Terms and
Credit Card agreement regulated
by the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
1. Introduction
This agreement is between us (Barclays Bank UK PLC,
Barclaycard Centre, Northampton NN4 7SG) and you,
the person who signed this agreement. Barclaycard is a
trading name of Barclays Bank UK PLC.
These are the terms and conditions for your credit
card account. They will help explain how your
account works and other important things you need
to know. We hope you’ll find them clear and easy
to use. Please keep this document safe in case you
need to refer to it.
Credit Card agreement regulated by the Consumer
Credit Act 1974.
2. Your interest rates
We charge different interest rates on different balances.
Your simple standard and cash interest rates will move up
and down in line with changes to the Bank of England Base
Rate (or any rate which replaces it, we call this rate the
Base Rate). We will explain more about this in the ‘Changes
due to the Bank of England Base Rate’ section. When you
use your card, the relevant amount is added to a particular
balance, depending on the type of transaction you use the
card for.
We may also offer you promotions on your account,
which might result in different interest rates on your
‘promotional balance’. We will tell you the terms of any
promotions before they are available.
Main balance (does not include any
instalment plan balance) includes:
Interest rate
Standard balance – This is made up
of the following, unless promotional
terms apply instead:
• Purchases
Balance transfers
Money transfers (transfer of funds to
your current account)
Interest and account usage fees on
the above, and default fees
(Your standard
rate can be
found on
your monthly
Cash balance – This is made up of
the following:
Cash withdrawals (this includes any
fees other people or organisations
may charge for the withdrawal)
Buying currency or travellers cheques
Cash-like transactions, including:
– sending money orders or wire
– buying digital currencies, including
cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin
Gaming transactions, including:
– gambling
– betting
– transactions relating to gaming
such as buying lottery tickets or
gaming chips, or spending on a
gambling website or at a gambling
Interest and account usage fees on
all of the above
(Your cash rate
can be found on
your monthly
Main balance (does not include any
instalment plan balance) includes:
Interest rate
Promotional balance – This is made
up of the following:
Transactions with promotional terms,
which we will tell you about before
you make the transaction such as:
– purchases
– balance transfers
– money transfers
Interest and fees on the above
Depends on
the offer
Instalment plan balance includes: Interest rate
Instalment plans – these are plans
that we may offer which allow
you to repay a balance in monthly
instalments over a period of time.
We will tell you about the terms
before you take up the offer
Fees on instalment plans
0% per year
3. Fees that we charge
The fees that apply to your account are as follows:
We will charge you an amount to cover any other
reasonable costs or losses we must pay if you break
this agreement.
Fees that third parties may charge
We tell you about all the charges that we make, but using
your card may mean that you have to pay other amounts
to someone else. For example, some organisations may
charge an extra fee for credit card payments.
Account usage fees Amount
Cash transaction (there is
no minimum fee for gaming
Non-sterling purchase
Balance transfer or money transfer
Instalment plan
of £2.99)
purchase rate
can be found on
your monthly
Depends on
the offer
Depends on
the offer
Default fees Amount
Late payment
Over credit limit (for each month
you are over the credit limit)
There is no maintenance fee for this account.
4. Monthly payment
We’ll send you a monthly statement to tell you what
the minimum amount you need to pay is and when the
payment is due.
You must pay at least your minimum payment in sterling
by the due date shown on your statement every month.
Remember – if you only make your minimum payment
each month it’ll take longer and cost more to pay off your
balance. You can always choose to pay more.
Your payment due date will be at least 20 days after we
produce your statement. You can ask us to change your
payment due date by asking us to change your statement
date. You cannot change your statement date if you have
changed it twice in the last 12 months, or you have
already changed it during the current or previous
statement period.
Your minimum payment will be the highest of the following:
£5 (or the total outstanding balance if it’s less than £5)
(A percentage
) of your main balance plus any instalment
plan payments due for that month (if you have any
instalment plans on your account)
An amount equal to any interest, default fees or account
maintenance fees that have been added to your account
since your last statement, plus (a percentage
) of the rest
of your main balance plus any instalment plan payments
due for that month (if you have any instalment plans on
your account). Default fees and account maintenance
fees will only be included if the percentage referred to
above is 1%
This percentage is unchanged and can be found on your
monthly statement
However, if you have agreed to set up a paydown plan
(please see the ‘Paydown plans’ section, below), your
minimum payment will be your paydown plan payment
each month instead. This will be the same amount each
month (except for your final payment, which may be
smaller) until your paydown plan ends.
If you are on a reduced-repayment plan or arrangement,
during the plan or arrangement your minimum payment
will be the amount we have told you.
Any refunds you receive on your account will not count
towards your minimum payment amount. You must still
pay the full minimum payment unless the refund reduces
your balance to an amount which is less than your
minimum payment, in which case you will only have to
pay the remaining balance.
