AERIAL LIFT SAFETY COURSE: The Aerial Lift Safety Course provides operators' safety
training as required by OSHA General Industry Standard 1910.178, The American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI-A92.5 and A92.6 as well as the Scaffold Industry
Association (SIA) A92 standards. The classroom portion is scheduled 0800-1200. Practical
applications (site specific) will occur in the afternoon following the classroom instruction and the
following day in both the AM & PM (as required). Students must contact the Base Safety
Directorate for information regarding the purchase of their IVES workbooks. Valid driver's
license is required. Units are responsible for providing their own Aerial lifts. Units must also
show proof that an annual inspection by a qualified mechanic on the specific make and model of
aerial lift has been performed. Courses are scheduled as needed. Class is limited to 6 students.
8 Hours
training for all MCBH civilian/military personnel who have responsibilities as a Confined Space
entry supervisor, attendee, or entrant. Course contents include: review of definition for confined
spaces, governing directives, permit and non-required permit spaces, hazardous atmospheres,
employee training, supervisor, attendee, and entrant program requirements. Overview of
monitoring equipment used for testing for flammability, toxic atmospheres and oxygen levels in
a confined space, in addition to atmospheric testing procedures. Course is scheduled quarterly or
upon request. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 4 Hours
CPR/AED COURSE: CPR classes are held in the BSD classroom and can be scheduled with
the BSD. Course is scheduled quarterly or upon request. Class size is 8 to 10 students. 4 Hours
POC is Mr. Rob McCarthy at 257-1830.
EXPLOSIVES DRIVERS COURSE: This course is specifically designed for drivers of Navy
and Marine Corps vehicles engaged in the transportation of Ammunition and Explosives (A&E)
on-station and over public highways. Purpose of this training is to ensure that Navy and Marine
Corps explosive drivers meet all federal and state mandated training requirements prior to
assuming duty as an explosive driver. Training is in accordance with NAVSEA OP-5 and
NAVSEA SW020-AF-HBK-010. Course is scheduled quarterly. Class size is 15 to 48 students.
8 Hours
Prerequisites: Must be 18 years of age, with valid state driver’s license, valid OF-346, and
Drivers Improvement/Alive@25 for those under the age of 26.
EXPLOSIVES DRIVERS REFRESHER COURSE: This course is specifically designed for
drivers of Navy and Marine Corps vehicles engaged in the transportation of Ammunition and
Explosives (A&E) on-station and over public highways who have already completed the
Explosive Drivers Course. Purpose of this training is to ensure that Navy and Marine Corps
explosive drivers meet all federal and state mandated training requirements prior to continuing as
an explosive driver. To ensure that operators are aware of any and all changers pertaining to
transporting A&E and to refresh operators on basic operations of transporting A&E. Training is
in accordance with NAVSEA OP-5 and NAVSEA SW020-AF-HBK-010.
Training will be conducted with the Explosive Drivers eight hour course. Those attending the
Refresher Course will arrive at the classroom by 0730 to take a pre-test. Students will then sit in
the first four hours of class and will be tested by mid-day to complete their training. Course is
scheduled quarterly. Class size is 15 to 48 students. 4 Hours
Prerequisites: Must call BSD Admin (257-1830) to request attendance of the Explosive
Drivers Refresher Course. Must be 18 years of age, with valid state driver’s license, valid OF-
346, and Drivers Improvement/Alive@25 for those under the age of 26.
course establishes the minimum requirements that personnel must successfully meet prior to
being issued a powered industrial materials handling equipment (MHE) certificate/card for
powered MHE handling ammunitions and explosives (A&E). Course addresses operational
safety precautions, operational areas in which the MHE can be operated, explosive hazard
class/divisions, handling of A&E and concludes with a test that assesses the students’ knowledge
of safety requirements and operational proficiency. Operators receiving this training to handle
A&E are authorized as described in Naval Supply Command Publication (NAVSUP PUB) 538
to handle general supplies and hazardous materials (HAZMAT). Training will be conducted in
accordance with NAVSEA SW023-AH-WHM-010 and NAVSUP PUB 538. Course is
scheduled upon request. Class size is 4-6 students. 72 Hours
Prerequisite: Must be 18 years of age, with valid state driver’s license, valid medical
certificate and Drivers Improvement/Alive@25 for those under the age of 26 and have already
attended the IVES Forklift Training. Must provide OF-346 and IVES Forklift Certificate/Card.
FIRE WARDEN TRAINING: Instructs new fire wardens on their duties and responsibilities.
Training is conducted monthly at Federal Firefighter Department Headquarters. Training held
on MCBH quarterly by FFD. Sign-up for this class is via Enterprise Safety Applications
Management System (ESAMS) link: or 471-8001. Class size is 35
students. 2 Hours
FORKLIFT SAFETY COURSE: The Forklift Safety Course provides forklift operators safety
training as required by OSHA General Industry Standard 1910.178, in addition to being an
integral step in obtaining their Government Operator's Vehicle License under NAVMC 10964.
