Section 1. General Parking Requirements
Subdivision 1. Every vehicle parked upon any street shall be parked parallel to the right hand
side except on streets where angle parking is required and designated. On any such street, every
vehicle parked shall be parked with such vehicle facing away from the traveled portion of the
street at an angle of approximately 45 degrees from the direction of travel on the adjacent traffic
lane and aligned between the painted markings on the street indicating the parked space. No
vehicle longer than a standard manufactured passenger vehicle or longer than a manufactured
light duty pickup truck or van rated at one ton or less and no vehicle with a trailer attached shall
be parked in any angle parking or space. On any street every vehicle shall be parked to the right
of the main traveled portion thereof and parallel thereto facing the direction of travel in the
adjacent traffic lane in such a manner as not to interfere with the free flow of traffic.
Subdivision 2. No person shall park a vehicle and let it stand, whether attended or unattended,
upon any street in the City of Stockton for longer than twenty-four (24) hours.
Subdivision 3. No person shall park a vehicle and let it stand, whether attended or unattended,
upon any street in the City of Stockton at a distance of less than twenty-five (25) feet from the
intersection of streets providing that unless a distance is approved by the Stockton City Council
and appropriately posted and marked. Nor shall any person park a vehicle where the street has
been appropriately marked to indicate no parking.
Subdivision 4. No person shall place or leave any property or other article, except a vehicle as
herein defined, on any street in the City of Stockton at any time.
Subdivision 5. No person shall park or let stand, whether attended or unattended, any vehicle
upon the streets in the City of Stockton for a longer period of time than that is posted or
appropriately marked, provided, however, that such time limitations, postings and markings have
been approved by the Stockton City Council. This section, however, shall not prevent the
Winona County Sheriff’s Department from regulating and enforcing emergency parking
situations. Refer to Subdivision 2, when not posted or marked areas.
Subdivision 6. No person shall park a vehicle or let it stand, whether attended or unattended, so
that any portion thereof shall project and extend over the boundary line of any private or public
driveway extended at right angles from the curb line intersected by said driveway. No person
shall park a vehicle where it blocks or partially blocks any sidewalk or pathway designated for
walking or bicycle use.
Subdivision 7. The regulations and limitations contained in this Ordinance shall not be
construed as a change to those laws provided in the Minnesota State Uniform Traffic Code,
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 169, but shall provide regulation in addition to those contained in
said Act.
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Subdivision 8. Any vehicle parked on any street in the City of Stockton during the hours in
which lights are required by State law shall be equipped with lighted parking lights or reflectors,
both front and rear, of a type approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
Section 2. Restricted Parking During Snow Season
Subdivision 1. In order to facilitate snow removal from public streets of the City of Stockton,
from November 1
through April 30
of each year no vehicle shall be parked on any public street
in said City between the hours of 1:00 o’clock a.m. and 7:00 o’clock a.m.
Subdivision 2. If any vehicle is parked, abandoned, or left standing in violation of Subdivision 1
above, a citation will be issued, and if not removed from the street within 12 hours of the
issuance of said citation, shall be towed by a commercial towing service at the owner’s expense.
Section 3. Regulating the Parking of Semi Trucks in Residential Areas
Subdivision 1. It is unlawful to park a semi-trailer, truck tractor or combination thereof, or any
other vehicle with more than 12,000 pounds of gross vehicle weight, or any vehicle designed,
used, or maintained for towing other motor vehicles or equipment, upon any street, alley, private
road, driveway, or upon any public property which is within an area zoned as residential, except
when loading or unloading is actively taking place.
Subdivision 2. The vehicle described in Subdivision 1 above may be parked on private property
under the following conditions:
(a) if the private property owner has granted permission from Stockton City Council; and
(b) if the above vehicle is not in violation of any other part of this ordinance; and
(c) if the above vehicle is not parked there for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Subdivision 3. No truck tractor engines or auxiliary motors on any vehicle or trailer shall be
allowed to operate except when actively loading, unloading, or performing service.
Subdivision 4. No semi-trailer shall be left unattended on any City Street or parking lot.
Section 4. Penalties
Subdivision 1. Violation of this Ordinance shall be considered a petty misdemeanor and upon
conviction may be punished by the maximum penalty allowed by Minnesota law for a petty
Subdivision 2. Enforcement of this Ordinance shall be in accordance with Winona County
Sheriff’s Department and set fine schedule.
Section 5. Repeal
Any other ordinance that is inconsistent with this ordinance is hereby repealed.
Section 6. Effective Date
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication
according to law.
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Adopted by the Stockton City Council this ______day of ______________, 2014.
Chris Parker, Mayor
Bethany Winchester, Clerk-treasurer
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This vehicle is in violation of Ordinance #109,
of the City of Stockton.
PROHIBITED PARKING: It shall be unlawful
for any person or owner to abandon or cause to
allow a vehicle to remain standing or to be
parked upon any street within the City of
Stockton for periods of time exceeding 24 hrs.
during any and all months of the year.
This vehicle must be removed within 24 hours,
of date and time listed below. All costs of
removal and storage shall be borne by the
owner as well as any fine imposed.
Date: ________________ City of Stockton
Bethany Winchester
Time: ________________ City Clerk
Date: ______________ Vehicle Lic.# _____________
Time: ______________ Location: ________________
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This vehicle is in violation of Ordinance #109,
of the City of Stockton.
unlawful for any person or owner to abandon or
cause to allow a vehicle to remain, stand or be
parked upon any street within the City of
Stockton between the hours of one o’clock A.M.
and seven o’clock A.M. during the months of
November, December, January, February, March
and April of each year.
This vehicle must be removed within 24 hours,
of date and time listed below. All costs of
removal and storage shall be borne by the
owner as well as any fine imposed.
Date: ________________ City of Stockton
Bethany Winchester
Time: ________________ City Clerk
Date: ______________ Vehicle Lic.# _____________
Time: ______________ Location: ________________
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