The role of serotonin in feeding and gut contractions in the honeybee
Alice S. French
, Kerry L. Simcock
, Daniel Rolke
, Sarah E. Gartside
, Wolfgang Blenau
Geraldine A. Wright
Centre for Behaviour and Evolution, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
Department of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Potsdam D-14476, Germany
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Goethe University Frankfurt, Oberursel D-61440, Germany
article info
Article history:
Received 26 September 2013
Received in revised form 20 November 2013
Accepted 17 December 2013
Available online 27 December 2013
Apis mellifera
5-HT receptor
Gut contractions
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is involved in the regulation of feeding and digestion in many
animals from worms to mammals. In insects, 5-HT functions both as a neurotransmitter and as a systemic
hormone. Here we tested its role as a neurotransmitter in feeding and crop contractions and its role as a
systemic hormone that affected feeding in adult foraging honeybees. We found 5-HT immunoreactive
processes throughout the gut, including on the surface of the oesophagus, crop, proventriculus, and
the midgut, as well as in the ventral nerve cord. mRNA transcripts for all four of the known bee 5-HT
receptors (Am5-ht
) were expressed in the crop and the midgut suggesting a functional role for
5-HT in these locations. Application of a cocktail of antagonists with activity against these known recep-
tors to the entire gut in vivo reduced the rate of spontaneous contraction in the crop and proventriculus.
Although feeding with sucrose caused a small elevation of endogenous 5-HT levels in the haemolymph,
injection of exogenous 5-HT directly into the abdomen of the bee to elevate 5-HT in the haemolymph did
not alter food intake. However, when 5-HT was injected into directly into the brain there was a reduction
in intake of carbohydrate, amino acid, or toxin-laced food solutions. Our data demonstrate that 5-HT
inhibits feeding in the brain and excites muscle contractions in the gut, but general elevation of 5-HT
in the bee’s haemolymph does not affect food intake.
Ó 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction
The commencement and cessation of feeding is orchestrated by
a diverse set of internal cues that provide the brain with informa-
tion about nutritional state and satiety. In animals as diverse as
nematodes and humans, the biogenic amine, serotonin (5-HT), is
one of the key signalling molecules regulating feeding, nutrient
intake and digestion (Gietzen et al., 1991; Howarth et al., 2002;
Liscia et al., 2012; Marston et al., 2011; Song and Avery, 2012).
In many insects, 5-HT neurons innervate the crop and midgut
(Budnik et al., 1989; Haselton et al., 2006; Molaei and Lange,
2003; Pietrantonio et al., 2001) indicating that they are likely to
play an important role in the movement of food through the diges-
tive tract. This idea has been supported by a recent study in the
blowfly (Phormia regina) demonstrating that 5-HT applied to the
crop increases muscle contractions and crop emptying rate (Liscia
et al., 2012). Previous studies have also identified serotonergic var-
icosities in the foregut and midgut of other insect species including
the kissing bug, Rhodnius prolixus (Lange et al., 1989), locusts, Loc-
usta migratoria (Molaei and Lange, 2003) and Schistocerca gregaria
(Johard et al., 2003), the mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Moffett and
Moffett, 2005; Pietrantonio et al., 2001), the stable fly, Stomoxys
calcitrans (Liu et al., 2011) and the ant species, Campanotus mus
(Falibene et al., 2012). In these species, innervation of the hindgut
is often less evident. The possible presence of 5-HT neurons in the
digestive tract and the functional role of 5-HT in the gut has not yet
been investigated in the honeybee.
In R. prolixus, processes in the mesothoracic ganglion project
throughout the body, and in particular, innervate the digestive
tract (Lange et al., 1989; Orchard, 2006). These neurons release
5-HT directly into the haemolymph during a blood meal, but also
orchestrate contractions of the crop and prime the animal’s phys-
iology for rapid diuresis and the digestion of blood (Lange et al.,
1989; Orchard, 2006). Experimental elevation of haemolymph 5-
HT via direct injection into the thoracic or abdominal haemolymph
in cockroaches or flies (Cohen, 2001; Dacks et al., 2003; Haselton
et al., 2009) or by feeding 5-HT to ants (Falibene et al., 2012)
reduces meal size, but whether this is a general mechanism for
the regulation of feeding in insects remains unclear.
0022-1910 Ó 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 191 222 6667.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.A. Wright).
Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
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5-HT injected directly in the brain directly reduces the motor
function of the honeybee’s mouthparts (proboscis). Studies of asso-
ciative learning in honeybees indicate that 5-HT injected directly
into the brain via the median ocellar tract prior to olfactory asso-
ciative conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex (PER) reduces
performance during conditioning (Menzel, 1999). Honeybees can
also be trained to learn to withhold their proboscis to odours sig-
nalling rewards containing toxins (Wright et al., 2010). When the
known 5-HT receptors in the brain are blocked using a cocktail of
5-HT receptor antagonists, bees do not learn to avoid toxins in
food. They continue to extend the proboscis and feed even though
the reward contains toxins, indicating that 5-HT mediates condi-
tioned withholding of the PER (Wright et al., 2010). These two
studies indicate that 5-HT is involved in the control of motor func-
tion of PER in bees, but neither has identified whether 5-HT inhib-
its food consumption once the proboscis is extended. In addition,
no one as yet has reported whether haemolymph levels of 5-HT
in the honeybee are elevated by feeding, and whether elevation
of 5-HT in the haemolymph reduces food consumption by bees.
Here, we tested several hypotheses regarding the role of 5-HT in
feeding the brain, gut, and ventral nerve chord of the honeybee.
First, we tested whether 5-HT played a role in digestion by using
immunohistochemical methods to identify 5-HT processes in the
gut and ventral nerve chord. The four known 5-HT receptor homo-
logues in bees have been measured and described from the brain
(Blenau and Thamm, 2011; Schlenstedt et al., 2006; Thamm
et al., 2010, 2013), but not measured elsewhere. For this reason,
we also measured whether 5-HT receptors were expressed in the
digestive tract and examined their role in digestion by measuring
whether 5-HT affected gut contractions. Because we identified
5-HT immunoreactive processes in the ventral nerve chord, our
second hypothesis tested whether systemic levels of 5-HT and/or
brain 5-HT affected food intake. We first measured whether feed-
ing elevated haemolymph 5-HT as shown in R. prolixus using HPLC
methods. To test whether elevation of haemolymph 5-HT reduced
food intake, we injected 5-HT into the abdomen and measured the
consumption of sucrose solution. To verify that elevation of 5-HT in
the brain but not haemolymph affected feeding, we injected 5-HT
into the brain prior to assaying the total food consumption of three
different types of liquid food encountered by honeybees.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Insects
Honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera mellifera) were obtained from
stock of the National Bee Unit (FERA, York, UK). During the months
of January–March 2011 bees were maintained in an indoor flight
room at a temperature of 28 °C with a 12-h light/dark cycle. During
the months of May–September 2011 and 2012, bees were kept
outdoors and allowed to forage freely. Adult foraging worker bees
were collected in small plastic vials from outside the colony
entrance. Foragers were identified as they were flying back into
the colony and collected at the entrance.
2.1.1. Immunohistochemistry
Using bees collected as described above, ventral nerve cords
(VNC; N = 4), and digestive tracts (N = 8) were dissected in air
and fixed for 1–3 h in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate
buffered saline (PBS). Tissue was washed in PBS with agitation (3
changes: 10 min each) and then probed with rabbit anti-5-HT anti-
serum (Sigma–Aldrich, product code S5545) diluted (1:400) in 10%
normal goat serum (Sigma–Aldrich, G9023) and 0.1% Triton X in
PBS (NGS/PBST) for 18 h at 4 °C. Control tissues (N = 4 for VNC
and N = 8 for guts) were incubated in diluent only. After
incubation, probed and control tissues were first washed in PBS
with agitation (3 changes: 10 min each) and incubated in biotinyl-
ated goat anti-rabbit antiserum (Vectalabs, BA-1000) in NGS/PBST
(1:200) for 2 h at room temperature (RT), then washed in PBS with
agitation (3 changes: 10 min each) and incubated in Fluorescein
Avidin D (Vectalabs, A-2001) in NGS/PBST (1:200) for 1 h at RT in
darkness. The tissue was washed a final time in PBS as before
and then mounted on microscope slides under a coverslip in Vec-
tashield mounting medium (Vectalabs, H-1500). Coverslips were
sealed with clear nail polish and stored in darkness. Control
tissues, which were incubated in diluent instead of primary
antibody showed no positive staining, indicating that the second-
ary antibodies did not bind anything expressed in the tissue. Rabbit
anti-5-HT antiserum (Sigma–Aldrich, product code S5545) is a
commercially tested antibody previously used in insect
preparations (Falibene et al., 2012), and pre-incubation of diluted
antiserum with 500
M 5-HT inhibits specific staining. Guts
incubated in 1:400 concentration (N = 8) of primary antibody were
photographed for the figures in this study, however other concen-
trations of primary antibody were also tested; 1:200 (N = 4), 1:800
(N = 2) and 1:1600 (N = 2), positive staining was observed although
best images were obtained with 1:400.
2.1.2. Microscopy
To obtain stacked images, specimens were examined and pho-
tographed under a Confocal Zeiss Axio Imager microscope (with
apotome) using an excitatory wavelength of 488 nm. Number of
Z slices and depth of Z slice interval depended on the topology
and thickness of tissue. Snap shot images were obtained using a
Leica DMRA fluorescent microscope with Hamamatsu GRCA-ER
digital camera or Confocal Zeiss Axio Imager microscope. Images
were processed using Axiovision 4.8.1 software. Light microscope
images were obtained using Leica M205 C.
