All Saints School is a Catholic Elementary
School nestled in
the heart of Portland's
Laurelhurst neighborhood.
Our school provides a Catholic education
to children of all
races, religions and cultural backgrounds.
The mission of All Saints
Catholic School is to cultivate a unified
community in partnership with parents,
and to prepare
students to be life-long
learners who are responsible
citizens committed to
the values of Christ.
Facts about All Saints School
All Saints School serves students in Pre-K
through eighth grade.
We maintain an average class size of 25
(first through eighth grade).
Subjects taught:
Social Studies
Language Arts
Health/Physical Education
Computer Science
Library Skills
CENTER that includes a library and
PC computer lab. Computer centers are also
found in every classroom.
75% of our faculty hold Masters Degrees
Our students in third through eighth grades take
the Iowa Basic Skills Tests; on average the class
median scores are above the 70th percentile.
opportunities for students in grades
six through eight to be involved in an
experiential learning program off-
Our gymnasium is used for many
activities, including:
Physical Education classes
C.Y.O. Sports
School Assemblies
Annual School Events include:
Grandfriends of School Day
Christmas Performance
Gala Spring Musical
Kindergarten and Eighth
Grade Graduation Ceremonies
Special Assemblies
Multicultural Heritage Program
Fundraising Events/Activities include:
Annual Fund Drive
Spring Auction
The school is financially and spiritually
supported by the All Saints Parish.
All parents automatically belong to the
Parent Resource Committee.
Our School Advisory Council is actively
involved in advising the principal and the
pastor on school policies.
Volunteer Support
We appreciate the fact that we have
many volunteers involved in the school.
AIR SHARE HOURS from families are
required. Please see our Student/Parent
Handbook for more information.
All Saints School is a member of the
Archdiocese of Portland School System.
Our Student/Parent Handbook and
Enrollment Contract are the basis for
understanding the requirements of being
an All Saints student and parent. As a
school, we are dedicated to being part of
our greater parish community.
To Apply to All Saints School
Admissions to All Saints is based on criteria
set by the School Advisory Council (please refer to
the All Saints Registration Packet for more
Applicants must submit all relevant registration
forms and documents, as well as pay a non-
refundable $225 Registration Fee per child.
A non-refundable $300 Family Fee is also
required as a down payment on tuition. The
Family Fee reduces your monthly tuition rate
Interviews and tours are given on an on-going
basis. Please call the school office to schedule a
time to come for an interview or tour.
Formal Admission is granted upon receipt of
an acceptance letter and an enrollment contract
from All Saints School.
All Saints School
601 NE 39
Portland, Oregon 97232
Office: 503-236-6205 Fax: 503-236-0781
All Saints
Providing Quality
Catholic Education
since 1936
All Saints School
Dear Prospective All Saints School Parents,
Thank you for considering All Saints School. Our enrollment forms and additional
information about our school are enclosed. Our average class size is twenty-five students
in first through eighth grade. By keeping a realistic student/teacher ratio, All Saints is able
to provide opportunities for varied learning experiences in our classrooms.
If you choose to enroll your child at All Saints School, please fill out and return the enclosed
enrollment forms with a $225 non-refundable Registration Fee for each child you wish to
enroll. Please also pay the $300 non-refundable Family Fee* at the time of registration.
We will send confirmation of your child’s enrollment by mail after we have processed their
application and include the Enrollment Contract to be signed and returned to us. (The
Registration Fee and Family Fee of any student not assigned to a class due to class size
limitations will be returned to you, and those students will be placed on a waitlist for future
placement should a spot open in that grade.) We are hopeful that there will be room for
everyone without the need for a waitlist. Any family in need of tuition assistance should
contact the school office for additional information as soon as possible.
All first through eighth grade enrollees are required to take a placement test before final
acceptance at All Saints School. Please call our office to set up a time to come in for the
placement test and school visitation. Please be aware that grade level assignment is
based on assessment of a student’s academic readiness, including test scores. Entering
kindergarten students’ families will be contacted during the summer to set up a visitation
time for the first week of school for skill assessment and classroom placement. All Saints
School reserves the right to assign grade placement in a manner that ensures the “right fit”
for your child.
All Saints School provides a wonderful opportunity for your child to learn in a positive
academic environment. We are proud of our traditions and look forward to having your
family in our community.
