DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android
Mobile Applications
September 29, 2017
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
About this document ......................................................................................................................... 4
DHS Test Process for Android Mobile Applications .......................................................................................4
How this document is structured.................................................................................................................4
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests ................................................................................. 5
Applying the Section 508 Standards to the Android Mobile Applications Test Process ..................................5
The Rationale for each test .........................................................................................................................5
Section 2: Test Environment ........................................................................................................... 10
Devices: .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Additional Equipment: .............................................................................................................................. 10
Test Tools: ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Select the correct test process for testing .................................................................................................. 15
Section 3: DHS Section 508 Compliance Tests for Android Mobile Applications ................................ 16
Structure of this section ............................................................................................................................ 16
1. Keyboard and Focus .............................................................................................................................. 17
2. Screen Reader Test ............................................................................................................................... 25
3. Video, Audio, and Multimedia ............................................................................................................... 32
4. Color and contrast ................................................................................................................................ 38
5. Flashing ................................................................................................................................................ 40
6. Time Outs ............................................................................................................................................. 41
7. Built-in Accessibility Features ................................................................................................................ 43
8. Accessible Alternative ........................................................................................................................... 47
Elements Table................................................................................................................................ 49
Android Keystrokes And Gestures .................................................................................................... 54
How to take a Screenshot ......................................................................................................................... 54
Android Keystrokes without TalkBack enabled .......................................................................................... 54
Android Keystrokes with TalkBack enabled ............................................................................................... 55
TalkBack Gestures .................................................................................................................................... 56
Magnification Gestures ............................................................................................................................. 58
Document Content Change Log ....................................................................................................... 59
Version 1.0, August 2017 .......................................................................................................................... 59
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
About this Document 4
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Accessible Systems and Technology (OAST) has a mission to provide
strategic direction, technical support, and training to ensure agency employees and customers with disabilities have equal
access to information and data.
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d), requires all federal departments and agencies
to ensure that their electronic and information technology (EIT) is accessible to people with disabilities. This DHS Section
508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications has been produced in support of this mission.
Section 1 describes the rationale for testing mobile software apps (including those with embedded web views) using the
process defined in this document. The rationale behind each individual test in this document is also provided.
Section 2 provides details of the test environment for this process (device, additional equipment, test tools), including
device recommendations, installation and settings guidance.
Section 3 is the Android test process. Each test includes step-by-step instructions on how and what to test, as well as
instructions on which standards to mark as compliant or not compliant. Please be sure you are following the test process
for the correct App Operating System (OS).
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests 5
The Section 508 technical standards include one section aimed at browser-based information (Web), and another section
aimed at native applications and operating systems (Software). The standards do not specifically call out mobile apps or
mobile web content. DHS has determined that mobile applications require a testing process distinct from the
desktop/laptop application test process due in part to the lack of tools to evaluate accessibility on mobile platforms. Mobile
platforms also have greater limitations on accessibility applications programming interfaces (APIs) and assistive
technologies that are available for a given platform.
The Section 508 Standards also contain a section on Functional Performance Criteria (FPC). The FPC require that "at least
one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user [vision, hearing, speech or fine motor skills]
shall be provided, or support for assistive technology used" by people who are blind, low vision, deaf, hard of hearing,
speech disabled, or have limited physical capabilities.
There are two broad categories of mobile content: native mobile apps that are designed to run on a mobile device and
mobile web content that is designed to be viewed in a mobile browser. For testing purposes, mobile apps including those
with embedded web views sometimes referred to as “hybrid” apps should use this mobile testing process. Hybrid apps
are covered under this test process primarily because it may not be possible to gain access to the web content in these web
views via methods used for testing non-mobile web and software content.
Web content designed for mobile consumption should continue to use the Software and Web application test process used
for desktop/laptop content, with a modified viewport size.
The DHS mobile testing process begins with evaluating elements that are most commonly found in mobile applications and
therefore most likely to have applicable accessibility requirements. There are 8 main steps in the test process.
Each step of the test process includes only the information that will need to be referenced frequently, namely the
directions on how to test, and how to interpret the test results. To simplify the organization of this document, the rationale
for each individual test has been separated out, and is presented below.
Interactive elements of interfaces include any elements that a user is expected to use, modify, or edit. Examples include
navigation controls (links, buttons etc.), and editable content (selectable text, data input etc.).
It must also be possible for users to determine what the interactive elements are, and how to use them. This requires that
the visual label / instructions are programmatically associated with controls; otherwise non-visual users will not be able to
tell which label relates to which control / form-element.
The keyboard-only test determines whether it is possible to control the interface without the visual and/or physical
capabilities necessary to use touch gestures without assistive technology or a pointing device.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests 6
Wherever users are expected to interact with components, it must be possible for users to access those components or
perform those functions using only the keyboard because (i) using a pointing device or touch gestures without assistive
technology is not possible when the user has no sight, and (ii) using a pointing device or touch gesture is not possible when
the user does not have the physical capability / dexterity to effectively control a pointing device or use touch gestures
without assistive technology.
Keyboard access is defined as use with a physical keyboard that is attached to the mobile device, either separately through
a protocol such as Bluetooth, or integrated.
Ideally, interfaces use standard keyboard commands (TAB, Space Bar, Enter, Escape, etc.), making their use easy and
intuitive. On occasion, an interface may be designed to expand on the basic set of standard keyboard commands, and/or
remap standard keys. In both of these cases, users must learn the non-standard keys. In order to be aware of non-standard
key commands, users must be notified of their existence and correct use through the interface, application help, and/or
When controlling the interface with the keyboard only, if there is no visual differentiation between the current focused
item and the rest of the interface / content, then it is not possible to tell where in the interface you are. Therefore, a visual
indication of focus is necessary.
A logical order and groupings of interface components is normally a given in the design of software applications and
embedded web content. Groupings and order are usually visually apparent. Logical arrangements are used to aid visual
appeal and improve usability. However, when the focus/TAB order does not follow the logical order, users can become
confused, make errors, and may not understand the contextual meaning of components. This is especially true for people
who have no vision, or who have low vision, and are relying on AT.
Some components in embedded web content and software screens are intentionally hidden to reduce visual clutter. Other
components only appear as part of a procedure such as an error notification. Content with such interface components may
be revealed in an inaccessible manner by requiring user vision and/or requiring the use of a mouse. Keyboard and touch
screen users need to be able to access the information and controls that are revealed, and users without vision, or with low
vision, need to know that new content has appeared.
Assistive technology utilizes accessibility properties of elements and provides them to users through various modes to
provide access to the application. Accessibility properties are provided through the accessibility APIs available in mobile
operating systems, HTML code, and ARIA properties or other protocols. Without these labels and accessibility properties,
the assistive technology may not provide correct information to the user.
In order to correctly and accurately complete a form, it is necessary to follow instructions, directions and cues, as well as
enter information in the correct places. A given form component may be the subject of instructions that are not positioned
next to the component (e.g., at the top of a form, the instruction is "If you are the home owner, complete parts a, b, and
f"). In such cases, form designers will use visual layout and flow to direct the user. However, users without vision, or with
low vision, may not have access to the visual cues, and hence will be unable to easily find the related instructions for the
current form component. For this reason, it is necessary to programmatically associate all relevant instructions, directions
and cues with their respective components/controls.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests 7
All interface elements including images, charts, and tables that provide meaningful information must be conveyed correctly
to assistive technology through their accessibility properties (name, role, state, and value) in a consistent manner for users
without vision or with low vision. For the purpose of testing, the name, role, and state expected outcomes are listed in the
Elements Table. The tester is testing to see if sufficient characteristics of all elements are announced.
To aid navigation with screen reading AT software, users can bring up a list of navigation controls on their screens. Users
can read through content and decide which of the links in the content they wish to follow (i.e., they do not have to navigate
back to the link itself).
Links must have a unique and descriptive name. Say each item for sale has a 'click here' link next to it, and the user calls up
the list of controls. The list will have multiple 'click here' links that are not distinguishable. Another common problem occurs
when the links only contain URLs, and the purpose of each link may not be apparent. It is therefore required to use
meaningful and unique names for links and user controls, to aid navigation using assistive technology for users without
vision or with low vision.
For screen reader users, screen orientation is important in order to ensure proper gestures are used. Some apps will allow
rotation as the device moves; others are static. Orientation must be announced by the mobile screen reader if the app
supports device rotation.
This section addresses audio files, animations, video files, and multimedia. Screen reader software cannot interpret images,
animation, video, or multimedia. Screen readers will, however, read text that has been associated with interface elements.
The interpretation (meaning) of an interface element must therefore be conveyed textually in the interface programming
for assistive technology for users without vision or with low vision.
