Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
Contact: (2 spaces) [First and Last Name] (2 spaces) [###-###-####]
[contact email]
[Department, Office]
Possible Acronyms: CGL, AE, C, S, IT, M, RP, LL, LT, RP, GM, E, EP
Possible Contract types: Architecture/Engineering, Construction, Maintenance, Service,
Information Technology, Lease Landlord, Lease Tenant, Real Property,
General/Miscellaneous, Equipment, Energy Performance
Contract ID: [Contract Name; Contract Number]
ADPICS No.: [############]
*remember the mods and options require CO numbers. The contract number
listed on the first line of this field is the project ID. It is used for tracking the life
of the contract, no matter how many options and modifications take place over
Contract Description: [Enter brief narrative describing contract. What is being
performed/conducted/handled, where and how frequently. Use language like ‘one-time purchase’,
‘on-call and as-needed’.]
Awards: [Enter the Contractor’s full legal name] ([if MBE, note here])
[Enter the Contractor’s City, State acronym]
Contract Term: [Enter inclusive dates and length of renewal options]
e.g. 07/01/2015 06/30/2018 (with one 1-yr renewal option)
Amount: $[Enter the (base) contract amount]
Separately list renewal option amounts. Then provide a total amount which includes the
sum of the base contract amount and the amount of all options. Award amounts must
agree with both the contract and ADPICS.
e.g. $1,000,000 NTE (Base Contract, 3 years)
$ 250,000 NTE (Renewal Option No. 1, 1 year)
$1,250,000 NTE (Total Contract)
Procurement Method: [Enter the procurement method used]
This should match the originally approved BPW item or DCAR. Options include:
Competitive Sealed Proposals, Competitive Sealed Bidding, Sole Source, Multi-Step
Competitive Sealed Bidding, Maryland Architectural and Engineering Services Act..
e.g. Competitive Sealed Bidding
(Small Business Reserve, Single Bid Received)
----Press CTRL and ENTER to create a clean page break, paragraphs should not roll between pages.---
Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
---one blank line on each new page --
-[X]. [CATEGORY OF WORK] CONTRACT (cont’d) *Same as 1
---one blank line on between item header and field data--
Bids: [Enter Company 1; City, ST] $[Bid price*]
[Enter Company 2; City, ST] $[Bid price*]
Financial Offers
Best Cookies Around, LLC; Baltimore, MD
$1,000,000 (1)
Baking is Life, Inc.; Pasadena, MD
$1,000,900 (2)
***Bids OR Proposals *** It is one or the other, not both!!!!
NOTE: Sole source and single bid contracts do not provide a Bid or Proposal field.
The BIDS OR PROPOSALS Summary should contain the following:
For Competitive Sealed Bidding (CSB):
Provide the legal name, city and state of each bidder, with its bid price, in the order of the
bid prices from low price to highest. If prices were provided for both a base contract term
and for renewal options there must be separate columns for the base contract term and each
renewal option and then a Total column.)
For Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP):
Provide a summary of the prices and the technical and financial rankings and an overall
ranking based upon the offerors’ combined technical and financial rankings. This summary
should have at least 4 columns: Offerors (to contain the legal name and city and state of
each offeror); Technical Ranking; Financial Offer Amount with Financial Ranking; and
Overall Ranking (the combined ranking of each offeror based upon its technical and
financial rankings). If prices were provided for both a base contract term and for renewal
options there must be separate columns for the base contract term and each renewal option
and then a Total column which shall also include the overall financial ranking. On this
separate page, offerors should be listed in the order of their overall ranking.
If applicable, include a footnote to the summary which states, “Technical factors had more
weight than financial factors in the overall ranking determination.”
Under either Competitive Sealed Bidding or Competitive Sealed Proposals:
If the listed prices were based upon a model, rather than being firm prices, there should be
a footnote that says, “Prices are based upon a model contained in the solicitation to allow
for proper comparisons among (insert either bidders for CSB or offerors for CSP).”
If prices were based upon a combination of both fixed prices and a model, include a
statement to that effect.
----Press CTRL and ENTER to create a clean page break, paragraphs should not roll between pages.---
Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
---one blank line on each new page --
-[X]. [CATEGORY OF WORK] CONTRACT (cont’d) *Same as 1
---one blank line on between item header and field data--
Living Wage Eligible: [Yes or No (reason)]
This field should be deleted when not applicable.
MBE/VSBE Participation: [Enter the MBE goal]% / [Enter the VSBE goal]%
These are the goals established by PRG prior to solicitation. If no goal was established,
do not list 0%. List “N/A”.
e.g. 15% / N/A
MBE Waiver: [Enter “Granted – xx%, date granted”]
If there was an MBE goal and no waiver was requested or granted, the MBE Waiver field
can be deleted. If there was a waiver of any part of an MBE goal, enter the percentage of
the goal that was waived and “(see Requesting Agency Remarks below)”; and explain the
reason for the waiver in the Agency Remarks.
e.g. Granted 25%, 01/01/2000
Performance Security: [Enter the type of any performance security required, i.e.,
Performance Bond, and the amount of the security required. If no
security requirements exist, indicate “None”.]
Hiring Agreement Eligible: [Yes]
Indicate if the contract has been designated an eligible contract for a DHR Welfare to
Work Hiring Agreement. If not so designated, this field is deleted completely.