5. Your card
With your account, we’ll provide you with a card (or cards)
to use. By the word ‘card, we mean any credit card (or
cards) or any alternative to a credit card that we provide
you with to make transactions under this agreement.
We tell you more about your card in the ‘Using your
account’ section of this agreement.
6. Credit limit
We set your credit limit according to your circumstances,
your account usage and history, information from other
parts of the Barclays group, information we receive from
credit reference agencies, and any other information we
think is relevant.
We’ll tell you what your credit limit is when we first open
your account. We’ll then review it from time to time.
If we change your credit limit, we’ll write to let you know.
We tell you more about your credit limit in the ‘Using your
account’ section of this agreement.
Legal information
Example of the total amount you would have to
pay and the annual percentage rate (APR)
We’ll tell you the total amount you would have to pay
and the APR when you first enter into the agreement
with us. This legal information is provided based on
assumptions we make at that time and isn’t relevant
to you afterwards.
7. Your interest charges
When we charge interest
If you pay your main balance (excluding any promotional
balance with a 0% interest rate) plus any instalment plan
payments due for that month in full by your payment due
date, the following will apply that month:
We won’t charge interest on the following that have been
added to your account since your last statement:
– New purchases
– Non-sterling cash transactions (transactions made
in a foreign currency)
– Balance transfers which promotional interest rates
apply to
– Money transfers which promotional interest rates
apply to
We will only charge interest on your outstanding balance
from your last statement (excluding sterling cash
transactions and related fees and interest) up to the
date of your current statement
For sterling cash transactions, we will always charge
interest from the date they’re added to your account to
the date you pay them off, even if you pay your total
outstanding balance in full by the payment due date.
Please remember that you must pay the minimum
payment by your payment due date to avoid losing any
promotional interest rates.
How we charge interest
We work out how much interest we charge each month
using a simple interest rate. Your interest is calculated
on a daily basis and added to your account each month
on the date we produce your statement. We will charge
interest on interest if you do not repay your total
outstanding balance in full each month (this is known
as compound interest).
If interest is due, we will charge it from the date each
amount is added to the account. Interest continues to
be charged on all outstanding balances until you pay
off your balance or a court orders you to pay off your
balance. This means that when an amount is overdue
for payment, we continue to charge interest at the rate
that applies to that particular balance.
Interest on default fees
Default fees are fees that we charge if you don’t make a
monthly payment on time, you go over your credit limit
or you make a payment to us which is later returned.
If we charge a default fee we will tell you in writing.
We don’t charge any interest on default fees for 28 days
starting from the time we tell you that the default fee is
being charged. Also, we don’t charge interest on
interest (compound interest) you’re already paying
on a default fee.
Understanding the interest and fees
on your account
Please make sure you consider the interest and fees
that will be added to your account at the time of
producing your statement
You should make sure you keep enough available
balance to not go over your credit limit when
these are added, otherwise an over credit limit
fee will apply
To help you do this, an estimate of the interest that
will be charged the following month is included on
your statement
8. Changes due to the Bank of England
Base Rate
Your simple standard and cash interest rates will move
up and down in line with the Base Rate. If you’re a new
customer, this will start from the day after your account is
opened. You can find the current Base Rate on our website
or by calling customer services.
Your promotional or instalment plan interest rates will not
move in line with the Base Rate.
When changes take effect
If the Base Rate changes, your simple standard and cash
interest rates will change in line with the new Base Rate on
the day after your next statement date. Your statement
date is the date on which your monthly statement is
normally produced. We’ll tell you when this is after your
account is opened.
If you’re a new customer, any changes in the Base Rate
which take place before your first statement date will not
affect your simple standard and cash interest until the day
after your second statement date.
Telling you about changes to the Base Rate
Because your interest rates will move in line with the
Base Rate, we will send you a summary each year telling
you how the Base Rate has changed over the past year.
If you get monthly statements, you’ll be able to see the
information about the Base Rate changes on those.
If you or we close your account, we will not move your
interest rates in line with the Base Rate. You won’t be able
to make any further transactions on your account after
you tell us to close your account, and you must repay us
your outstanding balances within a reasonable period.
If the Bank of England Base Rate is no longer available
or changes significantly, we will decide whether it is
reasonable to replace it with another rate or whether to
make other changes to how we calculate interest.
9. Changes that we may make to your
standard and cash interest rates
As well as your simple standard and cash interest rates
moving up and down in line with the Base Rate, your
interest rate may change for the reasons set out below.
Any change that we make will be reasonably proportionate
to the effect the change has on us. We won’t change
interest rates to cover the same cost twice.