2.2. Quantitative real-time PCR
Tissue samples were collected, immediately frozen in liquid
nitrogen, and stored at 80 °C until use. Total RNA was extracted
using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and served as
template for cDNA synthesis. From each sample, two independent
cDNA syntheses from 250 ng total RNA were performed using
SuperScript III (Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)
was carried out on a Rotor Gene Q (Qiagen Hilden, Germany) by
using TaqMan technology with various fluorescent dyes to allow
duplex measurements of receptor and reference gene expression.
Fluorescent dyes used as 5
-modifications were 6-FAM-phospho-
ramidite (6FAM), Cy5, Cy5.5 and Yakima Yellow (YAK). BlackBerry
quencher (BBQ) was attached to the 3
-end of TaqMan probes. The
sequences of the primers and TaqMan probes are presented in
Table 1. The PCR was performed with an initial step at 60 °C for
1 min and a denaturation step at 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 45
cycles at 95 °C for 20 s and 60 °C for 60 s. Tissue samples of individ-
ual bees were examined in triplicate. Mean copy numbers were
calculated using Rotor Gene Q software (Qiagen). Receptor tran-
script levels were normalized to elongation factor 1
transcript levels (=100%) using the standard curve method. The
standards covered copy numbers from 10
to 10
2.3. Assay of crop and proventriculus contractions
Bees were collected from the colony, immediately chill anesthe-
tized, and then pinned to a dissecting plate dorsal side down under
‘protophormia saline’ (PPS) (Liscia et al., 2012). With the aid of a
dissecting microscope, each bee was cut from the final abdominal
tergite upwards towards the thorax using dissection scissors; the
A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
exoskeleton was pinned down to expose the digestive tract. After
dissection, the bee was transferred to a new dissecting dish con-
taining 5 ml PPS to cover the whole preparation; the gut remained
intact within the bee. Contractions of the crop and proventriculus
were observed and measured by eye under the microscope. We
labelled a muscle movement in either the crop or proventriculus
as a ‘contraction’ when we observed a small twitch in the wall or
a complete wave of contraction along the crop wall. These contrac-
tions were labelled as arising from the crop if they occurred at the
anterior end of the crop and arising in the proventriculus if they
were observed posteriorly in the darkened area near the midgut
(Supplementary Fig. S1).
The first observation began 1 min after the transfer; each obser-
vation lasted 1 min, with a 5 s interval between observations.
Three observations were performed under PPS alone as a control.
After the first 3 observations, 500
l of solution was taken out of
the body cavity and replaced with a treatment solution containing
a cocktail of antagonists against the known bee 5-HT receptors
(methiothepin mesylate, Sigma–Aldrich; ketanserin tartrate, Tocris
Biosciences) or a control solution containing the drug vehicle
(water). Water was used as the vehicle because the cocktail of
antagonists was insoluble in saline. These antagonists have previ-
ously been used against 5-HT receptors in honeybees (Wright
et al., 2010). The solution was applied directly above the crop
and allowed to perfuse the body cavity and mix with the bath solu-
tion. The final concentration of each antagonist was 10
M; we also tested a 10
M concentration, but it did not influence
contractions. Beginning one min after the replacement of the
solution, 3 one min observations were recorded with 5 s between
observations. (In a pilot study, we applied 3 concentrations of 5-HT
M) to the entire gut, but did not see a measurable
change in the rate of contraction of the crop or other structures
(Supplementary Fig. S1B
2.4. Measurement of 5-HT in haemolymph after feeding
Adult foragers were collected and harnessed in plastic tubes, fed
a 0.7 M sucrose solution to satiety and left on the bench (Wright
et al., 2009). Twenty-four hours later bees were fed 5
l of either
a 1.0 M sucrose solution or a 1.0 M sucrose solution containing
0.01 M amygdalin using a Gilmont syringe. Haemolymph was
extracted from the head capsules at time points 2, 5, 10, 20 and
40 min following feeding. A separate group was also measured that
had not been fed (time point 0). Using a 10
l glass capillary tube,
haemolymph was acquired from a hole pierced through
the exoskeleton of the head capsule near to the median ocellus.
The haemolymph was immediately placed into a microcentrifuge
tube containing 20
l of 0.1 M perchloric acid on ice. Composite
samples were acquired from 5 to 15 bees to a volume of 15
The sample was brought to a final volume of 100
l with perchloric
acid, and centrifuged for 5 min at 13,000 rpm. The supernatant
taken was taken off and frozen at 20 °C. Subsamples of the hae-
molymph were diluted to a 1:4 concentration in the HPLC mobile
phase prior to analysis. Biogenic amines in 50
l samples were ana-
lysed using HPLC with electrochemical detection (Coulochem III,
ESA). A stock solution of 5-HT creatinine sulphate (Sigma–Aldrich)
M in 0.1 M perchloric acid was diluted to 10
M in mobile
phase. 50
l of the standard (50 fmol 5-HT) was injected every
10 samples to maintain calibration of calculated concentration.
