The Preliminary Conference Program
Thirtieth International Conference of Europeanists
Science Pro Lyon & Université Lyon 2
Lyon, France
3-5 July 2024
Address: 14 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7e (Sciences Po Lyon); 18 Quai
Claude Bernard, Lyon 7e (Université Lyon 2).
July 01, 2024
Dear CES Community,
Welcome to CES's International Conference of Europeanists! This year, CES returns to the European
continent, where colleagues at Sciences Po Lyon, Elico; Université Lumières Lyon 2, Elico;
Université Lumières Lyon 2, Triangle; and CNRS, Triangle have assembled an exciting and
stimulating program for our 2024 conference.
The return of the CES Conference to France is fitting and poignant. I write these words of welcome
on June 6, 2024, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, as representatives from France, the United States, the
United Kingdom and other European nations gather in Normandy to commemorate this momentous
event. Twenty-five years after D-Day, CES was established to coordinate and promote scholarship on
the politics, society, and history of Europe. Equally important, these efforts were transatlantic in scope
and purpose, laying the foundations for fifty years of fruitful collaboration between North American
and European scholars.
This year's conference theme, "Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation, and Reaction," encourages
us to reflect on the meaning of radicalité in the context of growing political, cultural, and military
conflict in Europe. Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has unleashed unspeakable suffering on the
Ukrainian people and prompted the reconfiguration of the European security landscape with the
accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO. Radical right parties continue to gain votes and influence
across Europe. New forms of protest and mobilization have upended conventional understandings of
political participation. Growing numbers of people fleeing persecution, hunger, and insecurity
continue to seek refuge in Europe. More than 1,100 scholars from a range of disciplines will present
their research on these and other themes vital to the study of European politics, society, history, and
Our two keynote speakers will address topics central to the theme of radicalité. Professor Didier
Fassin (Collége de France) will share his research on Europe's externalization of border control to
regions south of the Mediterranean to stem the flow of migrants. Fassin's research highlights the
violence and injustice inherent in these often invisible policies. Professor Emeline Fourment's
(University of Rouen Normandie) keynote analyzes alternatives to the criminal justice system in cases
of sexual violence, exploring the potential of experimental approaches to restorative justice.
Next year CES returns to North America, to Philadelphia, where Temple University --- CES's new
institutional home--- will host our 2025 conference. The interdisciplinary study of Europe is
particularly strong at Temple, and we are thrilled to have found the ideal home at Temple.
Please join me in thanking this year's Program Committee, the Local Organizing Committee, CES's
seventeen Research Networks (RNs), the CES Executive Committee, and CES staff for their
outstanding efforts in organizing this year's conference.
On behalf of CES, I wish all of you a productive and worthwhile conference, and I hope you will have
time to enjoy the cultural and historical sights that Lyon has to offer, as well as the natural beauty of
the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Karen Anderson
CES Chair
I am delighted to welcome the 30th Council for European Studies International Conference of
Europeanists to the Université Lumière Lyon 2.
Since its creation in 1973, the Université Lumière Lyon 2 has been committed to a strong and
demanding vision of Higher Education and Research, driven by a spirit and values that are also its
trademark: human and humanistic, committed and supportive, democratic and civic-minded.
The Université Lumière Lyon 2 welcomes 27 000 students on two campuses to its bachelor's,
master’s, and doctoral degrees. Its thirteen faculties and institutes offer a wide range of courses in four
areas of education and research: Arts, Literature, Languages / Law, Economics, Management /
Humanities and Social Sciences / Sciences, Technology and Health.
With thirty-three laboratories and seven research federations, the Université Lumière Lyon 2 is
developing cutting-edge research in each of its fields. Sensitive to the concerns and issues of society
such as gender, education, work, the city, disability, environment, memory and heritage, it participates
fully in social innovation through its research programs and numerous actions to disseminate
knowledge. Through the projects developed and carried out by its near 700 professors and
researchers, it promotes dialogue between the human and social sciences and the so-called hard
sciences, and places research at the heart of contemporary scientific and societal issues.
The 2024 CES conference theme echoes many studies conducted in our university. Unfortunately, the
last few years have shown the importance of the issue of radicalism across Europe, and the need for
multi-disciplinary research on the subject. The conference program promises exciting discussions.
Thank you to all participants for contributing to this timely reflection.
I hope you enjoy the conference and your stay in the beautiful city of Lyon.
Prof. Isabelle von Bueltzingsloewen
Vice-president in charge for Research, Doctoral Studies and Open Science
I am delighted to welcome the 30th Council for European Studies International Conference of
Europeanists to Sciences Po Lyon.
Founded in 1948, Sciences Po Lyon is a public higher education institution specialised in Human and
Social Sciences and training future executives in the public and private sectors.
The aim of our five-year curriculum is to ensure that our students graduate with a clearer
understanding of the contemporary world, including its challenges, stakeholders, vulnerabilities, and
outlooks for continuous development.
Our educational model is similar to that of Anglo-Saxon Schools of Public Affairs or School of
Government. Our teaching is fuelled by a constant quest for excellence and cultivates a multi-
disciplinary approach in human and social sciences based on five fundamental disciplines: history,
law, political science, information-communication and economy. On top of these, all of our graduates
leave with firm understandings of managerial sciences, management and, of course, language and
civilization. Their knowledge base is broad and deep.
Our Master’s level courses are divided into four sectors: Public Affairs, International Affairs,
Territories and Communication. This last sector offers three masters or specialty degrees: in data
journalism (with a partnership with the French Institute of Journalism in Paris); in management of
Culture (with strong partnerships with local cultural institutions on sandwich courses) and in Culture
and Institutional Communication.
With its 1,900 students and 250 international students, Sciences Po Lyon is a higher education
institution of a size that enables it to retain a human touch, offering optimal study conditions that can
benefit each and every individual student.
Research at Sciences Po Lyon is fundamental and serves to feed and develop teaching. The school co-
supervises three research laboratories (Triangle, the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies and ELICO)
to which the majority of permanent teaching and research staff are affiliated.
The institute also co-supervises the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, which supports or leads
multidisciplinary research programmes and provides the scientific community with a collection of
resources and support services.
The conference program promises exciting discussions. I wish you a conference full of
enriching discussions and a wonderful stay in our beautiful city of Lyon.
Hélène Surrel
Professeure de Droit public
Directrice de Sciences Po Lyon
Conference Side Events
Researching Social Movements: Methodological, Ethical, and Political Challenges
More details here: https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/researching-social-movements-methodological-ethical-
Graduate Workshop on Comparative Historical Research
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.006
Conference Side Event
Chair: Amel Ahmed - University of Massachusetts
CES Executive Committee Meeting
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.021
Conference Side Event
Chair: Karen Anderson - CES Chair
Researching Social Movements: Methodological, Ethical, and Political Challenges
More details here: https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/researching-social-movements-methodological-ethical-
Knowledge Community meeting "Bolstering the Political Feasibility of Sustainable Welfare”.
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room L201
Conference Side Event
Please register via this form by 12 June 2024 if you are interested and available to actively
contribute to the discussion. For any questions you have, please reach out
to taube.vanmelkebeke@gef.eu
GEF’s Knowledge Communities are aimed at advancing political and public debates towards
a green, socially just Europe, through establishing lasting networks of knowledge production,
exchange and dissemination. They are structured around and with a GEF core expert, who
delivers a political stock-take as well as new proposals and ideas for discussion with a wider
group of actors (i.e. the Knowledge Community). For this Knowledge Community, GEF
works together with Matteo Mandelli, Postdoctoral Fellow at Sciences Po Paris, with a view
to address the political drivers for and obstacles of sustainable welfare.
As the climate crisis visibly worsens, sustainable welfare is gaining momentum in the
European political and academic debate as a potentially preferable alternative to the prevalent
just transition policy paradigm, which is frequently deemed as insufficient. The aim of
Tuesday, July 2
Conference Side Events
sustainable welfare is to guarantee well-being within planetary boundaries through eco-social
policies. While many studies spend a lot of effort to convincingly justify the desirability of
sustainable welfare, much less is known about its political feasibility, hence about the
institutional and political conditions that are needed to implement really transformative socio-
ecological transitions. The fact that even less transformative just transition policies remain
currently rare across Europe and they are often highly contested shows that socio-ecological
transitions are politically hard to achieve. Against this background, this Knowledge
Community aims to identify the institutions, interests and ideas that can drive or hinder the
emergence of transformative eco-social policies. The ultimate ambition is to elaborate a
political strategy that could turn sustainable welfare from a theoretical ideal to a politically
successful reality.
On the 2 July, we want to test the first contours of such a strategy, which will be presented by
Mandelli, and further develop these with the participants. The discussions, held under
Chatham house rules, will be reflected in the final output of this work, through the format of a
GEF Knowledge Community Political Brief. A light dinner will be served during the
Pre-Conference Social RN Radicalization and Violence
From 6:00PM
Conference Side Event
Please RSVP by June 15th to ag3[email protected]
Political Economy and Welfare Research Network Reception
From 6:00PM
Conference Side Event
Conference Side Events
Political Economy and Research Network Business Meeting/Luncheon
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.122
Conference Side Event
Chair: Isabel Perera - Cornell University
Chair: Julian Garritzmann - Goethe University Frankfurt
Chair: Natascha van der Zwan - Leiden University
EIGPE side event on ‘Navigating the European Research Funding Landscape: Ideas, Persistence, and
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room L201
Conference Side Event
Moderator: Aneta Spendzharova
Panellists: Aidan Regan, Adina Akbik, Dermot Hodson, Donato Di Carlo, Matthias Thiemann
Historical Study of States and Regimes Research Network Business Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room L301
Conference Side Event
Chair: Amel Ahmed - University of Massachusetts
Radicalizing the Mainstream Online - The Far Right and Media Narratives of Islam in Western Europe
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.221
Conference Side Event
Sabrina Zajak, zajak@dezim-institute.de
Mirjam Weiberg, weiberg-salzmann@dezim-institut.de
Anna-Marie Meuth, meuth@dezim-institut.de
Liriam Sponholz, sponholz@dezim-institut.de
Discussion: Annett Graefe-Geusch, graefe-g[email protected]
Feminist and Queer Politics in Lyon
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | DEM.019
Conference Side Event
Chair: Katarzyna Wojnicka University of Gothenburg
Participant: Norah Memran, Fondation Le Refuge
Wednesday, July 3
Conference Side Events
Imagining Europe in the Postgrowth Era: Towards a Sustainable Welfare Deal | JCMS Annual Lecture
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Conference Side Event
Speaker: Max Koch, Lund University
Chair: Gabriel Siles-Brügge, University of Bristol and Editor-in-Chief of JCMS: Journal of Common Market
Given the lack of empirical evidence for sufficient absolute decoupling of GDP growth from environmental
resource use to stay within planetary limits and meet the Paris climate goals, the lecture invites attendants to
imagine Europe in the postgrowth era. The point of departure are critical issues of the European Green Deal
such as the EU’s continuingly ungeneralisable ecological footprint, accompanied by unprecedented socio-
economic inequality. With focus on degrowth the lecture then zooms in on approaches that substitute GDP
growth as overall policy target with environmental and social goals, operationalised as planetary boundaries and
social floors. Subsequently, it discusses selected eco-social policies from the sustainable welfare literature.
These policies target both the currently poor and the rich and are designed to move European consumption and
production patterns towards a safe space where human needs are met, and planetary boundaries not transgressed.
The discussion addresses structural barriers to this transformation and indicates some ways to tackle these.
Max Koch (speaker) is professor of social policy and sustainability at Lund University, Sweden. He currently
leads the interdisciplinary projects Postgrowth Welfare Systems and Economic Elites in the Climate Change
Transformation: Practices, justifications and regulations of unsustainable lifestyles in Sweden. He has published
widely on degrowth and sustainable welfare, mainly with focus on European societies.
Gabriel Siles-Brügge (chair) is Professor in Global Governance & Public Policy at the University of
Bristol, UK. He is one of the Editors-in-Chief of JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. His research
interests sit at the intersection of EU Studies, International Political Economy and Public Policy, where he has
published extensively on the politics of trade and investment agreements.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - How Europe Obscures Border Violence
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Speaker: Professor Didier Fassin, Collège de France
Chair: Montserrat Emperador Badimon, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Over the past decade, in a context of growing obsessiveness about migration and denial of asylum, the European
Union and European countries have developed policies externalizing the control of its borders on the other side
of the Mediterranean and even deep within the African continent. The lecture is based on a five-year
ethnographic research in the Briançonnais and the Val di Susa, including interviews of ninety exiles coming
from Africa and the Middle East. This border between Italy and France, in the Alps, will serve as both a scene,
revealing how people face the police and the military trying to stop them and push them back, and a prism,
illuminating how their journey are hindered by repressive policies delegated to Global South countries. Thus,
Europe’s complicity in the violence perpetrated against those who flee persecution or poverty, causing the death
of many of them, is rendered invisible.
Didier Fassin (speaker) is Professor at the Collège de France, where he holds the Chair Moral Questions and
Political Issues in Contemporary Societies, and at the Institute for Advanced Study, in the School of Social
Science. At the the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales where he is Director of Studies, he founded
Iris, the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Society. Anthropologist, sociologist and physician, he has
conducted research in Senegal, Congo, South Africa, Ecuador, and France, focusing on moral and political
issues. He gave the Roger Moore Lecture on resentment at Harvard, the Tanner Lectures at Berkeley on
punishment, the Adorno Lectures in Frankfurt on life, and the Eric Wolf Lecture in Vienna on conspiracy
Conference Side Events
theories. Recipient of the Gold Medal in anthropology at the Swedish Royal Academy of Science and of the
Nomis Distinguished Scientist Award, he is a member of the American Philosophical Society. Former Vice-
President of Doctors Without Borders, he is currently the President of the Comede, French Medical Committee
for Exiles. He edited or coedited thirty collective volumes and authored twenty books, translated in eight
languages, most recently The Will to Punish (Oxford University Press), Life. A Critical User’s
Manual (Polity), Death of a Traveller. A Counter Investigation (Polity), Policing the City. An Ethno-
Graphic (Other Press) and, with Anne-Claire Defossez L’Exil, toujours recommencé. Chronique de la
frontière (Seuil).
Montserrat Emperador Badimon (chair) is Associate Professor (Maîtresse de conférences) of Political
Sociology in the Department of Political Science at Université Lumière Lyon 2. She is currently
Marie Sklodowska Curie fellow and visiting scholar in the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société of INRS
(Institut national de la recherche scientifique) in Montreal. Her research interests include housing policy-making
and contentious collective action against evictions and displacement in Spain and Quebec.
CES Presidential Reception
8:00 PM 9:30 PM
Conference Side Event
All participants are invited but due to security reasons and space restrictions, please confirm your attendance
here before June 17.
Conference Side Events
EIGPE side event on ‘Reflecting on the EP elections: Is the honeymoon period over for the EU's
ambitious Green Deal?’
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Conference Side Event
Moderator: Donato Di Carlo
Panellists: Manuela Moschella, Diane Bolet, Dora Piroska, Aneta Spendzharova
Business Meeting RN Violence and Radicalization
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room L404
Conference Side Event
Chair: Annett Graefe-Geusch - DeZIM Institut
Social Movement Network Business Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room L202
Conference Side Event
Chair: Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon
Chair: Luisa Rossini - ICS - ULisboa
European Cultures Network Lunch Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.006
Conference Side Event
Chair: Claske Vos University of Amsterdam
Business in Politics & Society Research Network gathering / Network Lunch
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.021
Conference Side Event
Thinking about Alternative Justice Responses to Sexual Violence. The Case of Anti-Authoritarian
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Thursday, July 4
Conference Side Events
Speaker: Emeline Fourment, University of Rouen Normandie
Chair: Isabelle Garcin-Marrou, Sciences Po Lyon
Since 2017 and the #MeToo movement, sexual violence has emerged as a prominent topic in the public
discourse across numerous European countries. This has led to contentious debates between advocates for
women who come forward with allegations and defenders of the accused men. In this climate, public authorities
have often portrayed the criminal justice system as the sole arbiter of truth, with criminalization being presented
as the primary tool in combating sexual violence. Yet, both within and beyond the feminist movement, there is a
growing skepticism regarding the efficacy and relevance of relying on criminal justice. Questions arise: How
can cases of sexual violence be proven? What could justice look like for victims? And what should society do
with the accused individuals? Well before 2017, anti-authoritarian activists in Germany, Quebec, and France
were facing these same questions. They have sought alternative practices to criminal justice, with varying
degrees of success. This keynote seeks to analyze these experiments and their implications for addressing issues
of justice concerning sexual violence.
Emeline Fourment (speaker) is an Associate Professor of political science at the University of Rouen
Normandie. Her research interests include alternative practices to criminal justice, gender issues, and health
movements. She is currently involved in a research project on restorative justice at Sciences Po Paris and
another project on the West-German health movement at the University of Constance. Additionally, she co-
coordinates the French-speaking research network on gender-based violence, VisaGe.
Her recent publications explore the complex relationship between feminists and physicians (Critique
Internationale, 2023) and the transnational dissemination of knowledge on transformative justice within anti-
authoritarian communities (in M. Di Donato, M. Fulla eds. Leftist Internationalisms, Bloomsbury, 2023).
Presently, she is working on a book examining feminist justice practices against sexual violence within anti-
authoritarian communities in Germany, France, and Québec/Canada.
Isabelle Garcin-Marrou (chair) is Full Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at Sciences Po
Lyon, and a member of the ELICO research unit, which she directed from 2013 to 2023. She works mainly on
media treatment of sensitive socio-political issues (terrorism, urban identities, gender) and on media
representations (of women, of territories). She currently heads the EPIC doctoral school (Education,
Psychology, Information-Communication), one of three doctoral schools in the human and social sciences at the
University of Lyon Saint-Etienne.
Territorial Politics and Federalism Research Network Business/Networking Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room DEM.021
Conference Side Event
Chair: Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras - University of California, Riverside
How to do Intersectionality? Methodologies for Intersectional Research Across Different Contexts
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | DEM.019
Conference Side Event
Friday, July 5
Conference Side Events
Chair: Tunay Altay Humboldt-University Berlin
Jean Beaman- University of California, Santa Barbara
Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida International University
Serena D’Agostino - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Wednesday, July 3
[1] Anti-colonial and Anti-racist Intellectual
Work: Denaturalizing Dominations from the
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Abigail Lewis Temple University
Maqoma's Refusal Against Epistemic Violence in
the Archive
Single Paper
Sabelo Mcinziba - University Bayreuth
Mustapha Matura’s Playboy Of The West Indies:
An Anti-Colonial Allegory And Call For Radical
Single Paper
Hagar Abdalbar - Utrecht University
No Eurocentrism without Capitalism: Latin
American Marxism and the Racial Critique of
Single Paper
Inés Valdez - Johns Hopkins University
[2] Author Meets Critics: Cathie Jo Martin's
Education for All
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Amel Ahmed - University of Massachusetts
Kathleen McNamara
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Cathie Jo Martin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jane Gingrich
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Marius Busemeyer
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Randall Halle
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[3] Back to Your Roots: Radical Politics and
Traditional Food in the European Far Right
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Katherine Kondor - The Norwegian Center
for Holocaust and Minority Studies
Chair: Catherine Tebaldi - University of
“Against politically correct nutrition”: Ancestral
Foods and Far-right Knowledge Production
Single Paper
Catherine Tebaldi - University of
Porridge Fascism: Dietary Discipline In The
History Of The Far Right
Single Paper
Celestine Salomé Kunkeler - University
of Oslo
Not All Goulash and Bratwurst: Ideas of
Traditional Food and Health in the Hungarian
and German Extreme Right
Single Paper
Katherine Kondor - The Norwegian
Center for Holocaust and Minority
Greta Jasser - University of Göttingen
Mainstreaming in the Kitchen: The Far-right
Food Politics of Forum for Democracy
Single Paper
Iris Beau Segers - Center for Research
on Extremism, University of Oslo
“In the Raw”: Far right ideology, conspiracy,
and lifestyle consumption
Single Paper
Eviane Leidig - Tilburg University
Discussant: Léonie de Jonge - University of
[4] Central Banking and Finance in the New EU
Political Economy
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: David Howarth - University of Luxembourg
Wednesday, July 3
Central Banking After The Debt Shift: Wither
“Masters Of The Universe”?
Single Paper
Dustin Voss - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Lukas Spielberger - University of
Central bank cooperation as norm-based action
-- Lessons from Europe
Single Paper
Lukas Spielberger - University of
The European Central Bank and the Political
Economy of Central Bank Digital Currencies
Single Paper
Lucia Quaglia - Bologna University
Amy Verdun - University of Victoria
Discussant: Lucia Quaglia - Bologna University
[5] Climate Change and Environmental
Movements in Theory and Practice
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University Institute
of Lisbon
Chair: Peter Gardner - University of York
Bringing Issues Into Social Movement Theory:
How Climate Change Matters for Climate
Single Paper
Joost de Moor - Sciences Po
"That’s the bet": frames, strategies and theories
of change in climate justice action
Single Paper
Lorenzo Zamponi - Scuola Normale
The cross-national determinants of European
environmental protest: between political
economy and culture?
Single Paper
Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University
Institute of Lisbon
Peter Gardner - University of York
João Santos - Iscte - University Institute
of Lisbon
The Body of Deliberation: The Radical
Democracy of the Participatory Embodied
Experiences in Climate Citizens’ Assemblies
Single Paper
Maria Prieto - California Institute of
Integral Studies
Discussant: Guya Accornero - Iscte - University
Institute of Lisbon
[6] Decolonizing East European Studies. The
Role of Academic Journals (1): Political Science
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Wendy Bracewell - UCL
Michael Bernhard
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Adam Fagan
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Krzysztof Jasiewicz
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jan Rovny
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Lenka Bustikova
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[7] Digital Democratic Innovations in European
Political Parties (I)
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Oscar Barberà - University of Valencia
Chair: Marco Meloni - University of Southampton
Chair: Fabio Lupato García - Complutense
University Madrid
Chair: Valeria Tarditi - Università della Calabria
A Leap of Faith towards Digital Democracy:
Hungarian Opposition Parties’ Online Primaries
in 2022
Single Paper
Wednesday, July 3
Bálint Mikola - CEU Democracy
Dániel Oross - Centre for Social
Sciences (CSS)
Defining Party (Democratic) Innovations
Single Paper
Fabio García Lupato - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Marco Meloni - University of
Innovative Digital Strategies of “DA, Bulgaria!”
Single Paper
Petia Gueorguieva - New Bulgarian
Discussant: Oscar Barberà - Universitat de
València / ESPOL - Université Catholique de
[8] Environmental Fights: Mobilization and
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Raquel Duque - Lusíada University
Fighting on the Environmental Rights Front: the
Eternal Return of Radicality?
Single Paper
Susana Muñoz - University of
Lithium Mining in Europe’s Periphery: The
Environmentalist Mobilization Against
Authoritarian Rule in Serbia
Single Paper
Marko Zilovic - University of Belgrade
Municipal Policy (In)capacity in Istanbul for
Sustainable Development
Single Paper
Ebru Ertugal - Özyeğin University
No Rain In Sight - The Electoral Effect Of
Drought And Water Restrictions In France
Single Paper
Nina Lopez-Uroz - European University
[9] Feminist (Re)actions in the Era of the Far
Right’s Resurgence
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lucrecia Rubio Grundell - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
'Stop torpedoing women's rights!': feminist
institutional responses to anti-gender actors in
Spain and Catalonia
Single Paper
Emanuela Lombardo - Complutense
University of Madrid
Paloma Caravantes - Complutense
University of Madrid
Silvia Díaz-Fernández - Complutense
University of Madrid
Navigating the Storm: Feminist Responses to
Anti-Gender and Far-Right Opposition in Italian
Education Policy
Single Paper
Anna Lavizzari - Universidad
Complutense Madrid
Giada Bonu Rosenkranz - Scuola
Normale Superiore
The Mediterranean Pioneer: Explaining Spain
Gender-targeted Leaves Through Feminist
Strategies in Favorable Political and
Institutional Conditions
Single Paper
Manuel Alvariño Vázquez - European
University Institute
Intra-feminist Debates and the Rise of
Opposition Against Gender Equality and LGBT
rights: the Case of Surrogacy at EU level
Single Paper
Lucrecia Rubio Grundell - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Higher Education and Research and the
Intersection of Gender and Racial or Ethnic
Origins: An Analysis of EU Policies
Single Paper
Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira -
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Discussant: Francesca Feo - University of Bergen
[10] Mass and Social Media as Fields of Battle?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Wednesday, July 3
Chair: Luca Manucci - Institute of Social Sciences
- University of Lisbon (ICS-UL)
Radical Humor as Weapon : Russo-Ukranian
war in National and International Political
Cartoons and Memes (Multimodal Frame
Single Paper
Orest Semotiuk - Institute of Slavic
Studies Polish Academy of Sciences
How to Exhibit Competing Narratives:
Confronting Legacies of Conflict or Sustaining
Social Cleavages?
Single Paper
Andrea Carlà - Eurac Research -
Institute for Minority Rights
Alexandra Cosima Budabin - Eurac
Research - Institute for Minority Rights
Josef Prackwieser - Center for
Autonomy Experience
Mirrors and Triggers: Perceptions and
Proposals of Printed Press Cartoons in the
Building of the European Integration Process
Single Paper
Cristina Blanco Sío-López - University
of La Coruña
[11] Nationalism and Hypocrisy in the
Realization of EU Values
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Kim Scheppele - Princeton University
The State of EU Democracy after the 2024 EU
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Defending Sovereignty? - Hungarian Approach
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Anti-Rule of Law (Sincere) Cooperation: The
Example of EU Borders
Book / Roundtable Panelist
EU Law as an Example of Nationalism Wearing
a Cosmopolitan Hat
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[12] Opinion, Law and Representative
Democracy - Panel I
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Staffan Kumlin - University of Oslo, Dept
of Political Science
Public Opinion and Egalitarianism in Party
Platforms: Party Responsiveness, Voter
Responsiveness, or Mere Correlation?
Single Paper
Leo Ahrens - University of Konstanz
Alexander Horn - University of Konstanz
Voting System Of A Down? Safe Seats and
Political Satisfaction in the United Kingdom
Single Paper
Katy Morris - University of Lausanne
Joseph Ganderson - London School of
Explaining Legitimacy in the Context of
Multilevel Government
Single Paper
Soetkin Verhaegen - Maastricht
Virginie Van Ingelgom - UCLouvain
Thomas Laloux - UCLouvain
[13] Perspectives (Far) Right German Actors
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lara Helmke - Universität Leipzig
Right-Wing Extremist Actors And Their Radical
Strategies For Retaining Existing Members And
Generating New Ones
Single Paper
Lara Helmke - Universität Leipzig
What if AfD Takes Over? A Case Study From the
First City with an AfD Mayor in Germany
Single Paper
Nikolas Dietze - University of Leipzig
Ideologies Of Normal And Radical: A German
Case Study
Single Paper
April Reber - Brigham Young University
Wednesday, July 3
(No) Place for Wolves in Saxony? Fear,
emotions and the debate about the foreign and
the own.
Single Paper
Patrick Irmer - University Leipzig
Civil Society Opposing Right-Wing Populists:
the Effect of Initiatives Against Alternative for
Single Paper
Bénédicte Laumond - CESDIP/UVSQ
[14] Political Responses to Economic
Transformations: A Comparative Discussion
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Hyeok Yong Kwon - Korea University
Growth Model and Consumption Tax Burden
Single Paper
Sung Ho Park - Yonsei University Mirae
Hyeok Yong Kwon - Korea University
Jun Hui Eom - Korea University
Why do Youth in the Consolidated Democracies
support the former Dictator? -the Case of Park
Chung Hee in Korean Democracy.
Single Paper
WooJin Kang - Kyungpook National
Technological Change, Risks, and Support for
Social Policy in the Knowledge Economy:
Evidence from South Korea
Single Paper
Jun Hui Eom - Korea University
Gyewon Jo - Korea University
Dong Hun Kim - Korea University
Hyeok Yong Kwon - Korea University
Eunjin Lee - Korea University
Woojin Moon - Ajou University
Discussant: Hansoo Lee - Ajou University
[15] Public Sphere, Medias and Information
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alina Mozolevska - Petro Mohyla Black
Sea National University
The Kremlin’s Propaganda: The Impact of
Media Exposure to Authoritarian Discourse in
Post-Communist Countries
Single Paper
Anouk van Vliet - Leiden University
Media as Flood: Information Overload and
Youth News Avoidance in Serbia
Single Paper
Emma E. S. Brandt - Northwestern
The legitimacy of science and the populist
backlash: Cross-national and longitudinal trends
and determinants with a special focus on Europe
Single Paper
Mike Zapp - OEJQS
[16] Radical Politics and Conspiracy Thinking
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lukas Haffert - University of Geneva
Conspiracy Thinking As A Political
Phenomenon: The Results Of A Survey
Experiment In Five Countries
Single Paper
Martin Dolezal - University of Salzburg
Reinhard Heinisch - University of
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on
Political Trust and Participation in Germany
Single Paper
Piotr Kocyba - EFBI Uni Leipzig
Johannes Kiess - EFBI Leipzig
Radical Politics During Transboundary Crises:
Protests And Politics Over Covid-19 Vaccine
Policies In Europe And The U.S.
Single Paper
Tanya Buhler Corbin - Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University
Conspiracy Theory Communication Strategies
and Support for Democratic Backsliding
Single Paper
Frances Cayton - Cornell University
Courtney Blackington - UNC-Chapel
Wednesday, July 3
[17] Radicalism and Reaction in European
Migration Governance
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: James Hampshire - University of Sussex
Chair: Randall Hansen - University of Toronto
Migration And The Liberal Paradox in Europe
Single Paper
James Frank Hollifield - SMU
Migration Diplomacy: Opportunities and Pitfalls
of an Evolving Research Agenda
Single Paper
Fiona B. Adamson - SOAS, University of
Employer Associations and EU Labor Migration
Policy: An Economization of Migration
Single Paper
Georg Menz - Old Dominion University
From discourses to public policies? Radical
Populist Anti-immigration Parties and their
influence on migration policies
Single Paper
Rut Bermejo - University Rey Juan
Quiet Politics in Noisy Times: Growth Models
and Immigration Policy in Europe
Single Paper
James Hampshire - University of Sussex
Discussant: Randall Hansen - University of
[18] Rethinking Responsibility and
Responsiveness in European Economic
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Johannes Karremans - ESPOL-LAB,
Université Catholique de Lille
Chair: Amandine Crespy - Université Libre de
Maurits van der Veen
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Manuela Moschella
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Tiago Moreira Ramalho
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Amandine Crespy
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Johannes Karremans
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[19] Social Policy in Old Age - New Trends and
their Causes - Panel I
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
Chair: Christopher Grages - SOCIUM / University
of Bremen
The Demographic Transition: Modern
Challenges to Social Security and Policy Options
Single Paper
Neil Gilbert - University of California,
Women's Gains Offsetting Men's losses? Pension
Retrenchment, Labour Market Change, and the
Pensioner Household in Europe
Single Paper
Traute Meyer - University of
Explaining different paths towards older people's
active social citizenship in German and English
long-term care policies
Single Paper
Thurid Eggers - University of Bremen
Discussant: Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
[20] Students in Europe, Students for Europe?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Cécile Robert - Sciences Po Lyon
Chair: Willy Beauvallet - Université Lumière Lyon
Wednesday, July 3
Students and/in Europe
Single Paper
Claudia Wiesner - Fulda University of
Applied Sciences
Views from the ‘periphery’: how do young
informed citizens in Bulgaria perceive the EU?
Single Paper
Ruzha Smilova - Sofia University and
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Kaloyan Velchev - Sofia University
Value Change and Student Perceptions of the
Single Paper
Kim O K Zilliacus - University of
Niilo Kauppi - University of Helsinki
Croatian Students' Voices on the EU: Bridging
the Gap in the EU's Newest Member State
Single Paper
Ana Matan - University of Zagreb -
Faculty of Political Science
Igor Vidacak - University of Zagreb -
Faculty of Political Science
Discussant: Willy Beauvallet - Université Lumière
Lyon 2
[21] The Politics of Sustainable Finance in the
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Daniel Mertens - Osnabrück University
Chair: Natascha van der Zwan - Leiden University
Puzzling, Powering, Profiting: The Politics Of
Sustainable Finance In Europe
Single Paper
Daniel Mertens - Osnabrück University
Natascha van der Zwan - Leiden
Unpacking the (In)just Transition: The Political
Economy of Climate Welfare Policy
Single Paper
Katrijn Siderius - Goethe University
In the green trenches: The EIBs quest to become
EUs climate bank
Single Paper
Matthias Thiemann - Sciences Po
Dan Mocanu - Oxford University
Raise your game or fall behind? Explaining the
use of EU sustainable finance in the EU’s
Central and Eastern European member states
Single Paper
Ringa Raudla - Tallinn University of
Kaija Veskioja - Tallinn University of
Discussant: Elsa Clara Massoc - University of St
Discussant: Alexander Reisenbichler University
of Toronto
[22] Situated Radicality: Reclaiming Urban
Spatiality at the Heart of Environmental
09:00 AM - 10:45 AM Universite Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Francesca Sabatini - University of Bologna
What kind of radicality do we need today?
Fabrizio Tonello - University of
Urban protest for climate as a constituent force
in a context of transition
Francesca Neyroz - University of
Is the ecological transition limited to cities?
Exploring research and protest routes from
less developed regions
Leonardo Pasqui - University of
Activism and Prefigurative Politics for
Cultural Policy
Alice Borchi - University of Leeds
[23] Trust, Politics and Health after the COVID-
19 pandemic
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Scott Greer - University of Michigan
Wednesday, July 3
Covid-19 Vaccine Politics : Fluctuating Trust in
Expert Institutions during the Pandemic in
Sarah Rozenblum
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Trusting the future? The sustainability
challenges for health systems and politics.
Monika Steffen
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[24] What Does Queer Theory Teach Us about
European Studies? Analyzing EUrope with
Queer-as-Theory or Queer-as-Object-of-Study
Panel 1
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Malte Breiding - Lund University
Chair: Emil Edenborg - Stockholm University
Learning From or Thinking With? Queer
Theory, Migration Studies, and Sexuality in
Single Paper
Tunay Altay - Humboldt Universität zu
From Homomonument To” Gläntan”: What Is
So European In The European Queer
Single Paper
Katarzyna Wojnicka - University of
“Free to be yourself in the EU”: the von der
Leyen Commission, LGBTIQ equality, and anti-
gender movement in European Neighborhood
Single Paper
Maryna Shevtsova - KU Leuven
Consistently Queer? The EU Leading the Call
for LGBT Equality in times of Dissensus
Single Paper
Malte Breiding - Lund University
Discussant: Emil Edenborg - Stockholm
[25] Bringing Politics Back To Work I:
Changing Work Organization and Political
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Paulus Wagner - European University
Institute, SPS
Chair: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Workplace Regimes And Attitudes To
Redistribution In Europe
Single Paper
Seán Ó Riain - National University of
Ireland Maynooth
Amy Erbe Healy - University of Limerick
Experiences of deprivation in the world of work
and perceptions of general politics in East
Single Paper
Johannes Maximilian Kiess - Universität
Sophie Bose - Universität Leipzig
Andre Schmidt - Universität Leipzig
Managers Of Change: How Firms Shape
Whether Modernization Leads To Polarization
Single Paper
Leon Küstermann - EUI, Florence
The Political Effects of Work-life (un)balance.
