A Berkshire Hathaway Company
MARCH 2021
Requirements for evidence-based
underwriting 1
Underwriting with little evidence 2
How to make decisions in uncertainty 3
Risk assessment for COVID-19 4
Conclusion 5
Firstly, it ensures that the underwriting decision adequately compensates the risk
the insurer takes on by granting cover to the applicant.
Secondly, and most importantly, acting on the basis of suitable and sufficient
evidence is a legal obligation. Only by doing so insurers can meet the requirements
of current anti-discrimination legislation.
Where the experience based on a company’s own insurance portfolio is insufficient,
the risk assessment for medical risks is based in particular on clinical studies and
statistics. These are carefully selected according to well-proven criteria for their
quality and relevance to the risk to be assessed. The decision whether or not a clinical
study is considered suitable to be used in the underwriting context, depends on a
large number of parameters. Among the most important parameters are:
1. Length of the follow-up period: Only studies with a sufficiently long observation
period can support making a long-term prognosis as required in Life insurance.
2. Participants of the study: The study has to fulfil requirements concerning the size
of the group as well as study subjects being either representative of a collective to
be insured or that findings can be transferred to such a collective, albeit with some
Transferring findings from clinical studies to the insurance context is the task of
multi-disciplinary teams of experts who will consider all relevant medical, actuarial
and legal requirements. Many years of clinical and underwriting experience of
medical doctors and underwriters are involved in the development of guidelines.
This experience complements the scientific findings to allow the development
A New Disease – Underwriting
Without Evidence
by Annika Tiedemann, Gen Re, Cologne
Requirements for evidence-based underwriting
Underwriting guid
elines today follow the principles of evidence-based underwriting.
By adhering to those principles, insurance companies make sure that all risk decisions
made by underwriters have a substantial statistical basis. Most importantly, that is
true for such decisions that classify the applicant as a substandard risk and therefore
result in an additional premium, an exclusion of parts of the risk or even the
declinature of the application.
Evidence-based risk assessment in underwriting is crucial for the following (at least)
two reasons:
of risk-adequate guidelines that are
technically correct and applicable in
practice at the same time.
With the requirements of evidence-based
underwriting in mind, the emergence
of a new disease at first glance seems
to be an insurmountable challenge:
Naturally, neither comprehensive clinical
nor underwriting experience exists. And
even though some early clinical studies
may emerge, case numbers will be small
and observation periods short. Does this
mean the requirements of risk-adequate
and evidence-based underwriting cannot
be met in such instances?
Underwriting with little
The discovery of a new virus, such as
SARS-CoV-2, is an uncommon event.
Even more uncommon is that the virus
is of immediate global significance. This
is everything but daily business from an
underwriting perspective.
When the first cases of the new
coronavirus emerged in early 2020, little
did we know what would happen. Thus,
it was our utmost priority in the early
days to follow the developments closely
and assess the relevance for the insurance
As the number of cases grew, we focused
on learning everything possible about
the new virus and making – albeit
preliminary – assumptions regarding the
risks associated with it. Not surprisingly,
more questions than answers arose.
To come up with guidance on how to
address the issue from an underwriting
perspective, we nevertheless gathered
what little established evidence there
seemed to be and made best-estimate
assumptions based on unfamiliar and
unpleasantly uncertain grounds. This
challenge was one of a kind for us.
However, having to make underwriting
decisions on the basis of very little,
incomplete or only partially suited
evidence is by no means uncommon.
The underwriter faces a similar problem
for rare diseases. Rare diseases are
diseases with only very few, sometimes
a few hundred people affected globally.
Deriving underwriting decisions for such
a group of patients can be a challenge for
the following reasons:
A disease with only a few affected
patients often generates very little
research. Hence, only few or even
no clinical studies might have been
published. Those that exist may be of
good quality, but they could also be
outdated or biased. With no alternative
evidence available, they will still have
to be used to derive underwriting
If the course and outcome of the
disease vary significantly among
those affected, it is hardly possible
for the underwriter to make a reliable
prognosis regarding the outcome for
the average affected person. Individual
outcomes therefore determine the
assumptions regarding the risk of the
group much more heavily than in more
common types of disease.
The treatment of rare diseases
often generates significant costs.
If that is the case, accessibility and
affordability of treatment can be
decisive factors for the survival and
potential recovery of the patient.
Underwriters will struggle to predict
whether an individual applicant will
receive optimal treatment for as long as
it is required.
It is highly unlikely that in their own
clinical practice insurance doctors
have previously seen patients with the
respective disease.
