Cash Handling
Policy & Procedures
Revised December 2015
Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
Required Authorization to Collect Money ....................................................................... 4
Segregation of Duties in Campus Departments ............................................................. 4
Responsibilities of Individual Departments ..................................................................... 5
Compliance with University Policy & Procedures ...................................................... 5
Counterfeit Currency .................................................................................................. 5
Safekeeping of Funds ................................................................................................ 5
Control Concepts for Cash Receipts, Revenue and Petty Cash .................................... 6
Segregation of Duties ................................................................................................ 6
Safeguarding of Cash Items ...................................................................................... 6
Cash Receipt Processing .......................................................................................... 6
Nature and Source of Revenue ................................................................................. 6
Petty Cash Fund ........................................................................................................ 6
Departmental Bank Accounts ......................................................................................... 7
Fidelity Bond ................................................................................................................... 7
Requirements for Deposits ............................................................................................. 7
Frequency of Deposits ............................................................................................... 7
Deposit Forms & Supporting Paper Trail ................................................................... 8
Money Deposited Intact ............................................................................................. 8
How to Transport Deposits .................................................................................... 8
What the Office of Student Accounts Does With the Departmental Deposits ....... 8
Guidelines in the Event of a Robbery ............................................................................. 9
Be Alert, Be Observant………………………………………………………………..10
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 11
Methods to Record Cash Receipts ............................................................................... 11
Manual Processing .................................................................................................. 11
Check Acceptance .............................................................................................. 11
Payment by Check in Person .................................................................................. 11
Endorsement of Checks........................................................................................... 12
Limitations on Acceptance of Payments by Check ................................................. 12
Returned Check Procedures .............................................................................................. 12
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 13
Wire Transfer Requirements ........................................................................................ 13
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 13
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 13
Departmental Responsibility ......................................................................................... 14
Procedures to Deposit and Report Credit and Debit Sales .......................................... 14
Credit and Debit Card Deposit Requirements .................................................................. 14
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 15
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 15
Procedures to Record and Collect ............................................................................... 15
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 16
Check Cashing Requirements ...................................................................................... 16
Returned Checks .......................................................................................................... 16
Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 17
Request and Authorization ........................................................................................... 17
Custodian Responsibilities ........................................................................................... 17
Fund Restrictions ......................................................................................................... 17
Loss of Funds ............................................................................................................... 17
This section of the document defines and outlines University policy with respect to the handling,
receiving, transporting and depositing of cash. The term cash includes currency, checks, money
orders, negotiable instruments and charge card transactions.
University funds are monies received from tuition, room, board, fees, contracts, grants, revenues
from University services, state and federal appropriations, gifts, deposits and all other sources of
revenue or expense reimbursements. All checks made payable to the University or any
subdivisions of the University are considered University funds.
The collection and control of cash at Wittenberg University are very important functions. The
Office of Student Accounts is the University's primary cash handling agent. Ideally, from a control
perspective, the collection and controlling of cash should be centralized in one location; however it
is not always possible or practical. As a result, under certain situations the collection of money is,
in part, decentralized. Those situations and the procedures to be followed are explained in this
Historical practices shall not constitute justification for deviation from the following
guidelines. The material contained in this document supersedes any previous policies and
procedures followed within the University and/or within departments regarding the handling of
cash. The University Controller reserves the right to make interpretations and exceptions
to the policies contained in this document.
Changes in University cash handling policies and procedures may be made from time to time, and
will be communicated via broadcast email. Amendments will be available electronically through
Wittenberg’s Website and will be effective on issuance.
Required Authorization to Collect Money
Before undertaking any new cash handling operation or activity, approval for the activity must be
received from the Controller’s Office. Once accounts are established, the department should
contact Accounting Services and the Office of Student Accounts to demonstrate how this new
operation or activity will be accounted for and how deposits will be made.
Segregation of Duties in Campus Departments
When at all possible, there must be a separation of duties between the person
receiving/processing/depositing cash and the person responsible for maintaining the accounting
records in which the cash will be deposited.
Cash receipt activity should be reconciled to the Budget Statements on a monthly basis. The
reconcilement should be reviewed by someone independent of the cash handling or account
ledger maintenance.
Responsibilities of Individual Departments
Compliance with University Policy & Procedures
Departments are responsible for complying with the policies and procedures outlined in
this document and for developing detailed written departmental operating procedures. The
Offices of Student Accounts and Accounting Services are available for consultation and
review of departmental procedures. Departments are responsible for training designated
employees in fund handling policies and procedures.
