SS&A Ovens & Murray Football Netball League
Board Members & Staff 2
Other Contacts 3
Club Contacts 4-6
Sponsors 7
Important Dates 8
2022 Fixture 9
Articles of Association 10-19
Football Bylaws 20-40
OMFNL Equalisation Policy 41
Schedule of Fines 42
Area Permit Agreements - District & Junior Leagues 43-44
Netball Bylaws 45-55
SS&A OMFNL Important Dates 2022
Mon. 24/1/22
SS&A Club
Mon. 21/2/22
SS&A Club
Sun. 27/2/22
SS&A Club Skylight Lounge
Mon. 28/2/22
SS&A Club
6:30 / 7.30pm
Tue. 7/3/22
SS&A Club
Wed. 9/3/22
SS&A Club
Wed. 23/3/22
SS&A Club, Locker Room
Sat. 2/4/22
M’ford, Wang Shwgds, LSG
Sat. 9/4/22
Mon. 11/4/22
SS&A Club
Fri. 15/4/22
Sat. 23/4/22
Sat. 30/4/22
Sat. 7/5/22
Mon. 9/5/22
SS&A Club
Sat. 14/5/22
Sat. 21/5/22
Sat. 28/05/22
Sun. 29/5/22
Albury Netball Centre
Sat. 4/6/22
Mon. 6/6/22
Zoom Meeting
6:30 / 7.30pm
Sat. 11/6/22
Tue. 14/6/22
SS&A Club
Sat. 18/6/22
Date TBC
SS&A Club
Sat. 25/6/22
Sat. 2/7/22
Sat. 9/07/22
Mon. 11/7/22
SS&A Club
Wed. 13/7/22
Lavington Panthers FNC
Sat. 16/07/22
Sat. 23/7/22
Sun. 24/7/22
Melbourne, venue TBC
Sat. 30/7/22
Sat. 30/7/22
SS&A Club, Auditorium
Sat. 6/8/22
Mon. 8/8/22
SS&A Club
Sat. 13/8/22
Sat. 20/8/22
Sat. 27/8/22
Mon. 29/8/22
SS&A Club
Sat. 3/9/22
Sun. 4/9/22
Sat. 10/9/22
Sun. 11/9/22
Mon. 12/9/22
SS&A Club
Sun. 18/9/22
Mon. 19/9/22
SS&A Club, Auditorium
Wed. 21/9/22
SS&A Club
Thur. 22/9/22
Sun. 25/9/22
Mon. 10/10/22
SS&A Club
Mon. 14/11/22
SS&A Club
Wed. 16/11/22
Corowa-Rutherglen FNC
Mon. 12/12/22
SS&A Club
Mon. 12/12/22
SS&A Club
Mon. 12/12/22
SS&A Club
1. In these Articles unless there is something in the subject or context of them which is inconsistent:
AFL VC means the AFL Victoria Country.
AFL VC Rules means the rules and regulations from time to time of the AFL Victoria Country.
Annual General Meeting means the Annual General Meeting held each year as required by the
Corporations Act and these Articles.
Articles mean these Articles of Association.
Board means the Board of Directors established pursuant to these Articles.
Bylaws mean the Bylaws of the OMFNL.
Chairman means the person appointed pursuant to these Articles.
Director means a member of the Board and a director of the Company.
Club means the football and netball clubs of Albury, Corowa-Rutherglen, Lavington, Myrtleford,
North Albury, Wangaratta, Wangaratta Rovers, Wodonga, Wodonga Raiders, Yarrawonga and if
any of the Clubs do not presently manage and run both football and netball teams, then the
football Clubs and netball Clubs of these localities, and such additional or other Clubs as may from
time to time be granted the right to participate in the OMFNL.
Company means the Ovens and Murray Football Netball League Limited.
Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 as amended from time to time.
Delegate means the persons appointed by Clubs as their representatives pursuant to
these Articles.
Football means the game of Australian Football.
General Manager means the General Manager of the OMFNL.
Netball means the game of netball administered by Netball Australia.
Operations Manager means the Operations Manager of the OMFNL.
OMFNL means the Ovens and Murray Football Netball League Limited.
The Tribunal means the OMFNL Tribunal.
Writing and written shall include printing, typing, lithography and other modes or representing
or reproducing words in a visible form.
2. The membership of the OMFNL consists of the Clubs affiliated with the OMFNL from time to time.
3. A Club will cease to be a member of the OMFNL if:
a) The Club resigns from membership of the OMFNL by written notice and the resignation is
accepted by the OMFNL;
b) The Club is expelled from the OMFNL in accordance with these Articles; or
h) Fails to provide the financial statements in the form required by the OMFNL within fourteen (14)
days of the OMFNL having requested them; or
i) Accepts as a playing member any player in contravention of the Permit Regulations of the
At least seven (7) days before Delegates' Meeting at which the resolution is proposed the Delegate(s) of
the Club and the Club are to be given notice in writing of the meeting and of the proposed resolution and
the basis for the proposed resolution. At the Delegates' Meeting the Club will be given the opportunity to
give in writing or orally an explanation of or defense to the basis for the resolution.
12. A Delegate will cease to hold office if:
a) They die;
b) If they give notice in writing to the General Manager that they resign;
c) If they are not nominated by a Club as their Delegate for the following year or if their
Club notifies the General Manager that they have withdrawn the appointment of that
d) If they are expelled in accordance with these Articles;
e) If the right of their Club to appoint a Delegate is suspended, excluded or forfeited by the
OMFNL in accordance with these Articles; or
f) If they are absent without permission of the OMFNL from more than three consecutive
Delegates Meetings;
13. a) The OMFNL will elect as an honorary life member any person who has:
i) Served as a Director for a continuous period of at least ten (10) years;
ii) Served as a Director for an aggregate period of at least fifteen (15) years;
iii) Served as a Director and/or official of a Club for a continuous period of at least
fifteen (15) years;
iv) Served as a Director and/or official of a Club for a period of at least twenty
(20) years (including a period of at least five (5) years as a Director);
v) Served as an official of a Club for a period of at least twenty (20) years (including at
least one (1) year as a President, Secretary or Treasurer of a Club); or
vi) Has rendered special services to the OMFNL.
and has a resolution proposing them as an honorary life member passed by a 75%
majority of Delegates at an Annual General Meeting of the OMFNL.
b) The OMFNL will award qualified life membership
to any players who participate in not
less than three hundred (300) Senior Grade matches or two hundred and fifty (250) A Grade
games of netball. For this purpose, matches played whilst representing the OMFNL will be taken
into account;
c) Honorary life members and Qualified life members are entitled to attend the Annual General
Meeting of the OMFNL, but are not entitled to notice of or attendance at any other meetings of
the OMFNL and are not entitled to vote at any meetings of the OMFNL.
c) The Club has a resolution passed or an order made for its winding up or a liquidator, provisional
liquidator, administrator, receiver or receiver and manager is appointed in respect of the Club or over its
business or assets.
4. Clubs will be entitled to appoint Delegates to represent their interests as follows:
a) A Club which fields both football and netball teams will be entitled to appoint two (2) Delegates.
b) Where separate Clubs represent the competing football and netball teams of a locality, then they
will jointly appoint two (2) Delegates.
Only one of these two (2) delegates will have the right to vote at Delegates' Meetings.
5. Each Club will at least seven (7) days prior to the first Delegates Meeting in each calendar year will give
notice in writing to the General Manager of the name of its Delegates for the following year and will
nominate which of the Delegates will be the Club's voting Delegate.
6. In the event of the death, retirement or expulsion of a Delegate the Club of that Delegate will within
seven (7) days give notice in writing to the General Manager of the successor to that Delegate and of any
change in the Club's voting Delegate.
7. Each Delegate will continue in office until their successor is appointed, or until their office is otherwise
terminated under these Articles.
8. A Club may withdraw its appointment of a Delegate or changing the voting status of Delegates by giving
notice in writing to the General Manager.
9. A Delegate is not the trustee or agent for the Club that appointed them but must act
independently for the encouragement and promotion of football and netball in accordance with the
objects of the OMFNL set out in its Memorandum of Association.
10. If any Delegate is guilty of any conduct which in the opinion of the OMFNL is unbecoming or prejudicial to
the interests of the OMFNL or of football or netball then the OMFNL may terminate the appointment of
the Delegate provided that at least seven (7) days notice in writing is given to the Delegate of the
Delegates' Meeting at which the resolution for their expulsion will be proposed and of the allegations
against them. Prior to the resolution proposing that the Delegate be expelled being put to the meeting
the Delegate will be given opportunity to provide an explanation of or defense to the allegation.
11. If a resolution is passed by a 75% majority of Delegates at a Delegates' Meeting specifically called for
the purpose then a Club may:
a) Be expelled;
b) Be suspended from, excluded from or will forfeit the right to be represented by a Delegate(s);
c) Forfeit some or all premiership points gained by a team of a Club; or
d) Be fined,
if the Club:
e) Is guilty of conduct which is unbecoming of a Club or is prejudicial to the interests of the OMFNL
or of football or netball;
f) Is unable to obtain and retain occupancy rights over a ground approved by the OMFNL for that
g) Fails to pay to the OMFNL any monies due by the Club to the OMFNL within fourteen (14) days
notice of notice having been given to the Club;
b) The Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Directors, General Manager and Operations Officer must not be
a Delegate or officer of any Club. They will be paid remuneration as determined by the Board.
17. a) The General Manager and Operations Officer are entitled to attend Board Meetings, but are not
entitled to vote.
b) The Chairman is not entitled to a deliberative vote at Board Meetings. All resolutions before the
Board will be decided in the first instance by a show of hands and in the case of equality the
Chairman will have a casting vote.
18. The position of a Director becomes vacant:
a) If they die;
b) If they resign;
c) If they become bankrupt or apply to take advantage or take advantage of any law relating to
bankrupt or insolvent debtors or compound with their creditors or make an assignment of their
estate for their benefit;
d) If they are removed from office pursuant to these Articles;
e) If they are disqualified from office under the Corporations Act;
f) If they are convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty; or
g) If they are absent without the consent of the Board from all Board Meetings held during a period
of six (6) months.
19. A Director may be removed from office at a Board Meeting after having been given not less than seven (7)
days notice in writing before the Board Meeting at which the resolution is proposed of the resolution and
the basis of the proposed resolution. At the Board Meeting the Director will be given the opportunity to
give in writing or orally an explanation of or defense to the basis for the resolution.
20. The Board may delegate to one or more sub-committees the exercise of a function of the Board and will
provide the sub-committees with Terms of Reference which the Board may vary from time to time.
21. An act performed by the Board, a Director or a sub-committee is taken to be validly performed, even if
the act was performed when:
a) There was a defect in the appointment of a Director or a member of a sub-committee;
b) A Director or a sub-committee member was disqualified.
22. The OMFNL may appoint a Patron of the OMFNL who will hold office for as long as the OMFNL may
determine. The Patron is entitled to attend all meetings of the OMFNL but is not entitled to vote.
23. An Annual General Meeting must be held by the end of December in each year. The General
Manager must give the Clubs not less than fourteen (14) days notice in writing of the meeting.
24. The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting is:
a) To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting:
14. The affairs of the OMFNL will be managed and controlled by a Board which, in addition to any powers and
authorities conferred by these Articles, may exercise all powers and do all things consistent with the objects of
the OMFNL, except for :
a) Admitting any Club to or expelling or suspending any Club from the OMFNL
b) Amalgamating or joining in any other League;
c) Taking over the administration of any additional football club;
d) Providing financial assistance to any Club (other than by payment of advances of finals dividends, loans or
grants no greater than $30,000.00) or guaranteeing the obligations of any Club;
e) Purchasing or disposing of any capital asset with a cost of more than $30,000;
f) Borrowing any money otherwise than for the ordinary purposes of the OMFNL or to give any security for
borrowing except as expressly authorised in any budget approved by the Delegates;
g) Undertaking any major capital works (including major works in relation to existing assets of the
OMFNL) involving a total expenditure of more than $30,000; and
h) Adding to, deleting or amending the OMFNL Bylaws.
The Delegates may at any time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any of those powers and authorities.
15. a) The Board will consist of not more than nine (9) Directors.
b) The Delegates will elect a total of seven (7) Directors, of whom six (6) will represent the interests
of football and one (1) will represent the interests of netball (the Elected Directors). The Elected
Directors will hold office for two (2) years. If a casual vacancy arises the Board may appoint a
replacement Elected Director to serve until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.
At that time the Delegates will elect a person to serve any remainder of the term.
c) At the first Board Meeting after the Annual General Meeting the Elected Directors will by
resolution appoint up to two (2) Directors who will be selected by reason of their skills and
attributes, which will be those skills and attributes which are considered to be most beneficial to
the OMFNL at that time (Co-opted Directors). Co-opted Directors will be appointed for a term of
two (2) years, with one (1) Co-opted Director retiring each year. Upon any casual vacancy arising
for a Co-opted Director, the newly appointed Co- opted Director will serve the balance of that
d) Each Club (or in the event of separate football and netball Clubs for a locality, then jointly) is
entitled to nominate one person for election to the Board as a Director, however if a current
Director was nominated by that Club then the Club is precluded from nominating a Director.
e) Upon election or appointment as a Director, the Director must resign from any office which they
hold at a football or netball Club and cannot subsequently hold an office in a football Club or
netball Club whilst a Director of the OMFNL.
f) Nothing contained in this Article prevents a retiring Director being nominated for re- election.
16. a) The Board will at the first Board Meeting after the Annual General Meeting elect a Chairman and
a Deputy Chairman for a term of up to two (2) years (but not to exceed their term of appointment
as a Director.
32. If within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present:
i) If convened pursuant to a requisition - it will be dissolved; and
ii) In any other case - it will stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and
place. Notice of the adjourned meeting will be given to those entitled to attend.
33. The Chairman will preside at all meetings or if he is not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time
appointed for a meeting or is unwilling to act then the Deputy Chairman will preside at the meeting. If
neither the Chairman nor the Deputy Chairman is present then the Directors or Delegates present (as the
case may be) will elect one of the Directors to be Chairman of the meeting.
