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Please carefully review your shop guidelines as there are many updates to this program
Effective April 1, 2013
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar is one of the Top 10 Fastest-Growing Restaurant Chains in the country. In addition to
being a New York-styled place for wings, Buffalo Wild Wings (a.k.a. “B-Dubs”) is also a sports bar, complete with a
full menu featuring everything from salads to appetizers to burgers, and a variety of specialty items. All this is served in
a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere where customers hang out with friends, play trivia (Buzztime Trivia system), and
watch their favorite games on one of their many big-screen TVs. Buffalo Wild Wings is a fun, edgy, high-energy, and
easygoing restaurant (much like the personalities of their Guests). BWW has a brand focus on: Wings. Beer. Sports.
Shop Summary
The general purpose of this shop is to evaluate the customer (Guest) experience when dining at a Buffalo Wild Wings
restaurant. Buffalo Wild Wings takes great pride in providing a fun, personable atmosphere for Guests to enjoy great
food in a timely manner. BWW strives to satisfy all customer types whether people are coming in for a quick bite
over their lunch hour or are hanging out to watch the big game and banter back-and-forth with friends and staff about
their favorite teams.
In addition to observing standard elements of the service and environment, this shop is designed to measure the
amount of time certain experiences are taking such as being greeted, being seated, and delivering your food and
beverages. During this shop, Buffalo Wild Wings also wants to confirm that their staff is engaging with customers so
that patrons leave the restaurant feeling like a valued customer.
IMPORTANT: You will be asked to purchase a food item and a beverage (please check your beverage
scenario in order to determine what beverage you MUST order) during your mystery shop. You will also be
asked to evaluate the timeliness of your orders, whether they were provided at an appropriate temperature
and if proper requests for identification were requested (in the event of an alcohol order). Buffalo Wild Wings
measures their service down to the minute! It is imperative that you record these times accurately during
your mystery shop. You will not be responsible for determining whether BWW’s time constraints were met.
Rather, the times you enter in your report will be used to calculate compliance for certain tasks.
Please make sure to data enter your survey within 12 hours of conducting your mystery shop or your
shop will be cancelled and you may not be paid or reimbursed.
You must take the shopper quiz within 24 hours of being assigned, and you must pass the quiz before
you conduct a shop. If either criterion is not met, your shop will be cancelled.
It is imperative to maintain your anonymity throughout the shop. You should not bring in materials (Shop Guidelines,
Questionnaire, etc.) or items (clipboards, pens, etc.) that will give away your identity as a Mystery Shopper. You should
appear as a normal customer. You may dine with one adult companion only if they also maintain anonymity, act
professionally, and let you focus on your shop. In addition to one adult, you may bring up to two children with you (see
page 3 for more details).
How to make sure you get paid for your shop
We value our shoppers and the time you invest in our clients. These guidelines thoroughly explain the requirements of
your shop. Please make sure to read over them carefully. We want to ensure that you get paid for your time,
however, in order to do that you have to complete the shop correctly by following all instructions contained within these
Buffalo Wild Wings MS Shop Guidelines
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Please note that these are the issues that will cause you to not be paid for your shop:
Completing your shop prior or after your shop date. You are assigned to visit your location based on the initial
date you chose on the shop log. You must contact your scheduler in order to reschedule your shop. We shop
each of these locations multiple times and our client has requirements on the how close the shops can be
completed to each other. If you complete your shop on a date not assigned to you then your shop will be
invalid and you will not be paid.
Completing your shop during the wrong timeframe. Double check your shop log and also review the notes in
the Shop Day and Time section to make sure you are visiting your location at the correct time.
Not uploading an ITEMIZED receipt with the location information clearly visible. An itemized receipt is one that
lists out each item ordered by you and/or anyone with you. If you do not receive an itemized receipt, then you
MUST request one from the server while you are still at the location. Your shop will be invalid and you will not
be paid if you do not upload an itemized receipt.
Not taking a photo of the outside of the store at the time you completed the shop. Old photos, photos from
previous shops, internet photos, Google maps photos, etc. will not be accepted.
You must properly describe what is to the left and right of the location you are visiting. This will be asked
within the survey.
Not passing the quiz with 100% BEFORE you complete your shop. Any shops that are completed before the
quiz is passed with a 100% score will not be accepted and you will not be paid.
