including your own, the accident location and any
road markings.
7. Contact us to recover your vehicle (Comprehensive customers only)
We will arrange for your vehicle to be collected from the accident site and deliver it to either an approved repairer,
your home or a safe place of storage, within a 30-mile radius. You and your passengers will also be moved away from
the accident site to the nearest local amenity, if it is not safe.
8. Let us look after you
You can either call us on 0333 220 2033 or visit to register your claim online as soon as it is safe
to do so. The sooner you get in touch, the quicker we can help you! Even if you do not intend on making a claim,
please notify us within 48 hours. Our claims handlers are experts in their field and will go the extra mile to get the
best result for you.
If you have had an accident abroad, please go to Section 5: Going abroad for more information.
Welcome to Admiral
This booklet outlines the details of your car insurance with us, whether you have a single car policy or insure one car
or more on a MultiCover policy.
Single Car policies
This booklet will let you know how your vehicle is covered by this policy. Please read this alongside your other
documentation to make sure you are familiar with all the terms of your policy.
Admiral MultiCover/MultiCar
Admiral MultiCover is designed to cover your car, van and home on a single policy. This policy may include multiple
cars (also known as MultiCar) or a combination of one or more vehicles and homes.
MultiCover is all about making things easier. It combines your existing car, van or home insurance and brings them
together under a standard 12-month policy with a single renewal date and policy number.
You get a set of documents for each car, van and/or home you insure under the policy. Please read these to make sure
you are familiar with all the terms of your policy.
The policy administrator
All policies must have a policy administrator.
Single car policy
If your policy is for just your car, you will be the policy administrator.
The policy administrator is responsible for all payments, including any made by another person. If there is any
overdue amount which needs to be paid, we will contact the policy administrator.
MultiCover policy
Each car, van or home insured under the MultiCover policy will have its own individual policyholder. The policy
administrator will be one of the individual policyholders, and they will be our main point of contact.
If the policy administrator removes their own vehicle or home from the MultiCover policy, they must appoint one of
the other individual policyholders to take over as the policy administrator.
The policy administrator can:
access all documentation, information and personal data relating to all policyholders included under this policy
nominate another policyholder to become the policy administrator
make any changes to all parts of the policy.
The policy administrator is responsible for all payments, whether those payments are made by individual
policyholders or any other person. If there is any overdue amount which needs to be paid, we will contact the
policy administrator.
The policy administrator is also responsible for making sure all individual policyholders have access to their policy
documents so they can check and amend the information if necessary.
For details of changes that individual policyholders and named drivers can make to MultiCover policies, please see
General condition 13.
Welcome to Admiral (cont.)
When taking out a new policy (which could be a whole new policy or adding a car, van or home to a MultiCover policy)
the policy administrator gives permission to anyone who can make changes (as set out in General condition 13,
Instructions) to assess and confirm the suitability of the policy. This person must consider the policy administrator’s
circumstances, and agree to tell them about changes to the policy and provide any further information if necessary to
confirm cover.
Your Car Insurance
This guide describes your car insurance. Please read it carefully along with your:
Certificate of Motor Insurance: this is evidence you have insurance that complies with the Road Traffic Act and
shows who can drive the insured vehicle and what it can be used for
Motor Proposal Confirmation: this records the information you gave at the start or renewal of your policy
Policy Schedule: this shows the insured vehicle, your level of cover and your excess details.
You will find these documents in your welcome/renewal pack, or with confirmation of a subsequent change. Please
check these as the information must be correct.
Your contract of insurance has been arranged for you by EUI Limited. You will enter into two separate agreements.
The first is an intermediary agreement with EUI Limited who are responsible for arranging and administering your
insurance policy. This is set out in ‘Your Agreement with EUI’ and covers EUI’s services, fees and charges.
The second agreement is this contract of insurance with the authorised insurers. The authorised insurers have agreed
to cover you, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this document, against any liability, loss, or damage
that arises due to the use of your vehicle during a period of insurance. The authorised insurers’ details appear on
your Certificate of Motor Insurance.
To make things easier, you only need to contact us (EUI Limited) to arrange everything with the authorised insurers
on your behalf.
Several Liability Notice
Your cover is provided by three authorised insurers, who have agreed to cover an agreed share of the costs should a
claim arise. No individual insurer is liable for any amount beyond their agreed share, but collectively your insurance
cover will amount to 100%.
Governing law
Unless we have agreed otherwise with you, this insurance is governed by English Law and all communication shall be
conducted in English.
Rights of third parties
This contract is between you and the authorised insurers. Unless otherwise stated in this contract nobody else has
any rights they can enforce under this contract, including under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999,
except those under the Road Traffic Act.
Your Car Insuance Guide
2 Your cover at a glance
4 Definitions
6 Section 1: Liability to other people
9 Section 2: Damage to your vehicle
12 Section 3: Windscreen damage
13 Section 4: Extra cover
16 Section 5: Going abroad
18 Section 6: Your No Claims Bonus
20 General exceptions
21 General conditions
28 Extra conditions
29 Comments and complaints
30 Privacy and Security Statement
Your Car Insuance Guide
Your Policy Schedule will show you the type of cover you have selected. Each vehicle you have insured will have its
own level of cover.
Suitability of product
The types of cover available are listed below with a short explanation to help you understand if the cover is suitable
for your needs.
Please be aware General conditions and General exceptions always apply. Extra conditions only apply if they appear
on your Policy Schedule.
Third Party Only
A Third Party Only policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party claims
that arise from the use of their vehicle.