34. The Chairman may, with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present (and must do if so
directed by the meeting), adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place but no business
will be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from
which the adjournment took place. When a meeting is adjourned for thirty (30) days or more, notice of
the adjourned meeting will be given as for the original meeting. Otherwise it will not be necessary to give
any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at any adjourned meeting.
35. At any Delegates' Meeting or Board Meeting a resolution put to the vote will be decided on a show of
hands. The Chairman will not have a deliberative vote. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman
will have a casting vote. A declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been
carried or carried unanimously or by a particular majority or lost will be recorded in the Minute Book and
will be conclusive evidence of the fact.
36. a) At least one (1) week prior to the Annual General Meeting a Club may by notice in writing to the
General Manager appoint an alternate for their Delegate(s). The appointment of an alternate
Delegate may be revoked by the Club by notice in writing to the General Manager at any time and
the Club may appoint another alternate.
b) A Club may by notice in writing to the General Manager appoint a substitute for a Delegate to
attend a particular Delegates' Meeting if the Delegate and the alternate cannot attend.
c) At a Delegates' Meeting an alternate or substitute may exercise any rights and powers of a
37. A Board Meeting may be held by using any technology that allows Directors to clearly and simultaneously
communicate with each other.
38. The Board may pass a valid resolution without a Board Meeting being held if a majority of Directors
entitled to vote on a resolution cast their vote either in favour or against that resolution. Voting intention
must be provided in writing to the General Manager by the time nominated for the close of voting.
39. Any Delegate or Director who has a financial interest in any existing or proposed contract or arrangement
with the OMFNL must disclose their interest to the meeting at which that contract or arrangement is first
considered, or if the interest is later acquired, at the next meeting. No Delegate or Director will vote in
respect of any contract or arrangement in which they are interested and if they do vote, then their vote
will be disregarded. All declarations of interest under this Article will be recorded in the minutes.
40. The General Manager may give a Club notice in writing that unless the Club pays all monies (including
fines) due by it to the OMFNL or makes an arrangement satisfactory to the OMFNL within fourteen (14)
days that their Delegate may not take part in the proceedings of any Delegates' Meeting or be entitled to
vote at that Delegates' Meeting. Failure to rectify the default will result in this consequence.
b) To receive from the annual financial report of the OMFNL:
c) To conduct any necessary election to fill vacant Elected Director positions, in the event that there are
more candidates than vacant positions; and
d) Any special business of which notice has been given in accordance with these Articles.
25. Meetings other than Annual General Meetings will be called Board Meetings, Delegates’ Meetings or
Special Delegates' Meetings.
26. The Chairman will convene not less than nine (9) Board Meetings each year.
27. The Chairman will convene not less than four (4) Delegates' Meetings (including the Annual
General Meeting) each year.
28. The Chairman may convene a Special Delegates' Meeting or a Board Meeting whenever he thinks fit.
29. a) The Chairman will give notice of a Special Delegates' Meeting within fourteen (14) days of
i) A resolution to do so by a Delegates' Meeting; or
ii) A requisition in writing signed by not less than fifty (50) per cent of the Clubs
which sets forth the object of the meeting.
b) If the Chairman fails to convene a Special Delegates' Meeting in the circumstances set out above,
a Special Delegates' Meeting may be convened in accordance with the provisions of the
Corporations Act as to the convening and conduct of requisitioned special meetings.
30. a) Subject to the provisions of the Corporations Act relating to special resolutions and to these
Articles not less than fourteen (14) days notice must be given specifying the place and day and
the hour to Clubs of any Delegates' Meeting and to Directors of any Board Meeting.
b) Not withstanding paragraph a) of this Article, the OMFNL may call a meeting on shorter notice,
which will be deemed to have been duly called if:
i) In the case of a meeting called as the Annual General Meeting, by all Clubs entitled to
attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting; or
ii) In the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of those having a right to
attend and vote at the meeting, and being a majority together representing not less than
eighty per cent (80%) of the total voting rights at the meeting of all those present having
the right to vote.
Any meeting requiring resolution to remove or appoint a director or remove an auditor will not be subject
to a shorter notice period.
31. a) No business will be transacted at any Board Meeting unless a quorum of Directors is
present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. The quorum is Five (5) Directors
(including the Chairman) present in person.
b) No business will be transacted at any Delegates' Meeting unless a quorum of Delegates is present
at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. The quorum is eight (8) Delegates present in
person (providing that each of those Delegates is authorised to vote). For the purpose of this
Article the word “Delegate” includes a person appointed by a Club as an alternate or substitute
for their Delegate in the event of their Delegate being absent from the meeting.
47. The common seal of the OMFNL will be kept in safe custody and will only be used by the authority of the
OMFNL and every instrument to which the seal is affixed must be signed by at least two Directors or such
other person or persons as are appointed by the OMFNL for that purpose.
48. An auditor or auditors will be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations
Act and the accounts of the OMFNL will be audited each year.
49. The General Manager will receive all monies on behalf of the OMFNL and will as soon as possible pay
them into the OMFNL's bank account. Cheques drawn on or withdrawals made electronically from the
OMFNL's bank account will be signed or electronically directed by persons authorised to do so by the
50. The financial year of the OMFNL ends on 31 October each year.
51. The OMFNL may make, amend, or delete Bylaws as and when necessary.
52. No Bylaw will be added to, altered, or deleted except upon a resolution being passed by a
75% majority of Delegates present at a Special Delegates' Meeting called for that purpose.
53. In the event of any question arising which is not provided for in these Articles the Board has the power to
decide it.
54. a) Every Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL will be indemnified out of the
assets of the OMFNL against any liability incurred by them in defending any proceeding, whether
civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in their favour or in which they are acquitted or in
connection with any application under the Corporations Act in which relief is granted to them by
the Court in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust, or in any
instance where the conduct does not arise from a lack of good faith.
b) To the extent permitted by the Corporations Act, the OMFNL may enter into and pay for a policy
of insurance insuring any Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL or any
former Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL against any liability incurred
as a Director, official or other officer or employee of the OMFNL. However, this does not apply in
relation to either of the following liabilities:
i) A liability arising out of conduct involving a willful breach of duty in relation to the
ii) A contravention of section 182 or 183 of the Corporations Act.
55. Any application, notice, nomination or other document to be delivered to the General Manager is
deemed to have been delivered if addressed to the General Manager and delivered to the office of the OMFNL.
56. No Article may be rescinded or altered or a new Article made except by a special resolution passed by a
majority of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Clubs entitled to vote and present at the
Annual General Meeting or at a Special Delegates' Meeting where not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice
has been given specifying the resolution, subject to Article 30(b).
57. A ninety percent (90%) majority of the Clubs may at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special
Delegates' Meeting resolve that the OMFNL be wound up or dissolved and upon the passing of a
resolution to this effect the activities of the OMFNL will terminate immediately.
47. The common seal of the OMFNL will be kept in safe custody and will only be used by the authority of the
OMFNL and every instrument to which the seal is affixed must be signed by at least two Directors or such
other person or persons as are appointed by the OMFNL for that purpose.
48. An auditor or auditors will be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations
Act and the accounts of the OMFNL will be audited each year.
49. The General Manager will receive all monies on behalf of the OMFNL and will as soon as possible pay
them into the OMFNL's bank account. Cheques drawn on or withdrawals made electronically from the
OMFNL's bank account will be signed or electronically directed by persons authorised to do so by the
50. The financial year of the OMFNL ends on 31 October each year.
51. The OMFNL may make, amend, or delete Bylaws as and when necessary.
52. No Bylaw will be added to, altered, or deleted except upon a resolution being passed by a
75% majority of Delegates present at a Special Delegates' Meeting called for that purpose.
53. In the event of any question arising which is not provided for in these Articles the Board has the power to
decide it.
54. a) Every Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL will be indemnified out of the
assets of the OMFNL against any liability incurred by them in defending any proceeding, whether
civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in their favour or in which they are acquitted or in
connection with any application under the Corporations Act in which relief is granted to them by
the Court in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust, or in any
instance where the conduct does not arise from a lack of good faith.
b) To the extent permitted by the Corporations Act, the OMFNL may enter into and pay for a policy
of insurance insuring any Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL or any
former Director, official and other officer or employee of the OMFNL against any liability incurred
as a Director, official or other officer or employee of the OMFNL. However, this does not apply in
relation to either of the following liabilities:
i) A liability arising out of conduct involving a willful breach of duty in relation to the
ii) A contravention of section 182 or 183 of the Corporations Act.
55. Any application, notice, nomination or other document to be delivered to the General Manager is
deemed to have been delivered if addressed to the General Manager and delivered to the office of the OMFNL.
56. No Article may be rescinded or altered or a new Article made except by a special resolution passed by a
majority of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Clubs entitled to vote and present at the
Annual General Meeting or at a Special Delegates' Meeting where not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice
has been given specifying the resolution, subject to Article 30(b).
57. A ninety percent (90%) majority of the Clubs may at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special
Delegates' Meeting resolve that the OMFNL be wound up or dissolved and upon the passing of a
resolution to this effect the activities of the OMFNL will terminate immediately.
41. Each Club must:
a) Pay to the OMFNL any annual fee determined by the OMFNL;
b) Pay to the OMFNL any levy determined by the OMFNL; and
c) Within fourteen (14) days of being requested to do so by the OMFNL, forward to the General
Manager a statement of receipts and payments of the Club for any period nominated, in the form
and containing the information the OMFNL requires.
42. a) The Tribunal will hear and determine charges against Clubs, players, coaches and members of the
training staff of a Club and may impose penalties or fines in relation to charges against them,
including for giving unsatisfactory evidence.
b) The Board will appoint and remove Tribunal members and in considering appointments, will
consider nominations submitted by the Clubs.
d) The General Manager will determine the time and place of Tribunal hearings.
e) The Tribunal will consist of three (3) panel members in each instance
f) The Tribunal Chairman may co-opt a panel member on a casual basis where sufficient panel
members are not available to sit in any instance.
g) No Director may act as an advocate in proceedings before the Tribunal.
h) Proceedings of the Tribunal will be in accordance with the VCFL Rules.
i) The findings of and penalties imposed by the Tribunal are final.
43. The General Manager will appoint an Investigation Officer (who must not be a Director or Delegate)
whose functions and duties will be to obtain and supply to the General Manager any evidence available in
relation to allegations or charges referred to them for investigation.
44. In the event that the General Manager considers that action is required in relation to an allegation or
charge (other than a charge laid by an officiating umpire pursuant to the Laws of the Game) which may or
may not have been the subject of a reference to the Investigation Officer, he will refer the allegation or
charge to the Tribunal.
45. The Netball Sub-Committee will have responsibility for all operational matters concerning the conduct of
OMFNL netball competitions.
46. The Operations Manager will keep record of :
a) All appointments of Officers made either at Delegates' Meeting or Board Meetings;
b) The names of the Directors present and voting at each Board Meeting;
c) The names of the Delegates present and voting at each Delegates' Meeting; and
d) All resolutions and proceedings at all Delegates' Meetings and Board Meetings.
These Bylaws must be read in conjunction with the Rules and Regulations of the AFL Victoria
Country (the AFL VC Rules). In the event of any inconsistency between these Bylaws and the AFL
VC Rules, the provisions of the AFL VC Rules will prevail. In this clause ‘the AFL VC Rules’ also
includes any frameworks or guidelines issued by AFL VC from time to time which the OMFNLBoard
may adopt, discard or amend in part or in full, in its absolute discretion.
Each Club must register its name with the OMFNL. No Club may alter its name without the prior
approval of the OMFNL.
Each Club has the right to wear colours approved by the OMFNL and no Club will change its colours
without the approval of the OMFNL.
The following colours have been approved:
Black with gold sash
Black and gold hoops
Black with black and gold inserts
Grey with white sash and tiger logo
Black and gold hoops
White with black and gold inserts
Royal blue and white vertical stripes
Royal blue
Royal blue with royal blue and white inserts
White with royal blue and white inserts
Black with teal, red and white
Black with teal, red and white rings at top
Black with black and white inserts
White with black and teal inserts
Black, white and red panels and black back.
Red, white and black hoops
Black with red and white inserts
Red top, white bottom and black cross
Red, white and black hoops
White with black and red inserts
Green with gold vee
Green and gold hoops
Gold with green stripes
White with green and gold stripes
Black and white stripes
Black with black and white inserts
W hite with white and black inserts
Updated at OMFNL SGM
March 2022
a) OMFNL logo on players guernseys:
The emblem of the OMFNL must be included on all guernseys and in a position on each
guernsey as approved by the OMFNL for each Club.
i) On the left shoulder - to be of dimensions 61 mm high by 75 mm wide.
ii) On the back of the guernsey and within each number at the bottom of each number - to
be of dimensions 21 mm high and 17 mm wide.
b) AFLVC logo on guernseys:
i) All guernseys must have the approved AFLVC logo on the guernsey as directed by the
ii) All guernseys must be purchased through an approved AFL supplier.
c) AFL VC logo on shorts:
i) Only shorts as approved by the AFL VC with the appropriate AFL VC insert may be worn
and must be purchased through an approved AFL VC supplier.
ii) Shorts must be in the colours of the Club and must have the correct coloured inserts.
d) Sponsor's logos on guernseys & shorts:
i) The size of the sponsors’ logos on guernsey’s is not to exceed 18,000mm
or such
other size directed by the OMFNL. The size of the sponsor's logo on players’
shorts is
not to exceed 7,500mm
or of such other size directed by the OMFNL.
ii) Sponsor's logos may be positioned on the front chest area of the guernsey and on the
back of the guernsey above and/or below the number or in such other position approved
by the OMFNL. Sponsor's logos may be positioned on the front left and/or right leg area
of the shorts or such other position directed by the OMFNL.
iii) Logos are to be referred to the General Manager of the OMFNL ("the General Manager")
for checking for compliance with thi
s Bylaw prior to being included on a Club guernsey.
iv) Clubs are not permitted to conclude negotiations with a sponsor whose name or product
would be detrimental to the image or interest of the OMFNL.
v) Prior to finalisation of arrangements with any new sponsors, contact is to be made with
the General Manager to seek advice as to whether entering into arrangements with the
sponsor may contravene Bylaw 4(d)(iv).
f) Lace-up guernseys:
Lace-up guernseys are not permitted to be worn in OMFNL matches.
g) Size of
The numbers on the back of guernseys must be not less than 27.9 centimetres in size.
h) Under-shorts:
Any protective gear or under-shorts worn must be skin toned or the colour of the Club shorts on
the day.
