Violence Against Women
16(10) 1065 -1085
© The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission: http://www.
DOI: 10.1177/1077801210382866
VAW161010.1177/1077801210382866Bridges et al.Violence Against Women
© The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission: http://www.
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
New York University, New York
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
New School for Social Research, New York
Corresponding Author:
Ana J. Bridges, University of Arkansas, 216 Memorial Hall, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Aggression and Sexual
Behavior in Best-Selling
Pornography Videos:
A Content Analysis Update
Ana J. Bridges
, Robert Wosnitzer
Erica Scharrer
, Chyng Sun
and Rachael Liberman
This current study analyzes the content of popular pornographic videos, with the objectives
of updating depictions of aggression, degradation, and sexual practices and comparing the
study’s results to previous content analysis studies. Findings indicate high levels of aggres-
sion in pornography in both verbal and physical forms. Of the 304 scenes analyzed, 88.2%
contained physical aggression, principally spanking, gagging, and slapping, while 48.7% of
scenes contained verbal aggression, primarily name-calling. Perpetrators of aggression were
usually male, whereas targets of aggression were overwhelmingly female. Targets most
often showed pleasure or responded neutrally to the aggression.
content analysis, pornography
The pornography industry remains fast growing and lucrative, with annual sales growing
from US$8 billion in 1996 (Stack, Wasserman, & Kern, 2004) to more than US$12 billion
by 2005 (Adult Video News [AVN], 2006). Currently, more than 13,000 adult videos are
produced annually in the United States, an increase of 60% over the same 10-year period
(AVN, 2006). By comparison, the major Hollywood studios released 507 new titles in 2005,
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with domestic revenues of US$8.8 billion (Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA],
2010). Although consumers access pornographic materials in a number of forms—including
the Internet, cable and hotel video-on-demand, the telephone, and magazines—videotapes
(VHS) and digital video discs (DVD) still generate the most income (AVN, 2006). In fact,
rentals at adult video stores increased from US$75 million in 1986 to US$665 million just
10 years later (Stack et al., 2004), culminating in over 950 million adult videos rented annu-
ally by 2005 (AVN, 2006). Video rentals generated more than US$4.28 billion in 2005,
representing 34% of the total market for all adult products (AVN, 2006).
The research community has focused largely on the effects of pornography consumption
and, consequently, hotly contested debates have surfaced regarding whether all pornography
or particular types of pornography are cause for alarm. In contrast to effects studies, com-
paratively few studies have attempted to systematically document the content patterns in
pornographic materials, leading to some unsubstantiated claims regarding its nature. As Nina
Hartley (2005), a self-described feminist pornography performer and producer, states, “by
focusing on one or two examples [that one] finds particularly heinous, [one] obscures the
broader truth, which is that the marketplace of sexual entertainment contains products for
almost every taste and orientation, including material made by and for heterosexual women
and couples, lesbians and gay men” (p. 1). Such claims of content diversity elude questions
about audience composition and preferences. Our study joins a relatively small number of
precursors in performing a systematic content analysis of top-circulating adult videos, thereby
illuminating the current status of the themes and messages apparent in popular pornography,
offering a vital update to the existing bodies of work available.
At the heart of many of the controversies about pornography is the topic of aggression
and degradation. The social significance of these issues is undeniable, as much of the por-
nography effects research has shown pornography is more likely to have a negative influence
on the thoughts, attitudes, or behavior of audience members if it features aggression (e.g.,
Donnerstein, Linz, & Penrod, 1987; Linz, Donnerstein, & Penrod, 1987). Experimental
evidence suggests that degrading pornography increases dominating and harassing behavior
toward women (Hall, Hirschman, & Oliver, 1994; Mulac, Jansma, & Linz, 2002), harsher
evaluations of their real-life partners (Jansma, Linz, Mulac, & Imrich, 1997), and loss of
compassion for female rape victims (Zillmann, 1989; Zillmann & Bryant, 1982).
Literature Review
Defining Pornography and Other Key Terms
Difficulties in conducting a content analysis of pornographic movies include defining what
constitutes such media texts and measuring key concepts such as violence, sexual violence,
and degradation. The Attorney Generals Commission on Pornography (1986) defined
pornography as material predominantly sexually explicit and intended for purposes of
sexual arousal” (pp. 228-229). Pornography has also been defined as “any sexually explicit
material to which access was limited, either by signs or physical structure, to adults” (Barron
& Kimmel, 2000, p. 162).
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There is also considerable disagreement regarding whether violence and degradation are two
separate concepts or one unified concept. Palys (1986), for example, treats violence and degrada-
tion separately (definitions appear in the next section), whereas Dines, Jensen, and Russo (1998)
have considered degradation a type of violence, and Cowan and colleagues (Cowan, Lee, Levy,
& Snyder, 1988) have conceived of violence as a type of degradation. McKee (2005) chooses
to use the word objectification to encompass the dehumanizing depiction of some characters in
pornography and has suggested violence is a subtype of (as well as a causal contributor to)
objectification. A review of content analysis research (McKee, 2005) reveals that degrading
depictions in pornography are typically defined as those that (a) encompass unusual or non-
normative sexual practices (with the assumption that participation in these acts intrinsically is
degrading to a character) and (b) imply differences in status between or among characters.
Violence, too, has proven to be a difficult concept to define and measure in past content
analyses. Typically, physical acts are necessary for most content analysts to code something
as violent, although verbal aggression is sometimes measured as a separate item in the analysis.
