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Effective Date: January 1, 2017
Last Revision Date: July 3, 2024
The purpose of this policy is to provide departments and individuals the necessary
information and tools to facilitate the establishment of strong internal controls related
to cash handling. In addition to preventing financial loss, these controls promote
security and accurate financial reporting. Appropriate internal controls include the
segregation of duties, safekeeping of cash, prompt deposit of all cash receipts, and
accurate recording of revenue into university financial systems.
Changes in university cash handling policies and procedures may be made periodically
and will be communicated via Message of the Day. The most current copy of the cash
handling procedure is located on the Financial Operations website under Policies,
Procedures, and Forms. The information herein supersedes all previous cash handling
Cash: term used in this policy to include currency, checks, money orders, e-checks,
and charge card transactions
Cash handler: an individual designated to receive, count, track, record, secure, transport
or deposit cash on behalf of the university
Cash handling unit: any department receiving cash within their unit
Change Fund: small amount of currency and coin issued and held by departments for
the purpose of making change for sales
UWSP Financial Operations Policy and Procedures
Cash Handling Policy
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Custodian: the employee that is personally responsible for a petty cash or change fund
Intact: unchanged, remaining complete
Lapping: concealing a shortage by delaying the recording of cash receipts
Petty Cash Fund: small amount of currency issued and held by departments to cover
payments of day-to-day miscellaneous purchases
Reconciliation: an accounting process that uses two sets of records to ensure figures are
accurate and in agreement; ensuring two values are balanced at the end of the period
WISER: redesigned version of WISDM; modern platform, Universities of Wisconsin’s
financial reporting tool
A. Cash Handling Units
Cash handling units that have a small number of deposits should coordinate with their
division’s business or financial manager to consolidate their deposits. Alternatively, to
reduce activity and risk within a cash handling unit, the department could list the
Bursar’s office address as the remittance address on invoices. Accordingly, the
department must then provide the Bursar’s office with an electronic copy of the invoice
for receipting purposes.
Bursar’s office address: 003 Student Services Center
1108 Fremont Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Before undertaking any new cash handling operation or activity, a department must
complete a Cash Handling Unit Memorandum of Understanding for review and
approval. Approval for any new activity must be received from the Bursar.
B. Online Training Program
Annual cash handling certification is available online for all cash handlers, supervisors,
and fund custodians. The online training program consists of three separate
assessments, one for each training group. Review of the Financial Operations Cash
Handling Policy and Procedures prior to the assessment will be necessary in order to
successfully complete the assessment at 80% or higher. Successful completion of the
training program ensures the following:
I have read and understand the Financial Operations Cash Handling Policy and
I accept responsibility for the university funds I handle, or oversee, and will abide
by the Cash Handling Policy and procedures.
I understand that failure to comply with the Cash Handling Policy and Procedures
is cause for disciplinary and/or legal action.
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Once an individual receives their certification, re-certification must be obtained
annually. Special arrangements may be made with Financial Operations for one-on-one
or departmental training opportunities.
C. Segregation of Duties
Segregation of duties is required for an effective internal control process. Segregation of
duties helps protect employees and university assets by spreading the responsibilities
related to cash and check handling to more than one individual, which is intended to
prevent fraud and reduce errors.
Each department should separate these duties as much as possible:
Opening mail if you receive mail payments
Endorsing checks and receiving cash
Recording cash payments to receivable records
Preparing and transporting deposits
Reconciling deposits submitted to the Bursar’s office to WISER
Billing for goods and services
Following-up on collection of returned checks
D. Safekeeping of Funds
All forms of cash should be physically protected through the use of vaults, locked cash
drawers, cash registers, locked metal boxes, etc. Safeguards must be in place not only
when cash is located in department areas, but also when cash is in transit.
Cash in transit shall be safeguarded by a tamper resistant bag (i.e., locked bag) or locked
cash box, and transported in an inconspicuous manner, such as a campus envelope or in
a backpack or large bag. When transporting currency and/or coin, unverified and
unprepared for deposit, two individuals must make the transport. When transporting
final deposits to Bursar’s office, follow the directions outlined in section 5.C. Transporting
Deposits to the Bursar’s Office.
