Aquatic Invertebrate Protein Sources for Long-Duration Space Travel
Lara Brown
, Jared Peick
, Melanie Pickett
, Tracy Fanara
Sandra Gilchrist
, Adrienne Smiley
, Luke Roberson
1. Smith College, Northampton MA
2. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
3. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
4. Mote Marine Research Lab, Sarasota, FL
5. New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL
6. Fisk University, Nashville, TN
7. NASA, Kennedy Space Center, FL
During the summer of 2020, NASA returned to launching astronauts to the International Space
Station (ISS) from American soil. By 2024, NASA’s mission is to return to the Moon, and by 2028
create a sustainable presence. Long duration missions come with obstacles, especially when trying to
create a sustainable environment in a location where “living off the land” is impossible. Some
resources on the Moon can be recovered or resupplied; however, many resources such as those needed
for sustaining life must be recycled or grown to support humans. To achieve sustainability, food and
water must be grown and recycled using elements found within the habitat. NASA’s current work
focuses on food resupply and growing plants as supplemental nutrient content. This paper examines
the possibility for using aquaculture systems to purify water while growing nutrient-rich species as
food sources, which aquatic food sources would be ideal for a habitat environment, and which species
might provide an ideal test case for future studies aboard ISS. The aquatic species should be rapidly
grown with high protein content and low launch mass requirements. Although there are numerous
challenges and unknown technology gaps for maintaining aquaculture systems in reduced gravity
environments, the benefit of employing such systems would be of great advantage towards creating
a sustainable presence beyond Earth’s orbit for sustainable aquaculture.
As the Artemis Generation begins planning a sustainable habitat system for long duration visits to
the Moon and Mars
, challenges arise in converting the traditional NASA spaceflight architectures
from a survivable to a sustainable environment.
Skylab, Mir, and the International Space Station
(ISS) all proved that humans can survive within a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environment.
rapid and frequent resupply missions are possible to replenish resources such as water, food, and
equipment to maintain crew survivability their health and livelihood. However, frequent resupply
missions to the Moon and Mars is not practical given today’s launch technology.
This creates a
technology gap at NASA to address how water and food systems can be sustainably integrated to
overcome infrequent resupply.
NASA typically resupplies the ISS on a bimonthly schedule to provide food and water for human
consumption, nitrogen and oxygen for atmospheric resupply, as well as necessary equipment,
supplies, and science experiments. Resupplying the necessary amount of food and water isn’t
challenging in LEO. However, expansion of human exploration to the Moon in 2024 and sustaining
astronauts within a lunar base in 2028 will be much more difficult. Previous missions to the Moon
during the Apollo program relied upon the gear and supplies that traveled with them. Future Artemis
missions are planned to be resupplied using commercial resupply vessels through the Commercial
Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) contract.
7, 8
Reducing the amount of resupplied water and food would
save NASA a great deal of money while providing additional space for more habitation equipment
and science experiments.
9, 10
Therefore, creating a sustainable habitat on the Moon where water and
food could be recycled would have huge advantages towards the longevity of the habitat.
Without frequent resupply missions, NASA must build sustainable food production systems that
address the crew’s caloric and nutrition requirements. In the past, NASA prepared preserved food
choices to last for the entirety of a crew’s mission; however, due to shelf-life issues of some vital
nutrients, in situ production of food will likely be required for longer-duration missions to the Moon
and certainly Mars.
11, 12
NASA successfully designed and tested several plant growth systems aboard
the ISS to provide nutrients to the crew,
13, 14
yet plants grown within the size and volume restrictions
within a crew habitat can only produce so much edible biomass, essential nutrients, and, depending
on species, tend to lack the protein content needed to survive. It is likely that additional food sources
will be required to supplement key nutritional needs for long-term, sustainable crew survival. This
paper seeks to consolidate previous studies on aquatic invertebrate growth systems and to consider
the organisms’ potential to provide animal protein within confined, closed-loop systems for long-
duration spaceflight applications.
In situ Space Food Production: Overview of Demand, Status, and Potential
As crewed missions reach beyond LEO, mission planners must understand how nutrition
requirements can be met as distances between the crew and Earth become greater. To fulfill current
nutrition guidelines, the ISS receives terrestrial-based fresh food on orbit approximately every 90
days. This includes entrees, soups, salads, and desserts, as well as small quantities of fresh fruits,
vegetables, and breads.
