Benton High School
2024-2025 Handbook
The student handbook is the evolution of many years of student, parent, and administrative input.
This handbook represents the best effort, to date, of making sure that all students are afforded the
best opportunities to learn in the high school environment. Rules and regulations outlined herein
are offered as a means of obtaining the best for, not only students, but parents, teachers, and
administrators alike. These policies and procedures have been established to provide for the
welfare of all students in Benton High School. All policies, regulations, definitions, and
procedures comply with the laws of the State of Louisiana and of the United States. All parents,
students, and staff are expected to be familiar with the contents of this book. Students, you will
be held accountable for adhering to the rules stated herein. Though an attempt has been made to
make this handbook as comprehensive as possible, no book could cover every situation that will
be encountered at the high school. The code of conduct section of this handbook is to be used as
a guide for discipline. The staff and administration will make every effort to apply the
disciplinary code in an equitable and consistent manner. The final determination of any issue will
be made at the discretion of the administration. If there are questions or comments, please direct
them to a school administrator. Overwhelming positive comments from students, parents, and
staff reinforce that it has become a necessary part of the education provided at Benton High
School. Bossier Parish Schools recommends that parents and students carefully review the
contents of this handbook together.
Whitney Clark - Principal
Bryan George - Assistant Principal
Billy Neil - Assistant Principal
Erin Wienk - Assistant Principal
Alma Mater
Benton High, We’ll always love you; hold your banner high
We will cherish every memory of your dear old name
Higher yet we hold your banner, wave it far and wide
Now we pledge anew to Benton, dear old Benton High!
Fight Song
Go Tigers Take the field. Purple and gold shall ever reign,
The Benton Tigers never yield. filling the air with battle strain.
So, fight Tigers win tonight So, Tigers forever stand and
Victory is on our side! fight for dear old Tigerland.
Go! Fight! Win!
First Bell
Tardy Bell
First Block
Tiger Time
Second Block
Third Block
11:06-11:26 (1st shift)
11:37-11:57 (2nd shift)
12:32-12:52 (3rd shift)
Fourth Block
*Please note the bell schedule is subject to change.
Benton High School Positive Behavior Intervention Support
School–wide positive behavior support provides a positive and effective alternative to
traditional methods of discipline. School-wide positive behavior support methods are
researched-based and proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in
the school, resulting in a more positive school climate and increased academic performance.
Those students that exhibit the expectations are given PBIS rewards. There is an array of
rewards that students can receive; some examples are: special parking, t-shirts, sweat-shirts,
coupons from various restaurants and passes to some school sponsored events.
TIGER EXPECTATIONS: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Ready
Common Areas
Bus Area
Be on time
Attend regularly
Follow class rules
Remove hoods in the
Stay in line
Be courteous to
all staff & students
Keep to the right
Use appropriate
Monitor noise
Refrain from PDA
Dispose of
packaging in
proper area
Refrain from PDA
Use appropriate
Follow all rules of
bus driver for the
safety of yourself
and classmates
Remain seated
Sit quietly until
Do your best on all
Take notes
Ask questions
Be academically
Maintain dress code
Clean up area
before leaving
Dispose of trash
Use appropriate
table manners
Remain seated
appropriate voice
Move through hall
in timely manner
Maintain dress
Use the restroom
during class
Respond to duty
Maintain dress
Go immediately
to bus area when
bell sounds
Enter bus in a
single file and
take your seat
Maintain dress
Listen to the
Applaud when
Be considerate
of others’
personal space
Maintain dress
Bring all required
Keep cell phones off
and in the Yondr
Ensure Student ID is
visible before entering
Follow dress code
Use your own
lunch account
Keep cell phones
off and in the
Yondr pouch.
Follow dress code
Be considerate of
others’ personal
Walk and Talk
Keep cell phones
off and in the
Yondr pouch.
Follow dress
Walk and Talk
Use the restroom
during class
Keep cell phones
off and in the
Yondr pouch.
Follow dress code
Be at bus stop 5
minutes before
pick-up time
Report any
problem to driver
Follow dress
Find seat quickly
Keep cell phones
off and in the
Yondr Pouch
Follow Dress
Building Wide Expectations:
Keep cell phones off and in the Yondr pouch. Remove earbuds/airpods/headphones.
Wear Student ID
Follow Dress Code (Hood down in classroom/hallway)
Shirts: Purple, white or navy blue polo shirts and solid white oxford-style shirts can be worn.
Shirts purchased through an approved Benton High School spirit store, club, sport, organization,
or class are permitted in the following colors: purple, gold, black, gray, navy, white. Any shirt
provided that are not school colors that were given at a tournament, competition, performance,
etc. is not permitted. No mutilated combination of clothing (i.e. torn sleeved top shirt worn over
a T-shirt) will substitute. Shirts may be short or long-sleeved. Every button except the top
button must be buttoned. Shirts must be of proper size and length to be tucked into shorts, pants,
skirts, etc. Shirts are to not be folded and tucked into undergarments.
Pants/Shorts/Skirts: Solid navy, khaki, gray, and black pants, joggers, shorts, or skirts can be
worn. Stripes, designs, and large logos are prohibited. Shorts/Skirts must be fingertip length and
not extend past the knees. Bottoms must ALWAYS be visible. No form fitting leggings or pants
will be allowed unless worn under appropriate length skirts. Butterfly style shorts and
asymmetrical hemlines are prohibited. No sweatpant materials are allowed.
Outerwear: Solid navy, black, and gray sweaters, sweatshirts, or jackets are allowed. Outerwear
purchased through a Benton High School spirit store are permitted in the following colors:
purple, gold, black, gray, navy, white. Stripes and large logos are prohibited. Letterman jackets
are allowed. Hooded sweatshirts are permitted, but hoods must NOT be worn in the building.
Uniform shirts should always be worn under the outerwear. Camo, plaid, or other multicolored
outerwear is not permitted.
Belts: Chain belts are prohibited. No oversized belt buckles.
Shoes: Students are encouraged to wear tennis shoes, dress shoes, boots, or closed-toe shoes.
Bedroom slippers, house shoes, and flip flops are prohibited.
