To assess adherence to real-time changes in guidelines
for in uenza diagnosis and use of oseltamivir during the
2009 in uenza A(H1N1) pandemic, we reviewed medical
records of patients with con rmed or suspected in uenza-
like illness (ILI) and those with no viral testing in a large
Los Angeles (California, USA) hospital. Of 882 tested
patients, 178 had results positive for in uenza; 136 of the
remaining patients received oseltamivir despite negative
or no results. Oseltamivir use was consistent with national
recommendations in >90%. Of inpatients, children were
less likely than adults to have ILI at testing and to receive
oseltamivir if ILI was found. Of outpatients, children were
more likely to have positive test results; 20% tested did not
have ILI or other in uenza signs and symptoms. Twenty-
ve of 96 test-positive patients and 13 of 19 with lower
respiratory tract disease were, inappropriately, not treated.
Variations between practice and national recommendations
could inform clinical education in future in uenza seasons.
n April 2009, the novel in uenza A(H1N1) pandemic
in uenza virus (in uenza A[H1N1]pdm09) was
identi ed as the cause of in uenza outbreaks. In uenza
Evaluation of Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Approaches for
Suspected In uenza A(H1N1)pdm09
Infection, 2009–2010
Vini Vijayan, Jennie Jing, and Kenneth M. Zangwill
1414 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012
Author af liation: Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at
Harbor–UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California, USA
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Release date: August 10, 2012; Expiration date: August 10, 2013
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
Analyze the use of diagnostic testing in cases of influenza-like illness
Evaluate the use of antiviral medications for outpatient cases of influenza-like illness
Evaluate the use of antiviral medications for inpatient cases of influenza-like illness
Assess the care of patients with influenza-like illness and lower respiratory tract infections
CME Editor
Carol E. Snarey, MA, Technical Writer/Editor, Emerging Infectious Diseases. Disclosure: Carol E. Snarey, MA, has disclosed no
relevant financial relationships.
CME Author
Charles P. Vega, MD, Health Sciences Clinical Professor; Residency Director, Department of Family Medicine, University of
California, Irvine. Disclosure: Charles P. Vega, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Vini Vijayan, MD;
Jennie Jing, MS,
have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Kenneth Zangwill, MD,
has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: served as an advisor or consultant for Merck & Co. Inc.; received grants
for clinical research from Novartis.
In uenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Infection
disease caused by this strain rapidly spread, and in June
2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a
global pandemic. Disease activity peaked during May–June
2009, again in October 2009, and essentially disappeared
by May 2010 (1–3). As with previous pandemics, the strain
reemerged in the United States during the subsequent
2010–2011 in uenza season and accounted for 25% of
characterized strains (4).
During the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) issued several guidances for
healthcare providers for the identi cation and treatment
of patients with suspected in uenza A(H1N1)pdm09
disease (Figure 1). Several rapid in uenza diagnostic tests
for identi cation of the 2009 H1N1 strain were available,
but their poor sensitivity soon became clear (57). CDC
recommended that the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir
be used as a rst-line treatment during the pandemic (8).
Available data suggested that the drug was clinically
effective, but only when given within <48 hours of symptom
onset (911). These guidelines changed during the course
of the pandemic as real-time epidemiologic, virologic, and
clinical data emerged (8,1215).
CDC initially recommended priority use of
antiviral drugs for only hospitalized patients and those
at increased risk for in uenza-related complications.
This recommendation re ected the knowledge that most
persons infected with A(H1N1)pdm09 virus had self-
limited, mild-to-moderate disease; that commercial and
stockpiled supplies of oseltamivir were limited; and that
the development of resistance was a concern, particularly
since no other effective and easily administered antiviral
drugs were available (1518). Questions remained,
however, with regard to the overall risks and bene ts and
appropriate dosage of the drug for very young and obese
patients. In September 2009, CDC advised that rapid
in uenza diagnostic tests be prioritized for patients who
were hospitalized or for whom a diagnosis of in uenza
could inform clinical decision making. Furthermore, CDC
reinforced the idea that presumptive treatment should be
administered to this group of patients and expanded the
target group for treatment to include outpatients with risk
factors for severe disease, even when test results were
unknown (5). Clinical judgment was clearly a key factor in
the clinical management of patients with possible A(H1N1)
pdm09 disease.
