Together we innovate
& achieve excellence
2021 - 2022 Annual Report
To learn more about supporting the Jerey S. Raikes
School of Computer Science and Management, contact
Kathy Schubauer, Director of Development.
Kathy Schubauer | 800-432-3216
Jerey S. Raikes School of
Computer Science and Management
630 N 14th St, Kauman 123
Lincoln, NE 68588-0690
Raikes School | 402-472-6000 | @RaikesSchool
Director's Note
& Sta
& Coaches
Table of Contents
Ready to
shape the
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
A note from
the director
Reflecting upon this past year in Design Studio, it is not hard to see aspects of the
program impacted by change.
The changes were a result of the evolving
world around us, adjusting to hybrid
methods of business and education, and
changes in stang. We said goodbye to
longtime leaders of the program who left
for new opportunities, and we welcomed
fresh faces to Design Studio. Despite
changes, some things remain the same.
Sta, faculty, community, and students
came together striving to continue
excellence and innovation in
Design Studio.
Students have embraced change. Most
student teams conduct their business
with their sponsors virtually, some hybrid,
and a few in person. That is the world
we are in right now. Sometimes that also
means virtually connecting with your
faculty, your coach, or with one of your
fellow students. What we realized is the
method of meeting really does not matter.
It matters that teams have a solid and
predictable communication strategy that
is consistent and appropriate for
the situation.
Students also stepped up to share
their ideas on how Design Studio could
adapt to the changing environment
in which we found ourselves. Student
feedback provided the foundation and
the opportunity to change how we
teach the best practices of product
development and how we mentor future
student-led startup teams. This is just
another example of how faculty, sta,
and students work together to make
refinements to the program.
Design Studio is excited to share this
annual report with you. We are proud
of the excellent products that students
created for their sponsors and the growth
of the student-led startup. As you read the
summaries of the projects, the real-world
business value is evident in their solutions.
It takes a lot of people to make a program
of innovation and excellence, such as
Design Studio. This is due to many people
working together. We are proud of our
university partners that work with us to
provide students from other disciplines
with the opportunity to join us in Design
Studio as associates. We appreciate
all students, the sponsors who oered
complex problems to solve, the faculty
who stepped up when stang changes
occurred, the coaches who volunteered
their time to guide students as a
trusted ally, and the business oce who
supported us all. Thank you.
Design Studio is so proud of all the
collaboration and teamwork that occurred
this year in this program of excellence.
With innovative focus and continuous
improvement, Design Studio is excited
and energized for the future. We cannot
wait to see what our Design Studio
community achieves next.
Cheryl Nelson
Director of
Design Studio
105 students, 20 coaches, 19 industry sponsors,
5 faculty, 3 sta, and 1 student-led startup came
together this year to make Design Studio a
smashing success.
Design Studio is a capstone program in
partnership with leading industry sponsors,
featuring the best and brightest students
focused on the intersection of business and
technology. Throughout the year, student-
led teams interface directly with sponsors,
faculty, sta, and industry experts to deliver an
impressive catalog of project deliverables.
Students in Design Studio participate in a two-
semester partner-sponsored project. Using a
release-driven approach, students work in self-
organized teams to design, develop, and release
project deliverables to sponsors six times over
an academic year.
Design Studio itself is housed in the Kauman
Center on the University's city campus, where
students enjoy fully equipped workspaces and
have immediate access to professional, legal,
and technical support. Industry partners come
from the local, national, and international arenas.
Design Studio students split into small teams
and work directly with industry sponsors to
deliver impactful value throughout the year.
Teams also get involved with industry expert
coaches, who provide mentorship and guidance
on best practices.
Through strong, collaborative industry
partnerships, we strengthen the community
and support the transformation of cutting-edge
research into innovation. Moreover, the practice
of iterative development trains students in
both creative solution design and model-driven
engineering processes.
Find us at
to partner with us for next year’s Design Studio!
Start of
End of
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Design Studio Process
Project Initiation
Objective: Become acquainted with sponsor and
project. Leverage design thinking to determine process
for execution of project.
Objective: Demonstrate and defend what you have
done to this point. Provide direction and plan for
completing remaining project.
Project Execution
Objective: Produce and deliver value for sponsor
through cumulative iterations.
Project Closing
Objective: Transition value to sponsor. Finalize, assess
project and prove success.
Design Studio Roles
Architecture and Engineering Lead
A sta member in Design Studio who supports the team
and oers pragmatic engineering critique from the
industry perspective.
Product Owner
The representative from the sponsoring organization
who is both the day-to-day contact and has decision
making authority within the project scope.
Students self-organize into teams. Teams have two
specific roles, the Development Manager and Product
Manager, who together share the responsibility of
leadership for the team.
A volunteer from the local community who serves as
a professional and technical mentor for the team, an
independent sounding board.
