Neva Jean Specht
College of Arts & Sciences
201 I.G.Greer
401 Academy Street
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608
Ph. D. 1997, University of Delaware, United States History
Major Field: United States History
Minor Field: Material Culture Studies
Dissertation Field: United States Early Republic
Dissertation: “Mixed Blessing: Trans-Appalachian Settlement and the Society of
Friends, 1780-1813
Director: Christine Leigh Heyrman
M.A. 1991, University of Delaware, United States History
Certificate in Museum Studies, 1991
B.A. 1989, Grinnell College. Double major: History and American Studies
Grinnell-in-London Program, Fall 1987
Administrative Experience
Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, 2010-present
Lead college assessment efforts to ensure compliance and improvement in all college programs.
Promote outreach and engagement for the college. Encourage external funding within the
humanities and social sciences. Meet with prospective faculty. Oversee University Humanities
Council. Coordinate college graduation, alumni awards, and student marshals. Responsible for
Supplement faculty requests and summer school budget (1.8 M). Represent Dean on numerous
University and College committees. Sub-committee Chair for SAC-COC reaccreditation, faculty
credential committee. Chair, University Academic Assessment Council, which shapes assessment
policy for the university. Oversaw the dissolution of campus history museum and the placement of
the object collection. Develop academic and college policies and procedures such as study-away
programs. Coordinate and assemble college annual report. Work with faculty on external fund
proposals. Conduct new student/parent orientation. Coordinate with enrollment management and
department chairs to ensure adequate class seats each term.
Appalachian State University/Blue Ridge Parkway Liaison, 2007-present
Identified a desire by Blue Ridge Parkway to work with ASU through meetings with Blue Ridge
Parkway management team and upper levels of University administration. Developed and offered
rationale to Provost for the centralized position. Chosen to serve as Liaison by Provost. Coordinate
efforts between a wide variety of units on campus with the Blue Ridge Parkway Management
team and other partnership groups such as Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Blue Ridge
Parkway Friends. Successful in bringing various constituencies together for the projects serving
the Blue Ridge Parkway, which has led to more hands-on experiences for ASU students. Promote
the relationship between the University to the Blue Ridge Parkway through lectures, presentations,
and other media outlets including television. Meet regularly with faculty, students, and Blue Ridge
Parkway management team to develop new projects. Developed and proposed idea to
administration for ASU Blue Ridge Corps to educate the public at heavily used sites. Worked with
various units on campus (ACT and Outdoor Programs) to see program implemented fall 2008.
Serve as member of the board of Trustees for BRP 75
, Inc. the non-profit group coordinating
BRP anniversary efforts.
Program Director, NEH Landmarks in American History and Culture Grant, 2008; 2010
Wrote funded grant. Coordinated all aspects of successful grant including recruitment, logistics,
program planning, travel, housing, food, website, and speakers for two week workshop with 80,
K-12 teachers from across the nation. Supervised two graduate students and three master teachers.
Oversaw $189, 000 budget.
Administrative Experience (continued)
Assistant Chair, Department of History, 2007-Dec. 2009
Responsible for successfully scheduling 40+ faculty members each semester and ensuring that
enough seats are available for students and all required courses for the major are covered.
Coordinate schedule with graduate and undergraduate directors. Coordinate faculty peer reviews
and post-tenure reviews. Led successful effort through a collaborative process for new guidelines
for promotion to Professor. Provided leadership with new General Education curriculum including
work with College of Education and University College to develop plan for meeting NC State
teacher licensure requirements. Developed with faculty department plan for meeting new General
Education requirements and shepherded proposals through application process. Provided up-to-
date information on the General Education process for faculty. Coordinated new furniture
purchases and placement for the department and faculty lounge refurbishment. Oversee
department business and supervised office staff when Chair is out of the office or on month
summer leave. Actively participate in Arts and Science Council and Council of Chairs. Initiated
and coordinate the Women Faculty Administrators monthly discussion group. Assist in candidate
searches. Proposed new candidate visit schedule that has increased participation in searches by
Campus Coordinator, UNC in Washington Program, 2004-2005
Founding campus coordinator for system-wide UNC program. Developed marketing and
recruiting plan, recruited students, oversaw selection process, developed “best practices,” visited
interns in Washington, met quarterly with other campus coordinators, pursued additional financial
aid for students, established annual breakfast with Chancellor for UNC-DC alumni, developed
plan for permanent placement of program in Career Development. Advocated to administration
and General Administration for the continuation of the program.