Much has been published with regard to the
epidemiology, virology, and clinical spectrum of A(H1N1)
pdm09 illness (19,20), but no information is available with
regard to diagnostic and therapeutic decision making of
physicians or their adherence to national guidelines for ill
patients. We conducted this study to evaluate the adherence
of physicians to contemporaneous national guidelines for
diagnosis and use of oseltamivir among patients with
suspected or con rmed A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection in
the inpatient and outpatient settings.
The study population included all persons who accessed
care from May 1 to December 31, 2009, at Harbor–UCLA
Medical Center (HUMC) in Los Angeles, California.
HUMC is a 538-bed, urban, academic, teaching hospital;
it serves a diverse population, which is 55% Latino, 11%
Caucasian, 24% black, 4% Asian, and 4% Paci c Islander.
We conducted a retrospective cohort study to
evaluate 3 issues: 1) adherence of clinicians to national
recommendations for use of osteltamivir among patients
with suspected or con rmed in uenza virus infection; 2)
appropriateness of patient selection for diagnostic testing;
and 3) the likelihood of clinicians to prescribe antiviral drug
therapy for persons with known in uenza-like illness (ILI)
or lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI), 2 conditions for
which CDC speci cally recommended antiviral drug therapy.
For the rst 2 objectives, we identi ed child and adult
inpatients and those seen in the emergency department with
A(H1N1)pdm09 disease by using 4 overlapping data sources,
including the following: 1) prospectively collected electronic
A(H1N1)pdm09 virus laboratory-based surveillance data
obtained by the HUMC clinical virology laboratory and
the Infection Prevention and Control Department; 2)
electronic, pharmacy-based oseltamivir utilization data; and
3) data on point-of-care testing performed in the emergency
department. These data were combined, and we reviewed the
medical records of all patients with a positive laboratory test
for in uenza in the outpatient setting and of inpatients who
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012 1415
Figure 1. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC) guidance during the
2009 pandemic of in uenza
A(H1N1)pdm09 disease.
LRTI, lower respiratory tract
had a laboratory test that was positive for in uenza virus or
were prescribed oseltamivir. Approval for human subjects
research was obtained from the Los Angeles Biomedical
Research Institute.
We performed a comprehensive review of medical
records by using a standardized data collection instrument
to identify demographic information and clinical
characteristics of patients with the illness, including
symptoms and signs and results of viral diagnostic
testing and chest radiographs. Use of and indications for
oseltamivir, including dose and duration of use, were
recorded and, if oseltamivir was not prescribed, reasons for
not using the drug were noted. We also recorded whether
the patient exhibited risk factors for complications and
death (from a preselected list that included concomitant
cardiopulmonary, renal, liver, endocrine, blood, or
metabolic disorders; immunosuppressive conditions;
aspirin therapy; and neurologic conditions), diagnoses at
admission or discharge, and length of stay.
We de ned suspected in uenza as illness in any
patient for whom oseltamivir was prescribed by the treating
clinician. We de ned con rmed in uenza disease as illness
in a patient with a positive laboratory test result for the
virus. To evaluate adherence to guidelines, we used the
contemporaneous CDC de nition for ILI (fever and cough
with or without sore throat) and de ned severe illness as
requiring intensive care, a documented oxygen saturation
of <92%, or both.
