Hunter College City University of New York
Educational Foundations and Counseling Department
695 Park Ave, Room 1016W
New York, NY 10065
Counseling Program Website
February 2023
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
ORGANIZATION AND FOCUS OF FIELD PLACEMENTS .......................................................................................... 5
SAFETY AND LIABILITY ................................................................................................................................................. 6
&OCUMENTATION FOR 'IELD "LACEMENT!########################################################################################################################!(!
DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENTS ................................................................................................ 8
)ECORDING OF *OURS!#####################################################################################################################################################!+!
,INTER -EMESTER .REAK!################################################################################################################################################!+!
/XPECTED -TART &ATE FOR 'IELD "LACEMENTS!###############################################################################################################!+!
0REDIT FOR 'IELD "LACEMENT!########################################################################################################################################!+!
1UMBER OF 2NGOING %NDIVIDUAL 0LIENTS "ER ,EEK!#################################################################################################!34!
5UDIO )ECORDING!#########################################################################################################################################################!34!
.ILINGUAL /DUCATION -TUDENTS 2NLY!#######################################################################################################################!34!
6ROUP 0OUNSELING -UGGESTIONS!###############################################################################################################################!34!
"ROFESSIONAL 0ONDUCT!################################################################################################################################################!34!
&IFFERENT 'IELD "LACEMENT -ETTINGS 'OR "RACTICUM AND %NTERNSHIP!###################################################################!33!
'IELD "LACEMENT 7ERMINATION!####################################################################################################################################!33!
-TUDENT 7ERMINATION OF 'IELD PLACEMENT .EFORE /ND OF -EMESTER!####################################################################!38!
'ACULTY 9IAISON!############################################################################################################################################################!3:!
-UMMER .REAK!##############################################################################################################################################################!3:!
5SSIGNMENT TO 5GENCY;-CHOOL!#################################################################################################################################!3<!
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF PRACTICUM INSTRUCTOR .............................................................................. 14
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF INTERNSHIP INSTRUCTOR ............................................................................. 15
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF AGENCY SUPERVISOR ....................................................................................... 15
ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF FIELDWORK PLACEMENT COORDINATOR ............................................... 16
EVALUATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
5GENCY -UPERVISORY /VALUATION OF 7RAINEES!###########################################################################################################!3(!
/VALUATION OF 7RAINEE -ETTING!##################################################################################################################################!3(!
-TUDENT )ESPONSIBILITIES!############################################################################################################################################!3(!
5GENCY )ESPONSIBILITIES!#############################################################################################################################################!3=!
HUNTER COLLEGE RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................... 18
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................................... 20
'%/9&!"950/A/17!9EARNING CONTRACT ............................................................................................................. 30
UTILIZATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TUITION VOUCHER ....................................................................... 34
REQUIREMENTS FOR TUITION VOUCHER ............................................................................................................... 35
This manual is a guide for counseling students (Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling, Mental
Health Counseling, and School Counseling), fieldwork course instructors, and site supervisors
who are involved in practicum and internships through Hunter College. It is intended to help
you understand policies, roles, and expectations, and to assist you in the planning process.
Counseling proficiency, professional values, and knowledge of the social service system cannot be
learned in a classroom alone. It is because we are deeply committed to a partnership of field and
coursework that our program emphasizes fieldwork as an essential element in the student's
education. The site supervisor is central to learning, serving as teacher, role model and mentor. We
welcome supervisors to this task, stand ready to offer assistance and hope that you will undertake this
process with interest and pleasure. Your contribution to the mutual work of developing new and
competent colleagues is greatly appreciated and valued.
This handbook represents policies and procedures relating to trainee (student) placement in the field.
It is given to students, site supervisors, fieldwork program coordinator, and instructors so that all
individuals involved in the fieldwork courses will be aware of the policies and procedures of the
Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling. It is assumed that it will be read carefully
and that students will be responsible for the information included herein.
Since field placements (placement in a field setting) are an integral part of the student's graduate
training, the curriculum is built around the skills and experiences that are developed in the
placement. The department acknowledges that a successful field placement is a mutual arrangement,
whereby the training setting receives services and input from students and where students gain
experience. It is, therefore, vital that all parties are knowledgeable about the procedures and
expectations of the field placement, and have clear and open channels of communication.
Counseling Program Objectives
The counseling programs (Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling, School Counseling, and Clinical
Mental Health Counseling) at Hunter College prepares graduates who will:
1. Demonstrate an awareness of self and others in order to provide culturally competent
personal, academic, and career counseling to individuals, groups, families, and communities.
2. Demonstrate competencies to work both individually and systemically within complex
systems (e.g. agencies, schools, and hospitals) by advocating for access, equity, and social
3. Demonstrate the awareness, knowledge, and skills to effectively work with clients who
represent the diversity of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, ability status, nationality, and
sexual orientation as relevant to professional counselors working in contemporary urban
4. Demonstrate comprehension of ethical and legal issues and practices relative to rehabilitation
counseling in urban contexts.
5. Demonstrate a professional identity with the role and function of a rehabilitation counselor.
All three counseling programs require that each student successfully complete a one-semester
practicum starting in either fall or spring semester. Upon successful completion with a grade of B or
higher, students may start their two-semester internship the following fall semester. Students in
practicum must spend a minimum of eight hours per week in the field for the semester. Interns are
required to spend a minimum of 20 hours per week in the field for two consecutive semesters. All
internship hours must be completed at the same site. Some agencies ask for more than the minimum
number of hours required by this program. In these cases, students and placement sites must
negotiate the number of hours. Students should not contact agencies before attending the fieldwork
orientation scheduled each semester.
Fieldwork students are required to purchase liability insurance coverage while enrolled in coursework
that requires work in community agencies and schools. Students are required to purchase insurance
that covers them throughout their practicum and internship fieldwork experiences. Insurance must
meet the following limits:
$2,000,000 per Incident
$4,000,000 Aggregate
Students may be training in a variety of agencies situated in all geographic locations in the New York
City Area and serving a wide variety of client populations. It is department policy that no student
should ever be alone in any agency at any time, and that weekend and evening work should occur only
if the location and facility are considered to be safe and well-staffed. If a student has any concern
about personal safety in an agency setting, he/she must leave the agency and contact his/her Faculty
Instructor (COUNR 718, 725, 726) or the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator immediately.
