Ofcer/Enlisted Population
Ofcer 15K
Enlisted 55K
Hispanic or Latino 8K
Not Hispanic or Latino
Declined to respond 24K
Marital Status
Married 39.4K
Not Married 29.6K
Caucasian 60.4K
African American 16.5K
Multi-Ethnic 3.1K
Asian/Native Am/PI 6.1K
Declined to report 1.8K
Total Manpower (Assigned)
Traditional Reserve
Ofcer: 7,777 ∙ Enlisted: 41,537
Air Guard Reserve (AGR)
Ofcer: 1,482 ∙ Enlisted: 3,888
Air Reserve Technician (ART)
Ofcer: 1,129 ∙ Enlisted: 5,700
Ind Mob Augmentees (IMA)
Ofcer: 4,613 ∙ Enlisted: 2,894
Total Reserve Authorizations
Ofcer: 16,293 ∙ Enlisted: 53,538
Average Age
Ofcer 40 Years
Enlisted 32 Years
Male 49.7K
Female 19.2K
Air Force Reserve Legislative Priorities
1. Maintain and Sustain
Strategic Depth —
A Lethal,
Ready and Dynamic Air
Force Reserve requires AFR
end-strength authorizations
and sufcient career
eld manning, predictable
budgets, and adequate
funding, to enable full
spectrum readiness, and surge
capability and capacity
3. Predictable Budgets
AFR’s warghting ability to
Maintain and Sustain Military
Readiness, Quality of Life and
Build Trust with our Reserve
Citizen Airmen depends on
the timely allocation of funds.
Continuing Resolutions (CRs)
hinder AFR readiness and
cause an inability to plan and
predict participation and
degrade our ability to sustain
2. Reserve Personnel
Appropriation (RPA) and
Operation & Maintenance
(O&M) Funding is a critical
MEANS to maintaining and
sustaining strategic depth
enabling the AFR to achieve
its primary mission objective
provide combat
ready forces
4. National Guard and
Reserve Equipment
Appropriation (NGREA) —
allows for Reserve component
equipment procurement and
modernization resourcing to
sustain a strong, relevant
and lethal operational and
strategic force
(Data as of June 2022)
FY22 Budget
Operations and Maintenance
Military Construction
NGREA, AF Reserve
Reserve Personnel Appropriations $2.37M
2nd Quarter 2022
A summary of facts and gures about America’s Air Force Reserve
Lieutenant General
Richard W. Scobee
Chief AFR and AFRC/CC
Major General
John P. Healy
Deputy to CAFR
Major General
Mahew J. Burger
Chief Master Sergeant
Timothy C. White, Jr.
Brigadier General
Tanya R. Kubinec
Major General
Sco A. Sauter
MA to Chief of AFR
Provide Combat-Ready Forces
to Fly, Fight and Win
Reserve Cizen Airmen -
an agile, combat-ready force
answering our naon’s call
... always there!
Priorize strategic depth and
accelerate readiness
Develop resilient leaders
Reform the organizaon
Established: April 14, 1948
Designated MAJCOM:
Feb. 17, 1997
Q4 AFR End Strength : 69,477
Command Structure: 37 wings,
10 independent groups and
various mission support units at
9 Reserve bases, 69 classic/
10 acve associaons
1. Air Superiority: F-22
2. Global Precision Aack
- Bomber: B-52, B-1
- Close Air Support: A-10
- Precision Aack: F-16, F-35
3. Global Integrated Intelligence, Surveillance
& Reconnaissance
- Acquision Intelligence
- Airborne Crypto-Linguist
- Distributed Common Ground System
- Hurricane Hunters: WC-130J
- Remotely Piloted Aircra: MQ-1, MQ-9, RQ-4
- Manned ISR: U-2
4. Rapid Global Mobility
- Aeromedical Evacuaon, Aerial Port
- Aerial Fireghng: C-130H MAFFS
- Aerial Spray: C-130H MASS
- Air Refueling: KC-10, KC-135R, KC-46A
- Conngency Response Mobile C2
- Operaonal Support Aircra: C-40C
- Strategic Airli: C-5, C-17A
- Taccal Airli: C-130H, C-130J
5. Agile Combat Support
- Acquisions, Contracng & Finance
- Civil Engineering & RED HORSE
- Force Support
- Legal, Chaplain Corps & Historian
- Logiscs, Fuels, & Maintenance
- Medical, Nursing & Dental
- OSI & Security Forces
- Public Aairs including Combat Camera
- Safety, Test & Evaluaon
6. Special Operaons:
- AC-130U, C-145, MC-130H
- Aviaon Foreign Internal
- Defense: C-145A, Various HN Aircra
- Non-Standard Aviaon (NSAv): C-146A
- Manned ISR: U-28A
7. Personnel Recovery:
- HC-130N/P/J, HH-60G & Guardian Angel
8. Space Superiority
- GPS, Joint Space Operaons Center
- Missile Warning, Space Control
- Space Professional Educaon
- Environmental Intelligence & Weather
9. Cyberspace Superiority
- Cyberspace Command & Control
- Cyberspace Defense - Acve and Passive
- Cyber Protecon Teams
- Extend the Net (Combat Communicaons)
- Informaon Network Operaons
10. Nuclear Deterrence Operaons
- Bomber: B-52
- Air Refueling: KC-46, KC-135R
11. Command and Control
- Air & Space Operaons Center support
- AWACS: E-3
12. Educaon & Training
- AF Academy Flying and Jump Programs
- Basic Military Training
- Flight Training: T-1, T-6, T-38, AT-38, F-15E,
F-16, A-10, B-52, C-5, C-17, C-130,
KC-10, KC-135, MQ-9, RQ-4,
C-145A, Aeromedical Evacuaon Training
Support to Air Force Core Functions
Total Active Inventory (TAI): 329