Freeze dried, irradiated, retorted, and intermediate moisture foods provide
the vital calories and nutrients stated in NASA’s flight requirements.
It is not practical to resupply
and stow multiple years’ worth of dry food requirements (0.64 kg/individual-day) while constrained
by the payload mass and volume limitations of present-day spacecraft and launch vehicles.
Additionally, current technologies associated with food preparation, packaging, and storage are not
capable of maintaining all nutritional components of food for long duration missions exceeding 18
Studies show that even with modern-day food systems, long-term storage of food leads to
considerable losses of Vitamin C, B, and A.
15, 16, 19
Long-duration crewed missions will experience
insufficient nutrient access if the ISS food system is carried beyond LEO.
To mitigate the issue of reduced availability of nutrients, new methods to generate food containing
self-sustaining calories and nutritional elements will be necessary. To date, in situ food production
has primarily focused on plant growth systems. NASA grows plants on the ISS through several plant
growth chambers including the Vegetable Production System (Veggie) and Advanced Plant Habitat
(APH), both of which are intended to reduce reliance on Earth-based foods.
These plant growth
systems grew peas, radishes, lettuce, sunflowers, zinnias, and others.
In 2015, the first crop of red
romaine lettuce was consumed from the Veggie system, initiating a new chapter for in situ food
generation in space that lessens the reliance on terrestrially-supplied resources.
technologies to grow plants in microgravity has enabled further optimization research to improve
overall crop yields and increase nutrient availability for astronauts.
The nutrients stored in plants are important for maintaining human health, but current plant growth
capabilities aboard the ISS do not wholly address the dietary needs of astronauts.
Model diets for
astronauts that incorporate plant growth supplementation still require resupply of products with a
high protein content.
Even though plant-based protein sources exist, spaceflight nutritional
guidelines suggest 60-66% of total protein should derive from an animal source.
12, 18
Animal protein
provides access to all essential amino acids that are otherwise missing from most plant sources.
Consuming adequate protein is imperative for maintaining a balanced protein turnover rate,
sustaining energy levels, balancing nitrogen concentrations, and reducing the loss of body protein in
reduced gravity environments.
12, 25-29
For these purposes, protein should constitute 12-15% of total
energy consumed per person for long duration missions.
There remains a technology gap in growing
a sustainable source of protein for long duration spaceflight applications. Just as with plants, animals
have the potential to be grown as a source of nutrition. This will aid in the transition from a reliance
on terrestrial resupply to self-sustainable spaceflight operations.
Animal Protein
Many challenges exist in growing animals as a protein source for long-duration space applications.
Elevated levels of radiation and reduced gravity are environmental conditions inherent to
interplanetary transit and on planetary surfaces.
Animals, just as plants, evolved on Earth with the
effects of 1 G gravitational force. Developmental, biological, chemical, and structural functions and
processes all have the potential to be affected by changing gravitational forces.
In order to maintain
an organism’s health in a reduced gravity environment, engineers must develop habitat standards that
accommodate the organism in these unfamiliar gravitational conditions. From a technology
development side, engineers must address habitat volume and mass, resource balancing, and energy
sources required to achieve homeostatic equilibria.
Just as physiochemical systems fail, biological
systems may face inadvertent death and population level failures. Designing a system that can quickly
return to equilibrium after significant biological failures will be important in maintaining the animal
Identifying organisms that would be suited for growth in a confined, closed-loop system while also
providing an adequate protein source presents an additional challenge. Certain phyla are inherently
better suited for spaceflight environments than others due to their adaptability and their natural
conditions for growth. Biological factors to consider include disease susceptibility, reproduction and
growth rates, life cycle stages, and the predictability of metabolic activity.
17, 30
An animal must also
survive within a limited volume, must not require high energy input per calorie of food produced,
must not require substantial crew time to maintain, and must be palatable for human consumption.
These factors are all identified in Table 1. Closing the loop of a biological system for protein
production while balancing the variables previously mentioned remains a challenge.
Table 1. Relevant factors for the selection of animal protein sources for long duration spaceflight.