Changes due to risk
We may increase or decrease your interest rate (or rates)
based on the risk of lending to you. Some of the things
that may affect our decision are as follows:
If you don’t keep to these terms and conditions, such as
failing to make your minimum payment by the payment
due date or going over your credit limit
The way you manage and use your account or any other
account you have with us. We‘ll look at how you make
repayments, your repayment history, and how much of
your credit limit you use
Information that we get from others such as credit
reference agencies, our own information and information
from within the Barclays Group
Changes due to legal or regulatory changes
We may change your interest rates, including making
changes to the way we charge interest, if there’s a change
in legal or regulatory requirements that affects us.
Changes for other reasons
As this contract has no fixed end date, we may from time to
time need to make changes for reasons that are not set out
here. As long as you can end this agreement without charge,
we may make changes to interest rates, or change the way
we charge interest for reasons that are not set out here.
Giving you notice of changes
If we make a change to your interest rates (other than
a change caused by the Base Rate) we’ll tell you about
the change and when it will apply. We will do this either
by including a message in your monthly statement or
by sending you a separate written notice by post, email,
online account servicing, text message or any other
written communication.
We’ll give you at least 30 days’ notice unless we reduce
any of your interest rates in which case we may give you
less notice.
If you decide that you want to close your account after
the change takes place, you’ll need to contact us to let
us know.
If we increase one of your interest rates (and this is not
caused by a change to the Base Rate) and you tell us
within 60 days that you don’t accept this change and
want to end the agreement, the existing interest rate
will continue to apply until you repay your outstanding
balances. In this case you won’t be able to make any
further transactions on your account after you give
us notice that you don’t accept the change, and you
must repay us your outstanding balances within a
reasonable period.
10. Changes to your promotional and
instalment plan interest rates
We won’t change any promotional or instalment plan
rates during the time we’ve agreed to keep them fixed.
At the end of the promotional or instalment plan period,
we will transfer any outstanding balance to your standard
balance or your cash balance (as appropriate) and we will
start charging interest on it at your standard rate or any
cash rate that applies.
However, you can lose your promotional or instalment
plan interest rate before the end of the promotional or the
instalment plan period if you do not keep to the terms of
this agreement:
With promotional rates, you will lose your rate if you
go over your credit limit, miss a monthly payment or
make an arrangement to pay less than your minimum
payment each month
With instalment plan rates, you will lose your rate if
you miss two monthly payments in a row or make an
arrangement to pay less than your minimum payment
each month
If you lose your promotional rate or instalment plan rate,
we will transfer the outstanding balance to your standard
balance and we will start charging interest on it at your
standard rate immediately.
11. Changes to the other terms and
conditions (not including interest rates)
As well as the changes to interest rates described above,
we may make changes to other terms and conditions
of this agreement (including fees) for any of the
following reasons:
If we reasonably consider that it makes the terms easier
to understand or fairer to you
If we reasonably consider that the change will benefit
you or isn’t to your disadvantage and wouldn’t cost you
any more
To reflect reasonable changes to the way we run our
business because of a change in the banking or financial
system, in technology, or in the systems we use
• To reflect legal or regulatory requirements that apply to us
Any change that we make will be reasonably proportionate
to the effect the change has on us. We won’t change or
introduce any fees to cover the same cost twice.
As this contract has no fixed end date, we may from time
to time need to make changes for reasons not set out
here. As long as you can end this agreement without
charge, we may make changes to this agreement for
reasons that are not set out here.
Giving you notice of changes
We’ll tell you about any changes under this section either
by including a message in your monthly statement or
by sending you a separate written notice by post, email,
online account servicing, text message or any other written
communication. We’ll give you at least 30 days’ notice
unless the change is to your advantage, in which case we
may give you less notice.
If we make any changes under this section, we’ll let you
know when the changes will apply to your account.
If you want to end this agreement because of one of the
changes we make, you can do this without charge by
calling or writing to us. If you decide that you want to close
your account after these changes take place, you’ll need to
contact us to let us know. These changes will still apply
until the agreement ends. If you stop using your card,
changes that only apply if you use the card will not affect
you, but other changes will apply until you have repaid the
full balance.
12. Using your account
All cards are our property and you mustn’t use your
card for any illegal purposes or to make certain types of
transactions which we will tell you about from time to time.
Your card is for personal use and you shouldn’t use it for
business purposes. If we’re worried your card is being
misused, we can put a stop on it.
When your account is first opened we may send you
account information, such as your account number, so
that you can start making limited transactions before
your card arrives. You can also ask us to make a balance
transfer (this is a transfer of funds from your card to
reduce the amount you owe on other credit cards, store
cards or loans) or a money transfer (a transfer of funds
from your card to a bank account in your name) straight
away. When you receive your card, we may ask you to
activate it before using it to make transactions.