Animation includes sequences of overlaid images, dynamic changes of state such as a moving speed dial, a chart illustrating
dynamic flow changes from one state to another, etc. Video-only files include animations, screen, video captures etc. The
visual information provided through animation and video-only must be provided through alternative means for assistive
technology for users without vision or with low vision.
Audio-only files include speeches, sound-bites, ambient (background) sounds, etc. Equivalent text descriptions must be
provided for users with no hearing or who are hard of hearing.
Synchronized media is a presentation consisting of time-synchronized video and audio. Synchronized media includes public
information films, Webcasts, press conferences, and online training presentations.
Some users will not be able to hear the content. Therefore there needs to be another mode to provide the audio
information, such as captions (text showing what is being said, and other relevant sounds). Captions need to be available,
but do not necessarily need to be turned on by default. For example, users who need captions can switch them on with a
control (usually a 'CC' button for Closed Captions). If there is no means of switching modes, then the default mode must be
accessible (i.e., Open Captions).
Because captions must be time-synchronized, separate transcripts will not meet this requirement on their own.
Some users will not be able to see the content. Therefore there needs to be another mode to provide descriptions of the
visual information. In synchronized media, this usually means additional narration inserted during breaks in the dialog,
describing visual events and cues.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests 8
Audio descriptions need to be available, but are not required to be turned on by default. For example, users who need
descriptions can switch them on with a control. If there is no means of switching modes, then the audio descriptions must
be enabled by default.
The alternative presentation of information must allow understanding of the relevant information. For example,
descriptions might include the looks on people's faces, people handing items to each other, or who has entered the room.
The use of color to convey meaningful information must be provided through alternative means for users who cannot
distinguish colors. Insufficient contrast may make it difficult for some users to see and use the content.
Color dependence is using color as the sole method to convey information. For example, a single unlabeled indicator that is
green for 'on', orange for 'standby', and red for 'off' is color dependent.
When color is the only means to convey information, people who are color blind, and people who cannot see, do not have
access to the same information that others have. The status or function that is being conveyed by color also needs to be
available in a textual format that can be viewed by all, and can be read by screen reader software.
This requirement does not mean that color cannot be used; it means that color cannot be the only means of conveying the
The visual difference between the background behind text, and the text itself, may be perceivable by a given designer.
However, beyond color choice which is under control of the designer, many factors beyond the designer's control affect
peoples' ability to discern between colors/shades, including age (contrast sensitivity reduces with age), screen brightness,
ambient light, color blindness and some types of low vision. The use of color/shade choices that do not contrast well with
each other may be deliberate (i.e., artistic preference), or may be the result of programmatic features (e.g., a button's text
is black on white, but the text turns yellow in a certain mode, and the background remains white).
In general, the higher the level of contrast used, the more people will be able to see and use the content.
If the color contrast cannot be tested, this will be noted as a failure.
The term 'flashing' encompasses interface elements that blink, flicker repetitively, or elements that scroll (e.g., marquee
An element that flickers or blinks in the visual field can cause adverse reactions/seizures in people who have photosensitive
epilepsy. Section 508 does not permit flashing in the frequency range between 2Hz to 55Hz (from twice per second to 55
times per second). This frequency has been updated in WCAG 2.0, which is followed by DHS, to not permit flickering above
3 hertz (flickering above 55hz is not visually apparent).
Scrolling ('marquee') text should be avoided where possible, because the scrolling effect causes a form of flickering that can
be in the prohibited frequency range. Even though this may be imperceptible for many viewers, it can have the same
flickering effect for some. Scrolling text should also be tested for Screen reader access.
Due to the current lack of source code and testing tool limitations, all flashing will fail.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 1: Introduction and Rationale for Tests 9
Messages and/or instructions to the user requesting their response within a given time are typically associated with sites
that require a secure login. This includes both server time outs and client side security time outs.
People who use AT such as screen reader software or voice input software may require more time than other users to
assimilate the information and execute the controls on a Web page or software application. Because AT users may need
more time, applications that have a time out must provide (a) prior notification/warning that a time out is about to occur,
and (b) a means for the user to request more time.
It is possible to write software that controls various aspects of the OS. This may inadvertently cause an OS accessibility
feature to deactivate. For example, TalkBack is a screen reader built in to Android which allows those who are blind or low
vision to access the operating system and applications through the use of speech output and braille. TalkBack contains its
own set of gestures that are used to interact with elements on the screen. Developers should ensure that they do not
disable or override the gestures that are used by TalkBack users, as this will impact their ability to interact with the mobile
Similarly, applications must allow assistive technology to be run concurrently with the app. For example, if a low vision user
enables the Android Magnification assistive technology feature to get a closer look at a control within an app, the app
should not terminate when magnification is activated.
The accessibility features of Android (the platform for which the tests are written) contain the following user-configurable
accessibility features that should not be disabled or disrupted by the software application:
Android: TalkBack, Magnification, Closed Captioning, Large Font Size, Large Display Size, microphone text input
An 'Alternate’ is an accessible version containing the same information as the primary application. Alternates will usually
contain text in place of the inaccessible content from the primary application. For example, a complex organizational chart
may be written in prose. The text must be equivalent, and it must be kept up-to-date.
An 'Alternate' should only be provided for accessibility when the primary application cannot be made accessible. The
accessible version must contain the same information as the primary application.
The information should be 'equivalent', but by definition this is not going to be 'exactly the same'. The main points, themes,
concepts etc. that the authors are trying to get across in the primary content should also come across in the alternate. For
example, if a complex chart on the primary page shows a year with a small increases in earnings in Q2 and a large decrease
in Q2, and the text discusses why these trends seem to be occurring, the Alternate should convey the trends, and the high
and low data points of interest. An Alternate that just provides all the data points in linear form, with no highlighting of the
trends under consideration, would not be considered equivalent.
Alternative versions for accessibility are only permitted when the primary application cannot be made compliant. Common
examples where alternative versions are usually permitted include maps and directions, and very complex diagrams and
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 10
Mobile application testing must be performed on mobile devices such as phones or tablets. The DHS Android Mobile Test
Process's test environment typically utilizes the current Android Operating Systems, which as of writing this is Android 7.x
Note: When new OS updates are released, there could be bugs that impact AT use; an older OS may be recommended for
testing purposes until an update fixing AT issues is released.
The latest version of this platform may not be available for all Android devices. Note: the assistive technology on the
Android is not updated with the platform. For this reason, it is recommended that the latest version of the Talkback screen
reader, which as of this writing is version 5.2.1, is used for Android Screen Reader testing.
Some Android products contain additional user interfaces that sit on top of the Android platform. Our recommendation is
that testing devices do not contain these additional user interfaces and testers should use the standard Android platform
provided on Google’s product line.
A general note on mobile web browsers: The Chrome web view is used in applications with embedded web views on
Android. While the Chrome browser in Android is used for embedded web views, Mozilla Firefox provides additional
accessibility features. When possible, it is suggested using Mozilla Firefox for more accurate test results.
Desktop/laptop to record the test results and for use with the Colour Contrast Analyzer
A Bluetooth keyboard
Sound, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth capabilities must be available on the mobile device
Mobile device must have the OS version listed above and tools described in the following section installed
The tools used in the DHS Mobile Android Test Process have been chosen based on the availability of accessibility
inspection tools on mobile platforms. This test process uses platform specific assistive technology to inspect accessibility
properties in an evidenced based manner. Use of these tools does not require the tester to view source code or have
knowledge of programming languages.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 11
Official Name
Also Known As
URL of Product
Purpose for Section 508
Reveal the name, role, value, and state of a user interface control.
Developed By
Current Version
Version 5.2.1
Installation Advice
To enable TalkBack Choose Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack
To enable TalkBack, choose Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack: On
Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack > Settings
Explore by touch: On
TalkBack suspend and resume shortcut: On.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 12
Under Verbosity:
Use pitch settings: On
Speak usage hints: On
Speak list and grid information: On
Speak element type: On
Item description order: state, name, type
Under text to Speech Settings:
Preferred engine: “Google Text-to-speech Engine”
Speech rate: set to a comfortable setting
Under Developer Settings:
Display Speech Output: On
This will display the text that is spoken by TalkBack at the bottom center
of the screen.
Settings > Accessibility
Select to Speak: On
Captions: On
o Choose a Caption style that is easy for you to view
Font Size: set to largest setting (slide all the way to the right)
Display Size: set to largest setting (slide all the way to the right)
Auto-Rotate screen: On
Settings> Languages and Input
Virtual keyboard > Gboard and Google voice typing
Settings > Bluetooth
Bluetooth: On
Pair your Bluetooth keyboard:
o Choose Search for devices
o When the device is found select the device from the list
o Enter the number display on the Android display into the Bluetooth
keyboard and then press “Enter”
o The device should now be paired
From any screen:
To temporarily pause TalkBack long press the volume Up and Down Arrow keys
TalkBack is a screen reader. While this tool is assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired for
access, it can also provide a consistent method of identifying programmatic accessibility information and can be a very
useful tool. In order to provide access to touchscreen devices, mobile screen readers provide an alternative set of gestures.
