TestMasters, one of the largest nationwide providers of
preparatory courses for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)
and other secondary and post-secondary admissions tests, has
agreed to provide effective communication for people with
disabilities. On June 7, 2006, the Department filed a complaint
and proposed consent order in federal court in Los Angeles
alleging that TestMasters had violated the ADA by refusing
to provide auxiliary aids and services to a deaf student who
registered for its LSAT review course. The consent order was
signed and entered on June 21, 2006.
The decree resolves a complaint filed by the student whose
request for a sign language interpreter was denied. TestMasters
offered to allow the student to bring his own sign language
On June 29, 2006, the federal court in Philadelphia signed
a consent decree resolving the Departments lawsuit against
Bern Township, Pennsylvania, alleging that the Township had
violated title I of the ADA by refusing to allow an employee
to return to work following a stroke and by refusing to discuss
or consider a reasonable accommodation for him. This case
involved Marvin Gilmer, a 27-year veteran of the Township’s
road crew. After a stroke that substantially limited his ability
to perform manual tasks, care for himself, talk, and work, Mr.
Gilmer underwent therapy and eventually regained most of
his strength and ability to talk. However, citing a provision
in its collective bargaining agreement, the Township refused
(Continued on Page 2)
(Continued on Page 2)
Disability Rights
Disability Rights
Online News
is a bi-monthly update about
the Civil Rights Division’s
activit i e s in t h e a rea o f
disability rights. The Division
enforces laws prohibiting
d i s c r i m i n a t i o n base d o n
disability in employment,
housing, access to businesses
serving the public, access to
government programs and
services, including voting
and public transportation, and
unconstitutional conditions in
institutions of confinement.
In this Issue:
ADA ............................... 1 - 5
Fair Housing ................... 6 - 7
Rights of
Institutionalized Persons ..7 - 8
ADA Mediation ............ 8 - 10
ADA Outreach ........... 11 - 12
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
August 2006
Issue Fourteen
to allow him to return to work without a full release from his
physician. Eventually, the Township terminated Mr. Gilmer
rather than provide a reasonable accommodation that would
have enabled him to return to work.
Under the decree, Bern Township paid Mr. Gilmer $75,000
in back pay and compensatory damages, abandoned its practice
of requiring employees returning from sick leave to provide a
full release from a doctor, and created a reasonable accom-
modation policy.
On June 8, 2006, at the court’s request, the Department filed
a brief as amicus curiae in a private case pending in federal
court in Los Angeles. The central issue in Miller v. The Cali-
fornia Speedway Corp. is whether, under section 4.33.3 of the
Department’s ADA Standards for Accessible Design, patrons
who use wheelchairs must be provided with unobstructed lines
of sight over standing spectators in order to see the NASCAR
races and other motor sports events held at the racetrack.
In a series of cases in the late 1990s, the Department took
the position that section 4.33.3s “lines of sight comparable
language mandates that public accommodations provide patrons
who use wheelchairs with comparable lines of sight over
standing spectators at facilities where spectators can be expected
to stand during games or events. The Miller case is the first case
since that time in which the Department has had an opportunity
to reaffirm its position.
inter p reter to the c lasses
without charging the student
for an extra seat in the classes,
but refused to provide a sign
language interpreter or other
auxiliary aids and services at its
own expense. After the student
referred Testmasters to DOJ
technical assistance materials
explaining the companys
obligations under the ADA,
Testmasters cancelled his
registration for the review class
and refunded his money.
T h e d e c r e e r e q u i r e s
TestMasters to (1) admit the
complainant into the LSAT pre-
paratory course of his choosing
free of charge and provide sign
language interpreters and note-
takers at TestMasters’ expense;
(2) adopt, implement, and post
a policy of nondiscrimination;
(3) establish a procedure for
students to request accommo-
dations; (4) train its employees
annually on their obligations
under title III of the ADA;
and (5) pay the complainant
$20,000 in monetary damages
and the United States $10,000
in civil penalties.
“We commend TestMasters
for taking steps to ensure that
people who are deaf or hard of
hearing have the same oppor-
tunity as others to gain admis-
sion to colleges and graduate
schools, said Wan J. Kim,
Assistant Attorney General for
the Civil Rights Division.