(Note: the IVES completion card is not a license, it represents proof of training only). The
classroom portion is scheduled 0800-1200. Practical applications (site specific) will occur in the
afternoon following classroom instruction. Units/sections may contact the Base Safety
Directorate for information regarding the purchase of required IVES handbooks. Completion of
the IVES handbook prior to scheduled course is mandatory; an incomplete handbook is grounds
for immediate dismissal. Students must be at least 18 years of age, and possess a valid driver's
license and OF-346 Permit prior to registration. OF-346 Permit is obtainable from Motor T
(Bldg. 352/257-2304). A safe, reliable operating forklift for evaluation must be provided by the
student's unit/section. Base Safety Directorate is not responsible for coordination or scheduling
forklifts for practice or evaluation. Courses are scheduled quarterly. Class size is 4 to 10
students. 8 Hours
GROUND SAFETY FOR MARINES (GSFM): This two-week course is designed for all
MCBH civilian/E-6 and above military personnel who have responsibilities to perform the duties
of MOS 9956. This course provides instruction on basic Occupational Safety and Health
concepts/techniques in the Marine Corps Mishap Prevention and Safety and Occupational Health
Program. The course content includes OSH background; Marine Corps and OSH Standards (29
CFR 1910); personal protective equipment; hazardous materials; Industrial Hygiene programs;
recreation and off-duty safety; workplace hazard recognition; safety assessments; risk
management; mishap investigation and reporting procedures; and motor vehicle and traffic safety
programs. USMC E-6 and above with three years of service, O-2/O-3/0-4 serving in ground
safety billets, or DoD civilians serving work center supervisor billets. All personnel must have
at least 12 months from course date remaining in job assignment. Course is scheduled quarterly.
Class size is 6 to 40 students. 80 Hours
HAZARDOUS COMMUNICATION (HAZCOM): This course is for all civilian/military that
have responsibilities as shop level coordinators. This mandatory safety class fulfills
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200, NAVMC 5100.8 and Base Order 5100.19. This course
provides information about the hazardous properties of chemicals to include flammability,
combustibility, toxicity, pH, radioactivity, the ability to polymerize, the ability to release oxygen,
and reactivity with other chemicals. The course then focuses on how chemicals can enter the
human body and how we can protect ourselves from the harmful effects of chemical exposure.
Students learn how to read and interpret a Safety Data Sheet (SDS), handle and store hazardous
material. Course is scheduled quarterly. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 4 Hours
Required for any personnel that are turning in MPPEH to MCBH Recycle Center or Defense
Reutilization Management Office (DRMO) to verify and certify that no potential explosive
hazard exist for materials being turned-in. Classes are scheduled on quarterly basis or upon
request. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 1 Hour
civilian employees/E-4 and below military personnel who work on MCBH. This mandatory
safety class fulfills minimum requirements of 1960 CFR, NAVMC 5100.8, and Base Order
5100.19. Topics covered: Occupational Safety Health (OSH) Law, Safety Inspections, Marine
Corps OSH, 29 CFR 1960, 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1926, walking and working surfaces, Office
Safety, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Safety and basic fire extinguisher familiarization, Life
Safety Code, Fire Bills, EGRESS, HAZCOM, Unsafe-Unhealthful Reporting, accident/incident
reporting, employee safety responsibilities, Lead/Asbestos/Lock-Out Tag-Out/Confined Space
awareness, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), hearing and sight conservation, ergonomics,
blood-borne pathogens, Risk Management (ORM), Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), and Marine
Corps Base Hawaii’s Safety and Occupational Health System (SOHMS) using elements of the
Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). Course is offered monthly. Class size is 6 to 48 students.
