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The University of Texas at Arlington
for Private or Shared Bedroom
The University of Texas at Arlington (“UTA”) agrees to provide housing accommodations to the Lessee subject to the Apartment Lease
Agreement for Private or Shared Bedroom entered into between UTA and Lessee, which includes these Terms and Conditions for
Apartment Lease Agreement for Private or Shared Bedroom (Terms and Conditions). Lessee acknowledges that these Terms and
Conditions are a part of the Apartment Lease Agreement for Private or Shared Bedroom and agrees to be bound by these Terms and
1. LESSEE: For the purpose of this Lease, "Lessee" shall be the individual enrolled for classes at UTA who signs this Lease of the
2. OFFER OF LEASE: This Lease is offered subject to the condition that the Lessee is accepted, or will be accepted, for admission
to UTA during the Term. The offering of this Lease does not guarantee or indicate that the Lessee has been admitted to UTA.
Acceptance of Lessee as a student at UTA is granted and acknowledged only through the UTA Office of Admissions.
3. ELIGIBILITY: Only full-time or part-time students at UTA are eligible to lease UTA housing. During the Term of this Lease, UTA
may terminate this Lease if Lessee does not maintain enrollment at UTA for a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester; provided,
however, that Lessee need not be enrolled for summer semesters if enrolled in the fall and spring semesters at UTA. Any exceptions
to the foregoing requirements must be approved in writing by the UTA Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services. Persons subject to
registration under Chapter 62, Sex Offender Registration Program, of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure are not allowed to live
in the Premises or other UTA housing (such as UTA residence halls, apartments, and houses). Lessee understands that any
Lessee who becomes subject to registration under Chapter 62 is required to immediately notify UTA Housing and the UTAPD. In
the event of a violation of this Section, UTA may cancel the Lease without advance notice and immediately terminate Lessee’s right
of occupancy. In such case, Lessee will be responsible for the applicable Contract Cancellation fee as outlined in these Terms and
4. RENT: Pending approval from The University of Texas System, Rent is the amount Lessee and/or Guarantor will pay University for
a license to use a private or shared bedroom in a UTA-owned apartment community for the Term of Lease. Lessees will be informed
of any change to the Rent once the final rate is approved. The Rent amount is located on the Apartment Lease Agreement.
5. OCCUPANTS: No individual other than Lessee and Lessee’s spouse, child or other person approved in writing by UTA in its sole
discretion (“Permitted Occupant”) may occupy the Premises. The right of a Permitted Occupant to occupy the Premises are
governed by the terms of this Agreement and shall expire or terminate at the same time as Lessee’s rights expire or terminate
hereunder. UTA may assign an additional lessee(s) to any bedroom in the Premises not rented by Lessee unless Lessee agrees to
pay, as part of Lessee’s Rent, the total Rent due for such unoccupied Premises.
6. OCCUPANCY LIMITS: Lessee agrees there will be no more than two persons living in a one-bedroom apartment and no more
than four persons living in a two-bedroom apartment or in a four-bedroom apartment. If such occupancy limits are exceeded, UTA
may (i) charge Lessee an Occupancy Violation Fee for each such occurrence; (ii) for repeat violations, declare Lessee in breach of
this Lease; and (iii) impose additional UTA disciplinary actions under the Rules and Regulations (as defined below).
7. HOUSING ASSIGNMENT AND CHANGE OF HOUSING ASSIGNMENT: It is the policy of UTA to assign roommates without
regard to veteran status, race, religion, age, sexual preference, disabilities, or national origin. Generally, Lessee may request to live
with a designated student based on a self-selection process. In this instance, Lessee preference profiles may be considered by
Lessee but will not be considered by UTA. If Lessee does not self-select Premises, UTA will assign Premises to the Lessee.
Alternatively, UTA may try to match roommates based on Lessee preference profiles. In any case, UTA cannot guarantee requested
preferences in the housing room assignment process. UTA may assign or reassign Lessee without regard to requested preferences
to a specific roommate. If UTA assigns Lessee to Premises in an apartment, the exact Premises shall be at UTA’s sole discretion.
If Lessee has leased a private bedroom accommodation, UTA may not assign another lessee to Lessee’s bedroom. If Lessee has
leased a shared bedroom accommodation, UTA may assign another lessee to Lessee’s bedroom in the Premises. UTA may assign
other lessees to bedrooms in the Premises not leased by Lessee as space allows. UTA may require Lessee in a shared bedroom
accommodation to move to another shared bedroom accommodation. Failure to move may result in Lessee being charged a private
bedroom accommodation rate and improper check out fee in addition to disciplinary actions. UTA reserves the right to change
Lessee’s Premises to different Premises for any reason at any time, but at no additional contractual cost to Lessee. If Lessee
executes multiple contracts for housing accommodations in UTA housing for an overlapping academic term, UTA may terminate
the earliest executed contract(s). In such an instance UTA will email contract termination notice to Lessee.
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8. DEPOSIT: Lessee must deliver to UTA a $150 deposit on or before the Contract Signature Date unless Lessee has an
existing $150 deposit on record with UTA. The Deposit is to (i) reserve a housing accommodation for Lessee’s use, and
(ii) serve as a security deposit for payment of any damages to the Premises or other charges owing by Lessee to UTA
under the Lease. The deposit is refundable after Lessee’s stay with UTA Housing is complete on the condition that Lessee
has no additional future housing contract with UTA. UTA is not obligated to return the Deposit or give a written description
of charges against the Deposit unless and until the Lessee (i) gives UTA a written forwarding address for the purpose of
refunding the Deposit; and (ii) complies with the move-out requirements set forth in this Lease. After Lessee vacates the
Premises, the Deposit (less any permitted charges) will be refunded to Lessee in accordance with then applicable law
provided Lessee does not have a future housing contract with UTA. Failure to comply with notice requirements as outlined
in this lease will be just cause for forfeiture of security deposit.
9. PAYMENTS: Lessee agrees to pay each monthly installment of Rent to the UTA Office of Student Accounts in University
Administration Building on the UTA Campus, in advance and without notice, demand or grace period, on or before the first day of
each calendar month (“Due Date”) during the Term. Payments may be mailed, made electronically through the MyMav system, or
delivered in person to the UTA Office of Student Accounts. Lessee assumes the risk of timely delivery of payment by any method
other than hand delivery. Rent payable for any partial calendar month shall be computed on a daily basis at 1/30th of the full
monthly Rent rate, regardless of the actual number of days in the month.
10. DEFAULT IN PAYMENT: Lessee’s failure to timely pay any installment of Rent on or before the applicable Due Date is a breach
of this Lease. Lessee's right to possess and use the Premises and UTA’s obligations to perform its duties hereunder are expressly
conditioned upon Lessee’s timely payment of Rent. Lessee agrees to pay a late fee of $25 for Rent payments not timely made to
UTA. Such fee is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the other remedies of UTA hereunder for such breach of the Lease.