Third Party Fire and Theft
A Third Party Fire and Theft policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party
claims that arise from the use of their vehicle and for damage caused by fire or theft.
Comprehensive Cover tiers
An Essential policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party claims that
arise from the use of their vehicle, for accidental damage and damage caused by fire and theft.
An Admiral policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party claims that
arise from the use of their vehicle, for accidental damage, damage caused by fire or theft and damage to the vehicles
A Gold policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party claims that arise
from the use of their vehicle, for accidental damage and damage caused by fire or theft. The policy also includes the
following additional benefits, Motor Legal Protection, increased personal belongings cover and onward travel after
an accident.
Please see the Motor Legal Protection policy book for additional terms and conditions relating to this cover including
an explanation of the demands and needs this product meets.
A Platinum policy meets the demands and needs of those who want to be insured against third party claims that
arise from the use of their vehicle, for accidental damage and damage caused by fire or theft. The policy also includes
the following additional benefits, Roadside Assistance Breakdown Cover, Motor Legal Protection, increased personal
belongings cover and onward travel after an accident.
Please see the Motor Legal Protection and Breakdown Cover policy books for additional terms and conditions relating
to this cover including an explanation of the demands and needs these products meet.
Your cover at a glance
Your Car Insuance Guide
Your cover at a glance (cont.)
How your policy works
Within the policy sections, we’ve included a guide to show whether certain policy benefits are included as standard,
optional, or not available with the level of cover you have chosen. The tables in the policy sections indicate this with
the following symbols.
Not Included
Below is an example of how the tables in individual sections will be set out.
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Example benefit
Your Car Insuance Guide
Whenever the following words are bold in this book, they will have the meaning given below:
Automated vehicle
A vehicle legally allowed to drive itself in Great Britain as defined by the Automated and
Electric Vehicle Act 2018.
Autonomous mode
A mode which allows the vehicle to drive itself legally, as allowed under the Automated
and Electric Vehicles Act 2018.
Cyber act
A malicious or criminal act affecting any computer system of a motor vehicle, including
but not limited to: computer virus, hacking, denial of service or unauthorised access,
corruption or deletion of data.
Cyber incident
An error, failure or unavailability affecting any computer system used by a motor vehicle.
The amount you must pay towards any claim. Your excess details are shown on your
Policy Schedule.
Hazardous goods
Any substance within the United Nations Hazard Classes (including any sub-division):
1. Explosives
2. Gases
3. Flammable liquids
4. Flammable solids
5. Oxidizing substances
6. Toxic and infectious substances
8. Corrosives
9. Miscellaneous.
Hazardous location
Power stations, nuclear installations or establishments, refineries, bulk storage
or production premises in the oil, gas or chemical industries or in the explosive,
ammunition or pyrotechnic industries, Ministry of Defence premises and military
bases, rail trackside or airport – other than on any road or parking area designated for
employee or visitor parking.
Market value
The cost of replacing your vehicle; with one of a similar make, model, year, mileage
and condition based on market prices immediately before the loss happened. Use of
the term ‘market’ refers to where your vehicle was purchased. This value is based on
research from industry recognised motor trade guides.
Any changes to your vehicle’s standard specification, including accessories and
additional parts, optional extras and aftermarket alterations, trade related changes
and parts.
Partner Your spouse, civil partner or a person you permanently live with at the same address,
sharing financial responsibilities, as if you were married to them.
Period of insurance
The length of time covered by this insurance, as shown on your current Certificate of
Motor Insurance.
Private motor car
A motor car manufactured to carry up to eight passengers, which is designed solely for
private use and has not been constructed or adapted to carry goods or loads.
Road Traffic Act(s)/
Road Traffic Law(s)
Any acts, laws or regulations, which govern the driving or use of any motor vehicle in
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Definitions (cont.)
Software updates which, if not installed, would mean it was unsafe to use your vehicle
without the updates being installed
Territorial limits
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, including travel
between any of these.
We, us, our and
EUI Limited.
You, your,
Any person named as the policyholder on a Certificate of Motor Insurance issued under
this policy.
Your vehicle
The vehicle displayed on the current Certificate of Motor Insurance, including its
standard accessories.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 1: Liability to other people
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Third party injury
Third party property damage
Trailer cover
Emergency medical treatment
Driving other cars
(Third party only cover)
Liability for charging cables
Your injuries in an automated vehicle in autonomous mode
1.1 Using your vehicle
You will be covered if you or anyone named on your Certificate of Motor Insurance cause an accident resulting in:
another person’s death or injury
damage to another person’s property – third party property damage losses are limited to £20,000,000 per event.
Towing a trailer
You get the cover described in this section while your vehicle is towing a single trailer or broken-down vehicle. Please
note damage to the trailer or broken-down vehicle or any items carried in them are not covered.
Business use
If your Certificate of Motor Insurance includes business use, the cover described in this section extends to liabilities
that arise when you use your vehicle for the purposes of your employment.
Cover for emergency medical treatment
We will pay for emergency treatment fees as set out in the Road Traffic Act.
Liability for charging cables
You get the cover described in this section if the charging cable connected to your vehicle caused an injury or any
property damage to a third party.
2. Cover for other people
We will also provide cover under section 1.1 for:
anyone named on your current Certificate of Motor Insurance, if they are driving with your permission
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 1: Liability to other people (cont.)
any passenger in your vehicle
anyone who is getting into or out of your vehicle.
3. Driving other cars
Your Certificate of Motor Insurance will confirm if you have this cover. Please check this before attempting to use
another vehicle.