Ms. Rose Rosinski
* The Family Fee is deducted from your yearly tuition total, reducing your monthly tuition costs accordingly.
601 NE 39
Portland, Oregon 97232
Office: 503-236-6205 Fax: 503-236-0781
2012-2013 All Saints School
Admission Policies & Procedures
All Saints School is an educational ministry of All Saints Parish and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
religion, national or ethnic origin, or gender. Persons of faith traditions other than Catholicism are welcome. However,
all families are asked to support the philosophy of Catholic education.
In the event there are more candidates for a grade than there are openings,
the following list of priorities are used in the selection of new students:
1. Currently enrolled students in good standing are assured a place for the coming year.
2. Children of Catholic families of All Saints Parish who have other siblings currently enrolled in All Saints School.
3. Children of Catholic families of All Saints Parish who have no siblings enrolled in All Saints School.
4. Children of parishioners of other Catholic parishes without a school or with a school that is over-enrolled who have
other siblings currently enrolled in All Saints School.
5. Children of non-Catholic families with other siblings currently enrolled in All Saints School.
6. Children of All Saints staff who do not qualify under any of the above.
7. Children of parishioners of other Catholic parishes without a school or with a school that is over-enrolled who have
no siblings enrolled in All Saints School.
8. Children of Catholic families who are not All Saints parishioners.
9. Children whose parents support the philosophy of Catholic education.
Enrollment Fees
1. Registration/Application Fee ($225). Due at time of registration. Along with the Family Fee, this is the most
important fee, for the date you submit your student's Registration Fee and Family Fee is the date their name is placed on
our admissions lists. This fee is non-refundable.*
2. Family Fee ($300/family). New Families: Due at time of registration. As stated on the 2012-2013 Tuition Costs
Sheet, this fee is deducted from your yearly tuition total, reducing your monthly tuition costs accordingly. This fee is
* Should your child be put on a wait list, these fees will be returned to you and your child shall be put on a wait list.
Forms and Documents to be turned in
1. Family Registration Form. For all new students. Only one form per family is required.
2. Records Request Form. For new students, Kindergarten - 8
Grade. Please turn in to All Saints School after writing
in the name and address of your child's previous school. All Saints School will send this form to the school.
3. Parish Subsidy Form. This is only required from those families who are members of a Catholic parish other than All
Saints and who wish their parish to subsidize their tuition payments for All Saints School.
4. Copy of Birth Certificate. For all new students. Please do not send your original birth certificate.
5. Copy of Student School Records File. For new students, grades 1
- 8
. This copy of your child’s school records
is needed before a final decision will be made regarding acceptance into All Saints School.
6. Counselor/Principal Recommendation. For new students, grades 1
- 8
. You will need to deliver this to the
child's previous/current school. The school must then forward the Recommendation to All Saints School.
7. Copy of Immunization Records. For all new students.
8. Copy of Court Custodial Document. This is for families with joint custodial parents living at separate residences or
who have sole custody over a child due to legal agreement. This document is required by the Archdiocese of
Portland for all Catholic school student registration.
9. Baptismal Record. Required for all new Catholic students.
10. Tuition assistance. Available for K-8 students who are members of the Parish. Students who are Catholic from
other Parishes may qualify for Archdiocese Tuition Aide.
Please contact us soon after turning your application in to the school office
to set up times for both a school visit and interview with a school administrator.
Registration is not considered complete unless ALL of the above have been submitted to the All Saints School Office
All Saints School
2012-2013 Family Registration
Student’s Last Name
First Name
2012-2013 Grade
Gender Birth Date Social Security #
Student’s Last Name
First Name
2012-2013 Grade
Birth Date
Social Security #
Student’s Last Name
First Name
2012-2013 Grade
Birth Date
Social Security #
Family Email Address:
Primary Household: Names of Parents/Guardians (please state relation to child)
Home Phone
Work Phone
Home Address
Zip Code
Pager or Cell Phone
Other Household: Name of Parents/ Guardians (please state relation to child) (if applicable)
Home Phone
Work Phone
Home Address
Zip Code
Pager or Cell Phone
Living With:
all that apply)
Both Parents
I, have sole custody of children named above.
We, and have joint custody.
Foster Parents
Custodial Adults: Please provide a copy of the court custodial document for our records.
Check here if you have provided the school with a custodial document in a previous year.