Insights from the Covid-19 Crisis
Single Paper
Walter Haeusl - Scuola Normale
Discussant: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris CEE
[26] Building and Denying Communities:
Symbols and Mechanisms of Regional Identity
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Elisabeth Donat - University for
Continuing Education Krems
Halloumi, Law and Power in Europe and the
Single Paper
Jasmine Samara - University of Oregon
School of Law
Radical Regional? Citizen Understandings of
Single Paper
Lorena Ortiz Cabrero - Université de
Political Depolarization in Catalonia
Wednesday, July 3
Single Paper
Daniel Cetrà - University of Barcelona
Diego Muro - University of St Andrews
Why Is Identification With The EU Increasing
Single Paper
Martin Schröder - Saarland University
Martin Ulrich - Saarland University
[27] Current Issues in Radicalism and Violence
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eric Schoon - Ohio State University
Far-right Culture and Extremism in Greece
Single Paper
Anna Karakatsouli - National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens
Radicalisation in the Nordics and Beyond: social
exclusion and place in radicalisation
Single Paper
Richard McNeil-Willson - Leiden
Power Asymmetries Inverted: Suspicion,
Insecurity, and Ethnographic Positionality in
Contentious Contexts
Single Paper
Eric Schoon - Ohio State University
Danielle van Dobben Schoon - The Ohio
State University
Do Terrorist Groups End: Examining how
Counterterrorism and Peacebuilding Enable
Radicalisation & Violent Jihad
Single Paper
Shaswati Das - University of York
Mia Bloom - Georgia State University
“The terrorist is one of us”. What can Vienna’s
(2020) example say about the threats in the name
of religion?
Single Paper
Jeta Abazi - University of Vienna
Discussant:Annett Graefe-Geusch - German
Centre for Integration and Migration Research
[28] Democratic Backsliding and Populism
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Petar Bankov - University of Glasgow
Beyond Law and Justice: State Owned
Enterprises and the Radical un-levelling of the
Playing Field During the 2023 Parliamentary
Elections in Poland
Single Paper
Jan Misiuna - SGH Warsaw School of
Krzysztof Kozlowski - SGH Warsaw
School of Economics
Is Popular Support for Autocracy a Problem of
Information? Evidence from Survey Experiments
in Hungary
Single Paper
Laura Jakli - Harvard Business School
Jason Wittenberg - University of
California, Berkeley
Béla Greskovits - Central European
What Are We Fighting For? Viewing Populism
as a Conflict
Single Paper
Or Dar - Haifa University
Measuring the support for democratic
backsliding in Europe
Single Paper
Noam Titelman - Sciences Po
Javier Sajuria - Queen Mary University
Lisa Zanotti - Universidad Diego
Democratic Backsliding in Israel and the Role of
the Capitalist Class
Single Paper
Or Dar - Haifa University
[29] Deradicalization and Disengagement
Interventions: Between Effective Actions and
Moral Dilemmas
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Mattia Zeba - EURAC Research
Chair: Roberta Medda-Windischer - Eurac
Tackling Radicalization and Violent Extremism
through Roleplaying: Challenges and Solutions
in the Field of Civic Education
Single Paper
Mattia Zeba - Eurac Research
Wednesday, July 3
Roberta Medda-Windischer - Eurac
Discussant: Roberta Medda-Windischer - Eurac
[30] Digital Democratic Innovations in
European Political Parties (II)
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Oscar Barberà - University of Valencia
Chair: Fabio Lupato García - Complutense
University Madrid
Chair: Marco Meloni - University of Southampton
Chair: Valeria Tarditi - Università della Calabria
Efficiency or Democracy: Is Digital The Answer
To The Dilemma?
Single Paper
Valeria Tarditi - University of Calabria
With or Without you? Municipal Progressive
Networks: Digital Democratic Innovations to
Contaminate or Disrupt Political Parties
Single Paper
Marco Guglielmo - Royal Holloway
University of London (UK)
Normalization or Equalization? Dynamics of
Social Media Advertising in Europe
Single Paper
Antonella Seddone - University of Turin
Daniela R. Piccio - University of Turin
Discussant: Marco Meloni - University of
[31] Dissensus in the European Union: The Law
and Politics of European Economic Governance
- Panel I
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Dimitrios Argyroulis - Université Libre de
Courts and Eurozone Crisis. Towards Radicial
Judicialization of European Economic
Single Paper
Aleksandra Kustra-Rogatka - Nicolaus
Copernicus University
The Constitutional Implications Of Fiscal
Councils On Democratic Accountability For
Budgetary Decisions In EU Member States
Single Paper
Maciej Serowaniec - Nicolaus
Copernicus University in Toruń
Cristina Fasone - LUISS Guido Carli
The Conditionality Mechanism A Tool For
Restoring The Rule Of Law Or “Ultra Vires”
Expanding Of The Competences Of EU
Single Paper
Iwona Ewa Wroblewska - Nicolaus
Copernicus University
Katarzyna Jachimowicz - Nicolaus
Copernicus University
Democratic Legitimacy in the Post-Crisis
European Economic Governance: The Polish
Single Paper
Maciej Serowaniec - Nicolaus
Copernicus University in Toruń
Wojciech Włoch - Nicolaus Copernicus
University in Toruń
The European Semester As a Rule of Law
Single Paper
Louise Fromont - Université libre de
Discussant: Dimitrios Argyroulis - Université
Libre de Bruxelles
[32] Economic and Financial Matters in Europe
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jacqueline Best - University of Ottawa
The limits to macroeconomic policy-making: the
role of the NAIRU and its siblings
Single Paper
Tobias Arbogast - MPIfG
Solving the Crisis of Investment? Socialist
Parties and Financial Reform in 1980s Europe
Single Paper
Virginia Crespi de Valldaura - London
School of Economics
Wednesday, July 3
The Struggle To Integrate Financial Stability
Considerations In Monetary Policy
Single Paper
Bart Stellinga - WRR
Matthias Thiemann - SciencesPo
[33] Elites’ Backgrounds and Distributive
Politics: Comparative Perspectives on Political,
Economic and Administrative Elites
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lea Elsässer - Johannes Gutenberg
University of Mainz
Chair: Julian Garritzmann - Goethe University
Who Wants Descriptive Representation, And
Single Paper
Armin Schäfer - JGU Mainz
Political Preferences of Economic Elites:
Evidence from the Tech Sector
Single Paper
Aina Gallego - Universitat de Barcelona
Julio Perez - Universitat de Barcelona
Trade unions as steppingstones to working-class
office holding? Evidence from German
parliamentary careers
Single Paper
Lea Elsässer - Johannes Gutenberg
University of Mainz
Weberian ‘gesinnungslose’ bureaucrats?
Selection, socialization, and stakeholders shape
civil servants’ policy preferences
Single Paper
Julian Garritzmann - Goethe University
Katrijn Siderius - Goethe University
Value translation and issue valorization: how
professionals shape divergent trajectories of
impact investing in the UK and Switzerland
Single Paper
Philip Balsiger - Université de
Philipp Golka - MPIfG Cologne
Noé Kabouche - Université de Neuchâtel
Discussant: Christina Zuber University of
[34] European Economic Policy Between Crisis:
National Fiscal Politics in a Changing
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Vanessa Endrejat - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Chair: Camilla Locatelli - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
United we bargain divided we beg: fiscal politics
in Italy and France in the second decade of the
Single Paper
Camilla Locatelli - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Returning to Rigor: Germany and the EU's
Fiscal Rules
Single Paper
Michele Chang - College of Europe
Swabian Housewife or Swabian Entrepreneur?
German Business, Public Frugality, and Shifting
Fiscal Attitudes since the Financial Crisis.
Single Paper
Mischa Stratenwerth - Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Societies
The SPD and the German export-led model from
entrenching to rebalancing: different paths of
policy 'redemption' in the 2010s
Single Paper
Gabriele Beretta - Scuola Normale
Discussant: Donato di Carlo - Luiss University,
[35] Grace Ballor, Enterprise and Integration:
Big Business and the Making of the Single
European Market
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Daniel Kinderman - University of Delaware
Chair: Dennie Oude Nijhuis - Leiden University
Christakis Georgiou
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Sabine Pitteloud
Wednesday, July 3
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Laurent Warlouzet
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[36] Green Deal or Green Washing in the EU?
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Olaf van Vliet - Leiden University
From the Green to the Just Transition: How did
the EU adapted climate policies during and after
the neoliberal era?
Single Paper
Gianmarco Fifi - London School of
Xinchuchu Gao - University of Lincoln
Regulating Sustainability Reporting in the EU:
Firm Preferences in Corporate Sustainability
ReportingSingle Paper
Friedrich Haas - University of Cologne
Michael Kemmerling - University of
[37] Institutional Reforms in European
Multilevel Democracies and the EU
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Mario Kölling - Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia (UNED)
De/centralizing Reforms and the Sectoral
Division of Powers: The Case of Affordable
Housing in Austria and Germany
Single Paper
Johanna Schnabel - Freie Universität
Antonios Souris - Freie Universität
Understanding Institutional Reforms in
Multilevel Systems: Types, Triggers and
Conditions for Success
Single Paper
César Colino - UNED
Eloísa del Pino - IPP, CSIC
José A. Olmeda - UNED
Angustias Hombrado - UNED
Territorial Reforms and Fiscal Federalism in
Single Paper
Alice Valdesalici - Eurac Research
Engineering Representation in Multilevel
Democracies: the Belgian Case as a Starting
Point to Reflect on Bicameral Systems
Single Paper
Jakob Frateur - University of Antwerp
Petra Meier - University of Antwerp
Discussant: Francisco Romero Caro - EURAC
[38] Laboratories of Social Investment. Post-
industrial Cities and the Shifting Boundaries of
Welfare Provision
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Gemma Scalise - University of Milan-
Chair: Anton Hemerijck - European University
Services Provision in Vienna: still a just City?
Single Paper
Ruggero Cefalo - University of Vienna
Yuri Kazepov - University of Vienna
A Social Investment Favourable Context In An
'Unfitting’ Country? An In-depth Study On
Labour Market And Inclusion Policies In Milan
Single Paper
Cristina Burini - University of Milano-
Giulia Colombini - University of
Jurgena Myftiu - University of Milano-
The city as emerging welfare actor: Amsterdam,
between stopgap and innovation hub
Single Paper
Meike Bokhorst - Netherlands Scientific
Council for Government Policy
David Bokhorst - European University
Tijn Croon - Technical University of
Stockholm Facing the Challenges of
Segregation and a Fragmented Policy Network
Single Paper
John Brauer - Örebro university
Wednesday, July 3
Lisa Andersson - Stockholm University
Discussant: Anton Hemerijck - European
University Institute
[39] New Perspectives on the European
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sergiu Gherghina - University of Glasgow
Interest groups and transparency in the
European Parliament
Single Paper
Nuria Font - Universitat Autonoma de
Pro-European EP Groups on the Future of
Single Paper
Natasza Styczynska - Jagiellonian
Elodie Thevenin - Jagiellonian
Comparing Standards of Transparency in the
European Parliament as an ‘Actor’ and as a
Single Paper
Cristina Ares - University of Santiago de
Nuria Font - Universitat Autònoma de
Discussant: Sergiu Gherghina - University of
[226] Political Representation, Participation and
Radical Democracy
11:00 AM to 12:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 |
Room DEM.122
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University Institute
of Lisbon
Radicalising Democracy in Europe: Lessons
from the Global South
Single Paper
Camilo Tamayo Gomez - University of
Kaan Agartan - Framingham State
Resisting Authoritarianism through Food
Activism? Unleashing Direct Social Action in
Single Paper
Hande Dönmez - Scuola Normale
Engendering Embodied Deliberation: Ecologies
of Care and Democratic Innovation in Climate
Citizens' Assemblies
Single Paper
Maria Prieto - California Institute of
Integral Studies
Shades On The Blackboard: Making Teachers’
Precarity Politically Relevant In Central Italy
Single Paper
Guillaume Silhol - Università di
Bologna - Alma Mater Studiorum
[40] Political Voice of Marginalised Groups and
Asylum Seekers
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Political Voice: Protest, Democracy and
Marginalised Groups
Single Paper
Aidan McGarry - Loughborough
University, London
Transnational Entrepreneurs and the Emergence
of New Forms of Civicness in Ukraine's War
Single Paper
Roch Dunin-Wasowicz - UCL Social
Research Institute / LSE IDEAS
Karolina Czerska-Shaw - Jagiellonian
University in Kraków
“Speech is Silver but Silence is Golden”: In-
Between Spaces of Everyday Solidarity in
Ventimiglia and Trieste
Single Paper
Noemi Bergesio - University of Bologna
Ophelia Nicole-Berva - European
University Institute
Defending the right to asylum in Switzerland : A
study of the Geneva mobilisation in 1986
Single Paper
Apolline Foedit - Graduate Institute of
International and Development Studies
Wednesday, July 3
[41] Radical Challenges To Democracy:
Historical Lessons For The Contemporary
Study of Political Parties and Regimes
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Matthias Dilling - Swansea University
Traces of the Past: Regime Histories and Anti -
Foreigner Violence in Post - Unification
Single Paper
Hannah Alarian - University of Florida
Michael Bernhard - University of
Andrew Rosenberg - University of
Coordinating against legal authoritarian
Single Paper
Ivan Ermakoff - University of Wisconsin-
A Non-Populist Response to Dissatisfaction with
Democracy? Christian Democracy, Anti-
materialism, and the Success of the Dutch New
Social Contract Party
Single Paper
Matthias Dilling - Swansea University
Léonie de Jonge - University of
Democratic Consolidation as Conceptual
Single Paper
Agustín Goenaga - Lund University
Discussant: Amel Ahmed - University of
Massachusetts Amherst
[42] Reproduction and Immigration
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ivett Szalma - Centre for Social Sciences
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of
Excellence and Corvinus University of Budapest
Family Policy And Attitudes Towards
Ukrainians’ Deservingness In Poland
Single Paper
Piotr Michoń - Poznań University of
Economics and Business
Immigration and family policies: how are they
linked? A thematic analysis of the Hungarian
government's discourse on the 2015 migration
Single Paper
Ivett Szalma - HUN-REN Centre for
Social Sciences
Boglárka Herke - HUN-REN Centre for
Social Sciences
Attitudes towards Immigration and Voluntary
Childlessness in Europe
Single Paper
Marieke Heers - Swiss Centre of
Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS),
University of Lausanne
Ivett Szalma - Centre for Social Sciences
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre
of Excellence and Corvinus University of
Discussant: Boglárka Herke - HUN-REN Centre
for Social Sciences
[43] Researching LGBTQI+ Communities
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung - University
of Copenhagen
From Hostile Political Rhetoric to Unsolicited
d*ck Pics: Researching LGBTQI+ Populations
Across Europe With the Backdrop of Culture
Single Paper
Veronika Valkovicova - Faculty of
Education, Comenius University in
Shaban Darakchi - Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences
Translating Differences: Ambiguous
Racialization of LGBTQ Migrants from Turkey
in Berlin
Single Paper
Tunay Altay - Humboldt Universität zu
Wednesday, July 3
Rethinking Queerness At The Intersection of
Forced Migration and Religion: Latin American
Queer Migrants and Faith Actors in Spain
Single Paper
Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida
International University
Exploring the Ethics of Implementing Photovoice
Methodology with LGBTQ+ Refugees living in
Athens, Greece
Single Paper
Moshoula Capous-Desyllas - California
State University Northridge
[44] Social Policy in Old Age - New Trends and
their Causes - Panel II
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
Migrant Care Workers In Home Care Settings In
Germany: Inequality Dynamics And Policy
Single Paper
Hildegard Theobald - University of
Vechta, Germany
What Framing of Social Citizenship of the Aged
in Policy Discourses about Long-Term Care
Policy Reforms in the Case of France?
Single Paper
Olivier Lipari Giraud - CNRS
Digital Transparency in Nursing Home Services:
An Examination of Provider Types and
Implications for Equality
Single Paper
Ixchel Pérez Durán - Autonomous
University of Barcelona (UAB)
Mario Hernandez - Autonomous
University of Barcelona (UAB)
[45] The New Electoral and Opinion Dynamics
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Krzysztof Jasiewicz - Washington and Lee
Populist, authoritarian, securitarian, or
ideological voters? Explaining the electoral
support for radical left and right parties in
France and Spain
Single Paper
Luis Ramiro - UNED
José Javier Olivas - UNED
Raul Gomez - University of Liverpool
Metapolitical Strategies in Post-Accession
Bulgaria: Radicalization or Normalization of
Single Paper
Ruzha Smilova - Sofia University and
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Old Prejudice or Renewed Prejudice? How Mass
Immigration Shapes Attitudes Towards
Single Paper
Milena Ang - University of Texas-San
Alexandra Filindra - University of
Illinois at Chicago
Dan Slater - University of Michigan-Ann
[46] The Political Economy of Health and Health
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Olivier Jacques - Université de Montréal
Chair: Isabel Perera - Cornell University
Austerity As Redistributive Impulse In The
Politics of Health. Comparing Its Policy History
And Its Consequences in Austria and Germany
Single Paper
Margitta Mätzke - Johannes Kepler
University Linz
The Politics of Growing Health Care Costs
Single Paper
Olivier Jacques - Université de Montréal
Sharon Baute - Konstanz University
Marius Busemeyer - Konstanz
David Weisstanner - Lucerne University
Seeing Disability Like a State: Health Data and
the Politics of Health Inequalities Affecting
People with Disabilities
Single Paper
Taussia Boadi - University of
Wednesday, July 3
Julia Lynch University of
Trust and solidarity in EU vaccines policy
Single Paper
Scott Greer - University of Michigan
Holly Jarman - University of Michigan
Elizabeth J King - University of
Elize Massard da Fonseca - FGV- Sao
Paulo School of Business
Beyond Failing Health Inequality Policies: An
Ideational Perspective On Intersectoral
Single Paper
Janna Goijaerts - Leiden University
Discussant: Isabel Perera - Cornell University
[47] The Return of Economic Statecraft: the
Political Economy of Industrial Restructuring I
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Kathleen McNamara - Georgetown
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? The Political
(Un)Accountability of the EU’s Supranational
Institutions in the Pursuit of Industrial Policy
Single Paper
Sebastian Diessner - Leiden University
Adina Akbik - Leiden University
From market governance to core state power:
France (1992-2022) as a case study of mutating
national preference formation dynamics in EU
industrial policy
Single Paper
Salih Işık Bora - Sciences Po Paris
Learning From The Past? What Should Europe
Learn Today From The Way It Responded To
Similar Global And Industrial Policy Challenges
Single Paper
Patricia Nouveau - UCLouvain and
Dimitri Zurstrassen - LUISS University-
Sorbonne University-UCLouvain
Discussant: Manuella Moschella - Scuola
Normale Superiore
[48] What Does Queer Theory Teach Us about
European Studies? Analyzing EUrope with
Queer-as-Theory or Queer-as-Object-of-Study
Panel 2
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Malte Breiding - Lund University
Chair: Emil Edenborg - Stockholm University
From Christine de Pizan to Christine and the
Queens: Gender Bending as Transgression of
Normative Identity Politics
Single Paper
Euge Helyantus Stumm - University of
Roma LGBT Organizing in Hungary
Single Paper
AJ Kurdi - UC Berkeley
Queer Marginality: Reflections On Europe As
An Outsider
Single Paper
Markus Thiel - Florida International
Discussant: Malte Breiding - Lund University
[49] Writing the Memory of the Victims
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Raisa Barash - FCTAS RAS
Whose Freedom? Which Martyrs? Public Space
and Hungary’s Illiberal Memory Politics
Single Paper
Maya Nadkarni - Swarthmore College
Collective memories of European Integration
during the 1975 and 2016 UK referendums
Single Paper
Angus Foster - Maastricht University
Sites Of Conscience As Sites Of Protest: How
Victims Use Place To Advance Their Claims
Single Paper
Claire Greenstein - University of
Alabama at Birmingham
Mourning Border Death as a Form of Radical
Politics: Analysis of the Liturgical Component in
Wednesday, July 3
the Commemoration of October 2013 Migrant
Single Paper
Giorgia Mirto - Columbia University
EIGPE side event on ‘Navigating the European
Research Funding Landscape: Ideas,
Persistence, and Resourcefulness’
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Conference Side Event
Feminist and Queer Politics in Lyon
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Conference Side Event
Chair: Tunay Altay Humboldt-University Berlin
Participant: Norah Memran, Fondation Le
Historical Study of States and Regimes Research
Network Business Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Conference Side Event
Chair: Amel Ahmed - University of Massachusetts
Political Economy and Research Network
Business Meeting/Luncheon
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Conference Side Event
Chair: Isabel Perera - Cornell University
Chair: Julian Garritzmann - Goethe University
Chair: Natascha van der Zwan - Leiden University
Radicalizing the Mainstream Online - The Far
Right and Media Narratives of Islam in Western
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Conference Side Event
[50] ‘Real News’: Social Movements Engaged in
Knowledge and Expertise Building
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Guya Accornero - CIES-IUL
Chair: Montserrat Emperador Badimon - Lyon 2
Contentious Expertise and Epistemic Direct
Action in the Right to Housing Arena
Guya Accornero - CIES-IUL
Patient Organizations' Involvement in the
Production of Lay Expertise and Contribution to
Health Democracy
Single Paper
Vololona Rabeharisoa - MinesParis PSL
Madeleine Akrich - MinesParis PSL
Real facts, to what end? The usages of activist-
produced knowledge by housing movements in
Barcelona and Montreal
Single Paper
Montserrat Emperador Badimon - Lyon
Contentious Pedagogies: A critical look at social
movements and educational systems
Single Paper
Kai Heidemann - Maastricht University
Epistemic Grammars and Epistemic Attitudes
an Exploration of Ordinary People and Science
Single Paper
Alberta Giorgi - University of Bergamo
Maria Francesca Murru - University of
Discussant: Tiago Carvalho - CIES-ISCTE
[51] A Push for Global Gain: Issues on Africa
Leveraging EU Support for Greater African
Continental Integration
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Wednesday, July 3
Chair: Christopher Nshimbi - Centre for the Study
of Governance Innovation (GovInn), University of
The Russian-Ukraine War: A Catalyst of Non-
Alignment Norms and Norms Diffusion in the
Context of Africa-EU Relations
Book / Roundtable Panelist
The looking-glass self, not! The influence of the
EU in the regional integration of Africa
Book / Roundtable Panelist
The limits of the European Union migration
governance monologue
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[52] Bringing Politics Back to Work II: Demand
Meets Supply
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Paulus Wagner - European University
Institute, SPS
Chair: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Job (Dis)Satisfaction And Voting For The
Populist Radical Right
Single Paper
Paulus Wagner - European University
Institute, SPS
Bruno Palier - CNRS & SciencesPo
Paris, CEE
How Work And Financial Insecurity Are Linked
To Populist Voting In Europe: Evidence From
Data Matching Of The ESS And The EWCS
Single Paper
Lorenza Antonucci - University of
Roberta Di Stefano - La Sapienza
Carlo D'Ippoliti - La Sapienza
Politicizing the Deservingness of Those Who
Work. A Comparative Analysis of Parties' Moral
Repertoires Across Time and Space
Single Paper
Koen Damhuis - Utrecht University
Linus Westheuser - Humboldt-
Responding To Voters’ Demands: The Socio-
economic And Welfare Programs Of Candidates
In The 2022 French Elections
Single Paper
Elie Michel - University of Lausanne
Discussant:Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris CEE
[53] Climbing The Iceberg Of Digital Gender
Based Violence
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Guendalina Simoncini - Scuola Normale
Tweeting "Abortion". A study on argumentative
Single Paper
Robin Piazzo - Scuola Normale
Hans-Jorg Trenz - Scuola Normale
Giuliana Sorci - Scuola Normale
Inclusion Talk, Exclusion Walk: Dissecting the
European Public Debate about Inclusive
Single Paper
Guendalina Simoncini - Scuola Normale
Stefan Wallaschek - Europa-Universität
Speaking the unspeakable, researching the un-
researchable: ethical dilemmas in the study of
digital gender-based violence
Single Paper
Charlotte Galpin - University of
Patrick Vernon - University of
Old new media: gender normativity in Italian
traditional media’s social media accounts.
Single Paper
Silvia Keeling - Università degli Studi di
Feminist And Anti-Feminist Voices In
Contemporary Online Catholicism
Single Paper
Giulia Evolvi - University of Bologna
Discussant:Hans-Jörg Trenz - Scuola Normale
Superiore of Florence
[54] Decolonizing East European Studies. The
Role of Academic Journals (2): The Humanities
Wednesday, July 3
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Krzysztof Jasiewicz - Washington and Lee
Wendy Bracewell
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jan Kubik
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jessie Labov
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Harris Mylonas
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[55] Diaspora Communities Between Homeland
and Host Society
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Noa Achouche - University of Haifa
Homeland and Diasporic Political Engagement:
The Case of Greece
Single Paper
Foteini Kalantzi - University of Oxford
The Clash of Capital: Diaspora Capital, Foreign
Development Assistance, and Institutional
Single Paper
Sarah Hunter - Clemson University
Albana Shehaj - Harvard University
Adrian Shin - University of Colorado
Re-Socialization and Political Engagement:
Exploring Brazilian Migrants' Political Attitudes
and Identities Abroad
Single Paper
Luisa Faustini Torres - Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona
[56] Digital Democratic Innovations in
European Political Parties (III)
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Oscar Barberà - University of Valencia
Chair: Valeria Tarditi - Università della Calabria
Chair: Marco Meloni - University of Southampton
Chair: Fabio Lupato García - Complutense
University Madrid
Digital Transformation Of Established Political
Parties: Challenges And Strategies
Single Paper
Jasmin Fitzpatrick - JGU Mainz
Jessica Haak - Universität Hamburg
Anna Lopatina - JGU Mainz
Frauke Schöne - JGU Mainz
Intra-party consultations across Europe
Single Paper
Michal Malý - Charles University
Davide Vittori - Université Libre de
F. Ramon Villaplana - EPSOL -
Université Catholique de Lille
Oscar Barberà - Universitat de València
/ ESPOL - Université Catholique de
Intra-Party Referendums in Europe
Single Paper
Sorina Soare - University of Florence
Sergiu Gherghina - University of
Discussant:Oscar Barberà - Universitat de
[57] Dissensus in the European Union: The Law
and Politics of European Economic Governance
- Panel II
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Amandine Crespy - Université libre de
Rule of Law Enforcement Through the
Transactional Approach of the RRF: Insights
from the Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, and Maltese
Single Paper
Pauline Thinus - Université Libre de
Wednesday, July 3
Politicising social policy in the Baltics: The
European Commission as a social actor before
and after the RRF
Single Paper
Edgars Eihmanis - University of Tartu
Dissensus Postponed? The Politics of
Implementing the EU’s Recovery and Resilience
Facility in Germany and Italy
Single Paper
Andrea Capati - LUISS Guido Carli
Thomas Christiansen - LUISS Guido
Carli University
Managing Conflict: The European Semester
after the RRF
Single Paper
Dimitrios Argyroulis - Université de
Amandine Crespy - Université libre de
Discussant:Lucia Quaglia - Bologna University
[58] Electoral and Party Politics in Europe
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Marta Lorimer - London School of
Informality, Corruption, and Rivalry: How
Political Party Interactions Impact Democracy
Reforms in the Eastern European
Single Paper
Amy Eaglestone - University of
Out and About: Why Political Parties Use
Democratic Innovations
Single Paper
Bettina Mitru - Babes-Bolyai University
"Nothing Else Matters?" How Salience Explains
Voting Differences Between Age Groups
Single Paper
Reto Mitteregger - University of Zurich
Migrants in Leadership Positions within German
Political Parties
Single Paper
Nicolas Fliess - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Religious and Ethnic
[59] European Banking Nationalism: Book
Round Table
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Shawn Donnelly - University of Twente
Dora Piroska
Book / Roundtable Panelist
David Howarth
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Rachel Epstein
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Richard Deeg
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[60] European Citizens’ Attitudes on
Challenging Issues in European Integration
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Moreira Ramalho - Université libre
de Bruxelles
Not as simple: Re-visiting the relationship
between travel abroad and European pro-
Single Paper
Juan J. Fernández - Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid
Juan Díez Medrano - Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid
After backsliding: Why liberal democracy
survived in Poland, but not Hungary
Single Paper
Adam Holesch - The Barcelona Institute
of International Studies (IBEI)
More Participation, More Trust? The Impact of
Participation in the CoFoE on the Relationship
Between the Citizens and the EU Institutions
Single Paper
Daniela Heimpel - Centre Marc Bloch,
Humboldt University
Wednesday, July 3
[61] Human-centred Innovations to
Radicalisation: the H2020 IcARUS Project.
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Asma Kaouech Knis - European Forum for
Urban Security
The Contribution Of The IcARUS Project In Re-
Thinking Urban Security In Europe
Single Paper
Genny Dimitrakopoulou - KEMEA -
Center for Security Studies
The Crucial Role of Local Authorities in
Combating polarisation and radicalisation
Leading to Violent Extremism: Insights from
Single Paper
Asma Kaouech Knis - European Forum
for Urban Security
Design Thinking: Disruptive Innovation In
Public Security
Single Paper
Massimo Fattori - Erasmus University
The Magic of Resilience: A Cross-Phenomenal
Approach to Combat Radicalism in Stuttgart
Single Paper
Valeriya Vasilyeva - Inside Out e.V.,
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Sexual Exclusion as Threat to Public Safety: the
Incel Subculture Phenomenon
Single Paper
Lucija Ceicane - University of Latvia
Stanislavs Seiko - University of
[62] Perspectives on Long-run Development
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ryan Saylor - University of Tulsa
Chair: Jonathan Doucette - Aalborg University
The long-run consequences of medieval
Single Paper
Anna Grzymala-Busse - Stanford
Creditor Coalitions and State Formation in
Single Paper
Ryan Saylor - University of Tulsa
Cadasters and Economic Growth: A Long-Run
Cross-Country Panel
Single Paper
Marina Nistotskaya - University of
Michelle D'Arcy - Trinity College
Ola Olsson - University of Gothenburg
When are Junctures Critical? The Legacies and
Non-Legacies of Interruptions in Local Self-
Single Paper
Daniel W. Gingerich - University of
Jan Pablo Vogler - University of
Religious Exclusion and the Origins of
Democracy in Western Europe
Single Paper
Sener Akturk - Koc University, Istanbul
Discussant:Patrick Emmenegger - University of St.
[63] Populism and the Radical Right
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Staffan Kumlin - University of Oslo, Dept
of Political Science
Radical Right Support And Technological
Change: Disentangling The Psychological
Single Paper
Carlo Michael Knotz - University of
Can Government Policies Moderate Political
Backlash to Structural Change?
Single Paper
Reto Bürgisser - University of Zurich
Silja Häusermann - University of Zurich
Thomas Kurer - University of Zurich
Susana de Pinho Tavares - University of
What do voters expect from radical parties?
Single Paper
Evelyne Hübscher - Central European
Wednesday, July 3
Thomas Sattler - Université de Genève
The Rise of Rightest Political Parties in
RomaniaSingle Paper
Erwin F Erhardt - University of
[64] Responses to Peripheralization: Relating
Europe’s East and South
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Julian Campisi - University of Toronto
Race, Class, and the Political Expression of
Semi-Peripherality in Eastern and Southern
Single Paper
Ivan Kalmar - University of Toronto
Dual geography of Eastern and Southern
Europe’s peripheries and their opposite
compensatory strategies
Single Paper
Tomasz Zarycki - University of Warsaw
Illiberalism and Migration in the European
Periphery: Analysing the Specificities of the
Spanish Case in a Comparative Perspective
Single Paper
Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena - University
of Sevilla
Anastasia Bermúdez Torres - University
of Sevilla
Francisco José Cuberos Gallardo -
University of Sevilla
Conflict of semiperipheries, clash of memories?
Single Paper
Ondřej Slačálek - Faculty of Arts,
Charles University
Klára Votavová - Europeum
“Radicalism” and “Periphery” in Eastern and
Southern Europe
Single Paper
Anna M. Agathangelou - York
University, Toronto
Discussant: Julian Campisi - University of
[65] Shaping the EU: Integration and
Demarcation Policies
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eva Polonska - London School of
Economics and Political Science
Border Regions As Nuclei Of European
Integration? Evidence From Germany
Single Paper
Moritz Rehm - Saarland University
Martin Schröder - Saarland University
Georg Wenzelburger - Saarland
Does Financial Assistance Mitigate Rural
Backlash? The Case Of The Common
Agricultural Policy In France
Single Paper
Diane Bolet - University of Essex
Giorgio Malet - University of Zurich
EU Enlargement as Emancipation? Comparing
Evolving Historical Discourses of Dominance
and Resistance in the Building of EU's Eastward
Enlargement, 1989-2004
Single Paper
Cristina Blanco Sío-López - University
of La Coruña
[66] Social Policy in Old Age Consequences for
Social Citizenship
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
Chair: Christopher Grages - SOCIUM / University
of Bremen
Ageism and Employers’ Hiring Practices in a
Welfare State Perspective
Single Paper
Per H Jensen - Roskilde University
Care poverty in Europe: Unmet long-term care
needs of older people and their family caregivers
Single Paper
Teppo Kröger - University of Jyväskylä
Unequal Care. How Care Poverty Is Distributed
Among Social Groups In Different European
Single Paper
Costanzo Ranci - Politecnico di Milano
Wednesday, July 3
Emma Garavaglia - Politecnico di
Social Citizenship And Old-Age Poverty: How
To Achieve Resilience Despite Economic
Hardship In Different European Welfare States?
Single Paper
Christopher Grages - SOCIUM /
University of Bremen
Ralf Och - Fliedner University of
Applied Sciences Düsseldorf
Family care or extra-familial care?
Understanding the role of culture and
institutions for older people’s care use
Single Paper
Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
Discussant: Traute Meyer - University of
[67] Studying East and West Together: Beyond
the Disciplinary Iron Curtains
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Emilija Tudzarovska - Charles University,
Chair: Julia Rone - University of Cambridge
Shock Without Therapy: The Political Economy
of the Postsocialist Mortality Crisis
Single Paper
Gabor Scheiring - Georgetown
Emigration from CEE and its Impacts
Single Paper
Anna Kyriazi - University of Milano
Julia Rone - University of Cambridge
European Integration and Economic
Transformations in Post-authoritarian Eastern
and Southern Europe
Single Paper
Visnja Vukov - University of Vienna
Why Care? Free Movement of Care Workers as
Transmission Channel of Social Crises and
Gender Inequality in the EU
Single Paper
Anna Kyriazi - University of Milan
Waltraud Schelkle - European
University Institute
Discussant: Eli Gateva - University of Oxford
[68] The Diffusion of the Culture Wars (1):
Cross-National Comparisons
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Erik Bleich - Middlebury
How ‘Woke’ Came to Europe: Explaining the
International Diffusion of a Culture War
Single Paper
A. Maurits van der Veen - William &
Erik Bleich - Middlebury
Transgender Rights, Laïcité, and the Role of
Feminist Actors in Anti-Woke Politics: A
Comparison of the UK and France
Single Paper
Madeleine Pape - University of
The Malleable Threat of ‘Gender Ideology’
Single Paper
Gavan Titley - Maynooth University
Sheryl Lynch - Maynooth University
Abortion Politics: Transatlantic Circulations In
France And The EU
Single Paper
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer -
Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Discussant:Jean Beaman - University of
California, Santa Barbara
[69] The Political Economy of Housing
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Dustin Voss - Max Planck Institute for the
Study of Societies
Chair: Paulette Kurzer - University of Arizona
How does housing shape voter preferences?