For example, touching an item no longer activates the item when the screen reader is running. Instead it focuses the item
under the finger and announces it to the user. The user must double tap to activate the item thus, a double tap sends a
normal single tap gesture. There are a number of gestures that you will need to learn to use the assistive technology. These
gestures and keystrokes for using the screen reader with an external keyboard are provided; please review these
commands and become familiar with how TalkBack works before performing testing.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 13
TalkBack provides a mode that displays text spoken by TalkBack. When this mode is enabled the text is displayed at the
bottom center of the mobile device screen. Testers who have difficulty understanding synthetic speech or testers who are
deaf or hard of hearing can use this option. This also will provide a textual representation of speech output for reporting
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 14
Official name
Colour Contrast Analyzer
Also Known As
Contrast Analyzer
URL / product
http://www.paciellogroup.com/resources/contrastAnalyser; http://www.wat-c.org (Included with
the Web Accessibility Toolbar (WAT))
Purpose for 508
Allows the user to use an eye dropper to check the contrast of background and foreground text of an
image taken from a mobile device. This application runs on the Windows platform.
Developed by /
Owned by
The Paciello Group, WAT-C.org
Current version
at the time of
2.4, English
Download application. Run executable from PC. From the Web Accessibility Toolbar choose Colour >
Colour Contrast Analyser.
If using the standalone version (not within WAT), Admin rights are not required to execute this tool of
version 2.2 (version 2.4 may require admin rights).
Enabling the
Colour Contrast
Run the executable. From the main screen’s Algorithm group, select the Luminosity radio button.
Use the eye dropper tool for the foreground to obtain the foreground color and then eye dropper
tool from the background to obtain the background color. Verify the results in the Result
Luminosity section.
Screenshot of
the Accessibility
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 2: Test Environment 15
It is important to identify whether the application you are testing is software or Web so that you know which test process
to use and what test outcomes are expected.
Mobile software apps are those delivered to the user via native operating system-based processes (e.g. the app is
accessed by downloading through an App Store) this includes web content embedded in a native app. These
apps should be tested with the Mobile Test process.
Mobile web interface apps are delivered to the user via the mobile Web browser. If the app opens in a web
browser then use the non-mobile DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Applications.
Note: If an application has an Android OS version and iOS version of the app, the app must be tested on both platforms.
Please use the iOS Mobile Application test process for all iOS apps.
Through the testing process, a test result can change from Compliant to Not Compliant, but do not change a result from
Not Compliant to Compliant or your results will become inaccurate.
Open App
open in a
Use the DHS
Section 508
Compliance Test
Process for
Use this test
process for native
mobile apps
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Section 3: DHS Section 508 Compliance Tests for Android Mobile Applications 16
Each step of the Android test process includes only the information that will need to be referenced frequently, namely:
the directions on how to test, and
how to interpret the test results, and
the applicable standard(s) and the related technical 508 standards
To simplify the organization of this document:
the rationale for each individual test has been separated out (see page 5).
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.1 Keyboard Access 17
Keyboard access must be available for all interactive interface components (links, buttons, etc), editable content (text input
fields, select options, etc.), and panes that can be accessed or controlled with touch gestures. Where non-standard
keyboard commands are employed, users must be notified of alternate keyboard commands through the interface,
application help, and/or documentation.
For a user to know where the keyboard focus is on the screen there must be a visible indication of the currently focused
component. If hidden content is revealed on the screen, the keyboard focus must move to the new content. When the
sequence of interface components has meaning or requires an order of operation, the focus/TAB order must logically flow
with the application/content.
Keyboard access is defined as use with a physical keyboard that is attached to the mobile device, either separately (wireless
keyboard) or integrated (built-in keyboard). On-screen keyboards cannot be used for this test. Keyboard tests with Android
must be run without TalkBack enabled as TalkBack will change what controls are placed in the focus order.
1. Find all visible and hidden interactive interface components that are accessible by touch.
Interactive elements may be distinguished from non-interactive elements by using the app without a screen reader and
touching each interface control to determine its level of interactivity. Only elements that can be accessed or controlled
with a mouse or touch gesture must be keyboard accessible (this also includes any actions that are triggers by a single
finger Tap and Hold gesture). Hidden and disabled form fields do not require keyboard access. Control options
triggered by physical manipulation of the device (such as a shake, tilt, or swipe to show menu) must also be keyboard
2. Ensure TalkBack is disabled.
TalkBack will change what controls are placed in the focus order and should not be enabled.
3. Enable Bluetooth keyboard.
4. Using only the Bluetooth keyboard, navigate through the entire screen to each interactive interface component,
reveal hidden content, and activate all interactive components.
For a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Android platform, refer to TalkBack Gestures and Keystrokes.
Use the Tab key to move forward through all interactive controls. Use the Shift + Tab key to move backwards through
all interactive controls. Use of the arrow keys may be necessary to move between certain controls such as toolbar
buttons in a toolbar. Use Enter to activate a control. Use Esc to go back.
5. Note if the keyboard gets trapped, appears to loop or becomes stuck within an area of the application as a
failure. Use touch gestures only in this situation to bypass the trap and continue testing.
6. Investigate any instances where the standard platform keyboard methods do not provide access to interactive
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.1 Keyboard Access 18
Check if alternative keyboard access instructions are provided (in the applications Help section or on the page).
Instructions may include extending standard keyboard command operations (e.g., getting out of a keyboard trap),
and/or alternate keys. Verify that the alternative keyboard commands work.
Some applications may offer multiple ways to activate a function. Only one method of keyboard access is required.
Special access keys (such as Alt + O or Command + P) and redundant menu options are not required for compliance if
platform shortcuts work.
7. Complete form fields.
Enter text, select text in input fields, select (arrow and tab) different options from drop down lists, select and unselect
checkboxes and radio buttons. Try to select the second or third option from a drop down list by keyboard only. Where
multiple selections in a drop down list are possible, select multiple combinations. Where single finger Tap and Hold
gestures provide interactive element access, ensure keyboard access is also available (to include standard copy/paste
and cut in form fields).
8. If a single finger Tap and Hold gesture reveals interactive content (such as copy/paste), ensure access is also
provided through keyboard access.
An example of the single finger Tap and Hold gesture is a copy/cut/paste/select all. This will be applicable for most text
input fields, but could also be used to perform actions such as a save or bookmark, for example.
1. Using the keyboard, put focus at the top of the screen and Tab through each screen, following the applications
visual focus (typically a dotted rectangle, highlight, or a vertical bar in a text field).
For a list of keyboard shortcuts for the Android platform, refer to TalkBack Gestures and Keystrokes.
It is not a requirement that only interactive elements receive focus. For example, form instructions in text may receive
focus by design. This is not a failure.
In forms, the focus may automatically shift to the next form field once valid text is entered (e.g. after three numbers
are entered for an area code, the focus immediately shifts to the field for the next three numbers of a phone number.)
The focus must be visible after shifting. The user must also be able to return to the prior field to check their entry.
Navigate to a screen, then place focus at the top of the screen.
Press Tab and/or Arrows to navigate forward. Use Shift + Tab to move backwards through the focus order.
2. Note any instances where the focus order is illogical.
Review the entire screen starting from the top of the screen by navigating through all of the elements using the
keyboard to determine whether the order in which the different elements receive focus makes sense. If the focus order
can cause confusion or errors for a user it may be necessary to consult with the application developer to confirm
whether this focus order is intentional.
3. Note any instances of a loss of visual focus while Tabbing through the page or if the visual focus appears on the
wrong element as a failure.
Loss of focus should not occur while manually shifting focus through the page (using the Tab or Arrow keys). The focus
must be visible when it is placed on a pane, such as a scrolling license agreement that must be scrolled to review.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.1 Keyboard Access 19
When a function that moves the focus is executed (such as from the skip link itself, or when hidden content is
revealed), it may be necessary to press Tab so focus becomes visible again. This is not considered a failure.
4. When hidden content is revealed, check that the visual focus was moved to the new content.
Move the focus to the control that reveals hidden content, activate the control with the keyboard, and determine
whether focus is on the revealed content.
If a modal dialog box (requires user interaction to return to the application) is revealed, the visual focus must remain
within the modal dialog box until the box is closed. If a dialog box behaves like a modal dialog box, test it as a modal
dialog box.
If focus does not move to the revealed content, an accurate description of the content change must be provided. This
description may be revealed in many ways, such as on screen text, tooltips, or a description on the element that
reveals the hidden content. It may be necessary to advance the focus once to find the focus.
Use Tab/Arrows.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. An interactive element or function
cannot be accessed or activated
by keyboard.
[31(b), 31(f)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if an interactive
element cannot be
accessed by keyboard.
