Choosing and
Using Citizen
a guide to when and how to use citizen science
to monitor biodiversity and the environment
We would like to thank the Scottish Environment
Protection Agency (SEPA) for funding this guide
and Claire Campbell at SEPA for her enthusiasm
and guidance. We thank the Centre for Ecology &
Hydrology for providing support during the guide’s
production and to Heather Lowther and Amanda
Hill for their superb contribution to its design.
Finally thank you to the volunteers and citizen
science enthusiasts who have inspired this guide.
Pocock, M.J.O., Chapman, D.S.,
Sheppard, L.J. & Roy, H.E. (2014).
Choosing and Using Citizen Science: a guide
to when and how to use citizen science to
monitor biodiversity and the environment.
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
ISBN: 978-1-906698-50-8
This guide is a shortened and adapted version of:
Pocock, M.J.O., Chapman, D.S., Sheppard, L.J.
& Roy, H.E (2014). A Strategic Framework to
Support the Implementation of Citizen Science
for Environmental Monitoring. Final report
to SEPA. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,
Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
This guide can be freely distributed in its original
form for non-commercial purposes. Please feel
free to forward it to anyone you think will be
interested. All content is copyright authors and
SEPA and no images or sections of text can
be extracted and used elsewhere without rst
obtaining permission.
Michael J O Pocock
, Daniel S Chapman
Lucy J Sheppard
, and Helen E Roy
Biological Records Centre, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,
Maclean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford,
Oxfordshire OX10 8BB
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Bush Estate, Penicuik,
Midlothian, EH26 0QB
The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)
is a world-class research organisation focussing
on land and freshwater ecosystems and their
interaction with the atmosphere. We are a
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Research Centre with 425 researchers and
students based at sites in England, Scotland
and Wales. CEH tackles complex environmental
challenges to deliver practicable solutions so that
future generations can benet from a rich and
healthy environment.
The Biological Records Centre (BRC) is within
the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and jointly
funded by Natural Environment Research
Council and the Joint Nature Conservation
Committee. The BRC, established in 1964, is
a national focus in the UK for terrestrial and
freshwater species recording. The BRC works
closely with the voluntary recording community,
principally by supporting national recording
schemes and societies.
Front cover photographs: l to r - Susie Pocock; CEH; Shutterstock.
Citizen science can be a very useful
‘tool’ for undertaking research and
monitoring, while also engaging
with many people. Citizen science
is very diverse; there are many
different ways for volunteers to
get involved with real science. This
diversity can be overwhelming for
someone seeking to organize a
citizen science activity and citizen
science will not always be the most
appropriate or optimal approach
for undertaking scientic research
or monitoring.
Here we aim to provide guidance to support
people considering using a citizen science
approach, especially (but not necessarily
restricted to) monitoring biodiversity and
the environment in the UK. It will help you
decide whether citizen science is likely to be
useful, and it will help you decide which broad
approach to citizen science is most suitable for
your question or activity.
This guide does not cover the practical detail
of developing a citizen science project. That
information is provided in the ‘Guide to Citizen
Science’ (Tweddle et al., 2012).
About this guide
Photo: Michael Pocock, CEH
About this guide
Introduction to citizen science
What is citizen science? 2
The aim of this guide 2
Why is citizen science so popular? 3
Citizen science and its role in long-term monitoring 4
Advantages and disadvantages of a citizen science approach
Advantages of a citizen science approach 5
Disadvantages of a citizen science approach 5
A decision framework for choosing and using citizen science
Precursor to the decision framework 7
Before you choose citizen science 8
The clarity of the aim or question 8
The importance of engagement 8
The resources available 9
The scale of sampling 9
The complexity of the protocol 10
The motivations of participants 10
Examples of using citizen science 11
Types of data 13
The decision framework
How to use the decision framework 14
Using the decision framework with a clearly dened question 14
Using the decision framework interactively 14
The decision framework for citizen science 15
Notes on the decision framework 18
Final thoughts on choosing and using citizen science
Resources: the organisers' time 20
Resources: infrastructure and data protection 20
Validation, quality assurance and verication 21
Communication 21
Participant safety 22
Legislative implications 22
Conclusion 22
References and resources
What is citizen science?
Citizen science is an
increasingly popular approach
to undertaking monitoring
and scientic research. Citizen
science is dened as the
involvement of volunteers (i.e.
people who are not involved
as part of their employment)
in science, so it has the
dual benets of making a
contribution to ‘real’ science,
while also engaging many
people with science. Often,
citizen science projects are set
up by ‘professional’ scientists.
Volunteers then contribute
data to the project. Such an
approach is referred to as
‘contributory citizen science’
and this is currently very
widely-adopted. However,
there are many different
types of citizen science
(Roy et al. 2012) including
projects strongly shaped by
the volunteer participants,
so-called ‘collaborative’ and
‘co-created projects’ (Bonney et
al. 2009). For projects involving
environmental monitoring in
which there is a clear end-use
for the data, the contributory
model of citizen science is
usually most relevant.
The aim of this guide
In this guide we provide
a decision framework to
help guide people who
are considering whether a
citizen science approach can
contribute to their work. This
guide should help you to
1. whether citizen science is
suitable for your proposed
project, and;
2. what type of citizen science
is most appropriate for you
to adopt.
We believe that the decision
framework will help people to
more clearly understand the
potential opportunities and
limitations of citizen science.
This is necessary because there
is such a wide range of citizen
science approaches (Roy et al.
2012) and not every approach
is suitable for all situations.