11. MOVE IN: For lease commencement between August 18 and August 25, Lessee may take possession of the Premises after
obtaining the keys on the Lease Commencement Date. Lessee must obtain the keys to the Premises after completing all necessary
paperwork in the Housing Office or designated Apartment Community Move in location between the hours of 9:00am and 4:00 pm
on the Lease Commencement Date. Student may be required to schedule a move-in appointment in advance to limit the number of
students moving into the apartment community at the same time. In addition, move-in activity may be expanded to a multi-day
period at the discretion of the University. For all other move in dates, Lessee may not take possession of the Premises until after
5:00pm on the Lease Commencement Date. Occupancy prior to such time is not permitted. If Lessee takes possession of Premises
before specified move in time Lessee will be fined $50. Prior to move in, Lessee must arrange and pay for any desired utilities that
are not provided for by UTA in accordance with the provisions of this Lease.
12. PREMISES ACCEPTANCE: Lessee's occupancy of the Premises shall constitute Lessee's acceptance of the Premises in an "AS
IS" condition, without requiring any repairs, additional improvements, or alterations, except as may be required by applicable law.
Lessee must complete the Inventory and Condition Form upon Lessee’s move into the Premises. Lessee must notify the Resident
Director within 72 hours of move in to note any pre-existing defects or damages to the Premises not noted on the completed
Inventory and Condition From. Lessee acknowledges that (i) any defects or damages not shown on the Inventory and Condition
Form shall be deemed attributable to Lessee; and (ii) except as so noted, the Premises will be deemed to be in clean, safe, and
good working condition. If Lessee fails to return the completed Inventory and Condition Form within 72 hours of move in, Lessee
acknowledges that the Premises will be deemed to be in clean, safe, and good working condition at the time of move in.
13. ADA ACCOMMODATIONS: A Lessee without disabilities may be assigned to Premises that have been specifically designed to
accommodate persons with disabilities. In the event UTA needs such Premises to accommodate a person with a disability, UTA
may upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice require that Lessee (and any Permitted Occupant) relocate to alternate
UTA housing. In such instance, UTA shall (i) pay reasonable moving expenses to relocate Lessee to alternate UTA
accommodations; and (ii) allot to Lessee a $300 rent credit, as compensation in full for any inconvenience to Lessee resulting from
such relocation.
14. DELAY OF OCCUPANCY: If the Premises will not be ready for occupancy by Lessee on the Lease Commencement Date, UTA
shall give notice thereof to Lessee and indicate the anticipated date possession of the Premises will be delivered to Lessee. In
such case, Lessee shall have the right to terminate the Lease upon written notice to UTA within 7 days after delivery of such notice,
but not thereafter. If UTA fails to give notice of delay as set forth above and the Premises are not ready for occupancy by Lessee
on the Lease Commencement Date, Lessee may terminate this Lease upon written notice to UTA given prior to the date Lessee is
notified the Premises are ready for occupancy, but not thereafter. If, in either case, Lessee does not terminate this Lease, (i) the
date the Premises are ready for Lessee’s occupancy shall be deemed the new Lease Commencement Date for all purposes; and
(ii) UTA shall not be liable to Lessee for any damages arising from the delay in delivery of the Premises to Lessee, provided that
Rent shall be abated as to any period prior to delivery of the Premises to Lessee. If Lessee elects to terminate this Lease, Lessee’s
sole remedies in such event shall be to obtain a refund of the Deposit and any pre-paid Rent previously delivered to UTA.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, the rights of Lessee under this section shall not be applicable to
any cleaning or repair of the Premises that do not materially interfere with Lessee’s occupancy of the Premises on the Lease
Commencement Date.
15. L
OCKS AND KEYS: UTA shall install, change, or re-key a security device on any exterior door or window of the Premises after
receiving a written request from the Lessee, in accordance with applicable law. Installation or change of security devices or re-
keying of the Premises will be conducted pursuant to the Texas Property Code. UTA may charge Lessee a fee for labor,
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materials, overhead, and extra keys in accordance with applicable state law. Once installed, a security device becomes a
fixture of the Premises and may not be removed without the written permission of UTA.
16. LOST KEYS: Lessee shall promptly report to the UTA Housing Office any lost or stolen keys to the Premises or the Premises
mailbox. The lock to the Premises will be changed and new keys will be issued to the Lessee. UTA may charge Lessee a fee for
labor, materials, overhead, and extra keys, in accordance with applicable state law.
17. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Lessee agrees to comply with all rules, regulations and requirements set forth in UTA’s University
General Information Catalog; the UTA Housing Handbook for The Heights on Pecan, Timber Brook and The Lofts Apartments; The
Board of Regents of The University of Texas System Rules; the System-wide Policies of The University of Texas System;, all rules
and regulations issued by UTA that govern the conduct of students; and any other city, state, and federal laws applicable to this
Lease and the Premises, including but not limited to those prohibiting gambling and the use or possession of alcoholic beverages,
narcotics and controlled substances, and as all of the foregoing may be amended from time to time. The foregoing policies, rules,
regulations, and laws are hereafter collectively called the “Rules and Regulations.” The Rules and Regulations, as amended from
time to time during the Lease Term, are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Lessee acknowledges having had the
opportunity to review the Rules and Regulations prior to signing this Lease. Any amendments to the Rules and Regulations will be
effective when posted on the applicable website.
Lessee acknowledges and agrees that Rent and/or Fees are subject to change by legislative action or otherwise, as are University
Regulations and University Housing Policies affecting this Lease. Changes and additions to Rules and Regulations, Rent and
Policies affecting this Lease become effective and binding on the first date of posting or official announcement, and the
announcement or posting constitutes actual notice.
18. GENERAL RULES OF OPERATION: Any violation of the terms of this Lease or the Rules and Regulations by Lessee or a
Permitted Occupant is a breach of this Lease and may additionally subject the responsible party to disciplinary action by UTA. Any
act by Lessee that is disruptive to the use and enjoyment of UTA housing by other residents is a breach of this Lease. Alteration of
this Lease by Lessee with the unilateral intent to change its terms, conditions, or purposes is a breach of this Lease.
19. USE OF PREMISES: The Premises shall be used solely for residential purposes, and no person may conduct a business or any
other business-related activity in the Premises, including online business operations.
20. SOLICITATION: No solicitation or door-to-door sales of goods and services are allowed in the Premises or UTA housing.
Occasional sales or offers of sales of goods or services that otherwise comply with state law and municipal ordinances and that are
conducted in the privacy of the Premises when Lessee has given specific invitation in advance for salespersons to come to the
Premises for that purpose are not considered to be solicitation. No sales or offers of sales of goods or services, including online
sales or offers, within the Premises or UTA housing by Lessee on a continuing or scheduled basis is permitted.