The policyholder will be covered to drive another private motor car within the territorial limits. The cover is limited
to third party damages only.
This cover will apply when:
the other car is not a hire, rental or courtesy car
you don’t own the other car, or have it under a hire purchase or lease agreement
you have the owner’s permission to drive the car
there is a valid insurance policy in force for that car
you are not covered by any other insurance to drive it
your vehicle is not damaged beyond economic repair, stolen or sold
your vehicle has valid road tax and valid MOT certificate (if applicable)
your vehicle is within the territorial limits.
4. Automated vehicles
If your vehicle is an automated vehicle, this section is designed to let you know how your policy will work in the
event of a claim.
The cover in this section only applies to an automated vehicle used in Great Britain.
1. If your automated vehicle causes an accident on a road or other public place whilst in autonomous mode
We will cover:
Injuries or death of any person (including you or any other person named on your Certificate of Motor insurance
using the automated vehicle with your permission)
Damage to any property.
We will not cover:
Accidents which take place outside of Great Britain
Unlawful use of an Automated vehicle
Any loss or injury caused by a failure to install safety-critical software updates that you or any other
person named on your Certificate of Motor Insurance knows or ought to have reasonably known are safety-
critical software
Any loss or injury caused by alterations to your vehicle’s software by you or any other person named on your
Certificate of Motor Insurance, or with the insured person’s knowledge
Claims for damage to your vehicle. (If you are covered by Section 2, you may be able to make a separate claim for
damage to your vehicle)
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 1: Liability to other people (cont.)
Property which is owned or under the care of you or any other person named on your Certificate of Motor
Insurance using your vehicle at the time of the accident.
You may be covered for some of these exclusions under other sections of your policy please check your policy
carefully. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
2. If your vehicle is involved in an accident whilst not in autonomous mode please see the cover provided by 1.1.
3. You must:
Keep your vehicle’s safety-critical software up to date
Use and maintain your vehicle software in line with the manufacturer’s instructions
Not alter your vehicle in any way against the manufacturer’s instructions.
Failure to do so may affect the amount you are able to claim or result in your claim being refused.
If an accident occurs as a direct result of:
failure to install safety-critical software updates;
alterations to safety-critical software
any amount paid by us can be recovered from any person who knew or ought to have known of the failure to keep
your vehicle’s safety-critical software up to date or who knew of the alterations to your vehicle’s software.
5. What is not covered
1. Death or injury to anyone while they are working with or for the driver or policyholder of the vehicle except as
required by Road Traffic Law
2. Any property in your vehicle
3. Any property which belongs to or is in the care of the person driving your vehicle
4. Liability of more than £1,200,000 per event where loss or damage to third party property is caused or contributed
to by the carriage of hazardous goods.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 2: Damage to your vehicle
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Damage due to an accident
Damage due to fire, lightning, theft or attempted theft
Your vehicle’s charging cables
Electric vehicle battery cover
Uninsured driver promise
Lock replacement
Audio/visual/electronic – manufacturer equipment
Audio/visual/electronic – aftermarket equipment
1. Cover for your vehicle
If your vehicle is lost or damaged due to:
an accident
fire or lightning
theft or attempted theft
you will be covered for damage to:
your vehicle
your vehicle’s audio, visual or electronic equipment, as long as it is permanently fitted to your vehicle:
Manufacturer equipment is covered in full.
Aftermarket equipment is covered up to £1,250 or the market value of your vehicle, whichever is lower.
2. Electric Vehicles
If you have an electric vehicle we will also provide cover for your vehicle’s:
Charging cables
Electric and hybrid car batteries
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 2: Damage to your vehicle (cont.)
3. Uninsured Driver Promise
If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver and it was not your fault, your No Claims Bonus will not be
reduced, providing you can supply the make, model and registration number of the vehicle.
If your claim is not settled when your renewal is due, your No Claims Bonus may be reduced, and you may have to pay
a higher price. However, once we confirm the uninsured driver was at fault, we will reinstate your No Claims Bonus
and refund any additional premium you have paid as a result of your No Claims Bonus being reduced.
Once your claim is settled, we will refund any excess you have paid.
4. Lost or stolen keys
If you lose your vehicle’s keys, or any other ignition device, or they are stolen from somewhere other than your
vehicle, we will pay up to £500 towards the cost of replacing the locks and keys.
Once we agree to your claim, you must pay to have your locks and keys replaced and we will reimburse you up to
If you only claim under this benefit, you do not have to pay an excess and your No Claims Bonus will not be affected.
5. We will not pay:
1. The excess shown on your current Policy Schedule
2. For loss of or damage to your vehicle, where possession of it is gained by deception
3. For damage caused to your vehicle by driving it after an accident, unless necessary for safety
4. For wear and tear
5. For pre-accident damage or damage unrelated to the current loss
6. For any loss or damage caused by mechanical, electrical, electronic, cyber incident, computer failure, breakdown,
breakage or malfunction
7. For any loss in the market value of your vehicle as a result of it being damaged or stolen
8. To replace or repair any modifications. Please read in conjunction with General condition 12
9. For any loss or damage caused by using the incorrect type of fuel or failing to keep the correct amount of
lubricant in your vehicle
10. For any loss or damage to your vehicle caused or contributed to by the carriage of hazardous goods
11. For loss or damage if your vehicle has been seized or destroyed by any Government, Public or Local Authority.
6. Damage Repair Process (within territorial limits)
If the damage to your vehicle is covered and it cannot be driven safely from the accident site, we will:
collect your vehicle from the accident site and deliver it to either an approved repairer, your home or a safe place
of storage
as an additional benefit to your policy, move you and your passengers away from the accident site, if it is not safe,
to the nearest local amenity.