Typically, definitions of violence include behaviors directed from one character to another
that are intended to cause harm, with the recipient motivated to avoid such harm (Donnerstein
et al., 1987). However, such definitions require knowledge about perpetrator intentions and
target motivations, both difficult to codify with high reliability as they require the analysis
of potentially complex sets of behaviors and subjective appraisals. Other scholars, such as
Gerbner and colleagues (Gerbner, Gross, Jackson-Beeke, Jeffries-Fox, & Signorielli, 1978),
have argued for the importance of coding violence that appears to be inconsequential, as this
oftentimes captures aggressive or violent acts that have been naturalized. As a remedy to
the “intentionality” trap, Gerbner et al. (1978) offered the definition of violence as an “overt
expression of physical force, with or without weapon, against self or other, compelling action
against one’s will on pain of being hurt or killed, or actually hurting or killing” (p. 179).
Gerbner et al.’s definition retains the problem of the agency of the recipient of violent acts.
That is to say, Gerbner et al. distinguish violence when the violent act is “against one’s will,”
under duress of what might be constructed as “pain of being hurt” or “actually hurting or
killing,” leaving open the subjective interpretations to the actions or expressions of the char-
acter on the receiving end of violence and aggression.
Indeed, the focus on intention of the perpetrators (or aggressors) and the response of the
targets (or victims) in defining violence is an area of great debate and tension. McKee (2005)
argues that “consent” is ultimately important in sex acts. Thus, acts of bondage or domination/
discipline in consensual sadomasochism pornography scenes are not considered violent, even
if the targets of these acts experience pain. However, the genre of pornography oftentimes
requires the apparent enjoyment of actors and actresses to all that occurs (Bridges, 2010), such
that any touch or position by one actor to another is met with near orgasmic pleasure. If the
genre requires meeting any act bestowed on a character as an act of pleasure, and if definitions
of aggression require a target to be motivated to avoid harm, then a priori we can assert that
none of these acts would be coded as violent or aggressive (save for a few films that are
particularly focused on overt pain or harm—certainly not mainstream pornography of the kind
analyzed in McKee, 2005). This results in a rendering of aggressive acts as invisible when
they occur within the context of sex.
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Based on the central tenets of social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1994, 2001), a crucial
element in observed instances of aggression is whether the aggressive act is met with a favor-
able or an unfavorable response. A favorable response—for instance, one in which a character
gets away with being aggressive rather than is punished, or even one in which that character
is rewarded after being aggressive—sends a permissive message about aggression to audi-
ences. However, an unfavorable response—in which a character who is aggressive receives
an admonition or punishment or in which the recipient of the aggression is shown to be
harmed—sends a prohibitive message about aggression to audiences.
Evidence From Prior Content Analyses
The closest parallels to the research at hand are previous content analyses of adult videos.
Other media forms used to distribute pornography have also been subject to content analysis,
including magazines (Malamuth & Spinner, 1980; Matacin & Burger, 1987; Scott & Cuvelier,
1993) and the Internet (Gossett & Byrne, 2002). Yet we focus here on studies that have
explored the content of pornographic videos available for purchase or rental, as the present
study was of adult videos only.
Method of Sampling
Content analyses of pornographic videos oftentimes have used sampling methods of conve-
nience, limiting their generalizability. Some studies have selected movies from only one adult
video locale (Duncan, 1991; Yang & Linz, 1990). Others have used multiple adult movie
rental stores and popular rental lists but continued to be bound by geographic location (Cowan
et al., 1988). In an attempt to overcome geographic limitations, some researchers have used
local branches of national rental chains (Monk-Turner & Purcell, 1999). Only one recent
content analysis sampled best-selling adult videos from two mail order international catalogs
(McKee, 2005). Sampling adult videos from lists of popular titles is particularly clever if the
content analysis aims to describe what most people view, although more specific genres may
be explored for other reasons.
Aggression in Pornographic Videos
Estimations of the frequency of physical aggression in adult videos have varied from as low
as 1.9% (McKee, 2005) to 26.9% (Barron & Kimmel, 2000). Other estimates suggest that
approximately one quarter of adult videos contain aggression (Cowan et al., 1988). Notably,
McKee coded violence only when an act was clearly intended to cause harm and was met
with resistance by the target of aggression. Therefore, acts where the target appeared to enjoy
the harm or aggression, or where there was no active attempt to avoid the harm, were not
coded as “violent.” This is particularly important, as frequently targets of pornographic video
aggression do not actively resist the aggressive act (Prince, 1990).
Generally speaking, prior content analyses of pornographic videos have not assessed
verbal aggression rates. When examined, verbal aggression rates had a tendency to be lower
than physical aggression (Cowan et al., 1988), occurring in approximately 20% of adult scenes.
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Regardless of levels of aggression present in these pornographic scenes, men are more
frequently the perpetrators of aggression while women are more frequently the targets (Cowan
& Campbell, 1994; Prince, 1990). Furthermore, studies that have examined interracial por-
nography have found that aggression levels increase when men and women are of different
ethnicities (Cowan & Campbell, 1994; Monk-Turner & Purcell, 1999).
Sexual Behavior in Pornographic Videos
A number of content analytic studies of pornography have coded frequency and types of
sexual behaviors. Again, gender disparities are often present and appear to be aimed at reflect-
ing the desires of the (mostly) male audience. For example, women more often perform oral
sex than vice versa (McKee, 2005; Yang & Linz, 1990). Such sexual acts appear to focus
more on men’s sexual pleasure and arousal rather than that of their female partners. Although
both men and women initiated sexual encounters with approximately equal frequency across
the set of studies (e.g., Prince, 1990), men were significantly more likely to be portrayed in
a dominant role (Barron & Kimmel, 2000; Cowan et al., 1988).