Incumbents: [Enter the name of the incumbent; City, ST]
If there is no incumbent, state “None”. If there is no immediate incumbent, but there was
one at some time in the recent past or if there was a contract for something similar but not
exactly the same, include “(see Requesting Agency Remarks below)”, and provide an
appropriate explanation.
If the incumbent is the same as the name listed under the Award heading, enter “Same”.)
e.g. Cookies & Cakes; Parkton, MD
Requesting Agency Remarks: (press TAB once and start text. This is a justified field.)
Create the agency remarks as follows and as applicable. Tell the story of this
procurement and how the contract affects the State. Who uses it? What does it provide?
What are the consequences of not awarding the contract?
Paragraph 1: Solicitation and Bids/Proposals information:
Identify the number of vendors directly solicited, which is to include how many solicited
vendors had addresses in Maryland and how many were MBEs, and all locations where
public notice of the solicitation was provided; e.g., on eMaryland Marketplace; on the
agency website; in trade publications. Also state if a copy of the solicitation was provided
to the Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs.
----Press CTRL and ENTER to create a clean page break, paragraphs should not roll between pages.---
Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
---one blank line on each new page --
-[X]. [CATEGORY OF WORK] CONTRACT (cont’d) *Same as 1
---one blank line on between item header and field data--
Agency Remarks (cont’d): <<this header carries remarks across pages, use as applicable.
Detail outreach efforts to encourage Minority Business Enterprises, small businesses, and
resident businesses to respond to the solicitation.
State the number of bids/proposals received and how many, if any, were found to be un-
acceptable, non-responsive, etc. If a low number of responses was received, including a
single bid/proposal, explain why there was a poor response to the solicitation.
Outline efforts to contact non-bidding firms and provide their reasoning for not bidding.
Paragraph 2: Contract information:
Provide a more in-depth narrative of the services being provided, locations involved,
benefits created by approving these actions and the regularity to which the services are to
be rendered. Other key points to include are who is affected by this contract, the surface
area of any construction or maintenance (i.e. mileage of linestriping on highways).
Paragraph (as appropriate): Multiple Awards:
If the solicitation allows awards to be made in more than one category of work, identify
the different categories and whether bidders/offerors were required to respond to all such
categories or were permitted to seek an award in one or more categories.
Paragraph (as appropriate): Competitive Sealed Proposals:
Agency Remarks must include a brief narrative explaining why the recommended offeror
was determined to be most advantageous to the State. This explanation will generally focus
on the relative technical and financial rankings of the recommended offeror, such as: The
offeror recommended for the award was determined to be both the highest ranked technical
offeror and was lowest in price; or, The recommended offeror was ranked highest
technically and its technical superiority was judged to outweigh its difference in price over
any other offeror; or, Although the recommended offeror was not the highest ranked
technical offeror it was the lowest priced offeror and the magnitude of its price differential
was judged to outweigh the comparatively slight technical differences between it and any
other offeror.
Paragraph (as appropriate): Protests:
If a protest was filed, state the date of the protest and whether it was resolved. If the protest
or appeal is unresolved, detail why the execution of the contract without delay is necessary
to protect substantial State interests. See COMAR and BPW Advisory 2006-
Paragraph ??: MBE and VSBE:
If no MBE goal was established, explain why no goal was appropriate. If an MBE waiver
was granted, explain why. If MBE participation exceeds the goal in the solicitation, state
what the solicitation goal was.
----Press CTRL and ENTER to create a clean page break, paragraphs should not roll between pages.---
---one blank line on each new page --
-[X]. [CATEGORY OF WORK] CONTRACT (cont’d) *Same as 1
Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
---one blank line on between item header and field data--
Agency Remarks (cont’d): <<this header carries remarks across pages, use as applicable.
State what the VSBE participation goal was in the solicitation. If no VSBE goal was
established, explain why no goal was appropriate. If a VSBE waiver was granted, explain
Fund Source: [Enter percentage and fund source.]
Text options include: Federal, General, MCCBL with corresponding language
reference, Special, with appropriate type of State funds.
e.g. 80% Federal, 80% Special (Group Cookie Fee)
Approp. Code: [Enter applicable agency appropriation code.]
If there are multiple appropriation codes, separate them with a comma and single space.
Resident Business: [Yes or No]
If there are multiple contractors, list Yes or No, then each applicable contractor.
MD Tax Clearance: [Enter tax ID, starting with this year’s prefix.]
If there are multiple awards, list each firm, TAB four times then provide the tax number.
The next firm should appear on the next line, and so on.
These are NOT FEIN numbers. This number is obtained from the Comptroller’s Office
and must be in order before materials are submitted for Award Review and BPW
e.g. Best Cookies Around, LLC 21-1011-0000
Baking is Life, Inc. 21-0000-0000
*Remember that Tax Clearances should start with the calendar year…2021 = 21.
(Page Break should be here)
Additional notes:
*** Note that each page should be a clean break. You can achieve this by going to the
start of the last line on a page and pressing CTRL and ENTER simultaneously on your keyboard.
Department of General Services
Office of State Procurement
Board of Public Works Preparations Instructional Template - NEW
*** The TAB key should be used to space between information…not spacebar. By using
the TAB function, we create clean lines down the page.
*** If you cannot fit the footer (APPROVED/DISAPPROVED) on the bottom of your
page, start a new page and drop the MD Tax Clearance field to the next page.