Program Lead
A sta member in Design Studio who supports the team
and provides professional guidance from the
industry perspective.
Tribe Lead
A faculty member in Design Studio who supports the
team and evaluates from an educational and
learning perspective.
Faculty & Sta
Design Studio is a mix of new and familiar
faces this year, not just among the students.
The program has a core sta of three full-time employees, plus the
support of the Raikes School Faculty. But, of course, eight people
cannot possibly support the 100+ students in a program like Design
Studio; it takes a village, including our volunteer coaches. See page
34 to recognize their contributions to making Design Studio what it is
Cheryl Nelson
Director of Design Studio
Newly appointed Director of Design Studio. 20+
years of experience managing and directing software
and engineering teams for large fortune 500
companies. Passionate about mentoring students in
leadership and agile software development.
Jake Koperski
Design Studio Program Lead
Previously a software engineer and startup
entrepreneur, now creating opportunities for
students and mentoring teams on best practices.
Rachel Michaela Bradley
Design Studio Graduate Teaching Assistant
British senior IT technician-turned-software engineer
with over a decade experience who moved to
Nebraska to attend the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln and pursue the American dream.
Dr. Steve Cooper
Executive Director of the Raikes School, Tribe Lead
Comes to Nebraska from Stanford University and
believes in learning by doing and that changing the
world in the 21st century starts with understanding
business and computer science.
Dr. Justin Firestone
Assistant Professor of Practice, Tribe Lead
Focused on the intersection of technology, ethics,
and law. Instructor for the second-year software
engineering courses for the Raikes School and
cyber law at the law school. Interested in promoting
responsible technological innovations.
Dr. David Keck
Professor of Practice, Tribe Lead
Developed and teaches the school’s core sequence
in Data and Models, which includes topics from
probability and statistics, data science, machine
learning, simulation, and optimization. Also teaches
the school’s finance course.
Dr. Robert Mackalski
Assistant Professor of Practice, Tribe Lead
Software entrepreneur turned academic. Robert
teaches marketing courses at the Raikes School.
Dr. Stephanie Valentine
Assistant Professor of Practice, Tribe Lead
Instructor for most underclassman software
engineering courses at the Raikes School. Passionate
about working with Design Studio teams working on
novel interaction design and applied
machine learning.
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Our industry, government, and non-profit
sponsors seek solutions to real-world
problems facing their organization.
Design Studio teams deliver.
Design Studio leverages our extensive knowledge base,
interdisciplinary student body, and wealth of industry
experience to bring projects to fruition.
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Page #: 11Gold
Analytics Apps
R&D loT
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AppsPage #: 15 Page #: 16
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New! New!
ML Page #: 13 R&D Page #: 14
5 5
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Page #: 28MLYears Platinum
Our iterative development methodologies
lead to the development of robust software
products that address real problems.
Design Studio projects combine agile engineering processes, lean
business development, and interdisciplinary design thinking into an
iterative process for problem solving and product development - our
unique brand of innovation.
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Reentry Data Tracking
Bridges to Hope is a non-profit
organization that helps men and women
recently released from correctional
institutions transition to a productive
life after their release. Reentrants can
visit the organization to receive basic
household furnishings, clothing, personal
hygiene products, and connections to
services in the area. Previously, Bridges
to Hope tracked visitor records by
hand through paper and pencil, with
the occasional computer spreadsheet.
In addition to the quantities of each
item that a reentrant received, these
documents included demographic and
incarceration information for each visitor.
The Design Studio team designed and
implemented a top-of-the-line data
management system to replace the
previously used pencil and paper forms
and address these diculties. The new
web-based application increased the
ease of tracking this detailed information.
Security was at the forefront of all
development, from the database and data
access layers built to prevent corruption
to the web client, enforced with extensive
authentication. Additionally, the software
allows the non-profit to generate
comprehensive reports that quantify the
organizations impact on the community.
With the Design Studio hando, Bridges
to Hope is set up for future success
with an accurate, reliable, and secure
web application that streamlines all
their data management needs. The
Design Studio team designed the entire
project to be user-friendly with a secure
database, an intuitive interface, and
built-in administrative tools. As a result,
Bridges to Hope can easily manage the
application for years to come.
Student Team
Nathan Gentry
Ryan Hruby
Ray Huck
Ryan Olsen
Isabelle Schmidt
Improve Customer
Satisfaction with Machine
DMSi customers can submit idea requests
on their online portal called The Wedge.
These idea requests suggest to DMSi how
to improve their products, problems they
would like to see solved, and more. They
can also vote on other ideas. Product
owners assign business value to each
idea request to aid in their development
prioritization process. Given the lack of
filtering capabilities and the magnitude
of ideas in the system, customers are not
seeing ideas they might have interest
in. Therefore, product owners cannot
accurately rely on the number of votes on
an idea to indicate customer value.