21. CONDUCT: Lessee agrees that the Premises shall at all times be used and occupied in such manner as will not disturb, interfere
with, or affect the comfort peace, and Quiet enjoyment of other residents on the property or interfere with the responsible
management of the property by UTA. Conduct prohibited by the Rules and Regulations may subject the Lessee to disciplinary
action including suspension and termination of this Lease. Lessee agrees that personal property possessed by Lessee in University
Housing in violation of law and/or University housing policies may be seized and disposed of by University at University’s sole option
and discretion in accordance with its policies on disposal of surplus property or other applicable policies.
22. SMOKING: The University of Texas at Arlington is a Tobacco Free Campus. In effect as of September 1, 2019, Texas law makes
it illegal for anyone under 21 to use or possess tobacco and nicotine productswith the exception of military members. The law
raises the age from 18 and makes it a class C misdemeanor to possess, purchase, consume or receive cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or
tobacco products. UTA is a tobacco-free campusand has been since 2011. The use of all tobacco productsincluding cigarettes,
cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, and other tobacco productsis prohibited everywhere on
campus. The ban encompasses all outside property and grounds on UTA and its affiliated campuses. More information and
resources on how to quit smoking can be found on the UTA Tobacco Free website:
. Thus, smoking is not
permitted inside UTA Apartments or on campus. Violation of the smoking policy will result in a fine of $50 for each violation, and
the repeated violation of the smoking policy by Student /or Student’s guest(s) is a breach of this Contract.
23. WEAPONS: Weapons prohibited in UTA housing include firearms (including handguns, rifles, machine guns, short-barreled rifles
or shotguns, etc.) fireworks, toy look-alike guns, paintball guns, pellet or BB guns, and decorative firearms (working or non-working)
clubs, location restricted knives, explosive weapons, firearm silencers, armor-piercing ammunition, chemical dispensing devices
(other than a small chemical dispenser sold commercially for personal protection), zip guns, tire deflation devices or improvised
explosive devices.
Notwithstanding the above, individuals licensed by the State of Texas to carry a concealed handgun may be in possession of a
handgun in UTA housing in accordance with State law and UTA policy. A licensed holder in UTA housing must have their handgun(s)
on or about their person or safely secured or stored to prevent tampering or theft. The handgun must be stored in a combination or
electronic locking steel safe when the handgun is not on or about their person. The safe must be securely attached to a bed frame
or other furniture with a steel tethering cable, to minimize the possibility of theft. For more information regarding Campus Carry,
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24. CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Lessee shall keep and maintain all portions of the Premises in good repair and condition (including
but not limited to all electrical and plumbing fixtures, glass, closets, floors, walls, and ceilings) to minimize the effects of normal use
and/or natural deterioration. Lessee shall not remove any UTA property from the Premises. Lessee shall be liable to UTA for
damage to the Premises or other portions of the building caused by the Lessee, or their invitees. The sidewalks, steps, entrance
halls, walkways, and stairs of the building containing the Premises shall not be obstructed or used for other than ingress and egress.
25. PEST CONTROL: UTA, at its expense, shall provide reasonable pest control services for the Premises. Lessee shall be
responsible for cooperating with pest control services. Lessee may be required to wash, clean, relocate, and/or permanently remove
personal property from the Premises to prepare for and comply with pest control treatments. Lessee agrees that Lessee has
inspected the Premises prior to move in and is not aware of any signs of bed bugs or any other pest infestation or will inspect the
Premises within 72 hours after move-in and notify UTA immediately of any bed bugs or any other pest infestation. Lessee is
required to disclose information about any exposure to bed bugs or any other pests in previous dwellings. Lessee agrees that (1)
Lessee has not previously experienced or been subjected to bed bugs or any other pests in other dwellings and is not aware of bed
bugs or any other pest in any furniture, clothing, or personal property, or (2) Lessee has previously been exposed to bed bugs or
any other pests, but all of Lessee’s personal property has been treated by a licensed pest control professional and is free from
further infestation. Lessee is required to fully cooperate with UTA and the pest control services to access the Premises at reasonable
times to inspect or treat bed bugs or any other pest if found in the Premises. Lessee must have all furniture and personal property
treated by a licensed pest control professional, approved by UTA, at his or her own expense unless agreed to otherwise in writing.
Failure to do so is a lease violation and UTA may terminate this Lease and right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies
under the Lease. Lessee must promptly notify UTA: of any known or suspected bed bugs or any other pest infestation in the
Premises or personal property; of any recurring or unexplained bites or skin irritations that may be caused by bed bugs or any other
pest in the Premises; and of any discovery that might indicate the presence of bed bugs or any other pest. Lessee agrees that
personal property that cannot be treated or cleaned must be destroyed and disposed of off-site. UTA has the right to have Lessee
temporarily vacate the Premises and remove personal possessions for UTA to perform pest control treatments. Failure to comply
is a lease violation and UTA may terminate this Lease and right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the Lease.
UTA has the right to require Lessee to pay for all reasonable costs of cleaning and pest control treatment incurred by UTA for
treating for bed bugs or any other pest. Likewise, if bed bugs or any other pests are confirmed in the Premises after Lessee vacates,
Lessee may be asked to pay for cleaning and treatment costs. Lessee may also be held responsible for lost rental income and
other expenses incurred by UTA to move or relocate residents in adjacent dwellings to perform pest control treatments in other
premises. If Lessee fails to pay for any of these costs, Lessee shall be in default, and UTA may terminate the Lessee’s right of
occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under the Lease. If UTA allows the Lessee to transfer to another UTA housing
property, the Lessee must have all personal property treated by a licensed pest control professional according to accepted methods.
In this instance, Lessee must provide documentation of the cleaning and treatment that is satisfactory to UTA.
26. DUTY TO REPAIR: Lessee shall promptly notify UTA’s designated representative of the following conditions: malfunction of utilities
or equipment, fire damage, water leaks, mold, electrical problems, broken or missing locks or latches, and any condition which
poses a material hazard to the Premises or the health or safety of persons. The Lessee is required to give written notice in
accordance with the Notice requirements of this Lease specifying such conditions as a prerequisite to any rights and remedies
under law. Lessee shall be responsible to pay for damages resulting from failure to promptly report any such conditions. The duty
of UTA to remedy or repair conditions affecting the physical health or safety of an ordinary tenant is governed by Texas Property
Code Section 92.052 et. seq. UTA may turn off equipment and interrupt utilities as needed to avoid property damage or perform
repair and maintenance work to the Premises. UTA shall act with reasonable diligence in making repairs and reconnections and
Rent shall not abate during any period of repair, except as otherwise agreed by UTA in writing.
27. PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS: Lessee shall not make or allow any improvements, additions, or alterations
of any kind to the Premises without the prior written consent of the UTA Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, this includes but
is not limited to video enabled doorbells. Any approved improvements, additions, or alterations will be made at Lessee's expense
and become a part of the Premises and the property of UTA, unless otherwise agreed in writing by UTA.