The stationary phase was a C18 reverse phase column (3
microsorb, 100 mm 4.6 mm) which was maintained at 40 °C.
The mobile phase (127 mM NaH
, 1.5 mM octane sulfonic acid,
46.5 mM EDTA, 15% methanol, pH 3.7) was pumped through a
guard cell set at +350 mV, a manual injector (Rheodyne), the col-
umn and the detector at 1.1 ml/min. Eluting 5-HT was oxidised
on a porous graphite ‘frit’ flow cell with E1 set at +120 mV and
E2 set at +220 mV. The resulting peak height was measured and
quantified with reference to the external standard.
2.5. Behaviour
2.5.1. Injection into head
Prior to experimentation, each bee was tested for its motivation
to feed by stimulating of the antennae with 1.0 M sucrose to elicit
the proboscis extension reflex (PER). Bees that did not elicit PER
were excluded from the experiment. All others were split ran-
domly into each treatment group. For the within-brain injection
experiment, bees were injected into the median ocellus with 1
of one of the following treatments: no injection, water (injection
vehicle), 10
M 5-HT. Within 30 min after injection, bees
were fed to satiety using a 0.2 ml Gilmont micrometer syringe with
one of the following solutions: 1.0 M sucrose, 1.0 M sucrose con-
taining a mixture of 10 essential amino acids to mimic protein
(methionine, tryptophan, arginine, lysine, histidine, phenylalanine,
iso-leucine, threonine, leucine, valine, each at 0.01 M for a final
sum concentration of 0.1 M), or 1.0 M sucrose containing 0.1 M
amygdalin. (All reagents were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich.)
Satiety was indicated when the bee would no longer drink the
solution and retracted its proboscis after 5 taps on the antennae
with the stimulating solution. As in Falibene et al. (2012), we also
tested how time after injection influenced feeding on 1.0 M sucrose
solution: bees injected 30 min prior to feeding exhibited greater
repression of feeding than those assayed 3 h after (Supplementary
Fig. S2).
Table 1
Sequences of primers and TaqMan probes (including 5
- and 3
-modifications; see methods) used for qPCR assays and the expected length of the resulting amplicons.
Transcript Primers and probes (5
? 3
) Amplicon size (bp)
10 A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
2.5.2. Injection into the abdomen
For the abdominal injection experiments, bees were injected
with 1
l into the intersegmental membrane between dorsal
abdominal sterna 3 and 4 (Snodgrass, 1985) (keeping the needle
length parallel to the interior abdominal wall and oriented towards
the petiole connecting the thorax and abdomen) with one of the
following treatments: deionized water (injection vehicle), 10
M 5-HT. Within 30 min of injection, each bee
was fed to satiety with 1.0 M sucrose and the amount consumed
was recorded.
2.6. Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse the food
consumption experiments, 5-HT haemolymph and generalized
linear modelling (GLZM) was used for the receptor expression data.
5-HT haemolymph measurements were natural log transformed
prior to analysis. Gut contraction data were analysed using
repeated-measures ANOVA. Post hoc comparisons were made using
least-squares difference (lsd). All analyses were performed
using the program IBM SPSS (v.19.0).
3. Results
3.1. Digestive system
To test for 5-HT-like innervation of the gut, we examined each
area of the digestive tract of the honeybee in detail after labelling
with the 5-HT antibody (Fig. 1A). We identified 5-HT immunoreac-
tive varicosities along the entire length of the oesophagus (Fig. 1B)
which were continuous with the surface of the crop or honey stom-
ach (Fig. 1C). Several 5-HT immunoreactive fibres were also identi-
fied on the crop (Fig. 1C); the proventriculus was especially
densely innervated by fine processes (Fig. 1D). Many of these fibres
on the crop ended in clear, bleb-like structures resembling boutons
that were distributed all over the crop surface (Fig. 1E).
Dissection revealed that the midgut epithelial layer was
invaginated to form a corrugated surface. Within each midgut
invagination we observed a single stained process running circum-
ferentially (Fig. 1F); these 5-HT immunoreactive processes were
present in each corrugation of the entire length of the midgut. We
did not find specific 5-HT immunoreactive labelling of the hypopha-
ryngeal gland, Malpighian tubules (Fig. 1G), hindgut or the rectum.