The team decided to attack this problem
by showing customers ideas that are
relevant and relate to strategic initiatives
at DMSi, as well as decreasing the total
number of ideas by eliminating duplicates
or merging closely related ideas. First,
the team created a duplicate detection
report and a strategic classification
report using TFIDF vectorization and
string comparison methods. Second, the
team built a recommendation engine
using natural language processing
methods to cluster similar customers
and ideas. The engine generates a list of
ideas that are most relevant to customers
as well as ideas that have been deemed
“strategic”. The relevance calculation
assigns a value to each idea based on
how similar idea texts are, how customers
voted on the ideas, and finally takes a
random sampling of these weighted ideas
to ensure a new result every time the
engine runs. Both reports and the engine
script are hosted on Dataiku to be further
implemented by DMSi on The Wedge.
Student Team
Taylor Bernt
Megan Chaey
Alexis Delos Reyes
Jessie Guo
Caitlin McCarthy
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Customer Operation
Relationship Visualizer
Farm Credit Services of America
is a leading provider of credit and
insurance services to farmers, ranchers,
agribusinesses, and rural residents in the
Midwest. Before this project, FCSAmerica
sales teammates could identify basic
customer operation relationships within
FCSAmerica’s CRM software for their
customers/stockholders, but there was no
system in place to discover, track or share
that operational linkage in the data with
other teammates.
The team was tasked with implementing
a modern graph database which sourced
data from the organizations internal
data sources to identify relationships
across FCSAmerica’s large customer
base. Pieces of data (including customer
information, product information,
relationship to other producers or entities,
land ownership, etc.) were combined into
a single dynamic and interactive model
visualization to reveal previously unknown
relationships through queries engineered
by the team.
Now, FCSAmerica’s sales teammates can
explore over 14,000 nodes with nearly
27,000 relationships identified between
them, enabling them to match the right
producer or operation with the right
products and services. Nodes are also
flagged if they are found to have business
or financial risks. The team prioritized
scalability and the solution is designed to
automatically parse and upload new data
in mere seconds. These features will allow
FCSAmerica to continue adding new data
in the future with ease.
Student Team
Sophie Hellebusch
Justin Ho
Emily Kraai
Kyle Krueger
Erik Skoog
Culture Platform
Firespring, Certified B Corp®
headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska,
and a leader in the Do More Goo
Movement, provides strategic guidance
for businesses and nonprofits through
creative marketing, printing, and
technology solutions. Firespring's mission
is to help their customers accomplish
their own missions. They have a strong
emphasis on building and maintaining
robust company culture.
The challenge was to create a platform
to help with facilitating internal
communication, drive team/vision
alignment, and centralize tracking of
important internal metrics. Firespring first
intends to use this platform for their own
internal use. They later intend to evolve it
into a SaaS oering for current and future
clients. The software oering will be
supported by a recurring revenue stream.
It will be a pivotal oering to clients on
their path to becoming a Do More Good®
The goal of the Design Studio team was
to prioritize building a solid foundation
for future iterations of the project and to
fully build out the daily all-hands meeting
facilitation tool. Firespring calls this
daily meeting the "Firestarter Meeting."
The purpose of these meetings is to
celebrate employees, acknowledge goal
completion, and award those employees
who have gone above and beyond.
The team built a solution that allows an
attendee to enter a meeting and view
slides that are navigated and edited by
a scribe in real-time. This tooling allows
for Firespring scribes to easily facilitate
the meetings virtually. In addition, with
this solution, metrics and insights can be
generated to monitor goal completion
and employee engagement.
The Design Studio team's solution will
allow Firespring to continue their goal of
prioritizing company culture and is the
first step in designing a culture portal that
will change the way internal operations
are conducted.
Student Team
Tomo Bessho
Audra Heyne
Michael Kovar
Lilly Moore
Daniel Noon
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Financial Data Visualization
App – Pocket Galleri
Bank executives have hectic schedules
that can keep them away from their desks
for long periods of time. While in and out
of meetings all day, these executives need
access to Fiserv's rich data to enable
them to make decisions that directly
impact their company's bottom line.
Fiserv provides a web-based solution
called Galleri to support informed
decision-making. Still, executives require
an on-the-go solution to fit their
on-the-go jobs.
The Fiserv Design Studio team set out
to fit Galleri's extensive set of business
insights into a mobile-first format
accessible from anywhere in the world,
not just in the confines of an oce. In
addition, the solution needed to be easy,
quick, and reliable. Executives do not
have the time to learn a complicated new
interface or question whether their data is
fresh and accurate.
Pocket Galleri is a cross-platform mobile
application with a stunning Flutter
frontend and a powerful GraphQL API
to serve all the rich insights that Fiserv
is known for. The Pocket Galleri team
condensed Fiserv's existing trove of
data into a mobile-friendly format
that provides an ecient and intuitive
experience, delivering substantial value
on a tiny screen.