Empirical evidence from Ireland and the
Single Paper
Alison Johnston - Oregon State
Greg Fuller - University of Groningen
Wednesday, July 3
Aidan Regan - University College
Regional Variation In German Housing Politics:
Evidence From Länder Manifestos
Single Paper
Alexander Reisenbichler - University of
Sebastian Kohl - Free University Berlin
Pascal König - TU Kaiserslautern
Varieties of Housing Privatization
Single Paper
Dustin Voss - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Erik Neimanns - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Has the Financialization of the Everyday Arrived
in the European Housing Market? Economic
Resources and Financial Strategies among
Young Europeans
Single Paper
Lindsay Flynn - University of
Discussant: Paulette Kurzer - University of
[70] The Return of Economic Statecraft: the
Political Economy of Industrial Restructuring II
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Kathleen McNamara - Georgetown
The Legal Foundations of EU Industrial Policy
Single Paper
Maria Patrin - University of Florence
Paul Dermine - Université Libre de
Beyond the Regulatory State? Industrial Policy,
Growth Models and the EU State Aid Regime
Single Paper
Fabio Bulfone - Leiden University
Donato Di Carlo - LUISS University
Timo Seidl - University of Vienna
Selective Industrial Policy For The EU Open
Strategic Autonomy In The Green and Digital
Value Chains
Single Paper
Filippo Bontadini - LUISS University
and SPRU - University of Sussex
Valentina Meliciani - LUISS University
Maria Savona - LUISS University and
SPRU - University of Sussex
Discussant: Timur Ergen - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
[71] The State/Migration Nexus in the Wake of
the Covid-19 Crisis: Transatlantic Comparisons
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Elke Winter - University of Ottawa
Rewarding Good Citizens: A Comparison Of
Citizenship Awards In Canada, The UK And
Single Paper
Leah Bassel - Coventry University
Hypervulnerability and Agency: The Impact of
the Covid-19 Pandemic on Migrant Women
Working in the Domestic Services Sector
Single Paper
Milena Chimienti - Haute Ecole
Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale
Christina Mittmasser - Haute Ecole
spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale
“Do I trust Britain? That’s what you should ask
me!” - The Windrush Scandal The Social
Justice Consequences of Identity and Belonging
Single Paper
Kalwinder Sandhu - Coventry University
Re-acquiring State Power in Migration
Governance in the Wake of the Covid-19
Single Paper
Elke Winter - University of Ottawa
Benjamin Zyla - University of Ottawa
Discussant: Ilke Adam - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
[72] To Belong or Not to Belong: Communities
and Connections in Europe
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Richard Sigurdson - University of Calgary
Wednesday, July 3
Radical contributions to understandings of
Community in Europe between self-sacrifice and
Single Paper
Niall BOND - University Lyon 2
We the Peoples of Europe? The Oddity of
Unrecognized Multiple Connections in EU Law
Single Paper
Sarah Ganty - Yale Law School
Adaptation And Backlash: Muslim Councils In
Europe And The Role Of External Pressure
Single Paper
Olav Elgvin - University of Bergen
Another Fateful Triangle: Jews, Muslims,
Single Paper
Elisabeth Becker Topkara - Heidelberg
[73] Voter Preferences and Redistributive
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Delia Zollinger - University of Zurich
After the Floods: The Effects of Natural
Disasters on Public Opinion on Climate Change
Single Paper
Lars van Doorn - Universiteit Leiden
Attitudes and Arguments: Citizens' Justification
of their Support for a Novel Redistributive
Single Paper
Hanna Schwander - Humboldt
University Berlin
Bastian Becker - Humboldt University
Permanent Income and Electoral Realignment
Single Paper
David Weisstanner - University of
Who Should Pay For Higher Education? The
Role Of Information On Policy Options And
Equity Considerations In Shaping Voters’
Single Paper
Nanna Lauritz Schönhage - Universität
Marius Busemeyer - Universität
Guido Schwerdt - Universität Konstanz
The Emergence of the Educational Cleavage A
longue durée analysis
Single Paper
Julian Garritzmann - Goethe University
Gabriel González Bello - Goethe
University Frankfurt
[74] Wars and Their Effects on European
Countries and International Organizations -
Panel 1
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alexandra Yatsyk - University of Lille
Collective Memory and War: Understanding the
Historical and Socio-Cultural Aspects of the War
in Ukraine and its Impact on European Security
Single Paper
Angelos Giannakopoulos - University of
Dortmund and National University of
Kiev - Mohyla Academy
Weaponization Of Economic And Security
Interdependences In The EU-Russian ‘Shared
Neighbourhood’: The Use Of Sanctions And
Conditionalities In Moldova And Armenia
Single Paper
Isabell Burmester - University of Geneva
The impact of the war in Ukraine on Far-Right
Parties in the Baltic Sea Region
Single Paper
Akbar Mammadov - Tartu University
[75] (Post-)pandemic Politics in Europe
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Piero Tortola - University of Groningen
The Pandemic’s Comparative Impact on
Constitutional Checks and Balances within the
Single Paper
Caroline Boeck - University of
Wednesday, July 3
Matthias C. Kettemann - University of
Auditing Democracy in Times of Crisis
Single Paper
John Erik Fossum - ARENA, University
of Oslo
Christopher James Lord - ARENA,
University of Oslo
Consolidating power? how the Covid-19
pandemic amplified Populist Euroscepticism in
Single Paper
Natasza Styczynska - Jagiellonian
Wojciech Burek - Jagiellonian
Pandemic crisis and international relations:
what role for the EU?
Single Paper
Luca Cinciripini - Istituto Affari
Internazionali (IAI)
Matteo Bonomi - Istituto Affari
Internazionali (IAI)
Discussant: Gregory Fuller - University of
[76] Big Data and the Welfare State
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Jimena Valdez - King's College London
Cathie Jo Martin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Pepper Culpepper
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jane Gingrich
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Philipp Rehm
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Torben Iversen
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Julia Lynch
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[77] Book Panel: "Forbidden Intimacies:
Polygamies at the Limits of Western Tolerance"
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Melanie Heath - McMaster University
Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Regis Schlagdenhauffen
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[78] Bringing Politics Back To Work III: The
Workplace as a Source of Political Preferences
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Paulus Wagner - European University
Institute, SPS
Chair: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Political Animosity and Economic Disparities
Single Paper
Sun Young Park - Harvard University
Political Socialization In The Workplace:
Evidence From German Panel Data
Single Paper
Paul Marx - University of Bonn
Sebastian Jungkunz - University of Bonn
Nadja Wehl - University of Konstanz
Workplace Authority, Autonomy, and
Deservingness Perceptions
Single Paper
David Attewell - University of Zurich
Discussant: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris CEE
[79] Contemporary European Environmental
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Elsa Clara Massoc - University of St Gallen
Wednesday, July 3
Emotions, Narratives, and Affective Dynamics in
Far-right Politics in Europe: Implications and
Challenges for EU's Climate Diplomacy
Single Paper
Pratyush Bibhakar - Galgotias
Manasi Sinha - Galgotias University
Embodied Democracy: The Transformative
Radicality of Deliberation in Climate Citizens'
Single Paper
Maria Prieto - California Institute of
Integral Studies
From Post-Socialist to Post-Petroleum: Urban-
Industrial Transformation in the Former East
Single Paper
Samantha Maurer Fox - Lehigh
[80] Cultural and Institutional Perspectives on
the Welfare State
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Virginia Crespi de Valldaura - London
School of Economics
The Expanding Worlds of Welfare Capitalism:
Structure and Change of Welfare States in the
West, Post-Socialist Europe, and Asia (1990-
Single Paper
Luciano Amaral - Nova School of
Business and Economics, Lisbon,
Kleoniki Alexopoulou - Panteion
University, Athens
Vittorio Soverini - Nova School of
Business and Economics, Lisbon
José Sollari Allegro - Nova School of
Business and Economics
Raquel Lopes - Nova School of Business
and Economics
The role of culture in the development of
minimum income policies the case of Germany
Single Paper
Birgit Pfau-Effinger - University of
The Zeitenwende, State Traditions, and
Dilemmas of Political Responsibility in
Contemporary Germany
Single Paper
Mark Vail - Wake Forest University
Varieties of Crisis Response: Welfare Regimes
and Emergency Fiscal Spending on COVID-19
Single Paper
Angie Jo - Massachusetts Institute of
[81] Current and Historical Perspectives on
Radicalization and Violence
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Shaswati Das - University of York
The Vale of Sutorina 1878-1918
Single Paper
Cathie Carmichael - University of East
Examining The Links Between Moralistic Forms
Of Communication And Individuals'
Radicalisation Processes: A Psychological
Single Paper
Giulia Grillo - University College
Imported Islamic Radicalism: A Threat to
Swedish Democracy and Security
Single Paper
Helen Osieja - Democracy and
[82] Democracy in Central Eastern Europe in
Comparative Perspective
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Eli Gateva - University of Oxford
Party politics, intermediation and
technopopulism: the legacies of the past
Single Paper
Emilija Tudzarovska - Institute of
Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Wednesday, July 3
Abandon ship? The electoral trajectories of left-
wing parties in Central and Eastern Europe
Single Paper
Petar Bankov - University of Glasgow
Enlargement and European Integration: Does
the EU matter for democracy in Central and
Eastern Europe?
Single Paper
Eli Gateva - University of Oxford
Discussant: Julia Rone - University of Cambridge
[83] Dissensus in the European Union: The Law
and Politics of European Economic Governance
- Panel III
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Thomas Christiansen - Luiss Guido Carli
When Technical Sophistication Overflows
Political Control. Contractual Governance and
Accountability in the Implementation of the RRF
Single Paper
Ana Mar Fernández-Pasarín -
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Joan Miró - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Under Pressure: the Role of the European
Commission in Establishing NextGenerationEU
Single Paper
Chiara Terranova - Europa-Universität
A Comparative Analysis of the Formulation of
National Recovery and Resilience Plans:
Domestic Politics and ‘Usages’ of Europe
Single Paper
Lucia Quaglia - Bologna University
Enrico Borghetto - University of Firenze
Igor Guardiancich - University of Padua
Exploring the patterns of parliamentary scrutiny
of European economic governance - a
comparative analysis of selected countries
Single Paper
Tomasz P. Wozniakowski - LUISS and
University of Wroclaw
Michał Przychodzki - Nicolaus
Copernicus University in Toruń
Thomas Christiansen - Luiss Guido Carli
[84] The Workplace and The Employer’s
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The robots strike back? Industrial action and
automation in Europe.
Single Paper
Toon Van Overbeke - Maastricht
Collective skill formation in times of rapid
technological change? Employer preferences
regarding general and specific skills
Single Paper
Annatina Aerne - IDHEAP, University of
Giuliano Bonoli - University of
[85] Geoeconomics in Abnormal Times
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Guri Rosén - University of Oslo
Chair: Sophie Meunier - Princeton University
Public Opinion and the Screening of Foreign
Investments in Europe: Experimental Evidence
Single Paper
Arlo Poletti - University of Trento
Mattia Guidi - University of Siena
Francesco Niccolò Moro - University of
What Does it Take to Weaponize Europe’s Trade
Single Paper
Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt - Technical
University of Munich
Radical Geoeconomics - Radical right parties
and the politics of economic security
Single Paper
Alexander Dannerhäll - Oslo
Metropolitan University
‘De-Risking’ the European Economy: the Role of
Business Actors
Single Paper
Anna Vlasiuk Nibe - University of
Southern Denmark
Wednesday, July 3
Best friends forever? Norway and the EU’s
geoeconomic turn
Single Paper
Guri Rosén - University of Oslo
Frode Veggeland - INN University
Discussant: Olivier Schmitt - University of
Southern Denmark
[86] Global Governance, Challenges,
Opportunities and Global Security
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Anna Stallings - American Public
The Impact of Fragmentation in Global
Single Paper
Anna Stallings - American Public
University System
The Person and their Government in the Digital
Single Paper
Timmothy Smario - American Military
Do global health agendas respond to radical
challenges? A study of Universal Health
Coverage (UHC)
Single Paper
Tuba Agartan - Providence College
Discussant: Anna Stallings - American Public
University System
Imagining Europe in the Postgrowth Era:
Towards a Sustainable Welfare Deal
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand
Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Conference Side Event
[87] Institutional and Ideological Legacies of
European Democracies
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: John Torpey Cuny Graduate Center
UKPolish Political And Economic Relations In
The Lead-Up To The Sovereign Debt Crisis
(19701981): The Importance Of The Polish
Catholic Church And Solidarność
Single Paper
Catherine Lefevre - University of
The Christian Democratic Party Formation In
Post-Communist Czechoslovakia: Morphological
Single Paper
Krystof Dolezal - CEU
Europe's Long 1989
Single Paper
Christopher Bickerton - University of
[88] Legal and Political Intersectional Debates
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The Constitution as an Instrument of
Emancipation of the Majority
Single Paper
Daniel Smilov - Sofia University and
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Punishing Democrats: The Misuse of Criminal
Law Penalties in Democratic Backsliding
Single Paper
Alice Dejean de la Bâtie - Tilburg
Tom Theuns - Leiden University
Europe’s Legal Revolution and France’s Article
49-3: The Constitutional Audacity of Robert
Single Paper
William Phelan - Trinity College Dublin
Wednesday, July 3
[89] New Perspectives on EU Governance and
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Cornel Ban - Copenhagen Business School
Integration Under Threat? How Political
Strategies Around Financial Turmoil Have
Shaped European Integration
Single Paper
Martin Fischer - European University
Crises and Resilience in Contemporary Europe
Single Paper
Bogdan Stefanachi - Alexandru Ioan
Cuza University of Iasi
The “How-To” Guide to Policy Integration in
Tackling Societal Challenges
Single Paper
H. Tolga Bolukbasi - Bilkent University
Ahmet Tarik Biyiklioglu - Bilkent
EU Influence In Global AI Governance And Its
Single Paper
Sina Hoch - University of Amsterdam
Daniel Mügge - University of
[90] Populism and Radicalization in Central and
Eastern Europe
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Marta Żerkowska-Balas - SWPS
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
Look Who’s Talking: The Strategic Use of Social
Media by Bulgarian Populist Parties
Single Paper
Elza Ibroscheva - Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Populist Civilizationalism Transcending Post-
Soviet Cleavages: Evidence from Estonia
Single Paper
Piret Ehin - University of Tartu
Democratic transition 2.0. in the European
Union: The Case of Poland
Single Paper
Adam Holesch - The Barcelona Institute
of International Studies (IBEI)
Civil Disobedience - an Effective Act of
Resistance? The case of Opposition to Populists
in Power in Hungary and Poland
Single Paper
Aleksandra Moroska-Bonkiewicz -
University of Wroclaw
[91] Promoting Inclusion and Non-
Discrimination in Postmigrant Societies
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Hannah Alarian - University of Florida
Policy Analysis to Understand Teacher Agency
in the TEAMS Project
Single Paper
Cecilia Gialdini - University of
Nataša Pantić - University of Edinburgh
Field of Study and Prosocial Behavior: a
Register-based Approach
Single Paper
Ludovico Genovese - Columbia
Postmigrant Alliances As Migrant Diamond:
Exploring The Intersectional Politics Of Muslim
Women's Organizations in Germany
Single Paper
Fatima El Sayed - Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin
Welfare Benefits and Refugee Crime
Single Paper
Daniel Auer - Collegio Carlo Alberto
Michaela Slotwinski - University of
[92] Security, Geopolitical Confrontation and
the EU
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Robert Dopchie - University of Liège
Wednesday, July 3
EU Reaction To Geo-Political Confrontation: A
Radical Re-Thinking Of Enlargement?
Single Paper
Magdalena Frennhoff Larsen -
University of Westminster
China and European Union as Systemic Rival:
Assessing Alternative Model Promotion in
Western Balkans
Single Paper
Dealan Riga - University of Liege
Solving the effectiveness-legitimacy equation?
EU foreign policy and big member states’ ad hoc
initiatives: the E3 on Iran and Normandy format
on Russia-Ukraine
Single Paper
Brice Didier - University of Geneva
European Union And India: Natural Partners?
Single Paper
Alexandru Balas - SUNY Cortland
The Ukrainian Invasion and European Union
Enlargement Policy: Funding but not
Single Paper
Alice Cunha - NOVA FCSH
[93] Single Market and Regulation
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Christakis Georgiou - Sciences Po
Communities-of-Fate or Exploitative-
Dependencies? Business Preferences and
Lobbying Coalitions in EU Digital
Single Paper
Michael Kemmerling - Cologne Center
for Comparative Politics and Max
Planck Institute for the Study of
Free Trade against Environmental Norms? Peak
Business Interest Organizations and the Choice
between National and European Regulations
since the 1970s
Single Paper
Sabine Pitteloud - UniDistance Suisse
Peak Networking: Expanding the Genealogy of
European Business ForumsSingle Paper
Grace Ballor - Bocconi University
The EU Common Agricultural Policy In Poland -
Polish Agriculture After 20 Years Of The EU
Single Paper
Barbara Wieliczko - European Rural
Development Network
The Single European Market Reform Of 1986 In
The Age Of Global Capitalism: A Neo-
Poulantzacian Analysis
Single Paper
Marlène Rosano - Sciences Po
Discussant: Christakis Georgiou - Université de
Genève / Sciences Po Grenoble
[94] Teaching Quantitative Methods to
Beginners: Challenges and Best Practices
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Elena Llaudet - Suffolk University
Elena Llaudet
Book / Roundtable Panelist
D.J. Flynn
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Julia de Romémont
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Tyler Simko
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Elsa Voytas
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[95] The Diffusion of the Culture Wars (2): Case
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Oliver Schmidtke - University of Victoria
On (Not) Engaging with Race: Quoting Toni
Morrison to Defend Literary Racism in Romania
Single Paper
Ileana Nachescu - Rutgers University
Wednesday, July 3
Transnational Memories of Diversity: The
Cross-national Memory of Migration and
Diversity in the European Integration Project
Single Paper
Oliver Schmidtke - University of Victoria
Eve Gianoncelli - Loughborough
Ileana Nachescu - Rutgers
Who Is Woke in Contemporary Hungary?
Competing Frames of Gender and Equality
Single Paper
Fabian Katalin - Lafayette College
Discussant: Jennifer Elrick - McGill University;
Dagmar Soennecken - York University
[96] The Impact of Internal and External Crises
on the Dynamics of European Economic
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Hilary Appel - University of Sussex
Doubling Down: Why Economic Crises are no
Critical Junctures for Climate Politics
Single Paper
Nils Kupzok - Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International
Jonas Nahm - Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International
Vegard Tørstad - University of Oslo
Varieties of Going Broke and the Difficult Road
to European Capital Markets Union
Single Paper
Shawn Donnelly - University of Twente
David Howarth - University of
Intrastate Solidarity and Domestic Cleavages in
COVID Economic Policy
Single Paper
Zbigniew Truchlewski - UvA, EUI and
Alexandru Moise - EUI
Ioana-Elena Oana - EUI
[97] The Return of Economic Statecraft: the
Political Economy of Industrial Restructuring
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Kathleen McNamara - Georgetown
Not all the same. Industrial and Green Policies
in the United and Europe
Single Paper
Manuela Moschella - Scuola Normale
Donato Di Carlo - Luiss University
Lorenzo Moretti - University of Oxford
High Skills for High Tech: How States Create
Skills for the Knowledge Economy
Single Paper
Niccolo Durazzi - University of
Patrick Emmenegger - University of St.
Alina Felder - University of St. Gallen
The EU’s new gouvernement économique:
Analyzing how the European Commission and
the European Central Bank are steering the
‘green transition’
Single Paper
Aneta Spendzharova - Maastricht
Discussant: Donato Di Carlo - LUISS University
[98] The Role of Parties in Modern European
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Daniela Piccio - Università di Torino
Forms of Parliamentary Power and its Gendered
Single Paper
Francesca Feo - University of Bergen
Grass-roots Organization, Internal Coherence,
and Secular Party Performance
Single Paper
Zeynep Bulutgil - University College
Aytug Sasmaz - Bryn Mawr College
Comparing Anti-Establishment Challengers in
Italy and the Czech Republic. An Analysis of
Party Programmes and Strategies of FI, FdI,
ANO and SPD.
Wednesday, July 3
Single Paper
Mattia Collini - Charles University
Tomas Cirhan - Charles University
[99] To Label Oneself or to Be Labeled?
Discourse Effects and Means of Distinction
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Radicality in a post-political world how
German climate activists refer to science in
order to promote their Cause
Single Paper
Rubén Kaiser - Friedrich-Schiller-
Universität Jena
Attitudes Towards LGBTIQ Equality And
Climate Change As New Lines Of Polarization?
A Differentiated View On Issues Of Polarization
Single Paper
Elisabeth Donat - University for
Continuing Education Krems
What does Palestine look like from Europe?
Exploring European narratives about peace and
war in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Single Paper
Moara Crivelente - FEUC-CES,
University of Coimbra
Teresa Almeida Cravo - FEUC-CES,
University of Coimbra
Radical Rhetoric: How Mass Media Shape
Perceptions of Climate Activism
Single Paper
Jessica Patricia Lang - EUI
[100] Wars and Their Effects on European
Countries and International Organizations -
Panel 2
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Economic Imperatives and the Progress of EU
Defence Integration
Single Paper
Ringailė Kuokštytė - General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
Navigating Crises: UN Peacekeeping and EU
Military Operations/Missions in Africa during
the COVID-19 Pandemic
Single Paper
Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar - Sao Paulo
State University (Unesp)
Julia Mori Aparecido - Sao Paulo State
University (Unesp)
[101] Youth Radicalization or Constructive
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Emily Wolff - Leiden University
Game-changer In Action: Citizenship And
Migration In Contemporary Public Space
Single Paper
Iryna Sofinska - National University
Lviv Polytechnic
Feminist Urbanism. Feminist Identities,
Practices, And Discourses. A Comparative
Analysis Between Barcelona And Berlin.
Single Paper
natasha debora aidoo - Scuola Normale
Superiore di Pisa
“I’m not super familiar with children’s
ecosystems online”: Expert Assessments on the
Effects of Early Childhood Exposure to
Extremism Online
Single Paper
Jade Hutchinson - Macquarie University
& University of Groningen
David Yuzva Clement - Carleton
University and Public Safety Canada
(Government of Canada)
Ruxi Gheorghe - Carleton University
Racism, The Far Right And Education: Teachers
Efforts in Preventing Violent Extremism
Single Paper
Annett Graefe-Geusch - DeZIM Institut
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - How Europe
Obscures Border Violence.
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand
Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Conference Side Event
Wednesday, July 3
Thursday, July 4
[102] Actors and Discourse Mechanisms within
and about the EU
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ileana Nachescu - Rutgers University
The Emergence, Cascade, And Internalization Of
‘Bad’ Norms: Xenophobia and Nativism as A
Normative Process
Single Paper
Michael Toomey - University of
Jeff Benvenuto - Gratz College
Return to the Rule of Law: Choosing Between
"Slow and Clean" versus "Quick and Dirty"
Transition Path
Single Paper
Aleksandra Maatsch - University of
Ever Closer (Discursive) Union or Separate
Lifeworlds? International Language Games and
the Meaning of Gender Equality in the European
Single Paper
Monika de Silva - University of
Discourse coalitions in the regulation of post-
truth by the EU: civil society networks and
preemptive cooperation by Big Tech
Single Paper
Alvaro Oleart - Université Libre de
Luis Bouza - Universidad Autónoma de
Rocío Sánchez del Vas - Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid
[103] Bank Politics by David Howarth and Scott
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Michele Chang - College of Europe
Chair: David Howarth - University of Luxembourg
Chair: Scott James - King's College London
Elsa Clara Massoc
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Shawn Donnelly
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Aneta Spendzharova
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Michele Chang
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Manuela Moschella
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Lucia Quaqlia
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[104] Civil Society: The Politics and Manoeuvre
of State and Corporate Governance
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Anna Stallings - American Public
Corporate Accountability: European Civil
Society between Radicality and Complacency.
An analysis of Means, Ends, and Dependencies
of organizations in their struggle with firms.
Single Paper
Henry Rammelt - National University for
Political Studies and Adminstration,
‘Capital Flows Freely, but Justice Does Not’:
Corporate Accountability, Transnational
Advocacy Networks and the UN Treaty on
Business and Human Rights
Single Paper
Andru Chiorean - National University of
Political Studies and Public
Administration, Bucharest, Romania
Efficient Anarchy? Civilian Perceptions on
Kosovo's Parallel State System (1991-1999)
Single Paper
Adrian Florea - University of Glasgow
Black Radicality in Fascist Italy
Single Paper
Mathilde Ayotunde Lyons - University of
St Andrews
Thursday, July 4
[105] Comparative Histories of HIV/AIDS in
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jesse van Amelsvoort - University of
AIDS and historical foundations of Scandinavian
Single Paper
Michael Nebeling Petersen - University
of Copenhagen
HIV/AIDS in the Netherlands: A Silent History
Single Paper
Bram Mellink - University of Amsterdam
Jesse van Amelsvoort - University of
Teaching How to Die: Aids, Pedagogy, and the
Autobiographical Impulse
Single Paper
Looi van Kessel - Leiden University
The Emerging ‘Western’ Space Of HIV Activism,
Late 1980s-Early 1990s
Single Paper
Nikolaos Papadogiannis - University of
Discussant: Louie Valencia - Texas State
[106] Confined Euroscepticism and Contested
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Joseph Ganderson - LSE
Ideologising Europe and Europeanizing
Ideology: Political Party Ideologies and The
European Union
Single Paper
Marta Lorimer - London School of
Varieties of Eurosceptic Public Opinion in the
Post-Brexit Era
Single Paper
Kate Alexander-Shaw - LSE
Joseph Ganderson - LSE
Bringing Rokkan Back In? National Preferences
for the Political Development of the European
Single Paper
Joseph Ganderson - LSE
Zbigniew Truchlewski - University of
Anna Kyriazi - University of Milan
Different Trajectories of Party Euroscepticism
Under the Same Security Challenges: A
Comparative Analysis of Estonia And Lithuania
Single Paper
Liutauras Gudzinskas - Vilnius
[107] Cultural and Religious Identitarianism in
Contemporary Politics
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: John Torpey Cuny Graduate Center
Islam As the New Enemy: Did The Hamas
Attacks Of October 2023 Reinforce The
Dissociation Of Radical Right Parties From
Single Paper
Victor Matheus de Santana Santos -
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco -
Rodrigo Barros de Albuquerque -
Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS
Minority Nationalist Parties and Immigration
Single Paper
Edina Szocsik - University of Fribourg
Christina Isabel Zuber - University of
Asparagus! Natural-Experimental Evidence on
Perceived Labor Shortages and Immigration
Single Paper
Daniel Auer - Collegio Carlo Alberto
Gloria Gennaro - UCL
Tiziano Rotesi - Brown University
Nationalism in far right and far left populist
party agendas: Europe and Latin America in
comparative perspective
Single Paper
Daphne Halikiopoulou - University of
Carlos Melendez - Universidad Diego
Thursday, July 4
Lisa Zanotti - Universidad Diego
[108] Decolonising European Union Law I
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford
Can Europe be less Eurocentric? Decolonising
the Curriculum in European and EU Studies
Single Paper
Eva Polonska-Kimunguyi - London
School of Economics and Political
Charlotte Ennis - London School of
Economics and Political Science
Comparing The Decolonial Approach In Higher
Single Paper
Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford
Discussant: Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford/
Somerville College
[109] Emotional Games: Morality and Ethical
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Anne Balke Staver - Oslo Metropolitan
My Brother’s Keeper? The Effect of War on
Social Solidarity in Israel
Single Paper
Yossi Harpaz - Tel-Aviv University
Understanding Securitization Success: A New
Analytical Framework
Single Paper
Georgios Karyotis - University of
Ian Paterson - University of Glasgow
Andrew Judge - University of Glasgow
Bio-ethical Boundaries of Secularism: Religious
Voices and Reproductive Rights in France
Single Paper
Emma Caroline Delapré - Center for
West European Studies | EU Center,
Henry M. Jackson School of
International Studies, University of
[110] European Values, Gender, and (Anti-)
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ana Prata - California State University
Anti-Feminism Without Borders: Radicalism in
the Anti-Gender Movement in Europe
Single Paper
Dessie Zagorcheva - City University of
New York
Local Gender Equality Policies in Turkey from a
Policy Capacity Perspective
Single Paper
Ebru Ertugal - Özyeğin University
Women Voters Of The Radical Right: Who Are
They And What Motivates Them?
Single Paper
Julia de Romémont - UCL
Lotte Hargrave - University of
Civil Society and Anti-Gender Politics in the
European Parliament: A Favorable Political
Opportunity Structure?
Single Paper
Lucrecia Rubio Grundell
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
[111] Forms of Radicalism in Contemporary
Politics - Panel 1
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Vivian Gerrand - Deakin University
A Silent Wave? Exploring Radical Right
Discourse and Networks in Greece During the
2023 Parliamentary Elections
Single Paper
Nikos Smyrnaios - University of
Panos Tsimpoukis - University of
Thursday, July 4
Dimitris Elafropoulos - University of
Thick, Thin Or Artificial? ‘Centrism’ In An Age
Of Radicalism
Single Paper
Karl Pike - Queen Mary University of
“There would be violence if they could see us.”
A comparative analysis of attitudes towards
reporting of antisemitism in Poland and the UK.
Single Paper
Alec Z Rosłońska - Center for Research
on Extremism, University of Oslo
[112] Growth Strategies and Welfare State
Reforms, Part 1
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Growth Strategies and the Welfare State
Single Paper
Sinisa Hadziabdic - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies (MPIfG)
Anke Hassel - Hertie School
Bruno Palier - Sciences Po
Growth and Decarbonization: National
Capacities Meet Global Imperatives
Single Paper
Daniel Driscoll - Brown University
Mark Blyth - Brown University
European Gorwth Models in the Mirror of the
US Model
Single Paper
Herman Mark Schwartz - University of
Discussant: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po
[113] Managing European Integration: Recent
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Sabine Pitteloud - UniDistance Suisse
Capitalists Against Ordoliberals: The
Misfortunes Of Market Discipline In EMU
Single Paper
Christakis Georgiou - University of
Geneva and Sciences Po Grenoble
Managing regulation: how the automotive
industy converts regulation into value
Single Paper
Samuel Klebaner - Université Sorbonne
Paris Nord
Updating the map of relations between European
institutions and firms: what's changed in ten
Single Paper
Sylvain Laurens - EHESS
Discussant: Sabine Pitteloud - UniDistance Suisse
[114] Migration Politics and Policy
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Aubrey Westfall - Wheaton College
Returnee elected representatives and democratic
diffusion: Evidence from Romania, Turkey and
Single Paper
Vladimir Bortun - University of Oxford
Deniz Pelek - Institut Français d’Études
Anatoliennes (IFEA)
Ahmed Kadiri - Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona
Eva Østergaard-Nielsen - Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona
Assessing The Radicality of UK Immigration
Policy After Brexit For Vulnerable Asylum-
Single Paper
INGI IUSMEN - University of
Silently Planting the Seeds for Change:
Embedded Political Activism from Professor
Returnees in the Context of Morocco.
Single Paper
Ahmed Kadiri - Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona
Discussant:Aubrey Westfall - Wheaton College
[115] Neoliberalism and the Welfare State in
Central and Eastern Europe: Legacies, Theory,
and Practice
Thursday, July 4
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Dorothee Bohle - University of Vienna
Chair: Tomasz Inglot - Minnesota State University
Neoliberal and Anti-Neoliberal Legacies and the
Welfare State in Central and Eastern Europe:
Actor-Centered Analysis.
Single Paper
Tomasz Inglot - Minnesota State
The European Commission and the Neoliberal
Agenda for Post-Socialist Countries
Single Paper
Igor Guardiancich - University of
Invisible Challenges of Privatization of Care for
Older and Dependent People: A Comparison of
Poland and Czechia
Single Paper
Agnieszka Ewa Sowa-Kofta - Institute of
Labour and Social Studies
The Globalization Shock and Voter Behaviour in
Central and Eastern Europe
Single Paper
Andras Tetenyi - Corvinus University of
Discussant: Dorothee Bohle - University of Vienna
[116] New Media and the Far-Right: Findings
from In-Depth Case Studies
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Nader Hotait - Humboldt-University of
Radicality in the political far-right sector and
the impact on social media platforms
Single Paper
Lara Helmke - Universität Leipzig
How Muslim TikTok Content Creators React To
Single Paper
Nader Hotait - Humboldt-University of
Berlin, University of Mannheim
From Humor to Economies of Hate: On the Role
of Affect in Far-Right Mobilization
Single Paper
Ana Makhashvili - Freie Universität
Populism, Emotion, and the Persistence of
Single Paper
D.J. Flynn - IE University
Nina Wiesehomeier - IE University
Discussant: Nader Hotait - Humboldt University of
Berlin, University of Mannheim
[117] Panel ECRN 1 of Mini-Symposium 1:
Dystopian Realities and Arts of Resistance in
Radical Europe: Literary Voices
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Claske Vos - University of Amsterdam
Tearing Down The “Wall In People’s Heads:”
Radical Literary Voices Addressing Lingering
Post-Wende Trauma In Reunified Germany
Single Paper
Jan Uelzmann - University of Georgia
The Act of Non-Translation as Intervention in
German Film: Yeşilçam Cinema Aesthetics in
Turkish German Film
Single Paper
Berna Gueneli - University of Georgia
Debunking Italianess: Second-Generation
Italians And Multiculturalism
Single Paper
Giovanni M Dettori - SUNY Cortland
Modes Of Invisible: Slow Violence Against
Nature: The Role Of Western Visual
Single Paper
Vicky Karaiskou - Open University of
Discussant:Claske Vos - Assistant Professor
[118] Radical Movements and the Politics of
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Thursday, July 4
Public Health Communication During COVID-
19: Messenger, Measures or Context?
Single Paper
Alexandru Daniel Moise - European
University Institute
Evelyne Huebscher - Central European
Shifting Political Landscapes: How Right-Wing
Populism Shapes Local Health Expenditure
Single Paper
Onsel Gurel Bayrali - Binghamton
Sociopolitical Reputation And The Reform Of
Pharmacies In Greece And Portugal
Single Paper
Catherine Moury - Universidade Nova
Francesco Stolfi - Macquarie University
Stella Ladi - Queen Mary University
Damned if you, damned if you don’t: the politics
of pandemic preparation.
Single Paper
Catherine Moury - Universidade Nova
Olivier Jacques - Université de Montreal
Emna Ben Jelili - Université de
[119] Refugee Rights, Agency and Citizenship
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Elke Winter - University of Ottawa
The Re-establishment Of Refugees’ Civil Status
and Its Impact On Their Family Lives. A
Comparative Study Of Germany and France.
Single Paper
Emmanuel Ndahayo - University of
Reimagining Refugee Women’s Agency and
Authorship: Feminist Empowerment Strategies
in the British Asylum Sector
Single Paper
Zeynep Kilicoglu - Swansea University
Challenges Around Refugee Status
Determination of LGBTIQ+ Latin Americans in
Single Paper
Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida
International University
The Social Roots of Citizenship
Single Paper
David Jacobson - University of South
Jamie Goodwin-White - UCLA
Radical Urban Squatters are Good People:
Everyday Solidarities against Gentrification,
Xenophobia and Capitalism
Single Paper
Baptiste Colin - Institut d’urbanisme de
Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2
[120] Searching Repertoires of Action: National
and Transnational Experiences
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University Institute
of Lisbon
Too Radical / Not Radical Enough: Reactions
from Young Activists Engaged In Climate And
Environmental Movements
Single Paper
Sarah Elizabeth PICKARD - Université
Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Civic Culture, Civil Sphere and Political Parties
In Spain. Towards Thirty Years of Democratic
Practice And Its Essentialist-Radical Forms.
Single Paper
Ruben Diez Garcia - Complutense
University of Madrid
Melany Barragán - University of
Ariel Sribman Mittelman - Betiko
Typologies of Youth Activism in Spain: A
Qualitative Exploration
Single Paper
Gomer Betancor Nuez - UNED (Spain)
Jorge Benedicto Millán - UNED
Emma Gómez Nicolau - Universitat
Jaume I
Alejandro Gonzalo Puyod - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Myriam Aarab - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Nonviolent Resistance Strategies: People’s
Power in Ukraine
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Núria Suero Comellas - Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona
How to Build New Barricades: Transnational
Activism and the Lisbon Housing Struggle
Single Paper
Luisa Rossini - University of Lisbon
[121] Shifting Paradigm in International
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eamonn Butler McIntosh - University of
Unpacking Patterns of Free Riding in NATO:
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Disaggregated
Military Spending
Single Paper
Ringailė Kuokštytė - General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
Vytautas Kuokštis - Institute of IR and
Political Science, Vilnius University
Jordan Becker - US Military Academy
West Point
War And The Global South: Towards A
Paradigm Shift In International Relations?
Single Paper
Ruth Ferrero - Universidad
A Perfect Spy: John le Carre and the Oxford Left
Single Paper
Mark Wickham-Jones - University of
How to Tackle Peacekeeping? The Approach of
Public Diplomacy of IOs to the Topic of
Single Paper
Adéla Sedlecká - Charles University
[122] The Asymmetry of European Integration
Obstinate or Obsolete?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sven Schreurs - European University
The Asymmetry Of Positive And Negative
Integration Revisited, Or Why The EU Still Is No
‘Social Market Economy’
Single Paper
Martin Höpner - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Susanne Schmidt - University of Bremen
Daniel Seikel - Institute of Economic
and Social Research (WSI) of the Hans
Böckler Foundation
Re-embedding European Market Society?
