The NOAA Small Boat
Standards and Procedures Manual
4.1 Edition
April 30, 2018
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
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NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
4.1 Edition
New subsection “Duration of Operations”
Removed conflicting terms and ambiguity
• Changed “Watch Standing Requirements” section title to “Underway Requirements
• Added Subsection “a. Daily Missions” and Subsection “b. 24 Hour Operations”
• Changed language to allow for SBP/SBSB to review and approve life raft make and
models in addition to those under USCG purview
• Changed Table 1 frequency requirements to apply only to Class III and SRVs
• Changed accident and damage reporting procedures to better align with NOAA
SECO requirements and utilizes NOAA SECO reporting mechanism for all events
Renumbered sections and page numbers, revised content and references to appropriate
sections and updated appendices
• Outlined three categories of small boat ownership & operation
• Remove passenger definition
• Added VPC roles and responsibilities
• Elaborated VOC roles and responsibilities
• Added minimum age and requirements
• Added foreign nationals and controlled technologies
• Added Sexual Harassment definition
• Added medical and fitness considerations
• Added waivers
• Added definitions of Active and Inactive small boats
• Changed how risk assessment is accomplished (Baseline, Mission and GAR)
• 3 year refresher for PQS
• Crewmember PQS requirements and documentation based on size
• Added advanced and continuing education
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
• Added watch standing requirements to this section
New POC notification prior to departure
• Overdue notification workflow changed
• Added process for pre-acquisition
• Shifted prescriptive - visual identification general guidance
• Allow different colors
• 45 day window extended to A,I, II
• Added authorized deviations
• Environmental compliance new requirements
• New tables for accident and damage reporting
• Added rigging log
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
AA: Assistant Administrator
AED: Automatic External Defibrillators
ASBE: Annual Small Boat Evaluation
COTR: Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative
CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
GAR: Green-Amber-Red
LO: Line Office
LOSBO: Line Office Small Boat Officer
MOCC: Motorboat Operators Certification course
NAO: NOAA Administrative Order
NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OEM: Original Equipment Manuals
OIC: Operator-in-Charge / Officer-In-Charge
OMAO: Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
OOD: Officer of the Deck
ORM: Operational Risk Management
OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PQS: Personnel Qualification Standards
SBEX: Small Boat Examination
SBO: Small Boat Operator
SBOM: Small Boat Operations Manual
SBP: Small Boat Program
SBPM: Small Boat Program Manager
SBSB: Small Boat Safety Board
SBSP: Small Boat Supplemental Policies
SBSPM: Small Boat Standard and Procedures Manual
SECD: Safety & Environmental Compliance Division
SRV: Small Research Vessel
USCG: United States Coast Guard
VIM: Vessel Inventory Management
VOC: Vessel Operations Coordinator
VPC: Vessel Program Coordinator
WLL: Working Load Limit
XO: Executive Officer
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
CHANGE MEMO ........................................................................................................................................ iii
ISSUANCE MEMO ...................................................................................................................................... v
RECORD OF CHANGES .............................................................................................................................vi
ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................... viii
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1-1
.01 Purpose............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
.02 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1
.03 Manual Review and Distribution .................................................................................................... 1-1
SECTION 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................. 2-1
.01 Programmatic Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 2-1
.02 Operational Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 2-2
SECTION 3 GENERAL POLICIES ....................................................................................................... 3-1
.01 Applicable Policies ......................................................................................................................... 3-1
.02 Command Designation ................................................................................................................... 3-1
.03 Personnel Authorized to Operate NOAA Small Boats ................................................................... 3-2
.04 Minimum Age Requirements .......................................................................................................... 3-2
.05 Foreign Nationals and Controlled Technologies ............................................................................ 3-2
.06 Seamanship and Personal Conduct ................................................................................................. 3-2
.07 Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Related Offenses ................................................................. 3-2
.08 Smoking Restrictions ...................................................................................................................... 3-3
.09 Alcohol, Drugs, Narcotics............................................................................................................... 3-4
.10 Medical and Fitness Considerations ............................................................................................... 3-4
.11 Deviations from the Manual ........................................................................................................... 3-5
.12 Waivers ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5
SECTION 4 CLASSIFICATIONS AND STATUS ................................................................................ 4-1
.01 Small Boat Categories .................................................................................................................... 4-1
.02 Small Boat Status ............................................................................................................................ 4-1
SECTION 5 PROCEDURES FOR RISK ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT.................................... 5-1
.01 Key Principals of Risk Management .............................................................................................. 5-1
.02 Process for Managing Risk ............................................................................................................. 5-1
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.03 Risk Elimination and Mitigation ..................................................................................................... 5-4
.04 Reassessment .................................................................................................................................. 5-4
.01 Operator Credentials and Training Requirements Overview .......................................................... 6-1
.02 Operator Credentials and Training Requirements Information ...................................................... 6-1
.03 Crewmember Training Information ................................................................................................ 6-3
.04 Documentation ................................................................................................................................ 6-3
.05 Delinquency .................................................................................................................................... 6-3
.06 Advanced and Continuing Education ............................................................................................. 6-4
SECTION 7 SAFE MANNING AND UNDERWAY REQUIREMENTS ............................................. 7-1
.01 Succession to Command ................................................................................................................. 7-1
.02 Minimum Safe Manning Levels ..................................................................................................... 7-1
.03 Dive Operations Manning Requirements ........................................................................................ 7-2
.04 Solo Operations Requirements ....................................................................................................... 7-2
.05 Underway Requirements ................................................................................................................. 7-2
SECTION 8 MISSION PLANNING ....................................................................................................... 8-1
.01 Float Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 8-1
.02 Small Boat and Equipment Inspections .......................................................................................... 8-2
.03 Start-Up Checklist ........................................................................................................................... 8-2
.04 Mission and Safety Orientation Briefing ........................................................................................ 8-2
.05 Underway Requirements ................................................................................................................. 8-3
.06 Float Plan Updates .......................................................................................................................... 8-4
.07 Post Mission Requirements............................................................................................................. 8-4
.08 Procedures for Overdue boats ......................................................................................................... 8-4
.09 Documentation ................................................................................................................................ 8-5
SECTION 9 STABILITY, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION .............................................................. 9-1
.01 Construction and Stability Criteria for Designated Operating Areas.............................................. 9-1
.02 General Operating Area Definitions ............................................................................................... 9-1
.03 Exceptions and Special Operating Area Designations .................................................................... 9-1
.04 Small Boat Stability and Construction Considerations ................................................................... 9-2
.05 General Stability Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9-2
.06 Mission Stability Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9-3
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.07 Special Case Class I and II Mission Stability Requirements .......................................................... 9-4
.08 Small Boat Acquisition Criteria ...................................................................................................... 9-5
.09 Modifications of Small Boats ......................................................................................................... 9-5
.01 Determine Carriage requirement ................................................................................................... 10-1
.02 Guidance for Personal Flotation Devices and Immersion Suits................................................. 10-10
.03 Inflatable Life Rafts (ILR) and Inflatable Buoyant Apparatus (IBA)......................................... 10-12
.04 Emergency Radio Beacon ........................................................................................................... 10-13
.05 Ring Life Buoy and Water Light Considerations ....................................................................... 10-13
.06 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems .............................................................................................. 10-14
.07 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing ............................................................................. 10-15
SECTION 11 EMERGENCY READINESS ........................................................................................... 11-1
.01 Responsibility ............................................................................................................................... 11-1
.02 Emergency Response Plan Requirements ..................................................................................... 11-1
.03 Response Training and Emergency Procedures ............................................................................ 11-2
.04 Pre-mission Brief Orientation .................................................................................................... 11-2
.05 Emergency Exercises and Drills ................................................................................................... 11-3
SECTION 12 ACQUISITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND DISPOSAL ................................................... 12-1
.01 Acquisition of New, Used, Surplus or Transferred Small Boat .................................................... 12-1
.02 Considerations for Alterations and Modifications ........................................................................ 12-2
.03 Property Disposal .......................................................................................................................... 12-3
SECTION 13 VISUAL IDENTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION ................................................... 13-1
.01 Responsibility ............................................................................................................................... 13-1
.02 NOAA Hull-Registration Numbers and Trailer License Plates Registration ............................... 13-1
.03 Visual Identification Scheme ........................................................................................................ 13-2
.04 Examples of Small Boat Visual Identifications ............................................................................ 13-4
.05 Flags .............................................................................................................................................. 13-7
.06 Exemptions ................................................................................................................................... 13-7
SECTION 14 INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................................. 14-1
.01 Responsibility ............................................................................................................................... 14-1
.02 Examination Procedures for Class A, Class I and Class II boats and boat trailers ....................... 14-1
.03 Inspection Procedures for Class III and SRVs .............................................................................. 14-2
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.04 Delinquent Examination and Inspections ..................................................................................... 14-6
SECTION 15 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .......................................................................................... 15-1
.01 Environmental Compliance .......................................................................................................... 15-1
.02 Pollution Prevention Control ........................................................................................................ 15-2
.03 Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD) ................................................................................................ 15-2
.04 Vessel General Permits ................................................................................................................. 15-3
SECTION 16 MAINTENANCE PLAN .................................................................................................. 16-1
.01 Maintenance Plan Elements .......................................................................................................... 16-1
.02 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................. 16-2
.03 SBP Support for Small Boat Maintenance .................................................................................... 16-2
SECTION 17 ACCIDENT AND DAMAGE REPORTING ................................................................... 17-1
.01 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 17-1
.02 Reporting Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 17-1
.03 Notification Chain and Timelines ................................................................................................. 17-2
.04 Investigation Authority ................................................................................................................. 17-4
.05 SBSB Review ............................................................................................................................... 17-4
.01 Applicability ................................................................................................................................. 18-1
.02 Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 18-1
.03 Boom, Crane, Davit, Frame, and Winches Inspections ................................................................ 18-2
.04 Overhauls ...................................................................................................................................... 18-5
.05 New or Altered Structures and equipment .................................................................................... 18-5
.06 Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 18-5
SECTION 19 RIGGING AND PROOF TESTING ................................................................................ 19-1
.01 Identification and Traceability ...................................................................................................... 19-1
.02 Inspection ...................................................................................................................................... 19-1
.03 System Review and Risk Management ......................................................................................... 19-2
Appendix A : NAO 209-125: NOAA SMALL BOAT SAFETY PROGRAM ............................................. A-1
Appendix B : Small Boat Safety Board Charter ............................................................................................. B-1
.01 Purpose
This Manual incorporates the required provisions defined by NOAA Administrative
Order (NAO) 209-125. All NOAA small boat operators, employees, and contractors
involved in small boat operations are required to read the Small Boat Standards and
Procedures Manual (the Manual) and operate small boats per the provisions of this
Manual. The standards and procedures in this Manual are the minimum requirements
that must be met; they may be exceeded but not diminished.
For the purposes of the Manual, “small boats” are defined as boats less than 300
Gross Tons (GT). The Manual provides policy and guidance to enhance safety and
promote operational readiness by implementing general operating standards and
procedures for all NOAA small boats. It is intended to supplement best management
practices and risk management principles.
.02 Scope
The contents of this Manual apply to the following:
Small boats owned and operated by NOAA.
Small boats owned by NOAA, and operated by other entities.
NOAA Employees chartering private small boats with no crew provided and not
owned by NOAA: Small boats must meet all Federal, State, and local regulations
as applicable to the small boat and operation. NOAA personnel must comply with
the lifesaving requirements outlined in Section 10 in this Manual to include
Personal Flotation Device’s (PFD’s), communication, distress signals, and first
aid equipment. This may require NOAA personnel to bring this equipment if not
provided by the small boat. NOAA Personnel operating these small boats must
follow the requirements in Section 05, 06, 07, and 08 of this Manual.
NOAA Employees operating other government agency small boats: Small boats
must meet the host agency’s regulations and operations under a prearranged and
defined agreement. The agreement must state equipment carriage, operational
parameters, and maintenance responsibilities. Operations and equipment carriage
must meet or exceed NOAA’s requirements outlined in this Manual. NOAA
Personnel operating these small boats must requirements in Section 05, 06, 07,
and 08 of this Manual.
.03 Manual Review and Distribution
The Small Boat Safety Board (SBSB) is responsible for reviewing the Manual
annually. The small boat community is encouraged to review the Manual annually,
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
and propose written changes to their Line Office Small Boat Officer (LOSBO). The
LOSBO will elevate any proposed changes to the SBSB.
Changes to the Manual are approved by the SBSB, then sent to the Director, Office of
Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) for concurrence. Once approved, the Small
Boat Program Manager (SBPM) will work in conjunction with the LOSBO’s to
promulgate the most current edition.
Revisions to the current edition of the Manual will be implemented via the issuance of
either technical directives or a new edition of the Manual, as required. A current
version of the Manual is available on the Small Boat Program (SBP) website. All
Operators are responsible for ensuring that a current version of the Manual is
Chart 1. NOAA SBP Function Organization Chart
.01 Programmatic Roles and Responsibilities
The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) has administrative authority
over NOAA’s Small Boat Safety Program. This authority is established in the
Departmental Organization Order 25.2.
a) Director, OMAO
The Director, OMAO is the individual within OMAO charged with administering
the Small Boat Safety Program, per the NAO 209-125. The Director, OMAO, is
the final administrative authority for all matters pertaining to the NOAA Small
Boat Safety Program and its policies, procedures, and standards.
b) SBP
The SBP consists of the SBSB, the SBP Office, and the small boat community.
The responsibilities of the SBSB are outlined in the NOAA Small Boat Safety
Board Charter (appendix B). The Safety Board advises the Director, OMAO on all
policies pertaining to NOAA small boat safety and management.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The Program Office works in conjunction with the Safety Board to create safety
and management policies for NOAA small boats. The Program Office supports all
small boat inspections. The Program Office is comprised of:
SBP Manager is appointed by the Director, OMAO under the Safety
Environmental Compliance Division (SECD) of OMAO. The Manager is
the focal point for the Program Office, and is a voting member on the
Safety Board.
SBP Executive Officer is the administrative focal point for the Program
SBP Inspection Coordinator is responsible for coordinating, scheduling,
and conducting boat inspections of Class III boats and Small Research
Vessel (SRVs) and can perform Annual Small Boat Evaluations and Small
Boat Examinations for Class I and II boats as requested by operating units;
maintaining SBP files for inspections and status.
SBP Engineering Coordinator is responsible for reviewing and providing
engineering and technical guidance for boat alterations and repairs;
maintaining SBP files for small boat alterations and repairs; reviewing and
assisting Vessel Operations Coordinators with contracted repairs and
maintenance specifications.
c) Program Directors
The Program Directors (i.e. Science Center Directors, Lab Directors, Sanctuary
Superintendents, Director of Law Enforcement), or the responsible management
position for each Vessel Operations Coordinator ensure implementation of, and
compliance with, all policies for the safe use and management of small boats
within a Program. Each program director must delegate, in writing, operational
authority to a Vessel Operations Coordinator.
.02 Operational Roles and Responsibilities
a) Line Office Assistant Administrator
Each Line Office Assistant Administrator (AA) or Deputy AA is charged with
ensuring all small boat operations within their Line Office comply with
established safety and management policies. Each Line Office AA will appoint a
LOSBO to oversee small boat operations within the respective Line Office. The
LOSBO will also serve as a voting member on the SBSB.
b) Line Office Small Boat Officer
The LOSBO represents individual programs, as well as the Line Office as a
whole. The LOSBO provides oversight and assistance to Line Office Programs to
carry out safe and effective small boat operations, and coordinates Line Office
compliance with NAO 209-125, as well as the requirements as set by this Manual
and Supplemental Small Boat Policy. The LOSBO has authority from their
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
corresponding Director or AA to issue “No Sail” orders to all boats within his/her
purview, operating out of compliance with NAO 209-125, this Manual or any
Supplemental Small Boat Policies.
c) Vessel Program Coordinator (VPC)
The VPC is identified by the LOSBO, and approved by the Program Director. The
VPC assists LOSBO with communication and implementation of policies and
requirements; reports issues up to the LOSBO; and provides assistance as needed
by the LOSBO.
d) Vessel Operations Coordinator (VOC)
The VOC are appointed by their respective Program Directors. The authority of
the VOC is derived from the Program Director. The role of VOC may be filled by
a Federal employee or a contractor. All VOC’s have operational authority over the
small boats assigned to their rosters, and ensure all operations adhere to the safety
and management policies laid out in this Manual. A VOC has the authority to
issue “No Sail” orders to a boat found to be non-compliant to the Manual.
A VOC’s Programmatic Responsibilities include:
Ensuring accurate data is entered into Vessel Inventory Management
database for each small boat under their authority
Tracking and report operational metrics
Attending VOC Summits and associated training
Reporting accidents, incidents and near misses to proper authority
A VOC’s Administrative Responsibilities include:
Maintaining copies of training certificates for the SBO’s and
Crewmembers using the VOC’s small boats
Maintaining copies of certification letters for the SBO and Crewmembers
using the VOC’s small boats
Ensuring Small Boat Operator (SBO) and crewmember meet certification
Scheduling continuing education opportunities for SBO and Crewmembers
Developing, conducting, and documenting appropriate drills specific for
individual boat operations
Annually reviewing, updating, and approving each small boat’s Baseline
Conduct Risk Assessment to review and approve new operations,
platforms, and proposed personnel
Verifying proper Float Plan usage
Tracking active Float Plans
Maintaining a record of completed Float Plans (3 years retention
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
A VOC’s Administrative Authorities include:
Developing Personal Qualifications Standards for each small boat
Certifying that Officer In Charge (OIC) and SBO’s pass Personal
Qualification Standards evaluation
Removing delinquent operators from the active list
Revoking an OIC’s qualification, even if the OIC was certified by a
previous VOC
Requiring additional training for an OIC, even if the OIC was certified by
a previous VOC
Elevating unresolved boat/operational issues to the VPC, then LOSBO and
finally SBSB
A VOC’s Responsibilities for Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection include:
Scheduling required inspections
Reporting inspection results to SBP Office, LOSBO, and others as directed
by local policy
Documenting completion of required preventative and corrective
maintenance to small boats
Coordinating with designated Contracting Officer Technical
Representative or SBP Engineering Coordinator for boat contracted
construction, repairs, or maintenance as required
Documenting equipment malfunctions, and corrective actions taken
A VOC’s Authority over Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection include:
Stopping any small boat operation due to safety or weather concerns
Taking boats out of service (inactive(Section 4.02)) due to required repairs
or condition concerns
Issuing Category I safety deficiencies
Approving approve corrective measures taken to fix Category I
Ensure all small boat modifications comply with guidelines in Section 9 of
this Manual
Conduct risk assessment for development of a requirements document for
procurement/acquisition of newly acquired boats (i.e. be actively involved
in new purchases or acquiring excessed small boats)
e) Operator-in-Charge
An OIC is a singular designation of authority and responsibility, as directed by the
VOC. The OIC is responsible for the safe operation of a small boat and all
embarked personnel while underway. The OIC is responsible for conducting
operational risk assessments (Green-Amber-Red (GAR) model) and safety
briefings, instituting mitigation, and monitoring changing conditions. The OIC has
authority and responsibility to modify or cancel operations based on changing risk
assessments. When two or more small boat operators are on board, the OIC retains
the ultimate responsibility. The OIC will be clearly identified to all embarked
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
f) Small Boat Operator
A SBO is a qualification based on demonstrated skills and documented training.
An SBO must meet all requirements for certification and be designated per this
Manual. The SBO assists with the oversight of all personnel aboard, and helps to
ensure that operations are conducted safely and efficiently, per the Manual,
Program, and VOC instructions.