[C] if all interactive
elements can be
accessed by keyboard.
B. A keyboard trap is found.
[31(b), 31(f)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if a keyboard trap
is found.
[C] if a keyboard trap
is not found.
C. Non-standard or alternative
keyboard commands are required
for access but are not
[31(b), 31(f)]
[DNA] if all interactive
elements can be
accessed with the
standard keyboard
commands. (E.g. tab,
arrow keys, enter,
space, etc.)
[NC] if non-standard
keyboard commands are
needed to access an
interactive element and
the commands are not
[C] if non-standard
keyboard commands are
needed and they are
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.1 Keyboard Access 20
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
D. Information/interactive elements
revealed by single finger Tap and
Hold gesture are not available to
keyboard-only users.
[31(b), 31(f)]
[DNA] if no elements
are revealed by a single
finger Tap and Hold
gesture. Note: This will
apply to most text input
[NC] if
elements revealed by
single finger Tap and
Hold gesture are not
available to keyboard-
only users.
[C] if
elements revealed by
single finger Tap and
Hold gesture are
available to keyboard-
only users.
E. At any time, there is no visual
indication of the current focus
(loss of focus).
[31(b), 31(f)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if a loss of visual
focus occurs.
[C] if the visual focus can
be determined at all
F. The visual focus appears on the
wrong element.
[31(b), 31(f)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if focus appears on
a different element than
the one that has
programmatic focus.
[C] if focus always
appears on the element
it is programmatically
G. The visual focus does not remain
within a modal dialog box until
[31(b), 31(f)]
[DNA] if there are no
modal dialog boxes.
[NC] if focus leaves the
modal dialog box while
the box is open.
[C] if focus remains in
the modal dialog box
until the box is closed.
H. The visual focus does not move to
revealed content and no
description of the content change
is provided.
[31(b), 31(f)]
[DNA] if there is no
revealed content.
[NC] if the focus does
not move to the
revealed content AND a
description of the
content change is not
[C] if focus moves to
revealed content OR a
description of the
content change is
I. The keyboard reading order is not
[31 (b), 31(f)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if the focus order is
not logical.
[C] if the focus order is
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.1 Keyboard Access 21
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
31(f) Use with physical limitations
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions
and that is operable with limited reach
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.2 Gesture Focus Test 22
For a TalkBack user to know where the focus is on the screen there must be a visible indication of the currently focused
component while TalkBack is enabled. If hidden content is revealed on the screen, the focus must move to the new content.
When the sequence of interface components has meaning or requires an order of operation, the TalkBack gesture order
must logically flow with the application/content.
1. Enable TalkBack.
Enable via Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack or Resume (from suspend shortcut) via long press Volume Up and Down
2. Using gestures, put focus at the top of the screen and gesture through each screen, following the applications
visual focus (typically a dotted rectangle, highlight, or a vertical bar in a text field).
For a list of gestures for the Android platform, refer to TalkBack Gestures and Keystrokes.
3. Note any instances where the focus order is illogical.
Review the entire screen starting from the top of the screen by navigating through all of the elements using gestures to
determine whether the order in which the different elements receive focus makes sense. If the focus order can cause
confusion or errors for a user it may be necessary to consult with the application developer to confirm whether this
focus order is intentional.
If the focus becomes trapped”, appears to loop or becomes stuck within an area of the application, use the touch
screen in this situation to touch and bypass the trap and continue testing (gesture traps are tested in test process 2.1)
4. Note any instances of a loss of visual focus while gesturing through the page or if the visual focus appears on the
wrong element as a failure.
Loss of focus should not occur while manually shifting focus through the page (using the swipe gesture). The focus must
be visible when it is placed on a pane, such as a scrolling license agreement that must be scrolled to review.
When a function that moves the focus is executed (such as from the skip link itself, or when hidden content is
revealed), it may be necessary to perform a forwards/backwards gesture so focus becomes visible again. This is not
considered a failure.
5. When hidden content is revealed, check that the visual focus was moved to the new content.
Move the focus to the control that reveals hidden content, activate the control with the appropriate gesture, and
determine whether focus is on the revealed content.
If a modal dialog box (requires user interaction to return to the application) is revealed, the visual focus must remain
within the modal dialog box until the box is closed. If a dialog box behaves like a modal dialog box, test it as a modal
dialog box.
If focus does not move to the revealed content, an accurate description of the content change must be provided. This
description may be revealed in many ways: on screen text, tooltips, a description on the element that reveals the
hidden content. It may be necessary to advance the focus once to find the focus.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.2 Gesture Focus Test 23
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. At any time, there is no visual
indication of the current focus
(loss of focus).
[31(a), 31(b)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if a loss of visual
focus occurs.
[C] if the visual focus can
be determined at all
B. The visual focus appears on the
wrong element.
[31(a), 31(b)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if focus appears on
a different element than
the one that has
programmatic focus.
[C] if focus always
appears on the element
it is programmatically
C. The visual focus does not remain
within a modal dialog box until
[31(a), 31(b)]
[DNA] if there are no
modal dialog boxes.
[NC] if focus leaves the
modal dialog box while
the box is open.
[C] if focus remains in
the modal dialog box
until the box is closed.
D. The visual focus does not move to
revealed content and no
description of the content change
is provided.
[31(a), 31(b)]
[DNA] if there is no
revealed content.
[NC] if the focus does
not move to the
revealed content AND a
description of the
content change is not
[C] if focus moves to
revealed content OR a
description of the
content change is
E. The gesture reading order is not
[31(a), 31(b)]
Test ID always applies.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if the gesture
reading order is not
[C] if the gesture
reading order is logical.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
1.2 Gesture Focus Test 24
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 25
Descriptive information must be provided for all elements to enable assistive technologies to pass useful information on to
its user. The descriptive label must include identification, status and purpose of the element.
All software elements must have useful and complete descriptions.
1. Enable TalkBack.
Enable TalkBack via Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack or Resume (from suspend shortcut) via long press volume up and
down keys.
2. Enable “Display Speech Output”.
Enable “Display Speech Output” via Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack > Settings > Developer Settings
3. Using gestures only, navigate (from top to bottom, left to right) each screen and find all elements.
Interact with each element to include filling out forms, selecting buttons, reading text, etc. For form fields, also find all
associated instructions and cues. In addition, locate all non-text interface elements include images, text rendered as an
image, tables, graphs, charts, audio files, animations and video files.
For a list of gestures for the Android platform, refer to TalkBack Gestures and Keystrokes.
4. Determine if sufficient speech output is provided for every element on each screen by listening to screen reader
output and comparing it to “What To List For” outcomes in the Elements table.
Note: For any elements that are not accessible with TalkBack, fail under 2.1 k. Failures 2.1 A-J only apply to elements
that have TalkBack output.
i. Non-interactive Images
1. If it is a decorative image, nothing should be announced.
2. Repeat images must have consistent meaning.
3. Images that contain meaningful text should have that same text read aloud.
4. Interactive image elements should be tested under User Controls, Links and Interactive
Elements (iv).
ii. Decorative Non-interactive Elements
1. These could be symbols (such as a separator line), images, or other decorative elements
that developers have added to the app.
2. If the element is interactive AND meaningful, it should be tested under User Controls,
Links and Interactive Elements (iv).
iii. Form fields and Hints
1. Complete form fields. If a single finger Tap and Hold gesture opens menu items such as
“copy”, “paste”, and “cut” (as found in most text input fields), make sure all menu items
can also be activated by gesture.
2. Hidden form fields should not be announced.
3. Disabled form fields are not required to be announced, but if they are, must note they
are disabled.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 26
4. Read-only form fields must have sufficient element data read aloud.
5. Form fields must have a programmatic label.
a. Placeholder text for form field identification does not meet conformance.
Because users can enable/disable the hint property, the hint property does not
meet conformance for required control labels or status. A hint can be identified
as it will be read after a short pause in TalkBack speech output.
b. Be sure to test items like “search fields with and without text in the input field
to ensure the label is not just placeholder text.
iv. User Controls (Menus, Buttons, Toolbars, etc.), Links, and other Interactive Elements
1. Activate controls, other Interactive Elements and links. Verify they function properly
using gestures.
2. Each control and other Interactive Element must reflect its name and function, to
include alerting screen reader users of its name and that it is interactive (this could be
achieved in a number of ways, to include programmatically setting it as a “button”, or
adding label text to alert the user of the interactive control).
a. If a control announces its type twice (such as “Start button button”), this would
be considered a failure. This may indicate from a coding perspective, that the
control type has been included in the accessible name; however, control types
are handled via a different trait and to avoid redundancy, do not need to be
included in the accessible name.
