New Student Information
Term Dates
Term Term Begins Term Ends
Term 1 Monday 16th August 2021* Friday 8th October 2021
Term 2 Monday 25th October 2021 Friday 17th December 2021
Term 3 Wednesday 5th January 2022 Friday 25th February 2022
Term 4 Monday 14th March 2022 Friday 6th May 2022
During the May holidays there will be GCSE examinaons taking place.
Term 5 Tuesday 24th May 2022 Friday 15th July 2022
Bank Holidays
Summer Bank Holiday Monday 30th August 2021
Good Friday Friday 15th April 2022
Easter Monday Monday 18th April 2022
Early May Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May 2022
Spring Bank Holiday Thursday 2nd June 2022
Planum Jubilee Bank
Friday 3rd June 2022
* Year 7 will start on Wednesday 1st September 2021
Our School
As you walk around the school, you will noce that there is an extensive use of glass
throughout the building in line with the Brooke Weston Trust philosophy of
openness and visibility. This creates an environment that feels safe and producve
and supports our disrupon free learning policy.
Sta and students use the same entrances and sta use and wait in line at meal
mes just as students would to model the behaviour we expect from our students.
We trust that our students will treat the environment respecully, therefore doors
will be kept unlocked except for in rooms where condenal records or exam
informaon is stored.
As a technical school, we are keen to use technology to enhance the in school
operaons: The building uses a swipe card system for access control and a cashless
catering system. Display screens are located throughout the school to communicate
key informaon to students and sta, and to indicate the mings of breaks and
We encourage our students to take personal responsibility for their punctuality to
lessons. Therefore, there is no bell to signal lesson changeover mes as we believe
this is teaching an important employability skill.
We have a new canopy area adjacent to our restaurant for sta and students to
enjoy outdoor dining and possibly a game of table tennis. We are also really pleased
to have opened our new MUGA (Mul Use Games Area) this year where students
are able to play 5-a-side football, tennis, netball and hockey in their weekly PE
A new Sixth Form Centre will also open this year oering a tailor made space for our
most senior students to study in.
Ground Floor
Map of the school
First Floor
Outdoor changing rooms and MU-
School Uniform
You will be expected to be smart and properly dressed at all mes. Full uniform
must be worn during all mes throughout your day in school.
Please see our website for more
specic details about purchasing
uniform. Please ensure all uniform
and belongings are clearly marked
with your name.
You will also be required to bring
appropriate kit to all of your PE
Addional equipment such as shin-
guards and mouth-guards will be
required for some contact sport.
You will be given specic advice
from your PE teachers when
Swipe Cards
Corby Technical School uses swipe cards
to ensure the school remains a safe
environment for you. The swipe card is
To let you into the building
To register your aendance
To purchase your meals in the
To borrow books from the library
To use the printers
It is therefore essenal that you
remember to bring in your swipe card
everyday. You will get a swipe card
issued to you when you start at the
school, if you damage or lose your card,
you will be expected to pay £2 for a
Replacement cards can be ordered via
our online Wisepay shop.
You will be required to bring the following items to school each day, as a minimum:
2 Black pens
2 Pencils
1 Eraser
1 Pencil sharpener
1 Ruler
1 Scienc calculator
Student Reception
Student recepon is open from 8:15am and remains open during period one only.
This gives you the opportunity to give in reply slips and purchase padlocks for your
lockers from the school shop. Money for lunches should be added to your Wisepay
account prior to the school day as we operate a cashless system within school.
Everyone is assigned a locker on your rst day at school. This is where you will keep
all of your belongings. It is your responsibility to provide a padlock for the locker
(padlocks are available to purchase from the school shop for a small charge). You
will be required to empty your locker and remove the lock at the end of each
school term.
Breakfast and Lunch
You will have two breaks a day, 20 minutes for breakfast and 30 minutes for lunch,
all of which will be spent in school. Teachers accompany the class to the restaurant
for these breaks and will take their breaks alongside you. All food and drink must
be consumed in the restaurant.
For breakfast and lunch, you can bring your own food or can purchase meals from
the restaurant.
If purchasing food from the restaurant, please make sure you have enough money
on your Wisepay account or you will be refused service.
Awarded 5 stars by food hygiene inspectors, the food is freshly prepared each day
and there is a varied healthy choice daily.
Sample Menu
Day Breakfast Lunch
Chicken Korma served with rice and
naan bread. Alternave: Feta and
tomato friata served with salad.
We oer a grab ngo
breakfast which
includes: Hot roll with
one or two llings,
toases, fruit pots,
muns or breakfast
muesli bars.
Four cheese tortellini served with salad.
Chicken pie served with mash and
Roast gammon served with vegetables
and gravy.
Breaded sh or Mozzarella pizza served
with chips.
Vegetarian opons are always available. If you have any specic dietary
requirements, please ensure you let the school know.
