Air Traffic Management
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Air Traffic Controllers Licensing and Training
CAP 2331
CAP 2331
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Published by the Civil Aviation Authority, 2024
Civil Aviation Authority,
Aviation House,
Gatwick Airport South,
West Sussex,
RH6 0YR.
You can copy and use this text but please ensure you always use the most up to date version and
use it in context so as not to be misleading, and credit the CAA.
First published 23 January 2024 (effective 23 July 2024)
Enquiries regarding the content of this publication should be addressed to:
Airspace, ATM and Aerodromes (AAA), Safety and Airspace Regulation Group, Civil Aviation
Authority, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR.
The latest version of this document is available in electronic format at
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Contents .............................................................................................................. 1
The Regulatory Framework ................................................................................. 7
Introduction .................................................................................................. 7
Regulatory References ................................................................................. 7
Supplementary Amendments ....................................................................... 8
Definitions ........................................................................................................... 9
Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................. 15
Introduction to air traffic controller licensing, training and certification .............. 15
Subject matter and scope ........................................................................... 15
Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................. 17
Air traffic controller licensing ............................................................................. 17
Student air traffic controller ........................................................................ 17
Air traffic controller licence ......................................................................... 18
Ratings and rating endorsements .............................................................. 19
Rating endorsements ................................................................................. 19
Licensing requirements ..................................................................................... 19
CAA Licence administration ....................................................................... 20
Unit endorsements (UE’s) .......................................................................... 22
Surveillance systems degradation .............................................................. 23
Unit Endorsement Administration ............................................................... 23
Disclosure of information ............................................................................ 25
Application forms and fees ......................................................................... 26
Licence recognition ........................................................................................... 27
EU/EEA licence holders ............................................................................. 27
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Applications for the recognition of an air traffic controller licence obtained in
any State other than the UK. ...................................................................... 27
Application for the reissue of a UK licence having converted to another
State licence ............................................................................................... 27
Revocation and suspension of licences, ratings and endorsements ................. 28
Provisional suspension ............................................................................... 28
Suspension ................................................................................................ 30
Revocation ................................................................................................. 31
Role and responsibility of the ANSP........................................................... 32
Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................. 33
Certification of ATC Training Organisations (TO) and Initial Training
Organisations (ITO) ........................................................................................... 33
Air traffic controller training ......................................................................... 33
Certification of all training organisations ..................................................... 33
Training organisation application ................................................................ 34
Specific requirements for initial training courses ........................................ 36
Approval of initial training courses and the initial training plan ................... 37
Continued compliance for TO/ITO .............................................................. 38
Oversight audit process .............................................................................. 39
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................. 42
Training and Assessment Personnel ................................................................. 42
Instructors .................................................................................................. 42
Theoretical instructors ................................................................................ 42
Practical instructors .................................................................................... 42
Assessors ................................................................................................... 48
Board Chair ................................................................................................ 52
Temporary assessor authorisation ............................................................. 55
Theoretical examiner .................................................................................. 56
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Summative report writer ............................................................................. 56
STD input staff ........................................................................................... 57
Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................. 58
Conduct of Training Courses ............................................................................. 58
Course compliance ..................................................................................... 58
Course administration ................................................................................ 59
Course objectives ....................................................................................... 59
Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................. 60
Assessments and Examinations for TO/ITO ..................................................... 60
Assessment and examination method for approval .................................... 60
Assessment and examination processes ................................................... 61
Assessment reports .................................................................................... 65
TO/ITO Examination processes ................................................................. 65
OJTI/STDI and assessor refresher training verification .............................. 65
Appeals ...................................................................................................... 66
Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................. 68
Medical Requirements ....................................................................................... 68
Medical fitness ........................................................................................... 68
Medical certification .................................................................................... 68
Decrease in medical fitness ....................................................................... 69
Use of psychoactive substances ................................................................ 70
Medical examinations ................................................................................. 71
Medication - Guidance for air traffic controllers .......................................... 72
Online medical system - CELLMA .............................................................. 72
Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................. 73
English Language Proficiency Assessment for Controllers ............................... 73
General ...................................................................................................... 73
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Requirements for language assessment bodies (LAB) .............................. 73
Requirements for training of LPAs ............................................................. 74
Process for initial ELP assessment ............................................................ 74
Assessment standardisation ...................................................................... 75
Assessment validity, relevance and reliability ............................................ 76
Records and documentation ...................................................................... 78
Continued proficiency ................................................................................. 78
Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................. 79
Assessment of Previous Competence (APC) .................................................... 79
Requirement ............................................................................................... 79
APC Administration .................................................................................... 80
Conduct of an APC..................................................................................... 80
Chapter 10 ............................................................................................................... 83
Unit Training ...................................................................................................... 83
General administrative procedures ............................................................ 83
Reviewing and amending the UTP and UECs ............................................ 84
Development of UTP and UECs ........................................................................ 84
Phases of unit training ................................................................................ 84
Unit endorsement course development ...................................................... 86
UEC - Objectives for different phases of training ....................................... 87
Training reports .......................................................................................... 88
Assessments during UEC .......................................................................... 89
ABES assessments during a UEC ............................................................. 89
Personnel used in a locally defined and CAA approved system of testing ........ 90
Chapter 11 ............................................................................................................... 91
Adapted UECs .................................................................................................. 91
General ...................................................................................................... 91
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Adapted UEC national requirements ....................................................... 91
Chapter 12 ............................................................................................................... 93
Continuation Training ........................................................................................ 93
Continuation training requirements for air traffic controllers ....................... 93
Refresher training ....................................................................................... 93
Conversion training ........................................................................................... 95
Chapter 13 ............................................................................................................... 96
Additional air traffic controllers training .............................................................. 96
OJTI/STDI and assessor endorsements .................................................... 96
Other training courses ................................................................................ 97
Refresher training for practical instructor (OJTI/STDI) and assessor
endorsements ............................................................................................ 97
Appendix A ........................................................................................................... 100
Assessment of Previous Competence Report ................................................. 100
Appendix B ........................................................................................................... 101
Records to be Retained by Training Organisations ......................................... 101
Appendix C ........................................................................................................... 103
Training Design and Structure Guidance ........................................................ 103
Training design process ........................................................................... 103
Structure of training documentation.......................................................... 105
First phase of training design ................................................................... 106
Second phase of training design .............................................................. 106
Third phase of training design .................................................................. 107
Mode of delivery, media, learning rate and training techniques ............... 108
Course design document ................................................................................ 108
Content ..................................................................................................... 108
Appendix D ........................................................................................................... 111
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English language proficiency certificate .......................................................... 111
Certificate ................................................................................................. 111
Appendix E ........................................................................................................... 112
Conduct of written examinations ..................................................................... 112
Protocol for the conduct of written examinations ...................................... 112
Appendix F ............................................................................................................ 115
Criteria for the use of synthetic training devices in ATC training ..................... 115
Introduction .............................................................................................. 115
Continuation training ................................................................................ 116
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The Regulatory Framework
Civil Aviation Authority civil aviation publications (CAPs) are based upon national
and assimilated EU legislation and non-legislative regulatory material, such as ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices. They are published in order to provide:
a) guidance and clarification on the means of achieving compliance with global and
UK regulatory requirements, and where applicable:
b) details of UK ‘Alternative Means of Compliance’, and
c) details of any additional national requirements, including CAA administrative
Details of appropriate supporting administrative procedures are also included where
CAPs are subject to periodic revision to take account of changes to source
regulatory material, feedback from industry, and recognised best practice. This
document provides guidance and clarification relating to ATC Training and licensing
requirementsand is to be read in conjunction with the supporting documentation
referenced below as applicable.
Non-inclusion of source regulatory material within this CAP does not preclude
the end user from either the need to be aware of, or the need to comply with,
the requirements contained within the source materials unless otherwise
exempted from those requirements.
It is the policy of the UK government that, unless a difference or ‘Alternative Means
of Compliance’ (AltMoc) has been established, compliance is with relevant
international (i.e. ICAO and applicable equivalents such as International
Telecommunications Union) and UK regulatory material, required to the extent
mandated in law. Additionally, compliance with national requirements that are not
addressed by international regulations is also required.
This document is a combination of what was the CAP 1251 Air Traffic Controllers
Licensing and CAP 584 Air Traffic Controllers Training and has been updated to
incorporate all previous amendments from both CAPs.
The words ‘must’, ‘shall’ and ‘will’ indicate that compliance with applicable regulatory
requirements is necessary. In the case of AMC the word ‘should’ indicates that
compliance is required, unless complying with an approved AltMoC.
Regulatory References
This document is published to assist current and applicant Training Organisations,
Air Navigation Service Providers and student/air traffic controllers in the
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understanding of, and compliance with the requirements pertaining to ATCO
Licensing and training requirements. The list of supporting documents is as follows:
Assimilated European regulations:
EASA was established by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1592/2002 and the
Agency received further competences in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.
216/2008 (Basic Regulation). This established an extension to EASA’s competency
to include safety and interoperability of ATM and ANS resulting in new EASA
Implementing Regulations. The EASA website can be found at EU
regulations have been assimilated following EU withdrawal and amended under UK
Statutory Instruments.
UK Reg (EU) 2018/1139 common rules in the field of civil aviation.
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 the air traffic controller’s (ATCO) licensing and certification
UK Reg (EU) 373/2017 Requirements for providers of ATM/ANS.
UK Statutory Instruments
CAA Publications:
CAP 393 Air Navigation Order 2016 and Regulations.
CAP 794Air Traffic Controllers Initial Training Objectives.
CAP 1049 - Guidance for applicant: Review of conduct of test or exam
ICAO Publications:
Annex 1 Personnel Licensing.
Supplementary Amendments
Supplementary amendments to CAP 2331 are issued for the following reasons:
to introduce an entirely new subject or a radical change to existing
to re-emphasise an existing requirement.
Such supplementary amendments will be incorporated into the main body of the
document in its next revision.
In view of the timescales involved in updating civil aviation publications, references
may not be up to date and it is advised that readers take note of any information
promulgated via means such as CAP 2331 Supplementary Amendments, CAA
updates and CAA website information.
As the Regulatory Framework is being developed, the various CAPs will be
amended to take account of the effects of these Regulations.
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The following definitions and abbreviations have been included for ease of reference
or where terms are unique to the UK.
Abnormal and
The collective term referring to situations, including
degraded situations, which are not routinely or commonly
experienced and for which automatic skills have not been
developed, and serious and dangerous situations requiring
immediate actions. (CAA)
Ab-initio A learner without previous air traffic control qualifications
who is undertaking initial air traffic control training. (CAA)
Assessment An evaluation of the practical skills leading to the issue of
the licence, rating and/or endorsement(s) and their
revalidation and/or renewal, including behaviour and the
practical application of knowledge and understanding being
demonstrated by the person being assessed. (UK Reg (EU)
The authorisation entered on and forming part of the
licence, indicating the competence of the holder to assess
the practical skills of student air traffic controller and air
traffic controller. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340)
Board Chair The name given to an individual overseeing a unit
endorsement assessment to verify the effectiveness of an
ANSPs approved training course and the processes leading
to the issue of an individual’s Unit Endorsement.
Competence The appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours
necessary to provide air traffic control services in
accordance with privileges stated in a student air traffic
controller’s or an air traffic controller’s licence. (CAA)
Corroboration A method suggested for use, to achieve internal compliance
monitoring i.e. to ensure a process is carried out according
to set procedures and to the specified requirements. (CAA)
Course Design
For the purposes of this document, a course design
document is a submission from a training organisation
seeking approval to conduct a course of ATC training.
English Language
Note: The CAA have withdrawn this phrase in favour of
English language assessor as per UK Reg (EU)
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Evaluation A method suggested for unit use to make judgements about
the ongoing performance of a learner against the objectives
of the phases of a unit endorsement course. (CAA)
Examination A formalised test evaluating the person’s knowledge and
understanding. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340)
Exposition The UK has withdrawn this definition and will refer to
anITO application’.
Formative report A report that describes the progress of a learner, mainly for
the benefit of the learner. (CAA)
Initial training The training which leads to the issue of a student air traffic
controller licence or to the issue of an additional rating and,
if applicable, rating endorsement, providing basic and rating
training. (UK Reg. (EU) 2015/340)
The statement entered on and forming part of a licence
indicating the language proficiency of the holder. (CAA)
Learner A generic term for an individual gaining knowledge from a
learning activity. i.e. performing a learning activity without
any reference to their status. e.g. student or trainee. (CAA)
On-the-job training
instructor (OJTI)
The authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence,
indicating the competence of the holder to give on-the-job
training instruction and instruction on synthetic training
devices. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340)
An objective-based process by which ITO theoretical
instructors and non-operational STDIs and assessors may
refresh their knowledge of current operational practice and
gain experience of new techniques and equipment. (CAA)
A clear and unambiguous statement of what a student is
expected to do (Performance), according to a level in terms
of quality, quantity and time (Standard) and, the conditions
under which the performance is to be carried out
(Conditions). (Eurocontrol)
A temporary state in which the licence holder is prevented
from exercising the privileges of the licence when ratings,
endorsements and his medical certificate are valid. (UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340)
Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and hypnotics,
cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile
solvents, whereas caffeine and tobacco are excluded.
(UK(EU) Reg 2015/340)
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The authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence,
indicating the specific conditions, privileges or limitations
pertaining to the relevant rating (UK Reg. (EU) 2015/340)
Renewal The administrative act taken after a rating, endorsement or
certificate has expired that renew the privileges or
limitations of the rating, endorsement or certificate for a
further specified period subject to the fulfilment of specified
requirements. (UK EU Reg 2015/340)
Revalidation The administrative act taken within the period of validity of a
rating endorsement or certificate that allows the holder to
continue to exercise the privileges of the rating,
endorsement or certificate for a further specified period
subject to the fulfilment of specified requirements. (UK EU
Reg 2015/340)
Summative Report A summative report is a report completed by a certificated
ITO which details the competence observed during a
practical assessment in an initial training course and relevant
to; the
required performance objectives in Part ATCO,
Subpart D, Section 2; and those terminal objectives relevant
to the course. (CAA)
Surveillance Fall-
back and
A term used to indicate when surveillance equipment has
degraded or failed and contingency measures are
implemented. (CAA)
Syllabus A list of training objectives classified by subjects, topics and
sub-topics showing the training necessary to fill the training
gap and achieve the course aim. (CAA)
Synthetic training
device (STD)
Any type of device by which operational conditions are
simulated, including simulators and part-task trainers. (UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340)
Synthetic training
device instructor
The Authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence,
indicating the competence of the holder to give instruction
on synthetic training devices. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340)
Taxonomy Level Taxonomy levels for ATC Initial training in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 are derived and adapted from Blooms (1984)
learning theory. However, the fundamental taxonomy levels,
which can be utilised by a TO assist in creating specific
taxonomies for other courses, are: 
1. Knowledge - This involves recalling basic facts,
processes, and methods, or patterns and structures.
2. Comprehension (Understanding) - Refers to the learner’s
understanding of the ideas and materials presented at the
level 1. At this stage, learners won’t necessarily be able to
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see the full implications of their knowledge or be able to
relate it to other material.
3. Application - Learners should be able to use/apply their
knowledge and understanding in certain situations.
4. Analysis - Learners are expected to be able to articulate
the relationship between different ideas and be able to
breakdown their learning into elements or parts.
5. Synthesis - This involves combining different ideas or
elements to create new structures or ideas.
6. Evaluation - In the original Bloom’s taxonomy,
‘evaluation’ was the highest level of thinking and requires
the most complex mental processes. At this level, learners
are expected to make judgments about the value of the
methods or materials presented to them. This level might
not be expected from a student ATCO.
Terminal Objective A terminal objective is a specific statement of the
performance which learners must demonstrate in order to
attain the course aim. A terminal objective identifies what
the learner will be able to do in terms of observable and
assessable behaviour. These are detailed in CAP 794.
Trainee An air traffic controller who is undertaking a course of air
traffic approved training at a TO/ITO.
Training course The theoretical and/or practical instruction developed within
a structured framework and delivered within a defined
duration. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
Training objective Is a holistic term covering all objectives of a training course.