Student Team
Bryce Janke
Nathan Kolbas
Tanner Nash
Brian Reynolds
Bonus Capture
With trends towards virtual contact on
the rise, small colleges are struggling
to recruit. Recruiters cannot get out to
see and evaluate athletes, thus failing to
meet enrollment goals and putting their
future budget and very existence at risk.
Athletes are struggling to know where to
start to begin their recruitment journey
and keep recruiters up to date, given no
direct communication is allowed until
sophomore year. With the diculties
faced by recruiters and athletes, we were
tasked with answering these questions:
What video outside of game footage do
recruiters find valuable? What information
do athletes lack? How can we best
provide athletes instruction through the
recruitment process?
Introducing the Athletic Video Resume
(AVR), a sports-agnostic video capturing
mobile app focused on helping athletes
get recruited by guiding them on how
and what video to capture in order to
incite recruiter interest so that they will
investigate the athlete further. With
guidance on how to validate their stats
for recruiters, we enable athletes to insert
themselves into the recruitment pipeline
with ease. Recruiters can trust an athlete’s
progress and easily evaluate them based
on drill footage, knowing video doesn’t
With this app, the team went beyond
simple development. The team spent
time interviewing nearly 20 coaches,
recruiters, and athletes to find which drills
and stats allow recruiters to evaluate
athletes and identify the best way to
deliver instructions to athletes. The team
used the information gathered to build a
mobile application available on iOS and
Android using React Native. The mobile
app allows athletes to record and save
videos of themselves completing drills to
their devices inside the app. From there,
the athlete can share the recordings
with recruiters. For Hudl, the ability to
easily manage available drills and sports
is important when maintaining the app.
To allow for maintainability, the team
built the app around configuration files
containing meta-data about sports, drills,
and instructions oered in the app.
Student Team
Dylan Chapin
Sierra Futterman
Caleb Koranda
Patrick Murphy
Brysen Reeser
Liam Seper
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Drone Progress Tracking
Kiewit is one of the largest construction
companies globally and has long pushed
the standards for innovation within the
construction industry. Kiewit operates
on an initiative to be a data-driven
organization. Construction projects track
progress data for various reasons, none
more important than meeting contractual
obligations. Keeping clients in tune with
the status of a given project gives them
peace of mind and correlates directly
with revenue.
For solar projects, quantity claiming is
done by walking up and down rows of
solar panels, posts, and torque tubes
across the project site and manually
entering the status data. The project goal
was to create a secondary automated
version of the manual quantity claiming
process for construction progress tracking.
Kiewit uses drones to capture high-
quality, location-based imagery called
GeoTIFFs over these solar project
sites. An in-house machine learning
model utilizes these files to predict the
completion of the project sites with up to
95% accuracy.
The primary limiting factor? Training the
model to dierentiate unclear images,
have shadows, or contain warping by
manually labeling posts, torque tubes,
and solar panels. Kiewit’s original solution
contained these labeling capabilities, but
the user interface was small and overall
clunky to use.
The team developed an external
application that allows for streamlined
labeling in a more intuitive interface.
The application also provides more
capabilities on the map, separating the
GeoTIFF files by project to support long-
term project expansion. In addition, it
hosts easy to read statistics about the AI
model training runs, displays heatmaps
for projects, and displays generated
masks on the map to show labeling.
Student Team
Laura Derowitsch
Kally Karkazis
Damien Niyonshuti
Rachel Nordgren
Savan Patel
Chaitra Pirisingula
Sam Schneider
Monitoring the Performance
of Dynamics 365 Finance
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) system used by
businesses large and small. This project
focused specifically on the Finance
modules of the Dynamics 365 application.
At the beginning of the project, Microsoft
engineers presented the DS team with a
problem: Dynamics 365 had a reactive
support model, wherein Microsoft
engineers wait for customers to report
performance issues. This model could not
scale. To make performance monitoring
more intelligent, the team created a
custom solution enabling Microsoft
engineers to monitor performance,
visualize trends, and receive proactive
alerts for Dynamics 365
client environments.
The team began by exploring millions
of rows of anonymized telemetry data
from Dynamics 365 client environments.
From this, team members grew to
understand what data points would be
useful to visualize performance trends
for a Microsoft engineer. Using Microsoft
Power BI, the team created custom
dashboards that enable engineers to view
performance data for individual client
environments as well as Dynamics 365
as a whole.
Building on those dashboards, the team
created an automated performance
benchmarking and alerting solution.
This solution computes a reasonable
“baseline” for performance metrics
with respect to each client environment
and compares real-time telemetry
data to these benchmarks. When real-
time performance data exceeds the
benchmark, engineers receive an alert
via Microsoft Teams informing them
of the potential slow-down. The alert
also provides a link to the Power BI
dashboard, where engineers can view
more information about the aected
client environment.
