Girls Who Code At Home
Share Your Skillz
Informational Website with HTML + CSS
Activity Overview
During uncertain times, it’s important to take a break to focus on and share something that
brings you joy! Learn how to use HTML and CSS to build a tutorial that teaches someone how
to do something like how to make a TikTok, how to draw a cat, how to make your favorite
cookies, how to land a perfect water bottle flip - no skill is too small! Before you draft your
story and start writing code we recommend checking out the featured Woman in Tech
Spotlight, Janelle Hinds. Janelle founded Helping Hands, a company that uses an app to
match volunteers with opportunities in their community.
Glitch or the text editor of your choice
Example Tutorial Project and Extension Example
Planning Guide
Pen, Pencil, or Markers
Helping Hands aims to increase youth active engagement and skills training
within communities.
How might workshops around job skills training help build resilience as
students look towards starting their careers?
Women in Tech Spotlight: Janelle Hinds
Janelle Hinds founded Helping Hands, a company that
uses an app to match volunteers with opportunities in their
community. The Helping Hands app focuses on matching
high school students with civic-oriented volunteer
opportunities. These projects help students gain skills they
need to succeed in the workplace, such as how to improve
their communication skills, while also helping their
communities! Through Helping Hands, she hopes to
increase youth civic engagement so that students like you
can create change in your own communities!
Before starting Helping Hands, Janelle studied Electrical and Biomedical Engineering. She
started DeltaHacks, her university’s annual student-run "hackathon for change,” before
graduating college! She has managed projects, designed apps, coded, and founded or
co-founded several companies. Throughout her career, Janelle has kept an eye out for
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEM. Helping Hands helps track volunteer hours so that
it’s easy for all students to meet their volunteering requirements to graduate! Helping
Hands also has a grant model for offering free workshops for underserved communities.
Watch this video to learn about what Janelle advocates for around youth engagement and
skills training.
Being a computer scientist is more than just being great at coding. Take some time to reflect on
how Janelle and her work relates to the strengths that great computer scientists focus on building -
bravery, resilience, creativity, and purpose.
Share your responses with a family member or friend. Encourage others to read more
about Janelle to join in the discussion!
Step 1: Brainstorm your tutorial (10 min)
Teaching someone how to do something is a super fun challenge. You need to think about
what materials and tools they need, what they need to know to get started, and how to deliver
step-by-step information in easily digestible chunks. Before you get started building your
tutorial, you need to decide what you want to share. It can be a skill like sewing or a full project
like making pizza dough. If you need some inspiration, head on over to Instructables to see
thousands of tutorials on everything from leatherworking to anime drawing. Once you make
your decision, keep reading.
Now that you’ve made your decision, time to plan. We’ve created a Planning Guide if you want
a place to record your ideas. Let’s get started!
Overview. Describe what they will learn in your tutorial. What is the goal? What will this
person learn to make or do? Why is it a fun or helpful skill to have? Where might they
use it in their lives?
Materials and Tools. What materials and tools do they need to have on hand?
Outline. What are the steps? Draft a list of the steps to learn the skill or complete the
project. Try to break the steps down into manageable parts.
Steps. Once you feel good about your outline, it’s time to write up each step. Steps
should have a heading and short description. You can also include images, links, videos
you think would be helpful.
Resources. There is only so much you can teach on one website! Are there any
resources that you can point people to if they want to learn more?
Step 2: Create a new project in Glitch (10 mins)
Glitch is a simple tool for creating web
apps. It comes with a text editor that allows
you to see edits to your webpage in real
time. It allows you to publish your project
easily for the world to see! If you find a cool
project someone else made, you can look
at their code and remix it.
2. Create a new project.
Now that you’re signed in, let’s get
started! Select the Hello-Webpage
template under the Start a New Project
menu on the Glitch homepage.
Rename the project space and
description. Be sure to give it a
descriptive title and clear description.
This will be helpful after you make lots
of projects and want to look back at
them later.
