1 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Note: this list contains proprietary information to DIRECTV. Special thanks to the volunteers who col-
lected this material: DBSTalk users RobertE and Signal Labs member Litzdog911.
How to read this table:
A code may pop up during bootup or after running a system test. Generally it will be two digits,
followed by three digits. The first two digits represent a problem as shown below.
Issue Cause / Resolution
10 Receiver Error Detected - Unable to read RID Replace Receiver.
11 Receiver Error Detected - Bad Tuner Not related to
TV Apps (11)
Replace Receiver.
12 Problem with the Network Tuner (possible prob-
lem inside the box).
Replace Receiver.
13 Problem reading the access card Contact Customer Service.
14 On Screen Text: “Internal Storage Error Detected.
A problem was detected reading your internal
storage device. Please call Customer Service at
1-800-DIRECTV and report the diagnostic code
displayed below. Diagnostic Code: 14”
What to do: Select “Reboot” to reset Receiver. If still a
problem: Do NOT try to reformat from the front panel.
Replace Receiver.
15 On Screen Text: “Internal Storage Error Detected.
A problem was detected reading your internal
storage device. Please call Customer Service at
1-800-DIRECTV and report the diagnostic code
displayed below. Diagnostic Code: 15”
What to do: Select “Reboot” to reset Receiver. If still a
problem: Do NOT try to reformat from the front panel.
Replace Receiver.
16 On Screen Text: “Receiver Error Detected A prob-
lem with your receiver was detected. Please call
customer service at 1-800-531-5000 and report
the diagnostic code displayed above. Diagnostic
Code: 16” Probable Cause: Receivers networking
chip has failed. H / HR 24s and higher only
What to do:
• Reset the receiver
• Run system diagnostics again.
• If code 16 persists, oer a receiver re-
• This test ensures the coaxial network
chips in the receiver are functioning.
If this test fails, the receiver should be
20 A problem with your ODU has been detected. No
longer active.
Inspect general condition of dish and cabling between
dish and receiver. This error is usually followed by
other more specic errors that may provide specic
information on points of failure.
2 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
21 A problem has been detected in the storage
Hard drive is experiencing an initialization error or
Critical Fault. Replace receiver.
22 Internal Storage Error Detected. The HDDVR was rebooted while uploading new hard
drive rmware. Replace receiver.
23 Internal Storage Error Detected. HDDVR hard drive rmware was completed, but hard
drive errors were found, and the hard drive could not
be recovered. Replace receiver.
24 A fatal error has occurred. No longer active. You will need to replace the HR23-700 receiver.
25 H2x ash memory corruption is detected. A problem has been detected. Your receiver will at-
tempt to repair it now. This will cause current user set-
tings to be lost, but it should correct the problem and
restore normal operation. If this condition persists,
please call Customer Service
40 13/18V test. Satellite Dish Alignment or Distribution problem.
41 Guide data failure. Possible distribution problem,
incorrect ODU selection or signal blockage to one
or more satellite locations
Troubleshoot cause of low/no signal.
42 Guide data failure. Possible distribution problem,
incorrect ODU selection or signal blockage to one
or more satellite locations
Troubleshoot cause of low/no signal.
43 Installation Verication Failure. Caused by low
signal or distribution problem.
Troubleshoot cause of low signal.
44 Second tuner connection problem Verify Sat tuners are connected properly
45 Guide data Issue – No guide data received in over
24 hours
Possible distribution problem, incorrect ODU selection
or signal blockage to one or more satellite locations.
46 Guide data Issue – No guide data received in over
1 hour
Possible distribution problem, incorrect ODU selection
or signal blockage to one or more satellite locations.
47 Home Network Distribution Problem – [Location
Name(s) or “ROUTER - 000B6Bxxxxxx”] has a poor
network connection. If you are having problems
viewing recordings from this receiver, please call
Customer Service at 1-800-531-5000 and report
the diagnostic code displayed above. Diagnostic
Code: 47” H / HR 24s and higher only
Probable Cause:
• A DECA is attached to an H/HR24.
• The DECA on an H2x/HR2x/R22 or
the Broadband DECA is loose or not
plugged in.
• Other issue with the cabling.
• This test determines if the network
bandwidth is sucient to meet DIRECTV
• If it fails, a problem is likely with the
coaxial cables, splitters, or ttings.