Wangaratta Rovers
Brown and gold vertical stripes
Brown and gold hoops
Brown with brown and gold inserts
White with brown and gold inserts
Maroon with white side panels and monogram
Maroon with maroon and white inserts
White with maroon and white inserts
Wodonga Raiders
Navy with red yolk and Raider logo
Navy with navy and red inserts
White with red and navy inserts
Navy and white hoops
Navy and white hoops
Navy with navy and white inserts
White with navy and white inserts
Each player who is a registered player of the OMFNL must wear the items of uniform and apparel directed
by the OMFNL, including playing uniform and other items of apparel to be worn by players attending official
OMFNL fixtures and events. This includes both the Regular and Alternate uniforms which must be worn as
If a player fails to wear such items of uniform and apparel prescribed by the OMFNL pursuant to this Rule, a
fine as set out in the Schedule will be imposed by the OMFNL upon the Club for each player of the Club in
respect of whom there is a breach.
Each Club may obtain approval of the OMFNL for two sets of short colours to be designated by the Club as first
selection and alternate selection respectively.
The “home team” will adopt its first selection of short colours and the "away team" will wear white shorts.
For final series matches, the selection of shorts to be worn will be determined by the OMFNL.
These Bylaws must be read in conjunction with the Rules and Regulations of the AFL Victoria
Country (the AFL VC Rules). In the event of any inconsistency between these Bylaws and the AFL
VC Rules, the provisions of the AFL VC Rules will prevail. In this clause ‘the AFL VC Rules’ also
includes any frameworks or guidelines issued by AFL VC from time to time which the OMFNLBoard
may adopt, discard or amend in part or in full, in its absolute discretion.
Each Club must register its name with the OMFNL. No Club may alter its name without the prior
approval of the OMFNL.
Each Club has the right to wear colours approved by the OMFNL and no Club will change its colours
without the approval of the OMFNL.
The following colours have been approved:
Black with gold sash
Black and gold hoops
Black with black and gold inserts
Grey with white sash and tiger logo
Black and gold hoops
White with black and gold inserts
Corowa - Rutherglen
Royal blue and white vertical stripes
Royal blue
Royal blue with royal blue and white inserts
White with royal blue and white inserts
Black with teal, red and white
Black with teal, red and white rings at top
Black with black and white inserts
White with black and teal inserts
Black, white and red panels and black back.
Red, white and black hoops
Black with red and white inserts
Red top, white bottom and black cross
Red, white and black hoops
White with black and red inserts
North Albury
iv) If a player changes his number during the course of a match the change must be
announced over the public address system prior to the commencement of the next
quarter. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
a) Home and away matches:
i) In all matches four points will be counted for a win, two for a draw. In the event of a forfeit
the Club receiving the forfeit will receive four points. In the event of two or more Clubs
tying on points at the end of the home and away matches, these Clubs will be positioned
in order of percentage, determined by the proportion of points scored for and against
each Club during the home and away matches.
ii) In the event of there being a tie for first, third or fifth position on the ladder at the end of
the home and away matches i.e. Clubs having the same points and percentage, then
their positions will be determined by aggregating the points scored by the Clubs during
the matches which they played against each other during the home and away matches,
with the Club having the greater points total being awarded the higher position on the
iii) Unless otherwise determined by the OMFNL:
1) All Third Grade home and away matches will commence at 10.00 a.m. and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty (20) minutes (no time-on);
2) All Reserve Grade home and away matches will commence at 12.00 noon and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty two (22) minutes (no time-on); and
3) All Senior Grade home and away matches will commence at 2.00 p.m. and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty (20) minutes plus time-on.
iv) Clubs must observe the AFLVC Equalisation Guidelines, and the AFL Victoria
Community Club Sustainability Program, including AFL Victoria Player Points
System and Allowable Player Payments Rules.
v) A Club that regularly has reduced player numbers may request the OMFNL to
impose a corresponding limit on opposition player numbers in any match. The
OMFNL may grant such a request and implement such change in its sole and
absolute discretion.
b) Final series matches:
At the conclusion of the home and away matches the first five Clubs on the premiership ladder
("the ladder") will play off for the premiership under the final five system.
i) First W eekend:
Elimination Final
The Club placed fourth on the ladder will play the Club placed fifth on the ladder.
The loser of the Elimination Final is eliminated from the final series.
Qualifying Final
The Club placed second on the ladder will play the Club placed third on the ladder.
ii) Second W eekend:
First Semi-Final
The winner of the Elimination Final will play the loser of the Qualifying Final. The loser
of the First Semi-Final is eliminated from the final series
Second Semi – Final
The Club placed first on the ladder will play the winner of the Qualifying Final.
iv) If a player changes his number during the course of a match the change must be
announced over the public address system prior to the commencement of the next
quarter. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
a) Home and away matches:
i) In all matches four points will be counted for a win, two for a draw. In the event of a forfeit
the Club receiving the forfeit will receive four points. In the event of two or more Clubs
tying on points at the end of the home and away matches, these Clubs will be positioned
in order of percentage, determined by the proportion of points scored for and against
each Club during the home and away matches.
ii) In the event of there being a tie for first, third or fifth position on the ladder at the end of
the home and away matches i.e. Clubs having the same points and percentage, then
their positions will be determined by aggregating the points scored by the Clubs during
the matches which they played against each other during the home and away matches,
with the Club having the greater points total being awarded the higher position on the
iii) Unless otherwise determined by the OMFNL:
1) All Third Grade home and away matches will commence at 10.00 a.m. and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty (20) minutes (no time-on);
2) All Reserve Grade home and away matches will commence at 12.00 noon and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty two (22) minutes (no time-on); and
3) All Senior Grade home and away matches will commence at 2.00 p.m. and be
played over four (4) quarters of twenty (20) minutes plus time-on.
iv) Clubs must observe the AFLVC Equalisation Guidelines, and the AFL Victoria
Community Club Sustainability Program, including AFL Victoria Player Points
System and Allowable Player Payments Rules.
v) A Club that regularly has reduced player numbers may request the OMFNL to
impose a corresponding limit on opposition player numbers in any match. The
OMFNL may grant such a request and implement such change in its sole and
absolute discretion.
b) Final series matches:
At the conclusion of the home and away matches the first five Clubs on the premiership ladder
("the ladder") will play off for the premiership under the final five system.
i) First W eekend:
Elimination Final
The Club placed fourth on the ladder will play the Club placed fifth on the ladder.
The loser of the Elimination Final is eliminated from the final series.
Qualifying Final
The Club placed second on the ladder will play the Club placed third on the ladder.
ii) Second W eekend:
First Semi-Final
The winner of the Elimination Final will play the loser of the Qualifying Final. The loser
of the First Semi-Final is eliminated from the final series
Second Semi – Final
The Club placed first on the ladder will play the winner of the Qualifying Final.
i) Socks:
Only AFLVC approved socks may be used in OMFNL matches. Sockettes or shortened
socks must not
be used.
Each player must wear the number notified by their Club. The number must be of a type
and size and attached to the guernsey in a place directed by the OMFNL.
If a player fails to wear the number notified by the player's Club to the OMFNL for
publication, a fine as set out in the Schedule will be imposed upon the Club for each
player of the Club failing to wear the notified number.
If a player is not included in the players notified to the OMFNL for publication or if they
play under a different number to that notified, the change of number must be announced
over the public address system prior to the commencement of the match. A breach of this
Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
iii) A player who has played more than half the scheduled home and away matches at Senior
Grade will be ineligible to play in final series matches in a Reserve Grade team.
e.g. in an 18 week season a player is eligible to play finals in the lower grade team if
he has only played 9 matches in the higher grade, but is ineligible if he has played
10 matches.
iv) An exception to Bylaw 6(f)(iii) is when a Club is engaged in both the Senior Grade and
Reserve Grades in that weekend of finals.
v) To be eligible to participate in a Reserve Grade final when the player’s Club Senior Grade
Team is not engaged in that weekend of the finals, the player must have played no less
than two home and away matches for their Club in the Reverse Grade or Third Grade.
vi) To be eligible to participate in a Third Grade final when the player’s Club only has a Senior
Grade Team or Reserve Grade Team (or neither of the two) playing on the same weekend,
that Club can only select a player in the Third Grade if the player has not played more than
half the home and away matches in Senior Grade and Reserve Grade.
e.g. a player will be disqualified if they have played 6 Senior Grade matches and 4
Reserve Grade matches in an 18 match home and away season.
vii) For permit player finals qualification refer to AFL Victoria Country Rules & Regulations or
applicable Area Agreement.
viii) For the purpose of finals qualification and player eligibility:
1. a TAC Cup Under 18 competition match shall be considered a Senior Grade match.
For the avoidance of doubt, such matches are considered matches of the player’s
Club Senior Grade for the purpose of finals qualification and player eligibility under
Bylaw 6(f)(i) and 6(f)(iii) and 6(f)(vi).
2. a player who has played more than twelve (12) 1
/Senior 18 home and away games
for a club affiliated with a senior state league competition in that season will not be
eligible to play in a finals series match.
ix) Any player who is on an AFL or VFL club list must play at least half of the scheduled home
and away matches to be eligible to play in final series matches or be delisted by their AFL
or VFL club.
x) Matches played in the final series do not count toward qualification.
xi) For the purposes of final series qualification, a player playing in two matches in the same
home and away round will only be credited with the match played in the higher grade.
a) To be eligible to play in the OMFNL Third Grade competition a player must not turn eighteen (18)
years before or on 31 December in the preceding year.
b) Teams competing in the Third Grade competition will consist of twenty two (22) players, not
more than eighteen (18) of whom may take part in a match at any time, the remaining players
being interchange players.
The General Manager, at the OMFNL’s discretion, may postpone or cancel any match in the event
of a Force Majeure Event. In this clause Force Majeure Event means:
unfavourable weather;
earthquakes, fires or other physical natural disaster;
acts of war, acts of terrorism, riots, civil or military disturbances, national or state-wide industrial
iii) Third W eekend:
Preliminary Final
The winner of the First Semi-Final will play the loser of the Second
Semi Final. The loser of the Preliminary Final is eliminated from the
final series.
iv) Fourth W eekend:
Grand Final:
The winner of the Second Semi-Final will play the winner of the
Preliminary Final.
c) Final series matches duration:
i) All Third Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of
seventeen minutes (17) plus time-on;
ii) All Reserve Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of
seventeen minutes (17) plus time-on; and
iii) All Senior Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of twenty
(20) minutes plus time-on.
d) Draws in final series matches:
In the event of a draw in a final series match extra time will be played in the following
i) There will be an interval of five (5) minutes between the end of regular time and the
commencement of extra time. The timekeeper will sound the warning siren three (3) times
at three (3) minutes and twice (2) at four (4) minutes. Clubs not having dispersed and moved
to position at the sound of the four (4) minute sirens will be reported to the OMFNL by the
field umpires. The timekeeper will sound the siren again at the five (5) minute mark to
recommence play.
ii) Extra time will consist of two (2) halves each of five (5) minutes duration plus time-on.
iii) Teams will maintain the same ends as at the completion of regular time and will exchange
ends after the first five (5) minute period.
iv) In the event that scores are level following the first two (2) periods of extra time then this
sequence will be repeated until a result is determined.
v) Coaches and other Club staff other than those permitted to enter the arena during normal
time, will only enter the field to address players during the interval between the end of regular
time and the commencement of extra time.
e) Grounds for final series matches:
Final series matches will be played upon grounds determined by the OMFNL.
f) Qualifying conditions for playing in final series matches:
i) A player must play in at least three home and away matches for their Club to be eligible to
participate in a final series match.
ii) If a Club has all three teams playing final series matches on the same weekend, that Club
can select players in such teams as it sees fit, subject only to Rule 6(f)(i) and the age
restrictions applying to the Third Grade.
iii) Third W eekend:
Preliminary Final
The winner of the First Semi-Final will play the loser of the Second
Semi Final. The loser of the Preliminary Final is eliminated from the
final series.
iv) Fourth W eekend:
Grand Final:
The winner of the Second Semi-Final will play the winner of the
Preliminary Final.
c) Final series matches duration:
i) All Third Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of
seventeen minutes (17) plus time-on;
ii) All Reserve Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of
seventeen minutes (17) plus time-on; and
iii) All Senior Grade final series matches will be played over four (4) quarters each of twenty
(20) minutes plus time-on.
d) Draws in final series matches:
In the event of a draw in a final series match extra time will be played in the following
i) There will be an interval of five (5) minutes between the end of regular time and the
commencement of extra time. The timekeeper will sound the warning siren three (3) times
at three (3) minutes and twice (2) at four (4) minutes. Clubs not having dispersed and moved
to position at the sound of the four (4) minute sirens will be reported to the OMFNL by the
field umpires. The timekeeper will sound the siren again at the five (5) minute mark to
recommence play.
ii) Extra time will consist of two (2) halves each of five (5) minutes duration plus time-on.
iii) Teams will maintain the same ends as at the completion of regular time and will exchange
ends after the first five (5) minute period.
iv) In the event that scores are level following the first two (2) periods of extra time then this
sequence will be repeated until a result is determined.
v) Coaches and other Club staff other than those permitted to enter the arena during normal
time, will only enter the field to address players during the interval between the end of regular
time and the commencement of extra time.
e) Grounds for final series matches:
Final series matches will be played upon grounds determined by the OMFNL.
f) Qualifying conditions for playing in final series matches:
i) A player must play in at least three home and away matches for their Club to be eligible to
participate in a final series match.
ii) If a Club has all three teams playing final series matches on the same weekend, that Club
can select players in such teams as it sees fit, subject only to Rule 6(f)(i) and the age
restrictions applying to the Third Grade.