3.2. Ventral Nerve Chord (VNC)
We observed also observed 5-HT-like immunoreactive fibres
throughout the VNC. In the bee, the 2nd thoracic ganglion (TG2)
is fused with the 3rd thoracic ganglion and the first two abdominal
ganglia (Fig. 2A, Snodgrass, 1985, Dade, 1962). We found the stron-
gest 5-HT labelling in this structure (Fig. 2B and C). Fine networks
of 5-HT-like processes were identified on the dorsal surface of the
ganglion, but we did not find the same labelling of dorsal unpaired
medial neuron cell bodies as observed in R. prolixus (Orchard,
2006). We observed similar processes in other ganglia throughout
the VNC (Supplementary Fig. S3).
Fig. 1. Serotonin-like innervation of the gut. (A) Shows a maximum intensity projection of the dissected honey bee gut (oesophagus (Oe) anterior, rectum (R)–posterior)
stained for 5-HT. Image is a composite of stacked and tiled images stitched together. Images acquired at 2.5 magnification. Scale bar represents 1 mm. (B) The oesophagus
descends from the oral cavity where it connects to the anterior region of the crop located in the abdomen. 5-HT processes were observed on the surface of the oesophagus.
Image is a composite of 20 Z stacks. Scale bar represents 300
m. (C) 5-HT-like immunoreactive processes in the anterior region of the crop. Image is composite of 18 Z stacks
scale bar represents 300
m. (D) The crop and mid gut are separated by a valve called the proventriculus which is also innervated my 5-HT-like immunoreactive processes.
Images is a snap shot, scale bar represents 200
m. (E) Image shows immunoreactive processes on the crop at high magnification (50) under oil immersion. Scale bar
represents 50
m. (F) Immunoreactive processes running circumferentially in midgut invaginations. Image is a snap shot. Scale bar represents 200
m. (G) Malpighian
tubules extend from the pylorus, a narrowing of the alimentary canal between the midgut and hindgut. No tissue specific staining was observed. Image is a composite of 14 z
stacks. Scale bar represents 75
m. Oe, oesophagus; Cr, crop; Pv, proventriculus; MG, midgut, Py, pylorus, MT, Malpighian tubules, HG, hind gut, R, rectum.
A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
3.3. 5-HT receptor expression in the crop and the midgut
Transcripts of all 5-HT receptor genes (Am5-ht1A, Am5-ht2
Am5-ht2b and Am5-ht7) could be detected in the crop and the mid-
gut (Fig. 3). For all 4 receptors, the pattern of receptor mRNA
expression depended on the location (2- way GLZM, receptor tis-
¼ 198, P < 0.001). The 5-HT2 receptor transcripts exhibited
greater expression levels in the crop than in the midgut. The recep-
tor Am5-ht2
mRNA transcript exhibited a 15-fold greater expres-
sion in the crop than Am5-ht2b; in the midgut, the expression of
was 54-fold greater in expression than Am5-ht2b
(Fig. 3). The level of expression of Am5-ht1A and Am5-ht7 was
not significantly different in the crop (lsd, P = 0.137) or in the mid-
gut (lsd, P = 0.655).
3.4. Activity of 5-HT in the digestive tract
Spontaneous contractions were observed in the crop and pro-
ventriculus but not the midgut. When the 5-HT receptor antagonist
solution was applied, contractions in the crop and proventriculus
slowed or even ceased. Prior to the application of the antagonists,
the average rate of contraction of the proventriculus was 62 con-
tractions/min (Fig. 4A), whilst the average rate of contraction of
the crop was 45 contractions/min (Fig. 4B). The 10
M antagonist
solution reduced contractions in the crop, but a more concentrated
solution (10
M) was required to slow contractions in the proven-
triculus (repeated-measures ANOVA, location treatment time
of measurement interaction, F
= 6.24, P = 0.004). Indeed, in the
proventriculus, the 10
M concentration of the antagonists tended
to slightly increase contractions (Fig. 4A, repeated-measures ANO-
VA, treatment time of measurement interaction, F
= 7.27,
P = 0.002). When the 10
M treatment was compared directly to
Fig. 2. Serotonergic innervation of the ventral nerve chord (VNC). (A) A schematic showing the structure of the ventral nerve chord (VNC) and associated ganglia
(TG = thoracic ganglion, AG = abdominal ganglion, not to scale); (B) 5-HT-like immunoreactive processes were distributed along the VNC, but were densest on the dorsal
surface of the 2nd thoracic ganglion (TG2) (40). Image is a composite of 30 stacked images and was taken under oil immersion. Scale bar represents 20
m; (C)
Immunoreactive processes on the dorsal surface of TG2 (63). Image is a snapshot. Scale bar represents 10
Fig. 3. Expression patterns of 5-HT receptor genes in the crop and the midgut of
adult forager honeybees determined by quantitative real-time PCR (N = 5/ tissue).