An organisation which has been certified by the CAA to
provide one or more types of training. (UK Reg (EU)
Unit competence
An approved scheme indicating the method by which the
unit maintains the competence of its licence holders.(CAA)
Unit endorsement The authorisation entered on and forming part of a licence,
indicating the ICAO location indicator and the sectors
and/or working positions where the holder of the licence is
competent to work. (UK Reg (EU) 2015/340)
Unit Endorsement
Previously known as ‘validation board’, the unit
endorsement assessment is an assessment and
examination of a candidate at the final point of their unit
endorsement course (UEC); for the issue of an ATCO
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licence and/or issue, revalidation or renewal of a unit
endorsement. (CAA)
Unit endorsement
A training course for each UE established at the ATC unit
as defined in the unit training plan. (CAA)
Unit training plan An approved plan detailing the unit endorsement course(s),
processes and timing required to allow the unit procedures
to be applied at the unit. (CAA)
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UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Commission UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, and to include
UK SI 2019 No.645.
AltMoC Alternative Means of Compliance
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
APC Assessment of Previous Competence
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCO Air Traffic Controller
CAP Civil Aviation Publication
CDD Course Design Document
ITO Initial Training Organisation
LAB Language Assessment Body
LPA Language Proficiency Assessor
PTT Part-task Trainer
ORF Operational Refresher Familiarisation
ORS Official Record Series
OJT On-the-Job Training
OJTI On-the-Job Training Instructor
SFbC Surveillance Fall-back and Contingency
SIM Simulator
SRA Surveillance Radar Approach
SRW Summative Report Writer
STD Synthetic Training Device
STDI Synthetic Training Device Instructor
TO Training Organisation
UCS Unit Competence Scheme
UE Unit Endorsement
UEA Unit Endorsement Assessment
UEC Unit Endorsement Course
UTP Unit Training Plan
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Chapter 1
Introduction to air traffic controller licensing, training and
Subject matter and scope
1.1 Assimilated Regulation (EU) 2015/340, (from now on is referred to as UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340) details the UK air traffic controller’s (ATCO)
licensing and certification rules and related acceptable means of
compliance, together with ATCO training and medical requirements.
1.2 The CAA is the UKs competent authority. Within the CAA, the Licensing
assessment team is responsible for processing and issuing of air traffic
controllers licensing. Also, Airspace, ATM and Aerodromes (AAA)
division of the Safety and Airspace Regulation Group (SARG) is
responsible for the certification and oversight of ANSPs, training
organisations (TO/ITO) including the approval of training courses, unit
training plans (UTPs) and unit competence schemes (UCSs) and air
traffic controllers, including student air traffic controllers, are required to
comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
1.3 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 lays down detailed rules for:
the conditions for issuing, suspending and revoking air traffic
controllers and student air traffic controller’s licences,
associated ratings and endorsements, and the privileges and
responsibilities of those holding them;
the conditions for, limiting, suspending and revoking air traffic
controllers and student air traffic controllers medical
certificates, and the privileges and responsibilities of those
holding them;
the certification of aero-medical examiners and aero-medical
centres for air traffic controllers and student air traffic
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the certification of air traffic controller training organisations;
the conditions for validating, revalidating, renewing and using
such licences, ratings, endorsements and certificates.
1.4 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 shall apply to:
student air traffic controllers and air traffic controllers exercising
their functions within the scope of UK (EU) Reg 2018/1139;
persons and organisations involved in the licensing, training,
testing, checking and medical examination and assessment of
applicants in accordance with this Regulation.
1.5 This CAP 2331 details the processes to be followed by an individual or
organisation in order to comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
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Chapter 2
Air traffic controller licensing
Student air traffic controller
2.1 The requirements to hold a student air traffic controller licence are laid
down in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.001.
2.2 The CAA will grant a student air traffic controller licence to an applicant
provided they meet the requirements laid down in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.B.001.Student air traffic controller licence.
2.3 A student air traffic controller who provides an air traffic service under
supervision is responsible for ensuring they comply with the
requirements of UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 and in addition:
a) is not fatigued to an extent that may endanger the safety of
aircraft to which they are providing an air traffic service,
b) is not under the influence of any psychoactive substance or
suffering from any illness or injury to an extent that may
endanger the safety of aircraft to which an air traffic service is
being provided,
c) comply with a Fatigue Risk Management Policy.
Note: Complying with the provisions of a Fatigue Risk Management
Policy does not absolve the controller from making a judgement as to
their fitness to provide a safe air traffic service in accordance with UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340.
2.4 The holder of a student air traffic controller licence who has not started
exercising the privileges of the licencewithin one year from the date of
its issue or has interrupted exercising those privileges for a period of
more than one year may only start or continue unit training in that rating
after an assessment of their previous competence in accordance with
the procedures detailed in chapter 9 of this document.
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NOTE: For clarity of terminology, for a student licence holder, ‘exercising
the privileges of the licence’ is to be understood as providing an ATC
service under the supervision of an OJTI, unless where pre-on-the-job
training has been commenced.
Air traffic controller licence
2.5 The requirements to hold an air traffic controller licence are laid down in
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.005.
2.6 The CAA will grant an air traffic controller licence to an applicant
provided they meet the requirements laid down in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.B.005 Air traffic controller licence.
2.7 An air traffic controller licence holder who provides an air traffic service
shall be responsible for ensuring they comply with the requirements of
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 and in addition shall ensure they:
a) are not fatigued to an extent that may endanger the safety of
aircraft to which they are providing an air traffic service,
b) are not under the influence of any psychoactive substance to
an extent that may endanger the safety of aircraft to which they
are providing an air traffic service,
c) are not suffering from any mental or physical illness or injury to
an extent that may endanger the safety of aircraft to which they
are providing an air traffic service
d) comply with a Fatigue Risk Management Policy.
Note: Complying with the provisions of a Fatigue Risk Management
Policy does not absolve the controller from making a judgement as to
their fitness to provide a safe air traffic service in accordance with UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340.
2.8 The holder of an air traffic controller licence who has not started
exercising the privileges of any rating (providing an ATC service under
the supervision of an OJTI) within one year from the date of its issue
may only start unit training in that rating after an assessment of their
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previous competence in accordance with the procedures detailed in
chapter 9 of this document.
Ratings and rating endorsements
2.9 An air traffic controller licence shall contain one or more of the ratings
listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.010 Air traffic controller ratings.
2.10 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.010 (b) if the holder
of a rating has interrupted exercising the privileges (providing an ATC
service) of that rating for a period of four or more immediately preceding
consecutive years, an assessment of previous competence (APC) is
required in that rating in accordance with the procedures detailed in
Chapter 9 of this document, prior to commencing unit training.
Note: Sectors using varying ratings require separate APCs where
operations are to be delivered in those sectors.
Rating endorsements
2.11 The rating endorsements which may be contained in an air traffic
controller or student air traffic controller licence are listed in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.B.015 Rating Endorsements.
Licensing requirements
2.12 The air traffic controller or student air traffic controller’s licence is the
property of the person to whom it is issued.
2.13 The individual air traffic controller is responsible for ensuring that their
a) is issued in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340,
b) contains their correct details,
c) has been signed by themselves.
2.14 Prior to exercising the privileges of their licence they must ensure that
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a) have a minimum current ATCO English language proficiency
endorsement of ICAO level 4,
b) have a current UK Class 3 medical certificate,
c) hold the relevant rating(s),
d) hold the relevant UE(s).
2.15 An air traffic controller shall ensure that their licence is available at the
unit at all times when they are exercising the privileges of their licence.
CAA Licence administration
2.16 Within the UK the CAA may issue or amend student and air traffic
controller licences. Licence administration is undertaken by the CAAs
ATS Licensing assessment team .
2.17 Licence administration is the process by which the CAA ensures that
student and air traffic controller licences are issued and maintained. To
carry out this function the CAA maintains the licensing records, including
personal details, of all licence holders.
2.18 The CAA maintains the following personal details of all licence holders:
a) full name,
b) date and place of birth,
c) nationality,
d) residential address, and
e) the address of the unit(s) where the student or air traffic
controller licence holder is providing an air traffic service.
2.19 In the case of the first application for a student air traffic controller
licence, a certified ID is required. See guidance note 1 of CAA form
2.20 In the event of any changes to personal details, the CAA ATS Licensing
assessment team must be informed by the submission of CAA form
SRG1411E to facilitate the issue of an updated licence.
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2.21 Each student and air traffic controller licence issued is uniquely
numbered. Licence holders should quote this number, in all
communications with the CAA ATS Licensing assessment team.
2.22 The CAA maintains the following licence records on student air traffic
controller licence holders:
a) details of the successful completion of initial training, including
the date of completion and the results of any associated
assessments and/or examinations,
b) the rating discipline, including any rating endorsement, in which
the licence holder may provide an air traffic service under
c) the unit where the licence holder is providing a service under
supervision and the date the licence will expire.
2.23 The CAA maintains the following licence records on air traffic controller
licence holders:
a) details of the successful completion of any initial training and
the results of any associated assessment(s) and/or
b) current valid rating(s), including rating endorsement(s) and
c) licence endorsements,
d) the unit(s) at which the controller is providing an air traffic
e) previously held rating(s), rating endorsement(s) and UE(s)
including the units where the controller previously provided an
air traffic service,
f) details of any action taken by the licensing authority to suspend
or revoke an air traffic controller licence or its associated
rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s),
g) the date when any current medical certificate expires.
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2.24 ANSPs are to inform the CAA Licensing assessment team, of the
renewal of all UEs and also in the event that a UE is not renewed or is
withdrawn, on CAA form SRG1411B.
2.25 Applications for air traffic controller licences, rating(s), rating
endorsement(s), and UE(s) must be made using the relevant CAA form
2.26 Applications for initial assessor, OJTI and STDI endorsements,
revalidations and renewals, including exchanging an OJTI for an STDI
endorsement, must be made on CAA form SRG1415.
Unit endorsements (UEs)
2.27 The requirements for a UE are laid down in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
2.28 Applicants for a UE must have completed an approved Unit
endorsement course (UEC).
2.29 The validity period of a UE shall be specified in the Unit Competency
Scheme (UCS). This shall not exceed three years.
2.30 A UE may not be revalidated if the required minimum number of hours of
operational duties have not been completed during the validity period of
the UE.
Arranging an initial Unit Endorsement Assessment (UEA)
2.31 While there is no regulatory requirement for the CAA to attend every
initial UEA, the CAA have determined that unless otherwise authorised,
each initial UEA will be conducted by:
An ATS Inspector or
an assessor and an ATS Inspector acting as Board Chair
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2.32 Notification for an initial, subsequent or renewal UEA must be made to
the relevant ATS Inspector at least 30 days prior to the requested date.
2.33 The ATS inspector may request details of any proposed revalidations of
a Unit Endorsement taking place at any ATSU within their area of
2.34 The choice to attend any UEA, or not, is at the sole discretion of the
allocated ATS Inspector, with that decision founded on the principles of
performance-based oversight. Where the allocated inspector has elected
to attend, mutually agreeable dates and times for such assessments
shall be agreed with the ATS Inspector.
2.35 The CAA must be in receipt of payment prior to confirmation of the
attendance of the UEA.
Surveillance systems degradation
Surveillance degradation
2.36 Not all ANSPs have personnel who hold an ATCO licence which
contains an APP rating and therefore cannot offer an Approach Control
Procedural service.
2.37 In accordance with Regulation UK (EU) 2017/373 ATM/ANS.OR.A.070
(Contingency plans), units shall have in place contingency plans for
surveillance system degradation in the case of events which result in
significant degradation or interruption of its operations. These
procedures and associated training shall be approved by the CAA.
2.38 Procedures and training approved by the CAA for relevant units shall be
detailed in the UTP, UEC(s) and UCS.
Unit Endorsement Administration
2.39 Except where approved by the CAA, the use of a synthetic training
device (STD) to demonstrate competence at a UE assessment is not
permitted. When approved by the CAA, an STD may be used to
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demonstrate the application of procedures not seen during any
2.40 An initial or subsequent UE shall only be issued if the candidate has
successfully completed both the assessment and oral examination. The
practical assessment will be conducted prior to the oral examination.
2.41 No part credit will be issued if a candidate was unsuccessful in an
assessment or examination, both the assessment and examination must
be undertaken again.
2.42 An individual who is unsuccessful in the assessment and/or examination
for the initial issue of a UE shall not be permitted to retake the
assessment and examination until a period of at least 30 days has
2.43 At ATSUs that do not have an assessor, the revalidation UEA shall be
conducted by an ATS Inspector.
2.44 Where civilian air traffic controllers are assessed for their competence to
provide air traffic services at a military airfield, a military examiner may
be present.
2.45 If a UE has expired, the process to renew the UE will require a UEC to
be successfully completed in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
Part ATCO, Subpart D, Section 3.
2.46 Revalidation of the UE requires that refresher training is successfully
completed in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.080(b).
The details of refresher training will be included in the UCS document.
2.47 A UE may be withdrawn where a controller is no longer required to
provide an air traffic service on a particular sector and/or operational
position, or when sectors are reorganised and sector names or
designations change. The air traffic controller licence holder shall inform
the CAA ATS Licensing assessment team (by letter or email) in the
event that a UE is withdrawn or not renewed unless the unit has
procedures to inform the CAA on the licence holder’s behalf.
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2.48 Where it is intended that an air traffic controller should hold UEs
concurrently at more than one unit, the ANSP(s), concerned are to
inform the CAA.
2.49 Units requiring to provide an air traffic service for an event over a short
period of time, shall ensure that those controllers who wish to apply for
this UE, hold a current UE at a permanent unit in the same rating as that
for which the UE is required.
2.50 An air traffic controller who already holds a UE will be issued with
additional UEs for additional sectors or operational positions associated
with that rating upon:
successful completion of the relevant adapted UEC, and
demonstrating that they are competent to provide the air traffic
service associated with the additional sectors or operational positions.
Unit Endorsement for events
2.51 A short term UE is one that is granted to an air traffic controller in order
that they can provide an air traffic service at an event that requires such
a service for a short period of time, typically 3 or 4 days.
2.52 When an air traffic controller moves to a new unit, their previously held
UEs are still current until the expiry date of the UE(s). If the licence
holder subsequently returns to the original unit, the process to ensure
competence is dependent upon the time that has elapsed since they last
exercised the UE at that unit. The requirements for remaining in current
and recent practice at a unit is to be identified in the approved UCS.
Disclosure of information
2.53 Upon request from a licence holder, the CAA will make available records
and provide verification of previously held ratings, rating and licence
endorsements and UEs to enable controllers to provide this information
to the licensing Authority of another State.
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Application forms and fees
2.54 The correct fee must be included with all applications for the licences,
ratings and associated endorsements referred to above, Including the
fee for loss/damage. Details of the CAAs Scheme of Charges for the
issue of licences and endorsements are published in Official Record
Series 5personnel licensing.
2.55 CAA SRG Forms are available from the CAA Publications web page caa
Note: UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 permits the CAA to have a procedure to
allow privileges to be exercised by the licence holder for a maximum of
eight weeks after successful completion of the applicable examination(s)
or assessment(s). This is in order for a licence application to be
processed by the CAA, even though it might not be in their possession
and provided confirmation of the receipt has been acknowledged by a
CAA email. If after 8 weeks, no licence including the associated rating or
endorsement is received, privileges may not be exercised until such time
as the licence is in their possession.
2.56 All applications must be sent to:
ATCO Licensing Section,
Licensing Assessment,
Safety and Airspace Regulation Group,
Civil Aviation Authority,
Aviation House,
Gatwick Airport South
West Sussex
Or by email to [email protected]
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Licence recognition
EU/EEA licence holders
2.57 EU/EEA states have reverted to third country status and all licences
issued and training certificates are no longer recognised.
2.58 In addition ECAC licences are not recognised as they are not included
within the European Withdrawal Act 2018.
2.59 UK licences are no longer recognised within the EU.
Applications for the recognition of an air traffic controller licence
obtained in any State other than the UK.
2.60 The CAA is not able to recognise air traffic controller licences issued in
any State other than the UK.
2.61 The CAA has no knowledge of the ATC rating training syllabi of courses
undertaken in other States and how these compare with the UK training
2.62 Individuals who hold an air traffic controller licence from a non-EU/EEA
state will be required to successfully complete the UK ATC initial training
in its entirety to be able to apply for a UK student air traffic controller
Application for the reissue of a UK licence having converted to
another State licence
2.63 For those individuals who have previously held a UK licence, for the
reissue of the UK licence an application shall made on CAA form
SRG1411F available on the CAA Website.
2.64 The TO/ITO with whom an individual intends to undertake training, after
regaining their UK licence shall ensure an APC in each rating required is
undertaken prior to commencing any training.