Student Team
Tom Hermanek
Justin Morrow
Karthik Pagilla
TJ Sandhu
Bennett Wright
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
First Time Homebuyers
The Design Studio team has aided in
manifesting Mutual of Omaha Mortgage's
vision by developing a video-first home-
buying app targeted towards first-time
homebuyers. Mutual of Omaha Real
Estate (MORE) is Mutual of Omaha
Mortgage's new flagship mobile
application. It allows customers to search
listings, engage with real estate agents,
and list their properties for sale all in one
streamlined application.
With MORE, users now have access
to thousands of videos created by
professional realtors and videographers
to convey homes and communities'
attractions and unique experiences across
the nation. By providing a video-first
experience potential, homeowners can
see properties like never before.
MORE's features extend to homeowners
as well as homebuyers. Users can now
record videos and images, input property
details, and list their property within the
app. They also provide a direct line of
communication with potential buyers by
using the in-app conversations feature.
With MORE's unique and powerful
features, users can now experience a
premium and seamless home
search experience.
Student Team
Emily Dalton
Jackson Eickho
Vivian Jacobitz
Antonio Linhart
Bryce Yong
Event Ticketing System
Nelnet Business Services is a division of
Nelnet focused on campus payment and
technology solutions. A common request
from higher education clients is an event
ticketing solution integrated with Nelnet's
existing campus product suite. The
project's end goal is to provide a cost-
eective ticketing solution for Nelnet
Business Services' higher
education clients.
The event ticketing solution allows higher
education institutions to create and
manage events, create event venues, and
use scanning devices to scan attendees
into events. Individual users can explore
and filter events created by their
institution, purchase event tickets, check
in to events, and share tickets with others.
In addition, the solution includes seat
map images to show ticketholders their
seat location before events, and printing
functionality is provided for oine ticket
scanning. It supports a reservation time
for purchasing tickets, configuring a
purchasing window for an event, and
searching for specific seating criteria.
Features requested by Nelnet Business
Services were integrated into the web
and mobile scanning applications. The
web application allows admins to manage
events and venues. It helps users discover
new events at their institutions and buy
tickets to events. The Wi-Fi-connected
Zebra scanning device and mobile
application enable event volunteers to
scan ticket barcodes to accept users into
an event. Overall, this solution aims to
simplify event creation, management,
and discovery for all higher education
institutions and their communities.
Student Team
John Ang
Ellenna Divingnzzo
Zach Kerkman
Ariel Levi
Jacob Mann
Leah Olson
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Dynamic Intersection
Creation and Vehicle Crash
The Nebraska Department of
Transportation (NDOT) works to make
roads safer, reducing fatalities and injuries
from vehicular collisions. NDOT engineers
and data partners use collision diagrams
to study road crash trends and identify
areas for safety-enhancing modifications.
However, NDOT currently draws roads
and crashes manually, taking days or
weeks to complete, limiting the number
of possible safety analyses.
Our solution is to add the ability to
create accurate collision diagrams in the
Nebraska Transportation Information
Portal (NTIP). When an NDOT employee
or data partner makes a new diagram,
the program first downloads an overhead
image of the road to serve as the base
of the diagram. It then runs the image
through a machine learning model to
separate roadways from buildings,
parking lots, and vegetation. Next, a
computer vision algorithm bolds painted
lines to make trac lanes clear. Lastly,
our solution plots crashes onto the outline
using the coordinates and orientation of
each crash. The color of each collision
corresponds to its injury severity so that
viewers can quickly see how serious each
impact is. Analysts and data partners can
use the existing diagram editor features
to add metadata, including stop signs,
trac lights, and speed limits.
The new solution can capture real-world
roadway details that provide a complete
context of the collision environment
using overhead images. In addition, the
new tool drastically decreases the time
needed to create collision diagrams from
days to just a few minutes. Our solution
complements the work of NDOT analysts
who make collision diagrams by allowing
them to focus on diagramming complex
intersections and creating high-fidelity
collision diagrams. All of this supports
NDOT’s eorts to reduce trac fatalities
by designing safer roads.
Student Team
Grace Clausen
Robert Kirkpatrick
Anna Krueger
Ben Wingerter
Data has been edited and does not reflect real road conditions.
Automated Phone Survey
NRC Health is in the business of
improving healthcare. They partner
with healthcare organizations to gather
feedback from their patients to oer
insights into how organizations can
provide better patient experiences and
care. NRC Health tasked the team with
creating a proof-of-concept phone survey
system. We explore how innovative new
technologies can provide additional value
to their customers at a lower cost while
also creating a backup for their existing
call system.
The team began the project by
researching various calling gateway and
text-to-speech vendors and delivering
a detailed technical whitepaper
justifying vendor selection and
design decisions. This research was
instrumental to the team for creating
cost estimates, discovering scaling
limitations, and comparing features.
