Guidance when using Other Direct Costs (ODCs)
in support of a Conference Event or Trade Show
The Professional Services Schedule, offer GSA customers an array of services related
to planning, coordinating, and implementing superior conference events or trade shows
in support of mission requirements. Despite diverse offerings identified under SIN C541
4D, Conference Planning, GSA realizes the value add in facilitating a means, through
Other Direct Costs (ODC), that enable our federal customers to tailor these types of
events. This document further clarifies guidance regarding Other Direct Costs (ODCs) in
support of Conference Event or Trade Shows.
Prior to placing a Task Order under SIN C541 4D, Conference Events and Tradeshow
Planning Services, for an Event in conjunction with services being provided under SIN
C541 5, Integrated Marketing Services, the following information should be considered:
1. If the intent of the order is to have all “Other Direct Costs” (ODC’s) inclusive in
the contract, ensure that all contractors being issued the RFQ have also been
awarded “Other Direct Cost” SIN 541 1000.
2. If the contractor has not been awarded the “Other Direct Cost” SIN associated
with the Professional Services Schedule, understand that all “Other Direct Costs”
associated with the event must be issued as “Open Market” items in accordance
with FAR 8.402(f). If ODC’s are being awarded under the contract, the following
guidance is applicable:
a. Other Direct Costs (ODCs) are expenses other than the direct labor hours
listed in the vendor’s pricelist. All ODCs proposed must be directly
related to a service being offered under the Professional Services
Schedule and can only be purchased in conjunction with the Schedule
service. Possible ODCs may include, but are not limited to items such as
audio/visual equipment, facility rental, commercial production, media
costs, booth space rental, etc.
b. All ODC’s are established at ceiling amounts on the contract and may only
be increased through contract modification. As long as the contractor
quotes a price for the ODC that is less-than, or equal-to the ceiling price
listed, the cost is allowable under the contract. The approved ODC’s on
the Schedule contract are supported with either an invoice or a quote
from a third-party provider. GSA normally approves the highest priced
verified invoice amount as the ceiling amount. This provides the greatest
flexibility for our vendors to meet diverse federal agency requirements.
Please note that our expectation is that our federal customer experts
procuring these services will evaluate each ODC for appropriateness and
reasonableness in performance of your task order. The actual cost for
the ODC in most instances will fall below the approved ceiling amount.
c. If the needed ODC falls outside of the ceiling amount on the contractor’s
Schedule contract, the contractor has the ability to modify the contract
and raise the ceiling amount based upon a quote from their provider to
fulfill your need.
d. If an ODC is needed that is not currently listed on their Schedule
Contract, the contractor has the ability to modify the contract and add
the ODC to their contract to fulfill your need.
e. In general, government funds may not be used to purchase meals or
refreshments for government employees or others. There are
exceptions to this general rule, such as:
When employees are attending a bona fide awards ceremony
authorized under the Government Employees Incentive Awards
Act (5 United States Code [USC]. §§ 4501 -4509), light
refreshments may be provided to enhance the ceremony.
When employees are attending a cultural awareness program,
light refreshments consisting of samples of ethnic foods may be
served for the purpose of promoting Equal Employment Office
(EEO) objectives by increasing employee appreciation for the
cultural heritage of ethnic groups.
When employees are on official travel
The cost of meals may be reimbursed as authorized by the
Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Chapters 300 and 301, and
The cost of light refreshments for employees at a
government-sponsored conference may be paid with
agency funds as authorized by Part 301-74.11 of the CFR
When employees are attending training under the Government
Employee's Training Act (GETA) (conducted either by the
government or a non-governmental organization) that meets the
definition of training set out in 5 U.S.C. § 4101(4), meals or
refreshments may be paid for by the government if
The meals or refreshments are incidental to the training; and
Attendance of the employees at the meals is necessary in
order to obtain the full benefit of the training; and
Employees are not free to take the meals elsewhere
without being absent from essential formal training
When employees are attending a formal meeting or conference that
is authorized under 5 USC § 4110 (i.e., a meeting or conference
that is related to official business, but does not meet the definition
of "training") meals or refreshments may be paid for by the agency
If the meeting or conference is sponsored by a non-
government organization, and if a single fee is charged
covering both attendance at the conference and meals and
refreshments, and no separate charge is made for meals or
refreshments; or
if the meeting or conference is sponsored by a Federal
entity or if it is sponsored by a non-government organization
and a separate charge is made for meals, the agency may
pay for the meals and refreshments if
The meals and refreshments are incidental to
the meeting or conference;
Attendance at the meals or when refreshments are
served is important to ensure the employees' full
participation in the meeting or conference; and
The meals or refreshments are part of a formal
meeting or conference that includes not just the meals
and refreshments and discussions or speeches that
may take place when they are served, but also
substantial functions separate from when the food is
It should be noted that if employees are on official travel to attend training or a formal
meeting or conference, and meals are furnished at a nominal or no cost to the
employees or are included within the registration fee, the per diem allowance for meals
and incidental expenses must be adjusted in accordance with the FTR at 41 CFR 301-
If you have any questions about the use of agency funds for meals or refreshments,
please contact your servicing legal office.