Organismal Factors
Crew Considerations
Maintenance Factors
Minimal disease susceptibility
Minimal crew time required
Minimal habitat volume
Advanced understanding of life
cycle stages
Predictable metabolic rates
Easily controlled reproduction
Minimal caloric intake per
unit of biomass produced
Maximal growth rate
Easily treatable waste
Adaptation to reduced gravity
Animal protein production on Earth can be broadly categorized into red meats, poultry, and seafood.
Red meats currently account for 36% of calories available in the American food supply, whereas
poultry and seafood account for 3.5% and 0.9% respectively.
Insects are eaten globally as a protein
source; however, this is not common practice in the United States. Despite the dominance of red
meats in the supply chain, these terrestrial options pose great challenges when considering the
development of animal protein in enclosed partial gravity environments. These terrestrial organisms
require prohibitive amounts of land area
, will likely have a more challenging adjustment to
and will also produce solid, liquid, and gaseous waste streams that will need to be
managed with additional life support infrastructure. Protein from insect sources, though not
customary in the United States, are consumed regularly in some areas of the world and may be well
suited for space cultivation due to high yields. Aquatic organisms have the potential to serve as more
well-adapted organisms for food production in micro- or partial- gravity; as compared to terrestrial
organisms, they are less dependent on gravity for normal orientation and movement on Earth.
32, 33
Insect Protein
Protein from insects is another viable option for future space missions.
With high population
densities, insects could provide substantial protein in a small volume while feeding on spoiled food
or inedible plant biomass.
Protein content varies from 20-76% of dry matter depending on the type
and development stage of the insect.
Insects also are high in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron,
selenium, zinc and Vitamin B.
Additionally, certain insects were found to have antimicrobial,
antioxidant, and antihypertensive qualities in the protein peptides.
Though many cultures regularly
consume insect protein (entomophagy) using over 2100 different insect species globally
38, 39
, it is not
common in most developed nations. However, based on a United Nations (FAO) report, Edible
Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Food Security, several commercial ventures were launched
in Europe.
Thailand has been a leader in insect farming for many years and their culturing
techniques may be easily adaptable for use on future space missions. Tong et. al. assessed the
nutritional content and respiration rates of silkworm larvae and found variation depending on food
source and composition. When ground into silkworm powder, eliminating any texture issues with
human consumption, 359 kcal/100g of powder was achieved.
Another likely candidate is mealworm
larvae. Stoops and colleagues (2017) showed that a minced meat-like product can be produced to
mimic other types of minced meats.
Facilities for rearing insects could be integrated into a terrarium
system using design parameters currently available through the insect rearing for pet industry and
human consumption models. If insect farming was established, oils could be extracted from larvae
and used in cooking as a healthy substitute for other types of oils.
Further research and testing would
be needed to confirm space applicability, but recent studies prove promising.
Aquatic Protein
Similar to insect cultivation, aquaculture provides another mechanism for cultivating small, high-
level organisms in dense systems to produce stable protein sources. Prior investigations into
aquaculture for space applications identified fish as an efficient source of animal protein production,
citing their reduced energy requirements and ability to adjust to altered gravity scenarios.
As an
additional bonus, maintaining aquaria has also been shown to alleviate psychological stress and
reduce heartrate, providing potential emotional benefits to crew members.
However, bony fish
struggle to properly inflate their swim bladders (an organ critical to regulating buoyancy) in
Fish grown in microgravity hence require the addition of air chambers in their
aquaculture system to enable them to properly maintain neutral buoyancy.
Despite this challenge,
fish still serve as potential candidates for space-based protein production. Fish are frequently raised
in high-density aquaculture systems on Earth.
While many species currently grown for food
production, such as salmonids, are carnivorous,
tilapia and other herbivorous fish can be integrated
with hydroponic plant production to consume plant biomass that is inedible for humans. This provides
an efficient mechanism of elemental conservation in a closed aquaponics food web.
43, 46
Aquatic invertebrates, particularly organisms of the phylum Mollusca, are expected to easily adjust
to micro- or partial-gravity, since some species consumed by humans are sedentary after their larval
stage and do not require the ability to move throughout the water column to seek out food.
mollusks are filter feeders, assimilating nutrients from the flow of surrounding water to build
Some mollusk species, such as mussels, can be grown in brackish water in integrated
systems with phytoplankton and crustaceans. These mussels are already under commercial
cultivation, valued for their high nutritional content including proteins, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12,
and C), and PUFAs
. Organisms of the order Decapoda, including certain shrimp species, possess
the ability to filter feed or scavenge particles of various sizes (including bacteria) and are commonly
grown for protein production on Earth.