If you are feeling worried about yourself or others, then you can speak to your form
tutor or any member of sta so that they can support you with your concern. The
informaon will be triaged to the appropriate member of sta. Somemes your
form tutor will ask you to speak to the well-being team who will oer you addional
support or refer you to the school nurse.
If you feel like someone is bullying you, then you must report this to your form
tutor who will ask you to ll in an an-bullying form, so the school has a record of
the situaon. Your form tutor will work with the student care team to support you
and your family unl the problem is resolved.
It is important to report the concern as soon as possible so your form tutor and the
student care team have the informaon to support you.
We are delighted that we have achieved the Gold Award in recognion of the
connual work with our school community to eradicate bullying and ensure that
our students have a safe place to learn.
Well-being & Safeguarding
Getting to know you
Each year group is divided into tutor groups. You will spend me together each day
for assemblies, tutor me or personal, social and health educaon.
Your tutor and Head of Year will be the main point of contact for your parents. Your
parents will have the chance to meet your tutor at our Meet the Tutorevening
during the rst term, or at one of our Parentsevenings.
Your tutor group will be part of the CTS house system, where all the corresponding
tutor groups will form each house.
You will get to know your tutor group really well. In order for you to establish good
links within your year group, you will take part in a team building and acvity week
at the end of term 1. As a tutor group, you will compete against other tutor groups
in many events that take place throughout the school year. These include maths
challenges, spelling compeons, sporng events, team building and problem
solving in Term 1.
It is really important to arrive to school with plenty of me to put your personal
belongings in your locker and arrive to form me ready to learn.
It is expected that all students arrive at school at least 10 minutes before the start of
form me Arriving on me will give you enough me to prepare yourself for
The school day is as follows:
Tutor Curriculum8.45am to 9.10am
Period 1 (including break) - 9.10am to 10.30am
Period 210.30am to 11.30am
Period 3 (including lunch) —11.30am1.00pm
Period 41.00pm to 2.00pm
Period 52.00pm to 3.00pm
3pm—4pm (a range of oponal enrichment clubs)
Monday and Friday – students nish at 3.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – students can stay on and go to
a range of clubs from 3pm unl 4pm.
You will have learning expectaons which are set by the school. The students will
be reminded of the learning expectaons before every lesson begins.
Our learning expectaons are in place to make sure everyone has the opportunity
to make the most of every lesson. Your teacher will remind you of these at the
beginning of the lesson and whilst you are learning.
We expect everyone working in school work to be the best they can be.
We expect that people will treat each other with respect, behaving in a
sensible and courteous way at all mes.
We expect that sta and students will treat the building and its equipment
with due care and aenon and take pride in the facilies provided.
We expect our school to be a friendly and hard-working organisaon, where
everyone plays their part to build a school community that we are all proud
Mobile phones or other personal devices are not to be used in school. They
can be brought into school, but must be kept in studentslocked lockers.
Chewing gum is banned from the premises.
All food and drink must be consumed in the restaurant.
Learning Expectations
Lesson Transition
At the front of the classroom, you will see a spin dial which your teacher will use to
indicate the way in which they would like you to parcipate in each part of the
lesson. This could be silent independent study, working in quiet partners, polite
table groups or working as a respecul whole class.
Computer Usage
There are plenty of computers to use around the school. Your teacher may book
these rooms for lessons. We have some rooms that are used for specic IT driven
acvity, such as:
PCs for more specialist computer tasks such as computer-aided design (CAD),
image and video eding, and computer programming.
State-of-the-art Mac suite for Media and Music lessons. Students have
access to professional soware packages such as the Adobe Creave Suite
(Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, etc.) and Garageband.
You will be able to connect to the school network from home via our remote access
portal (you can nd this on the school website). This allows students to access the
majority of school soware and work on your les from home.
Students must follow the schools acceptable use policy at all mes and respect the
computer resources that are available to you. This includes but not limited to: not
sharing passwords with others, not causing malicious or physical damage, Not
accessing inappropriate content or aempng to circumvent rewall and ltering
systems. This is monitored and any breaches will be sanconed in line with the
school behaviour policy.
Your school email is accessible via the school website. Your email address will be
ready from day one and includes access to the Oce 365 suite of applicaons. Your
email address is your student/card number followed by
- (example
There are electronic display systems around the school were you will nd noces
such as clubs and announcements as well as your break me rota. The use of
mobile phones is not permied in school and should be kept switched o and
locked away in your locker or risk conscaon of your device.
School Clubs
We oer a range of aer school clubs including chess, netball, football, library
acvies as well as a wide range of curriculum based acvies. These acvies are
open to all students and are a great opportunity to meet other students.
Regular clubs are listed on the school website and you can keep an eye on the
screens in school for details of any new clubs. For most clubs, you will need to sign
up and commit to aending for at least a term.
Trips and Visits
Through our partners at Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts trust, we
oer a range of lessons on musical instruments including strings, piano, drums,
guitar and music technology. See the school website for more informaon or to
sign up.