• A service call should be made to check
the coaxial distribution, if necessary.
3 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
48 Home Network Interference Problem – The
receiver has reduced network performance. If
you are having problems viewing recordings
from this receiver, please call Customer Service at
1-800-531-5000 and report the diagnostic code
displayed above. Diagnostic Code: 48 H / HR 24s
and higher only
Probable Cause:
• The network may have excessive outside
• This test determines if the network
bandwidth has excessive interference,
as opposed to a poor signal. A service
call should be made to address faulty
cables or connectors and isolate outside
49 Primary Tuner Connection Problem – No SWM
channels are available. The receiver is unable to
register tuners for Live TV or Recordings because
there are too many receivers connected to the
coax network. Please call Customer Service at
1-800-531-5000 and report the diagnostic code
displayed above. Diagnostic Code: 49” H / HR 24s
and higher only (and D12)
Probable Cause:
• There are too many receivers/tuners
connected to the SWiM.
• See SWiM Installation Limits if needed.
50 Secondary Tuner Connection Problem – Only a
single SWM channel is available. The receiver is
unable to use the second tuner for Live TV or
Recordings because there are too many receiv-
ers connected to the coax network. Please call
Customer Service at 1-800-531-5000 and report
the diagnostic code displayed above. Diagnostic
Code: H / HR 24s and higher only
Probable Cause:
• There are too many receivers/tuners
connected to the SWiM.
• See SWiM Installation Limits if needed.
• The SWiM has enough space for Tuner 1
in the DVR, but not Tuner 2.
51 SWM Not Detected - The receiver cannot detect
the presence of a SWM on the coax network. The
receiver is unable to use any tuners for Live TV
or Recordings. The SWM requires that a power
inserter be plugged into an electrical outlet.
Please check that the power inserter has not
been unplugged. Select “Test Again” to see if this
has resolved the issue. If this doesn’t work then
please call Customer Service at 1-800-531-5000
and report the diagnostic code displayed above.
Diagnostic Code: 51 The OSD also has a Recheck
SWiM button to check for a SWiM installation. H /
HR 24s and higher only
Probable Cause:
• There’s no SWiM network present.
• For some reason the SWiM isn’t commu-
nicating with the network.
54 MoCA Network Test Error Genie Only 1. A coax connection is not being used
between the Genie server and client in cases
where a DIRECTV Ready client is installed.
2. The MoCA IV test drivers have not
properly initialized..
70 Congured for network, but cannot detect Net-
work connection.
Troubleshoot network/internet connection.
4 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
71 “Cannot Detect Internet - Your receiver is cong-
ured to work with a home network but is unable
to access the Internet. If your home network has a
non-dialup Internet Service, please check your In-
ternet connection and router settings. Select “Test
Again” to see if this has solved the issue. If this
doesn’t work then please call customer service at
1-800-531-5000 and report the diagnostic code
displayed above.” Diagnostic Code 71”
• The network is connected, but the Inter-
net connection has failed.
• Problem with the router conguration or
the receiver network settings.
72 Cannot detect dial tone, but Internet connection
Troubleshoot phone connection.
73 Cannot detect Network connection or dial tone Troubleshoot phone connection.
74 Dish alignment test not ran during installation
75 On Screen Text: “External Storage Error Detected a
problem was detected reading your external stor-
age device. Please unplug or remove your external
storage device, reboot your receiver and rerun
the test. If that doesn’t work, then please call
Customer Service at 1-800-DIRECTV and report
the diagnostic code displayed below. Diagnostic
Code: 75”
What to do: Remove External Hard Drive and retest.
Do NOT replace Receiver.
76 Cannot detect dial tone for PPV and caller ID Troubleshoot phone connection.
77 Receivers discovered on coax ONLY on H/HR 24s
and higher
Unplug Ethernet cable from receiver.
79 Indicates that the network connection has
dropped multiple MRV sessions over the past 5
Check for loose/bad connectors that may be causing
intermitent problems with the signal. Verify all hard-
ware have green labels indicating that they are SWM/
MRV compliant.
82 Receiver set to SL-5 dish but a SL-3 is present.
This often causes Guide Data update issues.
Change ODU type to Slimline 3.
83 Receiver set to SL-3 dish but a SL-5 is present Change ODU type to Slimline 5.
5 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
86 We were not able to connect to the Internet.
Would you like to get connected?