Historical practices shall not constitute justification for deviation from the policies
and procedures set forth in this document.
Counterfeit Currency
All authorized cash handling personnel are responsible for exercising reasonable care in
screening cash transactions for counterfeit currency. If a questionable bill is received, the
department should retain possession of the bill and contact Campus Security immediately.
Do not return the bill to the payer. For more information about recognizing counterfeit
currency, please visit
Safekeeping of Funds
All forms of Cash (currency, checks, money orders, negotiable instruments and charge
card transactions) should be physically protected through the use of vaults, locked cash
drawers, cash registers, locked metal boxes, etc.
It is the responsibility of each department to make whatever provisions are necessary to
properly safeguard cash in their area. Generally, any amount of cash on hand that
exceeds $250 must be maintained in a vault or safe. In the event that a safe or vault is not
available, cash in excess of $250 along with an Inter-Office Campus Deposit Form must be
dropped off at the Office of Student Accounts between regular office hours (Mon-Fri 8am-
4pm). If outside regular office hours, deposits can be made at the 24-hour Campus
Security Service Window (Located behind Recitation Hall) for safekeeping until retrieved
by the Office of Student Accounts. Amounts under $250 should be maintained in a file safe
or reinforced lockable file cabinet. Cash should not be retained in desk drawers or
standard file cabinets since they are easily accessible and provide no security or safe-
guarding of funds.
Transportation of cash deposits to the Office of Student Accounts by University employees
should not conform to any regular time or day of the week schedule. Such transfers
should be irregular, subject to change without notice, with times known only to a select
few. Consult Campus Security and the Office of Student Accounts regarding arrangements
for transfers of large cash amounts that occur on a regular basis.
Control Concepts
The following list of internal control questions will help you assess the cash controls in your
area. Answer each question to assess your own departmental controls. At the end, review your
answers for practices or controls which are not in effect. These represent internal control
weaknesses. For each weakness, determine the risk it represents to your operation, whether
there are mitigating controls and what action, if any, needs to be taken.
Cash Receipts, Revenue and Petty Cash
Segregation of Duties
If practical, are the following responsibilities distributed among personnel so one
person is not responsible for all aspects?
Opening mail?
Endorsing checks?
Preparing deposits?
Reconciling to budget statements?
Are billing and collection duties distributed among personnel?
Safeguarding of Cash Items
Are checks endorsed immediately upon receipt?
Are cash items kept in a secure location until the time of deposit (e.g., safe,
locked drawer, etc.)?
Is access to credit card terminals and cash drawers restricted to authorized
Cash Receipt Processing
Are deposits made daily and/or in compliance with the Cash Handling Policies &
Procedures guideline?
Are cash transactions recorded on a daily cash report and reconciled to daily
Are processed credit card charges/credits handled properly and timely?
Are sales forms, invoices and event tickets pre-numbered and accounted for to
ensure all sales are billed and recorded?
Nature and Source of Revenue
Are revenue sources properly classified?
Are potential sponsored program revenues channeled through the Office of
Petty Cash Fund
Is access to the petty cash fund restricted to the petty cash custodian?
Are petty cash disbursements made upon presentation of approved petty cash
payout forms with supporting documentation (e.g., receipts)?
Is the petty cash fund replenished frequently enough to ensure sufficient funds
are available and expenses are charged to the proper fiscal year?
Is the petty cash fund in agreement with the general ledger?
Departmental/Affiliated Organizations/Student Group Bank Accounts
University departments, Wittenberg-affiliated organizations, and student groups must use
Wittenberg as a fiduciary for their funds. The use of outside bank accounts for the depositing
and/or safekeeping of funds is strictly prohibited, regardless of the funding source. Any
requests to deviate from this policy must be presented to the University Controller for proper
Fidelity Bond
All employees of the University are covered by a blanket fidelity bond. For further information
contact the University Controller.
Requirements for Deposits
Frequency of Deposits
Deposits are to be made in a timely manner (see chart below) to facilitate proper posting of
accounts and to insure the security of University funds.
All deposits are to be made at the Office of Student Accounts located on the 3
floor of
Recitation Hall. Deposits may be made at the Office of Student Accounts Monday - Friday
between 8:00 a.m. and 4 p.m. All after-hour deposits must be made at the 24-hour Campus
Security service window (located behind Recitation Hall).