To assess the likelihood of clinicians to prescribe
antiviral drug therapy for persons with known ILI or
LRTI, we identi ed all inpatients and outpatients with
possible upper or lower respiratory tract in uenza disease
by using International Classi cation of Diseases, Ninth
Revision (ICD-9) diagnostic codes as follows: 079.89
(viral infection), 079.99 (viral infection not otherwise
speci ed [NOS]), 460 (nasopharyngitis, acute), 462
(pharyngitis, acute), 465.8 (infectious upper respiratory,
multiple sites, acute), 465.9 (infectious upper respiratory,
multiple sites, acute NOS), 466.0 (bronchitis, acute),
466.19 (bronchiolitis, acute, due to other infectious
organism), 478.9 (disease, upper respiratory /NOS),
480.1 (pneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial
virus), 480.8 (pneumonia caused by virus), 480.9 (viral
pneumonia unspeci ed), 484.8 (pneumonia in other
infectious disease), 485 (bronchopneumonia, organism
NOS), 486 (pneumonia, organism NOS), 487.0 (in uenza
with pneumonia), 487.1 (in uenza with respiratory
manifestation), 487.8 (in uenza with manifestation),
488.1 (in uenza caused by identi ed novel H1N1
in uenza virus), 490 (bronchitis NOS), 780.6 (fever),
784.1 (pain, throat), 786.2 (cough) (21). The validity of
the ICD-9–based ascertainment was assessed by using
prospective emergency department triage ILI surveillance
data collected beginning October 21, 2009, through the
end of the study period.
From this group, we randomly selected 100 persons,
strati ed by age (50 persons <18 and 50 >18 years of age)
by using SAS 9.2, Proc Samplesurvey (SAS Institute, Cary,
NC, USA). Using medical record review, we then identi ed
persons with ILI (de ned above) or LRTI, de ned by the
presence of at least 1 speci c lower respiratory tract sign,
including tachypnea, retractions, or hypoxia (oxygen
saturation <92%), and/or abnormal auscultatory ndings
(crackles/crepitations or wheezing), and/or unequivocal
and abnormal radiographic ndings.
We performed descriptive analyses of the above
variables by using SAS version 9.2. Testing of proportions
was performed by using χ
or Fisher exact test as
appropriate. All reported p values are 2-tailed and were
considered signi cant if p<0.05.
Entire Cohort
We identi ed 882 patients who were tested for
in uenza virus during the study period, among whom
178 (20%) tested positive. An additional 136 received
oseltamivir but were not tested or had a negative laboratory
test result for in uenza virus. Overall, 232 (74%) of 314
patients had ILI, and 82 (26%) of 314 had a positive test
result for in uenza virus but did not meet the CDC-de ned
criteria for ILI. Of these 82, 36 (44%) had other signs or
symptoms consistent with in uenza, such as headache,
myalgia, nausea, or diarrhea. We identi ed 218 (69%)
inpatients among the 314 patients with con rmed or
suspected in uenza. Of those 314 patients, 55 (18%) were
<2 years of age, 129 (41%) were 2–18 years of age, 89
(28%) were 19 to <50 years of age, 32 (10%) were 51 to
<65 years of age, and 9 (3%) were >65 years of age. An
underlying medical condition was recognized in 88 (48%)
children (most commonly, asthma) and in 95 (52%) adults
(most commonly, immunosuppression).
Oseltamivir was prescribed for 86 (66%) of 130
children and 89 (87%) of 102 adults with ILI. Oseltamivir
was prescribed at the correct dosage and duration of
therapy for 229 (95%) of 240 patients, and 216 (90%) of
240 patients received the drug <48 hours after symptom
onset. Another 16 received the drug within 72 hours of
disease onset. Severe illness was identi ed in 132 (42%)
of 314 patients, 118 (89%) of whom received oseltamivir
(Figure 2).
Of 218 inpatients who received a diagnosis of or
treatment for in uenza, 107 (49%) were children, and
111 (51%) were adults. Laboratory testing was performed
1416 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012
In uenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Infection
for 177 (81%) inpatients, and 74 (42%) were positive for
in uenza virus (Table). Oseltamivir was administered to
198 (91%) of 218 inpatients, among whom 110 (50%) had
a negative test or no laboratory testing performed. Of the
remaining 88 with a positive test result, 5 did not receive
oseltamivir because the patient refused, the patient was
“well appearing,” or patient’s onset of symptoms occurred
>48 hours before they received a diagnosis.