4 Hours
OVERHEAD CRANE COURSE (CAT III): Course is designed to train students in the safe
crane operations to include; communication, basic rigging, determining weights, crane
inspections, crane and lift types and P-307 requirements. Course is scheduled quarterly or upon
request. Class size is 4 to 15 students unless prior arrangements have been made with BSD. 16
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): Course of instruction provides the
information necessary for workers and supervisors to protect themselves from workplace
hazards, and comply with the 29 CFR 1910.132-135 requirements for Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE). The course addresses the following topics: Overview of the OSHA standards
for PPE, Eye Hazards and types of Eye Protection available, Respirators: Requirements for Use
and Types or Respirators available Head Protection, How to Select the Proper Gloves, Aprons,
Suits, and Boots for the Job, Hearing Protection, When and How. The Course of Instruction is
provided on-site, and the maximum class size is 45 persons. All course material, manuals,
training equipment, and Course Completion Certificates are included. Course is scheduled upon
request. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 4 Hours
RADIATION PROGRAM ASSISTANT (RPA): Course is designed to train Radiation
Protection Assistants appointed to assist the Command Radiation Safety Officer (CRSO) or
Installation Radiation Safety Officer (IRSO) in administration of the command or installation
radiation program. This course covers the initial, annual and refresher requirements for RPA, as
well as operating procedures for sources in use, radiation exposure limits, site survey
requirements, biological effects and risks of exposure, types and sources of ionizing radiation,
responsible Individuals, and emergency procedures. Additionally, topics of discussion include
potential hazards associated with work areas, priority of Radiation Control (RADCON) vs. other
safety considerations during an emergency, and procedures to reduce exposure. Course is offered
quarterly by the IRSO, or upon request by units. Class size is 8 to 48 students. 4 hours
RESPIRATOR TRAINING & FIT TESTING: Respirator training is a one-hour training for
military and civilian employees which provides quick but effective learning tools in recognizing
how hazardous air contaminants get into the body, how to identify these hazards, how to select
and wear the proper respirator that will provide the necessary protection and inspection,
maintenance and storage of the respirator. Class is provided on a quarterly basis or by request
and is a pre-requisite for respirator fit-testing.
All personnel and supervisors of personnel using a tight fitting-negative pressure
respirator, or a filtering face-piece (dust mask) must attend training prior to using this
Prior to attending Respiratory Protection training and Fit Testing, all users (except dust
mask users) must have undergone a current Physical Health Assessment (PHA) physical
based on the age of the user.
Attendees must bring a copy of their current PHA card and their respirator (which they
will be using on the job) on the scheduled day of training.
Individuals must not have facial hair that will interfere with the face piece seal to the
Refresher training and Fit testing is an annual requirement.
For questions concerning the respiratory protection program, call the Base Safety
Directorate-Respiratory Protection Program Manager at 808-257-1830
Class size is 4 to 8 students. 4-6 Hours (Depending on number to Fit Test)
RISK MANAGEMENT (RM): Course fulfills the requirements of MCO 3500.27. Provides
planning, personnel, and practical application on how to fill out mandatory risk management
sheets. This is a highly recommended course for all supervisors and or managers. Course is
scheduled quarterly or upon request. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 8 Hours
SUPERVISOR/MANAGER SAFETY TRAINING: Required course for civilian and E-5 and
above military managers and supervisors who work on MCBH. This safety class fulfills the new
supervisor requirements of 29 CRF 1960, and the annual refresher requirement in the NAVMC
5100.8, and Base Order 5100.19. Provides basic knowledge on recognizing safety hazards in the
workplace, abatement methods, safety standards, supervisors responsibility for maintaining a
safe and healthful workplace, processing unsafe/unhealthful reports, correcting workplace
deficiencies, performing accident investigations and report filing, new employee safety training,
intro to fire life safety code requirements. This is a required course for newly assigned
supervisors and managers. Course is scheduled quarterly. Class size is 6 to 48 students. 4
ADVANCED MOTORCYCLE TRAINING, LEVEL 3: Is a controlled, risk-mitigated
motorcycle training event that allows riders to develop or refine motorcycle handling skills by
pushing both rider and motorcycle to physical and mechanical limits not possible under current
on-base training conditions. Prerequisite requirements are completion of Level 1 and Level 2
required training. This course meets refresher requirements. Class is limited to 18 students. 4
ALIVE @ 25 NSC: This course is a National Safety Council (NSC) Driver Improvement
Program that is endorsed by the Department of Defense for all service members under the age of
26 regardless of rank. This course will educate students on how changing their driving behavior
makes personal, legal and financial sense. The Base Safety Directorate (Building 279) will
conduct courses monthly, from 0800-1200, except holidays. Participants must be in the uniform
of the day. Class size is limited to 20. 4 Hours
ATV RIDER COURSE: Provides hands-on training, with emphasis on the safety implications
relating to each lesson. Riders will learn basic techniques for riding an all-terrain vehicle
responsibly. The lessons include starting and stopping, quick turns, swerving and riding over
obstacles. Riders participate in both discussion and riding lessons. In addition, the instructor
evaluates rider performance during each lesson and provides a written copy of this evaluation to
each student at the end of training. A card is also issued to each rider from the ATV Specialty
