U.S. Department of Justice
The Clinton Administration’s Law
Enforcement Strategy:
Combating Crime with Community
Policing and Community Prosecution
Taking Back Our Neighborhoods
One Block at a Time
March 1999
Executive Summary
“We have seen the impact of more police. We've seen the impact of the prevention programs; the
penalties; the efforts to get guns out of the hands of criminals. And we've seen greater peace of mind
coming, probably more than anything else, from the presence of the police on the street, in the neigh -
borhood, in a preventive, cooperative fashion.
– President Clinton
January 14, 1999
President Clinton and Attorney General Reno, working with state, local and tribal law enforcement officials and others,
have launched an unprecedented effort to help America’s communities fight crime. Over the course of the past six years,
Administration has worked to unite federal, state, tribal and local crime-control efforts, direct new resources
into local efforts for crime fighting and crime prevention, and work hand in hand with local law enforcement and local
communities. Six years into this strategy, crime has dropped to its lowest level in a quarter of a century.
Community policing has been at the core of this effort and the Administration has worked quickly and effectively to
fund community police officers, training, technical assistance and other support for community policing initiatives
nationwide. To date, the Administration has paid for more than 92,000 new police officers and expects to meet the goal
of funding 100,000 new police officers ahead of schedule and under budget. Community police officers are now at work
in communities across the country making America’s streets and neighborhoods safer. Police, residents and community
leaders in rural and urban areas alike credit community police strategies with success in reducing crime and improving
safety on the streets.
The success of community policing is an important milestone in the Administration’s deployment of its comprehen-
sive community crime control strategy. Two key steps lie ahead to meet the difficult challenges that crime and violence
continue to pose in many communities.
First, the Clinton Administration proposes a 21st Century Policing Initiative to add to community police forces, par-
ticularly in high crime areas, and to provide police with new technologies, equipment and information to fight crime on
the front lines.
Second, the Administration proposes to increase the number of prosecutors to help implement effective community
prosecution strategies that complement the work of community police officers. Community prosecution is already in use
in many neighborhoods around the country to strategically stamp out persistent problems that give rise to ongoing crime.
Community prosecutors work directly with community groups, strategically attack crime problems in the community and
support community law enforcement’s zero tolerance policies by prosecuting crimes they might not otherwise prosecute.
Now, with funding for up to 1000 new prosecutors each year for five years, communities will be able to use the powerful
tool of community prosecution to control and prevent crime.
Tremendous progress has been made in the fight against crime and violence. At the same time, many communities
still need additional resources to break the hold of gangs, illegal drug and gun trafficking, and violence. The
Administration has laid the groundwork for a strong and effective community crime control strategy with community
policing and strong federal, state, and local partnerships to fight crime. Now, as the goal of a safer America is within
reach, it is essential to build on this effective strategy with stronger community policing, effective community
prosecution, and continued and reinforced commitment to work with our communities to fight crime.
resident Clinton, Attorney General Janet Reno
and others have led a historic effort to reduce
crime in our nation's communities. With funding
for 100,000 new community police officers, tougher
punishment for violent offenders, the Brady Act and
other laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,
the Violence Against Women Act, crime prevention
programs for our youth, and an unprecedented drive to
join the forces of federal, state, and local and tribal law
enforcement, the Administration's crime program is
proving effective. Crime rates have dropped to their
lowest level in 25 years.
A basic building block of the Administration’s
comprehensive community law enforcement strategy is
community policing. In just four and a half years, the
Administration has provided more than 11,000 agencies
with money for more than 92,000 new police officers
and is close to meeting the goal of funding 100,000 new
police officers ahead of schedule and under budget.
Across the country, an expanded number of community
police officers have been working together with block
watches, neighborhood patrols, high school guidance
counselors, probation and parole officers, religious
groups, and local businesses to take back the streets
from violent street gangs and drug dealers. Families
across America are safer in their homes and neighbor-
With a strong community policing structure now in
place, the federal government is ready to take two
important next steps to advance our community crime
control strategy.