Transcript levels were normalized to Amef-1
as a reference gene. Significant post
hoc comparisons in expression of each receptor mRNA within each tissue (crop or
midgut) are indicated with by letters (capital letters = crop; lower-case = midgut).
Significant post hoc comparisons for the expression of each receptor in the crop and
midgut are indicated by asterisks (indicated as
P < 0.05;
P < 0.001).
Fig. 4. Role of 5-HT receptors in contractions of the crop and proventriculus. (A) The rate of contraction of the muscles of the proventriculus is reduced by the10
concentration of a cocktail of 5-HT antagonists. (B) The rate of contraction of the muscles of the crop (not including proventriculus) is reduced by the10
M and 10
concentrations of the 5-HT antagonists (post hoc lsd, 10
M: P = 0.001; 10–4 M: P = 0.008). Proventriculus: N
= 18, N = 6/drug trt. Crop: N
= 18, N = 6/drug trt.
12 A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
the control, the effect of the drug was not significantly different
(repeated-measures ANOVA, treatment, F
= 0.436, P = 0.651;
post hoc lsd, all comparisons P > 0.05).
3.5. Measurement of haemolymph 5-HT
To test the consumption of food elevates haemolymph levels of
5-HT in the honeybee, we fed bees 5
l of sucrose or sucrose with
the nectar toxin, amygdalin, and measured 5-HT in the haemo-
lymph collected from the head capsule at specific time points after
feeding (Fig. 5). Bees fed with 1.0 M sucrose had higher concentra-
tions of 5-HT in their haemolymph on average after feeding than
bees fed with sucrose and amygdalin (2-way ANOVA, treatment
main effect, F
= 7.66, P = 0.007). However, the concentration of
5-HT in the haemolymph of bees fed with sucrose was not signif-
icantly greater at time points after feeding (post hoc lsd, all
P > 0.05). Furthermore, haemolymph 5-HT was not different at
any time point after feeding with sucrose and amygdalin (post
hoc lsd, all P > 0.05).
3.6. Injection of 5-HT into the brain suppresses feeding
Injection of 5-HT into the brain but not the abdomen reduced
food consumption. When bees were injected into the brain via
the medial ocellus with 5-HT prior to feeding and after a 24 h fast-
ing period, the amount of food they consumed was 40–50% of what
bees in the control groups (no injection or injection with vehicle)
consumed (Fig. 6A). This was true regardless of the nutritional
quality of the solution. The extent to which feeding was reduced
by 5-HT injection, however, depended on whether the solution
was carbohydrates (sucrose), a mixture of sucrose and amino acids,
or a mixture of sucrose and the toxin, amygdalin (2-way ANOVA,
food treatment, F
= 9.60, P < 0.001). The reduction in feeding
was greater for bees fed with sucrose or sucrose containing amino
acids than for those fed with sucrose containing amygdalin. All
doses of 5-HT injected into the brain were equally effective
(2-way ANOVA, 5-HT main effect, F
= 3.09, P = 0.086). We also
compared the responses of the bees in both control groups (no
injection and water injection) and found no difference in these
controls (2-way ANOVA, main effect, F
= 0.036, P = 0.850).
To test whether the repression of feeding was affected by sys-
temic levels of 5-HT, we also injected bees in the abdomen and
measured feeding. We predicted that if 5-HT acted as a systemic
hormone as in Rhodnius, elevation of 5-HT in the haemolymph
after injection should repress feeding. However, unlike injection
in the brain via the median ocellus, general elevation of systemic
5-HT by injection into the abdomen did not reduce the
amount of sucrose solution consumed (Fig. 6B, 1-way ANOVA,
= 1.49, P = 0.208).
4. Discussion
Our data illustrate that 5-HT inhibits feeding when applied
directly to the brain, but that it is excitatory in the gut. Our data
show that bees have distinct serotonergic innervation of the diges-
tive tract and ventral nerve cord as in other insects, and express all
4 known 5-HT receptors in the midgut and the crop. Additionally,
we observed a difference in the haemolymph 5-HT level between
bees fed with sucrose and amygdalin. However, we were unable
to detect a significant elevation of 5-HT in honeybee haemolymph
after feeding with sucrose. Furthermore, injection of 5-HT directly
into the abdomen as a means of experimentally elevating 5-HT did
not reduce feeding, but injection directly into the brain did. Below
we discuss the role of 5-HT in digestion, gut motility, and the reg-
ulation of feeding circuits in the brain of the honeybee.