• The router is turned o or not func-
tioning properly
• The connection from the receiver to
the router failed.
• The network is connected, but the
Internet connection has failed.
• Problem with the router congura-
tion or the receiver network settings.
• Verify all physical connections
• Verify customer can access DIRECTV.
COM on home PC
• On the receiver, run Restore Defaults,
Connect Now.
• If applicable, verify all DECA units are
operating correctly, including the Broad-
band DECA.
• Verify Router activity lights are active for
the port connected to the Broadband
• Inform customer that they may need
to disable router Firewalls which may
be blocking connections for DIRECTV
services. Retry “CONNECT NOW” test to
verify Internet connectivity.
• Instruct customer to verify that their ISP
is not limiting access for additional IP
• Instruct customer to verify that their
router is properly congured to support
the number of devices on their network.
Some routers default to only 10 devices.
87 Your receiver is connected to DIRECTV via the
• The receiver successfully connects to
the Internet, but cannot connect to a
specic DIRECTV server.
• The DIRECTV server may be unavail-
able or the customers router could
be blocking access.
• Broadband call back not successful,
try again later.
• Wait a few minutes and retry (Restore
Defaults and then Connect Now)
• If 87 still occurs, verify access to TVApps,
VOD, YouTube and inform the customer
that they may need to disable router
Firewalls which may be blocking con-
nections for DIRECTV services. Retry
“CONNECT NOW” test to verify Internet
• If unsuccessful, escalate to DIRECTV ISS.
88 Your receiver is connected to DIRECTV via the
Internet. This is a completion code, not a failure
code, and indicates that the receiver has success-
fully connected to the Internet and the DIRECTV
Broadband Callback was successful.
6 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
89 Unable to connect to the Wireless Video Bridge(s)
on your network. In order to display any video
the receiver needs to be connected to a Wireless
Video Bridge. Please verify that all Wireless Video
on your network are powered on and have the
coaxial cable connected. Select “Test Again” to see
if this has solved the issue. Genie Only
• Determine if the WVB was deliberately
removed from the network by the cus-
tomer. If it was, removing the WVB from
the Genie
• by using the system menus. (Menu
- Settings & Help - Settings - Whole
Home - Video Bridge)
• Ensure all WVBs are powered on and
connected to coax / MoCA network
90 One or more of the Wireless Video Bridges on
your network reports an error. You may experience
poor quality or intermittent loss of video on your
wireless clients. Please reset your Wireless Video
Bridge(s) using the red reset button on the back
panel. Select “Test Again” to see if this has solved
the issue. Genie Only
• Perform a reset on the WVB.
• If WVB continues to blink Red, replace
the WVB.
91 “One or more of the Wireless Video Bridges on
your network reports an error. You may experience
poor quality or intermittent loss of video on your
wireless clients. Please check the coaxial cable
connection to your Wireless Video Bridge(s) then
reset them using the red reset button on the back
panel. Select ”Test Again” to see if this has solved
the issue.Genie Only
• Troubleshoot the MoCA / Coax network.
Verify cabling and connectors.
92 “One or more of the Wireless Video Bridges on
your network reports an error. You may experience
poor quality or intermittent loss of video on your
wireless clients. Please reset your Wireless Video
Bridge(s) using the red reset button on the back
panel. Select ”Test Again” to see if this has solved
the issue.Genie Only
• Should not occur.
• Escalate to NET, NET to escalate to STB
Field Support.
93 On-screen display shows: Your receiver is
connected to the wireless network, but it is not
connected to the Internet. HR44 internal WiFi DECA
is connected to the local wireless network but not
the Internet. HR44 Only
• Reboot the modem/router
• If the customer has a separate modem
from the router, be sure to unplug the
modem rst, then the router
• Plug the modem back in rst if it’s sepa-
rate, then plug the router back in
• Press the DASH button to check if the
receiver is connected to the
• Internet. If issue persists, refer the cus-
tomer to the router manual,
• manufacturer or ISP.
7 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
94 On-screen display shows: The receiver is not con-
nected to a wireless network. There are more than
one wireless networks in range. HR44 internal
WiFi DECA is not connected to the local wireless
network, but there are wireless networks detect-
ed. HR44 Only
• Unplug the router for 30 seconds, then
plug it back in.
• Press DASH button to check if the re-
ceiver is connected to the Internet.
