Tax Avoidance and Business Location in a State Border Model
Shawn Rohlin
Department of Economics
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325
Phone: (330) 972-7548
Stuart S. Rosenthal
Maxwell Advisory Board Professor of Economics
Department of Economics and
Center for Policy Research
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1020
Phone: (315) 443-3809
Amanda Ross
Department of Economics
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV
Phone: (304) 293-7869
Email: amanda.ross @
June 6, 2012
Support for this project from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. We
thank Jan Brueckner and Gilles Duranton for helpful comments and also seminar participants at the
University of Houston and Rice University. All errors are our own.
Previous studies have struggled to demonstrate that higher taxes deter business activity. We revisit this
issue by estimating the effect of cross-border differences in state tax conditions on the tendency for new
establishments to favor one side of a state border over the other. Identification is enhanced by several
features of the research design. We focus only on companies that locate within easy commuting distance
of state borders; we difference activity across adjacent segments of state borders and over time, and we
control for multiple sources of tax revenue. Of special importance given the border design, we highlight
the impact of previously overlooked state reciprocal agreements that require workers to pay income tax to
their state of residence as opposed to their state of employment.
Results indicate that reciprocal agreements have a pronounced effect on companies situated close to a
state border. In locations where reciprocal agreements are in force, higher personal income taxes lure
companies from across the border, while corporate income taxes and sales taxes have the opposite effect.
Where reciprocal agreements are not in place, the results are largely reversed. These patterns are
amplified in heavily developed locations, and differ in systematic and anticipated ways by industry and
corporate/non-corporate status of the establishment. Overall, the results support the view that
entrepreneurs are drawn towards tax sheltered locations, ceteris paribus.
Key Words: Tax deterrence; business location; border models
JEL Codes: H2, H7, R3, R5
The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward – John Maynard
Keynes, Attributed, A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations
(1977), Alan L. MacKay, p.140.
I. Introduction
There is truth in Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “The only thing certain in life is death and
taxes.” But for local policy makers, the quote above from John Keynes demands more attention. That is
because one way that entrepreneurs and households may seek to avoid taxation is by relocating to more
tax advantaged locations. This idea was not lost on Tiebout (1956) and Hamilton (1976) in their seminal
papers on the possibility that households may vote with their feet. It has also been the focus of numerous
papers that have sought to measure the impact of local tax policy on business location decisions. A
notable feature of those studies, however, is their lack of consensus as to whether local taxes discourage
business, and the absence of a general structure that accounts for the mixed patterns of results.
paper revisits these issues. We offer several innovations that help to clarify the mixed results in the
literature, and which confirm the potential for tax deterrent effects.
Throughout, we focus only on companies that locate within easy commuting distance of state
borders. We then difference activity across adjacent segments of state borders and over time. This helps
to control for unobserved factors that might be correlated with our tax measures. Given this border
design, of special importance, we also highlight the impact of previously overlooked state reciprocal
agreements that require workers to pay income tax to their state of residence as opposed to their state of
employment. As will become apparent, these agreements provide a powerful source of identification.
We also control for multiple sources of tax revenue, and show that tax deterrent effects differ depending
on the type of tax and the type of industry in question. Additional models allow for the possibility that
Early literature on the impact of taxes on businesses location typically failed to find evidence of a notable deterrent
effect, and in some cases even found that higher taxes “attract” businesses (Carlton (1979, 1983) and Schmenner
(1978, 1982)). This began to change in the late 1980s and 1990s as studies by Bartik (1985, 1994), Papke (1991),
Hines (1996), and others offered evidence that higher taxes do deter businesses. However, most of the estimates
were noisy or small relative to the effect of other policies (see Wasylenko (1997) for a review).
tax deterrent effects differ in heavily versus lightly developed locations. Finally, in all of our models we
control for the size of state government.
Our emphasis throughout the paper is on the sorting of new business activity into opposite sides
of a state border in response to cross-border differences in state tax conditions. This is consistent with a
focus on tax avoidance as in the quote above. We conduct our analysis using establishment-level data for
roughly 96,000 newly created enterprises in 2002 and 2005. As noted, all of these establishments are
within easy commuting distance of a state border. We then evaluate the impact of cross-border
differences in state tax conditions on the side of the border chosen by the business owner. Identification
is enhanced by breaking state border regions into twenty mile long segments. This allows us to use
border-segment fixed effects to control for unobserved time-invariant local (and state-wide) attributes
associated with a given border segment. It also allows us to control for observable time-varying local
attributes, such as the local level of agglomeration that may amplify or mitigate tax effects. As will
become apparent, our research design yields revealing estimates of the deterrent effects of cross-border
differences in state tax conditions.
As implied above, we decompose tax conditions into two parts. In the first part, we consider the
extent to which the size of local government expenditures (per capita) attracts or deters new business
activity. We do this because local governments must balance their budgets, and for that reason, a
decrease in one tax may require an increase in an alternate tax if government expenditures are to be held
This suggests that size of government and the mix of tax measures are correlated, and that
estimates of tax deterrent effects may be sensitive to controls for size of government. Nevertheless, most
prior studies of tax deterrent effects do not control for size of government. While in principle that
omission could account for some of the discrepancies in the literature, our results suggest that that may
A cost of our approach is that we take as given the decision of the entrepreneur to create a new establishment in a
given border segment. Our results, therefore, may not generalize to deterrent affects across broad regions.
If state government offers net value to the business community for an additional tax dollar, then larger state
government should attract business; if the reverse is true, then larger state government will discourage business
activity. This is analogous to early arguments by Brueckner (1979, 1981) who considered the impact of local
property taxes on aggregate property values.
not be the case, at least for border-design studies such as ours. In our more simply specified models,
smaller state government does appear to attract business arrivals from the opposing side of the border.
But in models that take location fixed effects into account, these patterns largely disappear and controls
for size of state government have little effect on estimates of tax deterrent effects.
Bearing the above in mind, our primary emphasis is on the manner in which state government
expenditures are financed. For this portion of the analysis we include separate controls for the corporate
income tax, the personal income tax, and the sales tax. These three sources of tax revenue account for an
important share of state government revenues and are often at the center of policy debates about the level
and composition of local taxes.
There is also good reason to expect that industries differ in their
sensitivity to the different types of taxation and related state-specific policies.
When considering the sales tax, it is important to recognize that manufacturing, much of the
service sector, and a notable segment of other non-retail industries are not subject to a sales tax. Holding
constant government expenditures, companies in these industries should be attracted to states that raise
more of their revenue through the sales tax. Among retailers, the influence of cross-border differences in
state sales taxes likely depends on their location relative to the state border. For locations well into the
interior of a state, demand for in-state retail services is likely quite inelastic.
For these locations, higher
state sales taxes will tend to be passed on to consumers with little impact on retail activity. For
companies operating close to a state border, however, the ease of cross-border shopping suggests that
demand for in-state retail services is likely elastic relative to cross-border differences in sales tax rates.
This suggests that close to the border, retail establishments will be drawn to the low sales tax state.
Companies that are currently incorporated or anticipate becoming so are likely more sensitive to
the corporate income tax. As seen in Table 1b, the share of newly established companies that begin as
corporations differs by industry (e.g. manufacturing, wholesale trade, services) and accounts for a bit less
Summary measures that characterize the distribution of revenues and tax rates across states for each of the three
types of taxes are provided In Table 1a and are discussed later in the paper.
Rosenthal and Ross (2010) provides support for this view for the retail sector. They show that at the metropolitan
level, population size is nearly a perfect predictor of retail sector employment, consistent with inelastic demand for
retail services overall.
than half of newly established companies in the United States (the rest are established as sole
proprietorships and partnerships). The differing rates of incorporation across industries may contribute to
differences in deterrent effects arising from state corporate income tax rates and related policies.