Therefore, for someone with
a question to answer, or a
monitoring need to be met, it
can be daunting to consider
whether citizen science can
be used and, if so, which
citizen science approach is
best. In this report we do not
repeat the 'Guide to Citizen
Science' (Tweddle et al. 2012)
which was written specically
to assist in developing and
implementing environmental
and biodiversity citizen science,
or the Citizen Science Toolkit
(Cornell Lab of Ornithology
2013). We recommend that
interested people consider the
decision framework in this
guide, and if they conclude
that citizen science is relevant
and worthwhile, they should
then refer to the advice in the
'Guide to Citizen Science'.
Introduction to
citizen science
Photo: Lesley Deans, Clyde River Foundation
There are many reasons why
citizen science has become so
popular in recent years:
1. Excellent engagement.
Citizen science provides a
way for people to engage
with science and their
environment. Although
people’s motivation for
taking part in citizen
science varies considerably,
participants often describe
it as fun and providing
a way to contribute to
something important
and valuable.
2. Cost-effective data
collection. Citizen science
provides the potential
to collect data at much
larger spatial and temporal
extents and much ner
resolutions than would
otherwise be possible.
Even if the data could be
collected through other
means, citizen science can
be a cost-effective way of
collecting the data while
also providing an excellent
opportunity for people
to become engaged with
a subject.
3. Technological advances
make promotion
and data collection
straightforward. Over
the past decade, advances
in technology, especially
in communications
technology, have made it
easy to set-up and promote
citizen science projects.
Data collection, via
websites or smartphones, is
now a standard approach
and relatively inexpensive
to implement. Feedback
to participants can be
provided quickly and easily.
4. The data can be trusted.
Increasingly the important
step of data validation is
taken in citizen science
projects in order to provide
data of known quality, for
example, verifying every
record, or quantifying the
accuracy of a sample of
the data so that error can
be taken into account in
analyses. Both approaches
provide trustworthy data;
analyses of citizen science
data are published in
the scientic literature
and used in national
biodiversity indicators.
5. Volunteer involvement
in science has a long
history. With the increased
use of the term ‘citizen
science’, volunteer-led
environmental monitoring
that has been going on
for decades is now often
described as ‘citizen
science’. We can learn
from the successes of past
activities in developing
current projects.
6. Diversity of approaches.
Different types of citizen
science appeal to different
people, e.g. expert
volunteers, interested
community stakeholders
or members of the
general public. 'Mass
participation’ approaches
are popular, but so are
approaches to engage
with expert naturalists.
Why is citizen science so popular?
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
Monitoring the environment
has a long history of beneting
from volunteer involvement
through citizen science.
The reason for this is that
the volunteers involved can
be very committed and are
distributed around the country,
so permitting the long-term
collection of data in widely-
distributed locations. Expert
volunteer naturalists can
have considerable expertise
in identifying species (in
many cases more than the
‘professional’ scientists).
If resources are available
to support the volunteers
then large-scale monitoring
projects can run for decades
(e.g. the UK’s Breeding Bird
Survey and the UK Buttery
Monitoring Scheme).
It can be tempting to think that
citizen science is a cheap (or
even free) way of fullling all
large-scale monitoring needs
because citizen science data are
free at the point-of-collection.
This is not the case. Investment
needs to be made to support
volunteers. The annual support
for citizen science projects
providing data for UK headline
indicators is about £100K per
project per year (Roy et al.
2012), although many citizen
science projects require much
less budget than this. However,
despite its cost, citizen science
may be a very cost-effective
way of undertaking monitoring.
It is misleading to think that
citizen science has to replace
professional surveillance; the
two are not mutually exclusive.
Citizen science could be
effective when adding to and
complementing professionally-
collected data. For example,
core professional activity could
provide the minimum level of
monitoring required, while
citizen science data increases
the resolution and accuracy of
sampling. Citizen science data
could also inform professionals
so they direct their effort to
address the highest priorities or
most important questions.
Some long-term monitoring
is unsuitable for citizen
science because it is not
possible to collect the data
safely or accurately without
specialist equipment.
Citizen science and its role in long-term monitoring
Photo: SEPA
Advantages and disadvantages of
a citizen science approach
Advantages of a citizen
science approach
It can be a cost-effective
way of gathering data,
especially at large spatial
and temporal extent and
ne and spatial temporal
resolution. That is, the
balance between the
long-term cost of acquiring
suitable data ‘professionally’
is more than the cost of
supporting volunteers to
acquire these data.
For long-term monitoring,
committed volunteers can
provide a reliable way of
gathering data, less subject
to the vagaries of the
availability of funding than
professional monitoring.
By getting people to be
hands-on with data, it
directly engages people
with environmental issues
and their local environment.
Citizen science can provide
high-quality data. Data
from citizen science
projects can vary in
quality, but if it is collected
appropriately and subject
to quality assurance, then
the data can be eminently
suitable for regulatory
purposes. For example,
7 of the 26 UK headline
indicators are reliant
on volunteer-collected
data (Defra 2012) and
monitoring of watercourses
in the USA is undertaken
by volunteers according to
Environmental Protection
Agency protocols to meet
regulatory requirements
(Nerbonne & Nelson 2004).
In some cases the expert
volunteers have superior
skills to the ‘professionals’,
particularly with respect
to natural history and the
identication of species.
Many volunteers are willing
to follow protocols (even
quite complex ones) in
order to collect data in a
standardised way, when
they are condent that
their input is valuable.
Citizen science can permit
the detection of rare events
across large spatial and
temporal extents, which
would otherwise be difcult
to survey for.
It need not be restricted
to what people can see;
people can use sensors, or
they can collect samples
for analysis by volunteers
or by professionals.
”Crowd sourcing” enables
people to undertake
small or simple tasks via a
computer (e.g. classifying
images) which can
contribute to analysis of
large datasets and would
not otherwise be achievable
by a small team or using
automated processes.
Citizen science is enjoyable
and it can enhance the
well-being of volunteers.
Disadvantages of a
citizen science approach
Citizen science is often
most effective when
the approach is simple.