It is the responsibility of each cash handling unit to make whatever provisions are
necessary to properly safeguard the cash in their area during working and non-working
hours. Access to areas where cash is stored should be limited to only those individuals
who need access and have been designated to have access.
Generally, during non-working hours, any amount of cash on hand that exceeds $1,000
should be maintained in a locked/combination (burglar resistant) vault or safe. If a safe
of this type is not available in your area, funds should be temporarily stored, with prior
arrangements made, with the Bursar’s office. During working hours, all forms of cash
should be stored in locking drawers, cash registers, or locked cash boxes. The Bursar’s
office has locked cash boxes available for short term use.
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Combinations or keys to safes and other storage facilities should be restricted to the
custodian of the cash and designated back up. Combinations or locks should be
changed as necessary, whenever a person with the combination or key is separated, or
minimally every three (3) years.
Credit card machines, receipts and numbers should not be left unattended; they should
be kept in an inaccessible area. Credit card numbers should never be emailed, stored on
a computer, or be kept in an unlocked area. Once processed, credit card numbers must
be destroyed and should not be kept for future use. For additional information on
credit/debit card security and safekeeping, review UWSP Payment Card and Compliance
E. Statutory Deposit Requirements
The following Wisconsin State Statute relates to the receipt and deposit of revenue.
Please keep in mind that this statute must be followed under penalty of section (4). S.S.
20.906 Receipts and deposits of money.
Frequency of Deposits:
Unless otherwise provided by law, all moneys collected or received by any state agency
for or on behalf of the state or which is required by law to be turned into the State
Treasury shall be deposited in or transmitted to the State Treasury at least once a week.
If any state agency fails to make such deposits of money, or to make such reports as are
required by this section, the department of administration, with the approval of the
governor, shall withhold all moneys due such state agency until this section is complied
with; and upon such failure to make such deposits of money, the officer or employee so
failing shall be liable to the state treasurer for an amount equal to the interest upon the
moneys so withheld from deposit at the same rate as that received by the state upon
moneys held in the state investment fund, for the period for which such deposit is
withheld; and such interest shall be a charge against the officer or employee and shall be
deducted from that person's compensation.
Non-compliance could lead to termination of cash handling responsibilities.
A. Cash Receipts
All cash should be recorded immediately upon receipt by use of cash register, data
entry to computer system, pre-numbered receipt, or handwritten log. Each individual
cash receipt should be identified and controlled by a unique, sequential transaction
number, such as a cash register or receipt number.
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Checks should be made payable to UWSP (department name optional) and be
restrictively endorsed with a check endorsement stamp upon receipt. An endorsement
stamp should include the name of the department or organization and university bank
information. Please use ShopUW+ to order the stamp and contact the Bursar Office
with any questions.
Look over each check carefully.
Make sure that the check is written out to UWSP (or UWSP "Your Department
Name"). If the check is not made out appropriately, it cannot be deposited.
Compare the numerical amount written on the check to the amount written in
words. These amounts sometimes differ. Be sure to use the amount written in
words as the check amount in your deposit, as this is the legal amount and the
amount the bank will process the check for.
Verify the check is drawn on a United States bank. We do not accept
foreign checks, including Canadian checks in US$ or CAN$.
B. Depositing Funds
Funds should be deposited promptly and intact at the Bursar’s Office. Cashing checks
from university deposits, borrowing cash for personal use, lapping receipts to cover
shortages in cash receipts, withholding checks for deposit in order to float checks,
commingling of personal and university funds, and modification of cash records are all
serious offenses and may result in immediate discharge from employment and/or
Funds collected by departments are to be deposited at the Bursar's office located in the
Student Services Center. Deposits must be accompanied by a completed Deposit Slip,
unless the funding information has been provided via email to [email protected].
Departments may use the drop box located outside the Student Financial Services
office. A receipt will be provided for transactions conducted in-person, or as requested.
All transactions processed through department accounts can be reviewed using WISER.
C. Transporting Deposits to the Bursar’s Office
When transporting deposits, it is important to keep the safety and security of the funds,
as well as the individuals in mind. Deposits must be transported to the Bursar’s office in
a locked bank bag or plastic disposable tamper evident deposit bag. Deposit bags can
be ordered through the ShopUW+ Website, through Staples. For instructions on
ordering, contact the Bursar’s Office or Purchasing Department.