All companies rely on labor, including hired workers and the labor effort of the business
owner(s). But states differ markedly in their personal income tax rates. With sufficiently mobile
workers, employers would bear much of the burden of higher personal income taxes which would then be
capitalized into higher nominal wages. Such an outcome would suggest that higher personal income taxes
would deter business activity across a broad range of industries. While that may be true, two
considerations suggest that such a conclusion could be hasty. The first is that workers may not be
sufficiently mobile to push the burden of higher personal income taxes onto employers, at least in the
short run. The second is that a number of pairs of adjacent states have reciprocal agreements that require
workers to pay personal income tax to the state in which they live as opposed to the state in which they
work. A complete listing of states with such agreements is provided in Table 1c. For companies locating
within easy commuting distance of the state border, the presence of a reciprocal agreement should
mitigate the deterrent effect of the state personal income tax since workers can choose to live on the tax
advantaged side of the border while working on the other. Failure to account for reciprocal agreements
has the potential to obscure the deterrent effect of the personal income tax and other forms of taxation as
will be clear later in the paper.
A further feature of our research design is that we allow tax deterrent effects to vary with the
scale of local development. Only a handful of studies have considered this possibility. For at least two
reasons, however, it is possible that state government tax effects could differ with the local level of
development. The first is that agglomeration economies in heavily developed areas (e.g. Duranton et al
(2004), Rosenthal and Strange (2004), Glaeser and Gottlieb (2009), Combes et al (2010)) may swamp any
influence of state government expenditure and tax policies: this would argue for more pronounced
deterrent effects in lightly developed areas. On the other hand, heavily developed areas typically have
higher nominal wages, consistent with a greater degree of labor productivity (e.g. Glaeser and Mare
(2001), Rosenthal and Strange (2008)). With a progressive state income tax code, this would amplify the
deterrent effect of the personal income tax in heavily developed locations. These arguments suggest that
the relationship between agglomeration and tax-deterrent effects is ambiguous, a priori.
Previous studies have also been plagued by concerns that local taxes may be endogenous to local
business activity because of unobserved factors that drive both tax policy and local economic growth.
This could arise, for example, if communities that anticipate more robust growth raise taxes to finance an
anticipated increase in demand for services. Several features of our research design help to mitigate such
concerns. First, we focus on economic activity very close to the state border. To the extent that border
regions are small relative to their states, this will reduce the tendency for states to set policy based on
anticipated economic growth in the border regions. Second, we lag our tax measures by two years so that
they are predetermined relative to when businesses in our data are established. Third, and most
important, we difference activity across adjacent 20-mile long segments on opposite sides of a state
border, and also between two time periods, 2002 and 2005. This reduces the influence of local (border-
segment) time invariant cross-border attributes that might be correlated with changes in cross-border
differences in state tax conditions. Fourth, as suggested above, conceptual arguments suggest clear priors
regarding the influence of reciprocal agreements across state pairs as well as the influence of an
establishment’s industry and corporate/non-corporate status. Those priors provide testable hypotheses
that also help to illuminate tax deterrent effects.
Before proceeding, it will be useful to provide a brief overview of the manner in which
geographic features of the data are specified (further details are provided later in the paper). Throughout,
we use establishment-level data for which location is known down to the zipcode level. We focus
primarily on activity in zipcodes that lie at least partly within ten miles of a state border (results based on
zipcodes that extend to within one mile of the state border are very similar and are mostly not reported for
that reason). State borders are broken into approximately 20-mile long segments or “wedges,” and
zipcodes on opposite side of a state border and which are situated along the same 20-mile wedge are
matched and are said to belong to the same “wedge-pair.” Existing employment and arrivals of new
businesses in the matched zipcodes are measured using 2-digit SIC industry data from the Dun and
Bradstreet Marketplace files for the third quarters of 2002 and 2005. This produces a data file with
roughly 96,000 newly established companies, each of which is treated as a separate observation, and each
is geocoded to a single wedge-pair that identifies its location along a state border.
Three different types of models are estimated using these data. The simplest is estimated by
ordinary least squares and relies on the single differencing of tax conditions across the state border. A
second model adds state-pair fixed effects and identifies tax effects based on changes in cross-border
differences in tax conditions over time. A more robust model uses wedge-pair fixed effects that
difference away time-invariant unobserved factors at the very local level. Both of these latter models
implicitly difference the data twice, across the state border and across time periods.
Our double differencing approach is in the same spirit as recent border studies by Holmes (1998)
and Cunningham (2007). These studies considered the impact of state-level right-to-work laws and local
land use regulation, respectively.
Other even more recent studies by Duranton, Gobillon, and Overman
(2011) and Rathelot and Sillard (2008) have used border models to consider the effect of property taxes
and local corporate income taxes, respectively.
We also build off of three recent papers by Devereux,
Griffith, and Simpson (2007), Jofre-Monseny and Sole-Olle (2008), and Brulhart, Jametti, and
Schmidheiny (2009). These papers have considered the possibility that agglomeration may mitigate the
deterrent effects of business taxes and/or subsidies.
Devereux, Griffith, and Simpson (2007), for
example, found that government subsidies have less impact on a firm’s location decision in more highly
developed areas. Our work is further motivated by recent studies in the agglomeration literature which
show that nearby activity (even within one mile) matters much more to many entrepreneurs than activity
Holmes (1998) was among the first to use border methods to analyze the impact of local of public policies. He
found that states with right-to-work laws in place – which give workers the right to not join the union – enjoyed
notably higher manufacturing employment growth since the 1940s.
Both Duranton, Gobillon, and Overman (2009) and Rathelot and Sillard (2008) instrument for local tax measures
using local political variables such as the share of voters belonging to a more conservative political party. Both
studies find that higher taxes negatively affect growth of existing businesses although Duranton et al (2009) do not
find an effect on the creation of new businesses.
See also Greenstone and Moretti (2004) and Greenstone, Hornbeck and Moretti (2010) for related work.
outside of the immediate area (e.g. Rosenthal and Strange (2003, 2005), Arzaghi and Henderson (2008)).
Our focus on activity very close to the state border echoes this literature.
Taken as a whole, our results provide clear evidence that state-level tax policies do affect the
location decisions of entrepreneurs and new business activity, but not in a way that lends itself to a one-
size-fits-all summary. As a broad characterization, entrepreneurs and new business activity are drawn to
those locations in which they are relatively more sheltered from the cost of financing local government
activities. In addition, previously overlooked reciprocal agreements that govern whether individuals pay
personal income tax to their state of residence or their state of employment have a pronounced effect on
the location patterns of companies situated along state borders.
The following section presents a simple conceptual model that motivates and guides our analysis.
Section 3 lays out the empirical approach. Section 4 describes the data including the geocoding
procedures used to match zipcodes across state borders. Section 5 presents results and Section 6
II. Conceptual motivation
2.1 Overview
This section highlights three key conceptual points that are relevant to the empirical work to
follow. The first is that if all establishments were alike, then cross-border differences in tax conditions
would be fully capitalized into land values. In this instance, tax differentials would have no effect on the
side of a state border on which a business would choose to locate. The second is that with heterogeneous
firm-types, cross-border differences in tax conditions are only partially capitalized into land values.
Under those conditions, tax differentials do affect where different types of companies locate. The third is
that even if a given type of firm does not pay a particular tax, its location decision will be sensitive to the
An additional related literature includes tax competition studies that examine the propensity for jurisdictions to
offer tax incentives as a way of attracting new business activity (e.g. Brueckner and Saavedra (2001), Hines (2006),
Chirinko, and Wilson (2008), to name just a few). Such policies are based on the presumption that entrepreneurs are
drawn to tax advantaged locations.
tax if it competes for space with companies that are subject to the tax in question. We highlight each of
these points below.
2.2 One sector bidding for land
Suppose first that there is only one bidder for land which we will refer to as the business sector,
land markets are competitive, and all firms are identical. Firms are price takers and sell their product for
P. Output is produced using one unit of land and public goods that are provided by the state government
(S), including roads, infrastructure, and other services. All land is owned by absentee investors.
If firms are not taxed they still receive services from S given its public good nature, and the firm’s
profit function is given by,
(, ) (, ) (, ) (, )ud P Aud Sud Rud
 (2.1)
where d = {1,2} for side 1 or side 2 of the border, u is the distance to the border, A(u,d) are attributes at a
given location, and R(u,d) is the cost of land. More valuable attributes enhance productivity (θ
> 0), but
we impose no restriction regarding the manner in which A changes with distance and direction from the
border. Local government services S are state-specific and change in a discrete fashion upon crossing the
state border. For that reason, S is sensitive to d. With competitive markets, profits are driven to zero and
the firm’s bid-rent is given by,
(, ) (, ) (, )
ud P Aud Sud
 (2.2)
Suppose now that the state on side 1 of the border imposes a tax on firms per unit output (T),
which is used to help finance the given level of local government services. We assume that all companies
located on side 1 of the border are subject to the tax but that companies on side 2 do not pay the tax.