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Revocation and suspension of licences, ratings and
Provisional suspension
2.65 The ANO 2016, as SI UK 2016/765 article 253, authorises that the CAA
may provisionally suspend or vary any certificate, licence, approval,
permission, exemption, authorisation or other document issued, granted
or having effect under the ANO, pending inquiry into or consideration of
the case.
2.66 Although this process is not a requirement under UK Reg (EU)
2015/340, the CAA has elected to keep this term and process.
2.67 Provisional suspension is a temporary measure which places a licence,
or its associated rating(s) and/or endorsement(s), in abeyance pending
inquiry or investigation into the case.
2.68 The CAA may provisionally suspend an air traffic controller’s licence
a) competence to provide an air traffic service is in doubt, and/or
b) fitness to hold an air traffic controller licence is considered by
the CAA to be in doubt.
2.69 An air traffic controller whose licence is provisionally suspended shall not
provide any air traffic service. The provisionally suspended licence will
not act as a student air traffic controller licence.
2.70 The CAA may provisionally suspend the rating(s) of a controller whose
competence to provide an air traffic service associated with those
rating(s) is in doubt.
2.71 An air traffic controller shall not exercise the privileges of a provisionally
suspended rating, and any UE(s) associated with that rating, except
under the supervision of an OJTI who holds a valid rating appropriate to
the air traffic service being provided. An air traffic controller may
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continue to exercise the privileges of ratings which are not subject to
provisional suspension.
2.72 The CAA may provisionally suspend the rating endorsement(s) of an air
traffic controller whose competence to provide an air traffic service
associated with the rating endorsement(s) is in doubt.
2.73 An air traffic controller shall not exercise the privileges of a provisionally
suspended rating endorsement or any UE associated with that rating
endorsement, except under the supervision of an OJTI who holds a valid
rating appropriate to the air traffic service being provided.
2.74 A controller may continue to exercise the privileges of rating
endorsements which are not subject to provisional suspension.
2.75 The CAA may provisionally suspend the UE(s) of an air traffic controller
whose competence to provide the air traffic service associated with the
UE(s) is in doubt.
2.76 An air traffic controller shall not exercise the privileges of a provisionally
suspended UE except under the supervision of an OJTI who holds a
valid UE appropriate to the air traffic service being provided.
2.77 An air traffic controller may continue to exercise the privileges of UE(s)
which are not subject to provisional suspension.
2.78 The CAA will normally set conditions for the removal of the provisional
suspension of rating(s), rating endorsement(s) and UE(s). These
conditions will normally be a period of unit training followed by an
assessment of the air traffic controller’s competence. Provided the
controller is assessed as competent the provisional suspension will be
2.79 There is no appeal under Regulation 6 (5) of the CAA Regulations
1991(SI 1991 No.1672) against a provisional suspension.
2.80 Provisional suspensions are not considered suitable as a long-term
measure. The failure of a licence holder to satisfy the conditions for the
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removal of a provisional suspension within a reasonable period of time
will result in the CAA reviewing the circumstances of the provisional
suspension. Under these circumstances the CAA may propose to
suspend a licence, rating or endorsement as appropriate.
2.81 An air traffic controller whose ATCO licence, rating or endorsement has
been provisionally suspended, may only provide an air traffic service
under the supervision of a suitably qualified OJTI whilst complying with
the conditions for removal of the provisional suspension.
2.82 Suspension is the act of placing an air traffic controller licence, or its
associated rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s), in abeyance.
Normally, conditions would be set whereby the controller may seek
withdrawal of the suspension of rating(s) and/or endorsement(s).
2.83 The CAA will issue a proposal to suspend the rating(s), rating
endorsement(s) or UE(s) of a controller:
a) who is unable or unwilling to meet the conditions for the
removal of a provisional suspension,
b) where a more extensive investigation of an incident or accident
indicates that the controller actions were a contributory factor.
2.84 During the period of the proposal to suspend, the provisional suspension
will remain in force and controllers must continue to comply with the
requirements associated with the provisional suspension.
2.85 A proposal to suspend, including the conditions for the removal of the
suspension, is subject to appeal under Regulation 6(5) of the CAA
Regulations 1991(SI 1991 No.1672). Guidance detailed in CAP 1049
Review of Conduct of test or exam
2.86 An air traffic controller who satisfies the conditions for the removal of a
suspension will have the suspension removed.
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2.87 The CAA will suspend the air traffic controller licence, or its associated
rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s) of an air traffic controller who
does not appeal or who is unsuccessful at an appeal.
2.88 Conditions for the removal of a suspension will normally involve:
a) an APC conducted at a certificated ITO,
b) successful completion of any training and further assessments
identified by the ITO as being required,
c) successful completion of unit training and for the award of a UE
in the rating that was suspended.
2.89 An air traffic controller whose rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s)
have been suspended must not provide the air traffic service associated
with those rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s) except to comply
with the conditions for the removal of the suspension and under the
supervision of an OJTI who holds a valid rating appropriate to the air
traffic service being provided.
2.90 Revocation is the act of withdrawing an air traffic controller licence or its
associated rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s).
2.91 The CAA will propose to revoke the licence of an air traffic controller
whenever it considers that air traffic controller is not a fit person to hold
an air traffic controller licence. In such a case the licence will either have
already been provisionally suspended or will be provisionally suspended
at the same time as the proposal to revoke is notified.
2.92 The CAA may propose to revoke the air traffic controller licence or
associated rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s) of a controller who
is unable to demonstrate their competence to provide the associated air
traffic control service.
2.93 The proposal to revoke an air traffic controller licence, or associated
rating(s), rating endorsement(s) or UE(s) is subject to appeal under
Regulation 6 (5) of the Civil Aviation Authority Regulations 1991 (SI 1991
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No.1672). If the appeal is successful, the proposal to revoke will be
withdrawn. Guidance detailed in CAP 1049 Review of conduct of test or
Role and responsibility of the ANSP
2.94 ANSPs must have approved processes, procedures and competent
personnel in place to ensure that:
a) the unit has written procedures:
i) detailing the action to be taken following the withdrawal of a
controller from duty in the event of their involvement in an
incident or accident, and
ii) for conducting a local management assessment or, in the
situation of single manning, action to be taken by the
controller involved in the incident or accident,
b) ensuring the CAA is advised following any incident assessment
where appropriate,
c) ensuring the air traffic controller complies with any conditions
relating to the provisional suspension or suspension,
d) to ensure that the CAA is advised of the outcome of any
training and assessment of the air traffic controller required for
the removal of a provisional suspension or a suspension.
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Chapter 3
Certification of ATC Training Organisations (TO) and Initial
Training Organisations (ITO)
Air traffic controller training
3.1 Air traffic controller training is divided into four types in accordance with
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Part ATCO, Subpart D:
a) initial training, incorporating basic and/or rating training and/or
rating endorsement training;
b) unit training and/or rating endorsement training, comprising:
i. transitional training,
ii. pre-on-the-job training (for UEs requiring handling of
complex and dense traffic situations) and
iii. OJT;
c) continuation training comprising of refresher training and
conversion training, when relevant;
d) training of practical instructors (OJTI & STDI) and assessors.
3.2 This CAP contains the processes for the certification and ongoing
regulatory oversight of UK ATC training organisations and associated
courses, and ATC Language Assessment Bodies (LAB).
3.3 In addition, CAP 794 represents the additional national objectives for
initial training which must be completed;
a) during a UK approved Initial training course for the issue of a
UK student air traffic controller licence,
b) during an assessment of previous competence (APC), or
c) during an additional rating training course at a UK ITO.
Certification of all training organisations
3.4 Applicant Training Organisations will be considered for certification on
the basis that information provided by them to the CAA is in compliance
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with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340. Training Organisations may be approved to
provide initial training and are separately certificated in this respect.
3.5 ANSPs providing an air traffic control service must also be certified as a
Training Organisation (TO), to provide unit and continuation training to
air traffic controllers (ATCO), in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
3.6 Organisations seeking certification as a TO/ITO are strongly advised to
have exploratory discussions with the CAA prior to making a formal
3.7 Communication with the CAA should be directed to in the first instance:
a) the relevant Principal Inspector ATM in the case of Aerodromes
b) the Principal Inspector (En-route), in the case of En-route or
Initial training.
Training organisation application
3.8 The process for application and certification of all training organisations
shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 Part ATCO.OR and ATCO.AR subpart E with their associated
AMCs and the requirements in this document.
3.9 Applications for TO/ITO certification shall be submitted to the CAA at
least four months before the anticipated start of any proposed training.
3.10 Applications for certification as a TO/ITO must be submitted to the CAA
using CAA form SRG1427 (TO) or SRG1431 (ITO), together with
payment of the associated fee found in the current CAA ORS 5 -
Scheme of charges (Personnel licensing).
3.11 The applicant shall be required to complete the Air Traffic Controllers
Licensing and Certification compliance matrix (found on CAA website
under certification and designation’) as part of the application process
appropriate to the type(s) of training intended to be provided.
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3.12 This compliance matrix contains all the UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
requirements applicable to Training Organisations and Initial Training
a) Training Organisation (ATC ANSPs) are to complete sections
1,2,3, 4 and 5 checklists.
b) Initial Training Organisations are to complete sections 1,2,3
and 6 checklists.
3.13 Completing the relevant Compliance Matrices will assist in enabling the
prospective TO/ITO to assure themselves that their management system
will expect to meet the requirements of UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 and this
3.14 All supporting documents and their current issue status are to be entered
into the relevant compliance matrix table and submitted as part of the
application process.
3.15 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.OR.C.001 training
organisations are to have a documented compliance monitoring system
including a system for managing changes within their management
system processes.
3.16 The TO/ITO system for managing changes shall contain a process for
implementing all changes and assessing the risks associated with
3.17 After the compliance matrices and supporting documentation have been
reviewed by the CAA, an audit of the training organisation will be
arranged. The audit will cover all elements of the regulation relevant to
the application. For details of the audit process see Oversight audit
process below.
3.18 If necessary, a subsequent meeting may be arranged with the training
organisation by the CAA.
3.19 Subject to the provision of all appropriate information to the satisfaction
of the CAA, including satisfactory implementation of required corrective
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actions where applicable, the CAA will advise the applicant of its
decision if the certificate is to be granted.
3.20 Certification cannot be granted where any level 1 findings remain open
(UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 AMC1 ATCO.AR.E.001(b)).
3.21 A training organisation may not provide initial, unit or continuation ATC
training until it has received CAA certification to do so.
3.22 Sampling of the first delivery of approved courses will be undertaken by
an Inspector ATS. Any findings or observations will be provided in an
audit report as per the audit process sequence below.
Specific requirements for initial training courses
3.23 Initial ATC training courses must provide student and/or trainee air traffic
controllers with the necessary skills and knowledge to a level of
competence that will prepare them for training at any UK operational
3.24 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Subpart D Section 1
ATCO.D.005, initial training consists of:
a) Basic training: theoretical and practical training designed to
impart fundamental knowledge and practical skills related to
basic operational procedures, and
b) Rating training: theoretical and practical training designed to
impart knowledge and practical skills related to a specific rating
and, if applicable, to rating endorsement.
3.25 Basic and rating courses shall comply with the following requirements of
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340:
a) Basic
ATCO.D.025 Basic training examinations and assessment;
ATCO.D.030 Basic training performance objectives;
b) Rating
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ATCO.D.035 Rating training examinations and assessment;
ATCO.D.040 Rating training performance objectives;
and their associated AMCs.
In addition compliance with UK CAP 794 requirements
Approval of initial training courses and the initial training plan
3.26 Only certified Training Organisations who have been certified for the
delivery of initial training, or those currently seeking certification for initial
training, may submit courses of initial ATC training for CAA approval.
3.27 An ITO will not be certified unless it has also received approval for at
least one course of initial training as a minimum. This encompasses both
basic and a rating training course.
3.28 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.015, an Initial
training plan (ITP) shall be established and submitted to the CAA for
approval. The initial training plan shall contain the 12 requirements listed
in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.015 Initial training plan.
3.29 This initial training plan may include reference to other documents, such
as Course Design Documents (CDD), (the requested format of which is
provided in Appendix C of this document) and the ITO Management
3.30 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.AR.E.005 - Approval
of training courses and training plans, the CAA will approve the Initial
training plan and any training courses submitted by current or
prospective ITOs.
3.31 A mapping document shall be maintained which shows how the ITO
meets each performance objective of both UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 and
CAP 794. This may be held as an Annex to the initial training plan or
CDD or as a separate document.
3.32 Until such time as approval is granted, any promotional material or
reference to the training organisation, its training centre(s) and training
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courses must clearly state that UK CAA approval has not yet been
3.33 The CAA will provide a letter of approval containing specific details of
each course approval and/or, a certificate which will state the type(s) of
training approvals granted and, which confirms that a Training
Organisation complies with the requirements laid down in UK Reg (EU)
3.34 This letter of approval and/or certificate shall be retained as they form
part of the management system (AMC1 ATCO.OR.C.001(e)) and shall
be made available on request.
Continued compliance for TO/ITO
3.35 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.AR.C001 the CAA
shall conduct oversight of a TO/ITO including desktop and on-site audits
and inspections, and may attend any element of training delivery and
assessment. This may include unannounced inspections as per UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 ATCO.AR.C005(b)(1).
3.36 If the CAA finds that the holder of a certificate no longer satisfies the
requirements or conditions of that certificate, it shall take appropriate
measures, which may include revocation of the certificate.
3.37 The oversight cycle period is two years. During this time, continuous
oversight is undertaken of all elements required to maintain compliance.
The CAA utilises a Performance Based Regulation (PBR) process for
managing oversight activities.
3.38 The accountable manager may be required to attend an accountable
manager meeting with the CAA towards the end of each cycle.
3.39 TO/ITOs shall update their courses in accordance with relevant
regulatory requirements as part of the compliance monitoring process.
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3.40 In compliance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, a review of the ITO initial
training plan and each course contained therein shall take place at least
once every three years.
3.41 A master copy of the compliance matrices, showing all changes
incorporated and the reasons for them shall be maintained and retained
by the TO/ITO. It shall be possible to trace the developments within
training organisations from these matrices and associated documents.
3.42 The process for notifying the CAA of any changes detailed in UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 ATCO.OR.B.015 and requesting approval where
required, can be found on the CAA website under Change management
and change notification process.
3.43 Changes fall into the following categories:
Changes that may require review and approval before
Changes that will require prior approval before implementation.
Changes that do not require approval before implementation.
Changes that do not need notifying to the CAA.
Oversight audit process
3.44 Audits will be carried out by an audit team from the CAA generally
following initial application and on a biennial (24 month) basis in
accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
3.45 An audit plan detailing its objectives, scope and audit members, may be
produced by the CAA prior to auditing a training organisation. The
purpose of the plan is for all parties to prepare and agree dates,
personnel and arrangements for the audit.
3.46 The CAA will request the up to date compliance matrices be submitted
and any associated documents be available.
3.47 During the audit, the CAA will require access to all requested documents
and records and may request to interview the document or process
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responsible person. The TO/ITO should endeavour to ensure that the
relevant staff are available if required.
3.48 A closing meeting will be used to provide information as to any non-
compliances or observations recorded, prior to a report being drafted.
3.49 Following the audit, a report indicating any non-compliances as level 1 or
level 2 findings, and/or any observations will be sent to the auditee.
3.50 In accordance with UK REG (EU) 2015/340, ATCO.AR.E.015 in the
event of level 1 findings, the CAA will take immediate and appropriate
action to prohibit or limit activities, and if appropriate, it shall take action
to revoke the certificate or to limit or suspend it in whole or in part,
depending upon the extent of the finding, until successful corrective
action has been taken by the training organisation.
3.51 In the case of level 2 findings, the auditee will respond to the finding on
the CAA Audit Response Document from the ARD process found on the
CAA website within 20 working days from receipt of the report to
submit a corrective action plan, to the CAA audit manager which shall
a) a root cause analysis,
b) corrective actions,
c) a proposed implementation period.
3.52 An Observation may be raised where there is potential for future non-
compliance if no action is taken, or where we wish to indicate an
opportunity for safety improvement or something that is not good
practice. Corrective action is not obligatory for an observation, but
acknowledgment and the identification of any intended action is
expected. An observation may be rejected with justification of rationale.
This should be achieved within 20 working days of receipt of the report.
3.53 The CAA will review the applicant's proposed corrective actions and the
implementation period requested. If necessary, the CAA may request
more information to support any requested implementation time periods
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prior to approval, or may require an alternate period. Once an
implementation period is agreed this will be communicated to the auditee
in writing.
