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Cowra Shire Council
Private Bag 342
Cowra NSW 2794
Phone: 02 6340 2040
Fax: 02 6340 2011
Complying Development Certificate Application Form
Information for the Applicant
This form may be used to apply for a complying development certificate to carry out development classed as
“complying development”.
To minimise delay in receiving a decision about the application, please fill in all sections and ensure all relevant
information and documents are provided. Once completed, this application form should be submitted to
Cowra Shire Council for determination.
When a complying development certificate is issued, the Applicant (or a subsequent owner of the land on
which the development is proposed to be carried out) has permission to carry out the development without
the need to obtain further development consent. However, there may still be a need to obtain other
approvals in order for the work involved to be performed (eg. use of footpath areas, plumbing and drainage
and on-site sewage management systems). In order to avoid potential delays in commencing any work,
Applicants should ascertain whether other approvals will be needed, and if so, the stage at which they will be
Owners Consent
Every owner of the development site must sign the construction certificate application form.
If the development site is within a strata plan, Consent of the Owners Corporation is required under seal.
If the owner of the development site is a company or Owners Corporation, the Construction Certificate
Application form must be signed by a Director/Secretary or authorised Delegate under Common Seal. The
person signing the application form must state their capacity enabling them to sign on behalf of the owners of
the land.
Fees and Payment Methods
Application fees are based on the estimated value of the work and are GST free. Information on these fees is
available on Council’s web site or from Council’s Customer Service Centre. Payment may be made by cash,
cheque, credit card, or Eftpos.
The personal details requested on this form are required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment
Act 1979 and will only be used in connection with the requirements of this legislation. Access to this
information is restricted to Cowra Shire Council officers and other people authorised under the Act. Council
is to be regarded as the agency that holds the information. You may make an application for access or
amendment to information held by Council. You may also request Council suppress your personal information
from a public register.
The personal information required on this form may be available for public access under various legislation.
Office Use Only
Application No: Receipt:
Property File: NAR:
Date Application Received: Parcel(s):
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SECTION C. Describe the development proposed to be carried out
Provide a brief description of the development. For example, if a dwelling is proposed, include information such as the type of building (house,
townhouse, villa etc), the number of floors, the number of bedrooms, the major building material (brick, brick veneer, timber clad etc).
Classification of building(s)* under the Building Code of Australia:
1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7a
7b 8 9a 9b 9c 10a 10b 10c
*For buildings with multiple classifications please select each applicable classification.
SECTION A. Details of the applicant*
**Please note that if your application requires neighbour notification, your name and contact
details will be given to occupiers of neighbouring properties**
Mr Ms Mrs Dr Other:
First name Family name
Company (if applicable) ABN (if applicable)
Unit/Street no.
Street Name
Suburb or town
Daytime telephone
SECTION B. Location and title details of the land where the development is to be carried out
Unit/Street no.
Street Name
Suburb or town
Lot no.
DP / SP no. Volume/folio
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SECTION D. Estimated cost of the development
Please state the full cost for labour and materials in accordance with the following requirements:
Development up to $100,000
The cost can be estimated by the applicant or by a suitably qualified person*. The methodology used to calculate the cost
must be submitted with your application. Council uses the Bui
lding Cost Guide dated July 2006 (published by the Australian
Institute of Building Surveyors AIBS NSW Chapter) to verify your estimate.
Development between $100,000 and $3 million.
The cost must be estimated by a suitably qualified person with the metho
dology used to calculate the cost submitted with
your application.
Development more than $3 million.
A detailed cost report prepared by a registered quantity surveyor verifying the cost of the development is to be submitted
with your application.
*A suitably qualified person is a licensed builder, registered architect, qualified building designer or registered quantity surveyor. Please
note that the required supporting documentation must be submitted to ensure that your application is not delayed.
(The full cost of labour and materials in accordance with the above requirements. Include
SECTION E. Details of the Builder or Owner/Builder
Who will be doing the building work?
Not determined at this time
This information will be required prior to work commencing
See notes below
Licensed Builder
Builder’s Name:
Builder’s License Number:
Builder’s Address:
Mobile: Other:
If a licensed builder is not engaged and the value of any residential work exceeds $10,000, a copy of an Owner-Builder permit must be
submitted to the PCA prior to building work commencing. Where Owner-Builder work is proposed and the value of the proposed work is over
$20,000, you must have either completed an approved owner-builder course, or can satisfy the approved equivalent qualifications. Further
information about Owner-Builder permits can be obtained from the NSW Fair Trading website
If you are using a licensed builder for residential building work exceeding $20,000, a Certificate of Home Warranty Insurance must be
provided. For more information, refer to the Home Warranty Insurance Fund website
SECTION F. Environmental planning instrument
Provide the name of the “environmental planning instrument” (*see - definition below) under which the
development is complying development.