Managing your credit limit
If we reduce your credit limit based on an assessment of
risk or your ability to repay, we have the right to not give
you any notice beforehand if we think this would not be
appropriate. (However, we may choose to give you up to
seven days’ notice.) We won’t reduce your credit limit to less
than your total outstanding balance, plus any transactions
authorised but not yet charged to your account.
In some cases we may allow an increase in your credit limit
for a short period, which we will tell you. If we do this, we
will reduce your limit back down at the end of that period,
even if that reduces your limit to less than your total
outstanding balance. We won’t charge you an over credit
limit fee in these circumstances.
You can choose whether or not you want to allow us to
increase the credit limit on your account. If we increase
your credit limit, we’ll always tell you first and give you 30
days’ notice unless you’ve asked for the increase yourself.
When you receive this notice you can tell us not to increase
your credit limit. If you prefer, you can tell us that we must
always check with you before increasing your credit limit.
You can also tell us not to increase your credit limit at
any time in the future or tell us at any time if you want to
reduce your credit limit. We won’t increase your credit limit
if we think you can’t afford to make the repayments.
You must not go over your credit limit, but if you do you’ll
have to pay an over credit limit fee. We will move any
remaining promotional balances on your account back
to your standard balance and charge interest at your
standard rate. Your credit records may also be affected
– meaning it may be harder or more expensive for you to
borrow in the future.
Giving you another card
We may send you another card as a replacement or extra
card at any time. It may have different features from your
existing card, including a different number, branding or
card scheme. We might also send you another card or
upgrade your account to give you extra benefits.
13. Making transactions
You can use your card to make transactions such as cash
withdrawals, purchases, balance or money transfers and
any other use that we allow, including using another service
provider to make an online payment on your behalf, with
your permission.
If you want to make a transaction using your card or card
details, you’ll need to approve it so that we can check it’s
genuine. You can do this using one of the following:
The card itself
A password, passcode, personal identifier, codes,
personal identification number (PIN), biometric data
such as voice recognition or behavioural data (including
how you usually make your transactions, the type of
transactions you usually make and how often you
make them)
A combination of the above, such as your card and PIN
How we authorise your transactions
When deciding whether we should authorise a transaction
or not, we take into account amounts of money that have
already been authorised but haven’t already been added
to your account and interest, fees or charges that you
might have to pay.
When you make a transaction from your account,
we’re not able to change or cancel it unless you withdraw
your approval. You can only do this if the transaction is
approved for a future date (for example, if you set up a
regular payment) by contacting us or the retailer by the
end of the business day before the transaction is due to
be made.
If you contact us to cancel a regular payment, you may
also want to contact the retailer to ask them to stop
requesting payments. We’ll try our best to stop the
transaction from going through – but if for any reason it’s
taken after you’ve asked for it not to be, we’ll refund the
amount and any related interest or fees.
When we may refuse transactions
We may refuse to authorise a transaction if any of the
following applies:
The transaction seems unusual compared with the way
you normally use your card
We reasonably suspect fraud or illegal activity
You’ve reported your card as lost or stolen
We reasonably consider this is necessary to protect the
security of your account
We reasonably believe the transaction would damage
our reputation
We have told you that we do not allow that type of
We need to restrict the use of your account for any of
the reasons set out below
Also, we may refuse a transaction if there’s a risk you’ll
go over either your credit limit or your cash limit. By ‘cash
limit’ we mean the limit on the value of transactions that
get allocated to your cash balance. This may not be the
same as your credit limit. If we authorise a transaction that
would take you over your cash limit or your credit limit,
it doesn’t mean we’ve agreed to an increase in your limit.
If you go over your credit limit, you’ll have to pay an over
credit limit fee.
If we refuse a transaction but you’re not sure why, you can
get in touch with us to find out. If we refuse a transaction,
this agreement will continue, and we won’t be responsible
for any loss or damages caused as a result.
Restricting the use of your account
We may prevent or limit the use of your account, stop
service providers from making payments on your behalf,
or end your ability to borrow more under this agreement,
if we reasonably consider this is necessary for any of the
following reasons:
To protect the security of your account
Because we’re worried there may be unauthorised or
fraudulent use of your account
Because the risk of you not paying any current or future
balance on your account has significantly increased
Because we believe you no longer live at the address we
have on record for you, which means we may not be able
to contact you
Because allowing you to use your account means we
may break a law, regulation, code or other duty that
applies to us, or could expose us or other Barclays
companies to action or criticism from any government,
regulator or law-enforcement organisation
You have used a feature of your account to tell us that
you do not want to make future transactions or a certain
type of transaction
You have set up a paydown plan
You have been in persistent debt (where you’ve paid
more in interest, fees and charges than you have paid
towards paying back what you’ve borrowed) for two
consecutive 18-month periods, and you have not yet
repaid your balance
You have set up a paydown plan on another account with
us, but you have not kept to the terms and conditions of
that plan
We’ll get in touch with you by phone, email or post to tell
you this has happened as soon as we can.