For planning dive operations, the SBO and Divemaster must assess environmental
conditions including current speed and direction, sea state and weather predictions
to decide whether or not diving can be safely initiated. The SBO must confer with
the Divemaster and asks if all the dive checklists have been completed.
During dive operations, the SBO must concur with the Divemaster on the
commencement of diving operations and can terminate diving due to weather,
small boat related operational problems, or any other factors that may jeopardize
the safety of the operation.
g) Shoreside Point of Contact
The Shoreside Point of Contact (POC) is responsible for maintaining and
monitoring active Float Plans within their Line Office Program. The POC must be
available by phone or radio throughout the duration of the mission. The POC must
take action if a small boat is overdue.
h) Crewmember
Crewmember are persons required to be engaged in the safe operation of the small
boat, including (but not limited to) navigation and maintenance of the small boat,
its machinery, systems, and arrangements essential for propulsion and safe
navigation or to provide services for other persons on board. Crewmembers must
participate in the required drills referenced in Section 11 of this Manual.
Additional crewmembers are required onboard during longer, more complex
voyages, and/or those voyages requiring the carriage of a large number of people,
as defined in Section 07 of this Manual. Crewmembers report directly to the OIC
or SBO currently on watch. Crewmembers may also participate in mission
activities, as long as crew duties are prioritized.
i) Persons in Addition to Crewmembers
Persons in addition to crewmembers are any person on board the small boat who
are not required to be engaged in the safe operation of the small boat. Persons in
addition to crew include scientific researchers, persons in support of the mission,
interns, or other personnel on board to participate directly in the planned scientific
operations. This may include individuals whose presence heightens the public’s
awareness of the mission of NOAA such as outreach groups, NOAA stakeholders,
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
members of the media, educators, students, or personnel engaged in the repair or
servicing of the small boat. All persons in addition to crew must comply with this
Manual and follow the instructions and guidance of the OIC, SBOs, and
All NOAA small boats must be used only for official government purposes.
.01 Applicable Policies
The operational requirements of NOAA small boats are governed by:
NAO 209-125
The Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Supplemental Small Boat Policies (as applicable)
Small Boat Operations Manual (SBOM)
Baseline and Mission Risk Assessment
Applicable United States Coast Guard (USCG) and federal regulations
Applicable federal and state environmental regulations
Supplemental Small Boat Policies:
Line Offices and their subordinate programs may issue policies and procedures
relating to small boat safety and small boat operations in addition to the standards and
procedures set in this Manual. A Supplemental Small Boat Policy cannot diminish the
requirements of this Manual.
Small Boat Operations Manual:
A boat- specific operation manual is required for each small boat. The SBOM is a
compilation of instructions, operational and stability limitations, procedures,
regulations, and guidelines derived from the particulars of each small boat, the
Baseline assessment, and the Mission Based risk assessment. A template outlining the
minimum topics to be included in a SBOM can be found on the SBP website. A
SBOM does not diminish the requirements of the Manual or any Supplemental Small
Boat Policies.
Risk Assessment:
VOC conducts, documents, and reviews Baseline and Mission Risk Assessments for
each small boat under their responsibility. Boats of the same design, propulsion,
operational and stability capabilities, and mission may be grouped together for this
purpose. The assessment is based on an evaluation of operational risks to personnel,
small boat, environment, and mission. Guidelines for performing a risk assessment
can be found in Section 5 of this Manual. The Baseline and Mission Risk
Assessments are included in each SBOM. A Baseline Assessment template can be
found on the SBP website.
.02 Command Designation
A Program Director is responsible for delegating authority of small boat operations to
the VOC. The VOC is responsible for ensuring all underway operations have a
designated OIC. The OIC has command authority over the small boat’s operation and
all embarked personnel while underway. The OIC is also responsible for ensuring the
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
safe conduct of the mission and compliance with all SBP, Line Office, and regulatory
policies and procedures.
.03 Personnel Authorized to Operate NOAA Small Boats
Only those personnel whose credentials meet training and certification requirements
as per this Manual will be authorized to operate NOAA small boats. A Small Boat
Operator Authorization form (NOAA Form 57-19-04, available on the SBP website)
must be completed for each qualified SBO, identifying the specific operations and
small boats, or class of boats, for which that SBO is qualified. The authorization form
must be signed and maintained on file by the VOC. Personnel-in-training for SBO or
Crewmember designation may control the small boat under the direct supervision of
an OIC.
.04 Minimum Age Requirements
The minimum age requirement is 13 years old. Some small boats may not be suitable
for the carriage of personnel due to the configuration and or small boat size. The
small boat’s SBOM contains specific prohibitions or procedures if carrying personnel
and specific risks identified in the baseline assessment. One additional adult must be
aboard for each 6 minors. Only daytime operations are authorized. Night time or
overnight operations are not authorized. Personnel must be included in the safety brief
required in Section 8 of this Manual. Provide properly sized lifesaving gear for each
person onboard. If needed, carry additional gear to meet this requirement. Do not, at
any time, exceed the carrying capacity or minimum lifesaving gear as outlined in the
SBOM. Adhere to liferaft capacity, PFD’s and stability limitations without exception.
.05 Foreign Nationals and Controlled Technologies
Foreign Nationals and Controlled Technology onboard small boats must comply with
NAO 207-12 Technology Controls and Foreign National Access.
.06 Seamanship and Personal Conduct
OIC must conduct small boat operations in such a manner as to avoid unnecessary
risk, based on best management practices and risk management principals. At all
times, operations are conducted to promote a professional and positive public image.
All SBO and Crewmembers must exercise prudent judgment at all times and take
proper action when dictated by emergencies that endanger life or property.
.07 Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Related Offenses
The Department of Commerce (DOC) and NOAA do not tolerate discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy
discrimination), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age (40 years of
age and over), genetic information, or disability (physical or mental), including the
provision of reasonable accommodations for qualified applicants and employees with
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
disabilities or genetic information. Retaliation against those who initiate
discrimination complaints, serve as witnesses, or otherwise oppose discrimination and
harassment is strictly prohibited.
Harassment of any type is a serious issue and will not be tolerated aboard NOAA
small boats. Unwelcome comments, gestures, physical contact, or any other behavior
that is directed at an individual because of the individual’s membership in a protected
class (as described above) is prohibited.
Sexual harassment is a serious issue and will not be tolerated aboard any small boats.
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal,
or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the
behavior is:
Directed at a person because of his or her sex;
Unwanted; and
So severe or pervasive that it interferes with the terms or conditions of
It is prohibited for any employee to use implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior
to control, influence, or affect the career, salary, or job of an employee.
Any unwanted touching that is sexual in nature is strictly prohibited. Non-physical
conduct that is based on sex and unwanted is also prohibited. Sexual harassment may
include such actions as:
Offensive jokes, slurs, epithets, or name calling;
Intimidation, ridicule, or mockery;
Insults or put-downs;
Offensive objects or pictures;
Interference with work performance;
Physical contact such as patting, pinching, or brushing against another’s body;
Physical assaults or threats; and
Pressure (subtle or overt) for sexual activity or demands for sexual favors,
including demands that are accompanied by implied or overt promises of
preferential treatment or threats concerning an individual’s employment status
Space constraints in the small boat environment may result in inadvertent physical
contact from time to time. However, purposeful physical contact directed at another
person because of his or her sex is prohibited in the workplace. Likewise, any
intimate physical contact is prohibited in the workplace, even where such contact is
consensual in nature.
.08 Smoking Restrictions
Smoking may be permitted aboard small boats outfitted with weather decks that are
physically separated from the small boat’s house, including all berthing, eating, and
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
living spaces, the pilothouse, and all machinery spaces. Smoking is allowable on
weather decks only.
Smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of fuel, flammable/combustible material, or
battery storage areas and, such areas must be labeled accordingly. Smoking is not
permitted in the vicinity of any ventilation intake ducts. Identifying designated
smoking area(s) that are physically removed from all mission-related working areas is
strongly recommended. Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of all NOAA small
boats during fueling operations.
.09 Alcohol, Drugs, Narcotics
The OIC and all Crewmembers must not operate a boat or assist with operations
within eight hours of having consumed alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or drugs that
may detrimentally impact cognitive or motor abilities. The consumption of these
substances is prohibited on board small boats. With the exception of prescribed
narcotics (see Section 3.10), any person under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or
narcotics will not be permitted aboard the small boat.
.10 Medical and Fitness Considerations
All persons onboard a small boat must be physically and medically qualified for
performing the duties to which they are assigned. Some factors to be considered in
making work assignments are strength, endurance, agility, coordination, and visual
and hearing acuity. The nature of work onboard small boats can pose significant
safety hazards to personnel.
At a minimum, persons must meet the physical requirements for specific job
tasks and hazards as required by the position, the job description, applicable
DOC regulations, applicable Manual standards, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, or applicable USCG requirements
for those licensed mariners.
Embarked persons with a personal health condition, allergies, or medication
that may impact medical response and treatment must provide a health
questionnaire form in a sealed envelope to the OIC. This information must
remain sealed and confidential unless that individual authorizes its release, or
is incapacitated and it is deemed relevant to treatment or first responders in
accordance with 5 CFR 293 – Personnel Records and Privacy Act
requirements. An example of a health questionnaire is available on the SBP
Any person under a physician's treatment and taking prescribed narcotics or
any medication that may prevent one being ready, willing and able to safely
perform position duties must provide a medical clearance statement from a
physician to their supervisor.
The supervisor must notify the OIC, if a person is not cleared for assigned
duties onboard.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
While onboard, all persons must not use or be under the influence of alcohol,
narcotics, intoxicants, or similar performance or mind-altering substances.
The OIC must assure that potential personal safety, expected environmental
conditions, and physical requirements are evaluated and communicated through
mission planning and be included in the GAR assessment.
.11 Deviations from the Manual
Emergency situations may warrant actions not addressed in this Manual. Emergency
situations consist of conditions that could result in death, physical harm, property loss,
or where environmental damage is likely, but only to the extent that the action is
immediately necessary in order to prevent or minimize harm. Any deviations from the
guidelines in this Manual must be reported to the respective Program Director,
LOSBO and VOC within 24 hours.
.12 Waivers
Waivers may be requested if the standards and procedures outlined in this Manual
cannot be met. All waivers must be routed through the SBSB. To initiate the process,
the VOC must submit a written request for a waiver to the Program Director and
VPC. The VPC will make any applicable comments, and submit the waiver request to
their LOSBO. The LOSBO will elevate the waiver request to the SBSB. The SBSB
will give their recommendations to the Director, OMAO for final approval.
.01 Small Boat Categories
Small Boat Category
Class A
Less than 16 feet overall length
Class I
16 to less than 26 feet overall length
Class II
26 to less than 40 feet overall length
Class III
40 to 65 feet overall length
Greater than 65 feet overall length but less
than 300 gross tons
* Overall length is determined by 33 CFR 183.3 – Definitions.
.02 Small Boat Status
Small boat status is maintained as part of the Vessel Inventory Management database.
The VOC is responsible for updating the status of a small boat.
Active: Small boat has current Annual Small Boat Evaluation and/or Small Boat
Examination, or is within the grace period.
The small boat has been taken out of service OR
The small boat has an expired Annual Small Boat Evaluation and/or Small
Boat Examination
The goal of operational risk management (ORM) is to eliminate incidents and minimize risk
so that missions can be fulfilled with the minimum amount of exposure to potential harm or
loss. The first priority of conducting a risk assessment is to identify factors or conditions that
could pose a threat to the safety of personnel and equipment involved in executing a mission.
It is also applied to mission success and quality. In order to minimize incidents and mission
failures, personnel must be cognizant of the inherent risk of any evolution, ensure all
personnel and equipment are properly prepared, and mitigate or eliminate any risks that are
found to be unacceptable.
.01 Key Principals of Risk Management
Do not accept unnecessary risk. Taking unnecessary risks not related to successful
mission completion is unacceptable.
Make risk decisions at the appropriate level. Risk-based decisions are made
directly by the person in charge of an operation. Prudence, experience, judgment,
intuition, and situational awareness of the person in charge of an operation are
critical elements in making effective risk management decisions.
All persons involved have the responsibility to report, to the person in charge, any
identified risk associated with the operation and mission.
Anticipate and manage risk by planning. Risks can be mitigated or eliminated
when they are identified early. Integrate risk management into all operations and
at every level of planning. Involve personnel who will be performing these duties
or tasks.
.02 Process for Managing Risk
The SBP requires that ORM be conducted using a specific process and tools. This
process includes detecting hazards, assessing risks, mitigating or eliminating any risks
that are found to be unacceptable, and maintaining situational awareness as risks
change throughout an evolution.
Due to the diversity and complexity of most small boat operations, the risk
management process is best implemented by a stepped approach to evaluate
components of small boat, mission and environmental conditions.
The small boat and components of operational personnel, systems, material
condition and capabilities are reviewed annually in a Baseline assessment.
The measures of success and potential hazards of a project or task, and the
associated mission requirements, tools, gear and personnel are considered in a
Mission assessment.
The GAR assessment is then used to evaluate and prioritize the total risks of a
cruise plan by combining inputs from the Baseline and Mission assessments in
the context of the on the water conditions.
This three step approach effectively combines the perspectives of boat operations and
mission objectives to best support underway decision making. It recognizes that small
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
boat, mission and cruise risks have different drivers and change at different time
scales. Overall risk can be managed through these individual assessments by
understanding the limits of small boat capabilities in relation to mission requirements,
with adjustments and mitigations for prevailing environmental conditions.
a) Baseline Assessment
Risk management is a progression and refinement of operational boundaries to
maintain acceptable safety margins. The capabilities and limitations
established by boat manufactures, designers or builders are often general or
optimum values. Guidance under the SBP provides further restrictions to the
range and use of the small boat according to Class and operating area. The
details unique to specific NOAA operations, small boat particulars, and
firsthand operator experience must also be considered. A critique of these
operational limits and concerns are captured in the Baseline Assessment
The Baseline Assessment is a tool to communicate practical limitations of the
boat. This process refines the broad capabilities of a boat to better support
operational decision making and reflect existing onboard conditions. Because
material condition and the status of installed systems change over time,
Baseline Assessments must be updated annually to reflect equipment age,
installation and familiarity of new systems, changing crew skills sets and
refinement of standard operating procedures.
Starting with the boat design characteristics, systems inventory and the
requirements of this Manual, further refinements and constraints are
established based upon prudent and responsible operation. This should be a
team effort including operators that have firsthand knowledge of the boat and
an understanding of underway operations. The format, narrative or table, can
be tailored to best communicate limitations based on the boat and system
complexity. Small boat characteristics, resources and capacity information, as
well as the GAR risk categories can be used as an assessment framework.
Examples of Baseline Assessments can be found on the SBP website.
Baseline considerations are critical to effective project and mission planning.
This comprehensive evaluation communicates the unique aspects of the boat
and systems, instrumentation, skills of the operator and crew, range, lift
capacities, handling characteristics, and the resources available for embarked
The output from this exercise helps define and narrow the range of acceptable
risk in each of the GAR categories. For example, the GAR category for
weather, without refinement, would have a range from calm to gale force. The
Baseline Assessment might establish 2-3 foot waves as the maximum
acceptable operating condition, resulting in an acceptable GAR weather range
of calm to 3 foot waves.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The Baseline Assessment must be included in the SBOM and reviewed
annually by the VOC.
b) Mission Based Risk Assessments
The Mission Risk Assessment considers the risks associated with mission
equipment, operations, and personnel. Effective Mission Based Risk
Assessments should be accomplished through a cooperative effort, including
mission subject matter experts, along with field and small boat personnel. This
review encompasses the measures of mission success, quality, critical
elements, operating parameters, risks and limitations of a particular mission.
It communicates requirements such as; expectations for small boat
infrastructure, speed and position control, deck space, lifting, cruise duration
and operating area.
Mission Based Risk Assessments can help with the selection of a boat for a
particular mission by articulating what resources and capabilities are limiting
or critical. Boats in the same Class, configured and outfitted differently, may
provide different safety and mission success margins. Once the boat is
selected, the mission risks identified will better define aspects of that boat that
will have an elevated risk or narrowed operating margin. Examples of Mission
Based Assessments can be found on the SBP website.
The findings from this exercise further define and narrow the range of
acceptable risk, from a science perspective, in each of the GAR categories. For
example, the GAR category for weather on a particular boat might have a
maximum Baseline limit of 3 foot waves, but mission success could limit
operation to 2 foot waves, resulting in an acceptable GAR weather range of
calm to 2 foot waves.
Findings of the Mission Based Risk Assessment must be communicated to all
personnel involved in the mission to provide focus on key cruise elements.
Changes in the scope, content, or operational area may warrant reevaluation of
the Mission Risk Assessment.
c) GAR Assessment
The GAR must consider all elements of both the Baseline and Mission Risk
Assessments in the context of predicted weather, team selection and the status
of all resources. The GAR Assessment is a tool to help identify probable risks
that may pose a threat during a specific mission or evolution. It is effective in
communicating priorities to focus the entire cruise team on critical parameters.
The GAR Assessment must be completed and communicated prior to getting
underway. In all cases, the GAR should be updated to reflect changes in the
environment, mission, equipment, or personnel. The GAR form can be found
on the SBP website.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
To conduct a GAR Assessment, the OIC must:
Ensure all mission personnel are involved in the GAR process
Refer to the limitations identified in the Baseline Assessment;
Refer to the hazards and limitations identified in the Mission Based Risk
Evaluate any increase in risk to equipment or personnel based on current
Risk Acceptance Authority
Mitigating factors must be documented for any GAR category identified ≥ 7
If the risk remains elevated ≥ 7 despite mitigation, or mitigation cannot be
identified, the OIC must notify the VOC (or the next higher level of authority)
A cumulative GAR score ≥ 45 (or a predetermined score, as determined by the
VOC) despite mitigation requires the OIC to alert the VOC (or the next higher
level of authority)
.03 Risk Elimination and Mitigation
Elimination and mitigation can be identified at all levels of ORM. The elimination of
risk is the ideal.
Mitigation steps (in order of priority):
1. Substitution – using different small boats, equipment, personnel, etc. to reduce
2. Engineering Controls – use mechanical protection and isolation
3. Administrative Controls – training, reducing exposure times, changing
mission timeline, etc.
4. Personal Protective Equipment
.04 Reassessment
An important element to NOAA’s approach to ORM is to continually evaluate
changes to the initial risk assessments. Significant changes to the small boat, mission,
or environment warrant a reassessment of hazards and associated risk.
This section establishes standards and provides guidance for the evaluation, qualification, and
designation of personnel involved in the operation of small boats. Each VOC ensures that
personnel are trained to achieve the stated qualifications and maintain the level of proficiency
and currency necessary to safely and effectively accomplish their assigned duties. The
requirements described in this Manual are regarded as the minimum standard of personnel
.01 Operator Credentials and Training Requirements Overview
Class A, I, and II Boat Operators:
USCG Auxiliary (USCGA) Boating Skills and Seamanship or Equivalent
(Section .02)
NOAA Component Course
Personal Qualification Standards
First Aid, CPR, AED Training
Program-specific training
Class III and SRV Boat Operators:
Current appropriate USCG License or active Uniformed Service Officer of
the Deck
NOAA Component Course
Personnel Qualification Standard
First Aid, CPR, AED Training
Program-specific training
.02 Operator Credentials and Training Requirements Information
a) Operator and Seamanship Courses
The minimum standard is USCGA Boating Skills and Seamanship. Any
equivalent course must cover all of the significant topics of the USCGA Boating
Skills and Seamanship curriculum and must be, at minimum, of equivalent
duration (approximately 24 hours dependent on location). A current list of
approved equivalent courses can be found on the Training section of the SBP
The SBSB has the authority to approve courses as an equivalent to the
USCGA Boating Skills and Seamanship course. Requests for Boating
Skills and Seamanship equivalency should be sent to LOSBO or the
SBPM for review.
