A city strong we claim as ours
210 Urbs Fortitudinis
A rich young man came seeking 1Penlan
A sign shall be given 2Immanuel
Acclamations (Armagh Setting) 182
Advent candles tell their story 3Angel Voices
Agnus Dei (Armagh Setting) 185
Agnus Dei (Cum Iubilo) 206
Agnus Dei (Deiss) 207
Agnus Dei (St Columba Setting) 190
All hail the Lamb, enthroned on high 4
All heaven declares 5
All I once held dear, built my life upon 6Knowing You
Alleluia (Armagh Setting) 179
Alleluia (Celtic) 212 Celtic Alleluia
Alleluia! Your words, O Lord, are spirit and life 213 Gospel Greeting
Alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit 211
Allundé, allundé, allundé alluya 7
Amen (Armagh Setting) 184
And he shall reign for ever 8
As we gather at your table 9Drumrainey
Be bold, be strong 10
Before the throne of God above 11 Before the Throne
of God Above
Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away 12
Behold the Lamb of God 214
Beneath the cross of Jesus 13
Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul 15
Blessèd be your name 16
Blessèd is the King who comes 17
Blessing and honour (Armagh Setting) 183
Blest are they, the poor in spirit 18
Bread is blessed and broken 19 Grace In Essence
Bring to the Lord a glad new song 20 Jerusalem
Thusa mo shúile 14 Slane
Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm 21
Child of blessing, child of promise 22 Old Yeavering
Christ has died 182
Christ has died. (Christ has died.) 201
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward 23 Land of Hope and Glory
Clap your hands all you nations 24 Marius
Come, and let us praise the Lord, alleluia 215
Come, let us use the grace divine 25 Dundee
Come, Lord, and meet us in this holy hour 26 Highland Cathedral
Come, sing the praise of Jesus 27 Battle Hymn of
the Republic
It is intended to include the following items:
Come, thou fount of every blessing 28 Nettleton
Defend me, Lord, from hour to hour 29 Morning Song
Dona nobis pacem (round) 216
Don’t build your house on the sandy land 30
Eat this bread, drink this cup 31
Eternal God, before whose face we stand 32 Castle Lane
Faith as small as a mustard seed 33
Far and near hear the call 34
Father God, you love me and you know me inside out 35
For all your saints in glory 36 The Star
From the breaking of the dawn 37
From the squalor of a borrowed stable 38
Give me peace, O Lord, I pray 39
Give me the faith which can remove 40 (i) Mount Sion (Pleyel)
(ii) Clements
Gloria (Armagh Setting) 177
Gloria (Armagh Setting Chant) 178
Gloria, (clap) gloria (clap) in excelsis Deo 195
Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo (Taizé) 197
Gloria (St Columba Setting) 186
Glory to God, glory to God 196
Glory to God in the highest (O’Carroll) 194
Glory to God, the source of all our mission 41 Highwood
Glóir do Dhia sna harda 198
Go at the call of God 42 Diademata
God everlasting, wonderful and holy 43 Coelites Plaudant
God loves you, and I love you 44
Gospel Greeting (Armagh Setting) 180
Gospel Greeting (St Columba Setting) 187
Great is the darkness that covers the earth 45
Hail thee, Festival Day! (Easter) 46 Salve Festa Dies
Hail thee, Festival Day! (Ascension) 47 Salve Festa Dies
Hail thee, Festival Day! (Pentecost) 48 Salve Festa Dies
Halle, halle, hallelujah! 217
Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah 49
He came down that we may have love 50 He Came Down
He made the stars to shine 51
He’s got the whole world in his hands 52
Holy, holy, holy Lord 181
Holy, holy, holy Lord (Joncas) 199
Holy, holy, holy Lord (Forster) 200 Scarborough Fair
How good is the God we adore 53 Celeste
How lovely is your dwelling place 54 Faughan Side
How sacred is this place! 55 Nunc Dimittis
‘How shall they hear’, who have not heard 56 Ombersley
I stand amazed in the presence 57 My Saviours Love
I will not be afraid of what I hear 58
I will offer up my life 59
I will sing the wondrous story 60 Calon Lân
I’ll go in the strength of the Lord 61
I’m gonna jump up and down 62 Be Happy
I’m not ashamed to own my Lord 63 At the Cross
In Christ alone my hope is found 64
In the heart where love is abiding, God is in that heart 65
In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful 66
In the name of Christ we gather 67 Kenilworth Place
Jesu, tawa pano 68 Jesu Tawa Pano
Jesus, be the centre 69
Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice 70 Once Again
Jesus Christ is waiting 71 Noël Nouvelet
Jesus is King and I will extol him 72
Jesus, keep me near the cross 73 Near the Cross
Jesus lead us to the Father 74
Jesu’s love is very wonderful 75
Jesus on the cross is dying 76 Stabat Mater
Jesus, Saviour, Lord, now to you I fly 77 Saranam
Jesus, tempted in the desert 78 Ebenezer
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho 79
Jubilate Deo (round) 218
King of kings, majesty 80
Kyrie (Armagh Setting) 176
Kyrie eleison (Ghana) 191
Kyrie eleison (Ukraine) 192
Lamb of God (Joncas) 208
Lamb of God (Fawcett) 209 Ar Hyd Y Nos
Let all creation dance 81 Pershore Abbey
Let all creation bless the Lord 219 Palace Green
Let me tell you about a baby 82 Christmas Calypso
Let us pray to the Lord 221
Let us talents and tongues employ 83 Linstead Market