The Department approves students in fieldwork settings for a total of three semesters. The first
semester fieldwork experience is called a practicum, while the second two semesters of fieldwork
experience is called an internship.
The department distinguishes between the practicum and internship as follows:
Practicum represents 100 hours in the clinical setting with the student having the opportunity to
develop basic counseling skills, with 40 hours of direct client contact required. If a student exceeds
this 100-hour minimum, which occurs at many sites, these additional hours cannot count towards
their 300-hour internship requirement, even if the student completes both fieldwork experiences
at the same site.
Students are required to meet an hour per week with their site supervisor for onsite supervision.
Students are required to meet weekly in Practicum Seminar (COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 71800)
for small group supervision; scheduled at 5:10 – 6:50 PM or 7:10 – 8:50 PM throughout the
For Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling students, practicum is only offered in the Spring
semester. For School Counseling and Mental Health Counseling students, practicum is offered
in both fall and spring semester.
This is a one-year (two-consecutive semesters) field placement experience that must start in the fall semester
and end in the spring semester.
COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 725 (fall semester) & COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 726
(spring semester) are the courses in which counseling instruction in support of the
internship takes place.
Students are required to meet an hour per week with their site supervisor for onsite supervision.
Students are required to meet weekly in Internship Seminar (COUNM/COUNR/COUNS
725 and COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 726) for two consecutive semesters of internship, with
faculty supervisors while engaged in internship. Students are required to meet for small group supervision,
scheduled at 5:10 – 6:50 PM or 7:10 – 8:50 PM throughout each semester (fall and spring.)
Internship represents a minimum of 600 hours over two consecutive semesters (300 hours per
semester) during one academic year. These include a minimum of 240 hours of direct service
(120 hours per semester).
1. Identify a Site
Use Hunter Resources
- Hunter provides a List of Agencies/Schools with contact information on Blackboard Counseling
Program Fieldwork Information Site (under My Organizations)
Contact the site, introduce yourself and explain that you are a Hunter College student in a Master’s degree
program seeking a field site. Ask if they would be interested in having a student intern.
If they are interested:
- Mental Health Trainees: Ask about the number of NYS licensed mental health counselors (LMHC),
licensed psychologists, psychiatrists or NYS licensed clinical social workers (LCSW only, NOT
LMSW) they have on site. You are required to be supervised by someone with either of these
credentials with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
- Clinical Rehabilitation Trainees: Ask about the number of Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC)
they have on site. You are required to be supervised by someone with this credential with a minimum
of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
- Mental health and Clinical Rehabilitation trainees: ask if the site allows for audio recording of
counseling sessions with clients.
Ask the representative at the site what is the best way to find out if those licensed/certified professionals
would accept an intern or practicum student.
- Interview with Several Sites:
o Treat this process similar to a job interview (wear professional attire, bring/forward your
resume, etc.)
o During the interview, ask questions about the job responsibilities of the professionals at their
sites. You are looking for a site that can meet all course and program requirements as well as
provide an excellent learning experience.
o Follow up with a thank you email after each interview
o Be sure Site Supervisor allows audio recording of counseling sessions with client and will
provide weekly individual supervision for one hour. Supervision must be provided by a NYS
Licensed Professional (for MH counseling students) or a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
(for Clinical Rehabilitation counseling students). The site supervisor must have a minimum of
2 years pertinent professional experience.
o Ask what days & times would be reserved for on-site supervision.
2. Site Approval
Once a prospective site has confirmed your candidacy for interning at their site, the site and site supervisor
must be approved by the Counseling Program’s Fieldwork Placements Clinical Coordinator.
Documentation for Field Placement
Forms to document field placement may be downloaded and printed from the heading "Basic
Information" on Blackboard Counseling Program Fieldwork Information site. Students will be
enrolled in that Blackboard site by the Fieldwork Program Coordinator once they attend the
fieldwork orientation meeting prior to starting fieldwork, scheduled each semester.
The following forms must be printed immediately and given to the fieldwork program coordinator
upon completion:
Type of Form
#of copies
Due Date
Fieldwork Placement Agreement Form
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
Fieldwork Placement Information Sheet
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
New Fieldwork Application Form (only if this is a
new site)
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
Letter Confirming all Requirements Can be Met
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
PETS Clearance (school counseling program only)
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
Memorandum of Insurance as proof of liability
Fall: 1
week in December
Spring: 1
week in May
Activity Logs to document fieldwork hours
4x/each semester of fieldwork
Students are responsible for knowing the contents of this handbook. An electronic copy of this
manual will be forwarded to site supervisors at the start of each semester.
Students are expected to complete their field placement in a setting with a supervisor who has
the appropriate credentials in their specific counseling discipline. Furthermore, students must
receive one hour of individual supervision per week during each semester. Although group
supervision can be used in conjunction with weekly individual supervision, this does not
obviate departmental expectations for individual supervision. Group supervision, in addition
to individual supervision, is recommended and encouraged.
Students are encouraged to seek out field placement sites within New York City; however sites
outside this area may be acceptable pending Fieldwork Placement Coordinator approval that
all requirements can be met.
The setting must provide an appropriate variety of clients and professional activities and
involve the student in moving into relevant functions, taking into account the student’s
readiness and interests.
The department will not approve any field placement where students must pay a fee at the site
for supervision, training, or client contact.
There should be an opportunity for student participation in staff meetings, in-service training
and relevant interpersonal and inter-professional contacts.
The agency must have a professional staff that is available and representative of high levels of
training and background.
There needs to be an opportunity for audio recording of some individual client contacts. It is
mandatory that recordings of individual client contacts be reviewed by Hunter fieldwork
instructors. Some of the students’ recordings must be done using English as the medium of
communication so that the recordings can be reviewed by fieldwork instructors. There are
special requirements for students in the Bilingual Extension Program. Please see guidelines for
All placements must be deemed appropriate for each individual student based on learning
needs as determined by the Counseling faculty. It is possible that a placement may be
appropriate for one student but not appropriate for another.