28. FREEZE DAMAGE PROTECTION: Lessee shall take due care to protect the Premises from weather damage (including, without
limitation, the freezing of pipes). Lessee is liable for the cost of all repairs to the Premises arising from the breach of such duty.
Without limitation of the foregoing, unless otherwise instructed by UTA, Lessee shall on a 24 hour-a-day basis during freezing
weather; (i) keep the Premises heated to at least 50 degrees; (ii) keep cabinet and closet doors open: and (iii) drip hot and cold-
water faucets.
29. UTILITIES: UTA will provide electricity in reasonable quantities for residential use to each Apartment at no additional charge. UTA
shall additionally pay all reasonable costs for water, sewage, electricity, and gas used in the Premises. Utilities shall be used only
for normal household purposes and shall not be wasted. Lessee shall arrange and timely pay for all charges and deposits pertaining
to the use of other utilities Lessee desires in the Premises, provided that no items may be installed or affixed to the Premises or
Building without UTA’s prior written consent. Lessee shall pay all bills for such additional utility services and shall cancel all such
utility accounts in Lessee’s name upon move out.
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UTILITIES CODE § 39.102. I acknowledge that following my waiver, UTA will procure electricity for my Premises, including selecting
the electricity services provider for the building containing the Premises.
a. INTERNET SERVICE: High-speed wired and Wi-Fi internet service is provided to the apartment at no additional charge.
High-speed internet services can be upgraded for an additional fee. Internet service levels and/or providers may be changed
during the contract period if such changes apply uniformly to all residents of the building containing the Premises.
b. TV SERVICE: Effective July 31, 2021, cable, or satellite TV service to each apartment and to any common areas within
the apartment community will not be available. Students with their own subscription streaming service(s) such as Netflix,
Prime, Hulu etc. may stream digital programming content in their apartment through the university-provided internet service
connection. In addition, student may use a local TV antenna for over-the-air TV reception provided the student-owned
antenna is not affixed to or visible from the building exterior. TV service levels, providers, and/or channel offerings may be
changed during the lease term if such changes apply uniformly to all residents of the building containing the Premises.
c. PHONE SERVICE: UTA does not provide phone service to the Premises, which service must be arranged and paid for by
the Lessee if desired. Lessee may purchase VOIP phone service through the UTA-approved internet service provider for
the building for an additional fee.
d. INTERNET, TV, and PHONE SERVICES PROHIBITED CONDUCT: Lessee must abide by the terms and conditions
contained in the University of Texas at Arlington’s Guide for Residential Internet, TV, and Phone Services and must not
violate federal copyright laws.
31. APPLIANCES: Unless specifically stated otherwise in an addendum to this Lease, UTA provides appliances with the Premises.
Lessee shall keep and maintain all such appliances in good repair and condition to minimize the effects of normal use. Lessee
shall not remove any UTA appliances from the Premises. It is Lessee’s responsibility to note any damage to the appliances on the
Inventory and Condition Form at the time of taking occupancy of the Premises. Personal appliances which perform the same or
similar function of appliances provided by UTA may not be stored or used in the Premises without prior written approval from the
UTA Associate Director of Auxiliary Services.
32. PARKING: There is a limit of one motor vehicle per Lessee. Lessee must purchase a valid UTA Parking Permit. Lessee and
Special Occupant must purchase a valid UTA Parking Permit. Lessee and Special Occupant’s vehicles may be parked only in the
parking lots designated by UTA, and all parking rights are subject to the Rules and Regulations.
33. VEHICLES: All vehicles parked in UTA owned apartment parking lots not displaying a current inspection sticker or license tag will
be reported to the UTA Police Department for possible removal. The owner of the vehicle will be responsible for all costs incurred
for removing the vehicle. UTA is not responsible for damage to vehicles.
34. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASING: Lessee shall not sell, transfer, pledge, sublease, or encumber (“Transfer”) this Lease. Except
as provided under Section 41, Lessee will be released from this Lease in connection with a Transfer only upon the prior written
consent of UTA for both the Transfer and the proposed transferee; otherwise, Lessee will remain responsible for the total Rent for
the remaining Term following a Transfer. Finding a suitable replacement transferee to take over the Lease is solely Lessee’s
responsibility and such transferee must meet all requirements of UTA for occupancy of the Premises. In connection with any
approved Transfer, Lessee shall pay an Assignment Fee of $300 to UTA.
35. NO PETS: Except for service animals or approved emotional support animals for persons with disabilities, no pets are allowed
(even temporarily) anywhere in or about the Premises without prior written authorization from UTA. Care and feeding of stray or
unauthorized animals or pets is prohibited. If an animal has been in the Premises at any time during the Lessee’s Term, Lessee
shall be charged for all costs pertaining to damage to the Premises, de-fleaing, deodorizing, and/or carpet shampooing to protect
future residents from possible health hazards. If Lessee is found to be in possession of any prohibited animal(s), Lessee may be
charged a fee of no less than $200 per incident, in addition to the foregoing charges for damages and cleaning, and UTA may treat
such violation as a breach of this Lease. Lessee will also be required to remove the animal(s) from the Premises.
36. SMOKE DETECTORS: Smoke detectors are installed in UTA housing pursuant to Chapter 92, Subchapter F, of the Texas Property
Code. UTA will inspect and repair a smoke detector if Lessee provides a written request to UTA for inspection or repair directed
to the UTA Executive Director of Auxiliary Services. UTA does not have a duty to inspect or repair a smoke detector if the damage
or malfunction is caused by the Lessee or a member of the Lessees household, unless the Lessee pays in advance for the
reasonable cost for the repair or replacement, including labor, materials, and overhead. UTA has no duty to provide, and Lessee
shall at its cost provide replacement batteries for battery-operated smoke detectors which were in good working order at the time
of commencement of possession of the premises by the Lessee. Lessee or guest(s) shall not disable, disconnect, or remove
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batteries from smoke detectors. NOTICE: Lessee shall not disconnect or intentionally damage a smoke detector or remove
the battery from a smoke detector without immediately replacing it with a working battery. Lessee may be subject to
damages, civil penalties, and attorneys fees under Section 92.2611 of the Texas Property Code for not complying with the
foregoing notice.
37. FIRE OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: In case of fire, smoke, or suspected criminal activity involving imminent harm to person or property,
Lessee should immediately telephone the local fire, police, or ambulance department, and then inform UTA Police. In such
emergencies, residents should call 817-272-3003.
38. FURNITURE: If Premises is furnished, Lessee shall keep and maintain all provided furniture in good repair and condition to minimize
the effects of normal use. Lessee shall not remove any UTA furniture from the Premises. It is Lessee’s responsibility to note any
damage to the furniture on the Inventory and Condition Form at the time of taking occupancy of the Premises. UTA must consent
to any water furniture in the Premises. Such furniture is permitted on the first floor only of specified UTA apartment communities.