If you do not want your vehicle recovered after an accident, you are responsible for keeping it safe until it is repaired.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 2: Damage to your vehicle (cont.)
We will pay reasonable charges for safeguarding your vehicle and getting it to and from the repairers. It is important
you tell us as soon as possible where your vehicle is, or you will be responsible for any charges.
Our approved repairers, or another company instructed by Admiral will:
arrange collection and re-delivery of your vehicle
as an additional benefit of your policy, give you a courtesy car while your vehicle is being repaired.
All repairs carried out by our approved repairers are guaranteed for as long as you own the vehicle. Any parts used
during the repair are covered under the manufacturer’s guarantee. In the unlikely event the repairs are considered
unsatisfactory, the approved repairer will have the option to rectify their work. Should the repairs still be considered
unsatisfactory, you may use another repairer providing we agree for the work to be carried out.
If you do not wish to use our approved repairers we will be unable to provide you with a courtesy car. You will need to
give us an estimate from your preferred repairer. If we think the estimate is unreasonable, we can:
arrange for your vehicle to be moved to our approved repairer
ask you to give an estimate from another repairer.
If we instruct an approved repairer or another company to provide you with a courtesy car, it will be covered
under your insurance policy. A courtesy car will not be provided until the repairs have been authorised.
A courtesy car will not be provided if your vehicle is:
outside our territorial limits
beyond economic repair
repaired by an unapproved repairer.
We cannot guarantee the courtesy car will be adapted to any special needs or disability.
If a courtesy car is given it can only be used within the territorial limits.
The courtesy car is not intended to be a like for like replacement for your vehicle. It will typically be a
small hatchback.
What we will pay
We will decide how to settle your claim and will either pay:
to repair your vehicle
a cash sum to replace the damaged vehicle.
IIf we give you a cash sum, the most we will pay is the market value of the vehicle. Should we deem your vehicle
repairable but are unable to complete or guarantee the repairs, we will offer you a cash sum to cover reasonable costs
of parts and labour.
We will repair your vehicle with parts of a similar standard and quality to the parts being replaced. The parts we use
may not be produced or supplied by your vehicle’s manufacturer. They may also be recycled parts.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 2: Damage to your vehicle (cont.)
If any parts are no longer available, we will pay the cost shown in the manufacturer’s latest price guide together with
reasonable fitting costs.
Your settlement may be reduced, or you may be asked to contribute towards the repair costs, if the parts being
replaced were already worn or damaged.
If your vehicle’s ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) needs to be recalibrated as a result of any repairs, we will
also cover these costs.
A decision will be made based on the garage/engineer’s recommendation.
If your vehicle is subject to a hire purchase agreement, we will pay any money owed to that company first and then
pay any remaining money to you. If your vehicle is on lease or contract hire, we will pay the lease or contract hire
company either the market value of the vehicle, or the amount required to settle the agreement, whichever is less.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 3: Windscreen damage
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Windscreen cover
1. Cover for your windscreen
If there has not been any other loss or damage, we will pay to:
repair or replace broken glass in your vehicle’s windscreen, windows or sunroof
repair any scratches on the bodywork caused by the broken glass.
If we need to replace any glass, we may use glass which is not provided by the vehicle’s manufacturer but is of a
similar standard and quality. If there is no glass available and it cannot be reasonably sourced, we will pay the cost
shown in the manufacturer’s latest price guide, together with reasonable fitting costs.
When required, we will also cover the costs to recalibrate your vehicle’s ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System)
after the replacement of your windscreen.
If the repair or replacement is not arranged through our glass helpline, and costs more than your excess, we will pay
up to:
£25 for each glass repair
£50 for each glass replacement.
2. What is not covered
1. The excess shown on your current Policy Schedule
2. The replacement of the hood/roof structure of a convertible car
3. Any windscreens or windows not made of glass e.g. Perspex
4. We will not pay more than the market value of the vehicle at the time of loss
5. We will not provide a courtesy car.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 4: Extra cover
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Personal injury
Personal belongings
Child equipment
New vehicle replacement
Onward travel
Motor Legal Protection
Roadside assistance cover
1. Personal Injury Benefits
If you or your partner are accidentally injured as a result of a road traffic accident in your vehicle, we will pay the
injured person [or their legal representatives] £5,000 if within three months of the accident the accident causes the
injured person:
permanent blindness in one or both eyes
total loss of one or more limbs.
The most payable in one period of insurance is £5,000. If you, or your partner have more than one policy with us, we
will only pay out under one policy.
2. Personal belongings
If you are claiming under Section 2, we will pay up to £200 for your personal belongings if they are damaged or
stolen. This will be increased to £300 for Gold and Platinum customers.
If your vehicle is a campervan, the amount you can claim for personal belongings is increased up to £500 to include
cover for fixtures and fittings.
2a. What is not covered
1. Money, credit or debit cards, stamps, tickets, vouchers or documents
2. Goods or samples carried in connection with any trade or business
3. Any property insured under another policy
4. Property in a convertible car, unless the property was locked in the boot or glove compartment.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 4: Extra cover (cont.)
3. Child Equipment
If you are claiming under Section 2, we will pay to replace a stolen or damaged child car seat or pushchair. You can claim
up to an additional £50 for loss or damage to any children’s accessories.