49, 50
Studies demonstrated that shrimp production under
aquaponic conditions were possible and can even exert a stabilizing effect on a closed-loop system.
Organisms like shrimp could be consumed whole or can be used as a nutritious condiment (shrimp
Such species produced more concentrated waste streams consisting primarily of soluble
ammonia and minimal solid waste,
reducing the concern of direct biogas excretion associated with
terrestrial mammals.
Research on terrestrial systems for both phyla investigated the potential to incorporate invertebrates
into water treatment processes combining resource recovery with food production.
54, 55
This potential
integration of life support processes makes aquatic invertebrates particularly compelling subjects for
future research regarding animal protein production for space habitats. However, few studies have
examined the potential for mollusk or decapod production of small-scale, closed-loop, recirculating
systems that will be necessary for such applications.
56, 57
Understanding Invertebrate Protein Production
Role in the Natural Environment
In their natural ecosystem on Earth, filter-feeding organisms are often keystone species with a major
influence on the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems.
Aquatic filter feeders and scavengers are part of
a complex cycle and balance of nutrients, energy, and other organisms. This dynamic role is important
to consider when designing a closed-loop habitat for the culturing of such organisms. As with all
other organisms, filter feeders require energy inputs and generate various outputs. They remove
inorganic material, carbon, phosphorus, and nitrogen from the water column, transporting nutrients
and inorganics to the sediment.
described the nitrogen cycling pathway by beginning with
atmospheric nitrogen that dissolves into a water column as inorganic nitrogen. Algae in the water
column consume nitrogen as a nutrient for growth. Invertebrates feed on algae in the water column,
assimilating organic matter and nitrogen from the algae into tissue and shell material. Organic matter
and nitrogen that go unused by the organisms are excreted as feces. Nitrogen is expelled in the form
of ammonia which becomes available to nitrifying bacteria in aerobic sediments. Nitrifying bacteria
convert ammonia to nitrate, which is then available to other life forms, such as plants. Some ammonia
is buried long term in anaerobic sediments where denitrifying bacteria convert the ammonia to nitrous
oxide and nitrogen gas which returns back to the atmosphere.
This cycling is represented in Figure
1. In a closed aquaponic system, it is important to understand that nitrogen transformations are
affected by many different factors that should be well-understood and optimized for the particular
system that will be employed.
A robust system balancing nutrients, energy, and organisms for
sustainability at a micro scale will be required.
While mollusks are highly efficient at filtering the water column and consolidating particles and
nutrients, they only facilitate nitrogen transformation rather than acting as a removal system.
53, 59, 60
The same is true for filter feeding and scavenging decapods. The greater food web that mollusks and
other filter feeders are within is responsible for nitrogen removal.
These removal systems can be
replicated by a balanced, multi-species ecosystem providing nutrient bioremediation and mutual
benefits to the co-cultured organisms.
Incorporating specific plant and bacterial species to close the
nitrogen cycle within a closed system will help facilitate this process. Many aquatic plant species
(such as the giant duckweed Spirodela oligorrhiza) prefer uptake of ammonium species as a nitrogen
source rather than nitrates.
63, 64
In addition to aquatic plants ability to play a major role in water
purification, nitrification can also occur via biofilters, which encourage nitrifying bacteria,
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, to aerobically convert toxic ammonium species first to nitrite and
then to nontoxic nitrate.
To this point, nitrogen can be removed from the boundaries of a closed-
loop system through long-term burial, denitrification, or physical transport.
66, 67
Harvesting filter
feeding organisms out of a system is an effective method of physical removal of nutrients because
the shell and tissue that contain nitrogen are removed.
In designing a system to harbor mollusks
and/or decapods, one must consider how to include or mimic the various biological components that
are imperative to the balance and flow of nutrients.
Figure 1. Nitrogen Cycling within an aquaculture system. Dashed lines represent N forms that leave the
water column; Commodities outlined in white are directly useable by crew, those outlined in blue provide
support roles.
Habitat Maintenance
When considering an aquatic species for space travel, down-selection criterion is necessary for
comparing system resource requirements to sustain the organisms. Table 2 outlines basic water
quality requirements for aquarium settings to maintain a variety of common invertebrate species.