Figure Showing Comparable Line of Sight for Wheelchair Seating Location
Page 2
Disability Rights Online News
(TestMasters, continued)
(Pennsylvania Town, continued)
The Department has been investigating allegations that PONY
Baseball, Inc. (PONY), a youth baseball league in Hilo, Hawaii, has
violated the ADA by refusing to allow the father of a player who is
deaf to provide sign language interpreting for his son during tourna-
ment games. PONY’s rules limit the number of coaches in the game
and the league has ruled that the father, who is only providing sign
language interpreting, must be included in the total number of coaches
for his sons team.
Settlement negotiations focused initially on a state tournament
scheduled to begin June 30, 2006. On June 20, 2006, PONY signed
a letter agreement permitting one of the players parents to interpret
during that tournament. Negotiations are continuing with PONY on
remaining settlement terms.
The law office of Cohen
and Jaffe, LLC, in New York
entered into a settlement agree-
ment with the Department on
July 3, 2006, resolving a com-
plaint that the firm had failed
to provide a qualified sign
language interpreter for a client
who is deaf as she prepared
for deposition testimony and
for other settlement and legal
discussions. The firm used the
complainant’s mother, who is
not a qualified interpreter, to
interpret for her daughter, in
violation of the requirements
of the ADA.
Under the terms of the
agreement, the law firm agreed
to provide qualified sign
language interpreters for clients
who are deaf, to post a notice
in their offices prominently
stating their responsibilities
under the ADA, to not pass
along the costs of appropriate
auxiliary aids and services to
clients with disabilities, and to
compensate the complainant
The Twin Cities Avanti Stores, LLC, of Minneapolis, doing
business as Oasis Markets, entered into a settlement agreement
with the Department on July 10, 2006, resolving a complaint
filed by a local independent living center charging that Oasis
Market convenience stores and gas stations were not acces-
sible to people with disabilities, including people who use
Under the terms of the agreement, barriers in 22 gas station
and convenience stores in Minnesota will be removed. Within
one year, all parking and external store access remodeling will
be completed; within two years all store counters and internal
store access remodeling will be completed; and within four
years all bathrooms will be remodeled in accordance with the
ADA Standards for Accessible Design. In addition, employees
of Oasis Markets will be trained to provide refueling assis-
tance to people with disabilities who request such assistance
as required by the ADA.
Page 3
Disability Rights Online News
The City of Milwaukee, the County of Milwaukee, and a
Milwaukee Business Improvement District (BID) entered
into a settlement agreement with the Department on July 11,
2006, resolving access concerns at the Milwaukee Riverwalk,
a public walkway along the Milwaukee River which was de-
veloped by the City of Milwaukee and local property owners,
acting through the BID.
Under the agreement, the City, County, and BID have agreed
to: 1) construct and install ramps, walkways, or lifts in several
locations to ensure that the Riverwalk is readily accessible to
and usable by people with mobility disabilities; 2) modify,
Did you know...
Th e A DA Techn ic al
Assistance CD-ROM
contains a complete
c o l l e c t i o n o f t h e
De p a rtm e nt s ADA
r e g u l a t i o n s a n d
technical assistance
publications. The CD-
ROM can be ordered
from the ADA website
at www.ada.gov or the
ADA Information Line
at 800-514-0301 (voice)
or 800-514-0383 (TTY).
replace, or install handrails
in appropriate locations; 3)
modify built up curb ramps
by grinding down the surface
in two locations; 4) construct
an accessible walkway from a
parking lot to an existing ac-
cessible ramp; and 5) remove
existing ramps and install new
gangways to floating docks in
three locations.
Because a small part of
the Riverwalk is located in a
different Business Improve-
ment District, the BID for
that area has also agreed to
install continuous handrails
along the sloped walkway to
the Riverwalk located in its
The owner of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant
in Dayton, Tennessee, signed a settlement agreement with the
Department on May 11, 2006, resolving a complaint by a woman
who is legally blind who alleged that KFC staff had told her
repeatedly to leave the premises because she was accompanied
by a service animal. KFC agreed to adopt, maintain, and
enforce a policy on the treatment of customers using service
animals, to provide a copy of the policy to all employees, to
provide training on the policy to all current employees, and to
incorporate this training into its regular training programs and
repeat it for new KFC employees. In addition, KFC posted
a sign on its entry door that reads KFC Always Welcomes
Customers with Service Animals” and provided the complainant
$5,000 in compensation.