4. New vehicle replacement
If your vehicle is less than 12 months old and it is:
stolen and unrecovered
damaged and the cost of repair is more than 59% of the current UK list price (including VAT).
We will replace your vehicle with one of the same model and specification. We will only replace your vehicle if:
you are the first registered keeper
the original purchase invoice is available
it was originally purchased within the territorial limits
it was purchased under an agreement where ownership was passed to you
anyone with a financial interest agrees to settle the claim in this way.
If you do not want us to replace your vehicle, or a vehicle of the same model and specification is not available from UK
stock, the most we will pay is the market value.
After your claim is settled the lost or damaged vehicle becomes our property.
4a. Pre-registered vehicles
We will also provide cover if you are the second registered keeper of your vehicle, providing it was first registered to the
dealership where it was bought and had covered less than 50 miles.
We will only replace your vehicle with another pre-registered vehicle of the same model and specification. If a suitable
replacement is not available from UK stock, the most we will pay is the market value.
4b. What is not covered
5. Onward travel or overnight accommodation
If your vehicle cannot be driven after an insured incident, we will reimburse you for expenses incurred:
up to £50 per person, up to a maximum of £150, to travel home or to your original destination; or
if you are more than 25 miles away from your home address, up to a maximum of £200 for overnight accommodation.
Receipts will be required to validate your claim.
Overnight accommodation will only be covered if it is within 24 hours of the incident.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 4: Extra cover (cont.)
5a. What is not covered
1. Additional hotel charges, such as food and drink
2. Accommodation for more than 1 night
3. Any cost where a receipt or proof of payment cannot be provided.
6. Motor Legal Protection
If you are involved in a motor accident and you are not to blame, motor legal protection can help you claim for your
injuries and other uninsured losses, such as, policy excesses or lost income.
Please see the Motor Legal Protection policy book for full terms and conditions.
7. Roadside Assistance cover
We will send a mechanic to the scene of a breakdown to repair and provide assistance if your vehicle suffers a
breakdown due to an electrical or mechanical failure, lack of fuel, or charge, flat battery, misfuel, or puncture.
The breakdown must be more than a quarter of a mile radius from your home address.
You are also able to upgrade your breakdown cover to include National Cover and European Cover.
Please see the Breakdown Cover policy book for full terms and conditions.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 5: Going abroad
Level of cover
Product features and benefits
Third party liability in Europe
Damage to your vehicle in Europe
Third party Liability in Europe
Your policy provides the necessary cover to comply with the laws on compulsory insurance of motor vehicles in any
country listed below:
Damage to your vehicle in Europe
Your policy also includes the cover described on your Certificate of Motor Insurance, for up to 90 days, to use your
vehicle in the countries listed above. If you require more than the 90 days you will need to contact us. Any extension
of cover will need to be agreed by us.
Your vehicle is also covered while it is being transported by air, sea, or rail between those countries.
Please note, in the event of a claim, you will be required to evidence your travel.
This policy also covers you and any named drivers to drive your vehicle in Gibraltar.
Travel between Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland
If you are a permanent resident of Northern Ireland, the cover shown on your Certificate of Motor Insurance is
extended for the period of insurance for travel in the Republic of Ireland. This also applies to Essentials customers.
Cover under this section only applies when
your vehicle is registered in the territorial limits
your vehicle is normally kept within the territorial limits
you have a permanent residence within the territorial limits.
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Republic of Cyprus
Republic of Ireland
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 5: Going abroad (cont.)
What is not covered
repairs authorised by you outside of the territorial limits
any onward travel arrangements, unless you have onward travel cover as described in Section 4
transportation of luggage or personal belongings back to the UK.
Damage repair process (outside the Territorial Limits)
If the damage to your vehicle means it cannot be safely driven from the scene of the accident, you may be required
to source recovery of your vehicle. We will reimburse any roadside recovery costs you pay, once the claim has been
validated and invoices and receipts submitted.
We will decide how to settle your claim, and, in most cases, we will pay you a cash sum to replace the undriveable
vehicle or item you are claiming for. The most we will pay is the market value of the vehicle. It is recommended you
take your V5 or VE103b document with you to assist us in processing your claim.
If the vehicle is driveable, upon your return to the United Kingdom we will deal with your claim in line with the
damage repair process within the territorial limits.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 6: Your No Claims Bonus
If more than one vehicle is covered by this insurance, we will assess the No Claim Bonus as if each vehicle was
insured separately.
1. Average discount
The table below shows the average discount received.
Number of years No Claims Bonus Average NCB Discount in 2022
One year NCB 12%
Two years NCB 14%
Three years NCB 14%
Four years NCB 18%
Five years NCB 18%
Six years NCB 18%
Seven years NCB 19%
Eight years NCB 19%
Nine years or more NCB 29%
Percentages are based on the following EUI Limited brands; Admiral, Ford Insure, Bell, Diamond and Elephant.
2. If a claim is made
If a claim is made against your policy, your No Claims Bonus will be reduced when the period of insurance ends.
Number of years No
Claims Bonus for this
No Claims Bonus at next renewal date
without NCB protection
1 claim 2 claims 3 claims
in next 12 months
1 year 0 years 0 years 0 years
2 years 0 years 0 years 0 years
3 years 1 year 0 years 0 years
4 years 2 years 0 years 0 years
5 years or more 3 years 1 year 0 years
Your Car Insuance Guide
Section 6: Your No Claims Bonus (cont.)