Note: The criteria for complying development may vary between environmental planning instruments. You must
nominate which instrument this Application is to be assessed under.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008
Other Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI)
Name of EPI
*Environmental planning instruments (EPI) are State Environmental Planning Policies and Local Environmental Plans.
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SECTION G. Asbestos
If any bonded asbestos material or friable asbestos material will be disturbed, repaired or removed in carrying
out the development, what is the estimated area of the material ?
square metres
SECTION H. Attachments relating to the proposed development
Applicants must provide the documents listed below that are relevant to the type of development that is
proposed. Please confirm that documents relating to the requirements below have been attached by placing a
tick in the appropriate box(s). Two (2) copies of all required documents must be submitted with this
1. Attachments for fire link conversions
Does the Application relate ONLY to a fire link conversion? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide
a document that describes the design and construction, and mode of operation, of the new
fire alarm communication link.
2. Attachments for developments other than fire link conversions.
A site plan of the land
Provide a site plan indicating:
(a) the location, boundary dimensions, site area and north point of the land,
(b) existing vegetation and trees on the land,
(c) the location and uses of existing buildings on the land,
(d) existing levels of the land in relation to buildings and roads,
(e) the location and uses of buildings on sites adjoining the land.
A plan of the development
Provide a plan which indicates:
(a) the location of any proposed buildings or work
s (including extensions or additions to existing
buildings or works) in relation to the land's boundaries and adjoining development,
floor plans of any proposed buildings showing layout, partitioning, room sizes and intended uses of
each part of the building,
elevations and sections showing proposed external finishes and heights of any proposed buildings
(other than temporary structures),
elevations and sections showing heights of any proposed temporary structures and the materials of
which any such struct
ures are proposed to be made (using the abbreviations set out in
(e) proposed finished levels of the land in relation to existing and proposed buildings and roads,
(f) proposed parking arrangements, entry and exit points for vehicles, and provision for movement of
vehicles within the site (including dimensions where appropriate),
proposed landscaping and treatment of the land (indicating plant types and their height and
(h) proposed methods of draining the land,
(i) in respect of BASIX affected development, such other matters as the BASIX certificate(s) requires
to be included on the plan. (See BASIX NOTES at the end of this Section)
(j) in respect of BASIX optional development for which a BASIX certificate(s) has been obtained, such
other matters as the BASIX certificate(s) requires to be included on the plan
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Does the development involve subdivision work? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide appropriate subdivision work plans and specifications, which are to include:
details of the existing and proposed subdivision pattern (including the number of lots and the location of
details as to which public authorities have been consulted with as to the provision of utility services to
the land concerned,
(c) detailed engineering plans as to the following matters:
(i) earthworks,
(ii) roadworks,
(iii) road pavement,
(iv) road furnishings,
(v) stormwater drainage,
(vi) water supply works,
(vii) sewerage works,
(viii) landscaping works,
(ix) erosion control works,
(d) copies of any compliance certificates to be relied on.
Does the development involve a change of use of a building (other than a dwelling-
house or a
building or structure that is ancillary to a dwelling-
house and other than a temporary structure or
work that relates only to fire link conversion)? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
(a) a list of the Category 1 fire safety provisions that currently apply to the existing building,
(b) a list of the Category 1 fire safety provisions that are to apply to the building following its change of use.
Does the development involve building work (including work in relation to a dwelling-house or a
building or structure that is ancillary to a dwelling-house)? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
(1) A detailed description of the development by completing SECTION P.
