Commanding Officer
U. S. Coast Guard
Training Center Petaluma
599 Tomales Road
Petaluma, CA 94952-5000
Phone: (707) 765-7320
Fax: (707) 765-7329
17 DEC 2014
(a) Coast Guard Regulations, COMDTINST M5000.3 (series)
(b) Safety and Environmental Health Manual, COMDTINST M5100.47 (series)
(c) Coast Guard Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program, COMDTINST M1000.10 (series)
(d) Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs, Department of Defense Instruction
(DoDI), 1015.10
1. PURPOSE. This Instruction promulgates policy for the sale, purchase, possession, ingestion, and
consumption of alcohol in any form onboard Training Center Petaluma (TCP). It also promulgates
restrictions on underage use of alcohol that apply off-base as well.
2. ACTION. All persons onboard TCP, military or civilian, shall comply with this Instruction.
Violations of the rules and regulations set forth in this Instruction may result in loss of privileges,
adverse administrative action, or disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ). Internet release is authorized.
4. DISCUSSION. The purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages is an accepted, but regulated,
facet of our society. Adults who choose to consume alcohol in any form are expected to do so in a
responsible, lawful manner. Alcohol possesses significant potential for abuse. Alcohol abuse
undermines and jeopardizes morale, mission performance and safety; it is not tolerated in the Coast
Guard and will not be tolerated onboard TCP or by TCP Personnel. Overall guidance regarding
alcohol use onboard any Coast Guard shore unit is provided in reference (a).
a. The limitations and requirements described in this Instruction must be augmented by active
leadership at all levels to promote responsible attitudes toward the use of alcohol in any form,
both on and off TCP.
b. “A” School Student. Personnel ordered to TCP to attend “A” School are classified as “A” school
students upon arrival, even while waiting for their class to convene. They remain classified as
“A” school students until their successful graduation from “A” School or transfer to a billet or
new permanent duty station. Students in a suspended in training (SIT) status or disenrolled
students pending reassignment or separation from the United States Coast Guard remain
classified in a student status.
c. On-Duty Status. Any TCP member in an on-duty status (e.g., assigned watchstanders, police
officers, and firefighters). The assigned 24-hour on-call and live watch period commences at
0730 of the assigned weekday duty day and commences at 0900 on duty weekends and holidays.
Members shall report to their duty assignments ready to perform all required duties and be free
from any residual effect as a result of alcohol consumption.
d. Residual effects. Being free from residual effects for the purpose of this instruction means when
reporting for duty that you are physically and mentally free from any effects of alcohol
consumption that may adversely impact the performance of official duties.
e. Restricted alcohol use. Members filling the following positions aboard TCP are restricted from
consuming alcohol twelve (12) hours prior to the beginning of their scheduled duty and be free
from the residual effects:
(1) Training Center Petaluma Police Officers and Auxiliary Police Officers
(2) Military members on duty at the Training Center Petaluma Clinic
(3) Training Center Petaluma Auxiliary Fire Fighters
(4) Training Center Petaluma Police Dispatch watchstanders
(5) Training Center Petaluma Officers of the Day (OOD)
(6) Training Center Petaluma Duty Master at Arms (DMAA)
(7) Military members on duty as lifeguards at the training center pool
f. Alcohol. Distilled alcohol in consumable or ingestible forms containing not less than 3 percent
ethyl alcohol. It does not include alcohol when possessed or used in accordance with pertinent
directives for medicinal, industrial or chapel sponsored sacramental purposes.
. This guidance is not a substitute for applicable legal requirements, nor is it itself a
rule. It is intended to provide operational guidance for Coast Guard personnel and is not intended to
nor does it impose legally-binding requirements on any party outside of the Coast Guard.
a. The development of this Instruction and the general policies contained within it have been
thoroughly reviewed by the originating office and are categorically excluded from further
environmental analysis, in accordance with Section 2.B.2. and Figure 2-1 of the National
Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures and Policy for Considering Environmental
Impacts, COMDTINST M16475.1 (series).
b. This Instruction will not have any of the following: significant cumulative impacts on the human
environment; substantial controversy or substantial change to existing environmental conditions;
or inconsistencies with any Federal, State, or local laws or administrative determinations relating
to the environment. All future specific actions resulting from the general policies in this
Instruction must be individually evaluated for compliance with the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), DHS and Coast Guard NEPA policy, and compliance with all other
environmental mandates. Due to the administrative and procedural nature of this Instruction, and
the environmental guidance provided within it for compliance with all applicable environmental
laws prior to promulgating any directive, all applicable environmental considerations are
addressed appropriately in this Instruction.