Clubs are to supply information in electronic format for OMFNL publications as requested, including
accurate team lists, no later than 12.00 noon on the Tuesday before the commencement of the next
round of scheduled matches. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
a) All Clubs are to electronically lodge with the OMFNL particulars of their Senior Grade,
Reserve Grade and Third Grade teams (consisting of a maximum of eighteen (18) players,
four (4) interchange [three (3) for Reserve Grade], and three (3) emergencies).
b) Electronic lodgement of teams is to be completed by:
i) 8.30 p.m. Thursday if they are playing on a Friday night or Saturday; and
ii) 5.00 p.m. Friday if they are playing on a Sunday or public holidays. Teams playing on
a Sunday or public holidays are also required to announce an extended list consisting
of eighteen (18) players, six (6) interchange [seven (7) for Third Grade] by 8.30 pm
c) Failure to electronically lodge any team as required by Bylaw 13(a) will result in a fine as set
out in the Schedule.
d) The Senior Grade team will comprise eighteen (18) players in position, an interchange of f our
(4) and three (3) emergencies, making a total of twenty-five (25) players. Teams must be
named with the emergencies not included in the team listing of twenty-two (22). No expanded
bench is to be named, other than as provided in Bylaw 13(b)(ii).
e) Late changes to selected teams will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
f) A fine as set out in the Schedule will be imposed upon Clubs who drop players from the
original twenty-two (22) Senior Grade players to the Reserve Grade or Third Grade team that
particular weekend or who use players in the Senior Grade team after not including them in the
twenty-five (25) players lodged with the OMFNL.
a) The team manager of each Club must meet with the team manager of the other competing
Club and the Umpires:
i) For Third Grade matches - 30 minutes before the scheduled time for commencement of
the match; and
ii) For Senior Grade and Reserve Grade matches - at three quarter time of the
preceding game,
and deliver to each of the opposing team manager and the umpires a team sheet listing:
iii) The names of all players of the Club and their guernsey numbers;
iv) The interchange players;
v) The captain;
vi) The coach;
vii) The official runner;
viii) The water carriers;
disputes, or any other unlawful act against public order or authority;
epidemic, pandemic, public health crisis, any governmental restraint, impacts from the exercise of
governmental powers; and
any other event which is not within the OMFNL’s reasonable control.
A decision to postpone or cancel a match will be made and notified to the Clubs as soon as
possible. The OMFNL will schedule the playing of any postponed match at any convenient time
prior to the commencement of final series matches.
Outside scheduled OMFNL competitions, a Club must not play another OMFNL Club without the
OMFNL's approval.
a) For each Senior Grade home and away match the home Club will submit two new red footballs
(each approved by the OMFNL) to the visiting Club for choice, provided that in the event of a
night game the home Club will submit two new yellow footballs.
b) By agreement between Clubs, two new red footballs may be used in a Senior Grade match.
c) For use in the event of emergency the home Club will arrange for not less than two additional
footballs to be delivered to the Umpires' dressing room prior to the start of the match.
d) For the purpose of this Bylaw the approved footballs are Sherrin with approved League
sponsor logos.
e) In Reserve Grade and Third Grade matches one new ball and one other ball of suitable condition
(to be determined by the match umpires) must be supplied for the choice of the visiting Club.
f) A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
a) At all grounds registered with the OMFNL for home and away matches there will be a
uniform price of admission determined by the OMFNL. Aged and invalid pensioners will be
admitted to all home and away matches on production of pension cards at a price determined by
the OMFNL.
b) Admission prices for the finals series will be decided by the OMFNL.
c) The holders of carer's companion cards and children 12 years and under will be admitted to
all matches free of charge. Proof of entitlement or age may be requested.
d) OMFNL guest passes will be issued by the General Manager to media personnel, trophy
donors to the OMFNL, Morris Medal winners, Wilson Medal winners, life members of the
OMFNL, Hall of Fame inductees and recognised guests of the OMFNL.
e) Holders of AFL Victoria service medallions and holders of guest passes issued by the
OMFNL will be admitted free to all matches upon production of their medallions or guest passes.
f) Normal admission charges will be paid by all visiting players and officials except for Third
Grade football players and all netball players under the age of eighteen (18) years who will
be given passes and will be admitted free to all matches upon production of their passes.
g) The host Club for any final series match will pay a hosting fee as advised by the OMFNL
and any entitlement to free admittance for its "workers" will be as provided in the OMFNL's
Finals Hosting Rules.
h) In the final series the host Club will after adding the privilege fee, account to the OMFNL for
the net amount of the gate moneys and privilege fees.
a) Duties and Powers of timekeepers:
The provisions of the AFL Laws of the Game apply with respect to the duties and powers of
b) Clocks and Sirens:
i) Each Club must supply one clock for the use of the Club timekeeper;
ii) Each ground upon which OMFNL matches are played must have a bell or siren of a
type approved by the OMFNL;
iii) The operation of the siren is under the control of the timekeepers appointed for the
match; and
iv) The timekeepers will at the end of each quarter continue to ring or sound the bell or
siren until the field umpire acknowledges that they have heard the bell or siren by
blowing their whistle and holding their two hands over their head.
c) Times for starting matches:
The OMFNL will determine the starting time for matches, the times by which teams will enter the
field for the commencement of matches and the penalties to be paid or incurred by Clubs for
failure of their teams to enter the field by the times determined.
d) Procedure for Sounding Siren:
ix) Any Club umpire;
x) The Club umpire escort;
xi) The official trainers of the team;
xii) the interchange steward; and
xiii) the timekeeper.
b) All team sheets must be completed electronically. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine
as set out in the Schedule. The home team is responsible for printing off copies of all official
team sheets for that day.
c) All day and/or area permit forms in respect of any player must be sighted by a responsible
official of the opposing Club and signed by this official prior to the commencement of the match.
d) All team sheets are to be signed by a responsible official of the Club.
e) After each match the Secretary of the home Club must forward to the OMFNL Operations Officer
of the OMFNL a copy of each team sheet along with the umpires' report of the match.
a) Team Managers of both competing Clubs must attend at the Umpires' rooms and complete
and submit all necessary match day documents required by the OMFNL within twenty (20)
minutes of the end of play.
b) The home Club must electronically lodge all match day information the OMFNL requires
including correct scores on a quarter by quarter basis, best players and goal kickers for all
grades played:
i) On or before 5.30 pm for matches starting at 2.10 pm; and
ii) Within 30 minutes of the end of matches scheduled to start at other times.
The information submitted will include particulars of any reports made by umpires in any
grade on that day or alternatively advise "all clear".
c) The Secretary of the home Club will submit to the OMFNL Operations Manager:
i) All match day documentation and information designated by the OMFNL as "priority"
to be received by 8.00 am the next business day after the match; and
ii) All other required match day documentation and information by 5.00pm on the next
business after the match or if sent by express post, to be posted not later than the
closing time for express post on the next business day after the match.
The match day documentation currently required includes the official score card certified "correct" by
both official scorers, team sheets, time cards, umpires reports, OMFNL awards, interchange sheets, and
day and area permits (if any). A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
The Secretary or Team Manager of all Clubs must attend the Umpires' Room within twenty (20)
minutes of the conclusion of the match to receive the "all clear" or to be notified of any report. A
breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
Wherever these Bylaws and the Articles of the OMFNL provide for a time limit for lodgement of any
communication the onus of proof of lodgement within time is on the initiating Club.
a) Each Club must provide one interchange steward for each match. Their name must be recorded
on the official team sheet.
b) Each interchange steward must record their own Club's player interchange records. This
includes the numbers of players who leave and enter the field and the time they entered and
left the field
c) Interchange stewards must monitor players eligible to interchange throughout the match and
must ensure they cross the boundary line at the same place within the marked lines, player
off first, player on second.
d) Interchange stewards must sit together in a location designated by the OMFNL .
e) A player who does not leave the field as required by Bylaw 19(c) is unable to re-enter the field
for the remainder of the match. Both interchange stewards must agree there has been a clear
breach before this consequence is applied.
f) Where a player does not enter the field as required by Bylaw 19(c), the interchange steward
and/or a field umpire must report the circumstances to the OMFNL, including the scores at the
time. The OMFNL may apply a sanction including the imposition of a fine or the reversal of
the match result.
g) In the case of a yellow card the interchange stewards of both Clubs must liaise with each other
and agree upon the time the offending player(s) left the field. Based on that time both
stewards then need to work out the 15 minute playing time penalty to reach the milestone time
when the player can re-enter the field. These times are to be recorded on the offending
player's Club Interchange sheet and initialled by each interchange steward.
h) In the case of a red card the interchange stewards of both Clubs must liaise with each other and
agree upon the time the offending player s) left the field. Based on that time both stewards
then need to work out the 20 minute playing time penalty to reach the milestone when the red
carded player can be replaced. The offending red carded player cannot re-enter the match
can only be replaced by another named player after 20 minutes. These times are to be
recorded on the offending player's Club interchange sheet a
nd initialled by each interchange
i) At the completion of the match each steward must sign their own interchange steward control
sheet and initial the opposition Club's sheet.
j) Interchange stewards are encouraged to report to the OMFNL any infringement of this Bylaw.
a) Score boards must be erected in a prominent position on each ground approved for use by the
OMFNL and scores must be posted to the score boards by a competent person.
b) The goal umpires are the official scorers. The goal umpires will confer and check their scores
at the end of each quarter. In the event of any discrepancy between the scores kept by the
goal umpires they will check the scores against the scores kept by the timekeepers.
c) At the end of each quarter the goal umpires will communicate with the score board attendant
to ensure that the scores displayed are correct.
d) Time clocks must be erected in a prominent position on each ground approved for use the
OMFNL and are to be of a design and size so that they may be easily read by all persons
attending the match.
i) T
e) If a team of a Club has not entered the field within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled
time the Club will (in addition to any fine set out in the Schedule) forfeit the match and the
premiership points for the match unless a satisfactory explanation for the delay is provided to the
OMFNL. In the event of a match being forfeited on the scheduled day, if the Club who has
forfeited the match provides an explanation to the OMF
NL which the OMFNL considers
satisfactory, then the OMFNL in its absolute discretion may determine that the match be played
on a subsequent day or otherwise finally decide the matter.
Start of Match
Number of Occasions
Five minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the
Match and as Umpires enter the Arena.
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time.
Clubs are permitted to warm up on an agreed half of the
field until the sounding of this warning.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time and as a
signal for the toss of the coin.
It is the responsibility of each club to ensure that their
captain is at the centre circle prior to this warning.
Following the toss players must move to their positions
Scheduled starting time (start of Match) Once.
Clubs not ready to start at the official starting time will be
reported to the OMFNL by the field umpires, who will
complete an official report following the completion of the
match. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out
in the Schedule.
End of first quarter Once.
Interval time six (6) minutes for all grades
Start of Second Quarter
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Clubs not having dispersed and moved to their field
positions at the one-minute warning will be reported to the
OMFNL by the field umpires.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once
End of second quarter Once
Interval time twenty (20) minutes for Seniors, ten (10) minutes for Reserves & Thirds
Start of Third Quarter
Five minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the
quarter and as Umpires enter the Arena.
All half-time entertainment (if any) must cease at this
warning, any instances of exceeding this time will be
reported to the OMFNL.
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
Clubs must move to their field positions at this warning.
Clubs not ready to start will be reported to the OMFNL by
the field umpires.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once.
End of third quarter Once.
Interval time six (6) minutes for all grades
Start of Final Quarter
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Clubs not having dispersed and moved to their field
positions at the one-minute warning will be reported to the
OMFNL by the field umpires.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once
End of fourth quarter Once
i) T
e) If a team of a Club has not entered the field within fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled
time the Club will (in addition to any fine set out in the Schedule) forfeit the match and the
premiership points for the match unless a satisfactory explanation for the delay is provided to the
OMFNL. In the event of a match being forfeited on the scheduled day, if the Club who has
forfeited the match provides an explanation to the OMF
NL which the OMFNL considers
satisfactory, then the OMFNL in its absolute discretion may determine that the match be played
on a subsequent day or otherwise finally decide the matter.
Start of Match
Number of Occasions
Five minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the
Match and as Umpires enter the Arena.
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time.
Clubs are permitted to warm up on an agreed half of the
field until the sounding of this warning.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time and as a
signal for the toss of the coin.
It is the responsibility of each club to ensure that their
captain is at the centre circle prior to this warning.
Following the toss players must move to their positions
Scheduled starting time (start of Match) Once.
Clubs not ready to start at the official starting time will be
reported to the OMFNL by the field umpires, who will
complete an official report following the completion of the
match. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out
in the Schedule.
End of first quarter Once.
Interval time six (6) minutes for all grades
Start of Second Quarter
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Clubs not having dispersed and moved to their field
positions at the one-minute warning will be reported to the
OMFNL by the field umpires.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once
End of second quarter Once
Interval time twenty (20) minutes for Seniors, ten (10) minutes for Reserves & Thirds
Start of Third Quarter
Five minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the
quarter and as Umpires enter the Arena.
All half-time entertainment (if any) must cease at this
warning, any instances of exceeding this time will be
reported to the OMFNL.
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
Clubs must move to their field positions at this warning.
Clubs not ready to start will be reported to the OMFNL by
the field umpires.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once.
End of third quarter Once.
Interval time six (6) minutes for all grades
Start of Final Quarter
Two minutes prior to the scheduled starting time Twice.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
One minute prior to the scheduled starting time Once.
Clubs not having dispersed and moved to their field
positions at the one-minute warning will be reported to the
OMFNL by the field umpires.