For cases where a prospective SBO has prior training, the SBSB may
consider this as fulfilling the USCG Auxiliary Boating Skills and
Seamanship or equivalent requirement on a case-by-case basis.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Non-Motorized Watercrafts: The VOC conducts a risk assessment to
determine the type of hands-on training required for operators of non-
motorized watercrafts. The VOC assures that the appropriate training is
provided. This training may be in lieu of the Boating Skills and
Seamanship requirement for non-motorized boat operators. All other
training requirements must be completed (i.e. NOAA component, First
Aid/CPR, PQS).
b) NOAA Component Course
The course is managed by the SBP and updated as policies, procedures, and
standards change. The course should include location and mission considerations.
Sections include:
NOAA small-boat policy, procedures, and standards
Operational Risk Assessment
Team Coordination
If Component Course is unavailable due to remote geography or lack of timely
local instruction, the VOC presents the major elements of the Component Course
with a focus on risk management (GAR assessment) and NOAA policy. The date
the VOC conducts the overview must be recorded on the Small Boat Operator
Authorization form. This one-time extension is valid for 6 months.
c) Personal Qualification Standards
All SBO candidates must demonstrate proficiency, as determined by the VOC, to
be designated as a SBO. The class of boat, operating area(s), and the mission is
taken into account when determining an appropriate level of experience.
Personal Qualification Standards evaluation must include, at minimum:
Demonstrate knowledge of small boat characteristics, limitations, and
Demonstrate proficiency of small boat handling skills, based on mission
Demonstrate proficiency in communicating risk management
Boat Operators must successfully complete a Personal Qualification Standards
process with their VOC (or designee) for each type of mission and for each type
of small boat.
Template Personal Qualification Standard checklists can be found on the SBP
website, with separate forms for Class A and Class I boats, and for Class II boats.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
d) First Aid, CPR, AED Training
All SBO must have current certification from industry recognized First Aid and
CPR courses. SBO working aboard small boats with an AED onboard must have
AED training.
e) Program-specific Training
If applicable, mission related, local, or program-specific training is provided (e.g.,
surf operations, dive operations, towing nets, and survey launch, ice, marine
mammal operations).
f) Refresher Training
Personal Qualification Standard evaluation must be completed every 3 years. The
VOC can require additional training to provide continuous education and career
.03 Crewmember Training Information
Crewmembers are required to receive small boat-specific on the job training and must
demonstrate to their OIC knowledge of the procedures and equipment carried aboard
the small boat(s) on which they will be employed.
Additional requirements can be found in Section 7. Template Crewmember
Qualification Standard checklists can be found on the SBP website, with separate
forms for Class A and class I boats, for Class II, and for Class III and SRV boats.
.04 Documentation
A current Small Boat Operator and Crewmember Authorization form (NOAA Form
57-19-04, available on the SBP website), Personal Qualification Standard checklists,
and copies of all training certificates must be completed for each Boat Operator and
maintained by the VOC for each Line Office Program.
Operator Authorization forms must be reviewed and validated annually by the VOC
to ensure currency of certifications, training requirements, and a measure of
proficiency. Operators are responsible for tracking their own training and currency
requirements in conjunction with the VOC.
.05 Delinquency
If the required training and certifications are not maintained per this Manual, SBO are
considered delinquent and will be restricted from duties on their designated small
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.06 Advanced and Continuing Education
Boat operators should continue to advance their boating skills and knowledge. VOCs
should look for opportunities to provide their boat operators with advanced training
and education. VOCs may contact the SBP for advice and support for training and
education programs and can look at the training section of the Training section of the
SBP website.
All small boats must be manned by qualified personnel to ensure that operations are
conducted in a safe, efficient, and professional manner. Personnel who are on board primarily
to support the mission may assume crew duties only if the OIC has determined that the
individual possesses the necessary skills and qualifications before assuming those duties. In
this case, the highest priority is assigned to the safe operation of the small boat. Small boat
designated crewmembers may assist with the mission at the discretion of the OIC.
All personnel are trained and qualified to perform the duties expected of them. This can
include, but is not limited to:
Hydraulic units
Anchor windlass/winches
All small boats carried aboard, and their engines
In cases that threaten loss of life or damage to property, deviations from safe manning
regulations may be allowed, with notification to the appropriate responsible party.
.01 Succession to Command
Address Chain of Command during the pre-departure briefings. Identify an individual
who is in charge should the OIC become incapacitated. Should the OIC become
incapacitated, the designated individual must take the lead in maneuvering the small
boat to safety and contacting emergency services to make necessary arrangements.
.02 Minimum Safe Manning Levels
a) Class A, Class I, and Class II Boats
All Class A, Class I, and Class II must be manned at a minimum by two people,
one of whom must be the qualified OIC. Additional manning requirements are
determined by the VOC, with notification to the Program Director (or designee).
These levels are based on each small boat’s manufactures loading plate, the
SBOM, and the Operational Risk Assessment (GAR).
Under some circumstances, a small boat may be exempt from carrying a second
person. In these cases, operations must comply with Section 7.04 of this Manual.
b) Class III and SRVs Boats
All Class III small boats and SRVs must be manned at a minimum by one OIC
and one crewmember. Additional manning requirements are determined by the
VOC, with notification to the Program Director (or designee). These levels are
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
based on the complexity of the small boat, complexity of the mission, and the
length of the voyage.
c) Outreach Events
For outreach events, additional crewmember or person other than crew familiar
with the boat and its emergency procedures is required for every 10 embarked
persons aboard, in addition to the OIC and a crewmember.
When carrying minors (under 18), see Section 3.04 of this Manual
d) Duration of Operations
When planning an operation, consider the total elapsed time and take actions to
avoid fatigue. For planned operations exceeding 12 hours in duration, an
additional SBO and enough qualified crewmembers must be onboard.
.03 Dive Operations Manning Requirements
When conducting dive operations from a small boat, the boat must be continuously
manned by a qualified SBO, who must remain aboard at all times during diving
operations. This applies both underway and at anchor.
Requirements for dive operations must comply with the NOAA Diving Standards and
Safety Manual.
.04 Solo Operations Requirements
Solo operations are allowed on Class A, I, and II small boats as long as the small boat
has close support, either from ashore or from a nearby platform. Close support is
where rescuers are immediately notified by someone other than the SBO in the event
of an emergency.
If solo operation without close support is necessary, a risk assessment is completed
and mitigating factors are incorporated in the appropriate supplemental policy
approved by the Program Director (or designee).
.05 Underway Requirements
a) Daily missions
For planned operations exceeding 12 hours in duration, an additional SBO and
enough qualified crewmembers must be onboard. Fatigued embarked personnel
impacts operational safety. Structure work schedules that allow adequate rest for
personnel and crewmembers.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
b) 24 hours operations
During multi-day missions that require personnel to be underway for greater than
12 hours, the following applies:
A. No SBO or crewmember may exceed 12 hours of watch standing in a 24-
hour period.
B. Accommodations must be provided for all SBO and crewmembers if the
small boat is operated more than 12 hours in a 24-hour period, unless the
crew is put ashore and the small boat is provided with a new crew.
Accommodations must be adequate to provide for effective rest period,
and the personnel capacity of the accommodations must be stated in the
C. All persons who are assigned as operator or crew must be provided a
minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period;
D. The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of
which is at least 6 hours in length.
E. The requirements for rest periods in B) and C) above need not be
maintained in the case of an emergency or other overriding operational
c) Other requirements when applicable:
The OIC requires that watch schedules be posted where they are easily
When required, a Crewmember may be assigned duties as a watch stander
either when the small boat is underway or at anchor. As watch stander, the
primary task is to stand a proper lookout, free of distractions, so that full
focus can be applied to the environment of the small boat.
Compliance with each of the following procedures is mandatory for all trips, whether planned or
.01 Float Plan
The primary purpose of a float plan is to assure that there is a predefined
responsibility and emergency response protocol for an overdue small boat. Every
SBP must have the ability to track small boats underway and confirm their safe return.
In addition to monitoring personnel on the water, float plans provide a valuable record
of the small boat’s activity. These metrics help the SBP validate the role small boats
play in carrying out NOAA’s mission. Tracking small boat operations and personnel
involved allows the SBP and individual Line Offices to evaluate safety records and
detect trends. Documenting time underway and the number of embarked personnel
provides critical measures of exposure and allows for calculating accident rates.
Float plans at a minimum must have the following information:
Small boat name and NOAA Hull Registration Number
Name of OIC
Names of all persons on board, with their emergency contact information
Departure time, date, and location
Expected return time, date, and location (if location different from departure)
A primary shore side Point of Contact,
Emergency response contact information (USCG, local emergency response
General location of operational area
The final value from the GAR
Communication Plan
Point Of Contact Requirements:
All float plans identify a shore side POC. The shore side POC must be available by
phone, email or radio throughout the duration of the mission. A back-up method of
contacting the shore side POC must be included in the event the primary means of
communication fails.
Communication Plan Requirements:
Establish a schedule of communications to report the small boat’s status to the shore
side POC. Multi-day trips require at least one daily check-in.
Submission Requirements:
All Float Plans must be submitted in writing or electronically, regardless of voyage
duration. Before departure, the OIC submits the Float Plan to the VOC (or designated
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
shore side POC). The float plan is updated when modifications to the mission,
personnel, or boat are made.
In situations that involve immediate danger to life, property, or natural resources, a
Float Plan may be submitted verbally to the VOC or designee. The VOC or designee
must put the information in writing and manage the Float Plan as required by this
Example Float Plans are available on the SBP website (under Daily Safety &
Orientation Forms).
.02 Small Boat and Equipment Inspections
The OIC is responsible for checking boat conditions and safety equipment before
departure. At a minimum, the OIC should:
Inspects records (logs, float plans, trip reports …) for maintenance
discrepancies that have not been addressed;
Ensures that all equipment identified as not operational have been corrected;
Ensures that all required safety, survival, communication, and navigation
equipment specified in this Manual are onboard, maintained in operational
condition, and are tested;
Ensures that the boat is properly fueled for the mission. Consider weather
conditions and tides carefully at a planned destination and when calculating
distances to alternate ports;
Ensures all fluid levels are normal (e.g. oil, coolant, steering, etc.) and that
adequate reserves are onboard;
Inspects bilges for standing water or evidence of fluid leaks;
When applicable, ensures that the back-up motor or secondary means of
propulsion is operational;
When applicable, ensures the back-up or secondary means of steering is
Visual inspection of all lifting apparatus, and mission critical equipment.
.03 Start-Up Checklist
All small boats are required to have a written checklist of start-up procedures, specific
to each small boat, to ensure safe operations. The OIC is responsible for completing
the checklist.
.04 Mission and Safety Orientation Briefing
The OIC conducts a briefing with all embarked personnel. The briefing is conducted
far enough in advance so the crew can prepare adequately for any last-minute
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The mission briefing should review previous mission planning and preparation, and
include any updates. The safety briefing includes general small boat familiarity and
the location of all safety systems and equipment carried aboard (fire extinguishers,
life rafts, life rings, personal flotation devices, immersion suits, Emergency
Positioning-Indicating Radio (EPIRBs), Very High Frequency radio (VHF), flares
etc.). Embarked personnel must be briefed on procedures to follow during fire,
abandon ship, man overboard, and other emergencies. An example template of a
Safety Orientation Briefing checklist is available on the SBP website.
The briefing should also include potential impacts of weather such as current
conditions, sea state and tides when applicable, trends, and forecasts for the departure
location, proposed route, destination, and any alternate working areas.
All personnel onboard must participate in the ORM. The ORM must be done using
the GAR form, and must confirm that the mission, personnel, and small boat meet the
operational parameters of the Baseline and Mission Risk Assessments. The GAR
must also address the weather conditions discussed during the weather briefing.
During the briefing, the OIC communicates and receives a verbal response from all
embarked personnel that:
The team is well rested and ready to work
Everyone understands the mission, and is capable of performing it
All potential risks and obstacles are mitigated
Identify an individual who is in charge should the OIC become incapacitated
The OIC has the authority and responsibility to cancel the operations if risks cannot
be mitigated to a level that will ensure the safety of all personnel onboard, and the
successful outcome of the mission.
.05 Underway Requirements
a) Equipment Monitoring
OICs must monitor critical systems while underway. Consider the malfunction’s
effect on the ongoing GAR assessment, and adjust accordingly. Log all equipment
malfunctions in the logbook (or trip report) on the day of discovery. The OIC
reports the malfunction to the VOC on the day of discovery. The VOC ensures
corrective actions are taken in an acceptable timeframe.
b) Weather Monitoring
Monitor weather forecasts and warnings at appropriate intervals, as well as any
time the weather conditions appear threatening or conflict with forecasted
Do not operate small boats in known or forecasted weather conditions that exceed
small boat or personnel limitations.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The OIC has the authority and responsibility to cancel the operations or seek
shelter if risk cannot be mitigated to a level that will ensure the safety of all
personnel onboard, and the successful outcome of the mission.
.06 Float Plan Updates
Float Plans must be modified to reflect changes in underway operations. The OIC
communicates amendments to the Float Plan with the POC.
.07 Post Mission Requirements
a) Float Plan Closure
The Float Plan must be closed at the end of the trip. The OIC closes the Float Plan
and notifies the shore side POC of arrival.
b) Shut down Procedures
All small boats are required to have a written shut down checklist. The OIC is
responsible for completing the checklist and logging any deficiencies found.
c) Small Boat Clean-Up Procedures
Conduct a post-mission clean up and inspection after the boat has returned. Leave
the small boat in a professional, mission ready condition.
.08 Procedures for Overdue boats
If a small boat is overdue, the Point of Contact must execute all steps below:
Attempt to contact the small boat by satellite/cell phone or HF/VHF radio;
Check the destination point (boat slip, launch ramp etc.) personally or ask any
on-site personnel to check;
Notify the appropriate VOC and Program Director of the situation. The VOC
notifies the LOSBO (and VPC as applicable) if Search and Rescue Operations
are initiated.
Notify the emergency response contact of overdue boat and be prepared to
provide Float Plan information.
Remain available until the boat has been contacted and either returns to the
dock or has reached an alternate safe location;
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.09 Documentation
Small boat activities, conditions and mission information must be documented to
effectively support vessel usage metrics, track deficiencies and serve as an official
record of actions taken to mitigate risk. The VOC must retain documentation for 3
Class A and class I small boats must retain post mission documents using either a
float plan, or a post mission trip report, or a logbook:
Float Plan that are also used for mission documentation must provide all the
information in Section 8.01 of this Manual. The information listed below must be
filled in after the mission is completed.
Trip Reports are completed after the mission is completed, and must include all
the information listed below.
Logbooks for class A and class I boats may be kept ashore, and completed after
the mission is completed
Class II, III, and SRV small boats must use a logbook to record information real-time.
Minimum documentation includes all of the following:
Name of OIC, SBO and embarked personnel
Name/description of the mission
GAR value
Fuel level information
Starting Engine hours (if available)
Date and Time Departure
Operational Area and/or Destination
Drills Conducted
Problems, conditions or incidents encountered
Actual time of arrival
Final fuel information
Ending engine hours (if available)
Document mechanical issues or discrepancies found during shutdown inspection
.01 Construction and Stability Criteria for Designated Operating Areas
Small boat construction and stability evaluations are essential to assure safe operation
under prevailing conditions. NOAA uses standard definitions found in the Code of
Federal Regulations to categorize hazards associated with operating areas and apply
the appropriate stability requirements. Ship design and construction details are critical
elements of mission risk assessments and seaworthiness.
All small boats have a designated operating area noted in the SBOM and operate
within the established limitations associated with the designation.
.02 General Operating Area Definitions
A small boat’s operating area designation dictates the minimum stability and
construction elements required. The following general definitions apply to all small
boat classes. These definitions apply only to this Section of the Manual.
EXPOSED: Operation in waters more than 20 nautical miles from the mouth of
a harbor of safe refuge*.
PARTIALLY PROTECTED: Operation in waters not more than 20 nautical
miles of the mouth of a harbor of safe refuge, except waters determined section
.03 below.
PROTECTED WATERS: Operation in sheltered waters presenting no special
hazards such as most rivers, bays, harbors, lakes, except waters determined
section .03 below.
*Harbor of safe refuge is determined by 46 CFR 175.400 – Definitions.
.03 Exceptions and Special Operating Area Designations
It is recognized that hazards presented by local, regional, and seasonal conditions
require special designation. The USCG Officer In Charge, Marine Inspections
(OCMI) determines areas of increased hazard due to prevailing conditions and refines
the general operating area definitions listed above. These designations can be
provided by contacting SBPM.
Known areas of special designations:
All waters off the Pacific Northwest (anywhere offshore) from Chetco River
OR to Race Rocks, WA in the Strait of Juan De Fuca is EXPOSED WATERS.
This is due to the dangers of the Pacific Ocean.
Operating on the Chesapeake Bay with the exception of selected tributaries are
PARTIALLY PROTECTED WATERS. This is due to the large geographical
size of the bay and prevailing conditions.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Operating anywhere on Puget Sound is PARTIALLY PROTECTED
WATERS with the exception of Elliot Bay which is PROTECTED WATERS.
Operating anywhere on Alaskan waters is EXPOSED WATERS. This is due
to the inherent dangers and prevailing conditions of Alaskan waters.
(Exceptions are Kachemak Bay, Auke Bay, and Tongass Narrows. These
waters are considered partially protected.)
Operating on all areas of the Great Lakes from October 1st to April 15th is
.04 Small Boat Stability and Construction Considerations
Evaluation principals for stability and construction:
Small boat design, construction, mission gear, and operation when
determining operating area limitations.
Small boat loading conditions and mission tasks significantly impacts the
stability characteristics of small boats.
Maintain reserve buoyancy, freeboard, righting arm, and seaworthiness under
all prevailing conditions and missions.
As these attributes can be very complex, the SBP has grouped criteria by General
Stability and Mission Stability requirements. General Stability requirements apply to
all small boats by Class. Mission Stability requirements are derived from mission gear
and operation.
.05 General Stability Requirements
Class A, I and II Posted load limitations including engine horsepower, number
of persons, gear weight, and includes elements of 33 CFR 183
Boats and Associated Equipment, or 46 CFR 178 – Intact
Stability and Seaworthiness & 179 – Subdivision, Damage
stability and Watertight Integrity as applicable. This is
provided by the small boat manufacturer, naval architect,
professional engineer, or established with guidance from the
SBP. Under no circumstances must small boat operations
exceed those limits.
Class III and SRV Stability characteristics must be documented and include
elements of 46 CFR 178 & 179 that best reflect the small boat
type, intended service and operating area. A manufacturer or
naval architect issued stability letter will provide instructions to
the OIC and a statement of compliance to the specific
requirements of the Designated Operating Area must be
included in the SBOM. Depending upon the complexity of the
small boat, a full satiability booklet with hydrostatic curves and
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
voyage analysis may be of value in managing future changes to
the small boat configuration.
All - The SBOM for each small boat must clearly state the small
boat’s Designated Operating Area(s)
- Loading limitations, proper stowage of gear, and sea state
limitations must be noted in the SBOM and included in a small
boat’s Personal Qualification Standards training.