Table 3 outlines the resulting outputs for those organisms.
The primary requirement to sustain these different organisms is their shared ability to feed on various
types of particulate (algae, phytoplankton, plant) matter.
Freshwater species tend to have a
narrower range in temperature and salinity tolerances when compared to their saltwater
69, 70, 73, 74, 77-81
Shrimp often consume their shed skeleton to recover calcium; adult shrimp
such as Neocaridina and Halocaridina only molt to replace lost limbs, Macrobrachium will continue
to molt throughout the lifecycle but slows dramatically with age. Conversely, shellfish leave behind
a shell requiring some processing before repurposing such significant mass. The drastic differences
in population densities for each organism is noteworthy. The tank size requirement is the volume
recommended by literature for an individual species to thrive, whereas the density requirement of the
species is the number of individuals that may reside in a given volume. These two numbers, although
they may intuitively seem related, are different and species specific. Depending on species, water
quality sensitivity requirements may play a role on the tank volume required. A larger tank size
assumes increased stability in water quality. Tank size required will increase due to sensitivity of an
organism, independent of how many organisms are present. Therefore, the tank volume may differ
from the volume calculated by recommended species density.
Table 2. Comparison of basic aquarium input requirements for each organism.
68, 77,
82, 83
Algae, plant matter,
bacteria, protozoa,
detritus (org & inorg)
70, 71,
Algae, POC
72, 79
Phytoplankton, org
73, 79, 80
Detritus (org & inorg),
bacteria phytoplankton
Mytilus edulis
Phytoplankton, algae,
Algae, aquatic plants,
insects, mollusks
75, 86
Algae, plant material
76, 87
Plant material, aquatic
*Note: N.D. = No Data; 1 = Snail, 2 = Oyster, 3 = Clam, 4 = Mussel, 5 = Shrimp;
salinity is species-
for larvae;
for adults.
Beyond the general cultivation parameters outlined in Tables 2 and 3, filter feeder species have
differing metabolic demands, requiring fine-tuning of species inclusion and water quality
maintenance to maintain homeostasis in a particular environment. Still, general rules apply with
regard to the needs and environments of different species. As illustrated in Table 4, studies on habitat
requirements and metabolic parameters for aquatic invertebrates in small-scale systems are limited
in number, and few have standardized methodologies or reporting units. This table offers a baseline
of water quality parameters for a range of aquatic organisms, providing species selection for future
studies based on anticipated water conditions. Notably, food consumption is relatively consistent
across all organisms considered.
55, 88, 89
Table 3. Comparison of basic aquarium outputs for each organism.
Typical Density
Bulinus australianus
68, 77,
82, 83
Seasonal variation
800-1300;5000 max
16-18% weight
Feces, pseudofeces,
Crassostrea gigas
78, 90, 91
39.1-53.1 as %
dry weight
Feces, pseudofeces,
Crassostrea virginica
7.1g/100g of
wet body tissue
Feces, pseudofeces,
Mercenaria mercenaria
70, 71, 84
0.73 g (dry)
Feces, pseudofeces,
Hyriopsis (Limnoscapha)
72, 79
Mucous, pearl
material, feces, shell
73, 79, 80, 93
, feces, shell
Mytilus edulis
74, 81
1,000 post larvae
200 small juveniles
17.6g/100g of
wet body tissue
Feces, shed
Neocaridina heteropoda
86, 94
Shed exoskeleton
Halocaridina rubra
76, 87
Shed exoskeleton
*Note: N.D. = No Data, 1 = Snail, 2 = Oyster, 3 = Clam, 4 = Mussel, 5 = Shrimp;
some species
Heavy metal toxicity levels within the water source are a relevant factor to consider when designing
an aquatic invertebrate production system. Heavy metal tolerances are less frequently reported for
adult organisms but are an important consideration when designing a closed-loop life support system
for growing aquatic invertebrates. Copper (Cu), for example, is increasingly used in health care
settings as an antimicrobial coating
; similar applications might exist as part of environmental
control and life support systems (ECLSS) aboard a spacecraft. Although at low concentrations copper
is essential for human health (~900 µg/day
), the tolerable upper intake levels are around 10,000
and chronic exposure to high levels of copper can result in liver damage and gastrointestinal
Metals (cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), and Cu) can be found in terrestrial tap
water or wastewater due to the leaching (or corrosion) of Cu, Pb, or galvanized steel plumbing
systems. Mercury (Hg) is likely not a concern for space applications, since most sources of Hg
originate from terrestrial system processes such as combustion of coal, incineration of waste, and
The design issue is compounded with the concern over heavy metal bioaccumulation in
filter feeders’ tissues
that could end up consumed by human crew members. Risk is minimized
substantially when preventing corrosion through maintaining piping and fittings
and avoiding the
use of lead-brass taps and fittings.
