Ofcer/Enlisted Population
Ofcer 15K (21.09%)
Enlisted 55K (78.91%)
Hispanic or Latino 7.9K
Not Hispanic or Latino 37.8K
Declined to respond 23.9K
Marital Status
Married 38.9K
Divorced 6.3K
Single 24.3K
Other 103
Caucasian 48.1K
African American 11.9K
Multi-Ethnic 1.6K
Asian/Native Am/PI 5.0K
Declined to report 2.8K
Total Manpower (Assigned)
Traditional Reserve Ofcer: 7,456 ∙ Enlisted: 42,147
Air Guard Reserve (AGR) Ofcer: 1,549 ∙ Enlisted: 3,600
Air Reserve Technician (ART) Ofcer: 1,214 ∙ Enlisted: 6,370
Ind Mob Augmentees (IMA) Ofcer: 4,477 ∙ Enlisted: 2,868
Total Reserve Authorizations Ofcer: 16,678 ∙ Enlisted: 53,910
Average Age
Ofcer 41 Years
Enlisted 33 Years
Male 50K (72.13%)
Female 19K (27.87%)
Air Force Reserve Legislative Funding Priorities
1. Mission 3. Military Construction
2. Manpower 4. Modernization (NGREA)
Air Force Reserve Legislative Funding Priorities
FY16FY15 FY18
Overall 90.41%87.74% 89.08%
FY17 FY19
88.69% 89.50%
(Data as of February 2021)
FY21 Budget
Military Personnel
Military Construction
NGREA, AF Reserve
Operations and Maintenance
OCO - Overseas Contingency Operations
$3.212B + $30.09M OCO
$2.193B + $16.8M OCO
1st Quarter 2021
A summary of facts and gures about America’s Air Force Reserve
Chief AFR and AFRC/CC Deputy to CAFR AFRC/CD AFRC/CCCMA to AFRC/CC MA to Chief of AFR
Provide Combat-Ready Forces
to Fly, Fight and Win
Reserve Cizen Airmen -
an agile, combat-ready force
answering our naon’s call
... always there!
Priorize strategic depth and
accelerate readiness
Develop resilient leaders
Reform the organizaon
Established: April 14, 1948
Designated MAJCOM:
Feb. 17, 1997
Selected Reserve Strength
(FY19): 70,000
Command Structure: 37 wings,
10 independent groups and
various mission support units at
9 Reserve bases, 69 classic/
10 acve associaons
1. Air Superiority: F-22
2. Global Precision Aack
- Bomber: B-52
- Close Air Support: A-10
- Precision Aack: F-16, F-35
3. Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance
& Reconnaissance
- Acquision Intelligence
- Airborne Crypto-Linguist
- Distributed Common Ground System
- Hurricane Hunters: WC-130J
- Remotely Piloted Aircra: MQ-1, MQ-9, RQ-4
- Targeng
4. Rapid Global Mobility
- Aeromedical Evacuaon
- Aerial Port
- Aerial Fireghng: C-130H MAFFS
- Aerial Spray: C-130H MASS
- Air Refueling: KC-10, KC-135R
- Conngency Response Mobile C2
- Operaonal Support Aircra: C-40C
- Strategic Airli: C-5, C-17A
- Taccal Airli: C-130H, C-130J
5. Agile Combat Support
- Acquisions, Contracng & Finance
- Civil Engineering & RED HORSE
- Force Support
- Legal, Chaplain Corps & Historian
- Logiscs, Fuels, & Maintenance
- Medical, Nursing & Dental
- OSI & Security Forces
- Public Aairs & Combat Camera
- Safety
- Test & Evaluaon
6. Special Operaons: C-145A, C-146, U-28
7. Personnel Recovery:
- HC-130N/P, HH-60G & Guardian Angel
8. Space Superiority
- Joint Space Operaons Center
- Missile Warning
- Space Control
- Space Professional Educaon
- Weather
9. Cyberspace Superiority
- Cyberspace Command & Control
- Cyberspace Defense - Acve and Passive
- Cyber Protecon Teams
- Extend the Net (Combat Communicaons)
- Informaon Network Operaons
10. Nuclear Deterrence Operaons
- Bomber: B-52
- Air Refueling: *KC-46, KC-135R
11. Command and Control
- Air & Space Operaons Center support
- AWACS: E-3
12. Educaon & Training
- Aeromedical Evacuaon Training
- AF Academy Flying and Jump Programs
- Basic Military Training
- Flight Training: T-1, T-6, T-38, AT-38, F-15E,
F-16, F-35, A-10, B-52, C-5, C-17, C-130,
KC-10, *KC-46, KC-135, MQ-1, MQ-9, RQ-4,
C-145A, Aeromedical
Support to Air Force Core Functions
Total Active Inventory (TAI): 320