Unpacking a New Generation of EU Social
Single Paper
Sven Schreurs - European University
From Rules to Tools? IPCEIs and the
Constrained Politics of EU Industrial Policy
Single Paper
Luuk Schmitz - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Timo Seidl - University of Vienna
The Emerging System of Re-insurance in the EU:
Beyond Negative and Positive Integration
Single Paper
Waltraud Schelkle - European
University Institute
Discussant: Amandine Crespy - Université libre
de Bruxelles
[123] The Effects Of The War in Ukraine:
Strategic DecisionMaking and Normative
Values in The European Union
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Holger Mölder - Tallinn University of
Chair: Alexandra Yatsyk - University of Lille
In Search Of Lost Stability... From Regional
Systemic Stability To Radicalization Of The
Black Sea Area
Single Paper
Mariana Cojoc - Ovidius University
Unconventional weapons: using history in the
RussoUkrainian war and memory securitization
in the Baltic states
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Vladimir Sazonov - Research-Professor
at Estonian Military Academy and
Assocaite Professor at University of
Sergii Pakhomenko - visiting Associate
Professor at the Department of
Communication Studies of University of
Latvia, Associate Professor at the
department of Political Science and
International Relations of Mariupol
State University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Discussant: Eric Shiraev - George Mason
[124] The Future of Organized Interests
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Benedikt Bender - Goethe-University
Can Organized Interests Still Shape Labour
Relations And Social Policy In Times Of Crises?
Single Paper
Bernhard Ebbinghaus - University of
Benedikt Bender - University of
Standing up to Orbán? Theorizing Business
Responses to anti-LGBTQ Legislation in
Hungary, 2012-2024
Single Paper
Daniel Kinderman - University of
Grey Power and Economic Performance
Single Paper
Tim Vlandas - University of Oxford
After the Age of Dualization: Social Partners
and the Politics of Labour Market Reforms
Single Paper
Luca Cigna - European University
Niccolo Durazzi - University of
Bianca Luna Fabris - University of
Edinburgh and European Trade Union
Odd Couple or Perfect Fit: Business Groups and
the Radical Right in Southern Europe
Single Paper
Philip Rathgeb - University of
Jimena Valdez - King's College London
[125] The Political Economy of Inequality and
Economic Transitions: Perceptions, Preferences
and Policy Responses. (Part 1)
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Fabian Mushövel - European University
Social Networks and Labour Market
Opportunities of Low-wage Workers in the
Knowledge Economy
Single Paper
Valentina Sara Consiglio - University of
Green Transition or Digitalization? Individual-
level Preferences Over Public Spending Trade-
offs On The Twin Transition
Single Paper
Sophia Stutzmann - Universität
Sebastian Koos - Universität Konstanz
Students' Perceptions Of Inequality And Political
Single Paper
Marius Busemeyer - Univerisity of
Konstanz; Cluster of Excellence "The
Politics of Inequality"
Claudia Diehl - Univerisity of Konstanz;
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of
Susanne Garritzmann - Univerisity of
Konstanz; Cluster of Excellence "The
Politics of Inequality"; Goethe
University Frankfurt am Main
Axinja Hachfeld - Univerisity of
Konstanz; Cluster of Excellence "The
Politics of Inequality"
Thomas Hinz - Univerisity of Konstanz;
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of
Theodoros Marinis - Univerisity of
Konstanz; Cluster of Excellence "The
Politics of Inequality"
Katja Pomianowicz - Univerisity of
Konstanz; Cluster of Excellence "The
Politics of Inequality"
Nadja Wehl - Univerisity of Konstanz;
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of
Unfairness perceptions and voting behaviour:
Egalitarianism, resentment, or withdrawal?
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Leo Ahrens - University of Konstanz
David Weisstanner - University of
Does The Regional Economic Context Predict
Subjective Labor Market Opportunities?
Evidence From Germany, UK, Spain and
Single Paper
Matthias Enggist - University of
Katy Morris - University of Lausanne
Gina-Julia Westenberger - University of
Discussant: David Weisstanner - University of
[126] The Study of Radicalization: Where Have
We Been, What Have We Learned and Where
Are We Going?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Bryan Arva - American University
Cecilia Idika-Kalu
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Bryan Joseph
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Satgin Hamrah
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Mia Bloom
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Henriette Frees Esholdt
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[127] The Violence of Absences and Silences:
Doing ‘Radical’ Archive Research
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Eline Westra - University of Amsterdam
Chair: Nawal Mustafa - Vrije Universiteit
Dawit Haile
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Sergio Calderón Harker
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Siying Wu
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Luc Mathilde Osmana Marraffa
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Alison Fischer
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Eline Westra
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[128] Varieties of Political Regimes in Europe.
1900 to the present. Violence, Democratization
and Autocratization
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Steffen Kailitz - Hannah Arendt Institute
for Totalitarianism Studies
Amel Ahmed
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Martin Dimitrov
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Erika Harris
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Michael Bernhard
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[129] Approaching Intersectionality Across
Policy and Literature
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida International
Intersectional Discrimination and Romani
Women’s Rights in Europe: Pushing the
Equ(al)ity Boundaries
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Serena D'Agostino - Vrije Universiteit
Tina Magazzini - Czech Academy of
"Conditions We Cannot Accept": HIV/AIDS and
Sex Work in Denmark
Single Paper
Tobias de Fønss Wung-Sung - University
of Copenhagen
Discussant: Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida
International University
[130] Business Looking Beyond the EEC
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez - Max Planck
Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
European Banks and European Payment
Systems, 1977-1992
Single Paper
Alexis Drach - Paris 8 University
Deeper or Wider? European Business
Associations Imagining Socialist Markets, 1946-
Single Paper
Aleksandra Komornicka - Maastricht
EBIC’s Afterlife. Financial Cooperation, The
Monetary Union And The Millennium
Single Paper
Johannes Sandhäger - Humboldt
University, Berlin
Discussant: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez - Max Planck
Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
[131] Challenges in the European Peripheries:
Policies Response to Rural Young People
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Francisco Simões - Iscte, University
Institute of Lisbon
School-to-Work Transition: Institutional
Structures and Subnational Variation
Single Paper
Ruggero Cefalo - University of Vienna
Rosario Scandurra - University
Autonoma Barcelona
Yuri Kazepov - University of Vienna
Public Employment Services and Young People:
Enhancing Relationships and Building Strategic
Action to Address Rural NEETs
Single Paper
Adriano Mauro Ellena - Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Youth parliaments in Germany and their policy
proposals targeting rural youth
Single Paper
Jale Tosun - Heidelberg University
Active labour market policies for NEETs in EU
countries. Ways to address the NEETs issues in
vulnerable areas through active labour market
Single Paper
Claudia Petrescu - Research Institute for
Quality of Life
Bogdan Voicu - Research Institute for
Quality of Life, Romanian Academy
Jale Tosun - Heidelberg University
Discussant: Francisco Simões - Iscte - University
Institute of Lisbon
[211] Circle of Stars: A History of the EU and
the People Who Made It
11:00 AM to 12:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 |
Room DEM.120Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Dermot Hodson - Loughborough
University London
Chair: Manuela Moschella - Scuola Normale
Jonathan Hopkin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Aneta Spendzharova
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Thursday, July 4
[133] Cultural Struggles in Contemporary
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The Role Of Russia-Ukraine War In Division Of
Far-Right and Radicalization Of Centre-Right
Before European 2024 Elections: The Insights
from Italy
Single Paper
Selcen Öner - Bahcesehir University
Valerio Alfonso Bruno - Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano)
What's happen in Italy? Talking About Gender
Issues, Migration and Civil Rights in the 2022
General and 2024 European Elections
Single Paper
Giovanni Brancato - Sapienza
University of Rome
Melissa Stolfi - Roma Tre University
Images of Crisis. Polarization, Violence and
Conflict in the European Election Campaigns
Single Paper
Melissa Stolfi - Roma Tre University
[134] Decolonising EU Law II
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford
Benevolence or Neo-Colonial Power? What the
European Union’s Border Regime Reveals About
the Nature of the EU
Single Paper
Eva Polonska-Kimunguyi - London
School of Economics and Political
The Legal Status ‘Fetish’: Racism and the
colonial legacy of the European Union
Migration Policy
Single Paper
Janine Silga - Dublin City University
Re-thinking The Introduction To EU Law A
Decolonial Approach
Single Paper
Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford
Discussant: Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford/
Somerville College
[135] Doing Feminism in Times of Global anti-
Gender Mobilizations
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Susi Meret - Aalborg Centre for European
Studies, Aalborg University
A Tale Of Two Countries - Media Coverage Of
The #MeToo movement In The USA And
Single Paper
Ana Prata - California State University
Beatriz Ribeiro - New University of
Analyzing Feminist Institutional and Movement
Responses to the Anti-Gender Campaigns: the
Case of Sweden
Single Paper
Hansalbin Sältenberg - Södertörn
All power to women? The framing of anti-gender
and anti-feminist positions in Denmark
Single Paper
Susi Meret - Regional and International
Studies, Aalborg University
Discussant: Gavan Titley Maynooth University
[136] Forms of Radicalism in Contemporary
Politics - Panel 2
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ruben Diez Garcia - UCM
The Effects of Import Shocks, Electoral
Institutions, and Radical Party Competition on
Legislator Ideology: Evidence from France
Thursday, July 4
Single Paper
Sara Watson - Ohio State University
Disagreeing To Agree: Populism and Consensus
Building Attitudes Among Spanish MPs And
Their Voters
Single Paper
Carles Pamies - Sciences Po Paris
Jose Javier Olivas Osuna - UNED &
Andrés Santana - Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid
What's In a Name? Why Some Radical Left
Parties Today Are Not Radical and Why That
Single Paper
Vladimir Bortun - University of Oxford
[137] From Historical Alliances to Digital Hate:
Social Movements and Political Action in
Central and Southeast Europe
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ivana Stepanovic - Institute of Advanced
Studies Koszeg
Digital Radicalization in the Balkans: Exploring
Right-Wing Social Media Narratives in the Post-
Yugoslav Space After the Ukraine Conflict
Single Paper
Ivana Stepanovic - Institute of Advanced
Studies Koszeg
Making and Unmaking of Scapegoats
Single Paper
Attila Pok - iASK
Historical Legacies in Fighting Current Social
and Geo-political Challenges: The Case of
Women's Movements in Central and Eastern
Single Paper
Izabella Agardi - Institute of Advanced
Studies Kőszeg
Discussant: Attila Pók - Institute of Advanced
Studies Kőszeg
[138] Growth Strategies and Welfare State
Reforms, Part 2
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Doubling down: Adjustment of an export-led
growth regime in Germany
Single Paper
Anke Hassel - Hertie School
Donato DiCarlo - Luiss University
The French Disconnection
Single Paper
Bruno Palier - Sciences Po Paris
Eastern European Growth Regimes: Trajectories
Of Change And Continuity
Single Paper
Sonja Avlijas - University of Belgrade -
Faculty of Economics and Business
Beyond Energy Rents. Russia’s Conflicting
Growth Strategies, Constrained Welfare State,
and a Non-Dynamic Growth Regime
Single Paper
Katharina Bluhm - Freie Universität
Berlin, East European Institute
Ewa Aleksandra Dabrowska - Freien
Universität Berlin, East European
Martin Brand - Freie Universität Berlin,
East European Institute
Discussant: Anke Hassel - Hertie School
[139] Immigrants In Host Societies: Social And
Economic Well-being Of Immigrants
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Dina Maskileyson - University of
Chair: Moshe Semyonov - Tel Aviv University
The Nativity Wealth-Health Gradient: The Case
Of Norway
Single Paper
Dina Maskileyson - University of
Bettina Maria Hünteler - University of
Cologne; The Max Planck Institute for
Demographic Research
Thursday, July 4
The cost of origin: the motherhood penalty
among second-generation immigrants in
Single Paper
Noa Achouche - University of Haifa
Haya Stier - Tel Aviv University
Intra-European Migration And Its Contribution
To Household Wealth
Single Paper
Moshe Semyonov - Tel Aviv University
Noah Lewin-Epstein - Tel Aviv
Aviad Tur-Sinai - Hebrew University
Go West? Domestic Migration and Wealth
Accumulation in Unified Germany
Single Paper
Moshe Semyonov - Tel Aviv University
Noah Lewin-Epstein - Tel Aviv
Christian Sven Czymara - Tel Aviv
Does Emigration Give Employment Benefits? A
Quasi-experimental Approach Applied to Poles
and Romanians in Italy and UK
Single Paper
Stefano Cantalini - University of Milan
Nazareno Panichella - University of
Discussant: Moshe Semyonov - Tel Aviv
[140] Minorities’ Attitudes and Values: Does
Discrimination Always Lead to Solidarity,
Leftism and Inclusion?
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Immigrants' Vote Choice: Exclusion and Group
Single Paper
Reut Itzkovitch-Malka - The Open
University of Israel
Shaul Shenhav - The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem
Radicalism And “Dissensus” As Political
Practices: A Postmigrant Perspective
Single Paper
Anita Rotter - University of Innsbruck
[141] Navigating the Radical Web: How the
Internet Facilitates Extremism and What to Do
about It
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Nader Hotait - Humboldt-University of
Regulating Online Platforms: From Addressing
Terrorist Content To Tackling Online Harms
Single Paper
Reem Ahmed - Institute for Peace
Research and Security Policy at the
University of Hamburg
Radicalization Potentials on TikTok - Presenting
New Findings
Single Paper
Nader Hotait - Humboldt-University of
Russian influence on European online extremist
Single Paper
Christiern Santos Okholm - EUI
Russell Hansen - University of
Washington, Seattle
Scott Radnitz University of
Discussant: Nader Hotait - Humboldt University of
Berlin, University of Mannheim
[142] Panel ECRN 2 of Mini-Symposium 1:
Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation,
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Giovanni Dettori - Binghamton University
(De)Radicalization Through Culture During the
First World War. ‘The International Tribune’ as
a Transnational Platform for a Reconciliation of
European Intellectuals?
Single Paper
Marjet Brolsma - University of
Thursday, July 4
Seeing European Developmentalism: The
Transition from Colonial Rule to Foreign Aid
Across European Media
Single Paper
Randall Halle - University of Pittsburgh
Cultural Construction of Russia’s War against
Ukraine in Twitter Communication of Russian
Embassies in the European Union
Single Paper
Alina Mozolevska - Petro Mohyla Black
Sea National University
The African Genesis of German Film Studies
Single Paper
John Davidson - Ohio State University
Discussant: Giovanni Dettori - SUNY Cortland
[143] Past, Present and Future Struggles: The
Political Economy of Climate Change
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Valentina Ausserladscheider - University of
Chair: Anna Hehenberger - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
The Snow Economy Under Vulnerable Climate
Conditions: The Politics Of Winter-Touristic
Single Paper
Valentina Ausserladscheider -
University of Vienna
Different Paths Towards Decarbonisation: How
Macroeconomic Configuration Explains Climate
Single Paper
Anna Hehenberger - Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Societies
Forging Unlikely Coalitions: Overcoming Lock-
Ins and Uneven Representation in Climate
Single Paper
Katrijn Siderius - Goethe University
Discussant: Marius Busemeyer - Universität
[144] Political Radicalization and Violence
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Giulia Grillo - University College London
The ‘Backward’ and ‘Forward’ Gaze of Violence
Support: How Radical and Reactionary
Orientations Explain Preferences for Extreme
Single Paper
Lamprini Rori - National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens
Tereza Capelos - University of
Vasiliki Georgiadou - Panteion
University of Social and Political
Sciences and National Centre of Social
Anastasia Kafe - Panteion University of
Social and Political Sciences
The Gaza Crisis and the End of West : Post-
colonial anti-Semitism vs. the Right Wing
Conservative Revolution
Single Paper
Alberto Spektorowski - Tel Aviv
Organized Political Violence in Greece, 2003-
2019: Comparing the Far Right and the Far Left
Single Paper
Lamprini Rori - National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens
Vasiliki Georgiadou - Panteion
University of Social and Political
Sciences & National Centre for Social
Research (EKKE)
German Populist Right Against The Civil
Society’s Centre: The Covid-19 Pandemic And
The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine
Single Paper
Polina Zavershinskaia - Leipzig
[145] Race, Religion and Immigration in
Europe: Attitudes and Outcomes
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Pepper Culpepper - University of Oxford
The Janus-Faced Nature of Negative Attitudes
toward Minority Outgroups and Economic
Policy Preferences in Comparative Context
Single Paper
Taeku Lee - Harvard University
Thursday, July 4
Pepper Culpepper - University of Oxford
Ideological Colourblindness In UK Politics:
Colourblind Racism?
Single Paper
Maria Sobolewska - University of
Competing priorities and commitment to
immigration preferences
Single Paper
Felix Jaeger - University of Mannheim
Marc Helbling - University of Mannheim
Rahsaan Maxwell - New York University
Richard Traunmueller - University of
European Consolidation and Divergent
Assimilation of Muslims and non-Muslims
Single Paper
Aala Abdelgadir - University of
Turn On, Tune In, Turn Out: Ethnic Radio and
Immigrants' Political Engagement
Single Paper
Stephanie Zonszein - University of
California, Berkeley
Discussant: Erik Bleich - Middlebury College
[146] Radicality From The Right: Far-Right
Movements’ Political Action and
Communication In Europe
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Greta Jasser - University of Göttingen
From Covid to Catch-All - the German
Querdenken Movement
Single Paper
Greta Jasser - University of Göttingen
Alexander Hensel - Universität
Radical Anti-gender Politics: The Cases of the
Far Right in the Netherlands and Hungary
Single Paper
Iris Beau Segers - Center for Research
on Extremism, University of Oslo
Katherine Ann Kondor - Center for
Research on Extremism, University of
Twisting Radicality
Single Paper
Ann-Kathrin Rothermel - University of
Valentina Nerino - University of Bern
[147] Resisting Migration Policies with Law?
Legal Opportunities and Strategies for the
Defense of Migrants
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Saskia Bonjour - University of Amsterdam
Migration lawyers and the construction of the
‘strange’ family
Single Paper
Saskia Bonjour - University of
Susan Diepenmaat - non-academic
Between Lawyers, Judges and Sexual
Humanitarianism- Negotiating SOGI asylum at
the National Court of Asylum (CNDA) in France
Single Paper
Sonja Evaldsson Mellström - University
of Amsterdam
Multi-Level Litigation Strategies: Defending
Refugees’ Rights in Domestic and International
Single Paper
Jonathan Miaz - University of Lausanne
To Resist Or To Conform: How Lawyers And
Asylum Seekers Negotiate Discourses Of
Single Paper
Marie Jacobs - Ghent University
Solidarity Lawyering: Refugee Rights,
Resistance, and Activism
Single Paper
Jess Hambly - Australian National
Discussant: Jonathan Miaz - Université de
[148] States, International Institutions and
Regulation: Peace at Stake
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Moritz Rehm - Saarland University
Thursday, July 4
The Dynamics of Local Knowledge Transfer in
EU Peace and Conflict Interventions
Single Paper
Benjamin Zyla - University of Ottawa
The Securitization of Islamic State Foreign
Fighters during 2014-2018 and its implications
for the counter-terrorist strategy of the European
Single Paper
Marta Ruiz Pérez - Universitat Pompeu
The Russian War in Ukraine: Implications for
NATO in the Arctic
Single Paper
George Soroka - Harvard University
[149] The Effects of Political Polarization in
European Democracies
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Enrique Clari - Autonomous University of
Madrid (UAM)
Populist Attitudes and Support For Democracy
Among Generations Y And Z In Spain
Single Paper
Enrique Clari - Autonomous University
of Madrid (UAM)
Guillermo Cordero - Autonomous
University of Madrid (UAM)
Defending Democracy in the European
Single Paper
Christin Tonne - Graduate Institute of
International and Development Studies,
(How) Do Crises Affect Radical Voting
Single Paper
Lukas Lauener - University of Lausanne
/ FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the
Social Sciences)
[150] The Effects Of The War in Ukraine On
The Strategic DecisionMaking In The
European Union II
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Holger Mölder - Tallinn University of
Chair: Alexandra Yatsyk - University of Lille
Radical parties in Europe and their narratives
about the war in Ukraine: the cases of Portugal,
Spain, France and Italy
Single Paper
Paula Espírito Santo -
CAPP/ISCSP/University of Lisbon
The War In Ukraine And Its Potential
Challenges To The European Security
Single Paper
Holger Mölder - Tallinn University of
Sport as (and non) Politics in Times of War:
Russian Athletes at Paris Olympics in French,
Ukrainian and Russian media
Single Paper
Alexandra Yatsyk - IRHiS , Université de
Lille, UMR 8529-CNRS
Discussant: Eric Shiraev - George Mason
[151] The Making of Political Narratives:
Competing Interpretations
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eamonn Butler McIntosh - University of
Epidemiological Knowledge, Disinformation
and Radical Narratives: the case of COVID 19
Single Paper
Julia Mori Aparecido - Interinstitutional
Graduate Program in International
Relations San Tiago Dantas (UNESP,
The Trauma Competition: How Narratives Of
The Cultural Trauma Of The Communist Past
Are Narrated By Bulgarian Political Elites
Single Paper
Michael Toomey - University of
Petar Bankov - University of Glasgow
Thursday, July 4
Clashing Narratives: Ukraine, Russia, and the
Power of the Past
Single Paper
Karolina Koziura - European University
Watching The Watchers - On The Expert
Networks Translating European Central Bank
Single Paper
Anna Sophie Zech - Paris 1 Panthéon-
Sorbonne & Université libre de
[152] The Political Economy of Climate Change
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Nils Kupzok - Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies
Individual Attitudes toward Multi-Level Climate
Action in the European Union
Single Paper
Laura Seelkopf - LMU Munich
Paving the Way for Green Commitments:
Environmental Credibility and Its Challenges
Single Paper
Mark Blyth - Brown University
Michal Koreh - University of Haifa
Ronen Mandelkern - Tel Aviv University
Climate Change as a Valence Issue? An Analysis
of Party Stances in Germany
Single Paper
Hanna Schwander - Humboldt
University Berlin
Luke Shuttleworth - humboldt University
Green Subsidies And Eco-Social Policy Conflict
Between The Social Partners In Germany And
The United States
Single Paper
Benedikt Bender - Goethe-University
Daniel Kindermann - University of
Sticks instead of carrots? The politics of
regulatory climate policies in France and
Single Paper
Nina Lopez Uroz - EUI
[153] The Political Economy of Finance, Growth
Models and Revolving Doors
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Patrick Emmenegger University of St.
A Country in Search of a Dominant Bloc:
Portugal and the Growth Models Perspective
Single Paper
Ricardo Paes Mamede - ISCTE-IUL
Catarina Príncipe - ISCTE-IUL
Matias Andrade - ISCTE-IUL
Revolving Doors: Evidence from 100 Years in
Single Paper
Victoria Paniagua - London School of
Alvaro La Parra-Pérez - Weber State
Sebastián Lavezzolo - Universidad
Carlos III Madrid
Guillermo Rosas - Washington
[154] The Political Economy of Inequality and
Economic Transitions: Perceptions, Preferences
and Policy Responses. (Part 2)
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Fabian Mushövel - European University
Economic Shocks And Political Outcomes By
Gender And Across Generations
Single Paper
Nadja Wehl - Univerisity of Konstanz;
Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of
Mathilde M. van Ditmars - University of
Lucerne; University of Zurich
Ideology, Party System Institutionalisation, and
Redistribution in Post-communist Europe
Single Paper
Bilyana Petrova - University of Zurich
Ana Petrova - University of Richmond
Thursday, July 4
Preferences for Inequality-Enhancing Tax Cut
Single Paper
Julian Limberg - King's College London
David Hope - King's College London
Risk of Poverty and Redistribution to the Poor. A
Microsimulation Approach to Studying Political
Single Paper
Mads Andreas Elkjær - University of
Fabian Mushövel - European University
Discussant: Fabian Mushövel - European
University Institute
[155] The Political Economy of State-Led Green
Transitions in Europe
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Cornel Ban - Copenhagen Business School
Antinomies Of The Environmental State: The
State As Market Actor In The Green Transition
Single Paper
Milan Babic - Roskilde University
State-led investment and the Green Transition
The means without the End?
Single Paper
Elsa Clara Massoc - HSG
Greening the Sunset: Issue Salience, Party
Strategies and Green Conditionality in the Dutch
Steel Sector
Single Paper
Jasper Simons - Utrecht University
Fabio Bulfone - Leiden University
Decarbonizing Europe: Green Derisking State,
Green Developmental State, Green
Single Paper
Cornel Ban - Copenhagen Business
Jacob Hasselbalch - Copenhagen
Business School
Discussant: Cornel Ban - Copenhagen Business
[156] Varieties of Nationalism: Communities,
Narratives, Identities
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Harris Mylonas - George Washington
Maya Tudor
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Harris Mylonas
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Daphne Halikiopoulou
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Sener Akturk
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jason Wittenberg
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Business Meeting RN Violence and
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Conference Side Event
Chair: Annett Graefe-Geusch - DeZIM Institut
EIGPE side event on ‘Reflecting on the EP
elections: Is the honeymoon period over for the
EU's ambitious Green Deal?’
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Conference Side Event
European Cultures Network Lunch Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Conference Side Event
Social Movement Network Business Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Conference Side Event
Thursday, July 4
Chair: Tiago Carvalho - Iscte-University Institute
of Lisbon
Chair: Luisa Rossini - ICS - ULisboa
Business in Politics & Society Research Network
gathering / Network Lunch
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Conference Side Event
[157] A Just Transition in Europe: Policies and
Politics - I
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Bianca Luna Fabris - European Trade
Union Institute and University of Edinburgh
Chair: Matteo Mandelli - Sciences Po Paris
The Politics of EU Ecosocial Policies
Single Paper
Paolo Graziano - University of Padua
Just, fair, green, digital: what transition does
"Brussels" want?
Single Paper
Amandine Crespy - Université libre de
The strangled middle: reassessing who is at risk
from climate change
Single Paper
Anne-Laure Beaussier - CNRS
Tom Chevalier - CNRS
Bruno Palier - CNRS
Eco-social divide or eco-social investment? The
socioeconomic determinants of public opinion
towards green, social investment and social
protection policies in 7 European countries
Single Paper
Stefano Ronchi - University of Milano
Marcello Natili - University of Milan
Francesco Benvenuto Molteni -
University of Milan
The Social Heterogeneity Of Public Support For
Social-Ecological Policies
Single Paper
Adeline Otto - KU Leuven
Katharina Marlene Zimmermann -
University of Hamburg
Benedetta Cotta - University of Padova
Dimitri Gugushvili - KU Leuven
Vincent Gengnagel - University of
Discussant: Matteo Mandelli - Sciences Po Paris
[158] Book Panel on "Fascism in America"
edited by Janet Ward and Gavriel Rosenfeld
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Marla Stone - Occidental College
Donald Trump and the Existential Communist
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Alexander Reid Ross
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Mabel Berezin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[159] Comparing Cumulative Crises in the EU
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Kate Alexander Shaw - LSE
Populism and Prosperity: Growth Model
Management in Poland and Hungary
Single Paper
Cornel Ban - Copenhagen Business
Explaining "Good" and "Bad" Crises in and for
the EU
Single Paper
Kate Alexander-Shaw - London School
of Economics and Political Science
Daniel Kovarek - European University
Waltraud Schelkle - European
University Institute
Transitory Divides? Public Opinion on the
European Union in Crisis
Single Paper
Joseph Ganderson - LSE
Thursday, July 4
Crafting Solidarity: Experimental Evidence on
the Cueing Effects of Domestic Politicians’ on
Public Support for EU Solidarity Policies
Single Paper
Ioana-Elena Oana - European
University Institute
Zbigniew Truchlewski - University of
Alexandru Moise - European University
Reframing past crises: how the EU connects its
crises, from the Euro area crisis to Covid-19
Single Paper
Kate Alexander-Shaw - LSE
Discussant: Zbigniew Truchlewski - University of
[160] Dynamics and Impact of Early Party
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Matthias Dilling - Swansea University
The Persistent Electoral Effects Of The German
Anti-Socialist Laws (1878-1890)
Single Paper
Lukas Haffert - University of Geneva
Dominik Flügel - University of Geneva
Competing Principals in a Multinational
Parliament: Legislative Behavior in Imperial
Austria, 1907-1914
Single Paper
Philip J. Howe - Adrian College
Christina Isabel Zuber - Universität
David Steinecke - University of Konstanz
Economic Interests And Political Conflict Before
Social Democracy: Explaining Early Party-
System Formation In Sweden
Single Paper
Simon Davidsson - Lund University and
Linköping University
Agustín Goenaga - Lund University
Oriol Sabaté - University of Barcelona
[161] Dynamics of Difference In Europe:
Between Liberalism and Post-Fascism (1)
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Paul Mepschen - University College
Radically Universalist? Immigrant Families’
Encounters with The Injunction To Assimilate In
Single Paper
Sonia Blanche Planson - Brown
Radical Self-identification: Ethno-racial Affinity-
groups in Sports and Leisure
Single Paper
Jasmijn Rana - Leiden University
Dispersal in Birmingham: Contradictions of
Antidiscrimination and Assimilation
Single Paper
Yannick Coenders - Washington
University in St. Louis
Discussant: Sebastien Chauvin - university of
[162] European Integration and Sectoral
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Dennie Oude Nijhuis - Leiden University
Preparing for the Common Market. The enquête
des promoteurs pour l'industrie caoutchouc
Single Paper
Tonio Schwertner - Humboldt University
State-owned companies and European
integration: fromt he origins to the raise of the
Europan Center of Public Entreprise (CEEP)
Single Paper
Sigfrido Manuel Ramírez Pérez - Max
Planck Institute for Legal History and
Legal Theory
Eurofer And Community Steel Policy (1975-
Single Paper
Dimitri Zurstrassen - LUISS University-
Sorbonne University
Europe as a Taxiway for Multinationals? On the
Relationship between European Integration and
Thursday, July 4
Multinational Cooperation. The Case of the
Chemical Industry (1958-1995)
Single Paper
Christian Marx - Leibniz Institute for
Contemporary History
A Unified Approach? European Steelmaker's
Response To International Competition In The
Single Paper
Philip Schulz - Otto-Friedrich-
University Bamberg
Discussant: Dennie Oude Nijhuis Oude Nijhuis -
Leiden University
[163] European Migration Dynamics at the
Junction of Human Rights and Security
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Elena Basheska - Central European
Portuguese Intra-EU Migration: Still a
Periphery of the European Migratory System?
Single Paper
José Marques - Interdisciplinary Center
for Social Studies / Polytechnic
University Leiria
Pedro Góis - University of Coimbra,
Faculty of Economics
Europe’s Immigration Divide: Multi-
Dimensional Burden-Sharing as Solution?
Single Paper
Philipp Lutz - University of Geneva
Maud Bachelet - University of Geneva
[164] Fostering Gender Equality in Academia:
Challenges and Avenues for Change
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Laura Eigenmann - Freie Universtität
Relevance Of Monitoring For Effective Policy
Implementation And A Gender Equality
Single Paper
Angela Wroblewski - Institute for
Advanced Studies (IHS)
Gender Equality Plans, Research Projects, and
Teaching: a Fruitful Cycle for Promoting
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Academia
Single Paper
Rita Bencivenga - University of Genoa
Gendered Micropolitics In Spanish Academia: A
Complex Web of Inequalities
Single Paper
Susana Vazquez-Cupeiro - UCM
Intersectionality and Gender Equity in
Academia: Discrimination on the Grounds of
Gender and Racial and Ethnic Origins in Sexual
Harassment in Spanish Universities
Single Paper
Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira -
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Intersectional Transformation or ‘Gender
Equality +’? Intersectionality in EU Policies on
Research and Science
Single Paper
Laura Eigenmann - Freie Universtität
Bontu Lucie Guschke - Freie Universität
Kathrin Zippel - Freie Universität Berlin
Discussant: Mieke Verloo - Radboud University
[165] Identity Discourse and Radicalization
Against EU
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Oleksandr Pankieiev Pankieiev - Canadian
Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of
Politics of Deterritorialization and
Eternalization: German Influences in
Contemporary Russia
Single Paper
Irina Kogan - Colgate University
War in Ukraine An End to the Illiberal
Alliance of Radicalization Against the EU?
Single Paper
Robert Sata - Central European
Marta Zerkowska-Balas - SWPS
Thursday, July 4
The radicalisation of identity discourse in Putin's
Russia amid the war against Ukraine
Single Paper
Marcin Skladanowski - The John Paul II
Catholic University of Lublin
[166] New Perspectives on Business, Banking
and Corporate Accountability Regulation
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Daniel Kinderman - University of Delaware
Silent Regulators and Noisy Firms
Single Paper
Cyril Benoît - Sciences Po
Takuya Onoda - Sciences Po
Corporate Accountability for Human Rights
Violations. European and Global South
Convergences towards a Radical Global
Single Paper
Raluca Cornelia Grosescu - National
University of Political Studies and
Public Administration
An Institutional Analysis on Dichotomy between
European and International Methodologies on
Banking Supervision: Towards an Effective
Harmonisation of Prudential Policies
Single Paper
Hideki Sato - Kanazawa University / The
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Understanding Business Collective Action:
Lessons from the Polish Enterprise Council
Single Paper
Magnus Feldmann - University of
Daniel Kinderman - University of
Discussant: Friedrich Haas - University of
[167] Panel ECRN 3 of Mini-Symposium 1:
Cultural Diplomacy in Wartime Europe
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Randall Halle - University of Pittsburgh
From The Cabinet To The Atelier: The Cultural
Diplomacy Of The Artist’s Studio
Single Paper
Giovanna Costantini - Independent
Removing Barriers, Opening Alternative Spaces
European Spaces of Culture as Conflict
Single Paper
Claske Vos - University of Amsterdam
Ukrainian Studies In 2024: Balancing
Knowledge Production And Advocacy
Single Paper
Olena Kovalenko - The Ukrainian
Discussant: Randall Halle - University of
[168] Panel I: Democracy and Dictatorship after
Revolution, War and Empire: Short and Long
Run Legacies
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Fernandes - University Institute of
Lisbon (ISCTE)
Chair: Michael Bernhard - University of Florida
After Revolution: Portugal’s Democratization in
Comparative Perspective
Single Paper
Tiago Fernandes - University Institute of
Lisbon (ISCTE)
What Can We Know about the Effects of
Democracy Using Cross-National Data?
Single Paper
Jonathan Stavnskær Doucette - Aalborg
Economic Development and Democratization in
Liberalized Autocracies
Single Paper
David Andersen - Aarhus University
Regime Change: An Evolutionary Approach
Single Paper
Stephen E. Hanson - William & Mary
Keeping What They Promise? Examining The
Effects of Social Revolutions
Single Paper
Tiago Fernandes - University Institute of
Lisbon (ISCTE)
Thursday, July 4
Discussant: Michael Bernhard - University of
[169] Political Polarization in the EU and EaP
Countries in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lia Tsuladze - Center for Social
Sciences/Tbilisi State University
The Deviation Discourse as a Manifestation of
Polarization: The Case of Georgia
Single Paper
Lia Tsuladze - Center for Social
Sciences/Tbilisi State University
Media Discourses in Polarized Societies: The
Case of Estonia
Single Paper
Holger Mölder - Tallinn University of
The Construction and Deconstruction of the EU
as a Normative Power by Media and Political
Elites in Spain
Single Paper
Sonia Boulos - Nebrija University
Juan Racionero - Nebrija University
Peace Discourse and Hegemonies. Further
Polarization in Hungary
Single Paper
Attila Melegh - Corvinus University of
György Lengyel - Corvinus University of
Political polarization in Portugal in the context
of the war in Ukraine
Single Paper
Moara Crivelente - Centre for Social
Studies - University of Coimbra
Neutrality vs. European Values: Irish Elite
Discourses in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of
Single Paper
Tetyana Lokot - Dublin City University
Alessio Cornia - Dublin City University
Discussant: Attila Melegh - Corvinus University
of Budapest
[170] Politics of Ethnicity and Race in Europe
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Magdalena J Zaborowska - University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Fighting prejudices and fostering mutual
understanding: volunteering as a tool of de-
Single Paper
Andrea Carlà - Institute for Minority
Rights - EURAC Research
What makes a racial group? Perceptions of race,
origin and skin tone in Western Europe
Single Paper
Mireia Triguero Roura - Columbia
Food, Race, and Inequality in France
Single Paper
Gaëlle Aminata Colin - Stony Brook
[171] Questioning EU Diplomacy and
International Interventions
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eva Michaels - Institut Barcelona d'Estudis
Internacionals (IBEI); Leiden University
Exploring the Effectiveness of Diffusion in
Foreign Aid of EU Member States: A
Spatiotemporal Analysis
Single Paper
Ringailė Kuokštytė - General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania
Vytautas Kuokštis - Institute of IR and
Political Science, Vilnius University
Enhancing Security, Stabilisation and
Capabilities or Reinforcing Violence? The
European Union Military Missions in Africa
Single Paper
Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar - Sao Paulo
State University (Unesp)
The European Union-China cooperation in
Operation Atalanta: The Presence of a Dragon
and a Dove as Security Providers in the Horn of
Single Paper
Ana Paula Brandao - CICP - University
of Minho
Thursday, July 4
Towards an EU Strategic Autonomy: Obstacles
and Operational Shortcuts
Single Paper
Dumitru Minzarari - Baltic Defence
[172] Race, Identity and Political Mobilisation in
France and Britain, c.1970-Present
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Emile Chabal - University of Edinburgh
Chair: Virginie Guiraudon - Sciences Po
Stepping Forward, Stepping Back? Assessing the
articulation and practice of identity politics in
contemporary social movements
Single Paper
Alexander Hensby - University of Kent
Emile Chabal - University of Edinburgh
Timothy Peace - University of Glasgow
Race in Contemporary French Politics
Single Paper
Emile Chabal - University of Edinburgh
Naming Race in Anti-racist Struggles in France.