As illustrated in Table 3, saltwater oysters exhibit a higher
copper tolerance than freshwater mussels. Larval organisms typically are more sensitive to heavy
metals than adults and caution should be taken to prevent lethal and sublethal accumulaton.
Differences in heavy metal tolerances across saltwater and freshwater species will need to be studied
further considering level of risk associated with a proposed design.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is another necessary parameter to track in an invertebrate aquarium, as
mollusks and decapods require oxygen to carry out cellular respiration. While reported DO
requirements vary within the same family of organisms, DO levels are of lesser concern than the
other listed parameters, because most bivalves can tolerate anoxic conditions for up to several weeks
by closing their shells.
Notably, oyster ammonia tolerance is significantly greater than that of clams
or freshwater snails, while ammonia generation remains within a restricted range across all species.
Crustaceans, especially larval forms, experience stress and death from low oxygen in combination
with other water conditions. Gastropods may be able to survive periods of hypoxia depending on
their developmental stage, but are often stressed by this condition.
Ammonia generation
consistently increases with increased water temperature
, and the increased accumulation of
ammonia can cause cellular stress
, disrupt filtration
, and inhibit growth
for all organisms.
However, nitrifying bacteria in water systems act to convert ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate,
and these bacteria can inhabit oyster shells and internal tissues
, reducing the accumulation of toxic
ammonia in the invertebrates’ habitat. Understanding ammonia production and tolerance of a specific
species is critical to establishing a balanced closed-loop system. In addition to temperature, pH plays
a role in nitrogen formation. Ammonia-nitrogen (NH
-N) has a more toxic form at high pH and a less
toxic form at low pH, un-ionized ammonia (NH
) and ionized ammonia (NH
), respectively.
Factors for Integrating Aquaculture into Long-term Space Missions
Water quality parameters are critical to maintaining aquariums on Earth and during spaceflight. The
introduction of aquatic organisms beyond LEO brings an additional set of long-term challenges that
might hinder system self-sustainability. A complete aquaculture system integrated with life support
architecture for a long duration space flight mission would include crewmembers as part of the
biosphere; their caloric intakes and waste generation would be calculated in the overall system mass
balance. At this point, a challenge arises in having crew acting as a component of the system while
attempting to manage it from within.
The capacity to understand and manage complex engineered
ecosystems while simultaneously existing within those systems will need to be defined.
Challenges for Future Closed-loop System Design
Designers must consider the biological hurdles faced when creating a closed-loop aquaculture
system. These hurdles will likely include the natural shift in nutrients caused by the organisms. A
prime example occurs when the death of an invertebrate results in a disturbance of water quality,
including spikes in ammonia levels, which can be especially toxic to the remaining organisms in a
closed system. As shellfish filter water, they absorb nitrates into their flesh and shells. Upon death a
portion of those stored nutrients get released back into the water in the form of ammonia. This spike
in ammonia was shown to increase short term aquarium mortality rates.
In general, precautions must
be taken to mitigate any disturbances in water quality, whether this be through daily health monitoring
or by implementing a post-casualty organism removal and water treatment procedure. While there is
research being performed regarding ammonia production and accumulation rates for invertebrate
99, 105-107
additional research needs to be conducted to determine the influence of individual
mortality on local tank inhabitants.
Table 4. Advanced water quality factors for closed-loop aquaculture systems.