Building Shepherd for Belk Hall Move, Spring 2004-2006
Primary liaison between academic units, Design and Construction and contractor, Bovis Lend-
Lease. Coordinated move for two large departments (over 80 faculty), IT unit, Freshman Seminar,
and faculty development unit. Suggested changes to building, which were accepted, to make it
more useable by academic units including acquiring space for teaching assistants. Kept
administration informed about key issues regarding the renovation and move. Wrote
memorandums to Dean and Provost advocating for seating in large classrooms and other needed
items. Informed faculty about packing and move. Supervised movers, locksmith, and other
physical plant installations during the move over the holiday break. Handled successfully on a
daily basis complaints, concerns and questions about the move. Made hundreds of decisions about
placement of equipment, furniture, and other related questions during the construction and move.
Assistant Coordinator for Appalachian State University Honors Programs, 2001-2004
Coordinated and developed the new Prestigious Scholars Program, arranged workshops, promoted
the program to campus community, and organized first off-campus retreat for 65 Prestigious
Scholarship students. Found faculty mentors for students, built resource library, and developed
plan to fund honors’ students’ research and travel. Identified and promoted scholarships,
undergraduate research, and internships for campus community. Incorporated summer reading
book into annual book discussion. Served on Chancellor scholarship committee. Worked with
high ability students on writing applications and preparing for interviews. Oversaw $15,000
Acting Coordinator, Public History Program, Appalachian State University, fall 1998
Supervised graduate assistant, developed monthly newsletter for public history students, contacted
various units on campus to find complementary courses for the public history concentration,
designed two new courses for public history program. Wrote memorandum with comprehensive
plan for the Public History Program.
Administrative Development
Leadership Development Series, 2007-2008 12-part series. Selected to participate by administration.
Research Education Series, 2006-2007. Grant development, 8 part series. Competitive selection process.
Appalachian State University Administrative Internship Program 2004-2005. Competitive
selection process.
Bridges: Academic Leadership for Women Program 2004. Competitive selection process.
Teaching Experience
Professor, Department of History, Appalachian State University, July 2010-Present
Associate Professor, Department of History, Appalachian State University, July 2003-June 2010
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Appalachian State University, June 1997-June 2003
Lecturer, Department of History, Appalachian State University, August 1996-June 1997
Instructor, University of Delaware, 1993, 1995-96
Teaching Assistant, University of Delaware, 1990-93
Other Relevant Experience
Program Assistant, Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, Newark, Delaware, 1990-93, 1995
Coordinated membership and annual meeting registration. Worked on annual meeting program and meeting
logistics for 600+ attendants. Oversaw daily logistics at annual meeting including trouble shooting problems,
registration, and transportation.
Research Assistant, Professor Carol Hoffecker, University of Delaware, Summer 1993
Successfully compiled background research in the Delaware State archives and University of
Delaware Special Collection on Senator John Williams for use in manuscript.
Graduate Assistant, Special Collections, Morris Library, University of Delaware, 1991-92
Processed eighteenth and nineteenth manuscript collections including background research, organization,
and preservation. Developed standardized finding aid for use by Special Collections.
Research Assistant, Professor Cathy Matson, University of Delaware, Summer 1991
Conducted research in seventeenth and eighteenth century import and export records of NYC for book
on colonial, New York merchants.
Research Intern, Historical Society of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, Summer 1991
Conducted feasibility study on available WWII sources at various archival repositories in Delaware.
Compiled research notebooks used to develop WWII exhibit. Developed materials on WW II flying ace for
exhibit. Participated in exhibit fabrication, conducted inventory of HSD collection in preparation for major
exhibit on WW II. Won “golden spackle award” for my drywall, spackle ability.