Lift high your hearts in blessing 84 Zechariah
Lift the banner, Church of Erin 85 Morgenlied
Light of the world 86
Like the murmur of the dove’s song 87 Bridegroom
Long the years of faithful waiting 220 Stenka Razin
Longing for light, we wait in darkness 88 Christ be our Light
Lord, have mercy (Warren) 193 Perry Street
Lord, I come to you 90
Lord, I lift your name on high 91
Lord, make us servants of your peace 92 She moved through
the fair
Lord, we have come at your own invitation 93 Archer
Lord’s Prayer (Caribbean) 204
Lord’s Prayer (Lees) 203
Lord’s Prayer (Millenium Prayer) 205 Auld Lang Syne
Lord’s Prayer (Rimsky-Korsakov) 202
Lords Prayer (St Columba Setting) 189
Low in the grave he lay 94 Christ Arose
Mayenziwe ‘ntando yakho 95 Mayenziwe
Mister Noah built an ark 96
Morning glory, starlit sky 97 Morning Glory
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty 98
My heart is filled with thankfulness 99
My hope is built on nothing less 100 Solid Rock
My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine 101 Gordon
My Jesus, my Saviour 102
My life flows on in endless song 103 How can I keep
from singing
My soul rejoices in God, my Saviour 222
Now go in peace, now go in love 104 Junkanoo
Now let your people depart in peace 105
Now through the grace of God we claim 106 Amazing Grace
O Church arise, and put your armour on 107
O God of Faith 108 Plaisir D’amour
O God, you are my God alone 109 Resignation
O God, you search me and you know me 110
O Lord, you knelt to wash 111 Donard
O merciful Creator, hear 112 Baldersdale
Oh, to see the dawn of the darkest day 113 The Power of the Cross
One is the body and one is the head 115 Baidín
Our Father, we have wandered 116 Salley Gardens
Our God and Father bless 223 Benedictus
Our God is a great big God 117
Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic 114 Stille Nacht
People, look east. The time is near 118 Besançon Carol
People, look east to see at last 119 Besançon Carol
Praise the One who breaks the darkness 120 Ellan Vannin
Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed 121 Flexford
Sanctus (Armagh Setting) 181
Sanctus (St Columba Setting) 188
‘Sé an Tiarna m¦aoire’ 122
See him lying on a bed of straw 123 Calypso Carol
See the Lamb of God 124
See what a morning, gloriously bright 125
Shalom chaverim 126
Silent, surrendered, calm and still 127
Sing a song, sing a joyful song 128
Sing, choirs of heaven! Let saints and angels sing 129 Scampston
Sing, God’s Easter people, sing! 130 Trier
Sing of Andrew, John’s disciple 131 Cliftonville
Sleep, my darling, I will watch you 132 In the Gloaming
Sons of the Holy One bright with his splendour 133 Epiphany
Speak, O Lord, as we come to you 134
Spirit of God within me 135 Spirit of God within me
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness 136 Blow the Wind Southerly
Spirit of the Lord, come down 137 (i) Hendon
(ii) Mo Ghile Mear
Stay with me 138
Stop and think, don’t be so fast 139
Sweet Sacrament divine 140 Divine Mysteries
Ta g a i m i s l e c h é i l e o s c o m h a i r a n R í 141
Ta k e , O t a k e m e a s I a m 142
Te a c h m e t o d a n c e t o t h e b e a t o f y o u r h e a r t 143
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising 144 Laredo
The hour has come, foretold since time began 145 Unde Et Memores
The kingdom of God is justice and joy 146 Paderborn
The Lord’s my shepherd (Townend) 147
The time was early evening 148 Afton Water
The virgin Mary had a baby boy 149 The Virgin Mary
There is a higher throne 150
This is the night of new beginnings 89 Christ be our Light
This is the truth sent from above 151 The Truth from Above
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine 152
Through our lives 224
Thuma mina 153 Thuma Mina
To b e i n yo u r p r e s e n c e 154 My Desire
Wa s h m e c l e an i n t ha t c o o l r iv e r 155
We b e li e ve i n G o d A lm i gh t y 225 Corde Natus
We b e li e v e i n G o d t he Fat h e r 226 Stranmillis
We b r in g yo u, L o rd , o ur p raye r a nd p ra i se 156 Rachel
We pray thee, heavenly Father 157 Nettleton
We s h al l g o o u t w i th h o pe o f r e su r r e ct i on 158
When it’s all been said and done 159
When Joseph went to bed one night 160 St Louis
When pain and terror strike by chance 161 Smithford Street
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way 162 It is well with my soul
When you prayed beneath the trees 163 Widford
Who is on the Lord’s side? 164 (i) Armageddon
(ii) Rachie
Who is the Rock? 165 Mwamba
Who would think that what was needed 166 Scarlet Ribbons
With Jesus in the boat 167 With Christ In the Vessel
With Mary let my soul rejoice 227 North Bailey
Wo n de r fu l L or d , w o n de r fu l G od 168
Wo r d o f t he Fa th e r, t he l i fe o f c r ea ti o n 169 Was Lebet,
Was Schwe b e t
Wo r s h ip, g l o r y, p ra is e a n d ho no u r 170 Hillbrow
Yo u a r e m y s t r e n g t h w h e n I a m w e a k 171
Yo u c a n ’ t s t o p r a i n f r o m f a l l i n g d o w n 172
Yo u w h o d w e l l i n t h e s h e l t e r o f t h e L o r d 173 Eagles Wings
Yo u r w o r d s t o m e a r e l i f e a n d h e a l t h 174 Capel
Yo u ’ r e t h e L i o n o f J u d a h , t h e L a m b t h a t w a s s l a i n 175 Lion of Judah