Participation is likely to be
reduced when protocols are
too complex or demanding
or recording needs to be
repeated over time or in
different localities.
Volunteers need to be
recruited. Some citizen
science projects use
straightforward protocols
which can be rapidly
completed by anyone
in any location. Such
an approach aids mass
participation. However,
complex and structured
protocols can be suitable
for citizen science
especially if they appeal
to a particular group of
enthusiasts such as anglers,
ramblers, naturalists, school
children or others.
Citizen science often
requires substantial
investment in resources.
Citizen science data are
free (to you) at the point-
of-collection, but they
are (often) not cheap. A
considerable investment
in money, resources and
time is usually needed to
support citizen science.
However, citizen science
can be run entirely
through the commitment
of a volunteer organizer,
e.g. the volunteer-led
biological recording
schemes in the UK.
Resources are required to:
{ Provide feedback
to volunteers, and
this should continue
throughout the life
of the project in order
to provide motivation
for participants.
{ Provide support
for the means of
collecting data (e.g.
online databases and
web interfaces, or
smartphone apps).
{ Validate data to
ensure that they
are trustworthy and
appropriate for their
intended use.
{ Recruit, support and
retain volunteers (e.g.
through training,
mentoring, providing
feedback, keeping
supporting materials
and websites up-to-
date and working etc.).
Investment in the project (in
terms of time and money)
needs to continue through
the life of the project in
order to support and retain
individual volunteers.
There can be tensions
between the motivations of
participants and organizers
(Rotman et al. 2012) - what
you think is important may
not interest an ‘ordinary’
person! People take part
because they are motivated
through interest, curiosity,
concern or to have fun.
Participants may expect to
see rapid local action arising
from their involvement, but
this may not be an intended
outcome of the project. The
aims of the project need
to be clearly explained to
manage the expectations of
the participants.
Citizen science data
(especially from mass
participation projects) are
often ‘unstructured’ (i.e.
the times and locations of
samples are not subject
to statistical design).
It can require complex
approaches to analyse the
data and the data may
not even be suitable for
purpose for which it was
intended. Therefore more
data might be needed
to provide adequate
information than would be
necessary with professional,
systematic monitoring.
Data acquisition becomes
outside of your direct
control. That is, citizen
science is most suitable
where data cannot be
collected any other way
(i.e. you are not diverting
resources from currently
adequate monitoring),
or where the data will be
useful but not essential.
Photo: Lesley Deans, Clyde River Foundation
Advantage and disadvantages - continued
A decision framework for choosing
and using citizen science
In this part of the guide we
present a decision framework,
to assist in the selection of a
citizen science approach. We
also include some preliminary
questions and subsequent
thoughts to help advise on the
suitability of citizen science.
Precursor to the
decision framework:
before you even
consider citizen science
We recommend that before
you seriously consider citizen
science, you review six aspects:
the clarity of your question
or aim, the importance of
engagement, the resources
available, the spatio-temporal
scale of sampling, the
complexity of the protocol and
the motivations of participants.
The suitability of a citizen
science approach is summarised
in Figure 1, and expanded in
the remainder of this section.
It is also worth thinking about
the types of information which
you could collect.
Figure 1: Six broad areas
to review, prior to using
the decision framework,
to assess the suitability
of citizen science to your
Clarity of
Importance of
Scale of
Complexity of
Motivation of
Clear aim/
Engagement is
Plenty of
Simple protocolGood reasons to
Vague aim/
No engagement
or only one-way
communication No resources
sampling Complex protocol
Reasons to
participate are
not clear
easing suitability for a
citizen science appr
Should you consider a citizen science approach?
The clarity of the aim or
Citizen science is just like
any scientic approach: it is
at its best when it is specic,
i.e. when the question being
addressed is precise. For citizen
science data to be t-for-
purpose, the purpose needs to
be clearly dened.
For many projects, e.g. where
citizen science contributes to
primary scientic research,
the aim is well-dened. It
can be phrased as a testable
hypothesis, leading to very
effective citizen science
(Silvertown 2009). However,
citizen science can also
contribute to environmental
surveillance and monitoring.
Where citizen science
contributes to monitoring the
effect of an environmental
pressure (e.g. diffuse
pollution), it is important for
there to be a well-understood
cause-and-effect pathway
from the pressure to what is
being recorded.
The importance of
Engagement is an important
component of citizen science
but engagement on its own
is not citizen science. Perhaps
you have an important
message to convey but with
no need to gather data. There
are many excellent examples
of communication to raise
awareness of a particular issue.
However, perhaps you have an
idea for engagement which
could be extended to involve
people in gathering useful
data, in which case it becomes
citizen science. Citizen science
can enhance engagement –
the citizen science acts as a
highly participatory way for
people to engage. So if you
are considering undertaking
an engagement activity think
whether you can get more from
the initiative by encouraging
people to contribute through
citizen science (i.e. asking a
genuinely interesting scientic
question, or gathering
data for a genuinely useful
scientic need).
But there may be no need for
people to gather data and
the purpose of the project is
to increase awareness around
a particular issue. This could
be extremely important in
its own right; in which case
keep it simple and invest in
excellent engagement rather
than trying to make it a
citizen science project.
Before you choose citizen science
Photo: ???????
Key question: Can you
extend your engagement
activity into meaningful and
relevant citizen science or
should you simply undertake
excellent engagement for its
own sake?
Key question: Do you
have a precise and clearly-
dened aim for your citizen
science project?
Photo: Michael Pocock, CEH
The resources available
It is important to consider what
resources will be required to
run your initiative effectively.
Will you need a website? Will
you need an online database?
And, if so, can you use existing
technology (e.g. Indicia, a
database toolkit for biological
uk) to meet this need? Will you
need to provide supporting
resources such as guidance
notes or specialist equipment?