As a condition to consent, Lessee must maintain waterbed owners’ insurance reasonably acceptable to UTA and sign and abide by
the regulations stipulated in a “Water-Bed Addendum” made part of the Lease
40. SURRENDER OF PREMISES: Lessee shall surrender the Premises at the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease in good
condition and order, excepting only ordinary wear and tear and casualty damage. Lessee shall remove all personal property
belonging to Lessee prior to surrender of the Premises. Upon Lessee’s surrender of the Premises, Lessee and a UTA designated
representative shall jointly inspect the Premises and shall record the condition of the Premises on an Inventory and Condition Form.
Lessee shall waive a joint inspection of the Premises if Lessee completes a UTA approved Apartment Express Check Out Process.
In this instance a UTA designated representative will inspect the Premises and shall record the condition of the Premises on an
Inventory and Condition Form in the absence of the Lessee. Lessee shall return all keys to the Premises to UTA at the time of
move-out or upon completing the Apartment Express Check out Process.
41. HOLDOVER: If Lessee holds over beyond the end of the Lease Term or any extension period (or beyond any different move-out
date agreed to by the parties in writing), Lessee shall be responsible to pay a $100 administrative fee and triple the then current
daily Rent rate charges for the holdover period. Further, Lessee shall indemnify UTA and prospective residents of the Premises for
all damages, costs and expenses arising out of or related to Lessee’s failure to timely vacate, including, without limitation, lost
revenues, lodging expenses, and attorney’s fees. Holdover Rent shall be due and payable upon demand by UTA.
42. CASUALTY: In the event of casualty to the Premises, UTA may, in its sole discretion, (i) rebuild and repair the damage to the
Premises; (ii) relocate Lessee to a substitute Premises; or (iii) terminate this Lease upon written notice to Lessee. UTA may, in its
sole discretion, abate or make an equitable adjustment to the Rent following a casualty to the Premises.
a. TERMINATION PRIOR TO LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE: Lessee may terminate the Term of this Lease prior to
the date the first Rent payment is due but will forfeit the Deposit and be responsible for payment of Contract Cancellation
fee as outlined in Section 42.
b. TERMINATION AFTER LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE: Lessee may terminate the Term of this Lease after the
Lease Commencement Date and prior to the Lease Termination Date upon the following conditions precedent: (i)
Lessee shall give UTA written notice of Lessee’s proposed date of early termination (“Early Termination Date”) not
less than sixty (60) days prior to the Early Termination Date; (ii) Lessee must not be in default of this Lease at
either the time of the giving of notice of termination to UTA or on the Early Termination Date; and (iii) Lessee must
vacate the Premises no later than 5:00 pm on the Early Termination Date. If Early Termination is granted by UTA,
Lessee shall be released from the Lease pursuant to Section 42.
c. TERMINATION FOR A QUALIFYING EVENT: Lessee may request Early Termination of this Lease upon delivery of
written notice to UTA specifying an Early Termination Date not sooner than sixty (60) days after UTA’s receipt of such
notice for any of the following reasons, each a “Qualifying Event”: (i) Lessee withdraws from UTA for medical reasons.
Lessee’s notice must be accompanied by documentation from Lessee’s physician which must be reasonably
acceptable to UTA; (ii) Lessee is drafted or commissioned by the U.S. Armed Forces for active duty; provided, Lessee
provides documentation to UTA that Lessee (1) is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or reserves on active duty or a
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member of the National Guard called to active duty; and (2) has received orders for permanent change -of-station, or
to deploy with a military unit placed on active military duty; (iii) Lessee enrolls and participates in an approved UTA
Study Abroad Program. Lessee’s notice must be accompanied by documentation from the UTA Registrar or the
appropriate Dean. (iv) Lessee is scheduled to Graduate during the Term and provides documentation of paying the
graduation fee; (v) Lessee is enrolled in a For-Credit Internship which requires daily travel further than 45 miles from
the Premises during the Term. If UTA approves a request for Early Termination for a Qualifying Event, Lessee may
thereafter terminate the Term of this Lease prior to the Lease Termination Date if Lessee is not in default of this Lease
at either the time of the giving of notice of termination to UTA or on the Early Termination Date; and (ii) Lessee vacates
the Premises no later than 5:00 pm on the Early Termination Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee’s requested
Early Termination Date may be amended by UTA to coincide with specified move-out periods associated with the UTA
academic calendar or other good cause as determined by UTA. For instance, UTA may require that a Lessee requesting
an Academic Exception because of December graduation remain as a Lessee through the end of the fall academic
semester and vacate the premises within 48 hours after graduation.
d. TERMINATION PROVISIONS: In the event of early termination, all terms and provisions of this Lease (including,
without limitation, the obligation to pay Rent and other charges hereunder through the Early Termination Date and the
provisions of Sections 38 and 39 of this Lease) shall remain in force and effect. The Premises will be inspected by a
designated UTA representative during the Lessee’s move-out procedure. Lessee is required to complete the online
form to schedule an appointment for the move-out inspection no later than five (5) days prior to the Lease Termination
Date to. UTA may charge reasonable fees for Lessee’s failure to follow established move-out procedures.
44. CONTRACT CANCELLATION FEE FOR EARLY TERMINATION BY LESSEE: The minimum Lease Term is twelve (12) months
from the Lease Commencement Date or through the Lease Termination Date, whichever date is sooner. In the event Lessee
terminates this Lease under Section 41(a) or Section 41(b), Lessee will be charged a Contract Cancellation fee as outlined below
(regardless of whether UTA is successful in reletting the Premises) which takes into consideration University’s mitigation efforts to
relet the Premises based on the date of early termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee will also remain liable for all past
due Rentals, cleaning, repairing, lock changes or other sums under the Lease.
Lease Termination before February 1, 2023
Forfeit Deposit
Lease Termination between February 1, 2023 and April 30, 2023
5% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between May 1, 2023 and May 31, 2023
10% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between June 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023
15% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between July 1, 2023 and July 31, 2023
20% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between August 1, 2023 and September 7, 2023
25% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between September 8, 2023 and September 14, 2023
50% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination between the September 15, 2023 and September 21, 2023
75% of remaining Lease charges
Lease Termination after September 21, 2023
85% of remaining Lease charges
45. EARLY TERMINATION BY UTA: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease to the contrary, UTA may terminate this Lease
prior to the Lease Termination Date on the following terms, conditions and notice:
A: Lessee actions pose life-threatening danger to
self or others
Prior written notice is not required. Lessee may be
subject to immediate and permanent removal from
UTA housing
B: Lessee is found responsible for a behavior
violation and is required by UTA Conduct Officer
to vacate UTA housing.
48 hours prior written notice of termination to
C: Lessee fails to pay rent as required.