First, President Clinton and Vice President Gore are
committed to strengthening the community policing
program. Communities need more than a large number
of police officers; they need officers with additional
training, tools, and technologies to fight crime in the
21st century. The Clinton Administration has proposed
a new program, the 21st Century Policing Initiative, to
help communities meet this goal.
Second, with thousands of new police officers in
our neighborhoods and a new and important role estab-
lished for police in the community, it is time to bring
other key crime fighters into this new strategy. The
police and the community have made tremendous
progress working together. Now it is time to put more
prosecutors in the neighborhoods as part of our commu-
nity crime control strategy. The Clinton Administration
has proposed a new program to help communities
nationwide hire up to 1000 new prosecutors each year
for five years to implement community prosecution
Stage I: Community Policing
Over the past two decades, forward-looking police
chiefs have built on ideas of criminal justice researchers
and policy makers, and the chiefs’ own experiences, to
develop a new approach to fighting crime in American
communities. These police chiefs recognized that when
police are isolated from the community they serve –
operating from the precinct station house or the patrol
car – they cannot make adequate gains in the fight
against crime. These chiefs came up with a new strategy
for law enforcement: community policing. Community
policing makes our communities safer by changing the
way police do business.
This is how community policing works:
• Community police officers really get to know the
community. They know the residents and business
people in the community, the bad guys (the drug pushers
and users, unlawful users and sellers of firearms, and
unlawful sellers and drinkers of alcohol, purse snatch-
ers, car thieves, gang leaders and others creating or
looking for trouble), and the good guys (members of
block and neighborhood associations, religious leaders,
drug and alcohol counselors, school guidance coun-
selors, youth mentors, judges and court personnel, pro-
bation and parole officers).
• Community policing officers use the new relationships
they develop in the community to stay ahead of crime
problems. They walk the beat, meet with neighborhood
watch organizations, handle citizen complaints, enforce
laws against prostitution, littering, vandalism, and
intoxication and address community concerns about
social disorder. Community police officers do not wait
until an abandoned home or business becomes a haven
for illegal drug, alcohol or firearms sales. Rather, they
work with the neighborhood and community groups to
either restore the property to some constructive commu-
nity use or level it to prevent a problem from develop-
ing or festering – and the mere presence of the commu-
nity police officer on the street deters crime.
• Community police help fight the fear of crime. We all
know that when residents are afraid to leave their
homes, the streets are available to drug dealers, gangs
and other criminals. In some ways, fear of crime can
undermine a community as badly as crime itself.
Community police officers create a sense of security by
being proactive and seeking the input of residents.
When citizens can communicate their fears to law
enforcement, police can proactively address the causes
of those fears.
• Community policing enlists residents in the fight
against crime. Neighborhood block watches, communi-
ty groups, teachers, local businesses and residents work
with police to identify and solve the problems in their
community. With the renewed presence of police and
the strong support of the community,
violent street gangs
and drug dealers can no longer control
corners, streets,
blocks and parks. The Administration’s leadership is
making this partnership a reality across the nation.
Laying the Foundation for Community
Policing Programs Nationwide
President Clinton came to office committed to
bringing community policing, and the neighborhood
revitalization that this crime strategy fosters, to commu-
nities nationwide. He proposed to fund 100,000 new
community police officers around the country and the
Administration expects to meet this goal by the end of
this fiscal year.
Safer Streets through Community Policing:
There have been six major grant programs for community
PHSP – Through the Police Hiring Supplement
Program, DOJ awarded $150 million to 250 agencies,
demonstrating the need and opportunity to fund 100,000
police officers.
COPS Phase I – Building on PHSP grant applications,
$200 million was awarded to 392 state, municipal,
county, and tribal enforcement agencies to hire more
than 2,600 additional officers and deputies.
COPS AHEAD – Nearly $290 million in grants were
awarded to policing agencies serving communities with
more than 50,000 people to hire more than 4,000
additional community policing officers. To get police on
the streets faster, this program allowed interested
agencies recruit and hire new officers before they
received their grants.
COPS FAST – This program streamlined the grant
application process for policing agencies serving
populations below 50,000. With a one-page application
form, it did away with bureaucratic paperwork and
provided over $404 million in grants to hire more than
6,200 community police officers and deputies.