(µg C/L/g C of
Heavy Metal
(µmol/g dry
1- Snail,
2- Oyster
59, 60,
88, 89, 105, 112-114
2:1 dried: wet
Cu: 560
µmol/ g C
3- Clam
55, 70
4- Mussel,
55, 115
4- Mussel,
103, 116-118
Cu: 25; Hg:
5; Cd: 90;
Zn: 3000
5- Shrimp
Cu: 452
(96 hr
Cu: 32; Zn:
525; Cd: 7
Pb: 35
*Note: LC50 is the concentration that lethal for 50% of a population;
Providing a Reliable Food Source
Invertebrate feeding regimens will need to be carefully regulated. Invertebrates species can filter
through 5-25 liters of water and detritus per gram of biomass in an hour
and will require an
autonomous, regimented feeding program if they are to feasibly be raised aboard spacecraft. A strict
feeding schedule must be established when cultivating higher order organisms to maintain a balance
between overfeeding and undernourishment. The selection of an appropriate food source is another
potential challenge. Invertebrates may selectively feed only on species of algae and phytoplankton
native to their natural environment,
for example Chlorella sp. and Isochrysis sp. are common
species for freshwater and marine, respectively. However, Spirulina (Arthrospira sp.) and yeast may
be added periodically as universal supplements for many invertebrates, potentially boosting vitamins,
minerals, protein content, growth, and immune responses.
121, 122
The overall immediate challenge to
overcome will be filling in the gap in data relating to small-scale aquaculture food supplies for
invertebrates. If the food source for the aquaculture system must be resupplied from Earth, the
justification for mass-volume would not constitute having a fresh protein source. However, if the
food source can be created in situ, then a mass-volume balance could be achieved.
Social Concerns
Another concern arises from the understudied effects of having invertebrates in a closed environment
with simulated biological symbiosis. There are many micro-interactions that occur between all living
organisms that cannot be truly replaced with current technologies, complicating attempts to replicate
small-scale ecosystems. Fish grown in the Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (CEBAS)
mini-module demonstrated signs of social stress when grown in a 10 L tank, with Xiphophorus helleri
fish killing each other in close quarters.
The Unionidae mussel larvae typically spend 6-160 days
attached to a fish host until they reach the juvenile stage.
This species may still be considered
depending on duration of flight. Depending on species, Unionidae may live 10 to over 50 years.
Not all species of invertebrates, or mussels, require hosts for reproduction; in a space environment it
would be preferred to select species not directly dependent on other species. For Crassostrea gigas
oysters, their sex will change depending on the phytoplankton food supply. When food is plentiful
males will change sex to become female. When food is scarce, the inverse will occur.
examples illustrate the nuances in organismal and ecosystem-level health. Numerous experiments
need to be conducted to determine the possible effects of social stress and absentee organisms on
animal well-being. The viability of each species for long-term spaceflight will largely depend on their
abilities to survive in the presence of synthetic hosts and environmental changes.
Genetic Diversity Concerns
Genetic diversity and generational continuity remain significant challenges to overcome regarding
long-term, multi-generational biospheres. In an enclosed aquaculture system, inbreeding will
certainly occur over time, reducing species’ genetic diversity. Lazaridou-Dimitriadou and colleagues
found that the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa demonstrated decreased size in subsequent generations
when cultured in a closed-loop system, resulting in a cessation of reproduction in the seventh
Conversely, Noland and Carriker found that the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis
appressa demonstrated no apparent loss of fitness after twenty generations of culture.
Many species
of invertebrates are hermaphrodites and inbreeding is natural, though there could be a loss of fitness
over time without intervention; these species may be preferential to avoid genetic issues long-term
but are more difficult to control with respect to reproduction.
Cryopreservation of sperm was
successful for shrimp and may prove useful for maintaining diversity over time.
134, 135
New genetic
engineering technologies such as CRSPR may allow modification of organisms to ameliorate the
impacts of inbreeding.
The exact effects of closed, extended invertebrate culture on reproductive
fitness will require further study. Though this may present a long-term challenge, the issue of genetic
diversity can be solved in near-future scenarios (i.e., an early lunar base) via the introduction of new
organisms brought to the habitat from Earth on an infrequent schedule. For setups in which semi-
regular resupplies are unavailable, a tissue culture library or sperm bank can be maintained within
the habitat to introduce genetic diversity to the aquaculture system as needed, enabling enhanced
reproductive fitness over longer timescales. However, introducing materials into an already closed
system will throw off the mass balance already established, perhaps hindering long-term stability.