Most sexual scenes in pornography terminate following the visible ejaculation of the male
character(s). Some theorists contend that the visibility of the male ejaculation is “proof” of
sexual pleasure and orgasm (Williams, 1999). Other scholars, however, have argued that
the location of male ejaculation is a primary component of female degradation that links the
male sexual imagination with misogyny and objectification (Schauer, 2005). The importance of
ejaculation location is evident in prior analyses’ attempts to code for this. Men ejaculate on a
woman’s body with high frequency: one study reported 85% of scenes depicted ejaculation
on a woman (Monk-Turner & Purcell, 1999). While ejaculation on a woman’s body in general
may be seen as degrading, some have argued that male ejaculation on a woman’s face is
particularly degrading (Schauer, 2005) and occurs with regularity in pornography. For example,
Cowan and Campbell (1994) found that 43% of White women and 28% of Black women in
interracial pornography were portrayed with men ejaculating on their faces.
In conclusion, there is ample evidence of a disproportionably distributed agency, coupled
with acts of violence, that have allowed critics to interpret a significant number of acts in
pornography as degrading. Given that women are overwhelmingly the recipients of aggres-
sive behavior and rarely have agency to either avoid or resist these acts, the placement of
sexual acts within such a context has led critics to have extrapolated an interpretation sug-
gesting that pornography caters to the sexual pleasure of men over that of women. In the
interracial texts analyzed, more aggression is directed toward White women than their Black
counterparts (Monk-Turner & Purcell, 1999). Forms of violence termed extreme, such as
rape, use of weapons, or depictions of murder, are uncommon (Barron & Kimmel, 2000).
Indeed, the vicissitudes of the pornography industry and its distribution techniques prove
problematic to any content analysis study. Currently, more than 13,000 sexually explicit titles
are produced annually (AVN, 2006), employing diffuse and nontraditional distribution chan-
nels. Pornographic videos, unlike Hollywood films, are almost always viewed in the privacy
of one’s home, using VHS/DVD players, cable pay-per-view or, more recently, through
Internet transmission. Pornographic videos are most commonly obtained through local retail
video chains or through the recent phenomenon of online adult-only video rental services.
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1070 Violence Against Women 16(10)
Reliable and consistent data that indicate the popularity of movies have historically been
difficult to obtain.
Finally, differences in coding violent and degrading behavior have made it challenging
to obtain consistent estimates of aggression in pornography. Definitions that are contingent
on intent or target reactions are problematic for two reasons. First, abstract concepts such
as “intent” and “harm” are difficult to translate into specific observable behaviors, thereby
making coding a daunting task. Second, although pornography portrays real sexual activity,
the portrayers remain “actors” and may not be demonstrating a genuine response to certain
acts. In addition, directors are also free to edit and reshoot scenes to obtain the perpetrator
and target responses that they choose.
The present study sought to overcome these obstacles by (a) using sampling methods that
permit wider generalizability and limit geographic constraints, (b) using a “gold standard”
for coding aggression in television (National Television Violence Study, 1998), and (c) includ-
ing both the perpetrators’ and the targets’ responses to aggression. To our knowledge, this
study is also the first to code certain “nonnormative” sexual acts and to relate specific sexual
acts to aggression or degradation.
Study Aims
The primary aim of the study is to provide an updated content analysis of popular pornographic
videos. We examine aggression in the films as well as which variables, such as character
gender and sexual behaviors, are associated with the presence of aggression. For the sake of
clarity and precision in coding, aggression—a term used instead of violence to signify a range
of acts both severe and relatively minor—is operationalized as a specific set of behavioral
variables. In contrast, degradation is inferred separately in our discussion of key findings
rather than coded directly.
Furthermore, we explore the central concept of consent in defining aggressive acts in
analyses of what characters express immediately in response to a violent incident or interac-
tion. In so doing, this study permits the separation of aggressive actions by perpetrators from
target responses, thereby allowing the comparison of the current results to results obtained
by others who have used more narrow definitions of aggression that focus on target avoidance
of harm or intention of the perpetrator of an aggressive act.
Population and Sample
In the current study, the designation of the films examined as “adult filmswas ready-made
by employing lists provided by AVN. The population of titles for this research was drawn
from a compilation of 250 best-selling and 250 most rented video lists published monthly
by AVN. The researchers selected the top 30 videos appearing on each list from December
2004 to June 2005.
After deleting duplications, the population consisted of 275 titles (AVN,
2005). Fifty titles were randomly selected from this list to comprise the sample, yielding
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a total of 304 scenes. The sample, therefore, is meant to be generalized to the top titles of
this 7-month period.
Operational Definitions of Concepts
Two units of analysis were used in the present study: each scene and each aggressive act.
A scene was defined through the demarcation of the DVD menu, taken from the “scene
selections” option available on the main menu of most adult DVDs. In the rare instance that
the DVD recording did not contain clear scene demarcations, a new scene was recorded if
the primary characters changed, or if the setting changed, or if a temporal break occurred.
We describe first the scene level variables we coded (characters, sex acts, ejaculation posi-
tion, presence of aggression, and presence of positive behaviors). We then describe the
aggressive act level variables we coded (type of aggressive act, perpetrators and targets of
aggression, response of target to aggression).
Scene-Level Variables
Primary characters. Primary characters were defined as only those characters engaged in
explicit sexual interaction present within the scene. Each primary characters gender and
race were recorded, using definitive visual cues such as genitalia, dress, skin color, facial
features, and accents. Gender was recorded as “male,” “female,” “transsexual,” or “other”
(for instances where a primary character was not visible, such as wearing a full body suit
or other outfit that did not provide definitive visual cues). Primary characters race was
recorded as “White,” “Black,” “Asian,” “Latino/a,” “Other,” or “Unknown.” Although we
attempted to code primary characters’ approximate ages (<18 years, 18-30 years, >30 years),
analyses revealed insufficient intercoder reliability. Therefore, the age variable was dropped
from further analyses. However, we conduct and report qualitative observations of film
titles, costume, and dialogue that suggest underage performers.
Other visible aspects of scene. Coders were instructed to record the presence of the follow-
ing scene characteristics: condoms; sex toys or other objects used sexually; and/or discussions
of sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, or safe sex.
