BSC 1085C & 1085L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Page | 1
Division of Arts and Sciences
Spring Term 2023
BSC 1085C-1 and BSC 1085L-2 (Lab) Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits)
Welcome to Anatomy and Physiology I Whether you are considering a career in science, health care
or just want to learn more about body structures, you will come away from this class with an
understanding of how the human body and its organ systems work. Please read over the syllabus and
contact me with any questions you may have. Let’s all work together to make it a great semester!
Catalog Description: This course is a study of the structure and function of the human body and
includes basic chemistry, cell physiology, tissues, and the following systems: integumentary, skeletal,
muscular, and nervous.
Course Specific Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able
1. Recognize the basic physiological principles of each major organ system
2. Explain the core principles and terminology involved in anatomy and physiology, including:
Demonstrate effective use of anatomical terminology
Principles of homeostasis
The chemical, cellular, and tissue levels of organization.
3. Identify and describe the basic anatomical structures and physiology associated with the
following organ systems:
Integumentary system
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Nervous system
4. Develop study skills and habits necessary for pre-professional students interested in health-
related fields
Prerequisites: None
Required Course Materials:
Text: Bettes, et al. Anatomy and Physiology. Houston, TX. OpenStax, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-938168-13-0
Printed Lab Manual and Lecture Notes Available at the bookstore or print from “Content” in D2L
BSC 1085C & 1085L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Page | 2
Instructional Methods: Classes will involve lectures, group activities, and laboratory application and
practice of skills and theory. There may also be additional homework or online requirements throughout
the course of the semester. Brightspace will be used to post relevant course content and for the
submission of specific announced assignment(s) and other coursework throughout the semester. As the
semester progresses, please keep in mind that any additional material(s) provided for students are not
meant to substitute for reading the text book material; they are merely a supplement to the course
content. In order to enhance the ability to integrate the material and achieve a successful course
outcome, active participation is expected from each student.
Course Requirements: Assessments (Exams/Quizzes/Assignments):
Exams: Five (5) lecture exams, 3 lab exams, and a final exam (Exam 6) will be given. The last lecture
exam CANNOT be dropped. Each lecture exam will cover 2-3 chapters. Each lab exam will cover 3-4
labs. The lowest exam score will be dropped. The first exam missed due to absence will count as the
lowest exam. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor regarding makeup exams.
Any student caught cheating will receive a 0 for that exam.
Homework/Laboratory Assignments: Online or laboratory exercise assignments covering lecture
and/or lab material will be administered throughout the course in Brightspace as Quizzes/Homework.
Laboratory: Concepts and principles of Anatomy and Physiology will be demonstrated in the
laboratory. It may include experimentation, laboratory assignments, dissection, work with anatomy
models, and online homework assignments to illustrate concepts. Students may be required to do
laboratory exercises and/or prepare lab reports depending upon the nature of the lab. This will be
assigned for each lab. Everyone is responsible for cleaning his or her lab bench after lab.
Grading Evaluation/Criteria
Grading percentages for different assignments or exams may vary somewhat for each faculty
teaching the course.
Grade Categories
Description of the Requirements
Weight toward
final grade
Laboratory and online work (online
chapter homework)
Assigned laboratory activities and online
chapter homework/quizzes.
5 lecture exams + 3 lab exams. Lowest
exam score will be dropped.
Final Exam (Exam 6)
Grading Scale:
89.5-100% A
79.5-89.4% B
69.5-79.4% C
59.5-69.4% D
0-59.4% F