• If the issue persists, help customer re-
peat network setup with WPS or manu-
95 On-screen display shows: The receiver is not con-
nected to a wireless network. HR44 internalWiFi
DECA is not connected to the local wireless net-
work, and there are no wireless networks detected
or in range. HR44 Only
• Unplug the router for 30 seconds, then
plug it back in.
• Press DASH button to check if the re-
ceiver is connected to the Internet.
• If issue persists, repeat network setup
using WPS or manual password entry.
96 On-screen display shows: The received wireless
network signal is weak. This may aect perfor-
mance. HR44 internal WiFi DECA is connected to
the WiFi router; however, the WiFi signal strength
is poor.HR44 Only
• HR44 internal WiFi DECA is connected to
the WiFi router; however, the WiFi signal
strength is poor.
• On the remote, press and hold INFO to
get to System Info & Test, then select
More System Info. If wireless signal
strength is not “Excellent” or “Good,
then install a wired CCK.
97 On-screen display shows: There is a history of
wireless network signal weakness. This may
aect performance. HR44 internal WiFi DECA is
connected to the WiFi router; however, there is a
history of poor WiFi signal strength. HR44 Only
• This Diagnostic code is triggered when-
ever the HR44 has been recently discon-
nected from the wireless network. On
the remote, press and hold INFO to get
to System Info & Test, then select More
System Info. If wireless signal strength is
not “Excellent” or “Good,” then install a
wired CCK.
98 On-screen display shows: There is a history of
wireless network disconnects. This may aect per-
formance. HR44 internal WiFi DECA is connected
to the WiFi router; however, there is a history of
WiFi signal disconnects. HR44 Only
• HR44 internal WiFi DECA is connected to
the WiFi router; however, the WiFi signal
strength is poor.
• On the remote, press and hold INFO to
get to System Info & Test, then select
More System Info. If wireless signal
strength is not “Excellent” or “Good,
then install a wired CCK.
99 Wireless Client Slow Link. There is a good con-
nection to the wireless video bridge but one or
more of your wireless clients reports poor network
performance. Genie Only
• Survey each wireless client to nd the
one with poor performance, indicated by
an amber or red light on the client when
powered up.
• Relocate the client or video bridge to
eliminate performance issues.
8 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Additional text on the codes listed above.
Codes 10, 11 – Receiver error detected.
A problem with your receiver was detected.
Both of these indicate receiver errors that are not recoverable in the eld so the box must be replaced. Code 10 indicates a
RID related error while 11 indicates the tuner hardware can not be accessed. The presence of error 11 may also result in a
box stuck in step 1 of 2 at bootup.
Not related to TV Apps (11)
Code 12 – Receiver error detected.
A problem with your receiver was detected.
This indicates no signal on the network tuner in MPEG4 boxes. This tuner is DC blocked and slaved to the primary tuner
and is used for guide and conditional access data. If the primary tuner shows good signal strength with this error present
then the box should be replaced.
Code 13 – Receiver error detected.
A problem was detected reading your access card. Please check to see that the card is inserted correctly and rerun the test.
This is often associated with a 761 / 762 OSD. It can be a card inserted incorrectly, a faulty card reader in the receiver or a
faulty CAM card. Reposition the card and swap between boxes to isolate the cause. Note that brown discoloration of the
CAM card on top does not indicate a failed or about to fail CAM card.
Codes 14, 15, 21– Internal Storage Error Detected.
A problem was detected reading your internal storage device. This may be a simple initialization error or a critical fault.
Please reboot the box now. That may x the problem
Code 14 indicates trouble communicating with the hard disk drive while 15 indicates the drive is accessible but does not
pass integrity tests. For 14, reboot the box and see if the problems continue. For 15 replace the box. Generally boxes
showing a code 14 will soon begin showing code 15. These issues may also lead to a code 21 at bootup. Normally they all
indicate the receiver should be replaced.
9 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Code 20 - General ODU Error.
A problem with your ODU has been detected.
This is a general error and is usually accompanied by more specic errors which point to specic troubleshooting steps.
Code 24 (HR23-700 only)
Diagnostic code 24 detects a hardware failure in the HR23-700. This test and error code can appear at boot up and is
periodically run in the background. When the background test detects a problem, the receiver will reboot and display this
message. OSD Text: “A fatal error has occurred.