Ejaculation position. In scenes containing at least one male primary character who ejaculated,
coders were instructed to mark the location where male ejaculation occurred, using the fol-
lowing choices: mouth, face, breast, stomach, buttocks, vagina (internal), vagina (external),
or other. In the event of multiple, simultaneous ejaculations, coders were instructed to record
multiple locations and specify the predominant location.
Sex acts. Coders were instructed to use definitive visual cues to determine the presence
of the following sexual acts: male-to-female oral sex (man performing oral sex on woman),
female-to-male oral sex, female-to-female oral sex, male-to-male oral sex, vaginal penetra-
tion with penis, vaginal double-penetration (simultaneous vaginal intercourse between one
woman and two men), simultaneous vaginal and anal penetration (one woman being
penetrated simultaneously, anally and vaginally, by two men), group sex (numerous char-
acters simultaneously engaged in various sexual acts), anal penetration with penis, anal
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1072 Violence Against Women 16(10)
double-penetration (one woman being anally penetrated simultaneously by two men), and
ass-to-mouth (ATM) sequence (where the woman performs oral sex on a man immediately
after he has penetrated her anally). To our knowledge, no previous content analysis study
of pornography has coded double penetrations, simultaneous penetrations, or ATM sequences.
An additional open-ended response allowed coders to code other sexual acts, including rape
and bestiality.
Positive behaviors. Coders were provided with some examples of positive behaviors as
identified by various sex and relationship researchers (e.g., Denney, Field, & Quadagno,
1984; Guo, Ng, & Chan, 2004), such as kissing, hugging, and/or giving one another compli-
ments and coded for their presence. In addition, any positive behaviors represented within
the scene were qualitatively described.
Aggression. Aggressive acts were recorded according to two specific subtypes: verbal and
physical. Physically aggressive acts were (a) pushing or shoving; (b) biting; (c) pinching;
(d) pulling hair; (e) spanking; (f) open-hand slapping; (g) gagging (defined as when an object
or body part, e.g., penis, hand, or sex toy, is inserted into a characters mouth, visibly obstruct-
ing breathing); (h) choking (when one character visibly places his or her hands around another
characters throat with applied pressure); (i) threatening with weapon; (j) kicking; (k) closed-
fist punching; (l) bondage or confining; (m) using weapons; and (n) torturing, mutilating, or
attempting murder. Verbally aggressive acts were (a) name calling or insulting and (b) threat-
ening physical harm. Coders indicated whether each scene contained verbal aggression (yes/
no) and physical aggression (yes/no).
Aggressive Act–Level Variables
Acts of aggression within each scene were recorded using the PAT technique, as outlined
in the National Television Violence Study (1998). The PAT technique permits the tallying
of instances of aggression by counting as a unique act each time the perpetrator (P), target
(T), or specific physical or verbal aggressive act (A) changes during the course of the scene.
An individual instance of aggression is recorded only when one or more of these three
components changes, subsequent to initiation of the first aggressive act.
In the current study, a modified definition of aggression that was introduced by Mustonen
and Pulkkinen (1993) is employed, with aggression defined as any purposeful action causing
physical or psychological harm to oneself or another person, whereby psychological harm
is understood as assaulting another verbally or nonverbally. This definition avoids the coding
of harmful behaviors that are accidental or aggressive behaviors that occur with inanimate
objects (such as throwing a vase against the wall). However, by removing the requirements
that the target must avoid the harm, this definition better conforms to the manner in which
aggressive acts are often depicted in pornographic movies. Furthermore these aggressive
behaviors are of a sexual nature (occurring before, during, or after sex).
The genders of the perpetrators and targets of each aggressive act were recorded. Gender
of Perpetrator was recorded as either “male,” “female,” “other,” or “unknown” if the perpe-
trator was not readily visible (e.g., outside the camera lens). Gender of Target used the same
scheme while also adding “self” to record those aggressive acts that were self-inflicted.
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Response of Target to Aggression
In the study at hand, not only are aggressive acts distinguished (e.g., verbal vs. physical) and
tallied but also are the responses of the characters to aggressive incidents and interactions
recorded. The response of the targets and the perpetrators’ reactions are critical to understand
the potential media effects. Target and perpetrator responses to each aggressive act were
recorded as follows: (a) Target expresses pleasure or responds neutrally—In this instance,
the target expressed pleasure either verbally or physically or did not appear affected in any
manner by the aggressive act, and the scene continued without interruption. (b) Target expresses
displeasure; perpetrator ignores—The target expressed displeasure at being aggressed against,
either verbally or physically, which the perpetrator ignored. (c) Target expresses displeasure;
perpetrator acknowledges with positive act—The target expressed displeasure at being
aggressed against, verbally or physically, and the perpetrator either stopped the aggressive
action or expressed remorse. (d) Target expresses displeasure; perpetrator acknowledges
with negative actThe target expressed displeasure at being aggressed against, either verbally
or physically, and the perpetrator increased the aggressive action(s) in severity or frequency
or continued with other aggressive acts.
Intercoder Reliability
The sample was coded by three female coders of differing age, race, and educational back-
grounds. All were highly trained in the method and coding scheme. Prior to coding the actual
sample, the authors coded a randomly chosen pornographic film to devise the method and
coding schemes. Coders were given an initial training session conducted by one of the authors,
where one pilot video was viewed and the coding scheme was discussed in detail. The coders
then independently coded five titles from the sample (for a total of 26 scenes), and reliability
results were computed. After the initial round yielded unacceptable rates of agreement, minor
changes and definitional clarifications were executed. The coders recoded the same five films,
reaching acceptable levels of agreement on nearly all variables. When disagreements arose,
they were discussed in detail until resolved. On the third round of pilot testing, using Holsti’s
coefficient of reliability for all variables, it was determined that the overall composite level
of agreement across all variables and all pairs of coder comparisons was 0.958 (see appendix).