Maintaining the zero profit condition, the bid-rents on sides 1 and 2 of the border are given as below,
( ,1) ( ,1) ( ,1) (1)
uPAu Su T
 (2.3a)
( , 2) ( , 2) ( , 2)
uPAu Su
 (2.3b)
In Figure 1, we display the bid-rents for land on either side of the state border before and after
side 1 imposes its tax. To simplify the exposition, we assume that productive attributes are increasing
along a trend line as one moves towards the interior of State 2. For that reason, bid-rent is drawn as
upward sloping, but we emphasize that the key points to follow are not sensitive to that assumption.
With T
set equal to zero, bid-rent is given by segment ab . Following the imposition of the side-
1 tax, the bid-rent on side 1 shifts down by an amount equal to T
and the bid-rent function is given by
cdeb . Implicitly, we are assuming that land is inelastically supplied to firms. Side-1 landowners
therefore absorb the entire burden of the tax (T) and the equilibrium land rent function is given by
cdeb .
Importantly, in this very simple model, side 1 taxes do not affect the spatial distribution of business
activity on either side of the border – landowners absorb the full cost of the tax.
2.3 Two sectors bidding for land
Suppose now that there are two types of companies bidding for land, type-I and type-II. Because
the two sectors have different production functions, their valuation of local attributes differs, and this
causes their bid rent functions to differ as well. The bid-rent functions for the two sectors are drawn in
Figure 2. In the absence of a tax, type-II companies outbid type-I firms for space to the right of point j
while type-I firms are the high bidders to the left of point j. With competitive markets, land goes to the
highest bidder and equilibrium land rents are given by the upper envelope of the bid-rent functions,
agk .
In this example, type-II companies occupy land to the right of
j while type-I companies are found to the
left of
Suppose now that a tax
T is imposed on side 1 of the border, but the tax applies only to type-I
firms. With the downward shift in type-I bid-rent on side 1 of the border, the equilibrium land rent
function is given by the new upper envelope of the bid-rent functions,
chnegk . As drawn in the figure,
type-II firms outbid type-I firms in all locations to the right of point
j as before, but also for land between
points m and i which was formerly occupied by type-I firms. Type-I firms occupy land to the left of point
i (as before), and also a segment of side-2 between points m and j.
This simple model has several implications for the effect of state-level taxes on conditions close
to the state border. First, competition for space between multiple sectors bidding for land mitigates the
degree to which taxes are capitalized into lower equilibrium land rents. This is illustrated by the fact that
hd lies below segment hn : competition between sectors reduces the extent to which taxes are
capitalized into lower equilibrium land rents in locations where tax sheltered industries emerge as the
high bidder for space.
Second, cross-border differences in tax conditions affect the equilibrium locations for both the
industry subject to the tax and the tax sheltered industry. This arises from the sorting equilibrium when
land is allocated to the highest bidder. It also suggests that in the empirical work to follow, it is important
to consider the impact of different types of tax measures on the location patterns of all industries, even
when an industry is not subject to a given tax (as with manufacturing and the sales tax, for example).
III. Empirical Model
As emphasized earlier, the primary goal in the empirical work is to estimate the impact of cross-
state border differences in tax conditions on the tendency of newly established companies to favor one
side of the border over the other. Throughout, we work with establishment-level records and restrict our
sample to newly created enterprises in 2002 and 2005 that are situated within easy commuting distance of
a state border.
We begin with the following expression for the likelihood that a given entrepreneur would choose
side 2 of a state border over side 1:
11 2 21 2 3 1, 2,
I( )( )( )
it t t t t w t w t
 . (3.1)
In this expression, I
equals 1 if entrepreneur i chooses side 2 of the state border and 0 if side 1. The
and T
are the cross-border differences in state-level government expenditures and
tax conditions corresponding to the border along which establishment i is located. The term
1, 2,wt wt
represents the cross-border difference in all other attributes that might affect the profitability
of choosing side 1 versus side 2 of the border. The subscript
w denotes the segment (or “wedge” as
described in the Introduction) along the border in which a company is located. The subscript
t represents
the time period in which the company makes its location choice (third quarter of 2002 or third quarter
For a given set of measures for
and T
(which are described in the following
section), our primary challenge is to adequately control for the elements of
1, 2,wt wt
so as to ensure
that we obtain consistent estimates of the primary parameters of interest, θ
and θ
. We proceed by
31, 2,
wt wt
 into time-invariant (
) and time-varying components (e
). Substituting into
(3.1) we obtain,
11 2 21 2
I( )( )
tt ttit w wt
. (3.2)
Given the specification in (3.2), it is apparent that we can control for
using border-segment (“wedge-
pair”) fixed effects given that we have two periods of data. In principle, the remaining term, e
, could be
correlated with the tax measures that are the focus of the study, but for reasons described in the
Introduction we believe that such concerns are modest. We estimate (3.2) using a linear probability
IV. Data and Summary Statistics
4.1 State tax and expenditure conditions
The model outlined above requires measures of state-level tax conditions in each period, t. We
address this as follows. State expenditure and population data were obtained from the U.S. Census
Bureau website.
These data were used to compute state-level government expenditures per capita for
each of the sample years, 2002 and 2005, and for each of the states in the continental U.S. Data on state
See for links to the data.
tax rates were obtained from the Tax Foundation website while data for state revenues raised through a
given tax were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau website.
As noted earlier, we focus on three prominent sources of state tax revenue: the corporate income
tax, the personal income tax, and the sales tax. Panel A of Table 1a displays the share of state
government expenditures financed through these three sources of revenue for both 2002 and 2005. It is
noteworthy that the personal income tax and the sales tax both account for roughly 13 to 14 percent of
state budgets while the corporate income tax contributes a much smaller share, just 2.5 percent in 2005.
Together, these three sources of revenue comprise roughly 30 percent of state budgets.
Panel B of Table 1a also demonstrates that there is considerable variation in tax rates across
states. For 2000 and 2003, for the sales tax rate, the maximum personal income tax rate, and the
maximum corporate income tax rate, the panel reports the median and standard deviation across states, in
addition to the number of states for which the tax is not imposed. Notice that for each tax measure, the
standard deviation is roughly half the size of the median, indicating that there is quite a bit of variation
across states. In addition, for each tax, between four and six states do not levy the tax in question.
We measure tax conditions using the state tax rates in panel B of Table 1a. Specifically, we use
each state’s maximum corporate income tax rate, the maximum personal income tax rate, and the sales tax
Identification of tax deterrent effects then requires that changes in cross-border differences in tax
rates are exogenous to the decision of an entrepreneur to choose one side of the state border over the
other. While we cannot provide direct empirical evidence to support that assumption, the various features
of our research design discussed earlier help to mitigate concerns about endogeneity. These include
For tax rates see, For tax revenues see: U.S. Census Bureau,
State & Local Government Finance, Historical Data: 2005, the following URLs:;
Most of the remaining portion of state budgets is derived from grants from the federal government (roughly 25
percent), all other forms of state taxes and licensing fees (roughly 20 percent), and insurance trust revenue for
government retirement and social insurance programs including contributions by state government workers and net
earnings on fund investments (roughly 25 percent). See: U.S. Census Bureau, State & Local Government Finance,
Historical Data: 2005,
Most states specify progressive tax schedules for the corporate and personal income tax rates, in addition to a
variety of exemptions, deductions, and other allowances that affect the effective tax rate faced by a given business
owner. We use the maximum rates and in doing so, implicitly assume that the maximum rates are correlated with
the rates that business owners expect to pay allowing for all other features of a state’s tax code.
lagging the tax measures in Panel B of Table 1a by two years relative to which companies in our data are
established, the focus on activity very close to the border, and the double differencing strategy in which
activity is differenced both across the border and over time.
A second condition required for identification is that there must be sufficient numbers of adjacent
states for which one or both of the adjacent states changed their tax rates between 2000 and 2003. Table
1d provides evidence on this point. Observe that between 2000 and 2003, six states changed their
maximum corporate income tax rate, 11 states changed their maximum personal income tax rate, and five
states changed their sales tax rate. Because most states border on multiple states, the number of instances
in which cross-border differences in tax rates changed is much higher: 24 for the corporate income tax
rate, 35 for the personal income tax rate, and 23 for the sales tax rate. Evidence presented later in the
paper suggests that this level of variation is sufficient to identify tax deterrent effects.
