1. T-Shirt sale: Purchase T-Shirts (
School/Group name
is Bringing Hope Home) and sell at your
school! Typically you can make around $4 per shirt by upping the sales cost.
2. Dress-down day: Charge faculty and administrators who wants to participate. Make certain
that you ask permission of Human Resources, first.
3. Band and choir concerts band to donate their time by performing a benefit
concert for your BHH. Charge admission for the event.
4. Walk-a-thon: Choose a date and a route, make up some pledge forms, and advertise with
posters. Have participants gather donations or pledges using their pledge forms.
5. Bag groceries Make
signs and posters about BHH so shoppers know where their donations are going.
6. Paint the town ORANGE: Orange out everything! Paint school windows, sell t-shirts, sell
7. Raffles: Sell tickets and keep ticket stubs. On the date of the draw, have someone close his or
her eyes and pick a ticket stub from all the ones that were sold. Do this publicly. The winner
receives a prize.
8. Auction: Have individuals, groups and businesses donate goods and services and students bid
on the items they want.
9. Volunteer your skills: Rake leaves, shovel snow, take care of a pet. When offering your
service, ask the person who benefited from your actions for a donation toward BHH.
10. Sell candy, cards, etc.: Work with reputable businesses that provide merchandise you can
sell. Be sure at least half of the money raised goes to your cause.
11. Winter carnival or bazaar: Hold a winter carnival or bazaar. Invite students, staff, and the
community. Charge admission and/or a small fee to play games.
12. Carnival day: Host a mini carnival, with games, prizes and popcorn, in a local park or your own
backyard. Charge admission and/or a small fee to play games.
13. Spelling Bee, Trivial Pursuit, Checkers, Scrabble, Twister: Have participants and
spectators pay to participate and the winner receives a prize. You cannot charge admission for
Poker Games as that would violate Gambling Policies.
14. Battle of the Bands: Gather some bands from your local community. Book a venue and
advertise with posters, flyers, and radio announcements. Hold a mini concert in which the
audience chooses the winning band.
15. Pitch-a-thon: Rent a radar gun and measure how fast people can throw a baseball or kick a
soccer ball. Charge $1 per try and give a prize to the fastest individual.
16. Sell buttons or t-shirts displaying logo.
17. Puppet Show: Make puppets with socks, felt and other craft materials. Pick out or write a
story. Set a date, time, and location. Advertise with flyers and posters. Sell tickets in advance
and at the door. Advertise to the local elementary school and day care facilities.
18. Spaghetti Dinner: Prepare a great dinner for students or community members and charge a
19. Hold a Theme Party: Decide on a fun theme. Charge an entrance fee, but be sure to explain to
people what their cover charge is going towards.
20. Plant Trees: Ask a nursery for seedling donations and then get people to sponsor a tree.
21. Pledges: Gather pledges to have dance-a-thons, rock-a-thons, or any other type of endurance
contest you can think of.
22. Day of Community Service: Gather together a group of friends, and contact a number of
organizations for which you would be interested in volunteering. Then have people sponsor you
to do community service for 24 hours.
23. Photo Booth for a Cause: Set up a fun photo booth at lunch or at a large event, complete with
mustaches, hats, glasses, and BHH signs. Charge participants small fee to have their picture
24. Pata Contest: Charge a fee to have each blindfolded person have one turn at trying to break
a candy-filled piñata.
25. Craft Sale: Make all the crafts yourself and sell them.
26. Family Barbecue: Host a family barbecue with games and activities.
27. Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament: Organize a basketball tournament in your school
with the winning team receiving a prize. This can also be done with soccer, tennis, badminton,
volleyball, or any other sport.
28. Swim-a-thon: Get sponsors for the number of laps you swim.
29. Beat the Goalie: Pick the best hockey or soccer goalie you know and invite people to try to
score a goal for a prize. Every participant has to pay to play.
30. Bingo: Host a bingo night at a local hall, place of worship, or school.
31. Plant Sale: Organize a plant sale with plants donated by local nurseries.
32. Boat Race: Organize a model boat race on a body of water. Charge a participant/spectator
entrance fee. The winner of the race gets a prize.
33. Fruit Stand: Get permission to go to local farms and pick fruit to sell. Sell the produce in high-
traffic areas or at community festivals.
34. Book (used book) Sale: Ask all your friends, relatives, and teachers to donate their old books.
Advertise your book sale by means of posters and flyers. Set up a table and sell books. If there
are leftovers, you can always give them to a needy library, shelter, or school.
35. Bowling: Organize a bowling night or a competition. Charge everyone a small fee to enter or
have participants get bowl-a-thon pledges.
36. Pie-a-Guy: Both guys and girls can participate. People can donate to pie their friends.
37. Coupon Sale: Have coupon books donated by local businesses, and then sell them to students
and adults.
38. International Dinner: Have people from various ethnic origins cook traditional foods, and then
charge admission to an international dinner.
39. Balloon Pop: Before filling a balloon with air or helium, put a note inside. Have a certain
number of the notes worth a prize. Have people buy balloons and pop them in the hope of
getting the prize. Be sure to pick up the broken balloons afterwards.
40. Scavenger Hunt: Set a route and make a list of items that the participants need to find in
order to win. Advertise your scavenger hunt well and charge everyone a small fee to
participate. The winning person/group gets a prize.
41. Car Wash: With a group of friends, set up a car wash in the parking lot of your school, church,
or public area. (Be sure to ask for permission and make sure that people are careful of moving
42. Hug-a-gram: Advertise a hug for a dollar. Have people buy a hug for a friend. After a member
of your group gives the hug to the designated person, give them a small card with a message
from the person who sent the hug. (You could do the same idea, but have your school mascot
give the hugs).