Unplug your receiver immediately and call 1-800-531-5000 to order a replacement receiver reporting the diagnostic code
You will need to replace the HR23-700 receiver.
• The receiver is inoperable, and the customer should unplug the receiver.
• The HR23-700 should be replaced If the message says “ A problem with your receiver has been detected”
• The customer can select CONTINUE while they wait for the replacement receiver
• If the receiver is not replaced, then it may eventually display the “Fatal Error” message.
Code 25 (H21-25 only)
This error code can appear upon boot up if H2x ash memory corruption is detected. The following settings will be lost:
• Autotunes and Autotune History
• SWDL History
• Purchase History
• Search History and Find by History Network Settings
• Favorites list and Quick Tune Stations
• Resolution setting for 1080p
• Whole-Home friendly names
• UI settings such as: scrolling eects; guide sort settings; network conguration
• Other non-customer aecting data (DMS Data, PMS Data, IVG Data, SHEF Data)
OSD Text: “A problem has been detected. Your receiver will attempt to repair it now. This will cause current user settings
to be lost, but it should correct the problem and restore normal operation. If this condition persists, please call Customer
10 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Codes 40, 41, 42, 43 – ODU Alignment Problem/Signal Distribution Problem
The ODU may need a pointing adjustment that might be causing searching for satellite signal issues. Check for trees or
leaves are blocking the satellite signal to the ODU or if there may be snow or ice on the dish. If it is raining or snowing,
please repeat the system test when the weather clears.
• 40 – Non-SWiM. Fails basic +13/+18 ODU test for signal.
• 41 – SWiM only, tuners locked but missing guide data.
• 42 – Non-SWiM, tuners locked but missing guide data.
• 43 – Signal levels more than 5 points below IV levels. This can be level issue with tuner 1, tuner 2
Verify all satellite positions that the STB is supporting using the signal meter screen to verify transponder signal levels.
Check for BBC’s on non SWM installs connected to the Hx and HRxx products. Verify cabling from the ODU to the STB.
Check for crimped or frayed cables, splitters, barrels and wall plates that may need replacement. Using a Super Buddy or
an AIM meter to verify:
Typical measurements:
(Signal)Power levels- -approx. -30’s to -40’s dbm
ES/NO (AIM) C/N (Super Buddy) - greater than 10db for KA/KU
LNB oset- + or – 5 MHz
If levels are below spec check the alignment of the ODU.
Code 44 – Second Tuner Connection Problem
Your receiver might be incorrectly congured or incorrectly connected to tuner 2.
This is an IV test similar to the test for error 43.
If non-SWiM ODU, verify 2 cables are present and connected. If present, follow troubleshooting steps for 40, 41, 42, 43. If
not present, correct or go to the system setup and set the box for single tuner. Note that an IV waiver may be required.
Codes 45, 46 – Critical Satellite Data not Received
• 45 - Your receiver restarted at time/date because critical data could not be acquired from the satellite for 12
• 46 - Your receiver has not acquired critical data from the satellite for the past hour.
Both of these codes result from lack of guide data updates and are related to 920 OSDs, code 43s and the guide display-
ing ‘to be announced’. They can also be associated with the conditions that result in code 82 or 83. The box will track this
lack of guide data updates and generate a code 46 after an hour and reboot the box after 12 hours which forces the box
to reacquire guide data at which point a code 25 will be displayed. Troubleshoot as with codes 40-43. Low signal levels,
miscongured ODU types or LOS issues can result in these errors.
11 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Codes 47, 48, 79 – Whole Home DVR (MRV) network diagnostics (Hx24 capable only)
These diagnostic codes are only valid for Hx24 IRDs and indicate possible issues with the installation (cabling, connectors,
splitters, green-label, DECAs, BSF…).
• 47 – will be reported if the network bandwidth is sucient to meet DIRECTV specications whichpoints to a
likely problem with the coax cables, splitters, or ttings.
• 48 – will be reported if the MRV network bandwidth is being degraded due to excessive interference, as op-
posed to signal attenuation which points to a likely problem with poor quality coax (scrapped together RG
59), diplexed o air signals, mixed in signals into the same coax distribution from a dierent provider such as
cable TV or MATV.
• 79 – will be reported if unexpected MRV network drops have been observed by this STB. These network
drops may be due to intermittent interference and may not be present at the time of test execution. For
instance if troubleshooting for 47 or 48, you may see a 79 code reported. When the 47 or 48 are resolved
the 79 code may still be reported but can be ignored. If 47 or 48 were not reported and only a 79, further
troubleshooting is required.