Joint Custodial Parent’s Address (if not given above)
City State Zip Code Home Phone
Family’s Parish Affiliation (if applicable)
Date of Baptism
Child #1)
Child #2)
Last School Attended:
Child #1)
Child #2)
Parish (if Catholic)
Child #3)
Child #4)
Child #3)
Child #4)
Emergency Contact (must be other than parent) Contact’s Phone
Name & Grad Year of any All Saints School Alumni in Family
Emergency Contact #2 (must be other than parent) Contact’s Phone
Please consider for admission to All Saints School the above-named applicant(s).
I have included all of the required documents, the $225 non-refundable registration fee per child, and the $300 non-refundable Family Fee.
Name of Parent/Guardian filing application Signature of Parent/Guardian filing application Date
Please return this form to the school office WITH the following documents and fees attached:
1. Registration Fee ($225Due at Registration) 6. Copy of Student’s School Records File (Grades 1-8 only)
2. Family Fee ($300/familyDue at Registration) 7. Signed Records Request Form (Grades 1-8 only)
3. Copy of Birth Certificate 8. Completed Principal Recommendation (Grades 1-8 only)
4. Copy of Immunization History Sheet 9. Parish Subsidy Form (if applicable)
5. Copy of Baptismal Record (if applicable) 10. Copy of Custodial Agreement (if applicable)
Registration is not considered complete unless ALL of the above have been submitted to the All Saints School Office
All Saints School 2012-2013 Tuition Costs
Pre-K Kindergarten – 8
Kindergarten – 8
One Child .............................. $5,091
Two Children ....................... $9,758
Three Children .................. $14,415
Four Children*
................... $19,072
One Child .................................... $6,091
Two Children ........................... $11,758
Three Children ........................ $17,415
Four Children
........................... $23,072
*There is no additional cost for the fifth child with Catholic status.
Please note NEW FAMILIES must pay the Family Fee at time of registration. RETURNING FAMILIES must pay the Family Fee by the time
you turn in your Enrollment Contract. The Family Fee reduces your monthly cost of tuition.
Example: $5,091 Yearly Tuition
- $300 Family Fee
$4,791 = $400.00 in 12 monthly payments (July to June)
(all monthly payments are rounded up to the nearest dollar)
Please note that due to fundraisers and the parish subsidy, All Saints School is able to reduce the cost of
In-Parish tuition. The true cost of educating one child at All Saints School is $6,091 per child.
Registration Fees
Registration Fees for the 2012-2013 school year is $225 per student. This must be paid at the time of
Tuition Rates & Payment Options
The yearly tuition rates are established by the School Advisory Council and are based on the budgetary
requirements of the school. The rate of tuition is not reconsidered until the following academic year. As the
school is subsidized by the parish as an educational ministry, the tuition rate for students who are members of
Catholic parish families is less than for students who are not members of a Catholic parish. All Saints School
receives some support from our local parish, but overall it is a tuition driven school. Therefore, timely tuition
payments are required. Parents have three options for tuition payments:
1) Payment in full by July 31st (with 2% discount);
2) Bi-annual payments (due July 31st & January 31st) of half of total tuition each payment schedule;
3) Monthly tuition payments by electronic transfer from your checking account on the 5
or 20
of every month.
* VISA/MasterCard payment is available with an additional 4% service charge.
Tuition Assistance
Tuition assistance for qualifying All Saints parishioners is available*. All Catholic families, including those
affiliated with another parish, may apply for Archdiocesan financial aid grants. Call the school office as soon
as possible at 503-236-6205 and ask for a “FACTS Packet.” There is a limited amount of tuition aid we are
able to give to families in need. FACTS Tuition Assistance Forms must be completed by March 16, 2012
(paper applications) and by March 30, 2012
(online applications.) * To qualify as an All Saints parishioner
you must be an active, tithing member for one-year prior.
Parish Subsidies
Parish subsidies enable All Saints School to partially bridge the gap between the Catholic parish tuition
rate and the true cost of a child’s education. Students from other Catholic parishes normally receive a
$950.00 subsidy from their own parish. Please note that this will not affect your Catholic parish tuition rate.
This benefit will only be given to students who have the PARISH SUBSIDY FORM, signed by their Pastor or
Parish Priest, and returned to All Saints School. Please note that if the PARISH SUBSIDY FORM is not
signed and returned to the school office, the individual family will have to pay the Non-Affiliated Cost for the
Please refer to the PARISH SUBSIDY FORM for more information.