Curatorial and Collections Management Intern, Adirondack Museum, Blue Mountain Lake,
New York, Summer 1990
Accession and cataloged 800+ objects for historic diner exhibit. Conducted oral histories and
created curatorial notebook for diner exhibit. Planned and implemented highly successful
special fundraising program for Friends of the Diner. Researched and hired expert to consult on diner.
Education Intern, Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pennsylvania, Spring 1990
Developed special outreach program for seniors on WW II.
Administrative Assistant, Office of the Executive Director, Martha’s Vineyard Historic
Preservation Society, Edgartown, Massachusetts, Summer 1989
Worked on grant for historic carousel, kept membership records, assistant board of trustees on special
programs. Served as special assistant to executive director on special projects at various historic sites.
Intern, Living History Farms, Des Moines, Iowa, Fall 1988
Worked as period interpreter on 1900 farm. Cataloged historic clothing and quilt
collection. Completed research on early Iowa newspapers for new newspaper printing exhibit.
Fellowships & Awards
Recipient of the Transforming North Carolina Faculty Research Award, 2010
Recipient of an ASU Board of Governor’s Teaching Award, 2009
Recipient of the Jimmy Smith Service Award, College of Arts and Sciences, 2008
Nominated for Board of Governors Teaching Award, 2008
Nominated for College of Arts and Science Jimmy Smith Service Award, 2006, 2007
Communal Studies Association Starting Scholar Award, 2002
University Research Council Grant, Appalachian State University, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2003, 2008
Mellon Research Fellowship, Virginia Historical Society, Summer 1997
Office of Women’s Affairs Travel Award, University of Delaware, Spring 1996
Pew Program in Religion and American History Dissertation Fellowship, 1994-95
Gest Fellowship, Haverford Collage, August 1994
Archie K. Davis Fellowship, North Caroliniana Society, June 1994
History Department Bloch Fellowship, University of Delaware, 1993-94
Competitive University Tuition Fellowship, University of Delaware 1993-94
History Department Teaching Assistantships, University of Delaware, 1990-93
Fellowships & Awards (continued)
Stewart Travel Award, University of Delaware, June 1992
Winterthur Winter Institute Scholarship, Winterthur Museum & Gardens, January 1992
American Colonial Dames Scholarship, 1990-91
“Mixed Blessing: Trans-Appalachian Settlement and the Society of Friends in the Years
After the American Revolution.” The book examines the migration of members
of the Society of Friends from the east coasts of PA and NC to western Pennsylvania
and the Ohio Valley. The study makes clear that religion played an essential role in
the creation of community and cultural identity in trans-Appalachian settlement
for members of the Society of Friends. Westward resettlement enhanced the loyalties
of long-standing members, especially during the initial waves of migration. Aid
of earlier settled Friends provided assistance to newly arrived members, and that
support made affiliation more appealing to many settling in the west and strengthened
in-group cohesion. Even so, frontier conditions presented strong challenges to
the cohesiveness and theological integrity of Friends. For members of the Society
of Friends, western migration during the last decades of the eighteenth century was
a mixed blessing.
“Apple Orchards and All: The Reinterpretation of Blowing Rock North Carolina’s Flat Top
Estate” article in progress for submission to the Appalachian Journal. Focuses on the
Cone estate and its workers. It also highlights the important role of Bertha Cone in the
success of the estate. Revises earlier interpretation of Bertha Cone and her role in the
management of the estate.
Transparent Interpretation: Telling it Like it Was. “ Article in progress for submission to
the Journal of Pubic History. The article discusses a model for interpreting historic
sites I call “transparent interpretation,” which I define as when choices are made
to problemitize aspects of an exhibit, reveal the evolution of site interpretation, or
show visitors behind the views of a site.
“’She Writes Like a Man’: Barbara Tuchman and the Historical Profession,” chapter in
progress for a larger book-length project called “She Thinks Like a Man:
Women Historians and the Historical Profession.” A collective biography of
women historians from the 18
to 21
“Greater Expectations.” This book project is being co-authored with Dr. Martha
McCaughey, Professor of Sociology. The book explores the social and historical
context of the shifting life/work balances of mothers, relaxed gender roles, and
the increasing attention to child welfare and development. The book offers an
intimate portrait of why women find their work and family realities so different than
how they envisioned them.
