J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 1
Higher National Unit Specification
General information
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Unit code: J0M6 34
Superclass: LK
Publication date: August 2018
Source: Scottish Qualifications Authority
Version: 02
Unit purpose
This unit is designed to give the learner a broad knowledge of the role and duties of a
concert tour manager and will enable them to gain experience in applying organisational
skills to tour management. It examines the touring aspect of the live music industry including
the roles of the personnel who operate within it and the financial considerations for live
touring. This unit will also give the learner the opportunity to identify different challenges
encountered on a live tour and evaluate the response to them. The unit has been designed
for learners interested in artist management and for organising concert tours. It will be of
benefit to learners wishing to pursue a career in music, music business or sound production.
On successful completion of the unit the learner will be able to:
1 Explain the processes behind organising and managing a tour.
2 Create a budget and itinerary for a tour.
3 Provide and evaluate potential responses to challenges encountered on a live tour.
Credit points and level
1 Higher National unit Credit at SCQF level 7 (8 SCQF Credit Points at SCQF level 7)
Recommended entry to the unit
While entry is at the discretion of the centre, it would be beneficial if learners have good
communication and numeracy skills. These may be demonstrated by the achievement of
Core Skill Communication and Numeracy at Higher level or by possession of Higher English
and Mathematics (SCQF level 6). It would be beneficial if learners have completed, or are
working towards the Music Industry (SCQF level 7), Music Business: Live Music Industry
(SCQF level 7) and Music Industry: Budgeting and Accounts (SCQF level 7) units.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 2
Higher National Unit Specification: General information (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Core Skills
Achievement of this Unit gives automatic certification of the following Core Skills component:
Core Skill component Critical Thinking at SCQF level 5
Planning and Organising at SCQF level 5
There are also opportunities to develop aspects of Core Skills which are highlighted in the
Support Notes of this Unit specification.
Context for delivery
This is an optional unit in the framework for HN Music Business. It is recommended that it
should be taught and assessed within the subject area of the group award to which it
The Assessment Support Pack (ASP) for this unit provides assessment and marking
guidelines that exemplify the national standard for achievement. It is a valid, reliable and
practicable assessment. Centres wishing to develop their own assessments should refer to
the ASP to ensure a comparable standard. A list of existing ASPs is available to download
from SQA’s website (http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/46233.2769.html).
Equality and inclusion
This unit specification has been designed to ensure that there are no unnecessary barriers to
learning or assessment. The individual needs of learners should be taken into account when
planning learning experiences, selecting assessment methods or considering alternative
Further advice can be found on our website www.sqa.org.uk/assessmentarrangements.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 3
Higher National Unit Specification: Statement of standards
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Acceptable performance in this unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards set
out in this part of the unit specification. All sections of the statement of standards are
mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA.
Outcome 1
Explain the processes behind organising and managing a tour.
Knowledge and/or skills
Tour logistics
Budgeting for a tour
Legal/contractual responsibilities
Communication with stakeholders
Personal qualities and skills required for tour management
Outcome 2
Create a budget and itinerary for a tour.
Knowledge and/or skills
Tour budgeting
Promoter details
Venue details
Accommodation details
Travel arrangements
Pier Diems
Equipment load in / load out details
Soundcheck and performance times
Outcome 3
Provide and evaluate potential responses to challenges encountered on a live tour.
Knowledge and/or skills
Justification of budget and itinerary
Identifying common tour issues
Personnel issues relating to musicians and crew
Solution focused approach to rectifying problems
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 4
Higher National Unit Specification: Statement of standards (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Evidence requirements for this unit
Outcome 1
Learners will need to provide evidence to demonstrate their knowledge and/or skills by
showing that they can:
explain the following logistical considerations when organising a tour:
crew and personnel changes
explain five key elements that must be budgeted for when organising a tour.
explain two key legal and contractual requirements necessary when organising a tour.
briefly define the roles of the following stakeholders, explaining what the tour manager
has to communicate with each:
artist manager
booking agent
venue owner
sound engineer
explain the need for the following qualities and skills when operating as a tour manager:
time management
Written and/or oral evidence will be generated under open-book conditions at appropriate
points in the unit.
Outcome 2
Learners will need to provide written and/or oral evidence to demonstrate their knowledge
and/or skills by producing a spreadsheet and tour itinerary in response to a given brief that
shows they can:
create in tabular form a projected tour budget which must include ten examples of
expenditure and two sources of revenue. The spreadsheet must demonstrate the
running total for the tour float/funds, with this figure calculated per day.
create a detailed five date tour itinerary that includes:
promoter details
venue details
travel and accommodation details
tour manager contact details
per diems
load in/out times
soundcheck/stage times
running order
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 5
Higher National Unit Specification: Statement of standards (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Product evidence in the form of a spreadsheet and word-processed itinerary will be
generated under open-book conditions at appropriate points in the unit.
