User guide
Version 2.0
Table of contents
Getting started............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Contacts..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Audio calls ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Video calls ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Voicemail ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Messages .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Meetings.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Rooms ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Files ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Team presence......................................................................................................................................................... 12
© Nextiva, All Rights Reserved
Settings .............................................................................................................. ..................................................... 13
Nextiva Voice settings............................................................................................................................................... 14
Getting started
Nextiva is putting the ways your customers want to interact with you like calls, and
texts in one place alongside your team collaboration tools like chat. Nextiva
eliminates siloed communication channels by delivering one seamless experience so
you can communicate confidently with your customers from anywhere. Instantly start
or schedule a video meeting, send messages, share files, and more all of which are
accessible on the web and desktop version.
1. Logging in
From the NextOS home page, choose to download the desktop app or access the web version.
2. Downloading the desktop app
Click one of the links below to install on your desktop.
3. Import contacts
Quickly import your business contacts from Google or Office 365 to Nextiva. Click
Contacts > Add Contact > Add multiple business contacts. Select Google Contacts or
Office 365 and sign into your account. You can also choose to keep the contacts private or
public to all teammates. Click Import contacts when ready.
4. Integrate your calendar
Integrate Nextiva with your Google or Outlook Calendar so you can manage and create
calendar events directly from Nextiva. Click Calendar > Expand
> Add a calendar.
Choose your account and allow permission to sync with Nextiva.
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Click Contacts to view all saved business contacts and teammates. Teammates are other users on the
same account. A business contact may be a customer or potential prospect. There are specific features
only available for teammates, such as team presence and the ability to send and receive internal chat
You can set business contacts to be public so all teammates can see the contact details, or you can set
them private so only you can see the contact details. All public contacts can be edited and deleted by
other users on the account. Whereas, private contacts can only be edited and deleted by the user who
created the contact.
Hover over any contact to view contact details or click on any contact to view their full profile including
the entire conversation history.
Adding contacts
To manually add a contact, click Contacts >
Add contact > Add a business contact .
Enter the contact details, and choose to make
the contact private or shared. Click Save.
Adding favorites
Add contacts, teammates, and rooms as favorites
so they are easily accessible.
Click the Star next to the contact or room.
Adding notes to contacts
Select Add note on the lower left of the contact’s
Editing contacts
Select the contact to view their profile and click
the ellipses > Edit contact.
Deleting contacts
Select the contact to view their profile and click
the ellipses > Delete.
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Audio calls
Nextiva can replace the need for a physical desk phone or hardware allowing you to quickly make and
receive calls from your computer or tablet, for example, including the ability to transfer calls and attach
notes to a call. You can also view and listen to voicemail messages directly from here.
Transferring a call
While on an active call, click
Transfer and enter the name or
number and choose to blind or
warm transfer or send the call to
Making an
outbound call
Click the Phone at the top or
click Plus on the top right and
select Make a call. Enter the name
or number and click Call .
You can also call contacts directly
by selecting
Call from their
Answering an
inbound call
When receiving a
n inbound call, a
call pop will display at the bottom
right, with the options to
Active call control
While on an active call, you can perform the following actions:
Dial pad
Attach a note to the call
Additional controls, such as transfer
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Video calls
Collaborate one-on-one or with multiple participants via video. With just a few clicks, you can instantly
meet “face-to-face” with teammates from anywhere. Nextiva supports up to 25 active video
participants and up to 250 audio participants on the same call.
Below are all the different ways you can start a video call:
Click Video from any teammate's profile.
Click Video on the right panel of any room.
Click Plus at the top right and select Start a meeting now .
Click Start call when ready to use computer audio or choose to join the call using your phone audio. You
can view all participants, including the option to invite more people on the right.
At the bottom of the screen are your video & host controls:
Mute all participants
Disable video for all participants
Additional controls, such as the disable screen
sharing and the ability to invite people.
Video controls
Video camera controls
Screen share
Additional controls, such as recording,
and video/audio settings.
Host controls
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To view and listen to voicemail messages from
Nextiva, click on the message to view the
voicemail transcription, or click Play to listen to
the voicemail.
Send and respond to text messages using your Nextiva business phone number. In addition to text
messaging, you can also instantly message teammates – including the ability to send and receive files
and emojis.
Sending a new message
To send an instant message to a teammate, click Message from any teammate's profile.
To send a text message, click Plus on the top right and select Send a message. Enter the
business contact’s name or number to send the message and enter your message.
Responding to a new message
To respond to a new message, click on the message to view and respond.
To send a file, click the Paperclip . Maximum file size for internal conversations is 100 MB and
messaging is 1 MB.
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Schedule and manage your meetings and calendar events directly using the built-in calendar, Google
Calendar, or Outlook. Under the calendar view, click on any meeting to respond to meeting invites
including the ability to view participants, the meeting link, and meeting ID number.