Transaction limits
If you use your card to withdraw cash, we might limit the
number of these transactions or the amount you can
withdraw on any day. We might also restrict your cash
limit to a certain percentage of your overall credit limit.
If you’ve got a contactless card, this will have a maximum
contactless limit. For each of these limits, we’ll let you
know what they are and when they change.
Making transactions in a foreign currency
Non-sterling transactions will be converted to sterling at a
reference exchange rate. For purchases this is made up of
the payment scheme exchange rate and the non-sterling
purchase fee. For cash transactions, the non-sterling
purchase fee is not included.
The payment scheme exchange rate will be the Visa
exchange rate. This is the rate that applied on the date
Visa processed the non-sterling transaction, which may
be different from the rate when the transaction took place.
The payment scheme exchange rate changes daily −
please visit our website or get in touch with us to find out
this rate.
If you’ve agreed that a retailer in the European Economic
Area can take a payment from your account (for example,
if you’ve given your card details to a retailer for the
purpose of making a payment), you can ask us to refund
a payment if all of the following conditions apply:
The approval you gave didn’t specify the exact amount
to be paid
The amount charged to your account was more
than you could reasonably have expected to pay,
based on circumstances including your previous
spending patterns
You make the refund request within eight weeks of the
date when the payment was charged to your account
You must give us any information we ask for that’s
reasonably necessary for us to investigate whether or not
you’re entitled to the refund. When we refund a payment
we’ll also refund any related interest, fees and charges.
We’ll only refund any other transaction that you’ve
approved if the retailer asks us to.
You won’t be able to use a claim against the retailer
(or anyone else) to make a claim against us, or to refuse
to pay us. However, this doesn’t affect your rights under
Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (or any
replacement act or rule).
Section 75 of the Consumer Credit
Act 1974
Your rights under Section 75 mean that if you use
your card to buy goods or services, and the cost of an
individual item is between £100 and £30,000, if you
have a claim against the supplier for misrepresentation
or breaking the terms of any contract you have with
them, you can bring the same claim against us.
Transferring a balance
If you ask us to make a balance transfer or a money
transfer, you must make sure that the details you provide
about the other account are clear and accurate.
If we believe there is a risk of money being sent to the
wrong place because the details are unclear or inaccurate,
we won’t make the transfer for you. If the money is sent to
the wrong place because you gave us the wrong details,
we’ll try to help you get your money back. But if we
can’t do that, you can ask us to give you all the relevant
information that we have so you can try to recover the
money yourself.
If we make a mistake with your transfer, we’ll refund you
the full transfer amount and any other related interest,
fees and charges.
If you ask us to make a transfer on a working day before the
cut-off time, the payment will reach the receiving bank on
the next working day. We will tell you the cut-off time when
you ask for a balance transfer. If you make the request on
a non-working day or after the cut-off time, we’ll process
it on the next working day and the payment will reach the
receiving bank on the next working day after that.
This will be the case unless you’ve agreed to make the
payment on a future date, in which case the payment will
reach the receiving bank the next working day after the
date you’ve agreed with us.
Please bear in mind that you cannot transfer a balance
to or from another credit card account held with us (this
includes our partner-branded cards).
14. How instalment plans work
From time to time we may offer you an instalment plan
which, for a one-off fee, allows you to repay a balance in
monthly instalments over a period of time. When you create
an instalment plan, we’ll move the relevant amount from
your main balance to your instalment plan balance in line
with the terms of your instalment plan offer. We will tell you
the fee, and other key terms, before you take up the offer.
Creating an instalment plan
If we tell you that a balance (a purchase or other amount)
on your account qualifies for an instalment plan, for a
limited period you will be able to move that balance to a new
instalment plan.
To find out whether a balance on your account qualifies for
an instalment plan offer, you can check your account online
or you can contact customer services. We may also send
you information about offers that are open to you from
time to time.
We will charge you a fee for creating an instalment plan and
we will add this to your instalment plan. The amount of the
fee will depend on the terms of the particular offer.
When we make you an instalment plan offer we’ll allow you
to repay the instalment plan over an agreed period, in line
with the terms of your offer. We’ll split the instalment plan
over the length of the term you have chosen to calculate
your monthly instalment plan payments. If you make all of
your payments on time you will repay your instalment plan
by the end of the term.
Repaying or ending an instalment plan
Your instalment plan may end if:
you cancel it
you repay it early, or
you lose it
If your instalment plan is cancelled, we will tell you about
any change to your minimum payment.
If you make a payment which is more than your main
balance and your instalment plan instalment due for that
month, you’ll make an instalment plan overpayment.
Any instalment plan overpayment you make will be used
to reduce your future instalment plan payments.