Backpacks: Backpacks must be appropriate for school. Backpacks may not include live
Student ID’s: All students are required to wear a current approved BHS ID. IDs are to be clipped
on the collar of the student’s outermost uniform top and must be visible.
Headphones and Earbuds: Headphones/earbuds are not to be worn or visible on school grounds
at any time without permission from the staff.
General Dress Conduct:
1. Hats, beanies, sunglasses, do-rags, and bandanas are prohibited.
2. Blankets and pillows are prohibited.
3. Decorative dental mouthpiece (i.e. grill) is prohibited.
4. Jewelry, piercings, hair styles/colors, colored contact lenses, and makeup that distract from the
instructional program or presents health and safety concerns are prohibited.
5. Offensive tattoos must be covered up.
6. Tearing, ripping, cutting of hems, cuffs, sleeves, or body of the uniform is prohibited.
7. Undergarments should never be visible.
Dress Code Disclaimer: The administration will make the final decision on proper/improper
appearance and may adjust the dress code as necessary.
The following information is policy and procedures specific to Benton High School and in
addition to what is outlined in the Bossier Parish section of the handbook.
Academic Honesty:
The purpose of this policy is to communicate the meaning and importance of academic integrity
to all members of the school community and to articulate and support the interest of the
community in maintaining the highest standards of conduct in student learning. Benton High
School embodies a spirit of mutual trust and intellectual honesty that is central to the very nature
of learning, and represents the highest possible expression of shared values among the members
of the school community. The core values underlying and reflected in this policy are:
1. Academic honesty is demonstrated by students when the ideas and the writing of others
are properly cited; students submit their own work for tests and assignments without
unauthorized assistance; students do not provide unauthorized assistance to others; and
students report their research or accomplishments accurately,
2. Respect for others and the learning process to demonstrate academic honesty,
3. Trust in others to act with academic honesty as a positive community-building force in
the school,
4. Responsibility is recognized by all to demonstrate their best effort to prepare and
complete academic tasks,
5. Fairness and equity are demonstrated so that every student can experience an academic
environment that is free from the injustices caused by any form of intellectual dishonesty,
6. Integrity of all members of the school community as demonstrated by a commitment to
academic honesty and support of our quest for authentic learning.
The student body and faculty at Benton High School will not tolerate any violation of academic
dishonesty. Violating rules of academic honesty, including but not limited to plagiarism or
copying another student’s test or assignment, are prohibited and are subject to administrative
Accidents and Injuries:
Students must notify the office of any accidents, injuries, or illnesses. If an accident, injury, or
illness occurs at school, the student is to notify a staff member or report to the office.
Aggressive Physical/Verbal Action:
A student shall not exhibit any form of aggressive physical or verbal action against another
student, staff member, or any other adult at school, on a BPSB campus, or on a BPSB field trip.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs:
A student shall not use, purchase, sell, distribute, be under the influence of or possess any kind of
tobacco, THC vapes, alcoholic beverage, paraphernalia, controlled substance (as defined by state
law) or illegal or counterfeit substance. A student shall not possess, use or be under the
influence of alcohol on school property or at a school function. A student shall not use or be
under the influence of illegal or controlled substances or possess illegal, counterfeit or controlled
substances (including prescription drugs without a doctors order filed with the school) on school
property or at a school function. Example items include, but are not limited to: acid, ecstasy,
heroin, THC, marijuana, and cocaine. A student shall not use, sell, distribute, or possess any
kind of tobacco product (including electronic cigarette and THC vape) on school property or at a
school function. A student shall not use, possess, or distribute any drug related paraphernalia
including but not limited to: rolling papers, cigar wrappers, e-cigarettes, vaping/hookah devices,
bongs, pipes, or any item intended for the use, storage, or distribution of alcohol, tobacco,
marijuana or other drugs. A student shall not distribute, sell, attempt to sell, or possess with
intent to sell any illegal, counterfeit or controlled substance.
Students with possession and/or use of e-cigarettes (vapors/vapes) will face consequences at the
discretion of the administration, including but not limited to suspension, restorative practices,
and recommendation for temporary alternative placement.
Arrival and Departure:
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria starting at 7:05 a.m. for students who choose to eat. Classes
begin at 7:25 a.m. When a student arrives at school in the morning, he/she is to report to the
cafeteria for breakfast, the outside pavilion, the grassy area adjacent to the pavilion, or the grassy
area by the flagpole. Once leaving the parking lot, no student is to return to his/her vehicle until
after school. Once the bell has sounded, students are to move to classrooms in a timely manner.
The school day ends at 2:25 p.m. No students, unless under the direct supervision of a teacher,
are to be in the building after school. Students remaining on campus without approval will be
subject to disciplinary action and/or revocation of out-of-district contract if applicable.
Please note that drop off time starts at 7:05 a.m. Pick up time should be no later than 3:00 p.m.
Students are required to wait outside the front office until this time.
A student shall not physically attack any individual while on a BPSB trip or on BPSB property.
A student shall not act in concert to physically attack any individual on BPSB property.
In order to be eligible to receive grades, Benton High School students shall be in attendance a
minimum of 30,060 minutes (equivalent to 83.5 six-hour school days) per ninety-day term or
60,120 minutes (equivalent to 167 six-hour school days) a school year for schools not operating
on a semester basis. To receive one Carnegie credit for a course, the minimum amount of time
students must be present in each block of a 4 x 4 block schedule is 7,515 minutes.
The Bossier Parish School Board calendar should be considered when planning family vacations.
If a vacation is taken during school time, the days missed will be considered unexcused
absences. The Bossier Parish School Board and Benton High School recognize truancy as
absence from class or school for any portion of a period or day without permission from home or
school. Students shall remain on the campus at all times unless granted permission to be
Bomb Threat:
A student shall not make any report or notification, knowing or having reason to know the report
is false (verbal or written), indicating the presence of a bomb or explosive device on school
grounds, school bus or at any school activity.
Breaking and Entering:
A student will not break into any district property. This will include any unauthorized entry into
school property with or without destruction to the property. A student will not unlawfully enter
any district property with the intent of committing a felony, to steal and/or take and carry away
the property of another, or to attempt to commit the taking of property.