Instructor Manual
World’s Together, World’s Apart Instructor’s Manual with Amy Hudnall. 2
Ed. W.W.
Norton. 2010.
World’s Together, World’s Apart Instructor’s Manual with Amy Hudnall. W.W. Norton. 2008.
Peer Reviewed Articles
“’Being a peaceable man, I have suffered much persecution’: The American Revolution and its
Effects on Quaker Religious Identity” in Quaker History (fall 2010) 37-48.
“’Constrained to Afford Them Countenance and Protection’: The Role of the Philadelphia
Friends in the Settlement of the Society of the Separatists of Zoar,” Communal
Societies 24 (2004) 95-108
“Women of One or Many Bonnets? Quaker Women and the Trans-Appalachian
Frontier” National Women’s Studies Association Journal. 15 (Summer 2003) 27-44.
“Gender Differences in Negotiating the Discipline of the Quakers” Clio’s Psyche, Psychology
of Religious Experience (Special Issue), 9 (September 2002) 100-101.
“Removing to a Remote Place: Quaker Certificates of Removal and their Significance in
Trans-Appalachian Migration” Quaker History, 91 (spring 2002) 45-69.
Published (continued)
Encyclopedia Entries
“Harvey Girls” and “Mercy Otis Warren” in Women in American History: An Encyclopedia, Facts on
File Online, 2009.
“Quakers in Appalachia,” and “MESDA” in Encyclopedia of Appalachia, University of
Tennessee Press, Spring 2006.
“Effigy Mounds National Monument,” in America’s Historic Places, Salem Press (January 2001) 464-467.
Book Reviews
Reviewed for Appalachian Journal, Super-Scenic Motorway: A Blue Ridge Parkway History
by Anne Mitchell Whisnant, Vol. 35, No. 1., Spring, 2008.
Reviewed for NWSA Journal, From Catharine Beecher to Martha Stewart: A Cultural History of
Domestic Advice by Sarah A. Leavitt and Three Faces of Beauty: Casablanca,
Paris, Cairo by Susan Ossman 16 (fall 2004) 217-219.
Reviewed for Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, William Bartram and
The American Revolution on the Southern Frontier, Summer 2001.
Reviewed for The Appalachian Journal, The Pond Mountain Chronicle: Self-Portrait of
a Southern Appalachian Community; Memoirs of Grassy Creek: Growing Up in
The Mountains on the Virginia-North Carolina Line; Wade Edward Brown:
Recollections and Reflections, fall 1998.
Reviewed for North Carolina Historical Review, If Gargoyles Could Talk, summer 1998.
Museum Exhibits and Special Programs
The Grand Hotels of Blowing Rock. Designed and curated. Blowing Rock Art and
History Museum. October 2011.
The Blowing Rock: A Natural Draw. Designed and curated. Blowing Rock Art and
History Museum, October 2011.
Roots of the Past, Seeds of the Future: The History of Women at Appalachian State University
Centennial Exhibit, Plemmons Student Union, spring 1999
Exhibit of Virtual and Real Appalachian Instruments,” Belk Library, March 1998
George Welch: A Delaware Hero, Historical Society of Delaware, December 1991
Reminiscing about the Second World War. Special program developed and implemented for the
Chester County Historical Society, spring 1990
Our Most Valuable Asset: Seniors and Museums, Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums
Annual Meeting, October 1991
Block 1196 and Historical Archeology, exhibit for the City Planning Office of Wilmington,
Delaware, May-December 1991
Bill Gates Diner: Not Just Another Greasy Spoon, Special program, Adirondack Museum, August 1990
Conference Papers and Other Presentation
“Why elect a President and not crown a king: America during the Early Republic, lecture for
Appalachian Life Long Learners, forthcoming, March 2012.
“Primary Sources and the American Revolution,” North Carolina Council on Social Studies,
Greensboro, forthcoming, February 2012.
“The History of the Blue Ridge Parkway Association”, Blue Ridge Parkway Association Annual Meeting,
Roanoke, VA, September 2011.
“The Land of Oz: There’s no place like Beech Mountain,” presented at the OZ International Fan Meeting,
Beech Mountain, NC, August 2011.