In addition, it provided the team and
project stakeholders with the confidence
necessary to pursue the final
project architecture.
This foundational research was used
for the rest of the project, leveraging
technologies such as Amazon Polly text-
to-speech and the SignalWire calling
gateway. The team delivered a proof-of-
concept phone survey system capable of
handling hundreds of thousands of calls
per day.
The microservice leverages recent
advancements in speech synthesis
technologies, enabling NRC Health to
oer increased survey customization in
multiple languages. This is significantly
cheaper than voice recordings while
preserving the existing call experience.
The system additionally satisfies NRC
Health's nonfunctional requirements
for easy integration and can scale to
accommodate growing business needs.
Student Team
Andrew Hossack
Nicole Serpico
Zac Streich
Luke Van Drie
Matt Vavricek
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
The Nebraska School Activities
Association (NSAA) is the sanctioning
body of high school athletics and
activities in the state. With more than
300-member public and non-public
schools, the NSAA maintains an extensive
amount of data to comply with the rules
adopted by its members. The data allows
NSAA to organize, develop, direct, and
regulate interscholastic activities.
As time progresses, the integrity and
reliability of this data becomes more
crucial to sustaining the NSAA purpose.
To help improve their systems, NSAA
came to the Design Studio team to
help revamp and improve their current
software infrastructure to keep track of
interscholastic activities.
For phase one of this multi-year project,
the team created a foundational
solution to help manage students and
games across the state. This solution is
aimed at high school athletic directors,
coaches, and Nebraska School Activities
Association’s sta. With 21 sports and
5 activities, NSAA coordinates student-
athletes and schools within each sport
and exercise.
First, the Design Student team met with
various NSAA sta members, high school
athletic directors, and coaches to further
understand the complex procedure. Next,
the team streamlined an application that
helps manage students, schools, and
sports from these interviews. Member
schools can utilize this information, from
student eligibility to sporting rosters, to
eectively conduct interscholastic activities.
Student Team
Ian Anderson
Caleb Burbach
Erik Konnath
Danny Tran
Keith Tran
Cattle Counting
The New Stockyard Group Design Studio
team worked on an application with
the goal of simplifying the process of
counting cattle at a feedlot. The current
manual methods consist of either
counting the cattle as they walk out of a
trailer and into their lots, or by solving for
the total heads by estimating the amount
of grain on a facility. The key problems
with these two common methods is that
the former is highly labor intensive, and
the latter has up to a 20% margin of error.
Because this count is used to calculate
insurance costs and reserves, a quick,
reliable, and duplicable result is desired.
Originally, the project was pitched
with the idea of using satellite imaging.
However due to the current state of
technology, and a high per-image cost,
the project pivoted instead to using drone
photography. The modeling software
used in the solution is called ImageAI, a
Python library. Once the team received
images from the sponsor or the UNL
Feedlots, RoboFlow was used to annotate
the images and create augmentations
to robustify the training datasets. The
frontend was created using Tkinter,
another Python library.
Student Team
Stan Drvol
Dom Pelini
Praveen Rao
Chris Wieskamp
Andy Zhang
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Building Eciency Platform
Phase II
Olsson is prepared for the shift to a
hybrid workforce and plans to aid
companies improving upon their physical
infrastructure. As the world adjusts,
they acknowledge physical locations
must adjust too. Based out of Lincoln,
Nebraska, Olsson is a civil engineering
firm ready to handle any issue through
the usage of critical data that many
companies are not considering yet. They
look to answer questions and determine
why people unconsciously favor certain
parts of the building over others, in
addition to how each part of the building
is being used. Having this knowledge will
allow businesses to be more aware of
their carbon footprints, so they can make
the necessary improvements to reduce
operating costs, make informed decisions
on the design of the space they have, and
only use the natural resources they need.
This leads into the Olsson Building Use
Eciency Platform, the future of data
collection and analysis for buildings.
This project was initially created in
August of 2020, and the solution has
been greatly expanded in the past year.
It went from being only usable in online
environments to being available remotely
without the internet, allowing for oine
data collection and uploading the
moment the device is connected to the
internet. The dashboard also lacked many
features regarding deleting data that is
no longer needed, exporting the graph
formed by the user’s specified inputs,
editing sensor information recorded by
the device, and adding restrictions to
ensure that features act as expected
while using the device. Another addition
was the implementation of the new
Power Measurement Sensor, expanding
the device to cover many more aspects
of analyzing the eciency of buildings.
These improvements have prepared the
Building Use Eciency Platform to be
deployed to a vast array
of companies.
Student Team
Tate Anderson
Tommy Braccia
Austin Collins
Gracyn Green
Ben Lohrman
AI Sentiment Awareness
From Veterans Aairs (VA) and the
Department of Defense to hospitals
around the country, Signature
Performance brings a wealth of health
consulting expertise to make people and
businesses in the community healthier.