COPS UHP – The Universal Hiring Program expands
the hiring initiatives to transit, campus, park police,
agencies serving other special jurisdictions and commu-
nities without a police force. To date, over $4.2 billion
in grants have been awarded under UHP, paying for
more than 57,000 community policing officers and
deputies in communities across America.
COPS MORE – This program will cut down on the
amount of paperwork and administrative tasks per-
by veteran, trained officers so that they can
spend more time on the street and in America’s neigh-
borhoods. By providing money for new technologies
and equipment, such as mobile laptop computers, or to
hire civilians in administrative and support jobs, COPS
MORE put more officers on the beat. COPS has pro-
over $775 million to more than 3,000 agencies
for the redeployment of more than 35,000 officers and
Key Milestones in the Community Policing
On July 2, 1993, President Clinton signed the 1993
Supplemental Appropriations Act which provided
$150 million for the Police Hiring Supplement
Program. This program made 250 awards to help
hire or rehire 2,023 law enforcement officers. The
Department of Justice was flooded with requests
from police departments interested in participating
in the program and could only fund one in ten grant
applications. The interest in the program demon-
strated the need for a much broader national effort.
Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and
Law Enforcement Act (“the Crime Act”) in 1994
and authorized $8.8 billion over six years to fund
the 100,000 officers and support community
policing nationwide.
Attorney General Janet Reno created the Office of
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) in
the Department of Justice. The COPS Office has
provided money to over 11,000 communities to hire
community police officers, bringing the added
power of community policing to many of them for
the first time. Community police officers now
serve more than 88% of Americans nationwide.
The Clinton Administration’s pledge to enable the
nation’s 19,000 law enforcement agencies to place
100,000 officers on the street has already allowed
local police forces to recruit, hire, train and deploy
to the streets over 46,000 new officers.
By the end of FY 1999, the Clinton Administration
expects to fund the 100,000th community police
officer. These community police officers will have
increased the nation's police forces by about 18%
from 1994.
Placing Community Police Officers
on the Nation’s Streets
The idea of putting 100,000 new community police
officers on the street was visionary; the job of doing it
has been challenging. The Department of Justice has
met this challenge, reinventing the grant funding
process and putting police on the streets as soon as pos-
sible. By February 1999, the Department off Justice had
provided more than $5 billion in funding to police
departments for community policing.
Within weeks of the 1994 Crime Act’s passage, the
Department of Justice provided $200 million in com-
munity policing grants to 392 state, municipal, county,
and tribal enforcement agencies . These grants paid for
more than 2,600 additional officers and deputies for
those agencies.
Next, the Department of Justice cut through bureau-
cracy by having larger communities start recruiting and
hiring new officers while their grant applications were
being processed. The Department also developed a
clear, straightforward one-page application form for
smaller communities. To date, these smaller communi-
ties have received funding for more than 10,000 com-
munity police officers, and have not had to expend
resources on bureaucratic paperwork.
Hiring new police was just the first challenge. The
Department of Justice has worked closely with police
and sheriffs departments across the country to provide
A Dramatic Impact:
New COPS Officer Funded in America’s Biggest Cities
NewYork City 6,517
Los Angeles 3,731
Chicago 1,212
Miami 1,184
San Diego 996
Houston 908
Philadelphia 834
District of Columbia 782
Oakland 685
Total Population Served by top 10 cities:
21,565,000, as of March, 1999.
the necessary training and technical assistance as they
bring on new officers in order to develop effective com-
munity police programs. The Department of Justice
helps local law enforcement agencies transition into
community policing, target specific crimes, work in
partnership with their communities, develop community
support for new policing strategies, and deploy new
strategies to target youth firearms violence, school vio-
lence, gangs, domestic violence and neighborhood-spe-
cific crime problems.
Finally, through COPS MORE, the Department of
Justice has paid to move 17,000 additional officers from
administrative tasks to the street. By paying for new
equipment, such as mobile laptop computers, and for
civilians to do administrative and support tasks, this
innovative program is a fast and efficient way to put
experienced officers into their communities where they
are needed most.