3.54 Once evidence is received that any corrective action has been
completed to the satisfaction of the CAA, the associated finding will be
3.55 Should, during the agreed implementation period, it become evident that
further time is required to correct the non-compliance, the auditee should
discuss this with the CAA auditor giving reasons for any alternative
timescale required. The CAA may subsequently agree to extend the
initial time period afforded.
3.56 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.AR.E.015, for level 2
findings where a training organisation fails to submit an acceptable
corrective action plan, or to perform the corrective action within the time
period accepted or extended by the CAA, the finding shall be raised to a
level 1 finding, and action will be taken as laid down in 3.51 above.
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Chapter 4
Training and Assessment Personnel
4.1 Both TOs and ITOs utilise theoretical and practical instructors.
Theoretical training consists of training delivered without the use of
either an STD based or live training event.
4.2 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 AMC1 ATCO.OR.C.001(d),
TO/ITOs shall have a procedure to ensure that competence of
instructors is maintained, which should include theoretical knowledge.
Theoretical instructors
4.3 Theoretical training shall only be conducted by appropriately qualified
instructors in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.001 and
its AMC.
4.4 In order to ensure that theoretical instructors are appropriately qualified,
the TO/ITO shall have a process to demonstrate compliance with UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340 AMC 1 ATCO.C.001(b)(2). This process should be
detailed in either the initial training plan, management system, UTP or
4.5 The practical instructor training course syllabus detailed in ATCO.D.090
does not include training in classroom instructional techniques and
therefore as per 4.4 above does not qualify an individual in classroom
instructional techniques. An appropriate training course would have to be
provided in addition to a practical instructional training course.
4.6 Responsibility for assurance of the qualification and competence of
theoretical staff rests with the TO/ITO.
Practical instructors
4.7 In order to ensure that practical instructors are appropriately qualified the
TO/ITO shall have a process to comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
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ATCO.D.090 which covers training of practical instructors. This process
should be detailed in the TO UTP and/or UCS and for an ITO in the
initial training plan and/or management system. Further detail is
contained in Chapter 13 of this document.
4.8 For a TO, practical instructors shall comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.B.025(a)(11) and (12).
On-the-Job Training Instructor - OJTI
4.9 The qualifications for the application of an OJTI are laid down in UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.015 Application for on-the-job training instructor
4.10 The privileges of an OJTI are listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.C.010 On-the-job training instructor (OJTI) privileges.
4.11 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.020, the period of
validity of the OJTI endorsement is three years.
4.12 The OJTI is responsible for:
a) the safety of the air traffic service that the student air traffic
controller or trainee air traffic controller is providing under their
b) in conjunction with the ANSP ensuring that student air traffic
i) hold a student air traffic controller licence, with a relevant
English language endorsement and current medical
certificate issued in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
ii) have successfully completed an approved course of initial
training in the rating discipline in which they will be
providing an air traffic service under supervision,
c) in conjunction with the ANSP ensuring that trainee air traffic
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i) hold an air traffic controller licence with a relevant English
language endorsement and current medical certificate
issued in accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, which
includes the rating(s) and,
ii) hold rating endorsement(s) appropriate to the air traffic
service being provided under supervision and have
exercised their privileges within the preceding four years,
iii) have successfully completed an approved course of initial
training, in the rating and rating endorsement (if any)
appropriate to the air traffic service being provided under
supervision; and
d) determining and reporting on the training progress,
e) identifying any deficiencies in knowledge or skill and
recommending remedial training,
f) recommending student and trainee air traffic controllers as
being at an appropriate level of competence where they should
be successful at a UEA,
g) supervising controllers who have had their rating(s) and/or
rating endorsement(s)and/or UE(s) suspended,
h) reviewing, monitoring and ensuring compliance with the
approved UTP and associated UECs and, proposing changes
to the training.
Note: If the ANSP has procedures which check and ensure that the
licence and training record of individuals are correct and current, then the
OJTI will not be required to check the student or trainee’s licence, training
record or medical status.
4.13 ANSPs must have processes, procedures and competent personnel to
ensure that OJTIs:
a) hold an OJTI licence endorsement and valid ratings entitling
them to provide the air traffic service(s) in which they are
supervising student or trainee air traffic controllers,
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b) have received specific training on the content of the UEC,
c) are competent to supervise student or trainee air traffic
d) are revalidated at least every three years for their competence
to train and supervise student or trainee air traffic controllers,
this process shall be identified in the UCS.
Temporary OJTI authorisation
4.14 The requirements for Temporary OJTI authorisation are laid down in UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.025, which lists examples of when and
where this authorisation can be utilised e.g. Greenfield sites.
4.15 The ANSP are required to provide a safety analysis on how the
equivalent level of safety will be ensured if a temporary OJTI
authorisation is issued.
4.16 For clarification, this authorisation allows the holder of a valid OJTI
endorsement to provide instruction without the requirement of
ATCO.B.030 relating to unit endorsement experience being met, not for
the award of OJTI endorsement where one was not obtained previously.
Synthetic Training Device Instructor (STDI)
4.17 Applicants for an STDI endorsement must meet the qualification
requirements of UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.035 Application for
synthetic training device instructor endorsement.
4.18 The privileges of an STDI are listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.C.030 Synthetic training device instructor (STDI) privileges.
4.19 If an ATCO holds an OJTI endorsement this also includes STDI
endorsement privileges.
4.20 Utilising the privileges of the STDI endorsement does not require a valid
medical certificate.
4.21 It is the decision of the ANSP as to whether they wish to make use of air
traffic controllers who hold STDI endorsements at their unit.
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4.22 The holder of an STDI licence endorsement is a non-operational role
and is responsible for:
a) determining and reporting on the training progress,
b) identifying any deficiencies in knowledge or skill and
recommending remedial training.
4.23 ANSPs must have processes, procedures and competent personnel to
ensure that STDIs:
a) hold an STDI licence endorsement and ratings entitling them to
provide the training in which they are supervising student or
trainee air traffic controllers,
b) have received specific training on the content of the UEC,
c) are competent to supervise student or trainee air traffic
controllers on the synthetic training device,
d) are revalidated at least every three years for their competence
to train and supervise student or trainee air traffic controllers on
synthetic training devices,
e) have the opportunity to practice their instructional skills,
this process shall be detailed in the UCS.
4.24 For ITOs recruiting instructors whose licence contains the STDI
endorsement, the ITO shall have a process which must ensure that the
instructor is trained to, and should be able to demonstrate theoretical
and practical competence to, a minimum of the initial training rating
terminal objectives and the national requirements and procedures
detailed in UK CAP 794. This process shall be captured in the Initial
training plan or management system.
TO/ITO Continued competence of instructors
4.25 ANSPs shall ensure that an OJTI complies with the requirements of
UK(EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.020(g) permitted to provide an air traffic
service without any training responsibilities, for sufficient time to remain
competent on the specific sector(s) or operational position(s) for which
they provide OJT. An OJTI can only count 50% of their time acting as an
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OJTI towards the minimum operational hours required for the
revalidation of a UE.
4.26 An ANSP must include the process which is required to be undertaken
for the revalidation and renewal of the OJTI or STDI licence
endorsement in the UCS. This should include an approved course of
OJTI or STDI refresher training and for renewals, an assessment, each
of which can be undertaken at an ITO or at a unit where such a course
and method of assessment have been approved.
4.27 For STDIs who do not currently hold a unit endorsement, the TO/ITO
shall have a procedure for ensuring that they maintain a level of practical
competence sufficient to demonstrate the practical exercises and meet
the training objectives and standards relevant to the practical instruction
that they are providing. This process should be detailed in the ITO initial
training plan and/or management system or TO UTP and/or UCS.
4.28 Practical and theoretical instructors who fail to maintain competence or
who are assessed as unsatisfactory shall be withdrawn immediately from
instructional duties until they have demonstrated the required levels of
competence and have been assessed as satisfactory.
4.29 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 an STDI endorsement holder
must receive refresher training in current operational practices. For those
using this endorsement at an ITO, this can be achieved through
completing operational refresher familiarisation training (ORF) at least
once every three years in accordance with a procedure approved by the
CAA. The completion and retention of a report detailing the ORF
completed by an individual will be considered to meet the requirements
of UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.040(b) and ATCO.C.040(c)(1) as far
as refresher training on current operational practices is concerned for an
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4.30 The qualification for the application of an assessor endorsement is listed
in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.055 Application for assessor
4.31 In compliance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, the assessor licence
endorsement will be issued upon receipt of the application for inclusion
into the licence by the CAA, following successful completion of the
approved assessor course.
4.32 The privileges of an assessor are listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.C.045 assessor privileges.
4.33 Additionally, assessors are approved to conduct theoretical
examinations, both written and oral, once familiar with local examination
4.34 The validity of an assessor endorsement is laid down in ATCO.C.060
Validity of an assessor endorsement.
4.35 ITO assessors can only assess or examine on rating courses for which
they hold the relevant rating. This is not the case for the basic training
4.36 Appropriately licensed unit assessors may conduct Phase or level
checks/assessments during UECs.
4.37 An assessor shall:
a) have undertaken the relevant training and have had their
competence to assess or examine assured, according to the
approved training process for the course or assessment for which
they will be assessing;
b) demonstrate that they have satisfactory knowledge of the relevant
course structure, training objectives, terminal/performance objectives
and the methods of assessment and examination used.
4.38 An assessor is responsible for ensuring that:
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a) they comply with the units assessment and examination
b) candidates are competent to exercise the privileges of their air
traffic controller licence on particular sectors or operational
positions at that unit,
c) candidates whose competence they are assessing towards the
issue of a UE, hold a current student air traffic controller or air
traffic controller licence issued in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 with the relevant rating and rating endorsement if
applicable, together with an English language endorsement
Level 4 or above and a current medical certificate,
d) the candidate is fully briefed on:
i) the schedule for the assessment and examination and its
constituent parts,
ii) the persons involved and their roles in the assessment and
examination process,
iii) the right to appeal under Regulation 6 (5) of the Civil
Aviation Authority Regulations 1991 in respect of the
conduct of the assessment and examination,
e) at a unit, any UEC undertaken includes training in ABES and
human factors,
f) at a unit, the candidate has been recommended as being at an
appropriate level of competence to be successful at the
assessment and/or examination,
g) that those involved in the assessment and examination process
are appropriately licensed/qualified,
h) the assessor meets all the licensing requirements to act as an
i) a controller who is appropriately licensed acts as safety
controller of the candidate during the assessment. This may be
one of the assessors provided they are an OJTI and hold a
valid UE appropriate to the air traffic service to be provided,
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j) the candidate is fully debriefed following the completion of the
assessment and/or examination with, if appropriate, the
reasons for the unsatisfactory result,
k) any necessary licensing documentation is completed and
submitted to the CAA.
4.39 The CAA recommends that TO/ITOs maintain the current practice of
requiring at least two supervised assessments of new assessors prior to
exercising the privileges of the assessor endorsement. Any divergence
from this process will require the ANSP or ITO to submit to the CAA an
amendment to the UCS/ITO management system for approval. All
records associated with these assessments shall be retained at the unit.
4.40 An assessor endorsement does not confer on the holder the authority to
revalidate, renew or issue a UE that has been provisionally suspended
or suspended by the CAA except in accordance with conditions set by
the CAA for the removal of the provisional suspension or suspension.
4.41 Assessors who assess during initial training, for the issue of a student air
traffic controller licence or for the issue of a new rating and/or rating
endorsement if applicable, shall conduct a proportion (minimum 10%) of
the summative assessments on the course that they are assessing. This
is to assist in confirming whether procedures and techniques observed
have been taught and established en masse where the assessor has not
been a main course instructor.
4.42 The TO/ITO should ensure that their assessors are aware of declaring
any vested interests prior to any assessment or examination taking
4.43 An assessor who has a vested interest, must not conduct the
assessment and/or examination. They shall declare the vested interest
to the TO/ITO management so that a different assessor can be
4.44 TO/ITOs must have processes, procedures and competent personnel to
ensure that:
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a) the unit/ITO has an appropriate number of suitably qualified
b) assessors hold the relevant rating appropriate to the
assessments and/or examinations they are conducting,
c) assessors are competent to conduct the assessment and/or
d) assessors successfully complete assessor refresher training at
least every three years or, undertake renewals where their
endorsements have expired.
4.45 ANSPs that are authorised to conduct UEs, must have processes,
procedures and competent personnel to ensure that:
a) they are authorised by the CAA,
b) the unit assessor responsible for the conduct of the
assessment has a letter of authority from the CAA to act as
Board Chair in respect of initial UE assessments and
examinations (previous authorisations issued referring to
Chairperson(s) remain valid),
c) Other assessors involved in the UE assessment and
examination hold the appropriate air traffic controller licence,
ratings and relevant endorsements,
d) ATS Licensing is advised of the result of the assessment and
examination via the appropriate CAA form SRG1411.
4.46 An assessor who is assessed as no longer competent to conduct
assessments and/or examinations shall not undertake duties as an
assessor until they have been assessed as competent to do so. Should
a controller be unable to demonstrate competence as an assessor, the
ANSP must inform the CAA.
Continued competence - assessor
4.47 An ANSP must include the process which is required to be undertaken
for the revalidation and renewal of the assessor licence endorsement in
the UCS. This should include an approved course of assessor refresher
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training and for renewals, an assessment, each of which can be
undertaken at an ITO or at a unit where such a course and method of
assessment have been approved.
Board Chair
4.48 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.AR.C.001 states that the CAA shall verify
compliance with requirements applicable to organisations or persons
prior to the issue of an organisation certificate or personnel licence,
certificate, rating or endorsement, as applicable.
4.49 At those ATSUs that rely on the ATS Inspector to conduct UEAs on their
behalf, the conduct of the assessment by the ATS Inspector satisfies the
CAA requirement under UK (EU) Reg 2015/340 ATCO.AR.C.001.
4.50 For those ATSUs with their own assessors, it is the decision of the ATS
Inspector on whether they choose to attend a UEA as Board Chair to
ensure verification of an ANSPs compliance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340.AR. C.001. Guidance on the Board Chair function is described
below in this chapter.
4.51 It is recommended that ANSPs adopt similar structures and functions to
support and oversee UE assessment where the CAA elect not to attend.
in this event, ANSPs wishing to utilise a similar function to Board Chair,
should request approval from the CAA ATS Inspector. This similar
function should provide assurance to the ANSP that the training and
assessment procedures have been correctly applied and could protect
the organisation against appeals.
Function of a Board Chair
4.52 In acting in the role of a Board Chair, the individual is verifying that the
delivery of training by the ANSP has been completed in accordance with
approved training and competence plans and that the final endorsement
assessment has adequately covered the scenarios that the candidate
can expect to experience as a qualified air traffic controller.
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4.53 In order to undertake the function of a Board Chair, an individual must:
a) hold an UK ATCO licence,  
b) hold a current assessor endorsement and have held that
assessor endorsement for a minimum of two years,
c) has or has previously exercised the privileges of the rating
being assessed, and
d) have knowledge of current operational procedures at the air
traffic control position being assessed.
4.54 In undertaking this function, the Board Chair should:
a) ensure that all required elements of the approved unit
endorsement course in accordance with the requirements set
out in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Part ATCO Subpart D Section 3.
have been completed satisfactorily by the candidate and
recorded accordingly;
b) ensure that the documentation supporting the application for
the unit endorsement is completed;
c) ensure all participants are correctly licensed to include any
associated rating endorsements and medical,  
d) ensure the candidate is thoroughly briefed about the structure
of the unit endorsement assessment including the roles or
functions of persons involved;
e) ensure that the candidate can evidence a minimum standard of
performance of a representative volume and complexity of air
f) ensure that the conduct of the assessment is fair and
representative of the usual operating environment;
g) ensure that the conduct of the oral examination is fair and
based upon a sufficient scope of theoretical knowledge and
understanding to support a reliable result;
h) ensure notes from the unit endorsement assessment are
collated to provide evidence to support the outcome and, where
required, shared with the CAA;
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i) for initial unit endorsement assessment for the granting of an
ATCO licence shall ensure the candidate’s student licence is
returned to the CAA and that the newly issued ATCO licence is
signed and dated on behalf of The Authority and signed by the
4.55 To demonstrate independence from the unit endorsement assessment,
the Board Chair should where possible and appropriate, sit remotely
from the practical assessment to minimise their influence on the
performance of the candidate but in such proximity as to enable them to
fulfill the requirements of the role. The Board Chair will observe the oral
examination and may ask supplementary questions where clarity is
required, or to examine relevant areas of scope not covered adequately
by the unit assessor.