If the resources (i.e. money and
time) needed to adequately
support the project are
seemingly prohibitive then you
could consider collaborating
with other providers or using
open-source software, which
may make the costs more
acceptable. The ‘Guide to
Citizen Science’ (Tweddle et
al. 2012) includes more detail
about the sort of resources
required for setting up and
running a citizen science project.
The scale of sampling
Citizen science is particularly
effective at addressing
questions that require a large-
scale approach, especially
across large spatial scales (by
engaging many volunteers
simultaneously) because it
is so costly to obtain these
data any other way. It is also
useful when considering a very
long-term approach, in which
volunteers remain committed
through peaks and troughs
of funding cycles (although
long-term citizen science does
require long-term commitment
from the organiser).
Citizen science could potentially
work extremely well for both
extensive large-scale and
intensive small-scale studies.
However, where there is a need
for data across a large spatial
scale it is important to consider
whether you need information
from particular sites or whether
an ad hoc approach will sufce.
Are some of the places where
you would like observations
particularly remote? If so, can
you get people to travel to
these sites of interest?
Before you choose citizen science - continued
Key question: Do you
need lots of people
(or volunteer time or
commitment) to achieve
your aims?
Key questions: Do you
have sufcient resources
available to ensure you can
support your volunteers for
the entirety of the project?
If not, can you collaborate
and share resources
which might also reduce
duplication of effort?
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
The complexity of the
Perception of citizen science
is skewed by so-called “mass
participation” citizen science
projects which are promoted
through the mass media and
typically involve many people
in gathering simple data (e.g. a
wildlife observation or a single
measurement). Simplicity is
one key to the success of mass
participation citizen science
projects. As the complexity of
the protocol increases then the
number of participants is likely
to decrease, even though the
value of the data may increase
(e.g. because the dataset is
more detailed). If you require the
use of a complex protocol then
ensure you provide sufcient
support for participants and you
thoroughly test the protocol
(Tweddle et al. 2012).
Never presume too much of a
volunteer; their time is given
freely and they are not obliged
to provide data. Ensure that
you consider the motivation of
your participants and maximise
their enjoyment and satisfaction
in taking part. This includes
supporting their understanding
of the importance of their
record, and so requires you to
provide feedback to participants.
Feedback should ideally be both
immediate (e.g. a ’thank you’
for the record which could be
automated or personal) and
more considered (e.g. an end-
of-year report for volunteers).
The motivations of
People will get involved and
continue to stay involved for
many different reasons; these
reasons will vary between
people and can change over
time. It is important to consider
people’s motivations. Progression
in a project can be important for
them to remain motivated.
In terms of initial involvement,
different projects will resonate
with people in many different
ways. Successful projects may
resonate because of:
a sense of place (“it is my
a sense of community
(“I can take part with my
a pre-existing interest (“I’ve
always liked butteries”),
a sense of discovery (“I had
no idea that…”),
being part of a narrative
(“I’m taking part with
others …”),
or a sense of jeopardy (“my
trees are under threat”).
This does not mean that the
focus of your proposed study
has to already have popular
appeal, because even unlikely
subjects can be communicated
in such a way that they
resonate with people.
People also need a ‘trigger’
or prompt to make a record.
Ideally triggers that will prompt
involvement should not be too
common (otherwise people feel
overwhelmed and disengaged)
or too rare (otherwise people
will forget to participate),
unless the event is rare and
spectacular (e.g. a dead swan
or a landslide). Often subtle
changes to a question can
make the trigger clearer and
the data more useful. For
example, asking people to
report the health of garden
birds may be too general,
while asking people to report
sick birds in their garden or to
report the health of garden
birds on a particular day may
be more successful.
Remember that the
importance you place on an
issue is not relevant – it is
how strongly it resonates with
potential volunteers that will
determine how motivated they
are to take part.
Before you choose citizen science - continued
Key question: Does
your project resonate
with potential volunteers,
and are there clear and
appropriate triggers for
people to make records?
Key question: Is your
protocol practical for
volunteer involvement? Are
you expecting too much
from the volunteers?
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
Examples of using citizen science
Example B
The Conker Tree Science
project (Pocock & Evans 2014)
engaged over 8,000 people.
It was hypothesis-led, so the
aims of the project were very
clear. The questions addressed
the national-scale impact of a
leaf-mining moth, so it would
not have been possible to
undertake this research without
engaging people across Britain.
Through participating in
the project people became
engaged in making discoveries
about insects, e.g. rearing tiny
moths and parasitic insects.
The project received initial
funding to set it up, but it
continued for four years with a
substantial investment of time
from the project organisers.
There were three main ways
in which people could get
involved which varied in their
complexity (from making a
record with a smartphone app
to rearing insects from horse-
chestnut leaves).
The project appeared to have
strong resonance with people;
horse-chestnut trees are very
popular, and the damage
caused by the moth was very
visible. However, many people
will frequently see horse-
chestnut trees, so this may have
created too many triggers, thus
limiting participation.
Example A
Anglers’ Rivery Monitoring
Initiative. The Rivery
Partnership is a network of
nearly 100 organisations
representing anglers, river
managers, conservationists and
relevant authorities.
The Partnership focuses on
monitoring three groups of
insects: caddisies, mayies
and stoneies which live most
of their lives as larvae in fresh
waters. Riveries are a major
link in the aquatic food chain
and are considered to be
important biological indicators
of water quality. Indeed they
have been described as “the
canaries of our rivers”.
In 2007 the Anglers’ Rivery
Monitoring Initiative was
launched by the Rivery
Partnership, recognising the
important role that anglers
play in detecting change in the
river environment. The Anglers’
Rivery Monitoring Initiative
provides a variety of resources
(including survey protocols,
identication guides and
practical guidance on aspects
such as health and safety).