Insurers also can’t learn from past
cases in their portfolio because these
cases are unlikely to exist, let alone in
sufficient quantity.
How can fair and adequate decisions
nevertheless be made for such cases?
2 Gen Re | Underwriting Focus, March 2021
How to make decisions in
Developing underwriting guidelines
with limited evidence will always be a
highly complex and individual process.
However, certain steps of the process will
always be the same.
Having established processes helps
especially when – such as in the early
days of COVID-19 – many things are still
unclear. In these situations, it is more
important than ever to concentrate on
the facts at hand and apply well-proven
To start off the process, the following
questions should be asked:
What is known about the disease?
Do we see similarities to other,
previously known diseases?
Which sources of information can be
used for the evaluation?
When do we change our assumptions?
What do we not know?
What is known about the disease?
Instead of focusing too much on what is
not known, it is important to concentrate
first on what is known about a disease.
Even with a new disease like COVID-19,
quite substantial information will always
exist, e. g. information of the following
What causes the disease?
In case of a viral infection, is the
virus that is causing the respective
disease already known or is it a newly
detected virus?
In case of communicable disease, how
is it transmitted?
What symptoms have been observed
in patients during the course of the
Can a typical course of the disease be
How does it compare to the typical
course observed in related diseases?
Which organs are affected by the
disease and in what way are they
How does the disease respond to
different therapeutic measures?
What complications have been
Have significant differences in outcome
been observed in different groups of
patients, e. g. males vs. females, old
vs. young, patients with pre-existing
conditions vs. otherwise healthy etc.?
This information can provide some initial,
but already very valuable insights into
the risk.
Do we see similarities to other,
previously known diseases?
Every disease shows significant
overlaps to other diseases in
symptoms and effects. Identifying and
understanding such similarities can
be extremely helpful when deriving
the risk profile of a new disease for
underwriting purposes.
Specifically for the virus SARS-CoV-2 and
the resulting disease COVID-19, here are
some parallels:
SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus, and
there have been previously known
coronaviruses. Two of these,
SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, have
themselves caused epidemics. Extensive
research exists for those two diseases
and their respective outbreaks that give
valuable insight into basic mechanisms
of coronaviruses.
None of the symptoms of the disease
COVID-19 – ranging from classic
symptoms of cold or flu, such as cough
and rhinitis to respiratory distress,
fever and neurological deficits – are
unique to COVID-19, i. e. are being
observed regularly in other diseases.
Consequently, the immediate effects
they will have on the well-being of
patients are well-described.
Some of the more serious complications,
e. g. pneumonia, pulmonary embolism,
stroke or even the failure of organs –
such as the kidneys or lungs – can also
be triggered by other severe diseases.
Using the experience from those diseases
enables better prediction of long-term
In the most severe cases of COVID-19,
treatment in an intensive care unit and
the use of mechanical ventilation may
become necessary. This treatment can
have long-term health implications
for survivors – such as respiratory,
neurological, but also mental
impairments – further aggravating the
effects of the underlying disease itself.
These implications are not unique
to the treatment of COVID-19 ; their
evaluation can therefore draw on
well-established clinical experience.
Among the most important questions
regarding COVID-19 has been “Who
is most at risk of suffering a severe
course of the disease?” Very early on
in the pandemic, various health care
institutions published guidelines as to
who they considered to be among the
high-risk group. They did so using what
was known at the time about COVID-19,
but also using years of experience
with similar diseases. These guidelines
have proven to be very accurate and
have only been marginally refined and
extended over time.
Which sources of information can be
used for the evaluation?
As mentioned above, the selection
of appropriate evidence is one of the
most important steps in the derivation
of evidence-based risk assessment
guidelines. With little evidence available,
this choice becomes easy, but the output
may not always be satisfactory.
In the case of COVID-19, it is not the
lack of evidence as such, but the lack of
long-term evidence that is a challenge. In
contrast to this, the quantity of available
short-term evidence is and has been
This included numerous clinical studies.
Since the beginning of the pandemic,
new ones have been published seemingly
almost every minute. While the quality
of the studies may be good, they often
look at small case counts only. In many
instances, they were published in a
preliminary stage to speed up the process
of understanding the new disease. While
this is reasonable to drive the scientific
process, the level of certainty needed for
decisions requires long-term evidence.