Hours in the Field required for all Specializations (School, Rehabilitation, Mental Health)
During the first year of field placement, a minimum of eight hours per week during the
academic semester is required to gain credit for the field placement. A minimum of 100
hours each including at least 40 direct clients contact hours must be recorded during the
first semester. During the year of internship, a 600 hours internship need to be completed
(300 hours per semester, 120 direct client contact hours).
Credit for each semester will be given only if the student has recorded the required number of
hours, has a satisfactory evaluation from the field supervisor and from the Hunter faculty
Students are expected to negotiate with the trainee setting to meet the setting’s requirements
for hours (e.g., many agencies/schools will require more than the minimum for placement as a
condition for accepting a student with more than 20 hours often required).
School Counseling Field Placement Requirements
Students seeking a School Counseling (Pupil Personnel Services) Credential must demonstrate
knowledge and skill in areas of educational assessment, personal and social counseling, academic and
career counseling, program development, program coordination and supervision, consultation, legal
aspects and professional ethics.
Recording of Fieldwork Hours
All hours must be recorded on the appropriate log forms included in the appendix of this manual.
A minimum of four logs must be completed during each semester of field placement. Students
will receive credit only if hours are properly documented. The department is unable to provide for
copies of these logs.
Work done must fall within the scope of practice of the specialization for which the hours are
Logs must be completed, signed and turned in to the fieldwork instructors on or before the last
day of instruction of each semester. Students will not receive credit for the field placement if logs
are not turned in on time or if the appropriate number of hours have not been completed (i.e.,
100 hours for practicum and 300 hours per semester for internship).
Students may count all of the hours spent in the placement toward the total sum of the required
hours per semester. If a client does not show for a counseling session that may count toward ‘other
hours’, but not toward ‘direct client contact hours’. Direct client contact hours are hours spent in
face-to-face counseling with clients, consultation with agency staff, consultation with client’s
family, and family/support network.
Winter Semester Break
Hunter College has a break between the fall and spring semesters, the end of December through the
end of January. While students are not required by the college to attend fieldwork during this time,
we recognize that this is an unusually long period to be away from clients. Students are required to
work out an arrangement with the agency so that service to clients is not compromised during this
time. Most often students continue to attend field placements during part of the winter break.
Summer Break
Summer fieldwork placement sites are not offered.
Expected Start Date for Field Placements
Students are expected to begin field placements on the first day of each semester. The specific start
date must be coordinated with the site supervisor, which may be earlier or later than the first day of
the semester. Students may begin field placement no earlier than one week prior to the official start of
the semester.
Credit for Field Placement
In order to receive credit for field placement, students must also pass their practicum and internship
courses (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725, 726) with a grade of no less than B.
A student receiving any grade below a B in any of these clinical courses is dismissed from the program.
If logs are not received or if too few hours are reported, this will adversely affect the grade, which may
lead to a grade below B.
Number of Ongoing Individual Clients Per Week:
Estimated Guidelines
Based upon practicum, a minimum 8-10 hours per week.
Based upon internship, a minimum 20 hours per week.
Audio Recording/ Privacy and Confidentiality
Students are required to make audio recordings of most interviews with clients with client consent to
do so. These recordings will be reviewed by the practicum and internship instructors. Students must
be aware of this requirement and plan for this with their site supervisors. Students need to discuss
with site supervisors to select clients who are appropriate for recordings. In settings where the
student and most of the client population speaks a language other than English, the student must be
able to work with some clients who are able to engage in counseling using English, and the student
must be able to record some of those sessions. Once students obtain informed consent from clients,
students can conduct audio recordings using their personal devices.
To protect client privacy and maintain confidentiality, audio recordings need to be upload to a
password-protected Google Classroom site for practicum or internship instructors to review.
Students should not share their recordings outside of the classroom, except their site supervisors.
Once uploaded to Google Classroom, the recordings should be deleted from students’ personal
devices. All audio recordings must be destroyed at the end of each semester once the practicum or
internship student has completed the fieldwork experience.
Bilingual Education Students Only
The bilingual education students will be required to provide translated transcripts of the entire
interview or parts of interviews as deemed appropriate by the practicum and internship course
Group Counseling Suggestions
Each student is encouraged to co-lead groups during the course of work in field placements. Co-
leading groups may take place at any time during the practicum and internship and must be
supervised by agency supervisors.
Professional Conduct
Students are expected to adhere to the ethical and professional guidelines of the American
Counseling Association Professional Standards and the Hunter College of the City University New
York. Agency staffs invest a considerable amount of time and energy for training and it is expected
that students are respectful of staff’s efforts and time. As such, students must represent the highest
standards of professional behavior consistent with the values of the setting and personal and
professional ethics. This relates to standards of dress, punctuality, client, staff and professional
contacts and all other interpersonal relationships.
Failure to maintain these standards will result in negative evaluations that reflect poorly on the
Counseling Programs, and may, in extreme cases, result in termination of placement and a letter grade
of “F.” Termination for cause from your fieldwork experience will require withdrawal from your
fieldwork courses (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725, 726), if this occurs during the college’s
withdrawal period. Failure to withdraw within five business days of termination will result in a grade
of “F” on your transcript and will result in termination from the program. Termination from your
place of employment, if this is also your fieldwork site, will result in termination from your fieldwork
site. Termination from your fieldwork site will be reviewed on an individual basis; typically a student
will not be eligible to restart an internship until the following fall semester.
A practicum student will not be eligible to restart practicum until the following semester. In most
cases, after a fieldwork student is terminated from a fieldwork site, a behavioral contract is
established and reviewed with the student prior to being allowed to restart a fieldwork experience. A
student who is terminated may have a second opportunity to train at a new fieldwork site, however a
third opportunity will not be allowed.
Different Field Placement Settings for Practicum and Internship
The department strongly recommends that students have a different field placement for the second
year in the program. If a student believes that it is in his/her interest to remain in the same setting for
the second year, the following procedure must be followed:
The Hunter College Dept. of Educational Foundations & Counseling Programs now offers fieldwork
students in the Mental Health, Rehabilitation, and School Counseling Programs the opportunity to
complete their practicum and internship fieldwork experiences at the same site, provided that the
fieldwork site accepts both practicum and internship placements. While completing practicum and
internship at the same site is now an option, students remain eligible to have a different trainee
placement for the two experiences, practicum, and internship, if they feel this is in their best interest.