Error codes 47 & 48 will be populated with the [FRIENDLYNAME] and/or [ROUTER-‘MAC Address’] for as many IRDs with
bad connections to the network. Start troubleshooting for the rst IRD listed on error codes 47 & 48 and rerun system
test. In troubleshooting the MRV network, verify the following:
• Green label components
• BSF not used when required on STB’s or LNB
• Cabling
• Connectors (including barrel and wall), excessive use of connectors creates attenuation and degrades the
MRV network.
• Verify there is nothing diplexed onto the coax – no o-air antenna, and no CATV or MATV
• Splitters: every unused output has a 75-ohm terminator (All unused ports, including the SWiM power supply,
must be terminated)
• DECAs not used when required
• DECAs used on H24/HR24
• Ethernet cables connected directly to the back of the STB Ethernet port. A DECA BB must be installed to con-
nect the MRV network to the internet.
• These must be visually veried.
12 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Codes 49, 50, 51 – SWiM registration related errors.
• 49 – Unable to register primary tuner.
• 50 – Unable to register secondary tuner. (Associated with 771B OSD).
• 51 – Receiver is congured for SWiM but cannot detect SWiM. (Associated with 771A OSD).
These are all related to SWiM registration processes. The SWiM 2.3 MHz control channel is shared by all boxes on the
SWiM network. If the channel is not present or not present and the receiver is congured for a SWiM network, code 51
will be displayed. If the receiver has been working on a SWiM network and there is a loss of the control channel, the 771A
OSD will display. If the receiver is properly communicating on the control channel but the SWiM indicates no channels are
available for registration, code 49 is displayed. The SWiM is fully over subscribed. If only one channel is available and the
receiver is a DVR, error 50 is displayed.
For code 51, look for a faulty SWiM, power inserter, power inserter on a switched electrical outlet or
anything inline that will not pass or attenuates the 2.3 MHz control channel. These can often be
non-DIRECTV approved splitters added by the customer or long cable runs. These issues can often be intermittent. An ac-
cidently attached b-band converter can also result in a loss of SWiM communications.
For codes 49 and 50, it is simply an oversubscribed issue. Each DVR takes 2 channels and non-DVR takes a single channel.
The only workaround other than expanding the SWiM system is for code 50 which is to put the receiver in single tuner
mode via guided setup. This will normally require an IV waiver.
Code 54- General MoCA Test Error
Error in the Genie’s built-in network adapter or poor quality on the line at 475MHz-625MHz. Corresponds to a yellow light
on a DECA or wireless video bridge. Most likely causes are excessively long cable runs, corroded barrels or connectors, or
use of unapproved materials.
1. Ensure that networking to all wired clients or Wireless Video Bridge involves coax. For DIRECTV Ready clients, a coax run
from the SWiM splitter should be connected
to a broadband DECA, which should be connected to the DIRECTV Ready TV.
2. Restart the Genie server.
Code 70 - Cannot Detect Home Network
Your receiver is congured to work with a home network but the network was not detected. Please check the network ca-
bling and equipment. Select “Test Again” to see if this has solved the issue. Communication problem between receiver and
home network or router.
13 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Code 71 – Cannot Detect Internet.
Your receiver detects the presence of a home network, however it can not access the Internet. If your network does have a
broadband connection present, this may be due to the receiver not obtaining a DNS entry during DHCP negotiation with
your home network.
Home network = Customers router or ISP modem.
DNS = Domain Name System. It translates domain names into an IP address that can be used by the DIRECTV receiver or
DHCP = Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol. It gets parameters needed to operate in an IP network.
Restore Network Defaults. It doesn’t restore entire receiver settings - only resets the network settings for Internet commu-
After receiver resets to network defaults: Select “Connect Now.
Select “Test Connection” to make sure your receiver can connect to your network and the Internet.
Code 75– External Storage Error Detected.
A problem was detected reading your external storage device. Please unplug or remove your external storage device,
reboot your receiver and rerun the test
This test is equivalent to the tests performed for error 14/15 when using internal storage. The customer may wish to
reboot the external storage device and when up and running, reboot the receiver. If the external device still does not
function it should be replaced. The receiver will revert to it’s internal storage once rebooted without the external device
connected. Replacing receivers does not resolve this issue; it’s normally due to a failed external drive.