Scheduled starting time (start of quarter) Once
End of fourth quarter Once
a) Duties and Powers of timekeepers:
The provisions of the AFL Laws of the Game apply with respect to the duties and powers of
b) Clocks and Sirens:
i) Each Club must supply one clock for the use of the Club timekeeper;
ii) Each ground upon which OMFNL matches are played must have a bell or siren of a
type approved by the OMFNL;
iii) The operation of the siren is under the control of the timekeepers appointed for the
match; and
iv) The timekeepers will at the end of each quarter continue to ring or sound the bell or
siren until the field umpire acknowledges that they have heard the bell or siren by
blowing their whistle and holding their two hands over their head.
c) Times for starting matches:
The OMFNL will determine the starting time for matches, the times by which teams will enter the
field for the commencement of matches and the penalties to be paid or incurred by Clubs for
failure of their teams to enter the field by the times determined.
d) Procedure for Sounding Siren:
a) This Bylaw applies to the following OMFNL awards for the player(s) adjudicated by the field
umpires to be the fairest and best in home and away matches:
i) Senior Grade - the “Morris Medal”.
ii) Reserve Grade - the “Leo Burke Medal”; and
iii) Third Grade - the "Leo Dean Medal”.
b) The player adjudged fairest and best will receive three votes, the player adjudged second
fairest and best will receive two votes and the player adjusted third fairest and best will
receive one vote.
c) Within twenty (20) minutes of the conclusion of each match the field umpires will record their
assessment of the three fairest and best players in the match in order of preference in a
sealed, addressed and stamped envelope marked with the name of the award for that
grade. The secretary of the home Club is responsible for lodging the envelope at the OMFNL
Office on the first working day after the match with all other "non-priority" documentation.
d) At the end of the home and away matches in each season the votes will be counted and the
player(s) receiving the highest number of votes is/are to receive the award. In the case of two
or more players receiving an equal number of votes, joint winners will be declared and will
receive the award.
e) Any player found guilty of an offence or who has accepted a set penalty suspension is
ineligible to receive the award in that season, except in the instance of a time wasting
offence(s) and offences where no period of suspension has been imposed.
A player who is ineligible is ineligible for awards in all grades, regardless of the grade in
which the penalty was incurred.
f) The umpires will be instructed that votes are to be awarded to players irrespective of whether
they have been found guilty of an offence in a match during that season and irrespective of
whether they have been reported during that match.
g) A player to whom ByLaw 23(e) applies will only be ineligible for OMFNL awards in the season in
which the relevant offence occurred. A player issued any form of penalty as result of an offence in
a finals game will not be ineligible for OMFNL awards in that season, or in the following season or
seasons, even if all or part of the penalty is to be served in the following season or seasons.
a) If a representative match is to be played in the same round as "home and away" matches
have been scheduled then the OMFNL has first call on the services of players. If a selected
player is not able to play he will not be permitted to play with his Club during that round
unless the General Manager is satisfied that the reason for the player not representing the
OMFNL is legitimate e.g. that the player cannot obtain leave of absence from his
employment so as to travel to the venue of the match.
b) The OMFNL will appoint the coaching staff of all representative teams.
c) The OMFNL will appoint a chairman of selectors of each representative team and up to four
selectors, one of whom will be the coach.
d) The selectors will appoint captains and vice-captains of all representative teams.
a) Prior to the commencement of each season each Club must submit to the General Manager
No form of electronic communication (such as walkie-talkie or mobile telephone) will be used on the field
during the progress of a match, excepting in the area between the arena fence and the boundary line.
a) Any umpire who is directed to attend an OMFNL Board meeting or the OMFNL Tribunal and
who fails to do so will be dealt with in the OMFNL's absolute discretion.
b) An umpire (with the exception of "club umpires") is not eligible to officiate in a match involving
the Club of which he was a player until a period of three (3) years has elapsed since he last
played for that Club.
c) i) Umpires' dressing rooms must be kept clear of all persons except the umpires and no
visit is permitted before, during or after the match by any persons except the Secretary
or Team Manager of the competing Clubs.
ii) Separate shower facilities must be provided for the umpires and Clubs must work towards
having separate shower facilities for female umpires.
A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
d) Club officials, coaches and players must not engage in public comment on umpires. A breach
of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
e) i) It is the responsibility of each Club to supply an umpires' escort who must be listed on
the official team sheet.
i) The escort must wear the escort identification supplied by the OMFNL.
ii) The escort must be a mature person, capable of assisting the umpire in a crisis.
iii) The escorts are to be at the umpires' room five (5) minutes prior to the umpires going
on to the field.
iv) The escorts must accompany the umpires on to the field prior to the match and prior
to the start of the second half and off the ground at the completion of the second and
final quarters.
v) The escorts must go to the centre of the field and stand with the umpires during quarter
time and three quarter time breaks.
vi) The escort must move quickly to the umpires as soon as the end of each quarter is
vii) In the event of an incident involving the umpires the escorts must remain with the
umpires and ensure their safe departure from the field.
viii) The Umpires must be escorted to the door of the Umpires' Room before the escorts
are considered to have completed their duties
ix) The Umpires will record any breach of this Bylaw in the match day report.
x) Any breach of this Bylaw will result in the OMFNL imposing a fine as set out in the
f) No Club coach or Club official is permitted to speak to umpires during the progress of a match or
at intervals. The club captain only is permitted to enter into the centre square during the
intervals. All team addresses must be given outside the centre square. A breach of this Bylaw
will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
g) The home Club is responsible for the security of the Umpires' Rooms and any possessions of
the umpires left in the Umpires' Rooms e.g., tracksuit tops.
a) Each Club must provide one interchange steward for each match. Their name must be recorded
on the official team sheet.
b) Each interchange steward must record their own Club's player interchange records. This
includes the numbers of players who leave and enter the field and the time they entered and
left the field
c) Interchange stewards must monitor players eligible to interchange throughout the match and
must ensure they cross the boundary line at the same place within the marked lines, player
off first, player on second.
d) Interchange stewards must sit together in a location designated by the OMFNL .
e) A player who does not leave the field as required by Bylaw 19(c) is unable to re-enter the field
for the remainder of the match. Both interchange stewards must agree there has been a clear
breach before this consequence is applied.
f) Where a player does not enter the field as required by Bylaw 19(c), the interchange steward
and/or a field umpire must report the circumstances to the OMFNL, including the scores at the
time. The OMFNL may apply a sanction including the imposition of a fine or the reversal of
the match result.
g) In the case of a yellow card the interchange stewards of both Clubs must liaise with each other
and agree upon the time the offending player(s) left the field. Based on that time both
stewards then need to work out the 15 minute playing time penalty to reach the milestone time
when the player can re-enter the field. These times are to be recorded on the offending
player's Club Interchange sheet and initialled by each interchange steward.
h) In the case of a red card the interchange stewards of both Clubs must liaise with each other and
agree upon the time the offending player s) left the field. Based on that time both stewards
then need to work out the 20 minute playing time penalty to reach the milestone when the red
carded player can be replaced. The offending red carded player cannot re-enter the match
can only be replaced by another named player after 20 minutes. These times are to be
recorded on the offending player's Club interchange sheet a
nd initialled by each interchange
i) At the completion of the match each steward must sign their own interchange steward control
sheet and initial the opposition Club's sheet.
j) Interchange stewards are encouraged to report to the OMFNL any infringement of this Bylaw.
a) Score boards must be erected in a prominent position on each ground approved for use by the
OMFNL and scores must be posted to the score boards by a competent person.
b) The goal umpires are the official scorers. The goal umpires will confer and check their scores
at the end of each quarter. In the event of any discrepancy between the scores kept by the
goal umpires they will check the scores against the scores kept by the timekeepers.
c) At the end of each quarter the goal umpires will communicate with the score board attendant
to ensure that the scores displayed are correct.
d) Time clocks must be erected in a prominent position on each ground approved for use the
OMFNL and are to be of a design and size so that they may be easily read by all persons
attending the match.
A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
f) If a Club makes an allegations or complaint against an umpire the OMFNL may take such
action in its absolute discretion as it may consider appropriate.
g) An official of a Club who uses abusive, threatening or insulting language to an umpire on the
day of a match or otherwise misconducts himself will be liable to a fine as set out in the Schedule.
h) AFL Victoria Country Investigation:
In the event any party is determined by the OMFNL Independent Tribunal to be guilty of a charge
resulting from an AFL Independent Investigation all expenses associated with that investigation as
determined by the OMFNL will be payable by their club.
i) Tribunal Fees
i) Players found guilty at Tribunal will incur a fine to their club of $150.
ii) Players who successfully challenge a Set Penalty after pleading guilty and using their good
record to receive a reprimand are exempt to any Tribunal Fees.
a) The Club of a reported player must notify the reporting umpire within twenty (20) minutes of
the end of the match or of being advised of the report whichever last occurs, whether the
reported player accepts a set penalty or wishes the matter determined by the OMFNL Tribunal.
b) If after accepting a set penalty a player wishes to have the report determined by the OMFNL
Tribunal, his Club must notify the General Manager by 10.00 am on the Monday after the report.
a) A Club expelling or suspending a player will within seven (7) days of the expulsion or suspension
provide in writing to the General Manager particulars of the name and address of the
suspended or expelled player and of the offence. The General Manager will then give the
player written notice of his rights pursuant to the AFL VC Rules. No suspended player will be
allowed to play until either his suspension has expired or otherwise been removed.
b) No disqualified player will be allowed to play with or coach any Club or hold any office or act in
any capacity for a Club until the disqualification has expired or been removed. A player may
play in Club practice matches or pre-season matches and any playing coach may act as a non-
playing coach of his Club during the period of his disqualification. A disqualified coach may not
enter the field or act in any official capacity for their Club and may not address the players (or
speak to any individual player) of t
he Club whether on or off the field. These restrictions apply
prior to, during and after the match (up to 6.00 pm on the day of the match).
Any breach of this Bylaw will be dealt with by the OMFNL in its absolute discretion.
a) Where the OMFNL is of the opinion that a Club or any coach, player, trainer, official or
employee of a Club has contravened the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association or the Bylaws the OMFNL may deal with the matter in any manner which in its
absolute discretion it thinks fit.
b) Where the OMFNL is of the opinion that a Club or any coach, player, trainer, official or employee
of a Club has been involved in conduct which is unbecoming, is likely to bring the game of
football into disrepute or is prejudicial to the interests of the OMFNL, then the OMFNL will
refer the matter to its Investigations Officer for investigation pursuant to the "Conduct
Unbecoming " provisions of the AFL VC Rules.
c) Where the OMFNL is of the opinion that coach, player, trainer, official or employee of a Club
a written list of their official trainers and medical staff.
b) Each trainer/medical staffer must be registered by the OMFNL. As a condition of registration
the OMFNL may require:
i) That the trainer/medical staffer hold qualifications as
determined by OMFNL.
ii) The payment of a fee as determined by the OMFN
any match.
Trainers/medical staff will wear an OMFNL vest over the top of their Club uniform with the
Club name and an allocated number for each trainer/medical staff member.
All Water Carriers staff will wear an OMFNL vest over the top of their Club uniform with the
Club name and an allocated number for each water carrier member.
When not carrying water to players, all water carriers must stay within one (1) of four (4)
marked squares (of 2m × 2m dimensions) on each boundary adjacent to the point where
the 50m arc intersects with the boundary.
e) Water carriers and trainers must be listed on the team sheet in the appropriate section
showing their name and number.
f) Both participating clubs in each match must have a stretcher and Jordan frame placed at
their interchange bench. A breach of this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
g) No Coach or assistant Coach may act as a runner, trainer or water carrier in any OMFNL match.
h) Team Runner(s)
i) The team runner(s) shall dress in the uniform determined by the OMFNL.
ii) Not have affixed to his or her person any communication device which includes but is not
limited to portable radios, headsets, microphones or earpieces.
iii) Enter and exit the playing arena via the interchange where (2) club runners are used with
only (1) runner allowed on the field at any one time. Should a club use (1) runner only, the
runner may enter and exit the playing arena from any point of the ground.
a) The AFL VC Rules will be applied for all reportable offences under the AFL Laws of the Game
for field offences.
b) The provisions of this Bylaw will apply to all matches including practice matches at which
there are officiating umpires.
c) Charges to be determined by the OMFNL Tribunal will be heard at a time and place determined
by the General Manager of the OMFNL.
d) Provided that the OMFNL Tribunal is satisfied that no substantial miscarriage of justice will
result, the OMFNL Tribunal may proceed to hear and determine any charge even if there has
not been compliance with one or more of these Bylaws.
e) i) Club officials and player must not publicly comment on the contents of a
written report or a charge prior to the determination by the OMFNL Tribunal. A breach of
this Bylaw will result in a fine as set out in the Schedule.
ii) Club officials and player must not publicly comment on the OMFNL Tribunal or the
OMFNL Board or staff and must not otherwise make public comments bringing
the OMFNL into disrepute.
a) This Bylaw applies to the following OMFNL awards for the player(s) adjudicated by the field
umpires to be the fairest and best in home and away matches:
i) Senior Grade - the “Morris Medal”.
ii) Reserve Grade - the “Leo Burke Medal”; and
iii) Third Grade - the "Leo Dean Medal”.
b) The player adjudged fairest and best will receive three votes, the player adjudged second
fairest and best will receive two votes and the player adjusted third fairest and best will
receive one vote.
c) Within twenty (20) minutes of the conclusion of each match the field umpires will record their
assessment of the three fairest and best players in the match in order of preference in a
sealed, addressed and stamped envelope marked with the name of the award for that
grade. The secretary of the home Club is responsible for lodging the envelope at the OMFNL
Office on the first working day after the match with all other "non-priority" documentation.
d) At the end of the home and away matches in each season the votes will be counted and the
player(s) receiving the highest number of votes is/are to receive the award. In the case of two
or more players receiving an equal number of votes, joint winners will be declared and will
receive the award.
e) Any player found guilty of an offence or who has accepted a set penalty suspension is
ineligible to receive the award in that season, except in the instance of a time wasting
offence(s) and offences where no period of suspension has been imposed.