Bullying/Cyber Bullying, Profanity, Obscenity and/or Derogatory Language:
Bullying and/or harassing behavior are strictly prohibited at Benton High School. It is the policy
of the Bossier Schools to maintain learning environments that are free from harassment or
bullying. Students are expected to use appropriate language and conduct at school and school
functions and possess only appropriate materials. This rule applies to cursing, possessing,
sending, or receiving written materials or electronic text and/or images that convey an offensive,
racial, derogatory, bullying, or obscene message to another person. This includes but is not
limited to references to race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, gender identity or
expression, sexual orientation, religion, and/or physical or sensory disability, physical
appearance or making offensive statements or gestures. Students who feel bullied, harassed or
intimidated at school by an adult or another student or who witness such conduct are required to
report it to administration or a faculty member. Reports should include specific incidents of
bullying and/or harassing behavior.
Cafeteria Program:
Students have a variety of choices for their lunch. Observe all rules of courtesy that are designed
to make the lunch break satisfying for all. There will be no charges made by students. The
following guidelines are to be followed in the cafeteria:
1. After students receive their lunch from the line they should remain seated and conduct
themselves in a quiet, orderly manner.
2. No fast food items or soft drinks shall be brought into the cafeteria; lunches brought from
home must not be in any fast food packaging.
3. All trash needs to be placed in trash cans upon exiting the cafeteria.
Students may not leave campus and parents are requested not to bring those food items to
students. Students are prohibited from receiving food deliveries from third party vendors such as
DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc.
Our school maintains a concession area and water machines during lunch break. All
students will have the opportunity to eat in our cafeteria prior to the opening of the
concession area. Students are required to have their assigned IDs on before purchasing
Free and Reduced Lunch:
Bossier Parish Schools participates in the national school lunch and breakfast program.
Information about the requirements and eligibility for this program is available in the
Benton High School cafeteria.
Link to Free or Reduced Lunch Form/Application:
Check In/Out Procedures:
Any student who arrives at school after the first tardy bell or checks in at any time during the
school day must report to the office to scan his/her ID to secure an admit before going to class.
No student will be allowed to leave the school premises without proper authorization from the
office. Parent notes and phone calls will be verified by the attendance secretary (please allow
time for processing). At that time, the attendance secretary will send a note to the student’s class.
The student then must report to the office in order to scan his/her ID to check out. Work missed
for any unexcused check-out may not be allowed to be made up. In order for a student to
participate in an athletic event after school hours, he/she must be present a minimum of two (2)
full blocks. Students may not check out during their lunch shift.
College/Career Days:
High school juniors and seniors may use a maximum of two days from school to visit colleges
they are contemplating attending. The use of these days requires the following procedure: A
student must request permission from their counselor for a college day at least two days before
the requested day. A student may not take a college/career day on a day he/she is scheduled to
have an exam at school. Additionally, students may not have a D or F in a course to be eligible
to take a college day. The student must have signed verification from each of his/her teachers.
The student must have written parental verification that he/she is requesting a college day to be
used for its intended purpose. Upon returning to school after a college day, the student must
submit to the high school office written confirmation from the college visited stating that he/she
was there seeking information. This verification should be written on letterhead or stationary
which identifies the authenticity of the verification.
Counterfeit Currency:
A student shall not distribute, produce or use counterfeit currency on school property or at a
school sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property.
Dance Rules:
In order to promote a healthy, safe, and enjoyable evening for all students, the following rules
will be in place for all dances:
1. All rules apply on and off the dance floor.
2. Student guests that do not attend Benton High School must be approved by
administration prior to the dance. Middle school students may not attend Benton High
School dances. No one over the age of nineteen (19) will be allowed to accompany a
BHS student to the dance if they do not attend Benton High School.
3. You must have your student ID to enter the dance; guests must have their home school ID
or other form of picture ID such as a drivers license.
4. Inappropriate dancing or behavior will result in the student being directed to leave the
dance without benefit of a refund. There will be no warnings prior to one’s removal from
the dance as this policy serves as a warning in regards to behavior. Dancing rules include,
but are not limited to:
No sexually explicit or violence-oriented dancing (grinding, moshing, etc.)
No dancing/grinding back-to-front, side-to-back, side-to-front, or back-to back
No touching of breasts, buttocks, or other personal private parts
No bending over
No straddling
No public displays of affection (making out)
5. Should a student be directed to leave the dance, he/she is expected to call for a ride or
immediately vacate the premises. If a student is noncompliant, there will be additional
6. Individuals attending the dances are not to use profane language, drugs, vapes, THC,
alcoholic beverages, or tobacco products. If a student is caught in the act of using
drugs/alcohol/tobacco/vapes/THC vapes or is discovered to have been using
drugs/alcohol/tobacco/vapes/THC in the course of an investigation, he/she will be
subject to disciplinary action consistent with school board policy.
7. No one leaving the dance will be readmitted. If a student leaves the building during the
dance, he/she is expected to leave the premises immediately.
Deliveries at School:
Because of safety precautions, no special deliveries (flowers, balloons, etc.) will be allowed at
school. Students may not have commercial food delivered to the front office. We cannot accept
outside commercial food packaging for students through the office.
After school detention is held on Monday through Thursday from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Morning
detention is held Monday through Friday from 7:05 AM to 7:20 AM. Students must arrive on
time. Late arrivals will not count as full time served. Failure to attend school detention on the
date assigned may lead to further disciplinary action. If detention time needs to be changed it is
the responsibility of the student’s parent to contact an administrator prior to the assigned
detention date. If you are absent on the date(s) school detention was assigned, it must be made
up on the first day you report back to school. If you return on a Friday, then you must make it up
after school detention on the following Monday. Bring school related work with you to after
school or lunch/morning detention sessions. If you do not have work, you will be assigned work.
You must stay busy.
Disorderly Conduct:
A student shall not disrupt the school day by participating in a civil demonstration, including
leaving campus without permission. Flags of any type may not be displayed on vehicles while
the vehicle is on campus.