3. If there are multiple User Controls or other Interactive Elements with the same visual
label, and context is necessary to understand purpose, the speech output must include
unique identifiers that describe each control’s purpose.
a. In instances where context is necessary to understand the purpose of a user
control other interactive element (such as multiple “Submit” buttons meaning
specific submissions based on location), these should be included in the name
of the element (and read aloud by the screen reader).
4. All links should have a name that matches the onscreen text and alerts the user to the
functionality of a “link”.
a. In instances where context is necessary to understand the purpose of a link,
context should be included in the name of the link (and read aloud by the
screen reader).
v. Text
1. Ensure all text can be accessed while using a screen reader and is correctly read aloud.
Note any instances of garbled or indiscernible text as a failure.
vi. Revealed content
1. Ensure all revealed content provides sufficient user information for interaction.
vii. Lists
1. Ensure the list is read aloud to include list structure and status indication (if applicable).
viii. Headings
1. Visual headings should also be programmatically labeled. Android recently updated
their API to allow coding of headings but heading and heading level may be
noncompliant if the app has not been re-coded accordingly.
ix. Tables
1. Table headers should be announced. Android recently updated their API to allow coding
of headers but headers may be noncompliant if the app has not been re-coded
5. Note any elements with multiple statuses which provides meaningful information for user interaction.
If a menu opens/closes and a user MUST have the status announced in order to understand how to interact with the
screen, that menu should provide its status.
For items that can change status, but do not provide meaningful information via status, it is not necessary for them to
announce current status (this would be for items such as a menu that is opened/closed).
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 27
6. Take a screenshot of Talkback “Display Speech Output” for each element failure.
7. Investigate any instances where elements cannot be accessed or cannot be accessed by standard platform
gesture methods.
This can include a gesture “trap” or use of non-standard or alternative gesture commands that are required for access
but are not documented. Note if the tester gets trapped, appears to loop, or becomes stuck within an area of the
application as a failure. Use touch gestures in this situation to bypass the trap and continue testing.
If a single finger Tap and Hold gesture opens menu items such as “copy”, “paste”, and “cut”, make sure all menu items
are also able to be activated by gesture. Control options triggered by physical manipulation of the device (such as a
shake, tilt, or swipe to show menu) must also be accessible when the screen reader is enabled.
Use two fingers press and hold to “long press” and open additional menus
8. Note if the gesturing gets trapped, appears to loop or becomes stuck within an area of the application as a
failure. Bypass the trap and continue testing.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply?
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. A meaningful image does
not have an equivalent
description (purpose and
[DNA] if there
are no
[NC] if a meaningful
image does not
have an equivalent
[C] if all meaningful images
have an equivalent
B. A decorative element is
announced by the screen
[DNA] if there
are no
[NC] if a decorative
image is announced
by the screen
[C] if all decorative images
are not announced by the
screen reader.
C. An image has inconsistent
[31(a), 31(b)]
[DNA] if there
are no images.
[NC] if an image has
meaning throughout
the application.
[C] if all images have
consistent meaning
throughout the application.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 28
Failure condition
Does Not Apply?
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
D. An image that contains text
does not have the same
text announced by the
screen reader.
[DNA] if there
are no images
with text.
[NC] if an image
that contains text
does not have the
same text
announced by the
screen reader.
[C] if all images that contain
text have all the text
announced by the screen
E. Any element that has
multiple statuses that is
meaningful for interaction
does not indicate its
current status.
[31(a), 31(b)]
[DNA] if no
elements have
[NC] if an element
with multiple
statuses does not
indicate its current
[C] if all elements with
multiple statuses indicate
their current status.
Form Fields
F. The screen reader output
for form fields (text field,
checkbox, radio button,
etc.) does not match its
visual label or does not
include complete
instructions and cues.
[DNA] if there
are no form
[NC] if the screen
reader output does
not match the form
field’s visual label or
does not include
instructions and
[C] if the screen reader
output matches all the form
field’s visual label or
includes complete
instructions and cues
Links and
G. A user control, link, or
other interactive element
does not have a descriptive
and unique name and does
not identify purpose (to
include alerting the user of
the interactive function of
the control).
[DNA] if there
are no user
controls, links,
and/or other
[NC] if a user
control, link, and/or
other interactive
element does not
have a descriptive
and unique name
and does not
identify its purpose
[C] if all user controls, links,
and/or other interactive
element have a descriptive
and unique name and
identifies their purpose.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 29
Failure condition
Does Not Apply?
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
H. Visually apparent headings
are not programmatically
[DNA] if there
are no visually
headings on the
[NC] if a visually
apparent heading is
[C] if all visually apparent
headings are
programmatically identified.
I. Programmatically
identified heading levels do
not match the visual
[DNA] if there
are no visually
headings on the
page. [DNA] if
there is only 1
visually apparent
heading on the
[NC] if
programmatic levels
for visually apparent
headings do not
match the visual
[C] if programmatic levels
on all visually apparent
headings match the visual
Catch All
J. Every element does not
provide sufficient
information for user
operation (otherwise not
[DNA] if all
failures were
captured under
Conditions A-I.
[NC] if all elements
do not provide
information for use
[C] if all elements provide
sufficient information for
user operation.
K. An element or function
cannot be accessed or
activated by gesture.
Test ID always
applies. [DNA] is
not an
[NC] if an interactive
element cannot be
accessed by gesture
[C] if all interactive
elements can be accessed
by gesture.
L. A gesture “trap” is found.
Test ID always
applies. [DNA] is
not an
[NC] if a gesture
trap is found.
[C] if a gesture trap is not
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.1 Screen Reader: Elements Test 30
Failure condition
Does Not Apply?
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
M. Non-standard or
alternative gesture
commands are required for
access but are not
[DNA] if all
elements can be
accessed with
the standard
[NC] if non-standard
gesture commands
are needed to
access an interactive
element and the
commands are not
[C] if non-standard gesture
commands are needed and
they are documented.
N. Information/interactive
elements revealed by
single finger Tap and Hold
gesture are not available to
screen reader users.
[DNA] if no
elements are
revealed by a
single finger Tap
and Hold
[NC] if
ive elements
revealed by single
finger Tap and Hold
gesture are not
available to screen
reader users.
[C] if
elements revealed by single
finger Tap and Hold gesture
are available to screen
reader users.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
2.2 Screen Reader: Layout Test 31
1. With device Screen Reader and Auto-rotate enabled, change the screen from portrait to landscape by rotating
the device. Continue rotating the device 90 degrees to portrait then landscape, back to the initial screen
position. Verify the screen reader announced the proper orientation of the screen.
Enable TalkBack via Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack or Resume (from suspend shortcut) via long press volume up and
down keys.
Enable Auto-rotate screen via Settings>Accessibility> Enable Auto-rotate screen
Layout changes such as changes from landscape to portrait must be announced if they occur. If the app supports this
layout change, the screen reader should announce this change.
This requirement is NOT that the app must support orientation change.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. Layout changes such as changes
from portrait to landscape or a
forced application direction is not
indicated or announced by screen
reader with sufficient information
for user to orient device.
[DNA] if app does not
allow layout changes.
[NC] if there is not
sufficient indication of
layout change such as a
change from landscape
to portrait.
[C] if there is sufficient
indication of layout
change such as a change
from landscape to
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.1 Video-only and Animation 32
This section addresses audio, video, animation and multimedia.
Videos (without audio) and animation includes sequences of overlaid images, dynamic changes of state such as a moving
speed dial, a chart illustrating dynamic flow changes from one state to another, etc. This requirement applies to
visual/video information that is not accompanied by meaningful sounds.
Note: This test is different from the test for Multimedia (combined audio AND video). Files that have both video and
meaningful audio are tested in Test Process 3.3 Multimedia. Do not test Multimedia here.
1. Find interface components that play video-only or animated content.
2. Check that video-only content that starts automatically has a playback control (pause/stop).
Note: the control button(s) must also be tested under the Keyboard and Focus and Screen Reader tests.
3. Check that any animation that (1) starts automatically (2) lasts more than 5 seconds and (3) is presented in
parallel with other content has a mechanism for the user to pause, stop, or hide it or to control the frequency of the
update unless the auto-updating is part of an activity where it is essential.
An animation that occurs as part of a preload phase or similar situation can be considered essential if interaction
cannot occur during that phase for all users and if not indicating progress could confuse users or cause them to think
that content was frozen or broken.
4. Check that the information conveyed through animation or video is also available in accessible screen text or
Animation or video must not be the only way to convey information.
5. The alternative equivalent description must be an accurate and complete representation of the video/animated
All relevant visual information must be included (e.g.: driver hands license to officer). Equivalent (unsynchronized)
audio descriptions for video files are acceptable but not required.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.1 Video-only and Animation 33
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. Video-only content that starts
automatically does not have a
playback control.
[DNA] if there are no
video files. [DNA] if
there are no videos that
start automatically.
[NC] if video-only
content that starts
automatically does not
have a playback control.
[C] if all video-only that
starts automatically has
a playback control.