Replicating a Dynamic Ecosystem
More technical challenges arise with the attempt to replicate a multi-trophic ecosystem in a closed-
loop manner, specifically regarding system stability. Mass-conservative aquatic ecosystems increase
resistance to population die off as the complexity of the food web implicated in the ecosystem
This increase in resistance strongly correlates with overall ecosystem stability. While
increasing a closed system’s complexity necessitates increased maintenance upon startup and
complicates mass and energy balances, the resulting dynamic biosphere provides long-term stability
and protection against oscillations in system parameters. Conversely, ecosystem resilience, i.e., the
ability of the system to return to equilibrium after a significant perturbation, is negatively correlated
with food web complexity.
The challenge in establishing a multi-trophic aquaculture system for
space applications evolves into a challenge of ensuring that the system is not disturbed past its
resistance point, as recovery past this point would likely be very difficult. Precise control of
environmental conditions within the aquaculture system will be necessary to ensure that the complex
biosphere maintains its stability. This is further complicated by the need for contingency plans that
rely on breaking open the closed-loop system, such as re-supply missions or in situ resource
, but that ultimately enables the system to be closed and restored to equilibrium after
Potential for Improved ECLSS Efficiency with Space Aquaculture
Despite the inefficiencies inherent to growing higher-level organisms, aquatic invertebrates can be
integrated with other ECLSS components to act as a nutrient sink while producing a palatable protein
source for a more diverse diet. An organism’s ecological efficiency, calculated as the percentage of
its production of biomass relative to the quantity of food it consumes, generally ranges from 6-25
Herbivores, including filter-feeding invertebrates, are particularly inefficient at feeding;
gross food chain efficiency, a measure of net biomass production relative to food supplied, remains
significantly lower than ecological efficiency for such organisms.
As such, there is an inherent
energy loss between trophic levels when growing animal protein sources. However, this loss is not
entirely prohibitive. If this inefficiency is planned for, the invertebrate growth aquarium can be
integrated with other life support systems to maximize overall resource usage. For example, these
aquatic organisms could be placed in line with partially treated wastewater to act as a nutrient
dampener, or they can be grown in saltwater created with excess salt removed from waste streams.
Additionally, they can consume excess oxygen generated by plants. In this way the overall efficiency
of life support systems can increase with the addition of aquatic protein sources despite the reduction
in ecological efficiency presented by filter feeding herbivores.
Future Study Needs for System Design
To gain a better understanding for growing invertebrate species in space, several parameters and
requirements need to be better established. This can be accomplished via scientific experiments that
monitor the growth, inputs, and outputs of various species in a small-scale system. The input
measurements should consist of food and nutrient uptake, while the output should consist of waste
generation and nutrient output. Depending on the amount and type of waste produced, an additional
waste treatment system may need to be implemented. Water quality parameters will need to be
established and monitored. Without the presence of a natural symbiotic ecosystem, key nutrients will
need to be constantly monitored to determine their indispensability to invertebrate longevity and
growth. A study should be executed to compare precise filtration rates (g/m
*hr) of choice
invertebrates. The supply and cost of consumables required to maintain the system should be
calculated. This list would include variables such as electricity usage (g/kW*hr), cost of water
transportation aboard a spacecraft, cost and volume of food/nutrient supplements required, and
energy required to dispose of invertebrate byproducts (e.g., feces, pseudofeces, empty shells, dead
organisms). Lastly, more in-depth analyses should be conducted regarding the potential to sustain
invertebrate life using nutrients commonly found in wastewater streams. This will become
particularly useful when a closed-loop system is required for astronaut survival.
Aquatic invertebrates are a potential protein source for long duration spaceflight, despite the current
gap in literature and technology regarding small-scale, recirculating aquaculture systems. Raising
animal species in situ for human consumption will provide access to certain essential nutrients that
are otherwise absent from current spaceflight technology. While challenges remain in addressing
animal growth requirements and integrating the necessary technology into spaceflight hardware, the
requirement for animal-based protein drives the need to generate sustainable solutions. In situ animal
protein production systems will alleviate the crew’s reliance on Earth-based resources and enable a
transition from survivable to sustainable life support systems. Long-term space exploration needs to
advance the development of protein sources and in situ animal protein-generating is an area needing
additional investigation. The basic and applied science along with associated technologies needs
focused attention now, so systems can support the Artemis Generation achieving a sustained presence
on the lunar and Mars surface.
The authors would like to thank the NASA Human Exploration and Operations Program, the NASA
Office of Education, and the NASA Minority Undergraduate Research Education Program (MUREP)
for the funding of this summer project.
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