A player who is ineligible is ineligible for awards in all grades, regardless of the grade in
which the penalty was incurred.
f) The umpires will be instructed that votes are to be awarded to players irrespective of whether
they have been found guilty of an offence in a match during that season and irrespective of
whether they have been reported during that match.
g) A player to whom ByLaw 23(e) applies will only be ineligible for OMFNL awards in the season in
which the relevant offence occurred. A player issued any form of penalty as result of an offence in
a finals game will not be ineligible for OMFNL awards in that season, or in the following season or
seasons, even if all or part of the penalty is to be served in the following season or seasons.
a) If a representative match is to be played in the same round as "home and away" matches
have been scheduled then the OMFNL has first call on the services of players. If a selected
player is not able to play he will not be permitted to play with his Club during that round
unless the General Manager is satisfied that the reason for the player not representing the
OMFNL is legitimate e.g. that the player cannot obtain leave of absence from his
employment so as to travel to the venue of the match.
b) The OMFNL will appoint the coaching staff of all representative teams.
c) The OMFNL will appoint a chairman of selectors of each representative team and up to four
selectors, one of whom will be the coach.
d) The selectors will appoint captains and vice-captains of all representative teams.
a) Prior to the commencement of each season each Club must submit to the General Manager
(i) The OMFNL General Manager may offer a set penalty under the guidelines of the AFL
Victoria Country Report Form; or
(ii) A report may be referred to the OMFNL Tribunal for determination, in which case all parties
will be provided with a completed report sheet.
o) The umpiring body will provide an advocate to prosecute all reports referred to the OMFNL
Tribunal for determination resulting from Match Review Panel reviews. Match Review Panels
members will not attend and cannot be called as witnesses at OMFNL Tribunal proceedings.
Clubs are responsible for the actions and behaviour of their coaches, players, trainers, officials
employees and supporters, before, during and after all matches and at all official OMFNL functions
and at the OMFNL Tribunal. The Clubs are responsible for ensuring that their coaches, players,
trainers, officials, employees and supporters comply with any OMFNL or AFL VC Code of Conduct and
a) Any coach, player, trainer, official or employee of a Club who fails to attend any OMFNL
Tribunal, OMFNL Board or other meeting of the OMFNL which they may have been directed
to attend will be dealt with as the OMFNL Tribunal may think fit.
b) Any person failing to attend upon the OMFNL Tribunal after having been requested by the
Chairman of the OMFNL Tribunal to so upon reasonable notice will be fined as set out in the
Schedule in addition to any penalty which the Tribunal may impose.
a) Protests involving disputed matches must be lodged in writing with the General Manager not
later than seventy two (72) hours after the completion of the match to be disputed and must be
forwarded to the opposing Club at the same time The onus of proving lodgement within the time
limit is on the disputing Club.
b) The disputing Club must deposit $2,000.00 with the OMFNL at the time of lodging the protest.
c) The General Manager will review the grounds of protest:
i) If the protest is frivolous - it may be dismissed:
ii) If the protest is irregular or involves the jurisdiction of the OMFNL Board - a meeting of
the OMFNL Board will be called as soon as possible to consider the protest. The
OMFNL Board may hear evidence. The OMFNL Board may in appropriate cases decline
to make a determination and remit the protest to the OMFNL Tribunal for determination.
iii) Otherwise, the protest will be referred to the OMFNL Tribunal for determination.
d) No protest may be withdrawn without the consent of the OMFNL.
e) If the disputing Club does not have a determination made in its favour then the OMFNL Board
may in its absolute discretion forfeit all or part of the moneys deposited by the disputing Club.
f) Either Club affected by the determination may appeal to the AFL VC.
g) In the event of evidence given in the appeal to the AFL VC being other than as given before
the OMFNL Tribunal or OMFNL Board then this evidence must be forwarded to the Secretary of
the opposing Club and also to the OMFNL.
If a Club has not paid any moneys due by it to the OMFNL and the OMFNL gives it notice in writing
may have committed a reportable offence under the Laws of the Game of Football the
OMFNL may refer the matter to the Investigation Officer for investigation and if the
Investigation Officer reports that there is a case to answer, then to the OMFNL Tribunal.
a) The OMFNL will before the commencement of each season and otherwise as necessary from time
to time appoint persons for the purpose of forming a Match Review Panel when requested.
b) The members of the Match Review Panel must not hold any other office with the OMFNL or any
OMFNL Club, nor have done so for a period of 12 months prior to their appointment. A person
may not be both a member of the OMFNL Tribunal and Match Review Panel. The identity of Match
Review Panel Members will not be disclosed or publicised. A Match Review Panel Member must
not be involved in a review if they have been involved in any way with one of the Clubs who
participated in the match under review. “Involved in any way” includes as a player, office bearer or
holder of any other official capacity with one of the Clubs who participated in the match under
review during the preceding 3 years.
c) Any participating Club or the umpiring body to whom the officiating match day umpires are
(the umpiring body) may request that any on-field incident with respect to which no AFL Victoria
Country Notice of Report has been issued by the match day umpires (the incident) be reviewed
by a Match Review Panel (a review request).
d) The OMFNL “Match Review Form” which identifies the incident must be completed and signed by:
(i) the requesting Club’s president and senior coach; or
(ii) the Umpire Development Manager of the umpiring body and one of the officiating match
day umpires.
e) If the party submitting a review request has footage of the incident which they want considered or
upon which they may later seek to rely then this must be submitted with the review request
together with a statutory declaration to the effect that the footage has not been altered or edited.
Failure to produce relevant footage at this stage may result in the OMFNL Tribunal refusing to
allow its admission as evidence at OMFNL Tribunal proceedings arising out of the review request.
f) The Match Review Form must be received by the OMFNL by 12.00 pm the second day
after the match with respect to which the review request is received unless otherwise determined
in writing by the OMFNL General Manager. If the Match Review Form is lodged by a club, a
deposit of $250 shall accompany the Match Review Form which shall be forfeited in whole or part
in the event the Match Review Panel considers it frivolous.
g) Upon receiving the review request the OMFNL will as soon as possible appoint a 3 member Match
Review Panel who must complete the review by 12.00 pm the third day after the match with
respect to which the review request has been received unless otherwise determined in writing by
the OMFNL General Manager.
h) Upon a review request being received the OMFNL will inform the two Clubs and the umpiring body
that a review is being conducted. If any of the parties who did not submit the review request has
footage of the incident which they want considered or upon which they may later seek to rely then
this must be submitted to the OMFNL as soon as possible together with a statutory declaration to
the effect that the footage has not been altered or edited. Failure to produce relevant footage at
this stage may result in the OMFNL Tribunal refusing to allow its admission as evidence at OMFNL
Tribunal proceedings arising out of the review request.
i) If there is no footage of the incident the subject of the review request then the OMFNL will inform
each Club and the umpiring body and advise them of the reason for there being no footage of the
j) If there is footage of the incident then the OMFNL will then provide the footage (consisting of both
OMFNL official footage and any footage submitted by any party) to the Match Review Panel
members as soon as possible. The Match Review Panel members will then review the footage
and determine if any AFL Victoria Country Rules have been breached. They may consider all
possible breaches which are apparent from a consideration of the footage, not just those which
may have been nominated by the review request.
k) The Match Review Panel members may meet to review the footage together or may do so
independently. The Match Review Panel may regulate their proceedings as they see fit. Decisions
will be made by majority vote.
l) Upon the Match Review Panel making its decision the 2 Clubs and the Umpiring Body will be
informed of the decision as soon as possible.
m) If the Match Review Panel determines that there is no case to answer this does not affect rights to
request an AFL Victoria Country Independent Investigation.
n) If the Match Review Panel determines that there is a case to answer then:
that unless it remedies the default within seven (7) days that "sanctions" will apply and the Club fails
to remedy the default within that time, then from the expiry of that period and until the default is
remedied, the following sanctions will be applied:
a) The Club's delegates may not participate in OMFNL decision making;
b) The Club may play, but will not be awarded any premiership points for any match they win
during this period (but no points will be awarded to the losing team). Points "for" and
"against" will continue to be added for percentage purposes; and
c) The Club will not participate in any final series match in any grade. In the event of this
sanction being applied the final series will be played in the order of the first five (5) financial
Clubs on the ladder.
Each of these sanctions will lapse upon remedy of the default, but will not be retrospectively
Any fine imposed by these Bylaws on any coach, player, trainer, official or employee of a Club will be
payable by their Club.
All Clubs acknowledge that footage of games conducted by the OMFNL and taken by the OMFNL,
agents, employees or contractors, is the property of the OMFNL and the General Manager may
release such footage, after consultation and with the approval of the Chairman or Vice Chairman, upon
request, on a case by case basis.
3 & 4
Each incorrect item of playing uniform
$50, maximum $500
Failure by a player to wear number listed in
Failure to use OMFNL/AFL VC endorsed ball
$100, maximum $1000
Maximum $1000
Failure to meet OMFNL publication requirements
13 (c)
Failure to announce teams as required
Late changes to selected team
Selected players dropped from First Grade to
lower grades
Failure to complete team sheet correctly
Failure to correctly lodge match day documents
Failure to attend umpires rooms within designated
time post match/ failure to receive “all clear
Late start – start of match
Late start – after half time
$10 per minute
$5 per minute
22 (c)
Approaches to umpires
offence - $100
Subsequent offence - $400
22 (d)
Public comment on umpires
$250 - $1000
22 (e)
Failure to escort umpires
Under 18’s - $20
Reserves - $50
Seniors - $100
22 (f)
Speaking to umpires during course of game
25 (d)
Failure of water carriers/runners and trainers to
fulfill roles correctly
25 (f)
Failure to supply stretcher & Jordan frame
26 (e)
Public comment on tribunal or OMFNL
$250 maximum $1000
26 (i)
Guilty verdict at Tribunal
To provide football for grades, other than the Senior grade, where insufficient numbers exist prior
to a match commencing.
Spirit of the Policy:
To have a game played.
To maximise player involvement.
AFL Laws of the Game state:
Minimum playing numbers on the field at any one time is 14 per team.
Maximum playing numbers on the field at any one time is 18 per team.
Clubs who agree to start a match with less than 18 on the field, should have at least (1) player on the
Maximum playing numbers
per team is 22 for Seniors and Under 18’s and 21 for Reserves
NB: procedures are not in any specific order and are not required to be applied in total.
Even playing numbers on the field at the beginning of the match.
If one team has less than 18 players then both teams must have the same number of players
on the field.
Field umpires in control of the match are to be made aware of the agreement between clubs on the
day OMFNL to determine if there is a requirement for documents to be completed and signed off
by the umpires acknowledgi
ng the agreement.
Clubs are encouraged to liaise with each other with respect to team numbers should (1) or both
teams have trouble fielding 18 players on the field.
Excess players (above the agreed starting number) will form an extended interchange bench.
Players may be loaned from the opposition team to even up numbers.
On loan players must appear on the team sheet of the team they represent on the day and be
indicated ason loan players”/matchday permit players.
Loaned players are unable to change team mid match.
If a team is unable to
field 14 players and is unable to borrow players from the opposition, the
match is declared a forfeit, although a match is encouraged to take place with even numbers taking
the field.
Additional players above (22) can be provided for (extended interchange bench) only after
agreement by both teams, Field Umpires and OMFNL Operations Manager.
Once a game commences, if the numbers of either team are reduced below the minimum on-field
number (14), due to injury or “order-offrule, the game is to proceed.
If playing numbers are reduced below 16 a side, the match will be red
uced in game time (4x15 min
quarters – no time on).
Equalisation Guidelines do not apply in finals.
Updated February 2022
AREA AGREEMENT – Ovens & Murray FNL and District Leagues
This agreement is signed pursuant to the AFL Victoria Country Rules and Regulations pertaining to clearances and
permits and in particular clause 2.10 whereby an interchange of players between Clubs of the above-mentioned
Leagues may take place without clearance and is subject to any provisions contained within this agreement.
(i) That this Agreement is in force for the current season only.
(ii) That the player(s) concerned are acquainted with AFL VC regulations 2.1 and 2.5 regarding one day permits
to Major Leagues and eight (8) matches.
(iii) That prior to each match played, the player shall obtain permission to do so from his parent club. The permit
shall be completed online via the “type 2” selection as required under Regulation 2.1 of the AFL VC Rules and
(iv) With the exception of players of junior age competitions, players of any club having a bye will not be allowed
to play with another club on that day, unless he has previously played with that club in the current season
under this agreement. The club playing the player from the other League shall show his registered club on
the match team sheet. Players of third 18 teams of Senior Grade competitions are not to be classified as
players of junior age competitions.
(v) That this agreement cannot be altered unless agreed to by a Football Development Manager.
(vi) That in order for a player playing under such Area Permit to participate in a finals series in that season the
player must have played a minimum of five (5) games in the team of the grade in which he has been selected
to play in the finals and has met any additional league eligibility requirements.
Registered players must be given preference over any permit player.
Any player who has played District League Seniors shall not be eligible to play in any Junior League match on
the same weekend.
No permits are issued for Junior Players to play Senior or Reserve grade.
Permit Purpose Statement
A permit request should only be approved providing that at least one of two purposes is achieved:
a) A player is being permitted to a higher level of football being Junior or District player to a Major League in
which case up to 22 players may appear on the team sheet or;
b) To ensure a team achieves a maximum number of 20 players in which case, if using a permit player, no more
than 20 players may appear on the team sheet.