Not shopping the correct location.
Not completing your shop according to the age/gender requirements or not completing the shop according to
the correct coke/beer guidelines. Please check your shop log for the correct age/gender requirements and to
determine if you are shopping a coke/beer scenario.
Filling out the age/gender requirements question incorrectly. This question will not be clarified and your shop
will be invalid if you answer this question incorrectly. Even if you did the shop correctly, the invalid shop will
never be overturned and you will not be paid so please make sure you double check your answer to question
Not taking a photo of the outside of the store on a closed location. You will not receive the $3 closed shop fee.
Not checking your Shop Log within 24-48 hours after you submit your report to see if the proofing team has
any updates or corrections that need to be made.
Shop Day and Time
Shops MUST be conducted during the day you are scheduled for and the time assigned on your shop log. You may be
assigned to shop during lunchtime (11:00AM 2:00PM), dinnertime (5:00PM 9:00PM), or late night (9:00PM closing
time). Your assigned timeframe can be found on your shop log. If you do not follow your assigned timeframe, your
shop will not be valid and you will not be paid. Certain locations may have different operating days/hours. You must call
the location prior to your visit to confirm the operating hours. Do not visit the location without first verifying they are
open at the time you are scheduled for.
Late Night Timeframe Note: If you are shopping during the late night timeframe (9:00PM closing time), you MUST
enter the restaurant at least 2 hours before closing to provide sufficient time for you to complete your shop. If you
enter late in the evening and exit in the early morning hours of the following day, when entering the date for your
shop, please choose the date on which you entered. For example, if you enter at 10 p.m. on February 8 and exit at 1
a.m. on February 9, you would enter February 8 when completing your online data entry.
Dinner Timeframe Note: If you are shopping during the dinner timeframe (5:00PM 9:00PM), you MUST enter the
restaurant by 8:30 p.m. to provide sufficient time for you to complete the majority of your shop before the late night
timeframe starts at 9:00 p.m.
Closed Location Policy
You must physically visit the assigned location. If your location is closed upon arrival (i.e. closed for remodeling, does
not exist), you must take a photo and upload it at the end of your report after entering that you were unable to
conduct your shop. If a different business is located at this address, you are still required to take a picture of the front
of the store to verify your shop. This photo should capture the address of the location to verify that you are at the
correct address. If there is nothing at all at the address, you must still take a picture of whatever is there. If you do not
upload a photo for your shop, your shop will be invalid and shop payment will be denied.
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Shop Fee and Reimbursement
You will be paid $5.00 for successful completion of this shop. If your assigned location is closed during its normal
operating hours, you will be paid a $3.00 closed shop fee.
You will be reimbursed up to $15.00 for your meal. The amount that you will be reimbursed for your food and beverage
purchases will NOT be increased if you bring another Guest. You may include the value of your tip as part of your
reimbursement as long as the total reimbursement does not exceed $15.00. The tip amount must be clearly marked on
your uploaded receipt. You are permitted to use a gift card to pay for your purchase if you choose. If you choose to use
a coupon to pay for your meal, please be sure to provide the actual amount spent after the coupon was factored into
the bill.
If assigned a Canada shop, you will be paid in US dollars. When doing your online data entry, however, make sure to
enter your total cost of purchase in Canadian dollars so the dollar amount entered matches with the amount listed on
your receipt.
Purchase Requirements
Please note that you are to purchase at least two items:
A) Any food item (appetizer or entrée)
B) Drink
a. Coke product if you are assigned to the “Coke scenario”. Water, spritzers, tonic water or non-coke products
are not an acceptable beverage purchase.
b. Any alcoholic drink if you are assigned to the “Beer scenario”. You can order beer on tap (except for
Guinness) or any other alcoholic drink.