Vehicle Institute of America. Riders must provide their own ATVs and PPE. Course is
scheduled upon request. Class size limited to 6 riders. 8 Hours
BASIC RIDER COURSE (BRC), LEVEL 1: This is the basic course developed by the
Motorcycle Safety Foundation and required by all Marine Corps and Navy personnel regardless
of age, rank or riding experience. This course has both classroom instruction and practical riding
on a controlled motorcycle range. Participants use their own motorcycles in the course. This
course prepares the rider to operate a motorcycle safely with emphasis on the special skills and
mental attitude necessary for dealing with traffic. The classroom discusses the different types of
motorcycles, their controls and how they operate; develops riding strategies for riding in traffic
and dealing with critical situations; riders will also find out how alcohol and other drugs affect
one’s ability to ride safely. The hands-on training develops basic skills for straight line riding,
turning, shifting and stopping. Range skill exercises progress to effective corning, swerving and
emergency braking techniques. The course concludes with a knowledge test and a riding skills
evaluation. You must be able to safely operate a 2 wheel single track vehicle (i.e. bicycle) in
order to learn and accomplish the objectives of the BRC. If you are not able to advance
you may discontinue the skills exercises at any time. For your safety and the safety of
others, you may be dismissed from attempting further exercises. Class size 6 riders. 16
Registration Form:
Designed for current experienced riders of Cruiser or Standard-style bikes to hone their skills and
fine-tune their mental skills needed for survival in traffic. As such, the ERC should be utilized
after periods of absence from riding such as a long deployment or down time. The ERC/BRC-2
covers the use of protective gear and rider responsibility. The classroom discussion with other
experienced riders also covers how to balance the mental and physical aspects of safe riding,
managing risk by increasing visibility and optimizing lane position. Using participants' own
motorcycle, ERC/BRC-2 participants put into practice the techniques of managing traction,
controlling rear-wheel skids, stopping quickly, cornering and swerving. The course concludes
with a knowledge test and skills evaluation. Class size is 6 riders. Length of course is 8 hours.
Registration form is available at:
Registration Form:
GROUP RIDER COURSE (GRC): This course covers information you need to know to put
safety first whenever participating in a group ride. Riders learn about ride preparation,
organization, pre-ride meetings, hand signals and proper riding formations in complex traffic
situations. This course may be used to support unit group rides, increase safety awareness for
riders returning from deployment as well as to enhance the Motorcycle Mentorship Program.
The GRC is only scheduled through respective unit mentors, who coordinate with Base Safety
(257-1830). Prerequisite requirements are completion of Level 1 and Level 2 required training.
4 Hours
COURSE: ROHVA training is conducted by qualified personnel. The ROVHA Operator
Course provides hands-on training, with emphasis on the safety implications relating to each
lesson. Students learn basic techniques for operation of a ROHVA responsibly. Lessons include
stability weight distribution, turning, stopping, traversing hill sides, driving up and down steep
inclines. Some exercises are converted to asphalt areas for a complete understanding of the
capabilities and limitations this surface provides. Units must provide their own fully-operational
ROHVAs. Owner's manual for each ROHVA, valid driver’s license and proper PPE is also
required. Course is scheduled twice a month. Class size is based upon 2 operators per vehicle.
Class size of 6 operators maximum. 4 Hours
Complete the ROHVA Safety E-Course prior to the ROHV Basic DriverCourse date.
Visit Follow the directions on this page for First
Time Visitor to create an account.
Complete the free ROHVA Safety E-Course after you create your account.
Bring the e-course completion certificate to class with you. Without proof of e-course
completion, you will not be permitted to take the ROHVA Basic DriverCourse Course.
course designed for experienced Sport Bike riders in the military. This course is a Level 2
course for sport bike riders. For the purposes of this course, an experienced rider is one who has
basic skills and is a current rider with a motorcycle license. The MSRC complements the skill
learned and experienced in the Level 1 course. Special emphasis is given to self-assessment, risk
management, rider behavior, riding strategies and overall skill development, particularly in
braking, cornering and swerving procedures and techniques. Students must have attended the
Level 1 training prior to attending this course. Class size is 12 riders. 8 Hours. Click below for
the Registration Form:
Improvement Program/National Safety Council Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving course is held
the first Saturday of each month. The traffic court magistrate has mandated these classes. The
course covers attitudes, fatigue, and driver impairment due to the use of alcohol or other drugs,
consequences of improper/poor driving habits, and other appropriate topics. Marine Corps
students need to be in their CHARLIES. Navy students need to be in their Summer Whites.
DOD civilians or dependents need to be in business professional attire. Class is scheduled the
first Saturday of each month, 0800-1400, except for holidays. Class size is 20 students. 6 Hours
program designed to prepare a well-skilled, safety-motivated motorcyclist in becoming a MSF-
certified Rider Coach. During the course, candidates learn how to teach the BRC curriculum
through practice teaching in the classroom, manage range exercises and how to evaluate and
coach students as they develop their riding skills. The course culminates when candidates teach
a complete BRC to a group of new riders. Successfully completing student teaching is your final
requirement to qualify for MSF certification. This course is scheduled annually or as needed.
Class size is 4 to 12 candidates. 64 Hours.