Part of this mandate involves the
operation and innovation of the VA call
center experience. Signature Performance
services over 250,000 calls a month and
every month a portion of these calls are
with veterans undergoing crisis scenarios
involving suicidal or homicidal ideation.
Signature’s commitment to providing
the best possible service to our nation’s
veterans extends to excelling and
ensuring their safety, especially in
these moments.
Signature Performance has partnered
with Design Studio to push forward the
frontier of what is considered possible
in terms of response times, satisfaction,
and health outcomes. To this end, the
team designed and built a real-time
call flagging system that employs
a deep neural network to identify
veterans in crisis and alerts call service
representatives (CSR) to such a crisis.
Feedback from this system is sent to the
call service representative via a Microsoft
Teams chat, which enables the CSR to
at any time (either in response to a crisis
message or of their own volition) alert
a manager group to a crisis scenario
at the click of a single button. This fire
alarm mechanism drastically improves
response times while our model sets a
new standard for accuracy in predicting
crisis scenarios.
Student Team
Joey Carrigan
Charlie Floeder
Devin McGuire
Vishnu Menon
Tom Walton
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Multi-Channel Production
Information Management
Headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska,
Speedway Motors is the oldest speed
shop in the United States. They have been
dedicated to helping car enthusiasts find
the best parts for their ride since 1952.
With over 100,000 products on their
website, Speedway takes a significant
amount of work to keep their catalog up
to date.
Automotive part data comes to
Speedway from many dierent sources
and can often be very fragmented.
Customers must receive parts that will
fit their car. Hence, fragmented and
ill-fitting data is a big challenge in the
automotive industry. Initial calculations
from Speedway Motors estimate that the
Design Studio team's solution will add
notable revenue opportunities within a
year of launching the project.
The team worked to take Speedway's
manual data ingestion process and
transform it with a streamlined user
interface for Speedway content
specialists. The new interface supports
vendor data uploads, creating customized
rules to control how the data will be
formatted, and allows Speedway
employees to bulk upload data.
The new system delivers in-page help
and an easy-to-understand interface for
new users while balancing power users'
need to manipulate the system at scale.
In addition, by automating a previously
manual and time-consuming process,
the team has helped make product
information management at Speedway
Motors a smooth ride.
Student Team
Parul Aggarwal
Victoria Chin
Anna Holmquist
Kieran McWilliams
Tim Roty
Sifat Syed
Taxonomy Revolution
Spreetail is an omni-channel seller,
listing products from thousands of
vendor partners on over 20 online
marketplaces. Content taxonomy – or
the mapping of product data according
to categories – is at the core of modern
internet organization from social media
to marketplaces. When taxonomy is
done properly and updated consistently
to meet evolving changes, Spreetail’s
products convert to sales at a higher
level, are more discoverable by shoppers,
and fuel growth for both Spreetail and
their vendors.
Currently, the taxonomic process can
be highly manual, requiring updates and
human intervention to keep products
appropriately mapped. Our vision—to
develop an ecient and robust machine
learning solution that provides high
accuracy category recommendations
based on dynamic taxonomic data—
resulted in a process requiring little
human interaction beyond a verification
of the recommended category.
Data science and machine learning
converged on the Taxonomy Revolution
project, generating a dynamic solution
that reduces costs tied to manual
updates, increases sales conversions,
produces higher quality matches across
taxonomic categories on multiple
marketplaces, and reduces churn in
updated multiple marketplace data.
The solution this year was centered
on two of Spreetails largest primary
marketplaces partners, Amazon and
eBay, but is designed to be expandable to
integrate the remaining channels in
the future.
Student Team
Ciara Baumert
Ritvik Handa
Ben Hanson
Katie Leger
Bertrand Sibomana
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Project Retail Data Findings
Union Bank & Trust created an expansive
data warehouse with customer data and
provided the Design Studio team access
to an integrated PowerBI environment to
implement exploratory machine learning
models. Numerous models and products
were developed to identify risk across the
database. The insights gathered from the
initial models were then iterated upon in
order to develop risk-aversion strategies
and allow UBT to make data-driven
decisions to maximize profits.
The team developed two primary risk
prediction models for the entire portfolio
of loan data to predict the likelihood of
defaulting on a loan. Using both a logistic
regression and a random forest model,
the team created two separate reports,
with accuracy metrics over 96% on both
models, that assigned a percentage risk
of defaulting based on the current state
of the loan. These reports were able to
serve as live updating dashboards for the
UBT team to reference the state of their
loan portfolio and view the loans at the
highest risk of defaulting.
Beyond that, the team also developed
exploratory reports on the number
of times an account could make late
payments and its impact on defaulting
risk, as well as a specific regression
breakdown of automotive dealership
loans and the evolution of risk in
those accounts. This demonstrated an
opportunity for the UBT team to apply
their predictive portfolio models to
a subset of training and testing data
specifically tied to dealership loans, and
to specifically isolate features of the
dataset that enabled niche
predictive capabilities.