Students are required to reapply at their current practicum site to be eligible to continue their training
at the same site for their internship. You must reapply to your internship site using the standard
internship application process (documentation, deadline, and all required paperwork) to complete
your internship at your practicum field placement site. Both the site supervisor and Fieldwork
Placement Coordinator must approve reapplication.
Decisions about field placement training are important for your professional development as a
counselor. Counseling Program faculty strongly recommend you discuss field placement training
options with your faculty advisor during advisement week, held toward the end of each semester.
Field Placement Termination
If a student’s field placement is terminated for any reason, the student shall notify the Fieldwork
Placement Coordinator immediately in writing. The Fieldwork Placement Coordinator will then
initiate the process of investigation and make recommendations with the appropriate departmental
faculty. Students should be aware that an unsatisfactory resolution of this issue requires the student to
withdraw from fieldwork courses (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725 or 726), if this occurs
during the college’s withdrawal period. Failure to withdraw within five business days of termination
will result in a grade ‘F’ and will result in termination from the program. Termination from your
place of employment, if this is also your fieldwork site, will result in termination from your
fieldwork site. Termination from your fieldwork site will be reviewed on an individual basis;
typically a student will not be eligible to restart an internship until the following fall semester. A
practicum student will not be eligible to restart practicum until the following semester. In most
cases, after a fieldwork student is terminated from a fieldwork site, a behavioral contract is
established and reviewed with the student prior to being allowed to restart a fieldwork experience. A
student who is terminated may have a second opportunity to train at a new fieldwork site, however a
third opportunity will not be allowed.
Field Placement in Setting Where Employed
Field Placement is for the purpose of the acquisition and development of skills in relation to the
training curriculum. The department is willing to consider field placements in settings where students
are newly employed for no more than three months prior to starting field placement.
In addition, the student may not be supervised for the field placement by his/her work supervisor and
the student must have a client caseload selected specifically for purposes of the field placement.
Students cannot work and complete their field placement at the same site unless the following two
circumstances exist: 1) The student has worked at the site less than three months, or, 2) the student
does train in a completely different department with a different supervisor. In the latter case, the
student must provide the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator with a description of the job and of the
training to delineate the difference, and the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator will follow up with the
student’s site supervisor for approval.
Student Termination of Field placement Before End of Semester
Students wanting to terminate a field placement, for any reason, must consult with their academic
advisor, fieldwork course instructor (COUNR 718, 725 or 726), Fieldwork Placement Coordinator
and site supervisor. A placement may be terminated only with the approval of those parties and with
consideration of ethical and professional responsibility to clients and to agencies/schools.
Termination by a student without consultation will result in a grade of ‘F’ for the semester. If a
student feels unsafe, the student must consult with the fieldwork course instructor and Fieldwork
Placement Coordinator immediately.
If a student's field placement is terminated for any reason, the student shall notify the Fieldwork
Placement Coordinator immediately in writing. The Fieldwork Placement Coordinator will then
initiate the process of investigation and make recommendations with the appropriate departmental
faculty. Students should be aware that an unsatisfactory resolution of this issue requires the student to
withdraw from your fieldwork courses (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725 or 726), if this occurs
during the college’s withdrawal period. Failure to withdraw within five business days of termination
will result in a grade of ‘F’ and will result in termination from the program. Termination from your
place of employment, if this is also your fieldwork site, will result in termination from your fieldwork
site. Termination from your fieldwork site will be reviewed on an individual basis; typically a student
will not be eligible to restart an internship until the following fall semester. A practicum student will
not be eligible to restart practicum until the following semester. In most cases, after a fieldwork
student is terminated from a fieldwork site, a behavioral contract is established and reviewed with
the student prior to being allowed to restart a fieldwork experience. A student who is terminated may
have a second opportunity to train at a new fieldwork site, however a third opportunity will not be
Fieldwork Evaluation by Site Supervisor
Evaluation is an ongoing process in any educational enterprise. In this field, learning is not simply a
cognitive act; it involves changes in attitudes and feelings and an integration of complex processes,
which include intellectual mastery, a developing sense of the professional role, and the student's use of
self. Evaluation is part of the student's fieldwork experience and is a process in which agency site
supervisor, student and clinical course instructor all are involved. Hunter practicum students have
several supervisors, both on-site and in-class. It’s important that all supervisors have consistent
knowledge of how each student is performing both experientially and academically.
The Fieldwork Placement Coordinator discusses feedback from the site supervisor with the clinical
course instructor twice per semester to learn of student’s progress. Integration of all supervisory
feedback is necessary for the student to have the most cohesive experience. All Hunter instructors
working with a student in a supervisory capacity (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725 or 726),
will communicate consistently throughout the semester.
Written evaluations must be completed, signed, and returned to the clinical course instructor two
weeks prior to the last week of instruction. Students will not receive credit for the field placement if
forms are not returned on time or if the evaluation is not satisfactory. The clinical course instructor
will determine the grade to be given for the semester based upon input from the site supervisor and
the student’s academic coursework.
Faculty Liaison (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725 or 726 Instructors)
All students will be assigned a member of the faculty who will act as a liaison between the Counseling Program,
the agency and the student. For practicum students, this liaison will be your practicum instructor from
COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718. For internship students, this liaison will be your internship instructor, from
(COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 725 or 726). The faculty liaison's role is:
Meet with students weekly for group supervision
Critiques weekly journals, transcriptions, and audio recordings
Communicates with site supervisors by email and/or phone contact twice each semester.
Provides all final grading with site supervisor input
Participate in the clinical instructor meeting each semester
To work with the student and field supervisor in the event of any difficulty. It is important to
involve the liaison early in such situations before a poor evaluation is given or a field placement is
threatened. The Fieldwork Placement Coordinator is available for ongoing and/or crisis
To work with the agency supervisor and the student to support and assess the student's growth
and the student's process of learning.
Fieldwork students may not start fieldwork until one week prior to the official start of the semester.
Practicum students may start one week prior to Fall or Spring semesters. Internship students may start
one week prior to Fall semester only.
Some students placed in a school site are contracted to complete the placement through the end of
the school year, not the college schedule.