A third condition necessary for identification is that the tax rates used in the analysis must be
strong correlates with the unobserved effective tax rates that entrepreneur expect to pay. Those effective
tax rates depend on the statutory tax rate, including the full progressive schedule of income tax rates,
corporate income apportionment formulas (e.g. Goolsbee and Maydew (2000)), and various other state
and industry-specific provisions that reduce a company’s exposure to a given type of tax (e.g. Slemrod
(2004), Grahm (1996)). In this respect, we recognize that the tax rates specified are approximations of the
effective tax rates that entrepreneurs expect to pay.
We also estimated all of our models using tax revenue shares to characterize state tax conditions. This
was done by dividing gross revenue from each of the three tax instruments (corporate income, personal
income, and sales tax) by the level of state government expenditures. This has the appeal of allowing for
the full schedule of tax rates and related state-specific provisions that affect the effective tax rates faced
by business owners. Several studies in the tax literature have used revenue shares for these reasons,
including studies of the impact of cross-country differences in tax conditions for which specification of
the full tax code would be difficult (e.g. Slemrod (2004)). However, for other reasons we favored the tax
rate approach highlighted above. First, it is the tax rate – not the tax revenue share – that enters into a
company’s cost function. Second, coefficients on the revenue share variables must be interpreted relative
to the omitted revenue category, which in our case is all sources of state revenue apart from the three
highlighted tax measures. Third, interpretation of the revenue share coefficients also depends on the
position of a state along its Laffer curve. For governments operating on the upward sloping portion of
their Laffer curve (as is likely the norm (e.g. Uhlig and Trabandt (2011)), rising tax revenue shares are
indicative of increasing effective tax rates, but the reverse is true for governments on the downward
Matching business activity across state borders
A key feature of our empirical strategy is to match business activity along opposite sides of a
state border, restricting our focus to just those locations within easy commuting distance of the border.
As discussed in the following subsection, the geographic location of new establishments in our data is
reported down to the zipcode level. Both zipcodes and state borders are of irregular shape, and this
complicates efforts to match adjacent business activity on opposite sides of a state border. To facilitate,
we first use geographic information system (GIS) software to create 1 and 10 mile buffer zones on each
side of all of the state borders in the United States. In addition, state borders are broken into segments by
laying down a 20 by 20 mile grid across the continental United States. Only grid squares that intersect
state borders are retained (see Figure 3), and each is divided into pieces by the intersecting state borders.
Each piece is then referred to as a “wedge” and pairs of wedges on opposite sides of a state border that
belong to the same grid square are referred to as a “wedge-pair.” Figure 4 illustrates using a snapshot of
the border region of Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa.
We next overlay a zipcode map for the United States on top of the grid squares, and retain only
those zipcodes that intersect or lie entirely within one of the border wedges. Each zipcode is then
assigned to the wedge that it most overlaps. Note that multiple zipcodes could be assigned to a single
wedge. Business activity associated with each border wedge is determined based on all zipcodes assigned
to that wedge using activity throughout the entirety of each of the assigned zipcodes. Using this
procedure we match business activity in zipcodes on opposite sides of a state border that are situated
roughly along a common border segment that is 20 miles in straight-line length.
sloping portion of their Laffer curves. Fourth, changes in cross-border differences in tax revenue shares
are sensitive to changes in state-wide economic activity (e.g. aggregate sales and aggregate income) that
may mask the impact of changes in the underlying tax rates. For these reasons, we feel that the tax rate
rather than tax revenue approach is more robust. Accordingly, we emphasize the former in the text, but
present estimates from the revenue share models in the appendix for review.
4.3 Dun and Bradstreet data and summary measures
Data on business activity for the analysis were obtained from the Dun and Bradstreet (D&B)
Marketplace files for the third quarters of 2002 and 2005. The data provide information on different types
of establishments aggregated to the zipcode level. Using these data, we measure counts of existing and
newly created (in the previous 12 months) establishments and their corresponding employment for
different 2-digit SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) industries.
Although we obtain our data aggregated to the zipcode level, we are able to convert the data into
establishment level observations. That is because all of the key control measures in our model are state-
or wedge-pair level measures for a given 2-digit SIC industry. We know how many newly established
companies are present for a given 2-digit SIC/zipcode, denoted here as x. We then create x observations
for that 2-digit SIC/zipcode, each of which is associated with the same set of location-specific control
variables (e.g. state tax measures). Using these data, we estimate linear probability models as described
in Section 3 that evaluate the likelihood that an establishment locates on given side of the state border as a
function of wedge-pair and state-level control measures.
Table 2 reports summary measures for newly established businesses in our data. We do this for
two different levels of geography. The first is based on zipcodes that lie at least partially within 10 miles
of a state border, while the second is based on zipcodes that lie at least partially within 1 mile of a state
border. In addition, for each wedge-pair, the side that is situated in the state that appears earlier in
alphabetical order is always labeled as side 1 while the other is labeled as being on side 2. This labeling
convention is adopted throughout the remainder of the paper.
Observe first that there are fewer newly created establishments in our sample in 2005 than in
2002. In the regression models to follow we address this by including a dummy variable for 2005 in all
of the regressions. Also apparent, there are more arrivals on side 2 than on side 1. Given the random
assignment of state-pair side-1 and side-2 designations, this difference either reflects a tendency for grid
squares to be positioned more on side 2 of the state borders, or for side-2 designated areas to be more
heavily developed. To address these possibilities, in some of the models to follow we include a control
for the difference in area between opposing sides of a wedge-pair, calculated as the area of the wedge on
side 2 of a wedge-pair (in square miles) minus the area of the wedge on side 1. In our more robust
models, this wedge-area difference variable is replaced with wedge-pair fixed effects that further control
for any underlying tendency of one side of the wedge-pair to be more heavily developed than the other.
Summing all arrivals associated with a given buffer zone, notice that there are 67,276 new
establishments in zipcodes extending into the 0 to 1 mile buffer, and 96,434 new establishments in
zipcodes extending into the 0 to 10 mile buffer. In most cases estimates from the regression models to
follow are quite similar for the two buffer zone samples, and for that reason, the results based on the 1-
mile buffer zone sample are not reported.
As described earlier, Figure 3 displays the border areas that are the focus of this study. Also
shown in Figure 3 is the intensity of development along a given segment of a border, with darker regions
indicating more intensive development. The figure makes apparent that the density of development along
the border region is highly skewed, with relatively few intensively developed areas and many lightly
developed regions. Table 3 quantifies that distribution for both the 1 mile buffer and 10 mile buffer
samples. For each sample, the table presents the distribution of total employment for the sample of new
business arrivals. For both samples, panel A treats each establishment as a separate observation while
panel B treats each wedge-pair as a separate observation. The heavily skewed distribution is evident with
a very disproportionate share of establishments concentrated in the most heavily developed areas,
mirroring the United States overall. We will draw on this stylized fact in some of the model
specifications to follow.
V. Results
5.1 Size of state government
We begin with the simplest specification that considers only the impact of the size of state
government on the location of newly established enterprises. In Table 4, we present results using both the
1 mile buffer sample and the 10 mile buffer sample. Three sets of estimates are provided for each sample
based on OLS, wedge-pair fixed effect, and state-pair fixed effect specifications. In all cases, the key
control measure is the log ratio of the per capita level of state expenditures on side 2 of the border relative
to side 1, and in the year in which the establishment is created (2002 or 2005). Also included in the OLS
and state-pair fixed effect models is the difference in the square mileage of the two wedges that comprise
a given wedge-pair, and a dummy variable for arrivals in the year 2005. When the models are estimated
by ordinary least squares (OLS), the t-ratios reported are based on robust standard errors; when wedge-
pair or state-level fixed effects are included the standard errors are clustered at the level of the specified
fixed effects. In all cases, given the linear specification the estimated coefficients on the slope variables
have the usual marginal interpretation.
