Tenant’s Initials 1 Owner’s Initials
Coesewijne Apartments Suriname
1 Explanation of terms
1.1 Tenant
The person (head tenant) who signed the
Rental Agreement and has the permission to
stay in the apartment.
1.2 Joint tenant
The person who stays in the apartment under
responsibility of Tenant.
1.3 Owner
The legal Owner Coesewijne Apartments
NV established at Paramaribo Surinam, or
the Manager.
1.4 Visitors
Persons who are visiting Tenant and access
the premises being accompanied by Tenant.
1.5 Apartment
A rentable unit which constitutes part of the
apartment complex of Coesewijne
1.6 Apartment complex
The premises at the Coesewijnestraat 3b,
Paramaribo Suriname.
1.7 Communal spaces
The garden located at the Coesewijnestraat
3b, the terraces, the parking lots, the laundry
and the carport.
1.8 Utilities
Electric and water supply installations,
satellite TV, WiFi internet, boiler and water
1.9 Inventory and condition report
Report that describes the condition of the
apartment, the appliances, installations and
inventory, including any damages before
Tenant moves in, and after he moves out.
The report at the beginning of the lease is
called the move-in inspection report, and the
report at the end of the lease is called the
move-out inspection report.
1.10 No-show
Failure by Tenant to arrive at all without
prior cancellation of the Rental Agreement.
1.11 Security Deposit
Money or other items given by Tenant to
Owner at the beginning of the lease.
The security deposit, or damage deposit is
held by Owner who may deduct costs of any
damage caused by Tenant during the lease
period or of other obligations of Tenant to
Owner. Unpaid fees are not waived and shall
be deducted form the security deposit at the
end of the lease.
1.12 Reservation Value
In total expected turnover (including VAT)
relating to the Rental Agreement concluded
with Tenant.
1.13 Cancellation
The written statement made by Tenant to
Owner that the agreed reservation for lease
and additional services (such as transport)
will not be used entirely or partially, or the
written statement made by Owner to Tenant
that the agreed reservation of the lease and
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Tenant’s Initials 2 Owner’s Initials
additional services will not be complied with
entirely or partially.
2 Constituent of the Rental Agreement
2.1 These terms and conditions of renting are
part of the Rental Agreement.
3 Liability and responsibilities of owner
3.1 Owner is responsible for the right and proper
implementation of the obligations as
stipulated in the Rental Agreement.
3.2 Owner and Tenant must jointly complete an
inventory and condition report at the
beginning and end of the lease. Both parties
must sign the report if they agree.
3.3 Owner has the duty to ensure that the
apartment is transferred to Tenant in a neat
and clean condition. Any comments by
Tenant must be personally presented to
Owner within 24 hours.
3.4 Owner (or manager’s employees and agents
on official business) has the right to enter the
apartment by duplicate or master key in case
of emergencies. Furthermore, peacefully and
at reasonable times, in order to inspect the
unit, conduct cleaning, do routine repairs and
maintenance, and to ensure compliance with
the provisions of the Rental Agreement.
A written notice of entry is left in a
noticeable place immediately upon entry.
3.5 Owner reserves the right to lay down rules
and policies at any time felt necessary to
ensure harmonious operation of Coesewijne
apartments. These regulations are in writing
and shall be considered part of this
3.6 Owner reserve the right to terminate the
Rental Agreement without resorting to court
process, if after written notice Tenant fails to
abide by the terms of lease (such as payment
3.7 In the event of Tenant’s misbehavior
resulting in violation of privacy of other
tenants, or in case of any nuisance caused,
Owner has the right to refuse Tenant the
access to the general premises, after a first
3.8 Owner’s insurance policies provide no
coverage for the loss or damage of personal
belongings of Tenant, which has arisen
during the lease.
Owner shall not be held responsible or liable
for any of these losses or damages. It is
suggested that tenants consider obtaining
their own insurance to cover loss of their
personal property.
3.9 Owner is not responsible for the non-
implementation or improper implementation
of the Rental Agreement, if the
shortcomings, judging by the Surinamese
law or by in Surinam applying conceptions,
cannot be ascribed to Owner.
3.10 Owner is not responsible for temporary
outage or breakdown of the water and/or
energy supply in and around the apartment,
change in access routes or traffic
connections, displacement and/or fence of
shops’ closing times, offices etc,
construction activities and roadblocks
around the apartment complex as far as these
are not announced in advance.
3.11 Owner is not responsible or liable for
damage as a result of circumstances beyond
one’s control such as natural disasters,
extraordinary weather conditions, war,
strikes, riot, oil - and petrol rationing.
3.12 Owner is not responsible for damage as a
result of improper implementation of this
agreement, if and as far as this is attributed
to Tenant.
4 Liability and obligations of Tenant
4.1 Tenant, who is mentioned in this agreement,
is responsible for the joint tenants and
possible visitors.
4.2 Tenant is responsible that the apartment is
never inhabited without special authorization
of Owner by more persons than is indicated
in the Rental Agreement.
On exceeding this number the Rental
Agreement is legally dissolved and access to
the apartment is denied without notice and
without refunding the rent or part of it.
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Tenant’s Initials 3 Owner’s Initials
4.3 Tenant only allows persons she/he knows to
the premises. Thus Tenant prevents
unauthorized persons to enter communal
spaces unlawfully.
4.4 Tenant carefully manages the access keys to
the apartment and laundry. Thus, Tenant
prevents unauthorized person to obtain keys
and unlawfully access the apartment and the
communal spaces. Keys may not be
duplicated without Owner’s written consent.