3. Claims that do not affect your bonus
payments made for windscreen damage
claims which are not your fault where we have recovered our money in full
a claim caused by an uninsured driver
claims for lost or stolen keys.
No Claims Bonus protection
If you are eligible, you can pay an additional amount to protect or guarantee your No Claims Bonus. For more
information please see the FAQ section at
Your Car Insuance Guide
General exceptions
We will not pay for any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by:
1. Your vehicle being:
a. used by a person or for any purpose not shown on your current Certificate of Motor Insurance
b. driven by anyone who does not hold a valid driving licence or who is breaking the conditions of their licence
c. taken or driven without your consent by someone who normally lives with you as part of your household
d. used for criminal purposes (including avoiding lawful apprehension)
e. used for a deliberate or reckless act with the intention of:
i. self-harm or suicide
ii. causing damage or fear of damage to other vehicles or property
iii. causing injury or fear of injury to any person.
f. used on the Nürburgring Nordschleife or any racetrack, circuit or prepared course
g. used for any formal or informal race, whether prearranged or not
h. used to participate in any test, competition or organised motoring event
i. rented out or used for a peer to peer hire scheme
j. used while carrying passengers in an unsafe, insecure or illegal manner, including but not limited to, carrying them
in the cargo area of your vehicle
k. used to carry a load in an unsafe, insecure or illegal condition or manner or where any of your vehicle’s weight
limitations have been exceeded
l. used if you have opted to not have your ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistant System) recalibrated when it has
previously been required or recommended.
2. An agreement you have made under another contract
3. Loss of use of your vehicle
4. Radiation, radioactive contamination or other dangerous properties of any nuclear device, component or material
5. Terrorism, war, civil war, warlike operations (whether or not war is declared), invasion, act of foreign enemy,
hostilities, mutiny, military uprising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, riot, civil commotion (assuming its
proportions amount to a popular rising), military or usurped power, nationalisation or any act of any person or
group whether acting alone or in connection with a government or organisation which was committed for a
political, religious, ideological or similar purpose with the intention influencing an economy, government, country
or state or to put the public in fear
6. The use of your vehicle principally used for the carriage, transportation or delivery of hazardous goods
7. Using your vehicle in a hazardous location
8. Use of your vehicle as a public emergency service, military or law enforcement vehicles
9. A load seeping or spilling in or from your vehicle that causes pollution or contamination.
10. A cyber act affecting your vehicle
11. Loss of, corruption, or access to data due to a cyber incident or cyber act
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions
1. Your duties
The cover in this policy is valid providing:
you or any other insured person have kept to all the terms and conditions of the policy
the information confirmed on your current Motor Proposal Confirmation and when registering a claim is true
and complete.
2. Claims procedure
If you or your vehicle are involved in any type of incident, regardless of fault, you must:
tell us about it within 48 hours
immediately report any incident involving malicious damage, theft or deliberate fire to the police and:
support them in their investigation and any prosecution against the person responsible
give us a Crime Reference Number within 24 hours, that relates to the incident you are reporting.
give us all the information and documentation that we consider necessary to deal with your claim and policy.
Please read in conjunction with General condition 17
send us any court documentation you receive in connection with the incident as soon as you receive it, including
any claim form, writ, summons or bill
tell us at once if you are charged with an offence or get any notice of prosecution, inquest or fatal enquiry
give us a witness statement when requested
co-operate with our investigation.
Failure to comply with the above could result in the claim being refused and/or your policy being cancelled.
You must not attempt to negotiate the settlement of the claim unless we have given you written permission.
Defending or settling a claim
We are entitled to:
conduct the investigation, defence and settlement of any claim on your behalf
inspect your vehicle at any reasonable time we ask
Bring a claim in your name against any third party responsible for any loss or damage
Arrange for the repair of your vehicle and keep any amount we recover from the other insurer for the repair.
If we, our approved repairers or another company instructed by Admiral have provided you with a courtesy car,
we will be entitled to any amount we are able to recover from a third party for the cost of providing you with a
courtesy car.
If your vehicle is a total loss we can also:
Stop cover immediately and cancel your policy
Take possession of your vehicle if we settle your claim on a total loss basis (the vehicle will become our property
in those circumstances).
3. Care of your vehicle
You and any other insured person must:
protect your vehicle from loss or damage
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
Your Car Insuance Guide
make sure your vehicle is roadworthy
if applicable, make sure your vehicle has a current MOT certificate
remove and secure any keys or device that allows access to your vehicle; if it is left unoccupied
update your vehicle’s software when prompted by the vehicle’s manufacturer
only download software from a source approved by your vehicle’s manufacturer
only modify the vehicle software in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
Failure to comply with the above could affect the amount you are able to claim, result in the claim being refused and/
or your policy being cancelled.
If an incident happens, which is directly or indirectly caused or contributed to by any of the following:
the inappropriate conduct of the driver
the condition of your vehicle
your vehicle being left unlocked or unsecured.
No cover under the policy will be given and instead our responsibility will be restricted to meeting the obligations as
required by Road Traffic Law.
4. Cancelling your policy
You cancel your policy via:
My Account
Contacting our Customer Loyalty team
Writing to us at: Customer Loyalty, Admiral, Ty Admiral, David Street, Cardiff CF10 2AA.
Your cancellation rights: Single car policies
You can cancel your policy immediately, or from a future date. You cannot cancel your policy from an earlier date.
MultiCar/MultiCover policies
If you have a MultiCar or MultiCover policy, instructions to cancel the entire policy can be taken from any
policyholder (including the policy administrator). We will only cancel the entire policy once we have sent seven days
notice to each policyholder’s last known address and received no objection. If objection is received, we will not cancel
the policy and will notify all policyholders (including the policy administrator).