- Maintain material condition of hull, water tight spaces, buoyant
material, and freeing ports.
- Include a small boat weight log in all SBOM to track hull
modifications and significant weight addition or deletion.
Generally, significant weight deletion or addition greater than
2% of the small boat’s original gross weight or displacement.
An example of a weight log for each small boat class is
available on the SBP website.
.06 Mission Stability Requirements
Table 1 reflects the impact of personnel and weight handling operations on initial
stability characteristics. Mission requirements for the number of persons on board,
over-the-side lifting, and towing operations are used to further refine a small boat’s
Operating Area designation. Table 1 is provided to determine operating area
restrictions for typical conditions. Operating conditions in excess of those detailed in
this table must comply with the requirements of Section 8.07.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 1. Mission Conditions and Operating Area Restrictions
Small Boat Operating Conditions Operating Area
Operating without a support vessel and operates within the limitations set
forth on the small boat loading plate
Operating with support vessel evaluated for the applicable operational
area, which can accommodate additional persons onboard.
Small boat carries more than six persons, OR conducts lifts over-the-side
with static loads exceeding 200 lbs., OR conducts bottom trawls or
Small boat carries six or less persons AND does not conduct static lifting
over-the-side of loads exceeding 200 lbs. AND does not conduct any
bottom trawls or dredges.
Operating with support vessel evaluated for the applicable operational
area that can accommodate the additional persons onboard.
and SRV
Operating within the limits of the specific individual stability evaluation
which defines the boat specific operational areas and limitations.
.07 Special Case Class I and II Mission Stability Requirements
Small boat operating conditions that fall outside of Table 1 require boat specific
evaluation. To assist in a timely and thorough evaluation, the SBP maintains a
standing working group to evaluate the capability to meet desired operating area
limitations. The Stability Working Group is comprised of:
SBP Engineering Coordinator
SBP Inspection Coordinator
SBSB representative
VOC representative
Field operations representative
The Board representative, VOC representative, and field operations representative are
nominated and approved by the SBSB. Nomination qualifications include individual
interest and subject matter expertise.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The Stability Working Group is tasked with applying appropriate regulatory
requirements, and evaluating mission details and practical small boat characteristics
consistently. The combined experiences of the NOAA small boat fleet and industry
standards are used to qualify conclusions of the group. The Stability Working Group
provides technical guidance to establish operating area or mission limitations. The
Stability Working Group may require professional engineering evaluations or tests to
determine small boat stability characteristics. The resources of the Stability Working
Group are available upon request to the SBPM.
Upon completion of a stability review, subsequent limitations on loading, mission
conditions, or operating area are submitted to the SBSB for approval. Once approved,
the stability review is documented in the SBOM.
.08 Small Boat Acquisition Criteria
All proposed new small boat acquisitions that do not meet the provisions and
limitations of Table 1, require review by the Stability Working Group. This group
reviews requirements for determining the suitability of small boat design,
construction, and stability for the intended designated operating area. (Reference
Section 12)
.09 Modifications of Small Boats
Ensure any weight or engine changes in proposed modifications or alterations to Class
A and Class I small boats are within the maximum limits listed on the loading
Contact the SBPM to enlist the services and guidance of the Stability Working Group
for any proposed modifications or alterations made to Class II, Class III and SRVs
with stability data derived from inclining or calculated methods. The working group
determines what marine engineering or naval architecture services are required.
The VOC maintains records of all small boat modifications or alterations. Changes
that result in weight addition or deletion must be recorded in the small boat’s weight
Examples of criteria that require a Stability Working Group review are:
Significant weight deletion or addition greater than 2% of the small boat’s
original gross weight or displacement;
Changes in installed tank capacities;
Watertight bulkhead alterations;
Tank boundary changes;
Fishing method changes not included in the original stability evaluation.
Examples are the removal or addition of fixed equipment necessary for the
method of fishing operations such as outriggers, net reels, and winches.
Freeing port alterations;
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Lifting gear changes other than equivalent equipment;
Windage changes;
Bilge keel area changes;
Carrying additional personnel and various equipment;
Repowering other than maximum rated horsepower, weight, and propulsion
Given the type and complexity of operations conducted by NOAA, expanding carriage
requirement considerations to include remoteness, complexity of the small boat, and
operational challenges will improve overall safety. These requirements are one element of
ORM and support engineering, inspection, and personnel requirements.
NOAA minimum lifesaving and small boat equipment requirements have been compiled in
this section from federal regulations, industry standards, and best management practices.
Additional information and references can be found in the following: CFRs 46, 33, and 29,
American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) standards and guidance from the SBP.
.01 Determine Carriage requirement
a) Standard Equipment Required
Non-motorized small boats, use Table 1
Class A, I, and II small boats require a three phase approach to determining
carriage requirements.
Determine standard equipment required aboard all classes. These
requirements are found in Table 2.
Determine additional requirements based on both size and distance from
shore. These requirements are noted with an “R” in Table 4.
Define individualized requirements for each small boat, based on and
ORM, mission complexity, gear deployment, and capabilities of the boat.
These requirements are noted with an “O” in Table 4
Class III and SRV small boats, use Table 3.
Rescue boats aboard NOAA ships must comply with equipment requirements
within 46 CFR 199-Lifesaving Appliances and Arrangements, OMAO
Supplemental Small Boat Policy, and additional gear or resources required by the
ship’s commanding officer. For further rescue boat guidance, please contact the
b) Operational Considerations
VOCs, OICs, and scientists must consider potential impacts the mission and the
intended scientific operation will have on stability, limited steerage, or lifting
capability. Mission specific operations such as trawling, sampling gear
deployment/recovery, fishing with hook and line, Remotely Operated Vehicles
(ROV)/ Autonomous underwater Vehicles (AUV) handling, and outreach or
media events all require special considerations. Specialized tools, additional safety
equipment or personal protective equipment are required for many of the
operations conducted on small boats.
VOCs, OICs, and scientists must consider environmental extremes and operations
that require extended periods underway. VOCs should consult with their local
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
USCG, OCMI to determine if intended operations are in areas of special
designation and require extra risk mitigation steps. Some missions require intense
physical exertion that is often repeated multiple times in the course of a day or
cruise. Consider every potential impact. The diversity of small boat operations
make it difficult to provide an inclusive list of operational challenges and
examples of risk mitigation measures. The list of examples below is by no means
comprehensive and will continue to expand as VOCs and operators share their
experiences. Should your scientific operation not be listed, please share it with the
SBP so it can be included.
Artic cold weather work – use of dry suits or comparable thermal protection,
sunglasses, sunscreen
Heat extremes – sun protection (canopies, hats, clothing, frequent breaks,
sunglasses, sunscreen, hydration, extra water)
Extended periods underway (fatigue) – frequent breaks, rotate operators, rest
periods, suitable area for rest, provisions for food
Heavy traffic areas – additional lookouts, backup radar and radio, AIS
Trawling – danger areas marked, cable cutters, hardhats, closed toe shoes,
protective clothing
Longline – wire cutters, knife, snag considerations for PFDs,
Marine mammal and turtle live capture – net precautions, people in the water,
Overhead lifting and handling of weights on deck – hard hats, steel toe shoes,
c) Special Circumstances
If carrying equipment is deemed hazardous based on mission, contact your
LOSBO or the SBP for additional information or clarification on the carriage
requirements for multiple small boat operations.
When operating in conjunction with a larger support vessel, i.e. from a NOAA
research vessel, chartered vessel, etc.
The boat must meet all stability and carriage requirements as stated in
The boat must comply with the supplemental policy for the support
Class II boats do not need to carry additional USCG or International
Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS) approved type I PFD as
long as the support vessel can provide immediate response to the Class II boat.
If operating in tandem with another small boat where carriage of safety and
lifesaving equipment may create additional risks to the small boat operations (i.e.
during large whale disentanglement operations, dolphin captures, emergency
response, etc.), a small boat (referred to as the “primary boat” for the remainder of
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
this section) may operate without all of the required safety and lifesaving
equipment provided each of the following are met:
The support boat maintains visual contact and communication with the
primary boat at all times while the primary boat is underway
The support boats only task is to serve as an operational platform for the
The support boat meets all carriage requirements as well as enough safety and
survival equipment to accommodate both boats;
The support boat has the carrying capacity to embark all personnel from both
Each small boat has sufficient PFDs for all embarked personnel
A risk assessment must be completed for the operation that specifically addresses
the coordination between the support and primary boat.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 1. Minimum Carriage Requirements: Non-Motorized Small boats
Resources to Protect Personnel
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD)
Appropriate size and buoyancy for every person aboard with light and
whistle. All components must be USCG approved and PFD type must be
suited for intended operations (i.e. lake, surf, swift water…)
Thermal Protection
Required for every person if SST is =<59 °F based on NOAA’s Coastwatch
(http://coastwatch.noaa.gov) reports or determined by operational risk
assessment (Dry, wet, anti-exposure or USCG approved immersion suit
appropriate for the mission)
Throwable Flotation device
Open deck requires USCG approved type IV PFD, enclosed deck may use a
throw bag
First Aid Kit
Equipped for area of operations and personnel aboard (i.e. response time)
An example inventory list is available on the SBP website.
GPS Cell phone GPS lat/long positioning or handheld GPS
Compass Magnetic or electronic handheld
Local Chart/Map
Current printed or electronic map that provides adequate detail to navigate
the area of operation
Two different forms of communication are required at all times
Visual Designated standby person onshore or in another small boat able to respond
Cell Phone Must be within cell phone range
VHF Radio Handheld waterproof radio
Email or Text messaging
Within cell phone range or utilizing satellite service (phone, SPOT,
Satellite Phone Required when beyond cell phone range and VHF range
Damage/Emergency Response
Emergency Beacons EPIRB or Personal Location Beacon (PLB)
Daytime Distress Signal Flag Approved USCG daytime signals can be used in place of distress flag
Visual Distress Signals
(If operating between sunset - sunrise)
One USCG approved electric distress light or 3 USCG approved
combination day/night flares
Sound Signaling Device
Whistle or air horn, must be heard at least 1/2 mile away for at least 4-6
Anchoring or securing the small boat Depending on the operations, an anchor or sea anchor may be required
Means of Dewatering Bailer or manually operated bilge pump
Number required will depend on the small boat (i.e. kayak, raft, canoe...)
Label with small boat’s name or NOAA
Visual Identity and Signage
NOAA Identification and Registration Must comply with Section 13 of the Manual
Navigation Lights
One all around white light visible from all directions or a flashlight showing
a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision
Capacity Label Permanently affixed
GAR Slate or Placard Required
Documents on File with VOC
Baseline and Mission Risk Assessments, ASBE, PQS, OEM
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 2. Minimum Carriage Requirements: Motorized Class A, I, and II Boats
Resources to Protect Personnel
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD)
Appropriate size and buoyancy for every person aboard with light and
whistle. All components must be USCG approved. Refer to Section 10.02
of this Manual for specific PFD requirements
Thermal Protection
Required if operating where SST is =<59 °F (15 °C) based on NOAA’s
CoastWatch (http://coastwatch.noaa.gov) reports or determined by
operational risk assessment (Dry, wet, anti-exposure or USCG approved
immersion suit appropriate for the mission)
Life Raft
Required beyond 12 nm. Refer to (life raft) Table 4 of this Section, and
Section 10.03 of this Manual for specific raft requirements
Throwable USCG approved type IV PFD-
Flotation Device
Float cushions are permitted on class A and I boats for day operations. For
class II boats a18” ring life buoy is required.
First Aid Kit
Equipped for area of operations and personnel aboard (i.e. response time)
An example inventory list is available on the SBP website.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
All small boats with enclosed cabins, number of alarms must protect all
spaces occupied by personnel (berthing, galley, bridge….)
MOB Recovery
Recovery gear aboard and procedure in place for conscious and
unconscious victim.
GPS or Chart plotter
Suitable for intended operational area
Compass Magnetic or Electronic with independent or backup power supply
Navigation Charts
Current printed or electronic chart that provides adequate detail to navigate
the area of operation
Navigation Rules
Appropriate book, chart, or placard for the class small boat and operating
area, Small boats => than 12 meters (39 feet) must carry a current
electronic or printed copy aboard
Two different forms of communication are required at all times
Designated standby person onshore or in another small boat able to
Cell Phone
Must be within reliable cell phone range
VHF Radio
One 25 watt VHF radio is recommended, Class II small boats must have
at least one radio with MMSI registration and integrated with GPS
Email or Text messaging
Within reliable cell phone range or utilizing satellite service (phone, SPOT,
Satellite Phone
Phone or other satellite communication is required when operating beyond
cell phone coverage
Damage/Emergency Response
Emergency Beacons
In lieu of EPIRBs, PLBs are permitted for protected and partially protected
operations on Class A and I small boats. For Coastal and Exposed waters
Category I (auto deployment) EPIRBs are required. Category II (manual)
EPIRBs may be authorized depending on small boat design and suitability.
Visual Distress Signals
Class A-one orange distress flag (day only) or 3 combination day/night red
Class I and II - one orange distress flag or 3 hand-held or floating orange
smoke signals (day only), and one electric distress light or 3 combination
(day/night) red flares, handheld, meteor or parachute (46 CFR 28.145).
Refer to Table 6 of this Section for additional guidance
Sound Signaling Device
Whistle, handheld air horn, or electric horn that can be heard at least 1/2
mile for 4-6 seconds (USCG NAV RULES)
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Anchor and adequate rode
Required for Class I and II. Class A small boat operating within a shallow
river or non-navigable waterway must have a means to secure the boat.
Guidance on acceptable ground tackle and mooring line is available on the
SBP website (under Best Practices).
Dewatering Device
A mechanical or manual means of dewatering is required for all small
boats. On Class I and II small boats with compartments that have through
hull fittings below the waterline or spaces below the main deck without
watertight closures, these spaces must have an appropriate bilge pump with
high water alarm installed at the operator station.
Fire Extinguishers
Marine type USCG approved fire extinguishers minimum requirements:
Class A and I - One B-I, Class II - One B-II or two B-I, Fixed Fire system
required for enclosed machinery space (approved as additional B-I). Refer
to Table 5 of this Section or contact the SBP for additional carriage (46
CFR 181.500)
Visual Identity and Signage
NOAA Identification and Registration Must comply with Section 13 of this Manual
Navigation Lights Must comply with USCG NAV RULES (COMDTINST M16672.2D)
Capacity Label
Permanently affixed (if not installed by the manufacturer, contact the SBP for
GAR Slate or Placard Required
Oil and Garbage Placards
Required on all Class I and II small boats. (33 CFR 155.450 and 151.59)
Guidance on purchasing placards is available on the SBP website (see
Placards Required for Daily Operations).
Documents on File with VOC
Baseline and Mission Risk Assessments, ASBE, SBEX, PQS, SBOM,
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 3. Minimum Carriage Requirements: Class III and SRVs
Refer to small boat inspection booklet for specific requirements. These booklets are
developed by the SBP and approved by the SBSB.
Resources to Protect Personnel
Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)
Appropriate size and buoyancy for every person aboard with light and whistle.
All components must be USCG approved. Refer to Section 10.02 of this Manual
for specific PFD requirements. Type I PFD for all personnel in addition to the
Type III and V permitted for deck operations
Immersion Suits Required. Must have USCG approved light and whistle.
Life Raft
USCG approved or meets SOLAS. SRVs must carry SOLAS rafts
If operating >50 miles of the coastline SOLAS A is required
Life ring
USCG approved Orange Ring Life (RL) Buoys 24" or greater. At least one life
buoy must have a MOB strobe light attached.
Class III-One or more RL Buoys. One must have a minimum of sixty (60) feet
of rescue line attached.
SRVThree RL Buoys. One must have a minimum of ninety (90) feet of rescue
line attached
First Aid Kit
Equipped for area of operation and number of personnel aboard (exposed,
remote….). An example inventory list is available on the SBP website
Storage location labeled and readily accessible. Requires monthly inspections
and trained personnel
Carbon Monoxide Alarm
All small boats with enclosed cabins, number of alarms must protect all spaces
occupied by personnel (berthing, galley, bridge…)
MOB Recovery
Recovery device or apparatus aboard and procedure in place for conscious and
unconscious victim.
Bridge Requirements
Chart plotter
Required with the most up-to-date charts and a secondary independent GPS or
chart plotter that includes a dedicated antenna
AIS Small boat registration must be up-to-date
Magnetic compass
Adjusted with current deviation card and validated every 3 years
Backup fluxgate/electronic compass recommended with independent backup
Fathometer Required, backup unit recommended
Radar Required, AIS interface recommended
Navigation Charts
Up-to-date, printed charts that provide adequate detail to navigate the area of
Navigation Rules
Current electronic or printed version of navigation rules and NOAA U.S. Chart
No.1 aboard
Coast Pilot Current electronic or printed version aboard
Two VHF radios with Digital Selective
Calling (DSC) capability
Both radios must be mounted, 25 watt with MMSI# entered and connected to
GPS input
Cell Phone Must be within cell range
Email or Text messaging
Within reliable cell phone range or utilizing satellite service (phone, SPOT,
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Satellite Phone
Either satellite phone, SSB radio, or other satellite based communication is
required when operating beyond cell phone coverage
Single Side Band Radio Recommended for small boats operating > 50 miles of the coastline
Damage/ Emergency Response
Emergency Beacons
One category I (auto deployment) EPIRB must be installed in a float free
Additional Category II (manual) EPIRBs are recommended
Visual Distress Signals
Meets SOLAS - Three (3) Parachute Flares, Six (6) night flares, Three (3)
Smoke Flares
Fire Suppression
Refer to appropriate USCG regulations for small boat class, must meet
minimum requirements for fixed and portable fire suppression based on small
boat configuration.
Refer to the vessel inspection booklet or contact the SBP for additional guidance
Sound Signaling Device
SRV requires 300 mm bell
Horn must be heard at least ½ mile for 4-6 seconds
Appropriate size for the small boat. Guidance on acceptable ground tackle and
mooring line is available on the SBP website (under Best Practices).
Dewatering Devices Bilge pumps with visual indicator at the operator station or bridge
High Bilge level alarm Visual and audible indicator at operator station
Emergency Steerage Required for single engine or single rudder small boats
Visual Identity, Signage and Carried Documentation
NOAA Identification and Registration Must comply with Section 13 of this Manual
Navigation Lights Must comply with USCG NAV RULES (COMDTINST M16672.2D)
SBOM Maintained aboard
Waste Management Plan/Policy Located in a visible and accessible area
Oil and Garbage Placard
Located in a visible and accessible area (33 CFR 155.450 and 151.59). Guidance
on purchasing placards is available on the SBP website (see Placards Required
for Daily Operations).