A Radical Word for a Restorative Emancipation.
Single Paper
Rachida Brahim Edinburgh Univeristy
« Deux Salles, Deux Ambiances » Comparing
Identity Politics Through Music in France and
the United Kingdom
Single Paper
Angeline Escafre-Dublet - Lyon 2
Discussant: Montserrat Emperador Badimon -
Université Lyon 2
[173] Radical Anti-Racism In Europe?
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jean Beaman - University of California
The Pioneers of (The New) Anti-racism in
Single Paper
Ilke Adam - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bambi Ceuppens - Royal Museum for
Central Africa
Fatima Zibouh - Université de Liège
Black Visions in Germany
Single Paper
Folashade Ajayi - Vrije Universiteit
Provincializing the Human, the Animal: A
Proffer for Future Antiracisms
Single Paper
Mariska Jung - Vrije Universiteit
#RomaLivesMatter, too. Romani (Antiracist)
Activism in Europe: from (De)politicization
towards a Critical Turn
Single Paper
Serena D'Agostino - Vrije Universiteit
Discussant: Leah Bassel Coventry University
[174] Radicalités in Urban Cultures
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Claire Mouflard - Hamilton College
Marginal Masculinities: Recasting Sex Work In
The French Banlieue
Single Paper
Peter Tarjanyi - Middlebury College
Activism in Urban Spaces: Remapping
Colonialism and the Patriarchy
Single Paper
Claire Mouflard - Hamilton College
French Rap and “Radicalism”: a Double
Single Paper
Stève Puig - St John's University
Radical Riots: How to Resist Police Brutality in
21st Century France
Single Paper
Elise Bouhet - Alfred University
Discussant: Claire Mouflard - Hamilton College
[175] Redefining the Boundaries of Free
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Thursday, July 4
Chair: Anita Rotter - University of Innsbruck
What if EU mobility becomes EU emigration?
Sending Countries of Migrants between
Integration and Demarcation
Single Paper
Christof Roos - Europa-Universität
Kseniia Cherniak - Europa-Universität
Max Nagel - Bremen University/ Vrije
Universiteit Brussel
Border Encounters: How Citizens React to
Immigration Detention in Italy
Single Paper
Maxine Both - European University
Equal Rights to Entry and Exit? Public Support
for Free Movement of Workers, Students and
Single Paper
Sharon Baute - University of Konstanz
Coming to Terms with Forced Migration
Maria Eleni Anastasopoulou -
University of Oxford
[176] Socio-political Violence and Terrorism:
When Fear and Violence are Among Us
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Taking Stock of Jihadi & Right-Wing CVE
Programs in Germany
Single Paper
Dorle Hellmuth - The Catholic
University of America
Make Them Fear To Make Them Comply:
COVID-19 And The Politics Of Fear Appeal
Single Paper
Andras Szalai - ELTE University
Ákos Kopper - ELTE University
The Populist Backlash against Globalization: A
Meta-Analysis of the Causal Evidence
Single Paper
Gabor Scheiring - Georgetown
European women of the Caliphate: violence,
radicalisation and counter-terrorism
Single Paper
Marta Ruiz Pérez - Universitat Pompeu
[177] Studying CPE from the Outside-In (Part I)
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alison Johnston - Oregon State
Chair: Elsa Clara Massoc - University of St Gallen
Chair: Palma Polyak - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Return to Diversity: Explaining Eastern
European Financial Strategies
Single Paper
Rachel Epstein - Josef Korbel School of
International Studies, University of
Dora Piroska - Central European
Bent into submission?: Can international
financial actors discipline populist governments?
Single Paper
Alison Johnston - Oregon State
Juliet Johnson - McGill University
Concerts of Employers: Confederations as
Organizations and Social Partners
Single Paper
João Loureiro - Iscte University
Institute of Lisbon
[178] Terrorist Threats and Responses
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The European Union Legal Framework On The
Import Of Cultural Goods And The Fight
Against Terrorist Financing
Single Paper
Maria Anna Iosifidou - University of
Talking About Muslims In Belgian Politics: The
Racialization of Radicalization And Terrorism
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Elias Raymond Woodbridge - Vrije
Universiteit Brussel
Iman Lechkar - Vrije Universiteit
An-Sofie Vanhouche - Vrije Universiteit
It's All in the Name: Why do terrorist groups
rebrand and what are the effects?
Single Paper
Bryan Joseph Arva - American
[179] The Migration-Development Nexus in the
European Union Policy Framework A Legal
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Iyiola Solanke - University of Oxford
Janine Silga
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[180] The Politics of Structural Labour Market
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Olaf van Vliet - Leiden University
Policy Responses to Labour Market Risks: On
the Combined Effects of Digitalization, the
Green Transition, and Migration
Single Paper
Anna-Lena Nadler - Leiden University
Olaf van Vliet - Leiden University
The impact of digital skills training courses: A
field experiment
Single Paper
Aina Gallego - Universitat de Barcelona
Florencia Olivares - Universitat
Pompeu Fabra
Consumers in the Platform Economy: Balancing
Self-interest and Solidarity
Single Paper
Juliana Chueri - Vrije Universiteit
Giuliano Bonoli - University of
Carlo Maria Dimitri - University of
Non-Standard Employment in the Income
Single Paper
Jonas Pontusson - University of Geneva
Jérémie Poltier - University of Geneva
Skill Change and the Shifting Landscape of
Labor Market Insecurity in the Knowledge
Single Paper
Thomas Kurer - University of Zurich
Discussant: Anna-Lena Nadler - Leiden University
[181] The Transition to the Knowledge Economy
in Advanced Democracies
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Niccolo Durazzi - University of Edinburgh
Chair: Patrick Emmenegger - University of St.
No Great Equalizer: Experimental Evidence on
AI in the UK Labor Market
Single Paper
Matthias Haslberger - University of St.
Jane Gingrich - University of Oxford
Jasmine Bhatia - Birkbeck, University of
Varieties of Knowledge Economy and its
Political-Institutional Foundations
Single Paper
Sebastian Diessner - Leiden University
Niccolo Durazzi - University of
Federico Filetti - King's College London
David Hope - King's College London
Hanna Kleider - King's College London
Simone Tonelli - University of
The Political Economy of Ideas in the
Knowledge Economy
Single Paper
Cecilia Ivardi - University of St.Gallen
From Social Protection to Social Investment:
The Welfare-Skill Formation Nexus in the
Knowledge Economy.
Single Paper
Thursday, July 4
Fabian Mushövel - European University
Skill Formation, Natural Language Processing
and the Analysis of Institutional Change
Single Paper
Milan Thies - European University
Discussant: Martin Carstensen - Roskilde
[182] Towards an EU Federal Fiscal Union?
Internal Threats, Direct Tax Capacity and
Comparative Fiscal Federalism
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tomasz Wozniakowski - University of
Wroclaw and LUISS
Chair: Christakis Georgiou - Sciences Po
Existential Internal Threat as a Necessary
Condition for the Emergence of an EU Tax
Capacity? Evidence from the Covid-19 and
Russian War Crises
Single Paper
Tomasz P. Wozniakowski - University of
Wroclaw and LUISS
The (Temporary) Power to Tax of the Swiss
Confederation: Insights for the European Union
Single Paper
Tiziano Zgaga - University of Konstanz
Direct taxes for the European Union?
Single Paper
Federal Budget Rationales: European Added
Value, Subsidiarity, European Public Goods,
Horizontal Priorities, and What Else?
Single Paper
Nico Groenendijk - Inland Norway
Anti-System Governments all the Way Down:
anti-system links between national and city
government in the United States and Germany
Single Paper
Shawn Donnelly - University of Twente
Le Anh Nguyen Long - University of
Discussant: Andrea Capati - LUISS
[183] Author Meets Critics: How the Radical
Right Has Changed Capitalism and Welfare in
Europe and the USA
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Philip Rathgeb - University of Edinburgh
Gabor Scheiring
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Daphne Halikiopoulou
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Alexandre Afonso
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Anke Hassel
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[184] Authors Meet Critics: Erne et al. (2024)
Politicising Commodification. European
Goverance and Labour Politics from the
Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency.
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Roland Erne - UCD
Chair: Hélène B. Ducros - Council for European
Martin Rhodes
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Elodie Bethoux
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Tiago Carvalho
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Claude Didry
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Martin Höpner
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Thursday, July 4
[185] Bringing Party Organization ‘Back in’ to
the Study of European Politics: New
Applications and Future Directions
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alex Mierke-Zatwarnicki - European
University Institute
Oppositional Identity Politics: Towards a New
Single Paper
Alex Mierke-Zatwarnicki - European
University Institute
Activism as a Strategy: How Political Parties
Adapt Movement Brands?
Single Paper
Endre Borbáth - Freie Universität Berlin
& WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Swen Hutter - Freie Universität Berlin
& WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Repertoires of contention and shifting political
opportunities: the modularity of protest forms in
times of heightened socio-political conflict
Single Paper
Forty years of EU elections in Greece: The
structural transformation of ideological
cleavages in the Greek political scene
Single Paper
Stamatis Poulakidakos - University of
Western Macedonia
Labrina Bouterakou - Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki
Discussant: David Art - Tufts University
[186] Citizens and Grand Challenges: Evidence
from Cross-Country Surveys and Experiments
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Stefano Sacchi - Polytechnic University of
Chair: Caroline de la Porte - Copenhagen
Business School
The societal consequences of “intelligent”
automation and policy preferences: evidence
from a novel survey
Single Paper
Stefano Sacchi - Polytechnic University
of Turin
Young-Kyu Shin - Korea Institute for
Health and Social Affairs
Don’t touch the Welfare State? Globalization,
automation and public support for welfare state
Single Paper
Francesco Nicoli - Polytechnic
University of Turin
Stefano Sacchi - Polytechnic University
of Turin
Brian Burgoon - University of
Marius Busemeyer - University of
Lukas Hetzer - University of Cologne
Gregorio Buzzelli - University of Milan
Big dilemmas, little time: Individual attitudes on
inter-generational climate justice
Single Paper
Manuele Citi - Copenhagen Business
Zhen Jie Im - Copenhagen Business
Pensions, Social Policy And War
Single Paper
Caroline De la Porte - Copenhagen
Business School
Stefano Sacchi - Polytecnico di Torino
Gregorio Buzzelli - Politecnico di
Discussant: Marius Busemeyer - University of
[187] Crisis Governance and Public Policy in
Multi-Level States
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Hanna Kleider - King's College London
Multilevel Government During Crises: Decision-
making and implementation by Local and
Regional Governments during the Covid-19
Crisis in 31 European Countries
Single Paper
Bilal Hassan - University of Bergen
Thursday, July 4
Determinants of Policy Coordination in Multi-
Level States During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Single Paper
Hanna Kleider - King's College London
Simon Toubeau - University of
Party Systems and Crisis Management: Strategic
Constraints on Regional Policy Responsiveness
in COVID-19 Pandemic
Single Paper
Olga Shvetsova - Binghamton University
Onsel Gurel Bayrali - Binghamton
Discussant: Simon Toubeau - University of
[188] Digital Technologies and Democratic
Processes in the European Union
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Gabriela Borz - University of Strathclyde
Party On the Digital Ground?
Single Paper
Jasmin Fitzpatrick - JGU Mainz
Digital political campaigning: different
approaches in a multi-level EU setting
Single Paper
Gabriela Borz - University of
Cristina Mitrea - Babes-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
anna Longhini - Babes-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca
Tom Montgomerie - Babes-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca
Digital political campaigning through instant
messaging services: European far-right parties
and politicians on Telegram
Single Paper
Remi Almodt - Babes-Bolyai University
Discussant: Jasmin Fitzpatrick - University of
[189] Doing Feminism in Times of Global anti-
Gender Mobilizations
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Susi Meret - Aalborg Centre for European
Studies, Aalborg University
Gender Ideology as a Frame Repertoire:
Transversal Instrumentalization of Gender
Single Paper
Mojca Pajnik - The Peace Institute and
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of
Rok Smrdelj - Faculty of Arts, University
of Ljubljana
Roman Kuhar - Faculty of Arts,
University of Ljubljana
Anti-gender Movements, Radical Wellness and
White Supremacy
Single Paper
Vivian Sophie Gerrand - Deakin
Francesca Scrinzi - University of
Populist Radical Right Party Members
Negotiating Religion, Gender and Sexuality: An
‘Internalist’ Perspective on the Radicalisation of
the League (Italy)
Single Paper
Francesca Scrinzi - University of
The Consequences of Institutional Antifeminism
in Power: the case of Italy
Single Paper
Francesca Feo - University of Bergen
Impact Of Cyber Harassment On Collectives’
And Individual Feminist Mobilisations In France
Single Paper
Laetitia Caumes - European Alternatives
Ségolène Pruvot - European Alternatives
Discussant: Anna Lavizzari - Universidad
Complutense Madrid
[190] Dynamics Of Difference In Europe:
Between Liberalism And Postfascism (2)
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Paul Mepschen - University College
Thursday, July 4
Space, place and the material in the history of
male homosexuality
Single Paper
Tijmen van Voorthuizen - Universiteit
van Amsterdam
Dynamics Of The Rural, The Urban And The
Global: First Thoughts On The Politics Of
Difference On The Dutch/German Border.
Single Paper
Paul Mepschen - University College
The Return of the Native. Navigating between
nostalgic nativism and hopeful liberalism.
Single Paper
Jan Willem Duyvendak - University of
Discussant: Jasmijn Rana - Leiden University
[191] Education and Culture as a Mechanism
for Tolerance, Attitudes and More
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Daniela Heimpel - Centre Marc Bloch,
Humboldt University
Radicalism and Education in Europe: how
education can revitalize democratic citizenship
Single Paper
Tereesa Pullano - Università degli Studi
di Milano
Paola Mattei - Università degli Studi di
Frederico Bruno - University of Milan
Contested Integration: Hegemony Projects in the
Field of Education in Austria
Single Paper
Stella Louise Wolter - University of
Doing Difference Racialized Barriers to Day
Care Centers
Single Paper
Seyran Bostanci - Deutsches Zentrum
für Integrations- und
Migrationsforschung (DeZIM)
Battling For the Soul of the Nation: How
Competition Over Schooling Shapes Public
Education Expansion
Single Paper
Alejandro Lopez-Peceño - New York
Scientizing the World: Conceptualizing the
Institutionalization of Science, 19802020
Single Paper
Justin Powell - University of
[192] EU Industrial Policy and Activist
Economic Governance in the Single Market
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Timo Seidl - University of Vienna
From self-inflicted incapacitation to rational
adaptation: explaining the shift towards state
activist industrial policy in the Netherlands
Single Paper
Luuk Schmitz - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Jasper Simons - Utrecht University
School of Governance
Germany Inc. 4.0 The Digital Transformation
of German Industry
Single Paper
Michael Schwan - University of
Christine Trampusch - Universität zu
Jonas Horn - Universität zu Köln
Skills for what? A discursive institutionalist
analysis of the European Year of Skills
Single Paper
Bastian Kenn - Université libre de
[193] Fiscal Policy Preferences
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Julian Limberg - King's College London
Tax evasion and willingness to pay
Single Paper
Antoine Genest-Grégoire - Université de
Olivier Jacques - Université de Montréal
Julian Limberg - King's College London
Thursday, July 4
Between a Shock and a Hard Place: Individual
Fiscal Preferences Between the Eurozone and
the Covid Crises
Single Paper
Irene Germani - King's College London
Public Preferences Over Countercyclical Fiscal
Single Paper
Lucy Barnes - University College
The Hidden transformation of Social Insurance:
Making Contributory Finance Progressive
Single Paper
Michal Koreh - Haifa University
Michael Zemmour - Science Po Paris
Bruno Palier - Science Po Paris
Discussant: Olivier Jacques - Université de
[194] Flexible Authoritarianism. Cultivating
Ambition and Loyalty in Russia
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Anna Schwenck - University of Siegen
Christian Joppke
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Katharina Bluhm
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Mabel Berezin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[195] Is Something Rotten in the State of
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Helena Stensota - political science
department, university of göteborg
Alternative authorities and public goods
provision in the context of the advanced welfare
Single Paper
Helena Stensota - Political Science
Department, University of Göteborg
Anna Persson - Political Science
Department, University of Göteborg
How Do Violent Islamist Extremists Work to
Overturn Swedish Society and Democracy?
Single Paper
Henriette Frees Esholdt - Lund
Discussant: Helena Stensöta - Political Science
Department, University of Göteborg
[196] Islam and Muslims between Public
Acceptance and Rejection
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eylem Kanol WZB Berlin Social Science
The Mobilizing Effects of Muslim Experiences
with Discrimination in Europe and North
Single Paper
Aubrey Westfall - Wheaton College
Public Acceptance of Mosques in Contemporary
European Settings
Single Paper
Marc Helbling - University of Mannheim
Constructing Gendered Religious Identities -
TikTok’s Muslim Female Content Creators
Single Paper
Fatima El Sayed - Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin
Nader Hotait - Humboldt-Universität zu
[197] Migration and Immigrant Policies: the
Scope for Progressive Radicalité
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Thursday, July 4
Chair: Karen Schönwälder - MPI-MMG, Max
Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and
Ethnic Diversity
Jennifer Elrick
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Angéline Escafré-Dublet
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Karen Schönwälder
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Saskia Bonjour
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[198] Minorities Visibility: The Pros and Cons of
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Michael Nebeling Petersen - University of
The racialized origins of political science
Single Paper
Mark Wickham-Jones - University of
Examining The 1999 National Lesbian Billboard
Campaign In Ireland And Strategies Of
Awareness And Visibility For LGBT+ Rights
Single Paper
Fait Muedini - Butler Unviersity
Intersectional Linguistic Justice for Inclusive
Language Policies
Single Paper
Cecilia Gialdini - University of
Edinburgh and Centre For Research and
Documentation on World Language
Radicality and democratization: the origins of
the pro-life movement in Spain (1970s-2010s)
Single Paper
María Mundi López - École des hautes
études en sciences sociales
Agata Ignaciuk - University of
Granada/University of Warsaw
[199] National, Individual and Social Identities:
Past and Present
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The Dual Character of Postmemory as the (dis-)
consolidating Resource of Historical Memory
and Identity.
Single Paper
Raisa Barash - FCTAS RAS
Motifs and Themes of Digital Folklore of
Russia's Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine
Single Paper
Oleksandr Pankieiev - Canadian
Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University
of Alberta
Surveying Ukraine: An Experiment as to
Historical Memory
Single Paper
George Soroka - Harvard University
Narratives of (Be)Longing Identity
Discourses of Ukrainian Refugees in Estonia
Leena Käosaar - University of Tartu
Chair: Sazonov Vladimir Estonian Military
Academy and University of Tartu
[200] Panel II: Democracy and Dictatorship
after Revolution, War and Empire: Short and
Long Run Legacies
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Fernandes - University Institute of
Lisbon (ISCTE)
Chair: Michael Bernhard - University of Florida
Layered Legacies: East Germany and the Long
Arm of the Past
Single Paper
Jeffrey Kopstein - University of
California, Irvine
Dilemmas of Polishness: Conflicting (Post-
colonial) Legacies of Imperial Aggrandizement
and Economic “Backwardness.”
Single Paper
Jan Kubik - Rutgers University and UCL
The Role of Pre-Communist Democratic
Institutions for Post-Communist
Thursday, July 4
Single Paper
Martin Dimitrov - Tulane University
Blame the Voters: Authoritarian Preferences,
Populism, and Democratic Backsliding
Single Paper
Noah Dasanaike - Harvard University
Grzegorz Ekiert - Harvard University
Discussant: Tiago Fernandes - University Institute
of Lisbon (ISCTE)
[201] Radical Europe: Radicality, Extremism
and Prevention
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Charlotte Heath-Kelly - University of
The Ethics of Early Intervention in PVE
Single Paper
Sadi Shanaah - University of Warwick
Power, governance, and coordination in the
prevention of violent extremism and terrorism:
The cases of France and Spain
Single Paper
Aitor Bonsoms - Institut Barcelona
d'Estudis Internacionals
Measuring reactivity in the anonymous far-right
milieu - an analysis of /pol
Single Paper
William Haigh - University of Warwick
Preventing Violent Extremism and the
Securitisation of Liberal Democratic Traditions
Single Paper
Charlotte Heath-Kelly - University of
Radicalisation, Resilience And Resistance: The
Making And Unmaking Of Counter-Extremism
Single Paper
Richard McNeil-Willson - Leiden
Discussant: Charlotte Heath-Kelly - University of
[202] Resisting or Replacing the State: How
State Institutions Shape Mobilizations and Their
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Montserrat Emperador Badimon Lyon 2
"Unraveling Violence Variation in Urban Riot:
Warnings from Contemporary Latin America"
Single Paper
Diego Sazo - London School of
Protest and Protest Policing in Portugal and
Spain, 2000-2020
Single Paper
Cláudia de Araújo - University of
Barcelona; ISCTE-IUL
The “Latin Negro” in Anglo America: How
French and Spanish Racial Systems Shaped U.S.
Jim Crow Segregation through Plessy v.
Single Paper
luna Vincent - Northwestern & Ecole
Normale Supérieure
[203] Skill Formation Systems and Labour
Market Policies in Transition
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Niccolo Durazzi - University of Edinburgh
Chair: Martin Bæk Carstensen - Roskilde
How Perceived Distributive Effects Shape Labor
Market Policy Support
Single Paper
Silja Häusermann - University of Zurich
Reto Bürgisser - University of Zurich
Fabienne Eisenring - University of
Determinants of Gendered Occupational
Choices: What Factors Reduce the Gender Gap
in Preferences for ICT-Reliant Occupations?
Single Paper
Patrick Emmenegger - University of St.
Effects Of Germany’s Move To The Knowledge
Economy On Firms’ Strategies To Secure Skills
Single Paper
Konstantin Jakob Maria Peveling -
King’s College London
Thursday, July 4
Transition into Parenthood, National Family
Policies and Between-Class Inequality: Do
Middle Classes Take it All?
Single Paper
Ilze Plavgo - University of Mannheim
The Politics of the Individualization of Training
Single Paper
Maxime Borg - European University
Milan Thies - European University
Discussant: Niccolo Durazzi - University of
[204] Studying CPE from the Outside-In (Part
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alison Johnston - Oregon State
Chair: Arie Krampf - Academic College of Tel
Aviv, Yaffo
Chair: Dora Piroska - Central European
Sustaining imbalance: The international
financial foundations of growth models
Single Paper
Benjamin Braun - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
The political economy of (global) banking and
the limits of growth model theory
Single Paper
Elsa Clara Massoc - HSG
Mareike Beck - Warwick University
Between Fed spillovers and global supply
shocks: Exploring international drivers of the
European Central Bank’s actions
Single Paper
Palma Polyak - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Manuela Moschella - Scuola Normale
Discussant:Alison Johnston - Oregon State
[205] The Politics and Political Economy of
European Financial Instruments
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eugenia da Conceicao-Heldt - Technical
University of Munich
Chair: David Howarth - University of Luxembourg
Banking on Europe: How the EU became a
Sovereign-Style Borrower
Single Paper
Dermot Hodson - Loughborough
University London
Accelerating the Green Transition: Budgetary
Innovations and the REPowerEU Instrument
Single Paper
Lucas Schramm - LMU Munich
Chiara Terranova - Europa-Universität
With Great Financial Power Comes Great
Solidarity?: The EU As European Lender Of
Last Resort
Single Paper
Moritz Rehm - Saarland University
Controlling European money for failing banks:
Designing the European Stability Mechanism as
the Single Resolution Fund's financial backstop
Single Paper
David Howarth - University of
Institutional differentiation in the EU’s financial
assistance regime
Single Paper
Lukas Spielberger - University of
Discussant: Michele Chang - College of Europe
[206] The Transnational Diffusion of Illiberal
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Marta Żerkowska-Balas - SWPS
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny
Immigration And Citizenship in Europe:
Tackling Radicalisation Or Radicalising
Thursday, July 4
Single Paper
Dimitry Kochenov - Central European
Elena Basheska - Central European
Illiberal Cultural Policies in Central and
Eastern Europe: A Comparative Review
Single Paper
Piotr Zagórski - SWPS University,
Bálint Mikola - CEU
Tomas Cirhan - Charles University
Central European Far Right and the Russian
Narrative - Illiberal Discursive Strategies in
Austria and Hungary
Single Paper
Liliia Sablina - Central European
Balint Mikola - Central European
The Transnationalization of The Radical Right
Ivan Tranfic Scuola Normale
Superiore di Pisa
[207] Transnationalism and Member State
Representation in the EU: Institutional and
Behavioral Perspectives
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras - University of
California, Riverside
Hungary and Poland: 'Bargaining' for EU
Funding in an Age of Rule-of-Law Budget
Kinga Koranyi - Hertie School
Assertiveness and Influence of Member State
Administrations on the European Level
Single Paper
Rahel M. Schomaker - German Research
Institute for Public Administration
Ann-Katrin Mandry - German Research
Institute for Public Administration
Public Opinion in a Globalized World: Ideology
among Dual Citizens
Single Paper
Kaitlin Alper - University of Southern
Eroll Kuhn - Stony Brook University
The Harder Soft Governance of Educational
Policy In Europe: The Portuguese Case
Single Paper
Ana Grifo - GOVCOPP - University of
João Lourenço Marques - GOVCOPP -
University of Aveiro
Discussant: John Fossum - ARENA, University of
[208] Welfare Policy Towards Students, Youth
and the Disable
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Julia Lynch - University of Pennsylvania
Structuring Inequalities Among Disabled
Persons: Assistive Technology Policies
Addressing Veterans and Civilians in the US and
Single Paper
H. Tolga Bolukbasi - Bilkent University
Ahmet Tarik Biyiklioglu - Bilkent
Student poverty and the welfare state
Single Paper
Tom Chevalier - CNRS
Students’ Finance & Housing Struggle in Italy:
Explaining Radicality in Education Policy-
Single Paper
Astrid Favella - University of Rome "La
Assessing the Impact of the Youth Employment
Single Paper
Rosario Scandurra - Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona
Ruggero Cefalo - University of Vienna
From Intense Preferences to Political
Participation: The (Local) Politics of Housing
Single Paper
Sophia Wang - Yale University
Thinking about Alternative Justice Responses to
Sexual Violence. The Case of Anti-Authoritarian
Thursday, July 4
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Grand
Amphitheatre - Palais Hirsch
Conference Side Event
[209] Challenges and Evolutions of EU Trade
and Legal System
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Miriam Hartlapp - Freie Universität Berlin
Re-bordering Europe: Is the Schengen Area
Being De-legalised?
Single Paper
Nicole Scicluna - Hong Kong Baptist
Geopoliticization of EU trade policy: Assessing
the origins of EU renew assertiveness in global
Single Paper
dealan Riga - University of Liege
The participation of Ukraine to the EU’s
administrative space : a silent “rescue” of the
nation-state amid Russian invasions
Single Paper
Matis Poussardin - University of Geneva
[210] Changing Welfare States in Times of
Crises: Understanding Reform Dynamics in the
21st Century
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Bernhard Ebbinghaus - University of
Tanja Klenk
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jonas Ponntusson
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Bastian Kenn
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Bernhard Ebbinghaus
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Anke Hassel
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[212] Citizenship, Naturalization and Social
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Marc Helbling University of Mannheim
« Reconsidering sovereignty in migration
management. Radical shift from domination to
authority »
Single Paper
Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche -
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Institut
Universitaire de France
From Humane to Human Capital: Changing
Currencies in the Temporal Governance of
Naturalization in Norway
Single Paper
Anne Balke Staver - Oslo Metropolitan
Espen Daniel Hagen Olsen - Oslo
Metropolitan University
Democratic values among immigrants in Europe.
Socialization and adaptation processes
Single Paper
Marc Helbling - University of Mannheim
Ethnic Migration Options: Analyzing Jewish
Emigration to Israel as a Free Mobility Regime
Single Paper
Yossi Harpaz - Tel-Aviv University
[213] Comparative Approaches to Extremism(s)
and Public Opinion
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eylem Kanol - WZB Berlin Social Science
Chair: Teresa Völker - WZB Berlin Socioal
Science Center
Distortion or Reality? How the Public perceives
Extremism and Violence
Single Paper
Teresa Völker - WZB Berlin Social
Science Center
Eylem Kanol - WZB Berlin Social
Science Center
Friday, 5 July
Extremism, Violence, and the Media Discourse:
Framing of Extremism over Time Single Paper
Anina Schwarzenbach - University of
A Bulwark Against Extremism? Survey-
experimental Evidence On Citizens' Willingness
To Punish Democratic Norm Violations By
Political Elites
Single Paper
Lars Erik Berntzen - Department of
Comparative Politics
Discussant: Eylem Kanol - WZB Berlin Social
Science Center
[214] Crafting or Resisting Hate Discourses:
How Discursive Work Encourage or Damage
Collective Rights
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Serena D'Agostino - Vrije Universiteit
Women Claim, Men Intervene: Tracing the
Transnational Women’s Movements in Turkish
and Spanish Women's Magazines, 1898-1936
Single Paper
Hale Överoğlu - Koç University
TikTok Misogyny in Spain: An Ethnographic
Study of TikTok’s Gendered Affordances
Single Paper
Anita Fuentes - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Racialized mobilities and Contested Contact
Single Paper
Kristin Loftsdóttir - University of
Coloniality, Race and Europeanness: Britain’s
Borders after Brexit
Single Paper
Aleksandra Lewicki - University of
[215] Critical Reflections on the Role of Finance
and Banking in Europe
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sara Watson Ohio State University
Central Banks and development of domestic
financial services in the Baltics
Single Paper
Edgars Eihmanis - University of Tartu
Vytautas Kuokštis - University of Vilnius
The Banking Supervision of the EEC and UK in
the 1970s and 1980s: Standpoints from the
European Commission and the Bank of England
Single Paper
Hideki Sato - Kanazawa University / The
London School of Economics and
Political Science
The costs of the war against inflation monsters:
The ECB’s justifications of its interest rate hikes
Single Paper
Aurélien Goutsmedt - UC Louvain
The Crisis Without Change: COVID and
European Financial Integration
Single Paper
Christopher Willis Mitchell - Mount
Holyoke College
[216] Democratic Norms and Budgetary and
Fiscal Policies Case Studies
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Anja Thomas - European University
The Politics of Weak Discipline: Fiscal
Surveillance and Budgetary Politics in France
Single Paper
Thomas Lépinay -
Cohesion Policy Evaluations: A Kaleidoscopic
View on EU Democratic Norms and Ideals
Single Paper
Antonin Thyrard - EHESS
The Choices for the Budgetary Institutions of the
European Communities. Building a budget for
the European Communities (1950-1973)
Single Paper
Johanna Lorraine Breuer - European
University Institute
Friday, 5 July
Authority Transfer and the Fiscal Politics of
Post-Covid Recovery in the European Union
Single Paper
Tom Massart - Université libre de
Tiago Moreira Ramalho - Université
libre de Bruxelles
Discussant: Ben Rosamond - University of
[217] Diversity, Violence, Migration and Right-
Wing Populism
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eamonn Butler McIntosh - University of
Modelling Constitutional Politics in Diverse
Federations: Empirical Evidence from Spain
Single Paper
Daniel Cetrà - University of Barcelona
Marc Sanjaume - Pompeu Fabra
Brothers of Italy, but not Brothers of Europe?
Assessing the Positions of Fratelli d’Italia
Towards the EU.
Single Paper
Eugenio Salvati - Università di Pavia
Disembedding Citizenship in the EU: Internal
Migration and its Externalities
Single Paper
Christof Roos - Europa-Universität
Susanne Kerstin Schmidt - Bremen
[218] Explaining Anti-immigrant and Anti-
refugee Sentiment
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
The Meritorious ‘Other’. Merit as a Tool of
Diversity Governance in the European Union
Single Paper
Sarah Ganty - Yale Law School
Laurence Romani - Stockholm School of
Zsuzsanna Arendas - CEU Democracy
Marta Pachocka - SGH Warsaw School
of Economics
The Occupational Roots Of The Cultural Anti-
immigration Backlash: The Role Of Specific
Skills And Labor Market Context
Single Paper
Josep Serrano-Serrat - Universidad
Carlos III de Madrid
Exposure to anti-refugee hate crimes and
support for refugees in Germany
Single Paper
Eroll Kuhn - Stony Brook University
Rahsaan Maxwell - New York University
[219] Finance and the State
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Scott James - King's College London
Chair: Matthias Thiemann - Sciences Po
Trussonomics Rechained: The Political Economy
of the September 2022 LDI Crisis
Single Paper
Scott James - King's College London
Mareike Beck - University of Warwick
I Know It When I See It: Monetary Financing
and the Entanglement Between Central Banking
and Debt Management in Germany
Single Paper
Charlotte Rommerskirchen - University
of Edinburgh
State power in the age of offshore finance
Single Paper
Christopher Olk - Freie Universität
Unhappy consciousness: Understanding the
tragic political economy of central banking
through Hyman Minsky’s financial instability
Single Paper
Matthias Thiemann - Sciences Po
Nathan Coombs - Edinburgh University
Green Macrofinancial Regimes
Single Paper
Friday, 5 July
Daniela Gabor - University of the West
of England
Benjamin Braun - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Discussant: Steffen Murau - Boston University
[220] Growth, (In)stability and Economic
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Gregory Fuller - University of Groningen
The Politics of Wage-price Spirals in Times of
Crisis: A Comparative Study of European
Single Paper
Joshua Cova - Max Planck Insitute for
the Study of Societies
Solidarity at All Costs? Trade Unions, Political
Strikes and Social Policy in Europe in Times of
Single Paper
Henri Haapanala - University of
Navigating Demands For Social Protection And
Social Investment: Explaining Trade Union
Positioning On Active Labour Market Policies In
Single Paper
Pieter Tuytens - Erasmus University
Discussant:Gregory Fuller - University of
[221] Historical Legacies and Political Violence
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jeffrey Kopstein - University of California,
Legacy of Violence: 1941 Pogroms and Support
for Populist Radical Right in Today’s Poland
Single Paper
Jason Wittenberg - UC Berkeley
Piotr Zagórski - SWPS University,
Wilson’s Moment? The example of the Border
Conflicts in Upper Silesia, Teschen Silesia, and
Single Paper
Steffen Kailitz - Hannah Arendt Institute
for Totalitarianism Studies
Oasis OF Freedom: The 1956 Student Movement
In Timisoara
Single Paper
Corina Snitar - University of Glasgow
[222] Identities and Frontiers: A Matter of
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Cristina Blanco Sío-López - University of
La Coruna (UDC)
Where Do Place-Based Identity And Place-
Based Resentment Come From?