3. Explore the files that Glitch has provided to you!
The first thing you will see are the contents of the file. READMEs are
documents that you will constantly see in other people's projects. They usually contain
information about how to navigate through the project's files and how to run the
program. This README specifically points you to three different files.
1. Sign in using your Google, Facebook, or GitHub account.
To save and share your work on Glitch, you will need to sign in. Glitch allows you to sign
in using a Google, Facebook, or GitHub account. If you are under 13, ask your guardian
if you can use one of their accounts to login.
Step 2: Continued
Step 3: Intro to HTML (25 mins)
1. Explore HTML
Let's take a look at the file that holds our HTML first. Click on the index.html file.
Okay so there's a lot of content there. It's okay to not understand it all at once. Click the
'Show' button at the top of the page and see how the project looks on the web. Look for
similarities between what is written in your index.html file and what appears on the live
version of the page!
What happens if you begin altering or adding to what's written in index.html? Try the
Change line 12 from <h1>Hi there!</h1> to <h1>Hello, Girls Who
What happens if you add a new line between lines 19 and 20 and type “Created
by me!”!? Even though the code is written on a new line in your index.html file, it
doesn't show up in a new line in the live preview. Can you guess why?
2. HTML Tags
All of the content in your index.html file is contained in HTML tags. HTML stands for
Hyper Text Markup Language and is used to add and organize content for a website.
Tags are keywords that HTML uses to categorize and organize content. Content might
include text, images, video, forms, buttons, or even interactive components like iFrames.
All of the content that shows in your live preview are contained within a <body>
opening tag and </body> closing tag.
Tags are part of the anatomy of an HTML element, which are usually made up of the
opening tag, content, and a closing tag.
3. Practice using tags
Let’s practice using some new tags as we build the overview and first step of our
tutorial. Well walk through them in the next steps, but heres a handy reference:
Tag Use Syntax Example
Use these tags to create
headings that distinguish
between information sections.
Create an unordered (bulleted)
list with <ul> and an ordered
(numbered) list with <ol>. Use
<li> for each item.
<li>Item 1</li>
Item 1
Use the <p> tag for
paragraphs of text.
<p>Puppy kitty ipsum dolor
sit good dog stick
Puppy kitty ipsum dolor
sit good dog stick
Use the <a> tag for hyperlinks. This is a
<a href=””>
link </a>!
This is a link!
Use this tag to include images. <img src=“kitten.png”
Step 3: Continued
The Overview lets people know what they can expect to build, how long it will take, and
any materials or tools they need to make it.
Add <h2>Overview</h2> under your name.
Add a description of what someone will make using your tutorial. Which tag will
you use?
Add a header for your Materials and Tools list. Try using a different header
element (e.g. h3, h4, h5, or h6)
Add your materials to the list. To create a bulleted list, we use the <ul> or
unordered list tag with <li> or list elements nested inside.
Create your First Step.
Add a header for the first step using the <h2> tag.
Add the description of the steps someone should take using the <p> tag.
Maybe you want to tell someone where they can find more resources for your
step. Let’s add an <a> tag for a link.
Step 3: Continued
Add an image.
At this point you might be thinking: Wow, this looks boring. Well, allow us to
introduce you to the image tag!
Here is the syntax: <img src=”image.jpg”> where image.jpg is the
URL or file.
You can set the width and height like this: <img src=”image.jpg”
width=”500” height=”350”>
To add an image in Glitch, click on assets above all the files. Drop your image in
there, then click on the image and copy the URL. Finally, paste the URL in the
attribute value of the image element.
You can also use images from free images on the web on sites like Just copy the image address and paste it in the attribute
value of the image element.
Step 4: Styling with CSS (20 mins)
1. Intro to CSS.
Now that we’ve got the skeleton of our tutorial, it’s time to make it look nice! We can do
this with CSS! CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, describes what kinds of presentation
rules – or styles – should be applied to HTML elements. For example, if you wanted to
make the text larger or smaller you would do that using CSS. CSS allows you to change
the way content on your website looks, including text color, text size, the fonts used,
background colors or images, and so much more.