Each student who is in practicum field placement (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718) is also in a
practicum seminar that meets weekly and is designed to support the activities of the field placement.
Each student who is in an internship field placement (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 725, 726) is also
in an internship seminar that meets weekly and is designed to support the activities of the field
placement. Such support should come from learning of basic skills, development of more advanced
techniques and case management skills, and a focus on relevant professional issues. The curriculum
differentiates particular instructional goals and objectives for each semester of practicum experience
and each of the two semesters of internship experience. (see Appendix 2).
Assignment to Agency/School
Faculty Instructor is assigned to act as the liaison for a particular student placed in that
Responsibilities of the Academic Instructor acting as liaison (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725,
726 instructors):
Maintain contact with students and site supervisors, as determined by the needs of individual
situations. Academic instructors will contact all site supervisors via email twice/semester. Visits to
the field placement site are determined by the counseling department, Fieldwork Placement
Coordinator and field supervisors and are to be scheduled as needed.
Collect and review electronic field placement evaluation forms from students each semester
(December and May) and follow up where necessary.
Through contact with site supervisors, the site supervisor's judgment regarding the adequacy of
the student's performance will be integrated into the student’s grade at the end of each semester.
Be notified of problems with field placements by field supervisors and students, and be available
to discuss issues with all parties, using appropriate channels of communication, including the
Fieldwork Placement Coordinator when indicated.
When needed, communicate with practicum or internship seminar instructors
(COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725, 726) regarding student's progress in the field placement
and any areas of performance concern.
Responsibilities of the Practicum Seminar Instructor (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718):
To be available to consult with site supervisors regarding student's progress in placement
regarding counseling skill development for the practicum student consistent with
expectations and supervision in the setting.
Meet with students weekly for group supervision
Critiques weekly journals, transcriptions, and audio recordings
Communicates with site supervisors by email and/or phone contact twice each semester.
Provides all final grading with site supervisor input
Participate in the clinical instructor meeting each semester
Responsibilities of the Internship Seminar Instructor (COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 725, 726):
To be available to consult with site supervisors regarding student's progress in placement
regarding counseling skill development for the practicum student consistent with
expectations and supervision in the setting.
Meet with students weekly for group supervision
Critiques weekly journals, transcriptions, and audio recordings
Communicates with site supervisors by email and/or phone contact twice each semester.
Provides all final grading with site supervisor input
Participate in the clinical instructor meeting each semester
Conscious and continuous planning is necessary. It will be necessary to clarify the student's role,
function, title, and lines of communication. Provision of adequate workspace and regular individual
supervision (one hour per week) creates the necessary foundation and environment for a good field
experience. Consistent individual supervision can reduce staff inconvenience and extremes of student
helplessness or initial anxiety.
The site supervisor bears primary responsibility for insuring that the student's placement leads to
learning and professional growth. The supervisor represents the setting and should expect that the
student's presence will contribute to the welfare of the setting. The student can also expect that the
supervisor will present an appropriate professional model and will provide clear and regular
supervision, as well as continuing support and assistance within the setting. A minimum of one hour
per week of regularly scheduled supervision is a requirement.
Within the context described above, the site supervisor must be aware of the objectives of the
student's graduate training program and be able to work with the student's developing skills. This can
be accomplished through discussions with the student and consultation with the
COUNM/COUNR/SOUNS 718, 725, 726 instructors assigned to the student. The Field Placement
Coordinator will be involved if additional intervention/support is needed.
Supervisors are expected to give students ongoing, timely, and accurate feedback with regards to the
supervisee’s strengths and areas for growth. Site supervisors are responsible for evaluating the student
on an ongoing basis and complete final evaluations at the end of each semester. These evaluations
must be submitted on the form provided. A narrative evaluation may be submitted in addition. Logs of
hours spent in the setting must also be approved and signed by agency supervisors.
CUNY COURSE VOUCHER: Internship supervisors are entitled to a CUNY Course voucher. This
incentive is available to all site supervisors who have supervised students for 2-consecutive semesters.
In May of the year you supervise your intern, you’ll receive an email informing you of how to retrieve
your CUNY Course Voucher.
The Fieldwork Placement Coordinator is a member of the faculty who assists students and faculty in
the identification and selection of trainee placements and placement of students in those settings.
Given the large number of agency and school settings and the large number of students seeking
placement, the coordinator works with practicum faculty and students in the placement process but
does not assume sole responsibility for placements.
Given these constraints, the functions of the Fieldwork Placement Coordinator are as follows:
Maintains a list of currently acceptable and appropriate agencies and schools for field placement,
including names of contact persons, kinds of activities and clients, procedures for application,
requirements for placement.
Schedule two fieldwork orientation meetings each semester for students to learn of the fieldwork
application process, new site information and meet site supervisors interested in working with
Hunter interns &/or practicum students.
Meet individually with all fieldwork students requiring additional support in their fieldwork
search process.
Contact site supervisors on behalf of students to advocate for student placements.
Make information regarding field placements for first- and second-year students available and
assist students in selecting appropriate placements.
Develop new field placement situations; maintain ongoing relationships with approved trainee
sites; consult with agencies so that they can meet Hunter’s requirements and standards.
Facilitate faculty supervisor meetings and ongoing communications.
Facilitate supervisor trainings.
Facilitate fieldwork placement orientation once/each semester Fall and Spring
All evaluation data are maintained in strict professional confidentiality, and used for individual
advising or program evaluation consistent with due process. Online evaluations are maintained in
The following formal evaluations are required:
Fieldwork Final Evaluations
To be completed at the end of each semester. Should be done in consultation with the student. The
site supervisor will be emailed this online evaluation directly and submits the information via email.
Site supervisors complete a final evaluation as a part of the students’ final grade in both the
internship and practicum courses. Supervisors evaluate students’ clinical skills, knowledge, and
professionalism which are aligned to the counseling program objectives. Site supervisor evaluations
are sent to all the supervisors at the end of the practicum (COUNR 718) and internship (COUNR
725, 726) courses.
Counseling Student Evaluation of the Fieldwork Experience
At the end of practicum and internship, the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and
Accreditation send out this survey to all fieldwork students completing their internship (COUNR
726) or practicum (COUNR 718) experience. The goal is to evaluate their fieldwork site and the
tasks performed during their clinical experience. The results of this survey are used by program
faculty to improve the program's clinical experiences and better understand the needs of students in
the field. It does not impact the students’ final course grade.