Outcome 3
Learners will need to provide evidence to demonstrate their knowledge and/or skills by
showing that they can, in response to a brief:
provide three different responses to a financial challenge that a tour manager could
encounter during a live tour and evaluate each of these responses to select the most
appropriate course of action.
provide three different responses to a logistical/itinerary challenge that a tour manager
could encounter during a live tour and evaluate each of these responses to select the
most appropriate course of action.
provide three different responses to a personnel challenge that a tour manager could
encounter during a live tour and evaluate each of these responses to select the most
appropriate course of action.
Written and/or oral evidence will be generated under open-book conditions at appropriate
points in the unit.
It is not necessary that all outcomes are assessed sequentially as either Outcome 1 or 2 may
be assessed first. It is recommended that Outcome 3 is assessed after completion of
Outcome 1 and 2.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 6
Higher National Unit Support Notes
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Unit support notes are offered as guidance and are not mandatory.
While the exact time allocated to this unit is at the discretion of the centre, the notional
design length is 40 hours.
Guidance on the content and context for this unit
This unit is designed to give a grounding in the roles, responsibilities and challenges
presented in tour management.
The unit will give the learner an overall appreciation of the roles, practices and procedures
necessary to operate as a tour manager. In doing so, the learner will be given the
background knowledge that will prepare them for a role within concert touring personnel.
As a practical task the learner will prepare a tour budget and itinerary in response to a brief.
It will enable the learner to gain experience in applying organisational skills to tour
management. The learner will be given the opportunity to evaluate different responses to
challenges that tour personnel encounter on a live tour.
It will also provide learners with the knowledge and skills to utilise software packages such
as spreadsheets, word processing and contact management software to record and present
financial data and a tour itinerary.
It is expected that there will be several opportunities to explore the role of merchandising on
contemporary tours and that this will be embedded in the learner responses to Outcomes 1
and 2.
The outcomes of this unit are aligned to selected parts of the NOS for Music Business,
CCSTP29 Arrange, manage and receive tours
CCSRCS8 Organise promotional events for a Music Business Collecting Society
CCSMP37 Organise business travel and accommodation within a music publishing
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 7
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Guidance on approaches to delivery of this unit
Tutors should provide the learner with a broad knowledge of the roles and duties of a tour
manager. It is recommended that learners should be encouraged to attend and participate in
live music events where possible. If the Music Business: Live Music Industry (SCQF level 7)
unit is also being delivered it would be advised to deliver Music Business: Tour Management
(SCQF level 7) after learners have begun or completed the Music Business: Live Music
Industry (SCQF level 7) unit.
Outcome 1
The processes behind organising and managing a tour should be explained and case studies
used where appropriate. Learners should understand how accommodation, travel, fees,
performance royalties (PRS and contemporary platforms like Kobalt) crew changes, per diem
and equipment hire can affect tour budgets and how they must be taken into consideration
when creating an itinerary.
There should also be emphasis on the legal/contractual responsibilities that are necessary
for a tour such as venue booking contracts, agency contracts and contracts between band
members and tour manager. Administration of registering live performances for rights holders
should be covered.
Learners should know who the key stakeholders are on a tour; artists, crew, promoters,
venue, booking agents and managers should be considered. It is essential for the learner to
understand communication between stakeholders is and how the tour manager should
endeavour to facilitate communication between them.
Suitable tasks could be looking at sources for legal information and contracts, exploring case
studies of actual touring arrangements, guest speakers involved in tour management or
musicians that tour regularly, group exercises to explore skills and qualities.
Outcome 2
This outcome should encourage learners to consider the financial implications of a tour and
to comprehend how important it is to create an itinerary that plans all aspects including
contingency procedures effectively. Learners will be required to use spreadsheet, word
processing and contact database applications to record and present financial data and a tour
Existing tour itineraries could be used as case studies and as teaching materials. It would be
expected that there will be some tutorial sessions in using the necessary software required
as part of delivery. Research could be conducted into organisations that book
accommodation for musicians and use of map resources to plan routes.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 8
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Outcome 3
The learner should understand the importance of decision making. A rigorous tour can
present the tour manager with numerous difficult situations that require resolutions. These
issues can have an impact on the tour, its budget, itinerary and ultimately its success. It is
also important to understand what problematic issues can occur on a tour and how they can
be remedied. Case studies could be used to enhance the learner's understanding of different
challenging situations. It is important that solution focussed approaches to problem solving
are examined.
Guidance on approaches to assessment of this unit
Evidence can be generated using different types of assessment. The following are
suggestions only. There may be other methods that would be more suitable to learners.
Centres are reminded that prior verification of centre-devised assessments would help to
ensure that the national standard is being met. A range of assessment methods helps the
learner to develop different skills that should be transferable to work or further and higher
This unit has been developed as an optional unit in the HN Music Business, and as such, it
may contribute material that may be useful for the graded unit for the award. While all the
units in the group award can be assessed individually, it is anticipated that some integration
will occur between units.