Of the inpatients, we identi ed 68 (64%) of 107
children and 86 (77%) of 111 adults who had ILI at the
time of laboratory testing (p<0.04). Oseltamivir was given
to 58 (85%) of the 68 children with ILI and 84 (98%) of 86
adults with ILI (p<0.02). Oseltamivir was prescribed for
145 (94%) of 155 inpatients with an underlying medical
condition and for 118 (91%) of 129 patients with severe
The median interval from illness onset to initiation
of antiviral treatment was 2 days (range 1–8). The dosage
or duration of therapy, or both, was incorrect for 11 (5%)
inpatients; for 6 inpatients, no adjustment was made for
renal insuf ciency. Of those 6 inpatients, 2 had chronic renal
insuf ciency after a transplant, 1 had diabetic nephropathy,
and 3 had pneumonia and renal insuf ciency. Three obese
patients received a doubled dose of oseltamivir.
Receipt of the vaccine against in uenza A(H1N1)
pdm09 virus was documented in 61 (28%) of 218 patients,
but 59 (97%) of them received the vaccine at hospital
discharge. Only 1 patient had received the seasonal
in uenza vaccine before admission, and none received
vaccine at discharge.
We identi ed 664 patients who underwent rapid
in uenza diagnostic testing, of whom 77 (19%) of
398 children and 19 (7%) of 266 adults tested positive
(p<0.001). Twenty percent of tests were carried out on
patients without CDC-de ned ILI and for whom no other
indication was present. As noted in Figure 3, only 11%
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012 1417
Figure 2. Total number of patients
treated with oseltamivir by
category, presence of in uenza-
like illness (ILI), and disease
severity, Los Angeles, California,
USA, 2009.
Table. Patients who underwent testing or treatment for influenza by category, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2009*
Test results and treatment Inpatients† Outpatients‡
Influenza diagnostic test
Patients tested for influenza
Total 177/218 (81) 664/664 (100)
Adults 79/111 (71) 398/398 (100)
Children 98/107 (92) 266/266 (100)
Positive influenza test result
Total 74/177 (42) 96/664 (14)
Adults 18/79 (23) 19/398 (5)
Children 56/98 (57) 77/266 (29)
ILI among patients with a positive test result
Total 44/74 (59) 77/96 (80)
Adults 14/18 (78) 16/19 (84)
Children 30/56 (54) 61/77 (79)
Oseltamivir prescribed
Patients with positive influenza test result 53/74 (72) 22/96 (23)
Patients with coexisting condition 145/155(94) 15/28 (54)
Patients with severe influenza disease 118/129 (91) 0/3 (0)
Median time from illness onset to treatment, d 2 (1–8) 2 (1–5)
*Values are no./total no. (%) unless otherwise indicated. ILI, influenza-like illness.
†For inpatients who received a diagnostic test for influenza, N = 218; for outpatients who received a diagnostic test, N = 664. For inpatients who received
oseltamivir, N = 218. In the outpatient setting, study cohort was identified through diagnostic testing only. Use of oseltamivir was evaluated only among
those for whom a diagnostic test result was positive (N = 96).
(73/664) of these tests were performed >2 weeks after CDC
actively discouraged their use.
Oseltamivir was prescribed for 37 (48%) of 77
outpatient children and 5 (26%) of 19 adults who tested
positive for in uenza (p>0.05), all at the appropriate
dose and duration. As recommended, 35 (83%) of 42
received the drug <48 hours from symptom onset, and
the remaining patients received the drug within 72 hours
of symptom onset. Of 54 (56%) of 96 patients who tested
positive and did not receive oseltamivir, 25 (46%) were not
treated according to CDC guidelines, and 8 (15%) refused
therapy. The reasons for not initiating oseltamivir therapy
included onset of symptoms >48 hours previously and
lack of an underlying medical condition. For 21 (39%) of
the untreated patients, we found no documentation of the
reason for withholding therapy.
We found 3 outpatients who had severe illness,
none of whom received oseltamivir, and the reasons for
withholding therapy could not be determined. Conversely,
16 (3%) of 522 patients with a negative test result received
oseltamivir. The most common reasons documented for
initiating therapy in this group included an underlying
medical condition or concomitant diagnosis of pneumonia,
ILI, or both, each consistent with CDC guidelines.