5-HT-like processes have been reported in the foregut of several
insect species including ants (C. mus)(Falibene et al., 2012), fruit
flies (D. melanogaster)(Budnik et al., 1989; Neckameyer, 2010),
stable flies (S. calcitrans)(Liu et al., 2011), locusts (L. migratoria)
(Molaei and Lange, 2003) and mosquitos (A. aegypti)(Moffett and
Moffett, 2005; Pietrantonio et al., 2001). Our data adds evidence
to the growing literature that indicates that 5-HT neurons and their
post-synaptic receptors in these locations are involved in the con-
trol of feeding, including contractions in the insect crop (Brown,
1965; Liscia et al., 2012; Molaei and Lange, 2003). In the blowfly
Fig. 5. Haemolymph levels of 5-HT were higher after feeding bees 5
l of 1.0 M
sucrose (dark triangles) than when they were fed 1.0 M sucrose with 0.1 M
amygdalin (open diamonds). Dashed line indicates average level of 5-HT in unfed
bees. N = 7–11/time point for each treatment.
Fig. 6. 5-HT injection in the brain but not the haemolymph suppresses feeding in
the honeybee. (A) Injection with 5-HT in the brain reduces meal size in bees that
have been fasted for 24 h. After injection, bees were fed 1.0 M sucrose (white bars),
1.0 M sucrose with a mixture of the 10 essential amino acids (light grey bars), or a
mixture of 1.0 M sucrose with 100 mM of the toxin, amygdalin (dark grey bars).
N = 20/group. (B) Injection with 5-HT into the haemolymph of the abdomen failed
to change meal size when bees were fed with 1.0 M sucrose. All concentrations on
x-axis are of 5-HT. N > 25 per group.
A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
(P. regina), 5-HT causes muscular contractions of the crop and
blockade of 5-HT receptors with mianserin prevents contraction
(Liscia et al., 2012). However, in locusts, 5-HT relaxes the foregut,
but does not cause contractions (Banner et al., 1987; Lange and
Chan, 2008).
Our histological and receptor expression data also suggest that
5-HT has a role in the honeybee midgut, but direct application of
excess 5-HT did not visibly affect it. However, our data are the first
we know of that have reported that the proventriculus contrac-
tions are affected by blockade of 5-HT receptors. The differential
sensitivity of the crop and proventriculus to the antagonists sug-
gests that contractions in these two regions could be modulated
to perform different tasks, depending on the sensitivity of the
5-HT receptors to the agonist, 5-HT. This would be important as
the crop is the main organ used to store collected food such as nec-
tar which is regurgitated by foragers on return to the colony. To
regurgitate food from the crop, it would be necessary to first close
the proventriculus, and then contract the crop muscles, to force
fluid in the opposite direction through the digestive tract.
The pharmacology of the 5-HT receptor subtypes present in the
bee has been well characterised and the binding profile of antago-
nist drugs has recently been determined (Blenau et al., 1995;
Schlenstedt et al., 2006; Thamm et al., 2010, 2013). For example,
in previous studies, methiothepin has been shown to block heter-
ologously expressed Am5-HT
and Am5-HT
receptors (Thamm
et al., 2010, 2013) and to act as an inverse agonist at Am5-HT
receptors (Schlenstedt et al., 2006). Interestingly, methiothepin
shows no effects at the Am5-HT
receptor (Thamm et al., 2013).
Ketanserin is an antagonist of mammalian 5-HT
receptors (McK-
enna and Peroutka, 1989) and has been shown to block presumed
receptor agonist-mediated responses in insects (Johnson
et al., 2009; Howarth et al., 2002; Gasque et al., 2013). In the
bee, ketanserin seems to be a specific antagonist for the Am5-
receptor (Thamm et al., 2013). A previous study using a range
of 5-HT agonist and antagonist drugs presented evidence that con-
tractions in the gut of S. frugiperda larvae are mediated by 5-HT
receptors (Howarth et al., 2002). In the present study, our cocktail
of 5-HT receptor antagonists did not allow us to distinguish be-
tween the different 5-HT receptor subtypes. Based on our receptor
transcript expression data and the measurement of the gut con-
tractions, we predict that muscular contractions in the crop and
gut of the bee are also mediated mainly by the Am5-HT
One of the hypotheses we tested in these experiments was that
feeding alters levels of 5-HT in the haemolymph, and that this, in
turn, influences the regulation of feeding as in R. prolixus and the
flesh fly (Cook and Orchard, 1990; Dacks et al., 2003; Maddrell
et al., 1991; Orchard, 2006). In these species, 5-HT is released from
neurohaemal sites in the CNS (Dacks et al., 2003) and abdominal
nerves associated with the mesothoracic ganglion (Lange et al.,
1989; Orchard, 2006). In our immunohistochemical assays, we
identified 5-HT-like processes all along the VNC, but the strongest
labelling was observed a on the outer dorsal surface of the 2nd tho-
racic ganglion (i.e. mesothoracic ganglion). It is likely that as in
other insects, the 5-HT-like neurons we identified in the VNC pro-
ject to the locations we identified in the oesophagus, crop, and
midgut. Unlike R. prolixus, however, we were unable to measure
a marked elevation in haemolymph 5-HT as a result of sucrose
feeding. Instead, there was a modest increase that was only
observed by comparison with 5-HT measured from bees that had
been fed a sucrose solution laced with the toxin, amygdalin. Our
direct test of this by injecting 5-HT into the abdominal haemo-
lymph also showed that injection did not reduce feeding on
1.0 M sucrose solution. Taken together, these data suggest that
changes in haemolymph 5-HT after feeding do not act directly on
circuits governing feeding behaviour in the brain of the honeybee
as in R. prolixus.