Identification in the OLS models is based on variation across wedge-pair locations and across
years. For both buffer samples, it is noteworthy that the OLS estimates indicate that larger state
government is associated with fewer arrivals: the coefficient on the log ratio expenditure measure is very
similar for the two samples: roughly -0.32 and -0.28 for the 1 and 10 mile buffer samples, respectively.
Both of these estimates are also highly significant, with t-ratios of 36 and 40, respectively. Taken at face
value, this suggests that smaller state government attracts business activity. As suggested earlier,
however, a concern with the OLS specification is whether unobserved attributes close to the state borders
might bias these estimates.
The second column for each buffer sample includes controls for state-pair fixed effects.
Identification in this specification is obtained only from temporal variation in cross-border activity since
time-invariant state-pair border attributes are differenced away. Notably, the coefficient on the log ratio
of per capita expenditures becomes positive for both samples, but is also small and insignificant in each
instance. This is in sharp contrast to the negative coefficients in the OLS model. It also suggests that
cross-border differences in state tax conditions are indeed correlated with cross-border differences in
unobserved attributes that affect the side of the border on which a company locates.
To explore this issue further, the third column for each sample reports estimates based on the
wedge-pair fixed effect specification. This strips away time-invariant state-pair and local attributes in the
border segment in which a newly established enterprise is located. Observe that the coefficients on the
log ratio of the expenditure variable are nearly identical to the state-pair fixed effect models. This result
is suggestive that localized unobserved attributes are not highly correlated with cross-border tax
differentials after controlling for state-pair fixed effects.
5.2 State tax conditions
Table 5 extends the model by adding controls for the state tax rates described earlier (the
maximum corporate income tax rate, the maximum personal income tax rate, and the sales tax rate). As
before, t-ratios reported for the OLS models are based on robust standard errors while for the fixed effect
models standard errors are clustered at the level of the specified fixed effects. To conserve space, both in
Table 5 and in the tables to follow, only results from the 10-mile buffer sample are reported (results from
the 1-mile buffer sample are similar). In addition, for most of the discussion to follow we will focus on
qualitative patterns among the estimated coefficients (e.g. signs and relative size). Magnitudes for select
specifications will be discussed later.
In Table 5, notice that the coefficients on the log ratio of per capita expenditures are very similar
to those reported in Table 4. In addition, dropping the per capita expenditure variable had little effect on
the tax coefficients for most of the specifications, both in Table 5 and in the tables to follow.
patterns suggest that the influence of the size of state government on the state of choice for entrepreneurs
operating close to the border is largely independent of cross-border differences in the manner in which
state governments finance their expenditures. Observe also that the coefficients on the tax rates are
similar in the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models (the second and third specifications for each
buffer sample). That similarity echoes patterns from Table 4 but does not always persist in the more fully
specified models to follow.
Focusing on the coefficient values in Table 5, for the OLS model the tax coefficients are positive
and highly significant for all three tax instruments. However, adding location fixed effects to the models
These results are not shown to conserve space.
causes the results to change dramatically. The coefficients on the corporate income and personal income
tax rates become negative, small, and not significant. The coefficients on the sales tax rate remain
positive and of about the same magnitude, but are now only marginally significant. This latter pattern
suggests that on average, the sales tax may tend to attract companies from across the state border. We
revisit this issue shortly. For now, and more generally, the patterns just noted provide limited support for
the idea that local taxes deter arrivals of new businesses.
The findings in Table 5 are broadly consistent with early papers in this literature which also
struggled to find evidence of tax deterrent effects. As will become apparent, that characterization changes
when additional features of the tax code are taken into account. Most important, in the following section
we highlight the influence of reciprocal agreements that affect whether workers pay personal income tax
to their state of residence or their state of employment. This is followed by industry-stratified models that
further highlight the influence of the sales tax, and models in which companies are stratified by
corporate/non-corporate status that highlight the role of the corporate income tax.
5.3 Reciprocal agreements and the personal income tax
Recall that if a reciprocal agreement is in force (e.g. Table 1c), then individuals pay personal
income tax to their state of residence, while if a reciprocal agreement is not in force, then individuals pay
personal income tax to the state in which they are employed. To our knowledge, these provisions have
been completely overlooked by previous studies of tax deterrent effects even though most reciprocal
agreements have been in place for many years (see Table 1c, for example). Nevertheless, these
provisions provide a powerful source of identification, and especially so when considering activity along
a state border.
For companies situated within easy commuting distance of a state border, reciprocal agreements
should have a pronounced effect on the state in which an entrepreneur chooses to locate a business, and
the related deterrent effect of the personal income tax. To understand why, consider first two adjacent
states for which a reciprocal agreement is not in force. In this instance, workers employed on the high
personal income tax side of the border pay higher taxes regardless of where they live. Provided the cross-
border difference in tax rates is not fully capitalized into land rents (e.g. Figure 2 of Section 2),
individuals employed on the high tax side of the border should receive higher nominal wages.
Otherwise, they would seek employment on the low tax side of the border until wages adjust and a spatial
equilibrium is attained. If instead, reciprocal agreements are in force, then for establishments within easy
commuting distance of the state border, workers could live on the tax-advantaged side of the border
regardless of where they work. In this instance, the deterrent effect of the personal income tax should be
Recall also (from Section 2) that the equilibrium location of a tax sheltered company is still
sensitive to a local tax if it competes for space with sectors that pay that tax. An implication of this
principle is that if we eliminate the deterrent effect of the personal income tax – as when reciprocal
agreements are in force – then the deterrent effects of the corporate income tax and sales tax are likely to
increase since those tax measures would gain in relative importance in driving industry bid-rent functions
that affect the equilibrium location of business establishments.
These priors are tested in Table 6 where we present separate regressions for locations with and
without a reciprocal agreement in force. To conserve space, only estimates based on the wedge-pair fixed
effect specification are presented, both in Table 6 and in the tables to follow.
In Table 6, notice that reciprocal agreements have a dramatic impact on the deterrent effect of
state tax rates for companies situated close to the border. With reciprocal agreements in place, the
personal income tax attracts companies from across the border while the corporate income tax and the
sales tax act as a deterrent. These effects are all statistically significant. In contrast, when reciprocal
agreements are not in force, the personal income tax deters new business activity while the sales tax lures
companies from across the border, and both are significant. The corporate income tax has a positive
This implicitly assumes that there are multiple types of companies bidding for space, some more sensitive to the
personal income tax than others, as described in Figure 2 of Section 2. If instead all companies were alike, then
higher personal income taxes should be fully capitalized into lower land rents and would not affect the equilibrium
sorting of companies across different sides of the state border.
coefficient, but it is small and not significant. Together, these patterns support the arguments above that
the presence of reciprocal agreements mitigates the deterrent effect of the personal income tax while
increasing the deterrent effect of other sources of tax revenue.
Why might a tax attract business activity from across the border, as with the personal income tax
when reciprocal agreements are in force and the sales tax when they are not? The answer is that
companies favor locations that raise revenue in ways that impose little cost on their activities relative to
the value of government services provided. With reciprocal agreements in place, the personal income tax
imposes little direct cost on establishments operating close to a state border. In such instances, companies
should favor locations that raise more of their revenue through the personal income tax. Analogously,
companies should tend to avoid locations where revenue is raised through taxes from which they are not
sheltered, as with the corporate income tax and sales tax when reciprocal agreements are not in place.
5.4 Differences across industries and the sales tax
In this section, we focus on the sales tax for which we have sharp priors about different effects
across industries. Recall that most retail activity is subject to whatever sales tax may be in place. In
contrast, only a subset of services are subject to the sales tax, and manufacturing establishments only
rarely face the sales tax. This suggests that the retail sector ought to be most sensitive to the sales tax and
the manufacturing sector should be the least sensitive to the sales tax.
Table 7 enables us to test these priors by repeating the analysis from Table 6 with separate
regressions for Manufacturing, Retail, and Services. In Table 7, note that when reciprocal agreements are
in place, a higher sales tax rate deters business arrivals. This is true for all three industries, but the
coefficient is especially large and significant for retail (-0.149 with a t-ratio of -3.56), moderate for
In Table 6, note also that for locations with a reciprocal agreement in force (the middle column), the coefficient on
the size of state government is negative but not significant. When reciprocal agreements are not in force (the third
column), the coefficient is positive and marginally significant. On balance, these patterns and related estimates in
extensions to follow do not point to a clear and robust pattern. In that sense, based on the estimates in Table 6 and
those to follow, we cannot reject the null that larger government has a relatively neutral effect on the tendency to
lure companies from across the state border.
services (-0.054 with a t-ratio of -1.57), and much smaller and not at all significant for manufacturing.