4.56 The unit assessor will discuss and agree the outcome of the unit
endorsement assessment with the Board Chair prior to disclosing the
result to the candidate. For the candidate to be successsful, both the
assessor and the Board Chair must agree with the outcome.
4.57 On successful completion of the unit endorsement assessment, the CAA
Board Chair where attending, will sign the licence as the Issuing
Authority, but the unit assessor will be required to sign the relevant
section (XII(a)) of the ATCO licence along with the addition of their
licence number.
4.58 Where a candidate fails to achieve the required standard, the CAA may,
in addition to withholding the issue of the ATCO licence raise findings
against the training organisation should they consider that the
requirements of the training have either, not been met or have fallen
below the standard expected.
4.59 The unit remain responsible for the submission of the SRG1411D to the
CAA Licensing assessment team, confirming the outcome of the unit
endorsement assessment.
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ANSP use of the Board Chair or similar function
4.60 ANSPs that are authorised to conduct UEAs, must have processes,
procedures and competent personnel (practices approved as part of a
unit’s competence scheme relating to the use of supernumerary
assessments are sufficient to evidence the presence of process and
procedures) to ensure that:
a) they are authorised by the CAA,
b) the unit assessor responsible for the conduct of the
assessment has a letter of authority from the CAA to act as
Board chair
c) other assessors involved in the UE assessment and
examination hold the appropriate air traffic control licence,
ratings and relevant endorsements,
d) CAA Licensing assessment team is advised of the result of the
assessment and examination via the appropriate CAA form
Temporary assessor authorisation
4.61 Requirements for temporary assessor authorisation are laid down in UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.065. It is considered that temporary
assessor authorisation will only be appointed in exceptional
circumstances. GM1 ATCO.C.065(b) Temporary assessor authorisation,
lists the type of exceptional circumstances that can be considered.
4.62 ATCO.C.065 Temporary assessor authorisation paragraph (d), requires
that the ANSP provides a safety analysis on how the equivalent level of
safety will be ensured if a temporary assessor authorisation is issued.
4.63 For clarification, this authorisation allows the holder of a valid assessor
endorsement to undertake certain assessments, not for the award of an
assessor endorsement where one was not obtained previously.
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Theoretical examiner
4.64 Normally reserved for use at an ITO, the purpose of this position is to
enable theoretical examinations to be conducted without the requirement
for an assessor endorsement. The TO/ITO shall detail to the CAA the
qualifications and training required to become a theoretical examiner, but
as a minimum a theoretical examiner shall; demonstrate an
understanding of the TO/ITO methodology for the conduct of theoretical
examinations; and shall normally conduct at least two examinations
under supervision to the satisfaction of the TO/ITO before they can
examine independently.
4.65 A theoretical examiner who is conducting oral examinations using
scenario based questions on ATC operations shall hold an air traffic
controller licence in the relevant rating, unless during the initial training
basic course where any rating is sufficient.
Summative report writer
4.66 A summative report writer is an STDI who, following appropriate training,
is able to conduct, monitor and record summative assessments at an
4.67 This facility enables the use of staff who are not assessors to conduct
summative assessments and provide evidence for the assessment.
4.68 The ITO shall detail to the CAA the qualifications and training required to
become a summative report writer, but as a minimum a summative
report writer shall;
a) demonstrate an understanding of the ITO methodology for the
conduct of practical assessments; and
b) shall conduct at least two summative assessments and reports
under supervision to the satisfaction of the ITO before they can
act independently in this respect.
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STD input staff
4.69 The TO/ITO shall ensure that STD input staff are appropriately trained
and competent to conduct the tasks relevant to ATC training.
4.70 The TO/ITO shall ensure that the methodology used to train STD input
staff is recorded in the management process.
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Chapter 5
Conduct of Training Courses
Course compliance
5.1 TO/ITOs shall ensure that a training course remains compliant as per the
course approval. The accountable manager is ultimately accountable for
ensuring that appropriate processes are in place such that, theoretical
and practical instruction is given in accordance with the relevant
regulations with respect to both content and delivery.
5.2 In the event of any unexpected circumstances which may involve issues
regarding compliance with the course approval, the TO/ITO must contact
the relevant CAA Principal Inspector or ATS Inspector (Training) for
5.3 In accordance with the published change management process,
changes to elements such as minor changes to the programme, lesson
material etc. which do not affect the course approval may be made
without the approval of the CAA although such changes must be
5.4 For initial training courses, where practical training times on a course are
deemed necessary to be adapted in accordance with the learning rates
of individual learners, provided such adaptations are within 10% of the
time normally spent on a particular subject or phase, no approval from
the CAA need be requested, however notification should be given.
Additionally, changes to the total course length greater than 10% of the
course require prior approval from the relevant CAA ATS Inspector.
5.5 When using another TO or ITO for course delivery, it remains the unit’s
responsibility to ensure that the training is conducted in accordance with
any such approval and under the requirements of ‘contracted activities’
detailed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.OR.C.005.
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Course administration
5.6 The TO/ITO shall inform the CAA of the nominal roll for all:
a) Initial Training courses,
b) Practical instructor and assessor training courses,
c) Adapted UECs undertaken at an ITO and
d) All APCs.
using CAA form SRG1418 at least 3 weeks prior to course
commencement. Where this is not possible, the form SRG1418 should
be submitted as soon as possible by email stating the reason for the
later submission. This form also requires the result of the English
Language assessment, normally made during the first rating course
undertaken by the individual learner. This process detailed in Chapter 8
of this document.
The form shall be re-submitted as soon as possible on completion of the
assessment with the result appended.
5.7 Other records to be retained by the TO/ITO are referenced in Appendix
B of this document.
Course objectives
5.8 The training and performance objectives required for the satisfactory
completion of each initial training course are specified in the UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 and associated AMCs and UK CAP 794 which details the
terminal objectives for basic and the relevant rating courses including
national requirements and procedures.
5.9 The training and performance objectives required for the satisfactory
completion of other training courses shall be created by the TO/ITO and
form part of the course submission through a course design document,
detailed in Appendix C of this document.
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Chapter 6
Assessments and Examinations for TO/ITO
Assessment and examination method for approval
6.1 An assessment method should be valid, reliable, relevant and fair.
6.2 In order for an assessment method to be approved by the CAA it should
include as a minimum:
a) performance objectives/competency requirements.
b) context and conditions for the assessment i.e.
i) timing(s),
ii) type of assessment (continuous/summative/dedicated
practical, etc.),
iii) assessment environment (Operational/STD),
iv) intended complexity/density of traffic for operational
delivery, or scripted complexity/density for STD based
assessment, this assists in ensuring repeatability and
v) where delivered operationally, procedure(s) for unusual or
unexpected events e.g. if ABES situation occurs, use of
safety controller etc. which should form part of the briefing;
c) evidence gathering tool(s) (i.e. report form, etc.);
d) grading scale, where appropriate.
6.3 An examination process should include
a) theoretical subject/topic(s) to which the exam relates, and how
these are mapped to requirements,
b) example questions for each type of exam (oral / written),
c) grading/marking system,
d) required pass mark;
e) context and conditions for the assessment i.e.
i) timing,
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ii) mode of delivery (computer (multi choice or
other)/written/oral etc.),
iii) examination environment.
Assessment and examination processes
Initial Training
6.4 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340, ATCO.D.015(g) Initial
Training Plan (ITP), ITOs must have established processes for
examinations and assessments for basic training courses and rating
training courses. These processes must be approved by the CAA as part
of the ITP.
6.5 Basic training examinations and assessments shall be compliant with UK
Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.025 and shall cover at least the basic
training performance objectives described in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.D.030 and associated AMCs, as well as CAP 794, where this is
delivered as part of the Basic course.
6.6 Rating training examinations and assessments shall be compliant with
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.035 and shall cover at least the rating
training performance objectives described in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.D.040 and associated AMCs, as well as CAP 794.
6.7 Each ITO basic and rating course shall contain at least one written and
one oral (theoretical) examination together with a practical assessment
of which for the rating courses, the terminal objectives are detailed in
CAP 794 for that course.
6.8 It should be noted that each objective required by UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 and associated AMCs, as well as CAP 794 should be
evidenced as available to be assessed or examined at some point in the
testing process. A question bank for written and oral examinations
should be available for such use.
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6.9 Learners presenting themselves for an examination or summative
assessment shall be deemed fit to take that examination or summative
6.10 Any learner failing to attend a scheduled summative assessment or
examination shall be deemed unsatisfactory unless the appropriate ITO
Manager is satisfied that there was just cause for the absence, in which
case the summative assessment(s) or examination may be re-
6.11 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.OR.D.005, ITOs shall
provide learners with the results of their examinations and assessments
as well as the appropriate certificates.
Initial training assessments
6.12 Assessments shall only be conducted by qualified assessors.
6.13 The practical assessment for the rating course at the course terminal
objective level shall comprise a minimum of five summative exercises, all
of which a learner must complete.
6.14 Should there be a partial or temporary failure of the STD or its
associated equipment, provided that this occurs no more than five
minutes prior to the normal end of the exercise, this will be considered
sufficient to support a reliable assessment result. Any such occurrence
must be recorded on the summative report.
6.15 A report shall be written by an appropriately qualified summative report
writer (SRW) or assessor for each summative exercise forming part of a
practical assessment. Such a report shall contain sufficient information
about the learner’s practical performance in that exercise to contribute to
the overall assessment of the learner’s performance. Each report must
be signed by the reporting SRW/assessor and by the learner.
6.16 If during a summative exercise there is a technical issue which does not
disrupt the simulator run, the fact should be recorded on the report form
together with the time it occurred and summary of the issue.
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6.17 Under exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary for an instructor
to give advice or help during a summative exercise, to prevent unfair and
adverse impact on either the learner whose performance they are
reporting on or another learner. In this event, the assistance provided
should be fully detailed in the report including the reasons for the
intervention. The description must be sufficient to enable the assessor to
judge the impact on the exercise of the advice or help given.
6.18 The course assessor shall collate the summative assessment reports
and determine the result as satisfactory or unsatisfactory against the
performance objectives detailed in the approved course documentation.
Final practical assessment results must be attributed to the assessor
who assesses the learner's overall performance.
6.19 In making the practical assessment, the assessor must use the
standardisation processes in place within the ITO. This may include
practical summative exercise sampling, using standardised comparators
and consultation with other assessors.
6.20 It is the responsibility of the ITO to ensure standardisation of results. The
processes ensuring this should be described to the CAA within the initial
training plan or management system.
6.21 An ITO shall not, under any circumstance, permit learners to practice
summative exercises for a rating course which they may undertake. This
includes cloned or any exercises which may be very similar to
summative exercises and also by acting as simulator input personnel
during summatives.
Initial training assessment and examination outcomes
6.22 A learner who does not achieve a satisfactory practical assessment has
failed the course.
6.23 A learner shall be entitled to two attempts at a written or oral
examination, during a single course.
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6.24 A learner who does not achieve a satisfactory result after two attempts at
a written or oral examination shall have failed the course.
6.25 Should a learner fail a course, they may re-attempt the course. They
shall be required to complete that part of the approved course which the
ITO training team deem appropriate following training analysis through a
process approved by the CAA as part of the initial training plan. This
training analysis shall be notified to the CAA ATS Inspector (Training).
6.26 If a period of more than twelve months has elapsed since the date of
failure, the learner shall be required to complete the course in full.
6.27 A learner unsuccessful at a second attempt at a course shall be required
to undertake that course in full. No credits from a previous course will be
carried forward.
6.28 If, during initial training, a period of more than twelve months separates
the successful completion of basic training and the commencement of
the first rating training course, the ITO shall carry out theoretical
examinations (written and oral) of the learner's retained knowledge. The
pass mark is 75%. If necessary the learner will be required to carry out a
period of remedial training and examination in relevant Basic training
objectives before commencing rating training.
Courses other than Initial training
6.29 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340,
a) ATCO.D.055(b)(9) UTP (inc.UECs),
b) AMC1 ATCO.D.080 - Refresher training,
c) ATCO.D.085(c) - Conversion training,
d) ATCO.D.090 (a) - Practical instructor training including
e) ATCO.D.095(a) - Assessor training including refresher,
Any method of assessment must be approved by the CAA. See para 6.1
and 6.2 above.
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Assessment reports
6.30 An assessor shall ensure the evidence is:
a) clear – there is no ambiguity or lack of understanding from the
recorded evidence and the language used is descriptive;
b) complete – the evidence accounts for all elements required in
the assessment process;
c) correct – any grades afforded are attributable to the evidence
presented and any written accounts are a correct depiction of
the events;
d) concise objective and stays to the pointn.
TO/ITO Examination processes
6.31 Examinations undertaken in respect of knowledge acquired from remote-
learning courses shall be carried out under supervised conditions at the
TO/ITOs premises, unless in exceptional circumstances when approved
by the CAA.
6.32 TO/ITOs shall conduct theoretical examinations in accordance with
Appendix E of this document.
6.33 It is the responsibility of the TO/ITO to ensure standardisation of results.
The processes ensuring this should be described to the CAA within the
initial training plan.
OJTI/STDI and assessor refresher training verification
6.34 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 refers to training which should be verified as
satisfactrorly completed prior to revalidation of OJTI/STDI and assessor
endorsements, with the regulation providing guidance material with an
indication of how this may be achieved. See also Chapter 13 for more
6.35 Such verification is not the same as that previously defined in the UK
and undertaken by unit “verifiers”. This form of verification means that
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the unit are assured that the candidate has satisfactorly completed the
6.36 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 GM1 for ATCO.C.020(b),040(b) and 060(b)
indicate that as a minimum, a demonstration is required of the practical
skills of the person following receipt of training (which can be achieved
by operational/STD/other means).
6.37 As these associated endorsements are practical by nature, a theoretical
examination is not considered suitable for this purpose, hence why the
GM in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 details only ‘practical type’ options. This
process of verification should be detailed either in the UCS, or when
combined in a refresher course, within the course submission. Such
detail should include similar elements listed in para 6.2 above.
6.38 Where a unit uses the services of another TO/ITO for delivery of this
refresher training, they should ensure that verification is included in the
course, otherwise the Unit would be required to provide such verification
before applying for revalidation of the endorsement.
6.39 It should be noted that verification is not necessary for renewals, as the
assessment required here achieves this aim.
6.40 Any learner who believes that they have been disadvantaged by the
conduct of an examination and/or assessment shall have a right of
appeal under CAA Regulation 6(5) of the Air Navigation Order within 14
days of the outcome of the assessment or examination. Guidance is
available in CAP 1049. Such an appeal does not apply to disagreement
over a professional judgement.
6.41 It is strongly recommended that TO/ITOs establish and publish an
internal appeal procedure for examinations and assessments, which
should be communicated to the candidates prior to any
examination/assessment. This ensures the candidate can appeal directly
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to the TO/ITO management rather than relying solely upon the ANO
Regulation 6 (5) appeal mechanism.
6.42 TO/ITOs shall maintain records which show that learners have
acknowledged receipt of the appeal procedure.
6.43 A learner who has attempted an examination and/or assessment will not
be permitted to subsequently appeal on the grounds of medical fitness
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Chapter 7
Medical Requirements
Medical fitness
7.1 The holders of student ATCO and ATCO licences are required to have a
minimum standard of medical fitness to ensure they are fit to provide an
air traffic service and to minimise, as far as possible, the risk that they
will become suddenly incapacitated to an extent that the safety of aircraft
could be compromised.
Medical certification
7.2 In order to provide an air traffic service, ATCOs and student ATCOs are
required to hold a valid UK Class 3 medical certificate in accordance with
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.MED.A.030. An ATCO or student ATCO
licence is not valid when the holder is assessed as being unfit. In such
circumstances the holder of an ATCO or student ATCO licence is not to
provide air traffic services even though the medical certificate held may
not have expired or been returned to the Aeromedical Examiner (AME)
or the CAA.
7.3 Holders of a medical certificate should:
a) ensure that their medical certificate is revalidated by the due
date (to avoid controlling without a valid certificate/licence);
b) ensure that investigations and special tests are completed
when required as failure to meet the requirements can mean
that the medical certificate is rendered invalid.
7.4 The holder of a student or ATCO licence is to notify their unit
management when:
a) there is either a decrease in their medical fitness that might
render them unable to safely and properly exercise the
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privileges granted by their licence, or is assessed as unfit at a
medical examination; or
b) any operational medical limitations or conditions are placed on
the medical certificate.