Baseline Assessment Aboard and dated with annual review
Marine Sanitation Device Instruction placard on use and proper disposal
GAR Slate or Placard
Day shapes
Must comply with USCG navigation rules for intended operations
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
d) Additional carriage requirements based on operating area and operational risk
Table 4. Operational Matrix for Class A, I and II Small Boats
Use this table to assist with risk
considerations and operationally
based carriage requirements
Near Coastal
Near Coastal
Open Waters
Near Coastal
Open Waters
Type I PFDs * O O O O O O R O O R R
Immersion Suits ** O O O O O O R O O O R
USCG or SBP approved Life
Raft or IBA *** (46 CFR
Automated External
Defibrillator (AED)
Radar N N O O O O O O O O O
Fathometer/Depth Sounder O O O O O O R R R R R
Oars/Paddles R R R R R R R O O O N
Additional GPS or Chart plotter N O O O O O R R R R R
Additional VHF radio N O O N O O R N O R R
Satellite Phone O O O O O O R O O O R
Emergency Steerage Plan N N N O R R R R R R R
Sea Anchor N N O N N O R N O O R
Emergency Ditch Bag **** N N O N O O O N O O O
MOB - Recovery Procedure R R R R R R R R R R R
R = Required O = Operationally based N = Not Required
The following Operational Route definitions only apply to this Section
* Immersion suits may be used in place of Type I PFDs
** Immersion suits are always required when operating where SST is =<59 °F (15 °C) based on
NOAAs CoastWatch reports (http://coastwatch.noaa.gov
) or an increased risk of hypothermia exists
*** A USCG or SBP approved life raft or inflatable buoyant apparatus (IBA) is required. Soft packs
are acceptable on class I and II small boats. Raft capacity must be 100% of personnel carried aboard.
**** Suggested items in addition to minimum requirements: Waterproof handheld VHF radio, water,
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB), signal mirror, whistle, strobe/flashlight
Protected Bays, Sounds and Rivers (<2 miles shoreline to shoreline with no special hazards)
Near Coastal (< 3miles from a harbor or safe refuge)
Coastal (3-12 miles from a harbor or safe refuge)
Open Waters (beyond 12 miles from a harbor or safe refuge)
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.02 Guidance for Personal Flotation Devices and Immersion Suits
This section provides additional guidance for PFDs and immersion suits to help
reduce the risk of drowning and increase survivability in warm and cold waters.
Cold-water thermal protection requirements are addressed in more detail and are
structured to exceed minimum risk controls.
a) Carriage and Donning Requirement for PFDs
PFD includes work vests, marine buoyant devices intended to be worn, life
preservers, life jackets, hybrid PFDs, and inflatable life jackets. PFDs must
contain a label stating USCG approval number and type. PFD types are defined in
46 CFR §160 - Lifesaving Equipment. Small boats operating from NOAA Ships
must comply with the OMAO Small Boat Supplemental for PFD carriage
Inflatable PFDs are designed to become buoyant either manually, automatically,
or both by inflation of a sealed chamber. Inflatable PFDs are not inherently
buoyant and therefore must be properly maintained, inspected, and components
replaced before expiration dates.
Work vests, float coats/coveralls, anti-exposure suits, dry suit-style, and inflatable
PFDs are personally assigned PFDs intended to be worn regularly on a continuous
basis. All PFDs must be USCG approved or meet SOLAS. Units that issue Type
III or V PFDs provide oversight to assure PFDs are serviced and that time
sensitive components remain current. Only PFDs under the oversight of the VOC
may be considered part of the lifesaving carriage requirements. Type III and V
PFDs do not replace additional required lifesaving requirements (e.g., immersion
suits, Type I PFDs).
All persons must wear an appropriately sized and fitted approved PFD at
all times and in all waters (except as stated in Section 10.02.f of this
Personal Type III and Type V PFDs, not issued by the government, are
authorized. They do not count towards the posted minimum carriage
PFDs must be properly sized for the wearer, and for the operational and
environmental conditions
PFDs must be fitted with a light and a whistles
PFDs must be maintained in a serviceable condition, per manufacturer or
USCG instructions;
Risk management should be used to determine additional PFD
requirements for all operations.
b) Anti-Exposure wear
Make readily available for all personnel working on weather decks, if not already
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
used as a PFD, an approved PFD that offers both thermal protection and flotation.
This includes anti-exposure suits, float coats, and dry suits.
An anti-exposure suit (including float-coveralls) is a protective suit (which is an
approved Type III or Type V PFD when worn) designed for use in general cold-
c) Cold Water Exposure
Cold waters are defined as operational waters where the surface temperature is
59° F (15° C) or colder. Use NOAA’s CoastWatch reports
(http://coastwatch.noaa.gov) to determine real time water temperature. Provide
cold water protection whenever operational risk analysis reveals an increased risk
of hypothermia. Consider distance from shore, time to rescue, and air temperature
in addition to water temperature.
An immersion suit is a protective suit that when worn reduces loss of body heat of
a person in cold water. Immersion suits are also known as “survival suits.” All
immersion suits used on NOAA boats must be USCG approved and/or meets
SOLAS per 46 CFR §160.171 - Immersion Suits.
If immersion suits are required to be carried onboard and intended to be worn
by untrained personnel onboard in an emergency, adequate training and
familiarization drills are required before departure, including donning of a
The OIC or VOC ensures all persons have adequately sized PFD’s and
immersion suits before departure. Size limitations are provided on each piece
of lifesaving equipment for reference.
d) Type I PFD and Immersion Suit Stowage.
Type I PFDs and immersion suits must be stowed and readily accessible.
When applicable they should be distributed throughout small boat (e.g. berths,
mess, working spaces, or on deck) and accessible for donning in a reasonable
amount of time during an emergency.
Do not put Type I PFDs and immersion suits in deck containers that can be
Type I PFDs and immersion suits stowed overhead must be supported in a
manner that allows quick release for distribution.
Type I PFDs and immersion suits must be clearly visible. If stowed in a
locker, under seats, or in a small compartment, clearly label the PFD and
immersion suit with the number, type, and size of device within (e.g., 5
Immersion Suits – 3L / 2M). Do not stow PFDs in plastic bags, locked
compartments, or with other gear stowed on top of them.
Mark and stow child size PFDs (for persons weighing less than 90 lbs.) in a
location separate from adult PFDs so the child size PFDs are not mistaken for
adult size PFDs.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Stow Type III and V PFDs separate from the required primary Type I PFDs.
e) PFD and Immersion Suit Requirements
PFDs and immersion suits must be equipped with USCG approved light and
whistle that are mounted to resist snagging.
Replace alkaline batteries in lights annually, no more than 1 year from the
date installed. Date of installation must be recorded.
Replace lithium batteries in lights every 5 years from the date installed.
Date of installation must be recorded.
Disposable lights must be replaced prior to the expiration date.
Permanently mark PFDs and immersion suits with at least one of the
following: the small boat’s name, NOAA hull registration number (e.g.,
R6201), the word “NOAA”, the NOAA emblem, or the operating organization
(e.g., FKNMS, NRT 1, etc.).
Inspect, test, and maintain immersion suits per U.S. Coast Guard Navigation
Inspection Circular (NVIC) 01-08. Air test suits for leaks at least once before
the 10
year from the manufacturing date stamped inside the suit. Test suits
more than 10 years old every 3 years or more frequently as deemed necessary
by the VOC or OIC until suit is unserviceable. Additional guidance is
available as Vessel Inspection Bulletins, available on the SBP website (under
Vessel Inspection Bulletins section).
f) Exceptions for Wearing PFDs
Diving – PFDs are not required to be worn by divers when they are dressed in
diving gear providing positive buoyancy.
Enclosed Spaces – PFDs are not required to be worn when a person is inside
an enclosed cabin or spaces.
Bulwarks and Rails – PFDs are not required to be worn by persons on deck
when all of the following conditions are met:
The OIC grants permission not to wear a PFD on deck.
The person will not engage in the small boat’s mission in a scientific or
crew capacity.
The person will not be in close proximity to areas where operations are
being conducted onboard or over the side of the small boat.
The small boat deck is configured with exterior rails or bulwarks that are
at least one meter (39.5 inches) high.
In the case of rails, the courses of rails (or equivalent chains or wire) are
installed such that no open vertical space exists that is more than 12
.03 Inflatable Life Rafts (ILR) and Inflatable Buoyant Apparatus (IBA)
SOLAS A and B ILRs are self-contained inflatable rafts with insulated floors, full
canopy, hydrostatic release, and are packed in a hard case. These rafts contain
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
additional survival equipment that meet the requirement found in 46 CFR 160.151 –
Inflatable Liferafts (SOLAS). SOLAS B ILRs are restricted to 50nm offshore and do
not contain food or water and carry half of the visual distress signals of a SOLAS A
USCG-approved coastal life rafts are compact rafts that lack provisions for long
term survival and are not constructed to the same strict standards of SOLAS
approved rafts. On coastal rafts, the freeboard is typically less, floor is often a
single, un-insulated layer, and the boarding ladder may be merely webbing.
An IBA is a self-contained inflatable platform or raft, with or without a canopy, is
packed in a hard case or valise (soft sided bag). IBAs meet the packed item
requirements found in 46 CFR 160.010-3 – Inflatable Buoyant Apparatus.
When small boat class or operations require an ILR, rafts must be either USCG or
SOLAS approved and suited for the intended operational area. All SRVs are required
to carry either a SOLAS A or B raft regardless of the area of operations.
All small boats operating > 50nm offshore must carry a SOLAS A ILR.
USCG approved IBAs are acceptable for additional persons carried during media
events or outreach programs as long as the small boat maximum carrying capacity is
not exceeded.
Approved inflatable life rafts and inflatable buoyant apparatus are required to be
serviced periodically at an approved servicing facility. The first servicing of a new
raft is 24 months after it is first packed. After that, servicing is normally every 12
.04 Emergency Radio Beacon
NOAA SBP recognizes three types of emergency radio beacons:
Category 1 – float free mounting
Category 2 – not float free
Register all radio beacons with the NOAA Search And Rescue Satellite Aided
Tracking program and maintain registrations current. Test radio beacons monthly
when the small boat is in service. In addition, review EPIRB beacon identification
registration information at least annually to ensure emergency contact information is
still valid.
.05 Ring Life Buoy and Water Light Considerations
A ring life buoy (RLB) is an inherently buoyant, type IV PFD that does not rely on
any chemical mechanism or operator action to provide buoyancy. RLBs must be the
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
appropriate size bases on the small boat class, orange in color, and USCG or SOLAS
approved. Clearly mark each buoy with reflective tape and mount in a readily
accessible area that allows for rapid deployment. Inspect all RLBs annually for
deterioration and replace if the material is split, badly faded, or if grab lines appear
A USCG or SOLAS, waterlight (46 CFR 161.010 – Floating Electric Waterlight),
when used, must be attached to the RLB with a corrosion resistant clip that can be
easily disconnected or with 3 6 feet (91-183 cm) of line. Line should be UV
resistant and constructed for use in the marine environment. Lights must be self-
righting and cannot hinder the deployment of the RLB.
.06 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
Small boats equipped with a fixed gas extinguishing systems must have the system
inspected annually (not more than 1 year from the previous certification) and certified
using the appropriate National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) references. An
inoperative or expired service interval of a fixed gas system, regardless of whether
required to be installed or not, results in a Category 1 deficiency and the boat may not
operate until corrected. Small boats with a fixed gas system installed by the
manufacture must preserve and maintain the system or be subject to a Category 1
deficiency. For small boats that do not have a fixed gas firefighting system installed
and it is determined using 46 CFR 181.400 - Fixed Fire Extinguishing and Detecting
Systems that one is required, every effort is made to have a system installed as soon as
possible. All service, repair, and installations of fixed gas fire extinguishing systems
must be performed a NFPA certified technician.
Table 5. Portable Fire Extinguisher Minimum Requirements
Portable Fire Extinguisher Minimum Requirements (46 CFR 181.500(a))
For guidance concerning applicability contact the SBPM.
Space protected
Operating Station and/or
Open Console
1 B-I, C-I
CO2 or Dry
1.8kg (4 lb) or 0.9 kg
(2 lb)
Enclosed Machinery Space
(if applicable)
located outside exit
CO2 or Dry
6.8 kg (15 lb) or 4.5
kg (10 lb)
Space/Cuddy Cabin (if applicable)
1 A-II
Foam or Dry
9.5L (2.5 gal) or 4.5
kg (10 lb)
Galley/Pantry/Cooking Areas
(if applicable)
1 A-II, B-II
Foam or Dry
9.5L (2.5 gal) or 4.5
kg (10 lb)
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 6. Visual Distress Signals
Devices required
Greater than 50 miles from coastline.
3 parachute flares, approval series 160.136, or SOLAS; plus 6 hand flares,
approval series 160.121, or SOLAS; plus 3 smoke signals, approval series
160.122, or SOLAS.
3-50 miles from the coastline
3 parachute flares, approval series 160.136, 160.036, or SOLAS; plus 6 hand
flares, approval series 160.121, 160.021, or SOLAS; plus 3 smoke signals,
approval series 160.122, 160.022, 160.037, or SOLAS.
within 3 miles of the coastline.
Night visual distress signals consisting of one electric distress light, USCG or
SOLAS approved, or 3 approved flares; plus Day visual distress signals
consisting of one distress flag, USCG approved, or 3 approved flares, or 3
approved smoke signals.
.07 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must:
Comply with the applicable standard (see Executive Order 12196 – Occupational
Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees);
Fit properly;
Be stored in a convenient location that is safe from adverse conditions that could
damage the equipment; and
Be used per the manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment being used.
All persons aboard small boats must, at all times, wear mission appropriate protective
foot protection, hard hats, eye and face protection and hand protection.
The safety of personnel and small boat integrity are the primary focus of the SBP and must be
the highest priority of small boat operators and crew. The hazards presented by the marine
environment, weather, and mission operations are dynamic and often unpredictable. It is
critical that small boat crews are prepared to respond to emergency situations.
The nature of the small boat fleet presents additional challenges associated with the diversity
of platforms, onboard resources, frequency of use, rotation of crews, and the skills and
handling of embarked mission personnel.
Effective emergency response under adverse conditions is best achieved through a planned
progression of frequent training exercises, pre-mission briefing, and underway drills.
These efforts provide opportunities to educate, practice, and critique standard response
procedures and review the use of onboard resources and emergency gear.
.01 Responsibility
The VOC is responsible for establishing specific emergency procedures for their
small boats and recurring training for their operational unit that best address the
nature of operations, small boat complexity and the skills of embarked personnel. The
VOC must maintain records of these efforts and participants.
The OIC is responsible for conducting pre-mission briefings that detail the emergency
roles and duties for all embarked personnel, including the location and use of safety
and response gear.
The OIC is responsible for conducting the required drills and training, and a follow-
up debrief that includes critiques and implementing corrective actions, and recording
all details in the small boat log book, float plan or training log.
The OIC is responsible for inspecting and testing all onboard safety gear and systems
that support emergency response and survival per the manufacture’s requirements.
.02 Emergency Response Plan Requirements
The VOC identifies required resources and training to support effective emergency
response. The plan is tailored to best reflect the unique operations, complexity of the
small boats, required personnel skills, and the most probable hazards encountered.
This plan should include the following elements:
Refresher safety training such as, but not limited to: classroom instruction,
training videos
Hands on training exercises such as, but not limited to: launching flares,
donning Immersion Suits, parking lot trash can fire demonstration
Small boat orientation briefs
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Drill requirements
Boat-specific emergency procedures
Emergency response plans may be developed for a group of similar small boats or be
small boat specific to best reflect both complexity and crew familiarity. Plans
developed for smaller, less complex platforms should focus on personnel skills
training. Larger, more complex platforms require detailed emergency procedures
focusing on operation and deployment of emergency equipment and specific duties
assigned to personnel during an actual emergency.
.03 Response Training and Emergency Procedures
Emergency response training is formal instruction of the embarked personnel on how
to recognize hazards, execute the emergency procedures, and utilize emergency
response gear. Initial SBO qualification training requirements (see Section 6.01) is
best reinforced by frequent safety refreshers and hands on training exercises and
Emergency response is best reinforced by frequent recurrent training and hands on
exercises. Training media and exercises can be provided in a format to suit mission
personnel, project preparation, and field schedules. Effective safety refresher training
includes utilizing local unit instructors and platforms, subject matter videos, group
discussion of emergency scenarios, and hands on exercises. Deployment of expired
flares and rafts, use of fire extinguishers, and wet exercises with immersion suits or
PFD’s are effective training opportunities and should be incorporated when practical.
Included in this instruction should be applicable boat-specific emergency procedures.
Each field office must develop these emergency procedures for applicable emergency
situations such as, but not limited to:
Abandon Ship
Fire Fighting Procedures
Man Overboard and Recovery
Flooding, Damage Control and Stability
Cold Water Survival
Launching a Raft
Donning Immersion Suits and PFDs
Making Distress Calls and Using Distress Signals
Spill Response
Medical Emergency
.04 Pre-mission Brief Orientation
Familiarization with the small boat, including safety gear and support resources, is
required to be provided during the pre-mission brief. In addition to reviewing the
GAR and mission plan, the OIC must brief all embarked personnel on:
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Location of PFD’s, fire extinguishers, liferafts and IBA’s, first aid supplies,
ditch bag
Emergency alarms and communication.
Emergency muster locations and gear to be assembled
Accounting for personnel
Roles and responsibilities for crew and scientists
Communication resources – VHF, EPIRB, flares
Medical Emergencies, First Aid and resources
An example template of a Safety Orientation Briefing checklist is available on the
SBP website.
.05 Emergency Exercises and Drills
Due to the diversity of the fleet and skillsets of embarked personnel below describes
the minimum emergency exercises and drill requirements. Operating units should
choose additional boat and mission specific activities to best prepare personnel and
small boats for potential emergencies.
It must be recognized that training, orientation and hands on exercises increase the
value and effectiveness of underway drills. Emergency response on smaller boats is
heavily dependent on personnel skill sets and should be addressed with more frequent
hands on exercises to allow for practice and acquired proficiency. Emergency
response on larger more complex boats is influenced more by team coordination and
installed systems and may require more in-depth orientation.
a) Training exercises allow participants to practice skills, trial gear deployment, gain
familiarity and improve proficiency in a controlled, low risk environment. The
controlled environment may be dockside, calm shallow water, or simulated
Required elements of Emergency Training:
Engagement of all persons
Low risk conditions that introduce real world hazards
Allow for hands on experiences, feedback, and instruction
Assessment of the participant skill and familiarity
Record of training; persons involved, date and topics covered
Debrief, critique and follow-up corrective actions
b) Drills are conducted to evaluate the proficiency level of embarked personnel and
the availability, condition and use of onboard resources. Drills also test the on
board resources, personnel response, coordination, and adherence to established
protocols. Drills should be conducted moored and underway, and must reflect
real-world situations and the complexities posed by mission, environment, small
boat operation, and embarked personnel. All drills are evaluated using the small
boat’s emergency procedures. In addition to crew proficiency, the emergency
procedure is evaluated for effectiveness and modified by the OIC accordingly.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Required Elements of an Emergency Drill:
Engagement of all Persons on Board
Underway and under actual emergency conditions as practical
Demonstrated leadership of OIC
Demonstrate communication between the OIC and crew
Accessing and testing (or simulation) of all support gear and equipment
Notification / communication of emergency situation
Onboard - Initial notification of the emergency to the OIC
Ashore - External communications to shore based resources
Record of drill; persons involved, date, duration, and response time
Debrief and critique of exercise
Critique and follow-up corrective actions
c) Frequency of drills
Because drills are an evaluation of both crew proficiency and small boat
readiness, frequencies should be adjusted to optimize crew involvement and
assure frequent exercise of onboard gear. Seasonal programs, occasional small
boat usage, and rotating crews pose a challenge to a prescribed drill frequency or
However, VOCs must ensure all operators and crew get the opportunity to
participate in applicable drills at a minimum annually. Frequencies should be
increased with personnel turn over and small boat usage as these conditions can
increase hazard exposure.