(2) Appropriate building work plans and specifications, which are to include:
(a) detailed plans, drawn to a suitable scale and consisting of a block plan and a general plan, that show:
(i) a plan of each floor section, and
(ii) a plan of each elevation of the building, and
the levels of the lowest floor and of any yard or unbuilt on area belonging to that floor and
the levels of the adjacent ground, and
(iv) the height, design, construction and provision for fire safety and fire resistance (if any),
(b) specifications for the development:
that describe the construction and materials of which the building is to be built and the
method of drainage, sewerage and water supply, and
(ii) that state whether the materials to be used are new or second-hand and (in the case of
second-hand materials) give particulars of the materials to be used,
(c) a statement as to how the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia
are to be
complied with (if an alternative solution, to meet the performance requirements, is to be used),
a description of any accredited building product or system sought to be relied on for the purposes of
section 85A (4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979**,
(e) copies of any compliance certificate to be relied on,
(f) if the development involves building work to alter, expand or rebuild an existing building, a scaled plan
of the existing building,
(g) in respect of BASIX affected development, such other matters as the BASIX certificate(s) requires to
be included in the plans and specifications. (See BASIX NOTES at the end of this Section)
in respect of BASIX optional development for which a BASIX certificate(s) has been obtained, such
other matters as the BASIX certificate(s) requires to be included in the plans and specifications.
** S.85A(4) EP&A Act provides that a certifying authority must not refuse an Application on the ground that any building product or
system does not comply with a requirement of the Building Code of Australia if the building product or system is accredited in respect
of that requirement in accordance with the EP&A Regulation 2000.
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Does the development involve building work (other than work in relation to a dwelling-house or a
building or structure that is ancillary to a dwelling-house)? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
a list of any existing fire safety measures provided in relation to the land or any existing building on the
land, and
(b) a list of the proposed fire safety measures to be provided in relation to the land and any building on the
land as a consequence of the building work.
Does the development involve the erection of a wall to a boundary that has a wall less than 0.9m
from the boundary? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
A report by a professional engineer (within the meaning of the BCA) outlining the proposed method of
supporting the adjoining wall.
Does the development involve the demolition or removal of a wall to a boundary that has a wall
less than 0.9m from the boundary? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
A report by a professional engineer (within the meaning of the BCA) outlining the proposed method of
maintaining support for the adjoining wall after the demolition or removal.
Does the development involve the erection of a temporary structure? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
(a) documentation that specifies the live and dead loads the temporary structure is designed to meet,
(b) a list of any proposed fire safety measures to be provided in connection with the use of the temporary
(c) in the case of a temporary structure proposed to be used as a place of public entertainment--a
statement as to how the performance requirements of Part B1 and NSW Part H102 of Volume One of
the Building Code of Australia
are to be complied with (if an alternative solution, to meet the
performance requirements, is to be used),
(d) documentation des
cribing any accredited building product or system sought to be relied on for the
purposes of section 85A (4) of the Act,
(e) copies of any compliance certificates to be relied on.
Does the development involve the use of a building as an entertainment venue or
a function
centre, pub, registered club or restaurant? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ complete the relevant portion(s) of the following statement:
The maximum number of persons proposed to occupy, at any one time, that part of the building used as:
1. an entertainment venue is .................... persons. 4. a registered club is ................ persons.
2. a function centre is ...................... persons. 5. a restaurant is .................. persons.
3. a pub is ................... persons.
Does the development involve building work (see - note below) in respect of which an alternative
solution under the Building Code of Australia (“BCA”) in respect of a fire safety requirement is
proposed? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
Either or both of the following from a “fire safety engineer”
(i.e. a private accredited certifier holding
Category C10 accreditation):
(a) a compliance certificate (as referred to in s.109C(1)(a)(v) EP&A Act) that certifies that the alternative
solution complies with the relevant performance requirements of the BCA.
a written report that includes a statement that the alternative solution complies with the relevant
performance requirements of the BCA.
NOTE: The above requirement only applies to building work in respect of:
(a) a class 9a building that is proposed to have a total floor area of 2000 square metres or more, and
(b) any building (other than a class 9a building) that is proposed to have:
(i) a fire compartment with a total floor area of more than 2000 square meters, or
(ii) a total floor area of more than 6000 square meters,
that involves an alternative solution under the BCA in respect of the requirements set out in EP1.4, EP2.1, EP2.2, DP4 and DP5 in
Volume 1 of the BCA.
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Does the proposed development comprise internal alternations to, or changes of use of, an
existing building that is subject to an alternative solution relating to a fire safety requirement
under the BCA? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
A written report by another accredited certifier who is accredited for the purpose of issuing a CDC for a
building of that kind, which includes a statement that the proposed development is cons
istent with that
alternative solution.