Gen Re | Underwriting Focus, March 2021 3
In addition to clinical studies, we have
seen a flood of other, often more
spontaneous pieces of information,
such as:
Statements from numerous – actual or
self-proclaimed – experts
Reports from hospitals or medical
doctors involved in the treatment of
COVID-19 patients, often with very
specific observations
Very personal “eyewitness accounts”
of survivors of the disease or family
members of the deceased
Millions of newspaper articles of vastly
varying quality and informative value
In light of these information sources, the
real challenge is not only going through a
significant amount of it, but also deciding
on which ones to rely. The following
criteria will help in that decision process:
Who is the author of the information?
What was the reason for publishing the
Is the author qualified to talk about the
subject in question?
When was the information published?
Has the information been
quality-checked and/or peer-reviewed?
Are we looking at the original source
of information or just a reproduction
of it?
When do we change our
Both very little data (as in the case of rare
diseases) and currently evolving data (as
in the case of newly detected diseases)
mean that every new piece of information
can fundamentally change what we
know about a disease. Both situations
therefore require a regular and very
diligent monitoring of new findings.
Reacting to every new piece of
information is just as inappropriate as
ignoring evolving evidence. A clear
decision process is needed as to when
new evidence is considered substantial
enough to result in changes to the overall
What do we not know?
Eventually, while assessing the risk of a
new disease, it is important to reflect on
what is not (yet) known and what may as
well be impossible to know. These factors
must be kept in mind as they can change
the rules of the game literally overnight
and as such may make it necessary to
modify the underwriting strategy at very
short notice.
Risk assessment for COVID-19
In the process of developing underwriting
guidelines especially for medical risks,
it is paramount to also look beyond the
disease in question. In many cases, other
factors will have to be considered that
may play a vital role in determining the
risk. In the case of COVID-19 specifically,
there are a number of such aspects.
The political factor
Governmental measures to curb the
spread of the virus have had a major
impact on the course of the pandemic.
Regional differences in case count but
also death rates are to a significant degree
only explained by the measures adopted.
They range from limited restrictions of
social contact to strict curfews, from
wearing masks being compulsory to
closing down borders. Modifying the
political strategy has also resulted in huge
differences in outcomes in a first and
second wave of the pandemic in some
This will inevitably influence not only
the overall course of the pandemic but
also individual risk. It will determine to a
significant degree the possible exposure
to the virus of potential clients but also
the availability of health care services
once they contract the disease.
The human factor
People across the globe are confronted
with a once-in-a-lifetime event. And this
is true not just for those people that have
fallen ill or experienced illness in friends
or family. It is true for literally everyone
because everyone is at risk of contracting
the disease and is likewise affected by the
mitigating measures imposed by their
respective governments.
Under these circumstances, human
behaviour plays a vital role in determining
individual risk. How well will an individual
comply with the suggested safety
measures? And how easy will it be to
avoid risk given the individual’s living
conditions, e. g. housing, occupation,
family? While we won’t try and make
assumptions about individuals’ behavior
and thus will refrain from basing our
underwriting decisions on that behaviour,
4 Gen Re | Underwriting Focus, March 2021
it is important to be aware of these factors
while creating a general underwriting
strategy around COVID-19.
Medical factors
On the medical side, three possible
developments of a very different nature
have the potential to significantly
influence the risk associated with the
New treatment options could
significantly improve outcomes of the
The availability of effective vaccines
may help many people to avoid
becoming ill.
Mutations to the virus could
significantly change the risks associated
with it – for better or worse.
All of these could have a significant
impact on the individual risk.
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged
the world into tremendous uncertainty.
As such it has also been and remains
an unprecedented challenge for the
insurance industry.
As insurers, however, dealing with
uncertainty is our daily business. We
therefore have well-established processes
and procedures to go about our business
even under difficult circumstances.
About the author
Annika Tiedemann is Head of Underwriting Research,
Global Underwriting and R&D, based in Gen Re’s Cologne
office. As such, her tasks include Gen Re’s underwriting
manuals as well as providing support to international
clients in questions of underwriting.
Tel. +49 221 9738 345
For underwriting in the Life and Health
space, this means first and foremost
identifying experience we can build on
while at the same time being prepared
to modify our procedures to newly
established knowledge. In doing so, we
can make underwriting decisions that
will meet our requirements of being
risk-adequate and evidence-based to the
extent possible under such extraordinary
The published articles are copyrighted. Those which are written by specified authors do not necessarily constitute the opinion of the publisher or the editorial staff. All the information which
is contained here has been very carefully researched and compiled to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, no responsibility is accepted for accuracy, completeness or up-to-dateness.
In particular, this information does not constitute legal advice and cannot serve as a substitute for such advice.
© General Reinsurance AG 2021
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