Community Policing:
A Record of Success
There is already tremendous support across the
country for the Administration's community policing
initiative. The Department of Justice is working with
communities to help identify what works, what does not
work, and to help strengthen community policing pro-
grams across the country. Ongoing evaluation of this
initiative has shown that communities are now changing
the way they approach their crime problems. Already,
police, public officials and community residents credit
the program with helping to reduce crime and rebuild
communities in cities, counties and towns across the
United States:
High Praise for Community Policing
“I have to believe our drop in crime [49 percent
since 1992] is almost totally due to neighborhood
– Chief Thomas Windham, Fort Worth, Texas.
“We reduced our crime over 22%. It is my true
feeling that we could not have accomplished that with-
out our community policing effort and COPS FAST
– Police Director Thomas R. Maltese, North
Brunswick, New Jersey.
“The combination of uniform and civilian
personnel has lowered crime 48%.
– Chief Rick L. Brown, Meredosia, Illinois.
“I credit neighborhood, community and problem-
solving policing strategies for the positive impact on
Miami and crime in this area. These strategies . . . are
largely responsible for our success.
– Chief Donald Warshaw, Miami Florida.
“There used to be shootings here every day, and
you couldn’t go outside because of the gunfights . . .
The residents would be too frightened. Not now.
– Minerva Armenta, 23-year resident of Orange
County, California.
Officers Funded in Select Rural
Mississippi 2,991
Kentucky 1,034
Oklahoma 812
Kansas 668
New Mexico 609
West Virginia 568
Iowa 546
Alaska 239
March 1999
Stage II: The 21st Century Policing
Initiative and Community Prosecution
The Clinton Administration has laid a strong foun-
dation for a community crime control strategy through
community policing. With the groundwork laid, the
Administration is prepared to strengthen the community
policing program, build prosecutorial resources and
deploy effective community prosecution strategies.
The 21st Century Policing Initiative
With substantial new funding for community
police, the Administration has proposed a 21st Century
Policing Initiative to strengthen community police
forces and provide police with new technologies, equip-
ment and strategies to control crime in the 21st Century.
Over the next five years, the proposed 21st Century
Policing Initiative will fund 30,000 to 50,000 new
community police to target high crime areas.
The 21st Century Policing Initiative makes critical
improvements in radio technologies so that federal,
state, tribal and local law enforcement agencies can
communicate on the same frequencies. This will also
enhance their use of a newly developed system that
allows officers using hand-held units to enter and
receive data and images electronically right at the scene
of a crime.
The 21st Century Policing Initiative includes fund-
ing to give police access to technology and the informa-
tion networks to identify suspects, locate fugitives, track
illegal gang activity, and solve crimes. These essential
crime-fighting technologies include crime mapping and
forecasting technologies, improved laboratory tech-
niques, such as DNA analysis, and upgraded criminal
history records and identification record systems.
The 21st Century Policing Initiative includes essen-
tial resources to enhance the safety of law enforcement
officers. Police officers risk their lives on the line every
day to protect our communities. The Initiative continues
a vital program that provides bulletproof vests to state,
local and tribal governments for use by law enforce-
ment officers.
The 21st Century Policing Initiative extends part-
nerships among law enforcement agencies, community
organizations and government agencies. With new fund-
ing, community partners can work together to tackle
juvenile crime, seniors can be recruited to help
neighborhood residents can learn problem-solving
and police can work with corrections officials
to oversee
the reentry of ex-offenders into the community.
Funding the 21st Century Policing Initiative:
The President’s budget contains $350 million to help state,
tribal and local law enforcement agencies tap into new tech-
nologies that will allow them to fight crime more effectively.
The program has three elements:
• $100 million to fund a Crime Analysis Program for
research, technical assistance, and evaluation, including the
very useful crime analysis tool called computerized crime
mapping, allowing officers to pinpoint times and places
where crime “hot spots” can be attacked.
• $125 million to improve police communications:
– making state and local public safety wireless
communications systems compatible with federal law
enforcement radio systems;
– building a nationwide network of criminal justice
information systems, giving state and local authorities
immediate access to information needed to help them on
the job;
– deploying a computerized system so that officers can
enter data electronically at the scene of a crime, accident,
or traffic stop, and receive responses without returning
to their vehicles.