Dress Code Violations:
Benton High School will attempt to correct any dress code violations on campus. Students must
be in uniform before returning to class. If the dress code violation cannot be corrected, students
will be placed in an alternative setting for the remainder of the day.
End of the Year/Term Closing Procedures:
Students will be allowed to check-out on the final day of testing after completion of their second
block class. Students must have turned a note into their second block teacher on or before the
final day of testing. Remaining students will eat on one lunch shift. A modified schedule may be
implemented for the remainder of the day.
Equal Education Opportunity:
It shall be the policy of Benton High School that equal emphasis shall be placed upon the
nondiscriminatory provision of educational opportunities for children, and no person shall be
denied the benefits of any educational program or activity on the basis of race, color, handicap,
creed, national origin, age, religion or gender. All programs offered at Benton High School shall
be open to all students in compliance with statutory and judicial requirements.
A student will not take, threaten or attempt to take the property (including, but not limited to
money) of others through intimidation.
False Alarm:
In the absence of an emergency, a student shall not call 911, signal or set off an automatic signal
indicating the presence of an emergency.
Field Trips/Special Events:
Students may be denied participating in field trips/special events when they have excessive
absences (see attendance policy). Additionally, grades will be considered when determining
eligibility to attend any field trips/special events.
The exchange of mutual aggressive physical contact between students, with or without injury, is
prohibited. Self-defense is defined as the act by a non-aggressor victim using reasonable force to
avoid being hit in order to enable oneself to get free from the attacker and notify school
authorities. It is not self-defense to participate in the fight. Students who exceed reasonable force
in protecting themselves will be disciplined for violating this rule even though another person
provoked the fight. Administration will have the discretion to recognize the need for self-defense
on an incident-by-incident basis.
Fines and Fees:
Students are held responsible for paying fees and fines. A student who is indebted to the school
for a fine and/or fee will not be allowed to attend the designated activities set forth by the
administration. When the student has satisfied his/her debt, the student will resume his/her right
to attend any and all functions as long as the student’s disciplinary record is in good standing.
Fees paid are not refundable if a student transfers schools.
Fire and Crisis Procedures:
Instructions for procedures in case of fire, violent storm, or other crisis situations are contained
in each classroom and in other areas of the school. Drills are scheduled to help students learn the
appropriate procedures.
A student shall not possess, handle or transport any handgun, rifle, starter gun, shotgun or any
other weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by
action of an explosion, including camoed guns or any firearm muffler or silencer.
A student will eat and drink only in authorized areas of the school. Students are prohibited from
bringing outside (i.e. Sonic, Taco Bell, Starbucks, etc.) food or drink containers onto the campus.
Only water bottles (containing water) will be allowed outside of authorized areas.
Gang and Gang-related Activities:
No student shall commit any act that furthers gangs or gang-related activities. A gang is any
ongoing organization, association or group, whether formal or informal, having as one of its
primary activities the commission of criminal acts, or the purposeful violation of any district
policy, and having a common name or common identifying sign, colors or symbols. Conduct
prohibited by this policy includes:
A. Clothing: Wearing, possessing, using, distributing, displaying, or selling any clothing,
jewelry, emblems, badges, symbols, signs, visible tattoos and body markings, or other
items, or being in possession of literature that shows affiliation with a gang, or is
evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang or that promotes gang affiliation;
B. Communication: Communicating either verbally or non-verbally (gestures, handshakes,
slogans, drawings, etc.) to convey membership affiliation in any gang or that promotes
gang affiliation;
C. Vandalism or Destruction of Property: Tagging, or otherwise defacing school or personal
property with gang or gang-related symbols or slogans;
D. Intimidation/Threats: Requiring payment for protection, money or insurance, or
otherwise intimidating or threatening any person related to gang activity;
E. Coercion: Inciting other students to intimidate or to act with physical violence upon any
other person related to gang activity;
F. Solicitation: Soliciting others for gang membership;
G. Conspiracy: Conspiring to commit any violation of this policy or committing or
Generally Disruptive Behavior:
A student will maintain appropriate behavior so as to refrain from disrupting class, school or bus
activity and be prepared for instruction at all times. A student shall not talk out in class or move
from his/ her assigned seat/area without permission, throw objects (except as directed by staff for
an instructional purpose), horseplay, harass, tease or make rude noises.
Grade Reports:
Final grades are cumulative. Benton High School will only issue paper based report cards or
progress reports upon request. Please contact a counselor for a paper-based report card or
progress reports. Students and parents can check grades online using OnCourse. OnCourse can
be used to inform parents of both good and poor progress and should encourage parent/teacher
conferences throughout the school year.
Google Classroom/OnCourse/SchoolMessenger/Apptegy:
You have the ability to view school information over the Internet. A link has been created on the
school website that will take you into OnCourse. Once connected, you will have the ability to
view information simply by entering your user ID and password. Please contact the school office
if you need assistance. Parents and students are encouraged to sign up to SchoolMessenger,
Apptegy, OnCourse, and Google Classroom to receive announcements and other information.
Guided Alternative Suspension Program (GASP):
GASP can be understood as an in-school suspension program used as an alternative to
out-of-school suspension. Students assigned to GASP are to report to the GASP room at 7:20
AM. If the student is assigned a specific block or time period to serve, then he/she must be in
the GASP room before the tardy bell rings for that block. Students should come prepared to do
all work assigned by teachers. Students must bring to the GASP room all learning materials,
which is to include textbooks and supplies. Students must follow the rules of the GASP
program and all Benton High School rules. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.
Dismissal time is 2:25 PM.
Inappropriate Items:
Possession of toys, games (electronic and other), electronic smoking devices (i.e., vapes), and
other electronic equipment or any similar devices without permission of the administration is
Inciting Riot/Chaos:
A student shall not engage in behavior of a violent or aggressive nature that could result in a riot,
widespread chaos, or aggressive actions (verbal and/or physical altercations) by students
witnessing or involved in the incident.
A student will obey the lawful direction of any authorized staff member while in school,
participating in a school activity or on school property. All students are expected to behave in a
respectful manner. This includes, but is not limited to, complying with the direction or
instruction of a staff member, not walking away from a staff member while being spoken to, and
speaking to staff in an appropriate manner.