“Women of the Parkway; Women of Interest,” presented at Heritage Days, Banner House, Banner
Elk, NC, September 2010.
“Flower Power: The Smith Sisters Crusade to Change the Blue Ridge Parkway Mowing Policy One Mile at a
Time.” Presented at the ASU Humanities Social Forum, Boone, NC, November 2009.
“Apple Orchards and All: A History of Moses and Bertha Cone’s Blowing Rock Estate, presented to the
Senior Scholars Institute, Boone, NC, June 2009.
“Federal Writer’s Project: Slave Narratives and American Life Histories Lecture and Oral History
Workshop, presented as part of the Soul of a People grant, Boone, NC, June 2009.
“This Camp is Groovy”: Camp Catawba and its Evolving History, Boone, presented as part of the Friends of
Belk Library series, Boone NC, April 2009.
“The Environment of Biography: Comparing Women’s Lives in the Context of Place," Panel Discussion,
South Eastern Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, Boone, NC, presented in April 2009.
“She Write Like a Man: Gender and the Historical Profession, presented as part of the
Distinguished Lectures on Women, Sex, and Gender, Appalachian State University, October 2008.
Panel discussion about the past and future of the BRP for “BRP Kickoff” of the 75
presented in Roanoke, VA, October 2008.
“Apple Orchards and All: Reinterpreting Blowing Rock North Carolina’s Flat Top Estate” presented at
the 12
Annual Conference on Cultural and Historic Preservation, Salve Regina
University, Newport, RI, October 2008
“The Real Appalachia: The Cone Estate and the NPS” presented at the National Council on Public
History Santa Fe, NM April 2007.
“Pirates in History,” presented at the North Carolina Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC
February 2007.
“Pow wows, Chocolate and Pirates: Hands-on Learning in the Classroom,” presented at
the Southeast World History Association’s Annual Meeting, October 2006.
“‘She Writes Like a Man’: Barbara Tuchman and the Historical Profession”
presented at the Southeast Women’s Studies Association, Valdosta, GA, March 2006.
“Roundtable: Teaching with Place: Public History, the Academy and Community Identity” presented
at the National Council on Public History, Kansas City, MO April 2005.
‘She Thinks Like a Man: Barbara Tuchman and the Historical Profession presented at the
History Department Research Seminar, March 2005.
“To Retreat or Not Retreat: Off-Campus Programming for University Honors Students. Paper presented
at the Southeast Regional Honors Council Meeting, April 2004.
“Pirates, Pedagogy, and Popular Culture.” Paper presented at the Society for Popular Culture
Association Annual Meeting, April 2004.
“Does X Mark the Spot?: The Myth and Reality of Pirates. Misfit Lecture Series, Watauga
College, Appalachian State University, March 2003.
“Early American Founding Documents”: Workshop presented at the North Carolina
Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC February, 2003
“Quakers and the American Revolution.” Invited lecture presented at the North Carolina
Historical Society, April 2002.
“Early American Founding Documents”: Workshop presented at the North Carolina
Social Studies Conference, Greensboro, NC February, 2002
“’Being a peaceable man, I have suffered much persecution’: The American
Revolution and Its Effects on Quaker Religious Identity,” Paper presented at
The Southern Historical Association, November 2000.
“’Being a peaceable man, I have suffered much persecution’: The American Revolution and
Its Effects on Quaker Migration and Community Formation in the Western County,” Paper presented at
the British Association for American Studies, University of Wales Swansea,
April 6-9, 2000.
“Eli Yarnell—The Seer: Revival and Prophecy among the Society of Friends in Western
Pennsylvania, 1780-1810,” Paper presented to the 1999 Berkshire Conference on the History
of Women, June 1999.
“Eli Yarnell, The Seer: Revival, Prophecy, and Witchcraft among the Quakers, Paper presented to
the Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture Conference, June 1998.
“Pandering to the Public: A Discussion on History and its Presentation at Two
Tourist Attractions in Appalachia,” Paper presented to the 1998 National Council on Public
History, April 1998.