Local projects, such as the
Clyde Rivery Monitoring
Partnership (CRIMP) in
Scotland, provide opportunities
for interested volunteers
(especially anglers) to be
trained in a simple monitoring
technique for riveries.
Trained volunteers then
undertake regular monitoring
at their sites. When severe
perturbations in water quality
are recorded they can pass
information on to statutory
bodies who can then take the
necessary action.
There are several documented
occurrences of successful
action (e.g. prosecution
of polluters). The Anglers’
Rivery Monitoring Initiative
also links to other relevant
activities, such as recording
non-native craysh, and
disseminates relevant
information, such as guidance
on biosecurity and awareness
of non-native species.
Monitoring through the
Initiative provides valuable
national information about
water quality, but importantly
it also directly benets the local
volunteers seeking to help
protect their river or lake.
Example C
The Biological Records
Centre at the Centre for
Ecology & Hydrology has been
supporting recording schemes
and societies, thus contributing
to long-term monitoring of
biodiversity for 50 years.
The involvement of volunteers
has provided a degree of
stability through uctuations
in funding available to support
them. The data have been used
to describe changes in species
distributions and abundances,
particularly in response to
environmental change, and
contribute to scientic research
and policy.
The recording schemes and
societies are led by expert
volunteers who have a passion
for a particular group of
animals or plants, and who
commit vast amounts of time
to supporting recorders and
verifying records. Some groups
are tricky to identify and so
recorders require substantial
expertise. For these groups
the support and mentoring of
new participants is invaluable.
Other groups are easier to
identify, e.g. ladybirds. The
UK Ladybird Survey has
successfully popularized the
recording of this charismatic
group of insects. Many of
these data are submitted as
and when recorders choose
to make records, but the UK
Buttery Monitoring Scheme
is a structured scheme
in which volunteers who
have expertise in recording
butteries make records
weekly along a set transect.
Their records contribute to the
overall conservation effort for
butteries in the UK.
Examples of using citizen science - continued
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
Types of data
Many citizen science projects
are based around people
submitting records or
observations with information
about the place and time.
However there are many other
types of data that can be
Images, video or sound
recordings which allow
records to be veried or
further analysed after
Measurements of
something of interest which
provides more quantitative
data rather than presence/
absence of something.
Physical samples, e.g.
water or biological
samples, for the participant
to analyse or to send off to
be analysed professionally.
Measurements from
sensors can record things
that people cannot directly
observe (e.g. radiation)
or cannot otherwise
quantify (e.g. temperature
or noise). Increasingly
these measurements can
be provided directly from
smartphones or via plug-in
Obtaining records
from social media, e.g.
‘harvesting’ information
from Twitter, Facebook
or Flickr. This uses the
information in the public
domain, but does not
engage people to collect
it. (Many people would
not class this as citizen
science, but it may be
useful nonetheless).
Classifying data already
collected. There are many
tasks that are difcult
to automate, but easy
for humans for do, e.g.
pattern recognition. If
these can be divided
into small tasks then the
problem can be ‘crowd
sourced’ and more people
can be involved without
needing to go outdoors.
Crowd-sourcing like this
is an increasingly popular
citizen science approach.
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
Key question: Have you
considered the different
ways of gathering data
using citizen science,
including crowd-sourcing,
collecting physical samples,
citizen sensor networks,
harvesting social media?
We have created the
following decision framework
to provide guidance as to
whether citizen science
is suitable for you and, if
suitable, which type of citizen
science you should consider.
Using the decision
framework with a
clearly dened question
The decision framework is
presented as a key. You can
work through the decision
framework question-by-
question with a specic project
goal/question which you have
clearly dened in advance, in
order to discover the suitability
of citizen science for your
proposed project.
Using the decision
framework interactively
A second, more practical
and more productive, use
of the decision framework
is when you are developing
your question or goal and you
use the decision framework
question-by-question in order
to rene and clarify your aim.
We anticipate that by using
the decision framework in this
way, it will:
Raise questions that
you have not previously
considered, thus
broadening what you
considered possible and so
revealing the potential of
a citizen science approach.
Ask questions that you
have not previously
claried, thus rening
your overall question, so
making it more precise.
Allow you to see the likely
impact of each decision
on the suitability of citizen
science for your proposed
We believe that the decision
framework will be most
productive when used in an
interactive way, rather than a
formulaic way.
Photo: Heather Lowther, CEH
Before you start
Is citizen science the best approach?
The decision framework
How to use the decision framework
Part 1 of the decision framework
The decision framework for citizen science
Do you need a sensor
to make a record?
Consider crowd-sourcing approach
to citizen science
Not suitable for a citizen science approach.
Observations requires activities that cannot
be made safe by changing protocols
Not suitable for a
citizen science
Can some/all aspects of the project be
virtual tasks completed entirely online?
Is it possible to make
observations safely?
Is a sensor available
for public use?
Are repeat visits by the same
individuals necessary?
Do you need repeat observations
over a long time period?
Spatial scale: is sampling
restricted to a single site?
large scale
single site
single site
Worth considering
citizen science.
A key issue is retention
of volunteers
Potentially worth
considering citizen
A key issue is retention
of volunteers
May not be suitable
for citizen science
A single
local site
large scale
Very worthwhile
considering citizen
science. A key issue
is recruitment of
Multiple sites
(often extensive
spatial scale)
See page 18 for notes
Part 2 of the decision framework (continued)
People can
take part
Before you start
Is citizen science the best approach?The decision framework for citizen science
Part 1
Are there pre-selected sites (or special
types of sites) that need to be visited?