Does the Application involve a BASIX affected development, or a BASIX optional development
for which a BASIX certificate has been obtained? Yes No
If ‘Yes’ provide:
(a) the BASIX certificate(s) for the development (being a certificate(s) that has been issued no earlier than
3 months before the date of the Application being made, and
(b) such other documents as the BASIX certificate(s) for the development requires to accompa
ny the
Note: Buildings which are affected by the BASIX system (“BASIX affected buildings”) are those that contain one or more dwellings
(but do not include hotels or motels).
A BASIX Certificate MUST be obtained for every “BASIX affected development”, which are any of the following developments
(other than development that is “BASIX excluded development”-see below):
(a) development that involves the erection (but not the relocation) of a BASIX affected building,
(b) development that involves a change of building use by which a building becomes a BASIX affected building,
development that involves the alteration, enlargement or extension of a BASIX affected building, where the estimated
construction cost of the development is $50,000 or more,
(d) developme
nt for the purpose of a swimming pool or spa, or combination of swimming pools and spas, that services or service
only one dwelling and that has a capacity, or combined capacity, of 40,000 litres or more.
BASIX excluded development is
(a) development for the purpose of a garage, storeroom, car port, gazebo, verandah or awning,
(b) alterations, enlargements or extensions to a building listed on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977,
(c) alterations, enlargements or extensions that result in a space t
hat cannot be fully enclosed (for example, a veranda that is open
or enclosed by screens, mesh or other materials that permit the free and uncontrolled flow of air), other than a space can be
fully enclosed but for a vent needed for the safe operation of a gas appliance,
(d) alterations, enlargements or extensions that the Director-General has declared, by order published in the Gazette, to be BASIX
excluded development.
Further information about BASIX and to obtain a BASIX Certificate, go to You should review the website
to determine whether your development is affected or exempt from the BASIX provisions.
SECTION I. List of documents
List all documents provided under SECTIONS H which accompany this application:
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SECTION J. Copyright
Information for the Applicant: Upon an application being made for a complying development certificate, the Applicant
(not being entitled to copyright) is taken to have indemnified all person
s using the application and any
accompanying documents in accordance with the Act against any claim or action in respect of breach of copyright
(See Clause 129 Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000).
SECTION K. Authority to enter and inspect land
Information for the Applicant:
A certifying authority must not issue a complying development certificate for
development unless the certifying authority, or an accredited certifier or council on behalf of the certifying
authority, has carried out an inspection of the site of the development.
By signing this Application, the Applicant, and if the Applicant is not the owner of the property, the owner also,
authorise Cowra Shire Council, to enter the subject property at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying
out an inspection in connection with the assessment of this Application. The Applicant and the owner undertake
to take all necessary steps make access available to the property to enable the inspection to be carried out.
SECTION L. Long Service Payment Levy
Information for the Applicant: Where a certifying authority completes a complying development certificate, that
certificate must not be forwarded or delivered to the Applicant unless any long service payment levy payable
under Section
34 of the Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 (or, where such a
levy is payable by instalments, the first instalment of the levy) has been paid. Where Cowra Shire Council is the
Certifying Authority, the levy may be made to Council at the time of lodgement of this application.
SECTION M. Signature of Applicant(s)
Signature of Applicant(s) Name(s)
SECTION N. Consent of Owner(s)
As the Owner(s) of the above property, I/we consent to this application.
Signature of Owner(s) Name(s)
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SECTION O. Delivery of the Application
Applications for complying development certificates must be delivered:
by hand to Council’s Customer Service Centre on any business day between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
sent by post along with payment of appropriate fees to:
Cowra Shire Council
Private Bag 342
Cowra NSW 2794
Applications MAY NOT be sent by facsimile transmission.
SECTION P. Development statistics
1. For each proposed new building, indicate:
The number of storeys (including underground storeys) in the building
The gross floor area of the building (in square meters)
The gross site area of the land on which the building is to be
erected (in square metres)
2. For each proposed new residential building, indicate:
The number of existing dwellings on the land on which the new
building is to be erected
The number of those existing dwellings that are to be demolished in
connection with the erection of the new building
The number of dwellings to be included in the new building
Whether the new building is to be attached to any existing building
Whether the new building is to be attached to any other new building
Whether the land contains a duel occupancy
The materials to be used in the construction of the new building by
completing the table below
Place a cross in each appropriate box.
Brick (Double)
Brick (veneer)
Fibre cement
Not specified
Fibre Cement
Not specified
Curtain glass
Not specified
Not specified