Intentional Non-Learner
Students who are intentionally not engaging in the learning process may be assigned disciplinary
consequences where students will be provided with an opportunity to complete
Library/Computer Labs:
The Library is open at 7:05 am on school days, and may be used anytime during the day and
before school. Computers are available for school assignments and checking Oncourse.
Library/Computer Lab is to be used by students who have assignments requiring research
materials. No food, drink, game playing, web surfing or socializing will be allowed in this area.
The Library/Computer Lab is a quiet area. Books may be checked out for 4 weeks at a time.
Any overdue library book is subject to a fine. Copies and printing from computers must be
approved by the librarian.
Loitering is not permitted in restrooms, halls, or on school property at any time during the school
day or after school.
Benton High School has three lunch shifts. Students are required to have their IDs (or temporary
IDs) on correctly prior to entering the lunch line. They may eat the meal served in the cafeteria
or bring a sack lunch. If parents choose to bring lunch to the school for their students, the food
must be delivered to the office. Deliveries made from local restaurants and third party vendors
such as DoorDash are not permitted. Students are not to be in the halls, common area, or
classrooms during a typical lunch day. They must be in the cafeteria or outside eating areas.
Lunch money should be brought to the Benton High School cafeteria or meals may be purchased
online using the My School Bucks program. Students will not be allowed to charge.
Link to My School Bucks:
Link to Free or Reduced Lunch Form/Application:
Make Up Work After Absences:
When you are absent from school, you are expected to make up any work missed regardless of
the reason for the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to ask his teachers for any make-up
work. This contact should be made the day the student returns to school so that make-up work is
completed within a reasonable period of time. The student shall be allowed one day for each day
of absence in which to complete the missed work. The student may receive a grade of a zero
when assignments are not made up. If parents know that their child will be absent for an
extended period of time, they may reach out to the teachers and office to collect assignments.
All medication will be provided to the school and properly stored. Without proper medical
authorization, students shall not transport prescription or non-prescription medication to or from
school or have medication in their possession at any time without meeting conditions prescribed
by Bossier Parish Schools. Students are not permitted to sell or distribute non-prescription
medication. The Medication Administration Law requires a school prescription form for ALL
medications needed at school. Each medication, either prescription or over the counter, must
have a pharmacy label that matches the school prescription form. Medications should be brought
to the school by a parent/guardian and signed in at the school before medication can be
administered. R.S. 17:436.1, Act 87 of 1993 governs the administration of medicines in the
school setting. This law states:
A. The term medicine refers to all medicines, both prescription and nonprescription.
B. Only oral, inhalant, topical ointment for diaper rash, and emergency medications shall be
administered by trained unlicensed school personnel.
School medication orders shall be limited to medication that cannot be administered before or
after school hours. The State of Louisiana Medication Forms may be obtained in the front office
or at
Military Opt Out:
Parents may prohibit their child’s contact with any United States military recruiter at Benton
High School. Written requests barring contact must be provided to the student’s school
counselor each year.
A student will be honest and submit his/her own work. Tampering with report cards, official
passes, notes or other school documents in any manner, including changing grades or forging
names to excuses, is prohibited. Making false statements, written or oral, to anyone in authority
is prohibited.
Students should be in their assigned area at all times. Students located out-of-area are subject to
disciplinary action.
No students are allowed to be out of class once the tardy bell rings without an approved
e-hallpass or handwritten note from a staff member. Students in the halls without a pass will be
returned to their class and subject to disciplinary action. Students are required to use the e-hall
pass system when leaving the classroom.
Personal Property:
A student is permitted to bring or possess only objects that have an educational purpose and will
not distract from teaching or learning. Students are permitted to sell items on campus only as part
of an approved school activity. All other items will be confiscated. Items of value should not be
brought to school. The school can assume no responsibility for a student’s personal property
including, but not limited to cell phones, iPods/iPads, smart watches, electronic readers, or any
other electronic device that has been approved by administration or teacher for educational
purposes. Book bags, purses, drawstring bags, and personal belongings are to be locked in
assigned lockers while in locker rooms.
Personal Technology Device:
All cell phones must be placed in a Yondr pouch (see Yondr for details) upon arrival. Students
may use personal technology devices during the school day for medical/ educational purposes
only as approved by staff. Administration may put additional rules in place permitting student
use of personal technology devices during the school day. Possession of a personal technology
device by a student is a privilege, which may be revoked for violations of the Code of Student
Conduct. Violations may result in the confiscation of the personal technology device and/or other
disciplinary actions. The district is not responsible (monetary value or replacement) for theft,
loss, or damage to personal technology devices or other electronic devices brought onto campus.
Students permitted to use personal technology devices during the school day must follow all
rules set forth in Bossier School’s Acceptable Use Policy. A student will refrain from any
activity or distribution of information from personal technology devices that would constitute a
violation of a rule under the Code of Student Conduct or a violation of law, as, but not limited to,
bullying or harassment on social media or other sites if the conduct has or may have a direct and
immediate impact on the orderly and efficient operation of the schools or the safety of
individuals in the school environment. Publication of information on the internet is considered
distribution regardless of the location of the technology device from which the offending content
was published. Bus drivers may restrict the use of personal technology devices, including cell
phones and earbuds.
Plagiarism: No student at Benton High School shall claim or submit the academic work of
another as one’s own. Plagiarism may be accidental or blatant and there is even self-plagiarism.
However, students are held to the same standards whether or not they knew they were
plagiarizing or whether or not they were plagiarizing themselves or someone else.
A. Accidental or Unintentional: One may not even know that they are plagiarizing. It is the
student's responsibility to make certain that they understand the difference between
quoting and paraphrasing, as well as the proper way to cite material.
B. AI: the use of AI technology is plagiarism.
C. Blatant: Here, students are well aware that they are plagiarizing. Purposefully using
someone else's ideas or work without proper acknowledgment is plagiarism. This
includes turning in borrowed or bought research papers as one's own as well as using AI
produced papers.