Shopper Qualification/Requirements
You only have 3 opportunities to pass the briefing notes quiz. Do NOT use the back button on your browser when
taking the quiz as it will record another failed attempt. If you fail the quiz, you will not be able to complete any shops
on this program for this round of shops. After clicking Finish on your quiz, make sure to choose “Take another pass
through this test” on the next screen as it will be your only opportunity to see which questions you missed and make
Itemized Receipt Requirement
You must retain a receipt for the specific shop being entered which includes an itemized list of what was ordered. If
your server only provides you with a credit card receipt, then please request an itemized receipt immediately. Your
shop will be invalid and you will not be paid unless you have an itemized receipt. This also includes take-out receipts so
check the bag before leaving the location to make sure the server did include the itemized receipt. A clear and legible
photo of your receipt reflecting the address of your assigned shop along with the items ordered must be uploaded with
each shop report in order for your shops to be considered valid. Please be sure your receipt is a full image, correct and
clear BEFORE uploading it in your report. We cannot verify your shop without the correct, readable, itemized receipt,
and we will NOT accept receipts after your report is submitted. Our quality control department will be checking each
receipt to verify that the address, date, time, and receipt number matches our directory and what has been entered in
the shop report.
Reprinting receipts
Losing the receipt is not acceptable. However, if a receipt is destroyed or somehow tampered with by a Buffalo Wild
Wings store associate, then you may get the receipt reprinted before leaving the restaurant. If the date on a reprinted
receipt matches the day of the shop AND the time is very close to the time of the shop, the reprinted receipt will be
accepted. If the reprinted receipt reflects a different day from the actual date of the shop, it will not be accepted.
Please be sure that your receipt is an itemized receipt, so that all items can be verified. *If your receipt is not an
itemized receipt, your report will be invalid and you will not be paid.
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Example of a Purchase Receipt
NOTE: Some receipts will include an invitation to a Guest Feedback Survey at survey.buffalowildwings.com. Since you
have come to BWW as a mystery shopper and not as a real “Guest,” you are not eligible to fill out this online survey. Of
course, if you go back to BWW as a Guest in the future, you are more than welcome to fill out a survey at that time.
Shoppers Bringing their Families / Kids
For families with younger kids (less than 7 years old) there must be 2 adults. For example, it cannot
be Mom alone bringing a 5 year old and 6 year old.
There must not be more than two kids per visit.
The number of guests per family, including the shopper, must not exceed 4.
Shopper Rotation
Shoppers are restricted from visiting the same location twice within the same rounds of shops. A round of shops does
not follow calendar month dates. For instance, the April 2013 round lasts from:
Round 1: Apr 1
Apr 28
Each shopper can complete up to 10 Buffalo Wild Wings shops within one round as long as the rotation restriction is
For Shoppers Assigned a Specific Gender and/or Age perspective
A shop will require the
of one of the following gender or age ranges:
Male, 18-44 years old
Male, 21-44 years old
Male or female, 18-44 years old
Male or female, 21-44 years old
Male, any age
Any gender, Any age (no restrictions)
While Buffalo Wild Wings is interested in feedback from all of their customers, they also want information from specific
groups of people. So, if you are assigned to or self-assign a shop, you must check your shop to make sure you are
either that specific age/gender or that you can bring someone along with you in that specific age/gender (if you bring
someone from that age/gender requirement then your receipt must reflect that at least 2 people dined). Also, when
filling out the report you should make sure that the feedback is based on the person who fits the specific age/gender of
your assigned shop. While most all of our shoppers demonstrate professionalism in their work and assignments, we
have had a couple of shoppers answer question 1.9 dishonestly. Shops can be verified via location videotape and
shoppers have been removed from this program for reporting incorrect information on question 1.9.
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To determine which
a shop is, you can look at the job board in the “days of the week” field that is found in
the “Shop Information” section for the assigned perspective of a shop:
Once you are assigned a shop, the assigned
will appear on your shop log:
Here is a chart to help you know how you determine how to fill out question 1.9:
If you
Assigned the
And you completed
your shop…
Your answer to 1.9 must be:
Any gender, Any
By yourself or with others
Choose the category that you or your
guest fall into.
Over 44
Any gender, 18-44
years old
With someone who was
18-44 years old
Male/Female bringing 18-44 year-old
Over 44
Any gender, 21-44
years old
With someone who was
21-44 years old
Male/Female bringing 21-44 year-old
Male of any age
with a male companion
Male/Female bringing 18-44 year-old
Male OR Female bringing Male 45+
Male, 18-44 years
with a male companion
18-44 years old
Male/Female bringing 18-44 year-old
Male, 21-44 years
With a Male companion
Male/Female bringing 21-44 year-old
Male 18-44
Male 18-44 years
By yourself or with others
I am a Male 18-44
Male 18-44
Male, 21-44 years
With a Male companion
Male/Female bringing 21-44 year-old
Male 21-44
Male 18-44 years
By yourself or with others
I am a Male 21-44
Male 21-44
Male, 21-44 years
By yourself or with others
I am a Male 21-44
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For shoppers assigned a specific (i.e. Male) perspective, you must discreetly get the assessment of your companion and
enter the data from your companion’s perspective.