Codes 72, 73, 76 - Cannot Detect Phone Dial Tone
Your receiver is not connected to a phone line.
• 72 - The receiver is connected to the Internet but no dial tone is detected.
• 73 – The receiver was previously congured for a network but the Internet and the dial tone is not
• 76 – The receiver is not networked and no dial tone is detected.
This is a basic dial tone test. Check for a poor phone line connector and that the phone line is
plugged into the correct jack. Test the phone line on a spare non-powered phone. Access the hidden menu using the
menu and right arrow and run the modem test. Note that if a 72 is displayed
this should only impact caller ID since PPV details are reported through the Internet.
14 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
Codes 82, 83 – Satellite Dish Conguration Issue.
Your receiver is congured for the incorrect satellite dish.
These tests check for valid guide data on the proper transponders and only run on non-SWiM installations. Code 82 in-
dicates the receiver is set for a SL-5 ODU, when a SL-3 ODU is actually present. Code 83 indicates the opposite condition.
Recongure the receiver for the proper LNB type. This issue can often be associated with the 920 OSD and missing chan-
nel remaps for the 7xx-1 HD sports programming.
Codes 89-92 - Wireless Video Bridge Conguration Issue.
Your wireless video bridge is not communicating properly.
Generally rebooting the WVB and examining the cable connection should resolve these issues.
Codes 93-99 - HR44 Wireless Networking Issue
HR44 Genie DVRs are equipped with internal wireless adapters that are designed to connect to the users home wireless
network. These codes help identify the source of the issue and suggest a course of action, which often includes resetting
the customers wireless adapter.
15 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
These codes will appear as on-screen messages while you are viewing.
Issue Resolution
711 Access Card Is Not Active Customer Service (CS) needs to activate.
721 Service Isn’t Authorized CS needs to authorize. Can also indicate a
blackout condition (sports programming)
722 Service Expired IRD was unplugged for an extended period,
reconnect IRD & have CS reauthorize.
724 Authorization or Paring Expired Issue Contact DTV to resend Pairing or Resend All
Authorizations. Issuemay be related to 920
OSD so also troubleshoot as if present.
725 Authorization or Paring Expired Issue Contact DTV to resend Pairing or Resend All
Authorizations. Issuemay be related to 920
OSD so also troubleshoot as if present.
726 Wrong or Missing RID Number Verify RID from TV screen & have CS reau-
727 Program Not Available in Your Area Have CS verify address and resend authoriza-
tions. If still not available have CS check for
“Blackouts” or FCC “Viewing Restrictions”.
731 Access Card Full Run IRD “system test” to make sure phone is
OK. If not OK, troubleshoot phone line. If OK,
have CS force a callback (est. time approx. 2
minutes). If a forced callback does not suc-
ceed see above reminder: “For Ext 731-743”.
- Related OSD is 780 for broadband con-
nected boxes.
732 IPPV Purchase Limit Reached IRD needs to call to download PPV informa-
tion. Once it is downloaded the limit will be
once again available. Follow procedure for
“731- Access Card Full” Limits are to protect
the customer as well as assure DIRECTV is
able to collect on purchase. - Related OSD is
781 for broadband connected boxes.
16 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
733 IPPV Ordering Disabled 60 days with no callback, either resolve call-
back issue or disable IPPV ag and resend all
authorizations. Contact DTV - Related OSD is
777 for broadband connected boxes. Follow
procedure for “731- Access Card Full”.
734 Unable to Request IPPV IPPV ag set to No in the billing system.
Contact DTV.
736 IPPV (Interactive Pay Per View) has
been disabled due to STB not success-
fully completely a callback.
60 days with no callback, either resolve call-
back issue or disable IPPV ag and resend all
authorizations. Contact DTV - Related OSD is
777 for broadband connected boxes.
741 PPV Data was Missing Conict between your current billing infor-
mation and authorized services. PPV event,
day and time needs to be escalated by CS to
the DIRECTV Support Center; resolution is
normally 1 business day.
743 PPV has expired. 24 Hour rental period has expired for previ-
ously ordered PPV.
744 Loss of Programming IRD is not getting authorization. Need to
reset IRD and check for new OSD.