This is consistent with the view that reciprocal agreements enhance the deterrent effects of tax measures
outside of the personal income tax. The patterns just noted also support the view that retail should be
more sensitive to the sales tax than are services, which in turn are more sensitive than manufacturing.
When reciprocal agreements are not in force, the pattern is quite different. In that instance, the sales tax
tends to lure manufacturing and service establishments from across the border (the coefficients are both
positive and roughly 0.01 with t-ratios of 1.46 and 1.91, respectively), while the coefficient for retail is
positive but close to zero. This is consistent with findings from Table 6 that in the absence of a reciprocal
agreement the deterrent effect of the sales tax is reduced.
5.5 Corporate status and the corporate income tax
Table 8 revisits the models in Table 6 once again, but this time separate models are run for
establishments that are corporations and those that are either sole proprietorships or partnerships.
discussed earlier in the paper, because only corporations pay corporate income tax, the deterrent effect of
the corporate income tax seems likely to be more pronounced for corporations.
In the absence of a reciprocal agreement results are somewhat mixed relative to patterns in the
earlier tables. The corporate income tax and the sale tax have small and insignificant effects on both
samples. The personal income tax, in contrast, has a highly significant deterrent effect on unincorporated
establishments (with a coefficient of -0.0165 and a t-ratio of -3.15) but a smaller, positive, and marginally
significant effect on corporations (with a coefficient of 0.01 and a t-ratio of 1.77).
When reciprocal agreements are present, findings are largely consistent with priors. Notice that
the personal income tax lures both corporations and unincorporated companies from across the border.
This is as before. In addition, the sales tax has a deterrent effect on unincorporated establishments but
little effect on corporations. This may reflect some difference in the mix and appeal of larger retail
outlets that are incorporated versus smaller outlets that tend to not be incorporated. Most noteworthy, and
We are able to identify the ownership structure for roughly two-thirds of our sample.
consistent with the primary focus of this section, the corporate income tax has a strongly significant
deterrent effect for corporations and unincorporated establishments (the t-ratios on the relevant
coefficients are -3.15 and -2.51, respectively). Moreover, the deterrent effect is notably larger for
corporations with a coefficient value of -0.54 versus -0.28 for unincorporated companies. Once again,
therefore, deterrent effects appear to be larger when companies are most sensitive to the tax in question.
5.6 The scale of local development
Table 9 considers a final extension in which we run separate models from Table 6 for lightly
developed and heavily developed wedge-pairs in the sample. To facilitate comparisons, also reported in
Table 9 are full sample estimates that pool high and low density locations.
Review of the patterns in Table 9 indicates that there are both similarities and differences in tax
deterrent effects in lightly versus heavily developed areas. When reciprocal agreements are present,
deterrent effects from all three types of taxes are mostly similar for both subsamples and similar to the full
sample estimates. The primary exception is for the personal income tax which has little effect on
establishment location in lightly developed areas but a strong attractive effect in heavily developed
locations (with a coefficient of 0.033 and a t-ratio of 3.01). When reciprocal agreements are not present,
tax deterrent effects are small and insignificant for all three types of taxes in lightly developed locations,
but are enhanced in heavily developed locations and especially so for the personal income tax (which has
a coefficient of -0.022 and t-ratio of -4.16).
Summarizing, the patterns in Table 9 indicate that the magnitude of the coefficient on the
personal income tax is larger in heavily developed areas regardless of whether a reciprocal agreement is
in place or not. That finding is consistent with the possibility suggested in the Introduction that higher
labor productivity and wages in densely developed locations (e.g. Duranton and Puga (2004), Rosenthal
and Strange (2004), Arzaghi and Henderson (2008), Glaeser and Gottlieb (2009), Combes et al (2010))
may amplify the tendency of companies to reduce their exposure to higher personal income tax rates by
choosing the low tax side of the state border.
5.7 Magnitudes
To complete our discussion some brief comments about the magnitude of our estimates is in
order. For these purposes we focus on the coefficient estimates in Table 6 which provide the core results
upon taking reciprocal agreements into account.
Suppose that reciprocal agreements are not in force and Side 2 of a state border reduces the
maximum personal income tax rate by one percentage point relative to the state on the opposite side of the
border. Based on the estimates in column three of Table 6, that change would reduce the likelihood that
an establishment would locate on Side 2 of the border by 1 percentage point. If instead, the state on Side
2 of the border increased its sales tax rate by one percentage point, that would increase the likelihood that
a newly established company would choose Side 2 over Side 1 by roughly 1 percentage point; a change in
the corporate income tax has little effect. With a reciprocal agreement in place, an increase in the side-2
personal income tax of one percentage point would increase the likelihood of a company choosing side 2
by 2.2 percentage points. For the sales tax, a one percentage point increase would reduce the probability
of a side-2 location by 6.8 percentage points, while for the corporate income tax the analogous effect
would be a reduction in the side-2 location probability of roughly 23 percentage points.
It should be emphasized that there is a wide confidence band around most of these estimates.
Nevertheless, the weight of evidence in Table 6 and subsequent tables suggests that tax deterrent effects
among companies locating close to state borders are both statistically significant and large enough in
magnitude to warrant attention by policy makers.
VI. Conclusions
This paper has revisited an old question that has eluded efforts to provide a clear answer: to what
extent do local taxes deter business activity? Any number of measurement and econometric issues have
made this a challenging question to address for reasons that are well appreciated in the literature. For that
reason, our goals throughout the paper have been targeted. Our focus has been on the influence of state
government policy on the sorting of establishments across state lines for those companies that operate
within easy commuting distance of a state border. In that regard, we do not address the impact of state
policy on the overall level of business activity close to a state border. Instead, we consider the tendency
of entrepreneurs operating close to a state border to avoid adverse tax effects through their choice of state.
New to this paper, we provide the first ever analysis of state reciprocal agreements that require
individuals to pay personal income tax to their state of residence as opposed to their state of employment.
Controlling for that feature of the tax code proves to be a powerful source of identification. When
reciprocal agreements are in force, higher personal income tax rates lure companies from across the
border while higher corporate income and sales tax rates act as a deterrent. The reverse is true when
reciprocal agreements are not in force. The tendency of higher tax rates to sometimes lure companies
from across a state border might seem surprising at first but is actually quite intuitive: for a given set of
government services, entrepreneurs will tend to favor locations in which they are relatively sheltered from
the taxes used to finance local government activity. Our findings also suggest that tax deterrent effects
are large enough in magnitude to be economically important, even allowing for a wide confidence band
around the estimates.
Additional findings demonstrate that tax effects differ with the type of tax, the type of industry,
ownership structure of the company (e.g. corporate versus non-corporate), and the local level of
agglomeration. Given the sensitivity of our estimates to these considerations and also the influence of
reciprocal agreements, it is not surprising that many previous studies have struggled to find convincing
evidence of tax deterrent effects. Nevertheless, taken as a whole, our research design and estimates
suggest that entrepreneurs and new business activity are drawn to locations in which they are relatively
more sheltered from the cost of financing local government activities.
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Side I
Side II
Figure 1: One Sector
Bid-Rent (No Tax)
Bid-Rent (With Tax)
Type-II Firm Bid-Rent: Tax
Protected Sector
Side I
Side II
Figure 2: Two Sectors
Type-I Firm Bid-
No Tax
Type-I Firm Bid-
Rent (With Tax)
Figure 3: Border Region Total Employment
Figure 4: 20-by-20 mile Grid Squares Overlaid on 10-mile State Border Buffers
Table 1a: State Tax and Expenditures for the 48 Contiguous States
Panel A: State Revenue Shares and Expenditures for the 48 Contiguous States
Sales Tax
Revenue Relative to
Household Income Tax
Revenue Relative to
Corporate Income Tax
Revenue Relative to
per Capita
2002 0.135 0.129 0.018 $4,650
2005 0.139 0.136 0.025 $5,207
Panel B: State Tax Rates for the 48 Contiguous States
Sales Tax
Rate Maximum Personal Income Tax Rate
Maximum Corporate Income Tax Rate
Year Median Std. Dev.