B. Animation that starts
automatically, lasts more than 5
seconds and is presented in
parallel with other content does
not have a playback control or
allow control of frequency for
[DNA] if there is no
animation. [DNA] if
there is no animation
that starts
automatically, lasts
more than 5 seconds, or
is presented in parallel
with other content.
[NC] if animation that
starts automatically,
lasts more than 5
seconds and is
presented in parallel
with other content does
not have a playback
control or allow control
of frequency for update.
[C] if all animation that
starts automatically,
lasts at least 5 seconds
and is presented in
parallel with other
content has a playback
control or allows control
of update frequency.
C. Video-only or animated content
does not have an equivalent text
or audio description.
[DNA] if there are no
videos or animations.
[NC] if video-only or
animated content does
not have an equivalent
text or audio
[C] if all video-only and
animated content has
an equivalent text or
audio description.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.2 Audio-only 34
Audio-only files include speeches, soundbites, ambient (background) sounds, etc.
Note: This test is different from the test for Multimedia (combined audio AND video).Files that have both video and
meaningful audio are tested in Test Process 3.3 Multimedia. Do not test Multimedia here.
1. Find all interface components that play audio-only content.
Short sounds such as confirmation beeps and error notifications are not included in this requirement.
2. If the audio starts automatically and lasts for more than 3 seconds, check that the audio-only content has a
playback control (pause/stop) or a mechanism to control audio volume independently from the overall system
volume level.
Note: the control button(s) must also be tested under the Keyboard and Focus and Screen Reader tests.
3. Find the associated transcript or description.
4. Play audio and check that the information conveyed through audio is also available in accessible screen
Audio must not be the only way to convey information.
The alternative equivalent description/transcript must be an accurate and complete representation of the audio-only
content. All speech and relevant audio cues must be included (e.g.: doorbell rings, car honks, etc.)
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. Audio content that plays
automatically and lasts for more
than 3 seconds does not have a
playback control or a mechanism to
independently control audio
[DNA] if there are no
audio only files. [DNA] if
there are no audio only
files that start
automatically and last
for more than 3 seconds.
[NC] if audio content
that plays automatically
and lasts for more than 3
seconds does not have a
playback control nor a
mechanism to
independently control
audio volume.
[C] if all audio content
that plays automatically
and lasts for more than 3
seconds has a playback
control or a mechanism
to independently control
audio volume.
B. An audio file does not have an
equivalent text
[DNA] if there are no
audio only files.
[NC] if an audio-only file
does not have an
equivalent text
[C] if all audio-only files
have an equivalent text
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.2 Audio-only 35
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(c) Use without Hearing
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.3 Multimedia 36
Multimedia is a presentation consisting of time-synchronized media (primarily video and audio).
1. Turn Captions on through the OS Accessibility properties.
Settings > Accessibility> Captions On
Set your caption options to something unique like yellow on blue text, so it is obvious that the caption options are
adopted when testing.
2. Find interface components that play synchronized media when activated.
This includes streaming media, and streaming live events. Include only files that have meaningful visual information
that is synchronized with meaningful audio information. Examples include webcasts, press conferences, instructional
videos, and online training presentations.
3. If the multimedia starts automatically, check that the multimedia content has a playback control (pause/stop).
Note: the control button(s) must also be tested under the Keyboard and Focus and Screen Reader tests.
4. Enable captions in the multimedia player. Play the multimedia.
Check captions: All relevant audible information (dialog and sounds) from the multimedia should be complete,
accurately displayed and synchronized with the multimedia audio.
5. Check that the application adopted the OS Accessibility Caption settings, that the application did not crash, and that
all functionality is still available.
6. Enable the audio description feature in the multimedia player. Play the multimedia.
Check audio descriptions: All relevant visual information from the multimedia should be complete, verbally described
accurately and synchronized with the multimedia video.
7. Synchronized alternatives are required. Transcripts and separate lists of visual events do not meet this requirement.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. Multimedia content that starts
automatically does not have a
playback control.
[31(a), 31(c)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files. [DNA]
if there are no
multimedia files that
start automatically.
[NC] if multimedia
content that starts
automatically does not
have a playback control.
[C] if all multimedia
content that starts
automatically has a
playback control.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
3.3 Multimedia 37
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
B. Synchronized captions are not
provided for multimedia.
[31 (c)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files.
[NC] if a multimedia file
does not provide
synchronized captions.
[C] if all multimedia files
provide synchronized
C. The provided captions for
multimedia are not equivalent.
[31 (c)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files. [DNA]
if captions are not
[NC] if the provided
captions for a
multimedia file are not
[C] if the provided
captions for all
multimedia files are
D. Synchronized audio descriptions
are not provided for multimedia.
[31 (a)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files.
[NC] if a multimedia file
does not provide
synchronized audio
[C] if all multimedia files
provide synchronized
audio descriptions
E. The provided audio descriptions
are not equivalent.
[31 (a)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files. [DNA] if
audio descriptions are
not provided.
[NC] if the provided
audio descriptions for a
multimedia file are not
[C] if the provided audio
descriptions for all
multimedia files are
F. The application did not adopt all of
the Android Caption settings.
[31 (c)]
[DNA] if there are no
multimedia files. [DNA]
if there are no captions.
[NC] if the application
disrupts caption settings.
Note: This will also fail
[C] if Android caption
settings are not
disrupted by the
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
31(c) Use without Hearing
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
4.2 Color Contrast 38
Color dependence is using color as the sole means to convey information. For example, a single icon that is green for on,
orange for standby, and red for off is color dependent.
Color must not be the only means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or indicating
status. Information conveyed through color must also be provided in text on the screen.
1. If there is information that is being provided by color, check to see if the same information is represented
textually on the screen or through other visual (non-color) differentiation (shape, position, size).
2. Check that the redundant textual information is visible when the meaningful color is displayed (i.e., the user
should not have to do anything to reveal the text).
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. Information is provided only by
[DNA] if color is not
used to provide
[NC] if color is the only
method used to provide
[C] if color is used but is
not the only method to
provide information.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
4.2 Color Contrast 39
There must be contrasting colors/shades at a ratio of at least 4.5:1 for discerning between background and foreground
1. Visually examine meaningful text and images of meaningful text displayed on the screen for areas that may
have low background to foreground contrast.
Incidental text, as defined below, is exempt from this requirement:
Part of logos or brand names
Part of an inactive user interface component
Pure decoration
Not visible to anyone
Part of a picture that contains significant other visual content
All appearances of meaningful text should be evaluated, including changes due to status.
2. Take a screenshot and transfer it to a computer.
3. Use the Colour Contrast Analyser picker tool to select foreground and background colors from the screen.
The contrast ratio must be at least 4.5:1.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. The contrast ratio is less than 4.5:1
for content background and
foreground colors.
[DNA] if there is no text.
[NC] if the contrast ratio
is less than 4.5:1 when
comparing the
background and
foreground colors. (If
NC, always document
the contrast ratio.)
[C] if the contrast ratio
is 4.5:1 or greater when
comparing all
background and
foreground colors.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
5. Flashing 40
The term flickering encompasses interface elements that flash, blink, flicker repetitively, or elements that scroll (e.g.,
marquee text).
Current Section 508 requirements do not permit elements to flash or flicker at frequencies between 2Hz and 55Hz. To
incorporate the expected update to this requirement, this flashing test adopts the WCAG 2.0 frequency restriction to below
1. Visually check for any flashing or blinking interface elements or scrolling text.
Currently there is no way to accurately test the rate of flashing or flickering on mobile devices and thus use of flashing
or flickering elements will be found not compliant.
Scrolling text should also be tested under Test 2.1: Screen Reader test.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. If the page contains flashing, flickering,
or scrolling.
[DNA] if there are no
elements that are
flashing, flickering,
scrolling, etc.
[NC] if flashing,
flickering, or scrolling
[C] Does not apply.
Enter the test results into the DHS reporting tool.
21(k) Blinking Objects
Software shall not use flashing or blinking text, objects, or other elements having a flash or blink frequency greater than 2
Hz and lower than 55 Hz.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
6. Time Outs 41
Messages and/or instructions to the user requesting their response within a given time are typically associated with apps
that require a secure login. This includes both server time-outs and client side security time-outs.
Note: The accessibility of the alert/pop up and option to request more time is tested in the Keyboard and Screen Reader
tests (Tests 1 and 2) and should not be tested here.
1. Inspect the app to determine if there is a timeout function from the applications documentation, or by leaving
the session inactive for a period of time.
2. If a timeout is about to occur, an alert must be posted for at least 20 seconds and the user must have the option
to request more time.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. The application timed out without
[31(a), 31(b), 31(c), 31 (d), 31(f)]
[DNA] if application
does not time out.
[NC] if application times
out without notification.
[C] if application
provides notification
before timing out.