Deposits must be routed directly from the department to the Office of Student Accounts or
Campus Security service window. University funds for deposit must never be taken off
campus. For information regarding transportation of deposits, see section - How to
Transport Deposits (p.9).
$250.00 TO $4,999.99 WITHIN 2 BUSINESS DAYS
$5,000.00 TO $9,999.99 NEXT DAY
$10,000.00 OR MORE SAME DAY
* If a large portion of cumulative receipts on hand is comprised of currency, deposits should be
made more frequently than outlined above.
** The University has contracted with our local financial institution to provide routine courier
service for bank deposits. Occasionally, a deposit that contains high dollar amount checks (no
cash) and received outside the normal courier schedule will be transported to the bank directly
by the Controller Office Staff.
Deposit Forms & Supporting Paper Trail
Deposits should be made on a Wittenberg University Inter-Office Campus Deposit Form
(available for pick-up from the Office of Student Accounts). This form is used to record,
communicate and document deposits made by departments to General Ledger accounts.
All deposits that involve cash and/or multiple checks (3 or more) should be counted
twice prior to being delivered to the Office of Student Accounts. In addition, an adding
machine tape reflecting the deposit amount should be stapled to the deposit form to
serve as a point of reference in case something does not match up. On the adding
machine tape the cash should be sorted by denomination and any checks should be
listed individually.
Money Deposited Intact
Money should be deposited promptly and intact to the Office of Student Accounts.
Cashing checks from University deposits, borrowing cash for personal use, lapping
receipts to cover shortages in cash receipts, withholding checks for deposit in order to float
checks, commingling of personal and University funds, and modification of cash records
are all serious offenses and will result in an immediate referral to Campus Security and
Human Resources for proper disciplinary action and/or termination (refer to section IV of
the University Staff Manual).
How to Transport Deposits
Care in transporting funds to the Office of Student Accounts must always be a high priority.
Deposits containing 6 checks or fewer may be sent through campus mail.
Deposits containing currency or more than 6 checks may never be sent by campus
Currency deposits should be hand-carried by a department representative to the
Office of Student Accounts, or in special circumstances Campus Security may be
contacted to help transport/accompany large deposits.
Departments handling large deposits on a regular basis should contact Campus
Security to schedule routine pick-up and transportation of deposits to the Office of
Student Accounts.
What the Office of Student Accounts Does With the Departmental Deposits
If the deposit is hand delivered*, the Office of Student Accounts will count/validate the
funds in the presence of the departmental representative. The Office will immediately
compare the validated total to the amount on the Inter-Office Deposit Form. Any
discrepancies must be reconciled at once before the deposit can be processed and
applied to the departmental account.
*Departments with large cash transactions should contact Campus Security to request
secure transportation of the deposit to the Office of Student Accounts.
If the deposit is transported by Campus Security or via campus mail, the Office of Student
Accounts personnel will open the transport bag or envelope and validate/process the
deposit in a timely manner. Any discrepancies will be verified by both the Office of Student
Accounts personnel and the office supervisor. Any overages or shortages will result in a
confirmation call to the originating department. Upon reconciliation, the deposit will be
processed and applied to the departmental account. The Office of Student Accounts will
send a transaction receipt back to the originating department.
While the Office of Student Accounts is processing the deposit they look at the following:
They are restrictively endorsed (Deposit Only-Wittenberg University, etc..)
Checks are not stale-dated or post-dated
Checks should be made payable to “Wittenberg University” or if made payable to a
person or program they are properly endorsed
Written amount and numerical amount agree
Payer’s signature is not missing
Checks are drawn on a U.S. bank and in U.S. funds
Make sure the count is accurate
Look for counterfeit currency
Look for altered currency
We do not accept foreign currency
Check for mathematical accuracy
Verify check & cash totals are listed properly
Verify account number field is filled in
Verify that the funds received equal the deposit form
Guidelines in the Event of a Robbery
The following guidelines are provided to help ensure staff safety and minimize loss to the
University. Unnecessary risks should never be taken.
Cooperate with robber. Avoid any confrontation and facilitate a rapid departure.
Stay as calm as possible. Take no risks. Try not to panic or show any signs of
anger or confusion.
Make a mental note of any descriptive features or distinguishing marks on the
robber, such as his/her clothing, hair color, eye color, scars, tattoos, etc. Touch
nothing in areas where robbers were and note specific objects touched by robbers.
If it is safe to observe, the direction the robber took should be determined. If
possible, observe color and make of vehicle leaving the scene.
Campus Security should be called as soon as it is safe.