• $125 million to bring the tools of 21st Century technology
to investigate and prevent crime:
– eliminating the backlog of 1 million convicted offender
DNA sample backlog at state and local crime labs;
– improving equipment to dramatically reduce the time
and cost of performing DNA analysis;
– improving the general forensic sciences capabilities
of state and local crime labs;
– upgrading criminal history, criminal justice and
identification record systems.
Community Prosecutors
and Community Prosecution
With a stronger and more effective police force in
place in communities nationwide, President Clinton
now proposes to increase the number of and enhance
the role of the prosecutors in our community crime-
fighting efforts. He has proposed a new program to help
communities nationwide hire as many as 1000 prosecu-
tors each year for five years and to build on community
policing programs with an effective prosecution strate-
gy: community
Community prosecution is being used in many
communities across the country to systematically com-
bat crime. In neighborhoods from Boston to Los
Angeles and Washington, D.C. to Indianapolis, prosecu-
tors are recognizing the importance of fighting crime
through stronger ties to the community. While prosecu-
tors have traditionally focused on the essential task of
convicting more serious offenders after they have com-
mitted crimes, community prosecutors add to that core
responsibility by working with the community to proac-
tively stamp out problems and stop new crime before it
starts. They look beyond the individual criminal case
and the individual defendant to see what they can do to
break the cycle of crime, get the menacing gang off the
street corner, shut down the crack house, and sever the
chain of illegal gun trafficking.
Community prosecution is strategic prosecution.
The typical prosecutor’s office makes thousands of
decisions each year on which cases to drop, investigate
further, plea bargain, or take to the jury. Most offices
are overwhelmed with massive case loads, and they
have precious little time to get the information they
need from the community. The addition of a community
prosecutor to an office creates a two-way flow of infor-
mation that typically has two results: better community
assistance in convicting the worst offenders, and more
prosecutions of cases involving “low level” crimes that
were previously dismissed. These prosecutions have a
sustained impact on community safety.
Now, with new prosecutors, district attorney offices
will be able to both continue to prosecute serious
crimes and use the powerful strategy of community
prosecution to control and prevent crime.
This is how community prosecution works:
Community prosecutors learn how the community
operates. Community prosecutors work directly with
civic associations, neighborhood watch groups, business
groups and religious leaders to identify community public
safety needs and ways that the prosecutor’s office can
address these needs. The close ties that the prosecutor
develops with the community help in preventing and
prosecuting crime. For example, when an offense is
committed, a community prosecutor will already know
who is in the gangs, how the drug and gun traffickers
have divided up their territories and who is in conflict
with whom. The community can also act as an “early
warning system” to alert prosecutors to new communi-
ty-wide problems before they overwhelm the police and
justice system.
Community prosecutors use all legal tools to attack
crime problems in the community. Community prosecu-
tors use civil nuisance actions to rid neighborhoods of
drug-dealing or prostitution on private property and take
control of abandoned buildings. They obtain stay-away
orders to deal with chronic offenders and drug dealers,
and civil injunctions against gangs. These seemingly
low-level actions have a powerful effect in preventing
Community prosecutors adopt zero tolerance
policies. Community prosecutors enforce quality of life
laws to improve overall safety in a community and to
back up community policing strategies that emphasize
zero tolerance for criminal offenses. With
a community
prosecution strategy and new prosecutorial
district attorneys can enforce low-level ordinance viola-
tions that might not have been prosecuted in the past.
This makes the community more livable for residents,
businesses, schools and places of worship,
and sends the
“not here” message to would-be criminals.
Community prosecutors leverage the work of the
prosecutor’s office. Creating a community-oriented
group within a prosecutor’s office leads to a more
strategic approach to crime–fighting. These additional
prosecutors help the entire office to prepare better cases
through contacts in the community. It gives them the
ability to contact more witnesses and conduct victim
impact state
. All prosecutors can then systemati-
cally attack the roots of local crime problems.