D. Self: Turning in the same paper (or substantially the same paper) for two classes without
getting permission from one's teacher is plagiarism.
Students are expected to do their own, original work on each assignment in each class. A student
who recycles his or her coursework from one class to another may face an infraction of academic
dishonesty. A teacher who believes a student has committed an act of plagiarism should take
appropriate action, which includes the issuing of a zero on the assignment. Other administrative
consequences may be imposed for academic dishonesty. Bossier Parish Schools has partnered
with in an effort to assist students in learning how to avoid plagiarizing materials. is a tool for teachers and students alike to see how students are citing resources and
to have a better understanding of the resources that they are utilizing.
Pornographic, Profane, and/or Violent Material:
A student shall refrain from having any pornographic or profane material in his/her possession,
including but not limited to pictures, magazines, CDs, DVDs, electronic texts or images and
sexually explicit or graphically violent materials (including but not limited to documents or
instructions concerning the creation of and/or the use of weapons).
Public displays of affection (PDA) are not allowed. Students will refrain from kissing, hugging,
and holding hands.
Program Description:
The school day is divided into four instructional blocks of time, 90 minutes each, and the school
year is divided into two terms. During the first term, students are enrolled in four classes that
meet daily. At the end of the fall term, students receive credit for all coursework successfully
completed and will begin four new courses for the spring term.
All posters or announcements to be displayed anywhere (including parking lot and stadium) must
be approved by the administration.
Repeated Violations:
Repeated incidents of generally disruptive behavior will result in additional or more severe
Students are prohibited from gathering in restroom stalls. Restroom stalls are for private (single)
use only. Students will face disciplinary action if two or more students are located in a restroom
stall. Students are prohibited from congregating in a restroom.
A student will not take or attempt to take another person’s property.
Sales on Campus:
Students are prohibited from selling anything on campus, unless authorized by the
Scheduling Procedures:
Staffing at the high school is based on the course selections that you make during the previous
year. Counselors will meet with the students to discuss scheduling procedures and options
available to the students. Counselors will assess the student’s needs and plan a course of study
for the next school year. Course description guides are provided by the Bossier Parish School
Board. Parents and students should read everything in the course description guide before
registering for classes. In addition, all students must choose alternative course sections. Do not
register for courses designated for students above your grade level. Do not select courses in
which you are now enrolled and think you may fail. The counselor will make required subject
changes due to failure. Students may be scheduled into courses they did not select. Students may
not be scheduled in selected courses.
Scheduling Changes:
Minimum enrollments are established for each course and cannot be jeopardized. The schedule
you selected is the schedule you have for the year. If there is a mistake in your schedule, see a
guidance counselor. No changes will be made unless an exception is made for the following
A. The course prerequisite has not been met.
B. The student is a senior who needs a certain course to graduate.
C. A clerical error has resulted in the student being placed in the wrong class.
D. Verified health reasons exist for a student not to take a class.
E. Circumstances warrant administrative review.
F. The student has previously passed a class in which he/she is scheduled.
School Bus Conduct:
School bus guidelines have been adopted by the Bossier Parish School Board in order to provide
safe transportation to and from school. It is a privilege, not a right, to ride Bossier Parish Board
buses. All Board policies are strictly enforced on school buses. The bus operator, together with
the principal, assumes full responsibility for the discipline of students who ride the bus. Should
an infraction occur, the bus operator will notify the principal in writing. The principal has the
sole authority to determine punishment, if warranted.
The responsibility for supervision of students begins at the bus stop in the morning and ends
when students exit buses at the end of the day. On-time delivery and student safety are the
primary goals of each bus operator.
When riding the school bus, every student will:
1. Follow the Bus Transportation rules as directed by the bus operator and the student’s
2. Report to the assigned bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled arrival time; this
time does not permit buses to return to a stop if a student misses the bus.
3. Not bring on the bus objects that are too large to be held in the student’s lap or to fit
under the seat (including large band instruments, projects, and other large objects).
4. Assist the bus operator in maintaining a clean and sanitary bus; students who
damage/destroy buses are appropriately disciplined/assessed for damages.
5. Not exit the bus at a different stop from their assigned stop without written authorization
from the principal. The note must be presented to the operator at the start of the
afternoon run.
6. Remain seated with backs against the seat, backpacks in lap, facing forward in the
student’s permanently assigned seat, while the bus is in motion and during stops for other
students. The bus operator is responsible for seat assignments.
7. Only talk quietly to your neighbor. Vulgar language and bullying of other students will
not be tolerated.
8. Adhere to the dress code for each school
9. Not eat on the bus. (Students may carry water on the bus in plastic bottles)
10. Not extend arms out of windows or doors; not throw objects out of windows.
NOTE: A violation of a bus rule may result in loss of bus privilege and/or disciplinary action.
All buses are equipped with video cameras that constantly monitor student passengers. Bus
operators are permitted to make reasonable rules for the safe transportation of students.
See Transportation website for additional bus safety tips.
Guest riding on buses is prohibited unless a hardship is approved by an administrator. Riding a
school bus is a privilege extended to the students and can be taken away anytime for disruptive
or unsatisfactory conduct. All pupils being transported are under the authority of the school bus
driver and must obey his/her requests while on the bus and at the bus stop.
School administration has the right to conduct a search of a student or his/her possessions that is
reasonable in scope if the administration has a reasonable suspicion that the student may be in
possession of a weapon, illegal substance or other items prohibited by or used in violation of law
or the Code of Student Conduct.
A. Search of an individual and/or his/her Possessions: A student must cooperate with
and may not obstruct or interfere with a reasonable and authorized search of the
student and/or his/her possessions based on reasonable suspicion that the student
may be in possession of a weapon, illegal substance or other items prohibited by
or used in violation of law or the Code of Student Conduct.
B. Search of Student Lockers and Desks: Lockers and desks are the property of the
District and are assigned to the student with the understanding that he/she is
responsible for all property placed in the locker or the desk. Lockers and desks
shall be used only for storage of those items that are reasonably necessary for the
student’s school activities such as books, gym clothes, coats, school assignments,
etc. A student must cooperate with and shall not obstruct or interfere with an
authorized search of his/her locker or desk.