Student Team
Landon Borges
Peter Dunbar
Hunter Godina
Cole Johnson
Noah McCashland
Clipboards Supercharged
To stay competitive, the modern baseball
coach must record and analyze hundreds
of data points per day. A good portion
of these data points are user-entered,
currently with clipboard, pen, and paper.
Inevitably, these papers pile up and
coaches get overwhelmed by the amount
of data they must understand, visualize,
and communicate to their team daily.
Tapp by VIZN Stats exists to solve this
problem by giving coaches the most
intuitive tagging tools and data analysis
blocks to automate these processes.
Currently used by seven baseball teams
across the US, including the Husker
baseball team, the VIZN team is proud
of its product Tapp - a beautiful web
application powered by a robust backend
API and data analysis engine that it has
created in the past year of Design Studio.
Tapp has proven to be useful for coaches
across all levels of baseball, and it has the
platform for the company to skyrocket
into other sports and markets soon.
The team looks forward to continuing
to work on VIZN post-DS with the goal
of delivering on its mission to empower
coaches to make decisions that help
players reach their full potential.
Visit for more
Student Team
Jayden Boesch
Jordan Boesch
Michael Kelly
Alex Miller
Parker Miller
Carl Olson
Dan Stara
Design Studio Annual Report | 2021 - 2022
Design Studio by the numbers
Design Studio Program
Hours worked
Total Projects
Major Count
Project Count
Project Domains
Comp Sci.
Comp Eng.
Act. Sci.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Students &
Design Studio Students
Parul Aggarwal
Ian Anderson
Tate Anderson
John Ang
Ciara Baumert
Taylor Bernt
Tomo Bessho
Jayden Boesch
Jordan Boesch
Landon Borges
Tommy Braccia
Caleb Burbach
Joey Carrigan
Megan Chaey
Victoria Chin
Dylan Chapin
Grace Clausen
Austin Collins
Emily Dalton
Alexis Delos Reyes
Laura Derowitsch
Ellenna Divingnzzo
Stan Drvol
Peter Dunbar
Jackson Eickho
Charlie Floeder
Sierra Futterman
Nathan Gentry
Hunter Godina
Gracyn Green
Jessie Guo
Ritvik Handa
Ben Hanson
Sophie Hellebusch
Tom Hermanek
Audra Heyne
Justin Ho
Anna Holmquist
Andrew Hossack
Ryan Hruby
Ray Huck
Vivian Jacobitz
Bryce Janke
Cole Johnson
Kally Karkazis
Michael Kelly
Zach Kerkman
Robert Kirkpatrick
Nathan Kolbas
Erik Konnath
Caleb Koranda
Michael Kovar
Emily Kraai
Anna Krueger
Kyle Krueger
Katie Leger
Ariel Levi
Antonio Linhart
Ben Lohrman
Jacob Mann
Caitlin McCarthy
Noah McCashland
Devin McGuire
Kieran McWilliams
Vishnu Menon
Alex Miller
Parker Miller
Lilly Moore
Justin Morrow
Patrick Murphy
Tanner Nash
Damien Niyonshuti
Daniel Noon
Rachel Nordgren
Carl Olson
Ryan Olsen
Leah Olson
Karthik Pagilla
Savan Patel
Dom Pelini
Chaitra Pirisingula
Praveen Rao
Brysen Reeser
Brian Reynolds
Tim Roty
TJ Sandhu
Isabelle Schmidt
Sam Schneider
Liam Seper
Nicole Serpico
Bertrand Sibomana
Sifat Syed
Erik Skoog
Dan Stara
Zac Streich
Danny Tran
Keith Tran
Luke Van Drie
Matt Vavricek
Tom Walton
Chris Wieskamp
Ben Wingerter
Bennett Wright
Bryce Yong
Andy Zhang
Design Studio Coaches
Name Company Project
Bill Anderson Optum Spreetail
Todd Bryant Independent Hudl
Paul Cooper Arbor Day Foundation Farm Credit
Nick Ebert Spreetail Kiewit
Andy Giese Filevine Microsoft
JeHale Agilx NDOT
Jake Heidelk Amazon Nelnet
Nick Hershberger Ameritas NSAA
Rees Klintworth Hudl Fiserv
Marek Kracl Compass North NSG
Tarryn Moss Hudl DMSi
Santi Murtagh Opendorse NRC Health
Rob Nickolaus Q2 Bridges to Hope
John Roby Allstate Signature Performance
Ashlyn Slawnyk Hudl Firespring
Justin Stark Hudl Olsson
Sherry Weber UNL - ITS UBT
Matt Will Spreetail Mutual of Omaha
Brian Zimmer Don't Panic Labs VIZN Stats
Students & Coaches |
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