- Hume Football League seniors may have 21 players
1. Permit Conditions
The following Permit condition shall apply to all AFL North East Border League Agreements:
1.1 If a team has at least 1 permit player, they shall not be allowed to have more than 20 players on the team
1.2 A maximum of 4 permit players shall be allowed on any one team sheet
1.3 A player may play a maximum of 10 permits in total, including finals, in any one season
1.4 Permits may be issued in more than 1 league but must not exceed 10 in total
1.5 Permits shall not be issued to any player after June 30
unless they have played on a eligible permit with
that team prior to June 30
1.6 Permit players shall only play in the one team on the one day
1.7 AFL Victoria Country and League finals eligibility criteria shall apply
that unless it remedies the default within seven (7) days that "sanctions" will apply and the Club fails
to remedy the default within that time, then from the expiry of that period and until the default is
remedied, the following sanctions will be applied:
a) The Club's delegates may not participate in OMFNL decision making;
b) The Club may play, but will not be awarded any premiership points for any match they win
during this period (but no points will be awarded to the losing team). Points "for" and
"against" will continue to be added for percentage purposes; and
c) The Club will not participate in any final series match in any grade. In the event of this
sanction being applied the final series will be played in the order of the first five (5) financial
Clubs on the ladder.
Each of these sanctions will lapse upon remedy of the default, but will not be retrospectively
Any fine imposed by these Bylaws on any coach, player, trainer, official or employee of a Club will be
payable by their Club.
All Clubs acknowledge that footage of games conducted by the OMFNL and taken by the OMFNL,
agents, employees or contractors, is the property of the OMFNL and the General Manager may
release such footage, after consultation and with the approval of the Chairman or Vice Chairman, upon
request, on a case by case basis.
3 & 4
Each incorrect item of playing uniform
$50, maximum $500
Failure by a player to wear number listed in
Failure to use OMFNL/AFL VC endorsed ball
$100, maximum $1000
Maximum $1000
Failure to meet OMFNL publication requirements
13 (c)
Failure to announce teams as required
Late changes to selected team
Selected players dropped from First Grade to
lower grades
Failure to complete team sheet correctly
Failure to correctly lodge match day documents
Failure to attend umpires rooms within designated
time post match/ failure to receive “all clear
Late start – start of match
Late start – after half time
$10 per minute
$5 per minute
22 (c)
Approaches to umpires
offence - $100
Subsequent offence - $400
22 (d)
Public comment on umpires
$250 - $1000
22 (e)
Failure to escort umpires
Under 18’s - $20
Reserves - $50
Seniors - $100
22 (f)
Speaking to umpires during course of game
25 (d)
Failure of water carriers/runners and trainers to
fulfill roles correctly
25 (f)
Failure to supply stretcher & Jordan frame
26 (e)
Public comment on tribunal or OMFNL
$250 maximum $1000
26 (i)
Guilty verdict at Tribunal
32 (b)
Failure to attend summoned meeting. i.e.
board/delegate or tribunal
These fines are those which may be imposed by the General Manager or Operations Manager without seeking
a determination from the Board of the OMFNL. In appropriate cases the General Manager or Operations
Manager may refer the infringement to the Board in circumstances where it is considered that the fine in the
Schedule is not sufficient given the gravity of the infringement.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
Ovens & Murray
Football Netball League
Netball By Laws
As amended by the OMFNL Netball Sub-Committee
March 2022
The following Permit condition shall specifically apply to Permits between the Ovens & Murray FNL and district
2.1 No permits issued for players who have played 3 or more Ovens & Murray FNL Senior matches in the
previous or current season.
2.2 Hume Football League Any player who plays major league seniors or reserves shall be ineligible to play
in any junior league match on the same weekend.
2.3 Albury Wodonga Junior Football League (AWJFL) and Wangaratta & District Junior Football League
(WDJFL) - Any player who plays major league seniors or reserves shall be ineligible to play in any junior
league match on the same weekend.
The following Permit condition shall specifically apply to Finals Permits between the Ovens & Murray FNL and
district leagues.
3.1 Ovens & Murray FNL players are not permitted to play in Tallangatta & District FL and Hume League
3.2 Tallangatta & District FL, Hume Football League and Ovens & King players are permitted to play Ovens &
Murray FNL finals provided the player must have played a minimum of 5 games in the team of the grade
in which he has been selected to play and has met any additional league eligibility requirements.
3.3 Ovens & Murray FNL players are permitted to play in the Ovens & King finals provided that the players
total number of permits for the current season does not exceed 10, including finals.
3.4 AWJFL and WDJFL players are permitted to play OMFNL U/18 Finals provided that the player must have
played at least 5 H&A games in the team of the grade in which he has been selected to play finals and has
met any additional league eligibility requirements.
A player playing on permit that is reported shall face the Tribunal of the League of which the offence was
committed. Any penalty that is imposed shall apply in all competitions.
Any breach of Permit arrangements and agreements will be referred to AFL Victoria Country Rule 1.3 Penalty
for playing ineligible or unregistered players.
Any clubs requesting special circumstance considerations must apply in writing to a WorkSafe AFL Victoria
Country Football Development Manager prior to June 30
This agreement has been agreed to by the relevant leagues and will remain valid unless endorsed by a WorkSafe
AFL Victoria Country Football Development Manager and AFL NSW/ACT Community Football Manager.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
4.6 A player will be granted no more than one clearance during a season. No
clearances will be granted after the start of the second half of the season.
4.7 Should an unregistered player participate in any Home & Away matches, the
team for which she played shall lose four (4) premiership points. All players will
be credited with having played the game except the unregistered player.
Player Eligibility
5.1 A player must play at least six (6) ROUNDS with a club to be eligible to play with
that club in a finals match.
5.2 A player who has played more than eight (8) Home & Away games in a higher
grade shall not be permitted to play in a lower grade.
5.3 A player shall not play more than six (6) quarters in the Ovens & Murray Netball
OMFNL competition in any one round. If a player is required to play more than
four (4) quarters in one (1) round, that player must play at least three (3)
quarters in a lower grade (in that round) before being eligible to play in a higher
grade (in that round). A detected breach of this rule will incur a fine of
$200.00 and a loss of four (4) premiership points.
5.4 A player shall not be credited as having played a game unless they take the
Conduct of Matches
6.1 In each grade, complete rounds of matches shall be played in accordance with
the Ovens & Murray Football fixture.
6.2 Four (4) points shall be allocated to a winning team. Four (4) points shall be
allotted to a team receiving a forfeit plus a ten (10) to nil (0) percentage. Two
(2) points shall be allotted for a draw. Two (2) points may be allocated for a
match cancelled as a result of unusual or extreme circumstances. This decision
shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
6.3 The OMFNL Registrar shall keep a weekly tally of all results for all grades.
6.4 With the exception of the Grand Final, the starting times and duration of
matches shall be:
6.4.1 17 & Under Girls 9:30am (4x 15 minutes)
6.4.2 C Grade Women 11:00am (4 x 15 minutes)
6.4.3 B Grade Women 12.30pm (4 x 15 minutes)
6.4.4 A Grade Women 2.00pm (4 x 15 minutes)
The Grand Final starting times and duration shall be:
6.4.5 TBC
The Executive may approve alternate times for matches and breaks on
game days.
Three (3) minute breaks shall be allowed at the first and third intervals and a
five (5) minute break will be allowed at the second interval.
6.5 In the event of a team being more than 15 minutes late, the opposing captain
with a full team may claim the match. A score sheet must be completed and
forwarded to the OMFNL Registrar. No player from either team will be
credited with having played the game.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
1.1 The OMFNL shall have control and management of all matches played by
member clubs under the official rules of the Australian Netball Association and
shall have the power to settle all disputes in connection with these matches.
1.2 The OMFNL shall encourage and promote the game of netball.
1.3 The OMFNL shall affiliate annually with the Netball Victoria .
2.1 Fees shall be determined annually at the Annual Meeting.
2.2 Club Affiliation shall be paid by the first round of the Home and Away matches
Admission of Clubs
3.1 All clubs shall nominate at the Annual Meeting teams in the following order : 1
- A Grade Women, 2
- B Grade Women, 3
rd -
C Grade Women, 4
17 & Under
3.2 Each club must field teams in the nominated order of grades for all home and
away matches for the current season.
3.3 Each club must register its colour and uniform with the OMFNL. Only regulation
netball uniform, black or matching pants and regulation footwear shall be
3.4 Clubs shall not be permitted to change uniform without obtaining permission
from the Executive Committee.
Player Registration and Clearances
4.1 The OMFNL Registrar shall keep record of all registered players.
4.2 Each club must submit player registration on the Official Registration Forms
prior to the first round of matches. All players participating in OMFNL matches
must be registered Netball Victoria and the OMFNL.
4.3 After the commencement of the season new players may be registered up until
the 5.00 p.m. on the Friday before the commencement of the fourth last round
of matches, by submitting a registration form.
4.4 If a player should wish to transfer to another club, that player shall submit to the
Executive Committee:
4.4.1 A written request for transfer to another club;
4.4.2 A written request for the player from the gaining club;
4.4.3 An ‘Agreement of Release’ from the previous club.
4.5 The Executive Committee shall have the power to grant or refuse clearances
according to the best interests of the OMFNL. Other considerations will include
outstanding fee, procession of uniform, equipment or club property.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
with the highest score shall be deemed the winner of the Match and the
scores shall be used in calculating the percentage of each Team.
6.16.4 Match Not Able to Proceed: Unless otherwise determined by a Controlling
Body, an Umpire shall, having regard to the health and safety of the
Players and any other relevant circumstances, determine whether a Match
is unable to commence or proceed. An Umpire must determine that a
Match is unable to commence or proceed for such time as lightning is
present at or Within the Immediate Proximity of the Court where the Match
is being conducted.
6.16.5 Recommencing of Play: Where a Team is directed to recommence play by
an Umpire and the Team fails, refuses or neglects to recommence play, the
Team shall be deemed to have forfeited the Match.
6.16.6 The Controlling Body may vary the length and scheduling of the intervals,
to suit practical circumstances.
7.1 Only registered umpires shall be allowed to umpire matches. New umpire
registration is as for new players’ registration. Umpires are required to be
registered members of Netball Victoria.
7.2 Umpires registration fees shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
7.3 The Executive Committee may elect to form an Umpires’ Panel if it deems it
necessary to administer umpiring within the OMFNL.
7.4 The Executive Committee may allocate independent umpires to any match it
deems necessary. If the Executive Committee appoints only one umpire, the
home team shall supply the second umpire. The respective clubs shall share
the cost of the combined umpire/s equally.
7.5 No umpire shall umpire more than two (2) games on any given day.
Umpires and Disciplinary Action
8.1 There shall be two (2) umpires who shall have control of the game and give
decisions. They shall umpire according to the rules and decide on any matter
not covered by the rules. The decisions of the umpire shall be final and shall be
given without appeal – Rule 3.1.1.
8.2 Any member reported to the Netball Sub-Committee for:
8.3.1 Disputing an umpire’s decision on the court;
8.3.2 Refusing or neglecting to abide by the OMFNL Rules and By Laws;
8.3.3 Conduct unbecoming, which is prejudicial to the interests of the
OMFNL’s netball competition.
Shall be liable to be suspended from membership or disqualified from taking
part in any matches under the OMFNL’s control for such time as may be
decided by the OMFNL’s Netball Sub-Committee.
8.3 Offending members shall:
8.3.1 Be notified in writing that they have been reported for alleged
misconduct on or off the netball court;
8.3.2 Be notified of the time and date of the Netball Sub-Committee
Meeting at which the report will be considered and any subsequent
disciplinary action that may result;
8.3.3 Be directed to attend the meeting and speak in answer to the report
or, if the Netball Sub-Committee should, clarify any points.
8.4 The reporting umpire/s shall:
8.4.1 Be notified in writing of the time and date of the Netball Sub-
Committee Meeting;
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
6.6 Any club being unable to field teams on any day shall notify the opposing club
by 9.00am on the day of the match. The team receiving the forfeit must complete
the score sheet and forward it to the OMFNL Registrar.
6.7 For each match both clubs must provide one (1) scorer. The home team shall
provide a timekeeper with two (2) accurate time clocks, one (1) Injury Report
Sheet and one (1) supplementary score sheet. During the match scorers shall sit
together and cross check scores in order to avoid differing score sheets. If there
are differences in the final scores the home score sheet shall be regarded as
the official result.
6.8 The home club shall be the first named on the score sheet.
6.9 Umpires will be supplied by the OMFNL subject to availability. Clubs are required
to supply an Umpire for 17 & Under Girls matches unless notified by the Umpires
6.10 The score sheet shall:
6.10.1 Be signed by both captains;
6.10.2 Be signed by both umpires;
6.10.3 Be dated.
6.11 All score sheets must be mailed to reach the OMFNL Registrar by the
Wednesday following the match.
6.12 The home team shall have the responsibility for lodging score sheets and vote
cards by the correct time. Late lodgment of a score sheet shall incur the loss of
two (2) premiership points from the team responsible. A lost score sheet shall
cause the responsible team to lose four (4) premiership points. The OMFNL
Registrar shall notify the pertinent club within one (1) week should an
infringement relating to the lodgment of score sheets occur.
6.13 Players may only participate in matches if they are wearing the correct uniform.
6.14 In the event of two (2) or more forfeits in one grade, the Executive has the right
to re-grade teams from within that club.
6.15 The playing rules shall be those of the All Australian Netball OMFNL unless
otherwise stated in these By-Laws.
6.16 Incomplete Match:
If a Match is unable to commence or continue within the time scheduled for the
Match for reasons beyond the control of either Team (including circumstances
where it is unsafe for the Match to proceed) the following shall apply:
6.16.1 Match Not Commenced: The result of a Match which is unable to
commence for reasons beyond the control of either Team shall be
determined by the Controlling Body.
6.16.2 Prior to Half Time: If a Match has commenced but is not able to proceed at
any time within the time scheduled for the Match, the Teams shall depart
from the Court. If the Match is unable to recommence within a 30-minute
period, the Match shall be deemed to be drawn and the scores of the
Teams at the time the Match was interrupted shall be used in calculating
the percentage of each team.