For the restroom (Section 7), the person of the assigned gender (i.e. Male) must evaluate the
restroom and carefully report back on its condition.
Server engagement on a personal level, pleased to have this server again, and overall comments
(Section 8) must also be answered from the perspective of the individual meeting the assigned
gender and/or age.
Coke/Beer Shop scenarios (new starting April 1
, 2013)
A dine-in shop will assigned as one of the following that will be displayed in the same days of the week field as the
age/gender restrictions:
Coke Shop:
If you are assigned a Coke shop you are required to Dine within the restaurants dining area, either on the main floor or
outdoor patio. You must order a coke product if you are assigned to a Coke Shop.
Beer Shop:
If you are assigned a Beer shop you are required to Dine-in within the restaurants bar area, either on the Hi-top tables
or the bar counter. Furthermore, we would need either you or your companion to be above the age of 21 with proper
identification (as a purchase of an alcoholic beverage is needed). You must order an alcoholic beverage if you are
assigned to a Beer shop scenario.
Special Considerations for Shops at Airport Locations
Make sure you enter the local time at the airport as your time of entry and exit.
You will not need to evaluate the exterior or restroom for an airport location shop.
Exterior Photograph
You must also provide an exterior photograph of the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. Please be sure that this picture is
clear and adequately displays the place of business. Take this photo discreetly. Also, every photo must be unique to the
specific shop you conducted on that day. If we are unable to confirm you have visited the correct BWW location based
on your picture of the restaurant’s exterior or that the photo provided does not go in line with the day of your shop,
your shop may be rejected. It does not matter if you take this photograph on your way in or out, whichever is easiest
for you. You cannot use a photo from a previous shop or one from Google Maps or any other online map/picture
How to Conduct the Shop
You must have a watch with a second hand to record several time aspects of your visit, including when you first enter
the restaurant. If you have a stopwatch function on your mobile phone, you could use it as well. Do NOT use an actual
You must complete your assignment as follows.
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1. Prior to entering the restaurant, observe the parking lot and sidewalks surrounding Buffalo Wild Wings.
Determine if they are free of debris. Also assess the condition of building’s exterior, landscaping, and lighting (if
dark outside). Some questions may not apply to all locations (e.g., at an airport or inside a large mall).
2. Note the time that you walk into the restaurant’s front entrance. Time how long it takes a Buffalo Wild Wings
Team Member to acknowledge or greet you. This should be almost immediately.
Please note that you could be greeted by a manger that is working the door, someone at the take-out counter,
the actual greeter behind the greeter (host/hostess) stand, or any other BWW employee. The greeting time is
very important, but timing it precisely on your watch isn’t necessary. For this step only, please perform a
general count in your head to determine how many seconds it took before you were greeted by a BWW
3. Please pay close attention to the Team Member who greeted you. Note their name (if possible) and
appearance, as well as their uniform. The Team Member’s name can be found on the back of his/her uniform.
4. Assess whether there is a line and whether you are told there is a wait to be seated. If you are quoted a wait
time, be sure to note whether their time estimate was accurate. When entering your wait time during online
data entry, if you were quoted a range (e.g., 20 to 30 minutes), you should enter the high end of your wait
time (e.g., 30:00) at 3.11.
Please note that you may sit anywhere in the restaurant that you would like: at a table or booth, at the bar
counter, or on the outdoor patio (if applicable). Please review your assigned scenario which provides direction
on where you must dine at the restaurant. Take-out shops are not valid if you are assigned to a dine-in shop.
The following table will assist you in filling out your questionnaire.
Questionnaire Text
Dining Area: Main Floor
Dining Area: Outdoor
Bar Area: Bar Counter
Bar Area: Hi-top Table
5. Note the process of the greeter as you are seated. In addition to seating you, did they direct you to the
beverage menu before leaving you at your table?