Drills are not required if the small boat is not in use, or has been made inactive in
Vessel Inventory Management database (VIM). Upon reactivation, small boats
must complete the required drills immediately before the next operational mission
to ensure proficiency of the operator and crew and the status of safety gear and
The following table is a list of the minimum required topics and frequencies to be
addressed for all Class III and SRV’s. NOTE: OIC’s aboard more complex small
boats are highly encouraged to increase frequency as appropriate.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 1. Class III and SRV’s emergency topics and frequencies
Fire (motorized small boats)
Abandon Boat
Liferaft / IBA deployment
Immersion Suit and PFD Type I donning
Man Overboard Recovery
Emergency Communications and Visual
Flooding / Swamping /Damage Control
Loss of Steering
Diver Accident (if conducting dive ops)
Spill Response
Medical Emergency, First Aid
.01 Acquisition of New, Used, Surplus or Transferred Small Boat
Program Directors (or designee) must assess the suitability of a new or used small
boat in regards to design, construction, total cost, operational routes, mission
requirements, risks, safety, and environmental compliance before initiating a small
boat acquisition.
The review process is required for any new, used, surplus, or transferred acquisitions
to a Line Office or Program. The evaluation is to assure boats added to NOAA’s fleet
are constructed to industry standards and fulfill the safety requirements of the SBP.
The intent is not to approve or disapprove a program’s platform request, but to
provide guidance and assistance in selecting a small boat best suited for the
operational area and intended purpose. The program is sensitive to the procurement
process and every attempt is made to turn around the request in a timely manner.
Chart 1. Flowchart for small boat acquisitions
The flowchart outlines the initial steps required by Operating Units preparing to
acquire a small boat. Review and complete the pre-acquisition worksheet (available
on the SBP website), for any new or used boats the program plans to acquire.
The worksheet is submitted to the LOSBO. The LOSBO may then seek technical
support regarding construction, subdivision, and stability standards. Findings from the
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
LOSBO’s review must be submitted back to the operating unit for the Unit’s
a) Considerations for Custom Designs
LOSBOs (or designee) ensure that contract specifications are written or reviewed
by a professional marine engineer, or naval architect, or/and the SBP. The
engineering review ensures that the small boat will be properly configured in
accordance with all applicable standards in the Code of Federal Regulations, and
the requirements of this Manual.
b) Considerations for Existing Platforms
A survey conducted by the SBP or a Certified Marine Surveyor may be prudent
for an existing small boat, before acquisition. The marine survey can be beneficial
in determining the condition and estimated life cycle of the boat as well as the
structural integrity and safety for its intended use.
.02 Considerations for Alterations and Modifications
Significant alteration or modification is a change to the original configuration of a
boat with regard to structural, mechanical, or electrical systems.
Examples of significant alterations include but are not limited to (exception: like-and-
kind replacement):
addition of structures or winches,
addition of any weight handling gear (e.g., A-frame, crane, and articulated
replacement of propulsion engines,
installation of electric generators,
lengthening of a small boat, or
addition of a bow pulpit
The Program Director or VOC review significant proposed modifications to small
boats to assess their potential impact on the safety and mission of the boat. Program
Directors, VOC’s, or Line Office Engineers notify the LOSBO and SBPM to make
sure work will be done per the rules, regulations, and NOAA policies, applicable to
the particular class of small boat. Modifications and repairs are performed per all
applicable standards in the Code of Federal Regulations, and the requirements of this
Records, such as drawings or weight and moment reports, resulting from the
alteration of boats is maintained at the appropriate program office and copies are
provided to the SBP when requested.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.03 Property Disposal
The VOC must change the status of small boat in VIM. Disposal of small boats,
engines, trailers, and equipment must follow Personal Property Management Branch,
NOAA National Disposal Plan
Before sale or disposal, ensure all identifying stickers, emblems, NOAA hull
numbers, and other forms of identification are removed. Unregister any safety
equipment such as EPIRBs and DSC radios.
A uniform identification scheme is necessary to develop and promote public recognition of
small boat activities. A uniform numbering system is required by U.S. Code for the purpose
of identification. All NOAA small boats must comply with the visual identification and
registration requirements specified in this Manual. NOAA Small Boats are government assets
and must maintain a positive public image.
.01 Responsibility
The SBPM is responsible for issuing hull-registration numbers. Programs that own
small boats must:
Comply with the visual identification guidelines listed in this Manual; and
Register any new small boat or existing small boat not already registered by
submitting a completed Hull Registration Number Request (NOAA Form 57-
Enter any new small boat or existing small boat not already listed in the
Vessel Inventory Management database.
.02 NOAA Hull-Registration Numbers and Trailer License Plates Registration
Registration numbers are composed of up to six characters. The first character is a
letter and assigned as follows:
First Character
Any boat assigned to NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
Any boat assigned to NOAA’s National Ocean Service and primarily
engaged in hydrographic survey.
Any boat assigned NOAA’s Oceanic and Atmospheric Research or
NOAA’s National Ocean Service and primarily engaged in research.
Any boat assigned to a NOAA’s Office of Marine and Aviation
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
The first and second number corresponds to the length overall of the small boat
measured in feet and rounded down to the nearest whole foot length.
The third, fourth, and optional fifth numbers are determined by the SBPM and
assigned in sequential order. The optional sixth digit may be utilized when inventory
in a specific length category exceeds 99 total boats.
Any small boat that is internally transferred between Line Offices must be re-
registered through SBPM.
The SBP has no registration process for trailers. Government trailers require a
General Service Administration (GSA) plate, which are requested through the local
property contact who handles Government Owned Vehicles (GOVs). SBP track
trailers through the Annual Trailer Evaluation (ATE) form.
.03 Visual Identification Scheme
a) NOAA Emblem and Registration Number Display
Display of the NOAA emblem promotes public awareness of NOAA programs
and is displayed in the following manner:
All small boats must display the registration number on the port and
starboard bow.
Small boats may also display the boat’s name on the port and starboard bow.
If displayed, the name must be above the registration number, in a similar
sized font. The name and number are left justified on the port bow and right
justified on the starboard bow.
On small boats without a cabin, deck house, or steering console, NOAA
emblems are placed on the forward portion of both the port and starboard
bow. Position with the small boat name and NOAA registration number.
On boats that have a cabin, deck house, or a steering console, the NOAA
emblems are placed on both the port and starboard side of either the cabin,
deck house, or console at a location that is least obstructed from a clear
broadside view. Emblems should be as large as possible for the available
surface area.
On small boats that have a cabin, deck house, or steering console, additional
NOAA emblems may be displayed on the port and starboard bows. If
displayed, the emblems must be positioned with the small boat’s name and
NOAA registration number.
Boats with a full and unobscured transom may display the NOAA emblem
and registration number on the transom. Emblems should be as large as
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
possible for the available surface area and account for the area required for
the hull-registration number placement below the emblem.
Boats with split transoms may display the NOAA emblem offset to one side.
Emblems should be as large as possible for the available surface area and
account for the area required for the hull-registration number placement
below the emblem.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
b) Boat Name and Hull-Registration Number Convention
Boat name and hull-registration numbers are:
Block-shaped capital letters in sans-serif (Arial) type font;
Of a color providing contrast with the background hull color, usually black;
Sized as follows:
c) Color Scheme
Small boats should follow a white color scheme. Other colors are allowed, as long
as the color scheme remains durable, serviceable, and presents a positive public
image. Aluminum hull or structures are not required to be painted.
d) Specific Boat Marking
Line Offices and Programs may develop specific boat-marking schemes and
graphics. Specific boat-marking schemes must not infringe upon, be similar to, or
be able to be construed as being similar to any existing small boat-marking
schemes in use by any small boat, or fleet of small boats, either public or private.
.04 Examples of Small Boat Visual Identifications
Figure 1: Example of visual identification for small boats without a cabin, deck house, or
steering console
Small Boat Category
Letter Size
Class A
3 inches
Class I
3 inches
Class II
3-6 inches
Class III
6 inches
9 inches
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Figure 2: Example of visual identification for small boats with a steering console
Figure 3: Example of visual identification for small boats with deck house
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Figure 4: Example of NOAA emblem centered on transom
Figure 5: Example of NOAA emblem offset on obstructed transom
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Figure 6: Example of NOAA emblem offset on transom due to obstruction by gear
Figure 7: Example of Line Office or Programmatic markings
.05 Flags
NOAA small boats are allowed to display the United States ensign, national flags, the
NOAA flag, state flags, and the flags of partner agencies. Small boats must follow
proper etiquette for all flags being flown.
.06 Exemptions
Requests to exempt a small boat from the rules of this Section or to deviate from the
standards must be transmitted to the LOSBO for review and action by the SBSB.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
a) Inflatable Boats
Inflatable boats are exempt from the visual identification requirements; however,
every attempt should be made to comply with the identification requirements
where practicable.
b) Imminent Danger
Exemption from the visual identification requirements may be granted by the
Program Director, on a temporary basis, for boats when a significant hazard to the
boat or its complement is probable or perceived due to unpopular public opinion
caused by NOAA regulation or policy. After the perceived or possible threat has
passed, restore the boat to the visual identification requirements of this Manual as
soon as possible.
The Small Boat Inspection Program is designed to ensure that safety standards are maintained
to minimize risk. In addition, NOAA SBP has supplemental lifesaving requirements that
combined with Subchapter T, as applicable, to provide high level of safety and risk reduction.
Other applicable Subchapters and USCG Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars
(NVIC's), are incorporated by reference throughout Subchapter T.
This Manual states the minimum requirements for all small boats. All equipment must be
maintained in an operational status and inspected per this Manual, best management
practices, and guidance from manufacturers. If the standards and procedures outlined in this
Manual cannot be met, the VOC may request a waiver per Section 3.12 of this Manual.
.01 Responsibility
The VOC ensures all required inspections are properly conducted. VOCs will make
sure that all required inspections are reported to their VPC, LOSBO, and the SBP.
The LOSBOs are responsible for conducting an oversight review of all annual
inspection of small boats within their line office.
The SBP Inspection Coordinator conducts oversight of the Small Boat Inspection
.02 Examination Procedures for Class A, Class I and Class II boats and boat trailers
a) Annual Small boat Evaluation (ASBE)
The VOC ensures Class A, Class I, and Class II ASBEs are performed on an
annual basis. The inspection must be performed using the ASBE checklist and
outline. The Annual Small Boat Evaluation/Small Boat Examination for Non-
Motorized Class A & I checklist (NOAA Form 57-19-05), the Annual Small Boat
Evaluation/Small Boat Examination for Class A, I, II checklist (NOAA Form 57-
19-01), and the ASBE outline are available at the SBP website.
Completed ASBE forms are submitted via the Vessel Inventory Management
b) Annual Trailer Evaluations (ATE)
The VOC ensures ATEs are performed on an annual basis. The inspection must be
performed using the ATE checklist and outline. The Annual Trailer Evaluation
checklist (NOAA Form 57-19-02, available on the SBP website) is available on
the SPB website. The ATE may also be performed by a professional trailer
servicing facility.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Completed ATE forms are submitted via the Vessel Inventory Management
c) Small Boat Examination (SBEX)
SBEX must be performed by one of the following:
The SBP Inspection Coordinator or Engineering Coordinator. VOC
contacts the SBP Inspection Coordinator to schedule a mutually acceptable
date and time for an inspection.
An SBP designated SBEX inspectors. A list of designated inspectors is
available on the SBP website (see Biennial and Triennial Inspections)
A certified marine surveyor, using the ASBE checklist
SBEX frequency is as follows:
Class II boats biennially (every 2nd year)
Class I boats triennially (every 3rd year)
Non-motorized canoes, kayaks, rafts and rowboats and Class A boats do
not require SBEXs
SBEX performed by a NOAA inspector will replace the annual ASBE for that
inspection year/period. Any SBEX performed by a certified marine surveyor will
not be credited as an ASBE unless the VOC (or a designee) participates in the
inspection and ensures all elements of the ASBE checklist are completed.
d) Completed ASBE, SBEX, and ATE Reporting
The NOAA inspector or hired surveyor signs completed evaluation/examination
checklists, reports, records of findings, and recommendations and forwarded to
his/her VOC. The VOC signs and retains a copy before forwarding to his/her
approving official a defined by the LOSBO. The VOC must submit the signed
copy to Vessel Inventory Management database.
e) Exemptions
All OMAO Small Boats aboard NOAA Ships, including rescue boats operating
perform an ASBE using the ASBE checklist and adhere to the OMAO
Supplemental Small Boat Policy. SBEX for OMAO small boats attached to
NOAA ships are performed by the Fleet Inspection Team during annual fleet
.03 Inspection Procedures for Class III and SRVs
The inspection regulations used for NOAA Class III and SRVs are derived from 46
CFR Subchapter T. This Subchapter provides the greatest spectrum of applicability
and appropriate safety level as determined by the SBSB for NOAA’s operations.
Subchapter T provides equipment and construction elements that will increase the
survivability of the small boat and its personnel during catastrophic events.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
a) Scheduling Inspections
The VOC of a Class III or SRV contacts the SBP Inspection Coordinator to
schedule a mutually acceptable date and time for an inspection. A confirmation of
the upcoming inspection is provided to the VOC approximately one month before
the agreed-upon date.
b) Pre-Inspection and Records
When the Inspection Coordinator arrives on site, a pre-inspection meeting is held
to discuss logistics and other inspection-related matters. Small boat documents
and records must be ready and made available to the inspector for examination.
c) Inspection
The scope of the inspection is to determine that the small boat has been operated
in compliance with the Manual since the last inspection, and if the small boat will
continue to do so safely until the next inspection. The inspection booklet for Class
III and SRV is available on the SBP website.
The VOC (or designee) and OIC must attend the entire inspection. The small boat
will be made available for the entire day of the scheduled inspection. The OIC
will be asked to demonstrate that all navigation and communication equipment
functions properly and specific required equipment functions properly on (any
installed) emergency power. The OIC will also be asked to perform dockside
engine, bilge pump, fire pump (if installed) and generator tests. Due to these
requirements, it is expected that the small boat will be in an “operational” status.
If the small boat is in drydock, the inspection will be modified accordingly.
Testing “fixed bilge systems” with a central pump and manifold will require
adding fresh water to a compartment bilge to demonstrate that the system will take
direct suction. If for some reason the small boat is “non-operational” before the
inspection, the Inspection Coordinator must be notified immediately to determine
if the inspection will take place or be rescheduled.
d) Drills
All small boats must get underway for drills, to demonstrate crew proficiency and
evaluate the effectiveness of the training program with the exception of the small
boats in drydock. Drill proficiency is evaluated against the emergency procedures
in the SBOM. In all cases, the OIC has the final decision as to whether the small
boat gets underway taking into consideration the weather, manning, and
operational risk assessment. If it is decided that the small boat is incapable of
conducting drills, the reason is documented in the inspection report. In some
locations, one set of drills will be performed on one small boat if several small
boats are of the same type or nearly identical. The remaining small boats may
conduct dockside machinery trials at the inspector’s discretion.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
e) Deficiencies
Any deficiencies found will be issued as:
Category 1 deficiency, which represents a significant risk to personnel,
property, or the marine environment. These deficiencies are reported to the
SBSB by the Inspector (or designee) the day of the finding. On
discovering a Category 1 deficiency, the Inspector may issue a “No Sail”
order, depending on the equipment affected by the failure. A listing of
common Category I deficiencies is available on the SBP website.
Category 2 deficiency, which represents noncompliance with this Manual
and must be resolved within the time frame established by the inspector.
Deficiencies are issued before the inspector’s departure, and acknowledged by
signature of the VOC (or designee). In some cases further evaluation, included in
the deficiency form, may be required to clarify a deficiency.
f) Category 1 Deficiencies and “No Sail” Order
The Inspection Coordinator and Engineering Coordinator have the authority to
prevent any small boat from operating if the small boat has a Category 1
Reporting Category 1 deficiencies:
The issuing Inspector notifies the SBSB of all Category 1 deficiencies via a group
email message. Upon receiving a Category 1 deficiency, the accountable LOSBO
responds to the email copying all SBSB members and either “concur” or “not
concur” with the Category 1 designation. All other SBSB members must respond
to the initial message to acknowledge receipt of the message.
Clearing a No-Sail Order:
No-Sail Orders must be cleared by the issuing inspector before the small boat
returns to service. This is accomplished by providing all required information
directly to the issuing inspector. The No-Sail Order is cleared in writing before the
small boat returns to service.
Appealing a No-Sail Order:
If the LOSBO does not concur with a No-Sail Order, the LOSBO may appeal the
issue to the SBSB for a final decision. During this appeal the SBSB and SBP will
support and enforce the No-Sail Order until the issue is fully resolved, either by
correction of the deficiency or through the SBSB’s appeal to downgrade the
If the LOSBO does ‘not concur’ with the Inspector’s Category 1 designation, a
follow up email to the attending inspector is sent as soon as practical, providing
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
any supporting documentation and reasons for the disagreement. The Inspector
and LOSBO will continue to communicate via email, copying all SBSB members.
If the Inspector and LOSBO cannot come to agreement, or if an interpretation of
policy is required the issue is resolved by the SBSB. The SBSB reviews and
discusses all pertinent information. If additional information is needed, the
LOSBO, VOC, Inspector, or Subject Matter Expert may be consulted. The SBSB
votes to uphold the Category 1 Deficiency or downgrade it. Their decision is final
and will be communicated to all affected parties. The SBSB’s decision will be
recorded by the SBSB Chair and included in the small boat’s Inspection Report.
The Director, OMAO must be notified through OMAO SECD of any instance
when the SBSB votes to downgrade a Category 1 deficiency without a unanimous
g) Post-Inspection Exit Briefing
The Inspector will discuss the inspection details with the VOC (or designee) and
issue a list of requirements and corrective actions. All deficiencies are issued
before the Inspector’s departure as practical and acknowledged by signature of the
VOC (or designee).
h) Inspection Follow Up and Corrective Actions
The inspector provides requirements to address deficiencies issued during
the inspection and discusses it with the VOC. This is done on-site after the
inspection is completed.
The VOC reviews and comments on the list of requirements and forwards it
to their Program Director and VPC.
The VPC forwards the list of requirements to the LOSBO.
The VOC, VPC, and LOSBO develop a Corrective Action Plan or response.
Corrective Action Plans for resolving deficiencies must be communicated
back to the issuing inspector for approval and can be done prior to the
inspector’s departure.
If a deficiency requires continued discussion, the LOSBO can elevate to the
i) Authorized Deviations
In some instances there will be Class III and SRV boats that cannot economically
or feasibly attain full compliance with subchapter T. These small boats are
evaluated by the SBP in a case by case basis and the equivalency of subchapter T
regulations considered. All operational, design, and route factors are evaluated to
ensure the most applicable subchapter T inspection standards apply. The SBSB
will review all requests for deviation.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.04 Delinquent Examination and Inspections
Examinations and Inspections of small boats in active status are done no later than 45
days after the 1-year anniversary. Small boats past the 45-day window must not be
used for any operations, and are placed in inactive status.
.01 Environmental Compliance
All small boats operate in full environmental compliance with Federal, State, and
NOAA requirements. All NOAA employees must consider themselves stewards of
the environment, and use established polices and best practices to prevent pollution.
NAO 216-17 - NOAA Environmental Compliance Program provides guidance on
responsibilities to ensure regulations are followed to protect the environment and
promote environmental stewardship of our natural resources.
a) Minimum Requirements
The VOC must:
Maintains an written inventory of hazardous materials inherent to the
maintenance and operation of the small boat
Ensure that hazardous materials are handled, stored, and disposed of per
industry standards, state regulations, federal regulations, and the Safety Data
Additional guidance on the handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous
substances is available on the SBP website.
b) Materials Brought by Scientific Party
The VOC assists with environmental compliance requirements, and works with
the Chief Scientist(s) to ensure that the chemical hygiene plan is properly
executed and that any problems are promptly brought to the attention of the
Program’s Director.