Step 3: Continued
2. Anatomy of a CSS rule-set.
CSS creates rules for presenting content through rule-sets. Click on the styles.css file.
There are two rule-sets in the file that look like the code below.
A rule-set is made up of:
a selector that determines where the styles are being applied
a declaration block, contained between {}s, that lists all of the individual styles to
be applied. These individual style declarations have a property name, which
corresponds with a value. Each declaration is separated by a ; or semicolon.
From the pre-written CSS file, we can see that the content in our <h1> tags was
appearing as blue and italic in our live site because there is a rule-set written for <h1>
tags that declares their color property should be the value #373fff and the font-style
property to be italic. The color is written in HEX, or hexadecimal format. If you want to
see how HEX values convert to different colors check out this tool and try entering the
HEX code from the starter project.
3. Practice adding some CSS
What happens if you change the value of the color property? How could you
declare the <h1> tag be green, for example?
How would you turn all the <h2> tags teal?
Experiment with adding a new property and value pair for the <h2> tags. How
might you change their font-size? Background color? Space around the text?
h1 {
font-style: italic;
color: #373fff;
selector property name property value
Step 4: Continued
Step 4: Continued
CSS resources
W3Schools has a great reference section for CSS.
Mozilla has a wealth of helpful information in their CSS module, including:
How to style text
CSS Layout
How to use CSS to solve common problems
Debugging your CSS
Step 5: Finish your tutorial (10-20 mins)
Congratulations! Now you have everything you need to finish your tutorial. Add the rest of your
steps using the format we created for Step 1. If you want to take it further, try out one or more
of the extensions below. Otherwise, move on to Step 6.
Step 6: Take it further (5-10 mins)
Make your website more accessible. Read about accessibility principles outlined by
WAI. To begin to make your website more accessible, add alt text for your images, an
example is shown below.
<img src="cat.png" alt="Orange cat sitting on the grass">
Step 6: Continued
Here are some more resources on accessibility:
Web Accessibility Initiative's overview of accessibility and stories of web users
Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
For more practice with building accessible features, check out W3C's tutorials.
Embed YouTube videos into your site. Embedding YouTube videos is a fun way to
make your website interactive.
Navigate to your favorite YouTube video
Press the "Share" button under the video
Select the "Embed" option
Copy the <iframe> HTML element given by YouTube and paste it into your
HTML file. That’s it!
Add Some Fancy Fonts. You can easily import and use fancy fonts in your website from
Google Fonts.
Go to the Google font website and find
and select a font you like by clicking the
little red plus symbol.
You can now reference this font in your CSS stylesheet. Use the CSS font-family
code from Google fonts for the font that you selected during project planning.
For example in our website we would use this code to style text:
font-family: 'Pacifico', cursive;
Step 7: Share Your Creation (5 mins)
Don’t forget to share your projects on social media. Tag @girlswhocode and use the hashtag
#codefromhome. We might even feature you on our account!
When you add a font, you can see a
menu with the code for inserting your
fonts into your website. Put the Embed
code for your font between the
<head></head> tags of your
index.html page.
Step 6: Continued
Planning Guide
Use this guide to plan your tutorial and build your website.
1. Overview. Describe what they will learn in your tutorial. What is the goal? What will this
person learn to make or do? Why is it a fun or helpful skill to have? Where might they
use it in their lives?
2. Materials and Tools. What materials and tools do they need to have on hand? List them
below. Include any links if applicable.
3. Outline. What are the steps? Draft a list of the steps to learn the skill or complete the
project. Try to break the steps down into manageable parts.
Planning Guide
4. Steps. Once you feel good about your outline, it’s time to write up each step. Steps
should have a heading and short description. You can also include images (and image
address links), links, videos you think would be helpful. For example:
Step 1: Take out all the ingredients
Make sure you have all the ingredients you need to make your pizza dough.
Planning Guide
5. Resources. There is only so much you can teach on one website! Are there any
resources that you can point people to if they want to learn more?