ECSD Middle School
Schedules 2018-2019
Jim C. Bailey Middle School
Modified Block
Periods 1-7 Monday, Thursday and Friday of 50 minutes each and each
teacher instructs 6 of 7 periods with one 50 minute planning
Periods 1, 3, 5 and 7 on Tuesday and periods 2, 4, 6, and 8 on Wednesday
The 8
period class is taught by all teachers and focuses on enrichment
and remediation
The 4 classes on Tuesday and Wednesday are 100 minutes long and half of
the teachers have a planning period on Tuesday and the other half on
Faculty meetings and Professional Development take place before student
arrival on Thursdays and occasionally planning times have to be used for
training and data chats
Jim C. Bailey Middle School
Modified Block Continued
Electives Include
Physical Education
Computer Fundamentals, Computer Applications, Personal Development,
Business Keyboarding
Basic Theatre, Exploring 2D Art, Visual Art 3, 2D Studio Art 3, Band, Orchestra,
Instrumental Ensemble, Exploring Music, Music Ensemble, Chorus
Gifted Coursework
As of 12/6/18, 79% of the students are in fine and performing arts class and 61% of
the Bailey students are in technology classes
Bellview Middle School
Modified Block Schedule
Periods 2 - 8 Monday, Tuesday and Friday with 45 minutes for class times
and each teacher has one planning period of 45 minutes
Periods 2, 4, 6, and 8 on Wednesday and periods 1,3, 5, and 7 on Thursday
for 90 minutes each period
The 1
period class is taught for 90 minutes by all teachers on Thursday for
remediation and enrichment
The 4 classes on Wednesday and Thursday are 90 minutes long and half of
the teachers have a planning on Wednesday and the other half on
Professional Development may occur during half of one block day one
time per month
Faculty Meetings are held once per month before student arrival if needed
Bellview Middle School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Electives Include
Chorus, 2-D Studio Art, Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Music Ensemble, Orchestra
Computer Fundamentals, Intro to Business, Keyboarding, Computer Applications,
Personal Development
Physical Education
Gifted Coursework
As of 12/6/18 46% of the students are in a fine or performing arts class and 54% of
the students are in technology classes
Beulah Middle School
8 Period Block Schedule
4 classes per day Monday through Thursday block
schedule (Monday and Wednesday are odd class days,
Tuesday and Thursday even class days) and Friday all
classes meet with teachers
The classes on Monday through Thursday are 88 minutes
The 8 classes on Friday are 48 or 49 minutes long
Research/Critical Thinking classes focus on remediation
or enrichment based on coursework and test results
Beulah Middle School
8 Period Block Schedule Continued
Student electives include the following
Business Keyboarding, Computer Applications, Computer
Fundamentals, Production Technology, Aerospace Technology,
Introduction to Technology, Exploring Hospitality & Tourism,
Fundamentals of Culinary Careers, Fundamentals of Ag Services, Intro to
Ag Science, Exploration of AgriScience, Personal Development, Multi-
media class
Orchestra, Art World Cultures, 3-D Studio Art, Chorus, Band, Exploring
Physical Education
Gifted Resource Class
As of 12/6/18, 51% of the students are in fine or performing arts classes
and more than 90% are in technology classes
Ferry Pass Middle School
7 periods every day
Periods 1 7 every day with 48 or 49 minutes for each period
Teachers instruct 6 of 7 classes with a daily planning period
Faculty Meetings are held once a month before student arrival
Electives include
Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble, Music Ensemble, Chorus,
Physical Education
Fundamentals of Telecommunication, Fundamentals of Web and Software,
Computer Applications, Business Keyboarding, Computer Fundamentals,
Personal Development
Gifted Coursework
As of 12/6/18 44% of the students are in fine and performing arts classes and 62%
of the students are in technology classes
Ransom Middle School
8 period day
8 classes per day
7 of these classes are 44 minutes long
1 period for the Research class is 23 minutes long and paired with the 25
minute lunch
Research focuses on critical academic areas for remediation
Teachers instruct 6 of 7 academic periods with one daily planning period
Most teachers have students during the Research class and the other
teachers have lunch duty
Faculty meetings and Professional Development take place before student
Ransom Middle School Continued
Electives include
Exploration of Agriscience, Intro to Agriscience, Exploring Health
Occupations, Computer Applications, Personal Development,