Note: Even if you are a frequent patron of Buffalo Wild Wings, please do not give the impression
that you are fully aware of the menu. Rather, every shop should provide the greeter and server the
opportunity to explain the menu, point out any specials, make recommendations, etc.
6. When seated, evaluate the cleanliness of you table and the condition of the condiments and menus. Condiment
caddies should be stocked with ketchup, salt, and pepper, and there should be wet naps where you would
normally find sugar packets in a different restaurant.
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Note: Please take note of what percent of the tables were occupied and how many BWW team members you
observed during your shop.
7. Make a mental note of the atmosphere. You will be asked about the restaurant’s lighting, temperature, and
music and/or television loudness.
Note: Compared to other restaurants, the sound level
should be slightly higher and livelier. You should still be able
to have a conversation with your companion or server. Also,
when a big game is on, the TV sound is on and the music is
turned off.
8. When being introduced to your server, please note the time
it took you to be greeted after sitting down, the server’s
name, appearance, and uniform. The server’s name can be
found on the back of his/her uniform. If you are visiting a
location in Canada and the server is wearing jeans, this is considered acceptable appearance.
9. Determine how engaging your server is. Is the server there just to take your order, or do they seem genuinely
interested in you as a customer? Perhaps they asked something about you (the reason for your visit, current
events, etc.). They may even “trash talk” with you if you are rooting for the opposing team! Having staff
engage with customers on a personal level is a characteristic Buffalo Wild Wings is very focused on.
10. Guest Experience Captains (“GEC”) The location you visit may be following a ‘Guest Experience Business
Model’. During visits to these locations, you may encounter an additional staff member called a ‘Guest
Experience Captain’. They can be identified in a white jersey/uniform with the buffalo Wild wings logo on the
front and the title captain scrolled across the back top and ‘Buffalo Wild Wings’ written under the captain title.
The role of the Guest Experience Captain can be anything from changing television programs, coordinating
fundraiser events, offering sauces and beverage samples, to hosting Blazin’ Challenges or celebrating birthdays.
They are there to enhance the Guest’s dining experience with Buffalo Wild Wings. You are asked to observe if
they are fulfilling this role.
11. Take note of the server’s approach. Are they recommending specific meals or beverages? Did they or a “GEC”
invite you to play their “Buzztime Playmaker” (networked trivia) or “Playportt” device (handheld gaming
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Buzztime Playmaker: PlayporTT:
12. While the server attempts to take your order, please take note of which particular beverages are mentioned
(alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages). Also, while the server is discussing beverages, you must take note of
the specific beers that are mention or if the term “Game Day Special” is used during the process of ordering.
Furthermore, you should document any Coca-Cola promotions that are visible throughout the location.
Examples of Coca-Cola Promotions:
13. You must order a beverage during your shop as required by your assigned scenario. If you do not order the
correct beverage then your shop will be invalid and you will not be paid. Only attempt to order an alcoholic
beverage if you are of legal age, as determined by the location of your shop. Please drink responsibly.
*Do not order Guinness Beer on tap, while conducting your shop. Most Guinness Beers take longer
to pour (in order to get it just right). Therefore, we cannot provide a proper assessment on
beverage delivery time. *
Please note that the beverage you personally ordered should be noted during data entry at 6.9. 6.9 is NOT
meant to record any beverage that might have been recommended to you. Rather, 6.9 should record what you
personally ordered.
14. Be sure to measure the exact duration of time from when you place your drink order to having YOUR first drink
delivered to you.
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15. Evaluate your drink when delivered. Was it the right temperature? If it was beer, did it have a visible ring of
foam at the top?
16. You must order a food item during your shop. This can be a Sharable (appetizer) or entrée; it does not matter
which food item you order. You will be reimbursed for your food and beverage purchase up to a $15 value.
17. When deciding what to order, note if any Team Member suggested a Sharable (appetizer) or recommended a
Buffalo Wild Wings signature sauce or seasoning. To qualify for a “Yes” response at 6.15, the recommendation
should be specific. For example, the Team Member could recommend that you “customize your grub” by adding
the Salt and Vinegar™ seasoning to your fries. Or, they could recommend that you try a specific sauce that is
being offered for a limited time.
For your reference, the following is a list of BWW signature sauces. There may be additional sauces or
seasonings that are offered for a limited time. (For example, at the time of this writing, Jammin’ Jalapeño
a limited time sauce).