You may bring a bicycle or a scooter to school and we highly recommend you wear
a helmet. Bicycles and scooters must be le locked in the racks provided. Bicycles
and scooters must not be ridden on school site.
Music Instrument Lessons
Throughout the year we aim to oer a variety of curriculum based trips for you to
opt into.
Over the years, we have oered visits to Stone Computers, Festo, Twycross Zoo and
even an annual trip to Comic Con. We also run yearly residenals.
The school uses WisePay for parents to pay for school meals, books purchased from
school, music tuion or trips and visits.
You will receive a username and password which is linked to your account that you
will need to take home.
Your parents/carers will be able to log into the WisePay website and make any
payments to school.
If you are topping up your card for meals from WisePay, please ensure this is done
at least 24 hours before you intend to use the money on your card as transacons
can be delayed and are not instant.
We know that your parents/carers like to be kept updated on what homework you
have been set, that is why we have teamed up with Satchel one: Show My
This is an online system that allows you and your parents/carers to login and see the
tasks that you need to complete, giving full instrucons on the task including the
There is also an app that you or your parents/carers can download onto a smart
phone or tablet.
This will help you to stay organised on compleng your homework tasks in a mely
manner and aids in the management of your homework.
You are given a username and password on your rst day at Corby Technical School.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if you are ill?
If you are ill and cannot come into school, then your parents/carers will need to
contact the school before 8.15am.
What if you feel ill at school?
If you feel ill at school, then you will need to let your form tutor know that you feel
unwell. The school will contact home for you if it is required. You will only be
allowed to leave school if a parent/carer can arrange for you to be collected from
What happens if you have an appointment during the school day?
In the rst instance, try not to. Where this is unavoidable let both recepon and
your tutor know, and bring in an appointment slip to recepon.
Where is lost property?
If you lose anything, then there is a lost property box where you can check to see if
it has been handed in. This is located in the library. Please make sure all uniform and
possessions are marked with your name so they can be returned if mislaid.
What happens if I forget my student card?
It is important that you take care to remember your student card as you use it to
sign in, it is your library card, allows you to print within school and it is also used to
purchase food. If you do, however forget your card, you will need to wait at
recepon unl the school has signed you in.
What happens if I forget my lunch?
If your parent/carer delivers your lunch, it will be available to collect at recepon. If
you have money on your card, you can purchase lunch from the restaurant.
Will I get a lot of homework?
You are likely to be given some homework to complete each day, but it is up to
individual teachers to set homework when they think it is necessary. Homework
tasks will be posted on Satchel one: Show My Homework which should be checked
Can mobile phones be used at school?
No, if you choose to bring a mobile phone to school it must be kept switched o and
in your locker.
Paracetamol and Other Prescribed Medicines
All medicaon will be administered in accordance to the Trusts Supporng Pupils
with Medical Needs in Schoolpolicy, a copy of which can be found here:
No medicaon will be administered without prior wrien consent from a parent/
What bag/coat can I use?
You should have an appropriate school bag to carry your school equipment such as;
a pencil case with pens, pencils, ruler, rubber and sharpener, a private reading book
and any exercise books you need to take to and from school. Coats, should you wish
to wear one, should be appropriate for the me of year. All bags and coats will be
stored in your locker during the day and should not be carried from lesson to lesson.
I cannot access online sites, Such as Wisepay / Show My Homework
In the instance that you cannot access one of these sites, please contact your form
tutor who can deal with this. If your parents/carers require urgent access to
Wisepay to add funds to your account then they should contact the main recepon
for help and advice.
Most of our asthma suerers aend school as regularly as every other child. It is
important that you carry an inhaler if necessary and that we keep a spare inhaler in
the rst aid room. This should be named and handed to Recepon. School is now
allowed to keep spares to be used in an emergency. If parcular weather or certain
acvies begin to cause dicules please tell us right away.
Ive hurt my foot/ankle
You should make your form tutor aware if you have an injury. Some students might
think this is a good reason to wear trainers rather than school shoes, however, this
rarely helps the situaon therefore, unless a medical professional has told you to
wear specic footwear, you do need to wear uniform as usual. If aer 24 hours the
foot/ankle is sll swollen you might need to ask an adult to take you to the doctor or
Something is bothering me and I dont want to come into school.
There are lots of reasons why you may not be feeling keen to come into school. It
may be that there is something that has happened in your family, or perhaps you
are anxious about something at school. Somemes, people just feel down and you
might not be sure why. The most important thing is that you talk to someone at
school—this might be your Form Tutor, your Head of Year, or one of our welfare
team. There are lots of things we can do to support you, but we need to know that
you need help rst.
My uniform is damaged/unusable
Please make sure you order replacement uniform as soon as you are able to if the
uniform needs replacing. Students who are arriving to school in incorrect uniform
should have a signed note from their parent/carer with an explanaon of why they
are in incorrect uniform. In addion to this their tutor should be contacted before
the start of the school day as well. Their tutor will give them a slip stang when they
will be back in correct uniform. They may call home to conrm this.