Creating a meeting
Below are all the different ways you can create meetings :
Click Plus on the top right corner, and select Schedule a meeting .
Click Plus on the top right corner on the top right corner of the calendar view.
Click on any time slot in any calendar event.
Under Create a meeting, enter a name, choose a date and time, and the recurrence of the meeting. Select
the calendar to use, such Google Calendar or Outlook.
Search for teammates name or enter the email address of those you would like to invite to the meeting.
Click More options to add co-hosts and adjust additional meeting settings. Assign co-hosts so when you
end the meeting it doesn’t end the meeting for all participants. You can also assign a co-host when
scheduling a meeting prior to the meeting time. Click Create.
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Starting a meeting
In addition to scheduling meetings, you can instantly start a meeting using Nextiva. Click Plus
on the top right, and select Start a meeting . Choose your audio and video preferences, and click
Start now.
NOTE: There is also an option to dial into the bridge, and skip the computer audio.
To invite participants, click Invite under the participants list or from the call controls. You can
type to add participants, or copy the invitation to send via email, for example.
Joining a meeting
Click Join under the meeting details or from the
meeting email invite or link. You can also join a
meeting by dialing in and entering the
meeting ID, if provided by the host or co-host.
Editing a meeting
Click on the meeting and select Edit.
Deleting a meeting
To delete an existing meeting and cancel the
meeting for all invited participants, click on
the meeting, and select Delete > Yes > Delete.
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Recording meetings
Instantly record meetings so you can reference
later or send to participants who were unable to
attend. Only hosts and co-hosts can record
While on an active call, click the ellipses and
select Record > Record.
To stop the recording, click the ellipses and
select Stop recording or click the Stop button at
the top.
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Automatically r ecord meetings
When scheduling a meeting, you can also set
it to automatically record the meeting.
Create a new meeting and click More options
to expand, select Record the meeting
automatically. Now when the meeting starts,
recording will start too.
Once the meeting is done or the time is up,
you and all participants will receive a
notification in NextivaONE and via email with
the link to the recording.
You can also view all recordings from the
past 30 days under Files > Recordings
NOTE: Recordings are stored for 30
days and are automatically deleted
Click Video to start a group video call.
Click Participants to view all members in the room.
Click Paper clip to view only the files shared in the room.
Create rooms to collaborate and share ideas with multiple teammates. Quickly send messages or start a group
video call with just a click of a button.
To create a new room, click Plus next to Rooms under Team collaboration. Enter a name and description
for the new room. You can also choose to make the room private so only users you invite can join.
NOTE: Once a room is made private, it can never be made public again.
Click Create room. Next, choose the teammates you would like to invite and click Add members.
You can view all room details on the right menu, including the option to edit room details. You can also add
members from here and set room preferences, such as setting the room private and muting notifications.
Conversations are great for quick conversations with teammates and are best thought of as a temporary
place to meet. Click Plus next to conversations to chat directly with a teammate 1:1 or with a group of
up to 10 teammates.
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Easily access all files and links sharedclick the Paper clip on the right panel to view all shared files.
Choose which type of file, such as attachments, recordings, and links, or filter by files shared with you or files
you shared. Choose different views, such as list view and gallery view.
Hover over any file and click on the ellipses to view the actions, such as download, share, and delete.
Team presence
Adjust availability settings or quickly check
the status of other teammates via team
Choose to automatically show your presence
or manually change your presence – including
the option to add a message to show under
your status.
Enable do not disturb to temporarily silence
alerts and stop notifications from popping
onto your screen. You can choose to set do
not disturb for a specific time or until you
change your status again.
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The Notifications icon on the top right shows the
total number of new or unseen notifications. You can
choose to not display the total number of notifications,
and instead just a red dot indicating you have a new
Here you can see notifications for missed calls,
voicemails, messages, meetings, and more.
Clear all to remove all notifications. You can also
pause notifications for a specified time by clicking the
Do Not Disturb
Instantly set up and manage your profile details, notification preferences, and Nextiva Voice
settings. Administrators can also quickly access the NextOS administration settings, such as user
and licensing details and billing information.
Profile settings
Under Profile, you can edit your personal
informationincluding your username,
password, and security PIN. The security
PIN is required when requesting
assistance from Nextiva.
Notification s
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Nextiva Voice settings
To set up and manage your Nextiva Voice settings, such as voicemail and call forwarding, click your avatar on
the top right and select My
settings > Calls.
Under voicemail, choose to instantly record a new
greeting or upload an existing greeting file.
To record a new greeting, click New greeting > Record.
When done recording your voicemail greeting, you can
listen to the greeting, re-record, or download the audio
file. When ready, enter a name and click Save.
Under voicemail options, you can set the total number
of rings before voicemail picks up, update your
voicemail PIN (default PIN is 0000), and set up voicemail
to email from here. Click Save.