Very good potential for a
mass participation citizen
science approach
Potentially suitable for a
citizen science approach
Very worthwhile considering
citizen science
large scale
So you need to
incentivise reporting
Site accessibility: Are sites
located where people are
NO, needs time or
special equipment
NO, so you need to
incentivise visiting sites
Is it easy to make a
It will take longer
Is the 'protocol' easily learned and the
subject easily accessed or ubiquitous?
Will the observation take just a moment or two
and without the need for special equipment?
(i.e. is the protocol simple?)
Usually not suitable for a
citizen science approach
Not suitable for a citizen
science approach
Very good potential for a
citizen science approach
Part 2 of the decision framework (continued)
The decision framework for citizen science
Part 1
Part 1
Not suitable for
a citizen science
Worth considering
citizen science
Very good
for a citizen
Not suitable for
a citizen science
Potentially suitable
for a citizen science
Potentially suitable
for a citizen science
Potentially worth
considering citizen
Not suitable for
a citizen science
large scale
single site
Are you willing to
work with interested
people and invest in
training etc?
Is the protocol complex,
or very prescriptive?
Can you work with
volunteers who already
have expertise?
Are you willing to
develop the project
with input from
expert volunteers?
Are there groups of
potentially interested
people who could
be recruited for the
1. Here we use the term
‘crowd-sourcing’ to
describe the sort of
tasks that can easily be
distributed for people
to do on their own
terms, especially at the
computer. This is ideal
for tasks that require
human intelligence for
problem solving or pattern
recognition. Sometimes
projects can be broken
down to separate out-of-
doors observations from a
crowd-sourced (computer-
based) component, thus
permitting people to be
engaged with the crowd-
sourced components even
when they are unable to
make observations outside.
2. Safely does not mean risk
free. Risk can be reduced
with appropriate training
but risk assessment is
always needed for citizen
science projects.
3. Limitations to a sensor
being ‘available’ for public
use include it being too
complex or too expensive.
However technological
advances may quickly
make sensor approaches
affordable and tractable.
Sensors could be made
available by providing
them free, or making them
available to purchase (a
form of ‘crowd funding’ of
the project), hire or borrow.
4. We use the question
about repeat visits rather
than ‘long-term’, because
monitoring can be long
term but collected by
multiple people (from the
same site or from multiple
sites). Our distinction here
makes clear an emphasis
on volunteer retention, not
just recruitment.
5. Short-term, single-site
projects can be ideal
to engage with people
and provide education,
but are less suitable for
citizen science. ‘Bioblitzes’
(recording as many species
as possible on a site in one
day) are short-term, single-
site projects; their scientic
value is due to the presence
of experts, but they have
an important role in public
engagement with nature.
6. ‘Anywhere’ means people
do not have to travel to
somewhere specic to take
part, though they may
need to be in a suitable
habitat. Clearly, there is
a judgement to be made
for each circumstance and
each intended audience
whether locations could
be viewed as ‘anywhere’.
For example, depending
on the audience ‘large
rivers’ or ‘arable elds’
could be argued either way
(most people are not near
large rivers or spend time
in arable farmland, but
equally, a lot of people will
visit large riversides, and
many people could choose
to visit arable farmland).
Equally, a project requiring
a visit to ‘woodland’ might
require a special trip, but
many people could choose
to make that trip easily.
7. There are relatively few
citizen science examples
of trying to incentivise the
visiting of sites (as is done
with geo-caching), but
there is potential for this.
8. Usually not suitable for
citizen science due to a
mismatch between the
intended audience and the
ease of reporting.
9. Mass participation projects
can be ideal in gaining a
‘snap-shot’ overview of
the state of something. Its
success can rely on being
featured in the mass media;
alternatively it can take
advantage of breaking
stories in the news, in
which case rapid response
is necessary. You need to
think clearly about the
prompt for involvement
(why would someone take
part?), and whether sample
sizes will be sufcient.
Asking people to record
something too infrequently
is not ideal because they
may forget the prompt to
report it (unless it is very
memorable). Asking people
Before you start
Is citizen science the best approach?Notes on the decision framework
to record something too
frequently (e.g. all sightings
of a common animal, or
reports of river quality) is
not ideal because there
are too many prompts to
record, hence it becomes
too overwhelming and
reduces motivation to
submit reports. Making
these observations more
structured is an alternative
(e.g. report your local
river quality each month),
but this comes under the
sections regarding ‘long-
term’ surveillance.
10. Usually not suitable for
citizen science due to a
mismatch between the
intended audience e.g.
the general public and the
accessibility of the project.
11. Engaging with wide
audiences to undertake
something reasonably
detailed is one of the
classic examples of citizen
science. Key questions for
projects organisers is why
people would get involved
– what is the prompt to
get involved now rather
than later (and potentially
forget to take part), and
why people would take part
a second time – what are
the incentives for continued
engagement? Such a project
denitely needs sufcient
(i.e. substantial) investment
in supporting resources and
in recruitment.
12. It can be more successful
to work with people who
already have expertise (and
interest) in the subject, e.g.
working with birdwatchers
to undertake surveys,
rather than trying to recruit
people who do not already
have an interest in birds.
13. This question is important
because although there
may be a regulatory desire
to collect data in a certain
way, if the intended
volunteer participants
are not amenable to that
approach then pushing
ahead with the project
has a high chance of
failure. However, by
working with the intended
participants you could
work collaboratively to
develop a project that
is acceptable for the
intended participants.
14. If you require long-term
large-scale monitoring
by volunteers but do
not have a ready pool of
willing expert volunteers
then you need to think
carefully about their
incentive to be involved.
15. For this long-term
surveillance, you need
to demonstrate a long-
term commitment to the
project to fully engage with
16. For this long-term
surveillance, the issue of
working in collaboration
with your intended
audience is really important
(see [13]).