First we’ll use any overpayment to pay off your last
monthly instalment plan payment, followed by your
second-to-last monthly payment and so on. This could
mean that the instalment plan will end early.
If the instalment plan ends early, we’ll refund part of
the fee you paid when you created the instalment plan.
The refund will be based on the number of full instalment
plan payments you no longer have to make.
15. Paydown plans
If we have written to tell you that you are in, or have been
in, persistent debt, we may offer you a paydown plan.
A paydown plan is intended to help you pay the amount
you owe over a period of up to four years.
Before you take out the paydown plan we will tell you
about any changes to your interest rates. While you are on
the plan we will not increase your interest rates and they
will not change in line with the Bank of England Base Rate.
Your paydown plan will cover the total amount that you
owe at the time you take out the plan. All of the balances
on your account will be included in the paydown plan.
Your payments will reduce your balances in the same
order as before you took out the paydown plan. Any
transactions that are added to your account after the
paydown plan is set up will not form part of the plan and
you will have to repay them after your paydown plan ends.
If you take out a paydown plan, your minimum payment
will change from your next statement. Your new minimum
payment amount will be the same each month and will be
set at a level that will allow you to repay all of the balances
which are part of your paydown plan over the period of the
plan. While you are on the paydown plan, you can choose
to pay more than your minimum payment to reduce the
length of your paydown plan, and you can repay your
balance in full at any time.
You can cancel the paydown plan at any time within six
months of it starting. If you want to do this, you must tell
us using the contact details in the ‘Getting in touch’ section
below. If you cancel your plan, your minimum payment will
no longer be your paydown plan payment. From your next
statement we will start calculating your minimum payment
in the normal way. If you do not cancel your paydown
plan, it will end when you have repaid all of the balances
which are covered by it.
All of the other terms and conditions of this agreement will
remain the same, so at the end of the paydown plan (or if
you cancel the paydown plan), your credit card agreement
will carry on.
16. Paying your bill
All payments you make to us must be in sterling, cover at
least your minimum payment and arrive by the payment
due date every month. To help make this as easy as
possible, your monthly statement will tell you exactly how
and when to make payments so they reach us on time.
As this is a credit agreement, you should not keep money in
your account. For this reason, you need to make sure that
you don’t pay more than your total outstanding balance
(which would create a ‘positive balance’). If you do have a
positive balance, we can return that balance to you, rather
than leaving it in the account. If you have a Barclays current
account, you authorise us to return the balance to that
account. If you do not have a Barclays current account,
you authorise us to return any positive balance to the same
current account you use to pay your bill. We will write to you
before transferring the money to give you the opportunity
to ask us to return the balance to a different account.
Statements and other information
We’ll produce a monthly statement that shows the
transactions made since your last statement and what
payment is due to us that month. We may also give you
notices that we must give you by law in your statement.
These notices could be about overdue payments, default
fees that have been added to your account, or a change
that we need to make to this agreement.
As well as your statement and the notices which may be
included in it, we will also provide you with information
about your agreement with us. This information includes
copies of your terms and conditions. If we have agreed to
do so, we will provide this information and your statement
in the account servicing section of our website or app.
We’ll tell you when your statement (and other information)
is ready to view. You will then be able to access it by logging
in to your online account, or by using our app. We’ll also
send your statement (and other information) by post or
email if you choose to receive information in those ways.
Once we have sent you a notice or other message using
your most recent contact details, we’ll assume that you have
received it.
If we can’t produce a statement for any reason, we’ll use
your normal statement date to work out your next payment
date and any interest to be added, and let you know what
it is. You’ll need to get in touch with us straight away if you
think we’ve made a mistake on your statement.
If you choose to have only paperless communications from
us, you agree that the documents we provide electronically
can be in PDF or another format which allows you to print
or save the document to refer to in the future. We will not
change any documents which we provide electronically.
You should print or save your online statements for your
records. If we only produce a document in the account
servicing section of our website or app, we will tell you when
it is ready to view.
How we allocate payments
If a payment you make is less than your total outstanding
balance as shown on your statement, we’ll use it as follows:
If you have any instalment plans on your account, to
make any instalment plan payments due for that month
To reduce your main balance (your statement balance
less any instalment plan balance). We’ll start with the
balances charged at the highest interest rate first and
then reduce the lower-rate balances. If you have more
than one promotional balance at the same interest rate,
we’ll use your payment to reduce the balance with the
promotional rate that ends first
If you have any instalment plans on your account, to
reduce any remaining instalment plan balance. If you
have more than one instalment plan, we’ll use your
payment to reduce the instalment plan that ends first
If the standard balance includes default fees, we will pay
those off before the rest of the standard balance.