In Newport News, Virginia, the owner of the Historic Hilton
Village Parlor Restaurant signed a settlement agreement with
the Department on June 1, 2006, resolving a complaint that the
restaurant had refused to allow the complainant’s service animal
in the restaurant. As part of the agreement, the owner has now
posted a sign on the front door of her restaurant welcoming
customers with service animals and has agreed to adopt and
distribute to all restaurant employees a new policy regarding
service animals for customers with disabilities, which is an
attachment to the settlement agreement.
Page 4
Disability Rights Online News
The most frequent complaint the Department
receives against hospitals under the ADA is the
failure to provide appropriate aids and services
needed to communicate effectively with people
who use sign language as their primary means
of communication. The following cases are the
Departments most recent activities to address this
Laurel Regional Hospital in Laurel, Maryland,
signed a consent decree on July 14, 2006, with
the Department and private plaintiffs resolving a
case involving seven people who alleged that the
hospital had failed to provide them with appro-
priate auxiliary aids or services to ensure effec-
tive communication with them in the emergency
department or during their hospitalizations. This
case is different from other hospital cases the
Department has participated in previously; in this
case, the hospital already had the capability of pro-
viding sign language interpreters through a video
interpreting service, but when the individuals
asked for interpreting services, the hospital either
used those services ineffectively or used ineffec-
tive or inappropriate alternatives such as paper
and pen, lipreading, gesturing, or family members
or companions to communicate. The hospital
has now installed an enhanced video interpreting
system that meets performance standards set forth
in the decree.
The South Florida Baptist Hospital in Plant
City, Florida, signed an agreement on May 5,
2006, resolving two complaints. One involved a
man who alleged that the hospital failed to provide
a sign language interpreter prior to his surgery or
for post-surgical wound care instructions. The
second involved the daughter of the patient who
alleged that she was forced into the role of sign
language interpreter to facilitate communication
between her father and the Hospital’s medical
personnel. The hospital has agreed to establish
a program to provide appropriate auxiliary aids
and services, including sign language interpreters,
when needed and to provide visual alarms, cap-
tioning and decoders for televisions, and TTYs in
patient rooms and all public areas of the hospital.
The McLeod Regional Medical Center in
Florence, South Carolina, signed an agreement on
July 10, 2006, resolving three complaints against
the hospital for failing to secure qualified inter-
preters when necessary to ensure effective com-
munication with patients who use sign language
for communication.
On July 11, 2006, the Department filed a
case in federal court in Maryland against Youth
Services International (YSI) for failing to provide
the auxiliary aids and services needed for ef-
fective communication for youth who are deaf
or hard of hearing in its facilities. YSI operates
juvenile justice facilities and programs in Florida,
Georgia, South Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee,
Iowa, and Minnesota.
The case stems from a complaint from a
juvenile who is deaf who alleged that during a
13-month stay at a YSI-operated facility he was
permitted only limited access to a sign language
interpreter. This lack of access largely prevented
him from participating in rehabilitation, coun-
seling, and other social and educational programs
offered at the facility. In addition, even when
provided an interpreter, he was subjected to seg-
regated housing and limited opportunities for
participation in programs. The case has been
resolved by a
settlement agreement.
Page 5
Disability Rights Online News
In June 2006, the Department delivered
$113,250 in checks from a housing developer
to 12 present and past residents with disabilities
of two apartment complexes in suburbs outside
Reno, Nevada, as compensation for the inacces-
sibility they encountered while living there. The
payments, ranging from $2,500 to $23,500, are
part of the relief the Department obtained in a
design and construction lawsuit under the Fair
Housing Act that was resolved by a consent order
last year, Silver State Fair Housing Council and
United States of America v. ERGS, Inc., et al.,
(July 12, 2005).
The consent order established a $150,000
settlement fund and provided a six-month period
for the Department to locate individuals who
were harmed by the inaccessible features at the
apartments. After investigating and interviewing
potential claimants, the Department submitted
its preliminary damages determinations for each
individual to the developer, who settled for a
lump sum that was then distributed based on the
nature, severity, and duration of the harm each
individual sustained.
The person who received $23,500 is a man
with paraplegia who has lived for three years at
one of the complexes. After he requested a ramp
at the steps outside his home, the property man-
agement firm installed a wooden ramp so steep
that it could barely be navigated, for a charge of
$300. It also had a one-inch lip at the base and
handrails so high they were out of reach. The
resident did not ask the management to modify
the ramp for fear of being charged again. Last
fall, this individual fell out of his wheelchair
going down the ramp and injured his right hip.