43. Charity Ball: Hire a DJ or a band, rent a hall, advertise, and sell tickets for a dance.
44. Holiday Ornament Sale: Sell ornaments during the holiday season.
45. Classic Car Show: Organize a classic automobile show. Invite people to attend and to bring
their cars by placing ads in local newspapers, leaving flyers at local businesses, and charging
people to come and see the show.
46. Miniature Golf: Build a nine-hole miniature golf course at your school, featuring ramps, water
and sand traps, and other obstacles. Charge people to play a round during lunch.
47. Bench-a-thon: Have people bench press weights in the school gym and collect pledges for
every pound they lift. Make sure all participants have spotters.
48. Clearing Snow
a donation.
49. Monopoly Match: Have a group of students play a Monopoly tournament with the winner
receiving a prize.
50. Guess the age of your teacher: Organize an event in which students pay to guess the age of
your teacher. Obtain approval from your teacher first, however.
51. Hoopla: The competitor throws hoops over prizes. The person whose hoop completely lands
over the prize gets to keep the award. Make sure you do not spend too much money on prizes.
52. Pumpkin-decorating Contest: Around Halloween, hold a pumpkin-decorating contest among
different grades of homerooms.
53. Debate Evening: Research a number of debate issues and invite various community members
to debate issues. Charge the audience to come and watch. The issues can be fun.
54. Dog Show: Invite faculty and staff to show off their dogs in a show. Make it a competition that
people pay to enter, and offer a prize for the best groomed dog, most- and least-obedient dog,
and so on.
55. Talent Auction: Auction off the talents of people. For instance, great singers offer to sing at a
wedding, party, or special event.
56. Duck Race: Sell numbered plastic ducks. Set all the ducks afloat in a race on a river. The
person who bought the duck that wins the race gets a prize.
57. Comedy Hour: Host a comedy skit during lunch at your school and charge people to attend.
58. Nacho Party: Plan a morning to make nachos and popcorn, which can be sold during lunch.
59. Eating Marathon: Have a pie eating, hot-dog eating, or ice cream-eating contest. You can
charge people to participate or to watch, or you can make all participants obtain pledges.
60. Ugly tie, worst hair-do, best mismatched outfit: Have the students come to an event,
dinner, or a sports game where the vote will take place. Provide a price to the winner.
61. Flower Show: Invite gardeners from your community to enter their flowers in a competition
for a prize. Ask volunteer experts to be judges and charge all participants and spectators a fee.
62. Calendar Sale: Create a calendar highlighting the projects and members of your organization,
and sell it to students and their family members.
63. Sports Tournament/Fitness Competition: Organize a sports tournament or fitness
competition. Advertise well and charge spectators to come and watch groups compete. You
may need to have medical personnel on hand.
64. Art Sale: Have local artists donate some of their works, which will be displayed and then sold
to the public.
65. Game Show: Recreate one or more of your favorite game shows and charge contestants a
small entrance fee. Sell tickets to the audience.
66. Gardening: Tend the garden of a neighbor, a local store, or community park for a donation.
67. Karaoke: Rent a karaoke machine, sell tickets or charge an admission fee, and sing all night.
68. Canning: Hit the streets with signs and cans, collecting money while cars are stopped at red
69. Kilometers of Coins: Gather donations of coins (pennies, dimes, or quarters) and lay them
side-by-side until they stretch out to be a kilometer long. Alternatively, surround your gym,
library, or parking lot with the coins.
70. Recipe Book: Gather together favorite recipes and put them together in a book. Sell the book
through your school, sports organization, or student center. Try to get the photocopying
donated by local businesses.
71. Henna Hand Art: Find out if any members of your group know how to apply henna (Indian
hand art), which can be applied to people in your school for a fee.
72. Walk Dogs: Love pets? Try walking dogs every day for a fee.
73. Toy Sale: Hold a toy sale. The best season for this is just prior to Christmas.
74. Triathlon: Set a course of running, cycling, and swimming. Have participants get pledges to
compete to win prizes.
75. Lemonade Stand: Make lemonade, post signs, and sell it on a hot day.
76. February: Sell re
77. May
78. June
79. September: Back-to-School supplies sale.
80. October: Halloween party; pumpkin sales; Thanksgiving turkey raffle.
81. December: Gift-wrapping service.
82. Babysitting Evening - promote as great time for parents to have a night out!
83. Babysitting during worship services
84. Babysitting during PTA meetings, Open House, Meet the Teacher Night (contact the local
secondary schools to arrange this service).
85. Garage Sale.
86. Concession Stand: Purchase pro
high demand spot. Perhaps at a major event!
87. Raffle: Could be a quilt or a special item like jewelry.
88. Pancake Breakfast: Some companies will offer the equipment for free; others will give you
the product necessary to make the pancakes. Hold first day of hunting season or cold winter
89. Breakfast in Bed: Groups provide breakfast in bed for participants.
90. Cake Walk: Auction off cakes.
91. Gourmet Cooking School: Hold a cooking class and charge an entrance fee.
92. Submarine Sandwich Sale.
93. Singing Telegrams: Hopefully with someone who has a great voice!
94. Sports Clinics.
95. Call a local restaurant and arrange a benefit night where your organization gets a cut of
96. Tutor students at the local schools.
97. Apply for a grant.
98. During finals give massages for a small fee.
99. Seek sponsorships for your event!