C. Search of a Vehicle: A student must cooperate with and may not obstruct or
interfere with reasonable search of the student’s vehicle and its contents when it is
present on school property or at a school activity. These searches will be based on
reasonable suspicion that the student may be in possession of a weapon, illegal
substance or other items prohibited by or used in violation of law or the Code of
Student Conduct. A violation of this rule may result in the student losing his/her
parking privilege, in addition to other applicable discipline.
Severe Weather Conditions:
In the event that we have severe weather, school may be closed due to hazardous road
conditions. Bossier Parish Schools will announce any such school closing or early dismissals.
Sexual Battery:
A student shall not engage in or attempt to engage in sexual activity with another person by
force, threat or fear.
Sexual Behavior:
A student shall not engage in any sexual behavior on Bossier Parish Board property or at a
school-sponsored activity. A student shall not engage in unwanted touching of an offensive or
sexual nature. A student shall not engage in unwanted verbal or physical (e.g. gesturing) conduct
of a sexual nature which may reasonably be regarded as intimidating, hostile or offensive. This
includes the communication of (by digital or other means) or the intentional display of sexually
explicit material. A student shall not intentionally expose private body parts, including but not
limited to the display of the buttocks (mooning). Students are prohibited from displaying
undergarments. Students are prohibited from touching the clothing of other students, including
but not limited to, pulling pants down. A student shall not engage in sexual activity.
Students at Benton High School will be expected to back all Benton High School teams,
organizations, and clubs with true school spirit and show respect for their school’s reputation.
Benton High students will strive to maintain favorable interactions with opposing teams and
schools. Students will cooperate with the cheerleaders in pep sessions and at games. Students are
to sit in the bleachers during the game. Conduct of Benton High School students participating in
or at extracurricular activities will be appropriate and will exemplify a positive role model for
other students. No disruptive or distracting behavior will be tolerated; if such behavior occurs,
disciplinary action may range from probationary attendance to dismissal from the activity and
may include disciplinary action depending on the severity of the offense. The student code of
conduct, school rules, policies and procedures will be enforced at extracurricular activities.
Student Assistance:
Any student who feels that he or she has been mistreated or abused academically or personally,
been a victim of sexual harassment, or been bullied by another student should report the incident
immediately to the administration. Students are not to take measures into their own hands in
order to solve a problem.
Student Dress:
A student will maintain personal attire and grooming standards that promote safety, health, and
acceptable standards of social conduct, and are not disruptive to the educational environment.
This includes student clothing that materially and substantially disrupts classes or other school
activities, including but not limited to gang-related articles of clothing. Refer to dress code
Student IDs:
One ID is supplied to each student for free. The ID is not to be defaced in any way including
writing, cutting, or placing stickers on the card. Students are required to purchase a new ID if it
is defaced in any manner and cannot be returned to its original state. Students who lose or
continuously do not wear an ID will be charged $5 for a replacement ID.
Tardy Policy:
Students should make every effort to be on time to class. Students who arrive tardy to class could
receive administrative actions.
Administrative Action*
# of
Administrative action(s)
15 and >
Suspended from driving on campus and all after school events
and/or additional administrative action.
*Administrators will handle the discipline of student offenders. Administrative actions can
include but are not limited to morning and after school detention, restorative practices, and/or
GASP. Administration reserves the right to change disciplinary actions at any time.
This is a cumulative tardy tracking system. Student tardies will be counted throughout each
grading period.
The use of the school’s telephones by students for personal use is not permitted. Students may
ask a secretary to call home if there is an emergency. Students will not be allowed to receive
phone calls other than an emergency call from parents or guardians, these calls should be made
through the front office. Students are prohibited from using teacher's phones without their
direction and permission.
Textbooks checked out to students are the responsibility of the students to whom they are
assigned. It is the responsibility of each student to exercise care in maintaining the condition of
all books assigned to him/her. A student who returns books that are damaged or in poor
condition, beyond what is expected through normal use will be assessed for the damage. Students
who fail to turn in the books assigned to them will be assessed for the missing books. There will
be a $10 fee for any textbook located after payment has been made.
A student will not steal or possess stolen property, or participate with others to do so. Stolen
property includes any object that is possessed without the permission of the owner.
Threatening/Intimidating Behavior:
A student shall not threaten to strike, attack or harm any person, or cause another person to
become fearful by intimidation, through any medium, including threats made in person, through
another person at the request of the perpetrator, on the telephone, in writing, through the use of
gang paraphernalia, or by any digital communication (cyberbullying) that pose a safety risk to
the school environment.
A student will not enter school property or a school facility without proper authority. Students
will not enter any Bossier Parish School Board property without permission.
Unauthorized Use of Technology Devices:
A student shall refrain from inappropriate use of school system computers/technology devices or
from using the Benton High School electronic communications and wireless connection network
without proper authority. This includes unauthorized use of sign in codes and the school
telephone system, communication of threats or implied threats, bullying or harassment, and
unauthorized attempts to contact any Bossier Schools computer site from any computer station.
Unsafe Action:
A student shall not commit any action that has the potential to cause danger or physical harm to
himself or to others, to include but not limited to: exiting a moving school bus, exiting a school
bus by way of the emergency exit absent an emergency, attempting to elude school officials by
running through a parking lot or traffic area, climbing on the roof of buildings, being in
construction areas, or any action that has the potential for physical harm to self or others.
Use of Fire:
A student will neither set fire nor attempt to set fire to anything on BPSB property or participate
with others to damage or destroy school property through the use of fire. This includes striking
matches, flicking cigarette lighters or using any instrument capable of producing fire on school
property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity that is on or off school property.
A student will not willfully, with or without malice, participate with others to damage or destroy
property of another, including property belonging to the school or district, staff, students or other
adults on campus or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property. A
student or parent/guardian will be held financially responsible, as allowed by law, for willful or
malicious destruction of property.