In addition to the payment of damages to
aggrieved persons, the consent order requires
accessibility improvements to the apartment
units and the complexes common areas at an
estimated cost of $1.67 million. The agreement
also provided $27,500 in damages for the Silver
State Fair Housing Council, which initially filed
the lawsuit, awarded $250,000 to reimburse
its attorneys fees and litigation expenses, and
required the payment of a $30,000 civil penalty.
On June 20, 2006, an Illinois jury ordered
the former owner and manager of an apartment
building in Marion, Illinois, to pay $15,000
to Deborah Norton Ally, who was told she
could not rent an apartment because she used
a wheelchair. The jury awarded $5,000 in
compensatory damages, $3,000 in punitive
damages against the former manager, and
$7,000 in punitive damages against the former
In February 2005, the Department filed
suit against Zellpac, Inc., and Guy Emery, the
former owner and manager, respectively, of the
apartment building, alleging they had violated
the Fair Housing Act when Emery told Ms.
Norton Ally, in the fall of 2001, that he would
not rent an available apartment to her because
she used a wheelchair. Ms. Norton Ally filed
a charge with the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, which investigated the
charge, found reasonable cause to believe that
a discriminatory housing practice had occurred,
and referred the matter to the Department
of Justice. Zellpac, Inc. is owned by Randy
Patchett and Jim Zeller. Zellpac, Inc. subse-
quently sold the property and Emery no longer
works there.
$113, 250 IN DAMAGES TO
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Disability Rights Online News
On June 30, 2006, the Department filed a federal lawsuit
alleging disability discrimination by the County of Sarasota,
Florida. The Department’s complaint alleges that the county
refused to allow Renaissance Manor, Inc., to operate six homes for
individuals with mental illness and a history of substance abuse,
although the homes at issue are permitted to operate as a matter of
right under the county’s zoning code. The Department contends
that the homes, which are intended to provide a supportive envi-
ronment for residents, are otherwise similar to other houses in the
county inhabited by residents sharing living space and common
facilities. The complaint also alleges that the county retaliated
against Renaissance Manor by refusing to release grant funds it
had previously awarded to it.
The suit seeks monetary damages to compensate the victims,
civil penalties, and a court order barring future discrimination.
O n Ma y 8, 2 0 06 , t h e
Department filed a lawsuit
against the owners and managers
of the Fairway Trails Apartments,
in Ypsilanti, Michigan, alleging
that the defendants retaliated
against a disabled tenant who
had requested a reasonable
accommodation under the Fair
Housing Act. The complaint
alleges that the defendants sent
the tenant a letter stating that his
lease would not be renewed two
days after a state court judge
ruled in an eviction proceeding
that the defendants had to
accommodate his disability by
allowing him to pay his rent
the third week of every month.
The tenant received a Social
Security Disability check on
the third Wednesday of the
month. The case was referred
to the Justice Department after
the Department of Housing and
Urban Development received
a complaint, conducted an
investigation, and issued a
charge of discrimination.
The State of Vermont has reached a settlement agreement
with the Department regarding civil rights violations in Vermont
State Hospital, a hospital for people with mental health problems,
in Waterbury, Vermont. The four year agreement, filed in federal
court in Vermont, requires the State to implement reforms to ensure
that patients in the facility are adequately protected from harm and
provided adequate services including mental health care. The
agreement will be supervised by jointly-agreed upon monitors.
Under the terms of the agreement, the State will address and
correct all of the violations identified by the Department, including
the hospital’s failure to protect patients from suicide hazards and
undue restraint, failure to provide adequate psychological and
Page 7
Disability Rights Online News
T h e A D A M e d i a t i o n
Program is a Department
sponsored initiative intended
to resolve ADA complaints in
an efficient manner. Mediation
cases are initiated upon referral
by the Department when both the
complainant and the respondent
agree to participate. The
program utilizes professional
mediators who are trained in the
legal requirements of the ADA
and has proven effective in
resolving complaints at less cost
and in less time than traditional
investigations or litigation.
Over 75% of all complaints
mediated have been settled
In this issue, we focus on
complaints against restaurants
that have been successfully
In Iowa, an individual
who is blind complained that a
restaurant manager was rude to
her and advised her not to return
because she uses a guide dog.
The owner apologized, posted
signs indicating that service
animals are welcome in the
restaurant, made a $50 donation
to a guide dog program in honor
of the customer and her guide
dog, and published a letter of
apology in a local newspaper.