YOU MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS to successfully complete your PRACTICUM Fieldwork
Audio recording clients with their consent or their parent's consent
100 hours/semester = 8 - 10 hours/week minimum
- 40 hours of direct service/semester
- The following services ARE considered DIRECT SERVICE ACTIVITIES:
o 1:1 Individual Counseling
o Group Counseling
o Family Meetings
o Face to Face Supervision
o Progress Note Documentation/Recordkeeping
o Case Management
o Research
o Professional Development
o Information and Referral
o In-service meetings
o Staff meetings
o Telephone Contacts w/ client and or client's team
Direct supervision by a licensed or certified professional depending on your academic program:
- Mental Health Counseling Student:
o Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or NYS Licensed Professional (LCSW only, NOT
LMSW) or Licensed Psychologist with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience
- Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Student:
o Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional
- 1 hour of weekly on-site, face to face supervision by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or
another NYS Licensed Professional (LCSW only, NOT LMSW)
- Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) dependent on your academic track
Assigned a caseload of 2 3 clients/semester
The student CANNOT BE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED at this fieldwork site
YOU MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS to successfully complete your
INTERNSHIP Fieldwork Experience:
Audio recording clients with their consent or the parent's consent
300 hours/semester = 20 hours/week minimum for 2 consecutive semesters.
All internship hours must be completed at the same site.
- 120 hours of direct service/semester (same as above)
Direct supervision by a licensed or certified professional depending on your academic program:
- Mental Health Counseling Student:
o Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or another NYS Licensed Professional (LCSW only, NOT
LMSW) or Licensed Psychologist with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
- Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Student:
o Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
- 1 hour of weekly on-site, face to face supervision by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or another
NYS Licensed Professional (LCSW only, NOT LMSW)
- Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) dependent on your academic program
Assigned a caseload of 5 6 clients/semester
The student CANNOT BE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED at this fieldwork site
Plan for student's arrival, space, and phone, and alert the staff. Consider the role of the
student and help the student develop a professional identity.
Familiarize the student with the structure and function of the agency/school and its
relationship with other community agencies and resources.
Provide appropriate clients for students to have direct experiences in working with clients. An individual
counseling caseload of approximately 2-3 clients for practicum students and 5-6 for internship students,
chosen with regard to the student's background, experiences, skills and educational needs, is suggested.
Provide a minimum of one hour per week for individual supervision. Review students’ written
material (e.g., case notes, intake reports)
Provide students with opportunities to participate in staff meetings, and in-service training, as
well as consultations with professionals in other disciplines.
Complete final evaluations of students at the end of each semester. Site supervisor should
involve students in the evaluation process and provide each student with a copy of the evaluation.
Communicate with Hunter College faculty and the fieldwork coordinator as necessary.
Conduct site supervisor orientation each semester.
Conduct clinical meetings with COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 718, 725, 726 instructors.
Provide contact information of COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 718, 725, 726 instructors to site
Provide clear expectations of students and site supervisors in the field
Provide feedback to students, field and practicum instructor, and site supervisors.
Once a Prospective Site has confirmed your candidacy for working at their site, the site and site supervisor
must be approved by the program by Michelle Lask.
Complete Required Paperwork (5 Documents):
1. If the site has been used by Hunter students previously, then no advance clearance is required. Fill
out Field Placement Information Sheet (Document 1). Or, if the site has not previously been used
by Hunter students, then advance clearance is required. For new sites, students must submit a New
Site Application Form (Document 1A) in addition to the Field Placement Information Sheet. The
New Site Application Form provides site information to be reviewed by Michelle Lask, who will
confirm that all requirements may be met at this site.
a. Please Print clearly or type this form and include all information requested. Your
supervisor’s name, address, professional email, and phone must all be included or the
paperwork will not be accepted.
b. Be sure you have an established start date with your supervisor. This is critical. Ideally,
starting 1 week before classes start at Hunter is the best choice. If you start late, you will
have more difficulty with recordings, etc.
2. Fieldwork Agreement Letter. This form is signed by you & your site supervisor (Document 2).
3. Copy of your Liability Insurance Certificate/Memorandum of Insurance (page 4 of your policy) –
not the whole policy, (Document 3).
4. Copy of your Hunter Counseling (graduate) Program UNOFFICIAL Transcript, retrieved from
CUNYfirst (If unable to print, I’ll print it for you. DO NOT PAY for a copy from the registrar)
(Document 4).
5. Letter Confirming All Requirements Can Be Met - Signed by you & your site supervisor
(Document 5).
Re: Signatures: Site Supervisors & students are required electronically sign the necessary documents. If a site
supervisor cannot sign the documents, students are required to follow this procedure:
a) Supervisor emails the completed form
b) Subject line of email: “This email serves as my electronic signature.”
c) Supervisor attaches the completed documents (Fieldwork Agreement Form & Letter Confirming All
Requirements Can Be Met.)
d) Student uploads this email as part of their online application.
Purchase Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance must be purchased. Each student will be required to purchase a one or two-year policy and all
insurance must be on the same policy. Since Hunter’s Counseling Programs require that students have active
membership in a professional counseling organization (ex: ACA; AMHCA or NRCA), you may have some level of
coverage through your active membership. However, this insurance does NOT MEET REQUIRED LIMITS. NOTE: All
insurance coverage must come from the same policy; you may not have coverage from 2 different policies.
You will need to purchase a professional liability student policy that covers ($2,000,000 per incident and
$4,000,000 aggregate).
Toll free number is 1-800-375-2764 or go-online to proliability.com.
Order Today it can take several weeks. If you purchased a two-year policy prior to your practicum,
please submit a copy of your current policy with your paperwork. We cannot retrieve previously
submitted insurance policy statements.
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Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1016
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Agreement between Fieldwork Supervisor, Student and Hunter College
Student’s Name: _____________________________________
Term Beginning: ___________
____ Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Program
____ Mental Health Counseling Program
____ Practicum
Dear Fieldwork (Practicum or Internship) Site Supervisor,
I am writing to ask your assistance in providing the above-named individual, a graduate student in the Hunter College
Counseling Program with an opportunity to fulfil her/his required fieldwork experience at your site.