Vehicle Use:
A student will not operate any motorized or self-propelled vehicle on school grounds in a manner
that is a threat to health and/or safety, or a disruption to the educational process. Driving to
school is a privilege, which may be limited or revoked at any time by the administration. The
speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour. A student will not park a motor vehicle on school
premises unless he/she has been issued a parking permit. Parking permits must be visibly
displayed and vehicles must be parked only in assigned spaces. Unauthorized vehicles may be
towed. Students driving to school must register their vehicle for a parking permit at a cost of $25
per year. Other permits may be available as space allows. Those students with parking permits
must agree to follow the Benton High School driving/parking guidelines:
A. A current school-parking permit must be properly displayed at all times while parked on
school property. In order to reduce student costs, one permit may be utilized for up to two
vehicles. Proof of insurance and registration must remain in the vehicle at all times.
B. Students in the parking lot must remain in the vehicle they arrived in, until they plan on
entering the school.
C. Students must exit their vehicle when the first bell rings to start the school day. All
vehicles should be locked. The parking lot is off limits to students until 2:23 P.M., except
for students authorized to leave earlier. An administrator or SRO must approve any other
trip to the lot. Once a student has left campus, they are not to return unless they check-in
at the main office.
D. Do not drive on sidewalks, across unpaved surfaces, or across parking spaces. Students
should not drive recklessly in the parking lot. Park only in designated parking spaces.
E. Littering the lot or school grounds will not be tolerated.
F. The school shall not be responsible for any items lost or stolen from your vehicle.
G. There will be no passengers in the rear of pickup trucks, and it is recommended that you
not provide other students rides as you may be held responsible if an accident occurs.
H. Weapons are prohibited from being on campus. There are no exceptions.
I. Profane or inappropriate decals/designs are not permitted on a vehicle that is
driven to school by a student.
J. Any vehicle parked on school property is subject to being searched by school officials.
K. Any vehicle used by students to skip school or leave campus without permission may be
banned from campus. In addition, the DRIVER of the vehicle may have driving
privileges suspended.
L. Violation of any student regulation, parking rule, law or excessive tardiness may
result in the student’s parking privilege being suspended or revoked. Students not
purchasing a parking tag are subject to receiving a $10.00 parking ticket.
M. Unpaid parking tickets issued by the SRO shall result in a student not being
allowed to drive on campus until the tickets are paid.
N. Flags of any type may not be displayed on vehicles while the vehicle is on
O. Students are to follow all traffic laws and staff directions while driving/riding on
Verbal Confrontation/Provocation:
A student shall not approach another person in a confrontational, provocative or bullying
manner. This will include attempts to intimidate or instigate another person to fight or commit
other acts of physical aggression.
All visitors must use the front entrance; state law requires that all visitors report directly to the
office. Students will not be allowed visitors without prior approval. All visitors will be required
to wear a visitor pass and keep it visible.
Weapons and Dangerous Objects:
A student will not possess, handle, transport or use any weapon, object that can be reasonably
considered a weapon, dangerous object or substance that could cause harm or irritation to
another individual on school property or at any school function. All items will be confiscated and
will not be returned except with the mutual agreement of school and law enforcement.
Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:
A. Toy knife or look-alike knife
B. Weapon not capable of propelling a missile
C. Knife
D. Box cutter/razor blade
E. Camouflaged weapon
F. Object thrown from a bus
G. Ammunition
H. Fireworks
I. Bomb
J. Airsoft gun, BB gun, pellet gun
K. Any object or substance that could cause injury including but not limited to, slingshots,
ice picks, multi-fingered rings, metal knuckles, nunchucks, Bowie knives, dirks,
daggers, lead canes, switchblade knives, clubs, stun guns, starter pistols, BB guns, flare
guns, air rifles, air pistols, airsoft pellet guns or paintball guns, mace, fire extinguishers
and/or the use of any object or any substance that will potentially cause harm, irritation
or bodily injury.
L. Laser Devices
Cellphones, and airpods/earbuds/headphones are not to be visible or used during school hours.
At the beginning of the school year, every student will be assigned a personal Yondr Pouch,
similar to being assigned a textbook. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is
each student’s responsibility to bring their pouch with them to school every day.
Morning: During their first block class, students will:
1. Turn their phone off.
2. Unlock their empty Yondr pouch and place their phone inside the pouch, securely close
it and store it in their backpack. Each student will maintain possession of their cellphone
inside their Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day. Late students will do this
process at the Main Office.
Afternoon: During their fourth block class, students will:
1. Unlock their pouch
2. Remove their phone from their pouch. Securely close their empty pouch and
place it in their backpack for the next day. Exception: When students check out, the
student will unlock their pouch at the Main Office.
Below is a list of potential student violations. Each of these violations may result in the student’s
phone and/or pouch being confiscated by school administration.
1) Physical damage to the pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. (Ex:
bent pin or stripped lock inside the pouch)
2) Forgetting or losing the pouch.
3) Having the phone outside of the Yondr Pouch without permission from a staff
4) Any noises from phone during school hours
5) Use of smartwatches or wearing of airpods/earbuds/headphones
Disciplinary Action
1) Violations of the Yondr policy will warrant appropriate disciplinary action at the discretion of
school administration. Personal electronic devices (i.e. phones, airpods, etc.) may be confiscated
and required to be picked up by a parent/guardian from the Main Office.
2) If a pouch is damaged, the student will only be allowed to bring a phone back to school if
they or their parent/guardian pay a $25 fee to replace the damaged Yondr pouch.
3) Students behaving in a manner that is willfully disobedient will face disciplinary action.
Unforeseen Circumstances:
Benton High School and Bossier Schools are committed to partnering with our parents and
families to provide our students with a safe learning environment and the continuation of a
quality education during unprecedented times. This handbook is designed to provide you with
the essential information you will need to help us accomplish our goals as a school. It is our
intention for this handbook to provide a foundation for a system that may be adjusted in response
to unforeseen circumstances that may alter our regular routines and procedures as a school.
Revisions or updates to this handbook and/or new policies and procedures will be communicated
through our school website and various social media outlets throughout the school year. Please
make sure that you are signed up to receive notifications through OnCourse and the parish-wide
app. Please check the Benton High School and Bossier Schools websites regularly for updates as
Thank you for your diligence, patience, and continued support. We look forward to working
together this year. Tiger Pride!