Having established an acceptable rate of agreement in the pilot data, the three coders coded
the remaining films using the same techniques and operational definitions from the third
round of pilot testing.
Analytic Strategy
To address primary aims, we provide frequencies and percents of scene-level and aggressive
act–level variables. We provide means and standard deviations for the number of aggressive
acts contained in scenes. We conduct chi-square analyses to explore gender differences in
aggression. Furthermore, we conduct a series of binary logistic regressions to explore how
the gender composition of primary characters and the sexual acts portrayed in the scenes
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relate to the presence of verbal and physical aggression. Finally, we provide qualitative
observations of film titles, costumes, and dialogue that relate to illegal content (specifically,
pornography that gives the appearance of underage performers).
The number of main characters that were portrayed in a given scene ranged from 1 to 19,
with an average of 3.23 (SD = 2.09). Males comprised 53.1% of the main characters. The
majority of characters (82.2%; n = 804) were White. A total of 8.8% (n = 78) of main char-
acters were African American, 2.7% were Latino/a, and only 2.5% (n = 24) were Asian.
Ethnicity was unable to be determined for 3.7% of main characters.
Sexual Health and Sexual Devices
Of the 304 scenes analyzed, only one (0.3%) showed characters discussing pregnancy con-
cerns or the risks of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms were used in 10.9% (n = 33) of
scenes. Sexual devices, such as vibrators, were used in 19.1% of scenes.
Sexual Acts
The most frequent sexual act portrayed in the sample was female-to-male oral sex, appearing
in 90.1% (n = 274) of the scenes coded. Vaginal intercourse was the second-most frequent
sexual act, appearing in 86.2% (n = 262) of the scenes. Male-to-female oral sex was found
to occur in 53.9% (n = 164) of the scenes coded, less than anal sex which appeared in 55.9%
(n = 356) of the scenes. Portrayals of sexual activities between characters of the same gender
occurred only for women, with female-to-female oral sex taking place in 22.7% (n = 69)
of the scenes.
“Nonnormative” Sex Acts
The ATM sequence occurred in 41.1% (n = 125) of scenes. Double penetrations of any type
occurred in 19.1% (n = 58) of scenes. Simultaneous vaginal/anal penetration was the most
frequently occurring double penetration (18.1% of scenes; n = 55). Less common were double
vaginal (1.6%; n = 5) and double anal penetrations (2.0%; n = 6). None of the scenes coded
contained illegal sex acts, including bestiality, rape, and pedophilic acts.
Male character ejaculation almost always occurred outside the female characters vagina,
most frequently in her mouth (58.6%; n = 178). Less common locations included the female
characters anus (11.8%; n = 36), breasts (6.9%; n = 21), and face (3.9%; n = 12). Multiple
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ejaculation sites were portrayed in 12.2% of scenes (n = 37), closely corresponding with
the 11.5% of scenes that were coded as “group sex” scenes (n = 35).
On the whole, the pornographic scenes analyzed in this study were aggressive; only 10.2%
(n = 31) of scenes did not contain an aggressive act. Across all scenes, a total of 3,375 verbally
and physically aggressive acts were observed (Table 1). Of these, 632 were coded as instances
of verbal aggression and 2,743 were coded as instances of physical aggression. On average,
scenes had 11.52 acts of either verbal or physical aggression (SD = 15.04) and ranged from
none to 128. Physical aggression (M = 9.31, SD = 12.30) was much more common than
verbal aggression (M = 2.13, SD = 4.01), occurring in 88.2% (n = 268) of the scenes, whereas
expressions of verbal aggression occurred in 48.7% (n = 148) of the scenes. By far, the most
common verbally aggressive act was name calling (e.g., “bitch,” “slut”; n = 614, or 97.2%
of all 632 verbally aggressive acts). Spanking (35.7% of physically aggressive acts; n = 980),
gagging (27.7%; n = 759), and open-hand slapping (14.9%; n = 408) were the most frequently
observed physically aggressive acts. Other physically aggressive acts recorded included hair-
pulling (10.1%; n = 276), choking (6.7%; n = 184), and bondage or confinement (1.1%; n = 30).
Table 1. Frequency and Types of Aggressive Acts (N = 3,376)
n % Aggressive Acts % Scenes
Verbal aggression 632 18.7 48.7
Insulting 614 18.2 48.7
Threatening 10 0.3 1.0
Using coercive language 7 0.2 1.6
Physical aggression 2,743 81.3 88.2
Pushing/shoving 25 0.7 6.6
Biting 9 0.3 3.0
Pinching 49 1.5 12.2
Hair pulling 276 8.2 37.2
Spanking 980 29.0 75.3
Open hand slapping 408 12.1 41.1
Gagging 759 22.5 53.9
Choking 184 5.5 27.6
Threatening with weapon 0 0.0 0.0
Kicking 3 0.1 0.7
Closed fist punching 0 0.0 0.0
Bondage/confining 30 0.9 6.6
Using weapons 7 0.2 1.3
Torturing/mutilating 0 0.0 0.0
Other 2 0.4 3.0
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1076 Violence Against Women 16(10)
None of the scenes showed characters who threatened one another with a weapon, hit one
another with a closed fist, or tortured and mutilated each other.
Women were overwhelmingly the targets of aggressive acts (Table 2). Across all acts of
aggression, both physical and verbal, 94.4% (n = 3,191) were directed toward women. Men
were the perpetrators of aggression more than twice as often as women, committing 70.3%
(n = 2,373) of the aggressive acts recorded. In contrast, women were perpetrators of 29.4%
(n = 991) of all aggressive acts. Even when women were perpetrators, their targets were
frequently other women (17.7%; n = 598). Men were targets of only 4.2% (n = 143) of
aggressive acts perpetrated by women. Male-to-male aggression was present in only 0.3%
(n = 11) of the recorded instances and was most often verbal (only 4 instances of physical
aggression with a male perpetrator and a male target were recorded).