7.5 Air traffic service providers are advised to have procedures and
competent personnel to check that student and ATCO licence holders
hold valid medical certificates and are compliant with any operational
7.6 ANSPs shall ensure that a controller who is assessed as medically unfit
to hold an air traffic controller licence is withdrawn from operational duty.
Decrease in medical fitness
7.7 In accordance with UK (EU) Reg No. 2015/340 ATCO.MED.A.020,
licence holders shall not exercise the privileges of their licence at any
time when they:
a) are aware of any decrease in their medical fitness which might
render them unable to safely exercise those privileges;
b) take or use any prescribed or non-prescribed medication which
is likely to interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of
the licence;
c) receive any medical, surgical or other treatment that is likely to
interfere with the safe exercise of the privileges of the licence.
7.8 Holders of UK Class 3 medical certificates shall, without undue delay
and before exercising the privileges of their licence, seek aero-medical
advice when they:
a) have undergone a surgical operation or invasive procedure;
b) have commenced the regular use of any prescribed
c) have suffered any significant personal injury involving any
incapacity to exercise the privileges of the licence;
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d) have been suffering from any significant illness involving any
incapacity to exercise the privileges of the licence;
e) are pregnant;
f) have been admitted to hospital or a medical clinic;
g) first require correcting lenses.
In these cases the Aeromedical Centre (AeMC) or AME shall assess the
medical fitness of the licence holder or student air traffic controller and
decide whether they are fit to resume to exercise their privileges.
7.9 When a licence holder whose medical certificate has been suspended
believes that they are fit to resume their functions, they should seek
advice from their AME.
7.10 The holder of the medical certificate shall comply with any limitations or
conditions on their medical certificate.
7.11 If an applicant for a medical certificate has been assessed as unfit or a
limitation has been placed on their medical certificate, they may request
a secondary review or appeal of the medical decision. This procedure is
available on the CAA website - Appeals.
Use of psychoactive substances
7.12 The holder of a student ATCO or ATCO licence shall not exercise any of
the privileges of their licence while under the influence of psychoactive
substances, including any medication that renders them unable to
exercise the privileges of their licence safely and properly.
7.13 An ATCO or student ATCO who is exercising any of the privileges of
their licence while under the influence of psychoactive substances may
not be aware that their judgement and skill have been degraded to the
extent that the service being provided is unsafe or their actions
inappropriate. This may be the case where psychoactive substances are
being abused, or where medicines have been prescribed by a doctor, or
non-prescription medicines obtained for a minor illness.
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7.14 In such circumstances, licence holders must obtain advice from their
AME and/or information to enable them to decide if they should, or
should not, exercise the privileges of their licence while taking specific
7.15 Air Traffic Service Providers shall have a robust drug and alcohol policy,
and Unit managers should consider their obligations under the Railways
and Transport Safety Act 2003, and relevant parts of UK (EU) Reg No.
2017/373. A controller who is suspected of being under the influence of
psychoactive substances shall be immediately withdrawn from
operational duty by the unit.
Medical examinations
7.16 Unit Medical Examinations are conducted by Aeromedical Examiners in
accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 PART.ATCO.MED. Initial
medical examinations have to be performed in an approved Aeromedical
7.17 ATCOs must take their most recent medical certificate with them when
attending medical examinations or assessments.
7.18 Applicants should ensure that:
a) communication can be established with their AME without
language barriers;
b) they are aware of the consequences (including suspension or
revocation) of providing incomplete, inaccurate or false
statements on their medical history;
c) they provide the AME with a complete medical history and the
evidence necessary to make a full and proper assessment of
their case. Additional tests or reports may be required;
d) they comply with the aeromedical advice provided.
7.19 Medical certificates are valid for a period of 2 years from the date of the
medical examination when undertaken under the age of 40 (not later
than age 41) and annually thereafter.
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Note: A medical undertaken at the age of 39 will only be valid until the
41st birthday.
7.20 ATCOs must return the medical certificate to the CAA when it is revoked,
or on request when temporarily or provisionally suspended.
Medication - Guidance for air traffic controllers
7.21 See UK (EU) Reg No. 2015/340 GM1 ATCO.MED.A.020 for details.
Online medical system - CELLMA
7.22 The CAA medical records system (Cellma) can be accessed as a service
via the CAA Customer Portal. This online system replaces all existing
paper-based application forms and allows applicants to register for the
service, view their own medical records and track the progress of
applications and referrals to the Authority.
7.23 The CAA medical webpage should be accessed to obtain details on how
to find an Aeromedical Examiner (AME) and Aeromedical Centre
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Chapter 8
English Language Proficiency Assessment for Controllers
8.1 The requirements for language proficiency assessment of air traffic
controllers differs significantly from those for pilots or others. In
accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 the language proficiency
assessment of air traffic controllers shall be designed to reflect the tasks
undertaken by an air traffic controller, with regards to effective
communication visually and non-visually in routine and non-routine
8.2 Any method of ATCO language proficiency assessment must follow the
CAAs requirements detailed below, in compliance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.AR.A.010(a)(9) and be approved by the CAA. This
method of assessment shall contain the assessment process; the
qualifications of the language proficiency assessors (LPA) and the
appeals procedure.
8.3 It should be noted that language proficiency endorsements issued by
other states will not be recognised by the CAA.
Requirements for language assessment bodies (LAB)
8.4 These requirements are made in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.AR.A.010 (a)(9).
8.5 An ATCO LAB will only be considered for approval if certified as either a
TO or ITO under UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
8.6 LABs and their English language assessment process shall comply fully
with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.040 and its AMCs.
8.7 Furthermore it is required that LABs employ a sufficient number of LPAs
for their requirements.
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Requirements for training of LPAs
8.8 These requirements are made in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.AR.A.010 (a)(9).
8.9 The framework for the training and assessment of LPAs is captured in
Appendix D of this document.
8.10 A LAB should have a method for refreshing the language assessment
skills of LPAs which must be approved by the CAA.
Process for initial ELP assessment
8.11 The initial assessment for an English language proficiency endorsement
for a UK ATCO licence may take place;
a) during initial training on an advanced phase practical exercise
of an air traffic controller rating course or,
b) during the practical STD assessment of an adapted UEC or
APC when undertaken at a UK certified ITO which is also a
certified LAB,
c) attendance anytime at a UK certified LAB for a full English
language proficiency assessment.
8.12 This assessment may be conducted by ELAs who are only trained to
assess at English expert level 6 of the ICAO Language Proficiency
Rating Scale.
8.13 Where the candidate is not assessed as Expert Level 6, a full language
proficiency assessment shall be undertaken as per 8.11 (c) above.
8.14 The CAA process requires an English LPA to be undertaken when:
a) Required for the initial student licence application in
accordance with 8.11 (a) above;
b) a candidate has failed to demonstrate English Language
Proficiency at the Expert Level (Level 6) in accordance with
8.11 (a) and (b) above; or
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c) an English Language Proficiency Endorsement at Level 4 or
Level 5 held by an air traffic controller licence holder is due for
a revalidation or renewal;
d) specifically required by the CAA.
Assessment standardisation
8.15 The assessment must be conducted by two qualified English LPAs
whose first language must be English, one of which must be the holder
of an air traffic controller licence and the other must be an English
language expert with aviation experience. One should act as an
interlocutor, the other the assessor.
8.16 The assessment shall be conducted in part on an ATC simulator or in a
simulated ATC environment in order to reflect the tasks undertaken by a
8.17 The assessment must elicit plain language together with both standard
and non-standard RTF phraseology. The main factor with the
assessment is to encourage conversation primarily from the candidate.
8.18 The assessment must be capable of differentiating between Levels 4, 5
and 6 of the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale.
8.19 The assessment must enable evaluation and recording of all 6 elements
of the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale, being: pronunciation,
structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and interaction in
compliance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Appendix 1 of Annex 1.
8.20 In order to standardise across industry and in accordance with UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 AMC4 ATCO.B.040(d)(6), as a minimum the CAA
requires the assessment to include the components listed below in 8.21.
8.21 The assessment should take no longer than 60 minutes in total, with 30-
40 minutes of non-simulated topics consisting of:
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a) candidate background/aviation interests (useful to encourage
fluency devices to be assessed - discourse markers,
connectors, varying speech flow);
b) aviation/aircraft related pictures descriptions e.g. non-standard
events, emergency, general aviation activities;
c) listening comprehension with recall based on aviation
event/transcript(s) and using varying voice samples
(accent/gender/speed/pronunciation) where possible;
d) standard English language grammar questions (basic and
complex grammatical structures);
e) a simulated ATC based environment lasting 10-20 minutes,
consisting of:
i) Events scripted to require the candidate to handle the
linguistic challenges presented by a complication or
unexpected turn of events that occur within the context of a
routine work situation or,
ii) communicative task with which they are otherwise familiar,
this requires comprehension and encourages interaction
from the candidate.
8.22 Any examinee who believes that they have been disadvantaged by the
conduct of an examination and/or assessment shall have a right of
appeal under CAA Regulation 6(5) of the Air Navigation Order within 14
days of the outcome of the assessment or examination. Such an appeal
does not apply to disagreement over a professional judgement.
Assessment validity, relevance and reliability
8.23 Any submitted assessment for approval must have been evaluated for its
validity, relevance and reliability through documented statistical analysis.
Detailed documentation of the design, development, and analysis of the
ELA program should be collected and maintained. It should show how
the assessment process has been designed and analysed through a
sufficient number of trial evaluative assessments to confirm the
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a) validity - arguably the most important criteria for the quality of a
test and refers to whether or not the test measures what it
claims to measure. On a test with high validity the items will be
closely linked to the test's intended focus. For certification tests
such as the ELA, this means that the items will be highly
related to the ATCO role. If a test has poor validity, then it does
not measure the task-related content it requires. In this case,
there is no justification for using the test results for their
intended purpose. There are several ways to estimate the
validity of a test including content validity, concurrent validity,
and predictive validity;
b) relevance - strong content validity (i.e. the elements need to
have a high degree of “job relatedness” UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 refers to ‘reflect the tasks undertaken by air traffic
controllers, but with specific focus on language rather than
operational procedures and knowledge.’);
c) reliability - of an examinee's performance on the test. For
example, if an ELA with high reliability was administered to a
candidate on two occasions, it is very likely that the same
conclusion about the examinee's performance would be
reached each time. An ELA with poor reliability on the other
hand, might result in very different scores for the examinee
across the two ELAs. If an ELA yields inconsistent scores, it
may be unethical to take any substantive actions on the basis
of these results;
d) fairness - the fairness of an exam refers to its freedom from any
kind of bias. Although not specifically covered in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340, the ELA should be designed to be appropriate for all
candidates irrespective of race, religion, gender, or age. The
ELA should not disadvantage any candidate, or group of
candidates, on any basis other than the candidate's lack of the
knowledge and skills the ELA is intended to measure.
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8.24 The assessment validity, relevance and reliability detailed above shall be
undertaken for both levels 4 and 5, and level 6 as per UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 AMC4 ATCO.B.040(d)(4)and (5).
Records and documentation
8.25 The LAB must maintain records of all language proficiency assessments
in accordance with existing requirements for record-keeping in respect of
approved course assessments.
8.26 The outcome of the assessment is to be recorded on a certificate that is
to be issued to the individual. The certificate must include the items
detailed at Appendix D of this document.
8.27 The LAB is to report the outcome of revalidation and renewals to CAA
Licensing Assessment using CAA form SRG1426.
Continued proficiency
8.28 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.045, ANSPs shall
make available language training to Level 4 English language proficiency
endorsement holders, in order to maintain this minimum required level of
8.29 Following a revalidation or renewal assessment, an air traffic controller
who is assessed below ICAO level 4 English language proficiency must
not provide an air traffic service.
8.30 Subsequent to an air traffic controller having not achieved ICAO level 4
ELP, an appropriate period of linguistic training (typically over a number
of months) should be undertaken prior to an additional assessment
being attempted. If the result remains below ICAO level 4 ELP then the
CAA shall be informed.
8.31 If an air traffic controller fails to revalidate their English language
proficiency endorsement before the date of its expiry, they must not
provide an air traffic service until such a time as they have successfully
undertaken a renewal assessment of English language proficiency.
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Chapter 9
Assessment of Previous Competence (APC)
9.1 An assessment of previous competence (APC) is required for student air
traffic controllers or air traffic controllers who have not exercised the
privileges of their licence/rating for specified periods of time. The
relevant time periods are laid down in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.B.001(d) Student air traffic controller, B.005(e) Air traffic controller
licence or ATCO.B.010(b) Air traffic controller ratings.
9.2 Theoretical examinations (written and oral) of retained knowledge will be
required for individuals who have completed a basic course but have not
commenced a rating course within a period of one year of successful
completion of the basic course.
9.3 In addition to the UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 requirements above, an APC
may also be required at the direction of the CAA.
9.4 Also, should a period of twelve months or more elapse since last
undertaking OJT, then an APC will be required.
9.5 In accordance with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.B.001(d), the APC
must be carried out by a training organisation certified to conduct initial
training relevant to the rating. The assessment must be carried out
against the terminal objectives of the relevant rating course and by
assessors competent to assess that rating.
9.6 The certified ITOs submission of the APC process shall include details of
the assessments to be used, including how they meet the terminal
objectives in CAP 794 and comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340. Where
the assessment uses summative exercises from the approved initial
training course, these shall be listed.
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APC Administration
9.7 Candidates who are required to undertake an APC must apply to the
CAAs Licensing assessment team at ats.[email protected] in order to
confirm their eligibility to undertake an APC. A letter of eligibility will be
issued to the candidate of which a copy must be submitted to the training
organisation who intends to conduct the APC. An ITO shall not conduct
an APC without the CAA letter of eligibility being provided.
9.8 ITOs approved to conduct APCs should notify the CAA using CAA form
SRG1418 at least 30 days before the assessment is planned to take
place except where authorised.
9.9 An ATS Inspector may attend any APC.
Conduct of an APC
9.10 An APC is not a training course. An initial period of time should be
provided for familiarisation of the ITOs airspace, procedures and
simulator prior to the assessment taking place. During this period of
familiarisation, guidance on the use of the STD can be given without
providing actual ATC skills instruction.
9.11 Prior to undertaking the practical assessment, the candidate shall have a
technical interview by the assessor to establish the present level of both
retained knowledge from the basic and rating courses, and knowledge of
any related document updates. This technical interview can be in the
form of a condensed oral examination.
9.12 If the evidence from the interview indicates to the assessor there are
deficiencies in retained knowledge, the candidate shall be required to
undertake written and/or oral examination(s) to positively determine their
present level of knowledge and understanding. These examinations shall
be based upon the syllabus from the approved initial training courses
(basic and associated rating) and recent ATC document updates. The
decision as to whether a written and/or oral examination is necessary
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lies with the ITO assessor but should be evidenced in the final CAA
9.13 Should a theoretical examination deliver an unsatisfactory result, a
debrief may be given and a period of time afforded for revision (minimum
one day) prior to a resit being provided.
9.14 At the end of the STD familiarisation period, the candidate shall
undertake one or more practical summative assessment(s) from the
approved list in accordance with the CAA approved APC assessment
9.15 The ITO shall submit to the ATS Inspector (Training) a report showing
the areas covered and the outcome of the assessment. Where a written
and/or oral examination are provided, the results shall also be included,
together with information on any areas of deficiency (below 75%). Such
a deficiency cannot remain outstanding and must be addressed prior to
a satisfactory result being gained.
9.16 The report shall be written in the format of the Assessment for Previous
Competence Report in Appendix A of this document.
9.17 The report shall include a recommendation to either progress onto unit
training or to address those areas of deficiency in need of additional or
remedial training; such training could be delivered at the ITO or at the
relevant unit depending on the subject matter. This decision will be made
in consultation with the Inspector ATS (Training), the ITO and the Unit
9.18 In circumstances where additional initial rating training is required to
bring the individual up to rating standard again, the scenario may arise
where the individual again fails to achieve the rating standard following
an additional APC. In this event, consultation with the Inspector ATS
(Training) is required as licensing action may result.
9.19 The ITO shall make available the assessment of previous competence
report to the individual who has undertaken the assessment.
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9.20 Assessments of previous competence fall under the provision of CAP
393 Air Navigation Order Part II, Regulation 6(5) and individuals may
appeal against the conduct of the assessment of previous competence
direct to the CAA within 14 days of the assessment result.