A person who is deaf and
uses a service animal was
refused service at a restaurant
in Texas. The restaurant agreed
to provide ADA training at all
of its management training
sessions and to post a sign at the
entrance welcoming customers
with service animals.
In California, a service
animal user complained that
he was refused service at the
same fast-food restaurant on
two separate occasions. The
restaurant agreed to expand
its ADA compliance policy by
developing a comprehensive
section on serving people who
use service animals. It also
agreed to provide ongoing
training for employees and
to have regular visits from
shoppers to verify
compliance. The
agreed to pay the complainant
$15,000 in compensation and
attorney’s fees.
A person with a mobility
impairment complained that
a Pennsylvania pizzeria was
inaccessible because of two
steps at the entrance. The
parties agreed that, because of
the location of the steps and city
sidewalk, there was not enough
room to install a permanent
psychiatric services, and failure
to ensure adequate discharge
planning and placement in the
most appropriate, integrated
O n e of th e At t or n e y
General’s stated priorities is
protecting the civil rights of
all Americans, including these
vulnerable institutionalized
persons. People with mental
health problems in the care of
the State are entitled to be safe
and provided with adequate
treatment, said Wan J. Kim,
Assistant Attorney General for
the Civil Rights Division.
T h e U . S . A t t o r n e y s
Office is pleased that the
Civil Rights Division and
the State of Vermont were
able to reach resolution on
this important matter, said
Thomas D. Anderson, United
States Attorney for the District
of Vermont. We applaud the
leadership of Governor James
Douglas and his administration
in this case, and the State’s
prompt implementation of
the reforms embodied in the
The Civil Rights Division
has successfully resolved
similar investigations of other
psychia t r ic facilities an d
has pending investigations
concerning psychiatric facilities
in Connecticut, Oregon, and the
District of Columbia.
Page 8
Disability Rights Online News
(Vermont, continued)
ramp. As an alternative, the
restaurant owner obtained
a portable ramp, installed a
doorbell, and posted a sign
instructing customers to ring
the bell to alert staff, who would
immediately bring the ramp to
the entrance.
In Utah, an individual
whose child has a mobility
i m p a i r m e n t
c o m pl a in e d
that a restaurant did not have
an accessible entrance. The
parties initially agreed that
the restaurant would create a
new accessible entrance at the
side of the building, but the
town refused to issue building
permits because it would have
encroached on the narrow
drive-through service lane.
The parties then agreed that
the restaurant would obtain a
portable ramp, install a doorbell
with appropriate signage at the
entrance, and train its staff on
where the ramp would be stored
as well as how to use the ramp.
A person with a mobility
disability complained that a
Pennsylvania restaurant did not
have an accessible entrance.
Because a long ramp was
required, the parties agreed to
enlist an architect to draw up
plans and apply for a zoning
variance. The variance was
granted, and the compliant ramp
was completed.
In Missouri, a wheelchair
u s e r c o m p l a i n e d t h a t a
restaurant’s entrance had a
steep, narrow concrete delivery
ramp with no directional
signage identifying it as the
accessible entrance. The
restaurant installed a new
ramp at its main entrance,
restriped the parking lot to
provide accessible parking, and
installed appropriate signage.
In Tennessee, a disability
rights organization complained
that one entrance at a fast food
restaurant was inaccessible
an d t ha t th e s ec on d, an
accessible entrance, was
lo ck ed a f t e r da rk . T he
complainants also alleged that
there was no signage directing
customers with disabilities to
the accessible entrance. The
restaurant owner agreed to
install a ramp and reconstruct
the doorway to provide access
at the inaccessible entrance
and added accessible parking
spaces and appropriate signage.
In addition to resolving the
original complaint, the owner
also modified the entrance to
the restrooms and installed
b bars to the otherwise
accessible toilet stalls, removed
barriers to provide an accessible
path of travel to the service
counter and dining area, added
wheelchair accessible tables,
and adjusted the height of the
pay telephone.
In S out h Ca rol ina , a
disability advocacy group
complained that a restaurant
housed in a historic building
w a s i n a c c e s s i b l e . T h e
restaurant renovated both
restrooms and installed an
accessible ramp so that all
sections of the restaurant are
now accessible.
Relatives of a wheelchair
user complained that a North
Carolina restaurant lacked
accessible restroom facilities.