B. The applications time out notification
is displayed for less than 20 seconds.
[DNA] if application
does not time out.
[DNA] if no time out
notification is provided.
[NC] if applications time
out notification is
displayed for less than
20 seconds before
timing out.
[C] if applications time
out notification is
displayed for at least 20
seconds before timing
C. The application timed out without an
option to request more time.
[31(a), 31(b), 31(c), 31 (d), 31(f)]
[DNA] if application
does not time out.
[NC] if application timed
out without providing
user an option to
request more time.
[C] if application
provides user an option
to request more time
before timing out.
Enter test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
6. Time Outs 42
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
31(c) Use without Hearing
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.
31(d) Use with Hard of Hearing
Where audio information is important for the use of a product, at least one mode of operation and information retrieval
shall be provided in an enhanced auditory fashion, or support for assistive hearing devices shall be provided.
31(f) Use with physical limitations
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions
and that is operable with limited reach.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
7. Built-in Accessibility Features 43
Operating System (OS) accessibility features are applications that are separate from the software being tested. The features
are usually found and activated in the accessibility section of the Settings menu on the device.
OS user-configurable accessibility appearance settings, functions, and assistive technologies must not be disrupted or
disabled by the software application.
Note: The navigation instructions to access these features may differ depending on OS updates. If you are testing with an
Android device that has an additional User Interface, Accessibility Features could vary.
1. Enable Accessibility Settings:
Settings > Accessibility:
Font Size
Display Size
Select to Speak
Voice Input (not part of Accessibility menu, but part of onscreen keyboard)
2. Set Font Size to the largest setting.
Settings > Accessibility > Font Size: move slider to the far right (largest size)
Restart the app. Test to see if the app adopted large font size wherever text is present within the app and did not
disrupt user’s ability to read or navigate the screen.
Close the app. Disable large Font size.
Settings > Accessibility > Font Size: move to “default” size
3. Set Display Size to the largest setting.
Settings > Accessibility > Display Size: move slider to the far right (largest size)
Restart the app. Test to see if the app adopted large display size completely within the app and did not disrupt user’s
ability to read or navigate the screen.
Close the app. Disable large Display Size.
Settings > Accessibility > Display Size: move to “default” size
4. Check if the application offers at least 4 color options to change foreground and background colors.
5. Enable Magnification feature.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
7. Built-in Accessibility Features 44
Settings > Accessibility > Magnification
If magnification appears on but the screen does not magnify, tap one finger three times.
To adjust the zoom level, pinch in or out to increase the magnification or move down to decrease the
Try to make the magnification level approximately 200% of the normal size. That means the normal screen
would take up approximately 4 magnified screens.
To move around the screen drag two fingers around the screen.
6. Restart the application.
7. Check that the application adopted the magnification appearance, the application did not crash, and all
functionality is still available.
8. Close the application and disable Magnification.
Settings > Accessibility > Magnification: Off
9. Enable Select to Speak
Settings > Accessibility > Select to Speak: On
Restart the app. Select the entire screen and ensure that all text is read aloud.
Note: Characters like “bullet” or “slash” will not be read nor will attributes like “heading” or “button”. This is not a
failure. Check only that the text output matches.
Tap the Select to Speak icon then drag your finger across the entire screen to highlight
the content.
To stop spoken text, tap anywhere on the screen.
10. Find all non-character disappearing text input fields (such as text fields, subject/body of an
email, etc.).
Settings> Languages and Input > Virtual keyboard: ensure you are using the default Gboard and Google voice typing
Note: Do not include text input fields here that do not display the characters, such as password
fields. These are excluded from this test.
Put focus in the non-character disappearing text input field, then select the “microphone” input
on your onscreen keyboard and dictate in to the text field. Verify that the application allows you
to utilize the microphone for text input.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
7. Built-in Accessibility Features 45
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. The app did not completely adopt
largest Font size.
[DNA] if the app has no
[NC] if all text is not
enlarged to setting
[C] if all text is enlarged
to setting specifications.
B. The app did not completely adopt
largest Display size.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if all the display is
not enlarged to setting
[C] if all the display is
enlarged to setting
C. The application does not offer at
least 4 color options.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if the application
does not offer at least 4
color options.
[C] if application offers
at least 4 color options.
D. The application did not enlarge or
became illegible when enlarged
with magnification.
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if the application
did not enlarge or
became illegible when
[C] if the application
enlarged and remains
legible when enlarged.
E. Select to Speak did not read all the
[DNA] if there is no
[NC] if Select to Speak
did not read all the
screen text.
[C] if Select to Speak
read all the screen text.
F. The application did not allow user
to utilize the microphone for text
[DNA] if the app has no
text input fields. [DNA]
if the app only has
form fields.
[NC] if the application
did not allow user to
utilize the microphone
for text input.
[C] if the application
allows user to utilize the
microphone for text
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
7. Built-in Accessibility Features 46
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
G. The application disrupted any of
the Android Accessibility options
(TalkBack, Magnification, Largest
Font size, Largest Display size,
Select to Speak Caption settings).
[31(a), 31(b), 31(c ), 31(d), 31(f)]
[DNA] is not an
acceptable result.
[NC] if the application
disrupts any of the
Android Accessibility
[C] if all Android
Accessibility options are
not disrupted by the
Enter test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
31(c) Use without Hearing
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.
31(d) Use with Hard of Hearing
Where audio information is important for the use of a product, at least one mode of operation and information retrieval
shall be provided in an enhanced auditory fashion, or support for assistive hearing devices shall be provided.
31(f) Use with physical limitations
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions
and that is operable with limited reach.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
8. Accessible Alternative 47
Alternative versions for accessibility are permitted only when the primary application cannot be made compliant due to
technology limitations and business requirements. The alternative version must provide the same information as the
primary page.
1. Determine if any alternative versions of the mobile app are provided.
2. Check that the alternative contains equivalent information as the mobile app.
Compare the content of the mobile app and the alternative, noting any information differences. Ensure that
dynamic content are also dynamically updated on the accessible version.
3. Perform all applicable tests for the accessible version and mark the appropriate test results.
Failure condition
Does Not Apply? [DNA]
Not Compliant [NC]
Compliant [C]
A. An alternative does not contain
equivalent information as the
primary application.
[31(a), 31(b), 31(c), 31(d), 31(e), 31(f)]
[DNA] if there is only
one version of the
[NC] if an alternative
does not contain
equivalent information
as the primary.
[C] if all alternatives
contain equivalent
information as the
B. The primary application can be
made compliant.
[31(a), 31(b), 31(c), 31(d), 31(e), 31(f)]
[DNA] if there is only
one version of the
[NC] if the primary can
be made compliant.
[C] if the primary cannot
be made compliant.
Enter test results into the DHS reporting tool.
31(a) Use without Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for
assistive technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.
31(b) Use with Low Vision
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be
provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for assistive technology used by
people who are visually impaired shall be provided.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
8. Accessible Alternative 48
31(c) Use without Hearing
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided.
31(d) Use with Hard of Hearing
Where audio information is important for the use of a product, at least one mode of operation and information retrieval
shall be provided in an enhanced auditory fashion, or support for assistive hearing devices shall be provided.
31(e) Use without Speech
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user speech shall be provided, or support
for assistive technology used by people with disabilities shall be provided.
31(f) Use with Physical Limitations
At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or simultaneous actions
and that is operable with limited reach.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Elements Table 49
Element Type
What to Listen For
Android Specific Output
Unique and descriptive label to match visual
Notation of whether or not activity is
Unique and descriptive label to match
visual information
Notation of whether or not activity is
Alert/Pop Up
Unique and descriptive speech output to
match visual information
Includes the word “Alert” or “Pop Up”
If a time out: an alert must be posted for at
least 20 seconds and the user must have the
option to request more time read aloud.
Unique and descriptive speech output to
match visual information
If a time out: an alert must be posted for
at least 20 seconds and the user must
have the option to request more time
Unique and descriptive speech output to
match visual information to include note that
it is a graphic or animation
Unique and descriptive speech output to
match visual information
Notes that it is a graphic
App Name
(associated with
App icon)
Unique and descriptive title to match visual
information (to describe app)
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information (to describe app)
Button (to include
stepper, sort)
Unique and descriptive label that matches
text (supplemental information might also be
read to describe the button)
Note that is it a “Button”
Note its value/state (to include sufficient
information for buttons that change from play
to pause)
If the element has a variable status, the
current status must be announced.
Unique and descriptive label that matches
text (supplemental information might also
be read to describe the button)
Disabled” if button is disabled
Depending on type of button, say a filter
button, will also say “Alert”, “Filter By”
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information within container should
be read
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information within
container should be read, not container
Custom Interface
Control (e.g.
Calendar, Clock)
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information to include value/state
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information
Drawer/Slide Out
Menu (e.g.