All counseling students complete two fieldwork placements during their course of study in our program. The first
placement is the Practicum and the student must spend at least one day each week during the semester engaging in
counseling related activities. The second placement is the Internship and the student must spend at least 20 hours each
week engaging in counseling related activities during the academic year (fall and spring semesters). Such activities
should include individual and group counseling, testing and assessment, educational and career development, etc. To
facilitate the professional growth of the student, s/he must have counseling relationships, preferably of twenty minutes or
more in length, with individual clients. Additionally, students are required to make audiotape recordings of counseling
sessions for evaluation. The student is not currently employed at this fieldwork site for longer than three months prior to
the start of the fieldwork experience. To ensure both ethical practice and confidentiality, the client (or guardian) must
consent in writing to the taping, and the tape is destroyed after it has served its purpose. A sample of a consent form has
been given to the student and is available for your review and modifications.
Site Supervisor Qualifications:
For Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling students: The on-site supervisor must be a certified rehabilitation counselor
(CRC) with a minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
For Mental Health Counseling students: The on-site supervisor must be a NYS licensed mental health counsellor
(LMHC), or another NYS Licensed Professional (LCSW, not LMSW), or licensed psychologist/psychiatrist with a
minimum of 2 years pertinent professional experience.
Site Supervisor Responsibilities:
One hour of weekly on-site supervision by permanently Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)
Allows audio recording clients w/ their consent or their parent's consent
Site Supervisor is responsible for facilitating client assignments throughout the semester
Student will be provided an orientation to become familiarized with the fieldwork setting.
Student will be informed of crisis protocols
Student will be informed of ancillary support staff available to them when site supervisor may not be available
Site Supervisor completes an on-line evaluation of each fieldwork students at the end of the semester.
Site Supervisor Roles:
It is expected that supervisors will choose various roles at different times in the supervision process depending on the
needs of the supervisee, as well as on the supervisor’s own style.
First, a supervisor may prefer a didactic stance (e.g., supervisor describes or models a specific treatment
intervention) in order to help a counselor increase his or her skill acquisition.
Second, a supervisor may behave similarly to a counselor where she or he focuses on the student’s personal
reactions and/or struggles that are hindering and/or facilitating the student’s counseling work.
Last, a supervisor may behave as a “consultant”. In this role, the supervisor acts more collaboratively and
collegially as they address counseling issues with their students.
Student Responsibilities:
Students are expected to approach supervision with openness to learning and developing as a counselor.
Students are required to audio record a minimum of two client sessions, and the course Instructor will listen to
parts of these audio records throughout the semester. Recording is done to protect the client as well as the
Students are expected to discuss cases in supervision as well as explore personal issues that are affecting their
counseling work.
Students are expected to be on time for supervision and attend all supervision sessions.
If a student is experiencing a conflict with her or his on-site supervisor, it is expected that he or she will try to
speak with the supervisor about the conflict and/or seek guidance from the course Instructor.
Students are required to attend weekly practicum/internship seminars (COUNM/COUNR/COUNS 718, 725, or
All supervisors should make a copy of this agreement for their files. Each student keeps a copy and the original is given
to the Fieldwork Coordinator at Hunter College. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to
contact me. Please sign this agreement.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Lask, CRC, LMHC
Clinical Coordinator of Fieldwork Placements
email: [email protected].edu
________________________ ________________________
Supervisor’s Signature Supervisor’s Printed Name
________________________ ________________________
Fieldwork Agency/Site Name Supervisor’s License # or Certification #
________________________ ________________________
Student’s Signature Student’s Printed Name
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1016
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Mental Health Counseling Fieldwork Site Supervisor Checklist
Dear Mental Health Counseling Fieldwork Site Supervisor,
Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may be met at your
agency next semester:
c Audio recording clients w/ their consent or their parent's consent
c Direct supervision by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or another NYS Licensed Professional
(LCSW, not LMSW), Licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist with a minimum of 2 years pertinent,
professional experience
c 1 hour of weekly on-site supervision by that Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) or another NYS
Licensed Professional (LCSW, not LMSW), Licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist - Weekly supervision is best
provided in a regularly scheduled weekly/hourly meeting so that students are able to prepare for your meeting.
c The student is not currently employed at this fieldwork site for more than 3 months
Complete EITHER practicum or internship section:
PRACTICUM: Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may
be met at your agency next semester:
c 100 hours/semester = a minimum of 8 - 10 hours/week
c Of these 100 hours/semester, 40 hours include direct services, engaging with assigned students in the practice
of mental health counseling including social and emotional counseling activities.
c Assigned a caseload of 2 - 3 clients/semester
c An online evaluation of this student's performance will be completed at the end of the semester. This online
evaluation will be emailed to you in May.
INTERNSHIP: Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may
be met at your agency next semester:
c 600 hours (300 hours/semester) = a minimum of 20 hours/week
c Of these 300 hours/semester, 120 hours include direct services, engaging with assigned students in the practice
of mental health counseling including social and emotional counseling activities.
c Assigned a caseload of 5 - 6 clients/semester
c An online evaluation of this student's performance will be completed at the end of the semester. This online
evaluation will be emailed to you in December (Fall semester) and May (Spring semester).
________________________ ________________________ ________________
Supervisor’s Signature Supervisor’s Printed Name Date
________________________ ________________________
Fieldwork Agency/Site Name Supervisor’s License #
________________________ ________________________ ________________
Student’s Signature Student’s Printed Name Date
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1016
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Fieldwork Site Supervisor Checklist
Dear Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Fieldwork Site Supervisor,
Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may be met at your
agency next semester:
c Audio recording clients w/ their consent or their parent's consent
c Direct supervision by a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with a minimum of 2 years pertinent,
professional experience
c 1 hour of weekly on-site supervision by that Certified Rehabilitation Counselor - Weekly supervision is best
provided in a regularly scheduled weekly/hourly meeting so that students are able to prepare for your meeting.
c The student is not currently employed at this fieldwork site for more than 3 months
Complete EITHER practicum or internship section:
PRACTICUM: Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may
be met at your agency next semester:
c 100 hours/semester = a minimum of 8 - 10 hours/week
c Of these 100 hours/semester, 40 hours include direct services, engaging with assigned students in the practice
of mental health counseling including social and emotional counseling activities.
c Assigned a caseload of 2 - 3 clients/semester
c An online evaluation of this student's performance will be completed at the end of the semester. This online
evaluation will be emailed to you in May 2023.