The robbery should not be discussed with anyone until Campus Security arrives.
Cooperation with Campus Security is important.
The victim should, above all else, remain calm and try to remember the details.
Write them down. A form is provided (pg 10) to aid in recalling details.
At your department's request Campus Security will assist in devising specific procedures
for your operation.
HAT: (color,
type, etc.)
(or marks)
On Campus
Emergency: 6363
Non-Emergency: 0
Off Campus
Emergency: 327-6363
Non-Emergency: 327-6231
Features, which you can remember regarding the physical characteristics of
suspicious persons or assailants, can greatly assist Campus Security in their
This section of the document summarizes the proper procedures to collect currency, checks
and charges.
Methods to Record Cash Receipts
All cash handling personnel must maintain written examples of their cash balancing procedures.
Manual Processing
Incoming checks and currency must be recorded on a log, worksheet, ledger, or on pre-
printed receipts for each transaction. The only exception to this would be in the case where
pre-numbered tickets are sold.
Cash collected should be balanced on a daily basis to sales/income recorded (per the log
or ticket copies). At day's end or as expeditiously as possible, the whole deposit is to be
transported to the Office of Student Accounts for validating & processing. It will then be
deposited to the bank and posted to the General Ledger. The appropriate copies of the
validated receipts are then returned to the originating department for its files and for
distribution as necessary.
Accountability over cash transactions within a department or at an event should be
assigned to a specific individual or individuals so there is a means of establishing
accountability. Sales proceeds during an event should be kept in a locked metal box or
cash drawer at all times.
Check Acceptance
Checks are to be written payable to "Wittenberg University"; any other information on
payee line is for the convenience of the department only and not necessary for proper
credit or validation.
Payment by Check in Person
Checks should have the customer/student information pre-printed on the face of the
Starter/blank checks should not be accepted without approval of an authorized
supervisor. Proper identification (Driver's License or University ID) must be presented
and name, address and phone number must be noted on the face of the check before
being approved by a supervisor.
Payer must show some form of photo ID, such as University ID, Driver's License or
state photo ID. The ID information should be written on the face of the check.
University ID# for student, faculty or staff. Drivers license number or State ID number
for non-University customers.
The University Personnel receiving the funds is to initial the face of the check as
evidence of personal responsibility for complying with all information and identification
Endorsement of Checks
All checks are to be restrictively endorsed to the University immediately upon receipt. This
protects the check if lost or stolen.
The endorsement must include the following:
For Deposit Only
Wittenberg University
Department Name
The Federal Reserve has established a regulation to standardize check endorsements. All
depositors’ endorsements are limited to the top 1.5 inches on the backside of the check at
the trailing edge. This is where endorsements are normally placed. If you look at the face
of the check, the endorsement area is directly behind where "Pay to the Order of" is
Any marks below the 1.5 inches on the check may obscure the bank routing number,
cause delays in returning checks, and forfeit the University's right to recovery. The
purpose of this regulation is to speed collection and returns. Failure to follow the above
instructions may result in charge-backs to your department.
Limitations on Acceptance of Payments by Check
Departments are not authorized to return currency to the payer in the event that the check
exceeds the amount due to the University. Payment by travelers check is the only time a
department may return the difference between amount of travelers check and balance due
to the payer. Departments may not accept post-dated checks. All checks received by a
department must be deposited as outlined in Requirements for Deposits (p.7). Currency
or checks received as a refundable deposit for goods or services may not be held in the
department in lieu of depositing funds and later issuing refunds.
Returned Check Procedures
Any checks returned by Wittenberg University's depository bank as uncollected are sent to
the Office of Student Accounts. Examples of returned checks include; non-sufficient funds
(NSF), account closed, payer’s signature missing, refer to maker and post dated or stale
dated checks.
The Office of Student Accounts debits the originating department's account for the amount
of the check. A copy of the transaction and the returned checks are mailed to the
originating department for collection. It is the originating department's responsibility to
notify the check writer and use due diligence to collect the amount of the check from the
payer. Generally, restitution should be in the form of currency, money order, cashiers
check or certified check.
If after proper due diligence is performed and collection problems exist, the Office of
Student Accounts may be consulted regarding returned items which remain uncollected
after 90 days from the date of debit.
This section of the document defines and outlines University procedures regarding incoming
wire transfer transactions. These transactions typically are U.S. Government funding or other
special payments.