Single Paper
Rubén García Del Horno - Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona
Antonia Lang - Goethe-Universität
Alina Zumbrunn - University of Bern
Other British: Counting Passport Pages And
Experiences Of Post-Brexit Bordering Among
Britons In Gibraltar.
Single Paper
Nathan Buckley - University of
Minnesota, Twin Cities
How Populism Voices Protest A Critical
Frame Analysis of Populist Discourse on Protest
in Portugal and Spain.
Single Paper
Cláudia de Araújo - University of
Barcelona; ISCTE-IUL
[223] Migration and the Welfare State:
Interactions, Rights, and Policy Change
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Cecilia Bruzelius - University of
Chair: Isabel Shutes - London School of
Economics and Poltiical Science
Friday, 5 July
Immigrant Social Rights and Employment
Outcomes Testing Competing Hypotheses
Single Paper
Friederike Römer - DeZIM
Jakob Henninger - University of
The Dualisation of Social Rights and Residence:
A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant Policies
Single Paper
Jakob Henninger - University of Bremen
Friederike Römer - DeZIM
The Impact of Living Without Immigration Status
on Mental Health and Emotions for Young
Single Paper
Vanessa Hughes - London School of
Economics and Political Science
Emigration, demographic challenges and family
policy in Latvia and Poland
Single Paper
Cecilia Bruzelius - University of
Lea Reiss - University of Tuebingen
Anna Safuta - University of Tuebingen
Regulating the Merchants of Migration:
Comparing State Regulations of Private-Sector
Migration Intermediaries
Single Paper
Edward Mohr - University of Tübingen
Discussant: Anna Safuta - University of
[224] Panel ECRN 1 of Mini-Symposium 2
Environmental Damage as Slow Violence:
Critique, Representation, Resistance.
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jan Orbie Ghent University
Chair: Claske Vos University of Amsterdam
Gulf Futurism in Semih Kaplanoglu’s Grain
Single Paper
Priscilla Layne - University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Political Right and Violence against Water
in Poland and Germany
Single Paper
Anja Hennig - Europa Universität
Towards Relational Epistemologies: Indigenous
Storywork, Black Ecology and Radical Diversity
as Non-colonial Practices
Single Paper
Markus Hallensleben - University of
British Columbia
Radical Performance: Ana Mendieta’s
Connections to Black Internationalism
Single Paper
Arina Rotaru - BNU-HKBU United
International College
Discussant: Estela Schindel - European University
[225] Past and Present of Russia
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sazonov Vladimir - Estonian Military
Academy and University of Tartu
Who in Europe is Still Supporting Russia?
Evidence from Survey Research
Single Paper
Paul Kubicek - Oakland University
Russia's Hard Right
Single Paper
Mihai Varga - Freie Universität Berlin
Katharina Bluhm - Freie Universitaet
Radical Denial: The Former Gulag Compounds
in Public Memory and Daily Lives
Single Paper
Irina Mukhina - Assumption University
[227] Rescaling Political Economy: Zones,
Holidays, Havens, Ports and Contracts in the
Configuration of Growth Strategies
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Friday, 5 July
Chair: Saila Stausholm - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Chair: Palma Polyak - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Tools to Stifle Local Dissent: Special Economic
Zones in Autocratic Settings, the Case of
Single Paper
Palma Polyak - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Thinking about Growth Meadows
Single Paper
Luuk Schmitz - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Leveraging Singularity: Luxury Freeports As
Alternative Financialized Growth Models
Single Paper
Oddný Helgadóttir - Copenhagen
Business School
Upgrading Global Wealth Chains: Use and Mis-
Use of Tax Policy in Export-Oriented Growth
Single Paper
Saila Stausholm - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Discussant: Aidan Regan - University College
[228] Roundtable: Bringing the Twin
Transitions Together: How Digitalization and
Climate Change Shape the Political Economy of
Work and Welfare
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Achim Kemmerling - Brandt School
Chair: Marius Busemeyer - University of Konstanz
Laura Seelkopf
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Niccolo Durazzi
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Bruno Palier
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Jale Tosun
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[229] Solidarity, Governance and Migration:
Contrasting European Political Reactions to
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ann-Kathrin Reinl - Ghent University
A Tale of Two Refugee Crises: Visegrad Group
Counties, Populist Politics, and the Governance
of Forced Migration in the European Union
Single Paper
Emek Ucarer - Bucknell University
The Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly
An Unprecedented Form Of Bilateral
Parliamentary Cooperation
Single Paper
Henriette Heimbach - University of
Politicising European Integration on Social
Media: The Case of Politicians’ Twitter
Accounts in Central and Eastern Europe
Single Paper
Jan Kovář - Institute of International
Relations Prague
New Russians in the world: Fusion, social
attitudes & political behaviour
Single Paper
Félix Krawatzek - Centre of East
European and International Studies
Why Europe Matters? A Social Democratic
European Union (EU) as a Radical Third Way
Solution to the Global Economic Problems
Single Paper
Levent Kirval - Istanbul Technical
[230] States, Citizens, and Regulation: A Matter
of Democracy?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Frances Cayton - Cornell University
Democracy and the Regulation of
Disinformation in the EU: Reversing the
Privatisation of the Public Sphere
Friday, 5 July
Single Paper
Alvaro Oleart - Université libre de
Right to the (Smart) City: Evaluating Urban
Emancipation Through Lefebvrian Lens
Single Paper
Anna Wnuk - University of Warsaw
Tomasz Oleksy - University of Warsaw
Mateusz Trochymiak - Uninversity of
Democracy vs. Diplomacy? Subverting EU
Trilogues on the “2019 Copyright in the Digital
Single Market” Directive
Single Paper
Céleste Bonnamy - Luiss Guido Carli
[231] The EU's Crisis Response
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tanya Corbin - Embry Riddle Aeronautical
A Serious Crisis that Didn’t Go to Waste? The
EU and the Covid-19 pandemic
Single Paper
Gianmarco Fifi - London School of
Fostering Social Economy In The EU: From
Revamped Policy Activism to the Council
Single Paper
Beatrice Carella - University of Milan
Patrik Vesan - Università della Valle
Social Europe discourses and the European
polycrisis: from words to words?
Single Paper
Mikko Kuisma - University of Tübingen
Matthew Donoghue - University College
[232] Work-Family Policies Expansion: (Re-)
Commodification or Emancipation?
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Robin Huguenot-Noel - EUI
The antithesis of gender and class in EU labour
policy: An intersectional critique
Single Paper
Sonja Avlijas - University of Belgrade -
Faculty of Economics
Reverse Views: Insights From Feminist
Development Economics Into The Growth
Models Of Germany And Sweden
Single Paper
Deborah Mabbett - Birkbeck, University
of London
Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Social
Single Paper
Vera Scepanovic - Leiden University
Visnja Vukov - University of Vienna
‘The Unexpected Curse: Explaining France’s
Sustained Childcare Dualisation in the Shadow
of Germany’s Social Investment Recalibration’
Single Paper
Robin Huguenot-Noel - EUI
Discussant: Dorottya Szikra - Central European
[233] A Just Transition in Europe: Policies and
Politics - II
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Tiago Moreira Ramalho - Université libre
de Bruxelles
Chair: Amandine Crespy - Université Libre de
Bridging environment and welfare in transition
processes. The case of the EU Recovery and
Resilience Facility
Single Paper
Ekaterina Domorenok - University of
Benedetta Cotta - University of Padua
Paolo Graziano - University of Padua
Trajche Panov - University of Padua
The Puzzle of Just Transition: Climate
Governance Paradigms and Policy Bricolage in
the European Union
Single Paper
Tiago Moreira Ramalho - Université
libre de Bruxelles
Friday, 5 July
European Trade Unions and the Eco-social
Single Paper
Bianca Luna Fabris - University of
Edinburgh and European Trade Union
Philippe Pochet - Scuola Superiore
The Comparative Politics of Just Transition
Policies: How and Why the New Social Risks of
Decarbonisation Were Addressed in Spain and
Single Paper
Matteo Mandelli - SciencesPo
Courts against markets: the political economy of
a green transition in the Netherlands
Single Paper
Luca Cigna - European University
Discussant:Amandine Crespy - Université libre de
[234] Advanced Democracies between Social and
Environmental Imperatives
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Niccolo Durazzi - University of Edinburgh
Trade-Offs between Social and Environmental
Policies in the Long Term: New Survey Evidence
for the Case of Germany
Single Paper
Marius R. Busemeyer - University of
Liam Beiser-McGrath - LSE
The problem of long-term institutional change in
the green economy: Environmental sustainability
caught between inclusion, efficiency and
Single Paper
Martin B. Carstensen - Roskilde
Christian Lyhne Ibsen - Copenhagen
The Culture of Climate Negotiations: Historical
Authors and Contemporary Collective Action in
the European Union
Single Paper
Cathie Jo Martin - Boston University
Institutional Change and Employers
Preferences: does the Expansion of General
Education Undermine Swiss Training Firms’
Support for VET?
Single Paper
Anna Margareta Wilson - University of
St. Gallen
Scherwin Michael Bajka - University of
St. Gallen
Decarbonization Bargains: How
Macroeconomic Interests Shape Climate Action
in the EU, South Korea, and the UK
Single Paper
Nils Kupzok - Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International
Jonas Nahm - Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International
Discussant: Patrick Emmenegger - University of
St. Gallen
[235] Banking in Hard Times
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Elsa Clara Massoc - University of St Gallen
Banks, Bigtechs and the Politics of Geostrategic
Linkage in Europe
Single Paper
Scott James - Kings College London
Civil Society vs Banks: Mapping Sustainable
Finance Advocacy with ESG data
Single Paper
Roy Gava - University of St. Gallen
Subordinate Financialisation and the Distinct
Patterns of Instrumentalising the Banking Sector
in Turkey and Hungary
Single Paper
Fulya Apaydin - IBEI, Barcelona
Dora Piroska - Central European
University, Vienna
M. Kerem Coban - SOAS, University of
Discussant: Elsa Clara Massoc - HSG
[236] Between Polarization and Distrust: What
Drives Voter Behavior?
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Chair: Stefanie Boerner Otton-von-Guericke-
Universitat Magdeburg
Friday, 5 July
Paper Panel
Linking Structural Divides and Political
Organization: Affective Polarization between
Opinion-based Groups in the Age of
Single Paper
Hanna Schwander - Humboldt
University Berlin
Quality of Government and Preferences for
Economic Redistribution
Single Paper
Bilyana Petrova - Texas Tech University
Men and Political Distrust: Mitigating Effects of
School Satisfaction and Welfare State
Single Paper
Staffan Kumlin - University of Oslo,
Dept of Political Science
The Mainstream Left between Responsive and
Responsible Government: A Causal Mediation
Single Paper
Evelyne Hübscher - Central European
Pedro Perfeito da Silva - University of
Patterns of Legislative Effectiveness -Portugal
and Ireland
Single Paper
Shota Kakabadze - ISCTE
[237] Book Discussion: Fiscal Unions: Economic
Integration in Europe and the United States
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Tomasz Wozniakowski - University of
Wroclaw and LUISS
Chair: Aleksandra Maatsch - University of
Christakis Georgiou
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Ricardo Garcia Anton
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Nico Groenendijk
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Andrea Capati
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Maciej Serowaniec
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Tiziano Zgaga
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Fiscal Unions: Economic Integration in Europe
and the United States
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[238] Competence and Control in European
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Miriam Hartlapp - Freie Universität Berlin
Judicial Control And Competence In The EU’s
Internal Market: The Example Of Building
Single Paper
Susanne K. Schmidt - University of
Joint operations of EU and national agencies
Single Paper
Adina Akbik - Leiden University
Christian Freudlsperger - ETH Zurich
Marta Migliorati - University of Malta
The EU’s resource integration dilemma. A
competence-control perspective on the rise of
joint capacities
Single Paper
Philipp Genschel - Universität Bremen
Markus Jachtenfuchs - Hertie School
Institutional Features Of Spending Governance
In EU Industrial And Social Policy
Single Paper
Miriam Hartlapp - Freie Universität
Constraining the Constraints of Negative
Integration: Lessons From the US
Single Paper
Jasmin Zöllmer - Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin
Discussant:Waltraud Schelkle - European
University Institute
Friday, 5 July
[239] Democratic Norms and Budgetary and
Fiscal Policies Comparative Perspectives
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Anja Thomas - European University
What Policies For EU? National
Parliamentarians' Preferences For European
Single Paper
Guillaume Sacriste - Université Paris 1
Strategies of (De)Politicization in European
Budget Negotiations: Lessons from Italy,
Greece, and Portugal
Single Paper
Odysseas Konstantinakos - European
University Institute
Representative Democracy in Times of Austerity:
New Challenges in the EU Multi-level System
Single Paper
Claudia Wiesner - Fulda University of
Applied Sciences
No taxation without representation! The two
worlds of parliamentary policymaking and
budgetary politics in the EMU
Single Paper
Anja Thomas - University of Lille
Discussant: Kate McNamarra - Georgetown
[240] Do Fascist Legacies Impact the Shape of
Contemporary European Right Politics?
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Mabel Berezin - Cornell University
Chair: Michael Bernhard - University of Florida
David Art
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Marla Stone
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Kim Lane Scheppele
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Mabel Berezin
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Dorit Geva
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[241] EU Foreign Policy in a Fragmenting
International Order
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ulrich Krotz - Harvard University
EU Foreign Policy and the Fragmentation of the
International Order. A Framework for Analysis
Single Paper
Eduard Soler i Lecha - UAB
Martijn Vlaskamp - IBEI
Looking for Resource Sovereignty in a
Fragmenting Global Order: The EU's Response
to Critical Raw Materials Challenges
Single Paper
Martijn Vlaskamp - Institut Barcelona
d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
EU Trade Policy and the Fragmentation of the
Liberal Order
Single Paper
Patricia Garcia-Duran - University of
Fragmentation in the International Human
Rights Regime: Implications for Achieving
Gender Equality and Implementing the Istanbul
Convention in the EU
Single Paper
Diego Badell - Universitat Autònoma de
Esther Barbé - Universitat Autònoma de
Strategic Autonomy in Security and Defence as
an Impracticability? How EU rhetoric meets
Single Paper
Eva Michaels - Institut Barcelona
d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
Discussant: Ulrich Krotz - Harvard University
[242] EU Public Policies and Debates on
Friday, 5 July
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sarah Ganty - Yale Law School
Between Compromise and Hegemony - The EU´s
New Pact on Asylum and Migration in German
Media Discourses
Single Paper
Marek Winkel - Fribourg University,
Violence And Radicalization In The Context Of
Migration - What Went Wrong?
Single Paper
Mariann Tánczos - Ludovika -
University of Public Service
The Shifting Mental Maps of Europe during
Refugee Crises, 2015-2022
Single Paper
Félix Krawatzek - Centre of East
European and International Studies
Bureaucratic configuration and discretion in
asylum case processing: the case of the EUAA in
Single Paper
Johan Ekstedt - Malmö University
[243] European Democracy and the War in
Ukraine: EU Leverage and Democratic
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Aneta Spendzharova - Maastricht
EU Leverage on Ukraine -- and Ukraine's
Transformation of Europe
Single Paper
Milada Anna Vachudova - University of
North Carolina Chapel Hill
The Evolving Prospects of Ukrainian EU
Single Paper
Hilary Appel - Claremont McKenna
Promoting Democracy During War? Polish
NGOs' Strategies during the Full-Scale Invasion
of Ukraine
Single Paper
Paulina Pospieszna - Adam Mickiewicz
University in Poznan, Poland
Patrice McMahon - The University of
Discussant: Aneta Spendzharova - Maastricht
[244] Financial Governance in Europe:
Navigating Trust and Risk in Turbulent Times
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Pierre Schlosser - EUI
Financial Sector Governance and The News
Media as a Driver of Policy Reform
Single Paper
Harry Begg - European University
Regulatory Shifts and Systemic Risks: Revisiting
European Insurance Regulation in a Post-Crisis
Single Paper
Vanessa Endrejat - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Centralizing Bank Crisis Management in
Europe: An Adapted Failing Forward Pattern?
Single Paper
Pierre Schlosser - EUI
Discussant: Joseph Ganderson - LSE
[246] Identities, Memories and Radicalisation
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Just Like Other Parties? Radical-Left Parties’ in
an Era of No “Grand Dialectic”
Single Paper
Or Dar - Haifa University
Friday, 5 July
Radical Repertoire Of Contention As Perceived
By The Protestors In The Gezi Protest
Single Paper
Alper Çakır - Charles University
Religious Mobilisation to Terrorism: The Case
of Abdullah Azzam
Single Paper
Stephanie Scott-Smith - Macquarie
[247] Institutional, Political and Policy Pathways
to Inequality and Redistribution
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Christel Kesler - Colby College
The Perceived Justice of Social Benefits: Do
Institutions Matter?
Single Paper
Simone Maria Schneider - Universitat
Pompeu Fabra
Government Egalitarianism, Voter Affluence,
and (Lack of) Equality Policy
Single Paper
Alexander Horn - University of Konstanz
Leo Ahrens - University of Konstanz
Inequality in Social Capital: Comparing the U.S.
and Europe
Single Paper
Cristobal Young - Cornell University
Benjamin Cornwell - Cornell University
Barum Park - Cornell University
Social Policy, Elections And The Weapons Of
The Poor: Informal Workers Influence In Latin
Single Paper
Federico Fuchs - Cardiff Business
From Democratic Accountability to Consumer
Choice: Does Privatization Change Voters'
Single Paper
Itay Chay Machtei - UNC Chapel Hill
[248] Meritocracy and its Discontents
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: John Torpey - CUNY Graduate Center
Consequences of Meritocracy
Single Paper
John Torpey - CUNY Graduate Center
Explaining Cross-National Variation in
“Imagined Meritocracy”: Comparative Analysis
of Heterogeneous Returns to Educational
Credentials, Cognitive Skills, and Noncognitive
Single Paper
Satoshi Araki - University of Hong Kong
Meritocratic Attitudes and Social Change: A
Study of Generational Effects in Poland, 1989-
Single Paper
Ilona Wysmulek - Institute of Philosophy
and Sociology, Polish Academy of
Jakub Wysmulek - Institute of Political
Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Discussant: David Abraham - University of
[249] Political Behavior and Representation in
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Eamonn Butler McIntosh - University of
Chega And the Arrival of Right-wing
Euroscepticism In Portugal?
Single Paper
Dina Sebastião - University of Coimbra
European Conservatives, What Direction for
Single Paper
Ruth Ferrero - Universidad
Fabio Lupato - UCM
A Conservative Shift in Times of Crisis? Testing
the Mechanism in Austria
Single Paper
Lara Zwittlinger - University of Salzburg
Friday, 5 July
[250] Radical Europe: Violence, Bondage and
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Christopher Nshimbi - Centre for the Study
of Governance Innovation (GovInn), University of
“Look at us Differently, as Partners rather than
Paternalists”: Deradicalizing Africa-EU
Relations Through Partnership
Single Paper
Leon Mwamba Tshimpaka - Center for
the Study of Governance Innovation and
SarchI Chair in the Political Economy of
Migration in SADC; University of
The perception of the EU and its member states:
Three vantage points from Africa
Single Paper
Christopher Changwe Nshimbi - Centre
for the Study of Governance Innovation
(GovInn), University of Pretoria
Internal Violence An Invitation of the Decolonial
Single Paper
John Sanni - University of Pretoria
Africa-EU Migration Conundrum: Violent
Europe And Bantustanisation of Africa
Single Paper
Inocent Moyo - University of Zululand
Discussant: Chris Nshimbi - University of Pretoria
[251] Reading the Radical Left Historically in
the Anglophone World
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eleana Sanchez - Université Toulouse Jean
Chair: Dennis Dworkin - University of Nevada,
Tensions Within Articulations: Socialist Feminist
Histories In Britain In The 1970s
Single Paper
Delphine Frasch - ENS de Lyon
Reading the Radical Academic Left in South
Africa: from Revolutionary to Reactionary?
Single Paper
Camille Martinerie - Aix-Marseille
‘Message In A Bottle’? New Left Radicalism in
Britain Between The Long 1960s And The Crisis-
Ridden 1970s: The Case Of '7 Days'
Single Paper
Madeleine Davis - Queen Mary
University of London
The 1980s and the British Radical Left Today
Single Paper
Dennis Dworkin - University of Nevada,
Discussant: Eleana Sanchez - Université Toulouse
Jean Jaurès
[252] Right Populism Intellectual Roots
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Robert Sata - Central European University
Endangered Democracy: Radical and Liberal
Single Paper
Jón Ólafsson - University of Iceland
Right-Wing Populist Academics and Think Tanks
Single Paper
David L Swartz - Boston University
The Normalisation of the Radical Right: A
Norms Theory of Political Supply and Demand
Single Paper
Vicente Valentim - University of Oxford
The Fluid "Radicality" of Far Right Parties in
Single Paper
Richard Sigurdson - University of
[253] Social Media and Online Radicalization
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Roland Verwiebe - University of Potsdam
Friday, 5 July
Disinformation Campaigns as the New Bomb:
Exploring How Extremists Exacerbate Societal
Tensions and Mobilize to Violence
Single Paper
Mia Bloom - Georgia State University
Henriette Frees Esholdt - Lund
Sentiment and hate speech on social media: On
the relevance of gender and race for the
emergence of new communication structures
within YouTube
Single Paper
Sarah Weißmann - University of
Roland Verwiebe - University of
Aaron Philipp - University of Potsdam
Chiara Osorio Krauter - University of
Claudia Buder - University of Potsdam
Communication practices, new media
technologies, and anarchist movements The
website of the Greek anarchist group Rouvikonas
as a “one stop shop”
Single Paper
Stamatis Poulakidakos - University of
Western Macedonia
Anastasia Veneti - Bournemouth
[254] Social Policy for New Social Risks
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Reto Bürgisser - University of Zurich
Measuring and Comparing Social and Labour
Rights of Irregular Migrants across European
Single Paper
Joakim Palme - Department of
Clare Fox-Ruhs - EUI, Florence
Anton Ahlén - Department of
Social Risks Of Older Persons With Care Needs.
Interrelations Of Pension And Long-Term Care
Policies Among European Welfare States
Single Paper
Thurid Eggers - SOCIUM / University of
Christopher Grages - SOCIUM /
University of Bremen
Dissecting Partisan Effects on Immigrant Social
Rights in Western EuropeSingle Paper
Eloisa Harris - University of Lausanne
Safe and Sound? Evaluating Citizens’
Interacting Demands for Punishment and
Single Paper
Elizabeth Pfeffer - Dartmouth College
[255] The Politics of Forgetting: Rethinking
Radicality in the 21st Century
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Paula Arana Barbier - University of
The Politics of Forgetting: Radically Rethinking
Jewish-Muslim Present, Futures, and Pasts
Single Paper
Elisabeth Becker Topkara - Heidelberg
Moorish Spain: The Construction Of A Catholic
Imaginary Through The “Radicalisation” Of
Moroccan Soldiers
Single Paper
Paula Arana Barbier - University of
Algerian anti-colonial voices and “radical”
speeches : reclaiming “l’Etat de droit” at the
French Parliament during the IVth Republic.
Single Paper
Sarra ZAIED - Heidelberg University
Discussant: Margo Dazey - University of
[256] Welfare State Dystopia And The Response
Of The Law: An Agenda For The 21st Century
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Gijsbert Vonk - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Chair: Sofia Ranchordas - Tilburg University
Welfare state dystopia and the response of the
law: an agenda for the 21st century
Friday, 5 July
Single Paper
Gijsbert Vonk - Rijksuniversiteit
Vulnerability In The Digital Administrative State
Single Paper
Anne Spijkstra - Tilburg University
Malou Beck - Tilburg University
Disentangling Digital Welfare Dystopia:
Towards A General Understanding Of System
Failures In Social Security Enforcement
Single Paper
Maarten Bouwmeester - University of
Algorithmic Profiling And The Right To Non-
Discrimination: An Analysis Of Risk Mitigation
Strategies In The Digitalized Enforcement Of
Social Security Policy
Single Paper
Lucas Michael Haitsma -
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
The Grim Results Of Misinterpretation
Single Paper
Mark Steijns - Maastricht University
Discussant: Sofia Ranchordás - Professor of
Administrative Law at the University of Tilburg
How to do Intersectionality? Methodologies for
Intersectional Research Across Different
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Conference Side Event
Chair: Tunay Altay Humboldt-University Berlin
Jean Beaman- University of California, Santa
Ernesto Fiocchetto - Florida International
Serena D’Agostino - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira - Universidad
Complutense de Madrid
Territorial Politics and Federalism Research
Network Business/Networking Meeting
1:00 PM to 1:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Conference Side Event
Chair: Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras - University of
California, Riverside
[257] Art, Visual and Media as Organisational
and Resistance Strategies
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Guya Accornero - CIES-IUL
Learning to ‘#Rezist’ – A Longitudinal Mixed-
methods Approach to the Study of Online Social
learning in Social Movements
Single Paper
Dan Mercea - City University of London
and Babeș-Bolyai University
Matthias Hoffmann - Babeș-Bolyai
Felipe G. Santos - City, University of
London and Babeș-Bolyai University
Resistance With and Against Symbolic Objects:
George III in Revolutionary NYC, Passbooks in
Apartheid South Africa, and Just Stop Oil's
Petrol Pump Sabotage
Single Paper
Peter Gardner - University of York
Benjamin Abrams - University College
London (UCL)
Radicalité and Leadership Crises in
Horizontalist Social Movements: The Gilets
Jaunes Revisited
Single Paper
Ted Perlmutter - Columbia University
Lessons From Citizen Participation on Juries
and Jury Films
Single Paper
Nancy S. Marder - IIT Chicago-Kent
College of Law
Swords Into Ploughshares: Knives Into Jewels
Single Paper
Norman Cherry - Freelance
Dauvit Alexander - Birmingham City
[258] Authors Meet Critics: EU Soft Law in
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Book Panel / Roundtable
Chair: Adam Eick - LMU München
Chair: Sabine Saurugger - Sciences Po Grenoble
Friday, 5 July
Chair: Marie-Pierre Granger - Central European
Paolo Graziano
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Fabien Terpan
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Sabine Saurugger
Book / Roundtable Panelist
Miriam Hartlapp
Book / Roundtable Panelist
[259] Autocratic Attitudes and Discourse
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Bálint Mikola - CEU Democracy Institute
Perceptions of the 20th Century History: The
Impact of Authoritarian Personality and Social
Dominance Orientation
Single Paper
Marta Vukovic - University of Vienna
Sylvia Kritzinger - University of Vienna
Detecting Democratic Decline: Political
Leaders’ Public Discourse As An Early Warning
Single Paper
Dean Schafer - Central European
Carsten Schneider - Central European
Seraphine Franziska Maerz - University
of Melbourne
Measuring Illiberalism Using Text Data and
Machine Learning
Single Paper
Elena Cossu - SciencesPo
Illiberalism In and Out of Power: Using Text
Analysis to Map Parties’ Liberal-Illiberal
Position in Five Policy Areas across Seven
European Countries, 1990-2022
Single Paper
Mehmet Yavuz - Central European
Discussant: Jan Rovny - Sciences Po, Center for
European Studies and Comparative Politics
[260] Bending the Rules Without Breaking
Them: New Forms of Fiscal and Monetary
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Vanessa Endrejat - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Chair: Camilla Locatelli - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Macro-Financial Innovation in Times of Crisis:
The Role of the Recovery and Resilience Facility
in Transforming the Eurozone’s Monetary
Single Paper
Friederike Reimer - Global Climate
Forum, Berlin
Andrei Guter-Sandu - University of Bath
Armin Haas - Global Climate Forum,
Steffen Murau - Global Climate Forum,
The Emperor Takes Off His Clothes:
Commission State Aid Forbearance as
Orchestrated Industrial Policy
Single Paper
Jordy Weyns - European University
Fabio Bulfone - Leiden University
One States’ Debt is another States’ Investment:
The National-European Variation in the Off-
Balance Sheet Categorisation of Covid
Single Paper
Vanessa Endrejat - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Where there's a will, there's a way? How
European institutions and member states
negotiate flexibility in fiscal rules
Single Paper
Camilla Locatelli - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
vanessa Endrejat - Max Planck Institute
for the Studies of Societies
Discussant: Matthias Thiemann - CEE, Sciences
Po Paris
[261] Comete Europe: Commemoration, History
And Violence
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Friday, 5 July
Paper Panel
Chair: Hedwig Wagner - Europa-Universität
Violence And Commemoration Of Europe's Past
In Europe And Russia
Single Paper
Hedwig Wagner - Europa-Universität
Media News Construction and the “Historic”
Assessment of Events : A Comparison of Le
Monde, The Guardian, and Die Sűdddeutsche
Single Paper
Elisabeth Le - University of Alberta
Fandom-Nationalism And The Eurovision Fan
Community Online: The Case Of Wiwibloggs
Single Paper
Irem Elbir - Europa-Universität
Discussant: Elisabeth Le - University of Alberta
[262] Controlling Colonial Subjects' Presence,
Activity, and Mobility in France and Algeria,
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sarra ZAIED - Heidelberg University
"The Devil Has Given Me The Darkest Ideas".
Ups And Downs Of Colonial Intelligence
Single Paper
Vincent Bollenot - Université de Caen
Policing “Correligionnaires”: Conflicts with
Colonial Soldiers in Marseille & Algiers, 1945
Single Paper
Danielle Beaujon - University of Illinois
at Chicago
Colonial Repatriation and Interracial Marriages
in Postwar France
Single Paper
Caroline Sequin - Lafayette College
Discussant: Jennifer Boittin - The Pennsylvania
State University
[263] Depolarisation, (il)Legitimacy, and
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Matthijs Lok - University of Amsterdam
Chair: Amel Ahmed - Umass Amherst
Depolarization and the crisis of democracy: The
people’s parties and consensus politics since the
Single Paper
Pepijn Corduwener - Utrecht University
Depolarisation after the French Revolution: the
French idéologues
Single Paper
Matthijs Lok - University of Amsterdam
"Depolarisation (illegitimacy and democracy)
Single Paper
David Art - Tufts University
The Golden Age Of Left-Right Politics: Postwar
Depolarization in Western Democracies
Single Paper
Amel Ahmed - University of
Massachusetts Amherst
The Saint-Simonism Of High Officials As A
Medicine Against Political Passions
Single Paper
Robin de Bruin - University of
Discussant: Matthijs Lok - University of
[264] Feminist Policy Making Today
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jennifer Elrick McGill University
Gendered Evaluation Of Experts In Iceland?
Single Paper
Ingólfur Gíslason - University of Iceland
From a “Sea of Peace” to a “NATO lake: A
Feminist Security Analysis of Militarisation in
the Baltic Sea
Single Paper
Emil Edenborg - Stockholm University
Friday, 5 July
The Promise of Intersectional Feminist Politics
at the Local Level: Egalitarian Uses of Time,
Redefining Everyday Public Spaces and
Democratization of Care
Single Paper
Paloma Caravantes - Complutense
University of Madrid
Two GenderEqual Nations? A Comparative
Analysis of Anti-gender Discourses and
Practices between Spain and Sweden
Single Paper
Hansalbin Sältenberg - Södertörn
University, Sweden
Silvia Díaz Fernández - Universidad
Paloma Caravantes González -
Universidad Complutense
Gender, Leadership and Natural Disasters
Farida Jalalzai - Virginia Tech
[265] Historical Reflections on Violence and
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Berkant Caglar - University of Minnesota
More Than A Utopia: A Comparative Legal
Analysis of the Application of Universal
Jurisdiction to Genocide, 1961-2022
Single Paper
Marcelo Marques - University of
Globalizing Tiananmen: Teaching European
Connections In Lun Zhang’s Tiananmen 1989
Single Paper
Nicholas Ostrum - Kent State University
Fascism And Conservative Authoritarianism In
Interwar Europe: Beyond The Diagnostic Model
Single Paper
Morgan Corbett - York University
[266] Intersectionality in France:
Methodological and Theoretical Challenges
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eleonore Lepinard - UNIL
Moving Between Different Urban Enclaves:
Mobilities Among Individuals Identifying As
Homo-bisexual In French Working-class
Single Paper
Axel Ravier - University of Lausanne -
University of Rouen
The Race/Class/Religion Nexus in Migration.
The Experience of French Muslim Expatriates.
Single Paper
Margot Dazey - CNRS, CERAPS
What Does Religion Do To Intersectionality
Theory? Insights From Black Muslims In France
Single Paper
Juliette Galonnier - Sciences Po
Becoming A Respectable Asian Executive.
Managerial Femininity And Racial Distinction:
The Case Of Asian Women In The Corporate
Single Paper
Anne Zhou-Thalamy - Centre Maurice
Using the territory to avoid the language of race
and intersectionality ? The effects on
beneficiaries of French Sciences Po’s Equal
Opportunity Program (CEP)
Single Paper
Camille Giraut - Graduate Institute
Discussant: Nonna Mayer - Sciences Po Paris
[267] Migration Dynamics: Attitudes and
Integration in Diverse Societies
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Dina Maskileyson - University of
Chair: Moshe Semyonov - Tel Aviv University
Chair: Eldad Davidov - Univerity of Cologne,
URPP Social Networks and University of Zurich
Chair: Peter Schmidt - University of Giessen
Causal Order of Settlement Intentions and
Integration among Ukrainian Refugees in
Germany: A Longitudinal Autoregressive-Cross-
Lagged Analysis
Single Paper
Leona Przechomski - University of
Kateryna Sytkina - University of
Friday, 5 July
Andreas Ette - Federal Institute for
Population Research, Wiesbaden
Eldad Davidov - University of Cologne
and University of Zurich
Authoritarianism And Attitudes Toward Refugees
From Ukraine And Syria
Single Paper
Marcus Eisentraut - University of
Eldad Davidov - University of Cologne
Robert Ford - University of Manchester
Anthony Heath - University of Oxford
Peter Schmidt - Justus Liebig University
Immigrant Selectivity and Educational Outcomes
of Immigrant Children: A Temporal Perspective
Single Paper
Yariv Feniger - Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev
Anastasia Gorodzeisky - Tel Aviv
Eyal Bar-Haim - Bar-Ilan Univeristy
Hanna Ayalon - Tel Aviv Univeristy
Discussant: Eldad Davidov - University of Cologne
[268] Navigating Eastern Europe’s Political
Landscape: Strategies and Prospects for Left-
wing Parties
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Valentina Petrović - University of Zurich
Chair: Karlo Kralj - Faculty of Political Science,
University of Zagreb
"Contrasting Political Attitudes of Right- and
Left-Wing Voters in Old and New Democracies:
Insights from a Comparative Study in Europe"
Single Paper
Valentina Petrović - University of Zurich
Cleavage Evolution Within The Romanian And
Slovak Left-Leaning Electorate: Is There Hope
For The Liberal Left?
Single Paper
Nevio Moreschi - Masaryk University
Strategic predicaments of new left movement
parties’ development in post-Yugoslav space:
Insights from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia
Single Paper
Karlo Kralj - Faculty of Political
Science, University of Zagreb
Historical Processes and Movement Strategies:
Tracing the Divergent Paths of the New Left in
Southeast Europe
Single Paper
Ivaylo Dinev - Centre for East European
and International Studies (ZOiS)
Between resilience and irreversible decline, the
case of the crisis of KSČM.
Single Paper
Mattia Collini - Charles University
Tomas Cirhan - Charles University
Discussant: Liutauras Gudžinskas - Vilnius
[269] New Perspectives on Progressive Politics
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Evelyne Hübscher - Central European
Upward Mobility, Gender, And Progressive
Single Paper
Delia Zollinger - University of Zurich
Briitta Van Staalduinen - University of
The (non)Progressives’ Dilemma? The
Relationship Between Immigration and
Redistribution on the Right
Single Paper
Eloisa Harris - University of Lausanne
Back from the Cold? Progressive Politics and
Social Policy Paradigms in Southern Europe
after the Great Recession
Single Paper
Rui Branco - NOVA University
Joan Miró - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Marcello Natili - Università degli Studi
di Milano
Discussant: Evelyne Hübscher - Central European
[270] Panel ECRN 3 of Mini-Symposium 2:
(Un)learning Europe through a Decolonial Lens:
Epistemologies, Theories, Praxes
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Friday, 5 July
Chair: Astrid Van Weyenberg - Leiden University
Democratising EU democratic theory:
Challenging the Coloniality of Power through
the ‘Decolonial Multitude’
Single Paper
Alvaro Oleart - Université Libre de
Pluralizing And Decolonizing EU Studies?