There were significant differences in the types of aggressive acts males and females
experienced, χ
(13) = 234.51, p < .001. Women were significantly more likely to be spanked,
choked, and gagged than men. Aggregately speaking across the sample spectrum, women
were verbally insulted or referred to in derogatory terms 534 times, whereas men experienced
similar verbal assaults in only 65 instances. Women were spanked on 953 occasions, visibly
Table 2. Aggression Perpetrators, Targets, and Responses (N = 3,375)
n % Total Acts
Perpetrator gender
Male 2,373 70.3
Female 991 29.4
Unknown 8 0.2
Target gender
Male 176 5.2
Female 3,191 94.4
Unknown 12 0.4
Male perpetrator and
Female target 2,335 69.2
Male target 11 0.3
Self-target 22 0.7
Unknown target 2 0.1
Female perpetrator and
Female target 598 17.7
Male target 143 4.2
Self-target 241 7.1
Unknown target 5 0.1
Target response to being aggressed
Pleasure/neutral 3,206 95.1
Displeasure 90 2.7
a. Percentages do not sum to 100 due to missing data.
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Bridges et al. 1077
gagged 756 times, experienced an open-hand slap 361 times, had their hair pulled or yanked
on 267 separate occasions, and were choked 180 times. Men, however, were spanked only
26 times, experienced an open-hand slap in 47 instances, and for all other aggressive acts,
were aggressed against fewer than 10 times.
When aggressed against, 95.1% (n = 3,206) of targets responded with either expressions
of pleasure (e.g., encouragement, sexual moans) or neutrally (e.g., no change in facial expres-
sion or interruption to actions). There was a significant difference between female and male
target responses to aggressive acts, χ
(1) = 51.31, p < .001. Women were significantly more
likely to express pleasure or neutrality when aggressed against (95.9%; n = 3,049) than men
(84.0%; n = 147). In contrast, men were four times more likely to show displeasure when
aggressed against (16.0%, n = 28) compared with women (4.1%; n = 132).
Positive Behaviors
A total of 9.9% (n = 30) of scenes analyzed contained positive behaviors. Most of the positive
behaviors observed were kissing, but laughing, embracing, caressing, verbal compliments,
and statements ofmaking love” or “I love you” were also noted. Scenes that contained
positive behaviors were significantly less likely to contain aggression. On average, scenes
with positive behaviors contained 4.00 acts of aggression (SD = 5.04), whereas scenes without
contained three times this amount (M = 12.36, SD = 15.56), t(110.88) = 6.31, p < .001.
Predictors of Aggression
To determine what scene characteristics were related to increased likelihood of verbal aggres-
sion being present, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed. The regression
included nine predictor variables: total number of male characters in the scene, total number
of female characters in the scene, male-to-female oral sex, female-to-male oral sex, female-
to-female oral sex, vaginal penetration, anal penetration, ATM sequence, and presence of
physical aggression. A test of the full model was statistically significant, χ
(9, N = 304) = 74.30,
p < .001. Nagelkerke’s R
was .289. Table 3 shows regression coefficients, Wald statistics,
odds ratios, and their 95% confidence intervals for each of the nine predictors. Five of the nine
predictors were significantly related to verbal aggression. Specifically, scenes that depicted
male-to-female oral sex were half as likely to contain verbal aggression and scenes with penile
penetration of the vagina were one fifth as likely to show verbal aggression. In contrast, scenes
that portrayed female-to-male oral sex or scenes that contained an ATM sequence were more
than three times as likely to portray verbal aggression. Finally, physical aggression in the scene
was significantly predictive of verbal aggression: when a scene contained some form of
physical aggression, the odds of it also containing verbal aggression were increased by more
than 350%.
A second binary logistic regression analysis was performed with physical aggression as
the outcome variable. The same set of scene characteristics was entered into the regression,
although verbal aggression replaced physical aggression as a predictor. A test of the full model
was statistically significant, χ
(9, N = 304) = 42.65, p < .001. Nagelkerke’s R
was .253.
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1078 Violence Against Women 16(10)
Table 4 shows regression coefficients, Wald statistics, odds ratios, and their 95% confidence
intervals for each of the nine predictors. Two of the nine predictors were significantly related
to physical aggression. Specifically, scenes that depicted an ATM sequence were more than
eight times as likely to portray physical aggression. Furthermore, verbal aggression in the
scene was significantly predictive of physical aggression: when a scene contained some form
of verbal aggression, the odds of it also containing physical aggression were increased by
more than 400%.
Additional Qualitative Observations
Among the 50 randomly selected pornographic videos, there were 6 films with titles sug-
gesting that the female performers are young or underage, such as “Teen Fuck Holes,”
“Teenage Spermaholics #3,” “Anal Teen Tryouts,” “Cum Craving Teens,” or “Barely Legal
#50.” In such films, the emphasis on childlike pornography was accomplished with visual
cues as to the young actress’s underage status, such as employing schoolgirl uniforms, pigtails,
or the presence of braces on their teeth, and character references such as babysitters. In addi-
tion, narrative references such as “doing homework” or “I can’t smoke” suggested that the
actresses are young students, still under parental monitoring. There are also words in the titles
that are derogatory in conventional social contexts, such as “I’m Your Slut #3,“New Whores,”
“Cumstains #4,” or “Blow Me Sandwich #6.”
There are numerous difficulties with attempting to map the content of adult videos. Although
some of these difficulties reside in the nature of pornography as an ever-evolving and chang-
ing text, many of these difficulties are methodological and can be overcome. This study has
attempted to improve sampling methodology and increase the scope of the sexual and aggres-
sive acts analyzed. In so doing, we hope to lay a foundation for future studies so that changes
in pornographic content of videos can be tracked more precisely over time.