4.5 Tenant must not disconnect or intentionally
damage a smoke detector located within the
apartment complex or remove the battery
without immediately replacing it with a
working one.
Tenant will be charged 100 for disabling a
smoke detector and will be held solely liable
for any action or consequence that directly
results from the malfunction of that damaged
or defective smoke detector and/or from a
dead and/or missing battery.
4.6 Tenant is responsible for the apartment and
its inventory of any kind.
4.7 In case of damage to the apartment or
inventory, Tenant is obliged to inform
Owner within 24 hours.
Tenant will be liable for the charges for
replacement or repair of damage caused by
Tenant’s negligence, carelessness, abuse or
by accident. These costs must be
compensated on the spot.
4.8 Tenant obliges himself to refrain from any
action that could cause embarrassment or
nuisance to Owner and/or other Tenants.
4.9 Tenant is allowed to use communal spaces
and facilities.
Tenant respects the rights of other tenants to
access and share those spaces and facilities.
4.10 Tenant is not allowed to make changes in the
apartment without consent of Owner.
4.11 Tenant must see that the following electric
appliances are turned off at leaving the
apartment complex: the AC, TV, washing
machine, dryer, and kitchen appliances (with
exception of the refrigerator). Tenant is
liable for all related costs of damage caused
by misuse or neglect of mentioned
4.12 Tenant must keep the apartment neat and
clean throughout the lease. Upon termination
of this agreement, Tenant must follow the
move-out instructions.
Tenant shall be charged for extra cleaning of
draperies, furniture, carpets, walls, etc. that
are soiled beyond normal wear and tear as
the result of Tenant’s negligence,
carelessness, abuse or by accident.
5 Arrival and Departure times
5.1 The apartment is available between 16:00
and 23:00 pm on the day of arrival and must
be vacated in a clean, tidy and hygienic
condition by 12:00 pm on the day of
5.2 If Tenant’s arrival is delayed Tenant must
inform Owner so that suitable arrangements
can be made for entry to the apartment.
6 Payment Conditions
6.1 All payments must be made in advance by
bank transfer to Owner’s bank account.
6.2 In order to make a reservation for an
apartment the following payment conditions
! At concluding the Rental Agreement,
35% of first month’s rent is required.
! The balance of the first month’s rent
must have been paid 30 days prior to
arrival along with the security deposit.
Payment of security deposit should be
made separately.
! Full payment of the first month rent is
also required in case the Rental
Agreement is concluded in less than 30
days before occupancy.
! The subsequent month(s) rent is due on
or before the first day of each month.
7 Rates, interim payment and security
7.1 All rates are in Euros (VAT included) and
include costs for cleaning and linen service,
security, WIFI internet access, satellite TV,
electricity and water usage.
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Tenant’s Initials 4 Owner’s Initials
7.2 Rates mentioned in brochures and on
websites are rates with reservation.
7.3 Changes in the apartment rates cannot be
made after the Rental Agreement has been
7.4 Owner may require interim payment for
granted services at any time.
7.5 Owner may require a security or damage
deposit from Tenant up to the amount of one
month’s rent minus interim payments, if any.
The security deposit will be refunded to
Tenant at the end of rental term (however it
ends) at the forwarding address, provided
that there are no damages and the apartment
is left in good condition. No interest is
payable to Tenant with respect to deposit
8 Complaints
8.1 Any claims concerning appliances or other
equipments which are not present or
malfunctioning in the apartment must be
notified to Owner by Tenant within 24 hours
by telephone, in writing or personally.
Tenant is obliged to give Owner 48 hours
time to replace or repair appliances or other
8.2 In case of damage Tenant is obliged to limit
the damage as much as possible, so that loss
for Owner is minimal.
8.3 If the complaint is not solved satisfactorily,
Tenant submits within 2 weeks after
returning home a written and motivated
letter (by fax or by e-mail) to Owner. The
latter has the duty to do its utmost to reach a
solution that is mutually satisfactory to all
parties involved within two weeks.
8.4 In the event Tenant vacates prior to the end
of lease term, or fails to lodge a complaint
within 24 hours, Owner is not obliged to
consider complaints or any refunding.
9 Cancellation
9.1 Any cancellation made by Tenant must be in
writing and addressed to Owner (at the
address indicating in the Rental Agreement).
Cancellation is only effective from the day
of receipt of notice by Owner.
9.2 In case of cancellation of the agreement
Owner will charge Tenant the following
cancellation or administrative charges:
! 35% of the total rent if cancellation takes
place between 60 and 30 days prior to
the arrival date.
! 100% of the total rent if the cancellation
takes place less than 30 days prior to the
arrival date.
9.3 Tenant is allowed to transfer the rented
apartment to another tenant only after
consultation with Owner. The replacing
tenant and the original tenant are jointly
severally responsible for the payment of any
part of the rent due. The original tenant must
pay 50,-- for administrative charges
9.4 In case of no-show, Tenant remains liable
for payment of rent and all related costs.
9.5 If Owner is forced, due to circumstances
beyond his control, to alter or cancel the
booking, Owner will offer Tenant the choice
! renting another equivalent apartment
with the same services agreed, or
! refunding the advance rent deposit.
In both cases Tenant disclaims any further
10 Smoking policy
10.1 Smoking is not allowed in any apartment
building, including the laundry.
11 Pets
11.1 Pets of any kind are not allowed, even
temporarily, in the apartment or on the
general premises.
12 Jurisdiction
12.1 This agreement is governed by and
subordinates to Surinamese law and said law
shall solely apply in any conflict, thus is
settled under the jurisdiction of the place of
Owner’s business.