Under Advanced settings, you can set up which type
of calls should automatically go to voicemail, your
alternate busy greeting, storage preferences, recording
settings, and more.
View your phone details, including the phone model and
mac address.
Set up and manage your mobile settings, such as Nextiva Anywhere, Remote Office, and
imultaneous rin
g so
you can receive calls while on the go.
Nextiva Anywhere
Not always at your desk or in the office?
Nextiva Anywhere allows you to fully utilize Nextiva voice with any
phone, such as your home or cell phone – allowing you to make and receive business calls from anywhere, at
any time.
To set up Nextiva Anywhere, click Add phone number, type in a brief description and enter the number you
want your calls to forward to, such as a mobile phone. Choose to require answer confirmation by selecting any
key on the dial pad to accept the incoming call.
To make outgoing calls using the Nexiva Anywhere device, you must enter the phone number of the device
you are using. Click Add.
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Conditions, you can choose specific times for Nextiva Anywhere. For example, you may only want your
business calls to forward to your cell phone between a specific time period. Select the schedule and which calls
to route during the specified schedule. Click
Remote office
Need to temporarily receive calls to a different phone?
Remote office allows you to substitute a different
phone as your business phone by directing all incoming calls to this device. To make calls from your remote
office location, you must use some sort of call control tool such as a dialer or call manager.
To set up remote office, click Add phone number and enter the number you want your calls to forward to.
Sequential ring
Want to ring other devices if a call is not
answered after a specified number of rings?
Sequential ring allows you to add up to five
additional phone numbers or extensions to ring
in a specific order if the call is not answered
after a specified number of rings.
Simultaneous ring
Want to ring multiple devices at once when
receiving a call? Simultaneous ring allows you
to add up to 10 additional phone numbers or
extensions. These may be other phones in the
office or remote phones, such as mobile
To set up simultaneous ring, click Add phone
number and enter the numbers you want your
calls to also ring when receiving a call.
Under Simultaneous ring condition, you can
choose a specific schedule to ring the
additional phones.
For example, you may only want your business calls to forward to your home office phone between a specific
time period. Select the schedule or choose to not use simultaneous ring during the selected schedule.
Choose to route all calls or only certain phone numbers, such as private and unavailable numbers. Click Add.
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Call forwarding
Nextiva forwarding allows you to redirect calls to another number or extension, based on defined conditions,
such as when a call goes unanswered or when you're busy on the other line.
Out of the office for the day? Forward all your calls to a different phone number, such as your mobile phone, no
matter what. Enter the phone number, and click Save. Make sure to click the toggle to the right to enable. To
disable, click the toggle again.
Can’t get to the phone in time? Forward incoming calls to a different number when not answered within a
specified number of rings. Enter the phone number, and choose the number of rings before forwarding. Click
Save. Make sure to click the toggle to the right to enable. To disable, click the toggle again.
Power or the internet outage? Automatically forward
incoming calls to a different number when your phone
becomes unavailable. This is an essential safety net.
Enter the phone number, and click Save. Make sure to
click the toggle to the right to enable. To disable, click
the toggle again.
Busy on the phone? Forward incoming calls to a
different number when you are already on a call. Enter
the phone number, and click Save. Make sure to click
the toggle to the right to enable. To disable, click the
toggle again.
Allow location to forward my calls
If location forwarding is enabled by the account
administrator, by default all incoming calls are
automatically forwarded to the location’s forwarding
number outside of the assigned business schedule
(e.g., if incoming calls need to be sent to an
answering service during after-hours). If you want to
continue to receive calls outside of the location's
assigned schedule, turn this toggle off.
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Call routing
Enable and disable call waiting, do not disturb, and anonymous call rejection, which rejects callers who are
blocking their outbound phone number.
Outgoing calls
Under outgoing calls, choose to block your caller ID and enable/disable automatic call back, which allows you to
automatically receive a callback if another user is currently on a call. From here you can also specify how
NextivaONE will enable pushing calls to your other devices.
Call on Nextiva desktop app will continue to make outgoing calls using NextivaONE as it does today.
Push call to other devices will automatically push all outbound calls made from the dialer or contact panel
within NextivaONE to all the devices set up on the user's shared call appearance, including the mobile app.
Always ask will give you the option to call from NextivaONE or push to your other devices each time you
make an outbound call.
Emergency location
Under emergency locations, you can add and manage your E911 emergency location details. This is important if
working remotely to be sure 911 teams are always able to find you quickly.
Call center
If you have a call center license assigned, you can
manage your call center status (available/unavailable)
and outbound phone number directly from the top of
the screen by clicking the Headset .
You can also manage your call center status,
outbound number, including the ability to launch the
call center dashboard, and more under voice settings
(My settings > Calls > Call Center).