In contrast to abdominal injection, 5-HT injected directly into
brain neuropil via the median ocellus (head capsule) reduced the
amount of food that bees consumed, as shown before for the bee’s
PER (Menzel et al., 1999). Previous studies on the role of 5-HT in
appetitive learning in honeybees support the hypothesis that
5-HT exerts inhibitory regulation of the PER and proboscis motor
function. For example, when bees were injected with 5-HT prior
to conditioning, they were less likely to express conditioned PER
(Menzel et al., 1999) or PER towards water vapour (Blenau and
Erber, 1998). Furthermore, bees that had learned to withhold the
proboscis towards odours signalling food containing amgydalin
failed to exhibit conditioned withholding when their 5-HT recep-
tors were pharmacologically blocked (Wright et al., 2010). Previ-
ously, we hypothesized that 5-HT might also be a signal of
malaise released by the gut or the VNC in response to stress caused
by the ingestion of toxins (Wright, 2011). However, we instead
found that 5-HT levels were on average lower in bees fed toxin-
laced sucrose than those fed sucrose alone. Our data clarify that
5-HT does not act as a hormone released by the gut or VNC to
act directly on the brain of the bee; rather, 5-HT released within
the brain controls not only PER but also the amount of food con-
sumed once the proboscis is extended.
In the brain, our data combined with previous studies suggests
that 5-HT modulates food intake by inhibiting motor neurons in-
volved in feeding. For example, in ants, 5-HT injection reduces the
sucking-pumping activity of the mouthparts (Falibene et al., 2012).
Immunohistochemistry studies have also revealed that serotonergic
nerves innervate the mouthparts of the cockroach Periplaneta amer-
icana (Davis, 1987) and larval stable flies (S. calcitrans)(Liu et al.,
2011), indicating 5-HT modulates food ingestion. It was notable that
5-HT did not completely disrupt the feeding response in the popula-
tion of bees we tested, perhaps indicating that other mechanisms are
necessary to completely shut down the feeding response. Instead,
5-HT reduced the total amount of food eaten by each subject.
We do not know which 5-HT receptors are involved in inhibit-
ing feeding in bees, but in Drosophila, mutation or pharmacological
blockade of 5-HT
receptor subtype inhibits feeding (Gasque et al.,
2013). All of the receptors are expressed in the brain, but each is
expressed in a different region. The 5-HT
receptors are expressed
in the
and b lobes of the mushroom bodies, the 5-HT
are expressed in the mushroom body intrinsic neurons and the
SOG. Both Am5-ht2
and Am5-ht2b genes are also expressed in
the brain, as has been shown by qPCR experiments (Thamm
et al., 2013). All of the 5-HT receptors could be involved in the
regulation of feeding and the inhibition of the proboscis extension
reflex (Wright et al., 2010), but we do not yet have the tools neces-
sary to identify how they regulate these processes.
Several articles have shown that 5-HT modulates the ingestion
of specific nutrients. Injection or ingestion of 5-HT reduces carbo-
hydrate meals in ants (C. mus), flesh flies (N. bullata) and cock-
roaches (R. madera)(Cohen, 2001; Dacks et al., 2003; Falibene
et al., 2012) and reduces protein meals in blowflies (P. regina)
(Haselton et al., 2009). One study on the cockroach (R. madera)
reported that when injected with 5-HT, cockroaches reduced their
feeding on carbohydrates but not on foods containing protein
(Cohen, 2001). Our study, in contrast, is the first to show that in-
jected 5-HT suppresses feeding on a variety of food substrates in
the same organism, including sucrose solutions containing a toxic
substance. These data suggest that 5-HT generally inhibits the in-
take of food rather than affecting gustation for specific nutrients
and hence the stimulation of motor output towards these nutrients.
The authors would like to thank Malcolm Thompson for bee-
keeping, Trevor Booth for help with microscopy, Danny Baker for
14 A.S. French et al. / Journal of Insect Physiology 61 (2014) 8–15
help with abdominal injection experiments, and Markus Thamm
for his help in designing the qPCR experiments. This work was
funded in part by a funding from the Insect Pollinators Initiative
Grant BB/I000968/1 to G.A.W and by Grant BL 469/7-1 from the
German Science Foundation to W.B.).
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at
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