6.16.3 Half Time & Beyond: If the Half Time interval has been reached and the
Match is unable to proceed at any time within the time scheduled for the
Match, the Teams shall leave the Court, or in the case of Half Time, not
return to the Court. If the Match is unable to recommence within a 30-
minute period, the scores of the Teams at the time the Match was
interrupted shall be deemed to be the final scores of the Match. The Team
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
iii) After five (5) minutes, time will again be called.
iv) Teams will change ends, no time, no coaching, substitutions or changes
may be made, centre pass is taken by the team entitled to the next centre
pass. Time restarts on the umpire’s whistle when players are in position.
A further five (5) minutes will be played.
v) If scores are equal at the end of the second five minutes, play continues
until one team has a two-goal advantage.
NB Injury time will be umpired as usual as per the rule book.
i.e. if the player for whom time has been called is involved in position changes or
comes off the court, changes and substitutions may be made by that team. The
other team may make any changes or substitutions when injury time is called.
10.5 Player Eligibility:
10.5 Player Eligibility:
10.5.1 For a player to be eligible to play in an A Grade Women’s Final,
that player must be registered and have played at least six (6) rounds
with that club;
10.5.2 For a player to be eligible to play in B Grade Women’s Final, that
player must be registered and have played at least six (6) rounds with
that club and not more than eight (8) games in A Grade Women’s.
10.5.3 For a player to be eligible to play in C Grade Women’s Final, that
player must be registered and have played at least six (6) rounds with
that club and not more than eight (8) games in a higher grade.
10.5.4 For a player to be eligible to play in 17 & Under Girl’s Final, that
player must be registered and have played at least six (6) rounds
with that club and not more than eight (8) games in a higher grade.
Best and Fairest
11.1 The Ovens and Murray Netball OMFNL shall conduct a Best and Fairest
competition in all grades. The winner shall be a player who receives the most
umpires’ votes during the home and away matches. There will not be a countback.
11.2 For each match the umpires shall confer and complete a vote card. Three (3)
votes shall be awarded to the best player on the court, two (2) votes shall be
awarded to the 2
best player and one (1) vote shall be awarded to the 3
player on the court. The home team will issue the umpires with a vote card for
each match. The umpires shall seal it in the envelope provided. The card color-
coded for each grade. There shall be provisions on each card for full player
name and club.
The home team shall have responsibility of forwarding the vote cards to the
OMFNL Registrar. Counting of votes shall take place after the last home and
away game.
Representative Sides
12.1 The Netball Sub-Committee shall decide each year whether or not to select a
representative side/s to play in any other pertinent matches.
12.2 The Netball Sub-Committee shall contact or appoint a Sub Committee to
12.2.1 Squad Selection
12.2.2 Player Selection
12.2.3 Coaching Appointments
12.2.4 Management Appointments
12.2.5 Representative team finances
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
8.4.2 Be directed to attend that meeting to speak of the report, or should
the Netball Sub-Committee require, clarify any points.
Any reports and / or protests must be in writing and given to the OMFNL
Secretary within 48 hours of the game. The right to appeal to Netball Victoria
against any decision in provided.
9.1 Administrative disputes shall be lodged in writing in the first instance to the
Netball Sub-Committee within 48 hours of the matter arising.
9.2 If the Netball Sub-Committee is unable to resolve the matter it may elect to
appoint a tribunal of three (3) independent persons for the purpose of
9.2.1 Tribunal members shall be notified within 24 hours of the OMFNL
General Manager receiving the dispute notice;
9.2.2 The tribunal meeting shall be held no later than four (4) days after the
dispute notice;
9.2.3 Witnesses may be called to give supporting evidence;
9.2.4 All parties involved in the dispute shall be notified by the OMFNL
General Manager;
9.2.5 Disputing parties shall be heard separately;
9.2.6 Minutes of the tribunal meeting shall be kept by the OMFNL General
9.2.7 Disputing parties shall be notified of the tribunal decision as soon as
possible verbally and in writing.
9.3 The Committee will impose the prescribed penalty or any other penalty to any
member that fail to adhere to this By Law.
9.4 Any member of a team or club who does not agree with a penalty or action of
the Committee made under this By Law, may advise the Committee within 48
hours of the penalty or decision being made.
9.5 The Committee may then;
9.5.1 Discuss the issue with the relevant team or Club and make a decision
regarding the matter. The Committee shall inform the party/ies involved
of their decision either verbally or in writing ; or
9.5.2 Have an informal meeting with the relevant party/ies in order to
discuss and resolve the dispute.
The Committee’s decision is Final.
10.1 At the conclusion of the home and away matches the top five (5) teams in each
grade shall participate in their respective grade finals. In the event of teams
being level on points their position shall be determined by percentage.
10.2 Final matches will be played at the same venue as the Ovens and Murray
Football finals as approved by Netball Victoria.
10.3 The Netball Sub-Committee shall appoint Badged Umpires for all finals. The
Netball Sub-Committee shall nominate / roster official scorers, timekeepers and
duty teams for the finals.
10.4 At the end of play if both teams have the same score extra time of two five (5)
minute halves will be played to determine the winner, the following applies;
i) Two-minute break will be held – teams may be coached, make changes
and substitutions.
ii) At 30 seconds to go teams will be called to the court they will have
changed ends. Centre pass is taken by the team entitled to the next centre
pass. Play begins on the umpire’s whistle.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
g. The minutes of the Annual Meeting shall be recorded by the Sub-Committee Secretary
and reported to the next Annual Meeting for verification.
h. In the case of a tied vote the Sub-Committee can make a recommendation to the Board.
Club Delegates Meetings
a. At least three (3) Delegates Meetings shall be held during each season. The quorum
for all Delegates Meetings shall be representing not less than 60% of all member clubs.
b. Clubs not represented by two (2) delegates at the Delegates Meetings shall incur a
monetary fine of $500.
c. All clubs shall be notified in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to each
Delegates Meeting.
d. The conduct of the Delegates Meetings shall be in accordance with Annual Meetings
e, f, g, & h.
Special Circumstances Clause:
Where this By Law is silent a decision can be made that ensures the integrity of the
OMFNL is maintained at all times.
The committee may in using its reasonable discretion, in exceptional or extenuating
circumstances, alter, vary or waive the requirements set out in this By Law relating to the
a By Law
New By Laws may be added, or existing By Laws be changed at the Annual
Meeting or any Delegates Meeting.
Notices of motions pertaining to the addition of new By Laws or the changing of existing By
Laws shall be lodged in writing with the OMFNL General Manager three (3) weeks prior to
the meeting at which the motion is to be put.
Such notices of motions shall be distributed to all club secretaries with the ‘Notice’ of
meeting and the Agenda for that meeting.
Risk Management
13.1 Injury Reporting
13.1.1 All clubs are responsible for recording all injuries on the Injury
Reporting Sheet provided.
13.1.2 The team manager of OMFNL representative teams are responsible for
recording all injuries on the Injury Reporting Sheet provided.
13.2 Pre Match Checklist
13.2.1 A pre match checklist will be completed prior to all OMFNL matches,
programs and training.
13.2.2 Any hazards identified will be: Documented; Rectified if possible; Reported to the appropriate agency (Local Council,
Reserve Committee) if major repair is required.
13.3 Pregnancy
As per Netball Victoria Infonet RM1 – Pregnancy & Netball.
13.4 First Aid
13.8.1 All clubs will provide a First Aid Kit complying with Netball Victoria
Infonet RM2 – First Aid for Netball.
13.8.2 A volunteer at each club will maintain the First Aid Kit and supplies.
An inventory is to be completed on a weekly basis.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
12.2.6 Representative team uniforms
12.2.7 Representative team training
12.2.8 Representative team discipline
12.2.9 Any other officials as required
12.3 Where a team or team’s selection for a home and away competition match is
affected by a player or players of official’s requirement for Ovens & Murray
Representative duty, the Netball Sub-Committee shall have the powers to
redirect the date of play of the Ovens & Murray match. The Executive will
negotiate with the clubs involved to reach an agreement.
12.4 Team Selection Panels:
12.4.1 A minimum of three (3) Selectors must be appointed for each team
and shall be made up of the Team Coach and two (2) other selectors;
12.4.2 Selectors may be appointed to more than one panel
The Selectors decision shall be final.
If in any year a representative side is not selected any member club of the
OMFNL may apply to the Executive to represent the OMFNL. If the Netball Sub-
Committee deems that this club does not meet a required standard then
permission shall not be granted.
General Rule
i) In the event of any club or registered player violating any of the rules of the OMFNL
or neglecting to comply with the directions of the OMFNL or the Netball Sub-
Committee that club or player shall be liable to a fine, suspension or expulsion as
determined by the OMFNL.
ii) Any club or player under suspension shall forfeit all rights and privileges held under
the OMFNL.
iii) Club officials, players and umpires must not make public comment towards the
OMFNL, OMFNL Board & staff, member clubs or players that may bring the
OMFNL into disrepute. This includes inappropriate comments posted on social
media about individual OMFNL or club members. Any members(s) found breaching
this bylaw may be sanctioned under General Rule i).
Annual Meeting
a. The Annual Meeting is to be held not later than the end of February each year. Notice in
writing of the Annual General Meeting is to be given to the clubs not less than fourteen
(14) day’s prior to the meeting. Two (2) delegates from each club must attend and shall
have voting rights at the Annual Meeting. Clubs not represented by two (2) delegates at
the Annual Meeting shall incur a monetary fine of $500.
b. The ordinary business of the Annual Meeting shall be:
i. To confirm the minutes of the preceding Annual Meeting.
ii. To receive Executive Committee reports upon transaction of the Association during
the preceding year.
iii. To elect Executive Committee for the following twelve (12) months.
iv. Election of new office bearers by the Sub-Committee and positions shall include
Chairperson, Registrar and other designated portfolios.
c. The Annual Meeting may transact special business of which notice is given to the
Association Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
d. The Annual Meeting shall be in addition to any other General Meetings that may be held
during the year.
e. The Chairperson shall occupy the chair. In the Chairperson’s absence the meeting will be
chaired by any other nominated member of the Sub-Committee.
f. A matter arising shall be determined on a show of hands, unless a ballot is required. A
resolution shall be declared by the Chairperson and subsequently recorded in the minutes
of the meeting.
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
14.1.8 Clubs and suppliers to refer to OMFNL Uniform Specifications Guidelines for
further clarity.
15.1 All correspondence must be in writing from the Club Secretary or authorized
person to the OMFNL Secretary.
15.2 All correspondence from the OMFNL will be addressed to the Club Secretary or
authorized person.
16.1 A team wishing to protest must:
16.1.1 Not sign the Official Scoresheet and notify the Committee of the
intention to protest;
16.1.2 Lodge the protest in writing with the OMFNL Secretary within 48 hours
of the match being played.
16.2 A club shall have a right of appeal to the Committee within 48 hours of notification
of the penalty.
16.3 The Committee will advise the result of the appeal and this decision shall be
Dispute Resolution
17.1 The Committee will impose the prescribed penalty or any other penalty to any
member that fail to adhere to this By Law.
17.2 Any member of a team or club who does not agree with a penalty or action of
the Committee made under this By Law, may advise the Committee within 48
hours of the penalty or decision being made.
17.3 The Committee may then:
17.3.1 Discuss the issue with the relevant team or club and make a decision
regarding the matter. The Committee shall inform the party/ies
involved of their decision either verbally or in writing; or
17.3.2 Have an informal meeting with the relevant party/ies in order to discuss
and resolve the dispute.
The Committee’s decision is final.
Netball Sub-Committee
18.1 The Sub-Committee will consist of not more than seven (7) members, who will be
elected by the member clubs delegates at the Annual Meeting.
18.2 The elected Sub-Committee will hold office for one (1) year. If a casual vacancy
arises the Sub-Committee may appoint a replacement to serve out the
remainder of the term.
18.3 Each Club is entitled to nominate one person for election to the Sub-
Ovens & Murray Netball OMFNL By Laws
13.8.3 The Home Club will have a designated room or area for the treatment
of injuries. The room or area should be kept clean and accessible at
all times.
13.8.4 The competing clubs will ensure that a qualified First Aider is present
at all competition / training.
13.5 Emergency Procedures
Emergency phone numbers – Ambulance, Doctor, Physiotherapist, Health
Clinic and Police and Emergency Procedure Plan is to be displayed in the
First Aid Kit.
13.6 Weather
In case of extreme weather conditions the OMFNL will follow Netball Victoria
Infonets RM3 and RM5.
13.7 Blood Policy and Infectious Diseases
The OMFNL will adopt Netball Victoria Infonet U4 and RM6 relating to Blood
Policy and Infectious Diseases.
13.8 Pre Participation Screening / Medical Indemnity
13.8.1 All personnel involved with the OMFNL will be required to complete a
medical indemnity for (Netball Victoria Infonet RM7).
13.8.2 A designated official will store all forms and bring them to all events.
13.8.3 All forms will be destroyed at the conclusion of the season.
13.9 Smoke Free
The OMFNL will adopt a SmokeFree policy as prescribed by Quit Victoria. This
will include indoor venues and outdoor court surroundings.
13.10 Responsible Serving of Alcohol in Sporting Clubs
The OMFNL will adopt a Responsible Serving of Alcohol Policy as prescribed in
the Netball Victoria Member Protection Regulations.
13.11 Drug Policy
The OMFNL does not support the use of performance enhancing substances
and views any such use as detrimental to both the sport of netball and the spirit
of the game.
The Netball Victoria Drug Policy, August 1993 as amended from time to time, is
implemented and will apply for all OMFNL competitions.
Dress Code
14.1 Competition
14.1.1 Refer to By-Laws 3.3 and 3.4;
14.1.2 The OMFNL must approve all on court uniforms;
14.1.3 Clubs must notify the OMFNL in writing of any proposed changes to
their uniform. The Ovens & Murray OMFNL must approve all changes;
14.1.4 Uniform requirements as per Netball Victoria Infonet A7;
14.1.5 The OMFNL representative colours are black and gold;
14.1.6 Players will not be permitted to take to the court unless they are in full
14.1.7 Players numbers must be positioned on the right-side panel at the bottom of a
player’s dress and must be a minimum eight (8) centimetres high.