A best practice is to have two people take the deposit to the Bursar’s office. Consider
varying the time and route used to transport a deposit and concealing the bank bag so
that it is more inconspicuous. Inter-office mail is not to be used for transporting
deposits. Police and Security Services must accompany deposits with currency/coin
totaling more than $2,000 to the Bursar’s office. They are also available upon request
for any deposit you deem unsafe to transport. Please contact Police and Security
Services at 715-346-4226 to make arrangements.
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Deposits are to be made on a regular basis and transported securely based on
the criteria below:
Cumulative Deposits
Minimum Frequency of
Deposit Delivery to Bursar*
Transport via Police and
Security Services Required
Up to $499.99
Within 2 Business Days
$500.00 to $1,999.99
Next day
$2,000 or more
Next day
Yes, when currency/coin exceeds
$2,000 of total deposit
*Refer to statutory deposit requirements
D. Reconciliation of Deposits to WISER
To ensure segregation of duties, a designated individual who has not directly been
involved with receiving and recording cash should be responsible for reconciling
deposits. Reconciliation is completed by comparing the amount of your deposit on
the department copy of the deposit slip with the amount of deposit in WISER. You
should also verify the account number, description, and voucher number, if
applicable. This step ensures the funds were deposited accurately and in a timely
manner. If there is a discrepancy you cannot solve, contact the Bursar’s Office for
A dated and signed record of the reconciliations must be maintained and is subject to
E. Petty Cash Fund
A Petty Cash Fund is a small amount of currency issued and held by departments to
cover payments of day-to-day miscellaneous purchases. The petty cash fund is not to
be used to circumvent university purchasing and payment procedures.
I. Establishing or Increasing a Petty Cash Fund
To open or increase a petty cash fund, a Petty Cash or Change Fund Action
Form, approved by the department head or business manager, must be
submitted for approval to the Bursar’s Office. The request should state the
reason(s) the fund is required, and the amount needed for operations.
A custodian for the fund must be appointed and is personally
responsible for the safekeeping, disbursing, and balancing the fund.
The custodian must be named as the payee on the Petty Cash or
Change Fund Action Form. The custodian must be certified as a current
Fund Custodian or must complete the Fund Custodian Cash Handling
Certification program prior to being approved for a new or increased
Determine the fund amount by estimating expenditures for a one-month
period. Petty cash funds may not be established in excess of $500, unless
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otherwise authorized by the Bursar.
Once approved by the Bursar’s Office and a check is issued, the check may
be cashed at the US Bank DUC location. The payee must present
identification to cash the check.
II. Custodian Responsibilities
The custodian must exercise caution in the administration and protection of
the fund in their possession. Access to the fund should be limited to the
custodian or designated agent. For further information regarding the
safeguarding of cash, review section 4.D. Safekeeping of Funds, directly
within the above policy.
III. Procedure to Change Custodian
If a fund custodian leaves the position, the fund should be counted and
reconciled by the current custodian and then closed. The new
custodian should complete a Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form to
establish a new fund in their name and return it to the Bursar’s Office.
IV. Fund Standards
The amount of the cash plus petty cash receipts should always equal
the amount of the fund.
No money may be loaned or borrowed from the fund.
The fund may not be used to cash personal checks.
The petty cash fund may not be used for purchases outside of the
scope of the fund’s original purpose.
The fund can be subject to surprise count by Financial Operations
and/or the Internal Audit Department during normal business
hours. Department supervisors should periodically perform
surprise counts on a regular basis.
Mishandling of funds may result in dismissal and/or prosecution
of involved employees and/or relinquishment of the fund by the
V. Petty Cash Disbursements
Petty cash is to be used for purchasing and/or reimbursement of small
dollar, unexpected expenditures when other means of payment or
purchase are not available.
Petty cash cannot be used for the following:
Travel expenses
Vendor invoices
Payment for services or other tax-reportable payment
Food for any UWSP sponsored events
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VI. Petty Cash Fund Replenishments
Receipts or invoices should be obtained for each expenditure and
retained for record retention and fund replenishment. Petty cash funds
should be reconciled and replenished on a monthly basis. Disbursements
from your fund may be reimbursed by preparing a Petty Cash
Replenishment Form indicating the appropriate GL funding string for each
expenditure. Fund variations (over or short) should be fully documented
in writing and reported to the Bursar’s Office.