Table 3. Logistic Regression Predicting Verbal Aggression
Predictors B (SE) Wald (df) p Value Odds Ratio (95% CI)
Total number of female characters 0.09 (.18) 0.25 (1) .617 1.10 (0.77-1.57)
Total number of male characters 0.18 (.11) 2.98 (1) .084 1.20 (0.98-1.48)
Male-to-female oral sex* −0.61 (.28) 4.72 (1) .030 0.55 (0.32-0.94)
Female-to-male oral sex* 1.26 (.63) 3.97 (1) .046 3.52 (1.02-12.10)
Female-to-female oral sex 0.81 (.42) 3.79 (1) .052 2.25 (0.99-5.09)
Vaginal penetration with penis* −1.25 (.54) 5.39 (1) .020 0.29 (0.10-0.82)
Anal penetration 0.20 (.40) 0.26 (1) .610 1.23 (0.56-2.67)
Ass-to-mouth** 1.17 (.38) 9.53 (1) .002 3.22 (1.53-6.75)
Physical aggression present* 1.32 (.52) 6.36 (1) .012 3.73 (1.34-10.38)
*p < .05. **p < .01.
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Bridges et al. 1079
Many critics of antipornography efforts have suggested that researchers pick out the most
violent and aggressive videos available to alarm the public about potential harm or degrada-
tion in adult video texts (see interview with Ernest Greene in The Price of Pleasure, Sun &
Picker, 2008). By selecting top-renting and best-selling videos for analysis, we attempted to
provide a picture of what is commonly consumed. Our results suggest that popular porno-
graphic videos contain high levels of both verbal and physical aggression. Compared with
prior content analytic studies suggesting that aggression rates of pornographic films vary but
rarely rise above 30% (Barron & Kimmel, 2000; Duncan, 1991), the results of the current
study showed much higher rates, approaching 90%.
One of the reasons for the higher rates of aggression in the current study is the choice to
define aggression as a purposeful act committed by someone that results in harm to either the
self or another. This definition, unlike those used in some prior studies (e.g., McKee, 2005),
does not require that the target of the aggression attempt to avoid the harm. If such a definition
was used, the study would have found that only 12.2% of scenes (n = 37) contained aggression,
as these were the only scenes where at least one of the acts of aggression was met with target
displeasure and/or attempts to avoid the aggression. This figure is certainly higher than the
aggression level of 1.9% found in the McKee study but more similar to those found in prior
analyses (Duncan, 1991). However, by relying on definitions that emphasize consent, these
previous studies are (perhaps inadvertently) complicit with naturalizing the presence of violence
and aggression. In other words, treating violence or aggression as contingent on target consent
masks the real asymmetries of power that exist in pornography. This masking has allowed
pro-pornography critics to argue that not only does violence or aggression not exist but also
all agencies equivocal rather than distributed based on social and historical conditions.
Another possible reason for the higher rates of aggression observed in our study compared
with prior content analyses is that we included gagging as a form of aggression. However,
even if every scene with gagging was excluded from the analysis, the conservative estimate
is that at least 75% of scenes contained other forms of physical aggression, given that this
was the percentage of scenes containing spanking. As gagging was the only physically
aggressive act we included in our analysis that has not been coded in prior analyses, this
Table 4. Logistic Regression Predicting Physical Aggression
Predictors B (SE) Wald (df) p Value Odds Ratio(95% CI)
Total number of female characters −0.09 (.23) 0.15 (1) .700 0.91 (0.58-1.45)
Total number of male characters 0.22 (.23) 0.89 (1) .345 1.25 (0.79-1.97)
Male-to-female oral sex −0.32 (.45) 0.49 (1) .482 0.73 (0.30-1.76)
Female-to-male oral sex 0.87 (.84) 1.06 (1) .303 2.38 (0.46-12.32)
Female-to-female oral sex 1.13 (.76) 2.24 (1) .134 3.11 (0.70-13.72)
Vaginal penetration with penis 0.56 (.75) 0.56 (1) .454 1.75 (0.41-7.54)
Anal penetration −0.15 (.48) 0.10 (1) .752 0.86 (0.33-2.22)
Ass-to-mouth* 2.11 (.83) 6.53 (1) .011 8.23 (1.64-41.47)
Verbal aggression present** 1.41 (.53) 7.09 (1) .008 4.10 (1.45-11.59)
*p < .05. **p < .01.
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1080 Violence Against Women 16(10)
alone is insufficient to account for the increased aggression estimates we obtained in the
current study.
Our study was the first to track an important trend in pornographic videos: the increasing
portrayal of sexual practices that are unusual and potentially harmful to women in real life
(and to the actresses in pornography videos), such as double penetrations or what the por-
nography industry has termed ATM sequences. In an analysis of its contextual meaning,
Dines (2006) described ATM as humiliating for women, who perform fellatio subsequent to
the penis being inserted into an anus and, thus, may be contaminated with feces. In the current
study, ATM was depicted in 41% of scenes. Logistic regression analyses revealed that ATM
was a strong predictor of the presence of both verbal and physical aggression in the scene.
We argue that this provides criterion validity to ATM as an inherently degrading practice and
suggest that future studies continue to code for its presence.
Our study further contributes to the scientific literature by amplifying the typical behaviors
coded. For example, our study specifically sought to examine the frequencies and types of
positive sexual behaviors portrayed in adult films. This permits the calculation of a ratio
of positive to aggressive behaviors and thus a more complete understanding of adult video
content. In the current study, only 9.9% of scenes contained positive behaviors whereas
89.8% contained some form of aggression. This is of some concern; if aggressive behaviors
are occasional and occur in the context of many positive behaviors, then their presence may
be less of a concern. However, we found evidence for the opposite. Sexuality, as portrayed
in these popular videos, was primarily aggressive and positive behaviors were the exception
rather than the rule.
