Single Page Application using AngularJS
Madhuri A. Jadhav
, Balkrishna R. Sawant
, Anushree Deshmukh
Master of Computer Application
Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering
Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai
Department of Computer Engineering
Lokmanya Tilak College of Engineering
Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai
Abstract Single Page Application (SPA) is composed of
individual component that can be replaced or updated
independently, without refreshing whole page so that the
entire page does not need to be reloaded on each user action,
which saves bandwidth as well as no loading of external files
every time when page is loaded, such as images or CSS files,
etc. The purpose behind this is to make the subsequent page
loads very fast as compared to traditional Request-Response
cycle. SPA's written by using JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX are
getting the likes of developers to build their web applications
and some frameworks like AngularJS which are built on top
of the JavaScript are making the life of developers very easy.
The idea behind using AngularJS in web application is to
make your web application modular and easy to maintain.
AngularJS brings MVC (Model View Controller) capability to
your application. After using minified and compressed files in
your application, the size reduces to some KBs which will
results in faster loading of pages.
Keywords— Single Page Applic
ation, AngularJS, Web Application.
The traditional websites which were introduced in early
days of Internet had the sheer purpose of serving static
pages (content) to its client, which included content like
images, CSS, JavaScript, etc. as the years went people
started using websites to publish their business and explore
it to world, by the introduction of e-commerce, the need of
providing current status of business did rise and that
requirement lead to serving the dynamic pages which were
the mirror image of live status of business. Technologies
like Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) were used
to dynamically load the data from database. AJAX helped
to introduce dynamic content to web pages, However, using
AJAX we can built desktop applications, So to achieve
same user experience on mobile applications, Single Page
Application have been developed. We can build Single
Page Application with JavaScript too, but development and
maintenance of front end using JavaScript is more complex.
Frontends with AngularJS is easy to develop and maintain,
since AngularJS frontend is broken down into 3
components Model, View and Controller (MVC).
In the traditional approach, when user dose any
interaction with a page, like button click then new page is
loaded and generated from scratch to display a response on
user’s window. This requires more bandwidth as well as
In modern era of web technology most of the websites
are using SPA which is a web application that sits on one
single page like any other desktop application. In SPA all
the component like CSS, images, scripts and any other
required resources are loaded at one time at the initial page
load and then appropriate content/components gets loaded
dynamically depending on the user interaction. Once the
user has loaded an initial slim version, after that every
subsequent request will take very less amount of time
because it is now refreshing that particular part or region of
a page rather than reloading an entire page. The control
remains on one page till the user is on that website and that
single page communicate with the server behind the curtain.
The SPA is a web application that fully loads all of the
resources in initial request and then the page components
are replaced by other component depending on user
interaction. When we compare SPA with traditional web
application, we can see there exist an analogy between
‘states’ of SPA and ‘web pages’, navigation of ‘web
pages’ in traditional web application is analogous to ‘state’
navigation in SPA.
A. Definition
“Single Page Application (SPA) is composed of
individual components that can be replaced/updated
independently, without refreshing/reloading whole page so
that the entire page needs not to be reloaded on every user
Individual Components: Entire page is divided into
smaller components that interact with each other.
2) Replaced/Updated: A component/region/part of a
replaced/updated with any changes on user requests.
3) Refreshing/Reloading:
The entire page never
reloaded/refreshed, rather new content is loaded in some
part or section as per new data.
4) User actions: Single Page Application is responsible
for handling all user inter actions such as button click, input
from keyboard etc. very fast and hence leads to very fluid
user interface.
SPA allows more flexible and elegant way of dealing
with data. Refreshing particular part or a section of a page
without refreshing an entire page is main goal that SPA is
Madhuri A. Jadhav et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3) , 2015, 2876-2879
serving, but all this flexibility requires more interactive
interface and this leads to better user experience.
When we build SPA with JavaScript front end becomes
very complex. In bigger projects many developers work
collaboratively to build front end. If the code is very
difficult to understand because of no separation of layouts
and business logic then maintenance of that code becomes
very difficult. This issue of maintenance of code of bigger
projects is solved if that Single Page Application is build
with AngularJS. Since AngularJS divides the front end into
3 parts.
Code that is easy to read and understand becomes a key
to achieve high efficiency and good quality as well as leads
to fluid user interface.
B. Client-Server Request-Response Cycle
In a traditional approach,
Client makes initial request to open a particular
website or application.
Server respond with HTML pages along with images,
CSS, script files, and other external resources.
When client does interactions with a page like button
click or input from keyboard, it makes a new request
to server.
Server again responds with a whole HTML page not a
particular part of a page.
At the client side that page is reloaded and hence
requires more time for these Client-Server
interactions. This leads to more bandwidth and
unsatisfied user experience.
Fig. 1 Client-Server Request-Response Cycle
In SPA AngularJS,
Client makes initial request to open a particular
website or application.
Server respond with HTML pages along with images,
CSS, script files, and other external resources.
Now when client does any interaction like button click
on input from keyboard with a page, it makes a new
request to a server.
Server now responds with only user’s action result not
the entire HTML page again. That is server responds
with a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which
includes only result of user’s action.
At client side that page is not reloaded rather a
particular part of a page is replaced/updated with that
response. Hence very less bandwidth as well as time is
required for this Client-Server Request-Response
Cycle. This leads to very fluid user interface.