745 Access Card or Reader may be Defec-
Access card has had temporary problem
processing data. Reset IRD. If problem con-
tinues IRD and/or access card may need to
be replaced.
746 Possible Data Corruption IRD had a temporary problem processing
data. Reset IRD.
747 Unable to Complete OSD when order-
ing or viewing PPV. OSD says “Unable
to complete this transaction.
Have CS resend authorizations, then reset
IRD Only on NDS IRDs such as D10s, H20s,
749 Mutiswitch Problem Troubshoot multiswitch.
750 Service Not Active Customer needs to have HD access to be
able to view OTA channels.
751 Wrong or Missing RID Number Contact DTV to verify actual RID against Bill-
ing System. Attempt Resend All Authoriza-
17 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
752 Information Update Error IRD cannot
accept a software download or new
data updates with the current access
card. OSD may appear when access
cards are being re-paired with IRDs.
Follow these steps: 1) Have CS resend au-
thorization 2) Reset IRD 3) Have CS send
replacement card.
761 Insert Your Card or MRR Service Access card isn’t all the way in the IRD. Re-
move & reinsert card.
762 Insert Valid Card or MRR Service IRD & access card are not communicating
1) Remove & reinsert Card. 2) Reset Without
Access Card 3) Test Card vs. IRD.
763 Access Card Expired Access card is an older version (period) card.
1) Have CS order new card or activate re-
placement card 2) If card replaced, have CS
resend authorizations 3) If OSD continues,
reset IRD 4) Replace IRD. When *trouble-
shooting this issue tune to channel 377 to
verify if programming has returned.
764 Wrong Access Card Inserted Access
card in IRD does not match what is
listed with authorization system.
Have CS verify & update information. Have
CS reauthorize and then reset IRD. If OSD
continues, note the following: 1) account in-
formation (customer name, account number,
telephone number) 2) access card number
3) IRD serial number 4) RID number 5) Have
CS supervisor escalate to DIRECTV Support
Center. Note: resolution is normally 1 busi-
ness day.
765 Please insert your new access card. Insert new access card.
771 Searching for Satellite Main Check: 1) Peaking 2) Line of sight 3)
Connections 4) Distribution system 5) Hard-
771A Problem Communicating w/ Dish SWiM power inserter may need to be
plugged in. The network can’t detect the
SWiM due to power loss to the SWiM. No
SWiM installation is present Superseded by
771B Problem Communicating w/ Dish Too many receivers or tuners are connected
to the SWiM. Test with SWiM meter and
upgrade to SWiM 16 if necessary. Superseded
by 776.
18 ©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
772 No guide data. Signal or broadcast issue. Occasionally seen
after rain fade.
775 Problem Communicating w/ Dish SWiM power inserter may need to be
plugged in. The network can’t detect the
SWiM due to power loss to the SWiM. No
SWiM installation is present
776 Problem Communicating w/ Dish Too many receivers or tuners are connected
to the SWiM. Test with SWiM meter and up-
grade to SWiM 16 if necessary
777 IPPV Ordering Disabled 60 days with no callback, either resolve call-
back issue or disable IPPV ag and resend all
authorizations. Contact DTV. Follow proce-
dure for “731- Access Card Full”.
780 Access Card Full Run IRD “system test” to make sure network
is OK. If not OK, troubleshoot network line. If
OK, have CS force a callback (est. time ap-
prox. 2 minutes). If a forced callback does not
succeed see above reminder: “For Ext 731-
781 IPPV Purchase Limit Reached IRD needs to call to download PPV informa-
tion. Once it is downloaded the limit will be
once again available. Follow procedure for
“731- Access Card Full” Limits are to protect
the customer as well as assure DIRECTV is
able to collect on purchase.
792 Antenna Problem Loss of signal from over-the-air antenna.
799 Replace Receiver Self-diagnostic OSD OSD says “Receiver needs to be replaced”.
It may NOT need to be replaced. Perform
a “Factory Default” through the IRD menu.
Only on D10s.*
920 “Missing Guide Info: Your receiver has
not received guide information from
the satellite for the past (3-13) hours.
Please contact DIRECTV Customer
Service (920).” This is normally a signal
issue and often occurs because the
customer cannot get the 119 signal.
The installation needs to be inspected for the
root cause as to why the IRD is receiving this
©2014, SolidSignal.com Reproduction is permitted provided copyright information is intact.
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