As a policyholder, you may remove your car, home or van from the policy immediately, or from a future date. You
cannot remove your car, home or van from the policy from an earlier date.
The policy administrator will be able to remove any car, home or van from the policy. We will only remove such car,
home or van from the policy after we have sent seven days’ notice to the policyholder’s address and received no
objection. If objection is received, the policy will remain unchanged and we will notify the relevant policyholder and
the policy administrator.
Our cancellation rights
We can cancel your policy at any time by sending seven days’ notice in writing to your last known address if:
you break any of the following General conditions: 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17 or 18
you ignore or fail to comply with any of the General exceptions
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
you fail to respond to written requests for information or documentation
you harass or use abusive or threatening behaviour towards our staff
your Credit Agreement is cancelled
you fail to pay any premium.
We may also cancel your policy with immediate eect if you break any of the following General conditions: 2, 9 or 15.
Outstanding premium and charges following cancellation
If a claim has been made during the period of insurance, you must pay the full premium and no refund will be given.
If your policy is cancelled within 14 days of receiving your welcome/renewal documents, you will receive a full refund
minus an administration charge.
If your policy cancels or a vehicle is removed at any other time, you will be charged for the number of days you have
had on cover; plus an administration charge. We will refund any remaining premium.
If you cancel your policy and there is an outstanding premium, it must be paid within 10 days. Where possible,
we will apply for any outstanding amounts from the payment details held on file. Delayed payments will incur
additional charges.
If you have a MultiCover policy, or you have arranged to insure a vehicle or home from a future date, you would have
received a discount on your overall premium. If any of the vehicles or homes are removed from the policy for any
reason, the premium will be adjusted for each remaining vehicle or home.
Details of all charges are available online and included with your welcome/renewal documents. Administration
charges are payable to EUI Limited for the cost of arranging and handling your policy.
5. Payment of your premium and/or other charges
The policy administrator is responsible for all payments relating to the policy.
Each car, home or van that is insured, will have its own premium, however the premium for the policy will need to be
paid via the same payment method. If we are unable to collect any amount by the due date, we will cancel your policy.
If the policy is paid by instalments and has gone into default during the current period of insurance, we will not be
able to oer the Direct Debit option at renewal. To renew your policy, you will have to pay for the whole period of
insurance in full.
If you are due a refund, we will credit the bank account or card used to pay for most of the policy premium.
If a claim is made and you have not paid in full, we may deduct the outstanding premium from any claim settlement
we make to you. We will not refund premium for changes made to your policy after a claim.
6. Right of recovery
If an incident occurs which is not covered by this policy and we are required by the law of any country to make a
payment, we can recover that amount from you or any other insured person.
Card payers must contact us if the card account is closed or the cardholder decides to cancel the authority.
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
7. Other insurance
We will not pay a claim if any loss, damage or liability covered under this policy is also covered under any other
insurance. This does not apply to the personal injury benefit, please see Section 4: Extra cover.
8. Car sharing
We will not cover any loss where your vehicle is used for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward. You can accept
money for fuel if:
your vehicle is not made or adapted to carry more than eight passengers
you are not carrying passengers as customers of a passenger-carrying business
you do not make a profit from carrying the passengers.
9. Fraud and misrepresentation
You must always answer our questions honestly and provide true and accurate information. If you, any other insured
person, or anyone acting on your behalf, provides:
false, incomplete, exaggerated or misleading information, or
false, altered, forged or stolen documents,
we will do one or more of the following things
change your policy to show the correct information, and change the premium accordingly
cancel your policy immediately
declare your policy void
refuse to pay any claim or only pay part of a claim
keep the premium you have paid
recover any costs from you or any other insured person
cancel or void any other EUI policies you are connected with
11. Drink and drugs clause
If an accident happens while any insured person is driving and:
is found to be over the legal limit for alcohol or drugs
is driving while unfit through drink or drugs, whether prescribed or otherwise
fails to provide a sample of breath, blood or urine when required to do so, without lawful reason.
No cover under the policy will be given and instead, liability will be restricted to meeting the obligations as required
by Road Traffic Law and we will cancel your policy.
12. Standard parts replacement
Your policy does not cover modifications.
If you make a claim for loss or damage to your vehicle, provided it is economical to do so, we will only pay the cost of
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
replacing parts needed for your vehicle to meet the manufacturer’s specification along with any optional extras and/
or disability adaptations you have declared.
Manufacturer’s optional extras and disability adaptations are only covered if they have been declared and we agreed
to cover them.
13. Instructions
The policy administrator will be our main point of contact and, subject to the terms of this policy, can discuss, change
or remove any vehicle or home insured by this policy.
The other policyholders will be able to discuss and change any vehicle or home but will only be able to remove their
own items insured by this policy.
Your spouse, partner, parent can discuss or change an item you are insured on, or add another vehicle or home to
the policy.
Named drivers can only discuss or change an item they are insured on.
ROLE Single policies or MultiCover policies MultiCover policies only
Who can make a change
your own
vehicle or
your own
vehicle or
Add a new
vehicle or
Cancel all
vehicles and
Policy administrator
Policyholder or joint
Named driver
Parent/guardian or
spouse or partner of a
If you need to report an incident and make a claim, we will only be able to discuss and take instructions from you and
anyone else who is named as a driver on the vehicle involved. If you would like someone else to be able to deal with
the incident on your behalf, please discuss this with the Claims Department.