C. SEO in SPA:
Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) is the process of
increasing your web site’s page rank so that more and more
traffic can come to your web site. The content build by
SPA’s is dynamic and search engines have difficult time
processing them this can result into poor page rank. To
make your SPA S.E.O. friendly you should create HTML
snapshots and regular maintenance is required. Following is
the basic overview of how search engine optimization
Crawler will look at some URL.
The crawler request web server to fetch the content of
that URL.
Web server returns the HTML snapshot to crawler.
HTML snapshot is processed by the crawler.
Search result shows original URL.
AngularJS is an open source JavaScript framework
maintained by Google and community which can help
developers to create single page applications. Its purpose is
to help developing the web applications with model-view-
controller (MVC) capability in an effort to make
development, maintaining and testing easier. SPA is getting
popular nowadays and the technology like AngularJS aids
to create such applications.
AngularJS helps to create web applications which are
based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript. AngularJS brings the
MVC capability to the web application and hence making it
more modular and easy to develop, maintain and test.
AngularJS introduces additional tags which are called as
directives. These directives are prefix with ‘ng-’ and the
goal of directive is to bind the data to the view/templates
through controller. AngularJS controllers are written in
JavaScript which add the business logic to views which are
nothing but HTML pages.
SPA is fully loaded in initial load and only page
regions/sections are replaced or updated with new page
fragments loaded from server on demand. AngularJS helps
to create such applications easily. AngularJS is fully client
Madhuri A. Jadhav et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3) , 2015, 2876-2879
side library. AngularJS is based on full Bidirectional Data-
Binding. Bidirectional-Data-Binding Is an automatic way of
updating a view whenever model changes, and updating a
model whenever view changes.
AngularJS is the fastest road for us to implement the
simplest website as well as most complicated web
applications. In AngularJS main file is index.html that
functions as a base for our entire application or a website.
Whatever files we required like CSS or scripts, include that
file in index.html and no need to repeat that anywhere else.
There is another file menu.html; our site’s navigation goes
here. We could change site’s wide element for ex.
Navigation icon, just by making changes in this file, not
required to make changes anywhere else.
A. AngularJS Controllers
AngularJS Controllers are nothing more than plain
JavaScript functions, which are limited to a particular scope
that is for one view there is one controller, which helps in
maintenance of code. Controllers are used to add business
logic to your view. Views are HTML pages. These HTML
pages simply show the data that we bind to them using
Bidirectional data binding. Basically it is the controller's
responsibility to glue the Model (data) with the View.
B. Benefits of AngularJS
1) MVC:
breaks down your application into
Model (data), Views (HTML page), and
Controllers (logic). This separation helps to easily
develop your web application.
2) Two way binding:
AngularJS provide a powerful technique called
two way data binding which allow data to get
updated whenever there is change in the Views.
3) Ease in UI development:
Since AngularJS separates your web application
into MVC pattern, web designers can now create
Views separately without much of worrying about
business logic behind the View.
4) Server Communication:
AngularJS controllers communicate with server
behind the scene and they are completely
responsible for controlling the behavior of SPA.
5) Testing:
AngularJS provides various modules by which
testing your web application becomes easier than
Sample Program in AngularJS
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Single Page Application in AngularJS </title>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl">
<div ng-show=”showme”>
<label>Enter your Name : <input type=”text”
placeholder=”joe” ng-model=”username”/>
<label><button ng-click=”submit()”>Click Me</button>
<div ng-show=”!showme”>
<p>Welcome to our website {{ user }}.</p>
var app=angular.module('myapp',['ngRoute']);
templateUrl: 'home.html'
$scope.showme = true;
$scope.submit = function(){
$scope.showme = false;
$scope.user = $scope.username;
Sample Program Explained
In our AngularJS sample we start our application by
creating HTML page which is presentation part of our
sample program. AngularJS libraries are not available to us
until unless we link them by using following script tags,
first and second line will bring AngularJS core libraries into
our application and the last line will attach AngularJS
module that we have created for our sample.
ar-route.min.js"></script><script src="app.js"></script>
We use ng-app and ng-controller directive to inject our
‘myapp’ module and ‘myctrl’ controller to our page.
<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="myctrl">
ng-model directive is used to bind the data between
controller and views,
Madhuri A. Jadhav et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3) , 2015, 2876-2879
<input type=”text” placeholder=”joe” ng-
and ng-show directive takes the Boolean value ‘true’ or
‘false’ which allows us to display and hide the content of
web page.
<div ng-show=”showme”>
Expressions in AngularJS are written inside {{}} curly
brasses which are evaluated on page load or some event.
<p>Welcome to our website {{ user }}.</p>
We then create our app.js file which have the module and
controller for our sample program, to create module and
configure it we use following line of code.
var app=angular.module('myapp',['ngRoute']);
We also inject the ‘ngRoute’ dependency to our module
inside [] square brackets. Configuring routes in AngularJS
is done in following way,
Controllers are the backbone of AngularJS and they are
defined in following code snippet.
/* business logic goes here. */ });
Single Page Application is very easy to build. It loads
entirely for the first time and then every subsequent request,
only a part of particular page is goes on updating or
changing as per server’s response on client’s interactions
without refreshing the entire page. This saves bandwidth as
well as time required for this Client-Server Request-
Response Cycle. Single Page Application built with
AngularJS structured their frontend into Model, View,
Controller pattern and hence very easy to maintain a code.
Code that is very easy to read and understand is a crucial
part for achieving high efficiency and leads to very fluid
user interface.
4) .http://www.diva-
5) .
6) .
8) ].
9) .
Madhuri A. Jadhav et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (3) , 2015, 2876-2879