The science party provides a chemical hygiene plan to the OIC;
The science party provides all spill prevention, and spill response equipment
listed by the Safety Data Sheet for each hazardous materials brought aboard;
The Chief Scientist ensures that hazardous materials are handled, stored, and
disposed of per industry standards, state regulations, federal regulations, and
the Safety Data Sheet;
Upon completion of the mission, the science party remains responsible for
removing all hazardous materials they brought aboard, as well as any
hazardous waste generated by carrying out the mission.
c) Oil or Hazardous Substance Release
Notify the USCG National Response Center of any discharge into the water by
calling: 1-800-424-8802. Then notify VOC and LOSBO.
A template Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Response Plan (SOPEP) is
available on the SBP website. Class III and SRV’s are encouraged to complete a
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.02 Pollution Prevention Control
Regulations issued under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act require all small
boats with propulsion machinery to have a capacity to retain oily mixtures on board,
and be equipped with a fixed or portable means to discharge these oily mixtures to a
reception facility. On Class A, Class I, and Class II boats a bucket, oil absorbent pads,
heavy-duty plastic bag, bailer, or portable pump are some of the suitable means that
meet the requirement for retention on board until transferring the oily mixture to a
reception facility.
No person may intentionally drain oil or oily waste from any source into the bilge of
any small boat. You must immediately notify the U.S. Coast Guard if your small boat
discharges oil or hazardous substances in the water. Call the Coast Guard National
Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.
Management of oily water can be effectively handled using:
Oil water separator;
Oil absorbent material;
Discharged to an onshore facility
SBOs must develop refueling procedures to prevent accidental spills during
refueling or maintenance of the small boat.
Motorized small boats, when practical, should keep a supply of oil absorbent
materials onboard to respond to a spill of petroleum products.
All hazardous waste generated is managed per federal and state regulations. The
transportation of hazardous waste must be in accordance with the Department Of
Transportation regulations.
.03 Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD)
All small boats with installed toilet facilities must have an operable MSD on board.
Small boats 65 feet and under may use a Type I, II or III MSD. Small boats over 65
feet must install a Type II or III MSD. All installed MSDs must be USCG approved.
USCG approved devices are so labeled except for some holding tanks, which are
approved by definition under the regulations.
When operating a small boat on a body of water where the discharge of treated or
untreated sewage is prohibited by state or federal regulations, the operator must
secure the device in a manner that prevents any discharge.
Some acceptable methods are:
Padlocking overboard discharge valves in the closed position
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Using non-releasable wire tie to hold overboard discharge valves in the closed
Closing overboard discharge valves and removing the handle
Locking the door, with padlock or keylock, to the space enclosing the toilets
(for Type I and Type II only)
.04 Vessel General Permits
A Vessel General Permit is required to be maintained on all NOAA small boats 79
feet or greater in length that discharge in waters of the United States to be in
compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251
et seq.) The Vessel General Permit applies to discharges incidental to the normal
operation of all small boats. The Clean Water Act allows states to provide different,
more stringent requirements for discharges into their state’s waters and must be taken
into consideration when a Vessel General Permit is required.
The Vessel General Permit contains effluent limits for different types of discharges
including deck runoff, bilge water, and gray water. Contact the SBP for further
guidance and Vessel General Permit template.
This section establishes responsibility and objectives for the maintenance of NOAA small
boats. It provides guidance on key elements of a maintenance plan to be developed by each
operating unit; customized to their unique requirements, small boat complexity and resources.
Maintenance of small boats is a critical component of the SBP and is integral safety and
reliability. Proper maintenance assures maximum life cycle value and helps minimize
environmental impact. It must be recognized that compromised small boat material condition
or system performance is often a contributing factor to safety incidents and accidents. An
effective maintenance program preserves safety margins and improves overall mission
quality, capability, and reliability.
A standardized, program wide, maintenance program is beyond the scope of this Manual and
is not practical due to the diverse platforms and operational resources; however, the SBP does
require each operational unit to develop plans for maintenance of their small boats in
accordance with the general guidelines of this section.
.01 Maintenance Plan Elements
Structure and manage maintenance plans for NOAA boats to recognize the inherent
performance, safety, and reliability levels of the boat design. This is accomplished by
establishing a detailed plan for scheduled preventative measures, inspection and
testing frequency, timely repair and performance documentation.
Place emphasis on comprehensive planning, resourcing, and scheduling these tasks.
Proper planning and execution maintains warranties, reduces unscheduled
maintenance events, increases asset availability, and allows for an orderly progression
of maintenance actions toward sustaining materiel in a safe and operable condition.
Clearly link maintenance plans to strategic and fiscal planning. Proper maintenance
can minimize the potential for catastrophic failure and minimize the total cost of
ownership throughout the life cycle. Budgets must be developed to assure funding for
scheduled preventative actions and contingencies for emergency repairs. Deferred
maintenance or operation of compromised equipment must be avoided.
Adopt manufacturer recommendations and industry best practices in maintenance
plans. Plans include, or reference, approved materials, procedures and identify
qualified service providers.
Installed systems must be maintained and must not be altered without due
consideration of potential impacts. Alterations and modifications to these systems
must be directed by qualified persons and in accordance with Section 12.02 of this
Small boats must present a professional and positive public image. Maintenance
plans should address the physical appearance through cleaning and painting
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
schedules. Air and water emissions from engines and machine spaces are minimized
through proper maintenance of mechanical systems.
The plan minimizes and prevents environmental, safety, and occupational health
hazards in conducting maintenance activities. Consider occupational, environmental
and human factors to allow for safe and effective task accomplishment. Include
hazardous material handling, containment and safety protocols in maintenance
oversight and training efforts.
The plan provides a means of recording or logging modifications, servicing,
inspections and maintenance activities. It should facilitate the collection and analysis
performance related data such as engine parameters, oil/ fuel /filter usage, and
measures of noise, heat or vibration.
The programs must establish procedures to record inspection findings, mechanical
failures and incidents with a process to develop and track corrective actions.
.02 Responsibilities
The development and execution of the small boat maintenance plan is the combined
responsibility of the OIC, VOC and Program Director associated with each boat.
The Program Director assures that a plan is developed to the general guidelines
established in this Section. The Program Director is responsible for allocating
resources (budget, personnel and time) that supports the objectives and requirements
of the established maintenance plan.
The VOC, in cooperation with operators and technical resources, develops the
structure, details and procedures of the maintenance plan. The format should be
appropriate for the complexity of their boats and operations. The VOC assures that
corrective measures are implemented for all casualties and that preventative tasks are
performed as prescribed.
OIC’s provides documentation of performance measures, deficiencies and incidents
relating to the operation and condition of each boat. In conjunction with the VOC, the
OIC assures that deficiencies have been appropriately mitigated or corrected prior to
underway operations.
The Program Director, VOC and OIC have the responsibility and authority to remove
a boat from service, or restrict its operation accordingly, when deferred maintenance
or deficiencies adversely affect design performance, reduces safety margins, hull
integrity or compromises the reliability of critical systems.
.03 SBP Support for Small Boat Maintenance
The SBP is available to advise or assists any VOC needing assistance with repairs or
researching vendor quotes.
.01 Definitions
a) Incident / Accident
An unplanned event or series of events, which results in one of the following:
Injury to Personnel, or occupational illness
Damage or loss of NOAA property, not incidental to normal operations,
including findings that have the potential to cause damage
Damage to public or private property, and/or injury or illness caused by
NOAA operations (e.g. NOAA had a causal or contribution role in the
Damage to the environment, hazardous material spill, impact on ecosystems,
protected species
b) Near miss: An event or circumstance that, if allowed to progress without
interruption and/or without last minute intervention, would have resulted in an
incident. Events or circumstances that approach and compromise safety margins.
c) Casualty, Damage and Conditions Found: material condition of boats or
equipment that has been compromised, breached, or rendered inoperable due to
events or conditions other than normal wear and expected life cycle.
.02 Reporting Responsibilities
a) Property Damage
The OIC must follow the tables below to report all incidents to the VOC. The
VOC assures that the incident is reported to the listed investigative authority and
the LOSBO.
The LOSBO must review the details of the VOC’s report and determine if the loss
or damage is incidental to normal operations. Damage and loss not considered to
be incidental to normal operations must be reported to SECO via NOAA Online
Incident Reporting System.
b) Bodily Harm
The OIC must follow the tables below to report all incidents to the VOC.
For Bodily Harm, the VOC must ensure that the individual’s supervisor is
informed and ensures a report is submitted to SECO via NOAA Online Incident
Reporting System.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
c) Environmental Harm and Hazardous Release
All small boats must maintain an inventory log of hazardous materials and
A template SOPEP is available on the SBP website.
d) Protected Species
Regulations and reporting concerning protected species vary according to
operating area. OICs must report strikes to VOC/LOSBO. For regulations, see
The SBP must comply with all permitting and regulatory requirements of NOAA
Trust Resource laws including but not limited to the Endangered Species Act, the
Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.
.03 Notification Chain and Timelines
Table 1: Property Damage
Near Miss
Property Damage
Property Damage >
$1M and Loss of
OIC must
notify VOC
as soon as
VOC may
elevate to
Class D incident
OIC must notify
VOC as soon as
VOC must notify
and Program
Director and
ensure the
incident is
reported to
SECO online
system within 7
Class C incident
OIC must notify
VOC must notify
and Program
Director and
ensure the
incident is
reported to SECO
online system
within 7 days.
Class B incident
OIC must notify
VOC immediately.
VOC must notify
Program Director
and ensure the
incident is reported
to SECO online
system within 24
Class A incident
OIC must notify
VOC immediately.
VOC must notify
Program Director
and ensure the
incident is reported
to SECO online
system within 8
SECO NOAA Online Incident Reporting System https://secure.seco.noaa.gov
Program Director
Program Director
Director, OMAO
Director, OMAO
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Table 2: Bodily Harm
Near Miss
First Aid Only
Injury Beyond First
Serious Injury /
See definition
One time, short
term treatment.
Given on site by
personnel without
significant training.
Significant injury or
occupational illness
diagnosed by licensed
health care
professionals. Includes
lost time.
hospitalization > 24
hrs. Amputation or
disfigurement. Death.
OIC must notify
VOC as soon as
VOC may
elevate to
OIC must notify
VOC as soon as
VOC must ensure
the incident is
reported to SECO
online system
within 7 days.
Class C or D incident
OIC must notify VOC
VOC must ensure
Program Director are
notified and ensure the
incident is reported to
SECO online system
within 24 hours.
Class A or B incident
OIC must notify VOC
VOC must ensure
Program Director are
notified and ensure the
incident is reported to
SECO online system
within 8 hours.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Program Director must
notify OSHA within 8
NOAA Reporting
SECO NOAA Online Incident Reporting System https://secure.seco.noaa.gov
Program Director
Program Director
Director, OMAO with
Table 3: Environmental Harm and Hazardous Release
Near Miss (includes
spill inside/within the
small boat)
Spill < Federal/State
Reportable Quantity
Spill > Federal/State
Reportable Quantity
A spill that had the
potential to occur, but did
not actually occur.
A spill that occurred, but
did not exceed federal or
state Reportable
A spill that occurred, and
exceeded the federal or state
Reportable Quantities.
NOAA Procedure
OIC must report to VOC
within 24 hours.
VOC must notify VPC,
LOSBO, and Program
Director within 7 days.
Class C or D incident
OIC must report to VOC
within 24 hours.
VOC notify VPC,
LOSBO, and Program
Director within 7 days.
Class A or B incident
OIC must report to VOC
VOC must notify VPC,
LOSBO, and Program
Director within 8 hours.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
VOC must report to National
Response Center (1-800-424-
State Reporting
As Applicable
As Applicable
Reportable quantities and the
entity to report to vary by
NOAA Reporting
Email summary
VOC ensures reporting to SECO online system
VOC / Program Director
Director, OMAO
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOTE: There are over 800 chemicals that fall under the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Release of these
chemicals must be reported to NOAA, the federal government, and the individual
state. Reportable quantities of chemicals can be found on individual Safety Data
Sheet, and under 40 CFR 302.4, Table 302.4 – Designation OF Hazardous
.04 Investigation Authority
The Program Director or VOC must initiate an investigation for all Class C and D
small boat incidents consistent with NAO 209-1A. Findings and recommendations
resulting from this investigation are made available to the Program Director, LOSBO,
The Director, OMAO initiates an investigation for Class A and B small boat incidents
consistent with NAO 209-1A, Section 7.09 – NOAA Occupational Safety and Health.
Findings and recommendations resulting from this investigation are made available to
the Program Director, LOSBO, VPC, VOC, SBPM, AA, Director, OMAO and
All investigations details and reports are considered confidential documents and are
not to be widely distributed unless personal information has been redacted.
.05 SBSB Review
The SBSB charter requires Board review of all incident and accident reports. The
SBSB must assure that appropriate investigative and corrective actions have been
taken. Identifying lessons learned is key to all incident investigations. The
investigation team will develop lessons learned and suggested corrective actions. The
SBP will distribute these findings throughout the community, either directly, or via
the Accident Reporting section of the SBP website. The identity of the small boat,
personnel, and program facility associated with the accident will be redacted.
.01 Applicability
a) Capacities and Limits
This section describes the full rated capacities and Working Load Limit (WLL)
limits of booms, cranes, davits, A and J frames, and winches on NOAA small
boats. It also defines the purpose and extent of tests, inspections, and safety
precautions for this equipment. This Manual does not take into consideration the
effects of other loading forces (boat acceleration and moment, drag, and snags)
that may increase the total weight being supported by an apparatus and associated
components. An operational risk assessment must be conducted before using any
weight handling apparatuses per Section 5 of this Manual.
b) NOAA, Office of Federal Agency Programs, and OSHA References
All small boats having booms, cranes, davits, frames, and winches used for weight
lifting must comply with the requirements of this document, except as indicated
within this section and references below.
NOAA Administrative Order 209-1
SBSPM Section 6
29 CFR 1960 - Basic Program Elements for Federal Agencies
29 CFR 1919.1 - Gear Certification – Purpose and Scope
29 CFR 1919 Subpart C - Duties of Persons Accredited to Certificate
Vessels Cargo Gear
29 CFR 1919 Subpart D - Certification of Vessels Cargo Gear
29 CFR 1919 Subpart E - Tests and Proof loads
ASME B30 - Standards Committee on Cranes and Related Equipment
.02 Definitions
Booms and Frames: A structural member used for lifting, transferring or supporting
heavy weights. The lower part of the boom or frame is supported by a bracket or step
allowing the boom or frame to pivot while transferring loads to structure. Rigging
mounted on ships structure supports booms and frames
Crane and Davit: A machinery arrangement or self-contained structure, with
associated reeving suitable for lifting loads through several dimensions of motion.
Winch: A stationary motor-driven or hand-powered machine used for hoisting or
hauling, having a drum that wounds a manmade rope, wire rope, or chain attached to
the load being moved.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
WLL: This is the maximum weight safely handled by an apparatus and all associated
components used in conjunction with an apparatus, with the maximum authorized
number of parts in the main purchase. An apparatus’s WLL may be limited by the
maximum rating of a component used in conjunction with an apparatus.
Static Load Test: A load test conducted on newly installed, structurally repaired (e.g.
by welding) or structurally overhauled (e.g. replacement of major structural sections)
systems where a test weight equivalent to 125% of WLL is applied as a force by
external means and held for not less than 5 minutes, to demonstrate structural
adequacy of the equipment and foundation. No part of the equipment, fittings, and
structure must take a permanent set, nor degradation of any operating or control
function occur as a result of the test.
.03 Boom, Crane, Davit, Frame, and Winches Inspections
Unless more specific guidance is provided by the manufacturer, inspections and
overhauls are conducted using guidance contained herein from 29 CFR 1919 - Gear
Certification. Pre-mission Inspection is conducted by the boats crew before each day
of operational use.
Annual Inspections may be conducted by experienced unit personnel and does not
require an OSHA accredited person as per 29 CFR 1919 - Gear Certification.
Quadrennial Inspections (4 years) only apply to weight handling equipment rated for
a WLL of greater than 200 pounds, and is completed by an OSHA accredited person
for inspecting marine equipment as per 29 CFR 1919.11 - Recordkeeping and
Accredited Persons. For a list of marine accredited inspectors, see the SBP website.
a) Inspection Schedule
Inspection frequency includes Pre-mission Inspection, Annual, and Quadrennial
(4 years) basis per 29 CFR 1919- Gear Certification. A grace period of 6 months
is allowed for Quadrennials as per 29 CFR 1919.18 - Grace Periods.
Pre-mission Inspection
General. The intent of this inspection is to conduct a visual inspection of
the apparatus, rigging, and other critical equipment parts that could result
in loss of life or equipment damage if failure occurs before each mission.
A visual inspect of a boom, crane, frame, or winch and all sheaves,
swivels, blocks, block hangers, pad eyes, connecting links, shackles,
hooks, wire, ropes and associated pins for corrosion, wear, deformation,
cracks and any other condition that may lead to failure.
Upon completion of the visual inspection, results must be logged or
recorded to indicate inspection was conducted. Any deficiencies or
limitation to the equipment on board must be reported immediately to the
VOC before departure.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Annual Inspection and Test Requirements
General. The intent of this inspection is to ascertain the safety of the
rigging and other critical equipment parts that could result in loss of life or
equipment damage if failure occurs.
In general, the inspection must include all wire and manmade rope,
fittings, block fittings, hooks, links, shackles and associated pins,
swivels, boom and frame pad eyes, hoist control linkages, brake
springs and linkages.
Any visible permanent set or deformation in the form of bent pins,
elongated holes, bent or distorted staples and pad eyes are clear
indications of overload or improper rigging. Any permanent set or
deformation must be reported, and the rig should not be used until the
cause is found and corrected. The operator should also be aware of
recurring cracks in paint, particularly in areas of high stress corrosion.
To inspect for surface cracks, remove paint and wire brush clean
The following requirements are generic in nature, and are included in
inspections as applicable in 29 CFR 1919 - Gear Certification.
Cradle or securely position the boom, crane, davit, or frame and
remove all wire or manmade rope. Inspect the wire or manmade rope
per 29 CFR 1919.24 - Limitations on the use of wire rope.
Visually inspect all sheaves, swivels, blocks, block hangers, pad eyes,
connecting links, shackles, hooks, winches and associated pins for
corrosion, wear, deformation, cracks and any other condition that may
lead to failure. Inspection of sheaves includes sheave gage wear
measurement IAW 29 CFR 1919 Subpart E - Certification of Vessels:
Tests and Proof Loads.
Do not disassemble blocks, topping lift, vang swivels or equivalent
devices unless there is reason to suspect damage, wear, corrosion, or
marginal condition when last overhauled. Inspect hoist and rotating
gear brake springs and linkage, where appropriate. Carefully check
brake springs for permanent set and compression, and replace if
NOTE: (As applicable) Failure of brake springs in service can result
in loss of control or release of load. Inspect hydraulic or pneumatic
hoses for ballooning, cracking and corrosion. Inspect electrical wiring
and connections for corrosion. Inspect brake solenoids and switches
for corrosion and contact wear.
Inspect and lubricate all moving parts and wire rope per the
manufacturer technical manual or Preventive Maintenance System.