Community prosecution programs are taking hold
throughout the country:
In Washington, D.C., the United States Attorney
created a community prosecution unit in the
busy Fifth Police District. Two community
prosecutors review cases and warrants filed by Fifth
District police officers. They work with the police
to identify patterns of crime, meet regularly with
community groups, and they use every civil and
criminal law at their disposal to deal with problems
identified by the community. Working with them,
about 15 other prosecutors are assigned to handle
criminal cases in just the Fifth District neighbor-
hoods. These prosecutors prosecute all the cases in
their assigned neighborhood districts – from misde-
meanors to homicides. The result is that cases are
prioritized by how they fit into the Fifth District
“big picture” rather than using seriousness of the
crime as the sole criterion.
In Portland, Oregon, the District Attorney has
assigned a “Neighborhood DA” to each of several
neighborhoods. The Neighborhood DAs work
closely with neighborhood groups to solve
problems identified by the community. They
organize citizen patrols, draft trespass ordinances
to keep charged drug dealers away from a neigh-
borhood pending trial, train landlords to identify
and screen out drug dealers, work with housing
inspectors to target properties used for drug
dealing, and enlist the aid of government agencies
to clean up crime-ridden areas. They coordinate
these actions with the District Attorney’s own tough
prosecution strategy to maximize the impact on
In Lowell, Massachusetts, a community prosecutor
in the juvenile division convenes weekly meetings
with the principal of the local high school, juvenile
probation and parole officers, and the police gang
unit. He also maintains contact with the juvenile
drug treatment and education program leaders and
with juvenile offenders. As a result, because the
community is sharing information and keeping tabs
on them, juvenile offenders have done a better job
sticking to the terms of their probation and, when
they do not, probation revocation is now much
more likely.
In Indianapolis, Indiana, assistant district attorneys
were placed in four police districts to work with
citizens’ groups and police officers on drug markets
domestic violence, and disorder crimes. As a result,
community groups are now helping to identify
crime “hot-spots” and observing key cases as they
move through the judicial process, police investiga-
tions are more thorough, and
the central office is
making more informed decisions
about who to
charge with crimes. The program is so popular with
citizens that it has been expanded to serve the entire
Giving prosecutors a strategic edge:
The President’s budget contains $200 million for
additional community prosecutors and other prose-
cution activities. These prosecutors will:
– engage directly with residents and community
leaders to prioritize community needs;
– coordinate the work of other prosecutors in
the office to fight crime strategically;
– cultivate relationships and trust in the com-
munity that result in better witnesses, stronger
evidence and more convictions;
– enlist the community to work together with
the prosecutors so that criminals cannot “slip
through the cracks;” and
– use tactics that will prevent crime and reduce
local residents’ fear of crime.
This community prosecution strategy is not new. In
an earlier day, prosecutors practiced just this way – in
the community. But exploding crime rates and balloon-
ing caseloads have forced prosecutors to spend their
time in court, not in the community. Often, all a district
attorney needs to become more strategic and therefore
more effective is a small amount of money to free up
the time of existing prosecutors or to hire a few more
prosecutors. With resources to hire new prosecutors,
communities can again benefit from this law enforce-
ment strategy.
Community policing and other efforts have brought
crime down and also have given prosecutors over-
whelming caseloads. Now is the time to provide district
attorney’s offices around the country with resources and
staff to achieve the strategic benefits of community-ori-
ented prosecution. With new prosecutors who can back
up the work of community police and target crime at its
core, prosecutors can both prosecute their cases and
help break the cycles of crime and violence.
Crime rates overall have dropped to a 25-year low;
property crime is significantly lower; violent crimes
declined 20 percent in the last six years. The murder
rate is at its lowest level nationwide in 30 years. But the
Clinton Administration is not prepared to claim victory
and turn to other matters. Now is the time to press
ahead, and make greater gains in the fight against crime
and violence.
Communities are still badly in need of resources to
break the hold of gangs, illegal drug and gun trafficking
and violence on our streets. With stronger police agen-
cies and an expansion in community prosecution
resources, the promise of safety and security will
become a reality to more and more residents, neighbor-
hoods, towns, and cities in America. The goal of a safer
America is within reach.