VII. To Close or Decrease a Fund
If a petty cash fund is no longer needed or if the funds on hand are too
much, it is the custodian’s responsibility to close or decrease the fund.
The custodian should first reconcile and fully reimburse the fund. If closing the
fund, the full amount is then returned to the Bursar’s Office and a copy of the
Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form is provided to the custodian as receipt
of the returned fund.
If it’s determined the petty cash fund is too large, use the same procedure
detailed above, returning only the excess amount.
VIII. Annual Verification of Fund by Department
Petty Cash funds will be verified on an annual basis by the department
head or designee. A Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form will be sent
by the Bursar’s Office to facilitate this process. The Department head or
designee will verify the reconciled fund, determine if the fund is still
necessary and renew the fund for the next year. Under no circumstances
should the fund custodian verify their own fund(s).
F. Change Fund
A Change Fund is a small amount of currency and coin issued and held by departments
for the purpose of making change for sales. The change fund is not to be used to make
I. Establishing or Increasing a Change Fund
To open or increase a change fund, a Petty Cash or Change Fund Action
Form, approved by the department head or business manager, must be
submitted for approval to the Bursar’s Office. The request should state
the reason(s) the fund is required, and the amount needed for daily
A custodian for the fund must be appointed and is personally responsible for the
safekeeping and proper usage of the fund. The custodian must be named as the
payee on the Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form. The custodian must be
certified as a current Fund Custodian or must complete the Fund Custodian Cash
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Handling Certification program prior to being approved for a new or increased
Change funds may not be established in excess of $200, unless otherwise
authorized by the Bursar.
Once approved by the Bursar’s Office and a check is issued, the check may be
cashed at the US Bank DUC location. The payee must present identification to
cash the check.
II. Custodian Responsibilities
The custodian must exercise caution in the administration and protection of
the fund in their possession. Access to the fund should be limited to the
custodian or designated agent. For further information regarding the
safeguarding of cash, review section 4.D. Safekeeping of Funds, directly
within the above policy.
III. Procedure to Change Custodian
If a fund custodian leaves the position, the fund should be counted and
reconciled by the current custodian and then closed. The new custodian
should complete Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form to establish a
new fund in their name and return the form to the Bursar’s Office.
IV. Fund Standards
The change fund is to be used only for making change in cashiering
The change fund must be balanced on a daily basis.
The change fund cannot be used for expenditures.
The change fund may not be used for any purpose outside of the
fund’s original purpose.
The fund can be subject to surprise count by Financial
Operations and/or the Internal Audit Department during
normal business hours. Department supervisors should
periodically perform surprise counts on a regular basis.
Mishandling of funds may result in dismissal and/or
prosecution of involved employees and/or relinquishment of
the fund by the department.
V. To Close or Decrease a Fund
If a change fund is no longer needed or if the funds on hand are too
much, it is the custodian’s responsibility to close or decrease the
The custodian should first reconcile the fund, then return the full amount to
the Bursar’s Office with a Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form.
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If it’s determined the change fund is too large, use the same procedure detailed
above, returning only the excess amount.
VI. Annual Verification of Fund by Department
Change funds will be verified on an annual basis by the department
head or designee. A Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form will be
sent by the Bursar’s Office to facilitate this. The Department head or
designee will verify the reconciled fund, determine if the fund is still
necessary and renew the fund for the next year. Under no
circumstance should the fund custodian verify their own fund(s).
Wisconsin State Statute Section (4) S.S. 20.906 Receipts and Deposits of Money
UWSP Credit Card Merchants
Payment Card Processing and Compliance Policy
Cash Handling Unit Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding Example
Deposit Slip
Petty Cash or Change Fund Action Form
Petty Cash Replenishment Form
Developed by: Cash Management Team
Effective Date: 01/01/2017
Revision Date:
06/21/22 Cash Management Team Final Review and updates to forms, links, etc.
4/23/24 Updates to Deposit Slip links, Contact Purchasing for Deposit bag instructions
7/3/24Updates to Action Form links, Changed Controller’s Office to Bursar’s Office
Approved: 10/31/2016
Approved by: Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
May 2027