States with
No Tax Median Std. Dev.
States with
No Tax Median Std. Dev.
States with
No Tax
2000 5% 1.737 4 6% 2.709 6 7% 2.986 5
2003 5% 1.705 4 6% 2.750 6 7% 2.939 5
Using 2005 as an example, other major sources of state government revenue include: Intergovernmental grants, primarily from the federal
government and to a much lesser extent local government, roughly 24 percent; All other sources of tax, licensing, and general revenue,
roughly 20 percent; State-owned utilities and liquor stores, roughly 1 percent; Insurance trust revenue for government retirement and social
insurance programs including contributions by government workers and net earnings on fund investments, roughly 25 percent. See: U.S.
Census Bureau, State & Local Government Finance, Historical Data: 2005,
Tax rate values were obtained from the Tax Foundation website for 2000 and 2003 at the following URL:
Table 1b: Corporate Share of New Business Arrivals in the United States
2002:Q3 2005:Q3
Variable Total
Corporations Total
Manufacturing 19,399 0.439 12,790 0.482
Wholesale Trade 15,489 0.463 11,481 0.486
Retail 63,601 0.266 36,831 0.373
Finance & Insurance 21,014 0.437 19,283 0.543
Services 122,968 0.325 100,429 0.473
Total 242,471 0.337 180,814 0.462
Sample includes all establishments created in the previous 12 months throughout the United States.
Data are from the Dun and Bradstreet MarketPlace file.
Table 1c: State Income Tax Reciprocal Agreements
Has Reciprocal
Agreement with
Year of
Inception State
Has Reciprocal
Agreement with
Year of
Iowa 1973 Maryland Pennsylvania 1990
Kentucky 1971 Virginia 1992
Michigan 1971 West Virginia 1988
Wisconsin 1973 Michigan Minnesota 1984
Indiana Kentucky 1977 Ohio 1972
Michigan 1968 Wisconsin 1967
Ohio 1977 Minnesota North Dakota 1958
Pennsylvania 1977 Wisconsin 1968
Wisconsin 1977 Montana North Dakota 1982
Kentucky Michigan 1968 New Jersey Pennsylvania 1978
Ohio 1972 Ohio Pennsylvania 1978
West Virginia 1965 West Virginia 1972
Wisconsin 1968 Pennsylvania Virginia 1982
Virginia 1964 West Virginia 1972
Virginia West Virginia 1988
The reciprocal agreement data comes from Note that Washington DC is not included in this list despite
having reciprocal agreements because Washington DC is not included in this study.
Table 1d: Changes in State Tax Rates Between 2000 and 2003
States that Changed
Their Tax Rate
Adjacent States for Which the
Cross-Border Difference in
Tax Rate Changed
Maximum Corporate Income Tax Rate 6 24
Maximum Personal Income Tax Rate 11 35
Sales Tax Rate 5 23
Table 2: Total Number of New Business Arrivals
Side 1
Side 2
Side 1
Side 2 Total
1 Mile Buffer Sample
14,645 21,353 13,947 17,331 67,276
10 Mile Buffer Sample
21,860 29,712 20,566 24,296 96,434
As described in the text, the 1-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any
zipcode that is at least partially within one mile of the state border. The 10-mile buffer sample is analogous and is based on
a ten mile buffer.
Table 3: Wedge-Pair Employment Counts in 2002:Q3
Panel A: Each Establishment Treated as a Separate Observation
Percentile 1 Mile Buffer Sample
10 Mile Buffer Sample
10,594 13,779
32,596 48,854
82,441 139,607
288,511 465,073
3,522,033 3,936,475
Mean 547,247 620,103
Observations 67,276 96,434
Panel B: Each Wedge-Pair Treated as a Separate Observation
Percentile 1 Mile Buffer Sample
10 Mile Buffer Sample
2,620 2,647
7,375 7,723
14,033 16,013
30,203 35,424
91,815 135,454
Mean 33,428.48 44,868.15
Observations 832 869
As described in the text, the 1-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments
throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within one mile of the state
border. The 10-mile buffer sample is analogous and is based on a ten mile buffer.
Table 4: Size of State Government
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(t-stats are reported in parentheses
1 Mile Buffer Sample
10 Mile Buffer Sample
State Pair
State Pair
-0.3267 0.0982 0.0821 -0.2795 0.0322 0.0363
(-36.47) (1.15) (1.47) (-40.23) (0.45) (0.68)
– Area
(sq miles)
0.0071 0.0091 - 0.0021 0.0024 -
(166.30) (6.41) - (179.28) (10.13) -
Year 2005
-0.0363 -0.0234 -0.0179 -0.0286 -0.0191 -0.0172
(-10.27) (-2.73) (-3.73) (-9.89) (-2.65) (-3.72)
Observations 67,276 67,276 67,276 96,434 96,434 96,434
State Fixed Effects - 105 - - 104 -
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects - - 832 - - 869
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.15 0.24 0.42 0.19 0.30 0.46
As described in the text, the 1-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any zipcode
that is at least partially within one mile of the state border. The 10-mile buffer sample is analogous and is based on a ten mile
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the state-
pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
and Area
are the square mileage of the wedges from sides 2 and 1 that belong to a given wedge pair.
Table 5: Tax Measures
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are reported in parentheses
State Pair
-0.3275 0.05351 0.0579
(-43.40) (0.73) (1.07)
Max Corp Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1) 0.0042 -0.0020 -0.0016
(5.52) (-0.21) (-0.23)
Max Personal Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side1) 0.0068 -0.0020 -0.0013
(8.96) (-0.32) (-0.25)
Sales Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1) 0.0100 0.0073 0.0080
(13.17) (1.53) (1.71)
– Area
(sq miles)
0.0021 0.0023 -
(178.06) (10.09) -
Year 2005
-0.0249 -0.0195 -0.0172
(-8.63) (-2.94) (-3.97)
Observations 96,434 25,012 71,422
State-Pair Fixed Effects - 104 -
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects - - 869
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.36 0.42 0.34
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments
throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the
level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1
and 2 of the border.
and Area
are the square mileage of the wedges from sides 2 and 1 that belong to a
given wedge pair.