17. This question is about
the audience that you
have identied. Groups
of potentially interested
people are often people
who have a vested interest
in the outcome of the
surveillance, e.g. local
action groups, or anglers
concerned about river
quality, mountain walkers
concerned about invasive
plants etc.
18. A key question that you
need to consider is why
someone would start to
get involved and why they
would continue to be
19. A key question here is
whether you have the
commitment to provide
sufcient resources for
long enough. Training
participants requires time
and investment. You could
have quite high drop-out
rates, but this approach has
the potential to produce
some really committed
Notes on the decision framework
If you have decided that
citizen science may be useful,
we strongly recommend that
you refer to the ‘Guide to
Citizen Science’ (Tweddle et
al. 2012) to help you explore
the steps in actually setting
up a citizen science project.
Here we summarise a few
important aspects that you
should consider, which are
largely based on the ‘Guide to
Citizen Science’.
Resources: the
organisers’ time
Time is needed at all stages
of projects: in the set up
and design, in the running
of the project, and in the
reporting phase of the project.
When setting up projects
you will need sufcient lead
time to test protocols, set
up databases and websites
etc. During the running of
the project it is important
to ensure that the websites
continue to operate well
(website links work, databases
work, blogs are updated etc.).
Project organisers need to
be able to commit time for
the duration of the project.
If you are organizing the
citizen science project, then
your enthusiasm is vital to the
success of the project. Within
a large organisation this
enthusiasm and commitment
should be highly valued; there
are many examples of citizen
science projects that have
been launched with great
excitement but have rapidly
ceased to be active
or updated.
You will also need to
provide resources for the
analysis, interpretation and
communication of results.
Often the analysis of citizen
science data is complex
and while the analytical
approach should be planned
before the project is started,
undertaking the analysis and
communicating the results to
participants and the general
public (if appropriate) still
requires resources.
infrastructure and data
Infrastructure is an important
aspect of citizen science,
particularly the use of online
databases, visualisation
Before you start
Is citizen science the best approach?
Final thoughts on choosing and
using citizen science
Photo: Michael Pocock, CEH
Final thoughts on choosing and using
citizen science - continued
and feedback. Although
web-developers can set up
bespoke databases, there are
many examples of mature
technologies for databases
and for visualisation (Roy et
al. 2012). Broadly these can
be divided into: 1) bespoke
technologies that are designed
for a specic purpose and
audience; 2) adaptable
template-type platforms where
the project leader can modify
the content within the bounds
of the xed parameters of the
platform; and 3) technologies
that have aspects of both. See
the References and resources
section for more information
on these.
We strongly recommend
that data are stored in a way
that makes it easy to access
and easy to share. Often
open-source tools can be
used to reduce costs, though
we recommend the use of
mature and well-supported
Data protection needs to
be considered when storing
personal data online. It may
be possible to overcome this
by not collecting any personal
information, but this limits the
potential for communication
with people and personalised
feedback. Advice must be
sought to make sure that any
online data storage in the
UK complies with the Data
Protection Act.
Validation, quality
assurance and
One of the key aspects of
data collected by citizen
science projects is that it needs
to be ‘of known quality’.
‘Known quality’ can be either
‘guaranteed to be accurate’
(e.g. through verifying
photographs) or achieved by
quantifying the degree of error
or bias.
One of the most cost-effective
ways of ensuring high data
quality is to thoroughly test
your protocols (Tweddle
et al. 2012). Through this
process you can quantify
errors in measurement/
identication and improve
protocols where necessary.
For some projects, records
are only accepted if there is
accompanying information
(e.g. a photograph), especially
for unusual records. This
conservative approach may
result in the discarding
of genuinely interesting
data points, so should be
undertaken with care.
For other data, quality will be
affected by random error and
bias. Random error will increase
the ‘noise’ in the data (for
example, inaccuracy in making
counts), thus making it more
difcult to accurately discern
signals from the data. However,
most error is likely to be some
form of bias (a systematic error)
and this can vary due to many
different factors, including
people’s experience. This bias
needs to be quantied and
explicitly accounted for in the
analysis. One often overlooked
source of error is the lack of
a record. People are most
likely to record the presence
of something rather than its
absence or record something
out-of-the-ordinary, thus causing
systematic bias in the data.
Communicating with the
target audience is clearly a
vital aspect of citizen science.
Communication via the
mass media is appealing for
many organisers of citizen
science, but it is risky to rely
on journalists to promote a
project. It is wise to explore
alternative, more stable,
routes of communication (e.g.
newsletters of interest groups)
in addition to the mass media.
Social media (e.g. Twitter and
Facebook) has opened up new
opportunities for promoting
projects and communicating
with participants, and news
can spread quickly by ‘word-
of-mouth’. Workshops and
training sessions can provide
invaluable face-to-face contact
with project participants. Varied
approaches to communication
will ensure projects are
promoted in a way that meets
the requirements of the diverse
range of potential participants.
Final thoughts on choosing and using
citizen science - continued
It is also important to
consider what and how you
communicate (Blackmore et
al. 2013). Not only do you
need to communicate the
‘why?’ and ‘how?’ of your
project, but you should also
communicate the ‘so what?’.
For some projects, participants
might expect action in response
to their observation but this
may be beyond the scope
of the initiative e.g. getting
littered water courses cleaned
on their behalf. For some
other projects, participants
might be asked to collect
data that leads to a response
they nd unacceptable, e.g.
eradication of an attractive but
invasive non-native species. It
is important to consider and
address people’s expectations
early in the project.
Participant safety
Although citizen science should
only be considered if it can
be undertaken by volunteers
safely, no activity is risk-free.