Therapy for Patients with ILI or LRTI Not
Tested for In uenza Virus
We reviewed records of 50 randomly selected
outpatients with ICD-9 codes for ILI who were not
tested for in uenza virus. Only 3 patients (6%) received
oseltamivir (as recommended by CDC). Of the remainder
who did not receive the drug, the duration of illness
was >48 hours, the patient was “well appearing,” or no
underlying risk factors were found. The median time from
illness onset to obtaining medical attention was 3.7 days
(range 0–14 days); 22 (44%) sought treatment within
48 hours. Thirteen (26%) had an underlying medical
condition (7 children and 6 adults). For each, however,
there was an appropriate reason for withholding therapy,
per CDC guidelines.
Among 50 outpatients with ILI and LRTI, 14 (28%)
were admitted, 2 to the intensive care unit. The median
time from illness onset to obtaining medical attention
was 3 days (range 0–28 days); 31 (62%) of 50 sought
treatment >48 hours after symptom onset. Eight of
25 (32%) children and 5 (20%) of 25 adults received
oseltamivir, and 6 patients received the drug <48 hours
from symptom onset. Oseltamivir was administered to 6
(38%) of 16 patients with severe illness and to 7 (25%)
of 28 who had an underlying medical condition. The
reason for not prescribing oseltamivir was documented
in 5 charts, and the reasons included were that symptom
onset was >48 hours from the visit to the hospital and
that the patient was “well appearing.” Overall, 13 (68%)
of 19 patients with LRTI who sought treatment within
48 hours of illness onset did not receive oseltamivir as
recommended by CDC.
We believe that this study provides useful information
with regard to the diagnostic and therapeutic behaviors of
clinicians caring for patients with possible in uenza virus
infection. Although our data re ect physician behavior
during the 2009–10 in uenza A (H1N1) pandemic, the
ndings are likely applicable to any in uenza year because
diagnostic test performance, disease intensity, antiviral
1418 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012
Figure 3. Rapid in uenza diagnostic testing (RIDT) performed for outpatients with in uenza-like illness (ILI), Los Angeles, California, USA,
In uenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Infection
agent resistance, and virus strain affect clinical decision
making each year.
We were interested in 2 general concepts: practice
performance when in uenza was clinically suspected
and the potential for missed therapeutic opportunities
when it was not. For the former, we found that providers’
practices were often consistent with CDC guidelines but
notable de ciencies were also identi ed. In particular, a
substantial proportion of potentially high-risk patients were
not empirically treated, and a reason to withhold therapy
could not be documented. This dynamic is similar to that
for other medical conditions for which clinical practice
guidelines are available: provider behavior at variance with
the guideline may re ect available patient-level information
or other immediate concerns (22,23). In any case, we
have identi ed potential areas for targeted education of
healthcare providers that should be supplemented by rapid
dissemination and follow-up of national guidelines if and
when they change over time.
We also found inconsistencies in the use of
antiviral drug therapy, which was often at variance with
contemporaneous guidelines. In our population, 25%
of patients who received oseltamivir did not have ILI or
another clear indication for treatment. During the pandemic,
the drug was recommended for inpatients with ILI and
outpatients with ILI and risk factors for severe illness if
they had sought treatment within 48 hours of symptom
onset (5). However, although too many outpatients without
ILI received oseltamivir, too few (32%) received the drug
despite having LRTI, a consistent indication for therapy.
For most patients with LRTI, we could not identify a
reasonable justi cation for withholding therapy. Not
surprisingly, all of these patients received antibacterial
agents, yet it remains unclear whether the clinicians actively
considered in uenza virus as a primary pathogen or risk
factor for the presumed bacterial superinfection. In uenza
virus infection and its association with secondary bacterial
infection is well documented with in uenza A(H1N1)
pdm09 virus infection and with interepidemic disease
(2427). Treatment with antiviral drugs in this setting
may lessen illness when superinfection exists (26,28). In
this circumstance, greater recognition of the possibility of
in uenza virus infection and use of antiviral drug therapy
may mitigate illness and lessen hospital costs (29,30).