Table 6: Reciprocal Agreements
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Full Sample
0.0579 -0.2043 0.0852
(1.07) (-0.89) (1.53)
Max Corp Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.0016 -0.2298 0.0021
(-0.23) (-2.27) (0.36)
Max Personal Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side1)
-0.0013 0.0226 -0.0092
(-0.25) (2.54) (-1.97)
Sales Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
0.0080 -0.0678 0.0082
(1.71) (-2.27) (1.80)
Year 2005
-0.0172 0.0018 -0.0205
(-3.97) (0.22) (-4.42)
Observations 96,434 25,012 71,422
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 869 195 674
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.36 0.42 0.34
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments
throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the
level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and
2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table 7: Reciprocal Agreements and Stratification by Industry
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Manufacturing Retail Services Manufacturing Retail Services
-0.1899 -0.3517 -0.2483 -0.1228 -0.0154 0.0590
(-0.22) (-0.93) (-0.82) (-0.48) (-0.16) (0.91)
Max Corp Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.3637 -0.1600 -0.2947 0.1778 0.0007 -0.0007
(-1.11) (-1.32) (-2.11) (1.25) (0.09) (-0.10)
Max Personal Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side1)
-0.0283 0.0293 0.0313 -0.0076 -0.0091 -0.0064
(-1.42) (3.19) (2.51) (-0.59) (-1.57) (-1.20)
Sales Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.0160 -0.1495 -0.0536 0.0108 0.0028 0.0090
(-0.18) (-3.56) (-1.57) (1.46) (0.67) (1.91)
Year 2005
-0.0654 0.0296 0.0013 -0.0009 -0.0190 -0.0230
(-1.76) (2.07) (0.12) (-0.06) (-2.56) (-4.13)
Observations 937 4,705 12,690 2,744 16,105 32,072
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 73 161 180 187 547 600
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.41 0.4 0.42 0.32 0.34 0.34
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten
miles of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table 8: Reciprocal Agreements and Corporate Versus Non-Corporate Status
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Sole Proprietorships
and Partnerships Corporations
Sole Proprietorships
and Partnerships
-0.2699 0.2251 0.0611 0.0720
(-0.78) (0.70) (0.58) (0.90)
Max Corp Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.5406 -0.2849 -0.0025 0.0027
(-3.15) (-2.51) (-0.32) (0.45)
Max Personal Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side1)
0.0157 0.0421 0.0108 -0.0165
(1.47) (2.46) (1.77) (-3.15)
Sales Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
0.0088 -0.0685 0.0033 0.0087
(0.23) (-1.75) (0.86) (1.15)
Year 2005
-0.0361 0.0273 0.0016 -0.0234
(-4.16) (2.41) (0.20) (-3.62)
Observations 10,116 9,807 27,956 28,177
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 185 188 611 654
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.41 0.42 0.33 0.35
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any
zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the
state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table 9: Reciprocal Agreements and Stratification by Agglomeration
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Full Sample
Lightly Developed
(< 95
Heavily Developed
(> 95
Full Sample
Lightly Developed
(< 95
Heavily Developed
(> 95
-0.2043 -0.1091 -0.3173 0.0852 0.0618 0.1761
(-0.89) (-0.40) (-0.52) (1.53) (0.97) (1.53)
Max Corp Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.2250 -0.1180 -0.3594 0.0021 -0.0028 0.1476
(-2.27) (-1.42) (-1.75) (0.36) (-0.45) (2.02)
Max Personal Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side1)
0.0226 -0.0077 0.0330 -0.0092 -0.0007 -0.0217
(2.54) (-0.62) (3.01) (-1.97) (-0.13) (-4.16)
Sales Tax Rate (Side 2 – Side 1)
-0.0678 -0.0583 -0.0922 0.0082 0.0015 0.0192
(-2.27) (-2.29) (-1.25) (1.80) (0.59) (2.94)
Year 2005
0.0018 0.0065 0.0065 -0.0206 -0.0196 -0.0177
(0.22) (0.50) (0.62) (-4.42) (-3.36) (-1.53)
Observations 25,012 10,682 14,330 71,422 37,403 34,019
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 195 180 15 674 646 28
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.42 0.39 0.44 0.34 0.36 0.33
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles
of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Lightly and heavily developed locations are defined as those less than or greater than the 95
percentile as defined in Panel B of Table 3.
Appendix: Supplemental Tables Based on Tax Revenue Measures
Table A-1: Tax Measures
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
OLS State FE
-0.2611 0.0434 0.0523
(-32.08) (0.58) (0.98)
– CorpTaxRev/Exp
-0.4212 0.7819 1.013
(-3.65) (0.93) (1.86)
– IncTaxRev/Exp
-0.0052 -0.2148 -0.2233
(-0.24) (-1.36) (-1.72)
– SalesTaxRev/Exp
0.1631 0.5000 0.4751
(7.22) (3.46) (3.30)
– Area
(sq miles)
0.0021 0.0024 -
(170.19) (10.09) -
Year 2005
-0.0299 -0.0171 -0.0140
(-10.27) (-2.55) (-3.20)
Observations 96,434 25,012 71,422
State-Pair Fixed Effects - 105 -
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects - - 869
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.19 0.30 0.46
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments
throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the
level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1
and 2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
and Area
are the square mileage of the wedges from sides 2 and 1 that belong to a
given wedge pair.
Table A-2: Reciprocal Agreements
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Full Sample
0.0523 -0.1987 0.1181
(0.98) (-0.78) (2.24)
– CorpTaxRev/Exp
1.013 -2.060 1.976
(1.86) (-2.02) (3.47)
– IncTaxRev/Exp
-0.2233 -0.6233 -0.1129
(-1.72) (-1.22) (-0.90)
– SalesTaxRev/Exp
0.4751 0.0879 0.6539
(3.30) (0.09) (4.87)
Year 2005
-0.0140 -0.0281 -0.0146
(-3.20) (-3.00) (-2.97)
Observations 96,434 25,012 71,422
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 869 195 674
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.4556 0.2836 0.5166
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments
throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the
level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and
2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table A-3: Reciprocal Agreements and Stratification by Industry
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Manufacturing Retail Services Manufacturing Retail Services
-2.1504 -0.0879 -0.2313 -0.1480 -0.0045 0.1053
(-1.74) (-0.19) (-0.76) (-0.66) (-0.05) (1.74)
– CorpTaxRev/Exp
-2.9976 -2.0789 -2.1746 -1.7941 0.8342 2.6259
(-0.81) (-1.34) (-1.75) (-0.77) (0.85) (4.06)
– IncTaxRev/Exp
-2.8034 -0.6110 -0.6709 0.1467 -0.1027 -0.1824
(-1.00) (-0.61) (-1.10) (0.26) (-0.38) (-1.38)
– SalesTaxRev/Exp
6.4390 1.2754 -0.8489 0.4401 0.4592 0.7558
(1.46) (0.77) (-0.79) (1.63) (3.10) (5.36)
Year 2005
-0.0966 -0.0023 -0.0363 -0.0280 -0.0160 -0.0139
(-2.34) (-0.15) (-3.11) (-1.55) (-2.12) (-2.42)
Observations 937 4,705 12,690 2,744 16,105 32,072
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 73 161 180 187 547 600
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.41 0.4 0.42 0.32 0.34 0.34
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten
miles of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table A-4: Reciprocal Agreements and Corporate Versus Non-Corporate Status
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Sole Proprietorships
and Partnerships Corporations
Sole Proprietorships
and Partnerships
-0.7365 0.2518 0.1575 0.0923
(-1.94) (0.77) (1.39) (1.19)
– CorpTaxRev/Exp
-2.2333 -1.3207 1.8628 1.9642
(-1.44) (-0.83) (1.61) (2.36)
– IncTaxRev/Exp
0.0031 -0.9314 0.4322 -0.1839
(0.01) (-1.30) (1.67) (-0.80)
– SalesTaxRev/Exp
-1.1302 -0.3560 0.3762 0.7486
(-0.98) (-0.28) (2.38) (3.09)
Year 2005
-0.0630 -0.0106 -0.0009 -0.0150
(-4.64) (-0.75) (-0.13) (-2.25)
Observations 10,116 9,807 27,956 28,177
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 185 188 611 654
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.41 0.42 0.33 0.35
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any
zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the
state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Table A-5: Reciprocal Agreements and Stratification by Agglomeration
Dependent Variable is 1 if arrival on side 2 and 0 if arrival on side 1
(10 mile buffer sample
; t-stats are in parentheses
Reciprocal Agreements No Reciprocal Agreements
Full Sample
Lightly Developed
(< 95
Heavily Developed
(> 95
Full Sample
Lightly Developed
(< 95
Heavily Developed
(> 95
-0.1986 -0.2359 -0.3361 0.1180 0.05158 0.2572
(-0.78) (-0.93) (-0.50) (2.24) (0.77) (2.65)
– CorpTaxRev/Exp
-2.0601 -3.7418 -3.2733 1.9757 1.5944 2.4236
(-2.02) (-3.74) (-1.19) (3.47) (2.00) (4.22)
– IncTaxRev/Exp
-0.6233 -0.1744 -1.5136 -0.1129 0.1234 -0.2115
(-1.22) (-0.30) (-1.53) (-0.90) (0.70) (-1.27)
– SalesTaxRev/Exp
0.0878 0.7495 0.4717 0.6538 0.3388 0.9301
(0.09) (0.81) (0.24) (4.87) (1.55) (5.77)
Year 2005
-0.0281 -0.0056 -0.0602 -0.0145 -0.0157 -0.0220
(-3.00) (-0.49) (-3.91) (-2.97) (-2.40) (-2.96)
Observations 25,012 10,682 14,330 71,422 37,403 34,019
Wedge-Pair Fixed Effects 195 180 15 674 646 28
Adj. R-Squared (total) 0.42 0.39 0.44 0.34 0.36 0.33
As described in the text, the 10-mile buffer sample includes new business establishments throughout the entirety of any zipcode that is at least partially within ten miles
of the state border.
Robust standard errors are used for the OLS model. Standard errors are clustered at the level of the fixed effects for the state-pair and wedge-pair fixed effect models.
and PerCapExp
are the state per capita levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
and Exp
are the state levels of expenditures on sides 1 and 2 of the border.
Lightly and heavily developed locations are defined as those less than or greater than the 95
percentile as defined in Panel B of Table 3.