Sweet BBQ™
Asian Zing®
Salt and Vinegar™
Caribbean Jerk™
Chipotle BBQ™
Hot BBQ™
Parmesan Garlic™
Desert Heat®
Mango Habanero™
Honey BBQ™
Spicy Garlic™
You will also need to note if you were directed to promotional items. A promotional item is an item listed in a
menu insert or called out on the menu as a “Limited Time Offer.When reporting this finding, please note that
promotional items do not include the normal Tuesday traditional wing special or Thursday boneless wing
18. Also, recall if the server repeated your order back to you to ensure accuracy.
19. When actually placing your order be sure to measure the exact duration of time from when you gave your food
order to having YOUR food delivered to your table. If you order a Sharable (appetizer) as well as a meal, you
will only need to time the delivery of your appetizer, if it comes out first.
20. When your food arrives, verify whether you have everything you need to begin your meal (e.g., silverware,
napkins, and condiments).
21. Evaluate the food delivered to determine if it is accurate and to your expectations. Evaluate the food’s
temperature, presentation, quality, and taste.
22. Take note if the server offers a refill or additional beverage during your meal. Please be sure to take note of
how much of your beverage was remaining when the server asked you for the refill.
23. As you enjoy your meal, pay special attention to your surroundings. Determine if tables around your area are
being quickly cleared after other patrons leave. Your own table likely will not be fully cleared until you leave, so
that you do not feel rushed.
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24. Determine the level of attention you are getting during the meal. Are the servers checking back with you,
providing necessary refills, etc.?
25. Also note if Buffalo Wild Wings Team Members and management are engaging with you to provide a more
personable experience. Managers can be distinguished from other Team Members by their polo or twill shirts
with a simple BWW logo. Servers, greeters, and cashiers will be wearing sports-type jerseys (see below).
Manager Uniforms:
Server/Greeter/Cashier/Bartender Uniforms:
26. You (or if you are assigned to a male scenario and you have a male guest then he should visit the bathroom)
must visit the restroom during your visit. You will be examining these facilities for general cleanliness and
whether they are sufficiently stocked with supplies. Restrooms should be sufficiently stocked with paper towels,
toilet paper, and soap.
27. Nearing the end of your meal, note when the server provided you with your bill. It may be provided early
during lunch for your convenience.
28. Review the bill in detail for accuracy. Also note if the payment process was handled in a reasonable amount of
29. While leaving, please note if anyone engaged with you on your way out of the restaurant.
Overall Experience
30. In Section Eight of the questionnaire, you will be asked to summarize you (or your male guest’s) overall dining
experience. In doing so, it is important that you make specific comments regarding only your experience within
the restaurant. Below are examples that illustrate the types of comments that the client is looking for, as well
as the types of comments that should be avoided.
Examples of appropriate responses:
I was greeted immediately upon entering the store. When I told the hostess I needed to place a to-
go order, she led me over to the ordering area and proceeded to take my order. She told me my
Also could be light
yellow in color
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wait would be about 20 minutes and handed me a buzzer and said it would go off when ready and I
could take a seat at the bar if I would like.
Overall, I had a good visit. The service was acceptable, though the server did not offer conversation
or attempt to personalize my visit. The level of business was low, but all televisions were turned on,
and the music and television volume were appropriate for that level of business. I felt like a valued
customer, and my food and beverages tasted great and were generally a good value.
“We had an awesome dining experience; the server was very energetic and bantered with us the
entire time. She was a lot of Fun. She was also very punctual throughout are entire dining
experience, we never had to ask for anything, she was definitely on her 'A' game tonight. Also they
had Trivia night going on with Jesse as the DJ. He was very good too. He had the whole place
involved with his Trivia. It was a really good, energetic feeling going on.”
Examples of insufficient responses:
“I would recommend this to my friends, since they like bar food.”
It was rather strange. I felt something was missing but I was prepared for the questions on my
report form and figured that was the way it was to be. I had previously done Buffalo Wild Wing shops
a couple of years ago but had never done one with a carryout and did not have to take a picture.”
It took me a long time to read over the briefing notes and take my quiz.”