7. DISTRIBUTION. No paper distribution will be made of this Instruction. An electronic version will
be located on the TCP intranet:
a. Approved locations for the possession and consumption of alcohol are detailed in enclosure (1).
b. Under no circumstance shall alcohol be consumed or ingested in vehicles. Reference (b)
provides further direction regarding motor vehicle safety.
c. Unopened containers of alcohol may be stored in vehicles.
d. Open containers with residue of alcohol found in vehicles onboard the TCP will raise the
presumption that the driver was consuming alcohol while operating a motor vehicle.
e. All military personnel, when reporting for duty or performing official work functions, shall be
free from any residual effect that contributes to the inability to perform their duties or
assignments as a result of alcohol consumption or ingestion.
f. Consumption or ingestion of alcohol in any form by personnel in an on-duty status is strictly
g. Persons under the age of 21 years, either on or off base shall not sell, purchase, possess,
consume, ingest, or be under the influence of alcohol in any form. Underage consumption or
ingestion of alcohol is prejudicial to a good training environment. It adversely impacts student
performance and the student living environment. Purchasing alcohol while under age is a
California state crime.
(1) While on authorized leave, Coast Guardsmen shall comply with the minimum legal age for
the jurisdiction in which they are present, or the policy contained in enclosure (9) of
reference (d), when applicable (i.e., on Department of Defense (DoD) installations).
(2) Coast Guard Reserve Component (RC) members when not on active duty, active duty for
training (ADT), or inactive duty for training (IDT) shall comply with the minimum legal
drinking age for the jurisdiction in which they are present, or the policy contained in
enclosure (9) of reference (d), when applicable (i.e., on Department of Defense (DoD)
(3) Failing to comply with the prohibition on consuming or ingesting alcohol before the age of
21 is punishable under Article 92, and other appropriate articles of the UCMJ. Coast Guard
military members subject to the UCMJ may face adverse administrative consequences or
non-judicial or judicial action under the UCMJ, for violating a punitive general order.
h. No person shall give, loan, or sell alcohol to any person under the age of 21, as any of these
actions are a California state crime.
i. Package sales of alcohol are authorized only at the CG Exchange. The purchase of alcohol at the
CG Exchange by students in grades E-3 and below is strictly prohibited. Permanent detail
members in a non-student status, above the legal age to possess alcohol, and in the grade of E-3
and above may purchase alcohol at the CG Exchange.
j. Alcoholic beverages by the drink may be sold only at the following TCP locations.
(1) Consolidated Club.
(2) CPOA Ball Field concession (when authorized).
(3) HUB outdoor patio area (when authorized).
(4) At other TCP concessions only with prior approval from the Commanding Officer.
k. The following groups may serve alcohol beverages by the drink at their command-sanctioned
events with appropriate advance approval and licensing.
(1) Two Rock Officer’s Association
(2) Chief Petty Officer’s Association
(3) Spouse’s Association
(4) Coast Guard Enlisted Association
l. No one may sell or dispense alcohol to any person who appears intoxicated or who is acting in a
boisterous, belligerent or unruly manner.
m. No person under the age of 21 shall be employed as a bartender or in any other capacity
involving the dispensing of alcohol.
n. Consumption of alcohol in any form at command-sponsored class parties is prohibited.
o. Reference (c) provides policy on military members who abuse alcohol.
p. Poor conduct and/or overindulgence at any event or at the Club may result in UCMJ action for
military members and appropriate disciplinary action for civilians.
9. RECORDS MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS. This Instruction has been thoroughly reviewed
during the directives clearance process, and it has been determined there are no further records
scheduling requirements, in accordance with Federal Records Act 44 U.S.C. 3101et seq., NARA
requirements, and Information and Life Cycle Management Manual, COMDTINST M5212.12
(series). This policy does not have any significant or substantial change to existing records
management requirements.
11. REQUESTS FOR CHANGES. Individuals may recommend changes by writing via the chain of
command to: Commanding Officer (A-Div), U.S. Coast Guard Training Center Petaluma, 599
Tomales Road, Petaluma, CA 94952.
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
CG TRACEN Petaluma
(1) Authorized Locations for Consumption of Alcohol
Enclosure (1) to CG TRACENPETINST 5353.1F
The following table defines the locations for authorized consumption of alcohol in any
form onboard TCP. A “Yes” denotes that consumption of alcoholic beverages is
authorized for personnel 21 years of age and older.
“A” School
All Others
Ball Fields No See notes (a) and (b)
(Horsley, Steadman, Mace, & Harrison
Halls and Bldg 124 “H” Complex)
No No
Bowling Alley Yes Yes
Consolidated Club Yes Yes
Family Housing No Yes
Guest Lodging No Yes
Gymnasium No See notes (a) & (b)
HUB outdoor patio area No See notes (a) & (b)
Lake Recreation Area/Pavilion No See notes (b) & (c)
Campground No Yes
Anchorage No See note (b)
Pool No See notes (a), (b), & (c)
Salamander Canyon No See notes (a) and (b)
Teen Center/Community Activities No See note (a) & (b)
(a) If approved by the TCP Commanding Officer
(b) Beer, wine, and ale only
(c) During authorized private parties only