Other Obligations of Enrollment
In addition to the registration fees and tuition payments, All Saints School asks that each family contribute
30 volunteer hours to the school over the course of the year. For families with a single custodial parent, only
15 volunteer hours are need.
Families are also obligated to purchase a $200 monthly average over 10 months in SCRIP. If you are
unfamiliar with Scrip, please contact the school office for more information on Scrip.
Each spring, All Saints School holds a Fundraising Auction to raise money for much needed school
programs. We ask each family to donate an item or items with a combined value of at least $100.
Please note that each of these obligations carry a monetary charge should families not meet them during the course of the school year.
Permission Form:
Web Page Photographic Display of a Minor
I hereby give All Saints School permission to use a photograph of the minor
(person under the age of 18) listed below on its website. I understand that
there will be no identifying information (e.g., name, age, etc.) about the
minor on this website.
This permission for web page photographic display of a minor will be in
effect annually from 8/30/12 until 8/30/13 unless this permission is revoked
by written notice to All Saints School.
Name(s) of minor(s):
Date: _________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian signature: ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian name (please print): ________________________________
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Wallulis, Library Media
*Signing this form is an agreement by the Pastor that the parish will pay $950 for each child listed. (For Reference, please see the
In accordance with the Archdiocese of Portland’s 2007 revision of the K-8 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
FINANCIAL OPERATION PLAN, parishes without elementary schools are expected to subsidize the
cost of Catholic education (at an Archdiocesan elementary school) for qualifying Catholic students in the
A qualifying Catholic student is generally determined as follows:
a. The family must be registered in the parish, be involved, and attend church in the parish.
b. The family must give regular, identifiable financial support to the parish (e.g., use of parish
contribution envelopes or checks).
c. Parishes may not add additional requirements.
As part of the school registration process, this form must be completed by the parent, signed by your
Pastor and returned to the school office. The signed form will document your family’s status as a
qualifying Catholic family. Your family’s tuition will then be based on the “qualifying Catholic” rate
charged by your school.
Please detach and return the signed form to the school office.
School: Date:
Parents’ Full Names: Home Phone:
Parish Affiliation
Name(s) of children to be enrolled:
Pastor’s Signature* Date
Department of Catholic Schools
All Saints School
2012-2013 Principal/Counselor Recommendation
has applied for admission to Grade at All Saints
School. Please fill out this form and return to All Saints School as soon as possible. All Saints School considers
this form vital for the applicant to be considered for admission.
Please note that this reference is confidential and only used for admissions.
It does not go into the child's permanent file.
Our program cannot serve the needs of every student, thus we solicit your help in giving our Admissions
Committee a clearer insight into the applicant's qualities. Your reply will be treated confidentially.
How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity have you known the applicant?
If you have had the applicant as a student, in what subject(s) have you taught him/her?
How do you rate the applicant in the following categories?
Writing Ability
Reading Ability
Math Ability
(in class and homework)
Leadership Potential
Quality of Homework
Please describe the applicant using five adjectives:
How effectively does the candidate relate to their classmates?
Please note any special programs at your school that this student participates in:
(i.e., ESL, speech therapy, Chapter I)
Marking the following continuum with an (Ξ), how would you recommend the applicant for admission to All Saints
Enthusiastically Recommended
For Academic Potential
For Strength of Character
Overall Recommendation
Please feel free to make any further pertinent comments about the applicant.
Name (Printed):
Position Held:
Name of School:
School Address:
Office Telephone:
Please fax/mail to:
All Saints School
601 NE 39th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (503) 236-6205
Fax: (503) 236-0781
All Saints School
Request for Student Records
The child(ren) listed below is/are currently enrolled in All Saints School.
1. Academic Records
2. Specialized instructional Records
3. Psychological Reports
4. Behavior Records
5. Health Records
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, (FERPA) schools are allowed to disclose educational records without parent
consent according to the following condition (34 CFR § 99.31): other schools to which a student is transferring.
STUDENT NAME(S): Current Grade: STUDENT NAME(S): Current Grade:
1) 3)
2) 4)
Parent/Guardian NAME:
Parent/Guardian ADDRESS:
Parent/Guardian CITY, STATE, ZIP:
Parent/Guardian PHONE NUMBER:
Please send all records to: Registrar
601 NE 39th Avenue
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (503) 236-6205
Fax: (503) 236-0781