Revisiting early European integration theories
Single Paper
Jan Orbie - Ghent University
What to Do with Europe in European Studies
Classrooms? - Critical Lens of Citizenship as a
Subject and Pedagogy?
Single Paper
Senka Neuman Stanivukovic - University
of Groningen
De-Normative Power Europe and the
(Un)learning of Europe from the perspective of
the Global South
Single Paper
Rahel Weldeab Sebhatu - Malmö
Michel Vincent Anderlini - Malmö
Discussant: Julia Rone - European University
[271] Radicalization and Violence: New
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Sam Cherribi - Emory University
Contexts of Jihad Radicalism in the Low
Countries and Beyond
Single Paper
Sam Cherribi - Emory University
Absentees, Disconnected, and Apostates from
Jihad: Trajectories of Radical Activism in Prison
Single Paper
Álvaro Vicente - Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos, Elcano Royal Institute
The Populist City: Imperial Nostalgia and
Neoliberal Authoritarianism
Single Paper
Virag Molnar - The New School
The radical right and anti- vax protest
Single Paper
Manuela Caiani - scuola normale
Nikolaos Saridakis - Panteion University
[272] Radicalizing the Mainstream, or
Mainstreaming Radicalization?
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Rut Bermejo-Casado - University Rey Juan
Labour Market and Fiscal Impacts of
Immigration: A US-Europe Comparison
Single Paper
James Frank Hollifield - SMU
Pieter Bevelander - Malmö University
Pia Orrenius - Federal Reserve Bank of
Unequal Framing During Two Crises? How
Politicians Framed Immigrants During the
2015-2016 Refugees Crisis and Following the
Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
Single Paper
Jan Kovář - Institute of International
Relations Prague
[273] Secession by Law? Exploring Agreed and
Non-agreed Referendums
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy - Universidad
Pablo de Olavide
Chair: Marc Sanjaume Calvet - Universitat
Pompeu Fabra
Why Independence Referendums?
Single Paper
Marc Sanjaume Calvet - Universitat
Pompeu Fabra
Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy -
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Friday, 5 July
State Coercion In Spain: The Use Of Article 155
To Counter The Catalan DUI
Single Paper
Diego Muro - University of St Andrews
The Kashmir Question: The Forgotten Plebiscite
And Narratives Of Radicalization
Single Paper
Shahal Aziz Khoso - Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, Barcelona
Nurturing Independentism. Movements and
Parties in Secessionist Contexts
Single Paper
Maria Jose Hierro - Yale University
Discussant:Marc Sanjaume Calvet - Universitat
Pompeu Fabra
[274] Social Peripheries/Spatial Peripheries
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jean Beaman - University of California,
Santa Barbara
Cultural Boundaries of Citizenship. How First
and Second Generation Immigrant Participation
in the Arts Informs the Making of Marginality in
Single Paper
Angeline Escafre-Dublet - Lyon 2
The Shifting Borders of European Core and
Periphery: Implications for Social Boundaries
and Economic Divides in the Experience of
Intra-European Migrants
Single Paper
Christel Kesler - Colby College
Changing Spatial Patterns of Deprivation in
Southern Europe
Single Paper
Thomas Maloutas - Harokopio
University Athens
Suspect Citizenship and Liminality in France
Single Paper
Jean Beaman - University of California,
Santa Barbara
Discussant:Hilary Silver - George Washington
[275] Solidarity Through the EU’s Long Crisis
Decade: How Robust or Short-lived?
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Waltraud Schelkle - European University
‘Sweet Are The Uses Of Adversity’: Uncovering
The Effects Of European Crises On European
Solidarity And The EU Polity (2018 To 2022)
Single Paper
Luís Russo - European University
Anton Hemerijck - European University
Some Refugees Need Not Apply Politicization
of Refugees in Two EU crises 2015-2022
Single Paper
Alexandru D. Moise - European
University Institute
Hanspeter Kriesi - European University
Solidarity, Crisis and Common Rules in the EU
Single Paper
Zbigniew Truchlewski - UvA, EUI &
Joe Ganderson - LSE
Daniel Kovarek - EUI
The political Geography of Social Europe a
glimpse of Belgium
Single Paper
Ann-Kathrin Reinl - European
University Institute
The EU's Recovery And Resilience Facility As
Social Investment Catalyst In Eastern Europe
Single Paper
David Jonas Bokhorst - European
University Institute
Edgars Eihmanis - University of Tartu
Mario Munta - University of Zagreb
Discussant: Waltraud Schelkle - European
University Institute
[276] The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of
Ukraine Across Europe
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Brice Didier - University of Geneva
Friday, 5 July
The Europeanisation Of National Political
Discourse After The Russian Invasion Of
Single Paper
Javier Terraza Palanca - UC3M
The Implications Of Russia’s Invasion Of
Ukraine On The Balkans
Single Paper
Fait Muedini - Butler Unviersity
Who Represents the Country? How Russian
Authorities Define the Interests of the Ukrainian
and Armenian People for Supporting Forceful
Foreign Policy
Single Paper
Mila Mikalay - University of Freiburg
Resilience Amidst Ruin: Environmental
Challenges and Ukraine's Post-War Recovery
Single Paper
Tetiana Havlin - University of Siegen
[277] The Politics of Wage-Setting Institutions
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Georg Picot - University of Bergen
Chair: Deborah Mabbett - Birkbeck, University of
Different Paths to Introducing Statutory
Minimum Wages
Single Paper
Michal Kozák - University of Oslo
Georg Picot - University of Bergen
Martyna Swiatczak - University of
The Politics of Mandatory Extensions of
Collective Bargaining in International
Single Paper
Balder Blinkenberg - FAFO
Georg Picot - University of Bergen
Wage Policy Under Conditions Of The Inflation
Shock: Germany in Comparative Perspective
Single Paper
Martin Höpner - Max Planck Institute
for the Study of Societies
Anke Hassel - Hertie School Berlin
Donato Di Carlo - Luiss University
Italy And The Minimum Wage: A Contested
Single Paper
Joshua Cova - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies
Unions Divided: Trade Union Attitudes towards
the European Unions’ Directive on Adequate
Minimum Wages
Single Paper
Eriks Ozols - Roskilde University
Stefan Ivanov Hristov - Roskilde
Thomas Paster - Roskilde University
Discussant: Bianca Luna Fabris - University of
Edinburgh and ETUI
[278] The Question of Integration in the Field of
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Lukas Spielberger - University of
Dissensus or Cheap Talk? People’s Attitudes
and Politicians Rhetoric about the EU
Single Paper
Sergiu Gherghina - University of
Sergiu Miscoiu - Babes-Bolyai
Identity, justice and solidarity in the EU
Single Paper
Zsofia Ignacz - Frankfurt University
Irina Ciornei - IBEI
Looking into the Future, Blaming the Present:
European Citizens’ Preferences for an EU Exit
Single Paper
Bettina Mitru - Babes-Bolyai University
Sergiu Gherghina - University of
Sergiu Miscoiu - Babes-Bolyai
[279] Upcoming Challenges and New
Perspectives in the EU Area
2:00 PM to 3:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Friday, 5 July
Chair: Danuta Kabat-Rudnicka - Cracow
University of Economics
State In Integration Processes From A Nation
State To A Member State
Single Paper
Danuta Kabat-Rudnicka - Cracow
University of Economics
National Security Versus Privacy And The Role
Of Courts In The EU: The Case Of EncroChat
Single Paper
Annegret Engel - Lund University -
Faculty of Law
Exceptionalism in EU Law
Single Paper
Gerard Conway - Brunel University
Discussant: Danuta Kabat-Rudnicka - Cracow
University of Economics
[280] Assessing the Causes and Consequences of
the Populist Challenge in Central Europe
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Jeffrey Kopstein - University of California,
The Marriage of anti-Germanism with anti-
EUism in the Narrative of Law and Justice
Party: Consequences and Challenges for
Democracy in Poland
Single Paper
Anna Paczesniak - University of
Transnational Populist Solidarity Against
Ukraine Aid? Comparing the AfD and Freedom
Single Paper
Sergiy Kudelia - Baylor University
Curt Nichols - Baylor University
Pro-Government Protests - Populist Street
Mobilization in Poland
Single Paper
Piotr Kocyba - Leipzig University
Marta Kołczyńska - ISP PAN
The Populist-Nationalist AfD And Germany's
Culture Of Restraint
Single Paper
Molly O'Neal - Baylor University, Texas
Discussant: Jeffrey Kopstein - University of
California, Irvine
[281] Colonialism, Migration and the Welfare
State in Historical Perspective
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Alexandre Afonso - Leiden University
Chair: Emily Wolff - Leiden University
Colonizing though "social security",
decolonizing social security in Africa: the case
of the French Empire
Single Paper
Karim Fertikh - Université de
Strasbourg / Institut universitaire de
‘National’ Welfare Between Colonial Empire
And European Unity In The 1960s
Single Paper
Madeleine Dungy - Norwegian
University of Science and Technology
The Deep Roots of Welfare Chauvinism:
Entitlement Restrictions for Non-Citizens in
Early European Welfare States
Single Paper
Alexandre Afonso - Leiden University
Universalism meets racism: Caribbean migrants
in the National Assistance Act, 1948-1962
Single Paper
Emily Anne Wolff - Leiden University
Discussant: Emily Wolff - Leiden University
[282] Courts of Law Structuring Political
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Nancy Marder - IIT Chicago-Kent College
of Law
Revolutionaries, Liberals, And The Legality of
Violence In Late Imperial Russia
Single Paper
Daniel Beer - Royal Holloway,
University of London
Friday, 5 July
Queer Kin-Making and Legalities of the Turkish
Single Paper
Berkant Caglar - University of
Climate Activism In Portugal Mapping Of A
Growing Mediatized Phenomenon
Single Paper
Raquel Duque - Lusíada University and
Catholic University of Portugal
In Search of a Happy Medium?:Appointment of
Constitutional Judges in Comparative
Single Paper
Ryosuke Amiya-Nakada - Tsuda
[283] Democracies Grappling with Populism
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Anja Thomas - European University
What Democracy Do Ethno-Populist Voters
Single Paper
Tsveta Petrova - Columbia University,
European Institute
Maria Snegovaya - Georgetown
The Role of Populist Actors in EU Policymaking
on Violence against Women: Analysing the
Journey to EU’s Accession to the Istanbul
Single Paper
Monika de Silva - University of
Populists and Political Scandals: Kiss of Death
or Elixir of Life
Single Paper
Tsveta Petrova - Columbia University,
European Institute
Paula Ganga - Georgetown University
[284] Disentangling Participation in
Contemporary Democracies
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Reto Mitteregger - University of Zurich
Social Origins and Electoral Participation The
Compensatory Role of Youth Activities in Germany
Single Paper
Clara Weißenfels - University of
Leo Azzolini - University of Oxford
Studying voting behaviour: from the ecological
to the atomistic fallacy?
Single Paper
Daphne Halikiopoulou - University of
Tim Vlandas - University of Oxford
Walking the tightrope: linking democratization
and autocratization via the concepts democratic
resilience and resistance against autocratization
Single Paper
Venelin Bochev - ULB-CEVIPOL
[285] Dualization and Welfare State Reform
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Joakim Palme - Department of Government
Left-wing Populism and De-Dualization: A
Comparative Study of the Movimento Cinque
Stelle (2018-2021) and Unidas Podemos (2020 -
Single Paper
Walter Haeusl - Scuola Normale
Modernization without losers. Can updating
workers' skills prevent backlash against
economic modernization?
Single Paper
Leon Küstermann - European University
Kees van Kersbergen - Aarhus
Francesco Colombo - Aarhus University
The politics of Pro-outsider Labor Market
Reforms: A Configurational Study
Single Paper
Paulo Marques - ISCTE
Rui Branco - NOVA FCSH
Rita Guimarães - ISCTE
Friday, 5 July
[286] EU Foreign Policy: The Changing
Balances of Geopolitics
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Ruth Ferrero - Universidad Complutense
Carl Schmitt in Brussels: The War in Ukraine
and the Return of Geopolitics
Single Paper
Stefan Auer - University of Hong Kong
Coke Made in Italy. Italians Between
Americanization And Social Conflicts
Single Paper
Stefano Palermo - Purdue University
Is Geopolitics Still Relevant? Halford Mackinder
and the War in Ukraine
Single Paper
Krzysztof Feliks Sliwinski - Hong Kong
Baptist University
Bosnia and Herzegovina On The Western Balkan
Chessboard: The EU’s Soft Power Strategy
Single Paper
Robert Dopchie - University of Liège
Discussant: Ruth Ferrero - Universidad
[287] France, Germany and Current Trends in
European Economic Governance
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Michele Chang - College of Europe
Moral Hazard As The Wild Card Of European
Economic Integration? Evidence From the
European Commission
Single Paper
Laura Pierret - University of
Franco-German political relations in Europe
Single Paper
Lucas Schramm - Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universität München
Ulrich Krotz - Harvard University
French Debt: “What We’ve Got Here is Failure
to Communicate”
Single Paper
David Lawrence Cleeton - Oberlin
Franco-German bilateralism and EU
competition policy
Single Paper
Salih Isik Bora - Sciences Po Paris
Lucas Schramm - Ludwig-Maximilians-
University Munich
The Orchestration Of Export Credit Provision:
Drifting From Liberal Governance
Single Paper
Jordy Weyns - European University
[288] Gender, Radicalization and Violence
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon | Room
Paper Panel
Victims, Villains, Mothers And Masculinity -The
Portrayal Of Foreign Fighters In Norwegian
Single Paper
Liv Kristine Moe - European University
The Evolution of Cultural Practices in the
Manosphere: Aspirational Masculinity, Self-
Help, and Eugenic Reasoning Over Twenty
Years (2001-2021)
Single Paper
Jade Hutchinson - Macquarie University
& University of Groningen
Bharath Ganesh - Amsterdam University
Kenton Bell - University of Wollongong
Women, Education and Violence in Contexts of
Single Paper
Cecilia Idika-Kalu - University of
Massachusetts, Boston
[289] Historical Memory and Present in the
Post-Socialist Space
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 |
Paper Panel
Chair: Matthijs Lok - University of Amsterdam
Friday, 5 July
Eventful Sociology and the Emergence of
Single Paper
Nikola Petrović - Institute for Social
Research in Zagreb
(Post?)Neoliberalism from Hungary
Single Paper
Dorit Geva - University of Vienna
Russia, Ukraine and Ethnic Conflict Delayed
Single Paper
Gerald Easter - Boston College
Assamalla: Estonia’s History Politics and the
Diplomacy of Survival, 1980-1994
Single Paper
Kaarel Piirimäe - University of Helsinki
[290] Illiberal Challenges in Central and Eastern
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Zsolt Enyedi - Central European University
Populism, Illiberalism, Authoritarianism:
Theoretical Challenges and Empirical
Single Paper
Radoslaw Markowski - SWPS University
of Social Sciences and Humanities
The Two Geopolitical Models of Autocratization
in the Western World
Single Paper
Daniel Hegedus - The German Marshall
Fund of the United States
Illiberal backsliding? Change in People's Hearts
in the 2023 Elections in Poland
Single Paper
Deciding in Difficult Democracies: Evidence
from Presidential Elections in Eastern Europe
Single Paper
Filip Kostelka - European University
Jan Rovny - Sciences Po, Paris
Discussant: Stephen Whitefield - Oxford
[291] Labor Market and Skill Formations
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Stefanie Boerner Otton-von-Guericke-
Universitat Magdeburg
How transnational skills regimes boost growth:
A case study of externalization in Germany
Single Paper
Linda Wanklin - University of St. Gallen
Cecilia Ganapini - University of St.
Institutional Change and Employers
Preferences: does the Expansion of General
Education under-mine Swiss Training Firms’
Support for VET?
Single Paper
Anna Margareta Wilson - University of
St. Gallen
Scherwin Michael Bajka - University of
St. Gallen
Immigrant Parents’ Educational Preferences
Between Vocational Training And Higher
Education. A Qualitative Study on Switzerland.
Single Paper
Kousha Vahidi - University on Lausanne
[292] Looking for a Collective Identity:
Boundary Work and Emotional Ties within
Feminist, Far-right and Autonomous
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Myra Ferree - University of Wisconsin
Radical Democratic Politics And Grassroots
Agency At The Local Level: The Cases Of Can
Batlló And Vio.Me/Bio.Me.
Single Paper
Gabriel M. Vieira - Metropolitan
University Prague
"Receiving the Body of Christ in the Morning
and in the Evening Getting rid of His Mother":
“Pro-life” Activism and Religious Identity
Single Paper
Anne-Sophie Crosetti - Université libre
de Bruxelles
Friday, 5 July
Pro-Life Mobilizations In France And Germany
Between Radicality And Normalization
Single Paper
Juliette Brillet - Institute for Sociology
LMU Munich, CRESPPA Paris
[293] New Perspectives on European
Integration, Financing and Bureaucratic Logics
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Francesco Spera - Unisalento
Coordinative Europeanisation and New
Financing Mechanisms
Single Paper
Clara Volintiru - Bucharest University
of Economic Studies (ASE)
Sanda Nicola - University of Liege
The ‘European Sovereignty’ Narrative in a
Country Without Sovereignty : The Case of
Single Paper
François Foret - Université Libre de
Alvaro Oleart - Université Libre de
Tracing CoFoE’s Parallel Public(s): Assessing
Digital Platform Engagement in the Conference
on the Future of Europe
Single Paper
Russell Hansen - University of
Sabine Lang - University of Washington
Emma Delapré - University of
Rachel Lundeen - University of
[295] Radicalism in Europe: A Challenge to
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Markus Pausch - Salzburg University of
Applied Sciences
Dangers Anti-Démocratiques En Europe :
Quand Le Cyberespace Met La Démocratie En
Single Paper
Clermont Auvergne
Counter-Discourse and Citizen Engagement as a
Tool to Prevent Radicalization Online
Single Paper
University of Toulouse France UMR
Non-ideological Extremism as a Challenge for
Law Enforcement Authorities.
Single Paper
José Luis Postigo Sierra - Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos
Isabel Bazaga Fernández - Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos
Radical Democracy Against Violent
Single Paper
Markus Pausch - Salzburg University of
Applied Sciences
Discussant: Rut Bermejo - University Rey Juan
Carlos Madrid
[296] Radicality Discourses, Actions and Policies
in European Countries
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Eamonn Butler McIntosh - University of
Italian (Right-Wing) Memory: Leading the
Single Paper
Lorena Ortiz Cabrero - Université de
Aline Sierp - Maastricht University
Radicalism And The Peace Movement In
Single Paper
Jared Donnelly - USAF Air Command
and Staff College
Foreign Policy Bureaucracies and Separatists’
Revealed Preferences: An Empirical Test
Single Paper
Adrian Florea - University of Glasgow
Friday, 5 July
[297] Radicalizing Legacies, Time and Memories
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Radical Remembrance: a Socio-Political
Genealogy of the Clash Over Holocaust Memory
in Poland
Single Paper
Alexander Rossen - The New School
Decadence and Palingenesis: The Philosophy of
History in Fascist and Nouvelle Droite Ideology
Single Paper
Moritz Pitscheider - TU Chemnitz
Radicalism in the Netherlands: Nativist and
Islamist Narratives
Single Paper
Nermin Aydemir - Antalya Bilim
Ayhan Kaya - Bilgi University
Radicalizing Racism: Jews and Blacks in the
Warsaw Ghetto
Single Paper
Magdalena Justyna Zaborowska -
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
[298] Rethinking the Politics of Economic Ideas:
Bullshit, Ignorance and the Limits of
Technocratic Governance
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Dora Schaul
Paper Panel
Chair: Jacqueline Best - University of Ottawa
Chair: Scott James - King's College London
Rethinking the Politics of Economic Ideas:
Bullshit, Ignorance and the Limits of
Technocratic Governance
Single Paper
Jonathan Hopkin - London School of
Economics and Political Science
Ben Rosamond - University of
The Practical Life of Economic Ideas: Why Ideas
Matter Even When They Don’t Work
Single Paper
Jacqueline Best - University of Ottawa
Lay Economics: A Conceptual Framework For
The Study Of Non-Traditional Economic
Single Paper
Oddný Helgadóttir - Copenhagen
Business School
The Contested Regulatory State: (De)Politicising
Drug Rationing in Advanced Democracies
Single Paper
Takuya Onoda - Sciences Po
The Politics Of Technocratic Economic
Governance And The Limits Of Economistic
Approaches To Tackling Climate Change
Single Paper
Ben Clift - The University of Warwick
Discussant: Scott James - London School of
[299] Social Europe from Crisis to Crisis: Policy
Responses and Polity Development
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Anna Kyriazi - University of Milano
Chair: Marcello Natili - University of Milan
The Politics of the Eco-social Transition in the
Single Paper
Anna Kyriazi - Univeristy of Milan
Matteo Mandelli - SciencesPo Paris
Joan Miró Artigas - Pompeu Fabra
Tiago Moreira Ramalho - Université
libre de Bruxelles
Tackling The Cost-of-living Crisis: Policy
Responses At The EU Level
Single Paper
Beatrice Carella - University of Milan
The politics of EU social policy: Comparative
insights through time
Single Paper
Anna Kyriazi - University of Milan
Joan Mirò - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Marcello Natili - University of Milan
Stefano Ronchi - University of Milan
Second time lucky? The revival of ‘social
Europe’ in the 1990s and the present compared
Single Paper
Sven Schreurs - European University
Friday, 5 July
Wage-led or Profit-led Recovery? Social
Integration via Selective Amplification in the
Single Paper
Robin Huguenot-Noel - EUI
Discussant: Fabio Bulfone - Leiden University
[300] Stigma and the Far Right
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Laia Balcells - Georgetown University
Chair: Stephen E. Hanson - William & Mary
The Stigmatization of Political Ideologies
Single Paper
Vicente Valentim - University of Oxford
Discounting extreme positions: Party
normalization and support for the far right
Single Paper
Laia Balcells - Georgetown University
Sergi Martínez - EAFIT
Ethan vanderWilden - University of
Wisconsin, Madison
Are far-right parties stigmatized? Evidence from
Spain and Portugal
Single Paper
Luca Manucci - Institute of Social
Sciences - University of Lisbon (ICS-UL)
Steven M. Van Hauwaert - Forward
College Paris
Discussant: Stephen Hanson - William & Mary
[301] Subnational Diplomacy, Multilevel
Governance and Comparative Federalism:
Applications on Climate Change, Monetary
Union and Populism
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Sciences Po Lyon |
Amphitheatre Marcel Pacaut
Paper Panel
Chair: Rahel Schomaker - German Research
Institute for Public Administration
Local Governments and Subnational Diplomacy
in Climate Change Action in the EU: Case of the
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Single Paper
Yasemin Irepoglu Carreras - University
of California, Riverside
Federalism as Economic Union or Cultural
Accommodation: Comparing and Contrasting
the United States and the EU
Single Paper
John Erik Fossum - ARENA, University
of Oslo
Bringing Territory Back In To The
(Multinational) British Welfare State?
'Perpetually Moving Frontiers' Between The
State And Civil Society/ies
Single Paper
Daniel Wincott - Cardiff University
Cleavages Beyond and Below the Nation State
Single Paper
Patrick Le Galès - Sciences Po CNRS
Daniel Kübler - University of Zurich
Discussant: Kaitlin Alper - University of Southern
[302] The Challenges of Representation
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM - Université Lyon 2 | Room
Paper Panel
Chair: Vladimir Bortun - University of Oxford
Non-citizen enfranchisement and the descriptive
representation of the working classes
Single Paper
Anna-Lena Nadler - Leiden University
Ari Ray - ETH Zürich
Migrants and Political Parties in Germany:
Agency and Representation
Single Paper
Nicolas Fliess - Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Religious and Ethnic
Karen Schoenwaelder - Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Religious and
Ethnic Diversity
Aarab, Myriam, 120
Abazi, Jeta, 27
Abdalbar, Hagar, 1
Abdelgadir, Aala, 145
Abrams, Benjamin, 257
Abraham, David, 248
Accornero, Guya, 50, 257
Achouche, Noa, 139, 55
Adam, Ilke, 173
Adamson, Fiona, 17
Aerne, Annatina, 84
Afonso, Alexandre, 281
Agárdi, Izabella, 137
Agartan, Kaan, 226
Agartan, Tuba, 86
Agathangelou, Anna, 64
Aguilar, Sergio, 171, 100
Ahlén, Anton, 254
Ahmed, Amel, 263, 2
Ahmed, Reem, 141
Ahrens, Leo, 125, 12, 247
Aidoo, natasha, 101
Ajayi, Folashade, 173
Akbik, Adina, 47, 238
Akrich, Madeleine, 50
Akturk, Sener, 62
Alarian, Hannah, 41, 91
Alava, Seraphin, 295
Albuquerque, Rodrigo, 107
Alexander Shaw, Kate, 159
Alexander, Dauvit, 246
Alexander-Shaw, Kate, 159, 106
Alexopoulou, Kleoniki, 80
Allegro, José, 80
Almeida Cravo, Teresa, 99
Almodt, Remi, 188
Alper, Kaitlin, 207
Altay, Tunay, 24, 43
Alvariño Vázquez, Manuel, 9
Amaral, Luciano, 80
Amiya-Nakada, Ryosuke, 282
Anderlini, Michel, 270
Andersen, David, 168
Andersson, Lisa, 38
Andrade, Matias, 153
Ang, Milena, 45
Antonucci, Lorenza, 52
Aparecido, Julia, 100
Apaydin, Fulya, 235
Appel, Hilary, 243, 96
Araki, Satoshi, 248
Arana Barbier, Paula, 255
Arbogast, Tobias, 32
Arendas, Zsuzsanna, 218
Ares, Cristina, 39
Argyroulis, Dimitrios, 57, 31
Aris Escarcena, Juan, 64
Art, David, 263
Arva, Bryan, 178, 126
Attewell, David, 78
Auer, Daniel, 107, 91
Auer, Stefan, 286
Ausserladscheider, Valentina, 143
Avlijas, Sonja, 138, 232
Ayalon, Hanna, 267
Aydemir, Nermin, 297
Azzolini, Leo, 284
B. Ducros, Hélène, 184
Babic, Milan, 155
Bachelet, Maud, 163
Badell, Diego, 241
Bajka, Scherwin, 291, 234
Balas, Alexandru, 92
Balcells, Laia, 300
Ballor, Grace, 93
Balsiger, Philip, 33
Ban, Cornel, 155, 159, 89
Bankov, Petar, 151, 82, 28
Barash, Raisa, 199, 49
Barbé, Esther, 241
Barberà, Oscar, 56, 7, 30
Bar-Haim, Eyal, 267
Barnes, Lucy, 193
Barragán, Melany, 120
Basheska, Elena, 206, 163
Basilien-Gainche, Marie-Laure, 212
Bassel, Leah, 71, 173
Baute, Sharon, 175, 46
Bayrali, Onsel, 187
Bayrali, Onsel Gurel, 118
Bazaga Fernández, Isabel, 295
Beaman, Jean, 274
Beaujon, Danielle, 262
Beaussier, Anne-Laure, 157
Beck, Malou, 256
Beck, Mareike, 219, 204
Becker Topkara, Elisabeth, 72, 255
Becker, Bastian, 73
Becker, Jordan, 121
Beer, Daniel, 282
Begg, Harry, 244
Beiser-McGrath, Liam, 234
Bell, Kenton, 288
Ben Jelili, Emna, 118
Bencivenga, Rita, 164
Bender, Benedikt, 124, 152
Benedicto Millán, Jorge, 120
Benoît, Cyril, 166
Benvenuto, Jeff, 102
Beretta, Gabriele, 34
Berezin, Mabel, 240
Bergesio, Noemi, 40
Bermejo, Rut, 17
Bermejo-Casado, Rut, 272
Bermúdez Torres, Anastasia, 64
Bernhard, Michael, 41, 200, 240, 168
Berntzen, Lars Erik, 213
Best, Jacqueline, 298, 32
Betancor Nuez, Gomer, 120
Bevelander, Pieter, 272
Bhatia, Jasmine, 181
Bibhakar, Pratyush, 79
Bickerton, Christopher, 87
Biyiklioglu, Ahmet Tarik, 89, 208
Blackington, Courtney, 16
Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, 10, 65, 222
Bleich, Erik, 68
Blinkenberg, Balder, 277
Bloom, Mia, 253, 27
Bluhm, Katharina, 138, 225
Blyth, Mark, 112, 152
Boadi, Taussia, 46
Bochev, Venelin, 284
Boeck, Caroline, 75
Bohle, Dorothee, 115
Bokhorst, David, 275, 38
Bokhorst, Meike, 38
Bolet, Diane, 65
Bollenot, Vincent, 262