3 days prior written notice of termination to Lessee
D Lessee fails to maintain enrollment as required
or is academically suspended
30 days prior written notice to Lessee
E: Premises are taken pursuant to eminent
30 days prior written notice to Lessee
F: Casualty materially damaging the Premises
Reasonable (but in no event more than 30 days’
notice) prior written notice to Lessee
G: Other condition deemed reasonable in UTA’s
sole judgment.
30 days prior written notice to Lessee
If Lease is terminated by UTA for conditions A, B, C, D, E, F or G above, Lessee shall remain responsible for the full amount of the
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lease through the date student vacates and is also responsible to pay a Contract Cancellation fee as stated in Section 42.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee will also remain liable for past due Rentals, cleaning, repairing, repainting, lock changes, or
other sums due under the Lease.
46. NOTICE FOR TAKING PROPERTY OUT OF SERVICE: Lessee acknowledges that the Premises are a part of the property owned
by UTA and that such property may be destined by UTA to be taken out of housing service during the Term of this Lease. Should
UTA elect to take the Premises out of service, UTA may unilaterally amend the Lease Termination Date upon written notice to
Lessee given not less than sixty (60) days prior to the amended Lease Termination Date. Lessee shall be entitled to a refund of
any pre-paid rent applicable to the period after such amended Lease Termination Date. Lessee and the Occupants shall not have
claim for, and hereby release and waive, all damages and claims of every kind and character against UTA by reason of such
47. DEFAULT: If Lessee fails to timely make any payment or perform any obligation required of Lessee under this Lease or otherwise
breaches this Lease, Lessee shall be in default of this Lease.
48. UTA DEFAULT REMEDIES: Upon Lessee’s default under this Lease, UTA may, without the requirement of any further demand
or notice of any kind or nature whatsoever and without waiver of any other right or remedy, enforce any remedy provided under this
Lease or applicable law for such default, including, without limitation, (i) the right to terminate this Lease upon written notice thereof
to Lessee; (ii) assess a late fee of $25.00 for any late payment of a monetary obligation owing to UTA; (iii) immediately terminate
the status of Lessee as an enrolled student at UTA; (iv) refuse re-admission to Lessee for any future classes at UTA; (v) withhold
the grades, degree transcripts, or refunds of Lessee so long as any monies are owing to UTA by such Lessee; and/or (vi) refuse to
enter into any future lease of housing to Lessee. Lessee acknowledges that Lessee may be subject to separate disciplinary actions
brought by UTA under the Rules and Regulations in connection with the breach of the Lease, in proceedings outside the scope of
this Lease. If UTA terminates this Lease or Lessee’s right of possession of the Premises for default, Lessee agrees to vacate the
Premises within the following periods:
Rent or any other payment owing to UTA is due and
unpaid 5 days after the due date
3 days written notice to vacate
Any other default under this Lease for which a specific
period of notice of termination is not expressly stated.
10 days written notice to vacate
All remedies of UTA under this Lease for default by Lessee are cumulative.
49. ABANDONMENT: Lessee shall be deemed to have abandoned the Premises when all of the following have occurred; (1) Lessee
and Occupants appear to have moved out in UTA’s reasonable judgment; (2) clothes, furniture, and personal belongings have been
substantially removed in UTA’s reasonable judgment; (3) Lessee has been in default for non-payment of Rent for 3 business days
or the lease termination date has passed; and (4) Lessee has not responded for 2 days to UTA’s notice left on the inside of the
main entry door, stating that UTA considers the Premises abandoned. Abandonment ends Lessee’s right of possession and gives
UTA the immediate right to remove items of personal property, clean up, make repairs, and relet the Premises. Property removed
after an abandonment or judicial eviction may be disposed of in any manner deemed appropriate by UTA. UTA has no duty to store
property after a judicial eviction or abandonment.
50. COLLECTION COSTS: Lessee agrees to pay to UTA upon demand all costs and expenses incurred by UTA in enforcing the
provisions of this Lease including, without limitation, all collection fees, reasonable attorney fees, court costs, and costs of suit.
51. LIABILITY: UTA shall not be liable to Lessee, a Permitted Occupant or any guest or invitee of Lessee for any death, injury, damages
or losses (i) to persons or property occurring on or about the Premises or the facilities in which the Premises are contained caused
by the Lessee, a Permitted Occupant, or any guest or invitee of Lessee; or (ii) arising from theft, burglary, robbery, assault,
vandalism, other criminal conduct, fire, smoke, flood, water leaks, rain, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, explosions, interruptions of
utilities, electrical power surges, or other any occurrences. Lessee and Permitted Occupants are strongly urged to obtain
his/her own personal property or renter's insurance, health, life, and any other insurance to protect against all the
foregoing. Lessee and Permitted Occupants must take their own measures to protect electronic equipment in the Premises with
suitable surge protection devices. UTA has no duty to remove ice, sleet, or snow in or about the apartment containing the Premises;
but may do so in whole or in part, with or without notice.
52. NOTICE AND CURE TO UTA AND MORTGAGEE: On any act or omission by UTA which might give, or which Lessee claims or
intends to claim gives, Lessee the right to damages from UTA or the right to terminate this Lease by reason of a constructive or actual
eviction from all or part of the Premises, or otherwise, Lessee shall not sue for damages or attempt to terminate until it has given prior
written notice of the act or omission to UTA and a reasonable period of time for remedying the act or omission has elapsed following the
giving of the notice, during which time UTA may enter upon the Premises and do therein whatever is necessary to remedy the act or
omission. During the period after the giving of notice and during the remedying of the act or omission, the Rent payable by Lessee shall
not be abated and apportioned except to the extent that the Premises are untenantable. To the extent permitted by applicable law,
Lessee hereby waives the provisions of §91.004(b) of the Texas Property Code (or any successor thereto) and any other laws that may
grant to Lessee a lien upon any of UTA's property or upon any rental due to UTA.
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53. NOTICE: Any notice, request, or other communication required or permitted to be delivered under the Lease shall be in writing and
shall be deemed received when actually delivered by hand delivery, or overnight courier, or when sent by email to the Lessee’s
UTA or other designated email address or when sent by email to UTA at the email address below, or when deposited in the United
States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to Lessee at the address of Lessee’s UTA housing
during the Lease term, addressed to Lessee before or after the Lease term at the address stated in the Lease agreement, and
addressed to University at the address stated below:
University Housing Office
300 W. First St. - P. O. Box 19349
Arlington, Texas 76019
54. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION: If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Lease shall for any reason be held to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision thereof and
this Lease shall be constructed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained therein.
55. TEXAS LAW TO APPLY: This agreement shall be constructed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and
all obligations of the parties created hereunder shall be performable in Tarrant County, Texas.
56. MERGER AND ALTERATION: No alteration or variation of the terms and conditions of this Lease shall be valid unless made in
writing and signed by the parties hereto. The Lease and all documents incorporated herein contain the entire agreement of the
parties and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on either of the parties hereto.