When you make a payment, we will always reduce the
balances that appear on your statement before we use
your payment to reduce the value of transactions that have
not yet appeared on your statement.
Missed payments
If you miss your minimum payment we’ll add a late
payment fee to your account. You can miss your minimum
payment by not making a payment, by only paying part
of your minimum payment or by making your payment
late (after the payment due date). If you miss a payment,
the following will also apply to your account:
We will move any remaining promotional balances on
your account to your standard balance (or cash balance
as appropriate) and charge interest at the standard or
cash rate that applies
You may not be eligible for offers or promotions.
We may take the payment from any other Barclays
accounts you have
Your records with credit reference agencies may be
affected, meaning it may be harder or more expensive
for you to borrow in the future
If you miss two payments in a row, we will cancel any
instalment plans on your account and move any remaining
instalment plan balance to your standard balance and
charge interest at your standard rate.
If you’ve missed a payment, your next statement will ask
for the overdue amount as well as your next minimum
payment. We may move overdue amounts from previous
statements to the new balance on your next statement
to help you manage your account. These amounts will no
longer be overdue and will not show as overdue amounts
on your statement. When you do make a payment, we’ll
use this to pay off overdue payments first.
If you’re having difficulty making payments, or if you think
you’re likely to struggle making payments in the future,
please get in touch with us as soon as you can.
Missing payments could lead to legal action or insolvency
proceedings such as bankruptcy (although we rarely need
to take these actions).
We may also sell your debt on to another organisation.
If you have other accounts with Barclays, we may use
money in those accounts to pay us.
If we owe you money, we may offset that amount against
(use it to reduce) balances owed to us across this and
other accounts.
17. Additional cardholders
You can ask us to give an additional card for your account
to any eligible person you nominate. By ‘additional card’ we
mean any card (or cards) we give to additional cardholders
under this agreement.
Your additional cardholders will not be able to ask us for
information about your account. Additional cardholders do
not have full access to the services you have as the main
account holder.
As the account holder, you’ll always be responsible for
paying the total outstanding balance on your account,
and any use of the card by an additional cardholder – so
you need to make sure all additional cardholders are aware
of this agreement and keep to it. You can tell us to cancel an
additional card, and you should destroy the card.
18. Protecting your card and details
You must always keep your card and its details safe,
and make sure no-one else can use them without your
permission. You should memorise your PIN and other
security information and keep them secret at all times.
Never write them down or record them in any way without
first disguising the information. It’s also important that
you never let anyone else see your PIN, so please securely
destroy any letter with it on.
You must only ever reveal the card number to make a
transaction, access your account, to report the loss or
theft of the card, or if we ask you to.
We’ll never call you to ask you for your passwords or full
security details. We’ll also never ask you to withdraw or
hand over cash, or transfer money to another account.
When you call us or we call you, we’ll always first check
we’re speaking to the right person by asking you several
security questions associated with your account.
Lost or stolen cards
If your card or card details are lost or stolen, if you think
they may be misused, or if you think someone else may
know your PIN, the first thing you need to do is contact us
as soon as possible. We’ll then put a stop on the card and
you won’t be able to use the card again.
You won’t be responsible for any transactions made with
your card if it’s lost, stolen or misused before you receive
it, but you must tell us as soon as you become aware of
a problem.
If someone uses a card and they received it with either
your or any additional cardholder’s permission, you may
be liable for all the transactions that take place until you
tell us that it is being misused. You won’t be liable if you
or any additional cardholder hasn’t given permission for
someone else to have the card. If you find your card again
after reporting it as lost or stolen, please destroy it.
When you get in touch with us to tell us that your card
has been lost, stolen or misused, you must give us all the
information you have about it. We may pass any of this
information on to the police if we think it’ll be useful.
If your card is lost or stolen, please contact us:
01604 230230
Barclaycard, PO Box 9131, 51 Saffron Road,
Leicester, LE18 9DE
Please keep your contact information up to date so
that we can contact you in the case of suspected fraud.
19. Closing your account
When you first open your account you can withdraw
from this agreement without giving a reason by calling or
writing to us within 14 days from the day after you receive
your first card. Once you’ve told us you’re withdrawing
from this agreement, you’ll have 30 days to pay back
anything you’ve spent on your card. You can do this by
calling us on the number in the ‘Getting in touch’ section
below. If you don’t repay us within 30 days, we may
charge interest in line with the terms of this agreement.
This agreement has no fixed term. This means it will
continue until you or we decide to close your account.
You can close the account by calling or writing to us,
and we can close the account by writing to you. Unless we
are closing your account for one of the reasons below,
we’ll give you at least two months’ written notice.