Replenish the gear lube in the self-contained reservoir gearboxes if
they have less than five gallons of lube oil. If possible, drains will be
opened and the boxes checked for condensation at the bottom of the
tanks. Check any magnetic plugs, if equipped, for particles. Draw oil
samples of gearboxes with capacities in excess of five gallons for
analysis as per good engineering practice.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Visually inspect all deck and bulkhead pad eyes, links, chocks, cleats,
bits, and mounting bolts. Where inspection indicates possible fractures,
deformation or corrosion, a more detailed inspection must be
Quadrennial Inspection (only applies to equipment with a WLL of greater than
200 pounds).
General. The intent is to accomplish the annual lifting inspection above,
and inspect all major components whose performance or mechanical
condition may have deteriorated. Disassembly may also be
recommended and included in the inspection of other components whose
performance is not affected by normal wear but whose failure could
result in damage, injury or loss of life. Examples of these are reduction
gears, goosenecks, topping fittings, and sheave pins. Disassembly of
such items only needs to be carried out to the extent required to conduct
the inspection. For example, it is not necessary to totally disassemble a
reduction gear equipped with inspection plates that permit measurement
of backlash and observable wear patterns. Outside appearance is not
necessarily indicative of the mechanical condition of the equipment.
The following requirements are generic in nature and may be required by
an OSHA accredited person as per 29 CFR 1919.11(d) – Recordkeeping
and Related Procedures Concerning Records in custody of Accredited
Persons and CFR 1919.12 - Recordkeeping and Related Procedures
Concerning Records in custody of the Vessel. The attending accredited
person determines the extent of disassembly required. Specific guidance
in the manufacturer’s technical manual takes precedence. Remove the
arm, boom, or frame, disassembling the connection, between the boom or
frame and the small boat that allows slewing motion.
Disassemble and inspect topping lifts, vangs, swivels, all blocks, hoist
brakes, locking pawls, slewing gear, and pinion gear shafts and
bearings. Check all pin, bearings, gears and sheaves for compliance
with dimensional tolerances shown on the original equipment
Replace wire rope, as required. Replace wire rope if the total number
of visible broken wires exceeds 10 percent of the total number of
wires, or if the rope shows excessive wear, corrosion, or defects.
Inspect brake linings and brake discs, if applicable.
Inspect backlash and gear pattern in gear boxes that are equipped with
inspection plates per manufacturer’s instruction manuals.
Perform a static test (125% of WLL Limit) on all equipment or
bulkhead mounted links and pad eyes used in the boom and frame
systems for 5 minutes.
Visually inspect and non-destructively examine cleats and bitts
associated with boom and frame systems using dye penetrant or other
method deemed suitable.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
.04 Overhauls
Significant overhaul of primary components may require a quadrennial inspection
after reinstallation. At minimum, conduct Rated Load Test (100% of WLL Limit)
while underway to prove the installation of a wire and manmade rope, fitting, or other
repair conducted underway.
.05 New or Altered Structures and equipment
Before installing any new boom, crane, davit, frame, or winch on board a small boat,
the VOC must contact the SBPM for assistance. The replacement of components in
kind does not require the VOC to contact the SBP, but the below steps are required to
be completed before use.
Test commercially manufactured apparatuses and components at 125% of the
intended use. Include rotation of the test load through a range of motion that
the equipment is required to perform in service. The weight handling system
must be able to stop, start, and hold the test load at any position within the
service area.
First, test experimental and in-house constructed apparatuses and components
at 150% of the designed working load limit. Include rotation of the test load
through a range of motion that the equipment is required to perform in service.
The weight handling system must be able to stop, start, and hold the test load
at any position within the service area.
Conduct a Rated Load Test (100% of Working Load Limit) while underway to
prove the installation of a wire and manmade rope, fitting, or other repair
conducted underway.
.06 Safety
a) Stability Documentation
Small boats with booms, cranes, davits, frames, or winches should have small
boat stability documentation, which addresses the stability of the small boat
with the weight handling equipment in use.
Where the stability of the small boat limits the operational capability of the
weight handling equipment, prominently display a graphic safety placard at
the equipment operator’s station describing the limitation, and graphically
show the safe working zone and working load limit while operating at sea.
When considering a boat’s stability characteristics during testing procedures,
maintain specified test loads within limits that can be handled safely. If any of
the test loads result in an excessive list or the immersion of the deck edge,
reduce the load accordingly to stay within those limits.
Label Plates. Install engraved or stenciled label plates on small boats booms,
cranes, davits, and frames to document the WLL, test weights, and date of
certification of the load test.
Safety Precautions. The following safety precautions must be observed
when conducting weight handling equipment tests.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
To prevent excessive damage in the event of equipment failure during tests,
place dunnage under test loads and keep each load as close to the deck as
Test or stamp wire ropes, slings, straps, chains, rings, shackles, and other
loose gear with weight tested limits by the manufacturer as per 29 CFR
1919.31 - Proof Tests-Loose Gear.
To prevent loads from moving off center in the event of a casualty, rig tag
lines or cables athwartships from the test load. At minimum, the breaking
strength of the tag lines must be greater than or equal to the test load.
b) Documentation of Test Results
At the completion of a quadrennial inspection by an OSHA certified inspector, the
inspector issues documentation as to what was inspected, references inspected to,
and final working load limit and any deficiencies noted.
The results of the inspections and tests prescribed must be logged or recorded to
indicate inspection was conducted.
Stencil the date and type of the most recent inspection on the boom, crane, davit,
or frame in the vicinity of the Label Plate, in a position clearly legible by any
The handling of weights onboard small boats impacts personnel safety, small boat stability,
and equipment operation. Over the side lifting and towing operations from a floating platform
can magnify the dead weight mass of instrumentation or nets, resulting in significant forces.
Managing the selection, use, and condition of associated gear is critical to safe and efficient
operation under these conditions.
Principle Elements for Safe Rigging:
Identify component ratings
Maintain material condition
Review system design and identify limitations
Communicate potential hazards and take mitigation actions
All elements of small boat rigging used to control, haul, tow, or secure a load must meet the
requirements of this section. These components include winches, blocks, wire and synthetic
rope, chain, slings, hooks, eye bolts, clips and shackles.
.01 Identification and Traceability
Use only marked, traceable, or proof tested components.
Marked - permanently identified with name or trademark of manufacturer,
rated load, and size
Traceable documentation is on file to reference capacity limitations and
manufacturer’s recommendations
Proof Tested – Mark custom or experimentally designed grabs, hooks, clamps,
or other lifting devices, and similar materials to indicate the WLL and proof-
tested, before use, to 150% of the determined rated load.
Each small boat must maintain a record of rigging components and their rated
limitations. This information must be available to personnel engaged in the design and
use of load handling systems. An example of how to log rigging components, and
their rated limitations is available on the SBP website.
Where practical, load limitations of rigging components should be communicated to
users through permanently affixed tags, color coding or placards.
.02 Inspection
Load handling systems are subject to degradation from exposure, wear, and fatigue
from the dynamic forces encountered on a floating platform. Frequent inspection of
material condition is required to identify compromised or failing components.
First inspect rigging components for the load capacity marked by the
manufacturer or documentation stating load limitations. Manufacturers must
meet US standards.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Inspect rigging components before each use.
Rigging systems should be subsequently tested per with Section 18 of this
Manual, of this Manual, or be in accordance with recommendations of the
rigging manufacturer and the equipment manufacturer.
Do not load rigging equipment in excess of its recommended WLL
Remove defective rigging from service.
Hooks, shackles, rings, pad eyes, and other fittings that show excessive
wear or have been bent, twisted, or otherwise damaged are defective.
Visually inspect wire and synthetic ropes for defects such as abrasions,
broken strands, kinks, excessive wear, or crushed cable that
compromise rated capacity and are considered defective
Make all eye splices per the manufacture’s guidance and instructions.
Fit rope thimbles of proper size in the eye, except that in sling eyes.
Use only alloyed and capacity rated chain in rigging.
Hooks and shackles used in rigging should have provisions to be mechanically
secured such as spring loaded retainers, locking pins, zip ties or wire
Only load eye bolts in the plane of the eye and do not load at angles of less
than 45° to the horizontal.
Permanently affix identification on purchased slings and lifting straps stating
size, grade, rated capacity, and sling manufacturer
Verify drums, sheaves, and pulleys are smooth and free of surface defects that
may damage rigging. Verify associated wire or synthetic rope is a size in
accordance with the equipment design.
Winch drums must have sufficient rope capacity with recommended rope size
and reeving to perform the intended hoisting and lowering functions. Rope
capacities and terminations must be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
.03 System Review and Risk Management
Changes in configuration and mission applications require careful review of the
system design and limitations. Before each use, small boat personnel must assure that
the configuration is in accordance with component WLL and design applications.
This review should include:
Determine the load dead weight of gear and estimate its center of gravity
Estimate the potential for high catch weights when using nets
Identify WLL of all system components
Identify and monitor the system weakest link
Establish a means of restraining loads
Provide for personal protection
Identify of hazard zones
Consider potential impact on stability and operation of the small boat
Reference equipment manufacturer recommendations, intended use and best
management practices
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
Communicate the details of the rigging plan and associated risks to embarked
Consider mitigating steps and provisions to secure or release a load in an
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
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NAO 209-125
Eff: 4/23/08; Iss: 5/12/08
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a responsibility
to provide a safe working environment for its workforce and for partners who are
exposed to the risks associated with using small boats owned and/or operated by NOAA.
This is consistent with NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 209-1, NOAA Safety Policy.
The purpose of this Order is:
to make small boat safety the number one priority for all small boating operations;
to ensure small boats meet NOAA's seaworthiness and operational safety standards;
to establish a comprehensive NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
(hereafter, "the Manual");
to establish a NOAA Small Boat Safety Board (SBSB);
to establish a Small Boat Program (SBP);
to foster and facilitate collaboration within NOAA and with outside partners having a
common interest in safe, efficient, and environmentally sound small boat operations; and
to encourage a corporate culture that values the skilled small boat operator,
encourages the distribution of information, seeks a quality approach, shares commitment,
and seeks to manage operational risk.
This is a complete revision and update to NAO 217-103, Management of NOAA
Small Boats. Significant changes in this Order include: re-titling and renumbering of the
Order to place it in the NAO Series' chapter on safety; revising and updating the policies
for small boat safety; and introducing and authorizing issuance of the NOAA Small Boat
Standards and Procedures Manual and prescribing that its contents will expand upon
safety issues covered in this Order and will cover the non-safety matters previously
addressed in NAO 217-103.
This Order applies:
to all NOAA small boats as defined in Section 6.01 of this Order;
to all NOAA personnel who operate any small boat in the performance of their official duties;
to all individuals who operate NOAA small boats.
The NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual (the Manual) will consist of a
broad programmatic core Manual having NOAA-wide application and by Supplemental
Small Boat Policy (SSBP) and Small Boat Operating Manuals (SBOMs) developed by
NOAA Programs (defined herein) to address their peculiar program and/or mission
Issuance of the Manual is in compliance with NAO 200-3, The NOAA Administrative Order
The Manual augments and supplements the policies, procedures, and guidelines in this Order
and is intended to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of NOAA's SBP by providing for
the timely development and issuance of programmatic materials to the small boat community.
The core elements of the Manual apply to all individuals and Programs involved with
NOAA's small boats and has the same force, effect, and authority as this Order. These core
elements shall be developed and maintained by the SBSB. An electronic edition of these
elements will be available for viewing at the link to the Small Boat Program found on the Office
of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) webpage at http://www.omao.noaa.gov/.
The Supplemental Small Boat Policy (SSBP) and Small Boat Operating Manuals (SBOMs)
also have the same force, effect, and authority as the core Manual; however, they are developed
by NOAA Programs and are applicable only to their specified Program and/or mission.
At a minimum, all small boats and their required inventories shall be inspected annually and,
additionally, in accordance with individual requirements developed under the Manual and/or by
NOAA Programs under the SSBP and/or SBOM.
All operators of NOAA small boats shall be trained and certified based on small boat size,
engineering complexity, nature of operations, and operating area. NOAA-wide training
requirements are defined in the core of the Manual; Program- and mission-related requirements
are defined in the SSBP and/or the SBOM.
NOAA small boats shall be operated in a safe and environmentally conscious manner.
NOAA small boats shall be maintained in a seaworthy condition and be fit for the mission
Appropriate safety training and life saving equipment resources shall be provided to
personnel operating or embarked on NOAA small boats.
NOAA small boats shall be used only for official government purposes.
Any incident or near-miss concerning a NOAA small boat must be reported in accordance
with NAO 209-1, NOAA Safety Policy, and any additional requirements in the Manual.
NOAA small boats shall conform to the visual identification and registration requirements
provided in the Manual.
A waiver is a written authorization that permits temporary deviation from provisions of this
Order for strategic or compelling operational requirements. Any Request for Waiver to
provisions of this Order shall be presented in writing to the SBSB. The SBSB will provide
guidance to the Director, OMAO, who is the approval authority for all waivers to provisions of
this Order. See the Manual for additional coverage of Requests for Waiver.
Operating small boats in support of NOAA missions involves unique associated risks.
NOAA relies on small boats to achieve mission requirements. There are numerous regulatory
standards that address small boat safety, but little guidance or few regulations tailored
specifically to the special mission of small boats or research vessels less than 300 gross tons.
Current marine standards are derived from international conventions, lessons learned from
casualties, and advances in technology. As such, the body of regulatory information continues to
grow and change. Toward this end, this Order seeks to establish a NOAA Small Boat Program
that is sufficiently fluid to meet varying small boat requirements on a national, regional, and
local level.
As steward of the Nation's oceans and atmosphere, it is NOAA's intent to comply with, or
exceed, all applicable regulatory and industry standards and to foster a management culture
committed to safe and environmentally sound small boat operations based upon the principles of
risk management.
The Director, Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO), shall broadly administer
NOAA's Small Boat Program and shall provide support and resources, and shall recommend
additional funding sources for its operations. The Director, OMAO, is the final administrative
authority for all matters pertaining to the NOAA Small-Boat Safety Program and its policies,
procedures, and standards and shall review the contents of the Manual and any subsequent
updates prior to their issuance. Concurrence will be indicated by signature of the Director on the
sequentially numbered Transmittal Sheets that will accompany each issuance or update to the
Manual. The Director may request prior review and concurrence by the Deputy Under Secretary
for Oceans and Atmosphere prior to authorizing potentially controversial updates.
The Small Boat Safety Board (SBSB).
The composition of the SBSB is as follows.
Board Members:
Small Boat Program Manager (SBPM) - SBSB Coordinator;
National Marine Fisheries Service representative(s);
National Ocean Service representative(s);
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research representative(s) (also representing National Weather
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) representative(s);
NOAA Safety and Environmental Compliance Office (SECO) representative(s); and
NOAA Law Enforcement (from various Line Offices) representative(s).
Each organization identified in Section 5.02a.1.(b) through (g) of this Order may designate
one additional board member to the SBSB; however, for voting purposes, each of these
organizations is entitled to cast a single vote (Oceanic and Atmospheric Research/National
Weather Service also is entitled to one vote).
The SBSB serves in an advisory capacity to the Director, OMAO, and is the technical
authority for matters pertaining to small boats. The SBSB shall:
develop, maintain, review, and approve this Order;
prepare, clear, issue, maintain, and distribute the NOAA Small Boat Standards and
Procedures Manual (the Manual). The SBSB shall review and revise the Manual, as necessary,
in order to keep it current with applicable policies and regulations and to maintain the ability to
adapt to changes involving technology and/or safety within the marine community. The Manual,
and its future updates, will be issued via sequentially numbered Transmittal Sheets;
develop, evaluate, and maintain a set of basic qualifications standards for small boat operators
and crew;
approve basic small boat training requirements and approve all policies, standards, and
operating procedures developed under the Manual (including all SSBP and SBOMs);
establish criteria and tools for small boat operational risk assessments;
identify and promote “best in class” safety practices for boat operations;
establish minimum criteria for SSBPs and SBOMs;
determine reciprocity or substitution of small boat operator and crew qualifications with
similar qualifications of other agencies, organizations, or training programs;
serve as a policy and implementation advisor to the Small Boat Program;
evaluate data and trends gathered from operational, inspection, and incident reporting
statistics and initiate appropriate actions;
address other boating-related matters as requested by NOAA management and/or as deemed
appropriate by the SBSB;
inform NOAA management of significant small boat management issues;
maintain a compilation of small boat inventory and compliance records;
provide subject matter expertise for issues relating to the small boat community;
provide guidance to the Director, OMAO, regarding Requests for Waivers to the provisions
of this Order and of the Manual;
respond to questions and concerns raised by the small boat community; and
review boating incident/accident reports and initiate appropriate actions.
NOAA Programs. NOAA Programs that own, operate, and/or maintain small boats shall
comply with this Order and the Manual and are responsible for the following:
the safe operation, inspection compliance, life cycle management, and material condition of
their small boats;
developing and maintaining SSBP and SBOMs which are directly related to their unique
program and mission requirements in order to augment the Manual;
conducting and recording Operational Risk Assessments; and
designating SBSB representatives and providing adequate time and resources for their
participation on the SBSB.
NOAA Small Boat. A small boat, as defined in Section 6.06 of this Order, owned, operated,
or maintained by NOAA. The term includes boats leased, loaned, bare boat chartered (also
referred to as demise chartered), or operated under any cooperative agreement with other
government agencies, universities, or scientific organizations by or from NOAA, but does not
include boats time chartered by NOAA.
NOAA Program. As used in this Order, the term refers to and is synonymous with NOAA
Line Offices, Staff Offices, and any of their subordinate entities.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual. A compilation of instructions,
procedures, regulations, and guidelines derived from operational risk assessments and best
management practices applicable to NOAA Small Boats.
Operational Risk Management. A process approach to understanding and dealing with the
elements of risk associated with operations. Implementing Operational Risk Management
involves performing risk assessments and implementing corresponding risk controls. Risk
management is a decision making process that enhances operational capability. The process
helps the decision maker in identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing controls to
reduce the risk associated with any operation.
Operational Risk Assessment. A process involving identification of risks associated with a
NOAA small boat's operations and consideration of actions to reduce those risks. Supervision,
communication, and overall support, operating area, operator experience level, personnel
physical and mental fitness, weather, and complexity of mission may be factors in the
Small Boat (or Vessel). As used in this Order, includes every description of watercraft less
than 300 gross tons capable of being used as a means of transportation of persons on water. The
SBSB will classify vessels by size, nature of operations, and engineering complexity.
Small Boat Inspections. Documented, formal evaluations of a small boat’s material
condition, inventory, and compliance for which inspection criteria, frequency, and format are
defined in the Manual.
Small Boat Operating Manual (SBOM). A compilation of instructions, procedures, and
guidelines specific to each small boat, its mission, and its operating area.
Small Boat Operator (Operator or Coxswain). As used in this Order, any person who
operates a NOAA small boat as defined in Section 6.01 of this Order.
Supplemental Small Boat Policy (SSBP). A compilation of instructions, procedures,
regulations, and guidelines derived from operational risk management and best management
practices conducted by a NOAA Program for specific small boat operations.
The following reference sources are listed in descending order of hierarchy.
NAO 209-125, NOAA Small Boat Program.
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual.
Supplemental Small Boat Policy (SSBP).
Small Boat Operating Manual (SBOM).
This Order supersedes and revokes NAO 217-103, Management of NOAA Small Boats, dated January
21, 2003, as amended.
/Signed/ Under
Secretary of Commerce for Oceans
and Atmosphere
Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
Safety and Environmental Compliance Division
Appendix B: Small Boat Safety Board Charter
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual
NOAA Small Boat Standards and Procedures Manual