14. Residency
You will only get the cover set out in this policy while you have a permanent residence within the territorial limits.
If you do not have a residence within the territorial limits, we will cancel your policy.
15. Changes in circumstances
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
You must tell us if any information on your Motor Proposal Confirmation changes.
If you make changes to your policy, you may have to pay an additional premium. Changes to your policy will also incur
administration charges that are payable to EUI Limited for the cost of arranging and handling your policy. Details of
these charges are available online and included in your welcome/renewal documents.
If you request a change and we are unable to continue cover, your policy will be cancelled.
On some occasions we may change the information from the date you were obliged to tell us.
Failure to keep your information up to date could affect your ability, or the amount you are able to claim. If your
information differs significantly it could result in your policy being cancelled or declared void.
The notification timescales are:
1. Please tell us beforehand if:
you change to a different vehicle
you would like to add another driver
you plan to make any modifications to your vehicle
you change how you use your vehicle
you change your vehicle’s registration number.
2. Please tell us immediately if:
you sell your vehicle
you no longer have a residence within our territorial limits
any driver on your policy has been disqualified from driving or their driving licence status changes
if any information shown on the Motor Proposal Confirmation changes.
3. Please tell us when you renew your insurance if:
any information shown on the Motor Proposal Confirmation is incorrect
you or any driver on your policy have had any accidents, incidents, thefts, losses or claims (regardless of blame)
you or any driver on your policy have had any motoring convictions or endorsements during the period
of insurance.
you or any driver have any unspent non-motoring convictions or if a non-motoring conviction you have previously
told us about has become spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
16. Automatic renewal
Before your renewal, we will contact the policy administrator by their chosen method of communication to confirm
your policy terms and the renewal premium.
Unless you have opted out, we will automatically renew your policy on its renewal date. If we have your permission,
we will use the payment details you have provided.
Your Car Insuance Guide
General conditions (cont.)
It is not always possible to automatically renew the policy. In this case, we will write to your last known address before
the period of insurance ends.
If you do not want your policy to renew, or you want to opt out of automatic renewal, you must contact us before
your renewal date to let us know. In this case, your period of insurance will come to an end and your policy will not be
renewed unless you tell us otherwise.
You can opt in or opt out of automatic renewal free of charge by contacting us online or by phone at any point during
the period of insurance.
17. Requests for information
You must respond to all requests for documentation during your period of insurance and during the administration
of a claim.
You may be asked to provide:
documents to confirm the details on your Motor Proposal Confirmation
documents, data and other media relating to your vehicle or claim
financial statements and utility bills
receipts and invoices
documents, data and other records to validate your claim
driving licence information
proof of your No Claims Bonus
travel documents
proof of alternative insurance.
Failure to supply this information when requested will result in your claim being refused and/or your policy
being cancelled.
18. Motor trade
This policy is not to be used to facilitate the purchase, sale, rental or recovery of any vehicle:
for profit or
in connection with a trade or business.
Failure to comply with the above could result in the claim being refused and/or your policy being cancelled.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Extra conditions
These conditions only apply if shown on your current Policy Schedule.
1. Agreed value
If your vehicle is lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair, we will pay you the amount stated on the current Agreed
Valuation Certificate.
If the value of your vehicle has changed, you can contact us for a new valuation.
You are covered to attend club rallies and competitions if you do not participate in racing, pace making, rallying, track
days trials or speed tests either on a road, track, private grounds or at an off-road 4x4 event.
2. Telematics policy
This policy is subject to additional terms, conditions and charges relating to the type of Telematics policy you have.
Please see the relevant guide, available from for full details. These are:
LittleBox Hard Install Guide
LittleBox Plug & Drive Guide
LittleBox Pod Guide
your Guide to Admiral Live
Your Policy Schedule will show you which product you have chosen.
3. Active tracker and subscription
If your vehicle is stolen, we will only pay your claim if it is fitted with a functional tracker with an active
network subscription.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Comments and complaints
At Admiral, we are committed to providing the best possible service. However, we understand there may be times
when we do not meet your expectations. We want you to let us know straight away if you are unhappy. We will always
do our best to resolve any complaint fairly.
How to make a complaint
We understand that making a complaint can be stressful in itself. That’s why we want you to be able to complain in
any way you choose.
Complaint about your policy
Complaint Manager, Admiral, Ty Admiral, David Street, Cardiff CF10 2AA.
Tel: 0330 333 5888
Fax: 0330 333 5886
Complaint about your claim
Claims Quality Manager, Admiral Claims Department, Ty Admiral, David Street, Cardiff CF10 2AA.
Tel: 0330 333 5887
Fax: 0333 222 5770
Whichever method you choose, a member of staff fully trained in complaint handling will deal with your complaint.
How to escalate your complaint
If we have given you our final response and you are still unhappy, or more than 8 weeks have passed since we received
your original complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Their details are
as follows:
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 0 234 567
Or: 0300 123 9 123
For more information about how we handle complaints, please call us and ask for a copy of ‘Our Guide to Handling
your Complaint.
Your Car Insuance Guide
Privacy and Security Statement
Confidentiality and disclosure of your data
Please view our full privacy statement at which will help you
understand how we collect, use and protect your personal data. If you have any questions about how your data may
be used or would like a written copy of our privacy statement, please phone our customer loyalty department, or
write to us at Admiral, Ty Admiral, David Street, Cardiff, CF10 2EH. If false or inaccurate information is provided and
fraud is identified details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use
this information.