The assessments for this unit are:
Outcome 1 Written and/or oral evidence
Outcome 2 Product evidence
Outcome 3 Written and/or oral evidence
Outcome 1
The assessment for this outcome could take the form of a written report or presentation
generated under open-book conditions that demonstrate the knowledge and/or skills as
detailed in the evidence requirements. It is expected that this outcome will be assessed
separately from Outcomes 2 and 3.
Outcome 2
The learner will prepare a budget using a spreadsheet and calculate the daily float/tour funds
for each day of the tour. The learner should be provided with a brief to ensure that their tour
budget and itinerary will be sufficient to meet all evidence requirements. It may be possible
that learners are involved in an actual (as opposed to simulated) tour in this case the
tutor/assessor will be responsible for ensuring that this is a sufficient brief to meet all
evidence requirements.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 9
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
The learner must also create a tour itinerary for a minimum of five dates that should include:
Five tour dates
Five locations
Five venues
Stakeholder contacts
Details arrival, load in, sound check and performance times
Press commitments
Day by day schedule
Outcome 3
The learner must provide and evaluate responses to potential issues that can arise on a tour.
They will be provided with a brief that specifies the scenarios that they will consider.
For each the learner will provide three responses and evaluate them to select an appropriate
course of action:
Financial challenges which could include low ticket sales, unexpected travel costs
and unexpected equipment hire.
Logistical/itinerary challenges which could include transportation problems,
accommodation problems and technical problems at the venue.
Personnel challenges which could include unwell crew members, disputes between
band members and time management concerns.
A recommended approach could be to assess Outcome 1 separately to prepare the learner
for Outcomes 2 and 3. The holistic approach could be taken for Outcomes 2 and 3 where a
brief is given for a touring scenario in Outcome 2. Outcome 2 product evidence could provide
background material for the Outcome 3 evaluation and problem solving assessment.
A simulated exercise is acceptable although actual, real-life touring projects in which learners
are involved should be encouraged.
Opportunities for e-assessment
E-assessment may be appropriate for some assessments in this unit. By e-assessment we
mean assessment which is supported by Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
such as e-testing or the use of e-portfolios or social software. Centres which wish to use
e-assessment must ensure that the national standard is applied to all learner evidence and
that conditions of assessment as specified in the evidence requirements are met, regardless
of the mode of gathering evidence. The most up-to-date guidance on the use of
e-assessment to support SQA’s qualifications is available at
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 10
Higher National Unit Support Notes (cont)
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
Opportunities for developing Core and other essential skills
There are opportunities to develop aspects of the Core Skill of Numeracy in this unit,
although there is no automatic certification of Core Skills or Core Skills components.
Other essential skills such as enterprise and entrepreneurship may be developed naturally
through the learning, teaching and assessment of this unit.
This Unit has the Critical Thinking and Planning and Organising components of Problem
Solving embedded in it. This means that when learners achieve the Unit, their Core Skills
profile will also be updated to show they have achieved Critical Thinking at SCQF level 5 and
Planning and Organising at SCQF level 5.
J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 11
History of changes to unit
Description of change
Core Skills Components Critical Thinking and Planning and
Organising at SCQF level 5 embedded.
© Scottish Qualifications Authority 2018
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided
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Additional copies of this unit specification can be purchased from the Scottish Qualifications
Authority. Please contact the Business Development and Customer Support team, telephone
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J0M6 34, Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7) 12
General information for learners
Unit title: Music Business: Tour Management (SCQF level 7)
This section will help you decide whether this is the unit for you by explaining what the unit is
about, what you should know or be able to do before you start, what you will need to do
during the unit and opportunities for further learning and employment.
This unit is designed to give you an understanding of how a tour manager operates and
enable you to gain experience in applying organisational skills to tour management. It
examines the live music industry, the roles of the personnel who operate within it and the
related touring financial considerations.
It also focuses on the decision making process and addresses issues that may be
encountered when managing a tour.
There are three outcomes to this unit.
Outcome 1 you will provide written and/or oral evidence that explains the processes and
personnel behind organising and managing a tour.
Outcome 2 you will provide a tour budget as a spreadsheet and an itinerary for a tour.
Outcome 3 you will provide and evaluate responses to potential issues that may arise on
Outcome 1
You will demonstrate an understanding of the role of a tour manager and detail what logistics
need to be considered when organising a tour. You will also explain what must be budgeted
for on a tour.
Outcome 2
You will prepare a tour budget using a spreadsheet and calculate the running total for the
tour float/funds to demonstrate you understand the importance of creating a financial
You will also create a tour itinerary for a minimum of five dates.
Outcome 3
You will provide and evaluate responses to potential problems that can arise on a tour. You
will discuss how different issues can impact on a tour and evaluate possible responses to
decide on an appropriate course of action.
There are opportunities for you to develop aspects of the Core Skill of Numeracy during this
unit, although there is no automatic certification of Core Skills or Core Skills components.
This Unit has the Critical Thinking and Planning and Organising components of Problem
Solving embedded in it. This means that when you achieve the Unit, your Core Skills profile
will also be updated to show you have achieved Critical Thinking at SCQF level 5 and
Planning and Organising at SCQF level 5.