*Please note you must be able to provide detailed comments regarding only your experience within the
restaurant, food, and beverage. If we are unable to confirm that your comments throughout your shop are
detailed and appropriate, your shop may be rejected.
31. The last question of the questionnaire asks for your feedback on the shop itself. Please do not include
additional comments about your overall dining experience here; rather we are looking for feedback on the shop
assignment itself.
Examples of appropriate responses:
I would recommend you change the scenario where the customer says they are hungry but do not
know what to order. Have the server make a recommendation and make a note what they say.”
There was nothing that I feel as a shopper lacking from this shopping experience. It was easy to
follow the guidelines from start to finish. It was an enjoyable experience and my first time shopping
this client.
I think it would be beneficial for the client to have the shopper look around the restaurant for
various promotional signs and also to take note if the servers or greeters mention any current
promotions occurring.
Examples of insufficient responses:
“I cannot think of anything. It was fun shop to participate in.”
“It was an enjoyable visit and no suggestions are needed.”
“I feel they could give more food for the money paid.”
Shopper Best Practices: Timing
There are four different components that shoppers are required to note the timing of. Shoppers have shared this tip
as a good way to note details about the shop while remaining discreet:
You can note these beforehand on your cell phone in a text message to yourself. You may then text yourself the
different timings so you have something to refer to when entering data. Timings that must be tracked are
summarized below.
Estimated time from arrival to being greeted/acknowledged
Exact time to be greeted after being seated
Exact time to receive your beverage after ordering
Exact time to receive your food item after ordering
Copyright GfK Custom Research North America 2012. Proprietary and Confidential
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You must enter your shop results within 12 hours of the visit. If you have any problems or questions, then please
contact your assigned scheduler, or email info@gfkmysteryshops.com as quickly as possible. If you do not enter your
shop results within 12 hours of completing your shop, your shop will be automatically cancelled from your scheduled
shops page and you will not be paid for completing the shop.
Please be advised that we may contact you within 48 hours of shop completion to seek clarification on details of your
shop visit. Please check your voicemail messages and emails during the 48 hour period after you have completed
your shop visit to ensure prompt response.
GfK Mystery Shopping Requirements & Expectations
Our client makes decisions based on the results of this program; it is therefore important that the following
requirements are followed closely for the completion of your visit:
Read your guidelines carefully and follow them in order to successfully complete your shop You
must save all notes on this shop, the receipt, and the picture of the outside of the location for 90
days. Even if your shop has been paid, you still must retain this info for 90 days as we may
contact you for further clarification.
If you encounter a rude associate while conducting your shop, please remain calm and continue your
interaction with the employee. At no time should you ever approach a manager about an employee’s
behavior. Please document any circumstances in a factual and objective manner.
You are not eligible to conduct shops for GfK at any Buffalo Wild Wings location if you currently
work for Buffalo Wild Wings or are a member of any other third party vendor conducting any type
of mystery shopping at any Buffalo Wild Wings location(s). If you have worked as a mystery
shopper for another third party vendor at Buffalo Wild Wings location(s) in the past (but are not
currently doing so), you still qualify.*
Follow all the processes and procedures in order to successfully complete your shop visit.
Contact your scheduler if any of the information is unclear.
Contact us if you encounter any issues during your visit.
Please write all comments in full sentences. Please keep in mind that our client will be looking at
these comments.
Please be clear and succinct with your comments. Your comments MUST pertain to the question.
If you are unable to complete your shop as scheduled for any reason, you should cancel your
shop online and also contact your scheduler as quickly as possible.
Please return emails or messages as promptly as possible should we need to seek clarification on
your shop.
You must keep all information regarding this study confidential.
Your report MUST be entered no later than 12 hours after the actual visit.
As a Buffalo Wild Wings Mystery Shopper you must present a professional image at all times. This starts with your
positive attitude and program knowledge. It also includes a polite and enthusiastic personality.
Please ensure that you follow the following business etiquette:
Remember that you are representing GfK Mystery Shopping.
Always represent yourself in a professional manner never revealing yourself.
Never speak negatively about Buffalo Wild Wings or GfK Mystery Shopping.
Be positive and enthusiastic. Do NOT engage in a negative discussion with any employee.
If an employee does not behave as expected, please continue your interaction with the
employee. At no time should you ever approach a manager about an employee’s behavior.
Please document any circumstances in a factual and objective manner.