57. FORCE MAJEURE: If UTA is prevented from completing performances of any obligations hereunder by an act of God, strikes,
epidemics, war, acts of terrorism, riots, flood, fire, sabotage, or other occurrence whatsoever which is beyond the control of the
parties hereto, then UTA shall be excused from any further performance of obligations and undertakings hereunder, to the full extent
allowed under applicable law.
58. NOTICES TO PARTIES: All notices from Lessee to UTA concerning this Lease or UTA housing shall be addressed to UTA as
follows: University of Texas at Arlington, Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, UTA Box 19349, Arlington, Texas 76019.
All notices by UTA to Lessee shall be addressed to the Premises.
59. STATE LAW AND CONSTITUTION: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, UTA shall not be required to perform
any act or to refrain from any act if that performance or non-performance would constitute a violation of the constitution or laws of
the State of Texas. No provision of this Lease shall constitute, nor is it intended to constitute, a waiver of UTA's or the State of
Texas' sovereign immunity to suit.
60. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The special provisions and any addenda listed on the Apartment Lease Agreement shall control over
any conflicting provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
61. MOVE-OUT NOTICE: Lessee is required to move out of the Premises on or before noon on the Lease Termination Date. Lessee
shall provide a written notice to UTA at least five (5) days in advance of Lessee’s desired move-out date. Such notice will not
release the Lessee from liability to pay rent for the full Term of the Lease, except in accordance with Section 41, above.
62. MOVE-OUT PROCEDURES: The move-out date specified by Lessee in its notice to UTA cannot be changed. Lessee is required
to schedule a move-out inspection with the Apartment Life Staff member five (5) days prior to the specified move-out date.
63. MOVE-OUT CLEANING: Prior to moving out of the Premises, Lessee must thoroughly clean the Premises, including but not limited
to doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, and kitchen appliances. Lessee must follow the UTA Move-Out Cleaning Guide, which
may be accessed at If Premises are not cleaned adequately, Lessee will be responsible for required cleaning
64. MOVE-OUT INSPECTION: Lessee must meet with an Apartment Life Staff member for a move-out inspection, unless Lessee
completes a UTA approved Apartment Express Check Out Process. Any statements or estimates at time of inspection are subject
to correction, modification, or disapproval before final accounting or refunding.
65. MOVE-OUT CHARGES: Upon move-out, Lessee will be liable for the following charges, including but not limited to unpaid rent;
unpaid utilities; repairs, damages, or loss caused by negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse; and missing or unreturned keys.
The final determination of damage and cleaning charges will be made by Facilities Management Staff who may not inspect the
Premises until after Lessee has completely moved out. Charges for cleaning and damages in shared and common areas will be
divided equally between all Lessees who have use of the shared and common areas.
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66. Public health crises may impact the University community and campus experience in unprecedented ways. UTA and impacted
individuals have a joint responsibility to minimize risk and the potential spread of communicable disease within the campus
community. In the event of a public health crisis, residents of UTA Housing should anticipate changes to the UTA housing and
dining experience as UTA adheres to potentially evolving state and local executive orders. The below policies and guidelines are
applicable to all residents in UTA Housing in the event of a public health crisis but are otherwise not required.
67. Health and Safety. UTA expects that all members of the UTA Housing community - residents, staff, and visitorswill act in a
manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and
safety of all community members. All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within UTA Housing,
and UTA may request or require a resident or visitor to leave UTA Housing if their continued presence in the housing community
poses a health or safety risk for community members. Adherence to health and safety requirements applies to all residents, staff,
and visitors within UTA apartments. Residential students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances,
regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by UTA as it relates to public health crises. Guidance is expected to evolve as
a public health crisis evolves and may include, but is not limited to, social distancing, limitations on mass gatherings, wearing a face
covering, diagnostic and surveillance testing, contact tracing, disinfection protocols, limitations on guests in apartments, and
quarantine and isolation requirements.
68. Changes to Resident Requirements. In the event of a public health crisis, residents should anticipate the following changes to
resident requirements.
a. Social Distancing: Depending on the property, UTA Housing offers private-bedroom accommodations with one
student per bedroom or shared-bedroom accommodations with a maximum of two (2) students per bedroom. In this
instance, roommates and suitemates are considered a “family unit” and exempt from social distancing rules within the
assigned apartment unit. However, students are expected to uphold social distancing guidelines in all common
areas outside of their apartment unit.
b. Face Coverings and Masks: Face coverings or masks are required outside of the resident’s assigned apartment. This
includes all common spaces including hallways, stairwells, elevators, lounges (social and study), kitchens, laundry
rooms, mail centers, class/conference rooms, computer labs and other campus facilities.
c. Diagnostic and Surveillance Testing: Residents may be encouraged to monitor their temperature daily. Residents
who become ill or show signs of symptoms of an ongoing public health crisis should contact the Health Center or their
personal care physician without delay. UTA Housing may make reasonable efforts to provide thermometers, but
residents are encouraged to bring their own.
d. Contact Tracing: Residents who test positive for an infectious disease or come into close contact with someone who
tests positive for an infectious disease are required to complete a Close Contact or Personal Diagnosis Form
and are
strongly encouraged to cooperate with public health officials’ quarantine orders and contact tracing efforts.
e. Sanitation Protocols for Resident Rooms: Residents are responsible for cleaning their assigned residential unit.
Residents are encouraged to utilize the cleaning section of the Roommate Agreement form to share the responsibilities.
f. Limited Guests: Out of respect for the health and welfare of others, inviting guests into apartments will be discouraged
and likely limited. UTA will monitor state and local information and data, and revised guest policies may be implemented
as a public health crisis progresses.
g. Limited Mass Gatherings: The University will monitor Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and
Governor’s Executive Orders related to gatherings and campus events. Additional guidance will be made available as
soon as possible.
h. Resident Move In: If resident move-in occurs during a public health crisis, residents may be required to schedule a
move-in appointment to limit the number of students moving in at the same time. In addition, move-in activity may be
expanded to a multi-day period.
69. Changes to Facility Amenities. In the event of a public health crisis, residents should anticipate the following changes to facility
amenities. Community spaces may or may not be open and face coverings may be required outside of the student’s room or suite.
Residents should wipe down surfaces in community spaces before and after use with university-provided cleaning products.
Appropriate social distancing may need to be maintained, as well as being mindful of the size of rooms and occupancy limitations.
a. Community Kitchens: A sign-up process may be utilized for residents to reserve a time to use the community kitchens.
b. Community Laundry Rooms: Use of community laundry rooms may be limited. A sign-up process may be utilized for
residents to reserve a time to use the laundry rooms.
c. Computer Labs: Computer equipment in computer labs may be limited to encourage social distancing. Laptop
computers may be available to check out from the Central Library.
d. Lounges: Furnishings in social and study lounges may be limited to encourage social distancing.
e. Elevators: Elevator capacity may be limited based on the size of the elevator, so please use the stairs whenever
possible. Signs with instructions may be placed in each elevator identifying number of riders and where to stand.
f. Public Drinking Fountains, Water Filling Stations, and Ice Machines: Services may be closed during the public
health crisis.