With technical assistance
from a local independent
living center and the local
b u i l d i n g i n s p e c t o r , t h e
r e st a u r a n t c o n st r u c t e d a
unisex accessible restroom,
installed one van-accessible
and two standard accessible
parking spaces, and created
an accessible path of travel
from the parking area to the
restaurant entrance.
A person with a heart
condition complained that
a Rhode Island restaurant’s
a c c e s s i b l e r e st r oo m w a s
not available to people with
disabilities because it was
routinely occupied by staff
using it as a changing room.
The restaurant agreed to issue
a written policy statement to
the staff prohibiting employees
from using accessible restrooms
as changing rooms except in an
(ADA Mediation, continued)
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Disability Rights Online News
In Wisconsin, a couple
complained that they were not
allowed to bring food into a
restaurant for their young son
who has severe food allergies.
The owner of the restaurant,
who also owns two others,
agreed to allow persons to bring
outside food into the restaurants
if needed due to a disability.
The restaurants trained their
employees and posted the policy
on their websites.
In California
, persons
with mobility impairments
complained that a restaurant
located on a pier provided only
valet parking, and refused to
allow individuals to self-park
vehicles that have been adapted
with hand controls or other
modifications. The restaurant
all valet employees that
it would allow customers with
disabilities to self-park within
the valet parking area if the
customer has a modified vehicle
or disability that precludes valet
staff from driving the vehicle.
The restaurant agreed to provide
a van-accessible parking space
near the restaurant within
the valet parking area and an
accessible route to the entrance.
In Missouri, a wheelchair
u s e r c o m p l a i n e d t h a t a
restaurants nonsmoking section
was inaccessible. Because there
was not enough space to install
a permanent ramp, the owners
agreed to purchase and use a
portable ramp.
A person with a mobility
disability complained that a
North Dakota restaurant did
not provide accessible seating
in the nonsmoking location.
The restaurant agreed to create
an accessible nonsmoking
area, implement a reservation
system for accessible tables,
and provide staff training on
the ADA.
In California, a couple
with mobility impairments
complained that a national
chain restaurant refused their
request to sit in chairs at the
end of a booth, because their
disabilities made it difficult to
enter and exit booth seating.
They also complained that the
manager was rude to them.
The restaurant agreed to add
ac ces si ble , f r ee -st an d in g
tables and chairs in addition to
booth seating and disciplined
the manager involved in the
incident. The restaurant also
wrote a letter of apology to
the couple, offered them a
complimentary meal when the
new seating had been installed,
and paid them $400.
A w h e e l c h a i r u s e r
that a New Mexico
restaurants restrooms were
inaccessible. The owner
of the restaurant modified
the res troo ms,
in c lu di n g
rec o nfig urin g to ilet st a ll
partitions to allow clear space
for out-swinging stall doors,
repositioning fixtures to provide
clear floor space, repositioning
dispensers to comply with reach
range requirements, insulating
exposed lavatory pipes, and
installing accessible door
hardware on toilet stall doors.
The restaurant owner also
installed two
to accommodate wheelchair
users in both the smoking and
non-smoking sections of the
(ADA Mediation, continued)
On May 22 and the 23,
D i v i s i o n sta ff answered
questions and disseminated
A D A i n f o r m a t i o n t o a n
estimated 700 attendees at
the 2006 Annual Conference
o n I n d e p e n d e n t L i v i n g ,
sponsored by the National
Council on Independent Living
at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in
Washington, DC.
From May 21-25, Division
st aff par ti c ip at ed in the
American Jail Association
Conference in Salt Lake City,
O n J u n e 1 , D i v i s i o n
s t a f f p a r t i c i p a t e d i n a
panel discussion entitled
ADA: Accomplishments
& Challenges at Loyola
Page 10
Disability Rights Online News
College Columbia Campus
in Maryland. This one-day
ev en t wa s spo ns or ed b y
the National Capital Area
Disability Support Services
Coalition (NCADSSC) for
support service and educational
On June 8-10, Division
staff gave several presentations
at the 2006 Disability Access
Conference sponsored by the
Disability and Communication
Access Board and the Pacific
ADA & IT C e n ter at the
Hawaii Convention Center
in Honolulu, Hawaii. The
seminars and panel discussions
addressed va r i ous facets
of Titles II and III of the
ADA. The conference was
attended by approximately
2000 government officials,
e m p l o y e r s , d e s i g n p r o -
fessionals, disability service
agencies, and advocates. In
add iti o n, staff a n swe red
questions and disseminated
ADA information at a Tools
for Life Expo highlighting
assistive technology and
servic e s for people w ith
disabilities that was held
i n c o n j u nc t i o n wi t h th e
On June 22 , Division
staff gave a p rese ntati on
at the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission’s
annual Technical Assistance
Program for Small Business
Conference in Lincolnshire,
Illinois. The presentation
addressed reasonable acco-
m m o d a t i o n requirements
under the ADA. The audience
consisted of employers and
small business owners.