Wire Transfer Requirements
Accounting Services must be contacted prior to the initiation of a wire transfer to
identify/match the transaction with the following information. A copy of the information
regarding the wire must be sent to Accounting Services, Recitation Hall and should include:
Source of wire (sender or bank).
Any identifying code numbers (reference & verification).
Date wire is expected.
Amount of wire transfer.
General Ledger Account Number that funds are to be deposited
All incoming wires should be directed to Wittenberg University's Depository Bank (Security
National Bank) with instructions to the sender to include as much pertinent information on it as
possible for identification purposes; i.e., for Tuition & Fee payment, the account name and
number, for others - the Department name and company.
Wire transfers incur extraordinary bank fees and should be used only in special
circumstances. Unidentified wires will be credited to the University’s general fund account if
they are not timely identified by a department.
This section of the document defines and outlines University Policy with regard to the
acceptance and handling of credit and debit card transactions.
To accommodate customers wanting to pay by credit or debit card, authorized departments
may accept Visa/MasterCard/AE/Discover payments. This process is consistent with other
cash handling procedures, though some additional steps are required.
Departmental Responsibility
Charge card transactions are monetary transactions and therefore are subject to the same
control and reconciliation policies as cash transactions. A daily accounting of receipts, from
sales or deposits, should be balanced against these electronic transactions. They should then
be deposited with any currency, coins, and checks at the Office of Student Accounts.
Automatically, the actual funds for the charge card transactions are electronically deposited
into the University’s bank account and reconciled by Accounting Services.
All personnel authorized to accept credit and debit card payments must exercise reasonable
care in screening transactions to reduce card misuse and loss of funds.
Procedures to Deposit and Report Credit and Debit Sales
A Batch Settlement report consisting of an Audit List and Card Summary report must be
printed at the end of each day. After balancing, the batch must be closed.
Enclose the printed Batch Settlement report along with any other deposits and forward to
the Office of Student Accounts.
The card terminal will electronically remit daily totals directly to the bank.
If a terminal is inoperative, credit card sales should be done manually using an imprinter.
When the terminal is back in service, any document transactions must be entered. Debit
card transactions cannot be done manually and later entered in the card terminal because
the customer must be present to enter his/her pin number.
Charge-backs and rejects of card transactions will be charged to the departmental
Bank reports reflecting rejects and charge-backs will be sent to the originating department
from Accounting Services.
Credit and Debit Card Deposit Requirements
Credit and debit card deposits should be made with the Office of Student Accounts no later
than two days after any and all card transactions. This differs from the deposit requirements for
currency or checks.
This section of the document defines University policy on the acceptance and handling of
foreign checks.
Any check not drawn on a U.S. bank or which does not have a U.S. clearing bank listed on it is
considered a foreign check even if the check is payable in U.S. funds. The Bank requires that
foreign checks must be in excess of fifty U.S. Dollars ($50.00), or the equivalent currency,
before they will accept them for conversion processing.
Procedures to Record and Collect
Separate foreign checks from other deposit documents and make a separate Inter-Office
Deposit Form for each check. Deliver to the Office of Student Accounts for transmittal to
the bank.
The Office of Student Accounts will submit the check(s) to the bank for collection and will
post the amount received to the department's account when the proceeds (U.S. dollars)
are remitted back to the University. The collection process for foreign checks may take
several weeks to complete.
The actual proceeds (U.S. dollars) will be based on any bank collection charge and the
exchange rate at the time the check is presented for collection.
All charitable gifts to Wittenberg University are processed through the Office of Advancement.
Gift checks should never be deposited directly to the Office of Student Accounts.
Centralized depositing of charitable gifts ensures proper receipting and acknowledgement of
donors. Without an official University receipt, the donor may not be able to take an IRS tax
deduction for the gift amount. Donor information is recorded in a database for historical
tracking of the donor’s relationship to the University. Departments use this database in the
generation of reports and acknowledgements.
All grants awarded to Wittenberg University are processed through the Controller’s Office.
Grant checks should never be deposited directly to the Office of Student Accounts.
Centralized depositing of grants ensures proper accounting and tracking of the funds.
This section of the document outlines and defines University policy regarding check cashing
Check Cashing Requirements
A maximum of $50 in checks per person, per day, will be cashed by the Office of Student
Accounts or the Student Center Service Desk.
Cashing of checks by departments is strictly prohibited under any circumstances.
The Office of Student Accounts and the Student Center Service Desk are the only
authorized check cashing facilities at the University.
Students must show their University Student ID when cashing checks.