Finally, although our study used a definition of aggression that included consensual
aggressive acts, by coding target responses to aggression we were able to obtain a more
nuanced picture of how pornography portrays aggression and highlight the importance of
hiding negative responses, which would lead to reduced sexual enjoyment of the scene for
most people (Loftus, 2002).
In contrast with previous studies, we did not observe depictions of rape or scenes that
perpetuated the “rape myth” (in which the target first expresses pain or resistance to male
dominance but eventually expresses enjoyment; Cowan et al., 1988; Duncan, 1991). In fact,
although most of the targets of aggression were women, almost all of them expressed enjoy-
ment or did not respond while being aggressed against. This finding mirrors findings in
literature on pornography effects: recent studies have failed to uncover a previously robust
finding that aggressive pornography increases acceptance of rape and endorsement of the
rape myth (Garos, Beggan, Kluck, & Easton, 2004). Garos et al. (2004) suggest that this
shift has occurred because people have become more educated about women’s rights and
sexual assault. However, these same researchers found that pornography increases benevolent
sexism. It may be that consumers of pornography are, happily, on the whole uninterested in
and unaroused by sexual dominance of unwilling women. However, what has taken its place
has been sexual dominance of willing women—many of these same dominating behaviors
were evident in these popular films but were met without resistance by women. This con-
sensual depiction of aggression is concerning as we run the risk of rendering true aggression
against women invisible (Sun & Picker, 2008).
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Bridges et al. 1081
Portrayals of women expressing pleasure while being aggressed against have significant
implications in terms of the effects of pornography on consumers. Social cognitive theory
(Bandura, 1994, 2001) suggests that whether an individual will model aggression learned
from viewing a media text depends in large part on whether the act they observed was
rewarded or punished. By extension, viewers of pornography are learning that aggression
during a sexual encounter is pleasure-enhancing for both men and women. One may ask,
what may be the social implication for this type of learning?
Limitations and Future Directions
Although this research offers advances in sampling and research design and an update of
content analysis of contemporary, popular pornography, it has three notable limitations.
First, the three coders were all female. Past research has indicated that women, compared
with men, tend to hold different views of pornography in general and of violent and degrad-
ing pornography in particular (Cowan & Dunn, 1994). Yet recently, Glascock (2005) found
no differences in ratings of degradation between men and women when they were exposed
to 20 to 30 min of a pornographic film. Nonetheless, a mixture of male and female coders
would have been a more ideal configuration.
Second, the study at hand is quantitative in nature, helpful in investigating patterns and
frequencies but less productive in investigating meanings of the findings, such as, what
exactly does ejaculating on a woman’s face mean? Prince (1990) advocates for the use of
content analyses to engage in the inquiry of a text’s ideological values as well as to inte-
grate quantitative measures with qualitative ones. He thus states, “content analysis can
provide information about the distribution of codes across a body of material, and it may
be an important means of evaluating claims regarding the ideological content of texts and
of enabling theory to dialectically move forward” (p. 40). We concur with Princes vision
and particularly find the additional method of qualitative analysis valuable, if not impera-
tive, in examining the definition and operation of violence” and “degradation,” as mean-
ings need to be generated from a contextual field and cannot exist in isolation (Dines
et al., 1998). Future studies may incorporate both content analysis and textual analysis so
not only the patterns and frequencies but also the ideological construction of the meanings
are investigated.
Intercoder Agreement Matrix for All Coding Pair Comparisons Averaged Across All Variables
Coder 1 Coder 2 Coder 3
Coder 1 0.854 0.836
Coder 2 0.854 0.888
Coder 3 0.836 0.888
Average agreement 0.859
Composite coefficient agreement 0.958
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1082 Violence Against Women 16(10)
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or pub-
lication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the research and/or authorship of this article.
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Ana J. Bridges, PhD (University of Rhode Island), is an assistant professor in the Department of
Psychology at University of Arkansas, where she conducts research on romantic relationships and
sexuality, with an emphasis on the role pornography plays in shaping sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Her research in this area has been featured in both academic and popular presses, including
Psychology Today, Guardian UK, and Glamour.
Robert Wosnitzer is a doctoral student in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication
at New York University’s Steinhardt School for Education, Culture, and Human Development and
a research fellow at New York University’s Institute for Public Knowledge, where he directs the
Cultures of Finance Working Group. He holds an MA in media, culture, and communication and
a BS in media studies, both from New York University. His research interests include the social
studies of finance and the economy, examining the intersection of the economy, culture, and
technology in the construction and maintenance of markets.
Erica Scharrer, PhD (Syracuse University, 1998), is an associate professor in the Department of
Communication at University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she teaches and conducts research
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Bridges et al. 1085
on media content, media effects, and media literacy, with an emphasis on violence and gender.
Her most recent coauthored book is Media and the American Child (Academic Press, 2007), and
she is currently editing a forthcoming book for Blackwell titled Media Effects/Media Psychology.
Her work has appeared in Media Psychology, Human Communication Research, Communication
Research, and other academic journals.
Chyng Sun is a clinical assistant professor of media studies at McGhee Liberal Arts, School of
Continuing and Professional Studies, New York University. In addition to her teaching and scholarly
research on media and identity, audience, and media education, she is also the director/producer
of numerous documentaries, including The Price of Pleasure: Pornography, Sexuality, and
Relationships (2008). She is currently conducting a number of audience research projects related
to pornography.
Rachael Liberman is a doctoral student in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication
at the University of Colorado at Boulder. While studying at The New School for Social Research,
New York, she began researching issues surrounding the pornography industry, including analyz-
ing the content of pornographic violence and exploring similarities and differences in contemporary
and feminist pornography. Her research interests include media effects on the constructions of
sexuality, the perpetration of female competition, and the limits of identity construction in late
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