Careers in Fashion and Interior Design, Introduction to Technology,
Exploring Technology, Computer Fundamentals, Fundamentals of
A/V Print Technology
Physical Education
Intro to Art History, Exploring 3D Art, Exploring 2D Art, Chorus, Music
Ensemble, Band, Instrumental Techniques
Gifted Coursework
As of 12/6/18, 52% of the students are in fine and performing arts
classes and 79% are in technology classes
Warrington Middle School
8 Period Day
8 classes per day
7 of these classes are between 47 and 50 minutes long
1 period for the Research class is 30 minutes and is paired with the
25 minute lunch
Research class focuses on Book Clubs
Teachers instruct 6 of 7 academic periods with one daily planning
All teachers assigned a Research class have a Book Club
Planning periods are used to collaboratively lesson plan assuring
standards alignment
Warrington Middle School
8 Period Day Continued
Electives include
Intro to Arts A/V, Business Keyboarding, Personal Development,
Computer Fundamentals, Exploring Aerospace Technology,
Exploring Technology
Keyboarding, Exploring Music, Band, Chorus
Physical Education
Gifted Coursework
As of 12/6/18, 37% of the students are enrolled in fine and
performing arts courses and 50% of the students are enrolled in
technology courses
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule
Workman’s initial Block Schedule years ago, included 8 blocks and
students alternated four classes one day and the other four the next
The schedule has evolved over the years of the IB/MYP implementation
in an effort to meet the diverse needs of the students and to bring their
staffing levels in line with other middle schools
Workman IB MYP requirements include four core components
(English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math) and four
elective components (Technology, Arts, Physical Education and Foreign
A Research class is also incorporated into the schedule so students can
receive remediation or enrichment specific to English/Language Arts
and/or Math and this class meets for 45 minutes twice a week and
every other Monday
Research class is also structured to prepare for the student led
conferences and to work on the digital portfolio
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Teachers have 40 minute planning or an 80 minute planning
on alternate Mondays
Teachers have a 90 minute planning either Tuesday and
Thursday or Wednesday and Friday with a 45 minute planning
on the alternate day
Professional Development is held weekly for 60 minutes,
teachers attend either Tuesday or Wednesday (whichever
day they have 90 minutes of planning)
Another option for online professional development will be
piloted after Winter Break
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Wednesday mornings before students arrive are used for
department, faculty or culture commitment meetings
and these start at 8:45
Monthly faculty meetings are held if needed starting at
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Electives include
Business Keyboarding, Computer Applications, Exploring IT
Careers, Computer Fundamentals, Exploring Career
Occupations, Intro to Arts A/V, Fundamentals of A/V Print
Technology, Fundamentals of Visual & Performing Arts, Exploring
Career Occupations, Intro to Technology, Fundamentals of
Manufacturing, Exploring Aerospace Technology, Introduction to
Human Services, Fundamentals of Culinary Careers, and
Personal Development
Physical Education
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Electives Continued
Band, Orchestra, Exploring Musical Performance, Instrumental
Ensemble, Exploring 2D Art, and Chorus
Spanish, Chinese
Gifted Coursework
100% of the students have at least a trimester in a fine or
performing arts class and all students take PE, Technology and a
Foreign Language
J.H. Workman IB/MYP School
Modified Block Schedule Continued
Students attend their fine arts classes every day for 45 minutes
Students attend Physical Education class for 45 minutes every
other day and alternating Mondays
Children attend 8 classes each Monday and PE and
Research alternating Mondays and there is a 30 minute
“academic club” time for students to participate in
Orchestra, book clubs, Student Government, and similar
selections every Monday
Tuesday through Friday students attend 3 of their block
classes each day and the 4
block contains the arts classes
and PE or Research
2018-2019 Middle School Schedules
Next Steps
Work on finding a common, standardized
schedule for all middle schools
Examine ways to provide for Band and Orchestra
to meet daily at schools with block schedules
Continue to fine tune the exploratory wheel at
Workman and other schools