Students must print ID number and phone number on the face of the check.
Faculty and staff must print ID number and Department name on the face of the check.
Temporary employees and contract personnel are not eligible to cash checks.
Checks to be cashed should be made payable to "Cash".
Second party checks will be accepted if under $50 limit, endorsed properly, and all
pertinent information is listed on the front of the check.
Returned Checks
Any check cashed at the Office of Student Accounts or Student Center Service Desk and
returned by the bank is subject to a Service Charge of $25.
Immediate restitution by the employee or student for the returned check(s) and service
fee(s) is required.
Check cashing privileges will be permanently revoked after two checks have been returned
by the bank or if restitution is not made immediately.
Change funds are made available to authorized cash handling personnel for the purpose of
making change for currency sales and/or services.
Request and Authorization
A written check request is sent to Accounts Payable. The request identifies the departmental
account number from which the funds will be debited, the amount of the request, and the
purpose/use of the funds. A check is issued by the Accounts Payable Office to the requesting
department. The department contacts Campus Security and requests them to provide courier
service to Security National Bank to have the check converted into appropriate denominations.
The department should have a University issued bank bag on hand for this transaction. (Bank
bags can be made available at the Office of Student Accounts.) Departments should assign a
custodian responsible for the accountability of these funds.
Custodian Responsibilities
The custodian of the fund is fully responsible for the safekeeping of the fund and for its
proper usage. The custodian must exercise caution in the administration and protection of
the fund in his/her possession.
The fund should be locked at all times and the key should be kept in the custodian's
possession. At no time should the funds be left in unlocked desk drawers or cabinets.
Any discrepancies in the fund are the responsibility of the custodian.
Change funds must not be commingled with other funds or used for any other purpose.
Fund Restrictions
The change fund is to be used only for making change in cashiering operations.
The change fund cannot be used for expenditures.
At the conclusion of its use, a change fund must be deposited back into the account from
which it originated. Refer to Deposit Requirements (p. 8)
Loss of Funds
Funds lost due to circumstances beyond the control of the custodian must be repaid from
the department’s funds or other available operating funds.
In the case of burglary or theft, Campus Security should be notified immediately. See
section on Guidelines in the Event of Robbery (p. 10).
All italicized words throughout the text appear in this glossary. This glossary attempts to define
the following terms in the context of the Cash Handling Document.
batch number the number that is printed on a batch settlement tape from the credit and debit
card terminal and is the unique identifier for that particular batch of transactions.
batch settlement the Audit List and Card Summary report that prints out when the credit and
debit card terminal is closed at the end of the day or shift.
blanket fidelity bond insurance coverage against specified losses that occur from acts of
dishonesty or defalcation by employees. This bond may be applied to persons or positions.
budget statement statement of accounting provided to each department that shows all of their
account transactions (debit/credits) for a certain period of time.
cash term used in this document to include currency, checks, money orders, negotiable
instruments and charge card transactions.
charge-backs term used to describe a debit to an account for a credit or debit card transaction.
custodian the employee that is solely responsible for a petty cash or change fund
depository bank the designated bank(s) to which Wittenberg University deposits all funds.
general ledger the name for the formal ledger containing all of the financial statement accounts.
It has equal debits and credits as evidenced by the trial balance.
intact unchanged, remaining complete.
Inter-office deposit form used by a department to deposit funds at the Office of Student
lapping concealing a shortage by delaying the recording of cash receipts.
post dated a date on a document or check which follows the date of actual initiation or execution.
reconcile to balance to a separately maintained set of data.
reconciliation a calculation that shows how one balance or figure is derived systematically from
restitution restoration of monies to its rightful owner (e.g. replacing an nsf check).
restrictively endorsed refers to affixing the signature, name and account number to whom the
transaction is to be credited.
revenue the increase in assets or the decrease in liabilities during an accounting period, primarily
from operating activities. This may include sales of products, rendering of services and
earnings from interest, etc.
second party checks checks that are presented to the Office of Student Accounts or Student
Center Service Window for cashing that are written by one individual or organization to
another (payee) and cashed by the payee.
stale dated a check that is dated in the past, usually six months or more; or a check with
instructions written on the face of the check, such as, "void after 90 days".
starter/blank checks checks that are issued with no pre-printed name, address or check
number, usually issued when a new account is opened.
validating the process of imprinting information on a document, usually from a cash register.
validation the imprint placed on a document, usually from a cash register.
wire transfer monies that are transferred electronically from one financial institution to another.