“Languishing in an Oppressive Land: Regional and Religious Identity Among Southern
Quakers,” Paper presented to the 1996 Mid-American History Conference, September 1996.
“Women of Many Bonnets: Quaker Wives, Mothers, and Ministers and the Trans-Appalachian
Frontier,” Paper presented to the 1996 Berkshire Conference on the History of Women,
June 1996.
“’Constrained to Afford Them Countenance and Protection’: The Role of Philadelphia Friends
in the Settlement of the Society of the Separatists of Zoar,” Paper presented to the
Pennsylvania Historical Association, October 1995
“’Into a Good Land’: The Resettlement of North Carolina Friends to the North-Western County,
1780-1800.” Paper presented to the Philadelphia Center for Early American Studies,
February 1995
“Removing to a Remote Place: The Migration of Friends to Western Pennsylvania, 1780-1813”
Invited Keynote address, Friends Historical Association Annual Spring Meeting, May 1995
“The Friend, The Friendly, and The Foe: Quaker Settlement and the Trans-
Appalachian Frontier,” Paper presented to the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, July
“’Without Sufficient Cause to Forbear’: Marriage and Disownment on the Western Pennsylvania
Frontier,” Paper presented to the Quaker Historian and Archivist Conference, June 1994
Funded Grants
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Determine Eligibility of Farm Structures, $16,000 (pending)
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Conduct Archeological Investigations at Moses Cone,
$4,736.43 (pending)
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement Student Biological Science Tech Intern support, $24,945.64
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Private Roads Inventory 5,909.22
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement Student Intern support, $10,999.79
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Youth Agreement, Student Resource Assistance, $46,200
ASU/King’s Mountain Cooperative Agreement, Oral History of CCC Participants, $23,249.73
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Determine Eligibility of Farm Structures, $8,000
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Furniture Plan for Cone Estate, $64,751
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Oral Histories with Mrs. Cone’s Grandnieces, $7,019.23
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Annotated Bibliography of Natural Resource Studies $5,000
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement, Land Papers, $5,000
National Endowment for the Humanities Landmark Grant $189,917
National Park Service: Five-year Service and Conservation Corps Program Cooperative Agreement. ASU one
of eighteen schools accepted for special status in applying for NPS projects.
General Education Grant for College of Education $5,000
North Carolina Humanities Grant $4,370
National Endowment for the Humanities Landmark in History Grant $142,761
ASU/Blue Ridge Parkway Cooperative Agreement $10,000
External Scholars Grant $500
Course buy-out from the Provost’s Cabinet on Interdisciplinarity for Foodways: Seeds of Change ($3,800)
Hubbard Center, Teaching Enhancement Grant $1779.95
North Carolina Humanities Council Grant $6,081
Hubbard Center Visiting Scholar Grant, $500
Cultural Affairs Grant, $450
North Carolina Humanities Council Grant, $1,125
Appalachian State University Centennial Grant, $2,000
North Carolina Humanities Council Grant, $4,367
Hubbard Center Instructional Grant, $500
Ad hoc Chair, Promotion Standards to Full Professor, 2007
Public History, 1996-2007
Department Personnel, 1996-97; 2003-05
Undergraduate, 1996-98
Travel, 1997-98; 1999-00
Editor, Newsletter, 1997-98; 1998-99
Social, 1997-98
Honors, 1998-99; 2000-2001
Graduate, 1999-2007
Chair, University Academic Assessment Council, 2011-present
University Commencement Committee, 2010-present
University SACS Compliance Certification Report Committee, 2010-present
Chair, University Faculty Credential Sub-Committee for SACS, 2010-present
Associate Deans Council, 2010-present
NCAA Student Services Evaluation Committee 2009-2010
Student Academic Enhancement Sub-Committee, Athletic Council, 2010-present
Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Assessment Committee 2009-present
Chair, Faculty Coordinating Committee (Historical Designation), General Education, 2009-10