Bolukbasi, H. Tolga, 89, 208
Bond, Niall, 72
Bonjour, Saskia, 147
Bonnamy, Céleste, 230
Bonoli, Giuliano, 180, 84
Bonomi, Matteo, 75
Bonsoms, Aitor, 201
Bontadini, Filippo, 70
Bonu Rosenkranz, Giada, 9
Bora, Salih, 47
Bora, Salih Isik, 287
Borbáth, Endre, 185
Borchi, Alice, 22
Borg, Maxime, 203
Borghetto, Enrico, 83
Börner, Stefanie, 236, 291
Bortun, Vladimir, 136, 114, 302
Borz, Gabriela, 188
Bose, Sophie, 25
Bostanci, Seyran, 191
Both, Maxine, 175
Bouhet, Elise, 174
Boulos, Sonia, 169
Bouterakou, Labrina, 185
Bouwmeester, Maarten, 256
Bouza, Luis, 102
Bracewell, Wendy, 6
Brahim, Rachida, 172
Brancato, Giovanni, 133
Branco, Rui, 269, 285
Brand, Martin, 138
Brandao, Ana, 171
Brandt, Emma, 15
Brauer, John, 38
Braun, Benjamin, 204, 219
Breiding, Malte, 24, 48
Bremer, Björn, 47
Breuer, Johanna, 216
Brillet, Juliette, 292
Brolsma, Marjet, 142
Bruno, Frederico, 191
Bruno, Valerio, 133
Bruzelius, Cecilia, 223
Buckley, Nathan, 222
Budabin, Alexandra, 10
Buder, Claudia, 253
Bulfone, Fabio, 70, 155, 260, 47
Bulutgil, Zeynep, 98
Burek, Wojciech, 75
Bürgisser, Reto, 203, 47, 63, 254
Burgoon, Brian, 186
Burini, Cristina, 38
Burmester, Isabell, 74
Busemeyer, Marius, 234, 46, 73, 125, 186,
Butler McIntosh, Eamonn, 217, 121, 151,
249, 296
Buzzelli, Gregorio, 186
Caglar, Berkant, 282, 265
Caiani, Manuela, 271
Çakir, Alper, 246
Campisi, Julian, 64
Cantalini, Stefano, 139
Capati, Andrea, 57
Capelos, Tereza, 144
Capous-Desyllas, Moshoula, 43
Caravantes González, Paloma, 264
Caravantes, Paloma, 9, 264
Carella, Beatrice, 299, 231
Carlà, Andrea, 170, 10
Carmichael, Cathie, 81
Carstensen, Martin B., 234
Carstensen, Martin Bæk, 203
Carvalho, Tiago,, 5, 226, 120
Caumes, Laetitia, 189
Cayton, Frances, 16, 230
Cefalo, Ruggero, 131, 38, 208
Ceicane, Lucija, 61
Cetrà, Daniel, 26, 217
Ceuppens, Bambi, 173
Chabal, Emile, 172
Chang, Michele, 34, 103, 287
Chaouni, Nawell, 295
Cherniak, Kseniia, 175
Cherribi, Sam, 271
Cherry, Norman, 257
Chevalier, Tom, 208, 157
Chimienti, Milena, 71
Chiorean, Andru, 104
Christiansen, Thomas, 57, 83
Chueri, Juliana, 180
Cigna, Luca, 233, 124
Cinciripini, Luca, 75
Ciordia, Alejandro, 185
Ciornei, Irina, 278
Cirhan, Tomas, 268, 206, 98
Citi, Manuele, 186
Clari, Enrique, 149
Cleeton, David, 287
Clift, Ben, 298
Coban, M. Kerem, 235
Coenders, Yannick, 161
Cojoc, Mariana, 123
Colin, Baptiste, 119
Colin, Gaëlle, 170
Colino, César, 37
Collini, Mattia, 268, 98
Colombini, Giulia, 38
Colombo, Francesco, 285
Consiglio, Valentina, 125
Conway, Gerard, 279
Coombs, Nathan, 219
Corbett, Morgan, 265
Corbin, Tanya, 16, 231
Cordero, Guillermo, 149
Corduwener, Pepijn, 263
Cornia, Alessio, 169
Cornwell, Benjamin, 247
Cossu, Elena, 259
Costantini, Giovanna, 167
Cotta, Benedetta, 157, 233
Cova, Joshua, 277, 220
Crespi de Valldaura, Virginia, 32, 80
Crespy, Amandine, 57, 157, 18, 233
Crivelente, Moara, 169, 99
Croon, Tijn, 38
Crosetti, Anne-Sophie, 292
Cuberos Gallardo, Francisco, 64
Culpepper, Pepper, 145
Cunha, Alice, 92
Czerska-Shaw, Karolina, 40
Czymara, Christian, 139
da Conceicao-Heldt, Eugenia, 85, 205
da Silva, Pedro,
Dabrowska, Ewa, 138
D'Agostino, Serena, 173, 129, 214
Damhuis, Koen, 52
Dannerhäll, Alexander, 85
Dar, Or, 246, 28
Darakchi, Shaban, 43
D'Arcy, Michelle, 62
Das, Shaswati, 27, 81
Dasanaike, Noah, 200
Davidov, Eldad, 267
Davidson, John, 142
Davidsson, Simon, 160
Davis, Madeleine, 251
Dazey, Margot, 266
de Araújo, Cláudia, 222, 202
de Bruin, Robin, 263
de Fønss Wung-Sung, Tobias, 43
de Jonge, Léonie, 41
de la Porte, Caroline, 186
De la Porte, Caroline, 186
de Moor, Joost, 5
de Pinho Tavares, Susana, 63
de Romémont, Julia, 110
de Silva, Monika, 102, 283
de Vries, Catherine, 93
Dejean de la Bâtie, Alice, 88
del Pino, Eloísa, 37
Delapré, Emma, 293, 109
Dermine, Paul, 70
Dettori, Giovanni, 117, 142
Di Carlo, Donato, 277, 70, 97
Di Stefano, Roberta, 52
Díaz Fernández, Silvia, 264
Díaz-Fernández, Silvia, 9
DiCarlo, Donato, 138
Didier, Brice, 92, 276
Diehl, Claudia, 125
Diepenmaat, Susan, 147
Diessner, Sebastian, 181, 47
Dietze, Nikolas, 13
Diez Garcia, Ruben, 120, 136
Díez Medrano, Juan, 60
Dilling, Matthias, 41, 160
Dimitrakopoulou, Genny, 61
Dimitri, Carlo, 180
Dimitrov, Martin, 200
Dinev, Ivaylo, 268
D'Ippoliti, Carlo, 52
Dolezal, Krystof, 87
Dolezal, Martin, 16
Domorenok, Ekaterina, 233
Donat, Elisabeth, 99, 26
Dönmez, Hande, 226
Donnelly, Jared, 296
Donnelly, Shawn, 182, 96, 59
Donoghue, Matthew, 231
Dopchie, Robert, 286, 92
Doucette, Jonathan, 168, 62
Drach, Alexis, 130
Driscoll, Daniel, 112
Droogan, Julian, 253
Dungy, Madeleine, 281
Dunin-Wasowicz, Roch, 40
Duque, Raquel, 282, 8
Durazzi, Niccolo, 181, 124, 97, 203, 234
Duyvendak, Jan Willem, 190
Dworkin, Dennis, 251
Eaglestone, Amy, 58
Easter, Gerald, 289
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, 124, 210
Edenborg, Emil, 264, 24, 48
Eggers, Thurid, 19, 254
Ehin, Piret, 90
Eick, Adam, 258
Eigenmann, Laura, 164
Eihmanis, Edgars, 275, 57, 215
Eisenring, Fabienne, 203
Eisentraut, Marcus, 267
Ekiert, Grzegorz, 200
Ekstedt, Johan, 242
El Sayed, Fatima, 196, 91
Elafropoulos, Dimitris, 111
Elbir, Irem, 261
Elgvin, Olav, 72
Elkjær, Mads, 154
Ellena, Adriano Mauro, 131
Elsässer, Lea, 33
Emmenegger, Patrick, 203, 97, 181, 153
Emperador Badimon, Montserrat, 50, 202
Endrejat, vanessa, 260
Endrejat, Vanessa, 260, 244, 34
Engel, Annegret, 279
Enggist, Matthias, 125
Ennis, Charlotte, 108
Enyedi, Zsolt, 290
Eom, Jun Hui, 14
Epstein, Rachel, 177
Erhardt, Erwin, 63
Ermakoff, Ivan, 41
Erne, Roland, 184
Ertugal, Ebru, 8, 110
Escafre-Dublet, Angeline, 274, 172
Esholdt, Henriette, 253, 195
Espírito Santo, Paula, 150
Ette, Andreas, 267
Evaldsson Mellström, Sonja, 147
Evolvi, Giulia, 53
Fabris, Bianca Luna, 124, 233, 157
Fasone, Cristina, 31
Fattori, Massimo, 61
Faustini Torres, Luisa, 55, 272
Favella, Astrid, 208
Felder, Alina, 97
Feldmann, Magnus, 166
Feniger, Yariv, 267
Feo, Francesca, 98, 189
Fernandes, Tiago, 168, 200
Fernández, Juan, 60
Fernández-Pasarín, Ana Mar, 83
Ferree, Myra, 292
Ferrero, Ruth, 249, 121, 286
Fertikh, Karim, 281
Fifi, Gianmarco, 36, 231
Filetti, Federico, 181
Filindra, Alexandra, 45
Fiocchetto, Ernesto, 43, 119, 129
Fischer, Martin, 89
Fitzpatrick, Jasmin, 56, 188
Fliess, Nicolas, 302, 58
Florea, Adrian, 296, 104
Flügel, Dominik, 160
Flynn, D.J., 116
Flynn, Lindsay, 69
Foedit, Apolline, 40
Földes, Kristián, 140
Font, Nuria, 39
Ford, Robert, 267
Foret, François, 293
Fossum, John, 301
Fossum, John Erik, 75
Foster, Angus, 49
Fox, Samantha, 79
Fox-Ruhs, Clare, 254
Frasch, Delphine, 251
Frateur, Jakob, 37
Frennhoff Larsen, Magdalena, 92
Freudlsperger, Christian, 238
Fromont, Louise, 31
Frossard de Saugy, Yolaine, 84
Fuchs, Federico, 247
Fuentes, Anita, 214
Fuller, Greg, 69
Fuller, Gregory, 220
Gabor, Daniela, 219
Gallego, Aina, 180, 33
Galonnier, Juliette, 266
Galpin, Charlotte, 53
Ganapini, Cecilia, 291
Ganderson, Joe, 275
Ganderson, Joseph, 12, 159, 106
Ganesh, Bharath, 288
Ganga, Paula, 283
Ganty, Sarah, 72, 218, 242
Gao, Xinchuchu, 36
Garavaglia, Emma, 66
Garcia Anton, Ricardo, 182
García Del Horno, Rubén, 222
García Lupato, Fabio, 7
Garcia-Duran, Patricia, 241
Gardner, Peter, 5, 257
Garritzmann, Julian, 33, 73
Garritzmann, Susanne, 125
Gateva, Eli, 82
Gava, Roy, 235
Genest-Grégoire, Antoine, 193
Gengnagel, Vincent, 157
Gennaro, Gloria, 107
Genovese, Ludovico, 91
Genschel, Philipp, 238
Georgiadou, Vasiliki, 144
Georgiou, Christakis, 113, 93, 182
Germani, Irene, 193
Gerrand, Vivian, 189, 111
Geva, Dorit, 289
Gheorghe, Ruxi, 101
Gherghina, Sergiu, 278, 56, 39
Gialdini, Cecilia, 91, 198
Giannakopoulos, Angelos, 74
Gianoncelli, Eve, 95
Gilbert, Neil, 19
Gingerich, Daniel, 62
Gingrich, Jane, 181
Giorgi, Alberta, 50
Giraut, Camille, 266
Gíslason, Ingólfur, 264
Goenaga, Agustín, 41, 160
Goijaerts, Janna, 46
Góis, Pedro, 163
Golka, Philipp, 33
Gómez Nicolau, Emma, 120
Gomez, Raul, 45
González Bello, Gabriel, 73
Gonzalo Puyod, Alejandro, 120
Goodwin-White, Jamie, 119
Gorodzeisky, Anastasia, 267
Goutsmedt, Aurélien, 215
Graefe-Geusch, Annett, 101
Grages, Christopher, 66, 254, 19
Granger, Marie-Pierre, 258
Graziano, Paolo, 157, 233
Greenstein, Claire, 49
Greer, Scott, 46, 23
Greskovits, Béla, 28
Grifo, Ana, 207
Grillo, Giulia, 81, 144
Groenendijk, Nico, 182
Grosescu, Raluca, 166
Grzymala-Busse, Anna, 62
Guardiancich, Igor, 115, 83
Gudzinskas, Liutauras, 106
Gueneli, Berna, 117
Gueorguieva, Petia, 7
Guglielmo, Marco, 30
Gugushvili, Dimitri, 157
Guidi, Mattia, 85
Guimarães, Rita, 285
Guiraudon, Virginie, 172
Guschke, Bontu, 164
Guter-Sandu, Andrei, 260
Haak, Jessica, 56
Haapanala, Henri, 220
Haas, Armin, 260
Haas, Friedrich, 36, 166
Hachfeld, Axinja, 125
Hadziabdic, Sinisa, 112
Haeusl, Walter, 25, 285
Haffert, Lukas, 160, 16
Haigh, William, 201
Haitsma, Lucas, 256
Halikiopoulou, Daphne, 284, 107
Halle, Randall, 142, 167
Hallensleben, Markus, 294
Hambly, Jess, 147
Hampshire, James, 17
Hansen, Randall, 17
Hansen, Russell, 293, 141
Hanson, Stephen E., 168, 300
Hargrave, Lotte, 110
Harguindéguy, Jean-Baptiste, 273
Harpaz, Yossi, 212, 109
Harris, Eloisa, 269, 254
Hartlapp, Miriam, 238, 209
Haslberger, Matthias, 181
Hassan, Bilal, 187
Hassel, Anke, 112, 277, 138
Hasselbalch, Jacob, 155
Häusermann, Silja, 203, 63
Havlin, Tetiana, 276
Healy, Amy, 25
Heath, Anthony, 267
Heath, Melanie, 77
Heath-Kelly, Charlotte, 201
Heers, Marieke, 42
Hegedus, Daniel, 290
Hehenberger, Anna, 143
Heidemann, Kai, 50
Heimbach, Henriette, 229
Heimpel, Daniela, 60, 191
Heinisch, Reinhard, 16
Helbling, Marc, 196, 212, 145
Helgadóttir, Oddný, 298, 227
Hellmuth, Dorle, 176
Helmke, Lara, 116, 13
Hemerijck, Anton, 275, 38
Hennig, Anja, 224
Henninger, Jakob, 223
Hensby, Alexander, 172
Hensel, Alexander, 146
Herke, Boglárka, 42
Hernandez, Mario, 44
Hetzer, Lukas, 186
Hierro, Maria Jose, 273
Hinz, Thomas, 125
Hoch, Sina, 89
Hodson, Dermot, 205, 211
Hoffmann, Matthias, 257
Holesch, Adam, 90, 60
Hollifield, James, 17, 272
Hombrado, Angustias, 37
Hope, David, 181, 154
Hopkin, Jonathan, 298
Höpner, Martin, 122, 277
Horn, Alexander, 12, 247
Horn, Jonas, 192
Hotait, Nader, 141, 196, 116
Howarth, David, 205, 96, 103, 4
Howe, Philip, 160
Hristov, Stefan, 177
Hübscher, Evelyne, 63, 269
Huebscher, Evelyne, 118
Hughes, Vanessa, 223
Huguenot-Noel, Robin, 299, 232
Hünteler, Bettina, 139
Hunter, Sarah, 55
Hutchinson, Jade, , 288, 101
Hutter, Swen, 185
Ibroscheva, Elza, 90
Ibsen, Christian Lyhne, 234
Idika-Kalu, Cecilia, 288
Ignaciuk, Agata, 198
Ignacz, Zsofia, 278
Im, Zhen Jie, 186
Inglot, Tomasz, 115
Iosifidou, Maria Anna, 178
Irepoglu Carreras, Yasemin, 301, 207
Irmer, Patrick, 13
Itzkovitch-Malka, Reut, 140
Iusmen, Ingi, 114
Ivardi, Cecilia, 181
Jachimowicz, Katarzyna, 31
Jachtenfuchs, Markus, 238
Jacobs, Marie, 147
Jacobson, David, 119
Jacques, Olivier, 118, 46, 193
Jaeger, Felix, 145
Jakli, Laura, 28
James, Scott, 219, 235, 103, 298
Jaquetto Pereira, Bruna Cristina, 9, 164
Jarman, Holly, 46
Jasiewicz, Krzysztof, 54, 45
Jasser, Greta, 3, 146
Jensen, Per, 66
Jo, Angie, 80
Jo, Gyewon, 14
Johnson, Juliet, 177
Johnston, Alison, 69, 177, 204
Judge, Andrew, 109
Jung, Mariska, 173
Jungkunz, Sebastian, 78
Kabat-Rudnicka, Danuta, 279
Kabouche, Noé, 33
Kadiri, Ahmed, 114
Kafe, Anastasia, 144
Kailitz, Steffen, 221, 128
Kaiser, Rubén, 99
Kakabadze, Shota,
Kalantzi, Foteini, 55
Kalmar, Ivan, 64
Kang, WooJin, 14
Kanol, Eylem, 213, 196
Kaouech Knis, Asma, 61
Kaosaar, Leena, 199
Karaiskou, Vicky, 117
Karakatsouli, Anna, 27
Karremans, Johannes, 18
Karyotis, Georgios, 109
Katalin, Fabian, 95
Kauppi, Niilo, 20
Kaya, Ayhan, 297
Kazepov, Yuri, 131, 38
Keeling, Silvia, 53
Kemmerling, Achim, 228
Kemmerling, Michael, 93
Kenn, Bastian, 192
Kesler, Christel, 274, 247
Kettemann, Matthias, 75
Khoso, Shahal, 273
Kiess, Johannes, 25, 16
Kilicoglu, Zeynep, 119
Kim, Dong Hun, 14
Kinderman, Daniel, 166, 124, 35
Kindermann, Daniel, 152
King, Elizabeth, 46
Kirval, Levent, 229
Klebaner, Samuel, 113
Kleider, Hanna, 181, 187
Klenk, Tanja, 210
Knotz, Carlo, 63
Kochenov, Dimitry, 206
Kocyba, Piotr, 280, 16
Kogan, Irina, 165
Kohl, Sebastian, 69
Kołczyńska, Marta, 280
Kölling, Mario, 37
Komornicka, Aleksandra, 130
Kondor, Katherine, 3
Kondor, Katherine Ann, 146
König, Pascal, 69
Konstantinakos, Odysseas, 239
Koos, Sebastian, 125
Kopper, Ákos, 176
Kopstein, Jeffrey, 200, 280, 221
Koranyi, Kinga, 207
Koreh, Michal, 193, 152
Kostelka, Filip, 290
Kovalenko, Olena, 167
Kovář, Jan, 229, 272
Kovarek, Daniel, 275, 159
Kozák, Michal, 277
Koziura, Karolina, 151
Kozlowski, Krzysztof, 28
Kralj, Karlo, 268
Krampf, Arie, 204
Krauter, Chiara, 253
Krawatzek, Félix, 229, 242
Kriesi, Hanspeter, 275
Kritzinger, Sylvia, 259
Kröger, Teppo, 66
Krotz, Ulrich, 287, 241
Kubicek, Paul, 225
Kubik, Jan, 200
Kübler, Daniel, 301
Kudelia, Sergiy, 280
Kuhar, Roman, 189
Kuhn, Eroll, 218, 207
Kuisma, Mikko, 231
Kumlin, Staffan, , 12, 63
Kunkeler, Celestine, 3
Kuokštis, Vytautas, 215, 121, 171
Kuokštytė, Ringailė, 121, 100, 171
Kupzok, Nils, 234, 96, 152
Kurdi, AJ, 48
Kurer, Thomas, 63, 180
Kurzer, Paulette, 69
Küstermann, Leon, 25, 285
Kustra-Rogatka, Aleksandra, 31
Kwon, Hyeok Yong, 14
Kyriazi, Anna, 84, 67, 299, 106
La Parra-Pérez, Alvaro, 153
Ladi, Stella, 118
Laloux, Thomas, 12
Lang, Antonia, 222
Lang, Jessica, 99
Lang, Sabine, 293
Lauener, Lukas, 149
Laumond, Bénédicte, 13
Laurens, Sylvain, 113
Lavenex, Sandra, 209
Lavezzolo, Sebastián, 153
Lavizzari, Anna, 9
Layne, Priscilla, 224
Le Galès, Patrick, 301
Le, Elisabeth, 261
Lechkar, Iman, 178
Lee, Eunjin, 14
Lee, Taeku, 145
Lefevre, Catherine, 87
Leidig, Eviane, 3
Lengyel, György, 169
Lepinard, Eleonore, 266
Lépinay, Thomas, 216
Lewicki, Aleksandra, 214
Lewin-Epstein, Noah, 139
Limberg, Julian, 193, 154
Lipari Giraud, Olivier, 44
Llaudet, Elena, 94
Locatelli, Camilla, 34, 260
Loftsdóttir, Kristin, 214
Lok, Matthijs, 263, 289
Lokot, Tetyana, 169
Lombardo, Emanuela, 9
Longhini, anna, 188
Lopatina, Anna, 56
Lopes, Raquel, 80
Lopez Uroz, Nina, 152
Lopez-Peceño, Alejandro, 191
Lopez-Uroz, Nina, 8
Lord, Christopher, 75
Lorimer, Marta, 106, 58
Loureiro, João, 177
Lundeen, Rachel, 293
Lupato García, Fabio, 7, 30, 56
Lupato, Fabio, 249
Lutz, Philipp, 163
Lynch, Julia, 208
Lynch, Sheryl, 68
Lyons, Mathilde, 104
M. Vieira, Gabriel, 292
Maatsch, Aleksandra, 102, 237
Mabbett, Deborah, 232, 277
Machtei, Itay, 247
Maerz, Seraphine, 259
Magazzini, Tina, 129
Makhashvili, Ana, 116
Malet, Giorgio, 65
Maloutas, Thomas, 274
Malý, Michal, 56
Mamede, Ricardo, 153
Mammadov, Akbar, 74
Mandelkern, Ronen, 152
Mandelli, Matteo, 233, 299, 157
Mandry, Ann-Katrin, 207
Manucci, Luca, 300, 10
Marder, Nancy, 257, 282
Marinis, Theodoros, 125
Markowski, Radoslaw, 290
Marques, João Lourenço, 207
Marques, José, 163
Marques, Marcelo, 265
Marques, Paulo, 285
Martin, Cathie Jo, 234
Martinerie, Camille, 251
Martínez, Sergi, 300
Marx, Christian, 162
Marx, Paul, 78
Maskileyson, Dina, 139, 267
Massard da Fonseca, Elize, 46
Massart, Tom, 216
Massoc, Elsa Clara, 204, 155, 177, 235, 79
Matan, Ana, 20
Mattei, Paola, 191
Mätzke, Margitta, 46
Maxwell, Rahsaan, 218, 145
McGarry, Aidan, 40
Mcinziba, Sabelo, 1
McMahon, Patrice, 243
McNamara, Kathleen, 70, 97, 47
McNeil-Willson, Richard, 27, 201
Medda-Windischer, Roberta, 29
Meier, Petra, 37
Melegh, Attila, 169
Melendez, Carlos, 107
Meliciani, Valentina, 70
Mellink, Bram, 105
Meloni, Marco, 7, 30, 56
Menz, Georg, 17
Mepschen, Paul, 190, 161
Mercea, Dan, 257
Meret, Susi, 135, 189
Mertens, Daniel, 21
Meunier, Sophie, 85
Meyer, Traute, 19
Miaz, Jonathan, 147
Michaels, Eva, 241, 171
Michel, Elie, 52
Michoń, Piotr, 42
Mierke-Zatwarnicki, Alex, 185
Migliorati, Marta, 238
Mikalay, Mila, 276
Mikola, Balint, 206
Mikola, Bálint, 7, 206, 259
Minzarari, Dumitru, 171
Miró Artigas, Joan, 299
Miró, Joan, 269, 83
Mirò, Joan, 299
Mirto, Giorgia, 49
Miscoiu, Sergiu, 278
Misiuna, Jan, 28
Mitchell, Christopher, 215
Mitrea, Cristina, 188
Mitru, Bettina, 278, 58
Mitteregger, Reto, 58, 284
Mittmasser, Christina, 71
Mocanu, Dan, 21
Moe, Liv Kristine, 288
Mohr, Edward, 223
Moise, Alexandru, 118, 159, 275, 96
Mölder, Holger, 169, 150, 123
Molnar, Virag, 271
Molteni, Francesco, 157
Montgomerie, Tom, 188
Moon, Woojin, 14
Moreira Ramalho, Tiago, 233, 299, 216,
Moreschi, Nevio, 268
Moretti, Lorenzo, 97
Mori Aparecido, Julia, 151
Moro, Francesco, 85
Moroska-Bonkiewicz, Aleksandra, 90
Morris, Katy, 12, 125
Moschella, Manuela, 97, 204, 211
Mouflard, Claire, 174
Moury, Catherine, 118
Moyo, Inocent, 250
Mozolevska, Alina, 142, 15
Muedini, Fait, 276, 198
Mügge, Daniel, 89
Mukhina, Irina, 225
Mundi López, María, 198
Muñoz, Susana, 8
Munta, Mario, 275
Murau, Steffen, 260
Muro, Diego, 273, 26
Murru, Maria Francesca, 50
Mushövel, Fabian, 181, 154, 125
Mustafa, Nawal, 127
Myftiu, Jurgena, 38
Mylonas, Harris, 156
Nachescu, Ileana, 95, 102
Nadkarni, Maya, 49
Nadler, Anna-Lena, 180, 302
Nagel, Max, 175
Nahm, Jonas, 234, 96
Natili, Marcello, 269, 157, 299
Ndahayo, Emmanuel, 119
Nebeling Petersen, Michael, 105, 198
Neimanns, Erik, 69
Nerino, Valentina, 146
Neuman Stanivukovic, Senka, 270
Nguyen Long, Le Anh, 182
Nichols, Curt, 280
Nicola, Sanda, 293
Nicole-Berva, Ophelia, 40
Nicoli, Francesco, 186
Nistotskaya, Marina, 62
Nouveau, Patricia, 47
Nshimbi, Christopher, 250, 51
Ó Riain, Seán, 25
Oana, Ioana-Elena, 159, 96
Och, Ralf, 66
Ólafsson, Jón, 252
Oleart, Alvaro, 230, 293, 270, 102
Oleksy, Tomasz, 230
Olivares, Florencia, 180
Olivas Osuna, Jose Javier, 136
Olivas, José, 45
Olk, Christopher, 219
Olmeda, José, 37
Olsen, Espen, 212
Olsson, Ola, 62
O'Neal, Molly, 280
Öner, Selcen, 133
Onoda, Takuya, 298, 166
Orbie, Jan, 270
Oross, Dániel, 7
Orrenius, Pia, 272
Ortiz Cabrero, Lorena, 296, 26
Osieja, Helen, 81
Østergaard-Nielsen, Eva, 114
Ostrum, Nicholas, 265
Otto, Adeline, 157
Oude Nijhuis, Dennie, 277, 35, 162
ÖveroÄŸlu, Hale, 214
Ozols, Eriks, 177
Pachocka, Marta, 218
Paczesniak, Anna, 280
Pajnik, Mojca, 189
Pakhomenko, Sergii, 123
Palermo, Stefano, 286
Palier, Bruno, 138, 112, 157, 193, 52, 25,
Palme, Joakim, 254, 285
Pamies, Carles, 136
Paniagua, Victoria, 153
Panichella, Nazareno, 139
Pankieiev, Oleksandr Pankieiev, 165, 199
Panov, Trajche, 233
Pantić, Nataša 91
Papadogiannis, Nikolaos, 105
Pape, Madeleine, 68
Park, Barum, 247
Park, Sun Young, 78
Park, Sung Ho, 14
Paster, Thomas, 277
Paterson, Ian, 109
Patrin, Maria, 70
Pausch, Markus, 295
Peace, Timothy, 172
Pelek, Deniz, 114
Perera, Isabel, 46
Pérez Durán, Ixchel, 44
Perez, Julio, 33
Perlmutter, Ted, 257
Persson, Anna, 195
Petrescu, Claudia, 131
Petrova, Ana, 154
Petrova, Bilyana, 154,
Petrova, Tsveta, 283
Petrović, Nikola, 289
Petrović, Valentina, 268
Peveling, Konstantin, 203
Pfau-Effinger, Birgit, 66, 80, 19, 44
Pfeffer, Elizabeth, 254
Phelan, William, 88
Philipp, Aaron, 253
Piazzo, Robin, 53
Piccio, Daniela, 98
Piccio, Daniela R., 30
Pickard, Sarah, 120
Picot, Georg, 277
Pierret, Laura, 287
Piirimäe, Kaarel, 289
Pike, Karl, 111
Piroska, Dora, 177, 235, 204
Pitscheider, Moritz, 297
Pitteloud, Sabine, 93, 113
Planson, Sonia, 161
Plavgo, Ilze, 203
Pochet, Philippe, 233
Pok, Attila, 137
Pók, Attila, 137
Poletti, Arlo, 85
Polonska, Eva, 65
Polonska-Kimunguyi, Eva, 134, 108
Poltier, Jérémie, 180
Polyak, Palma, 204, 227, 177
Pomianowicz, Katja, 125
Pontusson, Jonas, 180
Portos, Martin, 185, 40
Pospieszna, Paulina, 243
Postigo Sierra, José Luis, 295
Poulakidakos, Stamatis, 185, 253
Poussardin, Matis, 209
Powell, Justin, 191
Prackwieser, Josef, 10
Prata, Ana, 135, 110
Prieto, Maria, 79, 5, 226
Príncipe, Catarina, 153
Pruvot, Ségolène, 189
Przechomski, Leona, 267
Przychodzki, Michał, 83
Puig, Stève, 174
Pullano, Tereesa, 191
Quaglia, Lucia, 83, 4
Rabeharisoa, Vololona, 50
Racionero, Juan, 169
Radnitz, Scott, 141
Ramírez Pérez, Sigfrido, 162, 130
Ramiro, Luis, 45
Rammelt, Henry, 104
Rana, Jasmijn, 161
Ranchordas, Sofia, 256
Ranci, Costanzo, 66
Rathgeb, Philip, 124, 183
Raudla, Ringa, 21
Ravier, Axel, 266
Ray, Ari, 302
Reber, April, 13
Regan, Aidan, 69
Rehm, Moritz, 65, 205, 148
Reimer, Friederike, 260
Reinl, Ann-Kathrin, 275, 229
Reisenbichler, Alexander, 69
Reiss, Lea, 223
Ribeiro, Beatriz, 135
Riga, dealan, 209, 92
Robert, Cécile, 20
Romani, Laurence, 218
Römer, Friederike, 223
Rommerskirchen, Charlotte, 219
Ronchi, Stefano, 157, 299
Rone, Julia, 67
Roos, Christof, 217, 175
Rori, Lamprini, 144
Rosamond, Ben, 298
Rosano, Marlène, 93
Rosas, Guillermo, 153
Rosén, Guri, 85
Rosenberg, Andrew, 41
Rosłońska, Alec Z, 111
Rossen, Alexander, 297
Rossini, Luisa, 120
Rotaru, Arina, 224
Rotesi, Tiziano, 107
Rothermel, Ann-Kathrin, 146
Rotter, Anita, 140, 175
Rovny, Jan, 290
Rubio Grundell, Lucrecia, 9, 110
Ruiz Pérez, Marta, 148, 176
Russo, Luís, 275
Sabaté, Oriol, 160
Sablina, Liliia, 206
Sacchi, Stefano, 186
Sacriste, Guillaume, 239
Safuta, Anna, 223
Sajuria, Javier, 28
Sältenberg, Hansalbin, 135, 264
Salvati, Eugenio, 217
Samara, Jasmine, 26
Sánchez del Vas, Rocío, 102
Sanchez, Eleana, 251
Sandhäger, Johannes, 130
Sandhu, Kalwinder, 71
Sanjaume Calvet, Marc, 273
Sanjaume, Marc, 217
Sanni, John, 250
Santana, Andrés, 136
Santos Okholm, Christiern, 141
Santos, Felipe, 257
Santos, João, 5
Santos, Victor, 107
saridakis, nikolaos, 271
Sasmaz, Aytug, 98
Sata, Robert, 165, 252
Sato, Hideki, 166, 215
Sattler, Thomas, 63
Saurugger, Sabine, 258
Savona, Maria, 70
Saylor, Ryan, 62
Sazo, Diego, 202
Sazonov, Vladimir, 123
Scalise, Gemma, 38
Scandurra, Rosario, 131, 208
Scepanovic, Vera, 232
Schäfer, Armin, 33
Schafer, Dean, 259
Scheiring, Gabor, 67, 176
Schelkle, Waltraud, 122, 84, 159, 275
Scheppele, Kim, 11
Schlosser, Pierre, 244
Schmidt, Andre, 25
Schmidt, Peter, 267
Schmidt, Susanne, 217, 122
Schmidt, Susanne K., 238
Schmidtke, Oliver, 95
Schmitz, Luuk, 122, 227, 192
Schnabel, Johanna, 37
Schneider, Carsten, 259
Schneider, SIMONE, 247
Schoenwaelder, Karen, 302
Schomaker, Rahel, 207, 301
Schöne, Frauke, 56
Schönhage, Nanna Lauritz, 73
Schönwälder, Karen, 197
Schoon, Danielle, 27
Schoon, Eric, 27
Schramm, Lucas, 205, 287
Schreurs, Sven, 122, 299
Schröder, Martin, 65, 26
Schulz, Philip, 162
Schwan, Michael, 192
Schwander, Hanna, 73, , 152
Schwartz, Herman Mark, 112
Schwarzenbach, Anina, 213
Schwenck, Anna, 194
Schwerdt, Guido, 73
Schwertner, Tonio, 162
Scicluna, Nicole, 209
Scott-Smith, Stephanie, 246
Scrinzi, Francesca, 189
Sebastião, Dina, 249
Seddone, Antonella, 30
Sedlecká, Adéla, 121
Seelkopf, Laura, 152
Segers, Iris Beau, 3, 146
Seidl, Timo, 122, 70, 47, 192
Seikel, Daniel, 122
Seiko, Stanislavs, 61
Semotiuk, Orest, 10
Semyonov, Moshe, 139, 267
Sequin, Caroline, 262
Serowaniec, Maciej, 31
Serrano-Serrat, Josep, 218
Shanaah, Sadi, 201
Shehaj, Albana, 55
Shenhav, Shaul, 140
Shevtsova, Maryna, 24
Shin, Adrian, 55
Shin, Young-Kyu, 186
Shutes, Isabel, 223
Shuttleworth, Luke, 152
Shvetsova, Olga, 187
Siderius, Katrijn, 143, 21, 33
Sierp, Aline, 296
Sigurdson, Richard, 252, 72
Silga, Janine, 134
Silhol, Guillaume, 226
Simões, Francisco, 131
Simoncini, Guendalina, 53
Simons, Jasper, 155, 192
Sinha, Manasi, 79
Skladanowski, Marcin, 165
Slačálek, Ondřej, 64
Slater, Dan, 45
Sliwinski, Krzysztof, 286
Slotwinski, Michaela, 91
Smario, Timmothy, 86
Smilov, Daniel, 88
Smilova, Ruzha, 20, 45
Smrdelj, Rok, 189
Smyrnaios, Nikos, 111
Snegovaya, Maria, 283
Snitar, Corina, 221
Soare, Sorina, 56
Sobolewska, Maria, 145
Sofinska, Iryna, 101
Solanke, Iyiola, 108, 134, 179
Soler i Lecha, Eduard, 241
Sorci, Giuliana, 53
Soroka, George, 148, 199
Souris, Antonios, 37
Soverini, Vittorio, 80
Sowa-Kofta, Agnieszka, 115
Spektorowski, Alberto, 144
Spendzharova, Aneta, 97, 243
Spera, Francesco,, 293
Spielberger, Lukas, 4, 205, 278
Spijkstra, Anne, 256
Sribman Mittelman, Ariel, 120
Stallings, Anna, 86, 104
Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, Michael, 68
Stausholm, Saila, 227
Staver, Anne, 212, 109
Stefanachi, Bogdan, 89
Steijns, Mark, 256
Steinecke, David, 160
Stellinga, Bart, 32
Stensota, Helena, 195
Stepanovic, Ivana, 137
Stier, Haya, 139
Stolfi, Francesco, 118
Stolfi, Melissa, 133
Stone, Marla, 158, 240
Stratenwerth, Mischa, 34
Stumm, Euge, 48
Stutzmann, Sophia, 125
Styczynska, Natasza, 75, 39
Suero Comellas, Núria, 120
Swartz, David, 252
Swiatczak, Martyna, 277
Sytkina, Kateryna, 267
Szalai, Andras, 176
Szalma, Ivett, 42
Szocsik, Edina, 107
Tamayo Gomez, Camilo, 226
Tánczos, Mariann, 242
Tarditi, Valeria, 30, 7, 56
Tarjanyi, Peter, 174
Tebaldi, Catherine, 3
Terranova, Chiara, 205, 83
Terraza Palanca, Javier, 276
Tetenyi, Andras, 115
Theobald, Hildegard, 44
Theuns, Tom, 88
Thevenin, Elodie, 39
Thiel, Markus, 48
Thiemann, Matthias, 219, 21, 32
Thies, Milan, 203, 181
Thinus, Pauline, 57
Thomas, Anja, 239, 216, 283
Thyrard, Antonin, 216
Titelman, Noam, 28
Titley, Gavan, 68
Tonelli, Simone, 181
Tonello, Fabrizio, 22
Tonne, Christin, 149
Toomey, Michael, 102, 151
Torpey, John, 248, 87, 107
Tørstad, Vegard, 96
Tortola, Piero, 75
Tosun, Jale, 131
Toubeau, Simon, 187
Trampusch, Christine, 192
Tranfic, Ivan, 206
Traunmueller, Richard, 145
Trein, Philipp, 207
Trenz, Hans-Jorg, 53
Triguero Roura, Mireia, 170
Trochymiak, Mateusz, 230
Truchlewski, Zbigniew, 275, 159, 96, 106
Tshimpaka, Leon Mwamba, 250
Tsimpoukis, Panos, 111
Tsuladze, Lia, 169
Tudzarovska, Emilija, 82, 67
Tur-Sinai, Aviad, 139
Tuytens, Pieter, 220
Ucarer, Emek, 229
Uelzmann, Jan, 117
Ulrich, Martin, 26
Vachudova, Milada Anna, 243
Vahidi, Kousha, 291
Vail, Mark, 80
Valdesalici, Alice, 37
Valdez, Inés, 1
Valdez, Jimena, 124, 76
Valentim, Vicente, 300, 252
Valkovicova, Veronika, 43
van Amelsvoort, Jesse, 105
van der Veen, A. Maurits, 68
van der Zwan, Natascha, 21
van Ditmars, Mathilde, 154
van Doorn, Lars, 73
Van Hauwaert, Steven, 300
Van Ingelgom, Virginie, 12
van Kersbergen, Kees, 285
van Kessel, Looi, 105
Van Overbeke, Toon, 84
Van Staalduinen, Briitta, 269
van Vliet, Anouk, 15
van Vliet, Olaf, 180, 36
van Voorthuizen, Tijmen, 190
Van Weyenberg, Astrid, 270
vanderWilden, Ethan, 300
Vanhouche, An-Sofie, 178
Varga, Mihai, 225
Vasilyeva, Valeriya, 61
Vazquez-Cupeiro, Susana, 164
Veggeland, Frode, 85
Velchev, Kaloyan, 20
Veneti, Anastasia, 253
Verdun, Amy, 4
Verhaegen, Soetkin, 12
Vernon, Patrick, 53
Verwiebe, Roland, 253
Vesan, Patrik, 231
Veskioja, Kaija, 21
Vicente, Álvaro, 271
Vidacak, Igor, 20
Villaplana, F. Ramon, 56
Vincent, luna, 202
Vittori, Davide, 56
Vladimir, Sazonov, 225
Vlandas, Tim, 124, 284
Vlasiuk Nibe, Anna, 85
Vlaskamp, Martijn, 241
Vogler, Jan, 62
Voicu, Bogdan, 131
Volintiru, Clara, 293
Völker, Teresa, 213
Vonk, Gijsbert, 256
Vos, Claske, 167, 117, 294
Voss, Dustin, 4, 69
Votavová, Klára, 64
Vukov, Visnja, 67, 232
Vukovic, Marta, 259
Wagner, Hedwig, 261
Wagner, Paulus, 52, 25, 78
Wallaschek, Stefan, 53
Wang, Sophia, 208
Wanklin, Linda, 291
Warner, Neil, 185
Watson, Sara, 136, 215
Wehl, Nadja, 78, 154, 125
Weißenfels, Clara, 284
Weißmann, Sarah, 253
Weisstanner, David, 73, 125, 46
Weldeab Sebhatu, Rahel, 270
Wenzelburger, Georg, 65
Westenberger, Gina-Julia, 125
Westfall, Aubrey, 196, 114
Westheuser, Linus, 52
Westra, Eline, 127
Weyns, Jordy, 260, 287
Wickham-Jones, Mark, 198, 121
Wieliczko, Barbara, 93
Wiesehomeier, Nina, 116
Wiesner, Claudia, 20, 239
Wilson, Anna, 291, 234
Wincott, Daniel, 301
Winkel, Marek, 242
Winter, Elke, 71, 119
Wittenberg, Jason, 28, 221
WÅ‚och, Wojciech, 31
Wnuk, Anna, 230
Wojnicka, Katarzyna, 24
Wolff, Emily, 281, 101
Wolter, Stella, 191
Woodbridge, Elias, 178
Wozniakowski, Tomasz, 83, 182, 237
Wroblewska, Iwona, 31
Wroblewski, Angela, 164
Wung-Sung, Tobias, 129
Wysmulek, Ilona, 248
Wysmulek, Jakub, 248
Yatsyk, Alexandra, 150, 123, 74
Yavuz, Mehmet, 259
Young, Cristobal, 247
Yuzva Clement, David, 101
Zaborowska, Magdalena, 297
Zaborowska, Magdalena J, 170
Zagorcheva, Dessie, 110
Zagórski, Piotr, 206, 221
ZAIED, Sarra, 255, 262
Zamponi, Lorenzo, 5
Zanotti, Lisa, 107, 28
Zapp, Mike, 15
Zarycki, Tomasz, 64
Zavershinskaia, Polina, 144
Zeba, Mattia, 29
Zech, Anna Sophie, 151
Zemmour, Michael, 193
Zerkowska-Balas, Marta, 90, 165, 206,
Zgaga, Tiziano, 182
Zhou-Thalamy, Anne, 266
Zibouh, Fatima, 173
Zilliacus, Kim, 20
Zilovic, Marko, 8
Zimmermann, Katharina, 157
Zippel, Kathrin, 164
Zollinger, Delia, 269, 73
Zöllmer, Jasmin, 238
Zonszein, Stephanie, 145
Zuber, Christina, 33, 160, 107
Zumbrunn, Alina, 222
Zurstrassen, Dimitri, 47, 162
Zwittlinger, Lara, 249
Zyla, Benjamin, 71, 148