Therefore risk assessments
should be undertaken
and sources of risk in the
instructions to participants
should be removed, as far
as possible. The risk, and its
reduction, should be clearly
and succinctly communicated
to participants. The level of
support and training will
inuence the types of risk that
are acceptable. For example,
when assessing water quality,
members of the general public
might be asked to make
observations from the bankside
only, while actually wading in
the water might be deemed
to be acceptable if personal
training was provided.
Legislative implications
For some subjects that
are amenable to a citizen
science approach there may
be important legislative
implications that need to be
considered (see the excellent
report by Bowser et al. 2013).
For example, what are the
implications of volunteers
being asked to report notiable
diseases on someone else’s
land, both on the landowner
and the agency given the task
of responding? If the citizen
science data leads to action by
regulatory authorities, then are
the data sufciently accurate
and robust? If the citizen
science data is used to derive an
indicator on which government
or agencies commit to act, then
are the data sufciently accurate
and robust?
Citizen science can be a
brilliant way to undertake
excellent science and engage
people with important and
relevant issues. We hope that
this 'Guide to Choosing and
Using Citizen Science' has
provided you with condence
to develop meaningful, useful
and successful citizen science
projects. Developing and
supporting citizen science
is hard work, but it should
also be enjoyable and very
rewarding both for organisers
and participants. So, please see
this guide as a starting point
that you can add to and adapt
to meet your needs and above
all remember to have fun...
enthusiasm is infectious!
Photo: Shutterstock
Blackmore, E., Underhill, R.,
McQuilkin, J. & Leach, R.
(2013). Common Cause
for Nature: Finding
Values and Frames in the
Conservation Sector. Public
Interest Research Centre,
Machynlleth, Wales.
Bonney, R., Ballard, H.,
Jordan, R., Mccallie, E.,
Phillips, T., Shirk, J. &
Wilderman, C. (2009). Public
Participation in Scientic
Research: Dening the Field
and Assessing Its Potential
for Informal Science
Education. A CAISE Inquiry
Group Report. Center for
Advancement of Informal
Science Education (CAISE),
Washington, D.C.
Bowser, A., Wiggins, A.
& Stevenson, R. (2013).
Data Policies for Public
Participation in Scientic
Research: A Primer.
DataONE: Albuquerque, NM.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
(2013). Citizen Science
Toolkit, http://www.birds.
Defra. (2012). UK
Biodiversity Indicators
in Your Pocket 2012.
Department for
Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs, London.
Nerbonne, J.F. & Nelson,
K.C. (2004). Volunteer
monitoring in the United
States: resource mobilization
and comparative state
structures. Society and
Natural Resources, 17,
Pocock, M.J.O., Chapman,
D.S., Sheppard, L.J. & Roy,
H.E. (2014). A Strategic
Framework to Support the
Implementation of Citizen
Science for Environmental
Monitoring. Final Report on
behalf of SEPA. Centre for
Ecology & Hydrology.
Pocock, M.J.O. & Evans,
D.M. (2014). The success of
the horse-chestnut leaf-
miner, Cameraria ohridella,
in the UK revealed with
hypothesis-led citizen
science. PLOS ONE, 9,
Rotman, D., Preece, J.,
Hammock, J., Procita,
K., Hansen, D., Parr, C.,
Lewis, D. & Jacobs, D.
(2012). Dynamic changes in
motivation in collaborative
citizen-science projects.
Proceedings of the ACM
2012 Conference on
Computer Supported
Cooperative Work, 217.
Roy, H.E., Pocock, M.J.O.,
Preston, C.D., Roy, D.B.,
Savage, J., Tweddle, J.C.,
Robinson, L.D. (2012).
Understanding Citizen
Science & Environmental
Monitoring. Final Report on
Behalf of UK-EOF. Centre
for Ecology & Hydrology,
Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
Silvertown, J. (2009). A
new dawn for citizen
science. Trends in Ecology &
Evolution, 24, 467–71.
Tweddle, J.C., Robinson,
L.D., Pocock, M.J.O. &
Roy, H.E. (2012). Guide to
Citizen Science: Developing,
Implementing and
Evaluating Citizen Science
to Study Biodiversity and
the Environment in the UK.
Natural History Museum
and Centre for Ecology
& Hydrology for UK-EOF,
London, UK.
References and resources
An example of a bespoke
technology designed
for specic purpose and
audience is the NatureLocator
smartphone apps http:// and the
online databases of many
extant citizen science projects.
Examples of adaptable
template-type platforms
Epicollect http://www. for mobile
PyBossa http:// for
crowd-sourcing http://www.citsci.
org/ for data collection and
Ushahidi http://www. for crowd-
sourced mapping
OpenTreeMap http://
opentreemap/ for
mapping trees
Examples of exible
and user-friendly data
systems are:
Indicia (http://www.indicia. a database toolkit
developed by the Centre for
Ecology & Hydrology, which
is purpose-designed for
the collection, visualisation,
verication and sharing
of biodiversity data and
could, with adaptation, be
used for the collection of
environmental data as well).
Google code (http://code.
Before you start
Is citizen science the best approach?
References and resources
Resources and links
About the authors
Michael Pocock
@ is an
ecologist at the Biological Records
Centre within the Centre for Ecology
& Hydrology. He co-leads Conker Tree
Science and has been involved in
several other citizen science and public
engagement with science projects.
Daniel Chapman
@ is a spatial ecologist
who works on modelling the spread
of invasive species and studying
phenology, such as the timing
of owering in spring, by using
biological recording data collected
through citizen science.
Lucy Sheppard
@ is a fellow at the
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,
working on the impacts of pollution
on ecosystems. She helped develop
a 'lichen-based index to nitrogen
air quality' that has been used for
citizen science.
Helen Roy
@ is an ecologist at the
Biological Records Centre within the
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. She has
enjoyed many opportunities to develop
and participate in citizen science, and
coordinates the UK Ladybird Survey.
Photo: Shutterstock