Women’s Studies Department Personnel Committee, 2009
Search Committee for University Archivist, 2008-2010
Athletic Council, 2008-2010
Consultant on General Education Implementation, 2007
Search Committee, Founding Director, Research Institute
for Energy, Environment, and Economics, 2007-2009
Search Committee, Director of Heltzer Honors Program 2007-2008
Chair, Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center Study Group 2007-08
Graduate Council, 2007-2010
Chancellor’s Scholars Committee, 2005-2008
University Strategic Planning, Graduate Studies Subcommittee, 2007
University Honors Task Force, 2004-2006
A&S Ad-Hoc Faculty/Student Collaboration Committee, 2003-2004
Search Committee for University Archivist, 2000-02
Women’s Studies Faculty, 1996-present
Women’s Studies Curriculum Committee, 2001-2004, 2008
SEWSA Planning, 1998-1999
Appalachian Studies Faculty, 1997-present
Social Studies Focus Group, 2000-2001
Summer Reading, 1999-2002
Cultural Affairs, 1999-2000
University Research Council 2000-2002
Outreach and Engagement Activities
Boards and Councils
North Carolina Humanities Council, 2009-present
BRP 75, Inc., (non-profit group organizing the BRP 75
Anniversary), 2008-2010
Blowing Rock Art and History Museum 2009-2011
Chair, Blowing Rock Art and History Museum, Exhibits and Program committee, 2010-2011
Secretary, Blowing Rock Art and History Museum Executive Committee, 2010-2011
Planned, organized, and directed, 2010 75
Blue Ridge Parkway Anniversary Conference April 2010.
Planned, organized, and directed “Flat Top Manor and Its History”. 2-day conference funded by a
North Carolina Humanities Council Grant and in conjunction with the Blowing Rock
Historical Society, fall 2007
Program Scholar for NEH grant “Soul of A People: Voices from the Writers’ Project”,
Belk Library and Information Commons, spring 2009.
Contract to develop classroom program for Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, 2009
Consultant to Blowing Rock History and Art Museum 2008-2011
Consultant to Blowing Rock Historical Society 2008-present
Member of the BRAHM Exhibits Committee 2008-present
Consulted to University of Iowa, Adult/Gero Unit, College of Nursing,
International Year of Older Persons, spring 1999
Television& Radio Appearances
Appeared as a guest on The State of Things, “Blue Ridge Parkway 75
”, WUNC, fall 2010.
Appeared as a guest on Appalachian Perspectives about Flat Top Manor Research,
fall 2007
Appeared as a guest on Mrs. Rosanne Peacock’s MTN program, fall 2007
Interviewed for Simple Living, PBS about Blue Ridge Parkway, broadcast, April 2008
Public Schools
Presentation, Pirates: Myth and Reality, 4
grade, Parkway Elementary, Nov. 2011
Presentation on the Blue Ridge Parkway to K-8 students, Blowing Rock School, Nov. 2010
History of Pirates to Extended Learning Program Parkway school, Oct. 2009
Organized and conducted History Day with a Pirate Theme for Mountain Pathways Montessori
School, Boone, NC May 2005
Instructor for “Founding Documents and the Federalist Papers” Public School Partnership
Workshop, March 22, 2001
American Colonial History: Goal 1 NC Teaching Curriculum. Workshop presented to
North Carolina Secondary School Teachers, September 2004
Participant in Reading Across the Curriculum, RCOE Grant, 2004-2005
Other Service
Invited Speaker, Unitarian/Universalist Church, WPA Slave Narratives, February, 2010.
Chair of the Lefler Ward Committee for best UG paper on North Carolina,
Historical Society of North Carolina, 2005-06.
Invited Speaker to the Boone Friends Monthly Meeting Forum, February 2000
History Club co-advisor, Appalachian State University, 1999-2002
Founder Appalachian State University Women’s History Month Film Series,
Women’s Realities. 1997. Series ran 11 years
Chaired Session at AHA, “Frontier Outposts of the Atlantic World: Markets,
Culture, and Elite Migrants in the United States, 1800-1850, January 1999
Reviewed manuscripts for NWSA Journal, Quaker History, W.W. Norton, and Journal of
Comparative Social History
Graduate Student Association Representative to Graduate Studies Committee, University of
Delaware, 1993-94
History Representative to Graduate Student Association, University of Delaware, 1992-94
Teaching Assistant Workshop Coordinator, History Department, University of Delaware, 1993-94