We found that diagnostic practices were often
inconsistent with contemporaneous guidelines. Nearly one
third of patients were tested for in uenza virus, despite
the lack of ILI and 20% had no other indication for
which testing might otherwise be justi ed (e.g., headache,
myalgia). Previous work has shown that relatively few
patients with in uenza virus infection have systemic signs
without fever, sore throat, or cough (31). Although changes
in CDC recommendations were quickly disseminated to
hospital clinicians by management memo, email, or face-
to-face meetings, even more rapid communication and
follow-up reminders may have enhanced adherence to
We found that the dosage and duration of oseltamivir
were generally consistent with CDC guidelines in 90%
of all treated patients, and speci cally for all outpatients.
HUMC required the use of a preauthorization drug form
that noted the appropriate age- and weight-based dose;
an outpatient prescription for oseltamivir would not have
been released without a completed form. Such tools have
been shown to limit dosing errors (32,33). Also consistent
with the CDC guidelines, >90% of hospitalized patients
and patients with severe illness in our study received
oseltamivir. Among outpatients, we noted that for 50%,
an appropriate rationale for not providing oseltamivir was
documented in the medical record.
Among the small number of dosing errors identi ed,
>40% were related to inappropriate adjustment for renal
insuf ciency. More than 90% of oseltamivir is metabolized
to oseltamivir carboxylate, 99% of which is eliminated by
renal excretion, thus requiring dosage adjustment in this
setting. Antimicrobial drug dosing errors are common
(34,35), and a failure to adjust for renal impairment is a
frequent underlying reason (36,37). Although controlled
data are not available, oseltamivir has been associated
with the development of thrombocytopenia, particularly
when renal clearance is arti cially lowered by concomitant
administration of the drug probenicid (38). Attention
should be given to patients’ renal function, particularly in
the elderly (diminished renal clearance) and in those for
whom higher doses may be recommended, such as the
severely ill or obese (8).
We identi ed clinical management differences between
how clinicians prescribed treatment for adult patients and
how they prescribed treatment for children. Children who
were inpatients were signi cantly less likely to have ILI at
the time of testing and to receive treatment for ILI. When
testing was carried out, children were also more likely to
test positive for in uenza virus than were adults, possibly
because of the higher virus load in this population. These
data also may re ect more overall testing of children,
particularly young children who are more likely than adults
to have nonspeci c signs and symptoms (lethargy, poor
feeding, abdominal pain) (39,40). In addition, infants and
young children may not articulate symptoms of ILI (e.g.,
sore throat), leading to increased nonspeci c testing and
treatment of this population.
The main strength of this study is the comprehensive
nature of case ascertainment, which included laboratory-
based information and review of all prospectively collected
logs for emergency department point-of-care testing.
However, some patients who underwent testing for
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012 1419
in uenza virus may not have been noted in the outpatient
log system. We appreciate that ICD-9 code data for ILI and
LRTI may be nonspeci c, but our prospectively collected
ILI data (albeit for a limited portion of the surveillance
period) validated the temporal trends for this diagnosis
in the outpatient setting. We also did not include data
from medical outpatient (nonemergency department)
clinics where other patients with in uenza may have
been identi ed and treated, perhaps skewing our data to
those who were more ill. As a retrospective study, our
conclusions depend solely upon information documented
in the medical record, which may be incomplete. Also, the
use of an antiviral agent authorization form most likely
improved the dosing practice, as has been shown in other
settings (32,33). Last, our study population includes only a
single academic medical center and therefore may not be
representative of the region or the nation.
To our knowledge, similar studies of physician
behavior with regard to in uenza disease, and for A(H1N1)
pdm09 disease in particular, have not been reported. We
have identi ed variations in clinical practice in relation to
national guidelines that suggest potential areas of education
for future in uenza seasons.
This study was supported in part by the Los Angeles
Biomedical Research Institute and the Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services.
Dr. Vijayan performed this work as a Fellow in Pediatric
Infectious Diseases at Harbor–UCLA Medical Center. She is
currently an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of
Florida, Gainesville. Her research interests include preventing
infections, such as in uenza and pertussis in mothers and their
infants through maternal immunization, and diagnosis and
management of travel- and migration-associated disease.
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Address for correspondence: Kenneth M. Zangwill, Harbor–UCLA
Medical Center, 1124 W Carson St, Torrance, CA 90502, USA; email:
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2012 1421
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this
journal do not necessarily re ect the opinions of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention or the institutions with which
the authors are af liated.