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Chapter 10
Unit Training
General administrative procedures
10.1 Unit Training must provide the student or trainee air traffic controller with
the necessary skills and knowledge to a level of competence that
ensures that they are able to deliver safely an operational service at that
unit and comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Annex 1 Part ATCO,
Subpart D Section 3 - Unit training requirements; associated AMCs; Unit
specific Performance Objectives, and if a previously exchanged or
recognised licence from an EU/ECAC member state, that of the relevant
rating in CAP 794.
10.2 A training organisation who intends to provide unit training shall submit
an application and follow the processes described in Chapter 2 of this
document in order to obtain CAA certification.
10.3 A TO shall submit for approval to the CAA a UTP which incorporates a
UEC for each unit endorsement at the unit.
10.4 The previously required process for ATC evaluators and verifiers on a
UTP at certain units has been withdrawn. UK TOs may operate a locally
defined, CAA approved system and detailed in the UTP in its place.
10.5 Units shall notify their Inspector ATS and retain the acknowledgement,
when a candidate commences or is removed from the unit training plan.
10.6 All UECs shall be submitted to the CAA for approval.
10.7 The UTP shall be fully documented, indicating compliance with UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.055 Unit training plan (b).
10.8 In the case of an ATC unit at which controllers may be awarded a
Surveillance Radar Approach Endorsement to the Approach Control
Surveillance Rating, in compliance with ICAO Annex 1,, the
minimum number of Surveillance Radar Approaches which a student or
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trainee controller must complete prior to an assessment of competence
being undertaken must be included.
Note: Any training provided in excess of the ICAO Annex 1 minimum can
be simulated using equipment reflecting the operational environment.
10.9 Where OJT has commenced within the required twelve months of a
successful initial rating course or completion of an APC, but is then
subsequently interrupted or stopped, an ANSP shall:
a) advise the relevant Principal Inspector/ATS Inspector of the
interruption or cancellation of the training and,
b) assess whether any additional training is needed by the air
traffic controller prior to recommencing a UEC or starting a
UEC at a different unit,
Note: the assessment should take into account, but not be
limited to, factors such as the length of time that training has been
interrupted, whether the controller affected has remained within the
ATM operations environment in some other capacity and, at what
stage in the UEC the previous training ceased.
Reviewing and amending the UTP and UECs
10.10 The UTP and associated UECs shall be reviewed in accordance with UK
REG (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.055.
10.11 Changes to the UTP or UECs required as a result of a review should
follow the change management process detailed in Chapter 2 of this
document. Any such changes should be recorded in the UTP or
management system.
Development of UTP and UECs
Phases of unit training
10.12 Because all operational ATC units are different, student and/or trainee
air traffic controllers will require specific unit training in addition to initial
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training before commencing OJT. Unit training may vary, from the
student/trainee air traffic controller being required to become familiar
with the local area and unit procedures, to complex courses using high
fidelity simulators to prepare for high traffic levels and/or complex unit
Transitional training phase
10.13 The objective of transitional training is to take students/trainees from the
level of knowledge and skill they will have reached on successful
completion of initial training to a level where they can commence pre-on-
the-job training, or at less complex units with no pre-on-the-job training,
proceed directly to OJT.
10.14 Transitional training consists generally of classroom sessions or guided
self-study during which the student learns about the unit, its
environment, associated airspace and ATC procedures. Training and
assessment in the application of ATC procedures may include the use of
part task and full task training on STDs that do not replicate the
operational environment to a high level of reality. The success of this
training, that is, the results of written or oral assessments and, where
appropriate, practical exercises should be assessed before progression
to the next phase of training.
10.15 In accordance with UK REG (EU) 2015/340 AMC1 ATCO.OR.C.015(b),
any STD used during transitional training must be approved as part of
the UEC approval process. In addition, the TO is required to
demonstrate how the STD and the associated exercises will provide
adequate support for the particular training plan.
Pre-on-the-job training
10.16 This term is interpreted to indicate the phase where information on
individual tasks delivered during transitional training, are integrated into
practical application of the whole task in a simulated local environment.
10.17 The quality of any STD will determine the extent to which it may be used
in the training plan. STDs for pre-on-the-job training must be able to
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generate the operational environment to the extent that all ATC
procedures relating to a particular operational position or sector can be
applied at the same time. This does not necessarily mean that the STD
must be a true representation of the operational position, but it must
enable the student/trainee to meet the stated objectives of this phase of
On-the-job training (OJT) Phase
10.18 During this phase students/trainees will be exercising the privileges of
their ATC licence providing an air traffic control service under the
supervision of an OJTI, who must hold a valid rating and UE appropriate
to the service being provided.
Unit endorsement course development
10.19 The detail for each UEC associated with the unit may be contained in an
appendix in the UTP or as a separate document, referenced in the UTP.
10.20 Any sources of information required for Unit specific theoretical
knowledge during training must be referenced within the UEC. e.g.
ICAO/assimilated EU regulations, UK CAPs, Unit Documents i.e. MATS
Part 2.
10.21 Although the unit training conducted before OJT does not directly
impinge on safety, it should provide a sound basis on which the safety
critical OJT will be built. The unit will need to determine what knowledge
and abilities are required prior to OJT. This determination will establish
the training objectives and also whether transitional training alone, or
transitional and pre-on-the-job training are required. The objectives of
each of these phases must be detailed in the UEC which ensures both
students/trainees and OJTIs are aware the aims and objectives and
skills required prior to OJT.
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Surveillance Radar Approaches (SRA)
10.22 For initial SRA endorsement the minimum number of SRAs shall be 25
in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 and subject to any associated UK AIP
10.23 It is the responsibility of the ANSP to use the Risk Assessment process
in accordance with (EU) 2017/373, to determine the number of SRAs
required for the subsequent issue of a UE at a new unit. In determining
this number the ANSP shall consider the air traffic controller’s
qualifications and experience. All requirements for the award of the SRA
endorsement shall be identified in the UEC and approved by the CAA.
10.24 It is further the responsibility of the ANSP to determine and justify the
minimum number of SRAs required for the revalidation of an SRA
endorsement. This number shall be sufficient to ensure competence in
the provision of a surveillance radar approach. This requirement shall be
identified in the UCS.
UEC - Objectives for different phases of training
Transitional training
10.25 The ITO initial training courses will deliver student air traffic controllers
who have demonstrated their ability to apply basic ATC procedures in a
simulated environment. Transitional training objectives should therefore
be focused on the unit ATC procedures and the local environment.
10.26 Although it is convenient to teach students all the unit ATC procedures
during transitional training, it is unrealistic to expect them to retain this
theoretical knowledge, when they will not practically apply it in order to
assimilate it. It may be appropriate to delay some of these elements into
pre-on-the-job training/OJT. Where this method is utilised, it should be
referenced in the UEC.
Pre-on-the-job training
10.27 Where utilised, the objectives for pre-on-the-job training will relate to
application and demonstration of the ATC procedures learned during
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transitional training in a simulated environment. The objectives for
assessment using an STD will be similar to those for OJT, but where
necessary they should reflect any limitations imposed by the STD.
10.28 When using a STD for pre-on-the-job training and the training time is to
be counted as operational training, the STD should be a full-size replica
of a working position, including equipment and computer programmes
required to represent the full tasks associated with that position,
including wind at all levels for SRAs. In the case of a simulated working
position at a tower unit, it includes an out-of-the-tower view.
Note: The above paragraph is associated with pre-on-the-job training
where a UE is in excess of the minimum hours required by ICAO Annex
1, which shall always be achieved in an operational environment.
10.29 During OJT a student / trainee's knowledge and understanding of the
application of local ATC procedures should be reinforced.
Performance objectives during OJT
10.30 Performance objectives shall be incorporated into the UEC based upon
the requirements of the unit. The rate at which a trainee develops will be
determined by many factors, including the complexity of the unit, the
trainee's background or experience and the ability to absorb information
and develop skills. The unit could take as its baseline an average rate of
learning, with an element of flexibility built in to allow for differences in
such rates of learning. All students/trainees and instructors should be
aware of the targets and expectations of the training system.
Training reports
10.31 Reports of student/trainee performance during the day to day practical
training sessions should contain the OJTIs comments on the student's
performance and state whether or not they have met the training
objectives. The training process should require training reports be
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completed on a regular basis, preferably at least for each training day
Assessments during UEC
10.32 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 has a clear difference between the terms
examination and assessment. An examination is the testing of
theoretical knowledge and this can be done by a written and/or oral test.
Refer to UK REG (EU) 2015/340 GM1 ATCO.D.065. Assessments are
practical tests.
10.33 In accordance with UK REG (EU) 2015/340, an assessment for the issue
or renewal of a unit endorsement shall be conducted by an assessor at
least once at the end of OJT instruction.
10.34 Objectives developed for assessments during and at the end of OJT
should be referenced against the unit’s performance objectives.
10.35 Objectives for successive assessments/level checks should demonstrate
steady progress through the OJT phase of training.
10.36 The requirements for assessments during UECs is covered in UK Reg
(EU) 2015/340 ATCO D.070 and includes guidance material. As
referenced in para 10.4 above, UK TOs may operate a locally defined
and CAA approved system of level or phase checks and theoretical
examinations to facilitate progression along a UEC.
10.37 A unit may use a system of corroboration (internal compliance
monitoring) to support any such process.
ABES assessments during a UEC
10.38 Assessments for a controller's competence to handle abnormal and
emergency situations (ABES) as part of the UEC can be conducted by
an assessor or may operate a locally defined and CAA approved system
of testing.
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Personnel used in a locally defined and CAA approved
system of testing
10.39 Testing may include areas of training not related to assessments
towards the issue, revalidation or renewal of a licence. Units who wish to
use such a locally defined and approved system must submit this to the
CAA for approval. This documentation shall include:
a) the qualifications, selection and training of personnel involved,
b) how its effectiveness is assured,
c) the testing process(es) (including any associated limitations),
d) responsibilities of those involved.
10.40 Theoretical and practical testing used to determine a candidates
progress along an UEC, shall be conducted by personnel trained in
accordance with the unit’s approved processes.
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Chapter 11
Adapted UECs
11.1 Where a licence holder moves to a new unit or additional sector at the
same unit, an ANSP may develop an adapted UEC to take account of
previously acquired rating experience and allow for a reduction in
duration referenced in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.055(b)(6) - Unit
training plan. This adapted UEC shall be submitted to the CAA for
11.2 For those who have previously exchanged a licence or had a licence
recognised from an EU member state, an adapted UEC for each rating
containing the national requirements and objectives complying with CAP
794, shall be submitted to the CAA for approval.
Adapted UEC national requirements
11.3 In relation to 11.2 above, the compilation of this type of adapted UEC
shall consist of the national training objectives contained in CAP 794.
11.4 This UEC is required to consist of theoretical and practical application,
together with associated examination and assessment.
11.5 A matrix shall be submitted as part of the adapted UEC, listing the CAP
794 objectives and identifying where and how each objective is delivered
and tested.
11.6 As an ITO is familiar with the objectives of CAP 794, the use of the
services of the certified initial training organisations may assist ANSPs
with the design and delivery of these types of training courses and
therefore may be sub contracted in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.OR.C.005 ‘Contracted activities’.
11.7 Any required adapted UEC in national requirements shall be
successfully completed before the individual may commence the
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relevant CAA approved UEC. If this is not undertaken, an appropriate
safety assessment must be conducted by the ANSP and submitted to
the CAA, relating to the associated risks arising from permitting an
individual to carry out OJT in national requirements during provision of
an air traffic control service.
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Chapter 12
Continuation Training
Continuation training requirements for air traffic controllers
12.1 The requirements for continuation training are detailed in UK Reg (EU)
2015/340, Part ATCO Section 4.
12.2 An ANSP shall establish a UCS in accordance with UK Reg (EU)
2015/340 ATCO.B.025 which must be approved by the CAA.
12.3 Continuation training shall be designed to maintain the validity of the
endorsements of the licence.
12.4 Continuation training consists of refresher training course(s) and
conversion training courses. They may include theoretical and/or
practical training, together with simulation, when appropriate. These
courses shall be detailed in the UCS and approved by the CAA.
12.5 All courses shall be written and submitted following the guidance in
Appendix C of this document.
12.6 In accordance with UK (EU) 2015/340, the UCS including the
continuation refresher training courses shall be reviewed at least once
every three years.
12.7 The duration of any continuation training course should be determined in
accordance with the functional needs of the air traffic controllers working
at that unit, taking into consideration any changes or planned changes in
procedures or equipment and overall safety management requirements.
Refresher training
12.8 The Eurocontrol ATC Refresher Training Manual provides guidance
utilising a competence-based system with training objectives and
performance criteria (Observable Behaviour). This document also
includes guidance for the instructor role in the training session and gives
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examples of scenario based training and how to create a syllabus to
meet this need. Examples of forms and analysis sheets are also
included. The CAA recommends that units consider utilising this
document to produce a baseline for refresher training which can be
subsequently built on for future needs. For further information and
guidance, see UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.080, together with the
related AMC and GM.
Standard practices and procedures training
12.9 This training shall be designed to review, reinforce or enhance the
existing knowledge and skills of air traffic controllers to provide a safe,
orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic using approved phraseology
and effective communication.
ABES refresher training
12.10 There are a variety of sources that may be available for reference and
training material, for example:
a) video programmes may be of value, particularly those showing
aircraft flight deck procedures,
b) liaison visits with local aircraft operators and familiarisation
c) liaison visits with adjacent aerodromes, ATS units, emergency
d) consultation with typical operators who receive a service from
the unit,
e) incident and accident summaries and reports,
f) participation in line-orientated flying training (LOFT),
g) simulator exercises,
h) table-top exercises,
i) generic incidents, national or global.
12.11 ABES exercises should be organised as team exercises wherever
possible and include support staff, if appropriate. Team resource
management (TRM) is often a fundamental aspect to the satisfactory
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handling of an abnormal circumstance or aircraft emergency. The
potential contribution of other team members as a resource should not
be overlooked.
Human factors (HF) training
12.12 To assist in developing this subject the Eurocontrol ATC Refresher
Training Manual is recommended, however it is expected that units will
adapt training objectives to their specific needs.
Conversion training
12.13 A training needs analysis should identify the degree of training required
and a training course(s) shall be developed and submitted for approval
following the requirements in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.D.085
together with the related AMC and GM.
Note: This course should take the form of a course design document as
detailed in Appendix C of this document.
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Chapter 13
Additional air traffic controllers training
OJTI/STDI and assessor endorsements
13.1 Section 5 of UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 lays down the requirements for the
training of instructors and assessors. This training is designed to provide
the required additional skills for air traffic controllers, to obtain an on-the-
job instructor (OJTI) endorsement, synthetic training device instructor
(STDI) endorsement or assessor endorsement.
13.2 TO/ITOs intending to conduct this type of training will be required to
produce a training course following the process detailed in Appendix C
of this document and submit to the CAA for approval.
13.3 Any such courses must include and demonstrate how the candidates
establish competence in the areas listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
AMC2 ATCO.D.090(a)(1) and/or AMC1 ATCO.D.095(a)(1) for the
relevant licence endorsement course. Such competence shall be
established through practical means.
13.4 TO/ITOs intending to conduct this type of training course shall ensure
that the qualifications of those instructing on the course meet the
requirements of Chapter 4 of this document. Subject matter experts
(SME) may be used for delivery of non-task specific theoretical topics, in
accordance with UK REG (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.C.001.
13.5 These ATC licence endorsement courses should be created from a
generic licence perspective and not be unit or rating specific, as should
the controller move unit, they may find significant differences from the
original training.
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Other training courses
13.6 Such courses could include training for a locally approved process, audit
duties, classroom instructional skills, or any other type of course
designed to enhance the skills of air traffic controllers.
13.7 Although these courses may not require direct CAA approval, they
should be included or referred to in the appropriate Unit documentation
(UTP/UCS/management system), as they relate to the competence of
their staff. These unit documents are subsequently audited by the CAA.
13.8 These courses may consist of theoretical and practical elements, using
STD, where appropriate. Training objectives (and performance
objectives, where practical assessment required) should be produced by
the ITO/TO and included in the course documentation.
13.9 Training organisations intending to conduct this type of training shall
ensure that instructors on the course are appropriately qualified in
accordance with any associated course approval.
Refresher training for practical instructor (OJTI/STDI) and assessor
Refresher training of practical instructors
13.10 The requirements for the validity of an OJTI and STDI endorsement are
laid down in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340. An OJTI or STDI endorsement may
be revalidated by successfully completing refresher training on practical
instructional skills during the validity period. The term ‘successfully
completing’ infers that some form of grading is required to demonstrate
that a particular candidate was successful.