We may close your account and require immediate
repayment of your total outstanding balance for the
reasons below:
If we reasonably believe that you’ve broken this
agreement regularly or seriously
If you have acted fraudulently
If the Home Office tells us that you have become a
disqualified person’ due to your immigration status
If you become bankrupt (or enter into a voluntary
arrangement with your creditors) or if we believe this is
likely to happen
If you die (in this case, we may ask your estate to make
the repayment)
We’ll always follow any legal requirements before we take
any of these steps.
If you or we close your account, the following will apply:
You’ll need to make all payments that are due on
your account. We’ll fix the interest rates so they
don’t change as a result of the Base Rate changes.
No further payments will be made from your account
so you’ll need to cancel any regular payments and
make other arrangements to pay.
You will not be able to reopen your account and so
you should destroy all cards
This agreement will continue until you’ve paid everything
you owe, including amounts added to your account after
the notice to close. You can repay all or part of the balance
at any time.
Transferring this agreement
We may transfer to any other person any or all of our rights
and duties under this agreement at any time (including,
without limitation, our duty to lend to you). We may do this
without telling you. Your rights under this agreement and
your legal rights (including those under the Consumer
Credit Act 1974) will not be affected. You won’t be able to
transfer any rights you have against us to anyone else.
20. Account maintenance fee refund
If you have to pay a yearly account maintenance fee and
you close your account because we have removed or
changed a benefit that came with your card and this has a
negative effect on you, we will refund part of the account
maintenance fee. We will calculate the refund from the date
you tell us you want to close your account.
We will also refund part of the account maintenance fee
if we close your account for a reason other than you
breaking this agreement repeatedly or seriously. We will
calculate the refund from the date we close your account.
Any refund we give you will be a fair proportion of the full
yearly account maintenance fee, and will depend on the
date your account closes. If you have to pay a monthly
maintenance fee for your account, we will not refund any
of the fee.
21. Getting in touch
We’ll only ever communicate with you in English.
If you ever need to get in touch with us for any reason,
you can contact us:
Online at
Over the phone on 0800 151 0900 (from a landline)
or 0333 200 9090 (from a mobile)
By post at Barclaycard, PO Box 9131, 51 Saffron Road,
Leicester, LE18 9DE
If your request needs written confirmation, we may
ask you to write to us.
Changing your details
Please keep us up to date with the name, residential
address, email address, landline number, mobile number,
nationality and date of birth for you and your additional
cardholders (who must be based in the British Isles).
If you (or any additional cardholders) are living overseas,
please let us know so that we can contact you.
Please note that if we need to send you any letters by law
or under any regulations that apply, we will continue to
send these to your residential address in the UK.
We may close your account if you are living overseas
or if you ask us to communicate with you using a Post
Office box address. We will give you notice in line with
these terms and conditions if we do this. We will always
communicate with you using the most recent contact
details you have given us. We are not responsible if you
don’t receive information because you haven’t told us
about a change to your contact details.
If things go wrong
Please get in touch with us straight away if you think there’s
anything wrong with your account. We’ll let you know if
there’s a fraud or security risk to your account by sending
you a secure message, emailing, writing or calling you.
If we don’t meet our obligations under this agreement
due to events outside of our control – such as machine
failure, industrial disputes or because we have to keep to a
relevant law – we won’t be responsible for any losses and
costs caused.
Making a complaint
To make a complaint, please contact us using the above
phone number or address. If anything’s unclear or if you’re
unhappy with the way we handle your complaint, please
get in touch with the person or department who handled
your complaint and they’ll do everything they can to
answer your questions and reach an agreement.
If you’re still unhappy and you’ve received a final response
letter from us, you can ask for a review from the Financial
Ombudsman Service. You can use the details below to
contact and find out more information on how to use the
Financial Ombudsman Service.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower,
London E14 9SR
0800 023 4567 (from a landline) or
0300 123 9123 (from a mobile)
Governing law
The law of England and Wales applies to these terms.
Any dispute about this agreement can be dealt with by
an English or Welsh court unless your address is in:
Scotland (where it will be dealt with by the courts
of Scotland)
Northern Ireland (where it will be dealt with by the
courts of Northern Ireland)
About us
We’re authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority (12 Endeavour Square, Stratford, London,
E20 1JN) to carry out activities relating to consumer credit.
This information is available in
large print, Braille and audio,
by calling 0800 161 5326
(via Next Generation Text Relay
if appropriate).
Barclaycard also welcomes calls via SignVideo
for BSL users. For more information
All Barclaycard customer service lines are non-premium rate numbers.
Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines and personal mobiles,
otherwise call charges may apply. Please check with your service
provider. Calls may be monitored or recorded in order to maintain high
levels of security and quality of service.
Barclaycard is a trading name of Barclays Bank UK PLC. Barclays
Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register number: 759676).
Registered in England No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place,
London E14 5HP. Barclays Bank UK PLC adheres to The Standards
of Lending Practice which are monitored and enforced by the