R. C. Sproul’s Recommended Bible Reading Program for Beginners:
(From Knowing Scripture, p. 120ff)
Countless New Years’ Resolutions have been made and broken in the Christian
Community regarding Bible reading. Promises to read the Bible from cover to cover are
made and remade. Yet the fact remains that the vast majority of professing Christians have
never read the whole Bible. Most have read the New Testament, but few have completed
the Old Testament.
Why have Christians been so derelict when it comes to biblical study? Is it merely a
lack of discipline or devotion? That may be part of the problem and consequently
produces much guilt among Christians for leaving undone those things that should have
been done. I think, however, that more than a problem of discipline, it is a problem of
Read the biblical books in the following order, beginning with these Old Testament
historical accounts:
Genesis (Creation, Fall and Covenant in Patriarchal history)
Exodus (Isreal’s liberation and formation as God’s people)
Joshua (Military conquest of promised land)
Judges (transition from tribal federation to monarchy)
1 Samuel (Emerging monarchy with Samuel, Saul and David)
2 Samuel (Reign of David - golden age of Isreal)
1 Kings (Solomon and the division of the kingdom)
2 Kings (Fall of Isreal and beginnings of Prophets)
Ezra (Return from exile)
Then continue with these examples of Old Testament
Amos and Hosea (Minor Prophets)
Jeremiah (Major Prophets)
Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon (Wisdom Literature)
Psalms and Proverbs (Poetry)
Then for the New Testament
Gospel of Luke (Life and teaching of Jesus)
Acts (History of Early Church)
Ephesians (Intro to Teaching of Paul)
1 Corinthians (Teaching in life of Church)
1 Peter (Intro to Teaching of Peter)
1 Timothy (Pastoral Epistles)
Hebrews (Theology of Christ)
Romans (Paul’s Theology)
Having accomplished this reading you will have the skeleon to which you can add the
flesh and sinew of the rest of the books of the Bible. R. C. Sproul urges to you come under
the disciple of someone else as you pursue your reading program.