13.11 Such refresher training requires a specific training course created amd
approved by the CAA. This course submission should follow the format
as detailed in Appendix C of this document.
13.12 In addition to the above, a method of assessment shall be created,
together with performance objectives, when intending to provide renewal
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of the associated endorsement. Guidance on creation of methods of
assessment are found in Chapter 6 of this document. Such a method
can be included in the refresher course documentation and requires
approval from the CAA.
13.13 The refresher training process should include a method of verification
for revalidations. Such verificationassures the Unit that the candidate is
sufficiently refreshed in those skills and can be achieved in numerous
ways. However, as these endorsements are practical by nature, it would
be expected that this verification utilises some form of practical
demonstration/assessment following the refresher training.
13.14 A practical assessment for renewals meets the scope of verification of
the refresher training.
13.15 The process for refresher training and revalidation/renewal for Practical
instructors shall be referenced in the UCS.
Specific STDI elements
13.16 In addition to the requirements for training in practical instructional skills,
the STDI requires training to maintain awareness of the current
operational practices. This can be achieved through various means,
such as visits to operational working positions.
13.17 The refresher training for STDI should contain objectives specific to the
role; including elements such as pausing of clocks; an instructor
demonstration; allowing errors to progress to assist in training of
rectifying action; etc.
Refresher training of assessors
13.18 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 states that assessor refresher training should be
developed to prevent knowledge and skills erosion, and be designed to
maintain skills in assessment techniques and awareness of the
regulatory requirement. The ‘regulatory environment’ specified here
should include appropriate UK regulations and publications (UK REG
(EU) 2015/340, ANO, CAP 393, CAP 794, etc.). This should be taken
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into account if the unit is utilising such courses from non-UK TO/ITOs,
e.g. Eurocontrol.
13.19 The refresher training process should include a method of ‘verification’
for revalidations. Such ‘verification’ assures the Unit that the candidate is
sufficiently refreshed in those skills and can be achieved in numerous
ways. However, as these endorsements are practical by nature, it would
be expected that this verification utilises some form of practical
demonstration/assessment following the refresher training. This
verification process should be detailed in the associated course
13.20 A practical assessment for renewals meets the scope of verification of
the refresher training.
13.21 The process for refresher training and revalidation/renewal for assessors
shall be referenced in the UCS.
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Appendix A
Assessment of Previous Competence Report
Name and address of training organisation:
Licence number
Dates of APC programme
Interview observations
(inc. reasons for not requiring theoretical
ELA (if required)
Written examination result and details (if
Oral Examination result and details (if
Practical result
Overall assessment
(i.e. Progress onto unit training or
recommendation for remedial training)
Assessor name
Assessor signature
Report date
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Appendix B
Records to be Retained by Training Organisations
B1 The TO/ITO shall maintain records to show that each learner has
undertaken, in full, the approved course of training.
B2 As per UK (EU) 2015/340 ATCO.OR.C.020, training organisations shall
retain detailed records of persons undertkaing or having undertaken training
to show that all requirements of the training courses have been met.
B3 The following records (electronic or paper) must be retained permanently by
training providers who provide initial training:
a) ITO Certificate (current master copy),
b) ITO Initial Training Plan including Course Design Documents
(current master copies).
B4 Training and assessment records (electronic or paper) which are to be
retained for 5 years in accordance with Regulation UK (EU) 2015/340, must
a) course nominal rolls (CAA form SRG1418) ;
b) list of course managers, instructors and assessing staff for each
c) written examination question papers; or online equivalent
d) written learner answer papers; or online equivalent
e) oral examination reports including questions asked and records
of learner responses;
f) practical training reports;
g) practical summative and/or assessment reports
h) course log detailing changes made to the course conduct and
any significant events affecting the running of the course
i) attendance records and any course programme changes to
accommodate learner absence to ensure any missed training
event or test was delivered; and
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j) evidence that each learner has acknowledged the ITO/TOs
appeals procedure.
k) Records of internal and external audits.
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Appendix C
Training Design and Structure Guidance
Training design process
The training design process contains the following elements:
a) structure of training documentation (syllabus, training plan,
method of assessment and training events plan),
b) clear taxonomy of training objectives (with five different levels of
knowledge, skills and competence) and,
c) definition of appropriate objectives, plans, syllabus, techniques
etc. to be used further on.
Note: For taxonomy levels, refer to the definitions section of this document.
Developing training objectives
C1 The training for any task should start with a task analysis to determine what
knowledge and skills need to be taught to enable the student/trainee to do
that task. This analysis can be used to develop training objectives.
C2 Training objectives should indicate what is required of students/trainees and
reflect the way in which they will be assessed. It is useful to think of the
phrase 'a student/trainee must be able to' as prefixing every objective. It is
therefore inappropriate to require a student to 'know' the aerodrome layout.
The objective could be expressed as for example: 'Using an outline map of
the aerodrome, indicate the runway designations, holding points and taxi
routes'. If instead of using a map an OJTI wanted to test the student/
trainee's knowledge of an aerodrome verbally, the objective could be: 'From
the visual control room, indicate and name the runways, taxiways, holding
points.’ etc.
C3 When determining the training objectives, consideration should be given to:
1. Skills required to operate equipment including:
a) data input,
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b) ATS surveillance system(s),
c) ground movement surveillance,
d) information systems,
e) communication systems.
2. The task including:
a) local and adjacent environment,
b) local ATC procedures,
c) co-ordination within the unit and with other ATC units or
d) the level of decision making and negotiation skills required,
e) requirement for specialist controlling techniques,
f) the tolerance of the environment to controlling errors,
g) abnormal and emergency situations.
3. The traffic levels:
a) the periods during which traffic levels are appropriate to introduce
students/trainees to OJT;
d) acceptable loss of efficiency to aircraft operations.
4. The training environment:
a) facilities for monitoring and intervention;
b) availability and type(s) of STD;
c) opportunities for retraining;
d) the training commitment (number of students/trainees engaged in
C4 The use of general objectives avoids a large number of specific objectives
being used. Although a student/trainee must, for example, be able to name
the visual reporting points (VRPs) and give their position, a separate
objective is not required for each VRP. Oral examination objectives could be
as simple as: 'Name and give the position of the VRPs', and at a later stage
during OJT: 'Use the VRPs to integrate inbound VFR traffic into the circuit'.
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Specific objectives will only be required where a particular unit procedure
varies significantly from national procedures or from other unit procedures.
Performance objectives
C5 The TO is responsible for creating performance objectives as required. For
information on performance objectives, refer to the definitions section of this
Structure of training documentation
i) Syllabus
ii) Training Plan
iii) Training Event Plans
iv) Method of Assessment
C6 A syllabus is a list of training objectives classified by subjects, topics and
sub-topics showing the training necessary to fill the training gap and
achieve the course aim. A structured content helps to detail the objectives.
The syllabus does not indicate times, training techniques (see diagram
C.15) nor order to achieve the training objective.
Training plan
C7 A training plan is a syllabus with additional information. It details, for each
subject or topic and for each objective, the training requirements (type of
training event, educational material needed, method and mode of delivery).
It also gives an approximate timeline for achievement and states
performance objectives or test to increase the accuracy of the
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Training event plan
C8 A training event is a set of actions identified in the training plan which cover
a number of objectives. It is described by the association of a training
technique, media, learning rate and a mode of delivery. (see diagram C.15)
Note: The training event plan is the document to be used by the
instructor when preparing and providing the training. It recalls the
objectives of the training event and its type. It gives a timeline and
indicates material reference and hints for the performance.
First phase of training design
C9 The first step in training design is to determine the training objectives; in
fact, the job consists of creating the syllabus through the steps below:
a) Define training objectives representing the training aim (possibly
relative to a task list).
b) List subjects to be taught in order to reach the objectives.
c) Identify the training gap between the input and output of the
d) Specify the training modules.
Second phase of training design
C10 The purpose of the second phase is to choose a training strategy. The initial
step is to detail some critical objectives as performance objectives.
C11 A performance objective is a clear and unambiguous statement of what a
student is expected to do (Performance) according to a level in terms of
quality, quantity and time (Standard) and the conditions under which the
performance is to be carried out (Conditions): PSC.
C12 A possible solution is also to simply create the test/assessment
corresponding to some objectives. Then the training designer allocates one
(or possibly several) type(s) of training event relevant to each objective. The
taxonomy levels of the objective help greatly for this task. The following
table provides in a very generic guidance for this allocation and is extracted
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from Eurocontrol - Specifications on Training Methods and Tools -
C13 The outcome of this second phase is part of the training plans and method
of assessment.
Third phase of training design
C14 The third phase consists of establishing with accuracy; in which training
events each objective is presented to the learner; and what the duration of
these training events are. It is recommended to determine the prerequisites
of each objective in order to establish the training sequence.
C15 The outcome of this phase is the production of the remaining part of the
training plans and the training event plans. (The training event plans (TEPs)
can only be completed when the courseware itself is produced remember
that the TEPs are to be used by the instructor when preparing and provide
material and tips for delivery.)
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Mode of delivery, media, learning rate and training techniques
C16 The methodology to design the training strategy is based on the answers to
the following questions:
i) Is the training to be individual or in-group? (mode of delivery)
ii) Is the learning rate free, restricted or real-time? (learning rate)
iii) Which media is used to deliver the training message? (media)
iv) What are the delivery techniques between the matter, the student and
the instructor? (training technique)
Note: This guidance material adapted from Eurocontrol - Specifications on
Training Methods and Tools - HRS/TSP-006-GUI-01
Course design document
C17 To assist with national standardisation, it is requested that all course
submissions are completed by use of a course design document (CDD),
using the format described below.
C18 The document should be typed, with paragraphs and pages numbered,
following the sequence specified below (where each is applicable).
Cover page
a) name of training organisation
b) title of submission*
c) version number*
d) date of document*
(*headers / footers should be appropriately appended with these details)
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C19 In this section, the training organisation should provide:
a) the proposed start date of the first course,
b) a syllabus of objectives to be covered,
c) a chronology for the course showing the order of delivery - e.g.
lessons which need to be delivered before a practical phase
d) a timetable of lessons and any practical exercises for the course,
including details of any self-study arrangements. For initial
training courses, the timetable should show that briefings relating
to practical simulation exercises are provided to the learners at
appropriate times,
e) a list of the Training Event Plans (TEP’s) (see para C8 above),
for each training event, including:
i) objectives covered,
ii) timings,
iii) mode of delivery,
iv) any media or equipment required by instructor;
f) the number of STD positions available for the course with the
minimum and maximum number of learners (where applicable),
g) Details of any associated STD; including software platform, main
hardware components and type of STD (i.e. PTT/simulator), and
ensuring the information covers the requirements in Appendix I of
this document,
Note: This can be submitted as a separate document or
referenced in the CDD, however an STD is required to be
approved for each course where one is utilised;
h) a competency framework with a list of observable behaviours,
(where CBT utilised);
i) details of any practical STD formative exercises, (e.g. showing
how they increase in complexity and traffic loading through the
course) and the objectives to which they relate; and assessment
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j) the planned examination and/or practical assessment method(s),
k) the practical feedback or report form for the practical training
exercises, and assessment report form showing the practical
objectives/observable competencies that are to be met;
l) for initial training courses, a document/ matrix that demonstrates
where any relevant regulatory content and syllabus objectives of
the course are delivered e.g. a mapping document, verification
cross reference index, or similar;
m) the process used to obtain learner and/or any other relevant
feedback on the course;
n) information on how the course and its contents will be reviewed.
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Appendix D
English language proficiency certificate
D1 The English language proficiency certificate issued by the LAB shall include
the following information:
a) Full name, date of birth and air traffic controller licence number (where
held) of the individual to whom the certificate is awarded;
b) Name of the LAB;
c) Level of English language proficiency awarded, in accordance with the
ICAO Language Proficiency rating scale;
d) The date the English language proficiency assessment was
undertaken; and
e) Name and signature of the LAB ELA.
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Appendix E
Conduct of written examinations
Protocol for the conduct of written examinations
E1 The protocols detailed in this appendix are required by the CAA to be
followed, due to these examinations being ultimately associated with the
issue of a licence or certificate under UK regulation and/or the Air
Navigation Order 2016.
These protocols shall be advised to the candidates prior to the
examination room
Candidates should plan to arrive at the examination room
10 minutes before the scheduled start time. No candidate
should be allowed to enter the examination room once the
examination has commenced.
examination room
No one should be allowed to leave the examination room
unless the examination has been completed and
surrendered or where undertaken online, the examination is
closed; or unless being supervised as covered below.
Supervised absence No candidate should be permitted to leave and return to the
examination room during an examination unless
during examinations
Unless an invigilator has given permission, during the
course of the examination, a candidate is not to
communicate with any other person but an invigilator.
Permitted items a) wrist watch (except smart’ type watches),
b) non-fizzy drink
c) any foodstuffs or medication required for any
medical condition
Note: pens, pencils and stationery should be
provided by the training organisation.
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Prohibited items a) Any unauthorised material (including revision notes)
or equipment not authorised for the exam.
b) Any coats, bags and hats etc. The TO/ITO should
designate an area for such personal items to be left.
c) Any electronic devices capable of:
storing or recording material (including pictures),
access internet/intranet,
send or receive any electronic communique, etc.
This includes but not limited to, mobile phones,
tablets, programmable calculators, cameras or other
such devices. Any such devices must be switched off
and the TO/ITO should designate an area for such
personal items to be left.
d) Food, when not required for any medical reason.
Cheating Cheating is not only a moral offence but may be considered
a psychological disorder, recognised under Regulation UK
(EU) 2015/340 Part MED, and brings into question the
fitness of character of the person being examined.
Incidents of cheating must be investigated based upon
evidence from the following types of activities:
a) having unauthorised items or texts at their desk in
the examination room during the examination;
b) making use of unauthorised items or texts during the
c) copying from the script of another candidate during
the examination;
d) dishonestly receiving help from another person
during the examination;
e) dishonestly giving help to another person during the
f) Recording of any element of the examination;
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g) acting dishonestly in any way, whether before, during
or after the examination, so as to assist another
candidate to obtain an unfair advantage in the
Should a candidate be suspected of cheating during an
examination, the invigilator should ask the person to leave
the examination room, leaving any examination material
behind. An incident report shall then be submitted to the
TO/ITO management for further investigation, who must
request an explanation from the candidate and record any
additional witness statements. The relevant CAA ATS
Inspector shall be informed once evidence has been
Illness/Disruption Prior to the examination, the candidates must be informed
that if they feel ill prior to or during an exam they should
inform an invigilator immediately. Similarly any other form of
distraction, e.g. excessive noise, which causes an adverse
effect on their performance should be reported at the time
of the occurrence.
In the event of the fire alarm or other emergency
necessitating the evacuation of the examination room, the
invigilator shall instruct candidates to stop their activities
and leave their answer media on their desks/screen. It is
imperative that the buildings fire and evacuation procedures
are followed. A candidate may not re-enter the examination
room until the Invigilator advises that they may do so.
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Appendix F
Criteria for the use of synthetic training devices in ATC
F1 A Synthetic training device (STD) is any type of device by which
operational conditions are simulated, including simulators and part-task
trainers. Definitions for these are contained in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340.
F2 Synthetic training devices shall comply with UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
ATCO.OR.C.015 paragraph (b). This appendix details the CAA
requirements to gain approval.
F3 All training plans are required to indicate the amount of training, if any,
that will be conducted on an STD, including details of the STD in order for
approval to be given by the CAA.
F4 The approval for the use of an STD, and the part of the particular training
course for which the training organisation proposes to use it will be based
on an assessment against the criteria listed in UK Reg (EU) 2015/340
AMC1 ATCO.OR.C.015(b).
F5 The extent to which the simulator achieves these criteria will be used to
determine the adequacy of the simulator for the proposed use. As a
general principle, the greater the degree of replication of the operational
position being represented, the greater the use that will be possible in any
particular training.
F6 In order to gain course approval, the submitted course documentation
should evidence how the STD will provide adequate support for the
training, in particular:
i) The ability of the simulated environment to enable students to meet the
stated objectives of the practical training exercises, and
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ii) The ability of the STD and its exercises to enable the performance
objectives to be assessed to the level determined in the training
Continuation training
F7 When a unit wishes to use an STD for continuation training and
assessment, the STD details must be included for approval in the
particular course submission (CDD). Any approval will be based on its
ability to adequately support the course's training objectives and
assessment requirements.