INTERNSHIP: Please review all 4 requirements and confirm, by checking each box and signing below, that all may
be met at your agency next semester:
c 300 hours/semester = a minimum of 20 hours/week
c Of these 300 hours/semester, 120 hours include direct services, engaging with assigned students in the practice
of mental health counseling including social and emotional counseling activities.
c Assigned a caseload of 5 - 6 clients/semester
c An online evaluation of this student's performance will be completed at the end of the semester. This online
evaluation will be emailed to you in December 2023 & May 2024.
________________________ ________________________ ________________
Supervisor’s Signature Supervisor’s Printed Name Date
________________________ ________________________
Fieldwork Agency/Site Name Supervisor’s CRC Number
________________________ ________________________ ________________
Student’s Signature Student’s Printed Name Date
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1128
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
STUDENT CUNYFIRST ID# (8 digits): _______________________
Student Name: _______________________ Program: ___ Mental Health
Address: _______________________ ___ Clinical Rehabilitation
Preferred Phone: _______________________ Email: _____________________
Fieldwork (circle one): Practicum
Name and Address of Site: ____________________________
Website Address: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Name: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Office Phone: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Work Email Address: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Certification (circle all that apply):
LMHC LCSW Licensed Psychologist
Additional certifications:______________________
Fieldwork Schedule: (notify Michelle Lask if schedule changes)
Start Date: ___________________
Day(s): Hours: Day(s): Hours:
Monday _____________ Friday _____________
Tuesday _____________ Saturday _____________
Wednesday _____________ Sunday _____________
Thursday _____________
Form signed by Michelle Lask, Clinical Coordinator of Fieldwork Placements:
Placement Approval: ___ Yes ____No Date: ________
Signed: _____________
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1128
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
STUDENT CUNYFIRST ID# (8 digits): _______________________
Student Name: _______________________ Program: ___ Mental Health
Address: _______________________ ___ Clinical Rehabilitation
Preferred Phone: ___________________ Email Address: __________________
Fieldwork (circle one): Practicum
Name and Address of Site: ____________________________
Website Address: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Name: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Office Phone: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Work Email Address: ____________________________
Site Supervisor Certification (circle all that apply):
LMHC LCSW Licensed Psychologist
Additional certifications: ______________________
Site Services: Please provide a list and brief description of the site’s services. Use back page if necessary. A
brochure may be attached if available:
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1128
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Student Checklist of Requirements for Enrollment in Practicum
c Pre-requisite Courses: COCO 701 & COCO 702
c Pre or Co-requisite Courses: COCO 700 & COUNM 716 or COUNR 716 (according to your program area of
c Co-Requisite Courses: COUNM or COUNR 71800 & 71900 (according to your program area of specialization)
c Become a student member of ACA or ASCA or AMHCA or ARCA
c Obtain a field site
c Complete and submit to the Agreement Between Fieldwork Supervisor, Student and Hunter College Form
Signed by Site Supervisor & Student
c Letter of Confirmation that Requirements Can be met Signed by Site Supervisor & Student
c Complete and submit to Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator the Fieldwork Placement Information Sheet
OR Complete and submit to Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator the Application Form for New Fieldwork
Site (when applicable)
c Submit Memorandum of Insurance as proof of liability insurance with required limits
c Submit a copy of your Hunter Counseling (graduate) Program Unofficial Transcript, from CUNYfirst (If unable
to print, Coordinator will print it for you. No need to pay for a copy from the registrar)
c MH Counseling placed in a DOE school only. Inform Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator of the date of
PETS Enrollment and Fingerprinting Processing NO WRITTEN PROOF NECESSARY.
c Obtain permission to enroll in practicum courses:
o Meet with your academic advisor during Advisement Week to review that all pre-requisites courses
have been met to be eligible to apply for practicum.
o COUNM or COUNR 71800: Practicum Seminar:
§ Indicate a time preference for COUNM or COUNR 71800 when you submit your completed
fieldwork paperwork. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preference; however, this
cannot be guaranteed.
o Michelle Lask will email you VIA YOUR HUNTER EMAIL with the information required to register
for your assigned section of COUNM or COUNR 71800 & 71900.
Department of Educational Foundations &
Counseling Programs, West 1128
695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
Student Checklist of Requirements for Enrollment in Internship
c Pre-requisite Courses: COUNM or COUNR 71800 & 71900 (according to your program area of specialization)
& COCO 706
c Pre or Co-requisite Courses: COUNM 717 or COUNR 720 (according to your program area of specialization)
c Become a student member of ACA or ASCA or AMHCA or ARCA
c Obtain a field site
c Complete and submit to Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator the Fieldwork Placement Agreement Form
Signed by Site Supervisor & Student
c Letter of Confirmation that Requirements Can be met Signed by Site Supervisor & Student
c Complete and submit to Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator Fieldwork Placement Information Sheet
c Complete and submit to Fieldwork Placement Clinical Coordinator the New Fieldwork Placement Information
Sheet (when applicable)
c Submit Memorandum of Insurance as proof of liability insurance with required limits
c Submit a Copy of your Hunter Counseling (graduate) Program Unofficial Transcript, from CUNYfirst (If unable
to print, Coordinator print it for you. No need to pay for a copy from the registrar)
c Obtain permission to enroll in internship course:
o Meet with your academic advisor to review that all pre-requisites courses have been met to be eligible to
apply for internship.
o Indicate a time preference for COUNM or COUNR 72500 (when you submit your completed fieldwork
paperwork). Every effort will be made to accommodate your preference however this cannot be
guaranteed. This is a year-long course, you will be assigned to this same section in fall and spring
o The Fieldwork Coordinator will email you VIA YOUR HUNTER with the information required to
register for COCO 725: Internship 1 in fall semester. The Fieldwork Coordinator will email you VIA
YOUR HUNTER EMAIL with the information required to register for corresponding section of
COUNM or COUNR 726: Internship 2 in spring semester.