70. Quarantine, Isolation, and Separation. At any time, UTA may request or require a resident to leave UTA Housing when that
resident’s continued presence in the housing community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students
are required to comply with directives from UTA to leave their assigned space due to any public health crisis or emergency. Failure
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to comply is a violation of the Housing Contract and may subject a student to emergency removal from their assigned space. General
requirements for self-quarantine or self-isolation include, but are not limited to, the following.
a. UTA Housing residents should be prepared to self-quarantine or self-isolate off-campus in accordance with the following
public health guidelines.
Health Care Response
Self-quarantine upon arrival in accordance with posted UTA
guidance or recommendations from the Center for Disease
Self-quarantine in accordance with posted UTA guidance or
recommendations from the Center for Disease Control.
Self-isolate until cleared by a health care professional.
Complete the Close Contact or Personal Diagnosis Form.
b. Residents should have an evacuation strategy in place if needed to self-quarantine or self-isolate off-campus due health or
safety concerns. Residents are strongly encouraged to list an off-campus location with contact information where the
student can evacuate if necessary.
c. Residents who do not have suitable off-campus accommodations for self-quarantine or self-isolation may be contacted later
to explain further the reason why they should be exempt from the requirement above.
d. Not all UTA Housing residential units are appropriate for self-quarantine or self-isolation. Students will be expected to self-
quarantine or self-isolate off campus unless approved for an exception by the UTA Housing Quarantine and Isolation
e. UTA Housing residents who do not have suitable off-campus accommodations for quarantine or isolation may be required
to self-quarantine or self-isolate in their assigned unit when possible or in alternate university-provided facilities in
accordance with UTA directives. If a resident’s roommate or a close contact tests positive for an infectious disease, the
resident may be required to self-quarantine or self-isolate in their assigned residence when possible or in an alternate
location in accordance with UTA directives. Such students will be allowed to re-enter their assigned housing facility once
all self-quarantine or self-isolation protocols established by the University have been achieved.
f. UTA Housing residents will not have to pay additional housing charges to quarantine or isolate in university-provided
facilities. University-provided facilities for quarantine or isolation may be owned and operated by UTA or owned and
operated by a private company for the benefit of UTA. Space is limited, and residents may need to pay directly for their
own off-campus accommodations if university-provided facilities dedicated to quarantine or isolation are unavailable.
g. Meal service can be provided for those students residing in quarantine or isolation. If the student already has a meal plan,
UTA staff will work with the student to have meals delivered utilizing their meal plan. If the student does not have a meal
plan or meals are required outside of the designated meal plan period, meal service can be provided on a cost-per-meal
basis and charged to the student’s account.
h. UTA Housing residents will not be provided reimbursement for lodging, meals, travel, or miscellaneous expenses related to
off-campus quarantine or isolation. In addition, university housing and dining charges will not abate during periods of
quarantine or isolation. Emergency assistance funds
may be available to assist with quarantine or isolation expenses.
i. Removal from UTA Housing to isolate or quarantine does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing
j. To encourage timely evacuation, residents should maintain an evacuation “Go Bag” which includes clothing, medication,
books, and other essentials required for quarantine or isolation.
71. De-Densifying Efforts. Residential students are required to comply with any de-densifying efforts needed on campus due to any
public health crisis or emergency, including, but not limited to, the relocation of all or some residential students to alternate UTA
provided housing. Relocation does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing contract.
72. Dining Services. Dining services, including where and how it will be offered to residential students, is subject to the discretion of
UTA and is subject to modification to address public health concerns. Due to health and safety guidance adopted by UTA, Dining
Services may limit the occupancy of dining halls, limit the amount of time students may reside within dining halls, or make other
operational adjustments needed to address health and safety concerns. In addition, students should anticipate the following
changes to Dining Services.
a. Meal Plan Contracts: Meal plan contracts may be reduced to reflect a suspension of Dining Services.
b. Food Service: Dining staff may begin serving food, and self-service food stations may become unavailable. Impacted self-
service areas may include salad bars in addition to drink, desert, grill, and pizza stations. Grab and Go dining options may
also be available.
c. Seating Capacity: Seating capacity may be changed to accommodate social distancing
requirements. Overflow dining areas may be established outside of the existing dining rooms to accommodate expanded
seating capacity.
d. Sanitation of Dining Areas: Dining staff members may be available throughout the cafes to clean and sanitize tables as
they become available, but staffing may be limited. Additionally, sanitizing sprays and wipes may be available throughout
the dining areas for patrons to sanitize their own tables.
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e. Student Requirements: Students may be expected to uphold social distancing guidelines in all dining areas. Tables and
chairs may be positioned to encourage compliance with social distancing and should not be relocated by patrons.
73. Cleaning. UTA will implement and modify its cleaning protocols to address a public health crisis or emergency in the interest of
minimizing the spread of disease. UTA will inform residential students on appropriate cleaning protocols within their assigned spaces
to reduce the spread of infectious disease within UTA Housing.
74. Termination of Contract During Emergencies. UTA reserves the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health crisis
or emergency needs. This contract is offered by University Housing with the intent to provide housing regardless of changes to the
academic schedule or manner of instruction provided by the University. University Housing does not anticipate closing or issuing a
refund as a result of such adjustments. If part or all of university housing is closed due to an emergency or natural disaster, the
University may terminate this contract without prior notice. In the event of an unanticipated, temporary campus housing closure,
UTA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to issue a pro-rated credit for the number of days campus housing was closed, but no
such credit is guaranteed pursuant to this contract. Temporary campus housing closures do not automatically terminate a student’s
obligations under their signed University Apartment Lease Agreement. In no event shall the University be obligated to provide
alternate housing to the student or to rebuild or replace any affected premises. Please note that if the affected student initially had
a scholarship that covered housing, any amount refunded will be credited back to the original form of scholarship.
75. Notifications. UTA will endeavor to update residents with timely information about important changes to health and safety guidance.
76. Notice of Conflict Provision. In the event of a conflict between this section, Special Circumstances in the Event of a Public Health
Crisis and the previous provisions of these terms and conditions, Special Circumstances in the Event of a Public Health Crisis will
77. By signing and submitting the University Apartment Lease Agreement, you agree to release the University, its agents, and
employees from any and all damages, liability, claims, expenses, or loss (collectively, “Claims”) resulting from or arising out of your
use of space within UTA Housing, including those related to the potential exposure to contagious viruses, infectious disease, or
other public health crisis and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the University, its agents, and employees from any Claims
resulting from or arising out of your breach of the terms and conditions of your housing contract. You understand that by residing in
UTA Housing, you are assuming the risks associated with communal living and, as in any shared living environment, those risks
include potential exposure to contagious viruses and infectious disease.