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information
Open navigation drawer” will be noted
when initially landing on element
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Elements Table 50
Element Type
What to Listen For
Android Specific Output
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Descriptive label, layout of folder
Form Field: Check
Unique and descriptive label that matches
visual information and instructions
“Checkboxshould be announced)
State should indicated
Hidden form fields should not be announced
Disabled form fields do not require a form
name to be announced
Read-only form fields cannot be edited by
the user, but sufficient element data must
be read aloud
Unique and descriptive label that
matches visual information and
Checkbox” and will always say
“Checked” or “Not Checked” to indicate
“Disabled” will be announced if not
Form Field: Radio
Unique and descriptive label that matches
visual information and instructions
Radio button” should be announced)
State should be indicated
Hidden form fields should not be announced
Disabled form fields do not require a form
name to be announced
Read-only form fields cannot be edited by
the user, but sufficient element data must
be read aloud
Unique and descriptive label to match
visual information (can include widget,
etc. to provide supplemental
Will always say “Radio Button” and will
always say “Checked” or “Not Checked”
to indicate state
“Disabled” will be announced if not
If there is a radio group: unique and
descriptive name that matches visual
information (label) for the group
announced prior in focus order from
radio buttons
Form Field: Text
Field ( blank, with
placeholder or
inserted text)
Unique and descriptive label that matches
visual information and instructions
State should be indicated
If the element has a variable status, the
current status must be announced.
Hidden form fields should not be announced
Disabled form fields do not require a form
name to be announced
Read-only form fields cannot be edited by
the user, but sufficient element data must
be read aloud
“Edit Box”
Unique and descriptive label that
matches visual information and
instructions or placeholder text
For editing, will announce “is editing”,
and any placeholder text or text that user
has typed in along with an initial note on
where cursor is located within text box
“Disabled” will be announced if not
Character limit must be announced if
Grid Layout/View
(Android only)
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Grid view”
Cell contents
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information
“Grid view”, or “Grid showing X items”
Cell contents
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Elements Table 51
Element Type
What to Listen For
Android Specific Output
Heading (text)-if a
heading is noted
visually, must be
Unique and descriptive label that matches
visual information
Heading” should be read
Supplemental information such as Heading
Level number should be set if there are
several heading levels.
Headers should be used logically (e.g. not
skipping from Heading 3 to Heading 1 to
Heading 5 if visual structure does not
support that order)
Supplemental information read aloud will
not inhibit compliance unless it is confusing
for the user
Unique and descriptive label that
matches visual information
Supplemental information such as Aria
Landmarks might be read aloud such as
Android recently updated their API to
allow coding of headings but heading and
heading level may be noncompliant if the
app has not been re-coded accordingly
If a hint exists, ensure that sufficient and
supplemental information (only) is provided
The hint should not contain necessary
information for user interaction
The hint property provides an accessible
name, or label, for input fields
It is only announced for input fields when
the field is not populated
It is not recommend using the hint
property as the label for a field since it
will no longer be announced when the
user fills in the field
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
If it is a decorative image that has no
meaning, nothing should be announced;
images must have consistent meaning
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information
Unique and descriptive title to match visual
Supplemental information read aloud will
not inhibit compliance unless it is confusing
for the user. (In Android, screen reader
voice changes to note a link)
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information in robot voice
Android does not differentiate visited vs
non-visited link.
Unique and descriptive title to match visual
Will note number of items in list
If the element has a variable status, the
current status must be announced
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information
Will note if list is a “Dropdown” number
of items in list (“List showing X items”) or
note “Showing items X of X
In Chrome: List start, end, and item
number will not be read aloud
In Firefox, “First Item” and “Last Item”
will be read aloud
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Elements Table 52
Element Type
What to Listen For
Android Specific Output
Page Control
Current page number out of total number
available will be announced or equivalent
accessible and unique name to identify page
Current page number out of total
number available will be announced or
equivalent accessible and unique name
to identify page
Page Titles
We currently do not test for page titles
Picker Item
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive speech output to
match visual information
Hint will not be picked up by TalkBack
Search Bar/Field
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual labels and instructions are
provided prior to the search button
control in the focus order
“Search” for the button
Edit box” for the text entry field
Will read the contents of the text entry
Seek Bar/Control
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive label to match
visual information
“Seek Control”
Always says the % value
Skip Link
Descriptive name to signify skip link
navigation after landing on screen
This should read similar to a link.
“Skip to main content”
Slider (example:
volume, video
track position)
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information
Current state of the slider
Disabled” if disabled
Static Text
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information only (static
text will ONLY announce the words and
will not announce any function)
Status Bar Item
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive title to match
visual information
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive label to match
Disabled” if button disabled
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Elements Table 53
Element Type
What to Listen For
Android Specific Output
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information (to include, “table”,
“header” for header column/row)
Read order must be correct and cell
association must be clear
For web: Chrome’s GridView might read
header and footer, but not column headers.
Firefox should be used in this case
Unique and descriptive name that
matches visual information
“GridView” for native, row contents
In Chrome: “header” might not be
Android recently updated their API to
allow coding of headers but headers may
be noncompliant if the app has not been
re-coded accordingly
Unique and descriptive output that matches
visual information
Supplemental information read aloud will
not inhibit compliance unless it is confusing
for the user
Unique and descriptive output that
matches visual information
Unique descriptive name for toolbar
Dimmed/disabled” if disabled
Unique descriptive name for toolbar itself
may be announced first
Disabled” if disabled
Video/Video View
Unique and descriptive name that matches
visual information
“Video” or “Video view”
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Android Keystrokes and Gestures 54
Press the Power + Volume Down button OR use the camera key on your external keyboard (if your
external keyboard has a button).
Alt + Up Arrow
Moves to the beginning of a text field or top of list box
Alt + Down Arrow
Moves to end of a text field or bottom of list box
Moves to the next interactive control in the focus order.
Move to the control above the current control
Move to the control below the current control
Move to the control to the left of the current control
Move to the control to the right of the current control
Activates the current control
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Shift + Arrows
Selects text
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Android Keystrokes and Gestures 55
Alt + Shift + G
Open global context menu
Alt + Shift + L
Open local context menu:
Alt + Shift + Z
Pause or resume TalkBack
Alt + Shift + Right
Move to next item
Alt + Shift + Left
Move to previous item
Alt + Control + Enter
Read from top
Alt + Shift + Up Arrow
Move to first item
Alt + Shift + Down
Move to last item
Alt + Shift + Enter
Activates the current control
Alt + Shift + H
Goes to home screen
Deletes text
Alt + Shift + Backspace
Moves to the next interactive control in the focus order.
Shift + Tab
Moves to the previous interactive control in the focus order.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Android Keystrokes and Gestures 56
Alt + Shift + Ctrl +
Right Arrow
Move to next word
Alt + Shift + Ctrl + Left
Move to previous word
Alt + Shift+ Right
Move to next character
Alt + Shift+ Left Arrow
Move to previous character
Shift + Arrows/Ctrl + A
Selects text
Drag one finger
Explore the screen and hear audible feedback for what is being touched.
Drag two fingers on
text input field (when
blue arrow is shown)
To move character by character
Two fingers press and
hold on screen
Long press to open additional menus such as Copy/Paste/Cut/Select All/Assist
Double-tap anywhere
on the screen
Open or activate the item last touched.
Swipe Up or Down
using two fingers
Scroll lists and pages.
Swipe Left or Right
using two fingers
Change pages and screens.
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Android Keystrokes and Gestures 57
Swipe Right (or Down)
using one finger
Move to the next item
Swipe Left (or Up)
using one finger
Move to the previous item.
Swipe Down then Up
using a single motion
Transition to the next reading level when reading blocks of text, then swipe right to read
forward or left to read backward.
Swipe Up then Down
using a single motion
Transition to the previous reading level when reading blocks of text, then swipe right to read
forward or left to read backward.
Swipe Right then Left
using a single motion
Move to the next piece of information.
Swipe Left then Right
using a single motion
Move to the previous piece of information.
Swipe Up then Right
Open local context menu
Swipe Up then Left
Home button
Swipe Down then Right
Open global context menu
Swipe Down then Left
Back button
Swipe Right then Down
Open notifications
Swipe Left then Up
Recent apps button
On lock screen, press
and hold two fingers
until a sound plays
Turn on TalkBack from lock screen
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Android Keystrokes and Gestures 58
Triple tap single finger,
hold, and move finger
on screen
Temporarily magnify the screen release to de-magnify
Triple tap single finger
Magnify screen
Pinch in/out
Change magnification level
Explore by Touch Tutorial (within Android Accessibility Settings)
List of all gesture and keyboard commands: https://support.google.com/accessibility/android#topic=6007234
https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/accessibility /index.html
DHS Section 508 Compliance Test Process for Android Mobile Applications
Document Content Change Log 59
Initial version.