On June 26, Division staff
joined representatives from the
Department of Labor and the
EEOC for a panel discussion
at the annual conference of the
Society for Human Resource
Management in Washington,
D C . T h e A D A a n d i t s
relevance to employers was
On June 28 through 30,
Division staff represented the
Department at an invitation-
only working Conference on
Emergency Management and
Individuals with Disabilities
and the Elderly in Washington,
sponsored by the Departments
of Health and Human Services
an d Ho me la nd Sec ur it y.
The conference addressed
three phases of emergency
mana g ement plan n ing,
response, and recovery. In
the morning invitees heard
from experts on the topics of
the day and in the afternoons
there were separate working
sessions for State delegations
a n d fo r t he In te r ag e nc y
Coordinating Council on
Emergency Preparedness for
Individuals with Disabilities
(established by Presidential
E x e c u t i v e O r d e r ) w i t h
national organizations. Staff
gave two presentations at the
conference: one addressed
the disability-related findings
and recommendations in the
Nationwide Plan Review
Re p or t ( N PR Re por t) of
States’ and local governments’
emergency operations planning
and described the process
leading to those findings; the
second presentation addressed
accessibility concerns relating
to post-disaster reconstruction.
Attendees include Federal
representatives; individuals
designated by Governors
from offices related to Aging,
Health, Homeland Security,
Emergency Management, and
Special Needs Populations;
and, from each State, an
individual representing the
On July 7, Division staff
made two presentations at
the Virginia ADA Coalition’s
annual conference, attended
b y a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 0 0
A D A C o o r d i n a t o r s a n d
individuals with disabilities, in
Charlottesville, Virginia. One
presentation addressed how
to file complaints and how
the Department processes and
(Outreach, continued)
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Disability Rights Online News
investigates complaints. The
second provided an overview
of Project Civic Access and
described the issues typically
From July 8-11, Division
staff answered questions
a n d d i s s e m i n a t e d A D A
information to an estimated
20,000 attendees at the 2006
National Council of LaRaza
(NCLR) Annual Conference
and Latino Expo USA, held at
the Los Angeles Convention
C e n t e r i n L o s A n g e l e s ,
On July 13, Division staff
participated in two panel
discussions at the National
A s s o c i a t i o n f o r C o u r t
Management Conference in Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida. Panelists
discussed the provisions of the
ADA and the Architectural
Barriers Act as they apply
to the nation’s courts and
addressed common access
issues and solutions to them.
On July 14, Division staff
gave a presentation on the ADA
to the program directors of
Serve DC, the DC Commission
for National and Community
F r o m J u l y 1 5 - 1 8 ,
Division staff, participated
in the 2006 NAACP 97th
Annual Convention and 37th
Commerce & Industry Show
at the Washington Convention
Center in Washington, DC.
Staff answered questions
a n d d i s s e m i n a t e d A D A
information to an estimated
16,000 attendees.
During the week of July 18-
22, Division staff participated
in two sessions at the annual
conference of the Association
for Higher Education and
Disability (AHEAD) in San
Diego, Californ ia. Staff
chaired a panel entitled It’s
No t Yo u r Pa r e n ts Ca m -
pus: Accessible Housing,
Transportation, Health Care,
Emergency Preparedness,
with participation from repre-
sentatives of the Department of
Education and
Ohio State University, and
participated in a pre-conference
institute providing an overview
of disability issues in higher
On July 18, Division staff
participated in a teleconference
sponsored by the Great Lakes
ADA & IT Center in Chicago,
Illinois. Staff provided an
update on the Department’s
ADA activities, followed by an
question and answer session.
O n A u g u s t 4 a n d 5 ,
Division staff participated
on a legal panel and made
a presentation on historic
buildings at the Kennedy
Centers Leadership Exchange
in Arts and Disability (LEAD)
conference in Washington,
(Outreach, continued)
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